Jalaluddin Rumi Concept
Jalaluddin Rumi Concept
Jalaluddin Rumi Concept
Written by:
Fifteenth Club
Written by:
Fifteenth Club
3rd Advisor,
(Mr. Sahrul)
Confirmed by,
Director of TMI Male,
Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah SWT, where life and death are
in his grasp, and because of him, we will return. May prosperity and peace be
always bestowed upon His messenger, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, because he is
a Muslim who knows Islam, where then the life of Rasulullah SAW becomes a
reference centre for all Muslims.
When your life's problems are so great, it's a sign that ease is near. Then,
when your life problems have peaked, you can be sad and you can cry. But
remember one thing, that you cannot give up. Because your life will change soon.
So "if you can dream it, you can do it". The important thing is we don't give up
easily. Life is hard, but it's harder if we just complain without effort. Because
climbers who get to the top are only tough. And fighters who reach success, are
only patient fighters. And we are given a choice, to become a human being that is
easily vulnerable to challenges, or to intensify with the severity of obstacles,
because storms always leave the strongest trees. No matter how great we are, there
must be people who criticize us, so there are only two attitudes, listen as input or
ignore. Don't worry, if the criticism is constructive, make it as a medium for self-
improvement. But if not, ignore it not to think too much. Don't let the criticism
disturb the mind.
Because to achieve success, it is not enough to do your best. Sometimes
we have to do what is needed. Because great people in history are always
educated to be brave from an early age, they are not a whiny generation who
always complain with problems of life. If we are reluctant to take risks we will
never lose. But if we don't dare to risk, then we will never win. Because a golden
opportunity is often missed by many people. Because at first glance it looks like
an ordinary and trivial thing. Life is filled with choices, so always think clearly,
which choices have many impacts on the good of our lives, as well as the lives of
many people. We must constantly sharpen our brains in our imagination. Because,
reason only takes us from A to B, but imagination can take us from A to anywhere.
Love is a relevant thing and often happens to every human being on this earth.
Love is also a thing that is congressive and has been around since the creation of
the earth and everything in it. Love can also make people good or bad, it depends
on humans who run the concept of love in the making. Many people are
complacent about the concept of love which is assumed wrongly by many,
including teenagers today.2 They assume that love is everything and its mere
pleasure, even though the concept of love that Allah has said in the Qur'an is a
form of God's promise to provide and provide for the various needs of human life,
even giving it a promise in the afterlife in the form of more life good and no
sorrow in it. Allah says in the Qur'an, which means;
“Indeed, those who believe and do good deeds, Allah, the Most Gracious, instil in
their heart's affection.”3
Al-Qorni, Dr. Aidh, La Tahzan (Janganlah Bersedih), terjemahan Indonesia; Samson Rahman,
2004, Jakarta, Qisti Press.
Al-Qur’an, Surah Maryam ; Verse 96
In the context of the verse above, God has truly promised, also conceptualizes
for lovers who truly assume love on something that is justified (those who believe
and do good deeds), to be given by Him affection (love). Islam recognizes the
love that exists in humans. When someone has love, it is a gift from the Almighty.
Love is a responsibility that can not be just said or etched on paper, but love must
be realized in one's actions. Love is indeed a feeling that is impossible for humans
to not feel.
As we know, human life can not be separated from love. Many poets,
songwriters, and religious experts try to define what true love means, love of
fellow human beings from an Islamic perspective. Especially to love between men
and women. We often hear and witness in real life on television and other films,
that someone falls in love after seeing the beauty or good looks of others. In the
Qur'an love is human nature. With the existence of love, humans can see
everything to be beautiful. Allah SWT has explained to us that Allah Swt has
given love to humans. So that humans tend to look at everything as beautiful.
Which means:
“And know that you have the Messenger of Allah SWT in your circle. If he obeys your
will in some matters, you will truly be troubled, but Allah SWT will make you "love"
to the faith and make faith beautiful in your heart and make you hate disbelief,
ungodliness, and iniquity. These are the people who follow the straight path.”4
Quoted also from the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
which reads;
صللىَّ اا لعللييهه سيوهل اه ل ضلي اا لعينها – لخاَهدهم لر ا س يبهن لماَلهكك لر هلعين ألهبي لحيملزةل ألنل ك
ب هللهخييهه ” لل يايؤهمان أللحاداكيم لحلتىَّ ياهح ل:سلللم لقاَلل
صللىَّ اا لعللييهه لو ل سلللم – لعهن النلبهيي ل لو ل
ي لوام ي لماَ ياهحيب لهنليف ه
سهه ” لرلواها البالخاَهر ي
Which means;
Al-Qur’an, Surah Al-Hujurat ; Verse 7
From Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu, the assistant of the
Prophet Muhammad, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
“One of you does not believe (with perfect faith) until he loves his brother as
he loves himself.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).5
In the concept of the verse according to Rumi, love does not only belong to
humans and other living creatures but also the Universe. In the concept of the
verse according to Rumi, love does not only belong to humans and other living
creatures but also the Universe. Love that underlies all existence is called
“Universal love”.6 This love first appeared when God revealed His beauty to the
universe that was still in the realm of potential. The beauty of love cannot be
expressed in any way, even though we praise it with a hundred tongues. So said
Maulana Rumi, a lover can wander in love, and the farther a lover goes, the more
happiness he will get. Because love is infinite Divine and greater than a thousand
resurrections. The resurrection is something limited, while love is unlimited.
Sometimes Rumi describes love as an “astrolabe of God's secrets” which is a
guide for humans to look for their Beloved.7 Therefore, love guides people to Him
and protects them from other people's distractions. Love said Rumi is the
astrolabe of God's mysteries. Whenever love, whether from his (earthly) side or
his (heaven) side, but in the end, he takes us there. In Rumi's shadow, sometimes
love is described as a fire that engulfs everything but the lover. Therefore, divine
love can keep people away from shirk (union of God) and elevate them to the
highest level of monotheism.
According to Rumi, love is also a wing capable of flying humans who carry
heavy burdens into the sky and from the depths lift them to heights, from the earth
to the star Tsuryya.8 When this love goes on a stiff mountain, the mountain sways
happily. So if the lover wants to get love from his lover, he must be able to get rid
of his pride and pride. And when pride and pride have disappeared, then self-
awareness will arise. At a time like this, the lover will have a noble soul and
Syekh Imam An-Nawawi “Hadits Arbain Nawawi “ (not knowed) no.13.
Jalaluddin Rumi,”Fihi ma Fihi” (Bandung, ForumKata, Mizan 2016).
Ibid, hal.34
(Arabic language) Tsurrya is Pleiades stars,
replace a dwarf soul, because a dwarf soul is only owned by selfish people and
self-love. Then love for lovers will eliminate egoism and self-love nature (self) so
that the souls sublime.9
From the contextual exposures that researchers arrange and form is intended
to find out the cause of Jalaluddin Rumi's "Universal" love for everything, and the
effect of love on its relevance in real life that is done by every human being.
Therefore the researcher’s took the title "Universal Love Paradigm according to
Jalaluddin Rumi" by studying classic books of Jalaluddin Rumi is Fihi Ma Fihi
book and several other supporting journals that support researcher's.
C. Research Purposes
Jalaluddin Rumi,”Samudera Rubaiyat” (Bandung, ForumKata, Mizan 2016).
c. To know what a relevance universal love according to Rumi in life.
D. Research Benefits
This research was coming with benefits in several aspects such as:
1. Theoretically
E. Definitions of terms
1. Universal love
2. Paradigm concept
KBBI Dictionary ofline 5.2.1 beta (meaning of Universal Love)
Paradigm concept is frame of reverence provide with basis a context and
3. Relevance of life
F. Literature Review
1. Theoretical Study
Love is a relevant thing and often happens to every human being on this
earth. Love is also a thing that is congressive and has been around since the
creation of the earth and everything in it. Love can also make people good or bad,
it depends on humans who run the concept of love in the making. Many people
are complacent about the concept of love which is assumed wrongly by many,
including teenagers today. They assume that love is everything and its more
pleasure, even though the concept of love that Allah has said in the Qur'an is a
form of God's promise to provide and provide for the various needs of human life,
even giving it a promise in the afterlife in the form of more life good and no
sorrow in it. Allah says in the Qur'an Maryam verse 96, which means;
“Indeed, those who believe and do good deeds, Allah, the Most Gracious, instil
in their heart's affection.” (Surah Maryam: 96).
In the context of the verse above, God has truly promised, also
conceptualizes for lovers who truly assume love on something that is justified
(those who believe and do good deeds), to be given by Him affection (love). Islam
recognizes the love that exists in humans. When someone has love, it is a gift
from the Almighty. Love is a responsibility that can not be just said or etched on
paper, but love must be realized in one's actions. Love is indeed a feeling that is
impossible for humans to not feel. There are various forms of love in human life
Ibid, (meaning of Paradigm Concept)
Ibid, (meaning of Relevance of life)
and each form of love has differences although basically, all forms of love are the
same. Among them;
The highest love in human life, especially Muslims is love for Allah, the
creator of all the contents of the earth and the universe and the almighty love.
Muslims who love Allah will feel that as His servants we cannot live without
the love and love of Allah SWT. Therefore, loving Allah SWT is absolute for
every Muslim.
People who love will certainly do everything for their loved ones,
including if a believer loves Allah SWT. He will always try to follow all his
commands and stay away from his prohibitions. As mentioned in the word of
Allah in the following verse Al Baqarah verse 165 which means ;
“And among men, there are those who worship counters other than Allah; they
love him as they love God. As for those who believe they love Allah.”(Surah al-
Baqarah: 165).
And if someone no longer has a love for Allah especially his teachings
then his heart is closed say ;
“If you (truly) love Allah, follow me, surely Allah loves and forgives your sins.”
Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah Ali-Imran: 31).
After loving God who is the creator of the entire universe, a servant who
has a love for Allah will also love everything he creates and tries to protect it
(read the purpose of human creation).
As we know that Allah Almighty commands his people to always protect
the environment from damage because Allah created humans as caliphs on
earth who will protect nature and make good use of it (read the essence of
human creation). The love for the environment can be created by maintaining
the cleanliness of the environment, loving plants and loving animals. Man's
actions to harm animals or plants and to destroy nature are things that Allah
SWT hates and do not constitute the love that exists and is planted in the
hearts of men.
“O people we created you from a man and a woman, and made you all nations
and tribes so that you might know one another. Surely the nobless of you who are
among Allah is the most pious among you all. Truly Allah is All-Knowing, All-
Knowing.”(Surah al-Hujurat: 13).
Jalaluddin Rumi assumes that true love is love that is realized with the
universe or that is being discussed by researchers is called “universal love”.13
G. Research Method
The used method of this research was Qualitative method with explanation
as below:
http://linkc.macam.cinta.bersama.com/2015, accessed on December 2019
1. Research Various
2. Source of Data’s
The source of data’s that becomes primary source and researcher hint to
get references was the observation results about universal love in life and
from Jalaluddin’s classic book, Fihi Ma Fihi written by Jalaluddin Rumi.
The additional data source that used as secondary data’s was several
books that contained by everything about universal love, relevance concept
of life, daily life activities, and also Jalaluddin Rumi biography.
H. Clarification Systematic
And in the Second chapter, this research was going to the explaination
about universal love according Jalaluddin Rumi’s concept, problem in life, several
problem about universal and love views attending by philoshopers.
Continue to the Third chapter, the research was discussing more about
Jalaluddin Rumi’s characters and profiles.
And then answered in the Fourth chapter that contained by the way to his
discussion of relevance universal love in life and his related.
And finally, finished at the Fifth chapter that contained by conclusion and
hope. Also advice asking sentence to the reader in order this research will be
useful, improved, and have good influencing to the universal loving development
in life and into practice.
by the book ;
The Holy Book of Al-Qur’an Al-Karim.
by the access ;
https://kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id/ , accessed on 7 August 2019.
accessed on 6 August 2019.
https://dalamislam.com/info-islami/cinta-menurut-islam, accessed on 7 August