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Wu, T.-H., Low, C., Wu, W.-T.

A tabu search approach to the cell formation problem
(2004) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 23 (11-12), pp.
916-924. Cited 38 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-1766-z
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Da-Yen University, Changhua, 515,
UMC, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem determines the decomposition of the
manufacturing cells of a production system in which machines are assigned to these
cells to process one or more part families so that each cell is operated
independently and the intercellular flows are minimised or the number of parts flow
processed within cells is maximised. In this paper, a tabu search heuristic - TSCF
- that consists of dynamic tabu tenure with a long-term memory mechanism is
presented to solve the cell formation problem. Test problems adopted from the
literature and generated randomly are used to evaluate the performance of the
proposed algorithm. In addition, two methods for quickly generating the initial
solutions are proposed, namely the group-and-assign (GAA) method, and the random
approach. Computational results indicate that the GAA method, accompanied by the
TSCF algorithm can produce optimal solutions in less than or equal to 0.005 s for
all small- and medium-sized problems. The proposed algorithm should thus be useful
to both practitioners and researchers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Approximation theory; Cellular manufacturing; Group
technology; Heuristic methods; Integer programming; Machine components; Machine
design; Optimization, Cell formation problems; Group-and-design (GAA); Tabu search,
Production control
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, T.-H.; Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Da-Yen
University, Changhua, 515, Taiwan; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Kao, Y., Lin, C.-H.

A PSO-based approach to cell formation problems with alternative process routings
(2012) International Journal of Production Research, 50 (15), pp. 4075-4089. Cited
29 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2011.590541
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Tatung University, 40,
Chungshan N. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei, 104, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Group technology (GT) has been extensively applied to cellular
manufacturing system (CMS) design for decades due to many benefits such as
decreased number of part movements among cells and increased machine utilisation in
cells. This paper considers cell formation problems with alternative process
routings and proposes a discrete particle swarm optimisation (PSO) approach to
minimise the number of exceptional parts outside machine cells. The approach
contains two main steps: machine partition and part-routing assignment. Through
inheritance and random search, the proposed algorithm can effectively partition
machines into different cells with consideration of multiple part process routings.
The computational results are compared with those obtained by using simulated
annealing (SA)-based and tabu search (TS)-based algorithms. Experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can find equal or fewer exceptional
elements than existing algorithms for most of the test problems selected from the
literature. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is further tailed to incorporate
various production factors in order to extend its applicability. Four sample cases
are tested and the results suggest that the algorithm is capable of solving more
practical cell formation problems. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: alternative process routings; cell formation problems;
generalised group technology; particle swarm optimisation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation problem; Computational
results; Exceptional elements; Machine cell; Multiple parts; Particle swarm
optimisation; Random searches; Routings; Test problem, Algorithms; Cells; Cytology;
Group technology; Particle swarm optimization (PSO); Simulated annealing; Tabu
search, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kao, Y.; Department of Information Management, Tatung
University, 40, Chungshan N. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei, 104, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Nalluri, M.S.R., Kannan, K., Gao, X.-Z., Roy, D.S.

An efficient hybrid meta-heuristic approach for cell formation problem
(2019) Soft Computing, 23 (19), pp. 9189-9213. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00500-019-03798-7
AFFILIATIONS: School of Computing, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu,
School of Humanities and Sciences, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu,
School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland;
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology
Meghalaya, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
ABSTRACT: The cellular manufacturing technology, an application of group technology
in manufacturing, has been a widely studied combinatorial optimization problem
where the entire production system is divided into many cells and part families. In
this paper, a novel clonal selection algorithm (CSA) that uses a new affinity
function and part assignment heuristic for solving a multi-objective cell formation
problem is studied. The proposed CSA has been hybridized with genetic algorithm for
generating feasible cell sequences that fulfill both mutual exhaustivity and
exclusion properties of machine cells prior to the initial population generation.
Additionally, a new part assignment heuristic function that maps parts to machine
cells and a novel basic affinity function have been built into the proposed CSA so
that it can act as the utility function to solve the multi-objective cell formation
problem. This hybrid CSA (HCSA) has been presented and computational results have
been obtained for the proposed scheme with a set of 52 benchmark instances
collected from literature. The results presented herein demonstrate that overall
proposed HCSA is much more promising in comparison with existing approaches
available in recent literatures. Extensive statistical and convergence tests have
been carried out to ratify the superiority of the proposed HCSA. The improvements
can be attributed to the collaborative interactions in the CSA mechanism, the
proposed hybridization for initial population generation and so forth. © 2019,
Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Clonal selection algorithm; Genetic
algorithms; Grouping; Hyper-mutation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Clone cells; Combinatorial optimization; Cytology;
Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Heuristic algorithms; Heuristic methods, Cell
formation problem; Clonal selection algorithms; Collaborative interaction;
Combinatorial optimization problems; Grouping; Hyper mutation; Manufacturing
technologies; Multi-objective cell formation problem, Cellular manufacturing
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Danilovic, M., Ilic, O.

A novel hybrid algorithm for manufacturing cell formation problem
(2019) Expert Systems with Applications, 135, pp. 327-350.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2019.06.019
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Operations Management, Faculty of Organizational
Sciences, University of Belgrade, Jove Ilića 154, Beograd, 11000, Serbia
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is a crucial component of a cell production
design in a manufacturing system. Problems related to the cell formation problem
are complex NP-hard problems. The goal of the work is to design the algorithm for
the cell formation problem that is more efficient then the best-known algorithms
for the same problem. The strategy of the new approach is to use the specificities
of the input instances to narrow down the feasible set, and thus increase the
efficiency of the optimization process. In the dynamic production environment,
efficacy is one of the most significant characteristics of the applied expert
system. The result is, extensible hybrid algorithm that can be used to solve
complex, multi-criteria optimization cell formation problems. The new algorithm
produces solutions that are as good as, or better than, the best results previously
reported in literature on all commonly used test instances. The time efficiency of
the proposed algorithm is at least an order of magnitude better than the efficiency
of the most efficient reported algorithms. The obtained experimental results,
modularity and generality of the new algorithm imply the significant impact on the
expert systems for cell formation problem since the proposed strategy can improve
the efficiency of existing algorithms for the grouping problems. © 2019
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Feasible solution set;
Grouping efficacy index; Part-machine clustering
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Computational complexity; Cytology; Efficiency; Expert
systems; Multiobjective optimization, Best-known algorithms; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Feasible solution set; Grouping efficacy; Manufacturing cell
formation; Multicriteria optimization; Part-machine clustering, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Danilovic, M.; Department of Operations Management, Faculty
of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Jove Ilića 154, Serbia; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Safaei, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Jabal-Ameli, S.

A generalized cell formation problem in dynamic environment with different inter
and intra-cell batch sizes
(2006) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 12 (PART 1), 6 p. Cited 1

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and

Technology, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran,
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach for cell
formation problem (CFP) by assuming that the product mix and part demand change
under a multi-period planning horizon. As a result, the best cell design for one
period may not be efficient for subsequent periods and then reconfiguration of
cells is required. The advantages of the proposed model are as follows: considering
different inter and intra-cell movements, batch sizes, alternative process plan for
part types, sequencing part-operation, machine relocation, cell size, and
flexibility of cell number. The objective is to minimize the sum of the
depreciation and relocation machine cost as well as inter and intra-cell movements
cost. Copyright © 2006 IFAC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Batch size; Dynamic environment; Generalized cell formation
problem; Mathematical model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Batch sizes; Cell design; Cell formation
problem; Cell number; Cell size; Demand changes; Dynamic environment; Dynamic
environments; Generalized cell formation problem; Machine costs; Mixed integer
linear programming; Multi-period; Planning horizons; Product mix, Cells; Cellular
manufacturing; Integer programming; Mathematical models, Cytology
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Safaei, N.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran
University of Science and TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 14746670
ISBN: 9783902661043
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Chung, S.-H., Wu, T.-H., Chang, C.-C.

An efficient tabu search algorithm to the cell formation problem with alternative
routings and machine reliability considerations
(2011) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60 (1), pp. 7-15. Cited 55 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2010.08.016
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Chiao
Tung University, 1001, Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan;
Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University, 151, University
Road, San Shia, Taipei 237, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is the first step in the design of cellular manufacturing
systems. In this study, an efficient tabu search algorithm based on a similarity
coefficient is proposed to solve the cell formation problem with alternative
process routings and machine reliability considerations. In the proposed algorithm,
good initial solutions are first generated and later on improved by a tabu search
algorithm combining the mutation operator and an effective neighborhood solution
searching mechanism. Computational experiences from test problems show that the
proposed approach is extremely effective and efficient. When compared with the
mathematical programming approach which took three hours to solve problems, the
proposed algorithm is able to produce optimal solutions in less than 2 s. © 2010
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Machine
reliability; Mutation operator; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Cell formation problem with alternative routings; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Initial solution; Machine reliability; Mutation operators; Optimal
solutions; Searching mechanism; Similarity coefficients; Tabu search algorithms;
Test problem, Cellular manufacturing; Learning algorithms; Mathematical operators;
Mathematical programming; Problem solving; Reliability, Tabu search
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Li, X., Baki, M.F., Aneja, Y.P.

An ant colony optimization metaheuristic for machinepart cell formation problems
(2010) Computers and Operations Research, 37 (12), pp. 2071-2081. Cited 53 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2010.02.007
AFFILIATIONS: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai
200092, China;
Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada
ABSTRACT: In this paper we propose an ant colony optimization metaheuristic (ACO-
CF) to solve the machinepart cell formation problem. ACO-CF is a MAXMIN ant system,
which is implemented in the hyper-cube framework to automatically scale the
objective functions of machinepart cell formation problems. As an intensification
strategy, we integrate an iteratively local search into ACO-CF. Based on the
assignment of the machines or parts, the local search can optimally reassign parts
or machines to cells. We carry out a series of experiments to investigate the
performance of ACO-CF on some standard benchmark problems. The comparison study
between ACO-CF and other methods proposed in the literature indicates that ACO-CF
is one of the best approaches for solving the machinepart cell formation problem. ©
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Cell formation problem; Iteratively
local search; Metaheuristic
INDEX KEYWORDS: Ant-colony optimization; Bench-mark problems; Cell formation
problem; Comparison study; Local search; Max-Min Ant System; Metaheuristic;
Objective functions, Artificial intelligence; Cellular manufacturing; Heuristic
methods; Optimization, Algorithms
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Ho, Y.-C., Moodie, C.L.

Solving cell formation problems in a manufacturing environment with flexible
processing and routeing capabilities
(1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34 (10), pp. 2901-2923. Cited
78 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549608905065
AFFILIATIONS: Institute of lndustrial Management, National Central University,
Chung-Li, 32054, Taiwan;
School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907,
United States
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we investigate cell formation problems in a manufacturing
system with flexible processing and routeing capabilities. Flexible processing
means that a part can be manufactured by any one of several process combinations.
Flexible routeing means that even when the processes are fixed, the part can
traverse any one of several routes—each offering the same processes. The cell
formation problems for these types of manufacturing systems are different from
traditional problems. Traditional cell formation problems are for manufacturing
systems with fixed processes and routes where one knows what machines will be used
for manufacturing the parts. However, this information will not be available in the
flexible systems discussed here, since a part can be completed by any one of the
many different combinations of machines. In other words, it is possible to
manufacture two identical parts using different sets of machines. Traditional cell
formation techniques rely on knowing the specific machine usage information of
parts, therefore cannot be applied to the cell formation problems defined here. We
propose a solution procedure that can overcome this difficulty and allow us to
solve the cell forming problems in this flexible processing and routeing
manufacturing environment. © 1996 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Efficiency; Manufacture; Problem solving; Processing;
Technology, Cell formation problems; Routing capabilities; Traditional cell
formation, Flexible manufacturing systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Moodie, C.L.; School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Almonacid, B., Soto, R., Crawford, B.

Comparing three simple ways of generating neighboring solutions when solving the
cell formation problem using two versions of migrating birds optimization
(2017) Proceedings of the 2017 17th International Conference on Computational
Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2017, art. no. 7999653, .

DOI: 10.1109/ICCSA.2017.7999653
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is a classic optimization problem devoted to
the manufacturing industry. Such a problem proposes to divide a manufacturing plant
in a set of cells, where each cell is composed of machines which in turn process
product parts. The goal is to design a plant division in such a way the need for
part interchange among cells is minimized. The idea is to reduce cost and increase
productivity. In this paper, we propose different variations of the original
migrating birds optimization algorithm for solving this problem. In particular, we
propose two different leader exchange procedures and three different neighboring
solution generations. We illustrate interesting results by solving well-known
instances considering the group efficiency as optimization criterion in contrast to
previous work done on this metaheuristic. © 2017 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation Problems; Evolutionary computation; Heuristic;
Metaheuristic; Migrating Birds Optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Birds; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Evolutionary
algorithms; Manufacture; Optimization, Cell formation problem; Heuristic;
Manufacturing industries; Metaheuristic; Migrating birds; Optimization algorithms;
Optimization criteria; Optimization problems, Problem solving
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Computation, 30, pp. 64-77
EDITORS: Taniar D., Rocha A.M.A.C., Misra S., Torre C.M., Cuzzocrea A., Gervasi O.,
Borruso G., Apduhan B.O., Murgante B., Cuzzocrea A., Misra S., Stankova E E.
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781538638934
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Sci. Appl., ICCSA
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Safaei, N., Javadian, N., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Javadi, B.

A fuzzy goal programming based approach to solve a dynamic cell formation problem
(2006) 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ICC
and IE 2006, pp. 3201-3210. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and

Technology, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Management, Azad University of Qaemshahr, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a fuzzy goal programming based approach for solving a
multi-objective mixed-integer model of cell formation problem under dynamic
condition. In dynamic condition, a multi-period planning horizon is considered in
which product mix and demand in each period can be different such as seasonal
products demand. As a result, the best cells designed for one period may not be
efficient cells for subsequent periods and some of reconfigurations required. The
advantages of proposed model are considering the machine's
constant/variable/relocation costs, machine duplication, inter/intra cell material
handling, operation sequence and alternative process plans for part types. Resource
constraints are cell size and machine capacity. To illustrate the behavior of the
proposed model, some of instances are solved optimally and computational results
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation problem; Fuzzy goal programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Cell formation problem; Computational
results; Dynamic cell formation; Fuzzy goal programming; Mixed-integer modeling;
Operation sequences; Resource Constraint, Cells; Computer programming; Cytology;
Industrial engineering, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Selim, H.M., Vakharia, A.J., A methodology for designing
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dynamic cell formation problem using meta-heuristics (2005) Applied Mathematics and
Computation, 170, pp. 761-780;
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functions (1978) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, pp. 45-55
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of
Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Paydar, M.M., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Jabbarzadeh, A.

A robust optimization model for generalized cell formation problem considering
machine layout
(2012) Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial
Engineering, CIE, 1, pp. 267-278.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and

Technology, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem as one of the most important decision problems in
designing a cellular manufacturing system includes grouping the machines in cells
and the parts as part families. Several factors should be considered in cell
formation problem. As an important issue, machines and their capacity should be
modeled correctly. Another important facet is material handling costs which include
intercellular and intracellular movement costs considering machine layout. In the
proposed model, in addition the aforementioned factors, demand is also considered
in decision making. In this paper, a robust optimization model is developed to
solve cell formation problem and machine layout with uncertainty data, in which the
total costs consisting of intercellular and intracellular (forward and backward)
material handling costs, investment cost of machines and inventory cost are
minimized. The robustness and effectiveness of the proposed model are presented by
comprehensive numerical experiments. © 2012 CIE & SAIIE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Machine layout; Robust optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Decision problems; Forward-and-backward;
Machine layout; Material handling costs; Numerical experiments; Robust
optimization; Robust optimization models, Cellular manufacturing; Costs; Industrial
engineering; Materials handling; Mathematical models, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Heragu, S.S., Group technology and cellular manufacturing (1994) IEEE
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(2000) International Journal of Production Economics, 64, pp. 385-397
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Paydar, M.M.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran
University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 21648689
ISBN: 9781627486842
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng., CIE
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Ranjbar-Bourani, M., Mirzahosseinian, H., Aryanezhad, M.B.

A new multi-objective model for a cell formation problem considering machine
utilization and alternative process routes
(2009) International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 22 (1), pp.
21-32. Cited 5 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,

University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Graduate School Islamic, Azad University-
South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 16844, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a novel, multi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear
programming (MINLP) model for a cell formation problem (CFP) with alternative
means. Due to existing contradiction among objectives, three are considered: 1)
Minimizing the total cost consisting of; intercellular movements, purchasing,
operation, and maintenance; 2) maximizing the utilization of machines in the
system; 3) minimizing the deviation levels between the cell utilization (i.e.,
balancing the workload between cells). Furthermore, alternative process for each
part, which is a key characteristic for flexible manufacturing systems, is
considered in this paper. The main goals of our proposed model are to; 1) Select a
process plan for each part with minimum cost, simultaneous machine grouping and
complete series of all parts; 2) Identify the appropriate level of overall
utilization of machines; 3) Balancing the workload among the cells in the
production system.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process plan; Alternative routes; Multi-objective
cell formation problem
INDEX KEYWORDS: Flexible manufacturing systems; Integer programming; Multiobjective
optimization; Process control, Alternative process; Alternative process plan;
Alternative routes; Cell formation problem; Intercellular movement; Key
characteristics; Machine grouping; Machine utilization; Minimum cost; Mixed-integer
nonlinear programming; Multi objective; Multi-objective cell formation problem;
Multiobjective models; Process plan; Production system; Total costs, Cellular
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Formation Problem with Alternative Routings (2005) Journal of Intelligent
Manufacturing, 16, pp. 189-205
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; Department of Industrial
Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563,
Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Materials and Energy Research Center
ISSN: 17281431
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, T.-H., Chung, S.-H., Chang, C.-C.

Hybrid simulated annealing algorithm with mutation operator to the cell formation
problem with alternative process routings
(2009) Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (2 PART 2), pp. 3652-3661. Cited 50

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2008.02.060
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University,
151, University Road, San Shia, Taipei, 237, Taiwan;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Chiao Tung
University, 1001, Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: In this study, a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm with mutation
operator is proposed to solve the manufacturing cell formation problem considering
multiple process routings for parts, so that either the intercellular movements are
minimized or the grouping efficacy is maximized, depending on the definition of the
decision objective. The proposed algorithm is designed mainly to explore solution
regions efficiently and to expedite the solution search process. The performance of
the proposed algorithm is tested by a range of test problems, some of which are
from the literature and some of which are generated within this study. The
comparative study shows that the proposed algorithm improves the best results found
in the literature for 28.6% of the test problems and the percentages of improvement
are even higher than 18% in several test instances. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem with alternative routings; Generalized GT;
Hybrid simulated annealing algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Simulated annealing, Alternative process routings; Cell formation
problem; Cell formation problem with alternative routings; Comparative studies;
Generalized GT; Hybrid simulated annealing algorithm; Intercellular movement;
Manufacturing cell formation, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, T.-H.; Department of Business Administration, National
Taipei University, 151, University Road, San Shia, Taipei, 237, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Xambre, A.R.
Cell formation problem: A genetic algorithm based on an inter-operation flow matrix
(2015) Proceedings - CIE 45: 2015 International Conference on Computers and
Industrial Engineering, .

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering,

CIDMA, Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications,
University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, Aveiro, 3810-193, Portugal
ABSTRACT: When designing a Cellular Manufacturing System an essential step is to
solve the cell formation problem: determining which machines and parts belong to
each cell. The main purpose is to obtain autonomous cells capable of completely
processing the respective family of parts and thus eliminate, or at least reduce,
intercellular flow. Additionally, if there is more than one machine of each type
(i.e. if a certain operation can be performed in different machines) the assignment
of operations to specific machines becomes part of the cell formation problem. In
this paper an algorithm for the cell formation problem with multiple identical
machines, which minimises the intercellular flow, is presented. The algorithm uses
the information provided by an inter-operation flow matrix so the real flow,
associated with each solution, can be adequately determined. Furthermore, due to
the combinatorial nature of this problem, the procedure is based on genetic
algorithms in order to improve the exploration of the solution space.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Inter-
operation flow matrix
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture;
Transfer cases (vehicles), Cell formation problem; Identical machines; One-machine;
Operation flow; Real flow; Solution space, Cellular manufacturing
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Industrial Engineering, CIDMA, Center for Research and Development in Mathematics
and Applications, University of Aveiro, Campus de SantiagoPortugal; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Universite de Lorraine


ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - CIE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Žilinskas, J., Goldengorin, B., Pardalos, P.M.

Pareto-optimal front of cell formation problem in group technology
(2015) Journal of Global Optimization, 61 (1), pp. 91-108. Cited 8 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10898-014-0154-6
AFFILIATIONS: Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Akademijos 4, Vilnius, LT-08663, Lithuania;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Center for Applied Optimization,
University of Florida, 303 Weil Hall, P. O. Box 116595, Gainesville, FL 32611-
6595, United States;
Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis, Higher School of
Economics, Rodionova 136, Nizhny Novgorod, 603093, Russian Federation
ABSTRACT: The earliest approaches to the cell formation problem in group
technology, dealing with a binary machine-part incidence matrix, were aimed only at
minimizing the number of intercell moves (exceptional elements in the block-
diagonalized matrix). Later on this goal was extended to simultaneous minimization
of the numbers of exceptions and voids, and minimization of intercell moves and
within-cell load variation, respectively. In this paper we design the first exact
branch-and-bound algorithm to create a Pareto-optimal front for the bi-criterion
cell formation problem. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch and bound; Cell formation problem; Multi-objective
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Branch and bound method; Cells; Cytology; Group
technology; Information dissemination; Matrix algebra; Multiobjective optimization;
Pareto principle, Branch-and-bound algorithms; Cell formation problem; Cell load
variation; Exceptional elements; Incidence matrices; Inter-cell moves; Minimizing
the number of; Pareto-optimal front, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Žilinskas, J.; Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics
and Informatics, Akademijos 4, Lithuania
PUBLISHER: Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISSN: 09255001
SOURCE: Scopus

Arkat, J., Abdollahzadeh, H., Ghahve, H.

A new branch and bound algorithm for cell formation problem
(2012) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36 (10), pp. 5091-5100. Cited 18 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2011.12.047
AFFILIATIONS: University of Kurdistan, Department of Industrial Engineering,
Sanandaj 16177-15175, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) is the first and the most important problem in
designing cellular manufacturing systems. Due to its non-polynomial nature, various
heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms have been proposed to solve CF problem.
Despite the popularity of heuristic algorithms, few studies have attempted to
develop exact algorithms, such as branch and bound (B&B) algorithms, for this
problem. We develop three types of branch and bound algorithms to deal with the
cell formation problem. The first algorithm uses a binary branching scheme based on
the definitions provided for the decision variables. Unlike the first algorithm,
which relies on the mathematical model, the second one is designed based on the
structure of the cell formation problem. The last algorithm has a similar structure
to the second one, except that it has the ability to eliminate duplicated nodes in
branching trees. The proposed branch and bound algorithms and a hybrid genetic
algorithm are compared through some numerical examples. The results demonstrate the
effectiveness of the modified problem-oriented branch and bound algorithm in
solving relatively large size cell formation problems. © 2011 Elsevier Inc..
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch and bound algorithm; Cell formation problem; Problem-
oriented branching scheme
INDEX KEYWORDS: Branch and bounds; Branch-and-bound algorithms; Branching tree;
Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Decision variables; Exact algorithms;
Hybrid genetic algorithms; Large sizes; Meta heuristic algorithm; Numerical
example; Problem-oriented branching scheme, Branch and bound method; Cellular
manufacturing; Heuristic algorithms; Linear programming; Mathematical models; Trees
(mathematics), Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; University of Kurdistan, Department of
Industrial Engineering, Sanandaj 16177-15175, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0307904X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus
Solimanpur, M., Saeedi, S., Mahdavi, I.
Solving cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing using ant-colony-based
(2010) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 50 (9-12), pp.
1135-1144. Cited 30 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-010-2587-5
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan
Province, Iran;
Industrial Engineering Department, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology,
Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: Grouping the machines and parts in a cellular manufacturing system based
on similarities is known as the cell formation problem. It has been shown that cell
formation problem is a NP-hard problem. In this paper, the ant colony optimization
(ACO) method is used as an evolutionary approach to solve the cell formation
problem. This model uses a P = [P ij ] (C)∈×∈(M + P) pheromone matrix in which C,
M, and P are the number of cells, machines, and parts, respectively. In order to
represent the sequence of operations, the machine-part incidence matrix entries are
considered as positive integers. Performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on
some benchmark problems existing in the literature to show the applicability and
effectiveness of the proposed model. Comparison of the solutions obtained by the
proposed algorithm with those reported in the literature indicates that application
of the proposed algorithm has resulted in 5.73% improvement in the total number of
intercellular movements and voids on average. © 2010 Springer-Verlag London
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Cell formation problem; Cellular
INDEX KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization methods; Ant-colony optimization; Bench-
mark problems; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Evolutionary
approach; Incidence matrices; Intercellular movement; matrix; NP-HARD problem;
Positive integers, Algorithms; Artificial intelligence; Computational complexity;
Optimization, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Solimanpur, M.; Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University,
Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Venkatadri, U., Elaskari, S.M., Kurdi, R.

A multi-commodity network flow-based formulation for the multi-period cell
formation problem
(2017) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91 (1-4), pp.
175-187. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-9673-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Dalhousie University, P.O. Box
15000, 5269 Morris Street, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada;
ARAMCO, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we present a new multi-commodity network flow-based
formulation for the multi-period cell formation problem. The objective of the model
is to minimize the total costs of acquisition, disposal, and relocation of
machines, manufacturing, and inter-cell/intra-cell material handling. The main
contribution of this paper comes from the fact that we structure the underlying
problem as a multi-period multi-commodity network flow problem with general integer
variables for machine acquisition, disposal, and relocation connecting one period
to the next. This formulation is more efficient than the formulations we have
encountered in the literature. Another contribution of this paper is that the flow
variables representing the flow of parts through the system is path based; as a
result, this approach makes it very easy to model alternate process routings. This
paper illustrates the formulation by the use of two examples taken from the
literature and presents computational results for other representative problems. ©
2016, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternate process routings; Cell formation; Cellular
manufacturing; Design of production systems; Group technology; Mixed integer
linear programming; Multi-commodity network flow; Multi-period cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Group technology; Integer programming;
Manufacture; Materials handling, Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Design of
production systems; Mixed integer linear programming; Multi-commodity network
flows; Routings, Cellular manufacturing
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[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Minaeian, S., Rabbani, M.

A new multi-objective model for dynamic cell formation problem with fuzzy
(2008) International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 21 (2), pp.
159-172. Cited 7 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Center of Excellence for Intelligence-Based Experimental Mechanics,

Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, P.O. Box 11365/4563,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a comprehensive, multi-objective, mixed-integer,
nonlinear programming (MINLP) model for a cell formation problem (CFP) under fuzzy
and dynamic conditions aiming at: (1) minimizing the total cost which consists of
the costs of intercellular movements and subcontracting parts as well as the cost
of purchasing, operation, maintenance and reconfiguration of machines, (2)
maximizing the preference level of the decision making (DM) and (3) balancing
intracellular workload. Dynamic CFP divides the planning horizon to smaller periods
and considers different product combinations and demands in each period, which may
result in cell reconfiguration necessity. Moreover, it is more realistic to take
into account the inexact and uncertain (fuzzy) nature of parameters, such as
product demand or machine capacity. The main goals of the proposed model is to
select a process plan with the minimum cost and also to identify the most
appropriate production volume with respect to fuzzy demands and capacities in order
to minimize the deviation from the desired production and balanced machine
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cms; Fuzzy theory; Multi-objective cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Integer programming; Multiobjective
optimization; Uncertainty analysis, Cell formation problem; Dynamic cell formation;
Dynamic condition; Fuzzy demand; Fuzzy parameter; Fuzzy theory; In-cell;
Intercellular movement; Minimum cost; Multi objective; Multi-objective cell
formation problem; Multiobjective models; Planning horizons; Preference level;
Process plan; Product combinations; Product demand; Production volumes; Total
costs, Costs
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; Center of Excellence for
Intelligence-Based Experimental Mechanics, Department of Industrial Engineering,
College of Engineering, P.O. Box 11365/4563, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Materials and Energy Research Center
ISSN: 17281431
SOURCE: Scopus

Vafaeinezhad, M., Kia, R., Shahnazari-Shahrezaei, P.

Robust optimization of a mathematical model to design a dynamic cell formation
problem considering labor utilization
(2016) Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 12 (1), pp. 45-60. Cited 3

DOI: 10.1007/s40092-015-0127-5
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Firoozkooh, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) problem is one of the most important decision
problems in designing a cellular manufacturing system includes grouping machines
into machine cells and parts into part families. Several factors should be
considered in a cell formation problem. In this work, robust optimization of a
mathematical model of a dynamic cell formation problem integrating CF, production
planning and worker assignment is implemented with uncertain scenario-based data.
The robust approach is used to reduce the effects of fluctuations of the uncertain
parameters with regards to all possible future scenarios. In this research,
miscellaneous cost parameters of the cell formation and demand fluctuations are
subject to uncertainty and a mixed-integer nonlinear programming model is developed
to formulate the related robust dynamic cell formation problem. The objective
function seeks to minimize total costs including machine constant, machine
procurement, machine relocation, machine operation, intercell and intra-cell
movement, overtime, shifting labors between cells and inventory holding. Finally, a
case study is carried out to display the robustness and effectiveness of the
proposed model. The tradeoff between solution robustness and model robustness is
also analyzed in the obtained results. © The Author(s) 2015.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation problem; Mixed-integer nonlinear model;
Scenariobased robust optimization; Worker assignment
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kia, R.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Firoozkooh
Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: SpringerOpen
ISSN: 17355702
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Dmytryshyn, T., Ismail, M., Rashwan, O.

A novel modeling approach for solving the cell formation problem
(2018) ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
Proceedings (IMECE), 2, . Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2018-88128
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Systems Engineering, University of Regina, Regina, SK,
Penn State University - Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new modeling approach called Progressive Modeling
(PM) and demonstrates it by solving the Cell Formation Problem (CFP). In this
paper, the Progressive Modeling (PM), a component- based optimization technique, is
used to solve the cell formation problem (CFP). This novel solution algorithm is
utilized to find optimal or near-optimal solutions. A user-friendly Windows
application is presented to capture the problem data, demonstrate the solution
process, and display the results. A benchmark problem in the literature is solved
and presented in this paper. The paper concludes by demonstrating the efficiency of
the new modeling approach and its future extension. Copyright © 2018 ASME
INDEX KEYWORDS: Engineering; Industrial engineering, Bench-mark problems; Cell
formation problem; Near-optimal solutions; Optimization techniques; Progressive
models; Solution algorithms; Solution process; Windows application, Cellular
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PUBLISHER: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ISBN: 9780791852019
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhang, J., Zhou, B.

Design an incremental cell formation problem considering human factor
(2017) Proceedings of 2017 IEEE 3rd Information Technology and Mechatronics
Engineering Conference, ITOEC 2017, 2017-January, pp. 559-563.

DOI: 10.1109/ITOEC.2017.8122359
AFFILIATIONS: School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
ABSTRACT: Over the past three decades, plenty of techniques have been developed to
solve cell formation problems. However, most researchers focus on forming cells in
a single run or non-incrementally without considering implementation, planning and
capital investment issues. This paper proposes a mixed-integer goal programming
model to deal with incremental cell formation problem, in which human factor is
involved trying to minimize total material handling cost, operation time of workers
and salary cost. Furthermore, an improved cooperative particle swarm optimization
is developed to solve the model. At last, a simple experiment is given and it
proves that the model and the proposed algorithm are effective. © 2017 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Goal programing; Human factor; ICPSO; Incremental cell
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Compensation (personnel); Cytology; Human engineering;
Integer programming; Investments; Linear programming; Materials handling; Particle
swarm optimization (PSO); Problem solving, Capital investment; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Cooperative particle swarm optimizations; Goal programing; Goal
programming model; ICPSO; Material handling costs, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781509053629
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. IEEE Inf. Technol. Mechatronics Eng. Conf., ITOEC
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Gómez, A.T., Ferrary, F.R., Canto Dos Santos, J.V., Chiwiacowsky, L.

Cell formation problem: An multithreading tabu search for setup time optimization
for limited machine magazines: A new solution for a classical problem
(2014) ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 1, pp. 332-339.

AFFILIATIONS: Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, PIPCA, Av. Unisinos, 950, São
Leopoldo - RS, Brazil
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present a solution for the Manufacturing Cell
Formation Problem through the use of a multithreading Tabu Search that uses
deterministic methods to effectively explore local optimum areas. Manufacturing
Cell Formation problem involves the process of analysing parts and groups them
according to their similarity. This paper aims maximize the production efficiency,
by minimizing the machine setup time in a limited magazine size through the
reduction of tool changes by creating clusters of parts that share machining tools
and present an initial scheduling based on tool changes reduction. In order to
valid the proposed algorithm, the results obtained are compared against other Tabu
Search solutions proposed in the literature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Machine setup time optimization; Manufacturing Cell Formation;
Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing systems; Manufacture;
Robotics; Scheduling; Tabu search, Cell formation problem; Classical problems;
Deterministic methods; Machine set-up time; Manufacturing cell formation; Multi-
threading; Production efficiency; Setup time optimization, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Gómez, A.T.; Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, PIPCA,
Av. Unisinos, 950, Brazil
EDITORS: Sasiadek J., Filipe J., Filipe J., Gusikhin O., Madani K.
ISBN: 9789897580390
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: ICINCO. - Proc. Int. Conf. Informatics Control, Autom.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kim, C.O., Baek, J.-G., Baek, J.-K.

A two-phase heuristic algorithm for cell formation problems considering alternative
part routes and machine sequences
(2004) International Journal of Production Research, 42 (18), pp. 3911-3927. Cited
33 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540410001704078
AFFILIATIONS: Sch. of Comp. Sci. and Indust. Eng., Yonsei University, Seoul, 120-
749, South Korea;
Dept. of Indust. System Engineering, Induk Institute of Technology, Seoul, 139-749,
South Korea;
Dept. of Indust. System Management, Seoul College, Seoul, 131-702, South Korea
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we deal with the multi-objective machine cell formation
problem. This problem is characterized as determining part route families and
machine cells such that the total sum of inter-cell part movements and maximum
machine workload imbalance are simultaneously minimized. Together with the
objective function, alternative part routes and the machine sequences of part
routes are considered in grouping part route families. Also, it is assumed that the
number of machine cells is not pre-defined. Owing to the complexity of the problem,
a two-phase heuristic algorithm is proposed. Computational experiments were
conducted to verify the performance of the algorithm. Throughout the computational
experiments, we verified that the two-phase heuristic algorithm is effective for
large-scale machine cell formation problems.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational complexity; Decision making; Heuristic
programming; Industrial management; Inventory control; Investments; Large scale
systems; Optimization; Problem solving, Inter-cell part movements; Machine indices;
Machine sequences; Multi-objective machine cell formation problems, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kim, C.O.; Sch. of Comp. Sci. and Indust. Eng., Yonsei
University, Seoul, 120-749, South Korea; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Ganesh, M.V., Srinivasan, G.

A heuristic algorithm for the cell formation problem
(1994) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 26 (1), pp. 193-201. Cited 8 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(94)90037-X
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering and Management Division, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 600036,
ABSTRACT: In batch production environments, Group Technology is implemented to
evolve Cellular Manufacturing Systems. This is done to reduce uncertainties in
throughput times, work-in-process inventories and operational costs. Group
Technology seeks to group the products into part families and machines into machine
cells such that a part belonging to a particular family undergoes maximum
processing in the corresponding machine cell. One approach to grouping uses a
product flow analysis, which lends itself to mathematical manipulation easily. This
paper presents a heuristic using machine distance matrix, p-median formulation of
the cell formation problem and an iterative scheme which converges to a good
solution to the cell formation problem. Computational experiences with the
heuristic suggests its superiority over existing cell formation methods. © 1994.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Graph theory; Heuristic methods; Iterative methods;
Mathematical programming; Matrix algebra; Production control, Cell formation
problem; Group Technology (GT); Heuristic using machine distance matrix; Product
flow analysis, Computer aided manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ganesh, M.V.; Industrial Engineering and Management
Division, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras, 600036, India
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Huang, H., Feng, H., Pan, E., Xi, L.

A hybrid discrete Cuckoo Search algorithm for cell formation problem with
alternative process routings and operation sequence
(2016) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management, 2016-December, art. no. 7798030, pp. 1011-1015. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2016.7798030
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University, Shanghai, China
ABSTRACT: As the foremost step for designing a cellular manufacturing system, cell
formation is a hard optimization problem. It is necessary and significant to
develop methods to find near-optimal solutions in a reasonable time. In this paper,
the first hybrid discrete Cuckoo Search (HDCS) algorithm is designed to address the
cell formation problem. Alternative process routings and operation sequence of
parts are considered. The number of cells is not known as a priori. In HDCS, Lévy
flights are redefined to perform the evolution of discrete solutions. Local search
is employed to expand the search scope. Computational experiments on six cell
formation problems available in the literature are also presented. The results
reveal that HDCS outperforms the genetic algorithm-based and particle swarm
optimization-based approaches. HDCS is more robust, effective and efficient. © 2016
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; cell formation; Cuckoo Search;
number of cells; operation sequence
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Optimization;
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Alternative process routings; Cell formation;
Cell formation problem; Computational experiment; Cuckoo search algorithms; Cuckoo
searches; Near-optimal solutions; Operation sequences, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: IEEE Computer Society
ISSN: 21573611
ISBN: 9781509036653
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IEEE Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Eng. Manage.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Spiliopoulos, K., Sofianopoulou, S.

An optimal tree search method for the manufacturing systems cell formation problem
(1998) European Journal of Operational Research, 105 (3), pp. 537-551. Cited 23

DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(97)00078-7
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management, University of Piraeus, 80
Karaoli and Demetriou Street, 185 34 Piraeus, Greece
ABSTRACT: A solution methodology producing exact solutions to the manufacturing
systems cell formation problem is presented. A distance matrix representing the
closeness between pairs of machines with regard to the parts they process is taken
into account. The proposed approach is an optimal tree search method which employs
two different bounds; a classical bound for the Quadratic Assignment Problem and a
recently proposed one for the Quadratic Transportation Problem, as well as a new
heuristic for the cell formation problem A special tree search was designed in
order to reduce the size of the tree, minimize the computational effort required in
time consuming calculations and exploit symmetries of the problem. Computational
results indicate that the proposed algorithm is very efficient in generating
optimal solutions at low computational cost. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch and bound; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group
technology; Quadratic programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational methods; Critical path analysis;
Mathematical programming; Process control; Production control; Scheduling; Trees
(mathematics), Branch and bound method; Cell formation problems (CFP); Group
technology; Quadratic assignment problem; Quadratic programming; Quadratic
transportation problem, Flexible manufacturing systems
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Rabbani, M., Jolai, F., Manavizadeh, N., Radmehr, F., Javadi, B.

Solving a bi-objective cell formation problem with stochastic production quantities
by a two-phase fuzzy linear programming approach
(2012) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 58 (5-8), pp.
709-722. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3413-4
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: We propose a bi-objective cell formation problem with demand of products
expressed in a number of probabilistic scenarios. To deal with the uncertain demand
of products, a framework of two-stage stochastic programming model is presented.
The proposed model considers minimizing the sum of the miscellaneous costs (machine
constant cost, expected machine variable cost, cell fixed-charge cost, and expected
intercell movement cost) and expected total cell loading variation. Because of
conflicting objectives, we develop a two-phase fuzzy linear programming approach
for solving bi-objective cell formation problem. To show the effectiveness of the
proposed approach, numerical examples are solved and the results are compared with
the two existing approaches in the literature. The computational results show that
the proposed fuzzy method achieves lower objective functions as well as higher
satisfaction degrees. © 2011 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing design; Fuzzy
linear programming; Multi-objective; Stochastic programming model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cell loading; Computational results; Fixed
Charges; Fuzzy linear programming; Fuzzy methods; Intercell; Multi objective;
Numerical example; Objective functions; Satisfaction degrees; Stochastic
production; Stochastic programming model; Two-stage stochastic programming;
Uncertain demand; Variable costs, Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Computer
programming; Cost accounting; Costs; Linear programming; Stochastic programming;
Stochastic systems, Stochastic models
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Elbenani, B., Ferland, J.A.

An exact method for solving the manufacturing cell formation problem
(2012) International Journal of Production Research, 50 (15), pp. 4038-4045. Cited
23 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2011.588622
AFFILIATIONS: Département d'Informatique, Université Med V-Agdal, Rabat, Morocco;
Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle, Université de Montréal,
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is extensively studied in the literature, but
very few authors have proposed exact methods. In this paper a linear binary
programming formulation is introduced to generate a solution for the cell formation
problem. To verify the behaviour of the proposed model, a set of 35 benchmark
problems is solved using the branch and cut method implemented in the IBM ILOG
CPLEX 10.11 Optimiser. Moreover, these results allow us to validate the quality of
the solution generated with heuristic methods proposed in the literature. This
experimentation indicates that, for the smaller problems, the best-known solutions
are the same as those generated with CPLEX 10.11 Optimiser. These results indicate
a fair confidence in the optimality of the best-known solutions generated by the
heuristic methods. Furthermore, our approach is the first exact method providing
results of this quality. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; grouping efficiency; heuristic methods;
linear binary programming formulation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Bench-mark problems; Binary programming; Branch and cut; Cell
formation problem; Exact methods; Grouping efficiency; Manufacturing cell
formation; Optimality, Heuristic methods; Linear programming, Cellular
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Fan, J., Cao, M., Feng, D.

Multi-objective dual resource-constrained model for cell formation problem
(2010) 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and
Technology, ICMIT2010, art. no. 5492881, pp. 1031-1036. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1109/ICMIT.2010.5492881
AFFILIATIONS: School of Economics and Managenemt, Zhejiang University of Science
and Technology, Hangzhou, China;
College of Mechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou,
ABSTRACT: The cell manufacturing was played close attention widely by the
enterprises and academe in the last 30 years. And cell formation is a key factor to
implement cell manufacturing effectively. In the recently research of cell
formation problem, the researchers mainly focus on the parts families and machines
grouping, but forget another important factor-operators. A multi-objective dual
resourceconstrained system model for cell formation problem is considered in this
paper, in which the part routing, cell number and annual demand of each part type,
is known. This problem is characterized as optimally determining part-machine cell
set and corresponding operators hired so that total intercellular part and operator
movement, total operator hired and total operator workload imbalances are
simultaneously minimized. Then this paper use the GA (Genetic Algorithm) to
solution this model. At last a simple numerical example is given and it proves that
the model is effective. © 2010 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; DRCS; Multiobjective function
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell manufacturing; Cell
number; Dual resource; GA (genetic algorithm); Key factors; Machine cell; Multi
objective; Multi-objective functions; Numerical example; Operator workload; Parts
families; Resource-constrained; System models, Cells; Cellular manufacturing;
Engineering research; Genetic algorithms; Innovation; Mathematical operators; Model
structures; Multiobjective optimization, Cytology
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Fan, J.; School of Economics and Managenemt, Zhejiang
University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, China; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9781424465675
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IEEE Int. Conf. Manage. Innov. Technol., ICMIT
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Ozcelik, F., Saraç, T.

A genetic algorithm extended modified sub-gradient algorithm for cell formation
problem with alternative routings
(2012) International Journal of Production Research, 50 (15), pp. 4025-4037. Cited
12 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2011.588264
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,
Eskisehir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the cell formation problem with alternative part
routes. The problem is considered in the aspect of the natural constraints of real-
life production systems such as cell size, separation and co-location constraints.
Co-location constraints were added to the proposed model in order to deal with the
necessity of grouping certain machines in the same cell for technical reasons, and
separation constraints were included to prevent placing certain machines in close
vicinity. The objective is to minimise the weighted sum of the voids and the
exceptional elements. A hybrid algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. The
proposed algorithm hybridises the modified sub-gradient (MSG) algorithm with a
genetic algorithm. MSG algorithm solves the sharp augmented Lagrangian dual
problems, where zero duality gap property is guaranteed for a wide class of
optimisation problems without convexity assumption. Generally, the dual problem is
solved by using GAMS solvers in the literature. In this study, a genetic algorithm
has been used for solving the dual problem at the first time. The experimental
results show the advantage of combining the MSG algorithm and the genetic
algorithm. Although the MSG algorithm, whose dual problem is solved by GAMS solver,
and the genetic algorithm cannot find feasible solutions, hybrid algorithm
generates feasible solutions for all of the test problems. © 2012 Copyright Taylor
and Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: alternative routings; cell formation problem; cellular
manufacturing; genetic algorithms; modified sub-gradient algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Augmented Lagrangians; Cell formation
problem; Cell formation problem with alternative routings; Cell size; Colocations;
Dual problem; Duality gap; Exceptional elements; Feasible solution; Hybrid
algorithms; Optimisations; Production system; Separation constraints; Sub-gradient
algorithm; Test problem; Weighted Sum, Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms;
Size separation, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ozcelik, F.; Industrial Engineering Department, Eskisehir
Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Safaei, N., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Sassani, F.

A fuzzy programming approach for a cell formation problem with dynamic and
uncertain conditions
(2008) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 159 (2), pp. 215-236. Cited 53 times.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2007.06.014
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an integration of explicit uncertainty for a cell
formation problem (CFP) with a dynamic condition in cellular manufacturing systems
(CMS). The dynamic condition indicates a multi-period planning horizon, in which
product mix and demand in each period are different. As a result, the best cells
designed for one period may not be the most efficient for subsequent periods and
thus require reconfigurations. Moreover, in real manufacturing systems, some input
parameters are fuzzy in nature. In such cases, the fluctuation in part demand and
the availability of manufacturing facilities in each period can also be regarded as
fuzzy. In this paper, a fuzzy programming-based approach is developed to solve an
extended mixed-integer programming model of the dynamic CFP, in which there are
piecewise fuzzy numbers as coefficients in the objective function and the
technological matrix. The main purpose of this paper is to determine the optimal
cell configuration in each period with the maximum degree of satisfying the fuzzy
objective under the given constraints. To illustrate the behavior of the proposed
model and verify the performance of the developed fuzzy programming-based approach,
we introduce a number of numerical examples to illustrate the use of the foregoing
approach. Finally, the related computational results are reported and discussed. ©
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation problem; Fuzzy programming; Uncertain
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Mathematical models; Mathematical
programming; Matrix algebra; Parameter estimation; Problem solving, Cell
configuration; Cell formation problems; Cellular manufacturing systems;
Reconfigurations, Fuzzy systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Safaei, N.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran
University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 01650114
SOURCE: Scopus

Kamalakannan, R., Sudhakara Pandian, R.

A Tabu Search strategy to solve cell formation problem with ratio level data
(2018) International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 13 (1-3),
pp. 209-220. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBIDM.2017.10004684
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vickram College of Engineering,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu 630 561;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SACS MAVMM Engineering College, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu 625 301, India
ABSTRACT: This paper concentrates on the cell formation problem for the ratio level
data to the design of cellular manufacturing system. The aim of this paper is to
identify the machine cells and part family and as a result to create production
cells in order to reduce the cell load variation. A competent Tabu Search (TS)
algorithm is proposed to investigate the search space of all possible solutions
with a chain of moves. This method is an iterative process for seeking a global
optimum for the discrete combinatorial optimisation problems. The ratio level data
is calculated in terms of time in seconds based on the data collected from the
processing time of the part, production volume of the part and availability of the
machine. A modified grouping efficiency (MGE) is used to compute the cell formation
problem. The results clearly indicated that this proposed TS yield good results
compared to the chosen benchmark problems. Copyright © 2018 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; MGE; Modified grouping efficiency;
Ratio level data; Tabu search algorithm
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kamalakannan, R.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Vickram College of EngineeringIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17438187
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Tahami Baher, N., Teymourian, E.

A new cell formation problem with the consideration of multifunctional machines and
in-route machines dissimilarity - A two phase solution approach
(2010) Proceedings - 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management, IE and EM2010, art. no. 5646569, pp. 475-
479. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1109/ICIEEM.2010.5646569
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol 47166-95635, Iran
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to develop a variety of cell formation
problem (CFP) that considers new concepts. Due to utilizing the machine flexibility
causing system flexibility, multifunctional machines are used in the CFP. Machine-
operation and part-operation are defined to introduce machine capabilities and part
requirements, respectively. A novel solution approach with two phases is presented
to solve the considered problem. First phase is a mathematical model proposed to
define machines grouping. This model is seeking to minimize in-route machines
dissimilarity. Second phase allocated to a heuristic method which assigns parts to
corresponding cells. For validation the presented solution approach some test
instances are solved: Two critical examples of CFP in [5], and a new one that
design to illustrate the complete characteristics of the considered problem.
Results show the capability of proposed approach in comparison with other methods
to solve the variety of cell formation problems. © 2010 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Flexibility; Heuristic method; In-route
machines dissimilarity; Mathematical model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Flexibility; In-route machines
dissimilarity; Machine capabilities; Machine flexibility; Multifunctional machines;
Novel solutions; Second phase; Solution approach; System flexibility; Test
instances; Two phase, Cellular manufacturing; Heuristic methods; Industrial
engineering, Mathematical models
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(2009) Expert Systems with Applications, 36, pp. 3652-3661
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol 47166-95635, Iran; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9781424464814
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Eng. Manage., IE EM
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tunnukij, T., Hicks, C.

An Enhanced Grouping Genetic Algorithm for solving the cell formation problem
(2009) International Journal of Production Research, 47 (7), pp. 1989-2007. Cited
32 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540701673457
AFFILIATIONS: Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University, Newcastle
upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is often the first step in solving facility layout design
problems. The objective is to group part families and machines so that they can be
assigned to manufacturing cells. The cell formation problem is a non-deterministic
polynomial (NP) complete problem which means that the time taken to produce
solutions increases exponentially with problem size. This paper presents the
Enhanced Grouping Genetic Algorithm (EnGGA) that has been developed for solving the
cell formation problem. The EnGGA replaces the replacement heuristic in a standard
Grouping Genetic Algorithm with a Greedy Heuristic and employs a rank-based
roulette-elitist strategy, which is a new mechanism for creating successive
generations. The EnGGA was tested using well-known data sets from the literature.
The quality of the solutions was compared with those produced by other methods
using the grouping efficacy measure. The results show that the EnGGA is effective
and outperforms or matches the other methods.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacture; Clustering; Genetic
Algorithms; Group Technology; Meta-heuristics
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Clustering algorithms; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic algorithms; Heuristic methods;
Plant layout, Cell formation; Cell formation problems; Cellular manufacture;
Clustering; Complete problems; Data sets; Facility layout designs; Greedy
heuristic; Grouping genetic algorithms; Manufacturing cells; Meta-heuristics; New
mechanisms; Part families; Problem sizes, Group technology
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Wu, T.-H., Chung, S.-H., Chang, C.-C.

A water flow-like algorithm for manufacturing cell formation problems
(2010) European Journal of Operational Research, 205 (2), pp. 346-360. Cited 45

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2010.01.020
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University,
151, University Road, San Shia, Taipei, 407, Taiwan;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Chiao Tung
University, 1001, Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Available research on the manufacturing cell formation problem shows that
most solution approaches are either single- or multiple-solution-agent-based, with
a fixed size of solution agents. Frequent problems encountered during the process
of solving the cell formation problem include solutions being easily trapped in
local optima and bad solution efficiency. Yang and Wang [Yang, F.-C., Wang, Y.-P.,
2007. Water flow-like algorithm for object grouping problems. Journal of the
Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 24 (6), 475-488] proposed the water
flow-like algorithm (WFA) to overcome the shortcomings of single- and multiple-
solution -agent-based algorithms. WFA has the features of multiple and dynamic
numbers of solution agents, and its mimicking of the natural behavior of water
flowing from higher to lower levels coincides exactly with the process of searching
for optimal solutions. This paper therefore adopts the WFA logic and designs a
heuristic algorithm for solving the cell formation problem. Computational results
obtained from running a set of 37 test instances from the literature and newly
created have shown that the proposed algorithm has performed better than other
benchmarking approaches both in solution effectiveness and efficiency, especially
in large-sized problems. The superiority of the proposed WFACF over other
approaches from the literature should be attributed to the collaboration of the WFA
logic, the proposed prior estimation of the cell size, and the insertion-move. The
WFA is a novel heuristic approach that deserves more attention. More attempts on
adopting the WFA logic to solve many other combinatorial optimization problems are
highly recommended. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Heuristics; Manufacturing; Meta-heuristics
INDEX KEYWORDS: Agent based; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell size;
Combinatorial optimization problems; Computational results; Fixed size; Grouping
problem; Heuristic approach; Institute of Industrial Engineers; Local optima;
Manufacturing cell formation; Meta heuristics; Optimal solutions; Solution
approach; Test instances; Water flows, Combinatorial optimization; Computational
efficiency; Flexible manufacturing systems; Flow of water; Heuristic algorithms;
Heuristic methods; Hydraulics; Industrial research, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, T.-H.; Department of Business Administration, National
Taipei University, 151, University Road, San Shia, Taipei, 407, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Husseinzadeh Kashan, A., Karimi, B., Noktehdan, A.

A novel discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the manufacturing cell
formation problem
(2014) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73 (9-12), pp.
1543-1556. Cited 19 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-5906-4
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat
Modares University, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. box:
15875-4413, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
(IUST), Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: The manufacturing cell formation problem, with the aim of grouping parts
into families and machines into cells, is considered with the objective of
maximizing grouping efficacy. A new solution approach based on the particle swarm
optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented for the problem. Unlike the original PSO
algorithm which works with arithmetic operators and scalars, the new algorithm uses
group-based operators, in place of arithmetic operators, in the body of the
updating equations analogous to those of the classical PSO equations (given the
fact that the cell formation problem is essentially a grouping problem, all
operators in the new algorithm work with constructed cells (groups) rather than
parts/machines (objects), isolatedly). We benchmark a set of 40 test problem
instances from previous researches and do comparisons between the new algorithm and
existing algorithms. We also compare the performance of our algorithm when it is
hybridized with a local search module. Our computations reveal that the proposed
algorithm performs well on all test problems, exceeding or matching the best
solution's quality presented in the literature. © 2014 Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Group technology; Grouping genetic
algorithm; Particle swarm optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic
algorithms; Group technology; Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Cell formation
problem; Discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm; Grouping efficacy;
Grouping genetic algorithms; Grouping problem; Manufacturing cell formation;
Particle swarm optimization algorithm; Solution approach, Algorithms
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University of Technology, P.O. box: 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag London Ltd
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, T.-H., Chang, C.-C., Chung, S.-H.

A simulated annealing algorithm for manufacturing cell formation problems
(2008) Expert Systems with Applications, 34 (3), pp. 1609-1617. Cited 116 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2007.01.012
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Feng
Chia University, 100, Wenhwa Road, Seatwen, Taichung 407, Taiwan;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Chiao Tung
University, 1001, Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem determines the decomposition of the
manufacturing cells of a production system in which machines are assigned to these
cells to process one or more part families so that each cell is operated
independently and the intercellular movements are minimized or the number of parts
flow processed within cells is maximized. In this study, a simple yet effective
simulated annealing-based approach, SACF, is proposed to solve the cell formation
problem. Considerable efforts are devoted to the design of parts and machine
assignment procedures to direct SACF to converge to solutions with good values of
grouping efficacy. A set of 25 test problems with various sizes drawn from the
literature is used to test the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm. The
corresponding results are compared to several well-known algorithms published. The
comparative study shows that the proposed SACF algorithm improves the grouping
efficacy for 72% of the test problems. The proposed algorithm should thus be useful
to both practitioners and researchers. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Grouping efficacy; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Agile manufacturing systems; Problem solving; Production control;
Simulated annealing, Cell formation problem; Grouping efficacy; Intercellular
movements, Algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, T.-H.; Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems
Management, Feng Chia University, 100, Wenhwa Road, Seatwen, Taichung 407, Taiwan;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Ahi, A., Ashtiani, B., Aryanezhad, M.-B., Makui, A.

An investigation on the Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods for
solving the cell formation problem
(2007) IEEM 2007: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management, art. no. 4419282, pp. 709-712.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2007.4419282
AFFILIATIONS: Young Researchers Club (YRC), Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the cell formation problem that is the first step
in designing cellular manufacturing system (CMS). The previous methods that were
based on the array-based clustering for solving the cell formation problem have
used the part-machine incidence matrix (PMIM) which was indicated the set of
machines for processing each part. The main problem of these methods is the
grouping parts and machines regardless of production volume, operational sequences,
production cost, inventory and other production system's limitations. In this paper
we intend to implement the multiple attribute decision making (MADM) concepts for
covering the cause of drawback in the previous array-based clustering methods by
considering two definitions of the arrays in PMIM. Four methods are presented that
two methods are related to the binary arrays in PMIM and other two methods are
considered the operational time as well as the operational sequencing in the
definition of the arrays in PMIM. The results of the presented methods that are
compared with a well-known approach are also reported. © 2007 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Multiple attribute decision making (MADM); SAW;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cluster analysis; Decision making; Operating costs; Problem
solving; Production engineering, Cell formation problem; Multiple attribute
decision making (MADM), Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: McCormick, W.T., Schweitzer, P.J., White, T.W., Problem decomposition
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ahi, A.; Young Researchers Club (YRC), Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran

ISBN: 1424415292; 9781424415298

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Zettam, M.
A discrete gravitational search algorithm for solving the cell formation problem
(2018) Intelligent Decision Technologies, 12 (3), pp. 335-348.

DOI: 10.3233/IDT-180339
AFFILIATIONS: Informatics, Systems and Optimization Laboratory, Department of
Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the cellular manufacturing system is thriving into the
industrial field due to the higher provided profits and quality of products.
Moreover, the manufacturing cell formation problem is considered as the most
studied implementation of the cellular manufacturing system. Therefore, a novel
gravitational Search Algorithm was introduced and applied to the cell formation
problem in this paper. According to the obtained results, the novel gravitational
Search Algorithm provides good quality solutions with a reasonable computational
time. In the original discrete Gravitational Search Algorithm the exploration
strategy was performed by means of a mutation operator applied several times to a
solution. To decrease the complexity of the algorithm and the computational time a
crossover operator; equivalent to the application of the mutation operator for a
number of times; is presented. A modified Local Search algorithm is performed to
seek more extensively the solution space. The performance of the novel
Gravitational Search Algorithm adaptation was evaluated on a set of 35 benchmarks
from the literature. According to the obtained results and to the comparative
study, the novel Gravitational Search Algorithm is considered as one of the best
algorithms. © 2018 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; gravitational search algorithm; local
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cells; Computational complexity; Cytology; Learning
algorithms; Local search (optimization), Cell formation problem; Comparative
studies; Exploration strategies; Gravitational search algorithms; Local search;
Local search algorithm; Manufacturing cell formation; Mutation operators, Cellular
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(2017) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (20)
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zettam, M.; Informatics, Systems and Optimization
Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail
UniversityMorocco; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 18724981
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Intelligent Decis. Technol
SOURCE: Scopus

Aliasgari, M., Kazemi, M., Kia, R., Ebrahimi, A.

Minimizing exceptional elements and voids in a cell formation problem with optimal
number of cells
(2015) Proceedings - CIE 45: 2015 International Conference on Computers and
Industrial Engineering, .

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mathematics, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University,

Roudehen, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Birjand University of Technology, Birjand,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Firoozkooh, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a mathematical model with a weighted multi-objective
function is formulated to find the machine cells and part families in a cell
formation problem. Three considered objectives are minimizing the total number of
exceptional elements and voids and total forming costs of cells. These objectives
are combined with giving weights to them. Simultaneously minimizing both of
exceptional elements and voids within the objective function makes a trade-off
between inter-cell and intra-cell movements to decrease the dependence of cells and
to increase the utilization of the machines. The proposed model has the advantage
of finding the optimal number of cells which has not yet considered in the most
studies implemented in the literature of cell formation problem. This feature
provides the flexibility for the model to from cells in different numbers to reach
the minimum sum of exceptional elements and voids. Several numerical test problems
taken from the literature are performed to verify the performance of the proposed
model in comparison to the previous models. The numerical examples show that
obtained results are better than those in the literature in terms of the sum of
exceptional elements and voids or grouping efficacy.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Exceptional elements; Mathematical
model; Voids
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Economic and social effects; Functions;
Mathematical models, Cell formation problem; Exceptional elements; Grouping
efficacy; Multi-objective functions; Numerical tests; Objective functions; Optimal
number; Voids, Cellular manufacturing
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MACE (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22, pp. 937-948;
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International Journal of Production Research, 25, pp. 413-431;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation
problem: A taxonomy and review (2006) International Journal of Production
Economics, 101, pp. 329-352
PUBLISHER: Universite de Lorraine


ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - CIE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Arkat, J., Hosseini, L., Farahani, M.H.

Minimization of exceptional elements and voids in the cell formation problem using
a multi-objective genetic algorithm
(2011) Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (8), pp. 9597-9602. Cited 30 times.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.01.161
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Pasdaran Blvd., Sanandaj, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem is the main issue in designing cellular
manufacturing systems. The most important objective in the cell formation problem
is to minimize the number of exceptional elements which helps to reduce the number
of intercellular movements. Another important but rarely used objective function is
to minimize the number of voids inside of the machine cells. This objective
function is considered in order to increase the utilization of the machines. We
present a bi-objective mathematical model to simultaneously minimize the number of
exceptional elements and the number of voids in the part machine incidence matrix.
An -constraint method is then applied to solve the model and to generate the
efficient solutions. Because of the NP-hardness of the model, the optimal
algorithms can not be used in large-scale problems and therefore, we have also
developed a bi-objective genetic algorithm. Some numerical examples are considered
to illustrate the performance of the model and the effectiveness of the solution
algorithms. The results demonstrate that in comparison with the -constraint method,
the proposed genetic algorithm can obtain efficient solution in a reasonable run
time. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: -constraint method; Cell formation problem; Exceptional
elements; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Voids
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Constraint methods; Exceptional elements;
Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Voids, Genetic algorithms; Mathematical models;
Multiobjective optimization, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Cell formation considering
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mathematical model for cellular manufacturing system based on cell utilization
(2007) Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190 (1), pp. 662-670., DOI
10.1016/j.amc.2007.01.060, PII S0096300307001014;
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approach for solving a cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing (2009)
Expert Systems with Application, 36 (3), pp. 6598-6604;
Selim, H.M., Askin, R.G., Vakharia, A.J., Cell formation in group technology:
Review, evaluation and directions for future research (1998) Computers and
Industrial Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 3-20., PII S0360835297001472;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N., Research issues in cellular manufacturing (1987)
International Journal of Production Research, 25 (3), pp. 413-431;
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Journal of Production Research, 35 (1), pp. 29-49;
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problem: A taxonomy and review (2006) International Journal of Production
Economics, 101 (2), pp. 329-352., DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.01.014, PII
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; Department of Industrial Engineering, University
of Kurdistan, Pasdaran Blvd., Sanandaj, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Utkina, I., Batsyn, M.

A branch and bound algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2016) Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 156, pp. 115-124. Cited
1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29608-1_7
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136, Rodionova Str.,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem (CFP) is an NP-hard optimization problem
considered for cell manufacturing systems. Because of its high computational
complexity several heuristics have been developed for solving this problem. In this
paper we present a branch and bound algorithm which provides exact solutions of the
CFP. This algorithm finds optimal solutions for 13 problems of the 35 popular
benchmark instances from the literature. © Springer International Publishing
Switzerland 2016.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch and bound algorithm; Cell formation problem;
Combinatorial optimization; Exact solution; NP-hard problems; Upper bound
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Branch and bound method; Cells; Cellular
manufacturing; Combinatorial optimization; Complex networks; Computational
complexity; Cytology; Manufacture; Problem solving, Branch-and-bound algorithms;
Cell formation problem; Exact solution; NP-hard; Optimal solutions; Optimization
problems; Upper Bound, Optimization
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Subramanian, S.P., A cost-based heuristic for group
technology configuration (1987) Int. J. Prod. Res, 25 (1), pp. 101-113;
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(2014) Optim. Lett, 8, pp. 2203-2210;
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cellular manufacture (1982) J. Manuf. Syst, 1 (1), pp. 64-76;
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clustering for group technology (1986) Int. J. Prod. Res, 24 (5), pp. 1221-1233;
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algorithm for cellular manufacturing (1986) Int. J. Prod. Res, 24 (2), pp. 451-464;

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Mitrofanov, S.P., (1959) Nauchnye Osnovy Gruppovoy Tekhnologii, 435p., Lenizdat,
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implementation (1985) OMEGA, 13 (6), pp. 381-391;
Seifoddini, H., A note on the similarity coefficient method and the problem of
improper machine assignment in group technology applications (1989) Int. J. Prod.
Res, 27 (7), pp. 1161-1165;
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group technology (1986) IIE Trans, 18 (3), pp. 271-277;
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MACE (1984) Int. J. Prod. Res, 22, pp. 937-948
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Utkina, I.; Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for
Networks Analysis, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136,
Rodionova Str., Russian Federation; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Kalyagin V.A., Koldanov P.A., Pardalos P.M.
PUBLISHER: Springer New York LLC
ISSN: 21941009
ISBN: 9783319296067
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Springer Proc. Math. Stat.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Yin, Y., Xu, C., Hu, L.

Some insight into Yasuda et al 's. "a grouping genetic algorithm for the multi-
objective cell formation problem"
(2009) International Journal of Production Research, 47 (7), pp. 2009-2010. Cited 2

DOI: 10.1080/00207540701805661
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Economics and Business Management, Yamagata University,
1-4-12 Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi 990-8560, Japan;
Department of Management Information Science, Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba
275-0016, Japan;
Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku,
Sendai 980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: Yasuda et al. (2005, International Journal of Production Research, 43,
829-853) proposed an efficient method for solving the multi-objective cell
formation problem. The objectives of their model are to minimize both the cell load
variation and intercell flows. In this technical note, we point out and correct an
error in their model. The efficacy of their grouping genetic algorithm is not
influenced by the modified model.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacture; Genetic algorithm; Group
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Mobile
telecommunication systems; Multiobjective optimization; Wireless telecommunication
systems, Cell formation; Cell load variations; Cellular manufacture; Efficient
methods; Grouping genetic algorithms; Intercell; Modified models; Multi-objective
cell formation problems; Production researches; Technical notes, Group technology
REFERENCES: Yasuda, K., Hu, L., Yin, Y., A grouping genetic algorithm for the
multi-objective cell formation problem (2005) International Journal of Production
Research, 43, pp. 829-853
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Yin, Y.; Department of Economics and Business Management,
Yamagata University, 1-4-12 Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi 990-8560, Japan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Bychkov, I., Batsyn, M.

An efficient exact model for the cell formation problem with a variable number of
production cells
(2018) Computers and Operations Research, 91, pp. 112-120. Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2017.11.009
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136 Rodionova, Nizhniy
Novgorod, 603093, Russian Federation
ABSTRACT: The Cell Formation Problem has been studied as an optimization problem in
manufacturing for more than 90 years. It consists of grouping machines and parts
into manufacturing cells in order to maximize loading of cells and minimize
movement of parts from one cell to another. Many heuristic algorithms have been
proposed which are doing well even for large-sized instances. However, only a few
authors have aimed to develop exact methods and most of these methods have some
major restrictions such as a fixed number of production cells for example. In this
paper we suggest a new mixed-integer linear programming model for solving the cell
formation problem with a variable number of manufacturing cells. The popular
grouping efficacy measure is used as an objective function. To deal with its
fractional nature we apply the Dinkelbach approach. Our computational experiments
are performed on two testsets: the first consists of 35 well-known instances from
the literature and the second contains 32 instances less popular. We solve these
instances using CPLEX software. Optimal solutions have been found for 63 of the 67
considered problem instances and several new solutions unknown before have been
obtained. The computational times are greatly decreased comparing to the state-of-
art approaches. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Fractional
objective; Grouping efficacy; Two-index model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic
algorithms; Integer programming; Manufacture; Optimization, Cell formation problem;
Computational experiment; Fractional objective; Grouping efficacy; Index models;
Mixed integer linear programming model; Objective functions; Optimization problems,
Cellular manufacturing
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Rabbani, M., Habibnejad-Ledari, H., Rafiei, H., Farshbaf-Geranmayeh, A.

A bi-objective mathematical model for dynamic cell formation problem considering
learning effect, human issues, and worker assignment
(2016) Scientia Iranica, 23 (5), pp. 2341-2354. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University

of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: One of the important aspects neglected in the literature related to cell
formation problem is human issues. In this study, a bi-objective mathematical model
is developed in which human issues and dynamic cell formation are taken into
consideration simultaneously. The first objective function deals with costs
associated with machines and human issues. The costs of human issues relate to
salary, hiring, firing, reward/penalty policy, and worker assignment. The second
objective function takes into account labor utilization as a criterion for
reward/penalty policy. Since the available time in different real conditions is not
constant, we include learning effect to consider the real workers time. The nature
of dynamic cell formation problem is NP-hard, and thus a Linear Programming
embedded Genetic Algorithm (LP-GA) is employed to solve the model. In order to
improve the performance of the applied GA, its parameters are tuned by means of
Central Composite Design (CCD) method. Moreover, to validate the LP-GA, some test
problems are solved and the results are compared with those obtained from an exact
method and GA. The computational results show that the near optimal solutions
yielded by LP-GA are better than GA in large-sized problems. © 2016 Sharif
University of Technology. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Central composite design; Dynamic cell formation; Genetic
algorithm; Human issues; Linear programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Compensation (personnel); Cytology; Genetic algorithms;
Linear programming, Cell formation problem; Central composite designs;
Computational results; Dynamic cell formation; Human issues; Near-optimal
solutions; Objective functions; Worker assignments, Cellular manufacturing, genetic
algorithm; labor; learning; linear programing; model validation; numerical model;
policy analysis
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Engineering, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Sharif University of Technology
ISSN: 10263098
SOURCE: Scopus

Martins, I.C., Pinheiro, R.G.S., Protti, F., Ochi, L.S.

A hybrid iterated local search and variable neighborhood descent heuristic applied
to the cell formation problem
(2015) Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (22), pp. 8947-8955. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2015.07.050
AFFILIATIONS: Fluminense Federal University, Institute of Computing, Niterói, RJ,
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil
ABSTRACT: The Cell Formation Problem is an NP-hard optimization problem that
consists of grouping machines into cells dedicated to producing a family of product
parts, so that each cell operates independently and inter-cellular movements are
minimized. Due to its high computational complexity, several heuristic methods have
been developed over the last decades. Hybrid methods based on adaptations of
popular metaheuristic techniques have shown to provide good performance in terms of
solution quality. This paper proposes a new approach for solving the Cell Formation
Problem using the group efficacy objective function. Our method is based on the
Iterated Local Search metaheuristic coupled with a variant of the Variable
Neighborhood Descent method that uses a random ordering of neighborhoods in local
search phase. We consider two types of constraints on the minimum cell size,
comparing them with several well-known algorithms in the literature. Computational
experiments have been performed on 35 widely used benchmark instances with up to 40
machines and 100 parts. The proposed algorithm, besides obtaining solutions at
least as good as any reported results, was able to find several optimal solutions
and improve the group efficacy for some instances with unknown optima. © 2015
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Metaheuristics
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Group
technology; Heuristic methods; Local search (optimization), Cell formation problem;
Computational experiment; Iterated local search; Meta heuristics; Meta-heuristic
techniques; Objective functions; Optimization problems; Variable neighborhood
descents, Optimization
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Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the US industry: A survey of
users (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1511-1530;
Wu, T.H., Chang, C.C., Chung, S.H., A simulated annealing algorithm for
manufacturing cell formation problems (2008) Expert Systems with Applications, 34
(2), pp. 1609-1617;
Wu, T.H., Chang, C.C., Yeh, J.Y., A hybrid heuristic algorithm adopting both
Boltzmann function and mutation operator for manufacturing cell formation problems
(2009) International Journal of Production Economics, 120 (2), pp. 669-688;
Wu, T.H., Chung, S.H., Chang, C.C., A water flow-like algorithm for manufacturing
cell formation problems (2010) European Journal of Operational Research, 205 (2),
pp. 346-360
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Martins, I.C.; Fluminense Federal University, Institute of
Computing, Niterói, Brazil
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Bychkov, I., Batsyn, M., Pardalos, P.M.

Exact model for the cell formation problem
(2014) Optimization Letters, 8 (8), pp. 2203-2210. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s11590-014-0728-8
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136 Rodionova, Nizhniy
Novgorod, 603093, Russian Federation;
Center of Applied Optimization, University of Florida, 401 Weil Hall, P.O. Box
116595, Gainesville, FL 32611-6595, United States
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem (CFP) consists in an optimal grouping of the
given machines and parts into cells, so that machines in every cell process as much
as possible parts from this cell (intra-cell operations) and as less as possible
parts from other cells (inter-cell operations). The grouping efficacy is the
objective function for the CFP which simultaneously maximizes the number of intra-
cell operations and minimizes the number of inter-cell operations. Currently there
are no exact approaches (known to the authors) suggested for solving the CFP with
the grouping efficacy objective. The only exact model which solves the CFP in a
restricted formulation is due to Elbenani and Ferland (Cell formation problem
solved exactly with the dinkelbach algorithm. Montreal. Quebec. CIRRELT-2012-07, 1–
14, 2012). The restriction consists in fixing the number of production cells. The
main difficulty of the CFP is the fractional objective function—the grouping
efficacy. In this paper we address this issue for the CFP in its common formulation
with a variable number of cells. Our computational experiments are made for the
most popular set of 35 benchmark instances. For the 14 of these instances using
CPLEX software we prove that the best known solutions are exact global optimums. ©
2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Exact model; Fractional objective
function; Grouping efficacy
INDEX KEYWORDS: Aluminum metallography; Benchmarking; Cellular manufacturing;
Cytology, Cell formation problem; Computational experiment; Global optimum;
Grouping efficacy; Objective functions; Production cells; Restricted formulation;
Variable number, Cells
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Subramanian, S.P., A cost-based heuristic for group
technology configuration (1987) Int. J. Prod. Res, 25 (1), pp. 101-113;
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Carrie, S., Numerical taxonomy applied to group technology and plant layout (1973)
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MACE (1984) Int. J. Prod. Res, 22, pp. 937-948
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Batsyn, M.; Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for
Network Analysis, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136
Rodionova, Russian Federation
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 18624472
SOURCE: Scopus

Pailla, A., Trindade, A.R., Parada, V., Ochi, L.S.

A numerical comparison between simulated annealing and evolutionary approaches to
the cell formation problem
(2010) Expert Systems with Applications, 37 (7), pp. 5476-5483. Cited 27 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2010.02.064
AFFILIATIONS: Departamento de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Santiago de
Chile, Av. Ecuador 3659, Santiago, Chile;
Instituto de Computaçao, Universidade Federal de Fluminense, Rua Passo da Patria
156, Bloco E, 3 andar, Sao Domingos, Niterói, RJ CEP 24210-240, Brazil
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is a crucial component of a cell production
design in a manufacturing system. This problem consists of a set of product parts
to be manufactured in a group of machines. The objective is to build manufacturing
clusters by associating part families with machine cells, with the aim of
minimizing the inter-cellular movements of parts by grouping efficacy measures. We
present two approaches to solve the cell formation problem. First, we present an
evolutionary algorithm that improves the efficiency of the standard genetic
algorithm by considering cooperation with a local search around some of the
solutions it visits. Second, we present an approach based on simulated annealing
that uses the same representation scheme of a feasible solution. To evaluate the
performance of both algorithms, we used a known set of CFP instances. We compared
the results of both algorithms with the results of five other algorithms from the
literature. In eight out of 36 instances we considered, the evolutionary method
outperformed the previous results of other evolutionary algorithms, and in 26
instances it found the same best solutions. On the other hand, simulated annealing
not only found the best previously known solutions, but it also found better
solutions than existing ones for various problems. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Clustering; Evolutionary algorithms;
Heuristics; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cell production; Clustering; Evolutionary
approach; Evolutionary method; Feasible solution; Grouping efficacy; Local search;
Machine cell; Manufacturing system; Numerical comparison; Other algorithms; Part
family; Representation schemes; Standard genetic algorithm, Annealing; Cellular
manufacturing; Clustering algorithms; Genetic algorithms; Multiobjective
optimization, Simulated annealing
REFERENCES: Brown, E.C., Sumichrast, R.T., CF-GGA: A grouping genetic algorithm for
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James, T.L., Brown, E.C., Keeling, K.B., A hybrid grouping genetic algorithm for
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Selim, H.M., Askin, R.G., Vakharia, A.J., Cell formation in group technology:
Review, evaluation and directions for future research (1998) Computers & Industrial
Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 3-20;
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Wang, J., A linear assignment clustering algorithm based on the least similar
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Wu, T., Chang, C., Chung, S., A simulated annealing algorithm for manufacturing
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Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation
problem: A taxonomy and review (2006) International Journal of Production
Economics, 101 (2), pp. 329-352
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Parada, V.; Departamento de Ingeniería Informática,
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Av. Ecuador 3659, Santiago, Chile; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Gunasingh, K.R., Lashkari, R.S.

The cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing systems-A sequential modelling
(1989) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 16 (4), pp. 469-476. Cited 43 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(89)90164-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor,
Ont. N9B 3P4, Canada
ABSTRACT: A sequential modelling approach to the cell formation problem in cellular
manufacturing systems is presented in this paper. First, the machines are grouped
into cells based on their similarity in parts processing; next the parts are
allocated to appropriate machine groups based on the processing requirements. The
machine grouping and the parts allocation problems are modelled as 0-1 integer
programs. The application of the models is illustrated using a numerical example. ©
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical Models; Mathematical Techniques--Algorithms, Cell
Formation Problem; Cellular Manufacturing Systems; Parts Allocation Problem;
Sequential Modelling Approach; Similarity Index, Industrial Plants
REFERENCES: Burbidge, Production flow analysis (1963) Prodn Engnr, 42 (12), pp.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Gunasingh, K.R.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4, Canada
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, T.-H., Yeh, J.-Y., Chang, C.-C.

A hybrid simulated annealing algorithm to the cell formation problem with
alternative process plans
(2007) 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT
2007, art. no. 4420260, pp. 199-203. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/ICCIT.2007.4420260
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University,
Department of Information Management, National Chiayi University, Taiwan;
Department of Information Management, Jen-Te Junior College of Medicine, Nursing
and Management
ABSTRACT: In this study, a simulated annealing algorithm with mutation operator is
proposed to solve the manufacturing cell formation problem considering multiple
process routings for part. The proposed algorithm is designed mainly to explore
solution regions efficiently and to expedite the solution search process. The
performance of the proposed algorithm is tested by a range of test problems from
the literature. The comparative study shows that the proposed algorithm is capable
of obtaining quick and favorable solutions. © 2007 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Annealing; Cellular manufacturing; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Information technology; Solutions; Technology, Alternative
process plans; Cell formation problems; Comparative studies; International
conferences; Manufacturing cell formation; Mutation operators; Routings; Search
processes; Simulated annealing algorithm; Test problems, Simulated annealing
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Cell formation considering
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problem with alternative process plans (2004) International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, 24, pp. 834-840
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, T.-H.; Department of Business Administration, National
Taipei UniversityTaiwan; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 0769530389; 9780769530383

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Convergence Inf. Technol., ICCIT
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Noktehdan, A., Seyedhosseini, S., Saidi-Mehrabad, M.

A Metaheuristic algorithm for the manufacturing cell formation problem based on
grouping efficacy
(2016) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 82 (1-4), pp.
25-37. Cited 10 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-7052-z
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science &
Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem determines decomposition of the manufacturing
cells of a production system. Machines are assigned to the cells to process one or
more part families so that each cell is operated independently and the inter-
cellular movements are minimized. This paper proposes a new algorithm for grouping
problems (bin packing, graph coloring, scheduling, etc.) which is a grouping
version of an almost new algorithm (league championship algorithm (LCA)), and we
used it to solve benchmarked instances of cell formation problem posing as a
grouping problem. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we borrow a set of
35 most widely used benchmark problem instances from literature and compare the
performance of grouping LCA (GLCA) and several well-known algorithms published. The
proposed algorithm can reach the best solution for 29 of the 35 benchmark problems
and differs with the best-known solution of three benchmark problems only with 0.7
% average gap. We also used a new method to find the number of initial cells. The
results show that GLCA may hopefully be a new approach for such kinds of difficult-
to-solve problems. Moreover, a real-world industrial case is provided to show how
the proposed algorithm works. Considering the performance of the GLCA algorithm on
all test problems, the proposed algorithm should thus be useful to both
practitioners and researchers. © 2015, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Grouping genetic algorithm; League
championship algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Benchmarking; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology;
Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Life cycle; Manufacture; Mobile
security, Bench-mark problems; Benchmark-problem instances; Cell formation problem;
Grouping genetic algorithms; League championship algorithms; Manufacturing cell
formation; Meta heuristic algorithm; Production system, Problem solving
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Iran University of Science & TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag London Ltd
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Bychkov, I., Batsyn, M., Sukhov, P., Pardalos, P.M.

Heuristic algorithm for the Cell Formation Problem
(2013) Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 59, pp. 43-69. Cited 5

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8588-9_4
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136 Rodionova Street,
Nizhny Novgorod, 603093, Russian Federation;
Center of Applied Optimization, University of Florida, 401 Weil Hall, P.O. Box
116595, Gainesville, FL, 32611-6595, United States
ABSTRACT: In this chapter, we introduce a new heuristic for Cell Formation Problem
in its most general formulation with grouping efficiency as an objective function.
Suggested approach applies an improvement procedure to obtain solutions with high
grouping efficiency. This procedure is repeated until efficiency can be increased
for randomly generated configurations of cells. We consider our preliminary results
for 10 popular benchmark instances taken from the literature. Also source instances
with the solutions we got can be found in the Appendix. © Springer Science+Business
Media New York 2013.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Grouping efficiency; Improvement heuristic
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cellular manufacturing; Heuristic algorithms, Cell
formation; Cell formation problem; Grouping efficiency; Improvement heuristic;
Objective functions, Efficiency
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Rodionova Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603093, Russian Federation; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer New York LLC
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ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Springer Proc. Math. Stat.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Paydar, M.M., Mahdavi, I., Szabat, K.A.

Application of single depot multiple travelling salesman method to cell formation
(2010) International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 3 (4), pp. 390-399.
Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJADS.2010.036853
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Management Department, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA 19141, United States
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem (CFP) determines the decomposition of the
manufacturing cells of a production system in which machines are assigned to these
cells to process one or more part families. In this paper, the CFP is formulated as
a single depot multiple travelling salesman problem (SDmTSP). Computational results
comparing the model with a set of group technology (GT) problems available in the
literature are presented. The approach produced solutions with better grouping
efficacy than is reported in the literature. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; CM; CFP; Group
technology; Grouping efficacy; GT; SDmTSP; Single depot multiple travelling
salesman problem
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17558077
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, T.-H., Chen, J.-F., Yeh, J.-Y.

A decomposition approach to the cell formation problem with alternative process
(2004) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 24 (11-12), pp.
834-840. Cited 16 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-1749-0
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Da-Yeh University, 112 Shan-
Jeau Rd., Da-Tsuen, Changhua, 515, Taiwan;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Feng-Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: This paper considers the cell formation problem in which alternative
process plans exist for each part. A three-stage algorithm decomposing the original
problem into three subproblems, i.e., process plan selection, parts assignment, and
machines assignment problems, respectively, is proposed to solve this problem. Test
problems, both from the literature and those generated in this study, are used to
evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm can very
efficiently find good-quality solutions and should thus be useful to practitioners
and researchers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Cell formation problem; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational methods; Evaluation; Group technology;
Manufacture, Alternative process plans; Cell formation problem; Tabu search,
Process control
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University, 112 Shan-Jeau Rd., Da-Tsuen, Changhua, 515, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Zettam, M.
An hybrid gravitational method for solving the cell formation problem
(2017) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (20), pp.
5506-5516. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Informatics, Systems and Optimization Laboratory, Department of

computer Science, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University Kenitra, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The Cellular Manufacturing System has emerged as a strategy capable of
improving the manufacturing cost and decreasing the lead time with no negative
impacts on the product quality. One of the fundamental problems of this strategy is
known as the Cell Formation Problem, which consists of defining cells including a
machine group and a product (part) family. In this paper, we consider the
Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem where the objective is to maximize the
Grouping Efficacy measure. We introduce a hybrid gravitational method (HGM)
combining a population based algorithm and a local search procedure. This hybrid
metaheuristic is a variant of the Discrete Gravitational Search Algorithm (DGSA).
It allows searching extensively the feasible domain of a problem during the early
iterations. It also includes a well-balanced mechanism for enhancing exploration
and exploitation strategies. Several modifications were necessary to adapt the DGSA
in order to maintain similar performance when dealing with the CFP. The major ones
consist in modifying the population of solutions and in performing the exploration
phase. The Path Relinking process used in DGSA to modify the solution is replaced
by a crossover strategy derived from concepts of the Gravitational Search Algorithm
(GSA). The performance of this hybrid variant of the Gravitational Search Algorithm
is evaluated using a set of 35 benchmarks from the literature. The numerical
results confirm that our hybrid metaheuristic could be considered as one of the
best algorithms. © 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Gravitational search algorithm; Grouping
efficacy; Hybrid gravitational method; Tabu search
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zettam, M.; Informatics, Systems and Optimization
Laboratory, Department of computer Science, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail
University KenitraMorocco; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Asian Research Publishing Network
ISSN: 19928645
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Theor. Appl. Inf. Technol.
SOURCE: Scopus

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A matheuristic for the cell formation problem
(2018) Optimization Letters, 12 (2), pp. 335-346. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/s11590-017-1200-3
AFFILIATIONS: Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil;
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Passo da Pátria 156,
Bloco E - 3ºandar, São Domingos, Niterói, RJ 24210-240, Brazil
ABSTRACT: In this paper we propose a GRASP matheuristic coupled with an Integer
Programming refinement based on Set Partitioning to solve the Cell Formation
Problem. We use the grouping efficacy measure to evaluate the solutions. As this
measure is nonlinear, we propose a fractional Set Partitioning approach and its
linearization. Our method is validated on a set of 35 instances from the
literature. The experiments found four unknown solutions. For all instances with
known optima, our method is able to determine the optimum solutions. © 2017,
Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Combinatorial optimization; Group
technology; Hybrid heuristics; Matheuristics
INDEX KEYWORDS: Combinatorial optimization; Group technology; Integer programming;
Optimization, Cell formation problem; Grouping efficacy; Hybrid heuristics;
Matheuristics; Optimum solution; Set partitioning, Cellular manufacturing
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Fluminense, Rua Passo da Pátria 156, Bloco E - 3ºandar, São Domingos, Brazil;
email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 18624472
SOURCE: Scopus

Soto, R., Crawford, B., Almonacid, B., Paredes, F.

A migrating birds optimization algorithm for machine-part cell formation problems
(2015) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9413, pp. 270-281.
Cited 12 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27060-9_22
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile;
Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago, Chile;
Universidad Científica Del Sur, Lima, Peru;
Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile;
Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile;
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile
ABSTRACT: Machine-Part Cell Formation Problems consists in organizing a plant as a
set of cells, each one of them processing machines containing the same type of
parts. In recent years, different meta-heuristic have been used to solve this
problem. This paper addresses the problem of Machine-Part Cell Formation by using
the Migrating Birds Optimization algorithm. The computational experiments show that
in most of the benchmark problems the results obtained from the proposed approach
are better than those obtained by other methods which are reported in the
literature. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Meta-heuristics; Migrating birds
optimization; Nature-inspired algorithms
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Artificial intelligence; Birds; Cells; Cellular
manufacturing; Cytology; Machinery; Problem solving; Soft computing, Bench-mark
problems; Cell formation problem; Computational experiment; Meta heuristics;
Migrating birds; Nature inspired algorithms; Optimization algorithms; Processing
machines, Optimization
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Almonacid, B.; Pontificia Universidad Católica de
ValparaísoChile; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Sidorov G., Galicia-Haro S.N.
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 9783319270593
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Thanh, L.T., Ferland, J.A., Thuc, N.D., Nguyen, V.H.

Simulated annealing method with different neighborhoods for solving the cell
formation problem
(2011) ECTA 2011 FCTA 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on
Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications and International Conference on
Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications, pp. 525-533.

AFFILIATIONS: (ICST HCMC), Institute for Computational Science and Technology, Ho

Chi Minh City, Viet Nam;
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal,
Montreal, Canada;
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Vietnam National
University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam;
Department of Mathematics, University of Namur (FUNDP), Namur, Belgium
ABSTRACT: In this paper we solve the cell formation problem with different variants
of the simulated annealing method obtained by using different neighborhoods of the
current solution. The solution generated at each iteration is obtained by using a
diversification of the current solution combined with an intensification to improve
this solution. Different diversification and intensification strategies are
combined to generate different neighborhoods. The most efficient variant allows
improving the best-known solution of one of the 35 benchmark problems commonly used
by authors to compare their methods, and reaching the best-known solution of 30
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Diversification; Intensification;
Metaheuristic; Neighborhood; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Diversification; Intensification;
Metaheuristic; Neighborhood, Cellular manufacturing, Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Thanh, L.T.; (ICST HCMC), Institute for Computational
Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9789898425836
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: ECTA FCTA - Proc. Int. Conf. Evol. Comput. Theory Appl.
Int. Conf. Fuzzy Comput. Theory Appl.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Ghodratnama, A., Makui, A., Khazaei, M.

Solving a new bi-objective model for a cell formation problem considering labor
allocation by multi-objective particle swarm optimization
(2011) International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 24 (3), pp.
249-258. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.ije.2011.24.03a.04
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Postal Code 1684613114, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Payam Noor, Postal Code
1084668611, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Mathematical programming and artificial intelligence (AI) methods are
known as the most effective and applicable procedures to form manufacturing cells
in designing a cellular manufacturing system (CMS). In this paper, a bi-objective
programming model is presented to consider the cell formation problem that is
solved by multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. The model
contains two conflicting objectives, namely optimal labor allocation and
maximization of cell utilization. In order to verify its effectiveness of the MOPSO
algorithm, the results are compared with those obtained from a well-known
evolutionary procedure, called NSGA-II.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing system; Labor allocation;
Multi-objective particle swarm optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Artificial intelligence; Cells; Cellular manufacturing;
Computer programming; Flexible manufacturing systems; Mathematical programming;
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Biobjective model; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Cellular manufacturing system; Labor allocation; Multi objective
particle swarm optimization; NSGA-II; Programming models, Multiobjective
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Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563,
Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Materials and Energy Research Center
ISSN: 17281431
SOURCE: Scopus

Boctor, F.F.
The minimum-cost, machine-part cell formation problem
(1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34 (4), pp. 1045-1063. Cited
40 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549608904949
AFFILIATIONS: Facultié des Sciences de L’Administration, Universite Laval, QC, GI K
7P4, Canada
ABSTRACT: This paper argues that it is essential to consider explicitly the main
elements of manufacturing costs in designing cellular manufacturing systems.
Consequently, a mixed linear program is introduced to help solve the cell formation
problem where the objective is to minimise the sum of these cost elements. A method
to determine its optimal solution is proposed as well as an adaptation of the
simulated annealing algorithm designed to achieve good approximate solutions.
Finally, a quick assessment of the performance of this simulated annealing
adaptation is provided. © 1996 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Costs; Linear programming; Machinery; Performance;
Scheduling; Simulated annealing, Machine part cell formation problem; Simulated
annealing algorithm, Manufacture
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ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Dinh, T., Dinh, T., Ferland, J.

A meta-heuristic approach for cell formation problem
(2011) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 11-18.

DOI: 10.1145/2069216.2069223
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, VNU-HCMC,
227 Nguyen Van Cu, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam;
Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and
Transportation, Université de Montréal, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC, Canada
ABSTRACT: Cell Formation Problem (CFP) is used widely in Cellular Manufacturing.
However, until now very few test cases out of 35 cases have been proved optimality
[8]. The others are just feasible. In this paper, we apply 2 different meta-
heuristic approaches which are Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search to find feasible
solutions in a reasonable time. Then, we compare our results with that of the
Genetic Algorithm [7] on the same 35 test data. In our experiments, the Tabu Search
approach shows equal or better solutions than Genetic Algorithm and Simulated
Annealing on all test data. © 2011 ACM.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; meta-heuristic; simulated annealing;
tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Feasible solution; Meta-heuristic approach;
Metaheuristic; Optimality; Test case; Test data, Cells; Cellular manufacturing;
Communication; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic methods; Information technology; Tabu
search, Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dinh, T.; Faculty of Information Technology, University of
Science, VNU-HCMC, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9781450308809
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, T.-H., Chang, C.-C., Yeh, J.-Y.

A hybrid heuristic algorithm adopting both Boltzmann function and mutation operator
for manufacturing cell formation problems
(2009) International Journal of Production Economics, 120 (2), pp. 669-688. Cited
30 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.04.015
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University,
151, University Road, San Shia, Taipei, 237, Taiwan;
Department of Information Management, Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing
and Management, 79-9, Shijou Li, Houlong, Miaoli 356, Taiwan;
Department of Information Management, National Chiayi University, 300, Syuefu Road,
Chiayi City 600, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: This study proposes a hybrid heuristic algorithm employing both the
Boltzmann function from simulated annealing and the mutation operator from the
genetic algorithm to explore the unvisited solution region and expedite the
solution searching process for the cell formation problem, so that grouping
efficacy is maximized. Test problems drawn from the literature are used to test the
performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm. The comparative study shows that
the proposed algorithm improves the best results found in the literature for 36% of
the test problems in the case when singletons solutions are allowed. © 2009
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Boltzmann function; Cell formation problem; Hybrid heuristic;
Mutation operator
INDEX KEYWORDS: Boltzmann function; Cell formation problem; Comparative studies;
Grouping efficacy; Hybrid heuristic; Hybrid heuristic algorithms; Manufacturing
cell formation; Mutation operator; Mutation operators; Test problem, Cell
membranes; Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic
methods; Portals; Simulated annealing; Steel structures, Heuristic algorithms
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SOURCE: Scopus

Hwang, H., Ree, P.

Routes selection for the cell formation problem with alternative part process plans
(1996) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 30 (3 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 423-431. Cited
39 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(96)00011-3
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv. Inst. Sci. and
Technol., 373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Keimyung University,
1000 Shindang-dong, Dalseo-gu, Taegu 704-701, South Korea
ABSTRACT: This article proposes a two stage procedure for the cell formation
problem with alternative process plans. At the first stage of the procedure, the
route selection problem is solved with the objective of maximizing the sum of
compatibility coefficients among selected process plans. At the second stage, part
families are formed based on the result of the first stage using the p-median
problem. The grouping solutions based on the proposed procedure are compared with
those of the generalized p-median model in terms of the number of exceptional
elements, grouping efficiency and grouping efficacy. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier
Science Ltd.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Integer programming; Machine tools; Mathematical models;
Optimization; Planning; Productivity, Cell formation problem; Part process plans;
Route selection problem, Manufacture
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hwang, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv.
Inst. Sci. and Technol., 373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Hosseinabadi Farahani, M., Hosseini, L.

An ant colony optimization approach for the machine–part cell formation problem
(2011) International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4 (4), pp. 486-
496. Cited 8 times.

DOI: 10.1080/18756891.2011.9727807
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Pasdaran Boulevard, Sanandaj, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the problem of grouping machines and parts into cells
(machine-part cell formation problem) is considered with the objective of
minimizing grouping efficacy. An ant colony optimization algorithm is developed to
solve such problem. In the proposed algorithm, solutions are constructed in a new
manner, two heuristic algorithms are used to determine part families and machine
cells and the similarity between parts is used as heuristic information. The
proposed algorithm is experimented on 35 test problems from the literature which
shows its advantage over existing algorithms. The algorithm improves the best known
values of the grouping efficacy for 5 problems. © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Cellular manufacturing; Grouping
efficacy; Heuristics; Machine-part cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Ant Colony Optimization algorithms; Ant-colony optimization; Cell
formation problem; Grouping efficacy; Heuristic information; Heuristics; Machine
cell; Machine-part cell formation; Part family; Test problem, Cellular
manufacturing; Heuristic algorithms; Optimization, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hosseinabadi Farahani, M.; Department of Industrial
Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Pasdaran Boulevard, Sanandaj, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 18756891
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Saraç, T., Ozcelik, F.

Subgradient based solution approach for cell formation problem with alternative
(2010) 24th Mini EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based
Technologies in the Financial Sector, MEC EurOPT 2010, pp. 81-86.

AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,

Eskisehir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is an important, critical and difficult step in cellular
manufacturing. While forming the cells, generally the part routes are used.
Introducing high capacity machines capable of performing different manufacturing
operations makes it possible to manufacture parts according to several alternative
part routes. By ignoring alternative routes, one may miss possibly more effective
manufacturing cell groupings. On the other hand, considering alternative routes
increases the complexity of the problem. In this study, we used modified
subgradient algorithm to solve the continuous form of cell formation problem with
alternative routes. Computational experiments are conducted to verify the
performance of the algorithm. © Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2010.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routes; Cell formation problem; Cellular
manufacturing; Modified subgradient algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Optimization, Alternative routes; Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Computational experiment; High capacity; Manufacturing operations;
Solution approach; Sub-gradient algorithm, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

ISBN: 9789955285977
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Mini EURO Conf. Continuous Optim. Inf.-Based Technol.
Financ. Sect., MEC EurOPT
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Car, Z., Mikac, T.

Evolutionary approach for solving cell-formation problem in cell manufacturing
(2006) Advanced Engineering Informatics, 20 (3), pp. 227-232. Cited 24 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2006.01.005
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering and Management Department, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Rijeka, Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
ABSTRACT: New environmental characteristics and requirements have challenged
manufacturing enterprises to improve the efficiency and productivity of their
production activities. Cellular manufacturing (CM) as one of the solutions to this
problem, as implementation of Group technology (GT), was proposed. Performance of
cellular manufacturing systems depends heavily on the cell structure. In this paper
we present and evaluate a novel approach for solving the cell-formation problem
based on implementation of a GA, called modified genetic algorithm (MGA).
Implementation of the GA in here presented simulation model is based on Emergent
Synthesis idea, of top-down problem decomposition and emerging solution from
bottom-up feedback. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Artificial neural network; Cell-formation problem; Cellular
manufacturing system; Genetic algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer simulation; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Problem
solving; Production control, Cell-formation problem; Cellular manufacturing system;
Emergent Synthesis; Modified genetic algorithm (MGA), Cellular manufacturing
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Karoum, B., El Khattabi, N., Elbenani, B., Ameur El Imrani, A.

An efficient artificial immune system algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2016) Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 16 (4), pp.
733-744. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.3233/JCM-160687
AFFILIATIONS: Research Computer Science Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Mohammed v
University, B.P. 1014 Rabat, Rabat, Morocco;
Conception and Systems Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Mohammed v University,
Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is one of the first issues faced in the
designing of cellular manufacturing systems. In this paper, a new solution approach
based on the artificial immune system algorithm is presented for the problem with
the aim of maximizing the grouping efficacy. To intensify the search, the proposed
method is refined by a tabu search algorithm. Numerical results confirm the
effectiveness of the method since it can reach the best known solutions of 30 most
widely used benchmark problems in short computational time. Compared with different
methods collected from the literature, the proposed algorithm performs well on all
test problems. © 2016 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; clonal selection; grouping efficacy; receptor
editing; tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Clone cells; Immune system; Manufacture; Numerical methods; Tabu
search, Artificial immune system algorithms; Bench-mark problems; Cell formation;
Cell formation problem; Clonal selection; Grouping efficacy; Receptor editing; Tabu
search algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Karoum, B.; Research Computer Science Laboratory, Faculty
of Science, Mohammed v University, B.P. 1014 Rabat, Morocco; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 14727978
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Comput. Methods Sci. Eng.
SOURCE: Scopus

Díaz, J.A., Luna, D.E., Zetina, C.A.

A hybrid algorithm for the manufacturing cell formation problem
(2013) Journal of Heuristics, 19 (1), pp. 77-96. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10732-013-9216-z
AFFILIATIONS: Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y Mecánica, Universidad de Las
Américas, Ex. Hda. Santa Catarina Mártir, 72820 Cholula, Puebla, Mexico
ABSTRACT: In this paper we compare different heuristic methods for the
manufacturing cell formation problem considering part process sequence: a GRASP
algorithm, a reactive GRASP algorithm and a hybrid algorithm which combines
reactive GRASP and tabu search. All algorithms are tested with a set of instances
from the literature. The results from the GRASP algorithm are compared to those of
the reactive GRASP in order to evaluate the advantages of automatically adjusting
the parameter value within the randomized greedy procedure. Also the reactive GRASP
results are compared to those of the hybrid algorithm to evaluate the contribution
to solution quality of replacing the local search phase of the GRASP algorithm with
tabu search. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: GRASP; Manufacturing cell formation problem; Tabu Search
INDEX KEYWORDS: GRASP; Grasp algorithms; Hybrid algorithms; Local search;
Manufacturing cell formation; Parameter values; Reactive GRASP; Solution quality,
Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic methods; Quality
control; Tabu search, Algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Díaz, J.A.; Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y
Mecánica, Universidad de Las Américas, Ex. Hda. Santa Catarina Mártir, 72820
Cholula, Puebla, Mexico; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 13811231
SOURCE: Scopus

Trinh, K., Ferland, J., Dinh, T.

A stochastic optimization method for solving the machine-part cell formation
(2011) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6838 LNCS, pp. 162-
169. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24728-6_22
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, VNU-HCMC,
227 Nguyen Van Cu, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam;
Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and
Transportation, Université de Montréal, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC, Canada
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we study the machine-part cell formation problem. The
problem is to assign the given machines and parts into cells so that the grouping
efficacy, a measure of autonomy, is maximized. First, we introduce a new randomized
local search algorithm which requires solving another subproblem for assigning
optimally parts into cells on the basis of given groups of machines. Second, we
propose an exact, polynomial-time algorithm to solve this subproblem. Finally, we
provide the numerical results of our proposed algorithm, using a popular set of
benchmark problems. Comparisons with other recent algorithms in the literature show
that our algorithm can improve the current best-known solutions for some instances.
© 2011 Springer-Verlag.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation Problem; Fractional Programming; Randomized Local
Search Algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Bench-mark problems; Cell formation problem; Fractional
programming; Grouping efficacy; Numerical results; Polynomial-time algorithms;
Randomized local search; Stochastic optimization methods, Intelligent computing;
Learning algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Trinh, K.; Faculty of Information Technology, University of
Science, VNU-HCMC, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 9783642247279
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Selim, H.M.
Manufacturing cell formation problem: A graph partitioning approach
(2002) Industrial Management and Data Systems, 102 (5-6), pp. 341-352. Cited 4

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics,

United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
ABSTRACT: The design of a cellular manufacturing system requires that a machine
population be partitioned into machine groups called manufacturing cells. A new
graph partitioning heuristic is proposed to solve the manufacturing cell formation
problem (MCFP). In the proposed heuristic, The MCFP is represented by a graph whose
node set represents the machine cluster and edge set represents the machine-pair
association weights. A graph partitioning approach is used to form the
manufacturing cells. This approach offers improved design flexibility by allowing a
variety of design parameters to be controlled during cell formation. The
effectiveness of the heuristic is demonstrated by comparing it to two MCFP
published solution methods using several problems from the literature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Heuristics; Manufacturing strategy;
Manufacturing systems
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Graph theory; Heuristic programming; Industrial
management; Machinery; Optimization; Scheduling, Graph partitioning approach;
Manufacturing cell formation problem; Manufacturing strategy; Manufacturing
systems, Cellular manufacturing
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Business and Economics, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab
ISSN: 02635577
SOURCE: Scopus

Mosier, C.T.
An experiment investigating the application of clustering procedures and similarity
coefficients to the GT machine cell formation problem
(1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27 (10), pp. 1811-1835. Cited
96 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207548908942656
AFFILIATIONS: School of Management, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, 13676, United
ABSTRACT: This paper reports the development of a number of similarity-based
coefficients designed for applying hierarchical cluster analysis to the group
technology machine cell formation problem. The paper also discusses an experimental
investigation applying these and other well-known similarity coefficients in
conjunction with some well-known clustering algorithms. The mixture model
experimental approach is used for the investigation. A number of problems were
generated via simulation, randomly ‘mixed’ to hide the original cellular structure,
and the clustering techniques applied. Extensions of prior research include the
development of new similarity coefficients, their comparative evaluation, and the
incorporation of the concept of part ‘weighting’ into the cluster analysis, and
hence, cell formation © 1989 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical Statistics--Monte Carlo Methods; Mathematical
Techniques--Heuristic; Production Control--Management, Clustering Procedures; Group
Technology; Machine Cell Formation Problem, Industrial Plants
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mosier, C.T.; School of Management, Clarkson University,
Potsdam, NY, 13676, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahmoodian, V., Jabbarzadeh, A., Rezazadeh, H., Barzinpour, F.

A novel intelligent particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving cell
formation problem
(2019) Neural Computing and Applications, 31, pp. 801-815. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/s00521-017-3020-x
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
ABSTRACT: The formation of manufacturing cells forms the backbone of designing a
cellular manufacturing system. In this paper, we present a novel intelligent
particle swarm optimization algorithm for the cell formation problem. The proposed
solution method benefits from the advantages of particle swarm optimization
algorithm (PSO) and self-organization map neural networks by combining artificial
individual intelligence and swarm intelligence. Numerical examples demonstrate that
the proposed intelligent particle swarm optimization algorithm significantly
outperforms PSO and yields better solutions than the best solutions existed in the
literature of cell formation. The application of the proposed approach is examined
in a case problem where real data is utilized for cell reconfiguration of an actual
company involved in agricultural manufacturing sector. © 2017, The Natural
Computing Applications Forum.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Discrete
learning; Neural networks; Particle swarm optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cellular neural networks; Cytology;
Engineering education; Neural networks; Problem solving; Swarm intelligence,
Artificial individual; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Discrete learning;
Manufacturing sector; Particle swarm optimization algorithm; Self-organization
maps; Solution methods, Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Jabbarzadeh, A.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran
University of Science and TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 09410643
SOURCE: Scopus

Bychkov, I., Batsyn, M., Pardalos, P.M.

Heuristic for maximizing grouping efficiency in the cell formation problem
(2017) Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 197, pp. 11-26.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56829-4_2
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136 Rodionova Street,
Nizhny Novgorod, 603093, Russian Federation;
Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida, 401 Weil Hall, P.O. Box
116595, Gainesville, 32611-6595, United States
ABSTRACT: In our paper, we consider the Cell Formation Problem in Group Technology
with grouping efficiency as an objective function. We present a heuristic approach
for obtaining high-quality solutions of the CFP. The suggested heuristic applies an
improvement procedure to obtain solutions with high grouping efficiency. This
procedure is repeated many times for randomly generated cell configurations. Our
computational experiments are performed for popular benchmark instances taken from
the literature with sizes from 10×20 to 50×150. Better solutions unknown before are
found for 23 instances of the 24 considered. The preliminary results for this paper
are available in Bychkov et al. (Models, algorithms, and technologies for network
analysis, Springer, NY, vol. 59, pp. 43–69, 2013, [7]). © Springer International
Publishing AG 2017.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Heuristic
methods, Cell configurations; Cell formation problem; Computational experiment;
Grouping efficiency; Heuristic approach; High-quality solutions; Objective
functions, Efficiency
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EDITORS: Pardalos P.M., Kalyagin V.A., Nikolaev A.I., Prokopyev O.A.
PUBLISHER: Springer New York LLC
ISSN: 21941009
ISBN: 9783319568287
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Springer Proc. Math. Stat.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Ree, P., Hwang, H.

Two-stage procedure for the cell formation problem with alternative part processing
(1996) Engineering Optimization, 26 (3), pp. 159-170. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1080/03052159608941115
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
Keimyung University, 1000 Shindang-dong, Dalseo-gu, Taegu 704-701, South Korea;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv. Inst. Sci. and Technol., 373-1
Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a two stage procedure for the cell formation problem
with alternative processing routes. Previously, Kusiak1 provided the generalized p-
median model in which route selection and part family formation problems are solved
simultaneously. In the proposed procedure, the two problems are solved separately
whose objective functions are formulated based on different similarity measures. In
the first stage, the route selection problem is solved using a newly defined
similarity measure, called the compatibility coefficient. The generated set of
routes tends to result in a grouping solution with highly independent manufacturing
cells. In the second stage, part families are formed using the p-median model.
Computational results by the proposed procedure are presented and compared to those
by the generalized p-median model.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Compatibility coefficients; Group technology;
Manufacturing; p-median model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Functions; Manufacture; Mathematical models;
Optimization; Problem solving, Alternative part processing routes; Cell formation
problem; Compatibility coefficient; Generalized p median model; Manufacturing
cells; Similarity measure, Production control
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Engineering, Keimyung University, 1000 Shindang-dong, Dalseo-gu, Taegu 704-701,
South Korea
PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Inc.
ISSN: 0305215X
SOURCE: Scopus

Kamalakannan, R., Pandian, R.S., Sivakumar, P.

A simulated annealing for the cell formation problem with ratio level data
(2019) International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, 10 (1), pp. 78-90.
Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, M. Kumarasamy College of

Engineering, Tamil Nadu, 639113, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SACS MAVMM Engineering College, Madurai, 625
301, India;
Faculty of Engineering, Mahsa University, Kuala Lumpur, 59100, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the cell formation problem is considered with ratio level
data with an objective of minimising the cell load variation. The attempt has been
made to propose a simulated annealing (SA) based on the perturbation scheme as
random insertion perturbation scheme (RIPS). The ratio level data is distinguished
by utilising the workload information gathered from process times, production
quantity of parts and also from the capacity of the machines. A modified grouping
efficiency (MGE) is used to measure the performance of the system. From the results
it is observed that the simulated annealing produces the solution does not differ
significantly from the optimal solutions for the benchmark problems. The algorithms
which we have chosen the benchmark problems are K-means, modified ART1 and genetic
algorithm taken from the literature. © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Ratio level data; Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kamalakannan, R.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.
Kumarasamy College of EngineeringIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17481252
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Enterp. Network Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Babazadeh, R., Rafiei, H., Rabbani, M.

A dynamic sustainable cell formation problem in agile production systems
(2013) International Journal of Operational Research, 16 (4), pp. 448-464. Cited 3

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2013.052714
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-45632, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses cell formation problem in an agile production
environment considering machine modification. Having modifications applied, inter-
cell movements and costs of purchasing new machines are considerably reduced. Using
machine modification technology in cellular manufacturing system reduces the inter-
cell movement and costs of purchasing new machines. Parts' demands determine the
number of required machines in each period and thereby a proper decision can be
made in regards to purchasing new machines and/or machine modification. Considering
the customer satisfaction issue in the agile production systems, response time to
customers is very important, machine modification approach can be applied with
fewer costs and high degree of response (quick response) in these systems.
Sensitivity analysis on the machine modification benefits shows the sensitivity of
proposed model to this benefit. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Agile production system; Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic cell
formation problem; Machine modification
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rabbani, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering, College
of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-45632, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17457645
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Paydar, M.M., Saidi-Mehrabad, M.

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(2013) Computers and Operations Research, 40 (4), pp. 980-990. Cited 58 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2012.10.016
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem attempts to group machines and part families in
dedicated manufacturing cells such that the number of voids and exceptional
elements in cells are minimized. In this paper, we presented a linear fractional
programming model with the objective of maximizing the grouping efficacy while the
number of cells is unknown. To show the effectiveness of the proposed model, two
test problems were applied. Then, to solve the model for real-sized applications, a
hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm in which genetic algorithm and variable
neighborhood search are combined. Using the grouping efficacy measure, we have also
compared the performance of the proposed algorithm on a set of 35 test problems
from the literature. The results show that the proposed GA-VNS method outperforms
the state-of-the-art algorithms. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
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Neighborhood search algorithms; Part family; State-of-the-art algorithms; Test
problem; Variable neighborhood search, Cellular manufacturing; Heuristic
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University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03050548
SOURCE: Scopus

Lin, C.-C., Chang, C.-C., Li, F.-C.

An efficient tabu search approach to determine cell formation problem with
consideration of cell layout
(2011) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management, art. no. 6118155, pp. 1441-1445.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2011.6118155
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Applied English, Yu Da University, Taiwan;
Department of Information Management, Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing
and Management, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a mathematical model is formulated to integrate cell
formation and cell layout simultaneously with considerations of alternative process
routings, operation sequences, production volume and different cellular layout
type. Due to the combinatorial nature of cell formation problem and cell layout
problem, an efficient tabu search (TS) approach has been proposed to address these
issues. Several test instances from the literature are employed to illustrate the
effectiveness of the proposed solution algorithm. Computational experiences from
test problems show that the proposed approach is extremely effective and efficient.
When compared with the mathematical programming approach which took 34 hours to
solve problems, the proposed algorithm is able to produce optimal solutions in less
than 1 second. These comparisons show that the proposed approach is very effective,
efficient and practical. © 2011 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell layout; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Cell layout; Cell layout problem; Cellular layout; Operation sequences;
Optimal solutions; Production volumes; Solution algorithms; Test instances; Test
problem, Algorithms; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Industrial engineering;
Mathematical models; Mathematical programming; Tabu search, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lin, C.-C.; Department of Applied English, Yu Da
UniversityTaiwan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 21573611
ISBN: 9781457707391
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IEEE Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Eng. Manage.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M., Solimanpur, M., Heidarzade, A.

Genetic algorithm approach for solving a cell formation problem in cellular
(2009) Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (3 PART 2), pp. 6598-6604. Cited 97

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2008.07.054
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Tabarsi Street, Babol, 47166-95635, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, Sari, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an industrial application of group
technology concept. One of the problems encountered in the implementation of CM is
the cell formation problem (CFP). The CFP attempted here is to group machines and
parts in dedicated manufacturing cells so that the number of voids and exceptional
elements in cells are minimized. The proposed model, with nonlinear terms and
integer variables, cannot be solved for real sized problems efficiently due to its
NP-hardness. To solve the model for real-sized applications, a genetic algorithm is
proposed. Numerical examples show that the proposed method is efficient and
effective in searching for optimal solutions. The results also indicate that the
proposed approach performs well in terms of group efficacy compared to the well-
known existing cell formation methods. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm;
Group efficacy; Mathematical model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Mathematical
models; Numerical methods, Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Exceptional
elements; Genetic algorithm approach; Group efficacy; Integer variables; Nonlinear
terms; Optimal solutions, Cellular manufacturing
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pp. 1609-1617;
Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal of Production
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Zolfaghari, S., Liang, M., An objective-guided ortho-synapse Hopfield network
approach to machine grouping problems (1997) International Journal of Production
Research, 35 (10), pp. 2773-2792
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Tabarsi Street, Babol, 47166-
95635, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Bajestani, M.A., Rabbani, M., Rahimi-Vahed, A.R., Baharian Khoshkhou, G.

A multi-objective scatter search for a dynamic cell formation problem
(2009) Computers and Operations Research, 36 (3), pp. 777-794. Cited 80 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2007.10.026
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering. University of Tehran, P.O. Box
11365, 4563 Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system-an important application of group
technology (GT)-has been recognized as an effective way to enhance the productivity
in a factory. Consequently, a multi-objective dynamic cell formation problem is
presented in this paper, where the total cell load variation and sum of the
miscellaneous costs (machine cost, inter-cell material handling cost, and machine
relocation cost) are to be minimized simultaneously. Since this type of problem is
NP-hard, a new multi-objective scatter search (MOSS) is designed for finding
locally Pareto-optimal frontier. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed
algorithm, MOSS is compared with two salient multi-objective genetic algorithms,
i.e. SPEA-II and NSGA-II based on some comparison metrics and statistical approach.
The computational results indicate the superiority of the proposed MOSS compared to
these two genetic algorithms. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Multi-objective cell formation problem;
Multi-objective genetic algorithms; Multi-objective scatter search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Costs; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Group
technology; Industrial engineering; Manufacture; Materials handling; Multiobjective
optimization; Nuclear propulsion, Dynamic cell formation; Multi-objective cell
formation problem; Multi-objective genetic algorithms; Multi-objective scatter
search, Cellular manufacturing
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SOURCE: Scopus

Khamseh, A.A., Paydar, M.M., Sahebjamnia, N., Mofidi, M.

A mathmatical model for cell formation problem with operation sequence
(2008) 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008,
3, pp. 2169-2174.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of

Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Young Researchers Club, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem (CFP) is an important problem in the design of a
cellular manufacturing system. Most of the methods have been proposed to solve the
CFP based on machine-part incidence alone. However, other factors such as
production sequence and product volumes, if incorporated, can enhance the quality
of the solutions. So an attempt have been made to take into account the natural
constraints of real-life production systems, such as operation sequences, minimum
and maximum numbers of cells and cell sizes. This paper presents a new mathematical
model to solve a CFP based on operation sequence with varied number of the cell
that minimized the sum total cost of inter-cell and intra-cell movements
simultaneously. To validate the proposed model, some numerical example from existed
literature has been solved with the linearized formulation. Copyright©(2008) by
Computers & Industrial Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Inter-cell and intra-cell movement;
Operation sequence
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cell size; Inter-cell and intra-cell
movement; Mathmatical models; New mathematical model; Operation sequences;
Production sequences; Production system, Cellular manufacturing; Cytology;
Production engineering, Cells
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University
of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran

ISBN: 9781627486828
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Ulutas, B.
Assessing the number of cells for a cell formation problem
(2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (3), pp. 1122-1127. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.234
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,
Eskisehir, 26480, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing design is concerned with the creation and
operation of manufacturing cells to take the advantage of flexibility, efficient
flow and high production rate. Cell formation problem (CFP) is the assignment of
part types and machines to specific cells based on their similarity. Several exact
and heuristic methods are provided in literature to solve the problem and test
problems in literature are commonly used for comparison. This study presents a
Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) to solve a classical CFP that outperforms current
available heuristics in the literature. The number of cells may be critical in the
environments where cell formation costs are high and singletons occur in a design.
It is concluded that the CFP results should be assessed not only based on efficacy
values but also the number of cells. © 2015, IFAC (International Federation of
Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Artificial immune systems; Cell formation problem; Clonal
selection algorithm; Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Clone cells; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group
technology; Heuristic methods; Manufacture; Problem solving, Artificial Immune
System; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing designs;
Clonal selection algorithms; High production rate; Test problem, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ulutas, B.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskisehir
Osmangazi UniversityTurkey; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Dolgui A., Sasiadek J., Zaremba M.
ISSN: 24058963
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Mar-Ortiz, J., González-Velarde, J.L., Adenso-Díaz, B.

A VNS algorithm for a disassembly cell formation problem with demand variability
(2014) European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 22-49. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2014.059347
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Logistics and Manufacturing Systems, Faculty of
Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, 89140 Tampico Tamaulipas, Mexico;
Tecnológico de Monterrey, 64849 Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico;
Engineering School, Universidad de Oviedo, 33203 Gijón, Spain
ABSTRACT: A disassembly cell formation problem with demand variability is addressed
in this paper under a reconfigurable approach. The reconfigurable approach allows
the cells to be rearranged periodically to deal with demand variability in a multi-
period planning horizon. We present a first mathematical programming model for this
new problem as well as a solution method based on the variable neighbourhood search
(VNS) methodology. Computational results on a set of random instances show the
convenience of the proposed algorithm to reach near optimal solutions in short
computing times. When compared with the solutions found by CPLEX after 5 hrs of CPU
time, on average our proposed algorithm obtained solutions improved by 7.96%. When
our VNS solution is provided to CPLEX as the starting solution, these are improved
by 2.75% on average. The comparison shows that our heuristic algorithms reach high
quality solutions in very short computing times. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; DCFP; Disassembly cell formation
problem; Integer optimisation; Reverse logistics; Variable neighbourhood search;
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Tamaulipas, Mexico; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 17515254
SOURCE: Scopus

Solimanpur, M., Foroughi, A.

A new approach to the cell formation problem with alternative processing routes and
operation sequence
(2011) International Journal of Production Research, 49 (19), pp. 5833-5849. Cited
27 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2010.528060
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Azad University, Arak, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an important application of group
technology in manufacturing systems. One of the crucial steps in the design of CM
is the identification of part families and manufacturing cells. This problem is
referred to as cell formation problem (CFP) in the literature. In this article, a
solution approach is proposed for CFP, which considers many parameters such as
machine requirement, sequence of operations, alternative processing routes,
processing time, production volume, budget limitation, cost of machines, etc. Due
to the NP-hardness of CFP, it cannot be efficiently solved for medium- to large-
sized problems. Thus, a genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to solve the formulated
model. Comparison of the results obtained from the proposed GA to the globally
optimum solutions obtained by Lingo Software and those reported in the literature
reveals the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach. © 2011 Taylor &
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: alternative routes; cell formation problem; cellular
manufacturing; mathematical programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative processing routes; Alternative routes; cell formation
problem; Machine requirements; NP-hardness; Operation sequences; Optimum solution;
Part family; Processing Time; Production volumes; Solution approach, Flexible
manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Mathematical
programming, Cellular manufacturing
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Salehi, M., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.

A genetic algorithm-based grouping method for a cell formation problem with the
efficacy measure
(2010) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 6 (3), pp. 340-
359. Cited 8 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2010.035016
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bojnourd,
Bojnourd, Khorasane Shomali, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Enghelab, Amir Abad, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Over the past 25 years, the machine-part cell formation problem (CFP) has
been the subject of numerous studies. The CFP consists of constructing a set of
machine cells and their corresponding product families with the objective of
minimising the inter-cell movement of parts while maximising the machine
utilisation. This article presents a grouping genetic algorithm for the CFP that
uses the grouping efficacy measure. We solve the CFP without pre-determining the
number of cells. We also make some effort to improve the efficiency of our
algorithm with respect to initialisation of the population, keeping a crossover
operator from cloning. The computational results using the grouping efficacy
measure for a set of CFPs from the literature are presented. The proposed algorithm
performs well on all the test problems, exceeding or matching the solution quality
of the results presented in the previous literature for most problems. © 2010
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Genetic
algorithm; Grouping efficacy; Grouping efficiency; Grouping technology; Inter-
cellular movement; Machine utilisation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Grouping
efficacy; Grouping efficiency; Grouping technology; Inter-cellular movement;
Machine utilisation, Cloning; Genetic algorithms; Mathematical operators, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Salehi, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Bojnourd, Bojnourd, Khorasane Shomali, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17485037
SOURCE: Scopus

Jabal Ameli, M.S., Arkat, J., Barzinpour, F.

Modelling the effects of machine breakdowns in the generalized cell formation
(2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 39 (7-8), pp.
838-850. Cited 33 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-007-1269-4
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Narmak, Farjam, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran;
Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran
ABSTRACT: Machines are key elements in manufacturing systems and their breakdowns
can dramatically affect system performance measures. This paper proposes a new
multi-objective pure integer linear programming approach for the cell formation
problem with alternative process routings and machine reliability consideration.
The model minimizes total cost and maximizes system reliability simultaneously.
Traditional reliability evaluation approaches attempt to model the reliability of
the manufacturing system as a function of its elements. These approaches have some
negative aspects; therefore, instead of modeling the system reliability as an
explicit objective function, we use an approach to model the effects of the machine
unreliability in terms of cost and time-based effects. Using the É-constraint
method as an optimization tool for multi-objective programming, a numerical example
is solved to demonstrate the capability of the proposed model in evaluating various
effects of the reliability consideration. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation; É-constraint
method; Multi-objective programming; Production sequence; Reliability
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computer software selection and evaluation;
Constrained optimization; Fischer-Tropsch synthesis; Integer programming; Linear
programming; Linearization; Multiobjective optimization; Probability density
function, Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Cell formation problems;
Constraint methods; Generalized cells; Integer Linear programmings; Key elements;
Machine breakdowns; Machine reliabilities; Manufacturing systems; Multi-objective
programming; Numerical examples; Objective functions; Objective programmings;
Optimization tools; Production sequence; Reliability evaluations; System
performance measures; System reliabilities; Total costs, Reliability
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Nasiri, M.M., Naseri, F.

Metaheuristic algorithms for the generalised cell formation problem considering
machine reliability
(2019) International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 9 (4), pp.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2019.103426
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we use two metaheuristic algorithms, i.e., artificial bee
colony (ABC) and covariance matrix adaptation revolution strategies (CMA-ES), for
solving the generalised cell formation problem considering machine reliability. The
purpose is to choose the best process routing for each part and to allocate the
machines to the manufacturing cells in order to minimise the total cost, which is
composed of intracellular movement cost, intercellular movement cost and machines
breakdown cost. To evaluate the metaheuristic algorithms, eight numerical examples
in three different sizes are solved. The results of the two algorithms are compared
with each other and with the results of solving the MIP model. Both the MIP solver
and metaheuristics find the optimal solutions for the small size problem instances
while by increasing the problem size, metaheuristics show higher performance. The
results illustrate that the CMA-ES algorithm outperforms the ABC algorithm in both
solution quality and CPU time. Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: ABC; Artificial bee colony; CMA-ES; Covariance matrix
adaptation revolution strategies; Generalised cell formation problem; Group
technology; Reliability
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Engineering, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 14606739
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Process Manage. Benchmarking
SOURCE: Scopus

Batsyn, M.V., Batsyna, E.K., Bychkov, I.S.

NP-completeness of cell formation problem with grouping efficacy objective
(2019) International Journal of Production Research, .

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1668072
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, National Research University
Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
ABSTRACT: In the current paper we provide a proof of NP-completeness for the Cell
Formation Problem (CFP) with the fractional grouping efficacy objective function.
First the CFP with a linear objective function is considered. Following the ideas
of Pinheiro et al. (2016) we show that it is equivalent to the Bicluster Graph
Editing Problem (BGEP), which is known to be NP-complete due to the reduction from
the 3-Exact 3-Cover Problem–3E3CP (Amit, 2004). Then we suggest a polynomial
reduction of the CFP with the linear objective to the CFP with the grouping
efficacy objective. It proves the NP-completeness of this fractional CFP
formulation. Along with the NP-status our paper presents important connections of
the CFP with the BGEP and 3E3CP. Such connections could be used for ”transferring”
of known theoretical properties, efficient algorithms, polynomial cases, and other
features of well-studied graph editing and exact covering problems to the CFP. ©
2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: bicluster graph editing problem; cell formation problem;
grouping efficacy; np-complete
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical models; Production engineering, Bi clusters; Cell
formation problem; Covering problems; Grouping efficacy; Linear objective
functions; NP Complete; Objective functions; Polynomial reduction, Cellular
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PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
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Karoum, B., Elbenani, Y.B.

Discrete cuckoo search algorithm for solving the cell formation problem
(2019) International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 14 (3), pp. 245-264. Cited
1 time.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMR.2019.100991
AFFILIATIONS: Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI), Faculty of Science,
Mohammed V University of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco;
Conception and Systems Laboratory (LCS), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University
of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The manufacturing cell formation problem is considered one of the first
issues in the designing of cellular manufacturing systems, that attempts to
construct a set of machine cells and their corresponding product families. The aim
is to minimise the inter-cell movements of the products while maximising the
machine utilisation. Recently developed cuckoo search algorithm is introduced in
this paper to solve this kind of problems which is discrete in nature. The proposed
method is combined with a local search mechanism in order to intensify the search
and improve the quality of the solutions. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed algorithm, a set of 35 benchmark problems is used; the results are
then compared to different methods collected from the literature. The results
demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is a very effective and performs well on
all test problems since it can reach 32 out of 35 benchmark problems (91.43%).
Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; CFP; Cuckoo
search algorithm; Grouping efficacy; Lévy flights
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cells; Cytology; Learning algorithms; Optimization;
Product design, Bench-mark problems; Cell formation problem; Cell movement; Cuckoo
search algorithms; Grouping efficacy; Manufacturing cell formation; Product
families; Test problem, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Karoum, B.; Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI),
Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University of RabatMorocco; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17500591
SOURCE: Scopus

Azadeh, A., Moghaddam, M., Nazari-Doust, B., Jalalvand, F.

Fuzzy and stochastic mathematical programming for optimisation of cell formation
problems in random and uncertain states
(2015) International Journal of Operational Research, 22 (2), pp. 129-147. Cited 3

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2015.067341
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Engineering Optimization, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365/4563, Tehran, Iran;
School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 315 N., Grant Street, West
Lafayette, IN 47907-2023, United States
ABSTRACT: Applying mathematical programming models to solve the cellular
manufacturing problems is a challenging task as decision makers find it difficult
to specify goals and constraints because some of the involved parameters cannot be
estimated precisely. This study presents a modelling approach for design of a
dynamic cellular manufacturing system with uncertain characteristics and
parameters. It provides mathematical models for solving cell formation problems
(CFPs) in three different conditions: 1) crisp state in which all parameters are
known and fixed; 2) fuzzy state in which setup cost, outsourcing cost and capacity
of machines are considered as fuzzy parameters; 3) stochastic state in which
probability distributions are used to model the assumed randomness. The general
algebraic modelling system (GAMS) software is used to solve all test problems by
CPLEX solver. This is the first study that presents mathematical programming models
for solving CMS problems in crisp, stochastic and fuzzy states. © 2015 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; CFP; Fuzzy mathematical programming;
Optimisation; Stochastic mathematical programming; Uncertain environments.
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of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365/4563, Iran
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17457645
SOURCE: Scopus

Saraç, T., Ozcelik, F.

A genetic algorithm with proper parameters for manufacturing cell formation
(2012) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 (4), pp. 1047-1061. Cited 17 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-010-0446-8
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,
Eskisehir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: One fundamental problem in cellular manufacturing is the formation of
product families and machine cells. Many solution methods have been developed for
the cell formation problem. Since efficient grouping is the prerequisite of a
successful Cellular Manufacturing installation the research in this area will
likely be continued. In this paper, we consider the problem of cell formation in
cellular manufacturing systems with the objective of maximizing the grouping
efficacy. We propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to obtain machine-cells and part-
families. Developed GA has three different selection and crossover operators. The
proper operators and parameters of the GA were determined by design of experiments.
A set of 15 test problems with various sizes drawn from the literature is used to
test the performance of the proposed algorithm. The corresponding results are
compared to several well-known algorithms published. The comparative study shows
that the proposed GA improves the grouping efficacy for 40% of the test problems. ©
2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Design of experiments; Genetic
algorithms; Grouping efficacy
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Comparative studies;
Crossover operator; Grouping efficacy; Machine cell; Manufacturing cell formation;
Product families; Solution methods; Test problem, Design of experiments; Genetic
algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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Elbenani, B., Ferland, J.A., Bellemare, J.

Genetic algorithm and large neighbourhood search to solve the cell formation
(2012) Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (3), pp. 2408-2414. Cited 27 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.08.089
AFFILIATIONS: Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle, Université
de Montréal, C.P. 6228, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3J7, Canada
ABSTRACT: We first introduce a local search procedure to solve the cell formation
problem where each cell includes at least one machine and one part. The procedure
applies sequentially an intensification strategy to improve locally a current
solution and a diversification strategy destroying more extensively a current
solution to recover a new one. To search more extensively the feasible domain, a
hybrid method is specified where the local search procedure is used to improve each
offspring solution generated with a steady state genetic algorithm. The numerical
results using 35 most widely used benchmark problems indicate that the line search
procedure can reduce to 1% the average gap to the best-known solutions of the
problems using an average solution time of 0.64 s. The hybrid method can reach the
best-known solution for 31 of the 35 benchmark problems, and improve the best-known
solution of three others, but using more computational effort. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Destroy & recover strategy; Grouping
efficiency; Local search; Steady state genetic algorithm; Uniform crossover
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Grouping efficiency; Local search; Steady-
state genetic algorithms; Uniform crossover, Cellular manufacturing; Numerical
methods, Genetic algorithms
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algorithms (1992) Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, pp. 4-101., G.J.E. Rawlings,
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Tunnukij, T., Hicks, C., An enhanced genetic algorithm for solving the cell
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Waghodekar, P.H., Sahu, S., Machine-component cell formation in group technology:
Mace (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22 (6), pp. 937-948
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ferland, J.A.; Département d'Informatique et de Recherche
Opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6228, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC
H3C 3J7, Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

Javadian, N., Seyyedi, I., Rezaeian, J.

A genetic algorithm approach for a dynamic cell formation problem
(2009) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 42 (4 PART 1), pp. 1055-1060.

DOI: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0121
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Technology,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, PO Box 734, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: Over the past three decades considerable amount of research work has been
reported in the literature of Group Technology (GT). Cellular Manufacturing System-
an important application of Group Technology (GT) - has been recognized as an
effective way to enhance the productivity in a factory. Cellular manufacturing is
one of the most powerful management innovations in actualizing mass customization.
Most of the research work is concerned with formation of machine cells and part
families. This is because cell formation is considered to be the most complex and
the most important aspect of Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS). Due to NP
completeness of cell formation problem (CFP), many heuristics have been developed.
In this paper, an integer programming model is constructed to design a cellular
manufacturing system with independent cells. A genetic algorithm is developed to
solve the cell design problem. The results from the investigations show that the
genetic algorithm often finds better solutions than the exact algorithms. © 2009
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic
algorithm; Integer programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Integer
programming, Cell formation problem; Dynamic cell formation; Exact algorithms;
Genetic algorithm approach; Integer programming models; Management innovation; Mass
customization; Np-completeness, Cellular manufacturing
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dynamic cell formation problem using metaheuristics (2005) Applied Mathematics and
Computation, 170 (2), pp. 761-780., DOI 10.1016/j.amc.2004.12.021, PII
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Javadian, N.; Department of Industrial Engineering, College
of Technology, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, PO Box 734, Babol,
Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 14746670
ISBN: 9783902661432
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Safaei, N., Sassani, F.

A new solution for a dynamic cell formation problem with alternative routing and
machine costs using simulated annealing
(2008) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (4), pp. 443-454. Cited 30

DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602436
AFFILIATIONS: University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran;
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran,
P.O. Box: 11365/4563, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an integer-linear programming approach for a cell
formation problem (CFP) in a dynamic environment with a multi-period planning
horizon. The objectives are to minimize the inter-cell movement and machine costs
simultaneously. In dynamic environments, the product mix and demand are different
but deterministic in each period. As a consequence, the formed cells in the current
period may not be optimal for the next period. Thus, the reconfiguration of cells
is required. Reconfiguration consists of re-forming part families, machine groups,
and machine relocation. The CFP belongs to the category of NP-hard problems, thus
we develop an efficient simulated annealing (SA) method to solve such a problem.
The proposed mathematical model is optimally solved and the associated results are
compared with the results obtained by the SA run. The results show that the gap
between optimal and SA solutions is less than 4%, which indicates the efficiency of
the developed SA scheme. © 2008 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation problem; Mixed-integer programming;
Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Linear programming; Problem solving;
Product development, Dynamic cell formation problem; Inter-cell movement; Mixed-
integer programming, Integer programming
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; Department of Industrial
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11365/4563,
Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 01605682
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Jabalameli, M.S., Arkat, J., Sakri, M.S.

Applying metaheuristics in the generalized cell formation problem considering
machine reliability
(2008) Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 25 (4), pp. 261-
274. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1080/10170660809509090
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering-Iran, University of Science and
Technology, Iraq;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Iraq;
Department of Planning, Kurdistan Tractor Manufacturing Co., Iraq
ABSTRACT: Machines are the major component of the cellular manufacturing systems
(CMS). Usually, it is difficult to handle machine breakdowns as quickly as the
production requirement dictates and therefore, the reliability consideration plays
an important role in the overall performance of the CMS. We present a mathematical
model of the cell formation problem with alternative process routings (APR) and
machine reliability consideration. The proposed model tries to simultaneously
minimize the intercellular movement costs and to maximize the reliability of the
manufacturing system. In addition, we develop three sets of metaheuristics, namely
simulated annealing, genetic algorithm and memetic algorithm to solve the proposed
model. Using some numerical examples, we compare the performance of the proposed
algorithms with an optimum algorithm, namely the branch and bound algorithm. The
results show that in comparison with the branch and bound algorithm, the proposed
metaheuristics can obtain better objective function values in less computational
time. © 2008, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Genetic algorithm;
Machines reliability; Memetic algorithm; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Branch and bound method; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic algorithms;
Manufacture; Reliability; Simulated annealing, Alternative process routings;
Branch-and-bound algorithms; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Intercellular
movement; Memetic algorithms; Objective function values; Production requirements,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; Department of Industrial Engineering, University
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ISSN: 10170669
SOURCE: Scopus

Thanh, L.T., Ferland, J.A., Elbenani, B., Dinh Thuc, N., Hien Nguyen, V.
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formation problem
(2016) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67 (1), pp. 20-36. Cited 11

DOI: 10.1057/jors.2015.46
AFFILIATIONS: Institute for Computational Science and Technology at Ho Chi Minh
City, Viet Nam;
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal,
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, 2920 chemin de la Tour, Montreál, H3C 3J7, Canada;
Research Laboratory of Informatics, Mohammed v University-Agdal, Morocco, United
University of Science, VNU-HCM, Viet Nam;
University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
ABSTRACT: In this paper we solve the 0-1 cell formation problem where the number of
cells is fixed a priori and where the objective is to maximize the overall
efficiency of a production system by grouping together machines providing service
to similar parts into a subsystem (denoted cell). Three different methods are
introduced and compared numerically. The first local search method is an
implementation of simulated annealing (SA) where the definition of the
neighbourhood is specific to the application and requires using a diversification
and intensification strategies. The second local search method is an adaptive
simulated annealing method where the neighbourhood is selected randomly at each
iteration. The procedure is adaptive in the sense that the probability of selecting
a neighbourhood is updated during the process. The third method is a hybrid method
(HM) of a population-based method and a local search method. To improve the
solution obtained with HM, we apply a SA method afterward. The best variants are
very efficient to solve the 35 benchmark problems commonly used in the literature.
© 2016 Operational Research Society Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: combinatorial optimization; Evolutionary computation; fractional
programming; genetic algorithm; simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Combinatorial
optimization; Cytology; Evolutionary algorithms; Genetic algorithms; Local search
(optimization); Mathematical programming; Optimization; Simulated annealing,
Adaptive simulated annealing; Bench-mark problems; Cell formation problem;
Computational studies; Diversification and intensification strategies; Fractional
programming; Local search method; Meta heuristic algorithm, Iterative methods
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PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
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SOURCE: Scopus

Shahparvari, S., Chiniforooshan, P.

Hybridization of genetic algorithm and linear programming for solving cell
formation problem with alternative process routings
(2012) Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 1, pp. 167-172. Cited 1

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Kish International Campus,

University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;
Science and Research Branch, Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed to solve cell formation
problem considering alternative process routings in which more than one process
route for each part can be selected. The model attempts to minimize intercellular
movements and incorporates several real-life production factors and practical
constraints. In order to increase the flexibility provided by the multiplicity of
routings, the model distributes production volume of each part among alternative
routes. Also, a constraint enforcing work load balancing among machines is included
in the model. Due to the complexity and combinatorial nature of this model, an
enhanced algorithm comprised of a genetic algorithm (GA) and a linear programming
(LP) is proposed for solving the model. At each iteration, the algorithm identifies
the machine cells by GA. Consequently, the production quantity of each part in each
route is determined by LP sub-problem. A numerical example is solved and compared
with the solution approach from the literature that selects only one route for each
part. The computational results show that the proposed approach offers better
solution. © 2012 Newswood Limited. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Genetic algorithm;
Hybrid meta-heuristic; Linear programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic programming;
Iterative methods; Linear programming; Problem solving, Alternative process
routings; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Computational results; Enhanced
algorithms; Hybrid Meta-heuristic; Intercellular movement; Production quantity,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Shahparvari, S.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Kish
International Campus, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Burgstone J., Ao S.I., Douglas C., Grundfest W.S.
PUBLISHER: Newswood Limited
ISSN: 20780958
ISBN: 9789881925169; 9789881925114
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Lect. Notes Eng. Comput. Sci.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Noktehdan, A., Karimi, B., Husseinzadeh Kashan, A.
A differential evolution algorithm for the manufacturing cell formation problem
using group based operators
(2010) Expert Systems with Applications, 37 (7), pp. 4822-4829. Cited 39 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2009.12.033
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of
Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an important application of group
technology (GT), a manufacturing philosophy in which parts are grouped into part
families, and machines are allocated into machine cells to take advantage of the
similarities among parts in manufacturing. The target is to minimize inter-cellular
movements. Inspired by the rational behind the so called grouping genetic algorithm
(GGA), this paper proposes a grouping version of differential evolution (GDE)
algorithm and its hybridized version with a local search algorithm (HGDE) to solve
benchmarked instances of cell formation problem posing as a grouping problem. To
evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we borrow a set of 40 problem instances
from literature and compare the performance of GGA and GDE. We also compare the
performance of both algorithms when they are tailored with a local search
algorithm. Our computations reveal that the proposed algorithm performs well on all
test problems, exceeding or matching the best solution quality of the results
presented in previous literature. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Differential evolution algorithm;
Grouping genetic algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Differential Evolution; Differential
evolution algorithms; Group-based; Grouping genetic algorithms; Grouping problem;
Local search algorithm; Machine cell; Manufacturing cell formation; Part family;
Problem instances; Solution quality; Test problem, Damping; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Learning algorithms; Mathematical
operators; Mobile telecommunication systems; Philosophical aspects, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Karimi, B.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir
University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus

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DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.02.012
AFFILIATIONS: Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By
Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5B6, Canada;
Faculté des sciences de l'administration, Département Opérations and Systèmes de
décision, Université Laval, Que. G1K 7P4, Canada;
Operations and Information Management Department, School of Business
Administration, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-2041, United States;
Département d'informatique et de mathématique, Université de Québec à Chicoutimi,
Que. G7H 2B1, Canada
ABSTRACT: The entropy-based measure has been used in previous works to compute the
population diversity in solving the cell formation problem with the genetic
algorithm. Population diversity is crucial to the genetic algorithm's ability to
continue fruitful exploration as it may be used in choosing an initial population,
in defining a stopping criterion, in evaluating the population convergence, and in
making the search more efficient throughout the selection of crossover operators or
the adjustment of various control parameters (e.g., crossover or mutation rate,
population size). We show in this note that, when a non-ordinal chromosome
representation corresponding to the allocation of machines to cells is used, the
current way of measuring the population diversity is inaccurate. Consequently, it
leads to wrong conclusions when, at various iterations, carrying out fruitful
exploration or an efficient search of the solution space is guided by the perceived
population diversity degree. An alternative approach based on computing the
distance and the similarity between chromosomes is discussed. © 2006 Elsevier B.V.
All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Genetic
algorithm; Population diversity; Population heterogeneity
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Chromosomes; Convergence of numerical
methods; Mathematical operators; Population statistics; Problem solving, Cell
formation problem; Population diversity; Population heterogeneity, Genetic
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University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5B6, Canada; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Hazarika, M., Laha, D.

Application of genetic algorithm in generalized machine cell formation problem
(2018) 2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and
Soft Computing, ICECDS 2017, pp. 1855-1860.

DOI: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8389770
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assam Engineering College,
Guwahati, 781013, India
ABSTRACT: In automated batch type production systems, machine-part cell formation
problems (CFP) have long drawn attention of researchers. The objective of CFP in
cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is to identity machine cells and part families
in order to minimize the intercellular movements of parts as well as maximize the
utilization of machines. Optimum cell formation results reduction in total
production times, in-process inventories, material handling cost, labor cost/times,
paper works, number of machine set-ups, set-up times. It also simplifies process
plans, management and improves product quality, productivity, utilization of
resources. Since the modern manufacturing machines are generally multifunctional,
so the processing of parts can be performed by number of alternative routes. The
objectives of this study is to determine the optimal processing route and balanced
machine cells (to minimize cell load variation) incorporation with parts volume,
process sequence for minimum intercellular movements of parts. A genetic algorithm
metaheuristic approach is presented for a benchmark CFP. Computational results show
that the proposed approach gives better result comparatively with the well-known
existing methods in terms of total intercellular movements. © 2017 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cellular manufacturing system;
Genetic algorithm; Intercellular movement of parts; Route selection
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Materials handling; Soft
computing; Transportation routes; Wages, Alternative process routings; In-process
inventories; Intercellular movement; Machine cell formation problems; Material
handling costs; Meta-heuristic approach; Route Selection; Utilization of resources,
Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781538618868
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Energy, Commun., Data Anal. Soft Comput.,
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Utkina, I.E., Batsyn, M.V., Batsyna, E.K.

A branch-and-bound algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2018) International Journal of Production Research, 56 (9), pp. 3262-3273. Cited 3
DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2018.1444811
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, National Research University
Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
ABSTRACT: The Cell Formation Problem (CFP) is an important optimisation problem in
manufacturing. It has been introduced in the Group Technology (GT) and its goal is
to group machines and parts processed on them into production cells minimising the
movement of parts to other cells for processing and maximising for each cell the
loading of its machines with operations on its parts. We consider one of the
computationally hardest formulations of this problem–the CFP with a variable number
of cells and the grouping efficacy objective, which is a fractional function. The
CFP literature contains many heuristic algorithms, but only a small number of exact
approaches especially for this formulation. In the current paper, we present an
exact branch-and-bound algorithm for the same hard CFP formulation. To linearise
the fractional objective function, we apply the Dinkelbach approach. We have been
able to solve 24 of the 35 instances from the well known GT benchmark. For the
remaining 11 instances, the difference in the grouping efficacy with the best known
solutions is less than 2.6%. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: biclustering; branch-and-bound; cell formation problem;
Dinkelbach approach; exact solution
INDEX KEYWORDS: Branch and bound method; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Group
technology; Heuristic algorithms, Bi-clustering; Branch-and-bound algorithms; Cell
formation problem; Dinkelbach approach; Exact solution; Grouping efficacy;
Objective functions; Optimisation problems, Cells
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PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Mohammadi, M., Forghani, K.

A hybrid method based on genetic algorithm and dynamic programming for solving a
bi-objective cell formation problem considering alternative process routings and
machine duplication
(2017) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 53, pp. 97-110. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.12.039
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran,
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is one of the first and most important steps in designing
a cellular manufacturing system. It consist of grouping parts with similar design
features or processing requirements into part families and associated machines into
machine cells. In this study, a bi-objective cell formation problem considering
alternative process routings and machine duplication is presented. Manufacturing
factors such as part demands, processing times and machine capacities are
incorporated in the problem. The objectives of the problem include the minimization
of the total dissimilarity between the parts and the minimization of the total
investment needed for the acquisition of machines. A normalized weighted sum method
is applied to unify the objective functions. Due to the computational complexity of
the problem, a hybrid method combining genetic algorithm and dynamic programming is
developed to solve it. In the proposed method, the dynamic programming is
implemented to evaluate the fitness value of chromosomes in the genetic algorithm.
Computational experiments are conducted to examine the performance of the hybrid
method. The computations showed promising results in terms of both solution quality
and computation time. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing system; Dynamic
programming; Genetic algorithm; Hybrid method
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Dynamic programming; Genetic algorithms;
Investments; Manufacture, Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Computational experiment; Hybrid method; Objective functions;
Total investment; Weighted sum method, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mohammadi, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi UniversityIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 15684946
SOURCE: Scopus

Soto, R., Crawford, B., Almonacid, B., Paredes, F.

Efficient Parallel Sorting for Migrating Birds Optimization When Solving Machine-
Part Cell Formation Problems
(2016) Scientific Programming, 2016, art. no. 9402503, . Cited 12 times.

DOI: 10.1155/2016/9402503
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, 2362807,
Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago, 7500138, Chile;
Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima 18, Peru;
Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, 8370178, Chile;
Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, 8420524, Chile;
Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, 8370109, Chile
ABSTRACT: The Machine-Part Cell Formation Problem (MPCFP) is a NP-Hard optimization
problem that consists in grouping machines and parts in a set of cells, so that
each cell can operate independently and the intercell movements are minimized. This
problem has largely been tackled in the literature by using different techniques
ranging from classic methods such as linear programming to more modern nature-
inspired metaheuristics. In this paper, we present an efficient parallel version of
the Migrating Birds Optimization metaheuristic for solving the MPCFP. Migrating
Birds Optimization is a population metaheuristic based on the V-Flight formation of
the migrating birds, which is proven to be an effective formation in energy saving.
This approach is enhanced by the smart incorporation of parallel procedures that
notably improve performance of the several sorting processes performed by the
metaheuristic. We perform computational experiments on 1080 benchmarks resulting
from the combination of 90 well-known MPCFP instances with 12 sorting
configurations with and without threads. We illustrate promising results where the
proposal is able to reach the global optimum in all instances, while the solving
time with respect to a nonparallel approach is notably reduced. © 2016 Ricardo Soto
et al.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Birds; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Energy
conservation; Linear programming; Machinery, Cell formation problem; Computational
experiment; Flight formation; Improve performance; Optimization metaheuristic;
Optimization problems; Parallel sorting; Parallel version, Optimization
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Paydar, M.M., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Teimoury, E.

A robust optimisation model for generalised cell formation problem considering
machine layout and supplier selection
(2014) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 27 (8), pp. 772-
786. Cited 26 times.

DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2013.834476
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem (CFP), as one of the most important decision-
making problems in designing a cellular manufacturing system (CMS), includes
grouping the machines in cells and the parts as part families. In CFP, machines and
their capacity are of the most important issues being considered carefully. Another
significant aspect of the problem is material handling costs, namely intercellular
and intracellular movement costs with respect to machines layout. On the other
hand, supplier selection process has acquired importance recently; this is mainly
because the raw material cost has a major share in total cost of final products and
most of the factories have to spend substantial amount of their resources on
purchasing and transportation. In this article, a new mixed integer linear
programming model is proposed for integrating procurement and production planning
in supply chain and design of cell formation simultaneously as well as the
imprecise nature of some critical parameters such as customer demands and machine
capacities. Then, a robust optimisation model is developed to solve the proposed
model and finding best solution. The robustness and effectiveness of the proposed
model are illustrated in an industrial case inspired form a typical equipment
manufacturer. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; machine layout; robust optimisation;
supplier selection
INDEX KEYWORDS: Costs; Linear programming; Optimization; Production control; Supply
chains, Cell formation problem; Decision-making problem; Machine layout; Material
handling costs; Mixed integer linear programming model; Robust optimisation;
Supplier selection; Supplier selection process, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Paydar, M.M.; School of Industrial Engineering, Iran
University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN: 0951192X
SOURCE: Scopus

Jouzdani, J., Barzinpour, F., Shafia, M.A., Fathian, M.

Applying simulated annealing to a generalized cell formation problem considering
alternative routings and machine reliability
(2014) Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31 (4), art. no. 1450021, .
Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1142/S0217595914500213
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial Engineering, Iranian University of Science and
Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: One of the most important steps in designing a cellular manufacturing
system is cell formation which includes grouping the machines in cells and the
parts as part families, so that the costs are minimized. Several aspects of the
problem should be taken into account in cell formation; more specifically, machines
and their reliability are among the most important issues that should be modelled
correctly. Another important facet of a cellular manufacturing system is material
handling cost consisting of inter-cellular and intra-cellular movement costs. In
addition, setup cost may play a significant role in decision-making in many real
world problems of cell formation. Obviously, cell formation cannot be completed
without considering the demands for parts. Considering all these aspects of the
problem in this research, a generalized model for solving cell formation problem is
proposed. Exact methods, e.g., B&B, are cumbersome in solving such complex models
for large-size problems. Therefore, in this paper, a modified version of simulated
annealing algorithm is designed and numerical examples are provided to show that
the proposed method is efficient and effective. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing
Co. & Operational Research Society of Singapore.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: alternative process routings; Cell formation problem; machine
reliability; material handling costs; simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Costs; Materials handling; Reliability;
Simulated annealing, Alternative process routings; Alternative routings; Cell
formation problem; Generalized models; Machine reliability; Material handling
costs; Real-world problem; Simulated annealing algorithms, Problem solving
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University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd
ISSN: 02175959
SOURCE: Scopus

Ateme-Nguema, B., Dao, T.-M.

Quantized Hopfield networks and tabu search for manufacturing cell formation
(2009) International Journal of Production Economics, 121 (1), pp. 88-98. Cited 16

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2008.04.015
AFFILIATIONS: Management Sciences Department, University of Quebec in Abitibi-
Temiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada;
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, École de Technologie
Supérieure, Montreal, Canada
ABSTRACT: The use of neural networks in the design of cellular manufacturing system
is not new. This paper presents an application of modified Hopfield neural networks
in order to solve cell formation problems: the quantized and fluctuated Hopfield
neural networks (QFHN). This kind of Hopfield network combined with the "tabu
search" approach were primarily used in a hybrid procedure in order to solve the
cell formation for big sizes industrial data set. The problem is formulated as a
0/1 linear and integer programming model in order to minimize the dissimilarities
between machines and/or parts. Our hybrid approach allows us to obtain optimal or
nearly optimal solutions very frequently and much more quickly than traditional
Hopfield networks. It is also illustrated that the fluctuation associated with this
quantization may enable the network to escape from local minima, to converge to
global minima, and consequently to obtain optimal solutions very frequently and
much more quickly than pure quantized Hopfield networks (QHN). The effectiveness of
the proposed approach is flexibility it gives us, for example, in time problem-
solving for large-scale and speed of execution when we apply it. © 2009 Elsevier
B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Hybrid approach; Manufacturing cells; Metaheuristic; Quantized
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Data sets; Global minima; Hopfield Networks; Hybrid approach; Hybrid
procedure; Integer programming models; IS flexibility; Local minimums;
Manufacturing cell formation; Manufacturing cells; Metaheuristic; Optimal
solutions; Quantized networks, Cell membranes; Cellular manufacturing; Cellular
neural networks; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic methods; Integer
programming; Optimal systems; Problem solving; Tabu search, Hopfield neural
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ateme-Nguema, B.; Management Sciences Department,
University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 09255273
SOURCE: Scopus

Ulutas, B.H.
An immune system based algorithm for cell formation problem
(2019) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30 (8), pp. 2835-2852. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-018-1407-x
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,
Eskisehir, 26480, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Technological developments enable the design and manufacturing of
products tailored to individual consumers. Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) can
be considered as to ease flexibility, to reduce setup time, throughput time, work-
in-process inventories, and material handling costs. Cell formation problem (CFP)
that is one of the critical CMS design problems is the assignment of parts and
machines to specific cells based on their similarity. This study introduces a
Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) with a novel encoding structure that is efficient
to solve real-sized problems. Unlike the methods in literature that define the
number of cells as a constant number, this algorithm is significant because it can
obtain the optimum number of cell to generate best efficacy value. Proposed CSA is
tested by using 67 (35 well-known and 32 less-known) test problems. CSA obtains the
same 63 best-known optimal solutions, provides solutions for the 3 of the well-
known test problem and a new solution for the largest test problem (50 machine 150
part) that was not possible to be solved by the mixed integer linear programming
model due to the high computational complexity. Final CSA grouping results are
illustrated with figures to attract attention to the singleton and residual cells.
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Artificial immune systems; Cell formation problem; Clonal
selection algorithm; Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Clone cells; Cytology; Group technology;
Immune system; Integer programming; Materials handling; Product design, Artificial
Immune System; Cell formation problem; Clonal selection algorithms; Encoding
structure; Material handling costs; Mixed integer linear programming model;
Technological development; Work in process inventories, Problem solving
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Buruk Sahin, Y., Alpay, S.

A metaheuristic approach for a cubic cell formation problem
(2016) Expert Systems with Applications, 65, pp. 40-51. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.08.034
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,
Eskisehir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: The minimizations of voids and exceptional elements by considering the
part-machine incidence matrix of the cell formation problem have been discussed in
the literature. In recent years, a few mathematical models considering the
assignment of workers to cells in addition to part and machine have been proposed
to fully utilize manufacturing systems. Although the proposed mathematical models
can produce the best solutions for small sized problems within reasonable times,
they are inadequate to produce the best solutions for large sized real life cases
due to the NP-hard nature of the problem. In this study, a genetic algorithm has
been proposed for the problem of part-machine-worker cell formation. Furthermore,
the Taguchi method, as a statistical optimization technique, has been used to
determine the appropriate levels of the parameters. The performance of the proposed
genetic algorithm has been tested using test data from the literature for small
sized problems and using data that was generated in this study for large sized
problems. The experimental results of this study show that the proposed genetic
algorithm can produce the optimal solutions for small sized problems and that the
proposed algorithm can yield optimal or near-optimal solutions for large sized
problems within reasonable times. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Genetic algorithm; Mathematical
model; Part-machine-worker cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture;
Mathematical models; Optimal systems; Optimization; Taguchi methods, Cell
formation; Cell formation problem; Exceptional elements; Incidence matrices; Meta-
heuristic approach; Near-optimal solutions; Optimal solutions; Statistical
optimization, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Buruk Sahin, Y.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Eskisehir Osmangazi UniversityTurkey; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 09574174
SOURCE: Scopus
Hazarika, M., Laha, D.
A Heuristic Approach for Machine Cell Formation Problems with Alternative Routings
(2016) Procedia Computer Science, 89, pp. 228-242. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.06.049
AFFILIATIONS: Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 700 032, India
ABSTRACT: Cell Formation (CF) is an important problem in today's automated batch
type production systems. It reduces material handling cost, processing time, labor
requirement, in-process inventories, number of set-ups, simplifies process plan,
and increases quality of product. Manufacturing equipments of automated
manufacturing systems are highly multifunctional. As a result, production processes
can be done by multiple process routes. Optimum cell formation can lead to more
independent cells and less intercellular movement of parts. Previous research
reveals that most of the researchers considered single route, unique volume of
parts, non-sequential Cell Formation Problem (CFP). However, intercellular
movements of parts depend on parts volume, sequence of processes, and routes. In
this paper, a heuristic approach based on Euclidean Distance matrix is proposed for
CF in multiple routes, process sequential and parts volume (included with batch
size and number of batches) problems. Computational experiments were performed with
five benchmark problem sets taken from the literature and the results demonstrate
that the performances of the proposed heuristic in terms of intercellular movements
of parts are either better than or competitive with the well-known existing
algorithms. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Internet of Things (IOT); Open Flow; SDN Controller; Software
Defined Network (SDN)
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Data mining; Heuristic algorithms; Heuristic
methods; Image processing; Manufacture; Materials handling; Signal processing;
Warehouses, Automated manufacturing systems; Computational experiment; Euclidean
distance matrices; Internet of Things (IOT); Machine cell formation problems;
Manufacturing equipment; Material handling costs; Open flow, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hazarika, M.; Jadavpur UniversityIndia; email:
[email protected]
EDITORS: Iyengar S.S., Venugopal K.R., Raja K.B., Buyya R., Patnaik L.M., Deepa
Shenoy P.
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 18770509
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Safaei, N., Babakhani, M.

Solving a dynamic cell formation problem with machine cost and alternative process
plan by memetic algorithms
(2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3777 LNCS, pp. 213-
227. Cited 32 times.

DOI: 10.1007/11571155_18
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11365/4563, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
P.C. 16846/13114, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we present a new model of a cell formation problem (CFP)
for a multi-period planning horizon where the product mix and demand are different
in each period, but they are deterministic. As a consequence, the formed cells in
the current period may be not optimal for the next period. This evolution results
from reformulation of part families, manufacturing cells, and reconfiguration of
the CFP as required. Reconfiguration consists of reforming part families, machine
groups, and machine relocations. The objective of the model is to determine the
optimal number of cells while minimizing the machine amortization/relocation costs
as well as the inter-cell movements in each period. In the proposed model, parts
have alternative process plans, operation sequence, and produce as batch. The
machine capacity is also limited and machine duplication is allowed. The proposed
model for real-world instances cannot be solved optimally within a reasonable
amount of computational time. Thus, we propose an efficient memetic algorithm (MA)
with a simulated annealing-based local search engine for solving the proposed
model. This model is solved optimally by the Lingo software then the optimal
solution is compared with the MA implementation. © Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2005.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process plan; Dynamic cell formation; Machine
relocation; Memetic algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computer software; Costs; Search engines; Simulated
annealing; Strategic planning, Alternative process plan; Cell formation problem
(CFP); Dynamic cell formation; Machine amortization; Machine relocation; Memetic
algorithm (MA); Relocation costs, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; Department of Industrial
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11365/4563,
Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 3540294988; 9783540294986
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Almonacid, B., Soto, R.

Andean Condor Algorithm for cell formation problems
(2019) Natural Computing, 18 (2), pp. 351-381. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s11047-018-9675-0
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a novel population based optimization algorithm
called Andean Condor Algorithm (ACA) for solving cell formation problems. The ACA
metaheuristic is inspired by the movement pattern of the Andean Condor when it
searches for food. This pattern of movement corresponds to the flight distance
traveled by the Andean Condor from its nest to the place where food is found. This
distance varies depending on the seasons of the year. The ACA metaheuristic
presents a balance of its population through a performance indicator based on the
average quality of the population’s fitness. This balance determines the number of
Andean Condors that will perform an exploration or intensification movements. ACA
metaheuristics have a flexible design. It allows to easily integrate specific
heuristics according to the optimization problem to be solved. Two types of
computational experiments have been performed. According to the results obtained it
has been possible to determine that ACA is an algorithm with an outstanding RPD% in
relation to the algorithms BAT, MBO and PSO, robust and with a convergence which
tends not to be trapped in the local optimums. Besides, according to the non-
parametric multiple comparison, results have been obtained in which the ACA
metaheuristic has significant differences in relation to the BAT, MBO and PSO
algorithms. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Andean Condor Algorithm; Animal behavior; Cell formation
problem; Metaheuristics; Nature-inspired algorithms
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Heuristic algorithms; Particle swarm
optimization (PSO), Animal behavior; Cell formation problem; Computational
experiment; Meta heuristics; Nature inspired algorithms; Optimization problems;
Performance indicators; Population-based optimization, Problem solving, animal
behavior; article; heuristics; season
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Almonacid, B.; Pontificia Universidad Católica de
ValparaísoChile; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer Netherlands
ISSN: 15677818
SOURCE: Scopus

Karthikeyan, S., Saravanan, M., Rajkumar, M.

Minimizing production costs in dynamic cellular manufacturing systems of cell
formation problem by using hybrid particle swarm optimization
(2015) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (49), pp. 564-568.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Christian College of

Engineering and TechnologyTamil Nadu, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri subramanya College of Engineering and
TechnologyTamil Nadu, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVS College of Engineering and
TechnologyTamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular Manufacturing systems can be defined as an application of the
group Technology (GT) that allows decomposing a manufacturing system into
subsystems to make it easier to manage than the entire manufacturing systems. In
this paper, a method using the concept of particle swarm optimization algorithms is
proposed as an important but simple means of scheduling the manufacturing
operations of dynamic cellular manufacturing systems (DCMS). The mathematical model
developed already defines the characteristics of DCMS, which contains the limits
relate to the manufacturing cost of the several products and the maximum volumes of
the manufacturing resources. The objectives are to set up dynamic cellular
manufacturing cells and to formulate feasible production schedules for all
manufacturing operation, in order to minimize the total sum of the machine purchase
cost, the operating cost, in inter-cell material handling cost and the machine
relocation cost over the planning. A Hybrid based scheduling particle swarm
optimization (HPSO) is proposed as an optimization tool to determine the solution.
The proposed algorithm varies from the conventional algorithm in that the
population of the candidate solution contains of feasibility. The superiority of
the proposed algorithms is demonstrated by solving the production scheduling and
cell formation problem for a dynamic cellular manufacturing system, and the results
are compared with those attained by using an optimization techniques. © Research
India Publications.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems;
Hybrid particle swarm optimization; Production cost
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Shishebori, D., Dehnavi-Arani, S.

A multi-stage stochastic programming approach in a dynamic cell formation problem
with uncertain demand: A case study
(2019) International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 6 (1), pp. 67-87.

DOI: 10.22034/2019.1.6
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses a dynamic cell formation problem (DCFP) including a
multi-period planning horizon in which demands for each product in each period are
different and uncertain. Because the demand uncertainty is considered as stochastic
data by discrete scenarios on a scenario tree, a multi-stage nonlinear mixed-
integer stochastic programming is applied so that the objective function minimizes
machine purchase costs, the operating costs, both inter and intra-cell material
handling costs, and the machine relocation costs over the planning horizon. The
main goal of the current study is to determine the optimal cell configuration in
each period in order to achieve the total minimum expected costs under the given
constraints. The nonlinear model is transformed into a linear form. That is why
GAMS can provide global optimal solutions in linear models. In order to find the
optimal solutions, by using the GAMS for small and medium-sized problems, the
optimal solutions are obtained. They applied in two bounds, namely the Sum of Pairs
Expected Values (SPEV) and the Expectation of Pairs Expected Value (EPEV). Also,
according to the scenario-based model, the efficiency of two suggested bounds is
shown in terms of the computational time. Finally, a practical case study is
presented in detail to illustrate the application of the proposed model and it's
solving method. The results show the efficiency of using SPEV and EPEV for several
random examples as well as the proposed case study. © 2019 Kharazmi University. All
rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation problem; Expectation of pair expected
value; Multi-stage stochastic programming; Sum of pair expected values
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Zeb, A., Khan, M., Khan, N., Tariq, A., Ali, L., Azam, F., Jaffery, S.H.I.
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DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-8288-3
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Engineering Management, College of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering (EME), National University of Sciences and Technology
(NUST), Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan;
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME), National University of
Sciences and Technology (NUST), Sector H-12, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wah Engineering College (WEC), University of
Wah, Wah Cantt, Taxila, Pakistan
ABSTRACT: The grouping of parts and machines into manufacturing cells with the
objective to improve grouping efficacy is the prime focus of cell formation
problem. This paper presents the hybridization of simulated annealing (SA) with
genetic algorithm (GA), where exploration power of GA, to broaden the search space,
is combined with the intensification power of SA. A certain percentage of best
solution in each generation of GA is sent, for further intensification and
trajectory search, to SA. In intensification phase (with SA), Boltzmann probability
distribution functions are used to allow a downhill move, with variable
temperature. Starting temperature is chosen to be a small value with rapid cooling
rate to keep search in a narrow region. If same solution is repeated for a certain
number of generations, then shake-off is given to escape local maxima. During this
shake-off, the SA parameters are relaxed to broaden the search for best
neighbourhood solution. The effectiveness of proposed hybrid heuristic algorithm is
evaluated through 35 benchmark problems from the literature. The GA with
intensification through SA along with shake-off performed well in terms of solution
quality, i.e. produced 24 best results with overall mean of 66.20. The overall
comparative study shows that the proposed approach not only achieves the best
solutions consistently, with minimum computational time, but also improves the
results of two problems (problems 29 and 33), reporting it for the first time. ©
2016, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Genetic algorithm (GA); Group efficacy (GE);
Hybrid heuristic algorithm; Simulated annealing (SA)
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Distribution functions;
Heuristic algorithms; Probability distributions; Simulated annealing, Bench-mark
problems; Boltzmann probability; Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Comparative studies; Group efficacy (GE); Hybrid heuristic algorithms; Variable
temperature, Genetic algorithms
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Technology (NUST)Pakistan; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
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SOURCE: Scopus

Batsyn, M., Bychkov, I., Goldengorin, B., Pardalos, P., Sukhov, P.

Pattern-based heuristic for the cell formation problem in group technology
(2013) Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 32, pp. 11-50. Cited 8

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5574-5_2
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis, The
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136, Rodionova Street,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation, 603093, Russian Federation;
Center of Applied Optimization, University of Florida, 401 Weil Hall, 116595,
Gainesville, FL, 32611-6595, United States
ABSTRACT: In this chapter we introduce a new pattern-based approach within the
linear assignment model with the purpose to design heuristics for a combinatorial
optimization problem (COP). We assume that the COP has an additive (separable)
objective function and the structure of a feasible (optimal) solution to the COP is
predefined by a collection of cells (positions) in an input file. We define a
pattern as a collection of positions in an instance problem represented by its
input file (matrix). We illustrate the notion of pattern by means of some well-
known problems in COP, among them are the linear ordering problem (LOP) and cell
formation problem (CFP), just to mention a couple. The CFP is defined on a Boolean
input matrix, the rows of which represent machines and columns - parts. The CFP
consists in finding three optimal objects: a block-diagonal collection of
rectangles, a row (machines) permutation, and a column (parts) permutation such
that the grouping efficacy is maximized. The suggested heuristic combines two
procedures: the pattern-based procedure to build an initial solution and an
improvement procedure to obtain a final solution with high grouping efficacy for
the CFP. Our computational experiments with the most popular set of 35 benchmark
instances show that our heuristic outperforms all well-known heuristics and returns
either the best known or improved solutions to the CFP. © Springer Science+Business
Media New York 2013.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Group technology; Heuristic
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cellular manufacturing; Optimization, Cell formation
problem; Combinatorial optimization problems; Computational experiment; Design
heuristics; Heuristic; Linear assignment; Linear ordering problems; Objective
functions, Group technology
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PUBLISHER: Springer New York LLC
ISSN: 21941009
ISBN: 9781461455738
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Springer Proc. Math. Stat.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Rahimi-Vahed, A.R., Ghodratnama, A., Siadat, A.

A simulated annealing method for solving a new mathematical model of a multi-
criteria cell formation problem with capital constraints
(2009) Advances in Engineering Software, 40 (4), pp. 268-273. Cited 15 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2008.04.008
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Center of Excellence for
Intelligence Based Experimental Mechanics, College of Engineering, Tehran, Iran;
Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Université of Montréal,
Montreal, Canada;
Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, LGIPM, Metz, France
ABSTRACT: One of the most important stages in the establishment of a cellular
manufacturing system is the formation of manufacturing cells in order to find out
which machines dedicated to each cell and part families corresponding to these
machines. In this paper, two kinds of cells are being considered: (1) general or
common cells which are able to manufacture different kinds of products and (2)
specific cells which are able to manufacture a specific type of product. To set up
cells for manufacturing, two kinds of capital constraints are observed: (1) capital
constraints for construction and formation of cells and (2) capital availability
constraints for the provision of tools and equipment to manufacture corresponding
commodities. To find cells and to specify the family of the assigned commodities to
each cell, different and various criteria exist. In this paper, three criteria are
taken into consideration simultaneously in order to minimize the sum of: (1) costs
of the delay in delivering a product to costumers by the above two cells in each
period, (2) costs of the common and specific cells to remain idle in each period
and (3) the unused capital. Since the cell formation problem is mostly time
consuming, i.e. these are NP-hard, then to solve the problem, an effective
algorithm of simulated annealing (SA) method is utilized. To verify and validate
the efficiency of the SA algorithm, from the standpoint of the quality of the
solution obtained and time of calculations, the results obtained are compared with
those of the Lingo 6 software. Results suggest that the SA algorithm have good
ability of solving the problem, especially in the case of large-sized problems for
which Lingo 6 cannot produce solutions. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Mathematical model; Multi-criteria cell formation model;
Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Annealing; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Construction equipment;
Cytology; Flexible manufacturing systems; Functions; Manufacture; Mathematical
models, Availability constraints; Cell formation problems; Cellular Manufacturing
systems; Effective algorithms; Manufacturing cells; Multi-criteria cell formation
model; New mathematical models; NP-hard; Part families; SA algorithms; Simulated
annealing methods; Time consuming, Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; Department of Industrial
Engineering, Center of Excellence for Intelligence Based Experimental Mechanics,
College of Engineering, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 09659978
SOURCE: Scopus

Chan, F.T.S., Lau, K.W., Chan, L.Y., Lo, V.H.Y.

Cell formation problem with consideration of both intracellular and intercellular
(2008) International Journal of Production Research, 46 (10), pp. 2589-2620. Cited
48 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540500478843
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering,
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: The cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is a well-known strategy which
enhances production efficiency while simultaneously cutting down the system-wide
operation cost. Most of the researchers have been focused on developing different
approaches in order to identify machine-cells and part-families more efficiently.
In recent years, researchers have also focused their studies more scrupulously by
collectively considering CMS with production volume, operation sequence,
alternative routing or even more. However, very few of them have tried to
investigate both the allocation sequence of machines within the cells (intra-cell
layout) and the sequence of the formed cells (inter-cell layout). Solving this
problem is indeed very important in reducing the total intracellular and
intercellular part movements which is especially significant with large production
volume. In this paper, a two-phase approach has been proposed to tackle the cell
formation problem (CFP) with consideration of both intra-cell and inter-cell part
movements. In the first phase, a mathematical model with multi-objective function
is formed to obtain the machine cells and part families. Afterwards, in the second
phase, another mathematical model with single-objective function is presented which
optimizes the total intra-cell and inter-cell part movements. In other words, the
scope of problem has been identified as a CFP together with the background
objective of intra-cell and inter-cell layout problems (IAECLP). The primary
assumption for IAECLP is that only linear layouts will be considered for both
intra-cell and inter-cell. In other words, the machine within cells and the formed
cells are arranged linearly. This paper studies formation of two mathematical
models and used the part-machine incidence matrix with component operational
sequence. The IAECLP is considered as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP). Since
QAP and CFP are NP-hard, genetic algorithm (GA) has been employed as solving
algorithm. GA is a widespread accepted heuristic search technique that has proven
superior performances in complex optimization problems and further it is a popular
and well-known methodology. The proposed algorithms for CFP and IAECLP have been
implemented in JAVA programming language.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Genetic algorithm; Intra-cell and inter-
cell layout problem; Operational sequence; Sequencing; Travelling salesman
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Java programming
language; Operating costs; Optimization, Cell formation problem; Intra-cell and
inter-cell layout problem; Operational sequence, Problem solving
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DOI: 10.1080/00207549508904834
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mississippi State University,
P.O. Drawer U, MS, MS 39762, United States
ABSTRACT: This research develops a simulated annealing (SA) based heuristic for
cell formation problems. We apply the SA based heuristic to many popular examples
for cell formation problems. The computational results show that the SA based
heuristic performs very well in all these examples, and the SA based heuristic has
several advantages that most of the existing algorithms do not have. © 1995 Taylor
& Francis Group, LLC.
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ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Solimanpur, M., Vrat, P., Shankar, R.

Feasibility and robustness of transiently chaotic neural networks applied to the
cell formation problem
(2004) International Journal of Production Research, 42 (6), pp. 1065-1082. Cited 6

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2004.10750072
AFFILIATIONS: Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology
Delhi, New Delhi, Hauz Khas, 110016, India;
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi,
110016, India
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is a key issue in the design of cellular manufacturing
systems. Effective grouping of parts and machines can improve considerably the
performance of manufacturing cells. The transiently chaotic neural network (TCNN)
is a recent methodology in intelligent computation that has the advantages of both
the chaotic neural network and the Hopfield neural network. The present paper
investigates the dynamics of the TCNN network and studies the feasibility and
robustness of final solutions of TCNN when applied to the cell formation problem.
The paper provides insight into the feasibility and robustness of TCNN for cell
formation problems. It also discusses how to set the initial values of the TCNN
parameters in the case of well-structured and ill-structured cell formation
problems. © 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Chaos theory; Computational methods; Convergence of numerical
methods; Damping; Neural networks; Parameter estimation; Robustness (control
systems), Cell-formation (CF) problems; Transiently chaotic neural network (TCNN),
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Vrat, P.; Department of Management Studies, Indian
Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 110016, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

James, T.L., Brown, E.C., Keeling, K.B.

A hybrid grouping genetic algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2007) Computers and Operations Research, 34 (7), pp. 2059-2079. Cited 123 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2005.08.010
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Information Technology, Pamplin College of
Business, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States
ABSTRACT: The machine-part cell formation problem consists of constructing a set of
machine cells and their corresponding product families with the objective of
minimizing the inter-cell movement of the products while maximizing machine
utilization. This paper presents a hybrid grouping genetic algorithm for the cell
formation problem that combines a local search with a standard grouping genetic
algorithm to form machine-part cells. Computational results using the grouping
efficacy measure for a set of cell formation problems from the literature are
presented. The hybrid grouping genetic algorithm is shown to outperform the
standard grouping genetic algorithm by exceeding the solution quality on all test
problems and by reducing the variability among the solutions found. The algorithm
developed performs well on all test problems, exceeding or matching the solution
quality of the results presented in previous literature for most problems. © 2005
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Grouping genetic algorithm; Heuristics; Machine-part cell
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Operations research; Problem solving,
Grouping efficacy measure; Grouping genetic algorithm; Machine part cell formation;
Machine utilization, Genetic algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: James, T.L.; Department of Business Information Technology,
Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061,
United States; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03050548
SOURCE: Scopus

Gong, J., Tang, J.

Modeling of hybrid assembly cell formation problem
(2009) 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009, art. no. 5195049,
pp. 2715-2719. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/CCDC.2009.5195049
AFFILIATIONS: Institute of Systems Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang
110004, China
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an assembly cell formation problem is addressed, which has
been reported as a new technical innovation in the industry. First, a mathematical
model is proposed to describe the assembly cell formation problem. Some decisions
are made about the assembly cell formation problem, such as (1) how many cells
should be formatted, (2) how many workers should be assigned in each cell, and (3)
how many workers should be assigned on the shortened conveyor line when a part of
the conveyor assembly line should be converted to cells, in order to optimize the
system performance which is defined as the total throughput time. Then a comparison
analysis based on numerical experiments is addressed. The results indicate that the
traditional conveyor assembly line is not appropriate in the situation where the
number of product type is increasing, and the assembly cell system can achieve
higher system performance of productivity. © 2009 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Assembly cell formation; Assembly line; Cross-trained; Line-
cell conversion; Total throughput time
INDEX KEYWORDS: Assembly cell formation; Assembly line; Cross-trained; Line-cell
conversion; Total throughput time, Assembly machines; Cells; Cellular
manufacturing; Conveyors; Cytology; Mathematical models, Assembly
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Gong, J.; Institute of Systems Engineering, Northeastern
University, Shenyang 110004, China; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9781424427239
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Vin, E., De Lit, P., Delchambre, A.

A multiple-objective grouping genetic algorithm for the cell formation problem with
alternative routings
(2005) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16 (2), pp. 189-205. Cited 25 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-004-5888-4
AFFILIATIONS: CAD/CAM Department, Université Libre De Bruxelles, 50 av. F. D.
Roosevelt, CP165/14B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the cell formation problem with alternative part
routings, considering machine capacity constraints. Given processes, machine
capacities and quantities of parts to produce, the problem consists in defining the
preferential routing for each part optimising the grouping of machines into
manufacturing cells. The main objective is to minimise the inter-cellular traffic,
while respecting machine capacity constraints. To solve this problem, the authors
propose an integrated approach based on a multiple-objective grouping genetic
algorithm for the preferential routing selection of each part (by solving an
associated resource planning problem) and an integrated heuristic for the cell
formation problem. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Cell formation; Group technology;
Grouping genetic algorithm; Multiple objectives
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Data acquisition; Group technology; Heuristic methods;
Mathematical models; Matrix algebra; Problem solving, Alternative routings; Cell
formation; Grouping genetic algorithms; Multiple objectives, Genetic algorithms
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design (2001) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 12 (5-6), pp. 469-485;
Sathiaraj, D., Sarker, B.R., Common parts grouping heuristic: An iterative
procedure to cell formation (2002) Production Planning & Control, 13 (5), pp. 481-
Shafer, S.M., Rogers, D.F., Similarity and distance measures for cellular
manufacture. Part II (1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31 (6),
pp. 1315-1326;
Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., Grafics: A non technological clusrtreing algorithm
fgor group technology application (1991) International Journal of Production
Research, 29 (3), pp. 463-479;
Srinivasan, G., A clustering algorithm for machine cell formation in group
technology using minimum spanning trees (1994) International Journal of Production
Research, 32 (2), pp. 2149-2158;
Vivekanand, P., Narendran, T.T., Logical cell formation in FMS, using flexibility-
based criteria (1998) International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 10,
pp. 163-181;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Manufacturing cells' design in consideration of various
production factors (2002) International Journal of Production Research, 40 (4), pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Delchambre, A.; CAD/CAM Department, Université Libre De
Bruxelles, 50 av. F. D. Roosevelt, CP165/14B-1050 Brussels, Belgium; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 09565515
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Peker, A., Kara, Y.

Parameter setting of the Fuzzy ART neural network to part-machine cell formation
(2004) International Journal of Production Research, 42 (6), pp. 1257-1278. Cited
19 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540310001632457
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Selcuk University, 42040
Campus, Konya, Turkey
ABSTRACT: The first step in cellular manufacturing system applications is the
solution of the cell-formation problem. Many researchers have investigated this
problem and a number of methods developed. In the present study, one of these
methods, the Fuzzy ART neural network, was investigated. This method can solve the
cell-formation problem using both binary and non-binary part-machine incidence
matrices. The neural network model was coded in PASCAL and applied to 26 test
problems to determine the efficient parameter combinations. Results show that the
Fuzzy ART neural network can solve both binary and non-binary problems effectively.
Results also show that parameter combinations for binary problems differ from
parameter combinations for non-binary problems.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Decision support systems; Fuzzy control; Learning algorithms;
Neural networks; Parameter estimation; Problem solving; Production engineering,
Cell-formation (CF) problems; Direct clustering algorithm (DCA), Cellular
REFERENCES: Aljaber, N., Baek, W., Chen, C.L., A tabu search approach to the cell-
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Arbib, M.A., (1998) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, , London: MIT
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Networks, 4, pp. 759-771;
Chen, S.J., Cheng, C.S., A neural network-based cell-formation algorithm in
cellular manufacturing (1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33, pp.
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Dagli, C., Huggahalli, R., Machine-part family formation with the adaptive
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pp. 893-913;
Kaparthi, S., Suresh, N.C., Machine-component cell-formation in group technology: A
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pp. 1353-1367;
Kusiak, A., Chung, Y., GT/ART: Using neural networks to form machine cells (1991)
Manufacturing Review, 4, pp. 293-301;
Leem, C.W., Chen, J.G., Fuzzy set based machine-cell-formation in cellular
manufacturing (1996) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 7, pp. 355-364;
Liao, T.W., Chen, L., An evaluation of ART1 neural models for GT part family and
machine cell forming (1993) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 12, pp. 282-290;
Lozano, S., Diaz, B.A., Eguia, I., Onieva, L., A one-step tabu search algorithm for
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5, pp. 278-291;
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techniques (1993) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 11, pp. 149-159;
Mukhopadhyay, S.K., Sarkar, P., Panda, R.P., Machine-component grouping in cellular
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Production Research, 32, pp. 457-477;
Sarker, B.R., Measures of grouping efficiency in cellular manufacturing systems
(2001) European Journal of Operational Research, 130, pp. 588-611;
Suresh, N.C., Kaparthi, S., Performance of Fuzzy ART neural network for group
technology cell-formation (1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32,
pp. 1693-1713
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Peker, A.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Selcuk
University, 42040 Campus, Konya, Turkey; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Cao, Q., McKnew, M.A.

Partial termination rule of Lagrangian relaxation for manufacturing cell formation
(1998) Computers and Operations Research, 25 (2), pp. 159-168. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0305-0548(97)00004-X
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. Comp. Sci. Quantit. Methods, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
29733, United States;
Management Department, 407 Sirrine Hall, Clemson University, P.O. Box 341305,
Clemson, SC 29634-1305, United States
ABSTRACT: Mathematical programming models for manufacturing cell formation problems
are primarily integer programming models with the special structure of being
"multidivision problems". Lagrangian relaxation has been one of the best
decomposition approaches and enabled the solution of problems of practical size.
This research develops a partial termination rule for the Lagrangian relaxation
algorithm. While the existing algorithm solves all submodels in each iteration, the
partial termination rule recognizes early termination of some submodels. This
results in a substantial reduction of computation while generating the same
solution. The new termination rule is proven mathematically. Thus, its
applicability extends beyond the solution of the manufacturing cell formation
problem. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods; Integer
programming; Iterative methods; Mathematical models; Problem solving, Lagrangian
relaxation, Operations research
REFERENCES: Wemmerlöv, U., Hyer, N.L., Research issues in cellular manufacturing
(1987) International Journal of Production Research, 25, pp. 412-431;
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(1994) International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 6, pp. 155-172;
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Denardo, E.V., (1982) Dynamic Programming: Models and Applications, , Prentice-
Hall, New Jersey
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: McKnew, M.A.; Management Department, 407 Sirrine Hall,
Clemson University, P.O. Box 341305, Clemson, SC 29634-1305, United States
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03050548
SOURCE: Scopus
Chen, Ming-Laing, Chen, Chuen-Lung
Solving cell formation problems using ART1&TS
(1996) Industrial Engineering Research - Conference Proceedings, pp. 43-48.

ABSTRACT: Adaptive resonance theory (ART1) network is one of the popular neural
networks used to solve the cell formation problem. Several modifications of ART1
for the same problem have been published lately. In this paper, we integrate an
ART1 model modified by Rao and Gu with a basic tabu search (TS) heuristic to solve
the cell formation problem with intercell moves (or exception elements) as the
objective. This approach (ART1&TS) first constructs component clusters using the
ART1 network, then refines the solution using the basic tabu search heuristic. This
algorithm is applied to many popular examples for the candidate problem, and the
experiments show that the algorithm resulted in an outstanding performance without
limitations in problem size and in structure of data.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Data structures; Heuristic methods; Manufacturing data
processing; Mathematical models; Neural networks; Problem solving, Adaptive
resonance theory; Cell formation; Tabu search, Manufacture
EDITORS: Askin R.G., Bidanda B., Jagdale S.
PUBLISHER: IIE, Norcross, GA, United States

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Boulif, M., Atif, K.

A new fuzzy genetic algorithm for the dynamic bi-objective cell formation problem
considering passive and active strategies
(2008) International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 47 (2), pp. 141-165. Cited
18 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2007.03.003
AFFILIATIONS: Département d'Informatique, Faculté des Sciences, Université M'hamed
Bouguerra à Boumerdès, Avenue de l'indépendance, 35000 Boumerdès, Algeria;
Département d'Informatique, Faculté Génie Electrique et Informatique, Université
des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, BP 32, El-Alia, 16111
Babezzouar, Alger, Algeria
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with manufacturing cell formation considering the
dynamic behavior of the production system. First, we discuss the importance of
taking into account the dynamic aspect of the problem that has been poorly studied
in the related literature. We argue that by considering a multi-periodic planning
horizon, we can tackle the problem according to two strategies: passive and active.
The first strategy consists of maintaining the same composition of machines during
the overall planning horizon, while the second allows performing a different
composition for each period. We present a graph theory model for the problem. For
the passive cell formation problem (PCFP), we prove that it amounts to a cell
formation problem in a static system. In order to solve the active cell formation
problem (ACFP), we propose a Shortest Path heuristic (SP) and a Genetic Algorithm
(GA) based method. When the decision maker wants to choose the most adequate
strategy for its environment, we state that the decision problem between active and
passive strategies can be solved by solving ACFP. However, the complexity of ACFP
justifies the need to control the presented solving approaches. In this situation,
we propose a new fuzzy logic enhancement to the GA. The results, using this
enhancement, are better than those obtained using the SP method or the GA alone. ©
2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Active and passive strategies; Dynamic production system;
Genetic algorithm; Graph partitioning; Linguistic fuzzy modeling; Manufacturing
cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Chemical analysis; Genetic algorithms; Graph theory, Cell
formation; Dynamic production system; Graph partitioning; Linguistic Fuzzy
modeling, Fuzzy systems
REFERENCES: Batta, R., Comment on the dynamics of plant layout (1987) Manage. Sci.,
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Vakharia, A.J., Wemmerlov, U., Designing a cellular manufacturing system: a
material flow approach based on operation sequences (1990) IIE Trans., 22 (1), pp.
Wicks, E., Reasor, R.J., Designing cellular manufacturing systems with dynamic part
populations (1999) IIE Trans., 31, pp. 11-20;
Ying, H., (2000) Fuzzy Control and Modelling, Analytical Foundations and
Applications, , IEEE Press, Berlin
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Boulif, M.; Département d'Informatique, Faculté des
Sciences, Université M'hamed Bouguerra à Boumerdès, Avenue de l'indépendance, 35000
Boumerdès, Algeria; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0888613X
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int J Approximate Reasoning
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, M.-L., Wu, C.-M., Chen, C.-L.

An integrated approach of art1 and tabu search to solve cell formation problems
(2002) Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 19 (3), pp. 62-74.
Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1080/10170660209509205
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mississippi State University,
United States;
Department of Business Management, National Taipei University Technology, 1,
Section 3, Chung-Hsio East Road, Taipei, 106, Taiwan;
Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Adaptive resonance theory (ART1) network is one of the many popular
neural networks used to solve the cell formation problem. Several modifications of
ART1 for the problem have recently been published. In this study, a modified ART1
network is integrated with an effective optimization technique, Tabu Search (TS),
to solve cell formation problems. The number of exceptional elements (EE) and group
efficiency (GE) are considered as the objectives for the problems under the
constraints of the number of cells and cell size. This proposed heuristic (ART1&TS)
first constructs a cell formation using a modified ART1, and then refines the
solution using a basic TS heuristic. ART1&TS has been applied to most popular
examples in the literature. The computational results showed that it generated the
best solutions in most of the examples. © 2002 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Adaptive resonance theory (ART1); Cell formation; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computation theory; Constraint theory; Neural networks;
Optimization; Problem solving; Resonance, Adaptive resonance theory (ART1); Cell
formation; Cell size; Tabu search, Search engines
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Cresswell, S.H., Goldberg, J.B., Vkhariaa, A.J., A
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Taipei University Technology, 1, Section 3, Chung-Hsio East Road, Taipei, 106,
Taiwan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 10170669
SOURCE: Scopus

Muruganandam, A., Prabhaharan, G., Asokan, P., Baskaran, V.

A memetic algorithm approach to the cell formation problem
(2005) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (9-10), pp.
988-997. Cited 33 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-1912-7
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSNA Coll. of Eng. and
Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India;
Department of Production Engineering, REC Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT: In the past three decades many studies have been carried out on cellular
manufacturing. The main problem in the development of cellular manufacturing is
that of machine cell formation. In this paper a new metaheuristic called a memetic
algorithm (MA) is introduced to solve the machine cell formation problem in group
technology. The objective functions considered in this work are (a) minimization of
total number of moves and (b) minimization of cell load variation and the
constraints considered are minimum number of machines in each cell as two and each
machine should be assigned in one cell only. Effort has been made to develop an
algorithm that is more reliable than conventional methods and some non-traditional
optimization techniques like the genetic algorithm (GA) and the tabu search
algorithm (TS) for solving machine cell formation problem. In the memetic algorithm
approach local optimization is applied to each newly generated offspring at the end
of genetic algorithm. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2004.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular Manufacturing Systems; Genetic Algorithm; Group
Technology; Memetic Algorithm; Tabu Search Algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Heuristic
methods; Integer programming; Linear programming; Optimization; Quadratic
programming; Traveling salesman problem, Cellular manufacturing systems; Machine
cells; Memetic algorithm; Tabu search algorithm, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Muruganandam, A.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
PSNA Coll. of Eng. and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhu, Z., Heady, R.B., Reiners, S.

An efficient zero-one formulation of the cell formation problem
(1995) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 28 (4), pp. 911-916. Cited 10 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(94)00223-A
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management and Quantitative Methods, The University of
Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70504-3570, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new zero-one integer linear programming formulation
of the machine cell formation problem for a cellular manufacturing environment.
This formulation has a lean structure and is demonstrated to provide optimal
solutions that require much less solution time than the previously published
formulation. © 1995.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Constraint theory; Graph theory; Heuristic methods; Manufacture;
Mathematical models; Matrix algebra; Problem solving, Cellular manufacturing; Group
technology; Machine cells formation; Machine component group analysis; Production
flow analysis; Wei-Gaither model, Linear programming
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The University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70504-3570, United States
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SOURCE: Scopus

Moradgholi, M., Paydar, M.M., Mahdavi, I., Jouzdani, J.

A genetic algorithm for a bi-objective mathematical model for dynamic virtual cell
formation problem
(2016) Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 12 (3), pp. 343-359. Cited
11 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s40092-016-0151-0
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Najafabad, Iran
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, with the increasing pressure of the competitive business
environment and demand for diverse products, manufacturers are force to seek for
solutions that reduce production costs and rise product quality. Cellular
manufacturing system (CMS), as a means to this end, has been a point of attraction
to both researchers and practitioners. Limitations of cell formation problem (CFP),
as one of important topics in CMS, have led to the introduction of virtual CMS
(VCMS). This research addresses a bi-objective dynamic virtual cell formation
problem (DVCFP) with the objective of finding the optimal formation of cells,
considering the material handling costs, fixed machine installation costs and
variable production costs of machines and workforce. Furthermore, we consider
different skills on different machines in workforce assignment in a multi-period
planning horizon. The bi-objective model is transformed to a single-objective fuzzy
goal programming model and to show its performance; numerical examples are solved
using the LINGO software. In addition, genetic algorithm (GA) is customized to
tackle large-scale instances of the problems to show the performance of the
solution method. © 2016, The Author(s).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bi-objective mathematical programming; Fuzzy goal programming;
Genetic algorithm; Virtual cell formation; Workforce assignment
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Paydar, M.M.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Babol
University of TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: SpringerOpen
ISSN: 17355702
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Erozan, I., Ustun, O., Torkul, O.

An improved fuzzy c-means algorithm for cell formation problems with alternative
(2015) International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, 4 (4), pp. 15-30.

DOI: 10.4018/IJFSA.2015100102
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya,
Industrial Engineering Department, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is one of the most important problems faced in designing
cellular manufacturing systems. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) has been successfully used to
solve a variety of the cell formation problems because it allows the representation
of uncertain information. Many products or parts to be manufactured in the real
world have alternative routes. To ignore the routes is not a realistic approach.
However, most FCM approaches used to form a cellular system in the literature have
ignored or avoided using the alternative routes because of its complexity. In this
paper, an improved FCM algorithm has been proposed to overcome the computational
complexity of the alternative routes. The improved algorithm presents an easy and
practical way to solve the cell formation problems with alternative routes. An
experiment was designed to test and compare the performance of the improved
algorithm. The results of the experiment have shown that most of the obtained
results are close to the test problems and better than the conventional crisp
methods in the literature. Copyright © 2015, IGI Global.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routes; Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing;
Fuzzy c-means
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SOURCE: Scopus

Sathish, S., Lakshmanan, A.R., Karuppuswamy, P., Bhagyanathan, C.

An effective Sorensen-single linkage clustering hybrid algorithm for cell formation
problems in cellular manufacturing industry
(2019) Concurrency Computation, art. no. e5211, .

DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5211
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering
College, Coimbatore, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
ABSTRACT: The paper presented here entails technique that is based upon Sorensen's
similarity coefficient as well as the Sorensen- Single Linkage Clustering (SLC)
algorithm, which essentially is a hybrid clustering approach that has been deployed
here to show issue related to cell formation during the process of cellular
engineering. In the following paper and study that has been presented here, the
suggested hybrid algorithm comparison has been drawn versus the existing clustering
algorithms and their performances have been compared specifically the MOD-SLC
modified single linkage or SLC also known as the single linkage clustering
algorithm. The Sorensen-SLC technique and the inferences drawn on the same show
that it performs comparatively better when compared with the MOD-SLC and SLC
algorithms. Additionally, the computation that is necessary for this hybrid
algorithm is absolutely a bare minimal and the computation processing is effective
and easy. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; cellular manufacturing; clustering
algorithm; machine cell; part family
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell engineering; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology, Cell
formation problem; Cellular engineering; Hybrid algorithms; Hybrid clustering;
Machine cell; Part family; Similarity coefficients; Single linkage clustering,
Clustering algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sathish, S.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri
Ramakrishna Engineering CollegeIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
ISSN: 15320626
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhu, Y., Li, S.

Simultaneous Hierarchical Clustering for Cell Formation Problems with Production
(2018) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, art. no. 2841325, .

DOI: 10.1155/2018/2841325
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of
CalgaryAB, Canada
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to advance the similarity coefficient method
to solve cell formation (CF) problems in two aspects. Firstly, while numerous
similarity coefficients have been proposed to incorporate different production
factors in literature, a weighted sum formulation is applied to aggregate them into
a nonbinary matrix to indicate the dependency strength among machines and parts.
This practice allows flexible incorporation of multiple production factors in the
resolution of CF problems. Secondly, a two-mode similarity coefficient is applied
to simultaneously form machine groups and part families based on the classical
framework of hierarchical clustering. This practice not only eliminates the
sequential process of grouping machines (or parts) first and then assigning parts
(or machines), but also improves the quality of solutions. The proposed clustering
method has been tested through twelve literature examples. The results demonstrate
that the proposed method can at least yield solutions comparable to the solutions
obtained by metaheuristics. It can yield better results in some instances, as well.
© 2018 Yingyu Zhu and Simon Li.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Engineering; Mathematical techniques, Cell formation problem;
Clustering methods; Hier-archical clustering; Production factors; Quality of
solution; Sequential process; Similarity coefficient methods; Similarity
coefficients, Cellular manufacturing
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Sowmiya, N., Valarmathi, B., Srinivasa Gupta, N.

Solving machine part cell formation problem using genetic algorithm based
evolutionary computing
(2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 614, pp. 203-212.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60618-7_20
AFFILIATIONS: School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University,
Vellore, India;
Department of Software and Systems Engineering, School of Information Technology
and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India;
School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India
ABSTRACT: Machine part cell formation is the group technology problem, in which the
parts with near similar machining requirements are grouped into part families and
the corresponding machines into machine cells. In this paper, a genetic algorithm
with a fine tuning procedure is proposed to solve the group technology problem
considering only one process plan for each part. The grouping efficacy achieved by
the proposed method is comparable to the existing methods in general and better for
11.42% of the datasets. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Clustering; Genetic
algorithm; Grouping efficacy
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Clustering algorithms; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Group
technology; Machinery; Pattern recognition; Soft computing, Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Clustering; Evolutionary computing; Grouping efficacy; Machine
cell; Process plan; Technology problems, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Srinivasa Gupta, N.; School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT
UniversityIndia; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Madureira A.M., Cherukuri A.K., Abraham A., Muda A.K.
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 21945357
ISBN: 9783319606170
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Karoum, B., Elbenani, Y.B.

A clonal selection algorithm for the generalized cell formation problem considering
machine reliability and alternative routings
(2017) Production Engineering, 11 (4-5), pp. 545-556. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s11740-017-0751-6
AFFILIATIONS: Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI), Faculty of Science,
Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The cell formation is the first step in the design of Cellular
Manufacturing systems. It consists of grouping parts with similar processing needs
into cells and identifying the set of machines needed to process these parts. The
aim is to minimize the material handling costs and maximize the use of the
machines. In this paper, the machine reliability and the alternative process
routings are taken into account to form the production cells. The presence of these
factors in addition to the production volume, operation sequence and production
time makes the problem more realistic but also more complex. Most authors solve
this kind of problems by mathematical programming approaches that require large
amounts of computational efforts. Therefore, a modified version of the Clonal
Selection Algorithm is introduced and a local search mechanism is adopted in this
paper. The obtained results are compared with those of the Branch and Bound (B&B)
method using LINGO software. The comparison reveals the effectiveness and the
efficiency of the proposed method in terms of both solution quality and computation
time required. © 2017, German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Cell formation problem; Clonal selection
algorithm; Machine reliability; Material handling costs; Production time;
Production volume
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Clone cells; Cytology; Manufacture;
Materials handling; Mathematical programming; Reliability, Alternative routings;
Cell formation problem; Clonal selection algorithms; Machine reliability; Material
handling costs; Production time; Production volumes, Branch and bound method
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Karoum, B.; Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI),
Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Morocco; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 09446524
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhu, Y., Li, S.

Statistical Analysis of Similarity Measures for Solving Cell Formation Problems
(2017) Procedia CIRP, 63, pp. 248-253. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.174
AFFILIATIONS: University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
ABSTRACT: Hierarchical clustering (HC) has been used to solve cell formation (CF)
problem, which has advantages of solution convergence and not requiring the number
of cells as the input. While evolutionary algorithms (EA) are more common in recent
years due to their capability in solution searching, they also imply more time and
complexity involved in problem solving. At the same time, some studies have shown
that HC can give comparable results if the CF structures are not very "messy". The
term messiness is used to indicate the potential of a given CF problem to yield
nearly independent machine groups and part families. Then, the purpose of this
research is to distinguish whether a CF problem is "messy" or not so that the users
can decide whether using economical HC or relatively demanding EA for problem
solving. In the methodology, the similarity values of machine pairs are first
determined for a given incidence matrix for CF. Then, histogram is used to report
the distribution of similarity values. By analyzing this histogram, it is found
that the distribution of similarity values of a less messy problem often presents a
U-shape. To further quantify this observation, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S
test) is applied to examine how well the distribution of similarity values fits the
normal cumulative distribution function (CDF). The result indicates that the
similarity values of messy CF problems tend to demonstrate normal distribution in
view of the K-S test. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; statistical
distribution of similarity values
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Distribution functions;
Graphic methods; Manufacture; Normal distribution, Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Hierarchical Clustering; Incidence matrices; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test;
Normal cumulative distribution function; Similarity measure; Statistical
distribution, Problem solving
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[email protected]
EDITORS: Wang Y., Tseng M.M., Tsai H.-Y.
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 22128271
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Chaudhuri, B., Jana, R.K., Dan, P.K.

A hybrid genetic algorithm for cell formation problems using operational time
(2017) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 515, pp. 127-134. Cited 1

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3153-3_13
AFFILIATIONS: Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management, Kolkata,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, WB 721302, India
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a two-stage approach consisting of a real-coded
genetic algorithm and goal programming to obtain improved cell formation. In the
first stage, the minimum value of each objective is determined using a single-
objective genetic algorithm. In the second stage, goal programming is incorporated
and the final objective is constructed as the minimization of sum of deviational
variables of corresponding objectives. The proposed technique is implemented as a
software toolkit using C programming language. Modified grouping
efficiency is used as the performance measure to test the efficiency of the
proposed technique. Five problems with different sizes have been considered from
the literature to show the potentials of the proposed technique. © Springer Nature
Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing system; Genetic
algorithm; Goal programming; Modified grouping efficiency
INDEX KEYWORDS: C (programming language); Computation theory; Efficiency; Genetic
algorithms; Intelligent computing; Linear programming; Manufacture; Multiobjective
optimization, Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Goal programming; Grouping
efficiency; Hybrid genetic algorithms; Performance measure; Real coded genetic
algorithm; Single-objective genetic algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chaudhuri, B.; Indian Institute of Social Welfare &
Business ManagementIndia; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Satapathy S.C., Bhateja V., Pattnaik P.K., Udgata S.K.
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 21945357
ISBN: 9789811031526
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mehdizadeh, E., Daei Niaki, S.V., Rahimi, V.

A vibration damping optimization algorithm for solving a new multi-objective
dynamic cell formation problem with workers training
(2016) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 101, pp. 35-52. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2016.08.012
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Qazvin Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a comprehensive multi-objective mixed integer
mathematical programming model which considers cell formation and production
planning problems simultaneously. This comprehensive model includes dynamic system
reconfiguration, multi period production planning, operation sequence, alternative
process plans for part types, machine and worker flexibility, duplicate machines,
machine capacity, available time of workers and worker assignment. The aim of the
proposed model is to minimize inter and intra-cell movement costs, machine and
reconfiguration costs, setup costs, production planning costs (holding, backorder
and subcontracting costs) and workers hiring, firing, training and salary costs, as
well as minimizing summation of machines idle times as a second objective. Due to
NP-hardness of the problem, a recent and efficient meta-heuristic algorithm namely
multi-objective vibration damping optimization (MOVDO) is designed for finding
Pareto-optimal frontier. In order to check the efficiency of the developed
algorithm, it is compared with two salient multi-objective genetic algorithms named
NSGAII and NRGA. Finally, by generating some test problems in small and large
scales and using some multi-objective comparison metrics, the algorithms are
compared and analyzed statistically. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Dynamic cell formation problem;
Multi-Objective mathematical programming; Production planning; Vibration damping
optimization algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Compensation
(personnel); Costs; Cytology; Damping; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic algorithms;
Integer programming; Manufacture; Mathematical programming; Multiobjective
optimization; Pareto principle; Planning; Production control; Reconfigurable
hardware, Alternative process plans; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic system
reconfigurations; Mathematical programming models; Multi-objective genetic
algorithm; Multi-objective mathematical programming; Optimization algorithms;
Production Planning, Optimization
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mehdizadeh, E.; Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical
Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Soto, R., Crawford, B., Almonacid, B.

Efficient leader exchange for Migrating Birds Optimization when solving machine-
part cell formation problems [Un Eficiente Intercambio De Líder En El Algoritmo
Optimización De Migración de Aves en resolver el problema de Formación de Celdas
(2016) Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2016-
July, art. no. 7521561, . Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2016.7521561
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile;
Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago, Chile;
Universidad Científica Del sur, Lima, Peru;
Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile;
Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile
ABSTRACT: The machine-part cell formation (MPCF) problem is to organize an assembly
as a set of cells, where each cell contains certain machines that process a sub-set
of parts. In recent years, different types of metaheuristics have been used to
solve the problem of MPCF. This publication focuses on solving the MPCF problem
using a metaheuristic inspired on birds, called Migrating Birds Optimization (MBO)
algorithm. Experiments have been conducted to 180 test instances using 2 types of
leader exchange in the flock of birds. The results obtained using MBO are equal to
or better than other algorithms reported in the literature. © 2016 AISTI.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Metaheuristics; Migrating Birds
Optimization; Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Birds; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology;
Heuristic algorithms; Information systems; Machinery; Problem solving, Cell
formation; Cell formation problem; Flock of Birds; Meta heuristics; Metaheuristic;
Migrating birds; Optimization algorithms; Test instances, Optimization
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Almonacid, B., (2016) Machine-Part Cell Formation Problems Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Valparaíso Chile, ,
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Almonacid, B.; Pontificia Universidad Católica de
ValparaísoChile; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Rocha A., Reis L.P., Cota M.P., Goncalves R., Suarez O.S.
PUBLISHER: IEEE Computer Society
ISSN: 21660727
ISBN: 9789899843462
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Iberian Conf. Inf. Syst. Technol., CISTI
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Sotoyz, R., Crawford, B., Almonacid, B., Paredes, F., Loyola, E.

Machine-part cell formation problems with constraint programming
(2016) Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science
Society, SCCC, 2016-February, art. no. 7416567, . Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/SCCC.2015.7416567
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile;
Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile;
Universidad Científica Del sur, Lima, Peru;
Universidad Central de Chile, Chile;
Universidad San Sebastián, Chile;
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile;
Universidad Católica Del Norte, Chile
ABSTRACT: Machine-Part Cell Formation consists on organizing a plant as a set of
cells, each one of them processing machines containing different part types. In
recent years, different techniques have been used to solve this problem ranging
from exact to approximate methods. This paper focuses on solving new instances of
this problem for which no optimal value exists by using the classic Boctor's
mathematical model. We employ constraint programming as the underlying solving
technique illustrating that global optimums are achieved for the whole set of
tested instances. © 2015 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Constraint Programming; Machine-Part Cell Formation;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Computer programming; Constraint
theory; Cytology; Machinery; Optimization, Approximate methods; Cell formation;
Cell formation problem; Constraint programming; Global optimum; Optimal values;
Processing machines, Problem solving
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PUBLISHER: IEEE Computer Society
ISSN: 15224902
ISBN: 9781467398176
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Chilean Comput. Sci. Soc. SCCC
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Bootaki, B., Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M.

New bi-objective robust design-based utilisation towards dynamic cell formation
problem with fuzzy random demands
(2015) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 28 (6), pp. 577-
592. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2014.880949
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Generally, one of the most important issues which cause a production
system not to be an efficient one is unemployed capacities of both machines and
workers. On the other hand, adaptive designs most exploiting facilities are not
practical for any cases (huge machines). Hence, sometimes manufacturing firms are
in need of robust design. In this paper, a robust design is considered to configure
cells in a dynamic cellular manufacturing system to overcome the onerous machine
relocation costs. Most of researches on robust design are trying to reduce the
number of facilities while, here, this idea is adopted accompanying with practical
concepts of facility utilisation with new mathematical formulae. Then, a multi-
objective mathematical model containing the minimisation of the inter-cell
movements besides maximising the machine and worker utilisation is developed. Some
other supplements are the following: (1) considering a cubic space representation
for calculation of inter-cell movements and (2) fuzzy random nature of part
demands. Above all, a new goal programming method named percentage multi-choice
goal programming (PMCGP) is innovated to solve the proposed multi-objective model.
Finally, a comprehensive numerical example is generated randomly to verify the
proposed model. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: dynamic cell formation problem; fuzzy random variable; multi-
choice goal programming; robust design
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Design; Fuzzy systems; Linear programming;
Manufacture; Mobile security; Multiobjective optimization, Dynamic cell formation;
Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems; Fuzzy random variable; Manufacturing firms;
Mathematical formulas; Multi-choice goal programming; Multi-objective modeling;
Robust designs, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and TechnologyIran
PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN: 0951192X
SOURCE: Scopus

Seyedhosseini, S.M., Badkoobehi, H., Noktehdan, A.

Machine-Part Cell Formation Problem Using a Group Based League Championship
(2015) Journal of Promotion Management, 21 (1), pp. 55-63. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1080/10496491.2015.970878
AFFILIATIONS: Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran;
National University, San Diego, CA, United States
ABSTRACT: This article proposes a new algorithm for grouping problems that is a
grouping version of league championship algorithm (GLCA). We compare the
performance of GLCA with several well-known algorithms published in the present
literature and select a set of 20 most widely used benchmarks of cell formation
sample problems posing as a grouping problem. We used a truncated geometric
algorithm to find the number of initial cells. Our computations reveal that GLCA
can reach the best-known solution for 17 of the 20 benchmark problems, and improve
the solution of three others with a 1.4% average gap. © 2015, Copyright © Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; grouping genetic algorithm; league
championship algorithm
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Seyedhosseini, S.M.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Iran University of Science and TechnologyIran
PUBLISHER: Routledge
ISSN: 10496491
SOURCE: Scopus

Rafiei, H., Rabbani, M., Nazaridoust, B., Ramiyani, S.S.

Multi-objective cell formation problem considering work-in-process minimization
(2015) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76 (9-12), pp.
1947-1955. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6419-x
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses designing a dynamic cellular manufacturing system
which considers optimizing batch sizes for inter-cell moves in order to pursue
fundamentals of Just-In-Time production philosophy. To do so, a bi-objective mixed-
integer nonlinear programming model is proposed with two conflicting objective
functions: minimizing sum of machine purchasing, operating, inter-cell moves,
machine relocation, and machine transferring cost, and minimizing work-in-process
(WIP) with regard to inter-cell batch sizes. Also, the best time to sell unused
machines is obtained by calculating their salvage values. Finally, the proposed
model is validated using numerical experiments and hence, the resulted WIP
inventories are assessed through the conducted numerical experiments, and
sensitivity analysis is provided with respect to three major parameters (machine
purchasing cost, inter-cell material handling cost, and part demand) applied in the
proposed model. © 2014, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cellular manufacturing; Mixed-integer nonlinear
programming; Multi-objective optimization; Work-in-process
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cost benefit analysis; Costs; Cytology; Integer programming;
Just in time production; Manufacture; Materials handling; Multiobjective
optimization; Nonlinear programming; Sales; Sensitivity analysis, Conflicting
objectives; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems; Mixed integer nonlinear
programming models; Mixed-integer nonlinear programming; Multi-objective cell
formation problem; Numerical experiments; Purchasing costs; Work in process,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rabbani, M.; School of Industrial & Systems Engineering,
College of Engineering, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Saeidi, S., Solimanpur, M., Mahdavi, I., Javadian, N.

A multi-objective genetic algorithm for solving cell formation problem using a
fuzzy goal programming approach
(2014) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70 (9-12), pp.
1635-1652. Cited 17 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-013-5392-0
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Computer Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tabriz, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Azerbaijan;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: A comprehensive multi-objective mathematical programming model is
proposed in this paper to design a cellular manufacturing system. The model
considers machine redundancy, production volume, processing time, cost of machines,
sequence of operations, and alternative processing plans. A fuzzy goal programming
approach is used to convert the proposed multi-objective model into a single-
objective one. Due to NP-hard nature of the model, a genetic algorithm is developed
for solving the proposed model. Performance of the proposed genetic algorithm is
evaluated by adopting four problems from literature. The results indicate
effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm in comparison with those
obtained by Lingo and NSGA-II algorithm. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Fuzzy goal
programming; Genetic algorithm; Group technology; NSGA-II
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Effectiveness and efficiencies; Fuzzy goal
programming; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Multi-objective mathematical
programming; Multi-objective modeling; NSGA-II; Production volumes, Cellular
manufacturing; Computer programming; Genetic algorithms; Group technology;
Mathematical programming, Problem solving
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Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Gupta, N.S., Devika, D., Panpaliya, V.

Some clarifications on the use of Mahalanobis distance for the machine-part cell
formation problem
(2014) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73 (5-8), pp.
783-794. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-5854-z
AFFILIATIONS: Manufacturing Engineering Division, School of Mechanical and Building
Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, India;
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, India
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the clarifications regarding the usage of Mahalanobis
distance (MD) for the machine-part cell formation (MPCF) are demonstrated. Perhaps,
for the first time, part families are created using the correlation matrix derived
from the covariance matrix of the given incidence matrix. The proposed MD-based
method is compared with the existing popular methods for MPCF using the benchmark
data sets from the literature. Also, in the present work, the procedure for
calculation of MD for the purpose of machine-part cell formation in the event of
high correlations is explained. The comparative performance analysis reveals that
the grouping efficacy of the proposed MD-based method is at par or better when
compared with the other popular algorithms available in the literature. © 2014
Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing system; Group
technology; Mahalanobis distance
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Covariance matrix, Benchmark data; Cell
formation; Cell formation problem; Comparative performance analysis; Correlation
matrix; Grouping efficacy; Incidence matrices; Mahalanobis distances, Group
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Li, S., Mehrabadi, H.

Generation of block diagonal forms using hierarchical clustering for cell formation
(2014) Procedia CIRP, 17, pp. 44-49. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.01.143
AFFILIATIONS: University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada;
Concordia University, Montreal, MO, Canada
ABSTRACT: While cell formation (CF) problems have been studied for few decades, the
purpose of this paper is to advance the solution technique using one classical
approach, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). In the application of HCA, one
technical challenge is to cluster both machines and parts simultaneously. In this
paper, this challenge is addressed by quantifying the coupling between machines and
parts in the clustering process. One feature of the proposed method is to generate
block diagonal forms that show some intermediate sorting of machines and parts
without specifying the structural criteria (e.g., the number of cells).
Consequently, engineers can specify the structural criteria after inspecting the
block diagonal forms instead of specifying them at the beginning. Some numerical
examples from literature are used to examine and verify the proposed method. © 2014
Elsevier B.V.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Hierarchical clustering; Simultaneous
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cluster analysis; Clustering algorithms; Couplings;
Cytology; Hierarchical systems; Manufacture; Numerical methods, Cell formation
problem; Classical approach; Hier-archical clustering; Hierarchical cluster
analysis; Simultaneous clustering; Solution techniques; Structural criterion;
Technical challenges; Clustering process, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
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DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Jia, G.-Z., Luan, S.-C., Chen, L., Min, C.

Cell formation problem for virtual cellular manufacturing based on the process
(2012) Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice, 32
(10), pp. 2111-2118. Cited 7 times.

AFFILIATIONS: School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing

100191, China
ABSTRACT: In order to improve the agility of virtual cellular manufacturing in the
functional layout manufacturing system for multi-product and small-batch
manufacturing enterprise, it presents a novel method for virtual cell formation
based on process modularization. The integrated method which combines both parts-
based clustering analysis and process-based clustering analysis decomposes parts
process based on process modularization. And a process module warehouse for the
manufacturing system is formed, then we can construct virtual manufacturing cells.
The superiority of the novel clustering analysis is that it can reduce the control
difficulty of manufacturing system, improve the construction speed of virtual cell
of manufacturing system. Besides, the method also can reduce lead time and improve
the agility for virtual cellular manufacturing system.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Clustering analysis; Process modularization; Virtual
manufacturing cell
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Clustering analysis; Construction speed;
Functional layout; Integrated method; Leadtime; Modularizations; Multi-products;
Novel clustering; Small-batch manufacturing; Virtual cells; Virtual cellular
manufacturing; Virtual cellular manufacturing system; Virtual manufacturing cell,
Computer aided manufacturing; Modular construction, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Luan, S.-C.; School of Economics and Management, Beihang
University, Beijing 100191, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 10006788
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Xitong Gongcheng Lilum yu Shijian
SOURCE: Scopus

Papaioannou, G., Wilson, J.M.

A tabu search algorithm for the cell formation problem with part machine sequencing
(2012) Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 37 (2), pp. 97-127.

DOI: 10.2478/v10209-011-0008-7
AFFILIATIONS: School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom;
School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DD,
United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: This paper presents extensions of the IP model where part-machine
assignment and cell formation are addressed simultaneously and part machine
utilisation is considered. More specifically, an integration of inter-cell
movements of parts and machine set-up costs within the objective function, and also
a combination of machine set-up costs associated with parts revisiting a cell when
the part machine operation sequence is taken into account are examined and an
enhanced model is formulated. Based upon this model's requirements, an initial
three stage approach is proposed and a tabu search iterative procedure is designed
to produce a solution. The initial approach consists of the allocation of machines
to cells, the allocation of parts to machines in cells and the evaluation of the
objective function's value. Special care has been taken when allocating parts to
machine cells as part machine operation sequence is preserved making the system
more complex but more realistic. The proposed tabu search algorithm integrates
short term memory and an overall iterative searching strategy where two move types,
single and exchange, are considered. Computational experiments verified both the
algorithm's robustness where promising solutions in reasonably short computational
effort are produced and also the algorithm's effectiveness for large scale data
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Mixed integer linear programming; Part
allocation; Part machine operation sequence; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Integer programming; Iterative
methods; Learning algorithms; Tabu search, Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Computational experiment; Large scale data sets; Machine operation; Mixed integer
linear programming; Part allocation; Tabu search algorithms, Cytology
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[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
ISSN: 08676356
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Found. Comput. Decis. Sci.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
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Vin, E., Delchambre, A.

Comparison between simultaneous and iterative resolutions for generalized cell
formation problems with a Genetic Algorithm
(2012) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 14 (PART 1), pp. 1751-1756.

DOI: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00229
AFFILIATIONS: BEAMS Department, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, B-
1050, Belgium
ABSTRACT: Actually, lean manufacturing is a must to improve productivity and reduce
cost. One of the tools of lean is cellular manufacturing. This technique subdivides
the factory to several small entities, which are easier to manage. The algorithm
proposed in this paper is based on the simultaneous resolution of two
interdependent problems. These two problems emerge when the notion of flexibility
is introduced in the production process. This paper demonstrates the efficiency of
the simultaneous resolution through a unique adapted genetic algorithm compared to
a sequential resolution with iterations. © 2012 IFAC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Flow analysis; Genetic algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Flow analysis; Lean manufacturing;
Production process, Genetic algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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(ULB), Brussels, B-1050, Belgium; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 14746670
ISBN: 9783902661982
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Ranjbar-Bourani, M., Amin, G.R., Siadat, A.

A cell formation problem considering machine utilization and alternative process
routes by scatter search
(2012) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 (4), pp. 1127-1139. Cited 28 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-010-0395-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch,
Tehran, Iran;
Department of Computer Engineering, Postgraduate Engineering Centre, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran;
Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, LCFC, Metz, France
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) is the first step in the design of cellular
manufacturing systems (CMSs), which has been recognized as an effective way to
enhance the productivity in a factory. There is a set of criteria on which to judge
route of product, machine grouping and part family simultaneously in terms of the
effective utilization of these cells. In this study, we consider four objectives
simultaneously: (1) Minimizing the total fixed and variable cost including costs of
purchasing, operation, and maintenance; (2) minimizing cost of intercellular
movements; (3) maximizing the utilization of machines in the system; and (4)
minimizing deviations among the levels of the cell utilization (i.e.; balancing the
workload between cells). In this paper, these objectives are first weighted by
their relative importance and then a new mathematical model is presented. To solve
this model, a scatter search (SS) algorithm is proposed to select a process plan
for each part with the minimum cost along with forming the part family and machine
grouping simultaneously. The performance of the proposed SS is compared with the
Lingo 8.0 software. A number of test problems are carried out to verify the good
ability of the proposed SS in terms of the solution quality and computational time.
The computational results reveal that the SS finds promising results, especially in
the case of large-sized problems. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routes; Cell formation problem; Multi-
criteria; Scatter search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process; Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Computational results; Computational time; Intercellular movement; Machine
grouping; Machine utilization; Minimizing costs; Minimum cost; Multi-criteria; New
mathematical model; Part family; Process plan; Scatter search; Solution quality;
Test problem; Variable costs, Cost accounting; Costs, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Siadat, A.; Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, LCFC, Metz, France;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09565515
SOURCE: Scopus

Arkat, J., Farahani, M.H., Ahmadizar, F.

Multi-objective genetic algorithm for cell formation problem considering cellular
layout and operations scheduling
(2012) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25 (7), pp. 625-
635. Cited 36 times.

DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2012.665182
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Sanandaj, 416, Iran
ABSTRACT: Integrated design of cellular manufacturing (CM) systems consist of three
major decisions: cell formation (CF), cellular layout (CL) and planning issues such
as cellular scheduling (CS). This article presents a mathematical model to
concurrently identify the formation of cells, cellular layout and the operations
sequence with the objective of minimising total transportation cost of parts as
well as minimising makespan. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is then
developed to solve the problem. The proposed MOGA exploits a novel evolutionary
process which enables it to efficiently find Pareto optimal solutions.
Computational results show the advantages of the proposed integrated approach and
the superiority of the proposed MOGA over some well-known multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation; cellular layout; multi-objective genetic
algorithm; operations scheduling
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular layout;
Computational results; Evolutionary process; Integrated approach; Integrated
designs; Makespan; Multi objective evolutionary algorithms; Multi-objective genetic
algorithm; Operations scheduling; Pareto optimal solutions; Transportation cost,
Mathematical models; Scheduling; Scheduling algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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Arkat, J., Naseri, F., Ahmadizar, F.

A stochastic model for the generalised cell formation problem considering machine
(2011) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24 (12), pp.
1095-1102. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2011.627944
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Sanandaj, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) is the most well-known problem in designing cellular
manufacturing systems. In the generalised version of the CF problem, each part has
a number of alternative process plans. Two issues should be addressed in the
generalised cell formation (GCF) problem: selecting the best process plan for each
part and assigning machines to the cells. In addition to the minimisation of
movement costs, the selection of the most reliable process plans is an important
task for the GCF problem. Although the expected value (EV) method is a
straightforward procedure to model stochastic situations, this method has some
serious drawbacks. Therefore, we use chance-constrained programming (CCP) to model
this problem. To demonstrate the advantages of the proposed model, the model is
compared with the traditional GCF model and the EV model through some numerical
examples. The results reveal that the proposed model is superior to the other
alternatives. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation; cellular manufacturing systems; chance-
constrained programming; machine reliability
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Chance-constrained programming; Expected values; machine reliability; Numerical
example; Process plan, Cellular manufacturing; Computer programming, Stochastic
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Economics, 101 (2), pp. 329-352., DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.01.014, PII
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Zakarian, A., Kusiak, A., Modeling manufacturing dependability (1997) IEEE
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; Department of Industrial Engineering, University
of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0951192X
SOURCE: Scopus

Papaioannou, G., Wilson, J.M.

The evolution of cell formation problem methodologies based on recent studies
(1997-2008): Review and directions for future research
(2010) European Journal of Operational Research, 206 (3), pp. 509-521. Cited 149

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2009.10.020
AFFILIATIONS: The Business School, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU,
United Kingdom;
School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DD
Wales, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a literature review of the cell formation (CF)
problem concentrating on formulations proposed in the last decade. It refers to a
number of solution approaches that have been employed for CF such as mathematical
programming, heuristic and metaheuristic methodologies and artificial intelligence
strategies. A comparison and evaluation of all methodologies is attempted and some
shortcomings are highlighted. Finally, suggestions for future research are proposed
useful for CF researchers. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Group
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Literature reviews; Metaheuristic; Solution approach, Artificial
intelligence; Group technology; Mathematical programming; Research, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Papaioannou, G.; The Business School, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Liu, C., Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Lian, J.

A heuristic algorithm for cell formation problems with consideration of multiple
production factors
(2010) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46 (9-12), pp.
1201-1213. Cited 30 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-009-2170-0
AFFILIATIONS: School of Management, Xi'An University of Technology, Xi'an 710048,
Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan;
Department of Economics and Business Management, Yamagata University, Yamagata 990-
8560, Japan;
School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, United
Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8576,
ABSTRACT: For the design of manufacturing cells, numerous mathematical models and
various algorithms have been extensively investigated in the literature. However,
most of the proposed models and algorithms have more or fewer drawbacks on the
issues with real-life situations. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model
that incorporates multiple key real-life production factors simultaneously, namely,
production volume, batch size, alternative process routings and perfect coefficient
of each routing, cell size, unit cost of intercell/intracell movements, and path
coefficient of material flows. Then, to solve this NP-hard model, we develop a
heuristic algorithm with three stages: (1) form the temporary machine group plan
according to the alternative process routings of each part, (2) select the
appropriate process routing of each part with respect to the over-all material
movement cost, and (3) configure the regular manufacturing cells based on the
appropriate process routing. A simple numerical example and an industrial case are
used to test the computational performance of the proposed algorithm. The test
results imply that it is useful for manufacturing cell design in both quality and
speed. © 2009 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing system; Heuristic
algorithm; Multiple production factors
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Batch sizes; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Cell size; Cellular manufacturing system; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Computational performance; Manufacturing cells; Material Flow; NP-hard;
Numerical example; Process routing; Production volumes; Test results; Three stages;
Unit cost, Computational complexity; Computer integrated manufacturing; Computer
simulation; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic algorithms; Heuristic
methods; Mathematical models, Cellular manufacturing
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980-8578, Japan; email: [email protected]
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Mehdizadeh, E., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.

A fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm for a cell formation problem
(2009) 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009
European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009 -
Proceedings, pp. 1768-1772. Cited 3 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad

University, Qazvin Branch, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Group technology (GT) is a useful way to increase productivity with high
quality in cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs), in which cell formation (CF) is a
key step in the GT philosophy. When boundaries between groups are fuzzy, fuzzy
clustering has been successfully adapted to solve the CF problem; however, it may
result uneven distribution of parts/machines where the problem becomes larger. In
this case, particle swarm optimization (PSO) can be used to tackle such a hard
problem. This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm based on the fuzzy clustering and
particle swarm optimization (FPSO) to solve the given CF problem. We experiment a
number of examples to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and find that
our proposed FPSO algorithm is able to obtain good results at reasonable time.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing systems; Fuzzy
clustering; Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Fuzzy particle swarm; Hard
problems; High quality; Hybrid algorithms, Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing;
Fuzzy clustering; Fuzzy logic; Fuzzy systems; Group technology; Offshore oil
fields; Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mehdizadeh, E.; Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical
Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin BranchIran; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9789899507968
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Fuzzy Syst. Assoc. World Congr. Eur. Soc. Fuzzy
Logic Technol. Conf., IFSA-EUSFLAT - Proc.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Hachicha, W., Masmoudi, F., Haddar, M.

Design of experiment and correlation analysis for solving cell formation problem
with alternative routings [Plans d'expérience et analyse des corrélations pour la
résolution du problème de formation de cellules avec gammes alternatives]
(2009) Mecanique et Industries, 10 (5), pp. 337-350.

DOI: 10.1051/meca/2009068
AFFILIATIONS: Unité de Recherche de Mécanique, Modélisation et Production (U2MP),
ÉIcole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P.1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia;
Institut Supérieur de Gestion Industrielle de Sfax, Tunisia
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) problem involves grouping parts into families and
machines into cells. The CF problem becomes extra complicated if parts are assigned
with alternative routings. In this context, we propose a new two-phase approach.
The first phase is based on Designed of Experiments. The objective is to realize
the best alternative routing for each part in term of CF performance criteria. In
addition, the result goes across and beyond the previous CF procedures by providing
a sensitivity analysis aspect. A new performance criterion which is based on the
percentage of conservation of incidence matrix data is proposed and validated. The
second phase consists in applying CF based on correlation analysis to cluster the
machines and parts. In order to illustrate the two phases of the proposed approach,
two numerical examples are provided. Furthermore, the results of a comparative
study based on multiple performance criteria show that the present approach is
valid. © 2009 AFM EDP Sciences.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Cell formation; Correlation analysis;
Design of experiments; Performance criteria; Sensitivity analysis
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Cell formation; Cell formation problem with
alternative routings; Comparative studies; Correlation analysis; Experiment and
correlations; Incidence matrices; Performance criterion, Cellular manufacturing;
Correlation methods; Design of experiments; Sensitivity analysis, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hachicha, W.; Unité de Recherche de Mécanique, Modélisation
et Production (U2MP), ÉIcole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P.1173, 3038 Sfax,
Tunisia; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 12962139
SOURCE: Scopus

Liu, C., Yasuda, K., Yin, Y., Tanaka, K.

Uncertain association rule mining algorithm for the cell formation problem in
cellular manufacturing systems
(2009) International Journal of Production Research, 47 (3), pp. 667-685. Cited 11

DOI: 10.1080/00207540701501849
AFFILIATIONS: Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8578, Japan;
Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8576,
Department of Economics and Business Management, Yamagata University, Yamagata,
990-8560, Japan
ABSTRACT: Although data mining has enjoyed popularity in recent years with advances
in both academia and industry, the application of data mining to cellular
manufacturing, one of the most powerful management innovations in job-shop or
batch-type production, is still under-utilized. Based on association rule mining,
Chen initially developed a cell formation approach. One problem of such a cell
formation algorithm is that various real-life production factors were ignored. In
this paper we propose a new cell formation algorithm by way of uncertain
association rule mining. The proposed algorithm incorporates several key production
factors, such as operation sequence, production volume, batch size, alternative
process routings, cell size, the number of cells, and the path coefficient of
material flow. The efficacy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm were tested
using several numerical problems.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Data mining; Uncertain
association rule mining
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Association rules; Associative processing; Cells;
Cytology; Data mining; Decision support systems; Information management; Knowledge
management; Mining, Alternative process routings; Association rule minings; Batch
sizes; Cell formation; Cell formation algorithms; Cell formation problems; Cell
formations; Cell sizes; Cellular Manufacturing systems; Management innovations;
Material flows; Numerical problems; Operation sequences; Production volumes;
Uncertain association rule mining, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Liu, C.; Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai,
980-8578, Japan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

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AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Administration, Izmir University of Economics,
Sakarya Cad. No:156, Izmir 35330, Turkey;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
06531, Turkey
ABSTRACT: This paper describes a study involving the development of a Decision
Support System (DSS) for the part/machine Cell Formation (CF) problem of cellular
manufacturing, to be used as a research oriented as well as operational cell design
tool. An overview of the CF problem is presented, followed by the description of
efficiency measures and construction algorithms selected from the literature for
creation and evaluation of alternative solutions. New modified efficiency measures
and a Composite Measure (CM) are proposed and employed in the DSS for more
comprehensive comparisons. Improvement heuristics are developed for modifying and
enhancing the solutions formed by the construction algorithms. DSS users are
enabled to switch among solutions or algorithms for determining the best cell
configuration for their particular needs. Copyright © 2008, Inderscience
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Decision Support
System; DSS
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Heuristic algorithms; Product design, Cell
design; Cell formation; Construction algorithm, Decision support systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Eliiyi, D.T.; Department of Business Administration, Izmir
University of Economics, Sakarya Cad. No:156, Izmir 35330, Turkey; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17485037
SOURCE: Scopus

Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Safaei, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.

A fuzzy parametric programming for cell formation problem in uncertainty and
dynamic conditions
(2006) 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ICC
and IE 2006, pp. 2703-2713.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and

Technology, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran,
P.O. Box: 11365, 4563, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a fuzzy parametric programming approach for solving a
mixed-integer model of cell formation with uncertain demand and machine capacity
under a multi-period planning horizon. In dynamic condition, a multi-period
planning horizon is considered in which product mix and demand in each period are
different such as seasonal product demand. As a result, the best cells designed for
one period may not be efficient cells for subsequent periods and some of
reconfigurations required. Furthermore, some of parameters are actually imprecise
and uncertain that can be estimated by experts' knowledge in a fuzzy environment.
The purpose of fuzzy parametric programming is to find and optimal compromise "in-
between" as a function of degrees of imprecision in parameters. The proposed model
is capable to express vagueness of part demand and machine capacity and gives the
decision-maker alternative decision plans for different grads of precision. The
advantages of proposed model are considering the machine
variable/constant/relocation costs, machine duplication, inter cell material
handling, operation sequence and alternative process plans. Constraints are cell
size and machine capacity. To illustrate the behavior of the proposed model, an
example with fuzzy extension generated and computational results presented.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Fuzzy parametric programming; Uncertain
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Cell formation problem; Computational
results; Dynamic cell formation; Fuzzy parametric programming; Mixed-integer
modeling; Operation sequences; Uncertain condition, Cells; Cellular manufacturing;
Cytology; Industrial engineering; Uncertainty analysis, Integer programming
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Saidi-Mehrabad, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]


DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Suresh, N.C., Slomp, J.

A multi-objective procedure for labour assignments and grouping in capacitated cell
formation problems
(2001) International Journal of Production Research, 39 (18), pp. 4103-4131. Cited
36 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540110072966
AFFILIATIONS: School of Management, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY
14260-4000, United States;
Faculty of Management and Organization, University of Groningen, PO Box 800, 9700
AV Groningen, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: A hierarchical methodology for the design of manufacturing cells is
proposed, which includes labour-grouping considerations in addition to part-machine
grouping. It is empirically driven and designed for an interactive decision
environment, with an emphasis on fast execution times. The method synthesizes the
capabilities of neural network methods for rapid clustering of large part-machine
data sets, with multi-objective optimization capabilities of mathematical
programming. The procedure includes three phases. In Phase I, part families and
associated machine types are identified through neural network methods. Phase II
involves a prioritization of part families identified, along with adjustments to
certain load-related parameters. Phase III involves interactive goal programming
for regrouping machines and labour into cells. In machine grouping, factors such as
capacity constraints, cell size restrictions, minimization of load imbalances,
minimization of intercell movements of parts, minimization of new machines to be
purchased, provision of flexibility, etc. are considered. In labour grouping, the
functionally specialized labour pools are partitioned and regrouped into cells.
Factors such as minimization of hiring and cross-training costs, ensuring balanced
loads for workers, minimization of intercell movements of workers, providing
adequate levels of labour flexibility, etc. are considered in a pragmatic manner.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cost effectiveness; Fuzzy sets; Genetic algorithms; Machinery;
Neural networks; Optimization; Personnel selection; Personnel training, Capacitated
cell formation problem; Labour assignments; Labour grouping; Multi-objective
procedure, Cellular manufacturing
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ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Joines, Jeffrey A., King, Russell E., Culbreth, C.Thomas

Moving beyond the parts incidence matrix: Alternative routings and operations for
the cell formation problem
(2000) Journal of Engineering Valuation and Cost Analysis, 2 (5), pp. 327-348.
Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: North Carolina State Univ, Raleigh, United States

ABSTRACT: A genetic algorithm (GA) utilizing an integer-based representation is
presented to assist in the design of cellular manufacturing (CM) systems. It allows
for a variety of evaluation functions and the selective incorporation/exclusion of
design constraints during cell formation. In this paper, the basic GA model is
extended to consider alternative operations and machine redundancy as well as
completely fixed alternative routes. The approach is demonstrated on data from the
literature and is shown to be an effective cell design tool. An industrial case
study is described where the clustering problem was solved using the genetic search
approach. The resulting cell design has been implemented.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Constraint theory; Genetic algorithms; Matrix algebra, Cell
formation problems; Parts incidence matrix, Cellular manufacturing
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Joines, Jeffrey A.; North Carolina State Univ, Raleigh,
United States
PUBLISHER: Gordon & Breach Science Publ Inc, Reading, United Kingdom
ISSN: 10249559
SOURCE: Scopus

Kitaoka, M., Nakamura, R., Serizawa, S., Usuki, J.

Multivariate analysis model for machine-part cell formation problem in group
(1999) International Journal of Production Economics, 60, pp. 433-438. Cited 15

DOI: 10.1016/S0925-5273(98)00156-X
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Kanagawa University, Yokohama 221, Japan;
3-27-1, Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, 221, Japan
ABSTRACT: The principal objective of this article is to formulate a multivariate
analysis model to generate optimal machine cells and part families in GT problems.
The algorithm is carried out in three stages. The double centering matrix for
similarity of machines and parts is used as similarity coefficient matrix. A
quantification method is applied to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors on the
double centering matrix. Cluster analysis is applied to make part families and
machines groups while minimizing the distance of eigenvectors. A numerical example
for the design of cell structures is provided.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Group technology; Machinery; Mathematical models; Matrix algebra;
Statistical methods, Cluster analysis; Machine part cell formation problem; Part
family formation, Cellular manufacturing
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Network, 5, pp. 493-504
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kitaoka, Masatoshi; Kanagawa Univ, Yokohama, Japan
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam
ISSN: 09255273
SOURCE: Scopus

Aljaber, N., Baek, W., Chen, C.-L.

A tabu search approach to the cell formation problem
(1997) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 32 (1), pp. 169-185. Cited 52 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0360-8352(96)00208-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mississippi State University,
P.O. Drawer U, Mississippi State, MS 39762, United States
ABSTRACT: The formation of machine cells and part families is a central issue in
the design of cellular production systems In this paper, we propose a tabu search
based approach to deal with this problem by modeling it as a "Shortest Spanning
Path" problem with respect to both parts and machines. A comparison of the proposed
method with some of the existing methods is presented. Our results revealed that
the proposed approach possesses several advantages that make it capable of handling
the problem addressed in this paper as it exists in real-world situations.
Copyright © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical models; Optimization; Problem solving; Process
control; Production control, Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Group
technology (GT); Shortest spanning path problem; Tabu search approach, Flexible
manufacturing systems
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Mississippi State University, P.O. Drawer U, Mississippi State, MS 39762, United
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Suresh, N.C., Slomp, J., Kaparthi, S.

The capacitated cell formation problem: A new hierarchical methodology
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (6), pp. 1761-1784. Cited
26 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930241
AFFILIATIONS: School of Management, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY,
14260, United States;
University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800,9700 AV, Groningen, Netherlands;
Department of Management, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, 50614,
United States
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a hierarchical methodology for the design of manufacturing
cells is proposed, synthesizing the capabilities of new pattern recognition methods
for rapid clustering of large part-machine data sets, with multi-objective
optimization capabilities of mathematical programming. The procedure includes three
phases. In Phase I, part families and associated machine types are identified
through neural network methods for pattern recognition. Phase II is a cell
formation phase that involves the assignment of part families and individual
machines to create independent cells. It takes into account several factors such as
capacity constraints, cell size restrictions, minimization of load imbalances and
provision of flexibility, Phase III attempts to minimize inter-cell traffic further
for families that may still have to be processed in more than one cell. The
methodology is illustrated using several examples. © 1995 Taylor & Francis Group,
INDEX KEYWORDS: Hierarchical systems; Machinery; Neural networks; Optimization;
Pattern recognition; Productivity, Capacitated cell formation problem; Inter cell
traffic, Manufacture
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Suresh, N.C.; School of Management, State University of New
York, Buffalo, NY, 14260, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Rath, S.K., Das, C., Sahu, S.

Network synthesis approach for cell formation problems
(1995) Industrial Engineering Research - Conference Proceedings, pp. 550-556.

AFFILIATIONS: Regional Engineering Coll, Rourkela, India

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a graph-theoretic approach for solving the cell
formation problem in Cellular Manufacturing. The machine-component incidence matrix
is used to develop the similarly matrix to indicate the degree of similarly between
the machines. Using this matrix, a graph is developed to show the maximum spanning
tree or dominant requirement tree. On application of the network synthesis
procedure on the dominant requirement tree, it is partitioned into subgraphs. These
subgraphs indicate the machine cells.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Inspection; Matrix algebra; Production engineering; Trees
(mathematics); Work simplification, Cellular manufacturing (CM); Group technology
(GT), Flexible manufacturing systems
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rath, S.K.; Regional Engineering Coll, Rourkela, India
PUBLISHER: IIE, Norcross, GA, United States

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V.

Application of efficient sfha and tlbo algorithms for cell formation problems in
cellular manufacturing environment
(2019) International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and
Development, 9 (3), pp. 43-52. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.24247/ijmperdjun20195
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education
Foundation, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India;
MVR College of Engineering and Technology, Paritala, Krishna DistrictAndhra
Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular Manufacturing (CM) is a basic Group Technology (GT) application
that has been utilized in a few true modern applications. The issue of cell
arrangement is considered as the principal most critical criteria in the design of
Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS), so as to limit lead time and setup time to
amplify productivity and profitability. In this paper, an efficient Sheep Flock
Heredity algorithm (SFHA) and another proficient optimization technique, called
Teaching–Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) are discussed for the advancement of
cellular manufacturing issues. That simple genetic algorithm SFHA is referred as
multi-level genetic operations, which can obtain good solutions. SFHA algorithm was
generally based on the natural change of sheep in the flock. The procedure of
Teaching Learning Based Optimization is partitioned into two sections: the initial
segment comprises of 'Teacher Phase' and the second part comprises of the 'Learner
Phase'. 'Teacher Phase' implies gaining knowledge from the teacher and 'Learner
Phase' implies learning by the communication among learners. So in this paper, the
main aim is applying SFHA �TLBO algorithms for Cell Formation problems in Cellular
Manufacturing Environment. Graphical User Interface (GUI) is developed for both
SFHA and TLBO algorithms to solve any size of Cell Formation problem within
fraction of seconds to obtain cells with number of Exceptional Elements and
Grouping Efficacy. © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular Manufacturing; Exceptional Elements; Group Technology;
Grouping Efficacy
REFERENCES: Nara, K., Takeyama, T., Kim, H., A new evolutionary algorithm based on
sheep flocks heredity model and its application to scheduling problem (1999) IEEE
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Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V., Rao, M.N., Krishna, C.E., Anoop, K., Neeraj,
Y., An Efficient Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm for the Cell Formation Problem
(2017) ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (21), pp. 6074-6079;
Prasath, K.A., Johnson, R.D.J., Scrutiny of Machine Assignment in Various Intra-
Cell Layout in Cellular Manufacturing Using Automation Studios;
Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V., Anurag Reddy, C., Mahesh Reddy, S., Baba,
M.A., Akhil Reddy, G., Varma, N.S.M., Application of Teaching-Learning Based
Optimization Technique for Cell Formation problems (2017) International Journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116 (5), pp. 123-128
PUBLISHER: Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private
Limited (TJPRC)
ISSN: 22496890
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Mech. Prod. Eng. Res. Dev.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Joglekar, P., Chung, Q.B., Tavana, M.

Note on a comparative evaluation of nine well-known algorithms for solving the cell
formation problem in group technology
(2001) Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 5 (4), pp. 253-268.
Cited 7 times.

AFFILIATIONS: La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA 19141, United States;

Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085, United States
ABSTRACT: Over the last three decades, numerous algorithms have been proposed to
solve the work-cell formation problem. For practicing manufacturing managers it
would be nice to know as to which algorithm would be most effective and efficient
for their specific situation. While several studies have attempted to fulfill this
need, most have not resulted in any definitive recommendations and a better
methodology of evaluation of cell formation algorithms is urgently needed. Prima
facie, the methodology underlying Miltenburg and Zhang's (M&Z) (1991) evaluation of
nine well-known cell formation algorithms seems very promising. The primary
performance measure proposed by M&Z effectively captures the objectives of a good
solution to a cell formation problem and is worthy of use in future studies.
Unfortunately, a critical review of M&Z's methodology also reveals certain
important flaws in M&Z's methodology. For example, M&Z may not have duplicated each
algorithm precisely as the developer(s) of that algorithm intended. Second, M&Z's
misrepresent Chandrasekharan and Rajagopalan's [C&R's] (1986) grouping efficiency
measure. Third, M&Z's secondary performance measures lead them to unnecessarily
ambivalent results. Fourth, several of M&Z's empirical conclusions can be
theoretically deduced. It is hoped that future evaluations of cell formation
algorithms will benefit from both the strengths and weaknesses of M&Z's work.
Copyright© 2001, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular Manufacturing; Comparative Analysis; Group Technology;
Performance Measures; Work-Cell Formation Algorithms
REFERENCES: Boe, W.J., Cheng, C.H., A close neighbour algorithm for designing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chung, Q.B.; Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085,
United States
ISSN: 11739126
SOURCE: Scopus

Foulds, L.R., French, A.P., Wilson, J.M.

The sustainable cell formation problem: Manufacturing cell creation with machine
modification costs
(2006) Computers and Operations Research, 33 (4), pp. 1010-1032. Cited 28 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2004.09.001
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management Systems, University of Waikato, New Zealand;

Business School, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE113TU, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: An approach for manufacturing cell formation with machine modification is
presented. In cell formation it is often important in practice to be able to
reassign parts to additional machine types in order to create better cell
configurations. This involves extending the set of parts that certain individual
machines can process. Such extensions may be cheaper than simply purchasing
additional machines. Thus, there is the possibility of machine modification to
reduce inter-cell travel. The cost of such modifications must be balanced by the
consequent reduction in inter-cell travel cost. The extended machine cell formation
problem to be described involves the specification of which individual machines
should be modified to enable them to process additional part types, part-machine
assignment, and the grouping of individual machines for cell formation. The
objective is to minimize the sum of the machine modification costs and the inter-
cell travel. We call this the sustainable cell formation problem (SCFP). As far as
the authors are aware, there have not been any solution procedures for this
important problem reported in the open literature. It is our purpose to fill this
gap by presenting a mixed integer programming model of the SCFP. We also propose
and analyze greedy and tabu search heuristics for the design of large-scale systems
related to the SCFP. Computational experience with the solution procedures
indicates that they are likely to be useful additions to the production engineer's
toolkit. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Heuristics; Integer programming; Machine
modification costs; Models; Sustainable manufacturing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Costs; Heuristic methods; Integer programming; Machine components;
Mathematical models; Models; Modification; Problem solving, Cell formation;
Heuristics; Machine modification costs; Sustainable manufacturing, Cellular
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Burbidge, J.L., The simplification of material flow systems (1982) International
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Hyer, N.L., Wemmerlov, U., Group technology in the US manufacturing industry: A
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ISSN: 03050548
SOURCE: Scopus

Miltenburg, J., Zhang, W.

A comparative evaluation of nine well-known algorithms for solving the cell
formation problem in group technology
(1991) Journal of Operations Management, 10 (1), pp. 44-72. Cited 127 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0272-6963(91)90035-V
AFFILIATIONS: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., Canada
ABSTRACT: Nine algorithms, developed to solve the cell formation problem, are
evaluated and compared for their ability to produce good solutions to large
problems. A primary performance measure and two secondary performance measures are
presented for gauging the quality of a solution to the cell formation problem.
Eight problems from the open literature and 60 randomly generated, large problems
are analyzed. The analysis shows that there is no solution algorithm that performs
better on all performance measures for problems from both the literature and the
randomly generated data sets. One algorithm, called the ISNC algorithm and based on
clustering around seeds, performs significantly better than all other algorithms on
the primary performance measure (and performs well on the secondary measures) for
the randomly generated data set, and performs well for the problems from the
literature. Therefore this algorithm appears to the most appropriate algorithm to
use as a general purpose solution algorithm for CF problems having between 25 and
50 machines, 35 and 50 parts, and densities between 10 and 20%. (It may not be
appropriate for larger problems, since its computational and space requirements
appear to be high.) After the ISNC algorithm, there is no significant difference
between most of the other algorithms. However. different kinds of solutions are
developed by some of these other algorithms. The well-known SC/ROC and ROC/ROC
algorithms develop solutions which consist of a small number of relatively large
cells. The BEA algorithm develops solutions which consist of relatively small cells
(where each machine in the cell is visited by most of the parts assigned to that
cell) and one large cell for those parts not assigned to the small cells. © 1991.
REFERENCES: Anderberg, (1973) Cluster Analysis for Applications, , Academic Press,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Miltenburg, J.; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., Canada
ISSN: 02726963
SOURCE: Scopus
Seema, Dixit, A.R.
Application of soft computing techniques for cell formation problems: A review
(2017) 2017 International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial,
Automation and Management Systems, AMIAMS 2017 - Proceedings, art. no. 8069219, pp.

DOI: 10.1109/AMIAMS.2017.8069219
AFFILIATIONS: Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology
(ISM), Dhanbad, India
ABSTRACT: The current paper reviewed the relevance of soft computing techniques in
cellular manufacturing layout design. Within this framework, the capability of
important soft computing techniques like genetic algorithm (GA), simulated
annealing (SA), artificial neural network (ANN), tabu search (TS), ant colony
optimization (ACO) is reviewed. These techniques are effectively useful to solve
design tasks and related issues. This paper presents a summary of some important
published research works on the meta-heuristics models for cell formation problem.
From the literature review, it has been found that minimization of inter and
intracellular movement, reduction of setup and throughput times, reduced movement
of material handling and maximization of machine utilization are the primary
objectives of the cellular manufacturing design. © 2017 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Component; Formatting; Insert (key words); Style; Styling
INDEX KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Artificial intelligence; Genetic
algorithms; Manufacture; Materials handling; Neural networks; Simulated annealing;
Soft computing; Tabu search, Component; Formatting; Insert (key words); Style;
Styling, Cellular manufacturing
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EDITORS: Gupta M., Agarwal P.K.
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781509056743
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Adv. Mech., Ind., Autom. Manag. Syst., AMIAMS
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Díaz, J.A., Luna, D., Luna, R.
A GRASP heuristic for the manufacturing cell formation problem
(2012) TOP, 20 (3), pp. 679-706. Cited 21 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s11750-010-0159-3
AFFILIATIONS: Dpt. Ingeniería Industrial y Mecánica, Universidad de las Américas,
Puebla, Mexico
ABSTRACT: In this work, we address the Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem (MCFP).
Cellular Manufacturing is a production strategy that has emerged to reduce
materials handling and set up times in order to reduce lead times in production
systems and to improve customer's service levels while reducing costs. We propose a
GRASP heuristic to obtain lower bounds for the optimal solution of the problem. To
evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we test the heuristic with
different instances from the literature and compare the results obtained with those
provided by other heuristic methods from the literature. According to the obtained
results, the proposed GRASP procedure provides good quality lower bounds with
reasonable computational effort. © 2010 Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Group technology; Manufacturing cell formation; Metaheuristics
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Luna, D.; Dpt. Ingeniería Industrial y Mecánica,
Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Mexico; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 11345764
SOURCE: Scopus

Yin, Y., Yasuda, K.

Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation problem: A comparative
(2005) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 48 (3), pp. 471-489. Cited 63 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2003.01.001
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Science, Dept. Pub. Plcy. and Social
Studs., Yamagata University, 1-4-12, Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi 990-8560, Japan;
Grad. Sch. of Econ. and Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai
980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: Although many similarity coefficients have been proposed, very few
comparative studies have been done to evaluate the performance of various
similarity coefficients. In this paper, we compare the performance of 20 well-known
similarity coefficients. Two hundred and fourteen numerical cell formation
problems, which are selected from the literature or generated deliberately, are
used for the comparative study. Nine performance measures are used for evaluating
the goodness of cell formation solutions. Two characteristics, discriminability and
stability of the similarity coefficients are tested under different data
conditions. From the results, three similarity coefficients are found to be more
discriminable. Jaccard is found to be the most stable similarity coefficient. Four
similarity coefficients are not recommendable due to their poor performances. ©
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Comparative study;
Similarity coefficient
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Group technology; Problem solving; Production
engineering; Stability, Cell formation; Comparative study; Discriminability;
Similarity coefficient, Cellular manufacturing
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Karoum, B., Elbenani, B., El Imrani, A.A.

Clonal selection algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2016) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 380, pp. 319-326. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30301-7_33
AFFILIATIONS: Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI), Faculty of Science,
Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco;
Conception and Systems Laboratory (LCS), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University
of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem attempts to group machines and part families
in dedicated manufacturing cells such that the inter-cell movement of the products
are minimized while the machine utilization are maximized. In this paper, a clonal
selection algorithm is proposed for solving this problem. This algorithm introduces
theories of clonal selection, hypermutation and receptor edit to construct an
evolutionary searching mechanism which is used for exploration. A local search
mechanism is integrated to exploit local optima. In order to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, most widely used benchmark problems are
solved and the obtained results are compared with different methods collected from
the literature. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is a very
effective and performs well on all test problems. © Springer International
Publishing Switzerland 2016.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Clonal selection; Grouping efficacy; Local
search; Receptor editing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Clone cells; Cytology;
Local search (optimization), Cell formation; Clonal selection; Grouping efficacy;
Local search; Receptor editing, Problem solving
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[email protected]
EDITORS: Oualkadi A.E., Moussati A.E., Choubani F.
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 18761100
ISBN: 9783319302997
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Raminfar, R., Zulkifli, N., Vasili, M.

A mathematical programming model for cell formation problem with machine
(2013) Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, art. no. 285759, . Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1155/2013/285759
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti
Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Lenjan Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Esfahan, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) is a crucial aspect in the design of cellular
manufacturing (CM) systems. This paper develops a comprehensive mathematical
programming model for the cell formation problem, where product demands, cell size
limits, sequence of operations, multiple units of identical machines, machine
capacity, or machine cost are all considered. In this model, the intercell moves
are restricted to be unidirectional from one cell to the downstream cells, without
backtracking. The proposed model is investigated through several numerical
examples. To evaluate the solution quality of the proposed model, it is compared
with some well-known cell formation methods from the literature, by using group
capability index (GCI) as a performance measure. The results and comparisons
indicate that the proposed model produces solution with a higher performance. ©
2013 Reza Raminfar et al.
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Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 1110757X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Nsakanda, A.L., Diaby, M., Price, W.L.

Hybrid genetic approach for solving large-scale capacitated cell formation problems
with multiple routings
(2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 171 (3), pp. 1051-1070. Cited 85

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2005.01.017
AFFILIATIONS: Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5B6,
School of Business Administration, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268,
United States;
Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration, Université Laval, Qué. G1K 7P4, Canada
ABSTRACT: We present a comprehensive model for designing a cellular manufacturing
system. The model bridges several known problems in that it integrates the cell
formation problem, the machine allocation problem, and the part routing problem.
Multiple process plans for each part and multiple routing alternatives for each of
those process plans are considered. The part demands can be satisfied from internal
production or through outsourcing. Machines have limited capacities. We propose a
solution methodology based on a combination of a genetic algorithm and large-scale
optimization techniques. A computational study is conducted to evaluate the
viability of our approach for solving large scale problems. A limited computational
experiment involving smaller problems, that are special cases of our model, is also
conducted to compare our solution approach with existing models. © 2005 Elsevier
B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternate routings; Cellular manufacturing systems; Dantzig-
Wolfe decomposition; Genetic algorithm; Large-scale optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Decomposition; Hybrid computers; LSI
circuits; Optimization, Alternate routings; Cellular manufacturing systems;
Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition; Large-scale optimization, Genetic algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Nsakanda, A.L.; Sprott School of Business, Carleton
University, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5B6, Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03772217
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mehdizadeh, E., Rahimi, V.

An integrated mathematical model for solving dynamic cell formation problem
considering operator assignment and inter/intra cell layouts
(2016) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 42, pp. 325-341. Cited 20 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.01.012
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Qazvin Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to present an integrated mathematical model to
solve the dynamic cell formation problem considering operator assignment and
inter/intra cell layouts problems with machine duplication, simultaneously. The
proposed model includes three objectives which the first objective seeks to
minimize inter/intra cell part movements and machine relocation, the second
objective minimizes machine and operator related costs and the third objective
maximizes consecutive forward flows ratio. In order to validate the proposed model,
a numerical example is presented and solved by the sum weighted method. Due to NP-
hardness of the model, two meta-heuristics namely multi-objective simulated
annealing (MOSA) and multi-objective vibration damping optimization (MOVDO) present
to solve the proposed model. Finally, two algorithms have been compared using
multi-objective criteria. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Intra/inter cell layouts; Machine
duplication; Meta-heuristic algorithms; Multi-objective planning; Operator
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Heuristic algorithms;
Mathematical operators; Multiobjective optimization; Numerical methods;
Optimization; Simulated annealing, Cell layout; Dynamic cell formation; Meta
heuristic algorithm; Multi-objective planning; Operator assignment, Cells
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Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 15684946
SOURCE: Scopus

Boulif, M., Atif, K.

A fuzzy genetic algorithm for the dynamic cell formation problem
(2007) Proceedings of GECCO 2007: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
p. 1502.

DOI: 10.1145/1276958.1277231
AFFILIATIONS: Université de Boumerdés, Dépt. Informatique, Avenue de
l'indépendance, 35000. Boumerdés, Algeria;
Université de Babezzouar, Dépt. Informatique, BP 32, El-Alia, 16111. Alger, Algeria
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with a fuzzy genetic algorithm applied to a
manufacturing cell formation problem. We discuss the importance of taking into
account the dynamic aspect of the problem that has been poorly studied in the
related literature. Using a multi-periodic planning horizon modeling, two
strategies are considered: passive and active. The first strategy consists of
maintaining the same composition of machines during the overall planning horizon,
while the second allows performing a different composition for each period. When
the decision maker wants to choose the most adequate strategy for its environment,
there is a need to control the proposed evolutionary solving approach, due to the
complexity of the model. For that purpose, we propose an off-line fuzzy logic
enhancement. The results, using this enhancement, are better than those obtained
using the GA alone.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic production system; Genetic algorithm; Linguistic fuzzy
modeling; Manufacturing cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational linguistics; Decision making; Fuzzy systems;
Mathematical models; Problem solving, Dynamic production systems; Linguistic fuzzy
modeling; Manufacturing cell formation, Genetic algorithms
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Boulif, M.; Université de Boumerdés, Dépt. Informatique,
Avenue de l'indépendance, 35000. Boumerdés, Algeria; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 1595936971; 9781595936974

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Gen. Evol. Comput. Conf.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Miltenburg, J., Montazemi, A.R.

Revisiting the cell formation problem: Assigning parts to production systems
(1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31 (11), pp. 2727-2746. Cited
12 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549308956893
AFFILIATIONS: School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4M4,
ABSTRACT: Before manufacturing cells can be identified from a population of parts
and machines, the parts must be carefully analysed to determine the small subset of
parts that are appropriate for cellular manufacturing. When this is not done it
becomes very difficult to identify the cells because the algorithms that are used
have high computational requirements and high space requirements. The computational
requirements and space requirements for the rank order clustering algorithm and the
similarity coefficient algorithm are determined. Other algorithms that have been
proposed for solving the ‘cell formation problem’ are more elaborate than these and
are therefore likely have higher computational and space requirements. A procedure
for assigning parts to production systems is presented in this paper. An
illustrative example, taken from an actual implementation, is described to show how
the procedure can be used. © 1993 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Just in time production; Operations research; Plant layout;
Production engineering; Time and motion study, Cellular manufacturing; Group
technology; Order clustering, Machine shop practice
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SOURCE: Scopus

Yasuda, K., Hu, L., Yin, Y.

A grouping genetic algorithm for the multi-objective cell formation problem
(2005) International Journal of Production Research, 43 (4), pp. 829-853. Cited 66

DOI: 10.1080/00207540512331311859
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Science, Graduate School of Economics and
Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576, Japan;
Industrial and Management Science, Department of Public Policy and Social Studies,
Yamagata University, 1-4-12 Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi 990-8560, Japan
ABSTRACT: In this research, we propose an efficient method to solve the multi-
objective cell formation problem (CFP) partially adopting Falkenauer's grouping
genetic algorithm (GGA). The objectives are the minimization of both the cell load
variation and intercell flows considering the machines' capacities, part volumes
and part processing times on the machines. We relax the cell size constraints and
solve the CFP without predetermination of the number of cells, which is usually
difficult to predict in a real-world CFP design. We also make some effort to
improve the efficiency of our algorithm with respect to initialization of the
population, fitness valuation, and keeping crossover operator from cloning.
Numerical examples are tested and comparisons are made with general genetic
algorithms (GAs). The result shows that our method is effective and flexible in
both grouping machines into cells and deciding on the number of cells for the
optimal solution. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Grouping genetic
algorithm; Multi-objective optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cloning; Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms;
Numerical analysis, Cell formation; Cell load variation, Production engineering
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980-8576, Japan; email: [email protected]
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Díaz, J.A., Luna, D.E.

GRASP with path relinking for the manufacturing cell formation problem considering
part processing sequence
(2018) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69 (9), pp. 1493-1511.

DOI: 10.1080/01605682.2017.1404183
AFFILIATIONS: Dpt. Actuaría Física y Matemáticas, Universidad de las Américas,
Puebla, Mexico;
Dpt. Ingeniería Industrial y Mecánica, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Mexico
ABSTRACT: In this study, a hybrid heuristic is proposed for the Manufacturing Cell
Formation Problem considering part processing sequence. The hybrid heuristic is
based on a GRASP heuristic and then it uses a path relinking strategy on a set of
elite solutions obtained by GRASP. The proposed GRASP heuristic constructs feasible
solutions using a two-stage randomised greedy procedure, that are improved with a
local search procedure. This procedure explores two neighbourhoods: machine
reassignments and machine interchanges. The path relinking is used as an
intensification strategy to improve the GRASP solutions. The performance of the
proposed heuristic is evaluated with data-sets from the literature and a set of
larger size instances randomly generated. The obtained results show that the GRASP
heuristic provides optimal or near optimal solutions with very small computational
burden. These results are further improved with a Path Relinking strategy. The most
remarkable features of the proposed heuristic are its simplicity and its ease of
implementation. © 2017, © Operational Research Society 2017.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: GRASP; manufacturing cell formation; path relinking
INDEX KEYWORDS: Flexible manufacturing systems; Optimization, Computational burden;
Feasible solution; GRASP; Hybrid heuristics; Machine reassignments; Manufacturing
cell formation; Near-optimal solutions; Path relinking, Cellular manufacturing
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Zohrevand, A.M., Rafiei, H., Zohrevand, A.H.

Multi-objective dynamic cell formation problem: A stochastic programming approach
(2016) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 98, pp. 323-332. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2016.03.026
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, College of Farabi,
University of Tehran, Iran;
Graduate School of Management and Econimics, Sharif University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses dynamic cell formation problem (DCFP) which has been
explored vastly for several years. Although a considerable body of literature in
this filed, two remarkable aspects have been significantly ignored so far, as
uncertainty and human-related issues. In order to compensate such a shortage, this
paper develops a bi-objective stochastic model. The first objective function of the
developed model seeks to minimize total cost of machine procurement, machine
relocation, inter-cell moves, overtime utilization, worker hiring/laying-off, and
worker moves between cells; while the second objective function maximizes labor
utilization of the cellular manufacturing system. In the developed model, labor
utilization, worker overtime cost, worker hiring/laying off, and worker cell
assignment are considered to tackle some of the most notable human-related issues
in DCFP. Considering the complexity of the proposed model, a hybrid Tabu Search–
Genetic Algorithm (TS–GA) is proposed whose strength is validated to obtain optimal
and near optimal solutions through conducted experimental results. © 2016 Elsevier
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Fuzzy sets theory; Human-related issues;
Multi-objective optimization; Stochastic programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Multiobjective
optimization; Stochastic models; Stochastic programming; Stochastic systems; Tabu
search, Dynamic cell formation; Fuzzy sets theory; Human-related issues; Hybrid
tabu search; Inter-cell moves; Labor utilization; Near-optimal solutions; Objective
functions, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Esmailnezhad, B., Fattahi, P., Kheirkhah, A.S.

A stochastic model for the cell formation problem considering machine reliability
(2015) Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 11 (3), pp. 375-389. Cited
5 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s40092-015-0108-8
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan,
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new mathematical model to solve cell formation
problem in cellular manufacturing systems, where inter-arrival time, processing
time, and machine breakdown time are probabilistic. The objective function
maximizes the number of operations of each part with more arrival rate within one
cell. Because a queue behind each machine; queuing theory is used to formulate the
model. To solve the model, two metaheurstic algorithms such as modified particle
swarm optimization and genetic algorithm are proposed. For the generation of
initial solutions in these algorithms, a new heuristic method is developed, which
always creates feasible solutions. Both metaheurstic algorithms are compared
against global solutions obtained from Lingo software’s branch and bound (B&B).
Also, a statistical method will be used for comparison of solutions of two
metaheurstic algorithms. The results of numerical examples indicate that
considering the machine breakdown has significant effect on block structures of
machine-part matrixes. © The Author(s) 2015.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Metaheurstic algorithm; Queuing theory;
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Fattahi, P.; Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina
UniversityIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: SpringerOpen
ISSN: 17355702
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Jayakumar, V., Raju, R.

A multi-objective genetic algorithm approach to the probabilistic manufacturing
cell formation problem
(2011) South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 22 (1), pp. 199-212. Cited
3 times.

DOI: 10.7166/22-1-43
AFFILIATIONS: School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, India;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India
ABSTRACT: Due to customised products, shorter product life-cycles, and
unpredictable patterns of demand, manufacturing industries are faced with
stochastic production requirements. It is unlikely that the production requirements
(product mix and demand) are known exactly at the time of designing the
manufacturing cell. However, a set of possible production requirements (scenarios)
with certain probabilities are known at the design stage. Though a large number of
research works on manufacturing cells have been reported, very few have considered
random product mix constraints at the design stage. This paper presents a nonlinear
mixed-integer mathematical model for the cell formation problem with the
uncertainty of the product mix for a single period. The model incorporates real-
life parameters like alternate routing, operation sequence, duplicate machines,
uncertain product mix, uncertain product demand, varying batch size, processing
time, machine capacity, and various cost factors. A solution methodology for best
possible cell formation using a genetic algorithm (GA) is presented, and the
computational procedure is illustrated for the case study undertaken.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Jayakumar, V.; School of Mechanical and Building Sciences,
VIT UniversityIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: South African Institute of Industrial Engineering
ISSN: 1012277X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Sarayloo, F., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.

Imperialistic competitive algorithm for solving a dynamic cell formation problem
with production planning
(2010) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6215 LNCS, pp. 266-
276. Cited 14 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14922-1_34
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Graduate School Islamic Azad
University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system, an application of group technology, has
been considered as an effective way to obtain productivity in a factory. For design
of manufacturing cells, several mathematical models and various algorithms have
been proposed in literature. However, most of algorithms and models have more or
fewer drawbacks. A dynamic cell formation problem with production planning is
considered in this paper, where the sum of costs consisting constant machine costs,
variable machine costs, intra-inter movement costs, production planning costs and
reconfiguration costs is to be minimized. Because this type of problem is Np-hard,
evolutionary algorithms are applied. In this paper the Imperialistic Competitive
Algorithm (ICA), which optimizes inspired by imperialistic competition, is used.
ICA is compared with other well-known evolutionary algorithms, i.e. genetic
algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO), to show its efficiency. The
computational results show the considerable superiority of ICA compared with PSO
and GA. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Evolutionary Algorithm; Imperialistic
Competitive Algorithm; Production Planning
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Competitive algorithms;
Computational results; Dynamic cell formation; Its efficiencies; Machine costs;
Manufacturing cells; NP-hard; Production Planning; Production planning IS;
Production-planning costs; Reconfiguration costs, Cellular manufacturing;
Computation theory; Computational efficiency; Costs; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Group technology; Independent component analysis; Intelligent computing;
Mathematical models; Particle swarm optimization (PSO); Planning; Production
control; Production engineering; Project management, Genetic algorithms
REFERENCES: Ham, I., Hitomi, K., (1985) Group Technology Applications to Production
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sarayloo, F.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Graduate School Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 3642149219; 9783642149214
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Defersha, F.M., Chen, M.

A parallel multiple Markov chain simulated annealing for multi-period manufacturing
cell formation problems
(2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37 (1-2), pp.
140-156. Cited 18 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-007-0947-6
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia
University, 1455 Maisonneuve West Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada
ABSTRACT: Simulated annealing (SA) is a general purpose optimization technique
capable of finding optimal or near optimal solutions in various applications. The
major disadvantage of this technique is its slow convergence making it not suitable
for solving many complex optimization problems. This limitation may be alleviated
by parallel computing using a multiprocessor computer or a cluster of workstations.
In this paper, we present an integer programming model for solving a multi-period
cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing system. In order to solve the
mathematical model efficiently, we developed a multiple Markov chain simulated
annealing algorithm which allows multiple search directions to be traced
simultaneously. Our computational results on a single processor machine showed that
multiple Markov chain SA is much more efficient than a conventional single Markov
chain SA. The parallel implementation of the multiple Markov chain SA further
improves its computational efficiency in terms of solution quality and execution
time. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Integer programming; Multiple Markov
chain simulated annealing; Parallel computing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computer workstations; Convergence of
numerical methods; Integer programming; Markov processes; Parallel processing
systems, Multi-period cell formation; Multiple Markov chain simulated annealing;
Multiprocessor computers; Optimization problems, Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, M.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 Maisonneuve West Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8,
Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahesh, O., Srinivasan, G.

Pilot cell formation problem to minimize total work content
(2003) International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and
Practice, 10 (3), pp. 298-307. Cited 1 time.
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.B.K.R. Inst. of
Sci./Technology, Vidyanagar-524413, India;
Industrial Engineering Division, Department of Humanities, Indian Inst. of
Technology, Madras, Chennai - 600036, India
ABSTRACT: In Group Technology (GT) literature, there exist many algorithms for cell
formation. All these algorithms assume that the conversion of job shop to cellular
manufacturing (CM) is performed comprehensively rather than incrementally. In other
words, all the academic studies done so far look at CM in terms of total number of
products to be made and the total number of machines or machine types available (or
needed), and try to plan a conversion of the entire shop into cells, possibly
keeping a remainder cell. But planning and implementation of most cell conversions
in industry are incremental (or sequential) ones, not comprehensive. To address
this issue, incremental cell formation problem is addressed with an objective of
minimization of total work content. The first step in incremental cell formation is
the formation of pilot cell. In this paper a mathematical model for pilot cell
formation is developed. Two heuristics are proposed for solving this problem and
their performance is tested over several data sets.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Equivalent part of a part family; Group
technology; Heuristics; Incremental cell; Pilot cell; Total work content
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; C (programming language); Cellular manufacturing;
Computer workstations; Group technology; Heuristic methods; Machine components;
Mathematical models; Product development, Incremental cell; Pilot cell, Industrial
REFERENCES: Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., ZODIAC - An algorithm for
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(2000) International Journal of Production Research, 38, pp. 481-507
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Srinivasan, G.; Industrial Engineering Division, Department
of Humanities, Indian Inst. of Technology, Madras, Chennai - 600036, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 10724761
SOURCE: Scopus

Lin, T.L.I., Dessouky, M.M., Ravi Kumar, K., Shu Ming, N.G.
A heuristic-based procedure for the weighted production-cell formation problem
(1996) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 28 (7), pp. 579-589.
Cited 20 times.

DOI: 10.1080/15458830.1996.11770702
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0193, United States;
Department of Information and Operations Management, School of Business
Administration, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1421,
United States;
Department of Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: A key issue in the design of a cellular manufacturing system is the
formation of the machines and parts into groups or production cells. The production
cells are designed to minimize the costs of inter-cell part movements and intra-
cell processing, while balancing the workload within each cell. Most of the prior
research represents the cell formation problem as a binary machine-part incidence
matrix. The workload balance within each production cell can be precisely
calculated only if the processing times and demand rates are included in the
analysis. For this reason, a heuristic-based procedure that uses processing times
and demand rates to form the production cells is proposed. The procedure considers
the cell imbalance costs as well as the costs associated with the inter-cell part
movements and intra-cell processing. The efficiency and effectiveness of the
heuristic is compared with other methods, and an industrial application of the
proposed heuristic is presented. ©1996 "IIE".
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cost effectiveness; Design; Efficiency; Heuristic methods; Matrix
algebra; Production engineering, Production cell formation, Manufacture
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lin, T.L.I.; Department of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0193, United
PUBLISHER: Springer Netherlands
ISSN: 0740817X
SOURCE: Scopus

Kong, T., Seong, K., Song, K., Lee, K.

Two-mode modularity clustering of parts and activities for cell formation problems
(2018) Computers and Operations Research, 100, pp. 77-88. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.06.018
AFFILIATIONS: H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States;
Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
ABSTRACT: Cell formation in cellular manufacturing is a critical step to improving
productivity by grouping parts and machines. Numerous heuristic search algorithms
and several performance measures have been used in finding an effective cell
formation solution. It is still a challenging task to find a good cell formation
that satisfies several performance measures. Clustering approaches aim to find good
clusters of parts and machines according to their own similarity measures. We
propose a two-mode modularity clustering method with new similarity measures for
parts and machines using an ordinal part-machine matrix. The proposed method
considers both incidence and transition among parts and machines and can find an
optimal number of clusters. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method
using cell formation problems in comparison with a few existing ones. The result
shows that the proposed method produces good cell formation solutions in terms of
several performance measures. In addition, we show a possible application area of
the proposed method in process mining, using it to find interpretable clusters of
processes and activities from real-life event log data. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Clustering; Modularity; Ordinal data;
Performance measure
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Heuristic algorithms, Cell formation; Clustering;
Modularity; Ordinal data; Performance measure, Cellular manufacturing
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Karoum, B., Elbenani, B.

A hybrid clonal algorithm for the cell formation problem with variant number of
(2017) Production Engineering, 11 (1), pp. 19-28. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s11740-016-0706-3
AFFILIATIONS: Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI), Faculty of Science,
Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is an important application of the Group
Technology that has been used in several real-world applications such as the
electronics industry, offices, structural fabrication, service industries, and
hospitals. The manufacturing cell formation problem is considered the first issue
faced in designing cellular manufacturing systems in order to overcome difficulties
related to multi-product and batch-production systems. The aim is to minimize the
inter-cell movements of the parts and maximize the use of the machines. In this
paper, a new approach based on the clonal selection algorithm is proposed for
solving the problem where the number of cells is not fixed a priori. The approach
integrates a local search mechanism to intensify the search of the solutions. To
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a set of 40 benchmark
problems is used; the results are then compared to other methods recently
developed. The results show that the proposed algorithm performs very well on all
test problems since it can reach the best-known solution of 39 benchmark problems
(97.5%). © 2016, German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Affinity; Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Clonal
selection; Grouping efficacy; Local search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cells; Clone cells; Cytology; Electronics industry;
Group technology; Local search (optimization); Manufacture; Problem solving;
Product design, Affinity; Cell formation; Clonal selection; Grouping efficacy;
Local search, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Karoum, B.; Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI),
Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Morocco; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 09446524
SOURCE: Scopus

Mohammad, M., Kamran, F.

A dynamic programming–enhanced simulated annealing algorithm for solving bi-
objective cell formation problem with duplicate machines
(2015) Decision Science Letters, 4 (2), pp. 261-276. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2014.10.002
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran,
ABSTRACT: Cell formation process is one of the first and the most important steps
in designing cellular manufacturing systems. It consists of identifying part
families according to the similarities in the design, shape, and presses of parts
and dedicating machines to each part family based on the operations required by the
parts. In this study, a hybrid method based on a combination of simulated annealing
algorithm and dynamic programming was developed to solve a biobjective cell
formation problem with duplicate machines. In the proposed hybrid method, each
solution was represented as a permutation of parts, which is created by simulated
annealing algorithm, and dynamic programming was used to partition this permutation
into part families and determine the number of machines in each cell such that the
total dissimilarity between the parts and the total machine investment cost are
minimized. The performance of the algorithm was evaluated by performing numerical
experiments in different sizes. Our computational experiments indicated that the
results were very encouraging in terms of computational time and solution quality.
© 2015 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic programming; Flow shop; Hybrid
simulated annealing; Job shop; Machine duplication
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PUBLISHER: Growing Science
ISSN: 19295804
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Rezazadeh, H., Mahini, R., Zarei, M.

Solving a dynamic virtual cell formation problem by linear programming embedded
particle swarm optimization algorithm
(2011) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 11 (3), pp. 3160-3169. Cited 42 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2010.12.018
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Tabriz University, Tabriz,
Department of Electrical, Computer and IT Engineering, Payam Noor University of
Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran;
Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Bostan Abad, Tabriz,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a new mathematical model for virtual cell formation
problem (VCFP) under condition of multi-period planning horizon is presented where
the product mix and demand are different in each period, but they are deterministic
moreover production planning decisions are incorporated. The advantages of the
proposed model are as follows: considering operation sequence, alternative process
plans for part types, machine time-capacity, lot splitting, maximal virtual cell
size and balanced workload for virtual cells. The objective of the model is to
determine the optimal number of virtual cells while minimizing the manufacturing,
material handling, subcontracting, inventory holding and internal production costs
in each period. The proposed model for real-world instances cannot be solved
optimally within a reasonable amount of computational time. Thus, an efficient
linear programming embedded particle swarm optimization algorithm with a simulated
annealing-based local search engine (LPEPSO-SA) is proposed for solving it. This
model is solved optimally by the LINGO software then the optimal solution is
compared with the proposed algorithm. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic virtual cell formation; Linear programming; Particle
swarm optimization; Production planning; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Balanced work-load; Computational time;
Embedded particles; Inventory holding; Lot splitting; Machine time; Material
handling; Multi-period; New mathematical model; Operation sequences; Optimal
number; Optimal solutions; Planning horizons; Product mix; Production cost;
Production planning; Real-world; Virtual cells, Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing;
Linear programming; Materials handling; Mathematical models; Particle swarm
optimization (PSO); Planning; Production control; Production engineering; Project
management; Search engines, Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rezazadeh, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Tabriz
University, Tabriz, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 15684946
SOURCE: Scopus

Brown, E.C., Sumichrast, R.T.

CF-GGA: A grouping genetic algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2001) International Journal of Production Research, 39 (16), pp. 3651-3669. Cited
73 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540110068781
AFFILIATIONS: Mgmt. Science and Info. Technology, Virginia Tech, 1007 Pamplin Hall
(0235), Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States
ABSTRACT: In manufacturing, the machine-part cell formation (MPCF) problem
addresses the issues surrounding the formation of part families based on the
processing requirements of the components, and the identification of machine groups
based on their ability to process specific part families. Past research has shown
that one key aspect of attaining efficient groupings of parts and machines is the
block-diagonalization of the given machine-part (MP) incidence matrix. This paper
presents and tests a grouping genetic algorithm (GGA) for solving the MPCF problem
and gauges the quality of the GGA's solutions using the measurements of efficiency
(Chandrasekharan and Rajagopalan 1986a) and efficacy (Kumar and Chandrasekharan
1990). The GGA in this study, CF-GGA, a grouping genetic algorithm for the cell
formation problem, performs very well when applied to a variety of problems from
the literature. With a minimal number of parameters and a straightforward encoding,
CF-GGA is able to match solutions with several highly complex algorithms and
heuristics that were previously employed to solve these problems.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Genetic algorithms; Group technology;
Heuristic methods; Production control, Grouping genetic algorithms; Machine part
cell formation; Machine part incidence matrix, Cellular manufacturing
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Tech, 1007 Pamplin Hall (0235), Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Niakan, F., Baboli, A., Moyaux, T., Botta-Genoulaz, V.

A bi-objective model in sustainable dynamic cell formation problem with skill-based
worker assignment
(2016) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 38, pp. 46-62. Cited 24 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2015.11.001
AFFILIATIONS: Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, DISP Laboratory, Villeurbanne, EA4570,
ABSTRACT: The most recent revolution in industry (Industrial Revolution 4.0)
requires increased flexibility, agility and efficiency in the use of production
equipment. The Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System (DCMS) is one of the best
production systems to meet such requirements. In addition, the increasing
importance of environmental and social issues, along with recent laws, is forcing
manufacturers and managers to take account of sustainability when designing and
configuring manufacturing systems. This paper proposes a new bi-objective
mathematical model of the Dynamic Cell Formation Problem (DCFP), in which the
worker's assignment, environmental and social criteria are considered. The first
objective in this model is to minimize both production and labor costs while the
total production waste (e.g., energy, chemical material, raw material, CO2
emissions, etc.) is minimized as second objective. Social criteria in this model,
are represented as constraint. Due to the NP-hardness of this problem, we propose a
new resolution approach called NSGA II-MOSA, that merges an efficient hybrid meta-
heuristic based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II), with
Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing (MOSA). Finally, randomly-generated test
problems demonstrate the performance of our algorithm. © 2015 The Society of
Manufacturing Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bi-objective optimization; Dynamic cell formation; Multi-
Objective Simulated Annealing; Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Carbon dioxide; Compensation (personnel); Environmental
regulations; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Multiobjective optimization;
Optimization; Simulated annealing; Sustainable development; Wages, Bi-objective
optimization; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems;
Increased flexibility; Industrial revolutions; Multi objective; Non dominated
sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II); Non- dominated sorting genetic algorithms,
Cellular manufacturing
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LaboratoryFrance; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahesh, O., Srinivasan, G.

Multi-objectives for incremental cell formation problem
(2006) Annals of Operations Research, 143 (1), pp. 157-170. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10479-006-7379-9
AFFILIATIONS: Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nellore-524 004, A.P., India;
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai-
600 036, India
ABSTRACT: Over the past three decades considerable amount of research work has been
reported in the literature of Group Technology (GT). Most of the research work is
concerned with formation of machine cells and part families. This is because cell
formation is considered to be the most complex and the most important aspect of
Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS). Due to NP completeness of cell formation
problem, many heuristics have been developed. These heuristics are developed for
both single as well as multiple objectives for the comprehensive cell formation.
Here all part types and machine types are considered at a time for cell conversion
and that all cells are designed at a single point in time. But planning and
implementation of most cell conversions in industry are incremental ones, and not
comprehensive. This issue has not been addressed in GT literature adequately. In
this paper we consider multiple objectives for incremental cell formation and
develop, a lexicographic based simulated annealing algorithm. The performance of
the algorithm is tested over several data sets by taking different initial feasible
solutions generated using different heuristics. © Springer Science + Business
Media, Inc. 2006.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Group technology; Incremental
cell; Multi-objectives
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahesh, O.; Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nellore-
524 004, A.P., India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02545330
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Baykasoǧlu, A.
A meta-heuristic algorithm to solve quadratic assignment formulations of cell
formation problems without presetting number of cells
(2004) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 15 (6), pp. 753-759. Cited 24 times.

DOI: 10.1023/
AFFILIATIONS: University of Gaziantep, Department of Industrial Engineering, 27310,
Gaziantep, Turkey
ABSTRACT: The purpose of cellular manufacturing (CM) is to find part-families and
machine cells which form self-sufficient units of production with a certain amount
of autonomy that result in easier control (Kusiak, 1987, 1990). One of the most
important steps in CM is to optimally identify cells from a given part-machine
incidence matrix. Several formulations of various complexities are proposed in the
literature to deal with this problem. One of the mostly known formulations for CM
is the quadratic assignment formulation (Kusiak and Chow, 1988). The problem with
the quadratic assignment based formulation is the difficulty of its solution due to
its combinatorial nature. The formulation is also known as NP-hard (Kusiak and
Chow, 1988). In this paper a novel simulated annealing based meta-heuristic
algorithm is developed to solve quadratic assignment formulations of the
manufacturing cell formation problems. In the paper a novel solution representation
scheme is developed. Using the proposed solution representation scheme, feasible
neighborhoods can be generated easily. Moreover, the proposed algorithm has the
ability to self determine the optimal number of cell during the search process. A
test problem is solved to present working of the proposed algorithm.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Quadratic assignment problem; Simulated
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational complexity; Heuristic methods; Problem
solving; Scheduling; Simulated annealing, Group technology (GT); Human relations;
Production planning; Quadratic assignment problem, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Baykasoǧlu, A., Gindy, N., MOCACEF 1.0: Capability based approach to
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Baykasoǧlu, A.; University of Gaziantep, Department of
Industrial Engineering, 27310, Gaziantep, Turkey
ISSN: 09565515
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

De Lit, P., Falkenauer, E., Delchambre, A.

Grouping genetic algorithms: An efficient method to solve the cell formation
(2000) Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 51 (3-4), pp. 257-271. Cited 56

AFFILIATIONS: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Department of Applied Mechanics,

Brussels, Belgium
ABSTRACT: The layout problem arises in a production plant during the study of a new
production system, but also during a possible restructuring. The main aim of layout
design is to reduce transportation and maintenance, which simplifies management,
shortens lead time, improves product quality and speeds up the response to market
fluctuations. A principle of Group Technology (GT) advocates the division of a
unity into small groups or cells. As it is most of the time impossible to design
totally independent cells, the problem is to minimise traffic of items between the
cells, for a fixed maximum cell size. This problem is known as cell formation
problem (CFP). We propose here an original approach to solve this NP-hard problem.
It is based on a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA), a special class of genetic
algorithms, heavily modified to suit the structure of grouping problems. The
crucial advantage of this GGA is that it is able to deal with large instances of
the problem thus becoming a powerful tool for an engineer determining a plant
layout, allowing him or her to try several plant options, without the limitation of
huge computation times. © 2000 IMACS/Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation and decomposition; Group technology; Grouping
genetic algorithms
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Chiu, K.S., A graph partitioning procedure for machine
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Applied Mechanics, Brussels, Belgium; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03784754
SOURCE: Scopus

Keeling, K.B., Brown, E.C., James, T.L.

Grouping efficiency measures and their impact on factory measures for the machine-
part cell formation problem: A simulation study
(2007) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 20 (1), pp. 63-78.
Cited 19 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2006.04.001
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Information Technology, Pamplin College of
Business, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States;
Department of Engineering, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858, United
ABSTRACT: Over the past 25 years, the machine-part cell formation problem has been
the subject of numerous studies. Researchers have applied various methodologies to
the problem in an effort to determine optimal clusterings of machines and optimal
groupings of parts into families. The quality of these machine and part groupings
have been evaluated using various objective functions, including grouping efficacy,
grouping index, grouping capability index, and doubly weighted grouping efficiency,
among others. In this study, we investigate how appropriate these grouping quality
measures are in determining cell formations that optimize factory performance.
Through the application of a grouping genetic algorithm, we determine machine/part
cell formations for several problems from the literature. These cell formations are
then simulated to determine their impact on various factory measures, such as flow
time, wait time, throughput, and machine utilization, among others. Results
indicate that it is not always the case that a "more efficient" machine/part cell
formation leads to significant changes or improvements in factory measures over a
"less efficient" cell formation. In other words, although researchers are working
to optimize cell formations using efficiency measures, cells formed this way do not
always demonstrate optimized factory measures. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Grouping capability index; Grouping efficacy; Grouping genetic
INDEX KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Problem solving; Resource allocation;
Throughput, Factory measures; Grouping capability index; Grouping efficacy;
Grouping genetic algorithm, Machine components
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Keeling, K.B.; Department of Business Information
Technology, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Polytechnic Institute,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09521976
SOURCE: Scopus

Ghavijorbozeh, R., Zeinal Hamadani, A.

Application of the mixed Weibull distribution in machine reliability analysis for a
cell formation problem
(2017) International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 34 (1), pp.
128-142. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1108/IJQRM-08-2014-0118
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Isfahan University
of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
ABSTRACT: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand the consequence of
the use of mixed Weibull distribution in the cell formation problem. In reliability
theory, a mixed distribution is used for more than one hazard cause, and the
Weibull distribution can be used for ascendant, monotonous and descendant failure
rate. Here, the authors mixed these two theme and use it in a common problem in
group technology. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper, the authors made a
non-polynomial-hard mathematical model based on past research and solved it with an
exact algorithm. The algorithm is coded and solved in GAMS to illustrate the model,
and the authors use simulation. A common numerical example is solved with the
model, and the results are compared. Findings: Reliability analysis model based on
the mixed Weibull distribution approach will give options to a user to select the
suitable failure rate and modes for a specific situation. If the user uses the
exponential or Weibull distribution instead of the mixed Weibull distribution, the
calculated cost and reliability are wrong; therefore, it leads to user making wrong
decisions. Originality/value: The model the authors use is the one used in past
research, but in the past, researchers did not use the mixed distribution for
explaining failure time. Therefore, the model can be considered as a new and more
complete model. © 2017, © Emerald Publishing Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Exponential distribution;
Machine reliability; Mixed Weibull distribution; Multi-objective mixed integer
programming; Weibull distribution; Weibull distribution
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ghavijorbozeh, R.; Department of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, Isfahan University of TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
ISSN: 0265671X
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Qual. Reliab. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Bootaki, B., Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M.

A hybrid GA-AUGMECON method to solve a cubic cell formation problem considering
different worker skills
(2014) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 75 (1), pp. 31-40. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2014.05.022
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology,
Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: Part quality and consequently customer satisfaction besides cost
functions are two of the most important issues for any firm. Balancing between
these two goals leads to full utilization from manufacturing resources. Formerly,
in cubic cell formation problem, where a part on a machine can be processed by
various workers, worker assignment was done just by minimizing inter-cell movement
criterion; so, the workers assigned into the processing cell are mostly selected
rather than outsider workers. But, it is rational for the ties to be broken by
skills of different workers in performing a special part on the dedicated machine.
In this paper, a bi-objective cubic cell formation is presented with two non-
homogeneous objective functions in order to minimize the inter-cell movements and
maximize a part quality index. Quality index for each part is represented through a
cubic matrix containing integer values of 1-5 (representing very bad, bad, medium,
well and very well), which qualifies the process of part on a specific machine by a
specific worker. To solve the problem, a hybrid GA-augmented ε-constraint method
(GA-AUGMEON) is developed to reduce time consuming difficulty of AUGMECON method.
To validate the model and the GA-AUGMECON algorithm, some randomly generated
examples in small and large size are solved. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Augmented ε-constraint method; Bi-objective programming; Cubic
cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm; Worker flexibility
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Customer satisfaction; Genetic algorithms,
Bi-objective programming; Constraint methods; Manufacturing resource; Non-
homogeneous; Objective functions; Quality indices; Worker assignments; Worker
flexibility, Problem solving
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pp. 829-853., DOI 10.1080/00207540512331311859;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation
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Economics, 101 (2), pp. 329-352., DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.01.014, PII
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Hamza, S.A., Adesta, E.Y.T.

A comparative study on predicting methods for cell formation problem
(2013) International Review of Mechanical Engineering, 7 (4), pp. 750-756.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, International

Islamic University Malaysia, P. O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Foundation of Technical
education, Iraq
ABSTRACT: The role of Feasibility Assessment (FA) is critical for Cellular
Manufacturing (CM) that based on Group Technology (GT) concept, particularly during
the design phase. The results may be used in decision making process to decide
whether or not job shop may be converted into CM. Through FA some procedures are
followed to identify the right predicted cells number that leads to create
effective CM. In this article two methods of predicting a number of cells have been
examined. The first method is supported by the number of machines in the incidence
matrix and the pre-determinable maximum number of machines in each machine cell.
The second method was based on Rogers and Tanimoto Similarity Coefficient and
Eigenvalues of the Similarity Coefficient Matrix. Ten data sets selected from
literatures are used to test these two methods. The results show that the first
method is less accurate, depends on trial and error, and has multi values where
most of those values are not integers. On the contrary, the second method is very
accurate, has only one solution which is an integer value. Therefore it may be
considered as a more efficient method. Furthermore, this study suggested an
efficient and logical sequence of these two methods in order to identify the
performance of the existing methods that are used in solving cell formation
problems. © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Eigenvalues;
Feasibility assessment; Similarity coefficients
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Adesta, E. Y. T.; Department of Manufacturing and Materials
Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, P. O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Praise Worthy Prize
ISSN: 19708734
SOURCE: Scopus

Rabbani, M., Farrokhi-Asl, H., Rafiei, H., Khaleghi, R.

Using metaheuristic algorithms to solve a dynamic cell formation problem with
consideration of intra-cell layout design
(2017) Intelligent Decision Technologies, 11 (1), pp. 109-126. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.3233/IDT-160281
AFFILIATIONS: School for Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University
of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran;
School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a new nonlinear integer mathematical model to address
the cell formation and intra-cell layout problem, as two main steps of designing a
cellular manufacturing system, concurrently. The problem is formulated under
dynamic condition, where product demands may vary from one period to another and
consequently machine-part grouping and machine layout design within each cell are
determined for each period of the planning horizon. In addition to forming the
machine-part groupings, the proposed model determines the best layout within each
cell in each period; few numbers of previous studies have been dedicated to
concurrent problem of dynamic cell formation and intra-cell layout design. Machine
relocation cost, as a main objective function of a dynamic cell formation problem,
is formulated based on the location where machines are being relocated. Intra-cell
and inter-cell part movement costs are also calculated based on the distance
between machine positions and cell positions, respectively. Exhaustive numerical
analyses are reported in order to validate the proposed mathematical model. Then,
two well-known algorithms and one hybrid algorithm including developed simulated
annealing algorithm (SA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and hybrid particle
swarm optimization (HPSO) are applied to tackle the problem. Mutation operator is
combined with the operators of particle swarm optimization to enhance the
algorithm. The results show that simulated annealing outperforms other algorithms
in this problem. © 2017-IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cellular manufacturing; Dynamic cell formation; intra-cell
layout; particle swarm optimization; simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Machinery; Manufacture; Optimization; Particle
swarm optimization (PSO); Product design; Relocation; Simulated annealing, Cell
layout; Cell layout problem; Dynamic cell formation; Hybrid Particle Swarm
Optimization; Inter-cell part movements; Machine-part grouping; Meta heuristic
algorithm; Simulated annealing algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rabbani, M.; School for Industrial Engineering, College of
Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11155-4563, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 18724981
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Intelligent Decis. Technol
SOURCE: Scopus

Papaioannou, G., Wilson, J.M.

Fuzzy extensions to Integer Programming models of cell-formation problems in
machine scheduling
(2009) Annals of Operations Research, 166 (1), pp. 163-181. Cited 14 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10479-008-0423-1
AFFILIATIONS: Management Science and Information Systems Group, Business School,
Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: Cell formation has received much attention from academicians and
practitioners because of its strategic importance to modern manufacturing
practices. Existing research on cell formation problems using integer programming
(IP) has achieved the target of solving problems that simultaneously optimise: (a)
cell formation, (b) machine-cell allocation, and (c) part-machine allocation. This
paper will present extensions of the IP model where part-machine assignment and
cell formation are addressed simultaneously, and also a significant number of
constraints together with an enhanced objective function are considered. The main
study examines the integration of inter-cell movements of parts and machine set-up
costs within the objective function, and also the combination of machine set-up
costs associated with parts revisiting a cell when part machine operation sequence
is taken into account. The latter feature incorporates a key set of constraints
which identify the number of times a part travels back to a cell for a later
machine operation. Due to two main drawbacks of IP modelling for cell formation,
i.e. (a) only one objective function can be involved and (b) the decision maker is
required to specify precisely goals and constraints, fuzzy elements like fuzzy
constraints and fuzzy goals will be considered in the proposed model. Overall the
paper will not only include an extended and enhanced integer programming model for
assessing the performance of cell formation, but also perform a rigorous study of
fuzzy integer programming and demonstrate the feasibility of achieving better and
faster clustering results using fuzzy theory. © 2008 Springer Science+Business
Media, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Fuzzy models; Integer
programming; Machine operation sequence; Uncertainty
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Papaioannou, G.; Management Science and Information Systems
Group, Business School, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, United
Kingdom; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02545330
SOURCE: Scopus

Shafer, S.M., Rogers, D.F.

A goal programming approach to the cell formation problem
(1991) Journal of Operations Management, 10 (1), pp. 28-43. Cited 100 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0272-6963(91)90034-U
AFFILIATIONS: University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-9145, United States;
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0130, United States
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is employed to achieve efficiencies in production
by exploiting similarities inherent in the production of parts. Specifically, parts
with similar processing requirements are identified and the equipment necessary to
process these groups of parts is identified and located together. Several important
design objectives associated with cellular manufacturing are to: 1) reduce setup
times, 2) produce parts cell complete, i.e., minimize intercellular movements of
parts, 3) minimize investment in new equipment, and 4) maintain acceptable machine
utilization levels. The goal of this research was to develop a cell formation
procedure that directly addressed these design objectives. To achieve this, three
goal programming models were developed corresponding to three unique situations:
(1) setting up an entirely new system and purchasing all new equipment, (2)
reorganizing the system using only existing equipment, and (3) reorganizing the
system using existing equipment and some new equipment. Several assumptions were
made in the development of the goal programming models. First, it was assumed that
each part had a fixed routing. Also, it was assumed that the processing times for
the parts at each machine, the demand for each part, and the capacity and cost of
each machine were known. In addition it was assumed that a given machine type could
be placed in more than one cell and that the sequence in which the parts are
processed affects setup times. Finally, it was assumed that a batch of each part is
produced every production cycle and that only one batch of parts is processed in a
particular cell at any given time. Clearly defining the objectives and constraints
associated with the cell formation problem is the major contribution of the three
formulations. Correct identification of the problem and the relationships inherent
to cellular manufacturing is a necessary first step in the decision process that
heretofore has not received adequate attention. However, because of the large
number of 0 1 variables contained in the goal programming formulations they are
very difficult to solve for realistically-sized problems. Thus, a heuristic
solution procedure is presented. The heuristic solution procedure involved
partitioning the goal programming formulations into two Subproblems and solving
them in successive stages. A numerical example is presented that illustrates the
two-stage heuristic procedure. © 1991.
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Wemmerlöv, Hyer, Procedures for the Part Family/Machine Group Identification
Problem in Cellular Manufacturing (1986) Journal of Operations Management, 6 (2),
pp. 125-147
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Shafer, S.M.; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-
9145, United States
ISSN: 02726963
SOURCE: Scopus

Dimopoulos, C.
Explicit consideration of multiple objectives in cellular manufacturing
(2007) Engineering Optimization, 39 (5), pp. 551-565. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1080/03052150701351631
AFFILIATIONS: School of Computer Science and Engineering, Cyprus College, 6
Diogenous Street, Engomi, PO Box 22006, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus
ABSTRACT: Although many methodologies have been proposed for solving the cell-
formation problem, few of them explicitly consider the existence of multiple
objectives in the design process. In this article, the development of multi-
objective genetic programming single-linkage cluster analysis (GP-SLCA), an
evolutionary methodology for the solution of the multi-objective cell-formation
problem, is described. The proposed methodology combines an existing algorithm for
the solution of single-objective cell-formation problems with NSGA-II, an elitist
evolutionary multi-objective optimization technique. Multi-objective GP-SLCA is
able to generate automatically a set of non-dominated solutions for a given multi-
objective cell-formation problem. The benefits of the proposed approach are
illustrated using an example test problem taken from the literature and an
industrial case study.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell-formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Evolutionary
algorithms; Genetic programming; Multi-objective optimization; NSGA
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cluster analysis; Evolutionary algorithms; Genetic programming;
Industrial applications; Multiobjective optimization; Problem solving, Cell
formation problem; Single linkage cluster analysis (SLCA), Cellular manufacturing
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Dimopoulos, C., A review of evolutionary multiobjective optimization applications
in the area of production research (2004) Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC
'04), pp. 1487-1494;
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(2000) Int. J. Prod. Res, 38, pp. 481-507;
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multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) Int. J. Prod. Res, 38 (3), pp. 385-
Zitzler, E., Thiele, L., Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: A comparative case
study and the strength Pareto approach (1999) IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput, 3 (4), pp.
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evolutionary algorithm (2001), Tech. Rep. 103, Computer Engineering and
Communication Networks Laboratory (TIK, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH,
ZurichCORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dimopoulos, C.; School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Cyprus College, 6 Diogenous Street, Engomi, PO Box 22006, 1516
Nicosia, Cyprus; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0305215X
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Dimopoulos, C.
Multi-objective optimization of manufacturing cell design
(2006) International Journal of Production Research, 44 (22), pp. 4855-4875. Cited
30 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540600620773
AFFILIATIONS: School of Computer Science and Engineering, Cyprus College, 6
Diogenous Street, Engomi, P.O. Box 22006, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus
ABSTRACT: Whereas the single-objective cell-formation problem has been studied
extensively during the past decades, research on the multi-objective version of the
problem has been relatively limited, despite the fact that it represents a more
realistic modelling of the manufacturing environment. This article introduces
multi-objective GP-SLCA, an evolutionary computation methodology for the solution
of the multi-objective cell-formation problem. GP-SLCA is a hybrid algorithm,
comprising of GP-SLCA, a genetic programming algorithm for the solution of single-
objective cell-formation problems, and NSGA-II, a standard evolutionary multi-
objective optimization technique. The proposed methodology is capable of providing
the decision maker with a range of non-dominated solutions instead of a single
compromise solution, which is usually produced as an outcome of alternative multi-
objective optimization techniques. The application of multi-objective GP-SLCA is
illustrated on a large-sized test problem taken from the literature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell-formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Evolutionary
computation; Genetic programming; Multi-objective optimization; NSGA-II
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell-formation problems; Genetic programming; Multi-objective
optimization; NSGA-II, Evolutionary algorithms; Genetic algorithms; Optimization;
Problem solving; Product design, Cellular manufacturing
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Zitzler, E., Thiele, L., Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: A comparative case

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Zitzler, E., Thiele, L., SPEA2: Improving the performance of the Strength Pareto
Evolutionary Algorithm (2001) Technical Report, 103., Computer Engineering and
Communication Networks Lab (TIK), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dimopoulos, C.; School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Cyprus College, 6 Diogenous Street, Engomi, P.O. Box 22006, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Karoum, B., Elbenani, Y.B.

Optimization of the material handling costs and the machine reliability in cellular
manufacturing system using cuckoo search algorithm
(2019) Neural Computing and Applications, 31 (8), pp. 3743-3757.

DOI: 10.1007/s00521-017-3302-3
AFFILIATIONS: Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI), Faculty of Science,
Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: Lean manufacturing is a systematic method to improve productivity and
reduce costs for each industrial. One of the tools for lean is the cellular
manufacturing that divides the production system into smaller subsystems. The
objective is to reduce inventory, setup times, and material handling costs. The
manufacturing cell formation problem presents the first issue faced in designing a
cellular manufacturing system. In this paper, the presence of alternative process
routings and machine reliability in addition to production volume, operation
sequence and production time makes the problem more complex but also more realistic
and appealing to real-world applications. Most authors solve this kind of problems
by mathematical programming approaches that require large amounts of computational
efforts. Therefore, a meta-heuristic algorithm, entitled Hybrid cuckoo search for
the generalized cell formation problem, is considered in this paper. A set of
benchmark problems with various scales is used to further evaluate the performance
of the proposed method. Comparison of the results obtained with those obtained by
LINGO and by the simulated annealing method reveals the better effectiveness and
efficiency of our method. © 2018, The Natural Computing Applications Forum.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routing; Cuckoo search; Generalized cell formation
problem; Machine reliability
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cost reduction; Heuristic algorithms; Materials
handling; Mathematical programming; Productivity; Reliability; Simulated annealing,
Alternative process routings; Alternative routing; Cell formation problem; Cuckoo
searches; Effectiveness and efficiencies; Machine reliability; Manufacturing cell
formation; Simulated annealing method, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Karoum, B.; Research Computer Science Laboratory (LRI),
Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University of Rabat, B.P. 1014, Morocco; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 09410643
SOURCE: Scopus

Durga Rajesh, K.V., Krishna, A.S., Siva Rao, V.S., Phanindra, U.V.S., Kamal, B.
Matlab based manhattan distance matrix method to solve cell formation problems
(2019) International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8
(8), pp. 3102-3105.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education

Foundation, Vaddeswaram, A.P., India
ABSTRACT: The Cell Formation Technique in Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) is
mainly focused in this paper, which is a Group Technology (GT) based application.
The vital step in CMS design is the Cell Formation (CF). The main task of Formation
of Cells is to combine parts and machines. A new heuristic approach was proposed in
this paper to achieve CF based on the Manhattan Distance Matrix (MDM) Method.
MATLAB CODE is developed for the method proposed above. As a measure of performance
Grouping Efficacy (GE) is considered. Computational works were conducted with case
study problem set taken from standard article. Results after computation determine
that the GE performance of our heuristic approach is finer or equal to the other
well-known active algorithms ROC & ROC-2. © BEIESP.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation; Cellular Manufacturing System; Group Technology;
Grouping Efficacy; Manhattan Distance Matrix
REFERENCES: Euclidean Distance Matrix and types, Wikipedia; Laha, D., Hazarika, M.,
A heuristic approach based on EDM for the machine-part CFP (2017) Materials Today:
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Development, 9, pp. 43-52
PUBLISHER: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
ISSN: 22783075
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Innov. Technol. Explor. Eng.
SOURCE: Scopus

Soto, R., Crawford, B., Castillo, S., Olivares, R.

Resolution of the manufacturing cell formation problem using the Spider Monkey
Metaheuristic [Resolución de Problema de Formación de Celdas de Manufactura
Utilizando la Metaheurística Spider Monkey]
(2018) Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2018-
June, pp. 1-7.

DOI: 10.23919/CISTI.2018.8399304
AFFILIATIONS: Escuela de Ingeniería en Informática, Pontificia Universidad Católica
de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile;
Escuela de Ingeniería Civil Informática, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso,
ABSTRACT: The Manufacturing Cell Design Problem (MCDP) consists on the grouping of
machines, from a production plant, into independent manufacturing cells. The idea
is that each cell processes families of parts, thus reducing movements of the parts
among cells. The main reason to perform this procedure is to reduce cost and time
in the production of parts. To solve this problem, we use the Spider Monkey
Optimization metaheuristic (SMO), an algorithm based on nature that has a fission-
fusion social structure. This has resolved 90 instances of the problem of
manufacturing cells, taken from the experiments of Boctor. The results obtained
have shown that the SMO algorithm is able to successfully reach all the optimal
values. © 2018 AISTI.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Manufacturing Cell Design Problem; Metaheuristic; Optimization;
Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Information systems; Information use; Optimization, Cell design;
Manufacturing cell formation; Metaheuristic; Optimal values; Production plant; SMO
algorithms; Social structure; Spider monkey optimizations, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Kusiak, A., Chow, W.S., Decomposition of manufacturing systems (1988)
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(CISTI), 2016 11th Iberian Conference on, pp. 1-7
EDITORS: Rocha A., Cota M.P., Lozano-Tello A., Goncalves R.
PUBLISHER: IEEE Computer Society
ISSN: 21660727
ISBN: 9789899843486
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Iberian Conf. Inf. Syst. Technol., CISTI
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Arghish, O., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Shahandeh-Nookabadi, A., Rezaeian, J.

Comparison among four calibrated meta-heuristic algorithms for solving a type-2
fuzzy cell formation problem considering economic and environmental criteria
(2018) Advances in Production Engineering And Management, 13 (1), pp. 5-17.

DOI: 10.14743/apem2018.1.269
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran;
School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran;
LCFC, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Metz, France;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed using economic and
environmental criteria for a type-2 fuzzy (T2F) cell formation (CF) problem
emphasizing the effect of the man-machine relationship aspect. This model aims to
show the use of this aspect in CF to minimize the costs of processing, material
movement, energy loss, and tooling. For this purpose, a two-stage defuzzification
procedure is used to convert the T2F variable into a crisp value. Due to NP-
hardness of the model and problem, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to derive the
appropriate solutions. Furthermore, because there is no any existing benchmark to
validate the performance of the proposed model, three tuned meta-heuristic
algorithms, namely, differential evolution (DE), harmony search (HS) and particle
swarm optimization (PSO), are proposed and used. The present research uses the
Taguchi method to adjust the parameters in the four proposed algorithms.
Furthermore, 15 examples are used to validate the presented model. The results show
that PSO is the most appropriate algorithm for solving the model. © 2018 PEI,
University of Maribor. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Differential evolution; Environmental factor;
Genetic algorithm; Harmony search; Particle swarm optimization
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; School of Industrial Engineering,
College of Engineering, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Production Engineering Institute
ISSN: 18546250
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhu, Y., Li, S.

Similarity statistics for clusterability analysis with the application of cell
formation problem
(2018) Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2018, art. no. 1348147, .

DOI: 10.1155/2018/1348147
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes the use of the statistics of similarity values to
evaluate the clusterability or structuredness associated with a cell formation (CF)
problem. Typically, the structuredness of a CF solution cannot be known until the
CF problem is solved. In this context, this paper investigates the similarity
statistics of machine pairs to estimate the potential structuredness of a given CF
problem without solving it. One key observation is that a well-structured CF
solution matrix has a relatively high percentage of high-similarity machine pairs.
Then, histograms are used as a statistical tool to study the statistical
distributions of similarity values. This study leads to the development of the U-
shape criteria and the criterion based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Accordingly,
a procedure is developed to classify whether an input CF problem can potentially
lead to a well-structured or ill-structured CF matrix. In the numerical study, 20
matrices were initially used to determine the threshold values of the criteria, and
40 additional matrices were used to verify the results. Further, these matrix
examples show that genetic algorithm cannot effectively improve the well-structured
CF solutions (of high grouping efficacy values) that are obtained by hierarchical
clustering (as one type of heuristics). This result supports the relevance of
similarity statistics to preexamine an input CF problem instance and suggest a
proper solution approach for problem solving. © 2018 Yingyu Zhu and Simon Li.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Li, S.; Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, University of CalgaryCanada; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Hindawi Limited
ISSN: 1687952X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Branco, R.M., Rocha, C.R.

Group technology: Genetic algorithm based on greedy constructive structure and
refinement by k-means method applied to manufacturing cell formation problems
(2018) Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 7, pp. 817-826.

DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-898-3-817
AFFILIATIONS: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil
ABSTRACT: The Group technology (GT) constitutes a manufacturing philosophy that
exploits similarities in product design and product processes. The information
attained from the process sheets are organized in an incidence matrix with machines
and parts. The goal is to assign parts to families and machine to cells, which are
designed to produce a given part family such that the number of voids and
exceptional elements in cells are minimized. This article considers the problem of
the manufacturing cell formation, of combinatorial nature and proposes a hybrid
genetic algorithm (GA) with a greedy cosntrutive method for its solution, aiming
the minimizing of the inter-cell movement and maximizing the use of the machines
inside a cell. Basically, the GA generates sets of machine cells, and the
constructor method is applied to those cells to better assign part families to
them. The k-means algorithm is also applied to refine these formations. The
performance of the proposed framework, considering the efficacy of grouping and a
set of GT problems available in the literature, is presented and discussed. © 2018
The authors and IOS Press.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithm; Group technology; Grouping efficacy;
Machine-component cells
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Genetic algorithms; Product design, Exceptional elements; Grouping
efficacy; Hybrid genetic algorithms; Incidence matrices; k-Means algorithm; K-means
method; Manufacturing cell formation; Product process, Group technology
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Branco, R.M.; Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e
Tecnologia do Rio Grande do SulBrazil; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Wognum N., Stjepandic J., Pellicciari M., Bil C., Peruzzini M.

ISBN: 9781614994398
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V., Nageswara Rao, M., Krishna, C.E., Anoop, K.,
Neeraj, Y.
An efficient sheep flock heredity algorithm for the cell formation problem
(2017) ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (21), pp. 6074-6079.
Cited 4 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, K L University, Vaddeswaram,

Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India;
AKRG College of Engineering and Technology, Nallajerla, Andhra Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: CM (Cellular Manufacturing) is an essential GT (Group Technology)
application that has been used in several real-world industrial applications. The
problem of cell formation is considered as the first most important criteria in the
design CMS (Cellular Manufacturing Systems) in order to minimize lead time and
setup time to maximize productivity. In this paper, an efficient SFHA (Sheep Flock
Heredity algorithm) is suggested for problem solving where the number of cells is
not fixed a priori. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a set of
10 benchmark problems is used; the results are then compared with other methods by
considering Grouping Efficacy parameter. From the results we can say that algorithm
which is proposed has performed well on the standard problems. © 2006-2017 Asian
Research Publishing Network (ARPN).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Group technology; Grouping efficacy; Lead time;
Productivity; Sheep flock heredity
REFERENCES: Nara, K., Takeyama, T., Kim, H., A new evolutionary algorithm based on
sheep flocks heredity model and its application to scheduling problem (1999) IEEE
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Durga Rajesh, K.V., Mani Krishna, M., Ali, M.A., Chalapathi, P.V., A Modified
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Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V., Anurag Reddy, C., Mahesh Reddy, S., Baba,
M.A., Akhil Reddy, G., Varma, N.S.M., Application of Teaching- Learning Based
Optimization Technique for Cell Formation Problems International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics, 116, pp. 123-128
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Durga Rajesh, K.V.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, K
L UniversityIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Asian Research Publishing Network
ISSN: 18196608
SOURCE: Scopus

Merchichi, S., Boulif, M.

Constraint-driven exact algorithm for the manufacturing cell formation problem
(2015) European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 9 (6), pp. 717-743. Cited 2

DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2015.074379
AFFILIATIONS: LIMOSE Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Sciences,
University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Independency Avenue, Boumerdès, 35000,
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the manufacturing cell formation (MCF) problem,
which is based on group technology (GT) principles, by using a graph-theoretic
model. Due to the exponential nature of the problem, various heuristics and meta-
heuristics have been proposed to solve it. However, only few studies have attempted
to develop exact algorithms. In this paper, we develop two B&B algorithms, taking
into account the actual constraints of production. The first algorithm is based on
the notion of co-cycles (cuts) in the generation of solutions. The second has a
similar structure, except that it is improved by using the constraints. The
obtained results of the two algorithms are reported for medium-sized instances.
Copyright © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch and bound; Graph partitioning; Group technology;
Manufacturing cell formation; MCF
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Branch and bound method; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Graph theory; Group technology; Group theory; Manufacture, Exact
algorithms; Generation of solutions; Graph Partitioning; Graph theoretic modeling;
Manufacturing cell formation; Meta heuristics, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Boulif, M.; LIMOSE Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Faculty of Sciences, University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Independency Avenue,
Algeria; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17515254
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, S., Yang, X., Yu, M.

Modified PSO for logistic cost of dynamic cell formation problem with alternative
(2015) Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng Ban)/Journal of Wuhan
University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering), 39 (5), pp.

DOI: 10.3963/j.issn.2095-3844.2015.05.029
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Transportation, Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804,
Department of Mechanism and Energy, Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804, China
ABSTRACT: Considering the capacity of machine, the alternative routings of parts
procedure and so on, model is cestablished to determine the optimal cells while
minimize the manufacturing, material handling, subcontracting, inventory holding
and backorder penalty costs in all period. A modified PSO optimization algorithm is
proposed to solve this problem. A structured encoding mechanism was also proposed
in modified PSO. The simulation experiment verified the feasibility and validity of
the model and the algorithm. ©, 2015, Wuhan University of Technology. All right
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic cell
formation; Logistic cost; Particle swarm optimization
REFERENCES: Hassan, R., Reza, M., Mahdi, Z., Solving a dynamic cell formation
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PUBLISHER: Wuhan University of Technology
ISSN: 20953844
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng
SOURCE: Scopus

Jia, G., Kong, W.

An multi-objective optimal model to solve the dynamic cell formation problem
considering machine sharing
(2014) Journal of Computational Information Systems, 10 (2), pp. 513-522. Cited 2

DOI: 10.12733/jcis8796
AFFILIATIONS: School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing
100191, China
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a multi-objectives model of dynamic cellular manufacturing
(DCM) formation is proposed. This model can solve the problem of the optimal
con_guration of the manufacturing cells by weighing conicting objectives namely:
machine related costs, machine utilization, and material handling cost. In
addition, the situation that some machines could be shared by more than one cell at
the same period is also considered. To solve the mathematical model, a genetic
algorithm is applied and three numerical examples are presented to evaluate the
validity of this model. Copyright © 2014 Binary Information Press.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Machine sharing; Machine utilization;
Maintenance cost; Material handling cost; Relocation cost
INDEX KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Machine utilization; Maintenance cost;
Material handling costs; Relocation costs, Costs; Materials handling; Mathematical
models, Cellular manufacturing
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Mahdavi, I., Aalaei, A., Paydar, M.M., Solimanpur, M., Designing a mathematical
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Systems, 8 (5), pp. 1995-2007
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kong, W.; School of Economics and Management, Beihang
University, Beijing 100191, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 15539105
SOURCE: Scopus

Javaid, W., Tariq, A., Hussain, I.

A Comparison of a Standard Genetic Algorithm with a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
Applied to Cell Formation Problem
(2014) Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, art. no. 301751, . Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1155/2014/301751
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wah Engineering College,
University of Wah, Punjab, 47040, Pakistan;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology,
Peshawar, Pakistan
ABSTRACT: Though there are a number of benefits associated with cellular
manufacturing systems, its implementation (identification of part families and
corresponding machine groups) for real life problems is still a challenging task.
To handle the complexity of optimizing multiple objectives and larger size of the
problem, most of the researchers in the past two decades or so have focused on
developing genetic algorithm (GA) based techniques. Recently this trend has shifted
from standard GA to hybrid GA (HGA) based approaches in the quest for greater
effectiveness as far as convergence on to the optimum solution is concerned. In
order to prove the point, that HGAs possess better convergence abilities than
standard GAs, a methodology, initially based on standard GA and later on hybridized
with a local search heuristic (LSH), has been developed during this research.
Computational experience shows that HGA maintains its accuracy level with increase
in problem size, whereas standard GA looses its effectiveness as the problem size
grows. © 2014 Waqas Javaid et al.
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Engineering College, University of WahPakistan
PUBLISHER: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
ISSN: 16878132
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Kong, W., Jia, G.-Z., Luan, S.-C., Hu, X.-Y.

Optimization of the multi-objective dynamic cell formation problem considering
machine sharing
(2013) International Conference on Management Science and Engineering - Annual
Conference Proceedings, pp. 269-274.

AFFILIATIONS: School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, 100191,

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190, China
ABSTRACT: The design of cell formation of a cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is
a combinatorial optimization problem. Cellular manufacturing can reduce the
material handling costs and increase the efficiency of the system. Because of
uncertainties in production life circle, there are many changes in demand of the
products. But former cell formation methods ignore this situation. And product life
cycles are shorter and shorter, and demand volumes and product types are hard to
forecast. Thus, cell design needs to be suitable for different periods. Dynamic
cell formation is a solution of this problem. In this paper, a multi-objective
model of Dynamic cell formation is presented to optimal the relocation cost,
machine utilization and intercell moves. Besides this, the situation that some
machine need be shared at more than one cell at the same period is also considered.
To solve the mathematical model, a genetic algorithmis applied and two numerical
examples are presented to evaluate the validity of this model. ©2013 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Intercell moves; Machine sharing;
Machine utilization; Relocation cost
INDEX KEYWORDS: Combinatorial optimization problems; Dynamic cell formation; Inter-
cell moves; Machine utilization; Material handling costs; Multi-objective modeling;
Product life cycles; Relocation costs, Costs; Life cycle; Management science;
Mathematical models; Multiobjective optimization, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: School of Economics and Management, Beihang University,
100191, China
ISSN: 21551847
ISBN: 9781479904716
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Manage. Sci. Eng. - Annu. Conf. Proc.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Hamza, S.A., Adesta, E.Y.T.

Similarity coefficient measures applied to assessment the cell formation problem: A
comparative investigation
(2013) International Review on Modelling and Simulations, 6 (2), pp. 608-612.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, International

Islamic University Malaysia, P. O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Foundation of Technical
Education, Iraq;
Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, International Islamic
University, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: Similarity coefficient (SC) measures are used to evaluate cellular
manufacturing system. Those measures have variation in the accuracy. The
researchers Yin and Yasuda had conducted comparative study to compare the accuracy
of the measures in cell formation phase. The results showed minor differences among
the majority, while few measures are less accurate. However, the researchers Basher
and Karaa have tried one of the measures (Jaccard) in different phase - feasibility
assessment. In this paper, Basher approach has been repeated with other nineteen
General Purpose Similarity Coefficients (GPSCs) measures in order to prove that any
of the measures evaluated by Yin and Yasuda in cell formation can be utilized in
feasibility assessment. The results have revealed that more than 80% of the
measures are capable to be used in feasibility assessment. © 2013 Praise Worthy
Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Feasibility assessment;
General purpose similarity coefficient
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(2012) International Review On Computers and Software (IRECOS), 7 (2), pp. 561-567
PUBLISHER: Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l
ISSN: 19749821
SOURCE: Scopus

Karthikeyan, S., Saravanan, M., Ganesh, K.

GT machine cell formation problem in scheduling for cellular manufacturing system
using meta-heuristic method
(2012) Procedia Engineering, 38, pp. 2537-2547. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.06.299
AFFILIATIONS: Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Oddanchatram-624619,
Tamilnadu, India;
V.P.V College of Engineering and Technology, Devathanapatty-625602, Tamilnadu,
McKinsey Knowledge Center India Private Limited, McKinsey and Company, Gurgaon,
Haryana, India
ABSTRACT: Manufacturing industries are under intense pressure from the increasingly
competitive market. Shorter products life cycles, time-to-market and diverse
customer needs have challenged manufacturers to improve the efficiency and
productivity of their production activities. Proper scheduling of jobs is
indispensable for the successful operation of a shop. Group technology has become
an increasingly popular concept in manufacturing, which is designed to take
advantage of mass production layout and techniques in smaller batch production
system. Since the conventional scheduling methods need more computation time. An
attempt has been made to optimize the scheduling for cellular manufacturing system
by comparing Meta-heuristic methods named as simulated annealing and Tabu Search.
In the first part of this work, different types of products in the job-shop
environment are identified and grouping of cells is performed using Rank Order
Clustering Method. In the second part, optimization procedure has been developed
for the scheduling problem for processing in the machine cells. The objectives are
minimization of total penalty cost, Comparison of the solutions are obtained by the
proposed algorithm with the benchmark problems has been reported. © 2012 Published
by Elsevier Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Job shop; Scheduling; Simulated
annealing; Tabu search
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PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
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DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

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Multi objective particle swarm optimization for a dynamic cell formation problem
(2010) WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010, 3, pp. 2418-2423. Cited 4

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Graduate School Islamic Azad

University-South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system, an application of group technology, has
been considered as an effective way to obtain productivity in a factory. A new
multi objective dynamic cell formation with production planning consideration is
presented in this paper, where total workload variations, inter-intra cellular
movements and the sum of costs consisting machine costs, production planning costs,
reconfiguration costs, are to be minimized. Because this type of problem is Np-
hard, a multi objective particle swarm optimization is applied to achieve locally
Pareto-optimal frontier. Multi objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is
compared with a multi objective genetic algorithm, i.e. NSGAII, based on some
comparison metrics to show its efficiency. The computational results depict the
superiority of MOPSO compared to NSGAII.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Multi objective; NSGAII;
Particle swarm optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Comparison metrics; Computational results; Dynamic cell formation;
Its efficiencies; Machine costs; Multi objective; Multi objective particle swarm
optimization; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; NP-hard; NSGA-II; Pareto-optimal
frontiers; Particle swarm; Production Planning; Production-planning costs;
Reconfiguration costs; Workload variation, Cellular manufacturing; Computational
efficiency; Costs; Electric load dispatching; Group technology; Multiobjective
optimization; Planning; Production control; Production engineering; Project
management, Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sarayloo, F.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Graduate School Islamic Azad University-South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9789881821089
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Deljoo, V., Mirzapour Al-e-hashem, S.M.J., Deljoo, F., Aryanezhad, M.B.

Using genetic algorithm to solve dynamic cell formation problem
(2010) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34 (4), pp. 1078-1092. Cited 54 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2009.07.019
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Bu ali Sina University,
Hamedan, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
P.C. 16846113114, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, solving a cell formation (CF) problem in dynamic condition
is going to be discussed using genetic algorithm (GA). Previous models presented in
the literature contain some essential errors which will decline their advantageous
aspects. In this paper these errors are discussed and a new improved formulation
for dynamic cell formation (DCF) problem is presented. Due to the fact that CF is a
NP-hard problem, solving the model using classical optimization methods needs a
long computational time. Therefore the improved DCF model is solved using a
proposed GA and the results are compared with the optimal solution and the
efficiency of the proposed algorithm is discussed and verified. © 2009.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Genetic algorithm; Meta heuristics
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Classical optimization; Computational time; Dynamic
cell formation; Dynamic condition; Meta heuristics; NP-HARD problem; Optimal
solutions, Cellular manufacturing; Computational complexity; Computational
efficiency; Dispersion compensation; Errors; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic methods,
Problem solving
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ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Wang, X., Tang, J., Yung, K.-L.

Optimization of the multi-objective dynamic cell formation problem using a scatter
search approach
(2009) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 44 (3-4), pp.
318-329. Cited 33 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-008-1835-4
AFFILIATIONS: Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation of Process Industry,
Department of Systems Engineering, Northeastern University (NEU), Shenyang,
Liaoning 110004, China;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Polytechnic University of Hong
Kong, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the dynamic cell formation (DCF) problem with
multiple conflicting objectives. Recent researches have mainly focus on single-
objective cell formation procedures that deals with the identification of part
families and associated machine groups for constant demands. However, varying
market demands and fluctuations of the business environment have caused cellular
manufacturing systems to operate under dynamic conditions. Thus, the optimal
configuration of manufacturing cells in each period is different and the
reconfiguration of cells is required. This paper proposes a nonlinear multi-
objective mathematical model of the DCF problem by giving weighing to three
conflicting objectives including the machine relocation cost in the process of
reconfiguring cells, the utilization rate of machine capacity, and the total number
of intercell moves over the entire planning horizon. To solve the nonlinear multi-
objective model, a scatter search approach is developed, which redesigns the common
components of scatter search and incorporates diversification generator, global
criterion method, local search method, and other improvement mechanisms to provide
a wide exploration of the search space through intensification and diversification.
The proposed approach is compared with the commercial solver CPLEX on 10 test
problems, some of which are large dimensions. Computational results have
demonstrated the effectiveness of the scatter search approach. © 2008 Springer-
Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic cell formation; Multi-objective
optimization; Scatter search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Business environments; Cell formation procedures; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Commercial solvers; Computational results; Dynamic cell
formation; Dynamic condition; Global criterion method; Improvement mechanism;
Inter-cell moves; Large dimensions; Local search method; Manufacturing cells;
Market demand; Multi objective; Multiobjective models; Optimal configurations; Part
family; Planning horizons; Relocation costs; Scatter search; Search spaces; Test
problem; Utilization rates, Cell membranes; Dispersion compensation; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Mathematical models; Multiobjective optimization, Cellular
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Shenyang, Liaoning 110004, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Spiliopoulos, K., Sofianopoulou, S.

An efficient ant colony optimization system for the manufacturing cells formation
(2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36 (5-6), pp.
589-597. Cited 33 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-006-0862-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management and Technology, University of
Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Demetriou Str., Piraeus 185 34, Greece
ABSTRACT: An ant colony optimization (ACO) scheme for the manufacturing cells
design problem is proposed, which uses a tight eigenvalue-based bound to guide and
accelerate the search. This feature is combined with a good initialization
procedure and with ideas from successful ACO implementations in other areas, to
achieve efficiency and reliability with the minimum structure and set of
parameters. The resulting algorithm produces most promising results for medium to
large size problems, with negligible computational effort. © 2006 Springer-Verlag
London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Optimization; Parameter estimation; Problem solving,
Ant colony optimization; Cell formation, Cellular manufacturing
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Boulif, M., Atif, K.

A new branch-&-bound-enhanced genetic algorithm for the manufacturing cell
formation problem
(2006) Computers and Operations Research, 33 (8), pp. 2219-2245. Cited 55 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2005.02.005
AFFILIATIONS: Département d'Informatique, Université m'Hamed Bouguerra à Boumerdès,
Avenue de l'indépendance, 35000 Boumerdès, Algeria;
Département d'Informatique, ITS, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie
Houari Boumedienne, BP 32, El-Alia, 16111 Babezzouar, Alger, Algeria;
Department of Computer Science, Boumerdès University, Boumerdès, Algeria;
Department of Computer Science, Institut des Techniciens Supérierus, Houari
Boumedienne University of Science and Technology, Algeria
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the manufacturing cell formation (MCF) problem,
which is based on group technology principles, using a graph partitioning
formulation. An attempt has been made to take into account the natural constraints
of real-life production systems, such as operation sequences, minimum and maximum
numbers of cells, and maximum cell sizes. Cohabitation constraints were added to
the proposed model in order to deal with the necessity of grouping certain machines
in the same cell for technical reasons, and non-cohabitation constraints were
included to prevent placing certain machines in close vicinity. First, the problem
is solved with a genetic algorithm (GA), using a binary coding system that has
proved superior to the classic integer coding systems. A new Branch-and-Bound (B&B)
enhancement is then proposed to improve the GA's performance. The results obtained
for medium-sized instances using this enhancement are better than those obtained
using the GA alone. Given these results, it is reasonable to assume that the B&B
enhancement will provide good results for large real-life problems. © 2005 Elsevier
Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch & bound; Genetic algorithm; Graph partitioning;
Manufacturing cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Branch & bound; Graph partitioning; Integer coding; Manufacturing
cell formation, Binary codes; Cellular manufacturing; Constraint theory; Graph
theory; Integer programming; Problem solving, Genetic algorithms
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SOURCE: Scopus

Vila Gonçalves Filho, E., Tiberti, A.J.

A group genetic algorithm for the machine cell formation problem
(2006) International Journal of Production Economics, 102 (1), pp. 1-21. Cited 48
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2004.12.029
AFFILIATIONS: Mechanical Engineering Department, São Carlos Engineering School,
University of São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador Saocarlense 400, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo
13566-590, Brazil
ABSTRACT: The facility layout is a fundamental element to achieve the company's
manufacturing strategy. To obtain a good layout design, appropriate computational
algorithms as an aid to the layout designer in the decision making process during
the factory layout design should be applied. This work presents a new genetic
algorithm (GA) for the cell layout design. It is based on group encoding instead of
simple machine encoding, generally used by most of the GA implementations
encountered in the literature. Moreover, new crossover and mutation operators are
proposed. Tests using published data show that the proposed algorithm can find the
group structure present in the data sets. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithm; Group technology; Machine cell formation;
Manufacturing cells
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods; Group technology;
Problem solving, Group structure; Machine cell formation; Machine encoding, Genetic
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Vila Gonçalves Filho, E.; Mechanical Engineering
Department, São Carlos Engineering School, University of São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador
Saocarlense 400, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo 13566-590, Brazil; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09255273
SOURCE: Scopus

Yin, Y., Yasuda, K.

Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation problem: A taxonomy
and review
(2006) International Journal of Production Economics, 101 (2), pp. 329-352. Cited
145 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.01.014
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Science, Department of Public Policy and
Social Studies, Yamagata University, 1-4-12, Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi, 990-
8560, Japan;
Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku,
Sendai 980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: The initial step in the design of a cellular manufacturing (CM) system is
the identification of part families and machine groups and forming manufacturing
cells so as to process each part family within a machine group with minimum inter-
cellular movements of parts. One methodology to form manufacturing cells is the use
of similarity coefficients in conjunction with clustering procedures. In this
paper, we give a comprehensive overview and discussion for similarity coefficients
developed to date for use in solving the cell formation (CF) problem. More than 160
sources from premier scientific journals, conferences and books have been reviewed.
Despite previous studies indicated that similarity coefficients based method (SCM)
is more flexible than other CF methods, none of the studies has explained the
reason why SCM is more flexible. This paper tries to explain the reason explicitly.
We also develop a taxonomy to clarify the definition and usage of various
similarity coefficients in designing CM systems. Existing similarity
(dissimilarity) coefficients developed so far are mapped onto the taxonomy.
Additionally, production information based similarity coefficients are discussed
and a historical evolution of these similarity coefficients is outlined. Finally,
recommendations for future research are suggested in this paper.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Similarity coefficient;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Evolutionary algorithms; Handbooks; Problem
solving; Production engineering, Cell formation; Similarity coefficient; Taxonomy,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Yin, Y.; Industrial and Management Science, Department of
Public Policy and Social Studies, Yamagata University, 1-4-12, Kojirakawa-cho,
Yamagata-shi, 990-8560, Japan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09255273
SOURCE: Scopus

Boulif, M., Atif, K.

An exact multiobjective epsilon-constraint approach for the manufacturing cell
formation problem
(2006) Proceedings - ICSSSM'06: 2006 International Conference on Service Systems
and Service Management, 2, art. no. 4114607, pp. 883-888. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1109/ICSSSM.2006.320737
AFFILIATIONS: Département d'Informatique, Faculté des Sciences, Université m'Hamed
Bouguerra à Boumerdès, Avenue de l'indépendance, 35000. Boumerdès, Algeria;
Département d'Informatique, Faculté Génie Electrique et Informatique, Université
des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne, BP 32. El-Alia, 16111.
Babezzouar. Alger, Algeria
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is one of the main problems to be solved when dealing with
cellular manufacturing. An exact graph theory based Branch & Bound method has been
proposed by the authors [1]. In this paper we tackle the problem by considering two
objectives: minimizing both intercellular movements and workload unbalance. We
argue that when an epsilon-constraint approach is adopted, an enhancement of the
lower bound of the B&B branching step can be obtained. This improvement gives a
worthwhile help to the method efficiency when seeking to solve the problem
optimally. © 2006 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch & bound; Epsilon-constraint multiobjective optimization;
Graph partitioning; Manufacturing cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Graph theory; Optimization; Problem
solving, Epsilon-constraint multiobjective optimization; Graph partitioning;
Manufacturing cell formation, Constraint theory
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Boulif, M.; Département d'Informatique, Faculté des
Sciences, Université m'Hamed Bouguerra à Boumerdès, Avenue de l'indépendance,
35000. Boumerdès, Algeria; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: IEEE Computer Society

ISBN: 1424404517; 9781424404513

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Services Systems Services Manage. Proc. ICSSSM
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Aryanezhad, M.B., Safaei, N., Azaron, A.

Solving a dynamic cell formation problem using metaheuristics
(2005) Applied Mathematics and Computation, 170 (2), pp. 761-780. Cited 114 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2004.12.021
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran;
Department of Artificial Complex Systems Engineering, Graduate School of
Engineering, Hiroshima University, Kagamiyama 1-4-1, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8527,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, solving a cell formation (CF) problem in dynamic condition
is going to be discussed by using some traditional metaheuristic methods such as
genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS). Most of
previous researches were done under the static condition. Due to the fact that CF
is a NP-hard problem, then solving the model using classical optimization methods
needs a long computational time. In this research, a nonlinear integer model of CF
is first given and then solved by GA, SA and TS. Then, the results are compared
with the optimal solution and the efficiency of the proposed algorithms is
discussed. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation; Genetic algorithm; Simulated annealing;
Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic methods;
Integer programming; Mathematical models; Nonlinear equations; Optimization;
Simulated annealing, Dynamic cell formation; Metaheuristics; Nonlinear integer
model; Tabu search, Problem solving
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International Journal of Production Research, 32 (2), pp. 273-297
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Azaron, A.; Department of Artificial Complex Systems
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Kagamiyama 1-4-
1, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00963003
SOURCE: Scopus

Schaller, J.
Tabu search procedures for the cell formation problem with intra-cell transfer
costs as a function of cell size
(2005) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 49 (3), pp. 449-462. Cited 20 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2005.07.005
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Administration, Eastern Connecticut State
University, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper compares four procedures that generate heuristic solutions for
a cell formation integer programming model. The objective of the model is to
minimize cost. The cost elements included in the model are: cost of intra-cell and
inter-cell moves, and the cost of the equipment used in the cells. The cost of an
intra-cell move is based on the size of the cell in terms of the number of machines
included in the cell. The procedures were tested on 19 problems obtained from the
literature. The results show that a previous method developed by Sankaran and
Kasilingam (1993) is very efficient but generates poor solutions. A tabu search
procedure that starts with the solution generated by the Sankaran and Kasilingam
procedure significantly improved the solutions. A second tabu search procedure that
uses a new method of developing an initial solution also generated better solutions
than the Sankaran and Kasilingam procedure and on the larger sized problems
generated the best solutions. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Heuristics; Integer programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Heuristic methods; Integer programming; Mathematical models, Cell
formation; Heuristics; Inter-cell moves; Intra-cell move; Kasilingam solution,
Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., The trade-off between intracell and intercell
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Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 3-20;
Singh, N., Design of cellular manufacturing systems: An invited review (1993)
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Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., Mahaderan, B., An assignment model for the part-
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Research, 28 (1), pp. 145-152;
Stanfel, L.E., Machine clustering for economic production (1985) Engineering Costs
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Management, 6 (2), pp. 125-147;
Wemmerlöv, U., Johnson, D.J., Cellular manufacturing at 46 user plants:
Implementation experiences and performance improvements (1997) International
Journal of Production Research, 35 (1), pp. 29-49;
Wemmerlöv, U., Johnson, D.J., Empirical findings on manufacturing cell design
(2000) International Journal of Production Research, 38 (3), pp. 481-507
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Schaller, J.; Department of Business Administration,
Eastern Connecticut State University, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226,
United States; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Chan, F.T.S., Lau, K.W., Chan, P.L.Y., Au, K.C.

Macro-approach of cell formation problem with consideration of machining sequence
(2004) IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, 3, pp. 1126-1130.

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng., University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) which is based on the concept of
Group Technology (GT) has been recognized as an efficient and effective way to
improve the productivity in the factory. In recent years, there has been much
effort done for continuing to improve CMS. Most researches concentrated on
distinguishing the part families and machine cells either simultaneously or
individually by considering of minimizing intercellular and intracellular part
movements. However, fewer researches have studied the impact of the sequencing of
machine cells. In light of this, the main aim of this present work is to study the
impact of the sequencing of allocating the machine cells in minimizing
intercellular part movement. The problem scope, which is also called as machine-
part grouping problem (MPGP) together with the background of cell layout problem
(CLP), has been identified. A mathematical model is formulated and part incidence
matrix with operational sequence is often used. Since MPGP has been proved as an NP
complete, genetic algorithm (GA) is employed as cell formation algorithms in
solving this problem. © 2004 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell layout problem; Genetic algorithm; Machine-part grouping
problem; Operational sequence; Sequencing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer simulation; Genetic algorithms; Mathematical models;
Optimization; Probability; Regression analysis; Statistical methods, Cell layout
problem; Machine-part grouping; Operational sequence; Sequencing, Machining
REFERENCES: Kazerooni, M.L., Luong, H.S., Abhary, K., A genetic algorithm based
cell design considering alternative routing (1997) International Journal of
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 10 (2), pp. 93-107;
Taboun, S.M., Merchawi, N.S., Ulger, T., Part family and machine cell formation in
multi-period planning horizons of cellular manufacturing systems (1998) Production
Planning and Control, 9 (6), pp. 561-571;
McAuley, J., Machine grouping for efficient production (1972) The Production
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King, J.R., Machine - Component grouping in production flow analysis: An approach
using a rank order clustering algorithm (1980) International Journal of Production
Research, 18, pp. 213-232;
Ham, I., Hitomi, K., Yashida, T., (1985) Group Technology Applications to
Production Management, , Boston, MA: Kluwer-Nijho;
Chan, F.T.S., Mak, K.L., Luong, L.H.S., Ming, X.G., Machine-component grouping
using genetic algorithms (1998) International Journal of Robotics and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, 14 (5-6), pp. 339-346;
Cheng, C.H., Gupta, Y.P., Lee, W.H., Wong, K.F., A TSP-based heuristic for forming
machine groups and part families (1998) International Journal of Production
Research, 36 (5), pp. 1325-1337;
Won, Y.Y., Lee, K.C., Group technology cell formation considering operation
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Research, 39 (12), pp. 2755-2768;
Nair, G.J., Narendran, T.T., Case: A clustering algorithm for cell formation with
sequence data (1998) International Journal of Production Research, 36 (1), pp. 157-
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Manufacturing cells' design in consideration of various
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Zhao, C.W., Wu, Z.M., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
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Research, 38, pp. 385-395;
Plaquin, M.F., Pierreval, H., Cell formation using evolutionary algorithms with
certain constraints (2000) International Journal of Production Economics, 64, pp.
Chaieb, I., Korbaa, O., Intra-cell machine layout associated with flexible
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217 (7), pp. 883-897;
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International Journal of Production Research, 38 (11), pp. 2573-2582;
Goldberg, D.E., Lingle, R., Alleles Loci and the TSF (1985) Proceedings of the
First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pp. 154-159., San Mateo,
California (CA: Morgan Kaufmann);
Davis, L., Job shop scheduling with genetic algorithms (1985) Proceedings of the
First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pp. 136-140., San Mateo,
California (CA: Morgan Kaufmann)
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chan, F.T.S.; Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng.,
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
EDITORS: Xie M., Durrani T.S., Tnag H.K.

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kara, Y., Peker, A.

Erratum: Parameter setting of the fuzzy ART neural network to the part-machine cell
formation problem (International Journal of Production Research (2003) 42 (1257-
(2004) International Journal of Production Research, 42 (9), p. 1895.

DOI: 10.1080/0020754042000203885
ISSN: 00207543
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Rabbani, M., Iman-Eini, M.

Solving manufacturing cell formation problems in dynamic and stochastic states by a
hybrid method [Solving manufacturing cell formation problems in dynamic and
stochastic states by a hybrid method]
(2004) Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), 15 (58 D), pp. 435-451.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of I Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of

Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Although cellular manufacturing system provides great benefits, the
design of cellular manufacturing systems is complex for real-life problems. Hence,
existing design methods employ simplifying assumptions that often deteriorate the
validity of the models for obtaining solutions. One of these assumptions is that
product mix and demand do not change over the planning horizon. This paper develops
a mathematical model and a solution approach for designing cellular manufacturing
systems. This model addresses these shortcomings by assuming dynamic and stochastic
production requirements and employing routing flexibility. A simulated annealing
based heuristic is proposed to obtain good solutions within reasonable amount of
computational time. For evaluating the proposed solution approach, eight design
problems are generated at random and solved by using the heuristic and Lingo 8.0
Software as a lower bound. The compared computational results of two approaches
(heuristic and lower bound) show that the heuristic perform well under various
circumstances, but routing flexibility has a major impact on the performance of the
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic and stochastic production needs;
Simulated annealing
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of I Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of TehranIran
ISSN: 10150951
SOURCE: Scopus

Cao, D., Chen, M.

Using penalty function and Tabu search to solve cell formation problems with fixed
cell cost
(2004) Computers and Operations Research, 31 (1), pp. 21-37. Cited 25 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0305-0548(02)00144-2
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Mechanical and Indust. Eng., Concordia University, 1455 de
Maisonneuve Blvd., West Montreal, Que. H3G 1M8, Canada
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an integrated approach for manufacturing cell formation
with fixed charge cost is presented. The solution of the problem includes not only
cell formation decisions but also cell set-up decisions. A mixed integer non-linear
programming model is formulated to solve the problem. The NP-hardness of the
problem makes direct solution computationally prohibitive for real-life
applications. A heursitic algorithm was developed to solve the problem efficiently
based on the features of the model and model duality analysis. Tabu search was used
to find the optimal or sub-optimal solutions of the problem. Numerical examples are
presented. Scope and purpose Today's manufacturing industry is facing strong
competition in providing high quality and low cost products to ever demanding
consumers. Cellular manufacturing is one of the widely used approaches to improve
manufacturing productivity to achieve this purpose. In cellular manufacturing,
machine tools are grouped into different manufacturing cells for improved
efficiency and flexibility. This research proposes a mathematical programming model
to form the cells so that material handling cost, machine tool cost and eventually
the overall production cost can be minimized. We also developed an efficient
solution method to solve the complicated mathematical model. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd.
All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Fixed charge cost; Integer programming; Tabu
INDEX KEYWORDS: Industrial economics; Nonlinear programming; Problem solving, Cell
formation, Operations research, manufacturing
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[email protected]
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SOURCE: Scopus

Baykasoglu, A., Gindy, N.N.Z., Cobb, R.C.

Capability based formulation and solution of multiple objective cell formation
problems using simulated annealing
(2001) Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12 (4), pp. 258-274. Cited 25 times.

DOI: 10.1108/09576060110392560
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Gaziantep, Gaziantep, Turkey
ABSTRACT: An integer multiple objective non-linear mathematical programming
formulation is developed for simultaneously forming part/machine cells. In the
proposed model, generic capability units which are termed as resource elements are
used to define the processing requirements of parts and processing capabilities of
machine tools. Machine capabilities are not generally taken into account in the
previous cell formation procedures. Explicit consideration of unique and
overlapping machine capabilities can result in better manufacturing cell designs
with higher utilisation levels and less machine duplication. The proposed cell
formation model has distinguishing features. Several important cell formation
objectives, such as minimisation of part dissimilarity (based on production
requirements and processing sequences of parts) in formed cells, minimisation of
cell load imbalance, and minimisation of extra capacity requirements for cell
formation, are considered. In order to solve the mathematical programming model, a
simulated annealing algorithm is developed. Cooperative game theoretic approach is
applied for evaluating multiple objectives.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Non-linear programming; Optimization;
Resources; Simulation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer simulation; Group technology; Nonlinear programming;
Optimization; Simulated annealing, Resource formulation, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Baykasoglu, A.; Dept. of Mfg. Eng. and Oper. Mgmt.,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
ISSN: 09576061
SOURCE: Scopus

Dimopoulos, C., Mort, N.

A hierarchical clustering methodology based on genetic programming for the solution
of simple cell-formation problems
(2001) International Journal of Production Research, 39 (1), pp. 1-19. Cited 76

DOI: 10.1080/00207540150208835
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Automat. Control Syst. Eng., University of Sheffield, Mappin
Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: The problem of identifying machine cells and corresponding part families
in cellular manufacturing has been extensively researched over the last thirty
years. However, the complexity of the problem and the considerable number of issues
involved in its solution create the need for increasingly efficient algorithms. In
this paper the use of genetic programming for the solution of a simple version of
the problem is investigated. The methodology is tested on a number of problems
taken from the literature and comparative results are presented.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Machinery; Matrix algebra; Optimization;
Productivity; Random processes; Scheduling, Genetic programming; Hierarchical
clustering methodology, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mort, N.; Dept. of Automat. Control Syst. Eng., University
of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, United Kingdom; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Muramatsu, H., Miyahara, K., Irohara, T., Yoshimoto, K.

Integrated Approaches to Solve Cell Formation Problem Dealing with Machine
Duplicating and Part Subcontracting
(2001) Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 67 (655), pp. 873-879.

DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.67.873
AFFILIATIONS: Sophia University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 7–1 Kioicho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8554, Japan
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we address the problem of cellular manufacturing system,
which, in essence, consists of three main problems, cell formation and machine
duplication and part subcontract. While a number of research have been conducted on
the problem, most of them considered machine duplication and part subcontract
separately. One paper considering cell formation, machine duplication and part
subcontract is published, but the paper proposes two step method, so has a problem
for possibility of local search. On the contrary this paper propose an integrated
approach using Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the problems simultaneously on one
step method. Our numerical experiments and results show that our method performs
better compared to a conventional method which using two step method. © 2001, The
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation; Genetic Algorithm; Machine Duplication; Part
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flexible manufacturing systems (1986) European. J. OPR. RES, 24, pp. 387-397;
Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Assignment allocation and simulated annealing
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Boctor, F.F., The minimum-cost, machine-part cell formation problem (1996) Int. J.
Prod. Res, 34 (4), pp. 1045-1063
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Muramatsu, H.; Sophia University, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, 7–1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8554, Japan
ISSN: 03875024
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Yasuda, K., Yin, Y.

Dissimilarity measure for solving the cell formation problem in cellular
(2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39 (1-2), pp. 1-17. Cited 52 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0360-8352(00)00060-7
AFFILIATIONS: Grad. Sch. of Econ. and Management, Tohoku Univ., Kawauchi, A.,
Sendai, Japan
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) is a vital aspect of the design of cellular
manufacturing systems. Many similarity coefficient method (SCM)-based approaches
have been proposed to solve the CF problem in the literature. However, some of
these approaches have deficiencies and do not always produce proper machine groups
and part families from the initial machine-part incidence matrix. This paper
considers a new systematic approach that is based upon the calculation of an
average voids value (AVV), which indicates the average number of newly produced
voids when a pair of machine groups are combined. This approach is very simple,
intuitively appealing, and overcomes many disadvantages inherent in some
traditional SCM-based approaches. The AVV approach is tested against five well-
known approaches in solving CF problems and the test results show that the approach
is reliable and efficient.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Group technology; Problem solving; Process
engineering; Production engineering, Average voids value (AVV); Similarity
coefficient methods, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Elsevier Science Ltd, Exeter
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Chen, J.-S., Heragu, S.S.

Stepwise decomposition approaches for large scale cell formation problems
(1999) European Journal of Operational Research, 113 (1), pp. 64-79. Cited 21

DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(97)00419-0
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Business Administration, Yuan-Ze University, Chung-Li, 320,
Dept. of Decis. Sci. and Eng. Syst., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
12180-3590, United States
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is one of the major steps in cellular manufacturing system
(CMS) design. In this paper, two stepwise decomposition approaches are proposed to
solve large scale industrial problems. Both of them analyze the part-machine
relations, decompose the original system to several large subsystems and then use
an optimal solution technique to solve each. Several results are proved to show the
conditions under which optimal solutions are obtained.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Benders decomposition; Cellular manufacturing; Group technology;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Group technology; Large scale systems; Optimization; Problem
solving, Benders decomposition; Part-machine relations, Cellular manufacturing
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users (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27 (9), pp. 1511-1530
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Heragu, S.S.; Dept. of Business Administration, Yuan-Ze
University, Chung-Li, 320, Taiwan
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Abdelmola, A.I., Taboun, S.M.

Productivity model for the cell formation problem: a simulated annealing algorithm
(1999) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 37 (1), pp. 327-330. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0360-8352(99)00085-6
AFFILIATIONS: Indust. and Mfg. Systems Eng., University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
N9B 3P4, Canada
ABSTRACT: A mathematical programming model is developed to identify machine groups
and part families simultaneously using total productivity and an efficient
simulated annealing algorithm is developed to solve large-scale problems. The test
problem results showed the superiority of the algorithm over the mathematical
programming model.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Machinery; Mathematical models; Mathematical
programming; Productivity; Simulated annealing, Mathematical programming model;
Productivity model, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Abduelmola, A.I., Taboun, S.M., Koa, D., Manufacturing cells formation
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state-of-the-survey (1985) International Journal of Management Science, 13, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Abdelmola, A.I.; Univ of Windsor, Windsor, Ont, Canada
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Science Ltd, Exeter
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Gravel, M., Nsakanda, A.L., Price, W.

Efficient solutions to the cell-formation problem with multiple routings via a
double-loop genetic algorithm
(1998) European Journal of Operational Research, 109 (2), pp. 286-298. Cited 42

DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(98)00057-5
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. d'Info. et Mathématique, Université du Québec, Chicoutimi, Que.
G7H 2B1, Canada
ABSTRACT: We present a genetic approach for finding efficient solutions to the
problem of forming manufacturing cells for products having multiple routings. We
consider the case where there are two criteria. The method that we propose seeks to
generate the efficient set of solutions, that is the set of non-dominated
solutions. The manager may then choose a solution knowing the consequences for each
of the objectives. We address the computational difficulty of this problem and
present a numerical example. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell-formation; Genetic algorithms; Manufacturing; Multi
criteria analysis; Production
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Decision theory; Genetic algorithms;
Problem solving; Process control; Production control; Supervisory personnel, Cell
formation methods; Multicriteria analysis, Flexible manufacturing systems
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Tsai, C., Chu, C., Barta, T.A.

Modeling and analysis of a manufacturing cell formation problem with fuzzy mixed-
integer programming
(1997) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 29 (7), pp. 533-547.
Cited 36 times.

DOI: 10.1080/07408179708966364
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management Science, National Cheng Kung
University, Tainan, Taiwan;
Department of Management, Iowa State University, 300 Carver Hall, Ames, IA, 50011,
United States;
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Iowa State
University, 205 Engineering Annex, Ames, IA, 50011, United States
ABSTRACT: Cell formation (CF) has received much attention from academicians and
practitioners because of its strategic importance to modern manufacturing practice.
In this paper a sophisticated mixed-integer programming (MIP) model is proposed to
simultaneously form manufacturing cells and minimize the cost of dealing with
exceptional elements. Also, we illustrate how a fuzzy mixed-integer programming
(FMIP) approach can be used to solve the CF problem in a fuzzy environment, propose
a new fuzzy operator, and examine the impact of different membership functions and
operators on computational performance. Our study shows that FMIP not only provides
a better and more flexible way of representing the problem domain, it also leads to
improved overall performance. © 1997 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Flexible manufacturing systems; Fuzzy sets; Integer programming;
Mathematical models; Mathematical operators; Membership functions; Problem solving,
Fuzzy mixed integer programming (FMIP); Manufacturing cell formation (CF), Computer
aided manufacturing
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SOURCE: Scopus

Su, C.-T., Hsu, C.-M.

A two-phased genetic algorithm for the cell formation problem
(1996) International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and
Practice, 3 (2), pp. 114-125. Cited 11 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Indust. Eng. and Management, National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is an important application in group
technology. CMS design involves identifying part families and machine groups.
Genetic algorithm (GA) is a robust adaptive optimization method based on principles
of natural evolution, having the advantages of parallel processing and multi-points
searching. GA search method is well suited for the machine-component grouping (MCG)
problem. In this work, we present a mathematical programming formulation which
considers the intercell part flow and the manufacturing cell density for the MCG
problem. A two-phased algorithm based on GA is also proposed to solve the problem.
The only assumption for the proposed algorithm to be known in advance is the upper
bound of total number of manufacturing cells. The proposed algorithm can provide a
feasible cell grouping under machine capacity constraints. Moreover, performance
trials suggest that the proposed algorithm can provide a robust solution to the MCG
problem in a short execution time.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: CellularManufacturing System; Genetic Algorithm; Group
Technology; Machine-Cell Formation; Machine-Component Grouping
INDEX KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Industrial management; Machinery; Mathematical
programming; Performance, Cellular manufacturing system; Group technology; Machine
cell formation; Machine component grouping, Manufacture
REFERENCES: Burbidge, J.L., Production flow analysis (1963) Production Engineer,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Su, C.-T.; Dept. of Indust. Eng. and Management, National
Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
ISSN: 10724761
SOURCE: Scopus

Hwang, H., Ji-Ung, S.

A genetic-algorithm-based heuristic for the GT cell formation problem
(1996) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 30 (4), pp. 941-955. Cited 24 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(96)00044-7
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv. Inst. Sci. and
Technol., 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a heuristic for the machine-part grouping problem
which incorporates relevant production requirements such as routing sequence,
production volume, unit handling size, unit processing time and cell size. The
heuristic consists of two phases. The first phase is developed based on a genetic
algorithm and greedy heuristic to solve the machine grouping problem. Once machine
cells are identified, the second phase is employed to identify the associated part
families. The performance of the heuristic is examined through a comparative study
with some existing solution methods. Global efficiency, group efficiency, intercell
move factor and grouping effectiveness are adopted as comparative measures.
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Constraint theory; Heuristic methods;
Manufacture; Matrix algebra; Problem solving; Production, Binary incidence matrix;
Bond energy algorithm; Generalized quadratic assignment problem; Intercell flow
reduction heuristic; Normalized linkage clustering algorithm, Genetic algorithms
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system (1990) Int. J. Prod. Res., 28, pp. 1247-1269
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hwang, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv.
Inst. Sci. and Technol., 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Rath, S.K., Das, C., Sahu, S.

Graph colouring approach for cell formation problems
(1995) Production Planning and Control, 6 (5), pp. 421-428. Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1080/09537289508930299
AFFILIATIONS: Regional Engineering College, Rourkella, 769008, India;
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 721302, India
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a graph-theoretic approach for solving the clustering
problem in group technology. The machine-component incidence matrix is used to form
the weight matrix. Using the two weight matrices, one for the machines and the
other for the parts, two graphs are developed. The nodes of each graph are coloured
using the proper colouring method. An edge, whose adjacent nodes are of same
colour, partitions the graph into subgraphs, thus creating machine-part cells. This
cell formation method yields solutions which compare favourably with respect to
other available methods. This procedure is illustrated using an example problem
from the literature. © 1995 Taylor and Francis Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Machine cell (MC);
Part family (PF)
INDEX KEYWORDS: Graph theory; Manufacture; Matrix algebra; Problem solving,
Cellular manufacturing; Clustering; Incidence matrix; Machine cell; Weight matrix,
Production control
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Vakharia, A.J., Wemmerlöv, U.

A comparative investigation of hierarchical clustering techniques and dissimilarity
measures applied to the cell formation problem
(1995) Journal of Operations Management, 13 (2), pp. 117-138. Cited 45 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0272-6963(95)00017-M
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Decision and Information Sciences, College of Business
Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, United States;
Erdman Center for Manufacturing and Technology Management, Graduate School of
Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, United States
ABSTRACT: One methodology for identifying alternative cell designs is the use of
clustering algorithms coupled with dissimilarity measure. This paper investigates
the performance of seven hierarchical clustering techniques (six previously
developed and one developed specifically for cell formation) and eight
dissimilarity measures (three well-known measures and five versions of a recently
developed parametric measure) in the context of cell formation. Twenty-four data
sets, at close to 200 partition levels, and ten measures of performance, are used
for this purpose. We first identify clustering techniques and dissimilarity
measures which should not be used for cell formation when binary data are involved.
From the remaining clustering techniques and dissimilarity measures, we then
identify clustering technique/dissimilarity measure combinations which are
consistently good or poor performers when cell characteristics are observed. High
internal cell cohesiveness and low levels of machine duplication are shown to be
conflicting goals. Clustering techniques' performance dependency on dissimilarity
measures, data sets, stopping rules, and metrics are also clearly illustrated.
Another result is that choice of clustering technique is more critical than choice
of dissimilarity measure. However, differences among clustering techniques (due to
chaining tendencies) can be sharply reduced by restricting the solution space for
acceptable cell configurations. © 1995.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Clustering; Facility layout
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Hierarchical systems; Machinery; Performance; Plant
layout; Scheduling, Cellular manufacturing; Facility layout; Hierarchical
clustering techniques, Manufacture
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FL 32611, United States
ISSN: 02726963
SOURCE: Scopus

Won, Y., Kim, S.

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multiple process routes
(1994) Engineering Optimization, 22 (3), pp. 231-240. Cited 18 times.

DOI: 10.1080/03052159408941336
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology, 373-1 Kusong-dong, 305-701, Taejeon, Yusong-Gu, South Korea
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: assignment model; cell formation; Group technology; p-median
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SOURCE: Scopus
Boctor, F.F.
A Jinear formulation of the machine-part cell formation problem
(1991) International Journal of Production Research, 29 (2), pp. 343-356. Cited 278

DOI: 10.1080/00207549108930075
AFFILIATIONS: Faculte des Sciences de I’Administration, Universite Laval, QC, G1
K7P4, Canada
ABSTRACT: The machine-part group formation is an important issue in the design of
cellular manufacturing systems. The present paper first discusses some of the
alternative formulations of this problem, their advantages and disadvantages, and
then suggests a new linear zero-one formulation which seems to have removed most of
the disadvantages observed in other models. It will be shown that most of the
integrality conditions of the proposed formulation can be relaxed. This
considerably improves its computational feasibility and efficiency. Finally, a
simulated annealing approach to deal with large-scale problems is also presented. ©
1991 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical Programming; Mathematical Techniques - Heuristic,
Cellular Manufacturing; Cluster Analysis; Linear Zero One Formulation; Machine Part
Cell Formation; Simulated Annealing, Industrial Plants
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International Journal of Production Research, 25, pp. 413-431
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Boctor, F.F.; Faculte des Sciences de I’Administration,
Universite Laval, QC, G1 K7P4, Canada
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Logendran, R.
Effect of the identification of key machines in the cell formation problem of
cellular manufacturing systems
(1991) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 20 (4), pp. 439-449. Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(91)90016-Y
AFFILIATIONS: Assistant Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Room
118, Covell Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-2407 U.S.A., United
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing as been viewed as an important manufacturing
philosophy that has helped both small and medium sized parts manufacturers increase
their manufacturing productivity. In the analysis of a cellular manufacturing
problem, identifying the key machines representing the manufacturing cells is an
important step in the determination of final part-machine clusters. Three different
methods have been proposed in this paper for performing this identification, and a
more complete model taking into consideration the sequence of operations exhibited
by parts have been developed for minimizing total moves. The total movefs
contributed by all parts have been evaluated as a weighted sum of both inter- and
intracell moves. A heuristic solution algorithm developed for the model has been
operationalized by implementing the associated computer program on an IBM PC
compatible microcomputer. The sensitivity of each of the three proposed methods
with regard to identifying the key machines and their impact on the selection of
final part-machine clusters has been analyzed by solving an example problem. The
results obtained show that method 2 outperforms the other two (methods 1 and 3) in
determining the best part-machine clusters in cellular manufacturing, thus making
it a better decision tool to be used by both small and medium sized parts
manufacturers in production planning. © 1991.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer Programming - Algorithms; Computers, Personal;
Mathematical Models, Cellular Manufacturing; Manufacturing Cells; Part-Machine
Clusters, Computer Aided Manufacturing
REFERENCES: King, Machine-component grouping in production flow analysis: an
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Technology (1986) IIE Transactions, 18, pp. 271-277;
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Srinivasan, Narendran, Mahadevan, An assignment model for the part-families problem
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ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Dutta, S.P., Lashkari, R.S., Padhye, A., Nadoli, G.

(1985) pp. 199-207. Cited 1 time.
AFFILIATIONS: Univ of Windsor, Can, Univ of Windsor, Can
ABSTRACT: The grouping procedures expounded in literature to achieve flexibility
have generally distinguished between 'pattern recognition' and 'tooling or machine
families selection'. Yet it is increasingly evident that, in a low volume/high
variety part mix scenario, an amalgamation of the former with the latter is
essential. The authors have proposed a methodology to bridge the gap by using a
codification system derived from the Optiz code to simultaneously assess a new part
or component for design family and tooling family identity with respect to existing
manufacturing facilities.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dutta, S.P.; Univ of Windsor, Can, Univ of Windsor, Can
EDITORS: Lindholm Rolf
PUBLISHER: IFS (Publ) Ltd, Kempston, Engl

ISBN: 0903608979
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Agrawal, A.K., Bhardwaj, P., Kumar, R., Sharma, S.

Particle Swarm Optimization for natural grouping in context of group technology
(2015) IEOM 2015 - 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Operations Management, Proceeding, art. no. 7093820, . Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1109/IEOM.2015.7093820
AFFILIATIONS: Mechnical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology
(BHU), Varanasi, UP, 221005, India;
Production and Industrial Engineering Department, NIT Jamshedpur, Adityapur,
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, 831014, India
ABSTRACT: Cell-formation problem (CFP) addresses the issue of creation of part
families based on similarity in processing requirements and the grouping of
machines into groups based on their ability to process those specific part
families. The CFP is combinatorial in nature and due to difficulty faced in solving
related mathematical programming problems; efforts have been made to use
evolutionary approaches. Literature highlights that there are many advantages of
converting batch type manufacturing system (BTMS) to cellular manufacturing system
(CMS). In this paper, mathematical model has been proposed for groups to be emerged
naturally. As mathematical model of CFP becomes NP- complete in nature, researchers
advocate the use of meta-heuristics. Over the years, many different metaheuristic
methods have been used to solve the CFP in group technology application. In the
present paper, evolutionary population based method known as Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) hybridized with assignment algorithm is used to solve cell
formation problems. Due to these proposed changes, efficiencies of cell formed
significantly increase in comparison to the results available in the literature.
Proposed hybrid algorithm is applied to solve 30 different types of randomly
generated and 10 standard CFPs, a large verity in terms of number of parts and
number of machines required by these parts. For this algorithm, optimal values of
parameters were also found with the use of Taguchi method. It is found that the
proposed changes in algorithm and parameters obtained significantly impact the
results in terms of efficiency values. © 2015 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation Problem (CFP); Cellular Manufacturing (CM); Group
Technology (GT); Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)1
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cytology; Evolutionary algorithms; Group
technology; Manufacture; Mathematical programming; Mobile security; Optimization;
Parameter estimation; Particle swarm optimization (PSO); Problem solving; Taguchi
methods, Assignment algorithms; Cell formation problem; Evolutionary approach;
Evolutionary population; Hybrid algorithms; Mathematical programming problem; Meta-
heuristic methods; Technology application, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for cell formation with multiple
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PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781479960651
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IEOM - Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Oper. Manag., Proc.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Ilić, O., Cvetić, B.

A comparative case study of e-learning tools for manufacturing cell formation
(2014) Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing, 8 (3), .
Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2014jamdsm0020
AFFILIATIONS: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Management Sciences, Jove Ilica
154, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
ABSTRACT: Manufacturing cell formation is the first and foremost issue in designing
cellular manufacturing system. The main objective in the cell formation problem is
to cluster machines into machine cells and parts into part families so that the
minimum of both intercell and intracell flows will be achieved. The purpose of this
paper is to enhance solving the cell formation problem with the help of e-Learning
tools in the educational environment. An efficient method and supporting tool for
solving manufacturing cell formation problem are proposed. Therefore, the original
similarity coefficient-based heuristic (SCBH) algorithm for solving the cell
formation problem is presented. It incorporates the pure combinatorial optimization
models for maximization the sum of similarity coefficients between machine/part
pairs. Additionally, the LAYOUT tool is offered as a supporting tool for the SCBH.
A comparative case study is conducted to validate the performance of the proposed
SCBH algorithm and LAYOUT tool, and the results showed that their implementation is
significant for reducing both intercell and intracell flows. The results of this
work can be helpful for future or existing practitioners to become the real-world
cell formation problem solvers. © 2014 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cluster analysis; Comparative case
study; E-Learning tool; Heuristic algorithm; Similarity coefficient
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cluster analysis; Combinatorial optimization; E-learning; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Heuristic algorithms; Optimization, Algorithm for solving;
Cell formation problem; Cluster machines; Comparative case study; E-learning tool;
Educational environment; Manufacturing cell formation; Similarity coefficients,
Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
ISSN: 18813054
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Adv. Mech. Des. Syst. Manuf.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Lin, S.-W., Ying, K.-C., Lee, Z.-J.

Part-machine cell formation in group technology using a simulated annealing-based
(2010) International Journal of Production Research, 48 (12), pp. 3579-3591. Cited
13 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540902896212
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Chang Gung University, Tao-
Yuan, Taiwan;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan;
Department of Information Management, Huafan University, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: The part-machine cell formation problem (PMCFP) is a crucial step in the
design of a cellular manufacturing system and has received considerable research
attention over the last five decades. This study proposes a simulated annealing-
based meta-heuristic for solving the PMCFP. The effectiveness of the proposed
approach is compared to conventional algorithms across a set of PMCFPs available in
the literature. Computational results using four types of performance measures show
that the proposed simulated annealing-based meta-heuristic is highly effective by
comparison with conventional algorithms for PMCFPs on the same test problems. ©
2010 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Manufacturing cell design; Meta-
heuristic; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems;
Computational results; Conventional algorithms; Machine cell; Machine cell
formation problems; Manufacturing cells; Metaheuristic; Performance measure; Test
problem, Annealing; Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group
technology; Heuristic algorithms; Heuristic methods; Industrial research; Machine
design, Simulated annealing
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Yin, Y.
The economic cell number
(2009) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 44 (5-6), pp.
625-630. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-008-1854-1
AFFILIATIONS: Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan
ABSTRACT: The economic benefits brought by the cellular manufacturing have been
reported. Cell formation is one of the most important problems in the design of a
cellular manufacturing. In cell formation problems, the number of cells is a
critical factor. However, it is impossible to know the number of cells before
solving the cell formation problem. In fact, determining the correct number of
cells in a cellular manufacturing system is still an unresolved problem. We
introduce a mathematical model in this paper to find the economic number of cells
(we call it "Economic Cell Number", ECN) that minimizes the total sum of intracell
and intercell movements costs without solving the cell formation problem. A
numerical example is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed ECN. Although
the proposed simple model still cannot deal with many realistic cell formation
problems, it plays as a first attempt to find the economic number of cells. © 2008
Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell number; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Critical factors; Economic benefits; In-cell; Intercell;
Numerical example; Simple model, Cell membranes; Cytology; Group technology;
Mathematical models, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Yin, Y.; Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Belohlavek, R., Kulkarni, N., Vychodil, V.

A novel approach to cell formation
(2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5548 LNAI, pp. 210-
223. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01815-2_16
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, T. J. Watson School
of Engineering and Applied Science Binghamton, University-SUNY, PO Box 6000,
Binghamton NY 13902-6000, United States;
Dept. Computer Science, Palacky University, Olomouc Tomkova 40, Olomouc CZ-779 00,
Czech Republic
ABSTRACT: We present an approach to the cell formation problem, known from group
technology, which is inspired by formal concept analysis. The cell formation
problem consists in allocating parts (objects) to machines (attributes), based on
the machine-part matrix. This can be viewed as forming groups consisting of a set
of parts and a set of machines. Such groups resemble formal concepts in the input
data. Due to the specific nature of the performance assessment in the cell
formation problem, good groups can be thought of as rectangles which, unlike those
corresponding to formal concepts, contain a few blanks, i.e. which are not full of
crosses in terms of formal concept analysis. Moreover, such groups need to be
disjoint both in terms of objects and attributes. In this paper, we present an
algorithm for the cell formation problem, experimental results, and a comparison to
some methods proposed in the literature. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Formal Concept Analysis;
Formal concepts; Input data; matrix; Performance assessment; Specific nature, Cell
membranes; Cellular manufacturing, Group technology
REFERENCES: Albadawi, Z., Bashir, H.A., Chen, M., A mathematical approach for the
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evaluation (1986) Journal of Operations Management, 6 (3-4), pp. 257-271;
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Yasuda, K., Yin, Y., A dissimilarity measure for solving the cell formation problem
in cellular manufacturing (2001) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 39, pp. 1-17
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Belohlavek, R.; Dept. Systems Science and Industrial
Engineering, T. J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science Binghamton,
University-SUNY, PO Box 6000, Binghamton NY 13902-6000, United States; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 9783642018145
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Behret, H., Kahraman, C.

A fuzzy clustering application in a cellular manufacturing system
(2008) World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information
Science 1; Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control - Proceedings of the
8th International FLINS Conference, pp. 1117-1122.

AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University,

Maçka Istanbul, 34367, Turkey
ABSTRACT: In this paper a fuzzy c-means (FCM) based cell formation (CF) algorithm
is used to design cellular manufacturing in a tractor manufacturing firm. In cell
formation problems as the size of the part-machine matrix increases the problem
gets complicated. Fuzzy models are suitable for CF problems by allowing the
representation of uncertain information. FCM based algorithms seem to be efficient
for cell formation problems at cellular manufacturing design.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence; Clustering algorithms; Fuzzy clustering;
Fuzzy rules; Fuzzy systems; Intelligent control; Manufacture, Cell formation
problems; Cell formations; Cellular Manufacturing systems; Clustering applications;
Fuzzy c-means; Fuzzy models; In cells; Manufacturing firms; Uncertain informations,
Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Gill, A., Bector, C.R., A fuzzy linguistic approach to data
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algorithm for cellular manufacturing (1986) Int. J. Prod. Res, 24, pp. 451-464
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Behret, H.; Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul
Technical University, Maçka Istanbul, 34367, Turkey

ISBN: 981279946X; 9789812799463

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: World Sci. Proc. Ser. Comput. Eng. Inf. Sci.; Comput.
Intell. Decis. Control. - Proc. Int. FLINS Conf.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Baykasoğlu, A., Topaloğlu, Ş., Şenyüzlüler, F.

Manufacturing cell formation with flexible processing capabilities and worker
assignment: Comparison of constraint programming and integer programming approaches
(2018) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of
Engineering Manufacture, 232 (11), pp. 2054-2068. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1177/0954405416682281
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz
Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Cell formation deals with grouping of machines and parts in manufacturing
systems according to their compatibility. Manufacturing processes are surrounded
with an abundance of complex constraints which should be considered carefully and
represented clearly for obtaining high efficiency and productivity. Constraint
programming is a new approach to combinatorial optimization and provides a rich
language to represent complex constraints easily. However, the cell formation
problems are well suited to be solved by constraint programming approach since the
problem has many constraints such as part-machine requirements, availabilities in
the system in terms of capacity, machine and worker abilities. In this study, the
cell formation problem is modeled using machine, part processing and worker
flexibilities via resource element–based representation. Resource elements define
the processing requirements of parts and processing capabilities of machines and
workers, which are resource-independent capability units. A total of 12 case
problems are generated, and different search phases of constraint programming are
defined for the solution procedure. The cell formation problem is modeled in both
constraint programming and integer programming, and a comparative analysis of
constraint programming and integer programming model solutions is done. The results
indicate that both the models are effective and efficient in the solution of the
cell formation problem. © IMechE 2016.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; constraint programming; flexibility;
group technology; resource elements
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Combinatorial optimization; Computer programming; Constraint
theory; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group technology; Integer
programming, Cell formation problem; Constraint programming; flexibility; Integer
programming models; Manufacturing cell formation; Manufacturing process; Processing
capability; Resource element, Cellular manufacturing
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intCORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Baykasoğlu, A.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylül University, Tinaztepe Campus, Buca, Turkey;
email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: SAGE Publications Ltd
ISSN: 09544054
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B J Eng Manuf
SOURCE: Scopus

Kao, Y., Lin, J.-C., Wu, J.-K.

A differential evolution approach for machine cell formation
(2008) 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management, IEEM 2008, art. no. 4737974, pp. 772-775. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2008.4737974
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Information Management, Tatung University, 104, Taipei,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Tatung University, 104, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new approach based on differential evolution
algorithms to solve cell formation problems. The proposed approach handles the
problem in a way of data clustering and can form machine cells and part families
concurrently. Differential evolution is simple to implement and has fewer
parameters needed to set. The proposed approach applies differential evolution to
find machine cluster centers and part cluster centers at the same time. A number of
test problems had been selected from literature and the experimental results reveal
that the proposed approach is able to solve cell formation problems effectively. ©
2008 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Differential evolution; Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Clustering algorithms; Evolutionary
algorithms; Industrial engineering, Cell formation; Cell formation problems;
Cluster centers; Data clustering; Differential evolution; Differential evolution
algorithms; Machine cells; New approaches; Part families; Test problems, Group
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kao, Y.; Dept. of Information Management, Tatung
University, 104, Taipei, Taiwan; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9781424426300
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kao, Y., Chen, C.-C.

A differential evolution fuzzy clustering approach to machine cell formation
(2013) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65 (9-12), pp.
1247-1259. Cited 9 times.
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-012-4254-5
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Tatung University, 40,
Chungshan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Searching for similar parts and associated machines plays a crucial role
in machine cell design. The aim of this paper is to propose a new fuzzy clustering
method to solve machine cell formation problems in a fuzzy environment. Fuzzy c-
means (FCM) has been applied to machine cell formation problems. However,
performance of existing FCM algorithms depends highly on the initial states
(cluster centers or membership degrees). Additionally, the number of clusters
(machine cells) has to be provided beforehand. In practice, it is difficult for the
machine cell designer to select a proper set of initial states or to determine the
optimal number of machine cells before the overall machine cell configuration is
formed and the operational result is observed. In this paper, a new fuzzy
clustering approach combining differential evolution (DE) algorithms with FCM
formulas is proposed to overcome these deficiencies. The proposed DE-based fuzzy
clustering method can automatically determine the correct number of cells and
generate an optimal machine cell configuration at the same time. Experimental
results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs well in searching
solutions to the fuzzy machine cell formation problem with automatic cluster number
determination. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Differential evolution; Fuzzy cell
formation; Fuzzy clustering
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Clustering approach; Differential Evolution;
Differential evolution algorithms; Fuzzy clustering method; Machine cell formation
problems; Membership degrees; Number of clusters, Cellular manufacturing;
Evolutionary algorithms; Fuzzy systems; Optimization, Fuzzy clustering
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kao, Y.; Department of Information Management, Tatung
University, 40, Chungshan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Dimopoulos, C., Mort, N.

Evolving similarity coefficients for the solution of cellular manufacturing
(2000) Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2000, 1,
art. no. 870355, pp. 617-624.

DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2000.870355
AFFILIATIONS: University of Sheffield, Department of Automatic Control and Systems
Engineering, Mappin Street, S1 3JD, Sheffield, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is a classic manufacturing optimisation
problem associated with the implementation of a cellular manufacturing system. A
variety of hierarchical clustering procedures have been proposed for the solution
of this problem. Essential for the operation of a clustering procedure is the
determination of a form of similarity between the objects that are going to be
grouped. The authors employ a genetic programming algorithm for the evolution of
new similarity coefficients for the solution of simple cell formation problems.
Evolved coefficients are tested against the well-known Jaccard's similarity
coefficient on a large number of problems taken from the literature. © 2000 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Genetic programming; Hierarchical systems;
Optimization; Problem solving, Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
problems; Clustering procedure; Genetic programming algorithms; Hier-archical
clustering; Optimisation problems; Similarity coefficients; Simple cell, Cellular
manufacturing, Evolved similarity coefficients; Hierarchical clustering
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DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Xie, X.
Manufacturing cell formation under capacity constraints
(1993) Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 9 (2), pp. 87-96. Cited 6

DOI: 10.1002/asm.3150090203
AFFILIATIONS: Inria, Technopole Metz 2000, 4 rue Marconi, Metz, 57070, France
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem is addressed for a manufacturing system
containing groups of identical machines. Various part types are produced. The
manufacture of a part requires a sequence of operations and each operation can be
performed by any machine of a given type. The cell formation problem consists in
grouping machines into cells and assigning operations to machines so as to minimize
the intercell traffic while satisfying machine capacity constraints and other
technical constraints. An important feature of this problem is that machines of the
same type may be assigned to different cells. Since the problem is NP‐hard,
heuristic solutions are proposed and numerical experiences show that the proposed
algorithms lead to near‐optimal solutions. Copyright © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cells; Layout; Machine capacity; Manufacturing systems
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computer aided manufacturing; Constraint theory;
Heuristic programming; Mathematical programming; Numerical methods; Optimization;
Scheduling, Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing layout; Group
technology; Heuristic algorithms; Machine capacity constraints; Manufacturing cell
design; Multiple routing problems; NP-hard problems, Flexible manufacturing systems
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57070, France
ISSN: 87550024
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Appl Stochastic Models Data Anal
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Teymourian, E., Baher, N.T., Kayvanfar, V.

An integrated model for solving cell formation and cell layout problem
simultaneously considering new situations
(2013) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32 (4), pp. 655-663. Cited 36 times.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2013.02.003
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez
Ave., 15916-34311 Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is one of the group technology (GT)
usages. Among the necessary decisions for a successful CMS implementation, cell
formation problem (CFP) and cell layout problem (CLP) are two most popular ones.
The majority of past studies in CMS discussed on CFPs and some of those focused on
CLP ones. A few researchers solve the CPF and CLP simultaneously. In this paper, we
present a new integrated mathematical model considering cell formation and cell
layout simultaneously. The goal of our model is to group similar parts and
corresponding different machines in same cells. Machines sequence in each cell and
cell positions is also specified in the system. Moreover, our proposed model
considers forward and backtracking movements as well as new assumptions for
distances between cells using sequence data and production volume. One appropriate
adjusted measure from the literature and two new measures of performance for
evaluating solutions are defined. To validate the model, two well-known critical
benchmark examples are employed. Computational experiments demonstrate that our
proposal is a proficient model and show the effectiveness of our implementation. ©
2013 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Backtracking movement; Cell formation problem (CFP); Cell layout
problem (CLP); Cellular manufacturing system (CMS); Integrated mathematical model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Backtracking movement; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell
layout problem; Computational experiment; Integrated modeling; Measures of
performance; Production volumes, Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Group
technology; Mathematical models, Cells
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Rabbani, M., Samavati, M., Ziaee, M.S., Rafiei, H.

Reconfigurable dynamic cellular manufacturing system: A new Bi-objective
mathematical model
(2014) RAIRO - Operations Research, 48 (1), pp. 75-102. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1051/ro/2013054
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, North Kargar St., Tehran, 4563, Iran;
Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Dynamic Cell Formation Problem (DCFP) seeks to cope with variation in
part mix and demands using machine relocation, replication, and removing; whilst
from practical point of view it is too hard to move machines between cells or
invest on machine replication. To cope with this deficiency, this paper addresses
Reconfigurable Dynamic Cell Formation Problem (RDCFP) in which machine modification
is conducted instead of their relocation or replication in order to enhance machine
capabilities to process wider range of production tasks. In this regard, a mixed
integer nonlinear mathematical model is proposed, which is NP-hard. To cope with
the proposed model's intractability, an Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) is
developed, whose obtained results are compared with those of Genetic Algorithm's
(GA's), showing superiority and outperformance of the developed ICA. © EDP
Sciences, ROADEF, SMAI 2014.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cell formation problem; Genetic algorithm; Imperialist
competitive algorithm; Machine modification; Reconfigurable cellular
manufacturing system
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Optimization, Bi
objectives; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems;
Imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA); Imperialist competitive algorithms;
Machine capabilities; Nonlinear mathematical model; Reconfigurable, Cellular
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Zhang, Q., Liu, B., Ma, B., Wu, S., He, Y.

A cooperative coevolution UMDA for the machine-part cell formation
(2010) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 105 CCIS (PART 1), pp.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16336-4_54
AFFILIATIONS: Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology, Shijiazhuang 050041,
Hebei Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050081, China
ABSTRACT: The machine-part cell formation is a NP- complete combinational
optimization problem in cellular manufacturing system. Past research has shown that
although the genetic algorithm (GA) can get high quality solutions, special
selection strategy, crossover and mutation operators as well as the parameters must
be defined previously to solve the problem efficiently and flexibly. The Estimation
of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) can get the same or better solutions with less
operators and parameters, but the EDAs need more function evaluations than that of
the GA. In this paper, a Cooperation Coevolution UMDA is proposed to solve the
machine-part cell formation problem. Simulation results on six well known problems
show that the Cooperation Coevolution UMDA can solve the machine-part cell
formation problem more effectively and efficiently. © Springer-Verlag 2010.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cooperative coevolution; Grouping efficacy; Machine-part cell
formation; UMDA
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Co-evolution; Combinational optimization; Cooperative co-evolution;
Crossover and mutation; Estimation of distribution algorithms; Grouping efficacy;
High-quality solutions; NP Complete; Selection strategies; Simulation result; UMDA,
Cellular manufacturing; Function evaluation; Genetic algorithms; Mathematical
operators; Parameter estimation, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zhang, Q.; Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology,
Shijiazhuang 050041, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 18650929
ISBN: 3642163351; 9783642163357
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Susanto, S., Al-Dabass, D., Bhattacharya, A.

Optimised cell formation algorithm considering sequence of operations, alternative
routing and part-volume
(2009) Proceedings - 2009 3rd Asia International Conference on Modelling and
Simulation, AMS 2009, art. no. 5071962, pp. 79-84. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1109/AMS.2009.145
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial
Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Jl. Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung-40141,
School of Computing and Informatics, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, NG11
8NS, United Kingdom;
Enterprise Process Research Centre (EPRC), School of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
ABSTRACT: A novel cell formation algorithm has been introduced in this paper. The
motivation of the research is the lack of attention in important information, e.g.,
production demand (or part-volume), in the most of the cell formation techniques.
For example, one of the crucial steps in the design of a cellular manufacturing
system is the cell formation problem, which involves grouping the parts into part
families and machines into machine groups. It has been found that 80% of the cell
formation problems consider only 0-1 (binary) machine-part incidence matrix that
ignores the sequence of operations in manufacturing parts. Further, literature
reveals that only a few studies consider alternative routing. In order to cope with
this situation a new cell formation algorithm, considering the factors sequence of
operation, alternative routing and part-volume, is introduced. © 2009 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation algorithms; Cell formation problem;
Cellular manufacturing systems; Incidence matrices; Part family; Production demand,
Bioinformatics; Cell membranes; Machine design; Routing algorithms, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Susanto, S.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty
of Industrial Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Jl. Ciumbuleuit 94,
Bandung-40141, Indonesia; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9780769536484
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Asia Int. Conf. Model. Simul., AMS
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Fallah-Alipour, K., Javadi, B., Shirazi, B., Slomp, J.

Designing a new mathematical model for cell formation in CMS using sequence data
(2007) 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2007,
1, pp. 549-555. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of

Science and Technology, Iran;
Faculty of Management and Organization, University of Groningen, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem in Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) design has
derived the attention of the researchers for more than three decades. However, use
of sequence data for cell formation has been a least researched area. Sequence data
provides valuable information about the flow patterns of various jobs in a
manufacturing system. This paper presents a mathematical model to solve a cell
formation problem based on sequence data in CMS. The objective is to minimize the
total costs of inter and intra-cell movements costs. This model depends on the
attitude of the decision maker towards the minimum utilization level of each cell
in such a way that the part-machine grouping can be changed significantly. Two
examples from the literature are solved by the LINGO software package to validate
and verify the proposed model. Finally, computational results are reported and
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell utilization; CMS; Intra/inter-cell
movement; Mathematical model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell utilizations; CMS;
Computational results; Intra/inter-cell movement; New mathematical model; Part-
machine grouping, Cells; Cytology; Industrial engineering; Mathematical models;
Software packages, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University
of Science and TechnologyIran

ISBN: 9781627486811
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Nunkaew, W., Phruksaphanrat, B.

Lexicographic fuzzy multi-objective model for minimisation of exceptional and void
elements in manufacturing cell formation
(2014) International Journal of Production Research, 52 (5), pp. 1419-1442. Cited 4

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.843801
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering,
Thammasat University, Klongluang, Thailand
ABSTRACT: This research proposes a lexicographic fuzzy multi-objective model based
on perfect grouping for concurrent solving the part-family and machine-cell
formation problems in a cellular manufacturing system. New simplified mathematical
expressions of exceptional and void elements are proposed, opposing conventional
quadratic and absolute functions. The main objectives of the proposed solution
model, that is, the minimisation of both the number of exceptional elements and the
number of void elements is defined by fuzzy goals as pre-emptive ordering. A
lexicographic fuzzy goal model is developed to enhance cell performance and machine
utilisation simultaneously. A satisfactory efficient solution can easily be
obtained, and alternative solutions can also be generated by capturing flexibility
of the proposed fuzzy multi-objective programming model. The formulated model can
be solved by existing integer programming solvers. Finally, the evaluation of cell
formation problems is briefly discussed to show the performance of the proposed
model. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: exceptional elements; lexicographic fuzzy multi-objective model;
manufacturing cell formation problem; perfect grouping; void elements
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Nunkaew, W.; Faculty of Engineering, Department of
Industrial Engineering, Thammasat University, Klongluang, Thailand; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Dixit, A.R., Mishra, P.K.

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(2010) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 20 (1-4),
pp. 197-221. Cited 5 times.
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mining Machinery
Engineering, Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad-826004, Jharkhand, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.N.N.I.T., Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem (CFP) consists of identifying machine groups and
part families in cellular manufacturing system. A large number of papers on cell
formation have been published so far, but very few of them have incorporated
operation sequence in inter-cell movement calculations while considering production
volume, batch size and material handling capacity, processing time, setup time,
machine capacity and allocating units of identical machines into different cell
with balanced workload. Considerations of these important parameters make the cell
formation problem complex but more realistic. The paper describes a solution
methodology (algorithm) for the problem of cell formation to minimise the total
inter-cell movements and allocate the duplicate machines to appropriate cells such
that the workload is uniform on the machines. The computational procedure of the
algorithm has been illustrated by an example. Numerical results indicate that the
proposed methodology is flexible, efficient and effective even for industrial
problems. © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Duplicate machines; Exceptional
element; Inter-cell movement; Operation sequence; Void
INDEX KEYWORDS: Balanced work-load; Batch sizes; Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Cell movement; Cellular manufacturing systems; Computational procedures;
Exceptional elements; Identical machines; Industrial problem; Material handling;
Numerical results; Operation sequences; Part family; Processing Time; Production
parameters; Production volumes; Set-up time; Solution methodology, Cells; Cytology;
Materials handling; Numerical analysis, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dixit, A. R.; Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Mining Machinery Engineering, Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad-826004,
Jharkhand, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 13682148
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Sofianopoulou, S.
Application of simulated annealing to a linear model forthe formulation of machine
cells ingroup technology
(1997) International Journal of Production Research, 35 (2), pp. 501-511. Cited 72

DOI: 10.1080/002075497195876
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management, University of Piraeus, 80
Karaoli and Demetriou str, Piraeus, 185 34, Greece
ABSTRACT: The central issue in group technology is the cell formation problem,
which involves the grouping of parts into families and machines into cells, so that
parts with similar manufacturing (and design) attributes are identified and
processed by dedicated cells of machines. In the present work, the cell formation
problem is modelled as a linear integer programming problem with the objective of
minimizing the number of intercellular moves subject to cell-size constraints and
taking into account the machine operation sequence of each part. An interesting
feature of the proposed formulation is that there is no need of specifying a priori
the number of cells to be used, which is automatically adjusted within the solution
procedure. A very efficient random search heuristic algorithm, based on the
simulated annealing method, is adopted for its solution. The heuristic is tested on
a number of problems and its performance is evaluated. Subsequently, a straight
forward model is presented to identify the families of parts which are to be
processed by the corresponding machine cells. © 1997 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Heuristic methods; Integer programming; Linear
programming; Problem solving; Production control; Scheduling; Simulated annealing,
Cell formation problem; Group technology, Flexible manufacturing systems
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University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Demetriou str, Piraeus, 185 34, Greece
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Bhattacharjee, S., Hazarika, M.

Formation of machine-part cells using assignment allocation algorithm
(2017) 2017 International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial,
Automation and Management Systems, AMIAMS 2017 - Proceedings, art. no. 8069213, pp.

DOI: 10.1109/AMIAMS.2017.8069213
AFFILIATIONS: Royal School of Engineering and Technology, Guwahati - 35, Assam,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, 781013,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an iterative procedure viz. assignment allocation
algorithm has been employed to cell formation problem by solving a nonlinear
mathematical model. The algorithm has been applied to ten benchmark problems and
through computational experimentation it has been observed that the algorithm
provides better results for six of the problems that have been considered. © 2017
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Assignment allocation algorithm; Cellular manufacturing;
Exceptional elements; Machine-part cell formation; Void elements
INDEX KEYWORDS: Iterative methods; Machinery; Problem solving, Allocation
algorithm; Bench-mark problems; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Exceptional
elements; Nonlinear mathematical model; Void elements, Cellular manufacturing
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EDITORS: Gupta M., Agarwal P.K.
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781509056743
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Adv. Mech., Ind., Autom. Manag. Syst., AMIAMS
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Murthy, C.V.R., Srinivasan, G.

Fractional cell formation in group technology
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (5), pp. 1323-1337. Cited
30 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930212
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering and Management Division, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 600 036,
ABSTRACT: Group Technology (GT) aims at improving productivity in batch
manufacturing. Here components are divided into families and machines into cells
such that every component in a part family visits maximum number of machines in the
assigned cell with an objective of minimizing inter-cell movement. In situations
where too many inter-cell moves exist, fractional cell formation using remainder
cells can be used. Here, machines are grouped into GT cells and a remainder cell,
which functions like a job shop. Component families are formed such that the
components visit the assigned cell and the remainder cell and do not visit other
cells. The fractional cell formation problem to minimise inter-cell moves is
formulated as a linear integer programming problem. Here, movement between machine
cells and remainder cells is not counted as inter-cell moves but movement of
components among GT cells is considered as inter-cell movement. The fractional cell
formation problem is solved using Simulated Annealing. A heuristic algorithm is
developed to solve large sized GT matrices. These have applied to a variety of
matrices from GT literature and tested on randomly generated matrices.
Computational experiences with the algorithms are presented. © 1995 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Batch manufacturing; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Inter-
cell moves; Large-sized; Linear integer programming; Machine cell; Part family,
Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Group technology; Heuristic algorithms; Integer
programming; Machine components; Matrix algebra, Cells
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Vohra, T., Chen, D.S., Chang, J.C., Chen, H.C., A network approach to cell
formation (1990) International Journal of Production Research, 28, pp. 2075-2084;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the U.S. Industry-a survey of
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Wilhelm, M.R., Thomas, L.W., Solving quadratic assignment problems by simulated
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Murthy, C.V.R.; Industrial Engineering and Management
Division, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras, 600 036, India
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Mar-Ortiz, J., Adenso-Díaz, B., González-Velarde, J.L.

A comparison of manufacturing and disassembly systems from a cellular configuration
point of view
(2015) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79 (9-12), pp.
2003-2016. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-6969-6
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Tampico,
Tamaulipas 89140, Mexico;
Engineering School, Universidad de Oviedo, Gijón, 33203, Spain;
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo León 64849, Mexico
ABSTRACT: The main aim of this research is to analyze the differences between
cellular manufacturing and cellular disassembly systems. While doing so, this paper
makes a relevant contribution. It proposes a mathematical programming formulation
for robust manufacturing and disassembly cell formation problems. A solution method
based on the Tabu Search schema is adapted for both problems and will be used for
the comparison analysis. The fact that the Tabu Search algorithm has been effective
in different cell formation approaches gives us confidence in its reliability, and
although alternative metaheuristic approaches may be developed in the future, we
opted for adapting this algorithm to the problem at hand, since our first aim is to
obtain data to analyze the difference in the design of both types of production
environments and not to develop new approaches to the cell formation problem. A
full factorial design study is proposed in order to appraise the significance of
controllable factors in cellular designs. Four dependent variables were considered
in the experiments: total cost, size of the cells, number of intercellular moves,
and machine utilization. The issue here is to see what happens with the solutions
for each production environment (manufacturing and disassembly) when varying
factors, in order to analyze the differences and similarities between both. © 2015,
Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing; Disassembly;
Operational research; Robust optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Design; Industrial research; Manufacture;
Mathematical programming; Mobile security; Optimization; Tabu search, Cell
formation problem; Cellular configuration; Disassembly; Meta-heuristic approach;
Operational research; Production environments; Robust optimization; Tabu search
algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mar-Ortiz, J.; Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Autónoma
de TamaulipasMexico
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag London Ltd
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Susanto, S., Bhattacharya, A., Al-Dabass, D.

Fuzzy clustering-based optimised cell formation algorithm considering sequence of
operations, alternative routing and part-volume
(2010) UKSim2010 - UKSim 12th International Conference on Computer Modelling and
Simulation, art. no. 5481035, pp. 22-27.

DOI: 10.1109/UKSIM.2010.13
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial
Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Jl. Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung-40141,
Enterprise Process Research Centre (EPRC), School of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland;
School of Computing and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, NG11
8NS, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: CM is the grouping of discrete multi-machines that produce part families
with similar geometry or sequence of process and aims to improve manufacturing
systems productivity. The methods/models used are classified into: array-based,
clustering, mathematical programming based (viz., integer programming), graph
theoretic, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) and artificial intelligence
techniques. Fuzzy c-means clustering approach has been used to manufacturing cell
formation problem by Chu and Hayya, this differs from a previous ones proposed by
Xu and Wang, and later by Li and Ding, in the sense that Chu and Hayya use
manufacturing routing data rather than design features in part family formation.
Optimised cell formation, taking into account sequence of operations, alternative
routing and part-volume together is not present in Chu and Hayya. Thus this paper
focuses on stages selection of parts and part families generation, and selection of
machines and process and grouping of these into cells in the design of a new
manufacturing system considering sequence of operation, alternative routing and
part-volume. One of the crucial steps in the design of a cellular manufacturing
system is the cell formation problem, which involves grouping the parts into part
families and machines into machine groups. © 2010 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Fuzzy clustering; Manufacturing systems; Optimised cell
INDEX KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence techniques; Cell formation; Cell formation
algorithms; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Design
features; Fuzzy C means clustering; Graph-theoretic; Manufacturing cell formation;
Manufacturing system; Multi-machines; Multicriteria decision-making; Optimised cell
formation; Part family; Part family formation; Routing data, Artificial
intelligence; Computer simulation; Decision making; Flexible manufacturing systems;
Fuzzy clustering; Fuzzy systems; Graph theory; Integer programming; Machine design;
Mathematical techniques, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Susanto, S., Al-Dabass, D., Bhattacharya, A., Optimised cell formation
algorithm considering sequence of operations, alternative routing and part-volume
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Susanto, S.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty
of Industrial Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Jl. Ciumbuleuit 94,
Bandung-40141, Indonesia; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9780769540160
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: UKSim - UKSim Int. Conf. Comput. Model. Simul.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kao, Y., Fu, S.C.

An ant-based clustering algorithm for manufacturing cell design
(2006) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (11-12), pp.
1182-1189. Cited 19 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-004-2475-y
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Tatung University, 40,
Chungshan N. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei, 104, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a new part clustering algorithm that uses the concept
of ant-based clustering in order to resolve machine cell formation problems. The
three-phase algorithm mainly utilizes distributed agents which mimic the way real
ants collect similar objects to form meaningful piles. In the first phase, an ant-
based clustering model is adopted to form the initial part families. For the
purpose of part clustering, a part similarity coefficient is modified and used in
the similarity density function of the model. In the second phase, the K-means
method is employed in order to achieve a better grouping result. In the third
phase, artificial ants are used again to merge the small, refined part families
into larger part families in a hierarchical manner. This would increase the
flexibility of determining the number of final part families for the factory layout
designer. The proposed algorithm has been developed into a software system called
the ant-based part clustering system (APCS). In addition to part family formation,
APCS performs the tasks of machine assignment and performance evaluation. Finally,
performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm was conducted by testing some
well-known problems from literature. The evaluation results show that the algorithm
is able to solve the cell formation problems effectively.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant algorithms; Cell formation problems; Cellular manufacturing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computer software; Intelligent agents;
Mathematical models; Performance; Problem solving, Ant algorithms; Cell formation
problems, Algorithms
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formation of part-families and machine-cells (1987) Int J Prod Res, 25 (6), pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kao, Y.; Department of Information Management, Tatung
University, 40, Chungshan N. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei, 104, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Liu, C., Zhu, L., Tanaka, K.

An algorithm for the design of manufacturing cells
(2009) 5th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2009, 6, art. no.
5366546, pp. 207-211.

DOI: 10.1109/ICNC.2009.688
AFFILIATIONS: School of Management Science, Xi'An University of Technology, Xi'an
710048, China;
Academic Administration Division, Xi'An University of Technology, Xi'an 710048,
Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
ABSTRACT: In the literature on cellular manufacturing, numerous mathematical models
and various algorithms have been investigated for cell formation problem. However,
most of the proposed models and algorithms have more or less drawbacks for
designing manufacturing cells in both quality and speed. In the present paper, we
propose a mathemati-cal model that stresses several real-life issues of cellular
manufacturing systems design. Then, we develop a heuristic algorithm that can solve
this NP-hard model efficiently. © 2009 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems design;
Manufacturing cells; NP-hard, Computational efficiency; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Heuristic algorithms; Mathematical models, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Liu, C.; School of Management Science, Xi'An University of
Technology, Xi'an 710048, China

ISBN: 9780769537368
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Murugan, M., Selladurai, V.

Formation of machine cells/Part families in cellular manufacturing systems using an
ART-modified single linkage clustering approach - A comparative study
(2011) Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 5 (3), pp. 199-212.
Cited 8 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology,

Coimbatore -641035, Tamilnadu, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore -641014, Tamilnadu, India
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes an Art Modified Single Linkage Clustering approach
(ART-MOD-SLC) to solve cell formation problems in Cellular Manufacturing. In this
study, an ART1 network is integrated with Modified Single Linkage Clustering (MOD-
SLC) to solve cell formation problems. The Percentage of Exceptional Elements (PE),
Machine Utilization (MU), Grouping Efficiency (GE) and Grouping Efficacy (GC) are
considered as performance measures. This proposed heuristic ART1 Modified Single
Linkage Clustering (ART-MOD-SLC) first constructs a cell formation using an ART1
and then refines the solution using Modified Single Linkage Clustering (MOD-SLC)
heuristic. ART1 Modified Single Linkage Clustering has been applied to most popular
examples in the literature including a real time manufacturing data. The
computational results showed that the proposed heuristic generates the best
solutions in most of the examples. The proposed method is compared with the well-
known clustering approaches selected from the literature namely ROC2, DCA, SLC and
MOD-SLC. Comparison and evaluations are performed using four performance measures.
Finally analysis of results is carried out to test and validate the proposed ART-
MOD-SLC approach. The MCF methods considered in this comparative and evaluative
study belong to the cluster formation approaches and have been coded by using C++
with an Intel P-IV compatible system. © 2011 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: ART-MOD-SLC; Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Group
technology; Modified single linkage clustering (MOD-SLC); Performance measures
INDEX KEYWORDS: ART-MOD-SLC; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cluster
formations; Clustering approach; Comparative studies; Compatible systems;
Computational results; Exceptional elements; Grouping efficacy; Grouping
efficiency; Machine cell; Machine utilization; Performance measure; Real time;
Single linkage clustering, Group technology, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Murugan, M.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNS
College of Technology, Coimbatore -641035, Tamilnadu, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 19956665
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Aalaei, A., Paydar, M.M., Solimanpur, M.

Production planning and cell formation in dynamic virtual cellularmanufacturing
systems with worker flexibility
(2009) 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE
2009, art. no. 5223872, pp. 663-667. Cited 2 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of

Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
ABSTRACT: Most traditional cell formation problem procedures ignore any changes
indemand and part mix variation. However, in today's business environment,products
life cycles are short, and demand volumes and product mix can varyfrequently. In
this paper, a new mathematical model for production planning in adynamic virtual
cellular manufacturing system is developed under conditions ofmulti-period planning
horizons, with demand and part mix variation and workerflexibility. To validate and
verify the proposed model, two examples are solvedby LINGO Software package. © 2009
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing system; Production
planning; Workerflexibility
INDEX KEYWORDS: Business environments; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; New
mathematical model; Planning horizons; Product mix; Production planning; Virtual
cellular manufacturing system; Workerflexibility, Industrial engineering;
Mathematical models; Planning; Production control; Production engineering; Project
management, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9781424441365
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Shafer, S.M., Rogers, D.F.

Similarity and distance measures for cellular manufacturing. Part II. An extension
and comparison
(1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31 (6), pp. 1315-1326. Cited
59 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549308956793
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management, School of Business Administration,
University of Miami, 414 Jenkins Building, Coral Gables, FL, 33124-9145, United
Department of Quantitative Analysis, College of Business Administration, University
of Cincinnati, 531 Carl H. Lindner Hall, Cincinnati, OH, 45221-0130, United States
ABSTRACT: A new similarity measure that is easy to calculate, intuitively
appealing, and overcomes the bias inherent in many existing similarity measures is
proposed. This new similarity measure is particularly useful for reducing the size
of the cell formation problem thus reducing the computational burden. Additionally,
an investigation comparing several measures of association is presented. Included
in this investigation is a comparison of single linkage clustering, average linkage
clustering, complete linkage clustering, and Ward's method for clustering. © 1993
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Machinery; Mathematical models;
Operations research; Scheduling, Average linkage clustering; Cell formation
problem; Cellular manufacturing; Complete linkage clustering; Similarity and
distance measures; Single linkage clustering; Ward's clustering method, Manufacture
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Waghodekar, P.H., Sahu, S., Machine-component cell formation in group technology:
Mace (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22, pp. 937-948;
Wemmerlov, U., Introduction to the special issue (1991) Journal of Operations
Management, 10, pp. 2-4;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Research issues in cellular manufacturing (1987)
International Journal of Production Research, 25, pp. 413-431
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Shafer, S.M.; Department of Management, School of Business
Administration, University of Miami, 414 Jenkins Building, Coral Gables, FL, 33124-
9145, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Korei, A.
Applying formal concept analysis in machine-part grouping problems
(2013) SAMI 2013 - IEEE 11th International Symposium on Applied Machine
Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings, art. no. 6480974, pp. 197-200. Cited 1

DOI: 10.1109/SAMI.2013.6480974
AFFILIATIONS: University of Miskolc, Hungary
ABSTRACT: The machine-part cell formation problem is a frequently studied task of
group technology. Starting from the machine-part incidence matrix the manufacturing
cells and the associated part families are to be determined. This paper provides a
solution method of the problem applying the tools of formal concept analysis. Based
on formal concepts we define the extent partitions of an object set, which can be
used for determining machine cells. Some experimental results are also added
solving sample problems identified in the literature. © 2013 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Formal concepts; Incidence matrices;
Machine cell; Machine-part grouping; Part family; Solution methods, Cellular
manufacturing; Formal concept analysis; Group technology; Information analysis,
Problem solving
REFERENCES: Albadawi, Z., Bashir, H.A., Chen, M., A mathematical approach for the
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Korei, A.; University of MiskolcHungary; email: matka@uni-

ISBN: 9781467359290
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: SAMI - IEEE Int. Symp. Appl. Mach. Intell. Informatics,
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wang, Z., Zhang, Q., Ma, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, Y.

An improved PBIL algorithm for the machine-part cell formation
(2010) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 26-28, pp. 498-501. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.4028/
AFFILIATIONS: Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology, Shijiazhuang 050041,
ABSTRACT: The machine-part cell formation is a NP- complete combinational
optimization problem. Past research has shown that although the genetic algorithm
(GA) can get high quality solutions, special selection strategy, crossover and
mutation operators as well as the parameters must be defined previously to solve
the problem efficiently and flexibly. In this paper, an improved permutation code
PBIL is adopted to solve the machine-part cell formation problem. Simulation
results on five well known problems show that the PBIL can get satisfied solutions
more simply and efficiently. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: GA; Grouping efficacy; Machine-part cell formation; PBIL
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Combinational optimization;
Crossover and mutation; GA; Grouping efficacy; High-quality solutions; Machine-part
cell formation; NP Complete; PBIL; Pbil algorithms; Permutation codes; Selection
strategies; Simulation result, Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms;
Mathematical operators; Mechanical engineering, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Joines, J.A., Culbreth, C.T., King, R.E., Manufacturing cell design: An
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wang, Z.; Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology,
Shijiazhuang 050041, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 16609336
ISBN: 9780878492497
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Bortolini, M., Manzini, R., Accorsi, R., Mora, C.

An hybrid procedure for machine duplication in cellular manufacturing systems
(2011) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 57 (9-12), pp.
1155-1173. Cited 14 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3334-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Mechanical Plants, University of Bologna,
Viale Risorgimento, 2, Bologna 40136, Italy
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing represents an effective and even more applied
alternative in production system organization especially when line or batch-type
production is not economically convenient or technically feasible. This is
particularly true when a wide range of quite similar items need to be produced in
small lot sizes with frequent and expensive setups. Cellular manufacturing is
supported by the so-called cell formation problem whose aim is forming part groups
to be assigned to manufacturing cells, composed by a defined subset of machines, so
that the sum of intercellular flow costs and direct intra-cell costs is minimized.
An effective approach to form manufacturing cells is based on cluster analysis and
on the evaluation of similarity coefficients: machines are grouped by the
application of clustering techniques and finally parts are assigned to clusters.
The aim of this paper is to present a hybrid and original procedure for the cell
formation problem based on cluster analysis and integer linear programming. In
particular, an integer linear programming model optimizes and re-arranges the
configuration of the cells as the result of the application of a hierarchical
clustering algorithm. The proposed model evaluates the possibility of duplicating a
machine in one or more cells in order to reach the best trade-off between direct
cell costs and indirect costs caused by intercellular flows. As a result, all work
areas are correctly designed with the optimal number of machines of each type and
total production system cost is quantified. The presentation and discussion of the
proposed approach is supported by the illustration of a significant case study
which takes inspiration from the literature. © 2011 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation (CF); Cellular manufacturing (CM); Group
technology (GT); Hybrid procedure; Integer linear programming model; Machine
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Clustering techniques; Flow
costs; Hierarchical clustering algorithms; Hybrid procedure; Indirect costs;
Integer Linear Programming; Integer linear programming models; Lot size; Machine
duplication; Optimal number; Production system; Similarity coefficients, Cells;
Cluster analysis; Clustering algorithms; Computer programming; Costs; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Group technology; Integer programming; Linear programming;
Production engineering, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Manzini, R.; Department of Industrial Mechanical Plants,
University of Bologna, Viale Risorgimento, 2, Bologna 40136, Italy; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Chang, C.-C., Wu, T.H.

A novel approach to determine cell formation, cell layout, and intracellular
machine layout
(2012) Proceedings - 2012 6th International Conference on New Trends in Information
Science, Service Science and Data Mining (NISS, ICMIA and NASNIT), ISSDM 2012, art.
no. 6528726, pp. 717-721. Cited 2 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Jen-Teh Junior College of

Medicine, Nursing and Management, Miaoli, Taiwan;
Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Formation of manufacturing cell, determination of cell layout and
intracellular machine layout are three basic steps in the design of cellular
manufacturing system (CMS). However, cell formation problem and cell layout problem
are NP-hard combinational problems. It is difficult to obtain optimal solutions in
an acceptable length of time, especially for large-sized problems. This paper
proposes a novel approach, water flow-like algorithm (WFA), to tackle this problem.
When compared with the mathematical programming approach which took one hour to
solve problem, the proposed algorithm is able to produce optimal solution in less
than one second. This shows that the proposed approach is extremely effective and
efficient. © 2012 AICIT.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation; cell layout; intracellular machine layout;
water flow-like algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell layout; Cell layout
problem; Combinational problems; Large-sized; Machine layout; Optimal solutions,
Algorithms; Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Data mining; Flow of water;
Hydraulics; Information science; Mathematical programming; Optimal systems, Problem
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Information Management, Jen-Teh Junior
College of Medicine, Nursing and Management, Miaoli, Taiwan

ISBN: 9788994364193
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - Int. Conf. New Trends Inf. Sci., Serv. Sci. Data
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, T.-H., Yeh, J.-Y., Syau, Y.-R.

A tabu search approach to the generalized assignment problem
(2004) Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21 (3), pp. 301-
311. Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1080/10170660409509411
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Da-Yeh University, 112 Shan-
Jiau Rd., Da-Tsuen, Changhwa 515, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: The generalized assignment problem (GAP) determines the maximum profit or
minimum cost assignment of n jobs to m agents, which is a problem embedded in the
cell formation problem. In this paper, a tabu search heuristic, TSDL that consists
of dynamic tabu tenure with long-term memory mechanism is presented to solve the
GAPs. A standard set of 84 test problems adopted from the literature is used to
evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm and for comparison with other
existing methods. The TSDL can very efficiently find solutions with good quality.
The proposed algorithm should thus be useful to practitioners and researchers. ©
2004 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Assignment; Cell formation problem; Generalized assignment
problem; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Costs; Heuristic methods, Assignment; Cell formation
problem; Generalized assignment problem (GAP); Tabu search, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Amini, M.M., Racer, M., A hybrid heuristic for the generalized
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, T.-H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Da-Yeh
University, 112 Shan-Jiau Rd., Da-Tsuen, Changhwa 515, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 10170669
SOURCE: Scopus

Hazarika, M., Laha, D.

Machine-part cell formation for maximum grouping efficacy based on genetic
(2016) 2015 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and
Future Directions, WCI 2015, art. no. 7495521, . Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1109/WCI.2015.7495521
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata,
700032, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) makes use of application of group
technology. The objective of cell formation problems (CFP) in CMS is to identify
part families and machine cells in order to minimize the intercellular movement and
to maximize the machine utilization within a cell. Previous study in CFP generally
focused on maximizing grouping efficacy (GC) by minimizing exceptional elements as
well as void elements. In this paper, a genetic algorithm heuristic is presented.
Computational experiments were carried out with 20 benchmark problem sets.
Computational results show that the proposed heuristic has shown to produce
solutions in terms of GC that are either better than or competitive with the
existing algorithms. © 2015 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cellular manufacturing system; exceptional machines and parts
elements; genetic algorithm; grouping efficacy; machine-part cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Artificial intelligence; Cells; Computation theory;
Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Heuristic algorithms; Machinery;
Manufacture, Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Computational experiment;
Computational results; Exceptional elements; Grouping efficacy; Intercellular
movement; Machine utilization, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hazarika, M.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Jadavpur UniversityIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781467382151
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IEEE Workshop Comput. Intell.: Theor., Appl. Future Dir.,
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Ying, K.-C., Lin, S.-W., Lu, C.-C.

Cell formation using a simulated annealing algorithm with variable neighbourhood
(2011) European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 22-42. Cited 32

DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2011.037224
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Taipei
University of Technology, 1 Section 3, Chung-Hsiao East Road, Taipei City, 106,
Department of Information Management, Chang Gung University, 259, Wen-Hwa 1st Road,
Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, 333, Taiwan;
Graduate Institute of Information and Logistics Management, National Taipei
University of Technology, 1 Section 3, Chung-Hsiao East Road, Taipei City, 106,
ABSTRACT: The broad applications of cellular manufacturing make the cell formation
problem (CFP) a core subject in the field of manufacturing. Due to the
combinatorial nature of the CFP, a simulated annealing-based meta-heuristic with
variable neighbourhood was developed to form part-machine cells. To validate and
verify the proposed approach, computational experiments were conducted on a set of
CFPs from the literature. Using the grouping efficacy as a performance criterion,
the proposed approach is shown to outperform existing state-of-the-art algorithms
by exceeding or matching the best known solutions in the majority of the test
problems. The evaluation results clearly show that this study successfully develops
an effective approach for CFPs. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; CFP; Manufacturing cell design; Meta-
heuristic; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Broad application; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; CFP;
Computational experiment; Evaluation results; Grouping efficacy; Machine cell;
Manufacturing cells; Metaheuristic; Neighbourhood; Performance criterion; Simulated
annealing algorithms; State-of-the-art algorithms; Test problem, Annealing;
Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic methods,
Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lin, S.-W.; Department of Information Management, Chang
Gung University, 259, Wen-Hwa 1st Road, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, 333, Taiwan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17515254
SOURCE: Scopus

Zettam, M.
A discrete teaching learning based optimization algorithm for combinatorial
optimization problems
(2018) International Review on Modelling and Simulations, 11 (1), pp. 32-36. Cited
1 time.
DOI: 10.15866/iremos.v11i1.12788
AFFILIATIONS: Informatics, Systems and Optimization Laboratory, Department of
computer Science, Faculty of science, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The Teaching Learning Based Optimization algorithm is a population-based
algorithm that was first designed for solving continuous optimization problems. A
Discrete Teaching Learning Based Optimization algorithm is performed for
combinatorial optimization problems in this paper. The proposed Discrete Teaching
Learning Based Optimization algorithm uses a path-relinking strategy combined with
a local search instead of the ways employed in the original Teaching Learning Based
Optimization to move solutions within the search space. Moreover the exploration
and exploitation stages were ensured by a Mean solution. The proposed algorithm was
tested on 35 benchmarks of the cell formation problem. The results were
satisfactory enough to classify the Discrete Teaching Learning Based Optimization
algorithm among promising nature-inspired algorithms. © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize
S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Teaching learning based optimization
REFERENCES: Burbidge, J.L., (1975) The Introduction of Group Technology: John Wiley
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zettam, M.; Informatics, Systems and Optimization
Laboratory, Department of computer Science, Faculty of science, Ibn Tofail
PUBLISHER: Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l
ISSN: 19749821
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Aalaei, A., Paydar, M.M., Solimanpur, M.

A new mathematical model for integrating all incidence matrices in multi-
dimensional cellular manufacturing system
(2012) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31 (2), pp. 214-223. Cited 38 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2011.07.007
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology,
Babol, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
ABSTRACT: In the past several years, many studies have been carried out on cellular
manufacturing based on a two-dimensional machine-part incidence matrix. Since
workers have important role in doing jobs on machines, assignment of workers to
cells becomes a crucial factor for fully utilization of cellular manufacturing
systems. In this paper, an attempt is made to solve cell formation problem and
minimize the number of voids and exceptional elements in a three dimensional
(cubic) machine-part-worker incidence matrix. The proposed mathematical model
captures the capability of workers in doing different jobs. To demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed model, the solution of some test problems is compared
with the literature method. © 2011 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Exceptional elements; Mathematical
model; Voids; Worker flexibility
INDEX KEYWORDS: Assignment of; Cell formation problem; Exceptional elements;
Incidence matrices; New mathematical model; On-machines; Test problem; Voids;
Worker flexibility, Mathematical models, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Mitrofanov, S.P., (1966) The Scientific Principles of Group Technology,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Agustín-Blas, L.E., Salcedo-Sanz, S., Ortiz-García, E.G., Portilla-Figueras, A.,

Pérez-Bellido, N.M., Jiménez-Fernández, S.
Team formation based on group technology: A hybrid grouping genetic algorithm
(2011) Computers and Operations Research, 38 (2), pp. 484-495. Cited 36 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2010.07.006
AFFILIATIONS: Grupo de Heurísticos Modernos de Optimización y Diseño de Redes
(GHEODE), Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad de Alcalá,
28871 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new model for team formation based on group
technology (TFPGT). Specifically, the model is applied as a generalization of the
well-known Machine-Part Cell Formation problem, which has become a classical
problem in manufacturing in the last few years. In this case, the model presented
is especially well-suited for problems of team formation arising in R&D-oriented or
teaching institutions. A parallel hybrid grouping genetic algorithm (HGGA) is also
proposed in the paper to solve the TFPGT. The performance of the algorithm is shown
in several synthetic TFPGT instances, and in a real problem: the formation of
teaching groups at the Department of Signal Theory and Communications of the
Universidad de Alcalá in Spain. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Group technology; Grouping genetic algorithms; Hybrid
algorithms; Team formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Classical problems; Grouping genetic
algorithms; Hybrid algorithms; New model; Real problems; Team formation, Cellular
manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Signal theory, Technology
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two-phase heuristic evolutionary algorithm for personalizing course timetables: A
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pp. 1761-1776
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Salcedo-Sanz, S.; Grupo de Heurísticos Modernos de
Optimización y Diseño de Redes (GHEODE), Department of Signal Theory and
Communications, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03050548
SOURCE: Scopus
Sofianopoulou, S.
Formation of manufacturing cells in group technology using a genetic algorithm
(2010) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 5 (2), pp. 212-
225. Cited 11 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2010.030748
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management and Technology, University of
Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou str., Piraeus 18534, Greece
ABSTRACT: To cope with a high level of product variety and a small manufacturing
lot sizes, novel production techniques have immerged aiming at improving
productivity and reducing manufacturing costs. Among them, group technology
attempts to decentralise the process of production by identifying the elements of
the manufacturing process and analysing their attributes. The purpose of this work
is to describe a genetic algorithm approach specifically adapted to the cell
formation problem, with the objective of minimising the interaction among cells,
i.e. the inter-cellular traffic subject to cell size constraints. Machine sequences
of operations have been taken into account. A brief overview of genetic algorithms
is also presented in the article. Computational results for randomly produced
representative problems are included. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing problem; Genetic algorithm; Group
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cell size; Computational results; Genetic
algorithm approach; Lot size; Manufacturing cells; Manufacturing cost;
Manufacturing process; Product variety; Production techniques, Cost reduction;
Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Technology,
Cellular manufacturing
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Operational Research, 151, pp. 434-446
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sofianopoulou, S.; Department of Industrial Management and
Technology, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou str., Piraeus 18534,
Greece; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 17485037
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhang, Q., Liu, B., Bi, L., Wang, Z., Ma, B.

Estimation of distribution algorithms for the machine-part cell formation
(2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5821 LNCS, pp. 82-91.
Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04843-2_10
AFFILIATIONS: Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology, Shijiazhuang 050041,
Hebei Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050081, China;
Information Center of Hebei Education Department, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
ABSTRACT: The machine-part cell formation is a NP- complete combinational
optimization in cellular manufacturing system. Previous researches have revealed
that although the genetic algorithm (GA) can get high quality solutions, special
selection strategy, crossover and mutation operators as well as the parameters must
be defined previously to solve the problem efficiently and flexibly. The Estimation
of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) has recently been recognized as a new computing
paradigm in evolutionary computation which can overcome some drawbacks of the
traditional GA mentioned above. In this paper, two kinds of the EDAs, UMDA and
EBNABIC, are applied to solve the machine-part cell formation problem. Simulation
results on six well known problems show that the UMDA and EBNABIC can attain
satisfied solutions more simply and efficiently. © Springer-Verlag 2009.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: EBNABIC; Grouping efficacy; Machine-part cell formation; UMDA
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Combinational optimization; Computing paradigm; Crossover and mutation;
EBNA<sub>BIC</sub>; Estimation of distribution algorithms; Evolutionary
computations; Grouping efficacy; High-quality solutions; Machine-part cell
formation; NP Complete; Selection strategies; Simulation result; UMDA, Genetic
algorithms; Mathematical operators; Problem solving, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Saeed, Z., Ming, L., A new genetic algorithm for the machine/part
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Etxeberria, R., Larrañaga, P., Global optimization using Bayesian networks (1999)
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strategies on linkage learning in BOA (2007) IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation CEC 2007, Singapore, pp. 1083-1090
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zhang, Q.; Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology,
Shijiazhuang 050041, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 3642048420; 9783642048425
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kor, H., Iranmanesh, H., Haleh, H., Hatefi, S.M.

A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for optimization of Cellular manufacturing
(2009) Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and
Technology, ICCET 2009, 1, art. no. 4769466, pp. 252-256. Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1109/ICCET.2009.212
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an important application of group
technology (GT) in which families of parts is produced in manufacturing cells or in
a group of various machines. In this paper, a genetic algorithm approach is
proposed for solving multi-objective cell formation problem. The objectives are the
minimization of both total moves (intercell as well as intracell moves) and the
cell load Variation. In this paper, authors used a SPEA-II method as well known and
efficient standard evolutionary multi-objective optimization technique. This hybrid
method presents the large set of non-dominance solutions for decision makers to
making best solution. The efficiency of multi-objective GA-SPEA II is illustrated
on a large-sized test problem taken from the literature. ©2009 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Genetic algorithm; Multi-
objective; Pareto set; SPEA II
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell load variation; Cellular manufacturing system; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Decision makers; Evolutionary multiobjective optimization;
Genetic algorithm approach; Hybrid method; Intercell; Intra-cell move;
Manufacturing cells; Multi-objective; Multi-objective cell formation problem;
Multi-objective GA; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Pareto set; SPEA II; Test
problem, Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Group technology;
Multiobjective optimization; Set theory, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Wemmerlov, U., Johnson, D.J., Cellular manufacturing at 46 user plants:
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Computers and Operations Research, 7 (1-2), pp. 55-66;
Zitzler, E., Laumanns, M., Thiele, L., SPEA2: Improving the strength pareto
evolutionary algorithm (2001) Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and
Control with Applications to Industrial Problems, pp. 95-100., K. Giannakoglou, D.
Tsahalis, J. Periaux, P. Papailou, and T. Fogarty, editors, EUROGEN 2001. Athens,
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kor, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, College of
Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9780769535210
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - Int. Conf. Comput. Eng. Technol., ICCET
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Malakooti, Behnam B., Yang, Ziyong

Machine-part cell formation: A multi-criteria approach
(1997) Industrial Engineering Research - Conference Proceedings, pp. 222-227.

AFFILIATIONS: Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, United States

ABSTRACT: Group technology is a modern manufacturing approach which has been widely
used in many industries. This paper addresses the machine-part cell formation
problem while several criteria are considered for the evaluation of alternatives.
The criteria include: the number of work stations or cells, the cost of set-up and
operations of different design, and the number of inter-flow traffic. Methods for
generation of efficient alternatives, evaluation of alternatives, and selection of
the best alternative is presented. This paper develops an approach to determine the
machine-part cells and to choose the part processing plans minimizing the inter-
cell part flow. The proposed approach solves the problem iteratively until a set of
plans and the machine-part cells are obtained with minimal inter-cell part flow.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Problem solving; Process control; Production control; Scheduling,
Group technology; Intercell part flow traffic; Machine part cell formation problem,
Flexible manufacturing systems
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Malakooti, Behnam B.; Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland,
United States
EDITORS: Curry Guy L.
PUBLISHER: IIE, Norcross, GA, United States

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Chattopadhyay, M., Dan, P.K., Mazumdar, S.

Comparison of visualization of optimal clustering using self-organizing map and
growing hierarchical self-organizing map in cellular manufacturing system
(2014) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 22, pp. 528-543. Cited 20 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2014.04.027
AFFILIATIONS: Information Technology Area, Indian Institute of Management Raipur,
GEC Campus, Sejbahar, Raipur 492015, India;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, West
Bengal University of Technology, Salt-Lake City, Kolkata 700064, West Bengal,
Department of Business Management, Calcutta University, Alipore Campus, Reformatory
Street, Kolkata 700027, India
ABSTRACT: The present research deals with the cell formation problem (CFP) of
cellular manufacturing system which is a NP-hard problem thus, the development of
optimum machine-part cell formation algorithms has always been the primary
attraction in the design of cellular manufacturing system. In this proposed work,
the self-organizing map (SOM) approach has been used which is able to project data
from a high-dimensional space to a low-dimensional space so it is considered a
visualized approach for explaining a complicated CFP data set. However, for a large
data set with a high dimensionality, a traditional flat SOM seems difficult to
further explain the concepts inside the clusters. We propose one such possible
solution for a large CFP data set by using the SOM in a hierarchical manner known
as growing hierarchical self-organizing map (GHSOM). In the present work, the two
novel contributions using GHSOM are: the choice of optimum architecture through the
minimum pattern units extracted at layer 1 for the respective threshold values and
selection. Furthermore, the experimental results clearly indicated that the
machine-part visual clustering using GHSOM can be successfully applied in
identifying a cohesive set of part family that is processed by a machine group.
Computational experience specifically with the proposed GHSOM algorithm, on a set
of 15 CFP problems from the literature, has shown that it performs remarkably well.
The GHSOM algorithm obtained solutions that are at least as good as the ones found
the literature. For 75% of the cell formation problems, the GHSOM algorithm
improved the goodness of cell formation through GTE performance measure using SOM
as well as best one from the literature, in some cases by as much as more than
12.81% (GTE). Thus, comparing the results of the experiment in this paper with the
SOM and GHSOM using the paired t-test it has been revealed that the GHSOM approach
performed better than the SOM approach so far the group technology efficiency (GTE)
measures of performance of the goodness of cell formation is concerned. © 2014
Elsevier B.V.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Group technology efficiency;
Growing hierarchical self-organizing map; Operation sequence; Self-organizing
map; Visual clustering
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational complexity; Conformal mapping; Group
technology; Self organizing maps, Cell formation algorithms; Cell formation
problem; Group technology efficiencies; Growing hierarchical self-organizing maps;
High dimensional spaces; Measures of performance; Operation sequences; Visual
clustering, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chattopadhyay, M.; Information Technology Area, Indian
Institute of Management Raipur, GEC Campus, Sejbahar, Raipur 492015, India; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 15684946
SOURCE: Scopus

Rodrigues, L.C.A., Weller, T.R.

Cell formation with alternative routings and capacity considerations: A hybrid tabu
search approach
(2008) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5317 LNAI, pp. 482-
491. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-88636-546
AFFILIATIONS: UTFPR, DAMEC/PPGEM, Av. Sete de Setembro 3165, 80230-901 Curitiba,
PR, Brazil
ABSTRACT: Cell formation considering the availability of alternative routings and
the processing capacity of available machines is a challenging optimization
problem, since it imposes the solution of a two step problem: i) assign machines to
cells; and ii) assign manufacturing parts (routings) to cells. The objective is to
minimize extra-cellular processing of tasks when routings of parts are selected. A
hybrid tabu search approach is proposed to solve this cell formation problem. The
proposed approach applies tabu search to assign machines to cells and branch-and-
bound to select routings. In order to reduce the search space, a set of feasibility
and pruning tests are proposed. A problem proposed and used at previous papers is
used to compare the results of the proposed approach and the results presented by
previous papers. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch-and-bound; Group technology; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence; Bionics; Cellular manufacturing; Group
technology, Alternative routings; Branch and bounds; Branch-and-bound; Cell
formation problems; Cell formations; Cellular processing; Hybrid tabu searches;
Optimization problems; Processing capacities; Pruning tests; Routings; Search
spaces, Tabu search
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Setembro 3165, 80230-901 Curitiba, PR, Brazil; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 3540886354; 9783540886358
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Stawowy, A.
Evolutionary strategy for manufacturing cell design
(2006) Omega, 34 (1), pp. 1-18. Cited 25 times.

DOI: 10.1016/
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Management, AGH University of Science and Technology,
Gramatyka 10, 30-067 Krakow, Poland
ABSTRACT: The problem of grouping parts into families and machines into cells
(manufacturing cell formation problem) is considered with the objective of
maximizing the grouping efficacy. A non-specialized and non-hybridized evolutionary
strategy (ES) is proposed and analyzed for solving this problem. The algorithm uses
a modified permutation with separators encoding scheme and unique concept of
separators' movements during mutation. The set of experiments confirmed that the
proposed approach outperforms any known heuristics. For 7 out of 34 problems
considered, better solutions have been found (with the same number of cells as in
literature), as compared to the previously published results. Moreover, there are 5
problems for which ES has produced the best known solutions with different number
of cells than from the literature. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Heuristics
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Stawowy, A.; Faculty of Management, AGH University of
Science and Technology, Gramatyka 10, 30-067 Krakow, Poland; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03050483
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M., Sharafuddin, I., Solimanpur, M.

Simulated annealing approach to solve a cellular manufacturing system using mdmtsp
(2008) 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008,
1, pp. 181-190.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of

Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Computer Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University,
Urmia, Iran
ABSTRACT: Design of cellular manufacturing systems involves many structural and
operational issues. One of important design steps is the formation of part families
and machine cells (cell formation). Despite a large number of papers on cell
formation being published, only a handful incorporates operation sequence in layout
design (intra-cell move calculations). We propose a solution that will solve the
part-family and machine cell formation problem by simultaneously considering the
within-cell layout problem. In this paper, the cellular manufacturing system is
formulated as a multiple departures single destination multiple travelling salesman
problem (MDmTSP) and a solution methodology based on simulated annealing is
proposed. The approach is illustrated by three examples and a comparison has been
done with CASE (Nair and Narendran 1998), genetic algorithm (Boulif and Atif 2006)
and CLASS (Mahdavi et al. 2008). Copyright © (2008) by Computers & Industrial
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Layout design; MDmTSP; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Layout designs; Machine cell formation problems;
MDmTSP; Operation sequences; Operational issues; Solution methodology; Travelling
salesman problem, Design; Industrial engineering; Simulated annealing; Traveling
salesman problem, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University
of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran

ISBN: 9781627486828
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Javadian, N., Paydar, M.M., Sahebjamnia, N.

Designing a mathematical model to cell formation for cellular manufacturing systems
(2008) 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008,
3, pp. 2187-2192.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of

Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Young Researchers Club, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
ABSTRACT: During the last three decades of research, numerous algorithms have been
developed to solve cell formation problems and this research still remains of
interest to this day. Designing appropriate cells is the first step towards
configuring a cellular manufacturing system. Mathematical programming methods to
cell formation by different objective models have been used. This paper presents a
mathematical approach for the manufacturing cell formation. The objective function
of the proposed approach is to minimize the number of voids and exceptional
elements to generate optimal machine cells and part families. Computational results
with the model on a set of group technology problems available in the literature
are also presented. The approach produced solutions with grouping efficiency and
grouping efficacy that is any results previously reported in literature and
improved for problems. Copyright©(2008) by Computers & Industrial Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Grouping efficacy; Grouping efficiency;
Mathematical model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Computational results;
Exceptional elements; Grouping efficacy; Grouping efficiency; Manufacturing cell
formation; Mathematical approach, Group technology; Mathematical models;
Mathematical programming, Cellular manufacturing
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(2004) International Journal OfAdvanced Manufacturing Technology, 2004, 23, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University
of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran

ISBN: 9781627486828
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Park, J.H., Seo, K.K., Jang, D.S.

Recycling cell formation using group technology for disposal products
(1999) Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious
Design and Inverse Manufacturing, EcoDesign 1999, art. no. 747724, pp. 830-835.
Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1109/ECODIM.1999.747724
AFFILIATIONS: CAD/CAM Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
South Korea;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea University, South Korea
ABSTRACT: The recycling cell formation problem means that disposal products are
classified into recycling part families using group technology in their end of life
phase. Disposal products have the uncertainties of product status by usage
influences. Recycling cells are formed considering design, process and usage
attributes. In this paper, a novel approach to the design of a cellular recycling
system is proposed, which deals with the recycling cell formation and assignment of
identical products concurrently. Fuzzy clustering and fuzzy-ART algorithms are
applied to describe the states of disposal product with the membership functions
and to make recycling cell formation. This approach leads to recycling and reuse of
the materials, components, and subassemblies and can evaluate the value at each
cell of disposal products. Application examples are illustrated by disposal
refrigerators, comparing fuzzy clustering with fuzzy-ART performance in cell
formation. © 1999 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Clustering algorithms; Cytology;
Fuzzy clustering; Manufacture; Mechanical variables measurement; Membership
functions; Product design; Recycling, Application examples; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; End of lives; Fuzzy ART; Part family; Recycling systems, Group
REFERENCES: Alting, L., Brobech Legarth, J., (1995) Life Cycle and Design, Annals
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EDITORS: Suga T., Yoshikawa H., Umeda Y., Kimura F., Yamamoto R.
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 0769500072; 9780769500072

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - Int. Symp. Environ. Conscious Des. Inverse
Manuf., EcoDesign
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, N., Salvendy, G., Wu, N.

A modified network approach for the design of cellular manufacturing systems
(1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31 (6), pp. 1409-1421. Cited
34 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549308956798
AFFILIATIONS: Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Shenyang, 110015, China;
School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907,
United States
ABSTRACT: In considering the operation sequence constraints in manufacturing
systems, the cell formation problem is modelled by an undirected graph (network) in
this paper. Two efficient algorithms are presented based on this model. Algorithm 1
partitions the network by finding the minimum cut sets in the network so that the
resultant interaction between cells is minimal. Algorithm 2 is a simplified version
of algorithm 1 by selecting seed nodes in partitioning the network to further
reduce the amount of computation. Although algorithm 2 does not guarantee that the
intercell movements are minimal, a very good solution can still be obtained by
using it. When this method is extended it is also applicable to situations where
operation sequence constraints are ignored. The proposed method provides more
effective solutions than some other heuristic methods. © 1993 Taylor & Francis
Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational complexity; Constraint theory; Graphic
methods; Machinery; Mathematical models; Operations research, Cell formation
problem; Cellular manufacturing systems; Modified network approach; Operation
sequence constraints, Manufacture
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group technology (1986) IIE Transactions, 18, pp. 271-277;
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user (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1511-1530
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, N.; Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Shenyang, 110015, China
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Logendran, R.
Simultaneous machine-part grouping approach in manufacturing cells
(1992) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 23 (1-4), pp. 77-80. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(92)90067-T
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial, Manufacturing Engineering Oregon State
University Corvallis, OR 97331, United States
ABSTRACT: We present a comprehensive model including all of the operational
constraints for solving a cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing systems.
It is formulated as a generalized quadratic binary programming model with the
objective of minimizing total moves evaluated as a weighted sum of inter- and
intracell moves. Two most significant operational constraints included in the model
are the sequence of operations associated with each part and the capability of
assigning machines of the same type to different cells if two or more machines are
considered due to workload requirements. The original model is Transformed into a
linear binary programming model, and an example problem is solved using a
commercial programming package. The final assignment of parts and machines to cells
result in a lower total move than that evaluated from a previous study for the same
problem. © 1992.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Production engineering, Cell formation problem; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Hypothetical cell formation; Linear-binary programming
model; Simultaneous machine-part grouping, Machine tools
REFERENCES: Chan, Milner, Direct Clustering Algorithm for Group Formation in
Cellular Manufacture (1982) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 1 (1), pp. 64-76;
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Logendran, R.; Department of Industrial, Manufacturing
Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Aljuneidi, T., Bulgak, A.A.

A mathematical model for designing reconfigurable cellular hybrid manufacturing-
remanufacturing systems
(2016) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87 (5-8), pp.
1585-1596. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-9141-z
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd., West Montréal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada
ABSTRACT: Sustainability is increasingly becoming a decisive issue in many aspects
of life. While sustainability appears to be a popular research area in general, one
cannot observe much emphasis on research in design issues of sustainable
manufacturing systems presently. In wake of this, this article presents a
simultaneous investigation of reconfigurable cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs)
and hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing systems and proposes an integrated
approach in design optimization, analysis, and process planning aspects as an
attempt to address to a number of design issues for “sustainable manufacturing
systems.” A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, which considers a
classical cell formation problem in CMSs, bridged with a production planning
problem, in hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing systems, while addressing to
“reconfiguration” issues for the CMS for different production periods, has been
developed. Numerical examples are provided. A detailed discussion of a numerical
example is presented to illustrate the proposed model. © 2016, Springer-Verlag
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Manufacturing-remanufacturing
systems; Mathematical programming; Sustainability; Sustainable manufacturing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Industrial research; Integer programming; Manufacture; Mathematical
programming; Production control; Reconfigurable hardware; Sustainable development,
Cell formation problem; Design optimization; Integrated approach; Mixed integer
linear programming model; Production Planning; Reconfigurable; Remanufacturing
system; Sustainable manufacturing, Cellular manufacturing
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Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd., Canada; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Utkina, I., Batsyn, M., Batsyna, E.

A branch and bound algorithm for a fractional 0-1 programming problem
(2016) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9869 LNCS, pp. 244-
255. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44914-2_20
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Laboratory of
Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis, National Research University
Higher School of Economics, 136 Rodionova Street, Niznhy Novgorod, Russian
ABSTRACT: We consider a fractional 0-1 programming problem arising in
manufacturing. The problem consists in clustering of machines together with parts
processed on these machines into manufacturing cells so that intra-cell processing
of parts is maximized and inter-cell movement is minimized. This problem is called
Cell Formation Problem (CFP) and it is an NP-hard optimization problem with Boolean
variables and constraints and with a fractional objective function. Because of its
high computational complexity there are a lot of heuristics developed for it. In
this paper we suggest a branch and bound algorithm which provides exact solutions
for the CFP with a variable number of cells and grouping efficacy objective
function. This algorithm finds optimal solutions for 21 of the 35 popular benchmark
instances from literature and for the remaining 14 instances it finds good
solutions close to the best known. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Biclustering; Branch and bound; Cell formation; Exact solution;
Upper bound
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Boolean functions; Branch and bound method; Cells;
Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Manufacture; Operations research, 0-1 programming
problem; Bi-clustering; Branch-and-bound algorithms; Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Exact solution; Optimization problems; Upper Bound, Optimization
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Batsyn, M.; Department of Applied Mathematics and
Informatics, Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 136 Rodionova Street,
Russian Federation; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Khachay M., Pardalos P., Kochetov Y., Beresnev V., Nurminski E.
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 9783319449135
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Lee, K., Ahn, K.-I.

GT efficacy: A performance measure for cell formation with sequence data
(2013) International Journal of Production Research, 51 (20), pp. 6070-6081. Cited
14 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.794317
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang
University, Seoul, South Korea
ABSTRACT: Cell formation in cell manufacturing design is a crucial step for
improving productivity. As input data for the cell formation problem, a part-
machine incidence matrix is given in binary format or in ordinal format. The
solutions for effective cell formation have to be compared using performance
measures. Grouping efficacy is used as a standard measure for evaluating solutions
based on a binary part-machine matrix, which does not consider ordinal data.
However, the representative measures, called standard measures, for the ordinal
part-machine matrix are absent. The existing measures designed for ordinal data
produce conflicting results and can lead to subjective decisions. In this paper, a
new objective measure called group technology (GT) efficacy is proposed for ordinal
data, reflecting on both intercellular movement and compactness within cells
simultaneously. The advantage of GT efficacy is demonstrated by comparing it with a
few previously-proposed measures. © 152013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; GT efficacy; Ordinal data; Performance measures
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell manufacturing; GT
efficacy; Incidence matrices; Intercellular movement; Ordinal data; Performance
measure, Cellular manufacturing; Group technology, Matrix algebra
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ahn, K.-I.; Department of Industrial Engineering, College
of Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Paydar, M.M., Mahdavi, I., Sharafuddin, I., Solimanpur, M.

Applying simulated annealing for designing cellular manufacturing systems using
(2010) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 59 (4), pp. 929-936. Cited 43 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2010.09.003
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Computer Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, Babol, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
ABSTRACT: The design of cellular manufacturing systems involves many structural and
operational issues. One of the important design steps is the formation of part
families and machine cells (cell formation). Despite a large number of papers on
cell formation published worldwide, only a handful incorporates operation sequence
in layout design (intra-cell move calculations). We propose a solution to solve the
part-family and machine-cell formation problem considering the within-cell layout
problem, simultaneously. In this paper, the cellular manufacturing system is
formulated as a multiple departures single destination multiple travelling salesman
problem (MDmTSP) and a solution methodology based on simulated annealing is
proposed to solve the formulated model. Numerical examples show that the proposed
method is efficient and effective in finding optimal solutions. The results also
indicate that the proposed approach performs well compared to some well-known cell
formation methods. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; MDmTSP; Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell layout problem;
Cellular manufacturing systems; Design steps; Intra-cell move; Layout designs;
Machine cell; MDmTSP; Numerical example; Operation sequences; Operational issues;
Optimal solutions; Part family; Solution methodology; Travelling salesman problem,
Annealing; Computer simulation; Machine design; Simulated annealing; Traveling
salesman problem, Cellular manufacturing
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ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Kremljak, Z.
Case study for planning of cell production system
(2018) Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium, 29
(1), pp. 0125-0132.

DOI: 10.2507/29th.daaam.proceedings.017
ABSTRACT: Two key decisions in designing cell production systems are cell formation
and layout design problems. In the cell formation problem, machine groups and part
families are determined while in the facility layout problem the location of each
machine in each cell and the location of each cell are decided. In the paper the
configuration model of the cell is presented on the specific data sets of the
applied schedule. The model evaluated the project, which was implemented for
planning of the production process and the capacities of the local manufacturer of
hydraulic equipment. The data were taken into account in 120 parts with 177
operations. Most of these operations were carried out on CNC machining centres and
turning centres. Our development model was based on operation due to the lack of
formal costs and benefits in the traditional cell production. The results show that
the solution with 25 cells was the lowest total cost alternative. © 2018, Danube
Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell production; Cost model; Genetic algorithm; Grouping
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Hydraulic
machinery, Cell formation problem; Cell production; Cell production system;
Configuration model; Cost modeling; Facility layout problems; Grouping; Production
process, Cytology
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EDITORS: Katalinic B.
PUBLISHER: Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM
ISSN: 17269679
ISBN: 9783902734204
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Maroof, A., Tariq, A., Maqsood, S.

Makespan as a design tool for CMS design
(2016) Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, ICET
2015, art. no. 7389194, .

DOI: 10.1109/ICET.2015.7389194
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering and
Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wah Engineering College, University of Wah,
Punjab, Pakistan
ABSTRACT: Industries have to cope with millions of parts for production on daily
basis. Scheduling of those parts for production is a complex process. Parts having
properly scheduled processing rarely get delayed and therefore generally delivered
on time. Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) is a proficient production system and
can be used as an effective replacement of Batch type manufacturing. Cell Formation
(CF) is the fundamental part of Cell design and its effectiveness is checked using
a performance index called Grouping Efficacy (GE).Part scheduling is very rarely
used as a design tool for Cell Formation Problem (CFP). A software based solution
is developed in this research to solve CFP by applying Genetic Algorithm (GA),
which is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique. The uniqueness of this approach
is that it presents an integrated approach for grouping parts into families and
machines into cells using Makespan as the performance factor. Results show that
minimizing the Make span maximizes the GE. © 2015 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence; Cellular Manufacturing System; Grouping
Efficacy; Make span
INDEX KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence; Cells; Cytology; Design; Genetic
algorithms; Manufacture; Scheduling, Cell formation problem; Complex Processes;
Grouping efficacy; Integrated approach; Make span; Performance factors; Performance
indices; Software-based solutions, Cellular manufacturing
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ISBN: 9781509004362
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Emerg. Technol., ICET
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, L., Suzuki, S.

Cell formation design with improved similarity coefficient method and decomposed
mathematical model
(2015) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79 (5-8), pp.
1335-1352. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-6931-7
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tokyo Institute
of Technology, 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
ABSTRACT: This research develops a new methodology for a cell formation problem in
the cellular manufacturing system. The methodology includes two phases. In the
first phase, an improved similarity coefficient method, which considers the
operation sequence and the number of repeated operations firstly in related
researches, is proposed to identify part families. A new decomposed mathematical
model is presented in the second phase, which considers some crucial operational
aspects such as alternative routing, machine capacity, part demand, operation time,
and lot splitting, to assign machines into part families for minimum machine cost,
operation cost, and inter-cell movement cost. The model puts emphasis on the effect
of trade-off between machine duplication and material inter-cell movement on
performance of the cell formation to optimize machine utilization and workload
balance. This paper also provides a concrete production schedule with optimum
system utilization for cell formation. Test problems and sensitivity analyses are
carried out to reveal the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed
methodology. © 2015, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing system; Decomposed
mathematical model; Similarity coefficient method
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Costs; Cytology; Economic and social effects; Industrial
research; Manufacture; Mobile security; Production control; Sensitivity analysis,
Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Concrete productions; Machine utilization;
Operation sequences; Operational aspects; Similarity coefficient methods; System
utilization, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, L.; Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Japan
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag London Ltd
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Ilić, O.R.
An e-Learning tool considering similarity measures for manufacturing cell formation
(2014) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25 (3), pp. 617-628. Cited 10 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-012-0709-7
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Belgrade, Jove Ilića
154, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
ABSTRACT: Manufacturing cell formation is the first step in the design of cellular
manufacturing system. The primary objective of this step is to cluster machines
into machine cells and parts into part families so that the minimum of intercell
trips will be achieved. This paper will be focused on the configuration of machine
cells considering three types of initial machine-part matrix: binary (zero-one)
matrix, production volume matrix, and operation time matrix. The similarity measure
uses only information from these types of matrix. A pure combinatorial programming
formulation will be developed to maximize the sum of similarity coefficients
between machine/part pairs. An e-Learning tool/application to help industrial
students and engineers for enhancing their cell formation capability is proposed.
This tool is designed to include a novel similarity coefficient-based heuristic
algorithm for solving the cell formation problem. To determine the performance of
the proposed tool, comparison is made with a well-known tool along a case study. ©
2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cluster analysis; Combinatorial problem; e-
Learning; Similarity measure/coefficient
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cluster analysis; E-learning; Flexible manufacturing systems;
Heuristic algorithms, Algorithm for solving; Cell formation; Cell formation
problem; Combinatorial problem; Manufacturing cell formation; Production volumes;
Similarity coefficients; Similarity measure, Cellular manufacturing
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Arkat, J., Farahani, M.H., Hosseini, L.

Integrating cell formation with cellular layout and operations scheduling
(2012) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 61 (5-8), pp.
637-647. Cited 37 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3733-4
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Pasdaran Boulevard, Sanandaj, Iran
ABSTRACT: Designing a cellular manufacturing (CM) system involves three major
decisions: cell formation (CF), cellular layout (CL), and cellular scheduling (CS).
The integrated design of CM systems is investigated in this paper by proposing two
mathematical models. The first model integrates cellular layout problem with cell
formation problem to determine optimal cell configuration and the layout of
machines and cells in order to minimize the total movement costs. The second model
takes also the cellular scheduling into consideration with the objective of
minimizing the total completion time of parts. Two genetic algorithms are developed
to solve the real-sized problems. The proposed models are formulated as mixed
integer linear programming, and two numerical examples are solved in order to
investigate the effects of integration in the CM systems design. The results show
that considering CF, CL, and CS decisions in a simultaneous manner can
significantly improve the performance of the CM systems. © Springer-Verlag London
Limited 2011.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular layout; Cellular manufacturing systems;
Genetic algorithm; Operations scheduling
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell configurations; Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Cellular layout; Integrated designs; Mixed integer linear programming; Numerical
example; Operations scheduling; Total completion time, Genetic algorithms;
Mathematical models; Scheduling, Cellular manufacturing
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SOURCE: Scopus

Ostrosi, E., Tautrim, J., Fukuda, S.

Consensual cell searching in cellular manufacturing design
(2010) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 51 (5-8), pp.
769-788. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-010-2660-0
AFFILIATIONS: Lean Institute, c/o Dr. Jörg Tautrim Engineering, 76209 Karlsruhe,
Stanford University, 228 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, United States;
Tokyo Metropolitan University, 3-29-5, Kichijoji-Higashicho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-
0002, Japan
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an approach to consensual cell formation in cellular
manufacturing design. The cell formation is a multi-measurable criteria problem.
However, a number of factors limit the possibility of simultaneously considering
multiple criteria during the cell formation. During the cellular manufacturing
system design, the engineers must know the cells responding individually to each
criterion. Thus, for discerning the consensus in multiple-criteria cell formation
problem, a formal approach is proposed. The problem of consensus searching is
formulated as the problem of searching the best overlap between potential
solutions, called conjecture, under some constraints. Two models are proposed. The
first model is devoted to the consensus conjecture which satisfies globally the set
of measurable criteria. The second model addresses the problem of nucleus
recognition. Thus, the problem of consensus searching is an alternative to the
multiple-criteria problem optimisation. The results confirm the assumption that the
cell formation is a process of searching and evaluating the consensual information.
© 2010 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing design; Consensus
identification; Multiple criteria
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Consensus identification; Formal approach; Multiple criteria;
Optimisations; Potential solutions, Design; Systems analysis, Cellular
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Vin, E., Francq, P., Delchambre, A.

An adapted genetic algorithm to solve generalized cell formation
(2009) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 13 (PART 1), pp. 1233-1238.

DOI: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0285
AFFILIATIONS: BEAMS Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, B-
1050, Belgium;
CoDE Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, B-1050, Belgium
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the cell formation problem with alternative process
plans and machine capacity constraints. Given alternative process plans, machine
capacities and quantities of parts to produce, the problem consists in defining
preferential process and routing for each part (grouping of operations into
machines) optimizing machines grouping into manufacturing cells. The problem can be
decomposed in two distinct sub-problems: operations grouping on resources, yielding
flows between the machines, and grouping of these latter into independent cells.
The objective of the proposed method is to optimize both groupings (operations on
machines and machines into cell) minimizing of the inter-cellular moves. To solve
simultaneously both grouping interdependent problems, we propose a modified
grouping genetic algorithm (SIGGA). In our adapted grouping genetic algorithm, each
chromosome is composed of two parts, one part for each problem. According to
different application rates, the genetic operators are applied on the first, on the
second problem, or on both problems. Finally, the population chromosomes
simultaneously evolve in both problems. © 2009 IFAC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process plans; Application rates; Capacity constraints;
Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Genetic operators; Grouping genetic
algorithms; On-machines; Sub-problems, Cellular manufacturing; Chromosomes;
Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Mobile telecommunication
systems; Optimization; Process control, Mathematical operators
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Joines, J., Culbreth, C., King, R., A comprehensive review of production oriented
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Joines, J.A., Thomas Culbreth, C., King, R.E., Manufacturing cell design: An
integer programming model employing genetic algorithms (1996) IIE Transactions
(Institute of Industrial Engineers), 28 (1), pp. 69-85;
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Kusiak, A., The generalised group technology concept (1987) International Journal
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Logendran, R., Ramakrishna, P., Srikandarajah, C., Tabu search-based heuristics for
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International Journal of Production Research, 32 (2), pp. 273-297;
Mahdavi, I., Javadi, B., Fallah-Alipour, K., Slomp, J., Designing a new
mathematical model for cellular manufacturing system based on cell utilization
(2007) Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190 (1), pp. 662-670., DOI
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Nagi, R., Harhalakis, G., Proth, J.-M., Multiple routings and capacity
considerations in group technology applications (1990) International Journal of
Production Research, 28 (12), pp. 2243-2257;
Onwubolu, G.C., Mutingi, M., Genetic algorithm approach to cellular manufacturing
systems (2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39 (1-2), pp. 125-144., DOI
Sofianopoulou, S., Manufacturing cell design with alterantive process plans and/or
replicate machines (1999) International Journal of Production Research, 37 (3), pp.
Suresh, N.C., Slomp, J., A multi-objective procedure for labour assignments and
grouping in capacitated cell formation problems (2001) International Journal of
Production Research, 39 (18), pp. 4103-4131., DOI 10.1080/00207540110072966;
Uddin, M.K., Shanker, K., Grouping of parts and machines in presence of alternative
process routes by genetic algorithm (2002) International Journal of Production
Economics, 76 (3), pp. 219-228., DOI 10.1016/S0925-5273(01)00164-5, PII
Vin, E., De Lit, P., Delchambre, A., A multiple objective grouping genetic
algorithm for the cell formation problem with alternative routings (2005) Journal
of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16 (2), pp. 189-206;
Venugopal, V., Narendran, T.T., Genetic algorithm approach to the machine-component
grouping problem with multiple objectives (1992) Computers and Industrial
Engineering, 22 (4), pp. 469-480., DOI 10.1016/0360-8352(92)90022-C;
Wu, T.H., Chang, C.C., Chung, S.H., A simulated annealing algorithm for
manufacturing cell formation problem (2008) Expert Systems with Applications, 34
(3), pp. 1609-1617;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Manufacturing cells' design in consideration of various
production factors (2005) International Journal of Production Research, 40 (4), pp.
Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal of Production
Research, 38 (2), pp. 385-395., DOI 10.1080/002075400189473
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Vin, E.; BEAMS Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles
(ULB), Brussels, B-1050, Belgium; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 14746670
ISBN: 9783902661432
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mroue, H., Dao, T.-M.

Manufacturing and fractional cell formation using a new binary digit grouping
algorithm with a Pwavroid solution explorer toolkit
(2014) Advanced Materials Research, 933, pp. 97-105. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.4028/
AFFILIATIONS: AÉROÉTS, Office G-S062, 323 Peel Street, Montreal QC H3C 3R9, Canada;
Superior Technology School, Office A-2912, 1100 Notre-Dame Street West, Montreal QC
H3C 1K3, Canada
ABSTRACT: A new algorithm is presented in order to search for the optimal solution
of the manufacturing and fractional cell formation problem. In addition, this paper
introduces a new toolkit, which is used to search for the various candidate
solutions in a periodic and a waving (diversified) manner. The toolkit consists of
15 tools that play a major role in speeding up the obtainment of the final solution
as well as in increasing its efficiency. The application of the binary digit
grouping algorithm leads to the creation of manufacturing cells according to the
concept of group technology. The nonzero entries, which remain outside the
manufacturing cells, are called exceptional elements. When a lot of such elements
is obtained, an additional cell called fractional (or remainder) cell may be
formed; the aim of which is to reduce their number. This algorithm was tested by
using illustrative examples taken from the literature and succeeded to give better
or at least similar results when compared to those of other well-known algorithms.
© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Binary digit grouping algorithm; Cell formation; Exceptional
elements; Fractional cell; Manufacturing cell; Pwavroid toolkit solution
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group
technology; Production engineering, Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Exceptional elements; Grouping algorithm; Its efficiencies; Nonzero entries;
Optimal solutions; Pwavroid toolkit solution explorer, Algorithms
REFERENCES: Asokan, P., Prabhakaran, G., Machine-Cell Grouping in Cellular
Manufacturing Systems Using Non traditional Optimization Techniques - A Comparative
Study (2001) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 18
(2), pp. 140-147;
Xiaodan, W., Chao-Hsien, C., Yunfeng, W., Weili, Y., A genetic algorithm for
cellular manufacturing design and layout (2007) European Journal of Operational
Research, 181, pp. 156-167;
Mosbah, B.A., Dao, T.-M., Optimization of group scheduling using simulation with
the meta-heuristic Extended Great Deluge (EGD) approach (2010) Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2010 IEEE International Conference;
Murthy, C.V.R., Srinivasan, G., Fractional cell formation in group technology
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (5), pp. 1323-1337;
Mark, K.L., Wong, Y.S., An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Manufacturing Cell
Formation (2000) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16
(7), pp. 491-497;
Liang, M., Zolfaghari, S., Machine cell formation considering processing times and
machine capacities: An ortho-synapse Hopfield neural network approach (1999)
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 10 (5), pp. 437-447;
Solimanpur, M., Saeedi, S., Solving cell formation problem in cellular
manufacturing using ant- colony-based optimization (2010) The International Journal
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 50 (9), pp. 1135-1144;
Lei, D., Wu, Z., Tabu search for multiple-criteria manufacturing cell design (2006)
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (9), pp. 950-
Venkumar, P., Haq, N.A., Fractional cell formation in group technology using
modified ART1 neural networks (2006) The International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, 28 (7-8), pp. 761-765., doi: 10.1007/s00170-004-2421-z;
Srinlvasan, G., Narendran, T.T., An assignment model for the part-families problem
in group technology (1990) International Journal of Production Research, 28 (1),
pp. 145-152;
Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., GROUPABIL1TY: An analysis of the properties
of binary data matrices for group technology (1989) International Journal of
Production Research, 27 (6), pp. 1035-1052
PUBLISHER: Trans Tech Publications
ISSN: 10226680
ISBN: 9783038350910
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Vaghefinezhad, S., Wong, K.Y.

A genetic algorithm approach for solving group technology problem with process plan
(2012) Proceedings - 2012 14th International Conference on Modelling and
Simulation, UKSim 2012, art. no. 6205550, pp. 52-58. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/UKSim.2012.16
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: A more and more competitive environment and constantly changing
customers' favors have forced producers to enhance quality, efficiency and
flexibility. The cellular manufacturing system (CMS) which is a manufacturing
application of the group technology (GT) theory, has been known as one of the
recent technological innovations for providing more productivity and flexibility.
Different aspects of CMS have been continuously investigated in the recent years.
In the previous studies, minimizing the total number of intercellular movement or
exceptional parts has been considered as an objective. In this paper, a multi-
objective mathematical model for solving the group technology problem with process
route flexibility has been developed and described. The objective functions are
minimizing the total intercellular movement, machines' idle time and the total
required setup time while satisfying a number of constraints. A solver based on
genetic algorithm (GA) has been created and validated using the Visual Studio C#
programming language. Finally, the created software has been utilized to solve the
cell formation problem (CFP) in an industrial case company. © 2012 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cellular manufacturing; group technology; machine-part grouping
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Competitive environment; Genetic algorithm
approach; Idle time; Intercellular movement; Machine-part grouping; Manufacturing
applications; Multi objective; Objective functions; Process plan; Process route;
Set-up time; Technological innovation; Technology problems; Visual studios,
Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Mathematical models;
Problem oriented languages, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the US industry: A
survey of users (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1511-
Kusiak, A., (1992) Intelligent Design and Manufacturing, , Wiley;
Anderson, E.J., (1996) The Management of Manufacturing, , Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc;
Krajewski, L.J., Ritzman, L.P., (1996) Operations Management: Strategy and
Analysis, , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc;
Rembold, U., Blume, C., Dillman, R., (1985) Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Technology and Systems, , Marcel Dekker, Inc;
Waters, D., (1996) Operations Management, , Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc;

Heragu, S.S., Group technology and cellular manufacturing (1994) IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 24, pp. 203-214;
Venugopal, V., Narendran, T.W., Design of cellular manufacturing systems based on
asymptotic forms of a boolean matrix (1993) European Journal of Operational
Research, 67, pp. 405-417;
Joines, J., Culbreth, C.T., King, R.E., Manufacturing cell design:An integer
programming model employing genetic algorithms (1996) IIE Transactions, 28, pp. 69-
Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal of Production
Research, 38, pp. 385-395;
Onwubolu, G.C., Mutingi, M., A genetic algorithm approach to cellular manufacturing
systems (2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39, pp. 125-144;
Brown, E., Sumichrast, R., CF-GGA: A grouping genetic algorithm for the cell
formation problem (2001) International Journal of Production Research, 36, pp.
Uddin, M.K., Shanker, K., Grouping of parts and machines in presence of alternative
process routes by genetic algorithm (2002) International Journal of Production
Economics, 76, pp. 219-228;
Goncalves, J., Resende, M., An evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing cell
formation (2004) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 47, pp. 247-273;
Kesen, S.E., Das, S.K., Güngör, Z., A genetic algorithm based heuristic for
scheduling of virtual manufacturing cells (VMCs) (2010) Computers & Operations
Research, 37, pp. 1148-1156;
Arkat, J., Hosseini, L., Farahani, M.H., Minimization of exceptional elements and
voids in the cell formation problem using a multi-objective genetic algorithm
(2011) Expert Systems with Applications, 38, pp. 9597-9602
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Vaghefinezhad, S.; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9780769546827
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - Int. Conf. Model. Simul., UKSim
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Contreras-Méndez, M., Aguilar-Fernández, M., Cristóbal-Vázquez, I.M.

On solving the problem of manufacturing cell formation using decision factors in a
genetic algorithm
(2012) 62nd IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2012, pp. 638-646.

AFFILIATIONS: Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIICSA, Iztacalco, Distrito Federal,

08400, Mexico
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of group technology in a manufacturing context is the
design and creation of production cells in which each cell specializes in producing
one family of components (i.e. parts). This is achieved through clustering parts
and machines based on the quantity of similar operations. The main problem of
switching between a traditional manufacturing layout to a Group Technology-based
layout is grouping parts into families. As result of an exhaustive survey of
previous contributions, a revised and improved genetic algorithm is proposed to
solve the cell formation problem. This algorithm includes a part-allocation scheme
that assigns parts to machine cells by means of decision factors. These factors
quantify each part contribution to the global solution efficiency. Other feature
that distinguishes this algorithm is the retention of good characteristics from
previous methodologies such as the chromosome codification and removes the burden
of local heuristics used to allocate pieces to machines. In order to validate this
proposal, a total of 28 problems were selected from the scientific literature and
solved through the proposed algorithm.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Decision factors; Genetic algorithms; Group technology;
Manufacturing cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Exhibitions; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Genetic algorithms; Group technology, Cell formation problem; Decision
factors; Global solutions; Manufacturing cell formation; Production cells;
Scientific literature; Technology-based; Traditional manufacturing, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Groover, M., (2001) Solutions Manual: Automation, Production Systems
and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, , Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New
Saeedi, S., Solimanpur, M., Mahdavi, I., Javadian, N., Heuristic approaches for
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Applications, 3 (7), pp. 674-682;
Kamrani, A., Parsaei, H., A methodology for the design of manufacturing systems
using group technology (1994) Production Planning & Control, 5 (5), p. 450;
Burbidge, J., The simplification of material flow systems (1982) International
Journal of Production Research, 20 (3), p. 339;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyert, N., Research issues in cellular manufacturing (1987)
International Journal of Production Research, 25 (3), p. 413;
Malakooti, B., Yang, Z., Multiple criteria approach and generation of efficient
alternatives for machine-part family formation in group technology (2002) IIE
Transactions, 34 (9), p. 837;
Bedworth, D., Henderson, M., Wolfe, P., (1991) Computer-integrated Design and
Manufacturing, , McGraw-Hill, New York;
Frazier, G., Spriggs, M., Achieving competitive advantage through group technology
(1996) Business Horizons, 39 (3), p. 83;
Onyeagoro, E., Group technology cell design: A case study (1995) Production
Planning & Control, 6 (4), p. 365;
Ivanov, E., Grayson, T., (1968) Group Production Organization and Technology, ,
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Petrov, V., (1968) Flowline Group Production Planning, , Business Publications Ltd.
Shu Ming, N., On the characterization and measure of machine cells in group
technology (1996) Operations Research, 44 (5), p. 735;
Chen, H., Guerrero, H., A general search algorithm for cell formation in group
technology (1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32 (11), p. 2711;
Moujahid, A., Inza, I., Larrañaga, P., (1996) Algoritmos Genéticos, Universidad del
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Sharif, H., El-Kilany, K., Helaly, M., A genetic algorithm approach to the group
technology problem (2008) International Multi Conference of Engineers & Computer
Scientists 2008, pp. 1755-1760;
Tolmos, P., (2002) Introducción a Los Algoritmos Genéticos Y Sus Aplicaciones, ,
Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Matemáticas aplicadas a la
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Prabhaharan, G., Asokan, P., Girish, B., Muruganandam, A., Machine cell formation
for cellular manufacturing systems using an ant colony system approach (2005) The
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (9), pp. 1013-1019;
Gonçalves, J., Resende, M., An evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing cell
formation (2004) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 47 (2-3), pp. 247-273;
Tunnukij, T., Hicks, C., An enhanced grouping genetic algorithm for solving the
cell formation problem (2009) International Journal of Production Research, 47 (7),
pp. 1989-2007;
Murugan, M., Selladurai, V., Manufacturing cell design with reduction in setup time
through genetic algorithm (2007) Asian Research Publication Network;
Contreras, M., (2011) Estudio Sobre la Tecnología de Grupos Y Su Integración de la
Manufactura Integrada Por Computadora, , Master of Industrial Engineering Thesis,
Instituto Politecnico Nacional, UPIICSA, Mexico;
Estévez, P., Optimización mediante algoritmos genéticos (1997) Anales del Instituto
de Ingenieros de Chile, 109 (2), pp. 83-92;
Araujo, L., Cervigón, C., (2009) Algoritmos Evolutivos: Un Enfoque Práctico, ,
Alfaomega, Spain;
Solimanpur, M., Vrat, P., Shankar, R., A multi-objective genetic algorithm approach
to the design of cellular manufacturing systems (2004) International Journal of
Production Research, 42 (7), pp. 1419-1441;
Domingo, R., González, C., Calvo, R., Análisis del diseño y programación de celdas
en entornos de fabricación ágil (2004) Información Tecnológica, 15, pp. 55-60;
Venugopal, V., Soft-computing-based approaches to the group technology problem: A
state-of-the-art review (1999) International Journal of Production Research, 37
(14), p. 3335
PUBLISHER: Institute of Industrial Engineers


DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M.

Optimization of cellular manufacturing systems design using sequence data
(2008) 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008,
1, pp. 191-197.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of

Science and Technology, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem in Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) design has
attracted the attention of researchers for more than three decades. However, the
use of sequence data for cell formation has been considered less frequently.
Sequence data provides valuable information about the flow patterns of various jobs
in a manufacturing system. Therefore, it is only natural to expect that the use of
sequence data results not only in identifying the part families and machine groups
but also in the layout of the machines within each cell. This study proposes an
efficient mathematical model for the CMS design problem, which handles the cell
formation and layout design simultaneously. We seek to minimize the total cost of
inter-cell and intra-cell (forward and backward) movements and the cost of
machines. This model also considers the minimum utilization level of each cell to
achieve the higher performance of cell utilization. Two examples from the
literature are solved by the LINGO software package to validate and verify the
proposed model. Copyright © (2008) by Computers & Industrial Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell utilization; Layout design; Mathematical
model; Sequence data
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cell utilizations; Design
problems; Forward-and-backward; Layout designs; Part family; Sequence data, Cells;
Cytology; Design; Industrial engineering; Mathematical models; Software packages,
Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Subramanian, S.P., A cost-based heuristic for group
technology configuration (1987) International Journal of Production Research, 25,
pp. 101-113;
Ballakur, A., Steudel, H.J., A within-cell utilization based heuristic for
designing cellular manufacturing systems (1987) International Journal of Production
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Chiang, C.-P., Lee, S.-D., A genetic-based algorithm with the optimal partition
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Harhalakis, G., Nagi, R., Proth, J.M., An efficient heuristic in manufacturing cell
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(1985) Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 9, pp. 125-134;
Shafer, S.M., Rogers, D.F., A goal programming approach to the cell formation
problem (1991) Journal of Operations Management, 10, pp. 28-43;
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European Journal of Operational Research, 69, pp. 284-291;
Singh, N., Rajamani, D., (1996) Cellular Manufacturing Systems Design, Planning and
Control, , Chapman and Hall Publishing, London, UK;
Vakharia, A.J., Wemmerlov, U., Designing a cellular manufacturing system: A
materials flow approach based on operations sequences (1990) IIE Transactions, 22,
pp. 84-97;
Wei, J.C., Gaither, N., An optimal model for cell formation decisions (1990)
Decision Sciences, 21, pp. 416-433;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Procedures for the part-family/machine group
identification problem in cellular manufacturing (1986) Journal of Operations
Management, 6 (2), pp. 125-147;
Won, Y., Lee, K.C., Group technology cell formation considering operation sequences
and production volumes (2001) International Journal of Production Research, 39, pp.
Wu, X., Chu, C.H., Wang, Y., Yan, W., A genetic algorithm for cellular
manufacturing design and layout (2007) European Journal of Operational Research,
181, pp. 156-167
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University
of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran

ISBN: 9781627486828
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Ponnambalam, S.G., SudhakaraPandian, R., Mahapatra, S.S., Saravanasankar, S.
Modified ART1 neural networks for cell formation using production data
(2008) 4th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2008, art.
no. 4626507, pp. 603-608. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1109/COASE.2008.4626507
AFFILIATIONS: School of Engineering, Monash University, 46150 Petaling Jaya,
Kalasalingam University, India;
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
ABSTRACT: In the present work, an attempt has been made to form disjoint machine
cells using modified ART1 (Adaptive Resonance Theory) to handle the real valued
workload matrix. The methodology first allocates the machines to various machine
cells and then parts are assigned to those cells with the aid of degree of
belongingness through a membership index. The proposed algorithm uses a
supplementary procedure to effectively take care of the problem of generating cells
with single machine that may be encountered at times. A modified grouping
efficiency (MGE) is proposed to measure the performance of the clustering
algorithm. The results of modified ART1 algorithm are compared with the results
obtained from K-means clustering and genetic algorithm. The modified ART1 results
are also compared with the literature results in terms of number of exceptional
elements. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested with genetic
algorithm and K-means clustering algorithm. The results distinctly indicate that
the proposed algorithm is quite flexible, fast and efficient in computation for
cell formation problems and can be applied in industries with convenience. ©2008
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Adaptive resonance theory networks; Cell formation; Grouping
efficiency.; K-means clustering
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Boolean functions; Cells; Cellular manufacturing;
Cytology; Flow of solids; Genetic algorithms; Network protocols; Neural networks;
Resonance; Sensor networks; Water supply systems, Adaptive resonance theories;
Adaptive resonance theory networks; And genetic algorithms; Art1 neural networks;
Cell formation; Cell formation problems; Cell formations; Efficient; Exceptional
elements; Flexible; Grouping efficiencies; Grouping efficiency.; K-means
clustering; Literature results; Machine cells; Production datum; Single-machine;
Workload matrices, Clustering algorithms
REFERENCES: Burbidge, J.L., A Manual Method of Production Flow Analysis (1977) The
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Kaparthi, S., Suresh, N.C., Machine Component cell formation in GT: A NN approach
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916CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ponnambalam, S. G.; School of Engineering, Monash
University, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9781424420230
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kao, Y., Li, Y.L.

Ant colony recognition systems for part clustering problems
(2008) International Journal of Production Research, 46 (15), pp. 4237-4258. Cited
15 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540601078054
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Tatung University, Taipei, 104,
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing requires an effective part clustering method to
start up the manufacturing cell design. This paper presents a new part clustering
algorithm that uses the concept of the recognition system of artificial ants. The
proposed algorithm mimics the random meetings of real ants to build up the ability
of object recognition and then to form many initial part clusters with high
similarities. These initial part clusters are further merged into larger and larger
clusters in an agglomerative way until the designated number of part families is
reached. The characteristics of artificial ants, such as randomization and
collective behaviour, allow the algorithm to re-cluster wrongly grouped parts into
the proper clusters. As a result this can eliminate the chaining effects resulting
from the interference of abnormal parts during the clustering process. This
algorithm has been developed into a software system called the ant colony
recognition system (ACRS). A number of problems selected from the literature have
been solved by ACRS, and the evaluation results indicate that ACRS is able to solve
the cell formation problems effectively.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant algorithms; Cell formation; Cluster analysis; Group
INDEX KEYWORDS: Boolean functions; Cellular manufacturing; Computer software;
Flexible manufacturing systems; Flow of solids; Object recognition, Ant colonies;
cell design; cell formation problems; Clustering methods; Clustering problems;
Clustering processes; Evaluation results; recognition systems; Software systems;
Start ups, Clustering algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kao, Y.; Department of Information Management, Tatung
University, Taipei, 104, Taiwan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Dehnavi-Arani, S., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Ghezavati, V.

An integrated model of cell formation and scheduling problem in a cellular
manufacturing system considering automated guided vehicles' movements
(2019) International Journal of Operational Research, 34 (4), pp. 542-561.

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2019.099108
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Narmak, Tehran, 16844, Iran;
School of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an integrated mathematical model for cellular
manufacturing system (CMS) incorporating cell formation problem (CFP) and intra-
cell scheduling is considered. It is assumed that in order to make the flexibility
in handling system, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are responsible for
transferring the exceptional parts from one cell to another cell. Employing the
AGVs in CMS can be challenging from mathematical model's point of view. In other
words, despite the common constraints in CFP and intra-cell scheduling, several
constraints such as AGVs' movement, preventing the AGVs' collision as well as
parts' pickup/delivery by AGVs must be taken to account. There is no comprehensive
model including the role of AGVs in a CMS. Hence, we endeavour to formulate CFP,
scheduling and role of AGVs at the same time. The objective function is to minimise
the sum of the maximum completion time (makespan) and inter-cellular movements of
parts. The proposed nonlinear model is transformed to a linear form in order to
solve it for optimality. Eventually, two small-size computational experiments are
generated and ran on the GAMS.9 commercial software to show the efficiency and
accuracy of the proposed model. © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing system; CFP;
CMS; Inter-cellular AGV; Intra-cell scheduling
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dehnavi-Arani, S.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Iran University of Science and TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17457645
SOURCE: Scopus

Hazarika, M.
Machine Cell Formation with Alternative Routings based on Genetic Algorithm
(2018) Procedia Computer Science, 133, pp. 357-367.

DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2018.07.044
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assam Engineering College,
Guwahati, 781013, India
ABSTRACT: In automated batch type production systems, machine-part cell formation
problems (CFP) have long drawn attention of researchers. The objective of CFP in
cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is to identity machine cells and part families
in order to minimize the intercellular movements of parts as well as maximize the
utilization of machines. Optimum cell formation results reduction in total
production times, in-process inventories, material handling cost, labor cost/times,
paper works, number of machine set-ups, set-up times. It also simplifies process
plans, management and improves product quality, productivity, utilization of
resources. Since the modern manufacturing machines are generally multifunctional,
so the processing of parts can be performed by number of alternative routes. The
objectives of this study are to determine the optimal machine cells with optimal
processing route and balanced machine cells (minimum cell load variation). Here a
genetic algorithm heuristic approach is presented for six benchmark problems with
multiple process routes, sequence of processes and parts volume. Computational
outcome show that the proposed heuristic gives better result comparatively with the
well-known existing methods in terms of total intercellular movements. © 2018 The
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cellular manufacturing system;
Genetic algorithm; Intercellular movement of parts; Route selection
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Flow control; Genetic algorithms; Heuristic
methods; Materials handling; Robotics; Transportation routes; Wages, Alternative
process routings; Batch type productions; Cell formation problem; In-process
inventories; Intercellular movement; Material handling costs; Route Selection;
Utilization of resources, Cellular manufacturing
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Alhourani, F., Clustering algorithm for solving group technology problem with
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hazarika, M.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assam
Engineering CollegeIndia; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Zoppi M., Muthuswamy S.
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 18770509
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Saidi-Mmehrabad, M., Safaei, N.

A new generalized cell formation model in uncertainty and dynamic conditions by
assuming routing flexibility and machine relocation
(2005) Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial
Engineering, ICC and IE 2005, pp. 1893-1898.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

University of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11365, 4563, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a fuzzy nonlinear mix-integer model of a cell
formation problem with uncertain demand and multi-period planning horizon. The
objectives are to optimize the number of cells by minimizing the machine costs and
inter-cell material handling. The proposed model is restricted to machine and cell
capacity. Each product has several process plans (i.e., routing flexibility). In
dynamic condition, a multi-period planning horizon is considered in which product
mix and demand in each period are different such as seasonal products. As a result,
the best cells designed for one period may not be efficient cells for subsequent
periods. Thus, it is possible that some of machines are relocated from a cell in
the current period to other in the next period (i.e., machine relocation). Also,
the optimum number of cells may be changed from a period to other (i.e., cell
size). Furthermore in many industries, the demand of products is imprecise (i.e.,
uncertainty condition). However, we can estimate the demand for each product by
experts' experiences in a fuzzy environment. The proposed model is verified by the
Lingo software under a number of instances and computational results are reported.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Fuzzy nonlinear-integer programming; Uncertainty
and dynamic conditions
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Computational results;
Dynamic condition; Fuzzy environments; Material handling; Planning horizons;
Routing flexibility, Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Industrial engineering;
Integer programming; Network routing; Routing algorithms, Cells
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box: 11365, 4563, Tehran, Iran

ISBN: 9755612653; 9789755612652

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng., ICC IE
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Keyhanian, S., Ahmadi, A., Karimi, B.

An Integrated Model of Scheduling and Configuration of the Operating Theater
(2018) 2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information
Technologies, CoDIT 2018, pp. 498-505. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/CoDIT.2018.8394879
AFFILIATIONS: Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Department
of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: We present a multi-objective binary programming model which considers
surgical cases scheduling among operating rooms and the configuration of surgical
instruments in limited capacity hospital trays, simultaneously. Many mathematical
models have been developed previously in the literature addressing different
challenges in health-care logistics such as assigning operating rooms, leveling
beds, and etc. But what happens inside the operating rooms along with the inventory
management of required instruments for various operations, and also their
integration with surgical scheduling have been poorly discussed. Our model
considers the minimization of movements between trays during a surgery which
recalls the famous cell formation problem in group technology. This assumption can
also provide a major potential contribution to robotic surgeries. The tray
configuration problem which consumes surgical instruments requirement plan (SIRP)
and sequence of surgical procedures based on required instruments (SI-RO) is nested
inside the bin packing problem. This modeling approach helps us understand that
most of the same-output solutions will not be necessarily identical when it comes
to the rearrangement of surgeries among rooms. A numerical example has been dealt
with via a proposed nested simulated annealing (SA) optimization approach which
provides insights about how various configurations inside a solution can alter the
optimal condition. © 2018 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Inventory control;
Operating rooms; Robotic surgery; Scheduling; Simulated annealing; Surgery, Bin
packing problem; Binary programming models; Cell formation problem; Integrated
modeling; Inventory management; Optimization approach; Surgical instrument;
Surgical procedures, Surgical equipment
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ahmadi, A.; Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran
Polytechnic), Department of Industrial Engineering and Management SystemsIran
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISBN: 9781538650653
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Control, Decis. Inf. Technol., CoDIT
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Aljuneidi, T., Bulgak, A.A.

Designing a Cellular Manufacturing System featuring remanufacturing, recycling, and
disposal options: A mathematical modeling approach
(2017) CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 19, pp. 25-35. Cited 4

DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2017.04.005
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd., West, MontréalQuébec H3G 1M8, Canada
ABSTRACT: While “sustainability” in the manufacturing sector is becoming a pivotal
issue, one should consequently expect a growing research interest in design
problems in “Sustainable Manufacturing Systems” (SMSs). When a product ceases to be
of any further use to the customer in it is current condition, it is relinquished.
Accordingly, there is a need for a product recovery options in a sustainable
environment. Recycling and remanufacturing are the most two advanced product
recovery options. An efficient recycling and remanufacturing network leads to an
efficient design of Sustainable Manufacturing enterprise. This article presents a
simultaneous investigation of Reconfigurable Cellular Manufacturing Systems and
Hybrid Manufacturing-Remanufacturing Systems (HMRSs), and proposes an integrated
approach in design optimization, analysis, and process planning aspects as an
attempt to address to a large number of design issues for Sustainable Manufacturing
Systems. The options of remanufacturing, recycling, and disposing are introduced. A
mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, which considers a classical cell
formation problem in Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMSs), bridged with a
production planning problem, in Hybrid Manufacturing-Remanufacturing Systems, while
addressing to “reconfiguration” issues for the CMS for different production
periods, has been developed. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the
proposed model. © 2017 CIRP
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Mathematical programming; Recycling; Remanufacturing;
Sustainable Manufacturing; Sustainable Manufacturing System design
INDEX KEYWORDS: Industrial research; Integer programming; Manufacture; Mathematical
programming; Production control; Recycling; Sustainable development; Waste
management, Cell formation problem; Design optimization; Manufacturing sector;
Mixed integer linear programming model; Remanufacturing; Remanufacturing system;
Sustainable environment; Sustainable manufacturing, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Bulgak, A.A.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd., West, Montréal,
Canada; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 17555817
SOURCE: Scopus

Raja, S., Anbumalar, V.

An effective methodology for cell formation and intra-cell machine layout design in
cellular manufacturing system using parts visit data and operation sequence data
(2016) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 38
(3), pp. 869-882. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s40430-014-0280-6
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering and
Technology, Dindigul, 624622, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Velammal College of Engineering and
Technology, Madurai, 625009, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is an efficient approach for implementing the
principles of Group Technology in a manufacturing environment. Most of the previous
studies in CMS have focused mainly on cell formation problem. However, only few
researches have discussed on CFP and CLP, simultaneously. In this paper, we present
a new heuristic approach based on modified flow matrix which simultaneously
considers cell formation, intracellular machine layout, exceptional elements and
voids issues in the CMS design using sequence data and number of parts visit data
between the machines. Above-mentioned data provide valuable information about the
various jobs in a manufacturing system. The objective of our proposed approach is
to group similar parts and corresponding different machines in same cells and
additionally considering the sequence of machines, exceptional elements and voids.
Moreover, our proposed approach considers inter-cell movement, backward movements,
number of voids and number of operations. A new performance measure modified group
technology efficacy is proposed for evaluating the performance of the proposed
methodology. Two well-known benchmark problems from the literature are considered
and results are compared with the existing methods. The results clearly
demonstrated that our proposed approach outperforms the previously proposed
methods. © 2014, The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cell layout design; Cellular
manufacturing system; Parts visit data; Sequence data
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Erozan, İ., Torkul, O., Ustun, O.

Proposal for a decision support software for the design of cellular manufacturing
systems with multiple routes
(2015) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76 (9-12), pp.
2027-2041. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6397-z
AFFILIATIONS: Dumlupınar University, Kütahya, Turkey;
Sakarya Üniversity, Sakarya, Turkey
ABSTRACT: This study presents operational decision support software to efficiently
solve cell formation problems with multiple routes. The software includes two
revised algorithms that assist decision makers in choosing the best cellular
layout. These revised algorithms are the multiobjective genetic algorithm that uses
two different scalarization methods such as conic scalarization and weighted sum
scalarization and the fuzzy c-means algorithm for problems with multiple routes.
From these algorithms, the multiobjective genetic algorithm with conic
scalarization has important advantages over many multiobjective approaches in the
literature for being able to reach all efficient solutions for linear and nonlinear
multiobjective models. These revised algorithms and the decision support software
were tested on some data sets collected from an engine manufacturing plant and the
literature. The test results showed that, in many cases, the revised multiobjective
genetic algorithm with conic scalarization results in better performance than the
revised fuzzy c-means algorithm and the methods used in the test problems for
problems with multiobjective and multiple routes. Practitioners and researchers can
use this operational decision support software and the multiobjective genetic
algorithm with conic scalarization to obtain higher-quality cellular layout
solutions compared with other software applications in the literature. © 2014,
Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Decision support systems
INDEX KEYWORDS: Application programs; Artificial intelligence; Clustering
algorithms; Copying; Decision making; Decision support systems; Fuzzy clustering;
Fuzzy systems; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Problem solving; Software testing,
Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Decision support software; Fuzzy C-means
algorithms; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Multiobjective approach; Operational
decision support; Software applications, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Springer London
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Safaei, N., Zuashkiani, A.

Manufacturing system design by considering multiple machine replacements under
discounted costs
(2012) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 44 (12), pp. 1100-
1114. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1080/0740817X.2012.654845
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of
Toronto, ON M5S 1G8, Canada
ABSTRACT: This article investigates the effect of equipment replacement on the
design phase of multi-machine manufacturing systems, given a finite horizon and
discounted costs. For the most part, the manufacturing system design literature has
focused on the design issue, ignoring equipment replacement and its economic
impact. The design phase generally consists of equipment selection, process
routing, and layout decisions. The authors propose an explicit mathematical form
for the operating costs of equipment and their salvage values based on their
previous experience of life cycle costing projects. The design phase of cellular
manufacturing systems, the so-called cell formation problem, is used. The problem
is formulated as a non-linear mixed-integer programming model and solved using a
proposed branch-and-bound algorithm. The algorithm employs a depth-first branching
strategy in conjunction with a bounding procedure with a heuristic method. Selected
numerical examples demonstrate the applicability of the model and verify the
performance of the proposed algorithm. The results enable the best equipment mix
and product process routes to be chosen based on the given horizon and economic
factors; in addition, information is obtained about which equipment should be
replaced and at what time point this replacement should occur. © 2012 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cellular manufacturing systems; discounted costs; Manufacturing
system design; multi-machine systems; replacement
INDEX KEYWORDS: Bounding procedures; Branch-and-bound algorithms; Cell formation
problem; Depth first; Design issues; Design phase; Discounted costs; Economic
factors; Economic impacts; Equipment replacement; Equipment selection; Finite
horizons; Life cycle costing; Mathematical forms; Mixed-Integer Programming;
Multimachine systems; Multiple machine; Numerical example; Process routing; Product
process; replacement; Time points, Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Costs;
Design; Heuristic methods; Integer programming; Manufacture; Systems analysis,
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Islier, A.A.
Group technology by an ant system algorithm
(2005) International Journal of Production Research, 43 (5), pp. 913-932. Cited 25

DOI: 10.1080/0020754047000298566
AFFILIATIONS: Osmangazi University, Industrial Engineering Department, 26030
Bademlik, Eskisehir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Clustering of items to form meaningful groups is a theoretically
challenging problem. Moreover, it has considerable practical value in
manufacturing. Therefore, extensive research is conducted in this field and
numerous techniques have been developed. The starting point of these techniques is
usually part-machine incidence matrices. This data structure models the cell
formation problem as well. Here, the aim is to get a block-diagonalized structure.
This is the basic problem of group technology. This paper presents a novel and
potent technique to solve this basic problem. The grouping problem is first
represented as an artificial ant system. Then better and better groupings are
obtained as semi-blind ants find their way by a communication-supported random
search process. Finally, the proposed technique is compared with other AI
methodologies, namely genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search. The
main concern in this evaluation phase was to devise an environment appropriate for
a fair assessment. For that reason, the stated techniques are formulated with the
simplest possible configurations and parallel structures. Tests made using the
well-known data sets from the literature revealed a remarkable outcome: ant systems
perform better than the other AI techniques as far as an equal number of solution
alternatives are concerned. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant systems; Artificial ant colonies; Cellular manufacturing;
Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Data reduction; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Problem
solving; Random processes; Search engines; Simulated annealing, Ant systems;
Artificial ant colonies; Cell formation problems; Tabu search, Cellular
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Rezaei-Malek, M., Razmi, J., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Taheri-Moghaddam, A.

Towards a psychologically consistent cellular manufacturing system
(2017) International Journal of Production Research, 55 (2), pp. 492-518. Cited 6

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1192299
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;
LCFC, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Metz, France
ABSTRACT: In cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs), an operator plays an important
role. Because operators work for long-time periods in a production area, an
increase in job satisfaction and system productivity occurs if the consistency of
operators’ personal characteristics are considered in the design of CMSs. In a CMS,
a cell formation problem (CFP) focuses on grouping and allocating machines, part
families and operators to manufacturing cells. This paper considers a decision-
making style (DMS) as an operator’s personal characteristic index in a CFP for
designing a psychologically consistent CMS. DMS influences not only the interaction
between two operators, but also the work that operator does on a machine. Hence,
this paper develops a novel multi-objective mathematical model for the CFP
considering consistency between each two operators in each cell and consistency
between operator and his/her assigned machine(s). Because of possibility of a
change in the primary DMS of a person to the backup one, this paper tackles this
issue by applying a probabilistic procedure. Two hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms
are developed for the large-sized test problems. In addition, the PROMETHEE-II
method is applied to select the best Pareto solution. Finally, a real case study is
presented to show the applicability of the developed approach. © 2016 Informa UK
Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation; cellular manufacture; decision-making style;
metaheuristics; multi-criteria decision-making
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Decision making; Heuristic algorithms; Job
satisfaction; Manufacture; Mathematical operators, Best Pareto solutions; Cell
formation; Cell formation problem; Hybrid Meta-heuristic; Meta heuristics; Multi
criteria decision making; Personal characteristics; System productivity, Cellular
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Bootaki, B., Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M.

New criteria for configuration of cellular manufacturing considering product mix
(2016) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 98, pp. 413-426. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2016.06.021
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with configuring manufacturing cells when product mix
variation occurs. Most of researches have addressed the cell formation problem when
part-machine incidence matrix is constant even for dynamic/stochastic case. But to
the nature of CMS in manufacturing products in mid-variety and mid-volume, the
product mix variation is not too far-fetched. Product mix variation causes the
part-machine incidence matrix to change. To formulate the proposed problem two
different criteria are considered which one relates to worker experts and another
to worker relations. The first object considers the maximizing the expert levels in
manufacturing cells. While the second object tries to maximize the interest levels
in manufacturing cells. To make these concepts practical, a mathematical
formulation which minimizes the voids of both worker-machine and worker-worker
incidence matrices is developed. Due to the non-homogenous nature of the objective
functions and possible conflicts, a bi-objective programming approach is applied.
To find the Pareto-optimal front, the augmented ε-constraint method (AUGMECON) is
applied. Since AUGMECON may not provide non-dominated set in a reasonable time,
especially for large-size instances, NSGAII algorithm is customized and applied to
produce optimal/near optimal Pareto solutions. To assess the performance of the
proposed NSGAII algorithm, several randomly generated test problems were solved for
a set of well-known multi-objective performance metrics. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; NSGAII; Product mix variation;
Worker interest; ε-constraint method
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Flexible manufacturing systems; Manufacture;
Pareto principle, Bi objective programming; Cell formation problem; Constraint
methods; Epsilon-constraint method; Mathematical formulation; NSGA-II; Product mix
variations; Worker interest, Cellular manufacturing
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[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Chattopadhyay, M., Dan, P.K., Mazumdar, S.

Application of visual clustering properties of self organizing map in machine-part
cell formation
(2012) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 12 (2), pp. 600-610. Cited 26 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2011.11.004
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Computer Application, Pailan College of Management and
Technology, Kolkata 700104, India;
Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, West Bengal
University of Technology, Kolkata 700064, India;
Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an approach that includes both flexibility
of job shops and high production rate of flow lines. Although CM provides many
benefits in reducing throughput times, setup times, work-in-process inventories but
the design of CM is complex and NP complete problem. The cell formation problem
based on operation sequence (ordinal data) is rarely reported in the literature.
The objective of the present paper is to propose a visual clustering approach for
machine-part cell formation using self organizing map (SOM) algorithm an
unsupervised neural network to achieve better group technology efficiency measure
of cell formation as well as measure of SOM quality. The work also has established
the criteria of choosing an optimum SOM size based on results of quantization
error, topography error, and average distortion measure during SOM training which
have generated the best clustering and preservation of topology. To evaluate the
performance of the proposed algorithm, we tested the several benchmark problems
available in the literature. The results show that the proposed approach not only
generates the best and accurate solution as any of the results reported, so far, in
literature but also, in some instances the results produced are even better than
the previously reported results. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is also
statistically verified. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Map size; Operation sequence; Self
organizing map; SOM quality measure; Visual clustering
INDEX KEYWORDS: Bench-mark problems; Cell formation; Cell formation problem;
Distortion measures; High production rate; Job shop; NP complete problems;
Operation sequences; Ordinal data; Quantization errors; Self organizing; Set-up
time; SOM quality measure; Technology efficiency; Unsupervised neural networks;
Visual clustering; Work-in-process inventory, Algorithms; Benchmarking; Cells;
Flexible manufacturing systems; Group technology; Machine shops; Self organizing
maps, Cellular manufacturing
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ISSN: 15684946
SOURCE: Scopus

Banerjee, I., Das, P.

Group technology based adaptive cell formation using predator-prey genetic
(2012) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 12 (1), pp. 559-572. Cited 22 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2011.07.021
AFFILIATIONS: Videonetics Technology Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata 700 091, India;
SQC and or Division, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 700 108, India
ABSTRACT: In recent years, there has been a considerable growth of application of
group technology in cellular manufacturing. This has led to investigation of the
primary cell formation problem (CFP), both in classical and soft-computing domain.
Compared to more well-known and analytical techniques like mathematical programming
which have been used rigorously to solve CFPs, heuristic approaches have yet gained
the same level of acceptance. In the last decade we have seen some fruitful
attempts to use evolutionary techniques like genetic algorithm (GA) and Ant Colony
Optimization to find solutions of the CFP. The primary aim of this study is to
investigate the applicability of a fine grain variant of the predator-prey GA
(PPGA) in CFPs. The algorithm has been adapted to emphasize local selection
strategy and to maintain a reasonable balance between prey and predator population,
while avoiding premature convergence. The results show that the algorithm is
competitive in identifying machine-part clusters from the initial CFP matrix with
significantly less number of iterations. The algorithm scaled efficiently for large
size problems with competitive performance. Optimal cluster identification is then
followed by removal of the bottleneck elements to give a final solution with
minimum inter-cluster transition cost. The results give considerable impetus to
study similar NP-complete combinatorial problems using fine-grain GAs in future. ©
2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bottleneck; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing;
Diagonal cluster; Grouping efficacy; Intra-cluster density; Predator-prey
genetic algorithm; Transitional cost
INDEX KEYWORDS: Bottleneck; Cell formation problem; Diagonal cluster; Grouping
efficacy; Predator-Prey, Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Group
technology; Heuristic methods; Mathematical programming; Population statistics,
Clustering algorithms
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Manzini, R., Bindi, F., Pareschi, A.

The threshold value of group similarity in the formation of cellular manufacturing
(2010) International Journal of Production Research, 48 (10), pp. 3029-3060. Cited
15 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540802644860
AFFILIATIONS: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Delle Costruzioni Meccaniche, Nucleari,
Aeronautiche e di Metallurgia, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is an effective alternative to batch-type
production systems where different products are intermittently produced in small
lot sizes with frequent setups, large in-process storage quantities, long
production lead times, decreasing throughputs, and complex planning and control
functions. An effective approach to forming manufacturing cells and introducing
families of similar parts, consequently increasing production volumes and machine
utilisation, is the use of similarity coefficients in conjunction with clustering
procedures. In a similarity coefficients-based approach, the results of the
clustering analysis depend on the minimum admissible level of similarity adopted
for the generic group of clustered items. This is the so-called threshold value of
group similarity. The aim of this paper is to identify effective values of the
threshold value of group similarity to help practitioners and managers of
manufacturing systems form machine groups and related part families. The proposed
threshold values for a given similarity coefficient are based on calculation of the
percentile of aggregations generated by the adopted clustering algorithm. The
importance of the proposed measure of group similarity has been demonstrated by
experimental analysis conducted on a large set of significant instances of the cell
formation problem in the literature. This analysis can also support the best
determination of this percentile-based cut value especially when the number of
manufacturing cells is not known in advance. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation (CF) problem; Cellular manufacturing (CM);
Clustering algorithm; Group technology (GT); Similarity coefficient; Similarity
coefficient based method (SCM)
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Clustering analysis; Clustering procedure; Experimental analysis; In-
process; Increasing production; Lead time; Lot size; Manufacturing cells;
Manufacturing system; Part family; Planning and control; Production system;
Similarity coefficient; Similarity coefficients, Clustering algorithms; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Group technology, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Manzini, R.; Dipartimento di Ingegneria Delle Costruzioni
Meccaniche, Nucleari, Aeronautiche e di Metallurgia, Bologna University, Bologna,
Italy; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Sadat Khorasgani, S.M., Ghaffari, M.

Developing a cellular manufacturing model considering the alternative routes, tool
assignment, and machine reliability
(2018) Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 14 (3), pp. 627-636. Cited
3 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s40092-017-0239-1
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Naragh Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Naragh, Iran
ABSTRACT: The cell formation (CF) is one of the most important steps in the design
of a cellular manufacturing system (CMS), which it includes machines’ grouping in
cells and part grouping as separate families, so that the costs are minimized. The
various aspects of the problem should be considered in a CF. The machine
reliability and the tool assigned to them are the most important problems which
have to be modeled correctly. Another important aspect in CMS is material handling
costs that they consist of inter-cell and intra-cell movement costs. Moreover,
setup and tool replacement costs can be effective in CF decision making. It is
obvious that CF cannot be completed without considering the number of demand. With
considering of all of the above aspects, an extended linear integer programming is
represented for solving the cell formation problem (CFP) in this study. The
objective is to minimize the sum of inter-cell movement, intra-cell movement, tool
replacement, machine breakdown, and setup costs. In the other terms, for states
that cost of movement is higher than tool-changing cost, although a part can have
the inter- and/or intra-cell movements, the model tries to find a solution which
part is allocated to one cell and with changing the tools, processes of that part
is completed. In addition, to validate the model and show its efficiency and
performance, several examples are solved by branch and bound (B&B) method. © 2017,
The Author(s).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative processing routes; Branch and bound; Cell formation
problem; Machine reliability; Material handling costs; Tool assignment
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ghaffari, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Naragh
Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: SpringerOpen
ISSN: 17355702
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Sormaz, D., Arumugam, J., Suer, G.

Comparative study of constructive and improvement algorithms for cell formation
with alternative routings
(2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (3), pp. 861-868.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.191
AFFILIATIONS: Ohio University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Athens, OH, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper describes a comparison of genetic algorithm and state space
search algorithm for simultaneous formation of manufacturing cells and selection of
process plans for parts with alternative plans. Both algorithms perform two
simultaneous decisions: selection of process plan for parts between several
alternatives, and assignment of parts and required machines to manufacturing cells.
For genetic algorithm, a chromosome represents an assignment of machines to cells,
and fitness function defined as number of inter-cell transfer is used to select the
part route alternative with minimal inter-cell movements. The space search
algorithm is based on classification and ordering of machines and application of
space search to recursively assign the most critical machines and parts to cells.
Both algorithms have been studied with several decision making criteria:
intercellular traffic, size of the machine cells, ratio of state space expansion,
and so on. The results presented in the paper include inter-cell transfers and the
cell size. Both algorithms have been applied to the same set of cell formation
problems with alternate routings from literature and representative results are
shown. Performance of both algorithms is evaluated with respect to the quality of
the obtained solution (as compared with different algorithms on the same problem
from literature). The conclusions from this experiment are presented at the end of
the paper. © 2015, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Manufacturing system
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Decision making; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Learning algorithms;
Manufacture; Quality control, Alternate routings; Alternative routings; Cell
formation problem; Comparative studies; Decision making criteria; Intercellular
traffic; Simultaneous formation; State space search algorithm, Algorithms
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Control, 2 (2), pp. 135-141
EDITORS: Dolgui A., Sasiadek J., Zaremba M.
ISSN: 24058963
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Saral, J., Arumugam, S., Venkat, I., Somasundaram, A.

Cellular manufacturing problem - A graph theoretic approach
(2019) Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing, 13 (3), .

DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2019jamdsm0061
AFFILIATIONS: National Centre for Advanced Research in Discrete Mathematics,
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil,
Tamilnadu 626126, India;
School of Computing and Information, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
Department of Mathematics BITS, Pilani-Dubai, Dubai International Academic City,
United Arab Emirates
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem which arises in cellular manufacturing can be
formulated in graph theoretic terms. The input for a cellular manufacturing problem
consists of a set X of m machines and a set of Y of p parts and an m × p matrix A =
(aij), where aij = 1 or 0 according as the part pj is processed on the machine mi.
This data can be represented as a bipartite graph G with bipartition X, Y and mi is
joined to pj if aij = 1. Let G1, G2, . . ., Gk be nontrivial connected subgraphs of
G such that V(G1), V(G2), . . ., V(Gk) forms a partition of V(G). Then π = {G1, G2,
. . ., Gk} is called a k-cell partition of G. Any edge of G with one end in Gi and
the other end in Gj with i , j represents an inter cellular movement of a part. One
of the objectives in cellular manufacturing problem is to minimize the inter
cellular movements of parts. Let β(G, π) denote the number of edges in G with one
end in V(Gi) and other end in V(Gj). Let β(G, k) = minπβ(G, π), where the minimum
is taken over all kcell partitions π of G. In this paper we propose a graph
theoretic algorithm using Depth-First-Search to solve the cellular manufacturing
problem for the case when k = 2. Comparison of the results that we have obtained
with solutions obtained by other known algorithms shows that our algorithm gives a
better solution. © 2019 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bipartite graph; Cellular manufacturing problem; Depth-First-
Search; Exceptional elements
INDEX KEYWORDS: Graph theory, Bipartite graphs; Cell formation problem; Cellular
manufacturing problems; Connected subgraphs; Depth first search; Exceptional
elements; Graph theoretic algorithm; Graph theoretic approach, Cellular
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Saral, J.; National Centre for Advanced Research in
Discrete Mathematics, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Anand Nagar,
India; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
ISSN: 18813054
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Adv. Mech. Des. Syst. Manuf.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Mak, K.L., Wang, X.X.

Production scheduling and cell formation for virtual cellular manufacturing systems
(2002) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 20 (2), pp. 144-
152. Cited 23 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s001700200136
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an approach using the concept of genetic algorithms is
proposed as a powerful but simple means of scheduling the manufacturing operations
of a virtual cellular manufacturing system (VCMS). A mathematical model is
developed to describe the characteristics of a VCMs, which includes the constraints
related to the delivery due dates of the various products and the maximum
capacities of the manufacturing resources. The objectives are to set up virtual
manufacturing cells and to formulate feasible production schedules for all
manufacturing operations, in order to minimise the total material and component
travelling distance incurred in manufacturing the products. A new genetic based
scheduling algorithm is proposed as an optimisation tool to determine the solution.
The proposed algorithm differs from the conventional genetic algorithms in that the
populations of the candidate solutions consist of individuals from various age-
groups, and each individual is incorporated with an age attribute to enable its
birth and survival rates to be governed by predefined ageing patterns. By
generating the evolution of the populations with the genetic operators of
selection, crossover and mutation, the proposed approach provides excellent results
by maintaining a better balance between the exploitation and the exploration of the
solution space, and thus improves the computational speed and the solution quality.
The condition ensuring stable search performance is also derived. The superiority
of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by solving the production-scheduling and
cell-formation problems for a virtual cellular manufacturing system, and the
results are compared with those obtained by using a conventional optimisation
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Genetic algorithms; Production
scheduling; Virtual cellular manufacturing system
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer integrated manufacturing; Computer software; Genetic
algorithms; Materials handling; Mathematical models; Optimization; Production
control; Scheduling, Cell formation; Production scheduling; Virtual cellular
manufacturing systems, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mak, K.L.; Department of Industrial Engineering, The
University of Hong Kong, Haking Wong Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Nouri, H., Hong, T.S.

A bacteria foraging algorithm based cell formation considering operation time
(2012) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31 (3), pp. 326-336. Cited 19 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2012.03.001
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Sanandaj, Iran;
Faculty Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: The cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is considered as an efficient
production strategy for batch type production. The CMS relies on the principle of
grouping machines into machine cells and grouping machine parts into part families
based on pertinent similarity measures. The bacteria foraging algorithm (BFA) is a
new in development computation technique extracted from the social foraging
behavior of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Ever since Kevin M. Passino
invented the BFA, one of the main challenges has been employment of the algorithm
to problem areas other than those for which the algorithm was proposed. This
research work inquires the first applications of this emerging novel optimization
algorithm to the cell formation (CF) problem. In addition, a newly developed BFA-
based optimization algorithm for CF is discussed. In this paper, an attempt is made
to solve the cell formation problem meanwhile taking into consideration number of
voids in cells and a number of exceptional elements based on operational time of
the parts required for processing in the machines. The BFA is suggested to create
machine cells and part families. The performance of the proposed algorithm is
compared with a number of algorithms that are most commonly used and reported in
the corresponding scientific literature such as similarity coefficients methods
(SCM), rank order clustering (ROC), ZODIAC, GRAFICS, MST, GATSP, GP, K-harmonic
clustering (KHM), K-means clustering, C-link clustering, modified ART1, GA (genetic
algorithm), evolutionary algorithm (EA), and simulated annealing (SA) using defined
performance measures known as modified grouping efficiency and grouping efficacy.
The results lie in favor of better performance of the proposed algorithm. © 2012
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bacteria foraging algorithm; Cell formation; Operation time
INDEX KEYWORDS: Batch type; Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Computation
techniques; Efficient production; Escherichia coli (E. coli); Exceptional elements;
Foraging behaviors; GA (genetic algorithm); Grouping efficacy; Grouping efficiency;
K-means clustering; Machine cell; Operation time; Optimization algorithms; Part
family; Performance measure; Problem areas; Rank order; Scientific literature;
Similarity coefficients; Similarity measure, Bacteria; Cellular manufacturing;
Escherichia coli; Genetic algorithms; Simulated annealing, Clustering algorithms
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Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Takahashi, K., Manago, K., Hirotani, D., Morikawa, K.

An adaptive cellular manufacturing system for producing two kinds of products in
unreliable cells
(2013) 22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013, .

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of System Cybernetics, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima

University, 1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan
ABSTRACT: In order to produce a variety of products effectively, cellular
manufacturing systems (CMSs) process a collection of similar products (products
families) on a dedicated cluster of machines or manufacturing processes (cells).
Performance of CMSs depends on the formation, and there is a lot of literature on
the cell formation problem. Most of traditional cell formation procedure ignores
any change in demand over time caused by product redesign and uncertainties due to
volume variation, part mix variation, and resource unreliability. In today's
business environment, product life cycles are short, and demand volumes and product
mix can vary frequently. Also, even in the automated systems, machines are
unreliable. As one of the methods for changes in demand, redesigning CMS and
dynamic CMSs are considered by various researchers. In the dynamic CMSs, the
formation of cells is redesigned period by period as demand changes. However, all
of them formulate the problem as multi-period problems, and the cell configuration
is redesigned period by period. There is no literature on real-time redesign of
cell with failures. Therefore, this paper deals with the CMSs that consist of
unreliable cells for producing two kinds of products with demand fluctuations. Each
cell can produce both of the products by switching the setup, but it is unreliable.
For the CMSs, an adaptive CMS that can change the product producing in a cell
responding to real-time changes in demand and cell failures is proposed. Markov
chain model of the system is proposed, and the performance of total cost that
consists of inventory holding, stock out, and cell switching costs is analyzed and
compared with that of previous CMS. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed
adaptive CMS.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Adaptive cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Markov chain
model; Unreliable machine
INDEX KEYWORDS: Automation; Cells; Chains; Cytology; Life cycle; Manufacture;
Markov processes; Mobile security, Business environments; Cell formation; Cell
formation problem; Cell formation procedures; Demand fluctuations; Manufacturing
process; Markov chain models; Unreliable machine, Cellular manufacturing
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Safaeri, N., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Jabal-Ameli, M.S., A hybrid simulated annealing
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Bajastani, M.A., Rabbani, M., Rahimi-Vahed, A.R., Khoshkhou, G.B., A multi-
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Operations Research, 36, pp. 777-794;
Das, K., Abdul-Kader, W., Consideration of dynamic changes in machine reliability
and part demand: A cellular manufacturing systems design model (2009) International
Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 2123-2142;
Ahkioon, S.A., Bulgak, A.A., Bektas, T., Integrated cellular manufacturing systems
design with production planning and dynamic system reconfiguration (2009) European
Journal of Operational Research, 192, pp. 414-428;
Ahkioon, S.A., Bulgak, A.A., Bektas, T., Cellular manufacturing systems design with
routing flexibility, machine procurement, production planning and dynamic system
reconfiguration (2009) International Journal of Production Research, 47, pp. 1573-
Safaeri, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Integrated multi-period cell formation and
subcontracting production planning in dynamic cellular manufacturing systems (2009)
International Journal of Production Economics, 120, pp. 301-314;
Mahdavi, I., Aalaei, A., Paydar, M.M., Solimanpur, M., Multi-objective cell
formation and production planning in dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing systems
(2011) International Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 6517-6537;
Takahashi, K., Yoshikawa, T., Hirotani, D., Morikawa, K., An adaptive cellular
manufacturing system for responding to changes in demand (2009) Proc. of 2009 Int.
Conf. Computers & Industrial Engineering, pp. 708-713., Troyes (France;
Gharbi, A., Hajji, A., Dhouib, K., Production rate control of an unreliable
manufacturing cell with adjustable capacity (2011) International Journal of
Production Research, 49, pp. 6539-6557
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Takahashi, K.; Dept. of System Cybernetics, Faculty of
Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Japan
PUBLISHER: International Foundation for Production Research (IFPR)


DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Ateme-Nguema, B.H., Dao, T.-M.

Optimization of cellular manufacturing systems design using the hybrid approach
based on the ant colony and tabu search techniques
(2007) IEEM 2007: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management, art. no. 4419274, pp. 668-673. Cited 13 times.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2007.4419274
AFFILIATIONS: Engineering and Management Department, University of Abiti-
témiscamingue, University of Quebec, Canada;
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Ecole de Technologie
Supérieure, University of Québec, Canada
ABSTRACT: Cellular Systems Design Problems (CSDP) constitute an important issue in
the design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS). A few years back, it emerged as
the best alternative in manufacturing systems, representing a compromise between
the efficiency of serial and the flexibility of batch production systems. In this
paper, we propose a hybrid approach for solving the CSDP for large industrial data
sets. This procedure comprises an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and the Tabu Search
(TS) procedure, which is added in order to improve the quality of the ACO solutions
obtained. The problem is formulated as a binary integer programming model that
might minimize the dissimilarities existing between machines or parts, and that is
characterized as an NP-complete model. With this proposed approach, the results
obtained show that it is efficient in terms of the quality and computational time
of the solutions. To demonstrate the potential ability of the proposed approach, a
numerical example has been investigated. © 2007 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant systems; Cell formation problem; Flexible manufacturing;
Optimization; Simulation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Game theory; Problem solving; Production engineering; Quality
control; Tabu search, Ant systems; Cell formation problems; Flexible manufacturing,
Cellular automata
REFERENCES: Kumar, K.R., Vannelli, A., Strategic subcontracting for efficient
disaggregated manufacturing (1987) Int. J. of Production Research, 25, pp. 1715-
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optimization problems: Cell formation case study (2007) J. of Manufacturing Science
and Eng, , under press
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ateme-Nguema, B.H.; Engineering and Management Department,
University of Abiti-témiscamingue, University of QuebecCanada

ISBN: 1424415292; 9781424415298

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kim, C.O., Baek, J.-G., Jun, J.

A machine cell formation algorithm for simultaneously minimising machine workload
imbalances and inter-cell part movements
(2005) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 26 (3), pp. 268-
275. Cited 16 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-1619-9
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei
University, 120-749 Seoul, South Korea;
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Induk Institute of Technology, 139-
749 Seoul, South Korea;
Research Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Korea
University, 136-701 Seoul, South Korea
ABSTRACT: This paper considers a multi-objective machine cell problem, in which
part types have several alternative part routings and the expected annual demand of
each part type is known. This problem is characterised as optimally determining
part type (routing) sets and corresponding machine cells such that total inter-cell
part movements and total machine workload imbalances are simultaneously minimised.
Due to the complexity of the problem, a two-stage heuristic algorithm is proposed,
and computational experiments were conducted to verify the performance of the
algorithm. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative part routings; Inter-cell part movements; Machine
cell formation problem; Machine workload imbalances; Multi-objective function;
Two-stage heuristic algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods; Customer
satisfaction; Heuristic methods; Productivity, Alternative part routings; Inter-
cell part movements; Machine cell formation problems; Machine workload imbalances;
Multi-objective functions; Two-stage heuristic algorithms, Machine components
REFERENCES: Burbidge, J.L., (1997) Production Flow Analysis for Planning Group
Technology, , Clarendon Press, Oxford;
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Review, evaluation and directions for future research (1998) Comp Industr Engin, 34
(1), pp. 3-20;
Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) Int J Rod Res, 38 (2), pp. 385-395;
Suresh, N.C., Slomp, J., A multi-objective procedure for labour assignment and
grouping in capacitated cell formation problems (2001) Int J Prod Res, 39 (18), pp.
Kusiak, A., (1990) Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, , Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ;
Hwang, H., Ree, P., Routes selection for the cell formation problem with
alternative part process plans (1996) Comp Industr Engin, 30 (3), pp. 423-431;
Caux, C., Bruniaux, R., Pierreval, H., Cell formation with alternative process plan
and machine capacity constraints: A new combined approach (2000) Int J Prod Econ,
64, pp. 279-284;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Manufacturing cell's design in consideration of various
production factors (2002) Int J Prod Res, 40 (4), pp. 885-906;
Won, Y., Kim, S., Multiple criteria clustering algorithm for solving the group
technology problem with multiple process routings (1997) Comp Industr Engin, 32
(1), pp. 207-220;
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Eiselt, H.A., Sandblom, C.L., Spielberg, K., Richards, R., (2000) Integer
Programming and Network Models, , Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kim, C.O.; Department of Information and Industrial
Engineering, Yonsei University, 120-749 Seoul, South Korea; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Cheng, C.-H., Madans, M.S., Motwan, J.

Designing cellular manufacturing systems by a truncated tree search
(1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34 (2), pp. 349-361. Cited 9

DOI: 10.1080/00207549608904907
AFFILIATIONS: Depanment of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong;
Management Department, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI, 53190,
United States;
Department of Management, Seidman School of Business, Grand Valley State
University, 301 W. Fulton, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, United States
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem in designing cellular manufacturing systems is
formulated as a 0-1 quadratic programming model. The objective of the model is to
minimize intercellular moves using distance as a measure. A truncated tree search
algorithm to solve the cell formation problem is presented. The performance of the
algorithm is tested on several problems obtained from the literature. Comparison of
the results of the algorithm with some existing approaches is presented. In
addition, this paper extends the truncated tree search approach to deal with
multiple machines in the cell formation problem. © 1996 Taylor & Francis Group,
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Manufacture; Mathematical models; Mathematical
programming; Performance; Problem solving; Trees (mathematics), Cell formation;
Cellular manufacturing systems; Quadratic programming; Truncated tree search,
Systems analysis
REFERENCES: Boe, J.W., Cheng, C.H., A close neighbour algorithm for designing
cellular manufacturing systems (1991) International Journal of Production Research,
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Omega, 20 (4), pp. 493-501;
King, J.R., Machine-component group formation in production flow analysis: An
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Production Research, 18 (2), pp. 213-232;
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pp. 117-133;
Kusiak, A., (1990) Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, , New Jersey: Prentice Hall);

Kusiak, A., Boe, W.J., Cheng, C.H., Designing cellular manufacturing systems:
Branch-and-bound and A approaches (1993) HE Transactions, 25 (4), pp. 46-56;
Kusiak, A., Chow, W.S., Efficient solving of the group technology problem (1986)
Journal of Manufacturing System, 6 (2), pp. 117-124;
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Seifoddini, H., Wolfe, P.M., Application of the similarity coefficient method in
group technology (1986) IIE Transactions, 18 (3), pp. 271-277;
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formation applications (1989) Computer and Industrial Engineering, 16 (3), pp. 419-
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Cheng, C.-H.; Depanment of Systems Engineering and
Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Rajagopal, V., Chandrasekar, K., Victor Raj, M.

Cell formation using tabu search for design of cellular manufacturing system
(2015) International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 7 (1),
pp. 81-91. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2015.066170
AFFILIATIONS: Sardar Raja College of Engineering, Alangulam, Tirunelveli,
Tamilnadu, 627808, India
ABSTRACT: A large number of non-traditional search algorithms are available for
function optimisation. The cell formation problem is the important step in the
design of a cellular manufacturing system. The objective is to identify part
families and machine groups and consequently to form manufacturing cells with
respect to minimising the number of exceptional elements. An efficient tabu search
(TS) algorithm is proposed to solve cell formation problem because it perform
considerable search before terminating to provide a good solution to the problem.
In this work the implementation of tabu search for the design of cell formation
problem and minimise the number of exceptional elements has been done by this
method and it is compared with other existing methods. Copyright © 2015
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Group technology; Tabu search
REFERENCES: Albadawi, Z., Bashir, H.A., Chen, M., A mathematical approach for the
formation of manufacturing cells (2005) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 48 (1),
pp. 3-21;
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Yasuda, K., Yin, Y., A dissimilarity measure for solving the cell formation problem
in cellular manufacturing (2001) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 39 (1-2), pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Victor Raj, M.; Sardar Raja College of EngineeringIndia
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17572657
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Comput. Aided Eng. Technol.
SOURCE: Scopus

Yin, Y., Yasuda, K.

Reconsidering generalized similarity coefficient via a sequence ratio
(2004) International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and
Practice, 11 (2), pp. 140-150. Cited 3 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Pub. Plcy./Social Studies, Yamagata University, 1-4-12,

Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi 990-8560, Japan;
Grad. Sch. of Economics/Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-Ku, Sendai
980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: Generalized Similarity Coefficient (GSC) is an extension of Jaccard
similarity coefficient to deal with cell formation problems that incorporate
alternative process routings. A drawback of GSC is that it ignores the impact of
material flows. Due to this drawback, flexibilities brought by alternative process
routings have been wiped out. The contribution of this paper is to overcome this
drawback by introducing a sequence ratio. We extend GSC to take into account
operation sequences of parts. We also propose a heuristic algorithm that improves
solutions obtained by Average Linkage Clustering (ALC) algorithm. Comparative
experimentations are executed to test the new similarity coefficient and the
extended-ALC algorithm, and the results of comparison show that the new approach
not only performs superior than previous GSC and ALC, but also reflects the real-
life production situations accurately. Significance: The new similarity coefficient
can model three different scenarios: a traditional cell formation problem; a cell
formation problem which incorporates alternative process routings, and a cell
formation problem which incorporates both alternative process routings and
operation sequences that exist in the real-life production. © International Journal
of Industrial Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: ALC algorithm; Alternative process routings; Cell formation;
Operation sequence; Similarity coefficient
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Calculations; Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic
methods; Mathematical models; Matrix algebra; Optimization; Process engineering;
Production engineering, Alternative process routings; Average linkage clustering
algorithm; Cell formation; Operation sequence; Similarity coefficient, Cellular
REFERENCES: Chen, C.L., Cotruvo, N.A., Baek, W., A simulated annealing solution to
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Won, Y., Kim, S., Multiple criteria clustering algorithm for solving the group
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Yasuda, K., Yin, Y., A dissimilarity measure for solving the cell formation problem
in cellular manufacturing (2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39, pp. 1-
Zhao, C.W., Wu, Z.M., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
mltiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal of Production
Research, 38, pp. 385-395
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Yin, Y.; Dept. of Pub. Plcy./Social Studies, Yamagata
University, 1-4-12, Kojirakawa-cho, Yamagata-shi 990-8560, Japan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 10724761
SOURCE: Scopus

Seo, K.-K., Park, J.-H.

Adaptive clustering algorithm for recycling cell formation: An application of fuzzy
ART neural networks
(2004) KSME International Journal, 18 (12), pp. 2137-2147.

DOI: 10.1007/BF02990218
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Information, Sangmyng University, San 98-20,
Anso-Dong, Chonan, Chungnam 330-720, South Korea;
CAD/CAM Research Center, Korea Inst. of Sci. and Technology, P.O.Box 131,
Cheongryang, Seoul, South Korea
ABSTRACT: The recycling cell formation problem means that disposal products are
classified into recycling part families using group technology in their end-of-life
phase. Disposal products have the uncertainties of product status by usage
influences during product use phase, and recycling cells are formed design, process
and usage attributes. In order to deal with the uncertainties, fuzzy set theory and
fuzzy logic-based neural network model are applied to recycling cell formation
problem for disposal products. Fuzzy C-mean algorithm and a heuristic approach
based on fuzzy ART neural network is suggested. Especially, the modified Fuzzy ART
neural network is shown that it has a good clustering results and gives an
extension for systematically generating alternative solutions in the recycling cell
formation problem. Disposal refrigerators are shown as examples.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Fuzzy ART neural network; Fuzzy C-Mean Algorithm; Fuzzy Theory;
Recycling Cell Formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Expert systems; Fuzzy sets; Mathematical models; Neural
networks; Recycling, Fuzzy ART neural network; Fuzzy C-Mean Algorithms; Fuzzy
theory; Recycling cell formation, Algorithms
REFERENCES: Alting, L., Legarth, J.B., Life cycle and design (1995) Annals of CIRP,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Seo, K.-K.; Department of Industrial Information, Sangmyng
University, San 98-20, Anso-Dong, Chonan, Chungnam 330-720, South Korea; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
ISSN: 12264865
SOURCE: Scopus

Venugopal, V., Narendran, T.T.

Machine-cell formation through neural network models
(1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32 (9), pp. 2105-2116. Cited
56 times.
DOI: 10.1080/00207549408957061
AFFILIATIONS: Operations Management and Systems Area, XLRI, Jamshedpur, India;
Industrial Engineering and Management Division, Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, India
ABSTRACT: Identification of machine-cells is one of the most important problems in
the design of cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs). It involves decomposing a
manufacturing system into machine-cells by grouping machines and parts. Several
algorithms with varying degrees of success have been proposed and utilised to solve
this problem. Among the modern tools, neural network models have the potential to
solve the machine-cell formation problem. Choosing the competitive learning model,
adaptive resonance theory (ART) model and self-organizing feature map (SOFM) model
from neural network theory for this purpose, we demonstrate their suitability for
solving the machine-cell formation problem. Applications on trial problems show the
viability for solving the machine-cell formations problem and stand testimony to
the practical utility of neural network models in designing CMSs. © 1994 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Venugopal, V.; Operations Management and Systems Area,
XLRI, Jamshedpur, India
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Modrak, V., Semanco, P.

Optimisation of manufacturing cell formation algorithm through parameters of
genetic operators
(2015) Proceedings - CIE 45: 2015 International Conference on Computers and
Industrial Engineering, .

AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of

Kosice, Presov, Slovakia
ABSTRACT: Genetic algorithms are frequently used for a number of optimisation
problems in operations research including manufacturing cell formation problem. In
this paper are explored possibilities of Taguchi experimental design for a
calibration of genetic algorithm parameters for manufacturing cell formation
problems considering production data. For this purpose two groups of experiments
will be constructed and compared. This work provides further evidence that the
efficiency of genetic algorithm is dependent on initial parameters.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Exceptional elements; Experimental testing; Genetic algorithm;
Genetic operators
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms;
Industrial research; Manufacture; Operations research; Optimization; Parameter
estimation, Algorithm parameters; Exceptional elements; Experimental testing;
Genetic operators; Initial parameter; Manufacturing cell formation; Optimisation
problems; Taguchi experimental design, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Hertz, A., Jaumard, B., Ribeiro, C., Formosinho, F.W., A multicriteria
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algorithms and tabu search for solving binary and comprehensive machine-grouping
problems (2002) International Journal of Production Research, 40, pp. 2141-2158;
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Modrak, V.; Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies,
Technical University of KosiceSlovakia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Universite de Lorraine


ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. - CIE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Seifoddini, H.
Machine-component group analysis versus the similarity coefficient method in
cellular manufacturing applications
(1990) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 18 (3), pp. 333-339. Cited 16 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(90)90055-Q
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, United States
ABSTRACT: Among approaches to the machine cell formation problem, the similarity
coefficient method and machine-component group analysis have been widely used to
form machine cells for cellular manufacturing applications. While algorithms based
on machine-component group analysis work effectively in cases of disjoint machine-
component groups, they do not provide satisfactory solutions in the presence of
bottleneck machines. The similarity coefficient method overcomes this problem. This
paper compares these two approaches when applied to the machine cell formation
problem. © 1990.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Mathematical Techniques -
Algorithms, Cellular Manufacturing; Machine Component Group Analysis; Similarity
Coefficient Method, Computer Programming
REFERENCES: Chan, Milner, Direct clustering algorithm for group formation in
cellular manufacturing (1982) J. Mfg Syst., 1 (1), pp. 65-74;
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Seifoddini, Cost-based machine-component grouping model: in group technology (1984)
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manufacturing (1988) Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, , Industrial and Systems
Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee;
Askin, Subramanion, A within-cell utilization based heuristic for designing
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(5), pp. 639-665;
Burbidge, (1975) The Introduction of Group Technology, , Wiley, New York;
Carrie, Numerical taxonomy applied to group technology and plant layout (1973) Int.
J. Prod. Res., 11 (4), pp. 399-416;
Chakravaty, Shtub, An integrated layout for group technology with in-process
inventory costs (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22 (3), pp.
Chandrasekharan, Rajagopalan, An ideal seed non-hierarchical clustering algorithm
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Dewitte, The use of similarity coefficients in production flow analysis (1980)
International Journal of Production Research, 18 (4), pp. 503-514;
Kusiak, The generalized group technology concept (1987) Int. J. Prod. Res., 25 (4),
pp. 569-961;
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approach (1975) Int. J. Prod. Res., 13 (6), pp. 567-579
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Seifoddini, H.; Department of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Defersha, F.M., Chen, M.

A parallel genetic algorithm for dynamic cell formation in cellular manufacturing
(2008) International Journal of Production Research, 46 (22), pp. 6389-6413. Cited
26 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540701441962
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve W, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada
ABSTRACT: Instead of using expensive multiprocessor supercomputers, parallel
computing can be implemented on a cluster of inexpensive personal computers.
Commercial accesses to high performance parallel computing are also available on
the pay-per-use basis. However, literature on the use of parallel computing in
production research is limited. In this paper, we present a dynamic cell formation
problem in manufacturing systems solved by a parallel genetic algorithm approach.
This method improves our previous work on the use of sequential genetic algorithm
(GA). Six parallel GAs for the dynamic cell formation problem were developed and
tested. The parallel GAs are all based on the island model using migration of
individuals but are different in their connection topologies. The performance of
the parallel GA approach was evaluated against a sequential GA as well as the off-
shelf optimization software. The results are very encouraging. The considered
dynamic manufacturing cell formation problem incorporates several design factors.
They include dynamic cell configuration, alternative routings, sequence of
operations, multiple units of identical machines, machine capacity, workload
balancing, production cost and other practical constraints.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm; Integer programming;
Parallel computing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Boolean functions; Cells; Cytology; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Optimization; Parallel
algorithms; Parallel processing systems; Personal computers; Problem solving;
Sequential switching; Supercomputers, Alternative routings; Cellular manufacturing
systems; Design factors; Dynamic cell configuration; Dynamic cell formation;
Genetic algorithm; High performance parallel computing; Identical machines; Integer
programming; Island models; Manufacturing cell formation; Manufacturing systems;
Optimization software; Parallel computing; Parallel GA; Parallel genetic algorithm;
Production costs; Production research; Work load balancing, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Alba, E., Troya, J.M., Influence of the migration policy in parallel
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Wicks, E.M., Reasor, R.J., Designing cellular manufacturing systems with dynamic
part populations (1999) HE Trans, 31, pp. 11-20
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, M.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve W, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8,
Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Spiliopoulos, K., Sofianopoulou, S.

Manufacturing cell design with alternative routings in generalized group
technology: Reducing the complexity of the solution space
(2007) International Journal of Production Research, 45 (6), pp. 1355-1367. Cited
17 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540600719674
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management, University of Piraeus, 80
Karaoli and Demetriou Str., 185 34 Piraeus, Greece
ABSTRACT: In the presence of alternative routings, the manufacturing cell design
involves the solution of a large number of (simple) cell-formation problems. We
present a bounding scheme which examines all combinations of alternative routings
and solves only a few cell-formation problems, thereby limiting the solution space
which is searched heuristically. This leads to increased reliability for the
solutions obtained. The resulting algorithm is shown to be applicable for problems
arising in practice frequently, when the initial design includes relatively few
exceptional elements, and machine duplication and/or genuine multiple process plans
are used correctively, to eliminate the remaining intercellular traffic.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Complexity; Generalized group technology;
Manufacturing cell design; Solution space
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Heuristic methods; Operations research, Bounding
scheme; Cell design; Machine duplication; Solution space, Problem solving
REFERENCES: Adenso-Díaz, B., Lozano, S., Racero, J., Guerrero, F., Machine cell
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Sofianopoulou, S., Application of simulated annealing to a linear model for the
formation of machine cells in group technology (1997) Int. J. Prod. Res, 35, pp.
Sofianopoulou, S., Manufacturing cell design with alternative process plans and/or
replicate machines (1999) Int. J. Prod. Res, 37, pp. 707-720;
Solimanpur, M., Vrat, P., Shankar, R., Ant colony optimization algorithm to the
inter-cell layout problem in cellular manufacturing (2004) Eur. J. Oper. Res, 157,
pp. 592-606;
Spiliopoulos, K., Sofianopoulou, S., An optimal tree search method for the
manufacturing systems cell formation problem (1998) Eur. J. Oper. Res, 105, pp.
Spiliopoulos, K., Sofianopoulou, S., Designing manufacturing cells: A staged
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Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the U.S. industry: A survey of
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problem with alternative process plans (2004) Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol, 24, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sofianopoulou, S.; Department of Industrial Management,
University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Demetriou Str., 185 34 Piraeus, Greece;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Lee, Kyung-Mi, Yamakawa, Takeshi, Lee, Keon-Myung

Machine-part grouping for cellular manufacturing systems: A neural network approach
(1997) International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems,
Proceedings, KES, 2, pp. 575-580. Cited 2 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Kyushu Inst of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan

ABSTRACT: The machine cell formation problem is one to group machines into machine
families and parts into part families so as to minimize bottleneck machines,
exceptional parts, and inter-cell part movements in cellular manufacturing systems
and flexible manufacturing systems. This paper proposes a new machine cell
formation method based on the adaptive Hamming net which is a neural network model.
To see the applicability of the method, it shows some experiment results and
compares the proposed method with other cell formation methods. From the
experiments, we can see that the proposed method can produce good cells for the
machine cell formation problem.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Adaptive control systems; Neural networks; Problem solving,
Adaptive Hamming net; Cell formation; Group technology (GT), Flexible manufacturing
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lee, Kyung-Mi; Kyushu Inst of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan
PUBLISHER: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States

CODEN: 00267
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int Conf Knowledge Based Intell Electron Syst Proc KES
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Pandian, R.S., Mahapatra, S.S.

Cell formation with operational time using ART1 networks
(2010) International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 6 (4), pp. 377-
397. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2010.032915
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalasalingam University,
Virudhunagar, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
769008 Orissa, India
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problems are typically combinatorial optimisation problems
and pose difficulties to obtaining quality solutions. Researchers have proposed
various algorithms based on different approaches to obtain disjoint machine cells.
The major limitations of these approaches lie in the fact that real-life production
factors, such as operational times, lot sizes and sequence of operations for
different parts are not taken into account. In the present work, an attempt has
been made to propose an Adaptive Resonance Theory 1 (ART1) algorithm to handle the
real valued workload matrix. ART1 algorithm is one of the types of Artificial
Neural Networks that is used in many applications such as image processing, data
clustering, pattern recognition, etc. It is one of the prominent approaches found
in literature for cell formation problems. A Modified Grouping Efficiency (MGE) is
proposed to measure the performance of the algorithm. The performance of the
proposed algorithm is compared with that of the K-means method and Genetic
Algorithm (GA). The results distinctly indicate that the proposed algorithm is
quite flexible, fast and efficient in computation for cell formation problems and
can be conveniently applied in industries. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Adaptive resonance theory 1; ART1; Cell formation; Grouping
efficiency; K-means clustering
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SOURCE: Scopus

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Evolving knowledge for the solution of clustering problems in cellular
(2004) International Journal of Production Research, 42 (19), pp. 4119-4133. Cited
11 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540410001711845
AFFILIATIONS: Sch. of Comp. Sci. and Engineering, Cyprus College, 6 Diogenous
Street, Engomi, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus;
Department of Automatic Control, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: Hierarchical clustering has been widely used for the solution of problems
in the area of cellular manufacturing. Hierarchical clustering procedures utilize
coefficients that quantify the level of similarity between pairs of machines or
parts in the plant. An evolutionary methodology is proposed for the construction of
new similarity coefficients that can be used by standard hierarchical clustering
methodologies for the solution of cell-formation problems. A typical application is
presented for the simplest case of the cell-formation problem. However, alternative
similarity coefficients can be evolved for advanced formulations of the problem by
suitably modifying the set of fitness cases that constitute the environment of the
evolutionary process.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular radio systems; Economic and social effects;
Group technology; Hierarchical systems; Mathematical models; Societies and
institutions, Cell-formations; Cellular manufacture; Multistage processes, Problem
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dimopoulos, C.; Sch. of Comp. Sci. and Engineering, Cyprus
College, 6 Diogenous Street, Engomi, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Selim, H.M., Askin, R.G., Vakharia, A.J.

Cell formation in group technology: Review, evaluation and directions for future
(1998) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 3-20. Cited 313 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Production Engineering Department, Coll. of Engineering and

Technology, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt;
Syst. and Indust. Eng. Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, United
Dept. of Decis. and Info. Sciences, College of Business Administration, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses and reviews a fundamental issue in cellular
manufacturing - cell formation. This problem is of strategic and operational
importance in that it affects the fundamental structure and the overall layout of a
cellular manufacturing system. We first provide a comprehensive mathematical
formulation of the cell formation problem and then propose a methodology-based
classification of prior research. This classification is used in reviewing the most
recent literature on the cell formation problem. Based on a comparison and critical
evaluation, we highlight the shortcomings of current approaches and also outline
directions for future research. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Group technology; Systems analysis;
Technological forecasting, Cell formation, Cellular manufacturing
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Wei, J.C., Gaither, N.

A capacity constrained multiobjective cell formation method
(1990) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 9 (3), pp. 222-232. Cited 57 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0278-6125(90)90053-K
AFFILIATIONS: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States;
Texas A and M University, College Station, TX, United States
ABSTRACT: This study addresses a fundamental difficulty in designing cellular
manufacturing (CM) systems, the cell formation problem. This problem has its
strategic importance in that it affects the fundamental structure and overall
layout of a CM system. A heuristic model is developed which assigns parts and
machines to manufacturing cells while taking into account machine capacities,
product routings, relevant costs, and several objectives of production systems. A
full factorial experimental design is used to evaluate the effects of environmental
factors on the performance of the heursitic model. Large cell formation problems
are solved with the heuristic model to further characterize the model with respect
to solution characteristics and computer run time. © 1990.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular Manufacturing; Group Technology; Heuristics;
Multiobjective Programming
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wei, J.C.; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Hu, B., Chen, M., Defersha, F.M.

An Integrated method for multiobjectives cell formation in cellular manufacturing
(2007) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 11 (3-4),
pp. 355-372. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2007.013324
AFFILIATIONS: Management College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 43007, China;
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, 1455
Maisonneuve West, Montreal, Que. H3G 1M8, Canada;
Management College, China;
Advanced Management Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(HUST), Wuhan, China;
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University,
Montreal, Canada
ABSTRACT: In this research, an integrated method was developed to solve a
multiobjective cell formation problem. The method consists of an integer
programming model, a heuristic algorithm for generating alternative cell
formations, a computer simulation model for investigating system performances and a
Back Propagation (BP) artificial neural network model for selecting the best system
configuration. The criteria considered in solving the overall cell formation
problem include system related costs, part completion times, queue lengths and
machine utilisation. The BP neural network is designed to incorporate expert
experience to evaluate different cell formations considering system costs and
performances. Numerical examples are provided to test and illustrate the model and
the developed method. Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Back Propagation (BP) neural networks; Cell formation; Computer
simulation; Integer programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Back Propagation (BP) neural networks; Cell formation; Machine
utilization; Part completion times, Backpropagation; Computer simulation; Heuristic
algorithms; Integer programming; Mathematical models; Neural networks; Numerical
methods, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, M.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 Maisonneuve West, Montreal, Que. H3G 1M8,
Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 13682148
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Pai, P.-F., Chang, P.-T., Lee, S.-Y.

Part-machine family formation using genetic algorithms in a fuzzy environment
(2005) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (11-12), pp.
1175-1179. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-1944-z
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Chang-Hwa
515, Taiwan;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information, Tung-Hai
University, Taichung, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: In traditional cell-formation problems, it is assumed that each part is
developed on a single machine. However, in many realistic situations, the
suitability of alternative machines for developing the same part feature is
frequently vague. Therefore, the fuzzy relation is ideally suited to represent this
vague and uncertain cell-formation problem. Furthermore, part-machine family
formation problems are usually NP-complete. In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA)
is used to deal with the problem. The aim of this study is to design a GA-based
algorithm to solve the part-machine family formation problem in a fuzzy
environment. The results of computational tests presented are very promising. ©
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2004.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Fuzzy set theory; Genetic algorithms; Part-machine family
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Fuzzy sets; Linear programming; Matrix
algebra; Optimization; Problem solving; Self organizing maps, Cell-formation; Fuzzy
environments; Fuzzy set theory; Part-machine family formation, Genetic algorithms
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University, Chang-Hwa 515, Taiwan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Sun, D., Lin, L., Batta, R.

Cell formation using tabu search
(1995) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 28 (3), pp. 485-494. Cited 40 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at

Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14260, United States
ABSTRACT: We present a tabu search-based cell formation algorithm in this paper.
The cell formation problem studied here is to group machines into cells such that
the material movement between cells is minimized. By using a weighted graph to
represent the material movement between machines, we model the cell formation
problem as a graph partition problem. The algorithm solves this problem through
improving a cell configuration using the tabu search technique. A binary-tree data
structure and a look-ahead scheme are developed for the algorithm to increase its
efficiency and effectiveness. Our computational results show that this algorithm is
capable of generating very good cell configurations in moderate computational time.
© 1995.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational methods; Data structures; Problem
solving; Trees (mathematics), Cell formation algorithm; Graph partition problem;
Material movement; Tabu search, Production engineering
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sun, D.; Department of Industrial Engineering, State
University of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14260, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Liu, C.-M., Wu, J.-K.

Machine cell formation: Using the simulated annealing algorithm
(1993) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 6 (6), pp. 335-
349. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1080/09511929308944585
AFFILIATIONS: Institute of Industrial Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: The application of the simulated annealing algorithm to machine cell
formation problems is presented in this paper. This general algorithm is not
influenced by the initial machine-component incidence matrix and has the potential
of being extended to solve more complex problems. The concept of penalty costs is
introduced into the objective functions to prevent the solution from violating
given constraints. Two cooling schedules for the simulated annealing algorithm are
adopted to detect the applicability of the algorithm to machine cell formation
problems. The results show that the simulated annealing algorithm is able to find a
near-optimal solution within a polynomial time even for the large-scale problems of
machine cell formation. © 1993 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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Seifoddini, H.
Machine grouping - Expert systems. Comparison between single linkage and average
linkage clustering techniques in forming machine cells
(1988) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 15 (1-4), pp. 210-216. Cited 16 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(88)90088-5
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper compares the single linkage and average linkage clustering
techniques when applied to the machine cells formation problem and points out the
advantages and disadvantages of each technique. © 1988.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Industrial Plants--Computer Applications; Productivity--Computer
Applications, Cellular Manufacturing Systems; Linkage Clustering Techniques; Slink
Algorithm, Computer Programming
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Seifoddini, H.; Industrial and Systems Engineering
Department, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Ramabhatta, V., Nagi, R.

An integrated formulation of manufacturing cell formation with capacity planning
and multiple routings
(1998) Annals of Operations Research, 77, pp. 79-95. Cited 32 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, 342 Bell Hall, Stt. Univ. of

New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an integrated mathematical programming formulation of
the manufacturing cell formation problem introduced by Nagi et al. The formulation
incorporates critical production planning issues that include long-term projected
production requirements, resource capacity constraints, functionally identical
machines and alternative process plans in the cell formation problem, with a common
objective of minimizing the resulting intercell material handling effort. This
problem is NP-hard. The previous work presented a heuristic solution based on
decomposing the integrated problem into capacitated route selection and cell
formation sub-problems that are solved iteratively until convergence. Like all fast
heuristics, the method may suffer from poor solution quality, and non-heuristic
methods cannot address problems of typical industrial dimensions because they would
require exorbitant amounts of computing time. To overcome both these deficiencies,
this paper (i) presents a 0-1 Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation
alternative to the integrated cell formation problem, (ii) based on this
formulation, develops a branch-and-bound procedure that provides improved solutions
compared to those obtained by the heuristic of Nagi et al. (1990), and (iii) makes
possible derivation of lower bounds to assess the quality gap when optimal
solutions are unavailable or require excessive computing time. This work is
important because it allows for better solutions to realistic industrial-sized
problem instances.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch-and-bound algorithm; Cellular manufacturing; Group
Technology; Manufacturing cell formation; Mixed integer linear programming
REFERENCES: Askin, R., Subramanian, S.B., A cost-based heuristic for Group
Technology configuration (1987) International Journal of Production Research, 25,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ramabhatta, V.; Department of Industrial Engineering, 342
Bell Hall, Stt. Univ. of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, United States;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02545330
SOURCE: Scopus

Kochikar, V.P., Narendran, T.T.

Logical cell formation in FMS, using flexibility-based criteria
(1998) International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 10 (2), pp. 163-
182+184. Cited 17 times.

DOI: 10.1023/A:1008049515026
AFFILIATIONS: Education Department, Infosys Technologies Ltd., Electronics City,
Bangalore, India;
Industrial Engineering Division, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
ABSTRACT: Flexible manufacturing systems often are organized into a cellular
architecture for ease of operation. The formation of these cells sometimes has been
treated as an extension of the conventional cell-formation problem. This paper
argues that, owing to the existence of flexible routing and transfer capabilities,
the cell-formation problem in FMSs should be treated as quite distinct from that in
conventional manufacturing systems and shows that a flexibility-based procedure is
apt for overcoming the deficiencies of earlier forays into this area. Manufacturing
cell flexibility is defined as a composite of three flexibility measures:
producibility, processivity, and transferability. The problem of cell formation is
modeled as flexibility maximization, and a procedure is developed for the
simultaneous formation of machine cells and part families, while heuristically
maximizing within-cell flexibility.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Flexible manufacturing systems; Manufacturing
flexibility; Reachability graphs
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computational complexity; Graph theory;
Heuristic methods; Optimization; Problem solving; Process control; Scheduling;
Automation; Mathematical models; Production control, Cell formation; Manufacturing
flexibility; Reachability graphs; Logical cell formations, Flexible manufacturing
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Ltd., Electronics City, Bangalore, India
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SOURCE: Scopus

Cheng, C.H., Gupta, Y.P., Lee, W.H., Wong, K.F.

A TSP-based heuristic for forming machine groups and part families
(1998) International Journal of Production Research, 36 (5), pp. 1325-1337. Cited
78 times.

DOI: 10.1080/002075498193345
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
College of Business and Administration, The University of Colorado at Denver,
Denver, CO, 80217, United States
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing has been proposed as a layout approach to improve
manufacturing efficiency and productivity. In implementing cellular manufacturing,
parts are grouped into part families based on their similarity in manufacturing,
and machines are grouped into machine cells to reduce intercellular movement of
parts. To model the cellular manufacturing problem, a machinepart incidence matrix
is often used. A cell formation algorithm must produce machine cells and associated
part families to minimize intercellular movement of parts. In this paper, the cell
formation problem is formulated as a travelling salesman problem (TSP) and a
solution methodology based on genetic algorithms (GAs) is proposed to solve the
TSP-cell formation problem. The proposed algorithm is compared very favourably to a
well-known algorithm available in the literature. © 1998 Taylor & Francis Group,
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational methods; Genetic algorithms; Mathematical models;
Matrix algebra; Problem solving; Process control; Production control; Productivity;
Scheduling, Machine part incidence matrix; Travelling salesman problem (TSP),
Flexible manufacturing systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Gupta, Y.P.; College of Business and Administration, The
University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO, 80217, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Brusco, M.J., Steinley, D.

Exact and approximate algorithms for part-machine clustering based on a
relationship between interval graphs and Robinson matrices
(2007) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 39 (10), pp. 925-935.
Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1080/07408170701411393
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Marketing, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL,
United States;
Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia,
MO, United States
ABSTRACT: An important manufacturing cell formation problem requires permutations
of the rows (parts) and columns (machines) of a part-machine incidence matrix such
that the reordered matrix exhibits a block-diagonal form. Numerous objective
criteria and algorithms have been proposed for this problem. In this paper, a new
perspective is offered that is based on the relationship between the consecutive
ones property associated with interval graphs and Robinson structure within
symmetric matrices. This perspective enables the cell formation problem to be
decomposed into two permutation subproblems (one for rows and one for columns) that
can be solved optimally using dynamic programming or a branch-and-bound algorithm
for matrices of nontrivial size. A simulated annealing heuristic is offered for
larger problem instances. Results pertaining to the application of the proposed
methods for a number of problems from the literature are presented.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Branch and bound; Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic programming;
Facility layout; Interval graphs; Robinson matrix
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Dynamic programming; Graphic methods; Matrix algebra;
Plant layout; Simulated annealing, Interval graphs; Part-machine incidence matrix;
Robinson matrix, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Brusco, M.J.; Department of Marketing, Florida State
University, Tallahassee, FL, United States
ISSN: 0740817X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Xambre, A.R., Vilarinho, P.M.

A simulated annealing approach for manufacturing cell formation with multiple
identical machines
(2003) European Journal of Operational Research, 151 (2), pp. 434-446. Cited 76

DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00836-6
AFFILIATIONS: Departamento de Economia, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
ABSTRACT: One of the crucial steps in the design of a cellular manufacturing system
is the cell formation problem, which involves grouping the parts into part families
and machines into manufacturing cells, so that parts with similar processing
requirements are manufactured within the same cell. When modelling this problem it
is usually assumed that the specific machine in which each operation is carried out
is known. In a cellular manufacturing system where multiple, functionally
identical, machines are available, a new degree of freedom can be introduced into
this problem - the allocation of the operations to specific machines. In this paper
a mathematical programming model for the cell formation problem with multiple
identical machines, which minimises the intercellular flow, is presented. Due to
the combinatorial nature of this problem a simulated annealing algorithm was
developed to solve it. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Manufacturing; Simulated
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Mathematical programming; Problem solving; Simulated
annealing, Block diagonal form (BDF), Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Xambre, A.R.; Departamento de Economia, Universidade de
Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03772217
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Islam, K.M.S., Sarker, B.R.

A similarity coefficient measure and machine-parts grouping in cellular
manufacturing systems
(2000) International Journal of Production Research, 38 (3), pp. 699-720. Cited 69

DOI: 10.1080/002075400189374
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng., Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6409, United States
ABSTRACT: For more than three decades, similarity coefficient measures-one of the
important tools for solving group technology problems-have gained the attention of
the research community in cellular manufacturing systems. A new similarity
coefficient measure that uses a set of important characteristic properties for
grouping is developed here for use as an intermediate tool to form cohesive cells.
A mathematical model that uses this similarity coefficient for optimally solving
the cell-formation problems in cellular manufacturing is developed. A heuristic
procedure that improves the optimal methodology in term of solution capability of
the large instances is devised for an efficient solution. Both the optimal
methodology and the heuristic are applied to some well-known problems from
literature to compare the grouping efficiencies. The similarity coefficient and the
solution methodologies developed are able to solve the cell formation problems
INDEX KEYWORDS: Group technology; Heuristic methods; Machine components;
Mathematical models; Problem solving, Machine-parts grouping, Cellular
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SOURCE: Scopus

Rafiei, H., Rabbani, M., Gholizadeh, H., Dashti, H.

A novel hybrid SA/GA algorithm for solving an integrated cell formation–job
scheduling problem with sequence-dependent set-up times
(2016) International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 11
(3), pp. 134-142. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1080/17509653.2014.1003109
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problems attempt to assign machines and products to
manufacturing cells so as to minimize inter-cell moves, in which some other aspects
of the manufacturing system, such as time of order delivery, have been mostly
neglected. To fill the gap, this paper addresses the cell formation problem and job
scheduling simultaneously. To this end, a mixed integer nonlinear program is
proposed to address issues related to both cell formation and job scheduling in a
job shop layout. The proposed model minimizes the costs of operations and
transportation in a single-period setting, since the problem considered is a
strategic problem. Moreover, a hybrid simulated-annealing/genetic (SA/GA) algorithm
is developed to cope with the complexity of the proposed model. Finally, numerical
experiments are reported that validate the performance of the hybrid algorithm
developed. © 2015 International Society of Management Science and Engineering
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm;
Group scheduling; Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rabbani, M.; School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
College of Engineering, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN: 17509653
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Manage. Sci. Eng. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Onwubolu, G.C., Songore, V.

A tabu search approach to cellular manufacturing systems
(2000) Production Planning and Control, 11 (2), pp. 153-164. Cited 12 times.

DOI: 10.1080/095372800232351
AFFILIATIONS: Olivine Industries, P.O. Box 797, Harare, Zimbabwe;
Department of Industrial Engineering, National University of Science and
Technology, P.O. Box AC 939, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
ABSTRACT: A tabu search metaheuristic-based cell formation procedure is presented
in this paper. The cell formation problem solved here is to group machines and
part-families simultaneously into cells so that intercellular movements are
minimized. An option for considering the minimization of cell load variation is
included and another which combines minimization of intercellular movements and
cell load variation exists. The algorithm solves this problem through improving a
cell configuration using the tabu search metaheuristic. The designer is allowed to
specify the number of cells required a priori and impose lower and upper bounds on
cell size. This makes the tabu search scheme flexible for solving the cell
formation problems, The solution procedure was found to perform well on tested
large-scale problems and published data sets. the results of computational tests
presented are very encouraging. © 2000, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Metaheuristics; Tabu
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Costs; Group technology; Heuristic methods; Industrial
research; Planning; Problem solving, Tabu search, Cellular manufacturing
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Mak, K.L., Wong, Y.S., Wang, X.X.

Adaptive genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation
(2000) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16 (7), pp. 491-
497. Cited 95 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s001700070057
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng., University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong;
Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng., University of Hong Kong, Haking Wong
Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: An adaptive genetic approach is proposed as an effective means of
providing the optimal solution to the manufacturing cell formation problem in the
design of cellular manufacturing systems. The proposed approach generates the
optimal formation of machine cells and part families by sequencing the rows and
columns of a machine-part incidence matrix, so as to maximize the bond energy of
the incidence matrix. In order to enhance the performance of the genetic search
process, an adaptive scheme is adopted, so that the genetic parameters can be
adjusted during the genetic search process. The effectiveness of the proposed
approach is demonstrated by applying it to two numerical examples and 11 benchmark
problems obtained from the literature. The computational results show that the
proposed approach provides a powerful but simple means of solving the manufacturing
cell formation problem and thus facilitates the design of cellular manufacturing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Adaptive algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods;
Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Problem solving; Process engineering;
Production engineering, Genetic search process; Machine-part incidence matrix,
Computer integrated manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag London Ltd., London, United Kingdom
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Seifoddini, H.K.
Single linkage versus average linkage clustering in machine cells formation
(1989) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 16 (3), pp. 419-426. Cited 140 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(89)90160-5
AFFILIATIONS: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, United States
ABSTRACT: Machine cells formation is the process of identifying families of similar
parts (part-families) and forming the associated machine cells such that one or
more part-families can be processed within a single cell. Among approaches to the
machine cells formation problem the similarity coefficient method (SCM) has the
capability of incorporating manufacturing data such as production volume, sequence
of operations, and processing times into the machine cells formation process.
Single Linkage Clustering (SLINK) and Average Linkage Clustering (ALC) are two
widely used clustering techniques based on SCM. While SLINK is simple and has
minimal computational requirement, it may generate machine cells in which a large
number of machines are far apart in terms of similarity. ALC, on the other hand,
overcomes this problem but requires more computations. This paper discusses the
application of these two techniques to the machine cells formation problem. © 1989.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Industrial Plants--Layout; Materials Handling--Automation;
Production Control, Average Linkage Clustering; Machine Cells Formation; Similarly
Coefficient Method; Single Linkage Clustering, Machine Shops
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Milwaukee, WI 53201, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, L., Li, L., Tan, L., Niu, B., Wang, R., Feng, Y.
Improved similarity coefficient and clustering algorithm for cell formation in
cellular manufacturing systems
(2019) Engineering Optimization, .

DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2019.1692204
AFFILIATIONS: College of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China;
College of Management, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen,
College of Mathematics and Statistics, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
ABSTRACT: Cell formation plays an important role in the design of cellular
manufacturing systems. Among many methods utilized to solve the cell formation
problem, the similarity coefficient method is the most widely used owing to its
high flexibility and low computational requirement. However, generalized similarity
coefficients ignore material flow, which is closely related to operation sequence
and repeated operations. Moreover, most similarity coefficient-based clustering
algorithms focus on the number of inter-cell movements but disregard distinction of
the movement effort. To overcome these limitations, this study improves the
generalized similarity coefficient method to form part families. In addition, a new
clustering algorithm is presented to assign machines to cells with minimum
intensity of material inter-cell movement, which depends on the frequency,
production volume and difficulty level of inter-cell movement. Experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed method has superior sensitivity and effectiveness for
solving the cell formation problem. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as
Taylor & Francis Group.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; cellular manufacturing system; clustering
algorithm; inter-cell movement; similarity coefficient method
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PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
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SOURCE: Scopus

Deep, K., Singh, P.K.

Machine cell formation: Using genetic algorithm-based heuristic considering
alternative route
(2015) International Journal of Operational Research, 24 (1), pp. 83-101. Cited 2

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2015.070863
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Guru Jambeshwar University of
Science and Technology, Hissar, 125 001, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Longowal, 148 106, India
ABSTRACT: In this paper, genetic algorithm-based heuristic is proposed to solve the
cell formation problem. The proposed algorithm selects the optimum part route with
certain set of machines before clustering the machine cell. A heuristic is applied
within the genetic algorithm for assignment of parts to independent cell. Further,
trade-off between part inter-cell movement and machine duplication is permitted to
optimise the machine cell design. The proposed model simultaneously considers
relevant production data such as production volume, alternative part process route,
operation sequence and process time. Conventional optimisation method for the
optimal cell formation problem requires significant amount of time and large memory
space. Hence, a genetic algorithm-based heuristic method has been developed for
solving the proposed model. To evaluate the computational performance of the
proposed approach, the algorithm is tested on four benchmark problems collected
from literature. The results approve the effectiveness of the proposed method in
the manufacturing cell formation. © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routing; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm;
Operation sequence
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PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17457645
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Onwubolu, G.C., Mutingi, M.

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(2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39 (1-2), pp. 125-144. Cited 139

DOI: 10.1016/S0360-8352(00)00074-7
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Technology, Univ. of the S. Pac., P.O. Box 1168, Suva,
Olivine Industries Ltd., Birmingham/Plymouth Rd., S., Harare, Zimbabwe
ABSTRACT: A genetic algorithm (GA) metaheuristic-based cell formation procedure is
presented in this paper. The cell formation problem solved here is to
simultaneously group machines and part-families into cells so that intercellular
movements are minimized. An option for considering the minimization of cell load
variation is included and another, which combines minimization of intercellular
movements and cell load-variation, exists. The algorithm solves this problem
through improving a cell configuration using the GA metaheuristic. The designer is
allowed to specify the number of cells required a priori and impose lower and upper
bounds on cell size. This makes the GA scheme flexible for solving the cell
formation problems. The solution procedure was found to perform well on tested
large-scale problems and published data sets. Moreover, the proposed procedure
compares very favorably to a well-known algorithm, and another TSP-based heuristic
available in the literature. The results of computational tests presented are very
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Computer integrated manufacturing; Data
reduction; Genetic algorithms; Group technology; Heuristic methods; Problem
solving; Process engineering; Production control, Metaheuristics, Cellular
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PUBLISHER: Elsevier Science Ltd, Exeter
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SOURCE: Scopus

Zhao, Linhu, Tsujimura, Yasuhiro, Gen, Mitsuo

Genetic algorithm for fuzzy clustering
(1996) Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 716-719.
Cited 27 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Ashikaga Inst of Technology, Ashikaga, Japan

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm for fuzzy clustering. The
initialization procedure and genetic operators such as selection, crossover and
mutation are carefully created, and the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is
demonstrated by two numerical examples, the one is the butterfly, and the other is
the manufacturing cell formation problem.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Fuzzy sets; Manufacture; Matrix algebra; Membership functions;
Optimization; Vectors, Cellular manufacturing; Fuzzy clustering; Group technology,
Genetic algorithms
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zhao, Linhu; Ashikaga Inst of Technology, Ashikaga, Japan
PUBLISHER: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States

CODEN: 00166
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Won, Y., Lee, K.C.

Group technology cell formation considering operation sequences and production
(2001) International Journal of Production Research, 39 (13), pp. 2755-2768. Cited
52 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540010005060
AFFILIATIONS: School of Business Administration, Jeonju University, 1200, 3Ga
Hyoja-dong, Wansan-Gu, Chonju, Chonbuk, 560-759, South Korea;
School of Business Administration, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Myung Ryun 3-53,
Chong No-Gu, Seoul 110-745, South Korea
ABSTRACT: In this paper a new approach for minimizing intercell part flows in
cellularmanufacturing is proposed. Two types of production data-based part-machine
incidence matrices (PMIMs) are developed to reflect the real-field data such as the
operation sequences and production volumes of the parts to be manufactured. The
type I production data-based PMIM represents the actual flows to or from machines
by parts. A 0-1 linear formulation using the type I production data-based PMIM is
developed to minimize the total intercell flows. Once the type I production data-
based PMIM is obtained, a type II production data-based PMIM is constructed to
reflect the actual intercell flows by bottleneck parts requiring operations outside
its corresponding cell. Computational results with the well known data sets in
literature show that the proposed production data-based PMIMs can be used as the
fundamental replacements over the classical binary PMIM in the cell formation
problem, and the mathematical model based on the new PMIMs reflecting the real-
field data can be applied effectively to proper medium-sized cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods; Manufacturing data
processing; Mathematical models; Matrix algebra; Operations research; Production
engineering, Operations sequence; Part machine incidence matrix; Production
volumes, Group technology
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SOURCE: Scopus

Wemmerlöv, U., Hyer, N.L.

Procedures for the part family/machine group identification problem in cellular
(1986) Journal of Operations Management, 6 (2), pp. 125-147. Cited 243 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0272-6963(86)90021-5
AFFILIATIONS: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States;
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States
ABSTRACT: One of the first, and most important, problems faced in the design of a
cellular manufacturing system is the identification of part families and machine
groups and the simultaneous or subsequent evaluation of the associated cell
properties. This cell formation problem is embedded in a larger cell design
process. This article first discusses the general cell design process and its
objectives and then proposes a framework for structuring the cell formation
problem, which encompasses four basic solution approaches. These approaches are
based on the fundamental ways part families and machine groups are identified and
matched within the cell formation process. The framework is then used to classify
descriptive and analytic procedures for the part family/machine group
identification problem found in the literature. In all, over 70 such contributions
are categorized and briefly reviewed. Promising procedures are identified and areas
where additional research is needed are highlighted. It can be concluded that cell
formation, despite the reliance on computerized procedures, is a process that is
difficult to formalize and that requires a large portion of human insight and
decision making. © 1986.
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Purcheck, A Mathematical Classification as a Basis for the Design of Group
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wemmerlöv, U.; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI, United States
ISSN: 02726963
SOURCE: Scopus

Soolaki, M., Arkat, J., Ahmadizar, F.

Modeling the trade-off between manufacturing cell design and supply chain design
(2018) International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 31 (4), pp.

DOI: 10.5829/ije.2018.31.04a.16
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Kurdistan, Iran
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, we are witnessing the growth of firms that distribute the
production capacity of their products to a wide geographic range to supply the
demand of several markets. In this article, the relationships and interactions
between cell design and supply chain design are investigated. For this purpose, a
novel integrated model is presented for designing dynamic cellular manufacturing
systems in supply chain design. Different components in the supply chain design,
such as location of production facilities at a number of candidate sites,
procurement of raw materials from suppliers, shipment of raw materials to
production facilities, manufacturing of products, and distribution of products to
markets are considered in dynamic environments. The costs concerning these
components are minimized. Since the proposed problem is NP-hard, however, a genetic
algorithm is presented for application of the model to real-sized instances.
Numerical examples demonstrate that the algorithm performs successfully in
searching for optimal or near-optimal solutions. © 2018 Materials and Energy
Research Center. All Rights Reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation Problem; Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems;
Genetic Algorithm; Supply Chain Design
INDEX KEYWORDS: Economic and social effects; Genetic algorithms; Product design;
Supply chains, Cell formation problem; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems;
Dynamic environments; Integrated modeling; Near-optimal solutions; Production
capacity; Production facility; Supply chain design, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Jain, V., (2006) Hybrid Approaches to Model Supplier Related Issues in
A Dynamic Supply Chain, , Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute
of Technology Delhi, India;
Wemmerlöv, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the us industry: A survey of
users (1989) The International Journal of Production Research, 27 (9), pp. 1511-
Rao, P.P., Mohanty, R., Impact of cellular manufacturing on supply chain
management: Exploration of interrelationships between design issues (2003)
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 5 (5-6), pp. 507-
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objective model for a cell formation problem considering labor allocation by multi-
objective particle swarm optimization (2011) International Journal of Engineering-
Transactions A: Basics, 24 (3), pp. 249-257;
Azadnia, A., A multi-objective mathematical model for sustainable supplier
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Journal of Engineering Manufacture, , 0954405417731465;
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cellular manufacturing into supply chain system (2012) AIP Conference Proceedings,
AIP, 1499, pp. 239-246;
Aalaei, A., Davoudpour, H., Revised multi-choice goal programming for incorporated
dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing into supply chain management: A case study
(2016) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 47, pp. 3-15;
Soolaki, M., Arkat, J., Supply chain design considering cellular structure and
alternative processing routings (2018) Journal of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, 11 (1), p. 0;
Soolaki, M., Arkat, J., Incorporating dynamic cellular manufacturing into strategic
supply chain design (2018) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, 95 (5-8), pp. 2429-2447
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; Department of Industrial Engineering, University
of KurdistanIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Materials and Energy Research Center
ISSN: 17281431
SOURCE: Scopus

Soolaki, M., Arkat, J., Ahmadizar, F.

Modeling the trade-off between manufacturing cell design and supply chain design
(2018) International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, 31 (4),
pp. 300-307.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,

Kurdistan, Iran
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, we are witnessing the growth of firms that distribute the
production capacity of their products to a wide geographic range to supply the
demand of several markets. In order to investigate such companies, the
relationships and interactions between cell design and supply chain design are
investigated in this article. For this purpose, a novel integrated model is
presented for designing dynamic cellular manufacturing systems in supply chain
design. Different components in the supply chain design, such as location of
production facilities at a number of candidate sites, procurement of raw materials
from suppliers, shipment of raw materials to production facilities, manufacturing
of products, and distribution of products to markets are considered in dynamic
environments, and the costs concerning these components are minimized. Since the
proposed problem is NP-hard, however, a genetic algorithm is presented for
application of the model to real-sized instances. Numerical examples demonstrate
that the algorithm performs successfully in searching for optimal or near-optimal
solutions. © 2018 Materials and Energy Research Center. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems;
Genetic algorithm; Supply chain design
INDEX KEYWORDS: Economic and social effects; Genetic algorithms; Product design;
Supply chains, Cell formation problem; Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems;
Dynamic environments; Integrated modeling; Near-optimal solutions; Production
capacity; Production facility; Supply chain design, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Jain, V., (2006) Hybrid Approaches to Model Supplier Related Issues in
A Dynamic Supply Chain, , Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute
of Technology Delhi, India;
Wemmerlöv, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the us industry: A survey of
users (1989) The International Journal of Production Research, 27 (9), pp. 1511-
Rao, P.P., Mohanty, R., Impact of cellular manufacturing on supply chain
management: Exploration of interrelationships between design issues (2003)
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 5 (5-6), pp. 507-
Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Makui, A., Khazaei, M., Ghodratnama, A., Solving a new bi-
objective model for a cell formation problem considering labor allocation by multi-
objective particle swarm optimization (2011) International Journal of Engineering-
Transactions A: Basics, 24 (3), pp. 249-257;
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; Department of Industrial Engineering, University
of KurdistanIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Materials and Energy Research Center
ISSN: 1728144X
SOURCE: Scopus

Soto, R., Crawford, B., Vásquez, L., Zulantay, R., Jaime, A., Ramírez, M.,
Almonacid, B.
Solving the manufacturing cell design problem using the artificial bee colony
(2017) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10607 LNAI, pp. 473-
484. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69456-6_39
AFFILIATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
ABSTRACT: The manufacturing cell design problem (MCDP) proposes to divide an
industrial production plant into a number of manufacturing cells. The main
objective is to identify an organization of machines and parts in a set of
manufacturing cells to allow the transport of parts to be minimized. In this
research, the metaheuristic algorithm called Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is
implemented to solve the MCDP. The ABC algorithm is inspired by the ability of bees
to get food, the way they look for it and exploit it. We performed two types of
experiments using two and three cells, giving a total of 90 problems that have been
used to solve the MCDP using ABC. In the results experiments, good results are
obtained solving the 90 proposed problems and reaching the 90 global optimum
values. Finally, the results are contrasted with two classical metaheuristics and
two modern metaheuristics. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Animal behavior; Artificial bee colony; Cell formation problem;
Metaheuristic; Nature inspired algorithms
INDEX KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence; Cells; Cytology; Evolutionary algorithms;
Flexible manufacturing systems; Heuristic algorithms; Manufacture; Optimization,
Animal behavior; Artificial bee colonies; Cell formation problem; Metaheuristic;
Nature inspired algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Vásquez, L.; Pontificia Universidad Católica de
ValparaísoChile; email: [email protected]
EDITORS: Phon-Amnuaisuk S., Ang S.-P., Lee S.-Y.
PUBLISHER: Springer Verlag
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 9783319694559
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Kao, Y., Chen, C.-C.

Automatic clustering for generalised cell formation using a hybrid particle swarm
(2014) International Journal of Production Research, 52 (12), pp. 3466-3484. Cited
12 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.867085
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Tatung University, Taipei,
ABSTRACT: This paper considers the cell formation (CF) problem in which parts have
alternative process routings and the number of machine cells is not known a priori.
Very few studies address these two practical issues at the same time. This paper
proposes an automatic clustering approach based on a hybrid particle swarm
optimisation (PSO) algorithm that can automatically evolve the number and cluster
centres of machine cells for a generalised CF problem. In the proposed approach, a
solution representation, comprising an integer number and a set of real numbers, is
adopted to encode the number of cells and machine cluster centres, respectively.
Besides, a discrete PSO algorithm is utilised to search for the number of machine
cells, and a continuous PSO algorithm is employed to perform machine clustering.
Effectiveness of the proposed approach has been demonstrated for test problems
selected from the literature and those generated in this study. The experimental
results indicate that the proposed approach is capable of solving the generalised
machine CF problem without predetermination of the number of cells. © 2013 Taylor
and Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: alternative process routings; automatic clustering; cell
formation problem; particle swarm optimisation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Particle swarm
optimization (PSO), Alternative process routings; Automatic clustering; Cell
formation problem; Hybrid particles; Integer numbers; Particle swarm optimisation;
Practical issues; Solution representation, Clustering algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kao, Y.; Department of Information Management, Tatung
University, Taipei, Taiwan; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Eguia, I., Racero, J., Guerrero, F., Lozano, S.

Cell formation and scheduling of part families for reconfigurable cellular
manufacturing systems using Tabu search
(2013) SIMULATION, 89 (9), pp. 1056-1072. Cited 18 times.

DOI: 10.1177/0037549713491590
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering I, University of Seville, Spain
ABSTRACT: A reconfigurable cellular manufacturing system (RCMS) consists of
multiple reconfigurable machining cells, each of which has one or more
reconfigurable machine tools (RMTs), a setup station, and an automatic material
handling and storage system. As part of the RCMS design process, similar parts must
be grouped into part families and the RMTs must be arranged to form parallel cell
configurations. A RCMS is designed at the outset for rapid changes in its
components, allowing the production of multiple part families in each parallel
cell. This paper proposes a new approach to simultaneously solve the cell formation
and the scheduling of part families for an effective working of a RCMS. A new mixed
integer linear programming model is used to represent both problems at the same
time with the objective of minimizing production costs. Two types of production
costs are considered: reconfiguration (i.e. setup) costs for changing from one
family to the next one, and under-utilization costs for not using the RMT
resources. A small size example is used to illustrate this integrated methodology.
Computational experiments have been carried out adapting some larger instances from
the literature on cellular manufacturing systems. Solving large instances optimally
becomes prohibitive in terms of computational effort. That is why an approximate
method, based on a Tabu search (TS) algorithm, has also been developed. Results
show the ability of this algorithm to find good-quality production schedules of
part families in a RCMS without requiring long computing times. It can be concluded
that a RCMS can attain manufacturing flexibility without losing cost-effectiveness
and that the approach proposed in this paper can efficiently solve real-world
problems. © 2013, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation problem; Reconfigurable manufacturing system;
scheduling problem; Tabu search algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Computational experiment; Manufacturing
flexibility; Mixed integer linear programming model; Reconfigurable machine tool;
Reconfigurable manufacturing system; Scheduling problem; Tabu search algorithms,
Algorithms; Computer aided manufacturing; Costs; Linear programming; Production
control; Scheduling; Tabu search, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Eguia, I.; Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Camino de los
Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain
ISSN: 00375497
SOURCE: Scopus

Khilwani, N., Ulutas, B.H., Islier, A.A., Tiwari, M.K.

A methodology to design virtual cellular manufacturing systems
(2011) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 22 (4), pp. 533-544. Cited 27 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10845-009-0314-6
AFFILIATIONS: Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meselik,
26480 Eskisehir, Turkey;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India
ABSTRACT: Virtual Cellular Manufacturing System is a new type of cellular system
that emerged as a promising alternative for designing cells in real time. The
problem is complex and time consuming NP-hard problem in its nature. This study was
conducted to design virtual cells that maximizes similarity index and minimizes
lead time. Amathematical model and an effective solution procedure were proposed.
Several randomly generated data sets were used along a case study to test the
performance of the proposed approach. The effects of inherent parameters of virtual
systems were investigated and compared by using particular performance measures. ©
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Quick response manufacturing; Similarity
index; Virtual cells
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular system; Data sets; Effective
solution; Leadtime; NP-HARD problem; Performance measure; Quick response
manufacturing; Real time; Similarity indices; Virtual cells; Virtual cellular
manufacturing system; Virtual systems, Cells; Computational complexity; Real time
systems, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ulutas, B.H.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meselik, 26480 Eskisehir, Turkey; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 09565515
SOURCE: Scopus

Nunkaew, W., Phruksaphanrat, B.

Concurrent cell formation for cellular manufacturing system by preemptive fuzzy
goal programming
(2011) IMECS 2011 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer
Scientists 2011, 2, pp. 1151-1156. Cited 2 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Thammasat University, Rangsit

Campus, Klongluang, Pathum-thani, 12120, Thailand
ABSTRACT: A new concurrent cell formation method for solving a Cell Formation (CF)
problem in a Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) is developed and proposed in this
research. To solve such problem, conventionally a facility planner needs to
classify parts into families and group machines into cells, respectively. However,
existing methods for solving the CF problem are difficult and complicated.
Moreover, efficient solutions of some of those methods are not guarantee. So, the
efficient method based on two important performance measures, called Exceptional
Elements (EE) and the Void Elements (VE) of a perfect grouping, are developed.
Preemptive Fuzzy Goal Programming (P-FGP) is applied to these two performance
measures for finding the efficient solution. The problems of grouping part family
and machine cells can be simultaneously easily solved. Moreover, machines and parts
grouping can also be adjustable to find preferred solutions by use of P-FGP. The
numerical examples existed in the literatures are shown to demonstrate the
efficiency of the proposed model over the conventional method.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing system;
Concurrent formation method; Preemptive fuzzy goal programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing
system; Conventional methods; Efficient method; Exceptional elements; Formation
method; Fuzzy goal programming; Machine cell; Numerical example; Part family;
Performance measure; Preferred solutions; Void elements, Cells; Computer science;
Computer systems programming; Engineers; Industrial research; Numerical methods;
Problem solving, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Nunkaew, W.; Industrial Engineering Department, Thammasat
University, Rangsit Campus, Klongluang, Pathum-thani, 12120, Thailand; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9789881925121
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IMECS - Int. MultiConference Eng. Comput. Scientists
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Arkat, J., Saidi, M., Abbasi, B.

Applying simulated annealing to cellular manufacturing system design
(2007) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 32 (5-6), pp.
531-536. Cited 52 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-005-0358-5
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Farjam Ave., Narmak, Tehran, Iran;
Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation and cellular layout design are the two main steps in
designing a cellular manufacturing system (CMS). In this paper, we will present an
integrated methodology based on a new concept of similarity coefficients and the
use of simulated annealing (SA) as an optimization tool. In comparison with the
previous works, the proposed methodology takes into account relevant production
data, such as alternative process routings and the production volumes of parts. The
SA-based optimization tool is parallel in nature and, hence, can reduce the
computation time significantly, so it is capable of handling large-scale problems.
Finally, the SA-based procedure is compared with a genetic algorithm (GA) based
procedure and it will be shown that the SA-based algorithm can be as effective as a
GA-based algorithm, but with less computational time and effort. © Springer-Verlag
London Limited 2007.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation problem; Cellular manufacturing systems;
Similarity coefficients; Simulated annealing algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computational mechanics; Data reduction;
Genetic algorithms; Optimization; Systems analysis, Cellular manufacturing system
(CMS); Computational time; Production data, Simulated annealing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Arkat, J.; Industrial Engineering, Iran University of
Science and Technology, Farjam Ave., Narmak, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
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SOURCE: Scopus

Torres-Velázquez, R., Estivill-Castro, V.

Local search for Hamiltonian Path with applications to clustering visitation paths
(2004) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55 (7), pp. 737-748. Cited 5

DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601770
AFFILIATIONS: PHI Investigation Operativa, Direction de Empresas SA de CV,
Av.Acoxpa 24-506A,Col.Prados Coapa, Tlalpan DF, 14390, Mexico;
Griffith University, Brisbane, 4111 QLD, Australia
ABSTRACT: Clustering a data array has been found useful in the design of web-sites
and distributed database system. We show that a critical step during this
clustering process is related to solving the Longest Hamiltonian Path Problem, a
well known NPcomplete problem. Using the grouping of visitation paths of web-users
as a case study, we test several heuristic algorithms. As a result of our
experiments, we identify a successful method for dealing with this problem. Our
algorithm spends less CPU time and provides better quality solutions than the most
recent approach.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: 2-opt; Bond energy algorithm (bea); Cell formation problems;
Clustering a matrix of attributes; Local search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Approximation theory; Benchmarking; Combinatorial
mathematics; Database systems; Heuristic methods; Matrix algebra; Operations
research; Optimization; Websites, 2-opt; Bond energy algorithm (BEA); Cell
formation problems; Clustering a matrix of attributes; Local search, Hamiltonians
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Chandra, B., Karloff, H., Tovey, C., New results on the old k-opt algorithm for the
traveling salesman problem (1999) SIAM J Comput, 28, pp. 1998-2029
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Torres-Velázquez, R.; PHI Investigation Operativa,
Direction de Empresas SA de CV, Av.Acoxpa 24-506A,Col.Prados Coapa, Tlalpan DF,
14390, Mexico; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 01605682
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Dahel, N.-E., Smith, S.B.

Designing flexibility into cellular manufacturing systems
(1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31 (4), pp. 933-945. Cited 34

DOI: 10.1080/00207549308956767
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, College
of Business Administration, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, 43606, United
Stuart School of Business, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, 60616,
United States
ABSTRACT: The formation of cells for cellular manufacturing is often driven by many
desirable but conflicting goals. The minimization of intercell moves and the
maximization of cell flexibility are examples of such goals. Two models are
proposed for this problem. A 0–1 integer program minimizes intercell moves subject
to machine capacity and cell size constraints. A multiobjective model is then used
to form cells which are both flexible and have minimum interactions. Both models
group parts and machines simultaneously into the number of cells selected by the
cell designer. Computer solutions to a numerical example are obtained and
discussed. © 1993 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer applications; Mathematical models; Mathematical
programming; Optimization, Cell flexibility; Cell formation problem; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Intercell moves, Manufacture
REFERENCES: Ang, C.L., Willey, P., A comparative study of the performance of pure
and hybrid group technology manufacturing systems using computer simulation
techniques (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22 (2), pp. 193-
Bhat, M.Y., Haupt, A., An efficient clustering algorithm (1976) IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC, 6, pp. 61-64;
Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., ZODIAC-An algorithm for concurrent
formulation of part-families and machine-cells (1987) International Journal of
Production Research, 25 (6), pp. 835-850;
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International Journal of Production Research, 26 (7), pp. 1161-1172;
Cohon, J.L., (1978) Multiobjectioe Programming and Planning, , New York: Academic
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Manufacturing Systems, , Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Illinois Institute of
Flynn, B.B., Jacobs, F.R., A simulation comparison of group technology with
traditional job shop manufacturing (1986) International Journal of Production
Research, 24 (5), pp. 1171-1192;
King, J.R., Machine-component grouping in production flowanalysis: An approach
using a rank order clustering algorithm (1980) International Journal of Production
Research, 18 (2), pp. 213-232;
King, J.R., Nakornchai, V., Machine-component group formation in group technology:
Review and extension (1982) International Journal of Production Research, 20 (2),
pp. 117-133;
Kuziak, A., The generalized group technology concept (1987) International Journal
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McAuley, J., Machine grouping for efficient production (1972) The Production
Engineer, 51 (2), pp. 53-57;
McCormick, W.T., Jr., Schweitzer, P.J., White, T.W., Problem decomposition and data
reorganization by a clustering technique (1972) Operations Research, 20 (5), pp.
Rajagopalan, R., Batra, J.L., Design of cellular production systems: A graph
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Schrage, L., (1985) Linear, Integer and Quadratic Programming with LINDO, , Palo
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Seifoddint, H., Wolfe, P.M., Application of the similarity coefficient method in
group technology (1986) IIE Transactions, 18 (3), pp. 271-277;
Tilsley, R., Mowbray, M., Lewis, F.A., Flexible cell production systems-A realistic
approach (1977) Annals of the CIRP, 25, pp. 269-271;
Vannelli, A., Kumar, K.R., A method for finding minimal bollIe-neck cells for
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24 (2), pp. 387-400;
Waghodekar, P.H., Sahu, S., Machine-component cell formation in group technology:
MACE (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22 (6), pp. 937-948;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, L.N., Cellular manufacturing in the U.S. Industry: Asurvey of
users (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27 (9), pp. 1511-1530
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dahel, N.-E.; Department of Information Systems and
Operations Management, College of Business Administration, The University of
Toledo, Toledo, OH, 43606, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Huq, Faizul
Labor issues in the implementation of group technology cellular manufacturing
(1992) Production and Inventory Management Journal, 33 (4), pp. 15-20. Cited 30

AFFILIATIONS: Univ of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, United States

ABSTRACT: Group technology (GT) and cellular manufacturing have become popular
terms in any discussion of manufacturing philosophy. GT involves identifying parts
manufactured in similar ways in order to facilitate scheduling and producing them
as a group. Like parts are grouped by virtue of their similarities using a
classification and coding scheme, and are separated by their essential differences.
According to Morris and Tersine [8] a primary application of GT 'is in batch
manufacturing where product variety is high and traditional layout design is by
equipment function.' Most U.S. manufacturers subscribe to the traditional layout
design, and thus are ideal for a GT conversion. Implementation of GT, however,
involves conversion of the traditional layouts to 'product-oriented layouts that
are referred to as cells'. The cells consists of groups of machines that process
similar parts. There are a number of different techniques used in organizing part
families and matching machine groupings. These techniques revolve around efficient
cell formation and optimal cell design. Regrettably, the GT techniques are weak in
their consideration of the human factors that effect the implementation of new
manufacturing systems. In this article, the labor issues that must be considered
before implementing GT will be discussed.
INDEX KEYWORDS: employment; Human engineering; Inspection; Personnel; Plant layout;
Scheduling; Vision, Cell formation problems; Celullar manufacturing;
Classification; Coding procedures; Group technology; Labor issues; Part families
organization, Manufacture
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Huq, Faizul; Univ of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, United
ISSN: 08978336
SOURCE: Scopus

Logendran, R.
Group scheduling problem: Key to flexible manufacturing systems
(1992) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 23 (1-4), pp. 113-116. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(92)90076-V
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial, Manufacturing Engineering Oregon State
University Corvallis, OR 97331, United States
ABSTRACT: We present an efficient heuristic algorithm for determining the sequence
which minimizes the makespan of a group scheduling problem at the first level. The
problem, therefore, focuses on scheduling of parts (jobs) in a part family. In the
generation of partial schedules at each iteration, a job with a high mean total
processing time is given a higher priority than others. An example problem, chosen
from a real world application, is used to implement, the algorithmic steps. For
this example, it has also been shown that the makespan determine by the proposed
heuristic is smaller than that determined previously by two documented algorithms.
© 1992.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Heuristic methods; Scheduling, Cell formation problem;
Cellular manufacturing systems; Group scheduling problem; Heuristic algorithm,
Flexible manufacturing systems
REFERENCES: Al-Qattan, Designing GT Cells Enhanced by Group Scheduling: Key to
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (1988) Proceedings, IIE Integrated Systems
Askin, Chiu, A Graph Partitioning Procedure for Machine Assignment and Cell
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28 (8), p. 1555;
Chan, Milner, Direct Clustering Algorithm for Group Formation in Cellular
Manufacture (1982) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 1, p. 1;
Cho, Enscore, Jr., Ham, A Heuristic Algorithm for Multistage Group Scheduling
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28 (1), pp. 185-198;
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in Cellular Manufacturing (1990) International Journal of Production Research, 28
(5), pp. 913-925;
Logendran, A Model for Duplicating Bottleneck Machines in the Presence of Budgetary
Limitations in Cellular Manufacturing (1991) International Journal of Production
Research, 29 (2), pp. 375-390
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Logendran, R.; Department of Industrial, Manufacturing
Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, N.
An efficient approach to the cell formation with multiple machines for same machine
(1997) Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yingyong/Control Theory and Applications, 14 (6), .

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Shantou University, Shantou,

515063, China
ABSTRACT: In the real manufacturing systems, often there are multiple machines for
same machine types due to the capacity requirement. But up to now, the existing
algorithms cannot model such cell formation problem, so the result may be improper.
In this paper, such a problem is well-modeled by the presented network model, so an
efficient approach to cell formation is proposed.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Manufacturing systemi; Network model
REFERENCES: Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N.L., Cellular manufacturing in the US industry: A
survey of user (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1511-
Harhalakis, G., Nagi, R., Proth, J.M., An efficient heuristic in manufacturing cell
formation for group technology applications (1990) International Journal of
Production Research, 28, pp. 185-198;
Kern, G.M., Wei, J.C., Eliminating exceptional elements in group technology (1991)
International Journal of Production Research, 29, pp. 1535-1547;
Kusiak, A., Branching algorithms for the group technology problem (1991) Journal of
Manufacturing Systems, 10, pp. 332-343;
Offodile, O.F., Application of similarity coefficient method to parts coding and
classification analysis in group technology (1991) Journal of Manufacturing
Systems, 10, pp. 442-488;
Shafer, S.M., Kern, G.M., Wei, J.C., A mathematical programming approach for
dealing with exceptional elements (1992) International Journal of Production
Research, 30, pp. 1029-1036;
Vakharia, A.J., Wemmerlov, U., Designing a cellular manufacturing system: A
material flow approach based on operation sequences (1990) IIE Transactions, 22,
pp. 84-97;
Vohra, J., Chen, D.S., Chang, J.C., Chen, H.C., A network approach to cell
formation in cellular manufacturing (1990) International Journal of Production
Research, 28, pp. 2057-2084;
Wu, N.Q., Salvendy, G., A modified network approach for the design of cellular
manufacturing systems (1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, N.; Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Shantou
University, Shantou, 515063, China
ISSN: 10008152
SOURCE: Scopus

Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V., Chaitanya, A.B.K., Sairam, V., Anildeep, N.
Modified Grouping Efficacy and New Average Measure of Flexibility: Performance
measuring parameters for cell formation applications
(2016) ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (15), pp. 9212-9215.
Cited 8 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, K L University, Vaddeswaram,

Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: In cellular manufacturing, formation of cell is a complex and crucial
step to increase the machine utilization and productivity of an organisation.
Binary format or ordinal data are given as input for the part-machine incidence
matrix of the cell formation problem. The cell formation problem may contain two or
more solutions due to its ill structure. These solutions may be compared using
performance measures and the optimal solution can be identified. A standard measure
known as Grouping Efficacy produce some conflicting results in some ill structure
data. In this paper a new performance measure in binary data known as Modified
Grouping Efficacy (MGE) is introduced to nullify the conflicting results obtained
by standard Grouping Efficacy. Similarly there are only very few performance
measures used as standard measures for ordinal data like GT Efficacy and Global
Efficiency. However, these performance measures can lead to subjective decisions
which reduce productivity of the organisation. So, in order to improve productivity
we have taken a new objective measure known as New Average Measure of Flexibility
(NAMF). The advantages of both proposed performance measures are demonstrated by
comparing with existing performance measures. © 2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing
Network (ARPN).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Average measure of flexibility; Binary format; Cell formation;
Modified grouping efficacy; Ordinal format; Performance measures
REFERENCES: Diaz, J.A., Luna, D., Luna, R., A GRASP heuristic for the manufacturing
cell formation problem (2010) Springer, 20, pp. 679-706;
Lee, K., Ahn, K.-I., GT efficacy: a performance measure for cell formation with
sequence data (2013) International Journal of Production Research, 51, pp. 6070-
Ham, I., Hitomi, K., Yoshida, T., (1985) Applications to production management, ,
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Yasuda, K., Yin, Y., A dissimilarity measure for solving the cell formation problem
in cellular manufacturing (2001) Computers and industrial engineering, 39, pp. 1-
Arora, P.K., Haleem, A., Singh, M.K., Recent development of cellular manufacturing
systems (2013) Indian Academy of sciences, 38, pp. 421-428;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation
problem: A taxonomy and review (2006) International journal of Production
Economics, 101, pp. 329-352;
Hamza, S.A., Yulian, E., Adesta, T., Similarity coefficient measures applied to
integrate feasibility assessment and the design of cellular manufacturing systems
(2013) Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7, pp. 257-266;
Durga Rajesh, K.V., Performance Analysis of Selected Cell Formation Techniques for
the Design of a Cellular Manufacturing System (2014) International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research, 9, pp. 12141-12153;
King, J.R., Machine-component grouping in production flow analysis: an approach
using a rank order clustering algorithm (1980) International Journal of Production
Research, 18, pp. 213-232;
Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., An ideal seed non-hierarchical clustering
algorithm for cellular manufacturing (1986) International Journal of Production
Research, 24, pp. 51-464
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Durga Rajesh, K.V.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, K
L UniversityIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Asian Research Publishing Network
ISSN: 18196608
SOURCE: Scopus

Alhourani, F.
Machines reliability consideration in the generalized group technology problem
(2015) Journal of International Business and Economics, 15 (1), pp. 7-16.

DOI: 10.18374/JIBE-15-1.1
AFFILIATIONS: University of Tampa, Tampa, FL, United States
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is an important problem in the design of cellular
manufacturing systems. Most cell formation methods appeared in the literature
assume that each part has one process plan and all machines are 100% reliable.
However, this is not realistic in the manufacturing systems. Considering parts
alternative process routings and machines reliability together can help in
realistic selection of process routings for parts. Also, considering these factors
in addition to operations sequence and production volumes makes the problem more
realistic. These factors are rarely considered all together in the machine cell
formation problem in the literature. Also, most of the methods appeared in the
literature used mathematical programming procedures. These procedures usually take
large amount of computational efforts to solve the problem when classical
optimization methods are used, especially for large-sized problems. Procedures
using the similarity coefficient method are more flexible in incorporating various
important production data. A new procedure that is based on the Similarity
Coefficient Method is developed for solving the machine cell formation problem
considering all the above mentioned important production factors. © 2015,
International Academy of Business and Economics. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Group technology; Machine cell formation; Similarity coefficient
REFERENCES: Alhourani, F., Clustering algorithm for solving group technology
problem with multiple process routings (2013) Computers and Industrial Engineering,
66, pp. 781-790;
Alhourani, F., Seifoddini, H., Machine cell formation for production management in
cellular manufacturing systems (2007) International Journal of Production Research,
45, pp. 913-934;
Bhide, P., Bhandwale, A., Kesavadas, T., Cell formation using multiple process
plans (2005) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16, pp. 53-65;
Boutsinas, B., Machine-part cell formation using biclustering (2013) European
Journal of Operational Research, 230, pp. 563-572;
Chung, S.-H., Wu, T.-H., Chang, C.-C., An efficient tabu search algorithm to the
cell formation problem with alternative routings and machine reliability
considerations (2011) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60, pp. 7-15;
Gupta, T., Seifoddini, H., Production data based similarity coefficient for machine
component grouping decisions in the design of a cellular manufacturing system
(1990) International Journal of Production Research, 28, pp. 1247-1269;
Das, K., Lashkari, R.S., Sengupta, S., Reliability consideration in the design and
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Production Economics, 105, pp. 243-262;
Defersha, F.M., Chen, M., A linear programming embedded genetic algorithm for an
integrated cell formation and lot sizing considering product quality (2008)
European Journal of Operational Research, 187 (1), pp. 46-69;
Islam, K.S., Sarker, B.R., A similarity coefficient and machine-parts grouping in
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Jabal Ameli, M.S., Arkat, J., Cell formation with alternative process routings and
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Manufacturing Technology, 35, pp. 761-768;
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of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 39, pp. 838-850;
Kusiak, A., The generalized group technology concept (1987) International Journal
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Qiao, L.H., Yang, Z.B., Wang, H.P., A computer-aided process planning methodology
(1994) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 25, pp. 83-94;
Seifoddini, H., Djassemi, M., Merits of the production volume based similarity
coefficient in machine cell formation (1995) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 14,
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Wang, H., A survey of maintenance policies of deteriorating systems (2002) European
Journal of Operational Research, 139 (3), pp. 469-489;
Won, Y., Currie, K.R., Fuzzy ART/RRR-RSS: A two-phase neural network algorithm for
partmachine grouping in cellular manufacturing (2007) International Journal of
Production Research, 45 (9), pp. 2073-2104;
Won, Y., Kim, S., Multiple criteria clustering algorithm for solving the group
technology problem with multiple process routings (1997) Computers and Industrial
Engineering, 32, pp. 207-220;
Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Similarity coefficient methods applied to the cell formation
problem: A taxonomy and review (2006) International Journal of Production
Economics, 101, pp. 329-352
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Alhourani, F.; University of TampaUnited States
PUBLISHER: International Academy of Business and Economics
ISSN: 15448037
SOURCE: Scopus

Chu, C.-H.
Recent advances in mathematical programming for cell formation
(1995) Manufacturing Research and Technology, 24 (C), pp. 3-46. Cited 36 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4417(06)80034-3
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management, College of Business, Iowa State University
of Science Technology, 300 Carver Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011, United States
ABSTRACT: Cell formation, one major problem with cellular manufacturing, involves
the process of grouping the parts with similar design features or processing
requirements into part families and the corresponding machines into machine cells.
Numerous analytical approaches to solve the problem have been introduced, among
which mathematical programming models and heuristic procedures constitute the
greatest part of the literature. This chapter presents a state-of- the-art review
based on a systematic survey of the literature. Survey results should help answer
or clarify many related questions for the cellular manufacturing community.
Examples have been provided to help the interested reader use earlier studies to
develop mathematical programming models. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1)
to examine the state-of-the-art of mathematical programming's use in cell formation
and (2) to illustrate the way by which a variety of cell formation problems can be
formulated by means of mathematical programming. Examples with different
objectives, constraints, and structures are provided, which not only represent
typical cell formation problems, but also can be used to demonstrate the way by
which the same scenario can be modeled through either objectives or constraints. ©
1995 Elsevier B.V.
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Shtubt, A.
Modelling group technology cell formation as a generalized assignment problem
(1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27 (5), pp. 775-782. Cited 74

DOI: 10.1080/00207548908942586
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Ramat,
Aviv, 69978, Israel
ABSTRACT: The formation of part families and technology cells is a step in
implementing Group Technology, In this paper we show that the simple cell-formation
problem is equivalent to the Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP). Furthermore, we
show that the general case of cell formation, in which several process plans are
considered for each part type, is also equivalent to the GAP. © 1989 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical Programming; Process Control--Computer Applications;
Systems Science and Cybernetics--Heuristic Programming, Generalized Assignment
Problem; Group Technology; Integer Programming; Technology Cell Formation, Systems
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University, Ramat, Aviv, 69978, Israel
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Shashikumar, S., Raut, R.D., Narwane, V.S., Gardas, B.B., Narkhede, B.E., Awasthi,
A novel approach to determine the cell formation using heuristics approach
(2019) OPSEARCH, 56 (3), pp. 628-656.

DOI: 10.1007/s12597-019-00381-4
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.J. Somaiya College of
Engineering, Vidhyavihar (East), Mumbai, 400077, India;
Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, National Institute of
Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Vihar Lake, NITIE, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra
400087, India;
Department of Production Engineering, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
(VJTI), H.R Mahajani Marg, Matunga, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400019, India;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, National Institute of
Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Vihar Lake, NITIE, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra
400087, India;
Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE), Concordia
University, Montreal, H3G2W1, Canada
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is a vital part of lean manufacturing. It is an
application of group technology. Three problems in cellular manufacturing are cell
formation, machine layout and cell layout problems. However, these problems are NP-
hard optimisation problems and cannot be solved using exact methods. A difficult
part is to form the machine groups or cells, also called Cell Formation Problem and
several techniques have been proposed to solve the same. In this paper, the Cell
Formation Problem is solved using an integrated approach of heuristics along with
Genetic Algorithm and Membership Index. Heuristics technique is used for domain
selection which is used in Genetic Algorithm as the initial population. Genetic
Algorithm is useful for optimising the results of machine assignment to cells, and
Membership Index is used to assign parts to the cells. The performance is analysed
using performance measures such as group technology efficiency and some exceptional
elements. The proposed computational methodology is tested on standard problems of
diverse size from literature papers using the hybrid approach. Results from test
problems show that the proposed method is effective and efficient. The paper is
useful from the practicality aspect and also relevant from current research and
industry trends. © 2019, Operational Research Society of India.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm;
Heuristics; Hybrid approach; Membership index
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Arikaran, P., Jayabalan, V.

A grouping genetic algorithm for solving the machine component grouping problem
(2011) European Journal of Scientific Research, 63 (3), pp. 347-357.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-

600 025, India
ABSTRACT: In manufacturing, the machine-part cell formation problem addresses the
issues surrounding the formation of part families based on the processing
requirements of the components and the identification of machine groups based on
their ability to process specific part families. Cell formation is often the first
step in solving facility layout design problems. Past research has shown that one
key aspect of attaining efficient grouping of parts and machines is the block-
diagonalization of the given machine-part incidence matrix. This paper presents a
Proposed Grouping Genetic Algorithm (Pro-GGA) that has been developed for solving
the cell formation problem partially adopting Falkenauer's (1998) grouping genetic
algorithm (GGA), which is an extension of general GAs. The Pro-GGA employs a
combined rank and roulette wheel selection, which is a new mechanism for creating
successive generations. The Pro-GGA gauges the quality of the GGA's solutions using
the measurement of efficacy (Kumar and Chandrasekharan 1990). The Pro-GGA performs
very well when applied to a variety of problems from the literature. With a minimal
number of parameters and a straightforward encoding, Pro-GGA is able to match
solutions with several highly complex algorithms and heuristics that were
previously employed to solve these problems. © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2011.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacture; Genetic Algorithms; Group
technology; Meta-heuristics
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DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2008.019598
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mining Machinery
Engineering, Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.N.N.I.T., India
ABSTRACT: In the real-world manufacturing, the requirement of number and the
attribute of product may not be known exactly at the time of designing the
manufacturing cell. The design of manufacturing cell requires to identify machine
groups and part families in Cellular Manufacturing (CM) system. The success of a CA
system is sensitive to fluctuations in the demand for products and the product mix.
A large number of papers on manufacturing cell design have been published so far,
but very few of them have considered random product mix constraint at the design
stage. Little work has been reported which incorporated real-life production
parameters like operation sequence, production volume, batch size, material
handling capacity, processing time, setup time, machine capacity and cost factors.
Considerations of these important parameters make the cell formation problem more
complex, but realistic. This paper presents a new formulation of the part
family/machine cell formation problem that addresses the dynamic nature of the
production environment by considering a multiperiod forecast of product mix and
demand during the formation of part families and machine cells. The computational
procedure of the algorithm has been illustrated by an example. Numerical results
indicate that the proposed methodology is flexible, efficient and may be effective
even for industrial problems. Copyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Intercell movement; Operation
sequence; Random product mix
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dixit, A.R.; Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Mining Machinery Engineering, Indian School of Mines UniversityIndia; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17419174
SOURCE: Scopus

Eski, O., Ozkarahan, I.

A simulation based fuzzy goal programming model for Cell Formation
(2007) Proceedings - Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge
Discovery, FSKD 2007, 3, art. no. 4406287, pp. 493-498. Cited 1 time.
DOI: 10.1109/FSKD.2007.124
AFFILIATIONS: Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Turkey;

Troy University, Department of Computer Science, United States

ABSTRACT: Cell formation decisions are made based on several factors such as
machining times, utilization, workload, alternative routings, capacities, operation
sequences. Most of the traditional Cell Formation procedures ignore the existence
of stochastic production requirements and alternative routes. In this study, a
simulation based Fuzzy Goal Programming model is proposed for solving cell
formation problems considering stochastic production requirements and alternative
routes. A tabu search based solution methodology is used for solution. © 2007 IEEE.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell Formation; Fuzzy goal programming model, Computer simulation;
Logic programming; Mathematical models; Network routing, Fuzzy logic
REFERENCES: Baykasoglu, A., Solution of Goal Programming Models Using a Basic Taboo
Search Algorithm (1999) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 50, pp. 960-
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Selim, H., Askin, R.G., Vakharia, A.J., Cell Formation in Group Technology:Revew,
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Programming Approach (1997) Int. Journal of Prod. Research, 37, pp. 2545-2563
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Eski, O.; Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Industrial
EngineeringTurkey; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 0769528740; 9780769528748

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Fuzzy Sys. Knowl. Discov. FSKD
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mosier, C.T., Martin, G.E.

(1995) Production and Operations Management, 4 (4), pp. 414-420. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1937-5956.1995.tb00302.x
AFFILIATIONS: Clarkson University, Potsdam, 13699-5790 USA Party Lite Gifts,
Hannawa Falls, Potsdam, New York, 13699–5790, United States;
Party Lite Gifts, Hannawa Falls, New York, 13647, United States
ABSTRACT: We propose an agglomerative heuristic cluster analysis framework for
application to the part‐family and machine‐cell formation problems associated with
group technology. This framework addresses the notion of concurrently forming
clusters of parts (families) and machines (cells) based on natural between‐part and
between‐machine relationships and the strength of association relating pairs of
parts with pairs of machines. An illustrative model is presented and operational
aspects demonstrated using a small problem. © 1995 Production and Operations
Management Society
REFERENCES: Anderberg, M.R., (1973) Cluster Analysisfir Applications, , Academic
Press, New York;
Klastorin, T.D., “An Alternative Method for Hospital Partition Determination Using
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and similarity coefficients to the GT machine cell formation problem,” (1989)
International Journal of Production Research, 27 (10), pp. 1811-1835
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mosier, C.T.; Clarkson University, Potsdam, 13699-5790 USA
Party Lite Gifts, Hannawa Falls, Potsdam, New York, 13699–5790, United States
ISSN: 10591478
SOURCE: Scopus

Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Safaei, N.

A new model of dynamic cell formation by a neural approach
(2007) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 33 (9-10), pp.
1001-1009. Cited 48 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-006-0518-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, P.C. 16844 Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a nonlinear integer model of cell formation under
dynamic conditions. The cell formation (CF) problem is a portion of a cellular
manufacturing strategy (CMS), in which the parts and machines are clustered with
the aim of minimizing the material handling cost. In most previous research the
cell formation problem has always been under static conditions in which cells are
formed for a single-period planning horizon where product mix and demand are
constant. In contrast, in dynamic conditions, a multi-period planning horizon is
considered, where the product mix and demand in each period is different. This
occurs in seasonally or monthly production. As a result, the best cell design for
one period may not be efficient for subsequent periods. To verify the presented
model, different problems have been solved and results are reported. Where the cell
formation problem belongs to NP class, the use of a novel approach is necessary. In
this research, we apply a neural approach based on mean filed theory for solving
the proposed model. In this approach, the network weights are updated by an
interaction procedure. The proposed model is solved by LINGO software and an
optimum solution is obtained. Comparison of optimum and neural approach solutions
shows the efficiency of the presented neural network approach. © 2006 Springer-
Verlag London Limited.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Materials handling; Neural networks;
Optimization; Strategic planning, Cell formation (CF); Cellular manufacturing
strategy (CMS); LINGO software, Dynamic programming
REFERENCES: Shafer, S., Rogers, D., A goal programming approach to the cell
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2, pp. 59-89
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Saidi-Mehrabad, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Iran University of Science and Technology, P.C. 16844 Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus
Wu, N., Salvendy, G.
An efficient heuristic for the design of cellular manufacturing systems with
multiple identical machines
(1999) International Journal of Production Research, 37 (15), pp. 3519-3540. Cited
7 times.

DOI: 10.1080/002075499190167
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Guangdong University of
Technology, Guangzhou, 510090, China;
School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907,
United States
ABSTRACT: In practice, in a manufacturing system, there are multiple machines of
some machine types to meet the capacity requirements. Therefore, this factor should
be taken into consideration in the design of cellular manufacturing systems (CMS).
On one hand, this is a constraint to be satisfied for the cell formation problem,
on the other hand, appropriate assignments of identical machines to different cells
will reducte and simplify intercell flows. Thus, we should make use of this
advantage in cell formation. The problem is that we do not know the specific
machine within the identical machines that are to be used for the processing of an
operation, and so it is difficult to assign operations to a specific machine within
the group of identical machines. By using the information of operation sequences
for each part type, we present a graphical model that can describe the part
families with respect to the machine types of multiple machines. Thus, the
identical machines can be assigned into different cells based on the part families
without involving complex computation. With the model developed here, a merging-
and-breaking heuristic is proposed to solve concurrently both the traditional cell
formation problem and the assignments of the identical machines to different cells.
Three examples are taken to show the power and application of the approach. © 1999
Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Heuristic methods; Industrial management; Machinery; Mathematical
models; Scheduling; Systems analysis, Cell formation; Multiple identical machines,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Salvendy, G.; School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Wu, N.
A concurrent approach to cell formation and assignment of identical machines in
group technology
(1998) International Journal of Production Research, 36 (8), pp. 2099-2114. Cited
22 times.

DOI: 10.1080/002075498192797
AFFILIATIONS: Science Center, Shantou University, Shantou, 515063, China
ABSTRACT: In designing a cellular manufacturing system, an important way to reduce
and simplify intercell flows is to identify shared machines and duplicate them to
some cells. However, the shared machines may not be properly identified by the
existing cell formation methods. Thus, some unnecessary machine duplication may be
made in the sense of capacity requirement and capital investment. In fact, for
practical applications, the number of machines of a machine type should be
determined by the capacity requirement of the parts to be produced in the system,
and should be the constraint for the cell formation problem. Therefore, multiple
identical machines should be appropriately assigned into different cells in
designing a cellular manufacturing system. To overcome this drawback of the
existing methods, in this paper a network model is developed for the design of a
cellular manufacturing system. In the model, the machine type which has only one
machine is represented by a simple node. The machine type which has two or more
machines is represented by a complex node. Thus, this model can describe multiple
machines of the same type. Based on this model, a new approach is presented. By the
proposed approach, the cell formation problem and the proper assignment of
identical machines are solved concurrently. Therefore, the proposed approach
provides a more effective solution than the existing methods. © 1998 Taylor and
Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Concurrent engineering; Constraint theory; Machine tools;
Mathematical models; Resource allocation, Cell formation methods; Group technology;
Intercell flows, Flexible manufacturing systems
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Cell formation considering
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manufacturing systems (1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wu, N.; Science Center, Shantou University, Shantou,
515063, China
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Jain, A.K., Kasilingam, R.G., Bhole, S.D.

Cell formation in flexible manufacturing systems under resource constraints
(1990) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 19 (1-4), pp. 437-441. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(90)90154-E
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Systems Engineering University of Regina, Regina, Sask.
S4S 0A2, Canada
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the cell formation problem in Flexible Manufacturing
Systems under resource constraints is discussed. A 0-1 integer programming model is
developed to form the machine-part groups and to decide on the number of machines
and the number of copies of tools required to achieve minimum overall system cost.
The model takes into account the processing time available on any machine, tool
lives and the processing requirements of the parts. The model is illustrated using
a numerical example. © 1990.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer Programming - Algorithms; Machine Components -
Manufacture; Machine Shops - Inventory Control; Machine Tools - Mathematical
Models; Mathematical Programming, Cell Formation Model (CFM); Cellular
Manufacturing Systems; Group Technology (GT); Integer Programming Model; Machine
Parts Grouping; Resource Constraints, Flexible Manufacturing Systems
REFERENCES: Groover, (1987) Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated
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International Journal of Production Research, 26 (7), pp. 1161-1172;
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Windsor, Windsor, Canada;
King, Machine-component grouping in production flow analysis; an approach using a
rank order cluster algorithm (1980) International Journal of Production Research,
18 (2), pp. 213-232
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Jain, A.K.; Industrial Systems Engineering University of
Regina, Regina, Sask. S4S 0A2, Canada
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Hwang, H., Oh, Y.H.

Another similarity coefficient for the p-median model in group technology
(2003) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 5 (1-2),
pp. 38-45. Cited 6 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. and

Technol, 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the cell formation problem in which machine cells
and part families are identified for a given machine-part incidence matrix. The p-
median model is one of the widely used mathematical programming formulations which
require a similarity coefficient to be solved. Modifying the similarity measure of
Viswanathan [1], we propose another measure to enhance the performance of the
model. The validity of the proposed measure is examined through a comparative study
with other existing solution approaches in terms of grouping efficiency.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Group technology; p-median model; Similarity coefficient
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Machine components; Mathematical models;
Mathematical programming; Matrix algebra, p-median model; Similarity coefficient,
Group technology
REFERENCES: Viswanathan, S., A new approach for solving the p-median problem in
group technology (1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34, pp. 2691-
Offodile, O.F., Mehrez, A., Grznar, J., Cellular manufacturing: A taxonomic review
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Engineer, 51, pp. 53-57;
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of Production Research, 25, pp. 561-569;
Wei, J.C., Kern, G.M., Commonality analysis: A linear cell clustering algorithm for
group technology International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 2053-2062;
King, J.R., Nakornchai, V., Machine component group formation in group technology-
review and extension (1982) International Journal of Production Research, 20, pp.
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Seiffodini, H., Wolfe, P.M., Application of similarity coefficient method in group
technology (1986) IIE Transactions, 18, pp. 271-277;
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Research, 24, pp. 1221-1233;
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Askin, R.G., Subramanian, S.P., A cost based heuristic for group technology
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Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., Mahadevan, B., An assignment model for the part-
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Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., GRAFICS - A non-hierarchical clustering algorithm
for group technology (1990) International Journal of Production Research, 28, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hwang, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Adv.
Inst. of Sci. and Technol, 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South
Korea; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 13682148
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Oba, F., Kato, K., Yasuda, K., Tsumura, T.

(1985) pp. 395-400.

AFFILIATIONS: Univ of Osaka Prefecture, Jpn, Univ of Osaka Prefecture, Jpn

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the problem of cell formation encountered in the
early stage of the fundamental design process for the realization of Cellular
Manufacturing Systems based on Group Technology. CAFPLAN-I is a human-computer
interactive software package which has been developed to solve the cell formation
problem. It is particularly useful for such practical situations that alternative
machines exist in manufacturing processes. This paper presents the basic concept
and the cell formation procedure through the application of CAFPLAN-I to a
hypothetical case study.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Oba, F.; Univ of Osaka Prefecture, Jpn, Univ of Osaka
Prefecture, Jpn
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Ger

ISBN: 354015762X
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Yin, Y., Yasuda, K.

Manufacturing cell's design in consideration of various production factors
(2002) International Journal of Production Research, 40 (4), pp. 885-906. Cited 58

DOI: 10.1080/00207540110101639
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Science, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-
ku, Sendai 980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: A cell formation problem is introduced that incorporates various real-
life production factors such as the alternative process routing, operation
sequence, operation time, production volume of parts, machine capacity, machine
investment cost, machine overload, multiple machines available for machine types
and part process routing redesigning cost. None of the cell formation models in the
literature has considered these factors simultaneously. A similarity coefficient is
developed that incorporates alternative process routing, operation sequence,
operation time and production volume factors. Although very few studies have
considered the machine capacity violated issue under the alternative process
routing environment, owing to the difficulties of the issue discussed here, these
studies fail to deal with the issue because they depend on some unrealistic
assumptions. Five solutions have been proposed here and are used to cope with this
difficulty. A heuristic algorithm that consists of two stages is developed. The
developed similarity coefficients is used in stage 1 to obtain basic machine cells.
Stage 2 solves the machine-capacity violated issue, assigns parts to cells, selects
process routing for each part and refines the final cell formation solution. Some
numerical examples are used to compare with other related approaches in the
literature and two large size problems are also solved to test the computational
performance of the developed algorithm. The computational results suggest that the
approach is reliable and efficient in either the quality or the speed for solving
cell formation problems.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Costs; Heuristic methods; Inventory control;
Investments; Operations research, Alternative process routing; Cell formation;
Machine capacity; Operation sequence; Operation time, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Yasuda, K.; Industrial and Management Science, Tohoku
University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576, Japan; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Krushinsky, D., Goldengorin, B.

An exact model for cell formation in group technology
(2012) Computational Management Science, 9 (3), pp. 323-338. Cited 15 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s10287-012-0146-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Operations, University of Groningen, P. O. Box 800,
9700 AV Groningen, Netherlands;
LATNA, Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis, Department
of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Nizhny Novgorod branch of The National
Research University Higher School of Economics, B. Pecherskaya, 25/12, 603155
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
ABSTRACT: Despite the long history of the cell formation problem (CF) and
availability of dozens of approaches, very few of them explicitly optimize the
objective of cell formation. These scarce approaches usually lead to intractable
formulations that can be solved only heuristically for practical instances. In
contrast, we show that CF can be explicitly modelled via the minimum multicut
problem and solved to optimality in practice (for moderately sized instances). We
consider several real-world constraints that can be included into the proposed
formulations and provide experimental results with real manufacturing data. © 2012
The Author(s).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Group technology; Minimum multicut
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Krushinsky, D.; Department of Operations, University of
Groningen, P. O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, Netherlands; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 1619697X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Gómez, A.T., Galafassi, C., Das Chagas Linck, I.C., Wickert, T.I.
A study for manufacturing cell formation approach considering setup
(2011) ICINCO 2011 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics
in Control, Automation and Robotics, 1, pp. 43-48. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Av. Unisinos - 950, São
Leopoldo, Brazil
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a comparison among the exact methods Rank Ordered
Cluster, Single Linkage Clustering and the metaheuristics Tabu Search and Genetic
Algorithm for Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem. The Manufacturing Cell
Formation consists of group machines for processing similar parts or components in
order to minimize setup time. Setup time can be defined as the period of downtime
between the processing of two consecutive batches. To validate the algorithms
results, a metric, group efficacy, is applied to determine the result quality,
moreover, the results are compared with examples in the literature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithm; Manufacturing cell formation; Meta-heuristic;
Setup; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Exact methods; Manufacturing cell formation; Meta heuristics;
Metaheuristic; Set-up time; Setup; Single linkage clustering, Cellular
manufacturing; Clustering algorithms; Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic
algorithms; Information science; Tabu search, Robotics
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Unisinos - 950, São Leopoldo, Brazil; email: [email protected]

ISBN: 9789898425744
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: ICINCO - Proc. Int. Conf. Informatics Control, Autom.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mukattash, A.M., Adil, M.B., Tahboub, K.K.

Heuristic approaches for part assignment in cell formation
(2002) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 42 (2-4), pp. 329-341. Cited 25 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0360-8352(02)00020-7
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University,
Al-Salt, Jordan;
Industrial Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq;
Industrial Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
ABSTRACT: Since the cell formation problem is considered to be a complex and multi-
criteria problem, then no single algorithm can provide all the promised benefits.
To gain more benefits of the cell formation, three heuristic procedures are
developed in this paper to give the designer more flexibility to generate cells.
Given a cell formation solution, the heuristics are designed to assign parts to the
cells in the presence of alternative process plans, multiple alternative (parallel)
machines, or when processing times are taken into consideration. © 2002 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Group technology; Heuristics; Machine cell formation; Part
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Group technology; Heuristic methods; Machine
components, Machine cell formation, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tahboub, K.K.; Industrial Engineering Department,
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03608352
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wicks, E.M., Reasor, R.J.

Designing cellular manufacturing systems with dynamic part populations
(1999) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 31 (1), pp. 11-20.
Cited 95 times.

DOI: 10.1023/A:1007516532572
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Missouri-
Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211, United States;
Eastman Chemical Company, PO Box 1973, Kingsport, TN 37662-5284, United States
ABSTRACT: The effectiveness of a cellular manufacturing system is sensitive to
fluctuations in the demand for products and the product mix. This paper presents a
new formulation of the part family/machine cell formation problem that addresses
the dynamic nature of the production environment by considering a multi-period
forecast of product mix and demand during the formation of part families and
machine cells. The goal of the multi-period formulation is to obtain a cellular
design that continues to perform well with respect to the design objectives as the
part population changes with time.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Inventory control; Planning; Production; Productivity, Machine cell
formation; Product mix, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Wemmerlöv, U., Johnson, D.J., Cellular manufacturing at 46 user plants:
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wicks, Elin M.; Univ of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, United
PUBLISHER: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands
ISSN: 0740817X
SOURCE: Scopus

Burke, Laura I., Kamal, Soheyla

Fuzzy ART for cellular manufacturing
(1992) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, 2, pp.
779-784. Cited 27 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Lehigh Univ, Bethlehem, United States

ABSTRACT: The fuzzy ART neural network has great potential for the cell formation
problems of group technology. Unlike competitive learning, when a new part or
machine is added to the system, ART networks can continue to learn and incorporate
new information. Also, the vigilance parameter of ART can identify significantly
different parts or machines, while competitive learning cannot. Fuzzy ART accepts
binary or continuous information. It possesses the same stability properties as
ART1, and a simpler architecture than ART2. Even with binary patterns, the fuzzy
ART weight vectors may attain continuous values, leading to interpretability.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Fuzzy sets; Learning systems; Vectors,
Adaptive resonance theory (ART), Neural networks
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Burke, Laura I.; Lehigh Univ, Bethlehem, United States
EDITORS: Dagli C.H., Burke L.I., Shin Y.C.
PUBLISHER: ASME, Fairfield, NJ, United States

ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Intell Eng Syst Artif Neural Networks
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Majazi Dalfard, V.
New mathematical model for problem of dynamic cell formation based on number and
average length of intra and intercellular movements
(2013) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (4), pp. 1884-1896. Cited 35 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2012.04.034
AFFILIATIONS: Young Researchers Club, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Kerman, Iran
ABSTRACT: This article presents a new nonlinear integer programming model for
dynamic cell formation problem in cell manufacturing system. Difference between
this model and other models developed thus far lies in implementation of the idea
of more material flow in shorter distance in formation of cells. The presented
model is NP-hard. A new strategy known as simulated annealing embedded in branch
and cut was developed to solve the problem. In comparison with standard branch and
cut, results of solving different problems showed speed and efficiency of simulated
annealing embedded in branch and cut. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Formation of dynamic cell
INDEX KEYWORDS: Average length; Branch and cut; Cell manufacturing; Dynamic cell
formation; Intercellular movement; Material Flow; New mathematical model; Non-
linear integer programming; NP-hard, Cellular manufacturing; Integer programming;
Linear programming; Simulated annealing, Problem solving
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single pipeline system (2011) Int. J. Ind. Eng. Comput., 2, pp. 19-44
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Majazi Dalfard, V.; Young Researchers Club, Kerman Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0307904X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Manimaran, A., Prabhakaran, G., Venkumar, P.

Manufacturing cell formation using artificial immune system
(2011) International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 3 (5-6),
pp. 547-558. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2011.042363
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.P.R. College of Engineering
and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, 624401, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Technology, Sri
Ramachandra University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600116, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalasalingam University, Virudhunagar, Tamil
Nadu, 626190, India
ABSTRACT: The cellular manufacturing system is a well-known strategy which improves
the production efficiency and cutting down the manufacturing cost. The main problem
in designing cellular manufacturing system is cell formation, which is concerned
with grouping parts with similar processing required into part families and
associated machines into machines and minimises the exceptional elements. This
paper presents the artificial immune system method to solve the manufacturing cell
formation problems with the objective to minimise the exceptional elements. This
method is applied to the existing datasets found in the literature and it is found
to out performs other methods. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Affinity mutation; AIS; Artificial immune system; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Clonal selection; CMS; Exceptional elements; Grouping
efficacy; Receptor editing
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Tan, K.C., Goh, C.K., Mamun, A.A., Ei, E.Z., An evolutionary artificial immune
system for multi objective optimization (2008) European Journal of Operational
Research, 187, pp. 371-392;
Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal Production
Research, 38 (2), pp. 385-395
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Venkumar, P.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Kalasalingam University, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, 626190, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17572657
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Comput. Aided Eng. Technol.
SOURCE: Scopus

Modrak, V., Pandian, S., Knuth, P.

Possibilities of GA in optimization of manufacturing cell formation
(2011) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 6 (7), pp. 79-84.

AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of Kosice

(TUKE) Bayerova, Presov, Slovakia;
Kalasalingam University Anandnagar, Krishnankoil, (Via) Srivilliputtur, Virudunagar
Dist., Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT: Optimization of manufacturing cell formation includes a whole virtual
cell formation procedure and has NP-hard complexity. In the last decades,
evolutionary algorithms have been widely applied to real-world optimization
including to manufacturing cell formation problems. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are
possibly the most widespread variant of evolutionary algorithms and are now
frequently used for a number of optimization problems in operation management. In
this study it is discussed about theoretical and practical aspects of GA to bridge
the gap between hypothetical analysis and real time implementation of GA in a given
domain. © 2006-2011 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN).
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm
REFERENCES: Miltenburg, J., Zhang, W., A Comparative Evaluation of Nine Well known
Algorithms for Solving the Cell Formation Problem in Group Technology (1991)
Journal of Operations Management, 10 (1), pp. 44-72;
Holland, J.H., (1975) Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, , Ann Arbor,
Michigan: The University of Michigan Press;
Mcauley, J., Machine grouping for efficient production (1972) Production Engineer,
51 (2), pp. 53-57;
Rajagopalan, R., Batra, J.L., Design of Cellular Production System - A Graph
Theoretic Approach (1975) International Journal of Production Research, 13 (6), pp.
Boctor, F.F., A Linear Formulation of the Machine-Part Cell Formation Problem
(1991) International Journal of Production Research, 29 (2), pp. 343-356;
Waghodekar, P.H., Sahu, S., Machine-Component Cell Formation in Group Technology
(1984) MACE. International Journal of Production Research, 22 (6), pp. 937-948;
Venugopal, V., Soft-Computing Based Approaches to the Group Technology Problem: A
State-of-the-Art Review (1999) International Journal of Production Research, 37
(14), pp. 3335-3357;
Sudhakara Pandian, R., Mahapatra, S.S., (2007) Application of soft computing
techniques for cell formation considering operational time and sequence, pp. 42-
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Venugopal, V., Narendran, T.T., A Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Machine
Component Grouping Problem with Multiple Objectives (1992) Computers and Industrial
Engineering, 22, pp. 469-480;
Suresh, N.C., Slomp, J., Kaparthi, S., Sequence-dependent Clustering of Parts and
Machines a Fuzzy ART Neural Network Approach (1999) International Journal of
Production Research, 37 (12), pp. 2793-2816;
Zolfaghari, S., Liang, M., A New Genetic Algorithm for the Machine/Part Grouping
Problem Involving Processing Times and Lot Sizes (2003) Computers and Industrial
Engineering, 45, pp. 713-731;
Sudhakara Pandian, R., Mahapatra, S.S., Manufacturing Cell Formation with
Production Data using Neural Network (2009) Computers and Industrial Engineering,
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King, J.R., Machine-component grouping in production flow analysis: an approach
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Kumar, C.S., Chandrasekharan, M.P., Grouping efficacy: a quantitative criterion for
goodness of block diagonal forms of binary matrices in group technology (1990)
International Journal of Production Research, 28, pp. 233-243;
Logendran, R., Ramakrishna, P., Manufacturing cell formation in the presence of lot
splitting and multiple units of the same machine (1995) International Journal of
Production Research, 33, pp. 675-693;
Nagi, R., Harhalakis, G., Proth, J.M., Multiple routings and capacity
considerations in group technology applications (1990) International Journal of
Production Research, 28, pp. 2243-2257;
Ballakur, A., Steudel, H.J., A within-cell utilization based heuristic for
designing cellular manufacturing systems (1987) International Journal of Production
Research, 25, pp. 639-665;
Boctor, F.F., The minimum-cost, machine-part cell formation problem (1996)
International Journal of Production Research, 34, pp. 1045-1063;
Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., An ideal seed non-hierarchical clustering
algorithm for cellular manufacturing (1986) International Journal of Production
Research, 24, pp. 451-464;
Rezaeian, J., Javadian, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Jolai, F., A hybrid approach
based on the genetic algorithm and neural network to design an incremental cellular
manufacturing system (2010) Applied Soft Computing Journal, ,
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Modrak, V.; Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies,
Technical University of Kosice (TUKE) Bayerova, Presov, Slovakia; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 1816949X
SOURCE: Scopus

Adil, G.K., Ghosh, J.B.

Forming GT cells incrementally using GRASP
(2005) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 26 (11-12), pp.
1402-1408. Cited 11 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-004-2113-8
AFFILIATIONS: Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India
ABSTRACT: Most research in cell design assumes that the entire plant is converted
into group technology cells at once. However, empirical findings in recent papers
suggest otherwise, that is, most industries have converted only part of the plant
into manufacturing cells and most cells in industries are created and implemented
sequentially over time. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model and a
heuristic approach based on greedy random adaptive search procedures (GRASP) to
address incremental cell formation problem. The methodology allows forming cells
gradually and converting a fraction of the plant into cells. © Springer-Verlag
London Limited 2004.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; GRASP
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Heuristic methods;
Mathematical models; Problem solving, Cell design; Cell formation; Empirical
findings; Greedy random adaptive search procedures (GRASP), Industrial management
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Assignment, allocation and
simulated annealing algorithms for cell formation (1997) IIE Trans, 29 (1), pp. 53-
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Miltenburg, J., Montazemi, A.R., Revisiting the cell formation problem assigning
parts to production systems (1993) Int J Prod Res, 31, pp. 2727-2746;
Moussa, S.E., Kamel, M.S., Partitioning techniques for cellular manufacturing
(1995) Planning, Design and Analysis of Cellular Manufacturing Systems, pp. 73-95.,
Kamrani AK, Parsaei HR, Liles DH (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam;
Murthy, C.V.R., Srinivasan, G., Fractional cell formation in group technology
(1995) Int J Prod Res, 33 (5), pp. 1323-1337;
Seiffodini, H., Wolfe, P.M., Application of the similarity coefficient method in
group technology (1986) HE Trans, 18, pp. 271-277;
Singh, N., Design of cellular manufacturing systems: An invited review (1993) Eur J
Oper Res, 69, pp. 284-291;
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Wemmerlov, U., Johnson, D.J., Empirical findings on manufacturing cell design
(2000) Int J Prod Res, 38 (3), pp. 481-507
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Adil, G.K.; Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Agarwal, D., Sahu, S., Ray, P.K.

Cell formation in cellular manufacturing: An AHP-based framework for evaluation of
various techniques
(2003) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 5 (5-6),
pp. 521-535. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2003.003707
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Mngmnt., Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur - 721302, India
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing has been addressed
by a wide range of different techniques, and by a large number of researchers.
Whilst algorithms capable of addressing a number of different concerns have been
developed, there is a strong need for the development of a comprehensive framework
with which to evaluate the performance of these algorithms, and to provide
guidelines to determine their appropriateness. In this paper, the need for an
evaluation framework is stressed, and an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based
framework for evaluation of the cell formation techniques is proposed, and
illustrated with an example.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Analytic hierarchy process; Cell formation; Cellular
manufacturing; Group technology; Grouping efficiency; Multi-criteria decision
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computer integrated manufacturing; Decision making;
Efficiency; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group technology; Performance, Analytic
hierarchy process; Bond energy algorithm; Cell formation; Grouping efficacy; Multi-
criteria decision making; Total bond energy measure, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Venugopal, V., Narendran, T.T., A genetic algorithm approach to the
machine-component grouping with multiple objectives (1992) Computers & Industrial
Engineering, 22 (4), pp. 469-480;
Selim, H.M., Askin, R.S., Vakharia, A.J., Cell formation in group technology:
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Industrial Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 3-20;
Offodile, O., Mehrej, A., Grznar, J., Cellular manufacturing: A taxonomic review
framework (1994) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 13 (3), pp. 196-220;
Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., ZODIAC: An algorithm for concurrent
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Kumar, C.S., Chandrasekharan, M.P., Grouping efficacy: A quantitative criterion for
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Miltenberg, J., Zheng, W., A comparative evaluation of nine well-known algorithms
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Chu, C.H., Tsai, M., A comparison of three array-based clustering techniques for
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Khator, S.K., Irani, S.A., Cell formation in group technology: A new approach
(1987) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 12 (2), pp. 131-142;
Waghodekar, P.H., Sahu, S., Machine-component cell formation in group technology:
MACE (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 22 (9), pp. 937-948
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Agarwal, D.; Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Mngmnt., Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - 721302, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 13682148
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Li, J., Chu, C.-H., Wang, Y., Yan, W.

An improved fuzzy C-means algorithm for manufacturing cell formation
(2002) IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2, pp. 1505-1510. Cited 4

AFFILIATIONS: School of Management, Hebei University of Tech., Tianjin 300130,

School of Info. Sciences and Tech., Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA 16802, United States;
School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Tech., Tianjin 300130, China
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an improved fuzzy C-means algorithm to solve the
manufacturing cell formation problems. The proposed algorithm, which integrates the
subtractive algorithm (to produce an initial solution), the fuzzy C-means (FCM)
algorithm and a solution selecting procedure (to identify the best solution),
remedies the major weaknesses of original FCM clustering. We test the performance
of the proposed algorithm with 20 data sets from open literature and 60 generated
data sets. Our experiments show that the proposed approach performs much better
than the original FCM and the solutions are consistent with the best solutions
found in references or the control solutions.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Fuzzy c-means algorithm; Manufacturing cell formation; Subtractive
algorithm, Algorithms; Cellular neural networks; Data reduction; Data structures;
Fuzzy sets; Mathematical models, Artificial intelligence
REFERENCES: Chu, C.H., Manufacturing cell formation by competitive learning (1993)
International Journal of Production Research, 31 (4), pp. 829-843;
Selim, H.M., Askin, R.G., Vakharia, A.J., Cell formation in group technology:
Review, evaluation and directions for future research (1998) Computers & IE, 34,
pp. 3-20;
Gindy, N.N.Z., Ratchev, T.M., Case, K., Component grouping for GT applications-A
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Gupta, T., Seifoddini, H., Production data based similarity coefficient for
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Kaparthi, S., Suresh, N.C., A neural network system for shape-based classification
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group layout in cellular manufacturing (1993) International Journal of Production
Research, 32, pp. 65-76
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Li, J.; School of Management, Hebei University of Tech.,
Tianjin 300130, China
ISSN: 10987584
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wicks, E.M., Reasor, R.J.

Designing cellular manufacturing systems with dynamic part populations
(1999) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 31 (1), pp. 11-20.

DOI: 10.1080/07408179908969801
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Missouri-
Columbia, Columbia, M065211, United States;
Eastman Chemical Company, PO Box 1973, Kingsport, TN, 37662-5284, United States
ABSTRACT: The effectiveness of a cellular manufacturing system is sensitive to
fluctuations in the demand for products and the product mix. This paper presents a
new formulation of the part family/machine cell formation problem that addresses
the dynamic nature of the production environment by considering a multi-period
forecast of product mix and demand during the formation of part families and
machine cells. The goal of the multi-period formulation is to obtain a cellular
design that continues to perform well with respect to the design objectives as the
part population changes with time. © 1999, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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ISSN: 0740817X
SOURCE: Scopus

Vakharia, A.J., Chang, Y.-L.

Cell formation in group technology: A combinatorial search approach
(1997) International Journal of Production Research, 35 (7), pp. 2025-2044. Cited
24 times.

DOI: 10.1080/002075497195056
AFFILIATIONS: Decision and Information Sciences Department, College of Business
Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611-7160, United States;
Ivan Allen College of Management, Policy and International Affairs, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the cell formation problem in group technology (GT).
We develop two heuristic methods for generating solutions to the problem. These
methods are based on two powerful combinatorial search methods simulated annealing
and tabu search. The performance of the heuristics is examined using randomly
generated, published and industry data. The results indicate that the simulated
annealing based heuristic is the preferred technique in the context of the problem
addressed in this paper. Further, we also demonstrate that the simulated annealing
based heuristic generates near-optimal solutions to the cell formation model
formulated in this paper. © 1997 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Combinatorial mathematics; Heuristic methods;
Mathematical models; Problem solving; Simulated annealing, Cell formation; Group
technology, Flexible manufacturing systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Vakharia, A.J.; Decision and Information Sciences
Department, College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL, 32611-7160, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Akturk, M.S., Sr.

A note on the within-cell layout problem based on operation sequences
(1996) Production Planning and Control, 7 (1), pp. 99-103. Cited 11 times.

DOI: 10.1080/09537289608930330
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Bilkent,
Ankara, 06533, Turkey
ABSTRACT: The existing studies in the literature usually ignore the within-cell
layout problem while forming part families andmanufacturing cells. A new approach
is proposed to solve thepart-family and machine-cell formation problem and to
determinethe spatial arrangement of machines in each cell
simultaneously.Furthermore, a dissimilarity measure between parts based onoperation
sequences is presented since the operation sequences notonly specify the type of
machine tools needed but also impact theflow of material. As a result, we can both
minimize the materialhandling cost and streamline the material flow in each cell. ©
1996 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell layout; Cellular manufacturing; Operation sequence; Part
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical models; Problem solving; Production control, Cell
layout; Cellular manufacturing; Operation sequences; Part similarity, Computer
aided manufacturing
REFERENCES: Choobineh, F., A framework for the design of cellular manufacturing
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flow approach based on operations sequences (1990) IIE Transactions, 22, pp. 84-97
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Akturk, M.S.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent
University, Bilkent, Ankara, 06533, Turkey
ISSN: 09537287
SOURCE: Scopus

Dagli, C., Huggahalli, R.

Machine-part family formation with the adaptive resonance theory paradigm
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (4), pp. 893-913. Cited 42

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930185
AFFILIATIONS: Engineering Management Department, University of Missouri-Rolla,
Rolla, MO, 65401, United States;
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of South Carolina,
Columbia, SC, 29208, United States
ABSTRACT: The ARTI neural network paradigm employs a heuristic where new vectors
arc compared with group representative vectors for classification. ARTI is adapted
for the cell formation problem by reordering input vectors and by using a better
representative vector. This is validated with both test cases studied in literaure
as well as synthetic matrices. Algoriihmns for effective use of ARTI are proposed.
This approach is observed to produce sufficiently accurate results and is therefore
promising in both speed and functionality. For the automatic generation of an
optimal family formation solution a decision support system can be integrated with
ARTI. © 1995 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dagli, C.; Engineering Management Department, University of
Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO, 65401, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Krishna, Srinivasan, Narendran, T.T.

Bi-criteria model of the grouping problem in FMS
(1993) Modelling, Measurement & Control D: Manufacturing, Management, Human &
Socio-Economic Problems, 8 (3), pp. 31-44.
AFFILIATIONS: Indian Inst of Technology, Madras, India
ABSTRACT: This study addresses the problem of grouping while maximizing flexibility
in an FMS. Real-time scheduling in FMS is facilitated by the reduction of
complexity that arises from the large spectrum of parts, by formation of part
families. While existing procedures treat the cell formation problem in FMS as a
conventional grouping problem, this approach utilizes a flexibility-based procedure
which identifies a process plan for each part based on maximization of flexiblities
for the entire system and then solves the grouping problem. A bi-criteria non-
linear integer program is formulated and solved through Simulated Annealing.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical models; Optimization; Scheduling, Bicriteria model;
Grouping problem; Integer programming; Real time scheduling, Flexible manufacturing
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Krishna, Srinivasan; Indian Inst of Technology, Madras,
ISSN: 09896074
SOURCE: Scopus

Vakharia, A.J., Wemmerlov, U.

Designing a cellular manufacturing system: a materials flow approach based on
operation sequences
(1990) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 22 (1), pp. 84-97.
Cited 204 times.

DOI: 10.1080/07408179008964161
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management Information Systems, Karl Eller Graduate
School of Management, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721, United States;
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 53706, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a cell formation method which integrates the issues
of cell formation and within-cell material flows. A coefficient which assesses the
similarity of two parts in terms of their operation sequences is proposed and used
to form part families and cells. Further, the within-cell machine sequence and
machine loads are explicitly considered in the design process. The methodology has
been operationalized through several computer programs (written in FORTRAN 77) and
implemented on an IBM/PC, An application of the design methodology to a
hypothetical cell formation problem is provided. © 1990 Taylor & Francis Group,
INDEX KEYWORDS: Industrial Plants--Layout; Mathematical Techniques--Heuristic,
Cellular Manufacturing Systems; Materials Flow; Operation Sequences, Production
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Li, J., Chu, C.-H., Wang, Y., Yan, W.

An improved fuzzy clustering method for cellular manufacturing
(2007) International Journal of Production Research, 45 (5), pp. 1049-1062. Cited
21 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540600634923
AFFILIATIONS: School of Management, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130,
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, 80 Stamford Road,
Singapore 178902, Singapore;
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hebei University of Technology,
Tianjin 300130, China
ABSTRACT: Fuzzy c-means (FCM) has been successfully adapted to solve the
manufacturing cell formation problem. However, when the problem becomes larger and
especially if the data is ill structured, the FCM may result in clustering errors,
infeasible solutions, and uneven distribution of parts/machines. In this paper, an
improved fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed to overcome the deficiencies of
FCM. We tested the effects of algorithm parameters and compared its performance
with the original and two popular FCM modifications. Our study shows that the
proposed approach outperformed other alternatives. Most of the solutions it
obtained are close to and in some cases better than the control solutions.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Fuzzy c-means; Fuzzy
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Data structures; Fuzzy control; Problem solving, Cell
formation; Fuzzy c means; Fuzzy clustering, Cellular manufacturing
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Venugopal, V., Soft-computing-based approaches to the group technology problem: A
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chu, C.-H.; School of Information Systems, Singapore
Management University, 80 Stamford Road, Singapore 178902; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Trindade, Á.R., Ochi, L.S.

Um algoritmo evolutivo híbrido para a Formação de Células de Manufatura em sistemas
de produção
(2006) Pesquisa Operacional, 26 (2), pp. 255-294. Cited 3 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF),

Niterói - RJ, Brazil
ABSTRACT: The Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem (MCFP) is a crucial component of
a cell production design in a manufacturing system. This problem is composed by a
set of parts of products to be manufactured and machines. The objective is to
construct manufacturing clusters by associating products with cell machines. This
paper presents a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm to solve the MCFP. Computational
results with the proposed algorithm on a set of instances available in the
literature are also presented. For 8 out of 36 instances considered, the propose
method overcame the previous results from the literature and for 26 instances, the
same best solutions were found.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Evolutionary algorithms; Genetic algorithms; Heuristics
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Kizil, M., Özbayrak, M.

A tradeoff analysis between process plan selection and cell formation in cellular
(2004) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 23 (7-8), pp.
501-506. Cited 11 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-1669-z
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya,
Department of Systems Engineering, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH,
United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an algorithm to evaluate the tradeoff between conflicting
objectives in process plan selection and cell formation is developed. Consideration
of the minimisation of intercell material movement in cellular manufacturing is
necessary but not in itself sufficient to produce a system for which the total work
content is minimised. Solving the process plan selection and the cell formation
problem for all possible alternative process plans is a time-consuming task, and
therefore not economically justifiable. The algorithm is illustrated through the
use of a sample problem that shows how it is possible to create a cell using the
algorithm presented in this paper.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Clustering; Process
plan selection; Work content
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Industrial economics; Linear programming; Materials
handling; Mathematical models; Problem solving; Productivity, Cell formation;
Clustering; Process plan selection; Work content, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Özbayrak, M.; Department of Systems Engineering, Brunel
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[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Seifoddini, H.
A note on the similarity coefficient method and the problem of improper machine
assignment in group technology applications
(1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27 (7), pp. 1161-1165. Cited
97 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207548908942614
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, WI, 53201, United States
ABSTRACT: Among the models developed to form machine cells in group technology
applications, those based on the similarity coefficient method (SCM) are more
flexible in incorporating the manufacturing data into the machine cells formation
process. SCM is the application of clustering techniques to the machine cells
formation problem. When SCM is used to form the machine cells, some bottleneck
machines are not initially assigned to proper cells. These machines should be
reexamined and be reassigned to their proper cells in order to reduce the number of
intercellular moves. This problem is referred to as 'improper machine assignment'
and is the subject of discussion in this paper. © 1989 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Production Engineering--Design; Productivity, Group Technology;
Machine Assignment; Similarity Coefficient Method, Industrial Plants
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Seifoddini, H.; Department of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, WI, 53201,
United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Rabbani, M., Keyhanian, S., Manavizadeh, N., Farrokhi-Asl, H.

Integrated dynamic cell formation-production planning: A new mathematical model
(2017) Scientia Iranica, 24 (5), pp. 2550-2566. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.24200/sci.2017.4387
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Amirkabir University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran;
School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a dynamic cell formation problem is presented considering
some new and special characteristics. The concept of machine requirement by lucky
parts, the parts which are allowed to be produced in a specific period, is combined
with the depreciable property of machines. Therefore, purchasing and selling of
machines according to their book-value and generating income have been taken into
account. This leads to a new vantage characteristic in cell formation where, in
each period, we deal only with the types and number of machines required. The new
mathematical model is presented and solved by exact and ant colony optimization
methods for three problem sizes. © 2017 Sharif University of Technology. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic
production planning; Integrated mathematical model; Lot splitting
INDEX KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Artificial intelligence; Cells; Cytology;
Planning; Production control, Ant colony optimization methods; Cell formation;
Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic production; Lot splitting; Machine requirements;
New mathematical model; Production Planning, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rabbani, M.; School of Industrial Engineering, College of
Engineering, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Sharif University of Technology
ISSN: 10263098
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhou, B., Lu, Y.

Integrated optimal method for cell formation and layout problems based on hybrid SA
algorithm with fuzzy simulation
(2017) High Technology Letters, 23 (1), pp. 1-6.

DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1006-6748.2017.01.001
AFFILIATIONS: School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai,
201804, China
ABSTRACT: To adapt to the complex and changeable market environment, the cell
formation problems (CFPs) and the cell layout problems (CLPs) with fuzzy demands
were optimized simultaneously. Firstly, CFPs and CLPs were described formally. To
deal with the uncertainty fuzzy parameters brought, a chance constraint was
introduced. A mathematical model was established with an objective function of
minimizing intra-cell and inter-cell material handling cost. As the chance
constraint of this problem could not be converted into its crisp equivalent, a
hybrid simulated annealing(HSA) based on fuzzy simulation was put forward. Finally,
simulation experiments were conducted under different confidence levels. Results
indicated that the proposed hybrid algorithm was feasible and effective. Copyright
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation and cell layout problem; Chance constraint; Fuzzy
demand; Fuzzy simulation; Simulated annealing algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Functions; Materials handling;
Simulated annealing, Cell layout problem; Chance constraint; Fuzzy demand; Fuzzy
simulation; Simulated annealing algorithms, Cells
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Kia, R., Shirazi, H., Javadian, N., A multi-objective model for designing a group
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Liu, B.D., Iwamura, K., Chance constrained programming with fuzzyparameters (1998)
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 94 (2), pp. 227-237;
Zhou, J., Liu, B.D., Modeling capacitated location-allocation problemwith fuzzy
demands (2007) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 53 (3), pp. 454-468;
Nasab, H.H., A hybrid fuzzy-GA algorithm for the integrated machine allocation
problem with fuzzy demands (2014) Applied Soft Computing, 23 (5), pp. 417-431;
King, J., Nakornchai, V., Machine-component group formation in group technology:
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pp. 117-133;
Iwaruma, K., Liu, B.D., A genetic algorithm for chance constrained programming
(1996) Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 17 (2), pp. 409-422
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Zhou, B.; School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji
UniversityChina; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inst. of Scientific and Technical Information of China
ISSN: 10066748
SOURCE: Scopus

Xiaoqing, W., Jiafu, T., Jun, G., Mei, C.

A nonlinear multi-objective model of dynamic cell formation
(2008) Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008, CCDC 2008, art. no. 4597460,
pp. 988-991.

DOI: 10.1109/CCDC.2008.4597460
AFFILIATIONS: Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation of Process Industry of MOE,
Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China
ABSTRACT: The real advantage of dynamic cellular manufacturing system is the
ability to operate under dynamic conditions required by today's production
characters of short product life cycle, high production variety, unpredictable
demand, and short delivery time, where the product mix and demand in each period is
different. This paper addresses dynamic cell formation problem, and presents three
major objectives for obtaining successful dynamic cell formation. Meanwhile, a
nonlinear multi-objective mathematical model of dynamic cell formation is proposed,
and the model comprises utilization rate of machines capacity, number of
exceptional parts and other practical problems. The proposed model is verified by
the commercial solver CPLEX software under a modest instance and computational
results are reported. ©2008 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic cell formation; Machine
capacity; Nonlinear multi-objective model
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Life cycle; Manufacture; Mathematical models;
Multiobjective optimization, Cellular Manufacturing System; Computational results;
Delivery-time; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic conditions; Machine capacity; Multi
objectives; Nonlinear multi-objective model; Paper addresses; Practical problems;
Product mixes; Short product, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Burbidge, J.L., Production flow analysis [J] (1971) Production
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Xiaoqing, W.; Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation of
Process Industry of MOE, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9781424417346
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus
Oliveira, S., Ribeiro, J.F.F., Seok, S.C.
A comparative study of similarity measures for manufacturing cell formation
(2008) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 27 (1), pp. 19-25. Cited 16 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2008.07.002
AFFILIATIONS: Computer Science Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
United States;
FEARP, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
ABSTRACT: We introduced a spectral clustering algorithm based on the bipartite
graph model for the Manufacturing Cell Formation problem in [Oliveira S, Ribeiro
JFF, Seok SC. A spectral clustering algorithm for manufacturing cell formation.
Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2007 [submitted for publication]]. It
constructs two similarity matrices; one for parts and one for machines. The
algorithm executes a spectral clustering algorithm on each separately to find
families of parts and cells of machines. The similarity measure in the approach
utilized limited information between parts and between machines. This paper reviews
several well-known similarity measures which have been used for Group Technology.
Computational clustering results are compared by various performance measures. ©
2008 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems; Flow of
solids; Graph theory; Group technology, Bipartite graphs; Comparative studies;
Limited informations; Manufacturing cell formations; Performance measures;
Similarity measures, Clustering algorithms
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Oliveira, S.; Computer Science Department, University of
Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Eski, O., Ozkarahan, I.

Design of manufacturing cells for uncertain production requirements with presence
of routing flexibility
(2007) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4682 LNAI, pp. 670-
681. Cited 7 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial

Engineering Dept., 35100 Bornova-Izmir, Turkey
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing has been seen as an effective strategy to the
changing worldwide competition. Most of the existing cell design methods ignore the
existence of stochastic production requirements and routing flexibility. In this
study, a simulation based Fuzzy Goal Programming model is proposed for solving cell
formation problems considering stochastic production requirements and routing
flexibility. The model covers the objectives of minimizing inter-cell movements,
maximizing system utilization, minimizing mean tardiness and minimizing the
percentage of tardy jobs. The simple additive method and max-min method are used to
handle fuzzy goals. A tabu search based solution methodology is used for solution
of the proposed models and the results are presented. © Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2007.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Fuzzy goal programming; Routing
flexibility; Simulation; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Competition; Computational methods; Computer programming; Computer
simulation; Product design; Stochastic models; Tabu search, Fuzzy goal programming;
Routing flexibility, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Baykasoglu, A., Solution of Goal Programming Models Using a Basic Taboo
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International Journal of Production Research, 30, pp. 1059-1079;
Selim, H., Askin, R. G., Vakharia, A.J.: Cell Formation in Group Technology:
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(1998) 3-20; Shanker, R., Vrat, P., Some Design Issues in Cellular Manufacturing
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(1987) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24, pp. 27-34
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Eski, O.; Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering,
Industrial Engineering Dept., 35100 Bornova-Izmir, Turkey; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03029743
ISBN: 9783540742012
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Andrés, C., Lozano, S.

A particle swarm optimization algorithm for part-machine grouping
(2006) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 22 (5-6), pp. 468-474. Cited
59 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2005.11.013
AFFILIATIONS: CIGIP Research Center, Industrial Management Department, Polytechnic
University of Valencia, building 7D, 3rd floor, Valencia, 46022, Spain;
Industrial Management Department, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, 41092, Spain
ABSTRACT: Although in the last years different metaheuristic methods have been used
to solve the cell formation problem in group technology, this paper presents the
first particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm designed to address this problem.
PSO is a population-based evolutionary computation technique based on a social
behavior metaphor. The criterion used to group the machines in cells is based on
the minimization of inter-cell movements. A maximum cell size is imposed. Some
published exact results have been used as benchmarks to assess the proposed
algorithm. The computational results show that the PSO algorithm is able to find
the optimal solutions on almost all instances. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Part-machine grouping problem; Particle
swarm optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods;
Optimization; Problem solving, Part-machine grouping problem; Particle swarm
optimization (PSO); Swarm optimization algorithm, Algorithms
REFERENCES: Ballakur, A., Steudel, H.J., A within cell utilization based heuristic
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evolution: third European conference: selected papers. Lecture notes in computer
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D. (Eds), Springer, Berlin
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Andrés, C.; CIGIP Research Center, Industrial Management
Department, Polytechnic University of Valencia, building 7D, 3rd floor, Valencia,
46022, Spain; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 07365845
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, M.-C., Wu, H.-P., Lin, C.-P.

A data mining based clustering approach to group technology
(2003) Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3,
pp. 3554-3558. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Inst. of Commerce Automat. and Mgmt., National Taipei Univ. of

Technology, Taipei, Taiwan;
Information System Department, Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is an essential application of group technology
(GT) in which families of parts are produced in manufacturing cells. This paper
describes the development of a cell formation approach based on association rule
mining and 0-1 integer programming. It is valuable to find the important
associations among machines such that the occurrence of some machines in a machine
cell will cause the occurrence of other machines in the same cell. A clustering
model using the discovered association data is formulated to maximize the closeness
measures among machines within each cell. From the results of three medium-sized
problems, the proposed approach shows its ability to find quality solutions of cell
formation problems.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: 0-1 integer programming; Association rule; Cellular
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Data flow analysis; Data mining; Group technology;
Integer programming; Mathematical models; Matrix algebra, Association rule;
Clustering model; Production flow analysis; Rule mining, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., Swami, A., Mining association rules
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Offodile, O.F., Mehrez, A., Grznar, J., Cellular manufacturing: A taxonomic review
framework (1994) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 13 (2), pp. 196-220;
Seifoddini, H.K., Djassemi, M., Determination of a flexibility range for quality
index for formation of cellular manufacturing systems under product mixed
variations (1997) International Journal of Production Research, 35, pp. 3349-3366;
Selim, H.M., Askin, R.G., Vakharia, A.J., Cell formation in group technology:
Review, evaluation and directions for future research (1998) Computers and
Industrial Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 3-20;
Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., Grafics-a non-hierarchical clustering algorithm
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Srinivasan, G., A clustering algorithm for machine cell formation in group
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Venugopal, V., Soft-computing-based approaches to the group technology problem: A
state-of-the-art-review (1999) International Journal of Production Research, 37
(14), pp. 3335-3357
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, M.-C.; Inst. of Commerce Automat. and Mgmt., National
Taipei Univ. of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
ISSN: 10504729
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Akturk, M.S., Turkcan, A.

Cellular manufacturing system design using a holonistic approach
(2000) International Journal of Production Research, 38 (10), pp. 2327-2347. Cited
56 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540050028124
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, 06533
Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
ABSTRACT: We propose an integrated algorithm that will solve the part-family and
machine-cell formation problem by simultaneously considering the within-cell layout
problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that considers the
efficiency of both individual cells and the overall system in monetary terms. Each
cell should make at least a certain amount of profit to attain self-sufficiency,
while we maximize the total profit of the system using a holonistic approach. The
proposed algorithm provides two alternative solutions; one with independent cells
and the other one with inter-cell movement. Our computational experiments indicate
that the results are very encouraging for a set of randomly generated problems.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Costs; Group technology; Random processes; Systems
analysis, Holonistic approach, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Cell formation considering
alternate routings (1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34, pp.
Akturk, M.S., Balkose, H.O., Part machine grouping using a multi-objective cluster
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Askin, R., Zhou, M., Formation of independent flow-line cells based on operation
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Bazargan-Lari, M., Kaebernick, H., Intracell and intercell layout designs for
cellular manufacturing (1996) International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 3,
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Beaulieu, A., Gharbi, A., Ait-Kadi, D., An algorithm for cell formation and machine
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Choobineh, F., A framework for the design of cellular manufacturing systems (1988)
International Journal of Production Research, 26, pp. 1161-1172;
Dahel, N.E., Design of cellular manufacturing system in tandem configuration (1995)
International Journal of Production Research, 33, pp. 2079-2095;
Heragu, S.S., Gupta, Y.P., A heuristic for designing cellular manufacturing
facilities (1984) International Journal of Production Research, 32, pp. 125-140;
Ho, Y.C., Moodie, C.L., Solving cell formation problems in a manufacturing
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Höpf, M., Holonic manufacturing systems (1994) CIM-Europe Annual Conference, pp.
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Joines, J.A., Culbreth, C.T., King, R.E., Manufacturing cell design: An integer
programming model employing genetic algorithms (1996) IIE Transactions, 28, pp. 69-
Offodile, O.F., Mehrez, A., Grznar, J., Cellular manufacturing: A taxonomic review
framework (1994) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 13, pp. 196-219;
Vakharia, A.J., Chang, Y.-L., Cell formation in group technology: A combinatorial
search approach (1997) International Journal of Production Research, 35, pp. 2025-
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pp. 84-97;
Verma, P., Ding, F.-Y., A Sequence-based materials flow procedure for designing
manufacturing cells (1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Akturk, M.S.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent
University, 06533 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Onwubolu, G.C., Songore, V.

Cellular manufacturing systems design using Tabu search
(2000) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of
Engineering Manufacture, 214 (2), pp. 169-172. Cited 3 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, National University of Science and

Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe;
Olivine Industries, Harare, Zimbabwe;
Industrial Engineering Department, National University of Science and Technology,
PO Box A C939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
ABSTRACT: Several techniques have appeared in the literature for the cell formation
problem. However, most of these heuristics have the disadvantages that they cannot
solve real-life problems typical of manufacturing firms in reasonable computational
time, and deal with the part family formation and cell grouping problems
separately. The Tabu search meta-heuristic is presented for resolving these
problems. The minimization of intercellular movements as an objective function is
demonstrated, although minimization of cell load variation and the multiobjective
function option exist in the procedure developed. The results discussed for some
problems taken from the literature show that the Tabu search is a promising
technique for solving the cellular manufacturing systems design problem for both
medium and large problem instances.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Functions; Heuristic methods; Optimization, Tabu search, Cellular
REFERENCES: Burbridge, J., L. Production Flow Analysis for Planning Group
Technology, , 1989 (Oxford Science Publications);
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Vannelli, A., And Kumar, K. R. a Method for Finding Minimal Bottleneck Cells for
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Onwubolu, G.C.; Natl Univ of Science and Technology,
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
PUBLISHER: Prof Eng Publ Ltd, London, United Kingdom
ISSN: 09544054
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B J Eng Manuf
SOURCE: Scopus

Chi, Sheng-Chai, Liu, Shih-Yaug

Flexible neural network approach for machine cell formation
(1995) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, 3, pp. 2064-2069.

AFFILIATIONS: Kaohsiung Polytechnic Inst, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to develop an artificial neural network approach
for solving the generalized machine cell formation problem. The capability of
spontaneous generation of the schema constraint satisfaction model is applied in
our approach to find a near-optimal solution for the problem. A similarity
coefficient method is used to compute the relationship between machines and between
parts for the construction of the neural network. By modifying the relationship
between machines, the factor of sequence of operations can be involved. By
modifying the relationship between parts, the factor of multiple process plans can
be involved. The result shows our approach is flexible and efficient to satisfy
various requirements in machine cell formation.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence; Codes (symbols); Computer simulation;
Machine components; Machine tools; Manufacture; Mathematical programming, Machine
cell formation; Production flow analysis; Similarity coefficient method, Neural
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chi, Sheng-Chai; Kaohsiung Polytechnic Inst, Kaohsiung,
PUBLISHER: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States
ISSN: 08843627
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Hamedi, M., Esmaeilian, G., Bt Ismail, N.

Developing capability -based virtual Cellular Manufacturing Systems and comparison
with capability -based classical Cellular Manufacturing Systems
(2012) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, pp. 3938-3946. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.4028/
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: This paper is an attempt to develop capability-based Virtual Cellular
Manufacturing (VCM) systems and comparing the performance of such systems with
classical Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) in the point of travelling distances
by parts. In this paper, VCM systems are formed through solving a multi-objective
mathematical model with the goal programming approach focused on the part-machine
virtual cell formation problem, which groups parts and machines simultaneously to
generate virtual cells. These cells are designed by considering machines
capabilities with the aid of Resource Element (RE) approach to define processing
requirements of parts and processing capabilities of machines and to take into
account the overlapping capabilities among machines and optional machines to
process parts. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Capability based; Classical Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS);
Resource Element; Virtual Cellular Manufacturing (VCM)
INDEX KEYWORDS: Capability based; Classical Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS);
Goal programming; Multi objective; Overlapping capabilities; Processing capability;
Resource element; Virtual cells; Virtual cellular manufacturing; Virtual cellular
manufacturing system, Aerospace engineering; Cells; Mathematical models;
Mathematical programming, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Lahmar, M., Benjaafar, S., Design of distributed layouts (2005) IIE
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International Journal of Production Research, 38 (5), pp. 1133-1161
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hamedi, M.; Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 16609336
ISBN: 9783037852620
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Lei, D., Wu, Z.

Tabu search approach based on a similarity coefficient for cell formation in
generalized group technology
(2005) International Journal of Production Research, 43 (19), pp. 4035-4047. Cited
32 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540500151283
AFFILIATIONS: Institute of Automation, Shanghai University, 1954 Huashan Road,
Shanghai 200030, China
ABSTRACT: Both a similarity coefficient method (SCM)-based algorithm and meta-
heuristics have been widely applied to various cell formation problems; however,
few studies have explored the combination of the two methods. This paper addresses
a hybrid algorithm, in which, based on the initial solution produced by a new SCM-
based hierarchical clustering method, a fast and effective tabu search approach is
presented to solve cell formation in group technology (GT). The proposed algorithm
is applied to several problems from literature and a group of the randomly
generated instances with alternative process plans and compared with simulated
annealing (SA) and other TS; the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is
available and efficient for cell formation in generalized GT. © 2005 Taylor &
Francis Group Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Group technology; Similarity coefficient; Tabu
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Simulated annealing, Cell formation; Similarity
coefficient method (SCM); Tabu search, Group technology
REFERENCES: Adenso-Díaz, B., Lozano, S., Racero, J., Guerrero, F., Machine cell
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Srinivasan, G., A clustering algorithm for machine cell formation in group
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Sun, D., Lin, L., Batta, R., Cell formation using tabu search (1995) Comput. Ind.
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Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Manufacturing cells' design in consideration of various
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lei, D.; Institute of Automation, Shanghai University, 1954
Huashan Road, Shanghai 200030, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Kandiller, L.
A cell formation algorithm: Hypergraph approximation - Cut tree
(1998) European Journal of Operational Research, 109 (3), pp. 686-702. Cited 2

DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(97)00143-4
AFFILIATIONS: Middle East Technical University, Department of Industrial
Engineering, 06531 Ankara, Turkey;
Rutgers Ctr. for Operations Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-
5062, United States
ABSTRACT: A new cell formation technique is presented and analyzed in this paper.
The cell formation problem is defined using the hypergraph representation of the
manufacturing systems. The proposed method approximates the hypergraph model by
graphs so that the cuts are less affected by the approximation. Consequently, a
Gomory-Hu cut tree of the graph approximation is obtained. The minimum cuts between
all pairs of vertices are calculated easily by means of this tree, and a partition
tree is produced. Our cell formation algorithm successively cuts the partition
tree. The algorithm is subjected to an experimentation of randomly generated
manufacturing situations. The algorithm is compared with other cell formation
techniques as well. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Graph theory; Hypergraphs; Manufacturing;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Approximation theory; Mathematical models; Random
processes; Trees (mathematics), Cell formation algorithms; Gomory-Hu cut tree;
Hypergraph approximations, Flexible manufacturing systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Kandiller, L.; Middle East Technical University, Department
of Industrial Engineering, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Pierreval, H., Plaquin, M.-F.

An evolutionary approach of multicriteria manufacturing cell formation
(1998) International Transactions in Operational Research, 5 (1), pp. 13-25. Cited
12 times.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-3995.1998.tb00098.x
AFFILIATIONS: Laboratoire d’Informatique de Modélisation et d’Optimisation des
Systèmes, Clermont Ferrand, France
ABSTRACT: Several approaches to designing cellular manufacturing systems exist, but
they are generally based on the optimization of a single criterion, such as the
minimization of the inter-cell movement or the total cost. Unfortunately, in
practice, it is often necessary to take into account multiple criteria. We present
an approach based on a niched pareto evolutionary algorithm which does not rely on
weights or distances to a target solution. The suggested method allows several
solutions to be provided, so that a choice is offered to the decision maker,
according to his/her particular constraints. A new recombination operator is also
presented. This approach is illustrated on a cell formation problem using two
criteria: The cell workload and the traffic between cells. © 1998 Blackwell
Publishing Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Evolutionary algorithms; Group technology;
Multicriteria decision making
REFERENCES: Back, T., Schwefel, H.P., An overview of evolutionary algorithms for
parameter optimization (1993) Evolutionary Computation, 1 (1), pp. 1-23;
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Sandbothe, R.A.
Two observations on the grouping efficacy measure for goodness of block diagonal
(1998) International Journal of Production Research, 36 (11), pp. 3217-3222. Cited
16 times.

DOI: 10.1080/002075498192373
AFFILIATIONS: Daemen College, Division of Business, 4380 Main Street, Amherst, NY,
14226, United States
ABSTRACT: This note presents two observations on using the group efficacy measure
of Kumar and Chandrasekharan (1990). First, an example is presented where striving
to maximize grouping efficacy results in a solution to the part family-machine cell
formation problem with illogical part or machine assignments. A restriction on
admissible solutions corrects the flaw. Secondly, a reassignment of parts to
families and/or machines to cells often results in a decrease to one variable, such
as the number of voids, and increases the value of the other variable (number of
exceptional elements). Upper bounds are developed for the positively impacted
variable. When the positively impacted variable is below this upper bound, the
result is an improvement to the grouping efficacy measure. © 1998 Taylor and
Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Mathematical models; Operations research; Problem solving, Block
diagonal form; Grouping efficacy, Group technology
REFERENCES: Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., An ideal seed non-hierarchical
clustering algorithm for cellular manufacturing (1986) International Journal of
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goodness of block diagonal forms of binary matrices in group technology (1990)
International Journal of Production Research, 28, pp. 233-243
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sandbothe, R.A.; Daemen College, Division of Business, 4380
Main Street, Amherst, NY, 14226, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Chu, C.-H.
An improved neural network for manufacturing cell formation
(1997) Decision Support Systems, 20 (4), pp. 279-295. Cited 15 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0167-9236(97)00015-8
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011,
United States
ABSTRACT: With structures inspired by the structure of the human brain and nervous
system, neural networks provide a unique computational architecture for addressing
problems that are difficult or impossible to solve with traditional methods. In
this paper, an unsupervised neural network model, based upon the interactive
activation and competition (IAC) learning paradigm, is proposed as a good
alternative decision-support tool to solve the cell-formation problem of cellular
manufacturing. The proposed implementation is easy to use and can simultaneously
form part families and machine cells, which is very difficult or impossible to
achieve by conventional methods. Our computational experience shows that the
procedure is fairly efficient and robust, and it can consistently produce good
clustering results. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Interactive activation and competitive
learning; Neural networks; Unsupervised learning
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computational complexity; Computer aided manufacturing; Decision
support systems; Flexible manufacturing systems; Interactive computer systems;
Learning systems; Problem solving, Interactive activation and competitive (IAC)
learning, Neural networks
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chu, C.-H.; Department of Management, Iowa State
University, Ames, IA 50011, United States; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 01679236
SOURCE: Scopus

Ossama, M., Youssef, A.M.A., Shalaby, M.A.

A multi-period cell formation model for reconfigurable manufacturing systems
(2014) Procedia CIRP, 17, pp. 130-135. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1016/i.procir.2014.01.120
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
ABSTRACT: The effective design of a reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS)
exerts the need for a design approach to group the parts into families and
determine the corresponding system configurations. A mixed integer programming
model was developed to form simultaneously the part families and corresponding cell
configurations in RMS in a dynamic production environment. A novel reconfiguration
planning heuristic, responsible for determining the reconfiguration plan on both
machines and system levels between successive time periods, is introduced. The
model was tested by solving a dynamic cell formation problem and it was able to
find the optimal solution found in the literature. Also a numerical example is
included to illustrate the proposed model and the reconfiguration planning
heuristic. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Reconfigurable manufacturing systems;
Reconfiguration planning
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Computer aided manufacturing;
Cytology; Integer programming, Cell configurations; Cell formation; Dynamic cell
formation; Mixed integer programming model; Reconfigurable manufacturing system;
Reconfiguration planning; Reconfiguration plans; System configurations, Manufacture
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(1), p. 202
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Youssef, A.M.A.; Department of Mechanical Design and
Production, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 22128271
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Chang, J.-E., Wang, D.

An accessory clustering method for group layout
(2008) 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008,
1, pp. 19-25.

AFFILIATIONS: School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of

Technology, Wuhan, China
ABSTRACT: Nowadays Group Layout (GL) becomes more popular as its flexibility and
agility, the machine-part cell formation problem consists of constructing a set of
machine cells and their corresponding processes with the objective of minimizing
the inner-cell & external-cell accessory movement. This paper puts forward some
application problems using Group Technology in GL and presents a genetic clustering
algorithm combined with local optimization search arithmetic, establishes systemic
process, realizes it based on Visual C++6.0. When tested by classical machine-part
cell problems, the improved algorithm performs better than other methods on
clustering adaptability, time, facility integrated using rate. This paper could
provide core method for computer aided grouping layout and has impressive efforts
on implying Lean Production & Manufacture Resource Planning for Medium-sized and
small enterprises. Copyright © (2008) by Computers & Industrial Engineering.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic clustering algorithm; Group layout; Lean production;
Local optimization search arithmetic; Machine-part cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Genetic clustering algorithms; Group layouts; Lean
production; Local optimizations, Cellular manufacturing; Group technology;
Industrial engineering; Optimization, Clustering algorithms
REFERENCES: (1975) Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan
University of Technology, Wuhan, China

ISBN: 9781627486828
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. Conf. Comput. Ind. Eng.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Wang, J., Wei, X., Li, R.

Evolutionary algorithms with preference for manufacturing cells formation
(2008) Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 21 (1), pp.
111-115. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.3901/CJME.2008.01.111
AFFILIATIONS: School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian 116023, China;
Center for Advanced Design Technology, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China
ABSTRACT: Due to the combinatorial nature of cell formation problem and the
characteristics of multi-objective and multi-constrain, a novel method of
evolutionary algorithm with preference is proposed. The analytic hierarchy process
(AHP) is adopted to determine scientifically the weights of the sub-objective
functions. The satisfaction of constraints is considered as a new objective, the
ratio of the population which doesn't satisfy all constraints is assigned as the
weight of new objective. In addition, the self-adaptation of weights is applied in
order to converge more easily towards the feasible domain. Therefore, both features
multi-criteria and constrains are dealt with simultaneously. Finally, an example is
selected from the literature to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.
The results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in designing the
manufacturing cells.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithm;
INDEX KEYWORDS: Analytic hierarchy process; Evolutionary algorithms; Genetic
algorithms; Multiobjective optimization, Cell formation; Multiconstrain; Self
adaptation of weights, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Chu, C.H., Tsai, M., A comparison of three array-based clustering
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wang, J.; School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian
University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 10009345
SOURCE: Scopus

Vitanov, V., Tjahjono, B., Marghalany, I.

A decision support tool to facilitate the design of cellular manufacturing layouts
(2007) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 52 (4), pp. 380-403. Cited 18 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2007.01.003
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Manufacturing, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield
University, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a decision support tool that can be used by
practitioners and industrialists to solve practical cell formation problems. The
tool is based on a cell formation algorithm that employs a set of heuristic rules
to obtain a quasi-optimal solution from both component routing information and
other significant production data. The algorithm has been tested on a number of
data sets obtained from the literature. The test results have demonstrated that in
many cases the algorithm has produced an exceptional performance in terms of the
grouping efficiency, grouping efficacy and quality index measures. The algorithm,
to an extent, overcomes common problems in existing cell formation methods such as
in dealing with ill-structured matrices and achieving rational cell sizes. © 2007
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Heuristics; Production
flow analysis
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Computer aided manufacturing;
Heuristic methods; Problem solving, Cell formation; Ill-structured matrices;
Production flow analysis, Decision support systems
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Tjahjono, B.; Department of Manufacturing, School of
Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United
Kingdom; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, D.-S., Chen, H.-C., Park, J.-M.

An improved ART neural net for machine cell formation
(1996) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 61 (1-2), pp. 1-6. Cited 8

DOI: 10.1016/0924-0136(96)02457-0
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering, University of Alabama, PO Box 870288,
Tuscaloosa, AL, United States;
Computer Science, University of Alabama, PO Box 870290, Tuscaloosa, AL, United
ABSTRACT: Several researchers have applied the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART)
neural network for solving the machine cell formation problem. The standard ART1
algorithm is efficient, but its solution quality is dependent on the input order of
the machine-part matrix, especially in the presence of ill-structured data. To
alleviate this problem, pre-processing and/or post-processing heuristics have been
added to the standard algorithm. This paper presents an alternative algorithm which
modifies the standard ART1 in two ways: (1) it inputs bipolar vectors instead of
binary vectors as given in the original machine-part matrix, and (2) it
incorporates performance criteria into the algorithm. The results show that the
modified algorithm yields an equally good or better solution than do the existing
ones on a set of published examples.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: ART; Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Neural network
INDEX KEYWORDS: Adaptive algorithms; Computer integrated manufacturing; Data
structures; Heuristic methods; Modification; Optimization; Performance; Problem
solving; Standards; Vectors, Adaptive resonance theory; Binary vectors; Bipolar
vectors; Cellular manufacturing; Ill structured data; Machine cell formation;
Machine part matrix, Cellular neural networks
REFERENCES: Kao, Y., Moon, Y.B., A united group technology implememtation using the
backpropagation learning rule of neural networks (1991) Computers Ind. Eng., 20, p.
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Manufacturing Review, 4, p. 293;
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Chen, S.-J., Cheng, C.-S., A neural network-based cell formation algorithm in
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Chandrasekharan, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., An ideal seed non-hierarchical clustering
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cellular manufacturing (1982) J. Manufacturing Systems, 1, p. 65;
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Manufacturing Systems, 6, p. 117;
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applications (1989) Int. J. Prod. Res., 27, p. 1161;
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Boe, W.J., Cheng, C.H., A close neighbour algorithm for designing cellular
manufacturing systems (1991) Int. J. Prod. Res., 29, p. 2097
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, D.-S.; Industrial Engineering, University of Alabama,
PO Box 870288, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States
ISSN: 09240136
SOURCE: Scopus

Verma, P., Ding, F.-Y.

A sequence-based materials flow procedure for designing manufacturing cells
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (12), pp. 3267-3281. Cited
16 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508904873
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering and Management, North Dakota State University,
Fargo, ND, 58105, United States
ABSTRACT: One of the most important problems in designing a cellular manufacturing
system is the formation of machine cells and the grouping of parts. Most of the
existing cell design procedures operate on a binary part-machine incidence matrix
to identify block diagonality. Important factors such as part operation sequence
and demand volume have not been commonly considered in past research. In this
paper, a sequence-based materials flow procedure is developed to solve the cell
formation problem. The new cell formation procedure is designed to consider
operation sequences in accurately determining the costs of inter-cell movement, as
well as forward and backward intra-cell movements. Extensive comparisons of the new
cell formation procedure with the relevant existing procedures in the literature
demonstrate the effectiveness of the new procedure. © 1995 Taylor & Francis Group,
REFERENCES: Ahmed, M.U., Ahmed, N.U., Nandkeolyar, U., A volume and material
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Management, 6 (2), pp. 125-147
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Verma, P.; Industrial Engineering and Management, North
Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, 58105, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Ponnambalam, S.G., Aravindan, P.

Design of cellular manufacturing systems using objective functional clustering
(1994) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 9 (6), pp.
390-397. Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1007/BF01748484
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore, 641 004, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) has emerged as an alternative to conventional
batch-type manufacturing owing to the former's capability of reducing set-up times,
in-process inventories and throughput times. It provides the basis for
implementation of just-in-time (JIT) and flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). The
machine-part group formation is an important issue in the design of CMSs. This
paper presents objective functional clustering algorithms for cell formation
problems in the design of cellular manufacturing systems. A deterministic objective
functional algorithm (hard clustering) and a fuzzy objective functional algorithm
(fuzzy clustering) are used to form the part families and machine cells
simultaneously. A collection of data sets from open literature is used to test
these algorithms. A software package has been developed to verify the
implementation. © 1994 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Deterministic objective function
algorithm; Fuzzy objective functional algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computer software; Fuzzy sets; Just in time production;
Systems analysis; Flexible manufacturing systems, Cellular manufacturing systems;
Deterministic objective functional algorithm; Fuzzy objective functional algorithm;
Cellular manufacturing (CM); Deterministic objective function algorithm; Fuzzy
clustering; Hard clustering; Objective functional clustering algorithms, Flexible
manufacturing systems; Computer aided manufacturing
REFERENCES: Kusiak, A., Chow, W.S., Efficient solving of the group technology
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Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., GRAFICS-a nonhierarchical clustering algorithm for
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Chandrasekaran, M.P., Rajagopalan, R., MODROC-An extension of rank order clustering
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(1973) International Journal of Production Research, 11, pp. 399-416;
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M.P., Rajagopalan, R., ZODIAC—an algorithm for concurrent formation of part-
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pp. 835-850;
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theoretic approach (1975) International Journal of Production Research, 13, pp.
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Research, 28, pp. 145-152;
Steudel, H.J., Ballakur, A., A dynamic programming based heuristic for machine
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Vakhria, A.J., Wemmerlov, U., A new similarity index and clustering methodology for
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Panneerselvam, R., Balasubramanian, K.N., Algorithmic grouping of operation
sequences (1985) Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 9, pp. 125-135;
Chu, C.-H., Hayya, J.C., A fuzzy clustering approach to manufacturing cell
formation (1991) International Journal of Production Research, 29, pp. 1475-1487;
Ventura, J.A., Frank Chen, F., Wu, C.-H., Grouping parts and tools in flexible
manufacturing systems production planning (1990) International Journal of
Production Research, 28, pp. 1039-1056;
Mosier, C., Taube, L., The facets of group technology and their impacts on
implementation — a state of the art survey (1985) Omega, 17, pp. 289-295;
Seiffidini, H., Single linkage vs average linkage clustering in machine cells
formation applications (1989) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 16, pp. 419-426
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Aravindan, P.; Department of Mechanical and Production
Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 641 004, India
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, W.-H., Srivastava, B.

Simulated annealing procedures for forming machine cells in group technology
(1994) European Journal of Operational Research, 75 (1), pp. 100-111. Cited 54

DOI: 10.1016/0377-2217(94)90188-0
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Management and Systems, Washington State University,
Pullman, WA 99164-4726, United States;
Department of Management, Marguette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233, United States
ABSTRACT: The group technology (GT) problem deals with grouping parts with similar
design and/or process characteristics into part families and forming associated
machines into machine cells in order to achieve a higher level of manufacturing
efficiency. Various models and solution approaches for solving the GT problem have
been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a quadratic programming
model for forming machine cells so as to maximize the sum of machine similarities
within cells while subject to cell size limitation. Our focus is on the development
of simulated annealing based algorithms for solving the cell formation problem. A
systematic computational test is conducted to test the performance of the proposed
algorithms. Our computational results show the superiority of the simulated
annealing algorithms over a graph partitioning based heuristic. © 1994.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Group technology; heuristics; manufacturing; simulated
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Graph theory; Heuristic methods; Machinery;
Manufacture; Mathematical models; Mathematical programming; Optimization, Cellular
manufacturing; Graph partitioning based heuristics; Group technology; Simulated
annealing, Production control
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Wilhelm, Ward, Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems by ‘Simulated Annealing’
(1987) IIE Transactions, 19, pp. 107-119
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, W.-H.; Department of Management and Systems,
Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4726, United States
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Durga Rajesh, K.V., Krishna Akhil, G., Teja Kumar, A., Vivek, K., Radha Krishna, B.
An effective similarity based sheep flock heredity algorithm to anticipate number
of cells
(2018) Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2017, pp.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education

Foundation, Guntur District, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: Cell Manufacturing is a basic Group Technology application that has been
utilized as a part of a few certifiable industrial applications. The issue of cell
development is considered as the principal most vital criteria in the outline Cell
Manufacturing Systems in request to limit throughput time and setup time to amplify
profitability. In this Paper, an effective SFHA (Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm) is
recommended for critical thinking where the quantity of cells isn't settled from
the earlier. To solve Cell Formation problem using SFHA, JAVA code is developed and
to anticipate number of cells, Similarity Coefficients between machines have been
considered and code is developed in MATLAB to get Eigen esteems. From the outcomes
we can state that procedure which is proposed has performed well on the standard
issues. © 2018, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell manufacturing; Eigen esteems; Group
technology; Similarity coefficient
REFERENCES: Vijay Chakaravarthy, G., Marimuthu, S., Ponnambalam, S.G., Kanagaraj,
G., Improved sheep flock heredity algorithm and artificial bee colony algorithm for
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K., Neeraj, Y., An Efficient Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm for the Cell Formation
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Durga Rajesh, K.V., Chalapathi, P.V., Anurag Reddy, C., Mahesh Reddy, S., Baba,
M.A., Akhil Reddy, G., Varma, N.S.M., Application of Teaching-Learning Based
Optimization Technique For Cell Formation Problems (2017) International Journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116, pp. 123-128;
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Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016), Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, pp.
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Modified Grouping Efficacy and New Average Measure of Flexibility: Performance
Measuring Parameters For Cell Formation Applications (2016) ARPN Journal of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11, pp. 9212-9515;
Durga Rajesh, K.V., Mukesh, D., Harshavardhan, M., Jaganadha Swamy, R., Suresh
Krishnasai, G., Gopi, K., Squared Euclidean Distance Matrix: A Heuristic Based
Approach for Cell Formation Applications (2016) International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research, 11, pp. 7044-7048;
Durga Rajesh, K.V., Sreekar, G., Sri Ram, K., Charen, B., Ravi Tejachalapathi,
P.V., Performance Analysis of Selected Cell Formation Techniques for the Design of
a Cellular Manufacturing System (2014) International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research, 9, pp. 12141-12153
PUBLISHER: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
ISSN: 1943023X
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst.
SOURCE: Scopus

Zhou, B., Lu, Y.

Improved PSO for integrating dynamic cell formation and layout problems
(2017) Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 33 (4), pp. 409-415.

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2017.04.004
AFFILIATIONS: School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai,
201804, China
ABSTRACT: To decrease the impact of shorter product life cycles, dynamic cell
formation problems (CFPs) and cell layout problems (CLPs) were simultaneously
optimized. First, CFPs and CLPs were formally described. Due to the changes of
product demands and the limit of machine capacity, the existing layout needed to be
rearranged to a high degree. Secondly, a mathematical model was established for the
objective function of minimizing the total costs. Thirdly, a novel dynamic multi-
swarm particle swarm optimization (DMS-PSO) algorithm based on the communication
learning strategy (CLS) was developed. To avoid falling into local optimum and slow
convergence, each swarm shared their optimal locations before regrouping. Finally,
simulation experiments were conducted under different conditions. Numerical results
indicate that the proposed algorithm has better stability and it converges faster
than other existing algorithms. © 2017, Editorial Department of Journal of
Southeast University. All right reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation and layout; Communication learning strategy;
Dynamic cellular manufacturing system; Dynamic multi-swarm particle swarm
optimization algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Functions; Learning algorithms; Learning systems;
Life cycle; Manufacture; Optimization; Particle swarm optimization (PSO); Swarm
intelligence, Cell formation; Cell layout problem; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic
cellular manufacturing systems; Dynamic multi swarms; Learning strategy; Objective
functions; Product life cycles, Cellular manufacturing
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An effective similarity based sheep flock heredity algorithm to anticipate number
of cells
(2017) Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9 (Special
issue 14), pp. 2720-2726. Cited 2 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education

Foundation, Guntur District, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT: Cell Manufacturing is a basic Group Technology application that has been
utilized as a part of a few certifiable industrial applications. The issue of cell
development is considered as the principal most vital criteria in the outline Cell
Manufacturing Systems in request to limit throughput time and setup time to amplify
profitability. In this Paper, an effective SFHA (Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm) is
recommended for critical thinking where the quantity of cells isn't settled from
the earlier. To solve Cell Formation problem using SFHA, JAVA code is developed and
to anticipate number of cells, Similarity Coefficients between machines have been
considered and code is developed in MATLAB to get Eigen esteems. From the outcomes
we can state that procedure which is proposed has performed well on the standard
issues. © 2017, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell manufacturing; Eigen esteems; Group
technology; Similarity coefficient
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G., Gopi, K., Squared Euclidean Distance Matrix: A Heuristic Based Approach for
Cell Formation Applications (2016) International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research, 11, pp. 7044-7048;
Durga Rajesh, K.V., Sreekar, G., Sri Ram Charen, K., Teja, B.R., Chalapathi, P.V.,
Performance Analysis of Selected Cell Formation Techniques for the Design of a
Cellular Manufacturing System (2014) International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research, 9, pp. 12141-12153
PUBLISHER: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
ISSN: 1943023X
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst.
SOURCE: Scopus

Tóth, T., Radeleczki, S., Veres, L., Körei, A.

A new mathematical approach to supporting group technology
(2014) European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 8 (5), pp. 716-737.

DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2014.065734
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Engineering, University of Miskolc3515,
Department of Analysis, University of Miskolc3515, Hungary;
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Miskolc3515, Hungary
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a mathematical approach which can be successfully
applied in different group technology problems. The method is originated from
formal concept analysis (FCA). We produce some particular extent partitions of a
formal context which encodes the relationship between given technical objects and
their attributes. We show how to define the part type notions and also how to solve
the cell formation problem by means of these extent partitions. The main focus of
the paper is a solution method for the determination of master parts. The method is
based on notions defined by modal operators analogously to formal concepts and uses
the extent partitions of the complementary context. It follows from the nature of
the problem that several solutions can exist; a consistency measure is introduced
in order to rank them. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Consistency measure; Extent partitions; FCA;
Formal concept analysis; Group technology applications; Master parts; Modal
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Group technology; Information analysis,
Cell formation; Consistency measures; FCA; Master parts; Modal operators;
Technology application, Formal concept analysis
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Körei, A.; Department of Applied Mathematics, University of
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17515254
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahapatra, S.S., Narkhede, B.E., Tambuskar, D.P.

A discrete particle swarm optimisation approach for manufacturing cell formation
(2014) International Journal of Procurement Management, 7 (3), pp. 343-358.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPM.2014.060791
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela 769 008, India;
Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai 400019, India
ABSTRACT: Manufacturers need to improve the efficiency and productivity of their
production activities to meet fluctuating demand for customised products with
shorter life-cycles. Cellular manufacturing is one of the important manufacturing
philosophies to achieve manufacturing flexibility. In the past, many methods have
been developed for cell formation problem using zero-one machine part incidence
matrix but such an approach can hardly incorporate real life production factors
resulting in inefficient cell design. In the proposed approach, similarity
coefficient is determined using various real life production factors. A discrete
particle swarm optimisation approach is adopted to form the cluster of machines
through maximising similarity coefficient within the cell and minimising similarity
coefficient between the different cells. The proposed approach is tested on
benchmark problems of different size from open literature for its performance using
group technology efficiency and system utilisation. © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Discrete particle swarm optimisation;
DPSO; Group technology efficiency; GTE; Similarity coefficient; System
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahapatra, S.S.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 769 008, India; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17538432
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

León, J.R., Méndez, J.E.Q., Pimiento, N.R.O.

Performance comparison between a classic particle swarm optimization and a genetic
algorithm in manufacturing cell design [Comparación del desempeño entre un
algoritmo clásico de optimización por enjambre de partículas y un algoritmo
genético en el diseño de celdas de manufactura]
(2013) DYNA (Colombia), 80 (178), pp. 29-36. Cited 3 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Ingeniera Industrial Escuela de Estudios Industriales, Empresariales

Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia;
Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia;
Escuela de Estudios Industriales, Empresariales Universidad Industrial de
Santander, Colombia
ABSTRACT: This article studies the performance of two metaheuristics, the Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the Genetic Algorithm (GA), in the manufacturing cell
formation problem of a factory that needs to organize three production cases in an
efficient way for four, five and six manufacturing cells to produce 30, 40 and 50
different products to be processed in 10, 10 and 20 type machines, respectively.
The procedure for adjusting the particular parameters of each algorithm is
implemented through a Design of Experiments which includes their own analysis of
variance. Both algorithms are implemented in Matlab®. The results obtained by each
meta heuristic are compared in terms of the cost of the best solution found and the
execution time used to find that solution, so that it is possible to establish
which methodology is the most appropriate when solving this optimization problem.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular Manufacturing; Genetic Algorithm; Group Technology;
Intercellular Transfers; Manufacturing cells; Meta-heuristic Models; Particle
Swarm Optimization
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Empresariales Universidad Industrial de SantanderColombia
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Sayadi, M.K., Hafezalkotob, A., Naini, S.G.J.

Firefly-inspired algorithm for discrete optimization problems: An application to
manufacturing cell formation
(2013) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32 (1), p. 78. Cited 81 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2012.06.004
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: The canonical firefly algorithm is basically developed for continuous
optimization problems. However, lots of practical problems are formulated as
discrete optimization problems. The main purpose of this paper is to present the
discrete firefly algorithm (DFA) to solve discrete optimization problems. In the
DFA, we define a firefly's position in terms of changes of probabilities that will
be in one state or the other. Then by using this metaheuristic algorithm, the
manufacturing cell formation problem is solved. To illustrate the behavior of the
proposed model and verify the performance of the algorithm, we introduce a number
of numerical examples to illustrate the use of the foregoing algorithm. The
performance evaluation shows the effectiveness of the DFA. The proposed
metaheuristic algorithm should thus be useful to both researchers and
practitioners. © 2012 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier
Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Discrete optimization; Firefly
algorithm; Metaheuristic
INDEX KEYWORDS: Bioluminescence; Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Problem solving, Continuous optimization problems; Discrete firefly
algorithms; Discrete optimization; Discrete optimization problems; Firefly
algorithms; Manufacturing cell formation; Meta heuristic algorithm; Metaheuristic,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sayadi, M.K.; Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran
University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus
Haleh, H., Iranmanesh, H., Kor, H.
A new hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving multi objective cellformation
(2009) 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE
2009, art. no. 5223729, pp. 612-616. Cited 8 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and system Engineering, Isfahan University

of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: In this research Hybrid Memetic Algorithm and Revised TOPSIS (HMA-
RTM)method is introduced as a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving
multiobjective cell formation problem (CFP). The objectives are the minimization
ofboth total moves (intercellular as well as intracellular moves) and the cellload
Variation. Many researches have been made for Cell formation taking
intoconsideration multi objective. But there is limited works that
consideredPareto-optimum as a solution set. The HMA-RTM composed of Memetic
Algorithm andrevised TOPSIS method (RTM). RTM is used for Pareto based fitness
assignment.The propose model capable to providing decision maker with a wide range
of nondominated solutions. The efficiency of multi-objective HMA-RTM is illustrated
ona large a large-sized test problem taken from the literature. In last section,the
results are compared with a closely related result that is taken fromliterature. ©
2009 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Memetic algorithm; Multi-
objective; Pareto set; Revised TOPSIS
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing systems; Memetic algorithms; Multi-
objective; Pareto set; Revised TOPSIS, Evolutionary algorithms; Industrial
engineering; Multiobjective optimization; Pareto principle, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Haleh, H.; Department of Industrial and system Engineering,
Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran; email:
[email protected]

ISBN: 9781424441365
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Sudhakara Pandian, R., Mahapatra, S.S.

Cell formation with ordinal-level data using ART1-based neural networks
(2008) International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 4 (5), pp. 618-
630. Cited 10 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2008.018005
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of
Technology Rourkela, Orissa, Pin-769 008, India
ABSTRACT: In Cell Formation Problem (CFP), the zero-one Part Machine Incidence
Matrix (PMIM) is the common input to any clustering algorithm. The output is
generated with two or more machine cells and corresponding part families. The major
demerit with such models is that real-life production factors such as operation
time, sequence of operations and lot size of the product are not accounted for. In
this paper, the operation sequence of the parts is considered to enhance the
quality of the solution. A neural network-based algorithm is proposed to solve the
CFP. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested with example problems and
the results are compared with the existing methods found in the literature. The
results presented clearly shows that the performance of the proposed ART1-based
algorithm is comparable with the other methods. © 2008, Inderscience Publishers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: ART1; Cell Formation; CF; Grouping efficiency
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahapatra, S.S.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Orissa, Pin-769 008, India; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 17442370
SOURCE: Scopus

Venkumar, P., Haq, A.N.

Manufacturing cell formation using modified ART1 networks
(2005) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 26 (7-8), pp.
909-916. Cited 12 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-003-2048-5
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Arulmigu Kalasalingam College
of Engineering, Krishnankoil - 626 190, Tamil Nadu, India;
Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu,
ABSTRACT: The primary objective of group technology (GT) is to enhance the
productivity in the batch manufacturing environment. The GT cell formation problem
is solved using modified binary adaptive resonance theory networks known as ART1.
The input to the modified ART1 is a machine-part incidence matrix comprised of the
binary digits "0" and "1". And the outputs are the list of part families and the
corresponding part list, machine cells and their corresponding list of machines,
and the number of exceptional elements. This method is applied to the known
benchmarked problems found in the literature and it is found to outperform other
algorithms in terms of minimizing the number of the exceptional elements. The
relative merits of using this method with respect to other known
algorithms/heuristics in terms of computational speed and consistency are presented
. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Adaptive resonance theory networks; Cell formation; Group
INDEX KEYWORDS: Adaptive systems; Algorithms; Flexible manufacturing systems; Group
technology; Heuristic methods; Productivity; Resonance, Adaptive resonance theory
networks; Batch manufacturing; Cell formation; Computational speed, Cellular
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Ballakur, A., Steudel, H.J., A within-cell utilization based heuristic for
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Srinivasan, G., Narendran, T.T., GRAFICS-A nonhierarchical clustering algorithm for
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Haq, A.N.; Department of Production Engineering, National
Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus
Mahdavi, I., Kaushal, O.P., Chandra, M.
Graph-neural network approach in cellular manufacturing on the basis of a binary
(2001) International Journal of Production Research, 39 (13), pp. 2913-2922. Cited
27 times.

DOI: 10.1080/0020754011005914
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Technology,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, PO Box 734, Babol, Iran;
Department of Production Engineering, College of Technology, G.B. Pant University
of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145, India;
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Basic
Sciences and Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar - 263145, India
ABSTRACT: In the past several years, many studies have been carried out on cellular
manufacturing. Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy in which similar
parts are identified and grouped together to take advantage of their similarities
in manufacturing and design. The main problem in the development of cellular
manufacturing is that of cell formation. In this paper, a graph-neural network
approach is given for cell formation problems in group technology. Effort has been
made to develop an algorithm that is more reliable than conventional methods. A
graph-neural network has the advantages of fast computation and the ability to
handle large scale industrial problems without the assumption of any parameter and
the least exceptional elements in the presence of bottleneck machines and/or
bottleneck parts. Two examples from the literature have been solved to demonstrate
the advantages of the algorithm.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Binary sequences; Computational methods; Graph theory;
Machine design; Matrix algebra; Neural networks, Binary system; Bottleneck machine;
Bottleneck parts; Graph-neural network, Cellular manufacturing
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Srinivasan, G., Zimmers, E.W.

Fractional cell formation - issues and approaches
(1998) International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and
Practice, 5 (4), pp. 257-264. Cited 6 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Indust. Eng. and Management Division, Department of Humanities,

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses fractional cell formation in Group Technology
implementation, where part of the production facility is redesigned into
manufacturing cells. The fractional cell formation issue is important in
manufacturing cell design, because it may not be possible to economically convert
the entire facility to manufacturing cells. The authors discuss the issues in
modeling fractional cell formation problems and they develop efficient algorithms
to group the facilities into manufacturing cells and a remainder cell. Algorithms
are tested using a variety of matrices including those from real-life situations to
demonstrate the potential applicability of the proposed approach. Significance:
Fractional cell formation is an emerging concept that is useful to minimize inter-
cell moves in Cellular manufacturing applications. The algorithms and methods
proposed in this paper have the potential to reduce the cost of implementation
while substantially increasing the product throughput times.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Fractional cell formation; Heuristics;
Remainder cells
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cost effectiveness; Group technology; Heuristic
methods; Mathematical models; Matrix algebra; Plant layout; Production engineering;
Reengineering; Throughput, Fractional cell formation, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Srinivasan, G.; Indust. Eng. and Management Division,
Department of Humanities, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
ISSN: 10724761
SOURCE: Scopus

Onwubolu, G.C.
Redesigning jobshops to cellular manufacturing systems
(1998) Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 9 (6), pp. 377-382. Cited 8 times.

DOI: 10.1108/09576069810238763
AFFILIATIONS: Natl. Univ. of Sci. and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
ABSTRACT: Grouping parts into families which can be produced by a cluster of
machine cells is the cornerstone of cellular manufacturing, which in turn is the
building block for flexible manufacturing systems. Cellular manufacturing is a
group technology (GT) concept that has recently attracted the attention of
manufacturing firms operating in a jobshop environment to consider redesigning
their manufacturing systems so as to take advantage of increased throughput, and
reductions in work-in-progress, set-up time, and lead times; leading to product
quality and customer satisfaction. Presents a similarity order clustering technique
for the machine cell formation problem. The procedure is compared with many
existing procedures using eight well-known problems from the literature. The
results show that the proposed procedure, which is attractive due to its
simplicity, compares well with existing procedures and should be useful to
practitioners and researchers.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Flexible manufacturing systems; Group technology; Just in time
production; Problem solving; Quality assurance; Scheduling; Systems analysis; Value
engineering, Order clustering methods; Redesigning jobshops, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Onwubolu, G.C.; Natl. Univ. of Sci. and Technology,
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
ISSN: 09576061
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, S.-J., Cheng, C.-S.

A neural network-based cell formation algorithm in cellular manufacturing
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (2), pp. 293-318. Cited 49

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930150
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, YUAN-ZE Institute of
Technology, 135 Yuan-Tung Rd, Nei-Li, China
ABSTRACT: The Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural network is a novel method for
the cell formation problem in group technology (GT). The advantages of using an ART
network over other conventional methods are its fast computation and the
outstanding ability to handle large scale industrial problems. One weakness of this
approach is that the quality of a grouping solution is highly dependent on the
initial disposition of the machine-part incidence matrix especially in the presence
of bottleneck machines and/or bottleneck parts. The effort of this paper has been
aimed at alleviating the above mentioned problem by the introduction of a set of
supplementary procedures. The advantages of the supplementary procedures are
demonstrated by 40 examples from the literature. The results clearly demonstrate
that our algorithm is more reliable and efficient in cases of ill-structured data.
© 1995 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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Institute of Technology, 135 Yuan-Tung Rd, Nei-Li, China
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, S.-J., Cheng, C.-S.

A neural network-based cell formation algorithm in cellular manufacturing
(1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32 (12), pp. 293-318. Cited 29

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930150
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, YUAN-ZE Institute of
Technology, 135 Yuan-Tung Rd, Nei-Li, China
ABSTRACT: The Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural network is a novel method for
the cell formation problem in group technology (GT). The advantages of using an ART
network over other conventional methods are its fast computation and the
outstanding ability to handle large scale industrial problems. One weakness of this
approach is that the quality of a grouping solution is highly dependent on the
initial disposition of the machine-part incidence matrix especially in the presence
of bottleneck machines and/or bottleneck parts. The effort of this paper has been
aimed at alleviating the above mentioned problem by the introduction of a set of
supplementary procedures. The advantages of the supplementary procedures are
demonstrated by 40 examples from the literature. The results clearly demonstrate
that our algorithm is more reliable and efficient in cases of ill-structured data.
© 1994 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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Institute of Technology, 135 Yuan-Tung Rd, Nei-Li, China
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Uthayakumar, M., Adinarayanan, A., Prabhakaran, G., Slota, A., Zajac, J.

Arrangement of machine cell in cellular manufacturing system: A PSO approach
(2018) Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 10 (5), pp.

AFFILIATIONS: Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, India;

KCG College of Technology, Chennai, India;
Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland
ABSTRACT: While designing the cellular manufacturing system (CMS), cell formation
(CF) plays the major role since it was the first step. The cell formation problem
attempted in this paper is about the formation of machine cell with the goal of
minimizing the grass intercellular move and grass cell load variations. In this
problem, number of components, sequence of operations, operation time, equipments
capacity, and machine workload are considered as parameters. For the grouping of
machineries in a considered problem, one of the meta heuristic search approaches
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed. In order to illustrate the
behaviour of the proposed PSO approach, 40 equipments and 100 part types are
considered. The outcome acquired from particle swarm optimization is compared with
the result obtained from the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and ant colony system (ACS) in
the literature. © 2018, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell load variations; Cellular manufacturing
system; Intercellular moves; Particle swarm optimization
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ISSN: 1943023X
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst.
SOURCE: Scopus

Aghajani, A., Didehbani, S.A., Zadahmad, M., Seyedrezaei, M.H., Mohsenian, O.

A multi-objective mathematical model for cellular manufacturing systems design with
probabilistic demand and machine reliability analysis
(2014) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 75 (5-8), pp.
755-770. Cited 14 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6084-0
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Computer Engineering, Ilkhchi Branch, Islamic Azad
University, PO BOX 53558114418, Ilkhchi, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, PO BOX 19395-3697,
Tehran, Iran;
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7022, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a dynamic multi-objective mixed integer mathematical
model for cell formation problem with probabilistic demand and machine reliability
analysis, where the total system costs, machine underutilization cost, and maximum
system failure rate over the planning time periods are to be minimized
simultaneously. The total system cost objective function calculates machine
operating, internal part production, intercellular material handling, and
subcontracting costs. Since in this type of problems, objectives are in conflict
with each other, so finding an ideal solution (a solution that satisfies all
objectives simultaneously) is not possible. Therefore, this study uses the
augmented ε-constraint method (to solve small size problems) and a nondominated
sorting genetic algorithm (NSGAII) (to solve large size problems) to find the
Pareto optimal frontier that decision makers can select her/his preferred solution.
Numerical examples will be solved to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed
algorithm. © 2014, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic probabilistic demand; Exponential distribution; Group
technology; Machine availability; Machine reliability; Multi-objective genetic
algorithm; Multi-objective mathematical model; Pareto optimal; Poisson
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Cost benefit analysis; Costs; Genetic
algorithms; Group technology; Manufacture; Materials handling; Pareto principle;
Poisson distribution; Probability distributions; Problem solving; Reliability;
Reliability analysis, Exponential distributions; Machine availability; Machine
reliability; Multi objective; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Pareto-optimal,
Mathematical models
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Aghajani, A.; Department of Computer Engineering, Ilkhchi
Branch, Islamic Azad University, PO BOX 53558114418, Iran
PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag London Ltd
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Lv, J., Yuan, J., Han, W.

Multi-period virtual cell formation: A new methodology based on nonlinear mixed-
integer programming model
(2013) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 278-280, pp. 2210-2217.

DOI: 10.4028/
AFFILIATIONS: School of Economics and Management, Jiangsu University of science and
Technology, Mengxi Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212003, China
ABSTRACT: This paper researched on multi-period dynamic virtual cell formation
problem, and filled the gap on objectives of previous literatures. A developed 0-1
non-linear mixed-integer mathematical model was proposed, it incorporates real-life
parameters like alternative routings, operation sequence, duplicate machine,
processing time and machine capacity. The advantage of the model is to embed the
function relationship between cell size and internal production cost in the model,
thus the effects of set-up cost, work-in-process inventory cost, coordination cost
and inventory handling cost on VCMS are acted on the model. Finally a numerical
example solved by Lingo11.0 software package was presented to verify the model and
related discussion was made. The results show that the cell size changes as time in
dynamic condition and different scenarios of internal production cost can obtain
different cell configurations. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell size; Internal production cost; Multi-period dynamic cell
formation; Virtual cellular manufacturing systems
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Cell configurations; Cell size; Coordination
costs; Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic condition; Function relationships; Handling
costs; Mixed-integer; Mixed-Integer Programming; Multi-period; Numerical example;
Operation sequences; Processing time; Production cost; Setup costs; Virtual cells;
Virtual cellular manufacturing system; Work-in-process inventory, Cells; Costs;
Cytology; Integer programming; Mathematical models, Cellular manufacturing
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University of science and Technology, Mengxi Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212003,
China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 16609336
ISBN: 9783037855959
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Mosbah, A.B., Dao, T.-M.

Optimisation of manufacturing cell formation with extended great deluge meta-
heuristic approach
(2012) International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 7 (4), pp.
280-293. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2012.052180
AFFILIATIONS: Mechanical Engineering Department, École de technologie supérieure
(ÉTS), 1100 Notre-Dame Street West, Montreal QC H3C 1K3, Canada
ABSTRACT: The concepts of cellular manufacturing system (CMS) and cell scheduling
(CS) have been widely used to meet various production needs. The CMS is a
particular case of group technology (GT) applied to improve the production
efficiency and reduce operational costs. This work addresses the machine/part
grouping and group scheduling problems. The cell formation problem has long been
recognised as the most challenging problem in realising the concept of cellular
manufacturing. It belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. One of the most
important problems in the area of production management is the scheduling problem
which has also been proven to be NPhard. To solve this scheduling problem an
Extended Great Deluge (EGD) metaheuristic approach is employed. The results of the
proposed approach show a major improvement when compared with the results of one of
the best algorithms developed so far by other researchers. © 2012 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; cell scheduling; Cellular manufacturing system;
CMS; EGD; Extended great deluge; Meta-heuristic approach
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell scheduling; CMS; EGD; Extended great deluge; Meta-heuristic
approach, Cellular manufacturing; Computational complexity; Group technology;
Heuristic algorithms; Heuristic methods; Industrial management; Scheduling, Problem
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dao, T.-M.; Mechanical Engineering Department, École de
technologie supérieure (ÉTS), 1100 Notre-Dame Street West, Montreal QC H3C 1K3,
Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 1741539X
SOURCE: Scopus

Nikoofarid, E., Aalaei, A.

Production planning and worker assignment in a dynamic virtual cellular
manufacturing system
(2012) International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 7
(2), pp. 89-95. Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1080/17509653.2012.10671211
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of
Technology, Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Most traditional cell formation problem (CFP) procedures disregard any
changes in demand and part mix variation. However, in today’s business environment,
the life cycle of goods is short, and demand volumes and product mix can frequently
vary. In this article, a mathematical model for production planning in a dynamic
virtual environment is proposed which includes an extensive coverage of the
important manufacturing features, including a consideration of multi-period
planning horizons with demand and part mix variation, machine capacity, the main
constraints are demand satisfaction in all over period, machine availability,
machine time-capacity, and availability of workers. VCMS combines the robustness
and flexibility of process orientation with the advantages of product orientation,
which is expected to appreciate throughput time performance. To validate and verify
the proposed model, computational results are presented by solving a number of
numerical examples, with a linearized formulation. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group,
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing system (DVCMS); Multi-
period cell formation; Production planning; Worker flexibility
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Aalaei, A.; Department of Industrial Engineering &
Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 17509653
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Manage. Sci. Eng. Manage.
SOURCE: Scopus

Venkumar, P., Haq, A.N.

Fractional cell formation in group technology using modified ART1 neural networks
(2006) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (7-8), pp.
761-765. Cited 24 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-004-2421-z
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Arulmigu Kalasalingam College
of Engineering, Krishnankoil - 626 190, Tamil Nadu, India;
Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, 620 015,
Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT: Group technology (GT) is a manufacturing philosophy that attempts to
reduce production cost by reducing the material handling and transportation cost.
The GT cell formation by any known algorithm/heuristics results in much intercell
movement known as exceptional elements. In such cases, fractional cell formation
using reminder cells can be adopted successfully to minimize the number of
exceptional elements. The fractional cell formation problem is solved using
modified adaptive resonance theory1 network (ART1). The input to the modified ART1
is machine-part incidence matrix comprising of the binary digits 0 and 1. This
method is applied to the known benchmarked problems found in the literature and it
is found to be equal or superior to other algorithms in terms of minimizing the
number of the exceptional elements. The relative merits of using this method with
respect to other known algorithms/heuristics in terms of computational speed and
consistency are presented.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Adaptive resonance theory networks; Fractional cell formation;
Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Costs; Group technology; Heuristic methods; Materials
balance; Matrix algebra; Neural networks; Problem solving; Production;
Transportation charges, Adaptive resonance theory networks; Fractional cell
formation; Incidence matrix, Cell culture
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Haq, A.N.; Department of Production Engineering, National
Institute of Technology, 620 015, Tamil Nadu, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Lozano, S., Canca, D., Guerrero, F., García, J.M.

Machine grouping using sequence-based similarity coefficients and neural networks
(2001) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 17 (5), pp. 399-404. Cited
22 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0736-5845(01)00015-1
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Management, University of Seville, Camino De
Los Descubrimientos, s/n 41092 Seville, Spain
ABSTRACT: Most neural network approaches to the cell formation problem do not use
information on the sequence of operations on part types. They only use as input the
binary part-machine incidence matrix. In this paper we investigate two sequence-
based neural network approaches for cell formation. The objective function
considered is the minimization of transportation costs (including both
intracellular and intercellular movements). Constraints on the minimum and maximum
number of machines per cell can be imposed. The problem is formulated
mathematically and shown to be equivalent to a quadratic programming integer
program that uses symmetric, sequence-based similarity coefficients between each
pair of machines. Of the two energy-based neural network approaches investigated,
namely Hopfield model and Potts Mean Field Annealing, the latter seems to give
better and faster solutions, although not as good as a Tabu Search algorithm used
for benchmarking. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Neural networks;
Similarity coefficients
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Constraint theory; Fuzzy control; Heuristic methods;
Integer programming; Neural networks, Cell formations, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lozano, S.; Department of Industrial Management, University
of Seville, Camino de los Descubrimientos, s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 07365845
SOURCE: Scopus

Askin, Ronald G., Huang, Yuanshu

Employee training and assignment for facility reconfiguration
(1997) Industrial Engineering Research - Conference Proceedings, pp. 426-431. Cited
22 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Univ of Arizona, Tucson, United States

ABSTRACT: The traditional cell formation problem has concentrated on the
specification of part families and machine groups. However, the conversion of
manufacturing facilities from process orientation to a cellular configuration also
requires the assignment of workers to cells and the education of these workers to
operate as a self-directed cellular team. In addition to training in scheduling,
quality and other support tasks, cross-training of workers on heterogeneous
processing equipment may be required. In this paper, we provide and compare two
integer programming models for guiding the assignment of workers to cells and the
selection of a training program for each employee. Solution procedures are tested
on sample problems of varying size to demonstrate the computational time required
and the usefulness of the output solution. The structure of the models and test
results are used to develop rules to support the decision making for worker
assignment and training program selection.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Decision making; Decision support systems; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Integer programming; Scheduling, Facility reconfiguration, Personnel
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Askin, Ronald G.; Univ of Arizona, Tucson, United States
EDITORS: Curry Guy L.
PUBLISHER: IIE, Norcross, GA, United States

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Yang, Ziyong, Malakooti, Behnam

Machine-part cell formation and operation allocation
(1996) Industrial Engineering Research - Conference Proceedings, pp. 31-36.

AFFILIATIONS: Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, United States

ABSTRACT: Group technology is a modern manufacturing approach which has been widely
used in many industries, including job-shop or batch-type production. It is also
very important for designing cellular manufacturing systems. This paper addresses
the machine-part cell formation problem with consideration of part processing
sequence, part production volume, part alternative processing plans, and part
processing times. This paper develops an approach to determine the machine-part
cells and to choose the part processing plans minimizing the intercell part flow.
The proposed approach solves the problem iteratively until a set of plans and the
machine-part cells are obtained with minimal intercell part flow. The approach
first solves an integer programming problem to find processing plans and then uses
a heuristic procedure to form the machine-part cells. The convergence of the
algorithm is investigated. An example is presented to explain the developed
approach. Experimental results are also given.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Assembly machines; Computational complexity;
Convergence of numerical methods; Integer programming; Process engineering;
Production engineering; Systems analysis, Group technology; Machine part cell
formation; Operation allocation, Manufacture
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Yang, Ziyong; Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, United
EDITORS: Askin R.G., Bidanda B., Jagdale S.
PUBLISHER: IIE, Norcross, GA, United States

DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Sarker, B.R., Balan, C.V.

Cell formation with operation times of jobs for even distribution of workloads
(1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34 (5), pp. 1447-1468. Cited
19 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549608904975
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803-6409, United States
ABSTRACT: Unlike the traditional cell formation problem with machine-part incidence
matrix, this paper deals with the formation of cells for jobs with operation times
on different machines. The cell formation procedure in this paper consists of two
distinct phases. The first phase analyses the relationship between the number of
cells and the maximum number of operations that can be performed without
duplicating the machines and develops a closed form expression for the optimal
number of cells that minimizes the total associated cost. The second phase proposes
a methodology for clustering the machines and the parts into a prespecified optimal
number of cells given an upper limit on the total processing time of the jobs in a
cell. Finally an attempt has been made to balance the system with an objective of
reducing the degree of workload deviation in the cells. © 1996 Taylor & Francis
Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Job analysis; Machine shops; Machinery; Operations research;
Scheduling, Cell formation; Operation times; Workload distribution; Workloads,
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Systems Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803-6409,
United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Sarker, B.R.
The resemblance coefficients in group technology: A survey and comparative study of
relational metrics
(1996) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 30 (1), pp. 103-116. Cited 44 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0360-8352(95)00024-0
AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng., Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States
ABSTRACT: Group formation of machines and parts in cellular manufacturing systems
are, in most cases, achieved by using the information on the similarity of
operational requirements of parts. To assess the quality of solutions to the cell
formation problems, a comprehensive overview of several similarity and
dissimilarity coefficients based on different performance measures are covered in
this paper. Analysis of the experimental data available shows that there is no
similarity coefficient that performs well on all performance measures for problems
from either the literature or randomly generated sets. There are very few studies
reported in the literature which compare and evaluate different similarity
coefficients. In this paper, a number of commonly used similarity and dissimilarity
coefficients are reviewed and compared characteristically among themselves to
assess their compatibility in different problems. Similarity coefficients other
than those mentioned herein could not be analyzed due to the lack of theoretical
and experimental results.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Costs; Just in time production; Manufacture; Operations research;
Performance; Quality control; Systems analysis; Technology, Cell formation;
Cellular manufacturing systems; Group technology; Quality improvement; Similarity
dissimilarity coefficients, Production engineering
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sarker, B.R.; Dept. of Indust. and Mfg. Syst. Eng.,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Ajagekar, A., Humble, T., You, F.

Quantum computing based hybrid solution strategies for large-scale discrete-
continuous optimization problems
(2020) Computers and Chemical Engineering, 132, art. no. 106630, .

DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2019.106630
AFFILIATIONS: Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, United States;
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge, TN 37831,
United States
ABSTRACT: Quantum computing (QC) has gained popularity due to its unique
capabilities that are quite different from that of classical computers in terms of
speed and methods of operations. This paper proposes hybrid models and methods that
effectively leverage the complementary strengths of deterministic algorithms and QC
techniques to overcome combinatorial complexity for solving large-scale mixed-
integer programming problems. Four applications, namely the molecular conformation
problem, job-shop scheduling problem, manufacturing cell formation problem, and the
vehicle routing problem, are specifically addressed. Large-scale instances of these
application problems across multiple scales ranging from molecular design to
logistics optimization are computationally challenging for deterministic
optimization algorithms on classical computers. To address the computational
challenges, hybrid QC-based algorithms are proposed and extensive computational
experimental results are presented to demonstrate their applicability and
efficiency. The proposed QC-based solution strategies enjoy high computational
efficiency in terms of solution quality and computation time, by utilizing the
unique features of both classical and quantum computers. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Hybrid techniques; Molecular design; Optimization; Quantum
computing; Scheduling and planning; Supply chain and logistics optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Efficiency; Integer programming; Job shop
scheduling; Optimization; Quantum computers; Scheduling; Supply chains; Vehicle
routing, Hybrid techniques; Logistics optimization; Molecular design; Quantum
Computing; Scheduling and planning, Computational efficiency
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Ghosh, T., Doloi, B., Dan, P.K.

Utilization-based grouping efficiency and multi-criteria decision approach in
designing of manufacturing cells
(2017) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of
Engineering Manufacture, 231 (3), pp. 505-522. Cited 2 times.

DOI: 10.1177/0954405416629583
AFFILIATIONS: Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata,
700032, India;
Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur,
ABSTRACT: The essence of the "ratio data" in cellular manufacturing system has
rarely been correctly emphasized since past few decades of research and study. This
article is an attempt to deal with cell formation problem which exploits machine
utilization percentage and eliminates the "fuzziness" on the subject of ratio data.
In the course of this study, a distinctive technique is adopted based on multi-
criteria decision technique with significant modifications which is experimented on
test data and compared with published methodology. To verify the grouping result, a
novel performance measure is proposed and elaborated analytically to establish its
superiority and robustness over the earlier efficiency measures published in the
past literature of cellular manufacturing system. The novelty of this research
remains in eradicating ambiguities on the subject of "ratio data," imposing
appropriate rules while generating the test problems, catering a unique multi-
criteria decision technique-based approach and a novel performance measure for the
aforesaid problem. © Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: analytical hierarchy process; cellular manufacturing system;
Machine utilization percentage; multi-criteria decision technique; performance
measure; ratio data
INDEX KEYWORDS: Efficiency; Industrial research; Manufacture, Analytical Hierarchy
Process; Machine utilization; Multicriteria decision; Performance measure; Ratio
data, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ghosh, T.; Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur
UniversityIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: SAGE Publications Ltd
ISSN: 09544054
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B J Eng Manuf
SOURCE: Scopus

Egilmez, G., Singh, S., Ozguner, O.

Cell formation in a cellular manufacturing system under uncertain demand and
processing times: A stochastic genetic algorithm approach
(2017) International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 26 (2), pp.
162-185. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2017.081489
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of
New Haven, Buckman Hall, 218, 300 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516, United
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, North Dakota State
University, United States;
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the stochastic cell formation problem with a newly
proposed stochastic genetic algorithm (SGA) approach considering stochastic demand
and processing times, thus capacity requirements. A stochastic nonlinear
mathematical model [SNMM, proposed by Egilmez et al. (2012)] and the newly proposed
SGA approaches are compared based on the solution quality and execution times on
10, 20 and 30-product problems. SGA approach is used to experiment with various GA
parameters including number of generation, population size, probability and type of
crossover and mutation, which resulted in 456 combinations with 10-replications
each. The results of the proposed SGA model indicated that the optimal solution is
guaranteed with the 10 product problem and average gaps of 1.75% and 3.70% were
obtained from 20 and 30-product problems, respectively. The execution times were
significantly reduced by the proposed SGA model, where reductions of 87.2%, 98.3%
and 99.5% were achieved in computation times. © Copyright 2017 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Demand uncertainty;
Group technology; Kruskal-Wallis test; Nonlinear mathematical model; SGAs;
Statistical analysis; Stochastic genetic algorithms; Unit piece flow
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Egilmez, G.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, University of New Haven, Buckman Hall, 218, 300 Boston Post Road,
United States; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17442370
SOURCE: Scopus

Sengupta, S., Ghosh, T., Dan, P.K.

A hybrid neural network approach to cell formation in cellular manufacturing
(2011) International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications,
10 (4), pp. 360-376. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJISTA.2011.045484
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, West Bengal
University of Technology, BF 142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700064, India
ABSTRACT: The design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) has attained the
significant interest of academicians, researchers and practitioners over the last
three decades. CMS is regarded as an efficient production strategy for batch type
of production. Literature suggests that since the last two decades neural network
based methods have been intensively used in cell formation problems while
production factor such as operation time is merely considered. This paper presents
a new hybrid neural network approach, Fuzzy ARTCentroid Linkage Clustering
Technique (FACLCT), to solve the part machine grouping problems in cellular
manufacturing systems considering operation time. The performance of the proposed
technique is tested with problems from open literature and the results are compared
with the existing clustering models such as simple C-Linkage, K-Means, modified
ART1 and genetic algorithm and achieved better performance. The novelty of this
study lies in the simple and efficient methodology to produce quick solutions with
least computational efforts. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Agglomerative clustering; Artificial neural network; Cell
formation; Cellular manufacturing; Centroid linkage; Fuzzy adaptive resonance
theory; Group technology
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ghosh, T.; Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, West Bengal University of Technology, BF 142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata
700064, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 17408865
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Intell. Syst. Technol. Appl.
SOURCE: Scopus

Dixit, A.R., Mishra, P.K.

Ex-CLASS: Extended Cell formation and LAyout Selection considering production
parameters with sequence data
(2010) International Journal of Product Development, 10 (1-3), pp. 180-200. Cited 7

DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2010.029992
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mining Machinery
Engineering, Indian School of Mines University, India;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT, India
ABSTRACT: The design of a Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) often involves three
major decisions: cell formation, facility layout within the cells and cell layout
within the system. Ideally, these decisions should be addressed in order to obtain
the complete result. A large number of papers on cell formation and layout design
have been published so far, but very few of them have considered these objectives
simultaneously. Consideration of important production parameters like operation
sequence, production volume and batch size make the cell formation problem complex
but more realistic. In this paper, a solution methodology has been developed that
identifies part families/machine grouping and also provides amicable
intercell/intracell facility layout design. The computational procedure of the
algorithm has been illustrated by an example. Numerical results indicate that the
proposed methodology is flexible and efficient. Further, it also points to the
untapped potential of such an approach to solve CMS design and layout problems
using sequence data. © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Facility layout; Operation sequence
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Dixit, A. R.; Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Mining Machinery Engineering, Indian School of Mines UniversityIndia; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 14779056
SOURCE: Scopus

Hachicha, W., Masmoudi, F., Haddar, M.

Combining axiomatic design and designed experiments for cellular manufacturing
systems design framework
(2008) International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 3 (3-4), pp. 306-319.
Cited 7 times.

DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2008.021215
AFFILIATIONS: Unit of Mechanic, Modelling and Production (U2MP), B.P. 1173, Sfax,
3038, Tunisia;
Department of Industrial Management, Higher Institute of Industrial Management of
Sfax, B.P. 954, Sfax, 3018, Tunisia
ABSTRACT: Cellular Manufacturing (CM) system has been recognised as an efficient
and effective way to improve productivity in a factory. In recent years, there have
been continuous research efforts to study different facet of CM system. They are
developed to satisfy only one or limited Functional Requirements (FRs) of the CM
system design. The literature does not contain much published research on CM design
which includes all design aspects. In this paper we provide a framework for the
complete CM system design. It combines Axiomatic Design (AD) and Experimental
Design (ED) to generate several feasible and potentially profitable designs. The AD
approach is used as the basis for establishing a systematic CM systems design
structure. ED has been a very useful tool to design and analyse complicated
industrial design problems. AD helps secure valid input-factors to the ED. An
element of the proposed framework is demonstrated through a numerical example for a
cell formation problem with alternative process. Copyright © 2008 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: AD; Agile systems; Alternatives process; Axiomatic design;
Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; CM; Design methodology; ED;
Experimental design
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hachicha, W.; Unit of Mechanic, Modelling and Production
(U2MP), B.P. 1173, Tunisia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17419174
SOURCE: Scopus

Ponnambalam, S.G., Sudhakarapandian, R., Mohapatra, S.S., Saravanasankar, S.

Cell formation with workload data in cellular manufacturing system using genetic
(2007) IEEM 2007: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management, art. no. 4419275, pp. 674-678. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2007.4419275
AFFILIATIONS: School of Engineering, Monash University, 46150 Petaling Jaya,
Kalasalingam University, Virudhunagar, India;
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
ABSTRACT: Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) is regarded as an efficient
production strategy for batch type of production. CMS rests on the principle of
grouping the machines into machine cells and parts into part families based on
suitable similarity criteria. Usually zero-one machine-part incidence matrix (MPIM)
obtained from the route sheet information is used to form machine cells. In this
paper, an attempt has been made to solve the cell formation problem considering
work load data and a genetic algorithm (GA) is suggested to form machine cells and
part families. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with existing
algorithms such as K-means algorithm and modified ART1 algorithm found in the
literature using a newly defined performance measure known as modified grouping
efficiency (MGE). The proposed algorithm is tested with problems from open
literature and the results are compared with the existing algorithms found in the
literature. The results support the better performance of the proposed algorithm. ©
2007 IEEE.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Genetic algorithm; Grouping efficiency
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular automata; Genetic algorithms; Problem solving; Production
engineering, Cell formation; Grouping efficiency; K-means algorithms; Machine-part
incidence matrix (MPIM); Modified grouping efficiency (MGE), Systems engineering
REFERENCES: Burbidge, J.L., A Manual Method of Production Flow Analysis (1977) The
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Science & Technology, 8 (1), pp. 13-21
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Ponnambalam, S.G.; School of Engineering, Monash
University, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia; email: [email protected]
ISBN: 1424415292; 9781424415298
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Subramaniam, V., Siong, W.Y., Reddy, K.R.B.

Cell formation with multiple process plans and manufacturing attributes
(2006) International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 27 (1), pp.
38-50. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2006.010988
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of
Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260, Singapore;
Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology, Singapore-MIT Alliance, 50
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
ABSTRACT: In the past decade, substantial research was focused on the development
of new cell formation procedures. Group formation of machines and parts in cellular
manufacturing systems is often achieved by using the similarity of part operations.
However during cell formation, factors that relate to manufacturing attributes are
often ignored. This paper presents an approach to the cell formation problem that
simultaneously uses multiple process plans, cost requirements and manufacturing
attributes. In addition, it addresses the objective of minimising total costs, by
considering parameters such as operation sequence, machine capacity, demand,
various costs, etc. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated with
two problems derived from the literature. The results are compared and discussed
with respect to the solutions reported in the literature. The results indicate that
the proposed method provides a solution that has the least total cost compared to
the other solutions reported in the literature. Copyright © 2006 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Clustering;
Mathematical programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Costs; Mathematical programming;
Optimization; Problem solving; Research and development management, Cell formation;
Clustering; Manufacturing attributes, Process control
REFERENCES: Adil, G.K., Rajamani, D., Strong, D., Cell formation considering
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Sofianopoulou, S., Application of simulated annealing to a linear model for the
formulation of machine cells in group technology (1997) International Journal of
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replicate machines (1999) International Journal of Production Research, 37 (3), pp.
Song, S., Hitomi, K., GT cell formation for minimizing the intercell parts flow
(1992) International Journal of Production Research, 30 (11), pp. 2737-2753;
Spiliopoulos, K., Sofianopoulou, S., An optimal tree search method for the
manufacturing systems cell formation problem (1998) European Journal of Operational
Research, 105 (3), pp. 537-551;
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Industrial Engineering, 28 (3), pp. 485-494;
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Production Research, 37 (12), pp. 2793-2816;
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Won, Y., New p-median approach to cell formation with alternative process plans
(2000) International Journal of Production Research, 38 (1), pp. 229-240;
Won, Y., Two-phase approach to GT cell formation using efficient p-median
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Won, Y., Kim, S., Multiple criteria clustering algorithm for solving the Group
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Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal of Production
Research, 38 (2), pp. 385-395
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Subramaniam, V.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260,
Singapore; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 09528091
SOURCE: Scopus

Wang, X., Tang, J.

A review of cell formation from perspective of objective function
(2006) Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 28
(SUPPL. 1), pp. 686-689. Cited 1 time.

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Systems Engineering, College of Information Science and

Engineering, Northeastern University, shenyang 110004, China
ABSTRACT: The initial and significant step in the design of a cellular
manufacturing system is cell formation (CF). CF problem is proposed in this paper
as a decision problem that determines to manufacture specified types of part in a
manufacturing plant which machines and their associated parts are grouped together
to form cell in a way that a concerned objective is optimized. For describing CF
problem clearly, this paper firstly presents a review of cell formation problem
from the view points of objective function. The CF problems are classified into
three categories, which are cost oriented, flexibility oriented and grouping
efficiency oriented CF problems. Then, the paper presents a comprehensive
conceptual mathematical formulation describing the general cost problem and a
decision variable for comprehensive describing routing flexibility and two trade-
off questions in grouping efficiency issues. Finally, based on the review and
discussion, the paper proposes five directions for future research in the CF field.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Flexibility; Grouping
efficiency; Survey
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Wang, X.; Dept. of Systems Engineering, College of
Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, shenyang 110004,
China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 16714431
SOURCE: Scopus

Hu, L., Yasuda, K.

Minimising material handing cost in cell formation with alternative processing
routes by grouping genetic algorithm
(2006) International Journal of Production Research, 44 (11), pp. 145-179. Cited 20

DOI: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2005.07.008
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Science, Graduate School of Economics and
Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoha-ku, Sendai, 980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: The alternative processing route is one of the important design factors
for the cell formation problem (CFP) in cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs).
Genetic algorithm (GA) is a popular method for solving the CFPs, because GA is
capable of searching large regions of the solution's space while being less
susceptible to getting trapped in local optima. However, the disadvantage of
classical GAs is that the number of manufacturing cells should be known in advance.
Knowing the actual number of manufacturing cells is relatively difficult before the
CMS design is determined. Grouping genetic algorithm (GGA) is capable of solving
CFP without predetermination of the number of cells, which is introduced by
Falkenauer's GGA (1998). In order to adopt the GGA on CFP with alternative
processing routes, we develop a new chromosome representation, a local optimisation
algorithm for crossover operator and special mutation operators. These efforts
ensure the efficiency of our method and are indicated in the numerical examples,
and improved solutions are also obtained in the numerical examples.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative processing routes; Cell formation; Cellular
manufacturing; Grouping genetic algorithm
INDEX KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Materials handling; Numerical methods;
Optimization; Problem solving, Alternative processing routes; Cell formation;
Grouping genetic algorithm, Cellular manufacturing
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Yin, Y., Yasuda, K., Manufacturing cells' design in consideration of various
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Zhao, C.W., Wu, Z.M., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
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Zolfaghari, S., Liang, M., A new genetic algorithm for the machine/part grouping
problem involving processing times and lot sises (2003) Comp. & Ind. Eng., 45, pp.
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hu, L.; Industrial and Management Science, Graduate School
of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoha-ku, Sendai, 980-
8576, Japan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Slomp, J., Suresh, N.C.

The shift team formation problem in multi-shift manufacturing operations
(2005) European Journal of Operational Research, 165 (3), pp. 708-728. Cited 17

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2004.01.034
AFFILIATIONS: Fac. of Management and Organization, University of Groningen,
Landleven 5, 9700 AV Groningen, Netherlands;
School of Management, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260-4000, United
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the problem of assigning operators to teams that
work in 1-, 2-, or 3-daily-shift systems. The problem was motivated by, and
illustrated with a case situation encountered in Dutch manufacturing industry. The
problem addressed forms an extension of cell formation problems which are currently
in the phase of addressing labor-related issues in cell design. A generalized goal
problem formulation is presented to address multiple, conflicting objectives
covering cross-training of workers, ensuring adequate levels of labor flexibility
and minimizing labor-related costs. The proposed solution procedure consists of two
phases. In the first phase, shift systems, in which applicable machines and the
sizes of each shift team are identified. The next phase deals with assignment of
operators to various teams and identification of specific cross-training needs for
various workers. This phase involves the use of interactive goal programming. The
methodology is illustrated by a numerical example derived from the case situation.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Goal programming; Manufacturing; Shift systems
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Industrial management; Integer programming;
Optimization; Personnel; Personnel training; Problem solving; Resource allocation,
Cross-training; Goal programming (GP); Load imbalances; Shift systems, Operations
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., Huang, Y., Forming effective worker teams for cellular
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Transactions, 21 (3), pp. 279-287
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Slomp, J.; Fac. of Management and Organization, University
of Groningen, Landleven 5, 9700 AV Groningen, Netherlands; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03772217
SOURCE: Scopus

Jayaswal, S., Adil, G.K.

Efficient algorithm for cell formation with sequence data, machine replications and
alternative process routings
(2004) International Journal of Production Research, 42 (12), pp. 2419-2433. Cited
52 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540310001652914
AFFILIATIONS: Indust. Eng. and Operations Research, Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay, India;
Shailesh J. Mehta Sch. of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
400076, India
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is an important problem in the design of a cellular
manufacturing system. Despite a large number of papers on cell formation being
published, only a handful incorporate operation sequence in intercell move
calculations and consider alternative process routings, cell size, production
volume and allocating units of identical machines into different cells. Modelling
the above factors makes the cell formation problem complex but more realistic. The
paper develops a model and solution methodology for a problem of cell formation to
minimize the sum of costs of intercell moves, machine investment and machine
operating costs considering all the factors mentioned above. An algorithm comprised
of simulated annealing and local search heuristics has been developed to solve the
model. A limited comparison of the proposed algorithm with an optimal solution
generated by complete enumeration of small problems indicates that the algorithm
produces a solution of excellent quality. Large problems with 100 parts and 50
machine types are efficiently solved using the algorithm.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computer simulation; Machining; Materials handling;
Problem solving; Production engineering, Cell formation; Machine replications;
Operation sequence; Process routings, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Beaulieu, A., Gharbi, A., Ait-Kadi, D., An algorithm for the cell
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Su, C.-T., Hsu, C.-M., Multi-objective machine-part cell formation through parallel
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Zhao, C., Wu, Z., A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with
multiple routes and multiple objectives (2000) International Journal of Production
Research, 38, pp. 385-395
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Adil, G.K.; Shailesh J. Mehta Sch. of Management, Indian
Institute of Technology, Mumbai 400076, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Arzi, Y., Bukchin, J., Masin, M.

An efficiency frontier approach for the design of cellular manufacturing systems in
a lumpy demand environment
(2001) European Journal of Operational Research, 134 (2), pp. 346-364. Cited 21

DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(00)00253-8
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, ORT Braude
College, P.O.B. 78, Karmiel 20101, Israel;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (0118), 123 New Engineering
Building, Virgina Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States
ABSTRACT: A new multi-objective approach for the cell formation problem in a lumpy
demand environment is presented. The objectives addressed in this paper are
grouping efficiency and capacity requirements. In lumpy demand the required
capacity is affected by demand variability and the correlation between the part
types assigned to the cells. We claim that since the required capacity is
determined by part types grouping, part type demands variability and their
correlation should be taken into consideration as part of the cell formation. This
new approach is discussed and formulated as a mixed integer programming model and
illustrated by a wide range of typical examples. These examples demonstrate that
when using traditional approaches designers do not obtain optimal solutions and may
make decisions on the basis of wrong results. The proposed approach helps designers
eliminate these problems and produce a reasonable cell design. A genetic algorithm
is proposed and examined for designing large-scale systems. © 2001 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Genetic algorithm; Lumpy demand; Manufacturing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Computational methods; Correlation methods;
Genetic algorithms; Integer programming; Inventory control; Mathematical models;
Problem solving; Process engineering; Production control; Resource allocation;
Scheduling; Strategic planning, Lumpy demand; Mixed integer programming models,
Operations research
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Boucher, T.O., Yalcin, A., Tai, T.
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DOI: 10.1080/07408170008967455
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University, 96
Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, United States
ABSTRACT: There has been a considerable amount of research done on the "cell
formation" problem, in which machining cells are designed to process a family of
components. More recently, it has been suggested that machining cells should be
designed so that they take advantage of the flexibility for processing parts that
have alternate, or multiple machine routing possibilities. It is argued that such
flexibility will improve machine utilization as well as other measures of cell
performance and may reduce the need for centralized cell loading and scheduling
algorithms. Unfortunately, if the cell is automated, routing flexibility
requirements can create a complex control problem for the cell controller. In this
paper we implement a cell controller designed to handle the requirements of the
flexible routing of parts and compare the performance of the cell to the case in
which each part has only one routing. We find that significant improvements occur
when the cell design is capable of processing parts with flexible routings. © 2000
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Control system analysis;
Control system synthesis; Factory automation; Flexible manufacturing systems;
Scheduling, Automated manufacturing cells; Dynamic routing method, Production
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Joines, J.A., Culbreth, C.T., King, R.E.

Manufacturing cell design: An integer programming model employing genetic
(1996) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 28 (1), pp. 69-85.
Cited 111 times.

DOI: 10.1080/07408179608966253
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State
University, Box 7906, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7906, United States
ABSTRACT: The design of a cellular manufacturing system requires that a part
population, at least minimally described by its use of process technology
(part/machine incidence matrix), be partitioned into part families and that the
associated plant equipment be partitioned into machine cells. At the highest level,
the objective is to form a set of completely autonomous units such that inter-cell
movement of parts is minimized. We present an integer program that is solved using
a genetic algorithm (GA) to assist in the design of cellular manufacturing systems.
The formulation uses a unique representation scheme for individuals (part/machine
partitions) that reduces the size of the cell formation problem and increases the
scale of problems that can be solved. This approach offers improved design
flexibility by allowing a variety of evaluation functions to be employed and by
incorporating design constraints during cell formation. The effectiveness of the GA
approach is demonstrated on several problems from the literature. © 1996 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Automation; Genetic algorithms; Integer programming; Machine tools;
Mathematical models; Process control, Cellular manufacturing system; Manufacturing
cell design; Part machine incidence matrix, Manufacture
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DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5915.1995.tb01437.x
AFFILIATIONS: Graduate School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin, 53706, United States
ABSTRACT: A large number of techniques for solving the cell formation problem has
emerged in recent years. However, little effort has been spent on determining the
procedures' relative performance. This paper identifies four problem areas for
which important decisions must be made in connection with a comparative study:
asymmetry among procedures with respect to input data, sensitivity to input data,
ability of cell formation techniques to generate different solutions, and criteria
for acceptable cell performance. Relying on a new taxonomy that categorizes cell
formation techniques based on required input data, and a new approach to describing
and manipulating shop data, this paper illustrates how choices within the four
areas above can be resolved within the context of a comparative study. The
experiments uncover fundamental relations between cell formation techniques, the
types of input data they use, the characteristics of the data that drive the
models, and the resulting performance. Copyright © 1995, Wiley Blackwell. All
rights reserved
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular Technology Manufacturing and Process Design
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Chan, F.T.S., Lau, K.W., Chan, P.L.Y., Choy, K.L.

Two-stage approach for machine-part grouping and cell layout problems
(2006) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 22 (3), pp. 217-238. Cited
95 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2005.04.002
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering,
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) which is based on the concept of
group technology (GT) has been recognized as an efficient and effective way to
improve the productivity in a factory. In recent years, there have been continuous
research efforts to study different facet of CMS. Most of them concentrated on
distinguishing the part families and machine cells either simultaneously or
individually with the objective of minimizing intercellular and intracellular part
movements. This is known as machine-part grouping problem (MPGP) which is a crucial
process while designing CMS. Nevertheless, in reality some components may not be
finished within only one cell, they have to travel to another cell(s) for further
operation(s). Under this circumstance, intercellular part movement will occur.
Different order/sequence of machine cells allocation may result in different total
intercellular movement distance unit. It should be noted that if the production
volume of each part is very large, then the total number of intercellular movement
will be further larger. Therefore, the sequence of machine cells is particularly
important in this aspect. With this consideration, the main aim of this work is to
propose two-stage approach for solving cell formation problem as well as cell
layout problem. The first stage is to identify machine cells and part families,
which is the essential part of MPGP. The work in second stage is to carry out a
macro-approach to study the cell formation problem with consideration of machining
sequence. The impact of the sequencing for allocating the machine cells on
minimizing intercellular movement distance unit will be investigated in this stage.
The problem scope, which is a MPGP together with the background of cell layout
problem (CLP), has been identified. Two mathematical models are formulated for MPGP
and CLP respectively. The primary assumption of CLP is that it is a linear layout.
The CLP is considered as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP). As MPGP and QAP are
NP-hard, genetic algorithm (GA) is employed as solving algorithm. GA is a popular
heuristic search technique and has proved superior performance on complex
optimization problem. In addition, an industrial case study of a steel member
production company has been employed to evaluate the proposed MPGP and CLP models,
and the computational results are presented. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell layout problem; Genetic algorithms; Machine-part grouping
problem; Operational sequence; Sequencing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing; Genetic algorithms; Group technology;
Mathematical models; Optimization; Productivity, Cell layout problem; Machine-part
grouping problem; Operational sequence; Sequencing, Problem solving
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chan, F.T.S.; Department of Industrial and Manufacturing
Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 07365845
SOURCE: Scopus

Adinarayanan, A., Uthayakumar, M., Prabhakaran, G.

Machine cell formation using simulated annealing algorithm in cellular
manufacturing system
(2018) International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 10 (1-
2), pp. 111-125.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2018.088833
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anand Institute of Higher
Technology, Chennai, 603103, India
ABSTRACT: Group technology is a production strategy and it has the ability to get
solution for certain problems of complexity and long manufacturing lead times in
batch manufacturing. This can be achieved by using a systematic method of
equipments into machine cells and components into part families, based on the
suitable similarity criteria. The present work deals with the machine cell
formation problem with the aim of minimising the aggregate cell load variation and
aggregate inter cellular move. The quantity of parts, operation sequences,
processing time, capacity of machines, and workload of machineries were considered
as parameters. In order to group the machineries, one of the metaheuristic search
methodologies the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm is considered. For
computational processing 40 machines and 100 part types are being used. From the
findings it is observed that, in most of the literature problems SA provides better
result than that of other methods in the literature and in few cases it yields
equal result to the best one of the other methods. © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell load variation; Intercellular moves;
Simulated annealing algorithm
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Adinarayanan, A.; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Anand Institute of Higher TechnologyIndia; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
ISSN: 17572657
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Int. J. Comput. Aided Eng. Technol.
SOURCE: Scopus

Firouzian, S., Saadat, M., Mahdavi, I., Paydar, M.M.

A new cell formation with part family clustering in cellular manufacturing system
(2016) Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Operations Management, p. 187.

AFFILIATIONS: Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;

Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an industrial application of group
technology concept. One of the problems encountered in the implementation of CM is
the cell formation problem (CFP). Minimizing of the number of Exceptional Elements
(EEs) and voids are common goals in cellular manufacturing systems. The aim of this
paper is a new model for CM that simultaneously in higher level, a CFP is designed
which group machines and parts in dedicated cell with machine-part matrix; so that
the number of voids is minimized in these cells. After identifying EEs, in lower
level, the machines needed for remaining operations of parts that are not processed
in dedicated cells, are determined to duplicate. So it produces new Machine- Part
family matrix. Unlike previous models which focused just on similarity level in
dedicated cell, by clustering this new matrix, two and more part families will be
located in Shared cells. The proposed model, with nonlinear terms and integer
variables, cannot be solved for real sized problems due to its NP-hardness. To
solve the model for such applications, metaheuristic algorithms are proposed. ©
IEOM Society International.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing system; Dedicated cell;
Part family clustering; Shared cell
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Mazandaran University of Science and
TechnologyIran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 21698767
ISBN: 9780985549749; 9780985549756
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc. Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Oper. Manage.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Shiyas, C.R., Madhusudanan Pillai, V.

A mathematical programming model for manufacturing cell formation to develop
multiple configurations
(2014) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33 (1), pp. 149-158. Cited 18 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2013.10.002
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of
Technology Calicut, NIT Campus (P.O), Calicut 673601, Kerala, India
ABSTRACT: This paper presents and analyses a mathematical model for the design of
manufacturing cells which considers two conflicting objectives such as the
heterogeneity of cells and the intercell moves. A genetic algorithm (GA) based
solution methodology is developed for the model which is also solved using an
optimization package. The model is suitable for getting multiple potential
solutions in a structured way for the cell formation problem by making a trade-off
between the two objectives, instead of reaching at a single negotiating solution.
This model provides the decision maker the flexibility of choosing a suitable cell
design from different alternatives by considering the practical constraints. A part
assignment heuristic is also developed by which part-families can be identified and
is integrated with the GA based solution procedure. A comparison of the proposed
method is made with other seven methods using 36 problems from the literature.
Grouping efficacy is the basis for comparison and it is found to give reasonably
good results. © 2013 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithm; Grouping efficacy; Heterogeneity of cells;
Manufacturing cells; Mathematical model
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Madhusudanan Pillai, V.; Department of Mechanical
Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, NIT Campus (P.O), Calicut
673601, Kerala, India; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Fan, J., Feng, D.

Design of cellular manufacturing system with quasi-dynamic dual resource using
multi-objective GA
(2013) International Journal of Production Research, 51 (14), pp. 4134-4154. Cited
12 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2012.748228
AFFILIATIONS: Key Laboratory of Special Purpose Equipment and Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University of Technology,
Hangzhou, China;
School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,
Hangzhou, China
ABSTRACT: A new concept is presented in this paper of quasi-dynamic cell formation
for the design of a cellular manufacturing system, based on analysing the fact that
static and dynamic cell formation could not reflect the real situation of a modern
cellular manufacturing system. Further, workforce resources are integrated into
quasi-dynamic cell formation and thus a quasi-dynamic dual-resource cell-formation
problem is proposed. For solving this problem, this paper first establishes a non-
linear mixed integer programming model, where inter-cell and intra-cell material
cost, machine relocation cost, worker operation time, loss in batch quality and
worker salary are to be minimised. Then, a multi-objective GA is developed to solve
this model. Finally, a real life case study is conducted to validate the proposed
model and algorithm. The actual operation results show that the case enterprise
significantly decreases its material handling cost and workforce number and
obviously increases its product quality after carrying out the obtained scheme. ©
2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation; cellular manufacturing; dual resource; quasi-
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Dual resource; Dynamic cell formation; Material
handling costs; Model and algorithms; Multi-objective GA; Non-linear mixed integer
programming; quasi-dynamic, Compensation (personnel); Costs; Genetic algorithms,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Feng, D.; Key Laboratory of Special Purpose Equipment and
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University of
Technology, Hangzhou, China; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Rafiei, H., Ghodsi, R.

A bi-objective mathematical model toward dynamic cell formation considering labor
(2013) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (4), pp. 2308-2316. Cited 31 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2012.05.015
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses dynamic cell formation problem (DCFP) via a new bi-
objective mathematical formulation. Although literature body of DCFP includes a
vast number of research instances, human-related issues are mostly neglected as an
important aspect of DCFP in the corresponding literature. In this paper, the first
objective function seeks to minimize relevant costs of the problem including
machine procurement and relocation costs, machine variable cost, inter-cell
movement and intra-cell movement costs, overtime cost and labor shifting cost
between cells, while labor utilization of the modeled DCFP is maximized through the
second objective function. Due to NP-hardness of DCFP, an ant colony optimization
(ACO) meta-heuristic is developed for the first time in the literature to tackle
the problem. Also, authors enhance diversification of the developed algorithm is
enhanced by hybridization of the proposed ACO algorithm with a genetic one.
Finally, some numerical samples are generated randomly to validate the proposed
model by which strengths of the developed algorithm is shown. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Ant colony optimization; Bi-objective optimization; Dynamic cell
formation; Genetic algorithm; Human-related issues; Labor utilization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO); Bi-objective optimization; Dynamic
cell formation; Human-related issues; Labor utilization, Artificial intelligence;
Cellular manufacturing; Cost accounting; Genetic algorithms; Mathematical models,
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rafiei, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering, College
of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 0307904X
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Murali, R.V.
Workforce assignment into large-sized virtual cells using Learning Vector
Quantization (LVQ) approach
(2012) Advanced Materials Research, 576, pp. 705-709.

DOI: 10.4028/
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Caledonian
College of Engineering, PB 2322, PC 111, CPO Seeb, Oman
ABSTRACT: Much has been reported in literature on virtual cell formation problems
while a limited work is reported on worker assignments. Virtual Cellular
Manufacturing Systems (VCMS) have come into existence, replacing traditional
Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS), to meet highly dynamic production conditions
in terms of demand, production lots, processing times, product mix and production
sequences. Although the problem of worker assignment and flexibility in cell based
manufacturing environments has been studied and analyzed in plenty using various
heuristics/mathematical models, application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),
adapted from the biological neural networks, is the recent development in this
field exploiting the ability of ANN to work out mathematically-difficult-to-solve
problems. In this attempt, the previous work of the author has been further
developed and an attempt has been made to apply Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
approach into worker assignment problems for higher order virtual cells i.e., three
cells configurations and analyze the suitability of LVQ approach in terms of
successful classification rate and simulation parameters for a number of VCMS
periods. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Artificial neural networks; Learning vector quantization (LVQ);
Virtual cellular manufacturing; Worker assignment
INDEX KEYWORDS: Assignment problems; Biological neural networks; Cell-based
manufacturing; Classification rates; Dynamic production; Learning Vector
Quantization; Processing time; Product mix; Production sequences; Simulation
parameters; Virtual cells; Virtual cellular manufacturing; Virtual cellular
manufacturing system; Worker assignment, Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology;
Neural networks, Vector quantization
REFERENCES: Slomp, J., Chowdary, B.V., Suresh, N.C., Design of virtual
manufacturing cells: A mathematical programming approach (2005) Robotics and
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Human related issues in manufacturing cell design, implementation, and operation: A
review and survey (2005) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 48, pp. 507-523;
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(2007) The Language of Technical Computing, , MATLAB, Neural Network Toolbox, The
Mathworks Inc
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Murali, R. V.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Caledonian College of Engineering, PB 2322, PC 111, CPO Seeb, Oman;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 10226680
ISBN: 9783037854983
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Javadian, N., Aghajani, A., Rezaeian, J., Ghaneian Sebdani, M.J.

A multi-objective integrated cellular manufacturing systems design with dynamic
system reconfiguration
(2011) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 56 (1-4), pp.
307-317. Cited 25 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3164-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, P.O. Box 734, Babol, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system (CMS)-an important application of group
technology-has been recognized as an effective way to enhance the productivity in a
factory. As a result of dynamic deterministic demands within the planning horizon,
a CMS configuration for a period might not be optimal or even feasible for other
planning periods. Consequently, a multi-objective dynamic cell formation problem is
presented, where the total cells load variation and sum of the miscellaneous costs
are to be minimized simultaneously. The second objective function calculates
machine costs, internal part production, intercellular and intracellular material
handling, back order, inventory holding and subcontracting. Since in this type of
problem, objectives are in conflict with each other, finding an ideal solution (a
solution which satisfies all objectives simultaneously) is not possible. Therefore
a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGAII) is designed for finding Pareto-
optimal frontier that decision maker can select her/his slightly solution.
Numerical examples have been solved for demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed
algorithm. © 2011 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Back order; Dynamic cell configuration; Multi-objective
optimization; Pareto optimal; Production planning; Subcontracting
INDEX KEYWORDS: Back order; Dynamic cell configuration; Multi objective; Pareto-
optimal; Production planning; Subcontracting, Algorithms; Group technology;
Materials handling; Multiobjective optimization; Production control; Systems
analysis, Cellular manufacturing
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Mahdavi, I., Mahadevan, B.

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sequence data
(2008) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 24 (3), pp. 488-497. Cited
62 times.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2007.07.011
AFFILIATIONS: Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 734, Babol,
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, 560 076,
ABSTRACT: Cell formation problem in CMS design has received the attention of
researchers for more than three decades. However, use of sequence data for cell
formation has been a least researched area. Sequence data provides valuable
information about the flow patterns of various jobs in a manufacturing system.
Therefore, it is only natural to expect that use of sequence data must result in
not only identifying the part families and machine groups but also the layout
(sequence) of the machines within each cell. Unfortunately, such an approach has
not been taken in the past while solving CMS design problem using sequence data. In
this paper, we fill this gap in the literature by developing an algorithm that not
only identifies the cells but also the sequence of machines in the cells in a
simultaneous fashion. The numerical computations of the algorithm with the
available problems in the literature indicate the usefulness of the algorithm.
Further, it also points to the untapped potential of such an approach to solve CMS
design and layout problem using sequence data. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: CMS design; Layout design; Sequence data
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computation theory; Computer integrated manufacturing; Data
acquisition; Information retrieval; Problem solving, CMS design; Layout design;
Sequence data, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, P.O. Box 734, Babol, Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 07365845
SOURCE: Scopus

Hu, L., Yasuda, K.

Minimising material handling cost in cell formation with alternative processing
routes by grouping genetic algorithm
(2006) International Journal of Production Research, 44 (11), pp. 2133-2167. Cited
5 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540500336108
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Science, Graduate School of Economics and
Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8576, Japan
ABSTRACT: The alternative processing route is one of the important design factors
for the cell formation problem (CFP) in cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs).
Genetic algorithm (GA) is a popular method for solving the CFPs, because GA is
capable of searching large regions of the solution's space while being less
susceptible to getting trapped in local optima. However, the disadvantage of
classical GAs is that the number of manufacturing cells should be known in advance.
Knowing the actual number of manufacturing cells is relatively difficult before the
CMS design is determined. Grouping genetic algorithm (GGA) is capable of solving
CFP without predetermination of the number of cells, which is introduced by
Falkenauer's GGA (1998). In order to adopt the GGA on CFP with alternative
processing routes, we develop a new chromosome representation, a local optimisation
algorithm for crossover operator and special mutation operators. These efforts
ensure the efficiency of our method and are indicated in the numerical examples,
and improved solutions are also obtained in the numerical examples. © 2006 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative processing routes; Cell formation; Cellular
manufacturing; Grouping genetic algorithm
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Hu, L.; Industrial and Management Science, Graduate School
of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-
8576, Japan; email: [email protected]
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Soleymanpour, M., Vrat, P., Shankar, R.

A transiently chaotic neural network approach to the design of cellular
(2002) International Journal of Production Research, 40 (10), pp. 2225-2244. Cited
49 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540210122284
AFFILIATIONS: Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technol.
Delhi, New Delhi, India
ABSTRACT: The design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) has attained the
significant attention of academicians and practitioners over the last three
decades. Minimizing intercellular movements while maximizing utilization of
machines are the main objectives of interest in designing CMS and are considered in
present research. In this paper, the drawbacks of former neural networks-based
approaches to cell formation are discussed. The standard version of cell formation
problem is formulated and a 'Transiently Chaotic Neural Network' (TCNN) with
supplementary procedures is introduced as a powerful rival. A simplified network is
constructed. After developing the related equations the approach is tested using
the proposed algorithm with 18 problems selected from literature. The results are
compared with various other approaches including ART1, Extended-ART1, Ortho-Synapse
Hopfield Neural Network (OSHN), etc. The main advantages of our proposed method
are: (1) the ability to avoid the local optima trap, (2) the ability to solve
problems of different sizes with the same set of values for parameters, and (3) the
less computation time. The results also indicate considerable improvement in
grouping efficiency through the proposed approach.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; C (programming language); Machinery; Mathematical
models; Neural networks; Optimization; Resource allocation, Transiently chaotic
neural network, Cellular manufacturing
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Institute of Technol. Delhi, New Delhi, India
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Crama, Y., Oosten, M.

Models for machine-part grouping in cellular manufacturing
(1996) International Journal of Production Research, 34 (6), pp. 1693-1713. Cited
27 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549608904991
AFFILIATIONS: Départment de Gestion, Université de Liège, Liège, 400, Belgium;
Department of Mathematics, University of Limburg, P.O. Box 616, Maastricht, MD, NL-
6200, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: For cellular manufacturing strategies to succeed, the productive system
first has to be divided into highly independent cells. This means that a partition
of the machines into machine groups, a partition of the parts into part families,
and a matching between the machine groups and the part families have to be
simultaneously determined. Mathematically, this question can be expressed as the
problem of finding a near block diagonal permutation of the machine-part incidence
matrix. Research on such grouping problems has primarily concentrated on the design
of heuristics. Different grouping efficiency criteria have been proposed to express
the quality of the groupings proposed by these heuristics. This paper is concerned
with mathematical programming approaches to the formation of production cells.
Existing models are reviewed and their features are briefly discussed. An
alternative model is proposed, which allows for the formulation of various
constraints and grouping efficiency criteria. Finally, some test problems are used
to support the claim that this model may be adequate for the solution to optimality
of the cell formation problem. © 1996 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Decision making; Heuristic methods; Loading; Machinery;
Mathematical models; Mathematical programming; Production control; Scheduling,
Cellular manufacturing; Machine part grouping, Manufacture
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Limburg, P.O. Box 616, Maastricht, MD, NL-6200, Netherlands
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Rezazadeh, H., Khiali-Miab, A.

A two-layer genetic algorithm for the design of reliable cellular manufacturing
(2017) International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 8 (3), pp.
315-332. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2017.1.001
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran
ABSTRACT: This study presents a new mathematical model for the design of reliable
cellular manufacturing systems, which leads to reduced manufacturing costs,
improved product quality and improved total reliability of the manufacturing
system. This model is expected to provide a more noticeable improvement in time and
solution quality in comparison with other existing models. Each part to be
manufactured may select each of the predefined manufacturing routes, such that the
total reliability of the system is increased. On the other hand, the model adopts
to categorize the machines to determine the manufacturing cells (cell formation)
and reduce the transportation costs. Thereby, both criteria of system reliability
and manufacturing costs will be simultaneously improved. Due to the complexity of
cell formation problems, a two-layer genetic algorithm is applied on the problem in
order to achieve near optimal solutions. Furthermore, the performance of the
proposed algorithm is shown for solving some computational experiments. Finally,
the results of a practical study for designing a cellular manufacturing system as a
case study in Iranian Diesel Engine Manufacturing Co., Tabriz, Iran are present. ©
2017 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved and 2016 by the authors; licensee
Growing Science, Canada.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation; Mathematical Model; Reliability; Two-Layer
Genetic Algorithm
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Rezazadeh, H.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of TabrizIran; email:
[email protected]
PUBLISHER: Growing Science
ISSN: 19232926
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Fouad, R.H., Mukattash, A.M.

Specifying optimal number of cells using a modified dissimilarity measure based on
AVV approach
(2012) International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 28 (4), pp. 96-

AFFILIATIONS: Industrial Engineering Department, Hashemite University, Jordan

ABSTRACT: The first step in Cellular Manufacturing (CM) is manufacturing cell
formation (CF), i.e., grouping parts with similar design features or processing
requirements into families and allocating associated machines. Many similarity and
dissimilarity measures have been published in the literature to solve CF problem.
The main step of theses measures is to find the similarity and/or dissimilarity
between the machines and/or the parts. Some of theses measures have poor
performance. In this paper one of the wellknown dissimilarity measures is analyzed
and tested against a case study taken from the literature and the test results show
that this measures has some deficiencies in finding the optimal number of cells(the
cell which has minimum sum of voids and/or exceptions). To avoid these deficiencies
a modified dissimilarity measure has been developed in this paper for solving cell
formation problem in cellular manufacturing systems. The modified measure is based
on AVV approach. The same case study has been tested using our modified measure,
and the result showed that our modified measure is superior in finding the optimal
number of cells. © 2011-12 by IJAMAS, CESER Publications.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Average voids value (AVV); Cell formation; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Dissimilarity coefficients; Optimal number of Cells;
Optimal solution
INDEX KEYWORDS: Average voids value (AVV); Cell formation; Dissimilarity
coefficients; Optimal number; Optimal solutions, Cells; Cytology; Optimization,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Fouad, R.H.; Industrial Engineering Department, Hashemite
ISSN: 09731377
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Pitombeira Neto, A.R., Gonalves Filho, E.V.

A simulation-based evolutionary multiobjective approach to manufacturing cell
(2010) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 59 (1), pp. 64-74. Cited 27 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2010.02.017
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Federal
University of Ceará, Campus Do Pici, CEP 60455-760 Fortaleza, Brazil;
Mechanical Engineering Department, São Carlos Engineering School, University of São
Paulo, Av. Trabalhador Sancarlense, 400, Centro, CEP: 13566-590 São Carlos, SP,
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to propose a multiobjective optimization
approach for solving the manufacturing cell formation problem, explicitly
considering the performance of this said manufacturing system. Cells are formed so
as to simultaneously minimize three conflicting objectives, namely, the level of
the work-in-process, the intercell moves and the total machinery investment. A
genetic algorithm performs a search in the design space, in order to approximate to
the Pareto optimal set. The values of the objectives for each candidate solution in
a population are assigned by running a discrete-event simulation, in which the
model is automatically generated according to the number of machines and their
distribution among cells implied by a particular solution. The potential of this
approach is evaluated via its application to an illustrative example, and a case
from the relevant literature. The obtained results are analyzed and reviewed.
Therefore, it is concluded that this approach is capable of generating a set of
alternative manufacturing cell configurations considering the optimization of
multiple performance measures, greatly improving the decision making process
involved in planning and designing cellular systems. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Discrete-event simulation; Genetic algorithms; Manufacturing
cell formation; Multiobjective optimization
INDEX KEYWORDS: Automatically generated; Candidate solution; Cellular system;
Decision making process; Design spaces; Illustrative examples; Inter-cell moves;
Manufacturing cell formation; Manufacturing cells; Manufacturing system;
Multiobjective approach; Pareto-optimal sets; Particular solution; Performance
measure; Simulation-based; Work-in-process, Cellular manufacturing; Computer
simulation; Decision making; Flexible manufacturing systems; Genetic algorithms;
Industrial applications; Machinery; Population statistics, Multiobjective
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Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Ceará, Campus Do Pici, CEP 60455-760
Fortaleza, Brazil; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Chen, M.-C.
Configuration of cellular manufacturing systems using association rule induction
(2003) International Journal of Production Research, 41 (2), pp. 381-395. Cited 34

DOI: 10.1080/0020754021000024184
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Business Management, Inst. of Comm.
Automat./Management, Natl Taipei Univ. of Technology, #1, Section 3, Chung-Hsiao E.
Road, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT: A cell-formation approach based on association rule induction is
developed to find the effective configurations for cellular manufacturing systems.
To gain the benefits of flexibility and efficiency, the manufacturing system is
decomposed into several manageable subsystems by categorizing similar parts into
part families and disparate machines into cells. It is advantageous to find the
important associations among machines such that the occurrence of some machines in
a machine cell will cause the occurrence of other machines in the same cell.
Relationships among machines can be found from the process database by inducting
association rules. By applying association rules to cell-formation problems,
certain sets of machines (machine groups) that frequently process some parts
together can be inducted. A data-mining technique referred to as association rule
induction is used herein to find the association rules among machines from the
process database. Seventeen data sets of various size and complexity were used to
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed cell-formation algorithm based on
association rule induction. The performance of the proposed approach is compared
with several existing techniques. From the computational results, the proposed
approach shows its ability to find quality solutions.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Associative processing; Cellular manufacturing;
Computational complexity; Data mining; Database systems; Process control,
Association rules, Group technology
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chen, M.-C.; Department of Business Management, Inst. of
Comm. Automat./Management, Natl Taipei Univ. of Technology, #1, Section 3, Chung-
Hsiao E. Road, Taipei, Taiwan; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Susanto, S., Kennedy, R.D., Price, J.W.H.

A new fuzzy-C-means and assignment technique- based cell formation algorithm to
perform part-type clusters and machine-type clusters separately
(1999) Production Planning and Control, 10 (4), pp. 375-388. Cited 17 times.

DOI: 10.1080/095372899233127
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial
Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Jl. Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung, West
Java, 40141, Indonesia;
Mechanical Engineering Department, Monash University-Caulfield Campus, PO Box 197,
Caulfield East, VIC, 3145, Australia
ABSTRACT: The incorporation of fuzziness in the cell formation problem by Chu and
Hayya (1991 International Journal of Production Research, 29, 1475-1487) is a
notable contribution, in which non-binary classification logic is used. However,
despite this development, numerical illustrations performed in this research
demonstrate that the Chu and Hayya approach can result in solutions with empty
party-type cluster(s) and/or empty machine-type cluster(s). Further, it is noted
that solutions based on the Chu and Hayya approach can contain non-empty part-type
cluster(s) being assigned to empty machine-type clusters) and vice versa. Three
strategies are offered in this research to overcome these inadequacies: the
separate formation of part-type and machine-type clusters; modification of the
stopping criterion; and the adoption of the assignment technique in the formation
of the final manufacturing cell solutions. A new algorithm has resulted from these
modifications and has been rigorously compared to the performance of the Chu and
Hayya approach. In general, the new algorithm demonstrates superiorities in global
efficiency and in generating feasible party-type clusters, machine-type clusters
and manufacturing cells. © 1999, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Fuzzy-c-means; Fuzzy-c-partition; Machine-type
cluster; Part-type cluster
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Fuzzy sets; Process
engineering; Strategic planning, Chu/Hayya method; Machine-type clusters; Part-type
clusters, Production control
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Sarker, B.R., Li, Z.

Measuring matrix-based cell formation with alternative routings
(1998) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49 (9), pp. 953-965. Cited 22

DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2600606
AFFILIATIONS: Louisiana State University, United States
ABSTRACT: A good measure is necessary to evaluate the goodness of grouping in
cellular manufacturing. For simple group technology (GT) problems, there are some
grouping measures available, the most cited ones are grouping efficiency and
grouping efficacy. A grouping measure, which considers alternative routings, is not
available for the generalised GT problems. In this paper a new measure called
alternative routing grouping (ARG) efficiency is proposed and its desirable
properties are derived. Not only can this alternative routing grouping efficiency
be used in the generalised GT problems, but it can also be used in the simple GT
problems. The computation of the alternative routing grouping efficiency is
illustrated with examples, and results of empirical tests on a set of known
problems are also reported in this paper. The alternative routing grouping
efficiency is extended to the simple GT measures. Grouping efficiency suffers from
a weak discriminating capability and grouping efficacy has relatively a better
discriminating capability. It is proved that the ARG efficiency has better
discriminating capability than the existing measures, and this measure can evaluate
the effectiveness of grouping in both simple and generalised cell formation
problems with alternative process plans. © 1998 Operational Research Society Ltd.
All Rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing: alternating routing;
Group efficiency; Group technology
INDEX KEYWORDS: Group technology; Matrix algebra; Problem solving; Process control;
Production control; Scheduling, Alternative routing grouping (ARG); Matrix-based
cell formations, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Sarker, B.R.; Department of Industrial and Manufacturing
Systems Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803-6409,
United States; email: [email protected],
ISSN: 01605682
SOURCE: Scopus

Frazier, G.V., Gaither, N., Olson, D.

A procedure for dealing with multiple objectives in cell formation decisions
(1990) Journal of Operations Management, 9 (4), pp. 465-480. Cited 9 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0272-6963(90)90005-X
AFFILIATIONS: University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, United States;
Texas A and M University, College Station, TX 77843, United States
ABSTRACT: A procedure for dealing with multiple objectives in cell formation
decisions is proposed. Theoretical foundations from multiobjective decision making
have been utilized to provide a framework for the study. The purpose of the study
is to develop a procedure that provides managers with a means of developing
multiple objective cell formation decisions as an alternative to intractable
integer programming models. We use a best of random seeds heuristic to generate a
large number of alternatives. Nondominated solution theory is used to develop a
list of potentially useful alternatives. Finally, preference cone theory is used to
aid decision maker selection from these nondominated alternatives. Each of these
three technologies have been developed elsewhere. This study considers aspects of
applying these technologies to cell formation decisions. The procedure and its
theoretical underpinnings are explained step-by-step and illustrated in a four-
objective, four-cell, 24-machine, and 50-part cell formation problem. The example
contains 12 nondominated solutions and requires only four pairwise comparisons of
nondominated solutions by a decision maker before convergence to the preferred
solution. Computer processing requirements are not burdensome, and decision maker
participation is expected to be efficient. © 1990.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Frazier, G.V.; University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403,
United States
ISSN: 02726963
SOURCE: Scopus

Azadeh, A., Pashapour, S., Abdolhossein Zadeh, S.

Designing a cellular manufacturing system considering decision style, skill and job
security by NSGA-II and response surface methodology
(2016) International Journal of Production Research, 54 (22), pp. 6825-6847. Cited
1 time.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1178407
AFFILIATIONS: School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering
and Center of Excellence for Intelligent Based Experimental Mechanic, University of
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cell formation is a traditional problem in cellular manufacturing systems
that concerns the allocation of parts, operators and machines to the cells. This
paper presents a new mathematical programming model for cell formation in which
operators’ personality and decision-making styles, skill in working with machines,
and also job security are incorporated simultaneously. The model involves the
following five objectives: (1) minimising costs of adding new machines to and
removing machines from the cells at the beginning of each period, (2) minimising
total cost of material handling, (3) maximising job security, (4) minimising
inconsistency of operators’ decision styles in cells and (5) minimising cost of
suitable skill. On account of the NP-hard nature of the proposed model, NSGA-II as
a powerful meta-heuristic approach is used for solving large-sized problems.
Furthermore, response surface methodology (RSM) is used for tuning the parameters.
Lastly, MOPSO and two scalarization methods are employed for validation of the
results obtained. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that
presents a multi-objective mathematical model for cell formation problem
considering operators’ personality and skill, addition and removal of machines and
job security. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cell formation; decision style; job security; MOPSO; NSGA-II;
response surface methodology; skill
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Costs; Cytology; Decision making; Heuristic methods; Job
satisfaction; Manufacture; Materials handling; Mathematical operators; Mathematical
programming; Multiobjective optimization; Problem solving; Surface properties, Cell
formation; Decision styles; Job security; MOPSO; NSGA-II; Response surface
methodology; skill, Cellular manufacturing
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Mechanic, University of TehranIran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Niakan, F., Baboli, A., Moyaux, T., Botta-Genoulaz, V.

A new multi-objective mathematical model for dynamic cell formation under demand
and cost uncertainty considering social criteria
(2016) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (4), pp. 2674-2691. Cited 16 times.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.09.047
AFFILIATIONS: Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, DISP EA4570, Villeurbanne, 69621,
ABSTRACT: This paper examines a new multi-objective mathematical model in a Dynamic
Cell Formation Problem (DCFP), where social criteria and uncertainty conditions are
considered. Although corporate social responsibility is one of the important issues
that are increasingly considered by researchers and practitioners, it is largely
overlooked in the literature on DCFP. In this paper the first objective function
minimizes costs related to a machine (machine fixed and variable costs, machine
procurement and relocation costs, intra-cell and inter-cell movement costs) and
wages, while social issues are maximized (e.g. potential machine hazards are
minimized, while job opportunities are maximized). A robust counterpart of the
proposed model is then developed by applying the recent robust optimization theory.
Afterward, due to the NP-hardness of DCFP, a non-dominated sorting genetic
algorithm (NSGA-II) as a meta-heuristic method is designed. Finally, two
deterministic and robust mathematical formulations are compared by a number of
nominal realizations under randomly generated test problems. This serves to assess
the robustness of the solution achieved by the proposed robust optimization model.
The obtained results demonstrate the ability of the robust model to reach
appropriate solutions at all levels of uncertainty, specifically when a feasible
solution cannot be found with the deterministic model. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Corporate social responsibility; Dynamic cell formation; Multi-
objective optimization; Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm; Robust
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Costs; Cytology; Genetic algorithms;
Heuristic methods; Multiobjective optimization; Site selection, Corporate social
responsibilities (CSR); Dynamic cell formation; Mathematical formulation; Non
dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II); Non- dominated sorting genetic
algorithms; Robust optimization; Robust optimization models; Robust optimization
theory, Optimization
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Baboli, A.; Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, DISP
EA4570France; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier Inc.
ISSN: 0307904X
SOURCE: Scopus

Baykasoglua, A., Gorkemli, L.

Agent-based dynamic part family formation for cellular manufacturing applications
(2015) International Journal of Production Research, 53 (3), pp. 774-792. Cited 4

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.924634
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir,
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Gaziantep,
Gaziantep, Turkey;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
ABSTRACT: One of the main critique on cellular manufacturing and its algorithms is
their inability to handle dynamics events, especially dynamic changes in part
spectrum. Unfortunately, there are not many efforts in the literature to overcome
this problem. Agent oriented computing provides a marvellous opportunity to handle
dynamic problems and to provide effective solutions, if carefully and intelligently
implemented. In this paper, we have proposed a novel agent-based clustering
algorithm for part family formation in cellular manufacturing by considering
dynamic demand changes. However, it is not easy to directly compare the performance
of the proposed algorithm with the literature results as there is no benchmark for
dynamic cell formation problems. We attempt to compare the performance of the
present algorithm on static test problems by dynamically introducing parts in these
data-sets to our algorithm. Many results have been presented on these static data-
sets by utilising several heuristics, meta-heuristics and optimisation-based
algorithms. Although the proposed algorithm is not an optimisation-based algorithm
and its operation is directed to handle dynamic changes in the problem domain
through negotiation, we have shown that it has ability to provide very good results
which are comparable to the best known solutions. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Agent-based simulation; Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic
clustering; Negotiation; Part family formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Benchmarking; Cellular manufacturing; Computer simulation;
Optimization, Agent based simulation; Agent-Based Clustering; Dynamic cell
formation; Dynamic clustering; Effective solution; Manufacturing applications;
Negotiation; Part family formation, Clustering algorithms
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Raminfar, R., Zulkifli, N., Vasili, M., Sai Hong, T.

An integrated model for production planning and cell formation in cellular
manufacturing systems
(2013) Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, art. no. 487694, . Cited 6 times.

DOI: 10.1155/2013/487694
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Lenjan Branch, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing (CM) is a production approach directed towards
reducing costs, as well as increasing system's flexibility in today's small-to-
medium lot production environment. Many structural and operational issues should be
considered for a successful CM design and implementation such as cell formation
(CF), production planning, and facility layout. Most researchers have addressed
these issues sequentially or independently, instead of jointly optimizing a
combination of these issues. In order to attain better results to ensure that the
system will be capable of remaining efficient in unknown future situations, these
issues should be addressed simultaneously. In this paper, a mathematical model is
developed using an integrated approach for production planning and cell formation
problems in a CM. A set of numerical examples are provided from existing the
literature in order to test and illustrate the proposed model. In order to evaluate
and verify the performance of the proposed model, it is compared with a well-known
cell formation methods (rank order clustering and direct clustering analysis),
using group capability index (GCI) measure. The results and comparisons indicate
that the proposed model has a significantly higher and satisfactory performance and
it is reliable for the design and the analysis of CM systems. © 2013 Reza Raminfar
et al.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2013.07.009
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Information Management, Jen-Teh Junior College of
Medicine, Nursing and Management, 79-9, Shijou Li, Houlong, Miaoli 356, Taiwan;
Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University, 151, University
Road, San Shia, Taipei 237, Taiwan;
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ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing systems (CMS) are used to improve production
flexibility and efficiency. They involve the identification of part families and
machine cells so that intercellular movement is minimized and the utilization of
the machines within a cell is maximized. Previous research has focused mainly on
cell formation problems and their variants; however, only few articles have focused
on more practical and complicated problems that simultaneously consider the three
critical issues in the CMS-design process, i.e., cell formation, cell layout, and
intracellular machine sequence. In this study, a two-stage mathematical programming
model is formulated to integrate the three critical issues with the consideration
of alternative process routings, operation sequences, and production volume. Next,
because of the combinatorial nature of the above model, an efficient tabu search
algorithm based on a generalized similarity coefficient is proposed. Computational
results from test problems show that our proposed model and solution approach are
both effective and efficient. When compared to the mathematical programming
approach, which takes more than 112 h (LINGO) and 1139 s (CPLEX) to solve a set of
ten test instances, the proposed algorithm can produce optimal solutions for the
same set of test instances in less than 12 s. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cell layout; Machine sequencing; Tabu search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cytology; Manufacture; Mathematical programming; Tabu
search, Alternative process routings; Cell formation; Cell layout; Intercellular
movement; Machine sequencing; Mathematical programming models; Similarity
coefficients; Tabu search algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Tabarsi Street, Babol 47166-95635, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper offers a new mathematical model for the design of cell
formation in dynamic cellular manufacturing system (DCMS) based on production
planning (PP) and worker assignment. Here, workers will assign on machines by their
skills. In dynamic environment, the best-designed cells for one period may not be
efficient for subsequent periods and reconfiguration of cells is required.
Reconfiguration may involve adding, removing or relocating machines; it may also
involve a change in processing rout of part types from a period to another. Here,
the aim of the model is to develop a multi-objective DCMS model that integrates
multi-period PP, dynamic system reconfiguration and available time of workers,
worker assignment and several other attributes. Consequently, a multi-objective
dynamic cell formation problem is presented, where the total cells load variation
(the second objective function) and sum of the miscellaneous costs (the first
objective function) are to be minimised simultaneously. For solving this type of
problems, it is reasonable to investigate a set of solutions, so I use fast and
elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm for solving the mathematical model to
find Pareto-optimal solutions and numerical results show effectiveness of the
proposed model. © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic system reconfiguration; Integrated cellular manufacturing
systems design; Mathematical model; Multi-objective DCMS model; Multi-objective
genetic algorithm; PP; Production planning; Worker assignment
INDEX KEYWORDS: Multi objective; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Production
Planning; System reconfiguration; Worker assignment, Mathematical models; Planning;
Polypropylenes; Production control; Production engineering; Systems analysis,
Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Soolaki, M.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Tabarsi Street, Babol 47166-95635,
Iran; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 17485037
SOURCE: Scopus

Paydar, M.M., Mahdavi, I., Khonakdari, S.V., Solimanpur, M.

Developing a mathematical model for cell formation in cellular manufacturing
(2011) International Journal of Operational Research, 11 (4), pp. 408-424. Cited 13

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2011.041800
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol 47166-85635, Iran;
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar 47416-1467,
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province 57561-
15311, Iran
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing is an application of group technology (GT)
concepts. The aim of a cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is to identify similar
manufacturing processes and features where machines are grouped into machine cells
based on their contributions to the production process. It has been realised that
CMSs benefit from the advantages of both product-based manufacturing systems and
job shop manufacturing systems. The cell formation problem (CFP) is one of the key
issues in the design of CMS which deals with the identification of machine cells
and part families. Many authors adopt either a sequential or a simultaneous
procedure to group the parts and machines. The sequential procedure used in some of
these studies determines the part families first, followed by machine assignments.
On the other hand, the simultaneous procedure determines the part families and
machine groups concurrently. This paper proposes a mathematical model to identify
machine cells and part families simultaneously, so that the number of voids and
exceptional elements are minimised. To evaluate performance of the proposed model,
a number of test problems adopted from the literature are solved and the solutions
are compared with those of previous well-known methods using the grouping efficacy
measure. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Exceptional elements; Grouping efficacy; Voids
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Mahesh, O., Srinivasan, G.

Incremental cell formation considering alternative machines
(2002) International Journal of Production Research, 40 (14), pp. 3291-3310. Cited
33 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207540210146189
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.B.K.R. Institute of Science
and Technology, Vidyanagar-524413, India;
Industrial Engineering and Management Division, Department of Humanities and Social
Science, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600036, India
ABSTRACT: Many algorithms for cell formation have been developed for past three
decades in cellular manufacturing. Some use binary data for cell formation and
others use production data such as operation sequence, processing times, production
volumes, etc. for cell formation. All these algorithms assume that the conversion
of job shop to cellular manufacturing is performed comprehensively. (In other
words, they assume that all the cells are formed at a time.) However, this is far
from reality. In practice, cell formation is done incrementally, one after the
other, rather than comprehensively. None of the algorithms developed so far
addresses the issue of incremental cell formation. In this paper, the incremental
cell formation problem is defined and various categories of problems are mentioned.
One type of those categories is selected for solving. Two methods, namely the
branch and bound technique and a heuristic based on a multistage programming
approach, have been applied to solve the chosen problem. Data sets have been
generated to compare these two methods in terms of quality of solution and demand
on computational time. It has been found that the branch and bound technique gives
a superior quality solution, but is computationally more demanding, where as
heuristic based on a multistage programming approach is computationally far
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational methods; Group technology; Heuristic
programming; Multiprogramming; Problem solving, Cell formation; Multistage
programming, Cellular manufacturing
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ABSTRACT: Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) seeks to find one or several
satisfactory alternatives among a set of possible alternatives. In this paper, for
the first time, we develop a multiple criteria decision-making approach for solving
the machine-part cell formation problem when there are conflicting objectives. The
objectives are to: maximize the machine utilization rate (to have a higher
productivity rate), minimize the number of duplicated machines (to have a lower
cost and space requirement), and minimize the number of exceptional elements (to
have a lower inter-flow traffic among cells). Our approach can be modified to
consider other objectives as desired. To find the most preferred alternative to
this problem, we develop an approach for generating all efficient (non-dominated)
alternatives and then select the most preferred alternative from this set. Our
approach consists of three steps: (i) generating a seed alternative for each given
number of cells; (ii) generating all non-dominated alternatives for each given seed
alternative; and (iii) evaluating all generated non-dominated alternatives to find
the most preferred alternative. The relationships among alternatives and objectives
are discussed. An example is solved to demonstrate the details of the proposed
approach. Some experimental results solving several problem selected from the
literature are also presented.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Decision making; Decision support systems; Flexible
manufacturing systems; Matrix algebra; Neural networks; Problem solving;
Productivity, Multiple criteria decision making; Productivity rate, Cellular
REFERENCES: Askin, R.G., A Hamiltonian path approach to recording the part-machine
matrix for cellular manufacturing (1991) International Journal of Production
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Chan, H.M., Milner, D.A., Direct clustering algorithm for group formation in
cellular manufacture (1982) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, pp. 65-75;
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clustering for group technology (1986) International Journal of Production
Research, 24, pp. 1221-1233;
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International Journal of Production of Research, 26, pp. 1161-1172;
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support (1998) Group Decision and Negotiation, 7, pp. 55-75;
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International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 3;
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fuzzy similarity measures in multiple criteria decision making (2000) Computers and
Operations Research, 27, pp. 653-671;
Keeney, R.L., Raiffa, H., (1976) Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preferences
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pp. 193-199;
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Research, 18, pp. 213-232;
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Review and extension (1982) International Journal of Production Research, 20, pp.
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moves in cellular manufacturing (1990) International Journal of Production
Research, 28, pp. 913-925;
Malakooti, B., A decision support system and a heuristic interactive approach for
solving discrete multiple criteria problems (1988) IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, 18 (2), pp. 273-285;
Malakooti, B., An exact interactive paired comparison method for exploring the
efficient facets of MOLP problems with underlying quasi-concave utility functions
(1988) IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 18 (5), pp. 787-801;
Malakooti, B., Identifying nondominated alternatives with partial information for
discrete and multiple objective linear programming problems (1989) IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 19, pp. 95-107;
Malakooti, B., Ranking and screening multiple criteria alternatives with partial
information and use of ordinal and cardinal strength of preferences (2000) IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A, 30 (3), pp. 355-369;
Malakooti, B., Al-awani, J.E., Quasi-convex utility functions for solving
interactive multi-objective linear programming (2001) Computers & Operations
Research, , (Accepted for publication);
Malakooti, B., Raman, V., An interactive artificial neural network approach for
machine set-up optimization (2000) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 11, pp.
Malakooti, B., Raman, V., Clustering and selection of multiple criteria
alternatives using unsupervised and supervised neural networks (2000) Journal of
Intelligent Manufacturing, 11, pp. 435-453;
Malakooti, B., Subramanian, S., Generalized polynomial decomposable multiple
attribute utility functions for ranking and rating of alternatives (1999) Applied
Mathematics and Computation, 106, pp. 69-102;
Malakooti, B., Yang, Z., A variable-parameter unsupervised learning neural network
clustering systems for group formation (1995) International Journal of Production
Research, 33 (9), pp. 2395-2413;
Malakooti, B., Zhou, Y., Adaptive feed-forward artificial neural network with
application to multiple criteria decision making (1994) Management Science, 40
(11), pp. 1542-1561;
Malakooti, B., Zhou, Y., Approximating polynomial functions by feedforward
artificial neural networks: Capacity, analysis, and design (1998) Applied
Mathematics and Computation, 90, pp. 27-52;
Onwubolu, G.C., Mutingi, M., A genetic algorithm approach to cellular manufacturing
systems (2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39, pp. 125-144;
Pierreval, H., Plaquin, M., An evolutionary approach of multicriteria manufacturing
cell formation (1998) International Transactions in Operational Research, 5, pp.
Rajamani, D., A model for cell formation in manufacturing systems with sequence
dependence (1992) International Journal of Production Research, 30, pp. 1227-1235;
Seifoddini, H., Duplication process in machine cells formation in group technology
(1989) IEE Transactions, 21, pp. 382-388;
Singh, N., Qi, Fuzzy multi-objective routing problem with application to process
planning in manufacturing systems (1991) International Journal of Production
Research, 29, pp. 1161-1170;
Steuer, R., (1986) Multiple Criteria Optimization: Theory, Computation, and
Application, , Wiley, New York;
Srinivasan, G., An assignment model for the part families problem in group
technology (1990) International Journal of Production Research, 28, pp. 145-152;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N., Cellular manufacturing in the US industry: A survey of
users (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1511-1530;
Xu, H., Wang, H.P., Part family formation for GT application based on fuzzy
mathematics (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1637-1651
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Malakooti, B.; Electrical Engineering Department, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, United States; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 0740817X
SOURCE: Scopus

Malakooti, B., Yang, Z.

Multiple criteria approach and generation of efficient alternatives for machine-
part family formation in group technology
(2002) IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 34 (9), pp. 837-846.

DOI: 10.1080/07408170208928916
AFFILIATIONS: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 44106, United States
ABSTRACT: Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) seeks to find one or several
satisfactory alternatives among a set of possible alternatives. In this paper, for
the first time, we develop a multiple criteria decision-making approach for solving
the machine-part cell formation problem when there are conflicting objectives. The
objectives are to: maximize the machine utilization rate (to have a higher
productivity rate), minimize the number of duplicated machines (to have a lower
cost and space requirement), and minimize the number of exceptional elements (to
have a lower inter-flow traffic among cells). Our approach can be modified to
consider other objectives as desired. To find the most preferred alternative to
this problem, we develop an approach for generating all efficient (non-dominated)
alternatives and then select the most preferred alternative from this set. Our
approach consists of three steps: (i) generating a seed alternative for each given
number of cells; (ii) generating all non-dominated alternatives for each given seed
alternative; and (iii) evaluating all generated non-dominated alternatives to find
the most preferred alternative. The relationships among alternatives and objectives
are discussed. An example is solved to demonstrate the details of the proposed
approach. Some experimental results solving several problems selected from the
literature are also presented. © 2002, IIE.
REFERENCES: A Hamiltonian path approach to recording the part-machine matrix for
cellular manufacturing (1991) International Journal of Production Research, 29, pp.
(1991) Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing, , McGraw-Hill, New York;
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cellular manufacture (1982) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, pp. 65-75;
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clustering for group technology (1986) International Journal of Production
Research, 24, pp. 1221-1233;
Choobineh, F., A framework for the design of cellular manufacturing systems (1988)
International Journal of Production Research, 26, pp. 1161-1172;
Dahel, N., Smith, S., Designing flexibility into cellular manufacturing systems
(1993) International Journal of Production Research, 31, pp. 933-945;
Davey, A., Olson, D., Multiple criteria decision making models in group decision
support (1998) Group Decision and Negotiation, 7, pp. 55-75;
Knowledge-based system for assignment of parts to machines (1988) International
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 3;
Karacapilidis, N., Pappis, C., Computer-supported collaborative argumentation and
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Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 19, pp. 95-107;
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information and use of ordinal and cardinal strength of preferences (2000) IEEE
Transactions all Systems. Mall. and Cybernetics Part A, 30 (3), pp. 355-369;
Malakooti, B., Al-Awani, J.E., Quasi-convex utility functions for solving
interactive multi-objective linear programming (2001) Computers & Operations
Research, , (Accepted for publication);
Malakooti, B., Raman, V., An interactive artificial neural network approach for
machine set-up optimization (2000) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing;, 11, pp.
Malakooti, B., Raman, V., Clustering and selection of multiple criteria
alternatives using unsupervised and supervised neural networks (2000) Journal of
Intelligent Manufacturing;, 11, pp. 435-453;
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attribute utility functions for ranking and rating of alternatives (1999) Applied
Mathematics and Computation, 106, pp. 69-102;
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clustering systems for group formation (1995) International Journal of Production
Research, 33 (9), pp. 2395-2413;
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application to multiple criteria decision making (1994) Management Science, 40
(11), pp. 1542-1561;
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artificial neural networks:capacity, analysis, and design (1998) Applied
Mathematics and Computation, 90, pp. 27-52;
Onwubolu, G.C., Mutingi, M., A genetic algorithm approach to cellular manufacturing
systems (2001) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 39, pp. 125-144;
Pierreval, H., Plaquin, M., An evolutionary approach of multicriteria manufacturing
cell formation (1998) International Transactions in Operational Research, 5, pp.
A model for cell formation in manufacturing systems with sequence dependence (1992)
International Journal of Production Research, 30, pp. 1227-1235;
Seifoddini, H., Duplication process in machine cells formation in group technology
(1989) IIE Transactions, 21, pp. 382-388;
Singh, N., Qi, Fuzzy multi-objective routing problem with application to process
planning in manufacturing systems (1991) International Journal of Production
Research, 29, pp. 1161-1170;
Steuer, R., (1986) Multiple Criteria Optimization: Theory, Computation, and
Application, , Wiley, New York;
Srinivasan, G., An assignment model for the part families problem in group
technology (1990) International Journal oj Production Research, 28, pp. 145-152.,
et al;
Wemmerlov, U., Hyer, N., Cellular manufacturing in the US industry: A survey of
users (1989) International Journal of Production Research, 27, pp. 1511-1530;
Xu, H., Wang, H.P., Part family formation for GT application based on fuzzy
mathematics (1989) International Journal oj Production Research, 27, pp. 1637-1651
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Malakooti, B.; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 44106, United States;
email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0740817X
SOURCE: Scopus

Deutsch, S.J., Freeman, S.F., Helander, M.

Manufacturing cell formation using an improved p-median model
(1998) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 135-146. Cited 21 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. of Mech., Indust./Mfg. Eng., Northeastern University, Boston,

MA 02115, United States
ABSTRACT: The p-median model objective function is modified for the cell formation
problem to minimize the variability between parts in a group by considering part
similarity to all other parts in the group instead of similarity to an arbitrary
median. The heuristic vertex substitution method for solution of the part grouping
problem is adapted for this objective function and then modified to provide
improved starting points. The theoretical lower bound for the heuristic is
developed and shown to be valid for all solutions. Worst case run time is shown to
be O(n2) or O(n3) for distance matrix or network inputs respectively. Tests on
published problems show that the proposed p-median model method provides as good or
better objective function value (OFV) than the OFV of a p-median model in which
parts are grouped to an arbitrary median. Likewise the new p-median model is shown,
for these published problems, to give as good or better OFV than the algorithms
reported by the original authors of the problem. The test problems suggest that
other measures of solution quality such as bottlenecks and duplicate machines in
addition to OFV become important measures of solution quality for dense problems. ©
1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational complexity; Heuristic methods;
Mathematical models; Matrix algebra; Problem solving; Systems analysis, Heuristic
vertex substitution methods; Objective function value (OFV), Cellular manufacturing
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Choobineh, F., A framework for the design of cellular manufacturing systems (1988)
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Deutsch, S.J.; Dept. of Mech., Indust./Mfg. Eng.,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, United States
ISSN: 03608352
SOURCE: Scopus

Szwarc, D., Rajamani, D., Bector, C.R.

Cell formation considering fuzzy demand and machine capacity
(1997) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 13 (2), pp. 134-
147. Cited 27 times.

DOI: 10.1007/BF01225760
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Man., Canada;
Department of Actuarial Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T
5V6, Canada
ABSTRACT: The concept of cellular manufacturing requires that machines and parts be
grouped together to form cells. Many researchers have addressed this cell formation
problem for crisp (or certain) input data. However, if the input data is not exact
or is imprecise (fuzzy), how is the decision made to form cells and assign parts
determined? In this paper, crisp and fuzzy mathematical models are developed to
optimally determine machine grouping and pans assignment under fuzzy demand and
machine capacity. The object of these models is to minimise the processing and the
material handling costs. Comparisons between the crisp and fuzzy results are made
to show how outcomes differ when uncertainty is introduced. The example problems
are solved using the Hyperlindo software package to illustrate the ability of the
model to react under different input parameters. To reduce the computation time,
nonlinear representations of the above crisp and fuzzy models are developed. These
nonlinear formulations allow each model to be elegantly decomposed into two
submodels. An iterative solution procedure is proposed which utilises these
submodels to reduce computation time substantially. Example problems are solved
using both the crisp and the fuzzy optimal models and the iterative procedure. The
solutions and computational experience for the two approaches are compared.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell Formation; Fuzzy Sets; Mathematical Programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Computer software; Cost effectiveness; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Fuzzy sets; Iterative methods; Mathematical models; Mathematical
programming, Manufacturing cells; Software package Hyperlindo, Computer aided
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University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 5V6, Canada
PUBLISHER: Springer London
ISSN: 02683768
SOURCE: Scopus

Lee, Ching-En, Chen, Chaw-Wen

Two-stage method for group layout
(1997) Kung Yeh Kung Chieng Hsueh K'an/Journal of the Chinese Institute of
Industrial Engineers, 14 (1), pp. 13-27.

AFFILIATIONS: Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

ABSTRACT: Functional layout has long been applied in the job shop environment to
cope with small-batch and mix-product manufacturing requirements. It is in company
with many problems such as, complicated material flows, low production performance,
high inventory, poor quality, and so on. The concept of cellular manufacturing
system (CMS) applying group technology (GT) techniques to group similar parts into
families processed by sets of dissimilar machines has been recognized as one of the
most powerful weapons to solve the above mentioned problems. There are a lot of
research papers that concentrate on the cell formation problem. However, few
discussed the even important issue of cell layout. This paper focuses on the cell
layout issue and presents a two-stage procedure by considering input/output points,
material handling traits, and CMS related characteristics, to solve this problem.
In stage one, a flowline loop-type machine layout for each cell is determined by
minimizing the total flow distance within each cell. Cells are then laid out using
spatial cutting procedures in the second stage. The objective function in this
stage is to minimize the total inter-cell flow distances and total flow distances
between each individual cell and the warehouse. A simulated annealing procedure is
incorporated so that the ultimate solution can be obtained.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Materials handling; Problem solving; Production control;
Scheduling; Simulated annealing, Cellular manufacturing system (CMS); Flowline loop
type machine layout; Group technology (GT) techniques; Job shop environment,
Flexible manufacturing systems
CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Lee, Ching-En; Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
PUBLISHER: Chinese Inst Ind Eng, Taipei, Taiwan
ISSN: 10170669
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Kung Yeh Kung Chieng Hsueh K'an
SOURCE: Scopus

Soolaki, M., Arkat, J.

Incorporating dynamic cellular manufacturing into strategic supply chain design
(2018) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95 (5-8), pp.
2429-2447. Cited 5 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-017-1346-2
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan,
Sanandaj, 66177-15175, Iran
ABSTRACT: For increasing the efficiency of the supply chain (SC), it is necessary
to take into account the interactions and relationships between the stages of
procurement of raw materials, manufacturing the products, and distributing them. An
integrated framework is proposed in this paper for companies interested in meeting
the demand for different products in the customer zones by establishing a number of
plants and distributors at the candidate sites and in having SC design with
reconfiguration capability based on changes in demand and more proper economic
opportunities. For this purpose, a geographically distributed cell design is
proposed for the selection of the proper location for each of the facilities and
the production process of the products. A mixed integer linear programming model is
presented here for the integration of the sectors for procurement, production, and
distribution of the products in the SC. In light of the NP-hard class of the cell
formation problem, a new algorithm titled hybrid genetic ant lion optimization
(HGALO) algorithm is presented for finding the optimal or near-optimal solutions. A
comparison is also made here between the proposed algorithm and the genetic
algorithm (GA) for demonstration of the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The
quality of the solutions generated based on the HGALO algorithm demonstrates the
capability and effectiveness of the algorithm in finding high quality solutions. ©
2017, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Hybrid genetic ant lion
optimization; Procurement-production-distribution; Supply chain design
INDEX KEYWORDS: Efficiency; Genetic algorithms; Integer programming; Manufacture;
Optimization; Product design; Supply chains, Economic opportunities; High-quality
solutions; Hybrid genetic; Mixed integer linear programming model; Near-optimal
solutions; Production distribution; Reconfiguration capability; Supply chain
design, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: Springer London
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Pinheiro, R.G.S., Martins, I.C., Protti, F., Ochi, L.S., Simonetti, L.G.,
Subramanian, A.
On solving manufacturing cell formation via Bicluster Editing
(2016) European Journal of Operational Research, 254 (3), pp. 769-779. Cited 7

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.05.010
AFFILIATIONS: Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, RJ, Brazil;
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil;
Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
ABSTRACT: This work investigates the Bicluster Graph Editing Problem (BGEP) and how
it can be applied to solve the Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem (MCFP). We
develop an exact method for the BGEP with a new separation algorithm. We also
describe a new preprocessing procedure for the BGEP derived from theoretical
results on vertex distances in the input graph. Computational experiments performed
on randomly generated instances with various levels of difficulty show that our
separation algorithm accelerates the convergence speed, and our preprocessing
procedure is effective for low density instances. Another contribution of this work
is to take advantage of the fact that the BGEP and the MCFP share the same solution
space. This leads to the proposal of two new exact approaches for the MCFP that are
based on mathematical formulations for the BGEP. Both approaches use the grouping
efficacy measure as the objective function. Up to the authors' knowledge, these are
the first exact methods that employ such a measure to optimally solve instances of
the MCFP. The first approach is based on a new ILP formulation for the MCFP, and
the second consists of iteratively running several calls to a parameterized version
of the BGEP. Computational experiments performed on instances of the MCFP found in
the literature show that our exact methods for the MCFP are able to prove several
previously unknown optima. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Biclusterization; Combinatorial optimization; Graph
partitioning; Manufacturing cell formation
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Combinatorial optimization; Flexible manufacturing
systems; Graph theory; Iterative methods; Manufacture; Optimization,
Biclusterization; Computational experiment; Convergence speed; Graph Partitioning;
Manufacturing cell formation; Mathematical formulation; Objective functions;
Separation algorithms, Cellular manufacturing
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Jabal-Ameli, M.S., Moshref-Javadi, M.

Concurrent cell formation and layout design using scatter search
(2014) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71 (1-4), pp. 1-
22. Cited 10 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-013-5342-x
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and
Technology, Tehran 16846, Iran;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn AL
36849, United States
ABSTRACT: Two key decisions in designing cellular manufacturing systems are cell
formation and layout design problems. In the cell formation problem, machine groups
and part families are determined while in the facility layout problem the location
of each machine in each cell (intra-cell layout) and the location of each cell
(inter-cell layout) are decided. Owing to the fact that there are interactions
between two problems, cell formation and layout design problem must be tackled
concurrently to design a productive manufacturing system. In this research, two
problems are investigated concurrently. Some important and realistic factors such
as inter-cell layout, intra-cell layout, operations sequence, part demands, batch
size, number of cells, cell size, and variable process routings are incorporated in
the problem. The problem is formulated as a mathematical model. Three different
methods are described to solve the problem: multi-objective scatter search (MOSS),
non-dominated genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), and the ε-constraint method. The methods
are employed to solve nine problems generated and adopted from the literature.
Sensitivity analysis is accomplished on the parameters of the problem to
investigate the effects of them on objective function values. The results show that
the proposed MOSS algorithm performs better than NSGA-II and produces better
solutions in comparison to multi-stage approaches. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing systems; Layout design;
Multi-objective programming; NSGA-II; Scatter search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Layout designs; Multiobjective programming; NSGA-
II; Scatter search, Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Design; Genetic
algorithms; Mathematical models, Problem solving
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Hachicha, W., Masmoudi, F., Haddar, M.
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using a correlation analysis approach
(2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36 (11-12), pp.
1157-1169. Cited 33 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-007-0928-9
AFFILIATIONS: Unité de Recherche de Mécanique, Modélisation et Production, (U2MP),
Sfax, Tunisia;
Département de Génie Mécanique, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. W, 3038
Sfax, Tunisia
ABSTRACT: The important step in the design of a cellular manufacturing (CM) system
is to identify the part families and machine groups and consequently to form
manufacturing cells. The scope of this article is to formulate a multivariate
approach based on a correlation analysis for solving cell formation problem. The
proposed approach is carried out in three phases. In the first phase, the
correlation matrix is used as similarity coefficient matrix. In the second phase,
principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to find the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors on the correlation similarity matrix. A scatter plot analysis as a
cluster analysis is applied to make simultaneously machine groups and part families
while maximizing correlation between elements. In the third stage, an algorithm is
improved to assign exceptional machines and exceptional parts using respectively
angle measure and Euclidian distance. The proposed approach is also applied to the
general group technology (GT) problem in which exceptional machines and part are
considered. Furthermore, the proposed approach has the flexibility to consider the
number of cells as a dependent or independent variable. Two numerical examples for
the design of cell structures are provided in order to illustrate the three phases
of proposed approach. The results of a comparative study based on multiple
performance criteria show that the present approach is very effective, efficient
and practical. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Cellular manufacturing; Correlation matrix;
Exceptional machines and parts; Principal component analysis
INDEX KEYWORDS: Correlation methods; Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; Numerical
methods; Principal component analysis; Problem solving, Cell formation; Correlation
matrix; Exceptional machines, Cellular manufacturing
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Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. W, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia; email:
[email protected]
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(2014) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management, art. no. 6962631, pp. 1353-1357. Cited 3 times.

DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2013.6962631
AFFILIATIONS: Centre of Operations Research and Industrial Applications (CORIA),
Department of Industrial Engineering, Naresuan University, Pitsanulok, 65000,
ABSTRACT: Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is an approach that can be used to
enhance both flexibility and efficiency in small-to-medium lot production
environment. In cell formation, machines are grouped into cells based on their
contributions to manufacturing process. Flexible routes have resulted in different
machine sequences causing the changes in the movement of parts between cells. The
movements in manufacturing shop floor lead to the efficiency of productivity
relating to costs. Cell formation problem is classified into non-deterministic
polynomial-time hard problem, of which the amount of computation required to find
solutions increases exponentially with problem size. Solving this kind of problem
by full numerical methods especially for the large size problem can be
computationally expensive. The objectives of this paper were to describe the
application of Bat Algorithm (BA) for designing cell formation aiming to minimise
inter-cell part movement with a consideration of routing flexibility and
investigate the appropriate setting of BA parameters that have an effect to the
solution quality. A cell formation designing program was coded in modular style
using a general purpose programming language called Tcl/Tk. The computational
experiment was designed and conducted using ten datasets, in which the number of
machines in each cell is either equal or unequal. The statistical analysis on the
experimental results suggested that the population size and the number of
iterations have statistical impact on the quality of the solutions obtained. © 2013
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bat Algorithm; Cell formation; CMS; Inter-cell movement;
Routing flexibility
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Curium; Cytology; Efficiency; Numerical methods; Polynomial
approximation; Population statistics; Problem oriented languages; Problem solving;
Routing algorithms, Bat algorithms; Cell formation; Cell movement; Computational
experiment; General-purpose programming language; Inter-cell part movements;
Production environments; Routing flexibility, Cellular manufacturing
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PUBLISHER: IEEE Computer Society
ISSN: 21573611
ISBN: 9781479909865
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: IEEE Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Eng. Manage.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Nouri, H., Hong, T.S.

Development of bacteria foraging optimization algorithm for cell formation in
cellular manufacturing system considering cell load variations
(2013) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32 (1), p. 20. Cited 38 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2012.07.014
AFFILIATIONS: Faculty of Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Sanadaj, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selagor, Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: The cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is considered as an efficient
production strategy for batch type production. The CMS relies on the principle of
grouping machines into machine cells and grouping machine parts into part families
on the basis of pertinent similarity measures. The bacteria foraging optimization
(BFO) algorithm is a modern evolutionary computation technique derived from the
social foraging behavior of Escherichia coli bacteria. Ever since Kevin M. Passino
invented the BFO, one of the main challenges has been the employment of the
algorithm to problem areas other than those of which the algorithm was proposed.
This paper investigates the first applications of this emerging novel optimization
algorithm to the cell formation (CF) problem. In addition, for this purpose matrix-
based bacteria foraging optimization algorithm traced constraints handling (MBATCH)
is developed. In this paper, an attempt is made to solve the cell formation problem
while considering cell load variations and a number of exceptional elements. The
BFO algorithm is used to create machine cells and part families. The performance of
the proposed algorithm is compared with a number of algorithms that are most
commonly used and reported in the corresponding scientific literature such as K-
means clustering, the C-link clustering and genetic algorithm using a well-known
performance measure that combined cell load variations and a number of exceptional
elements. The results lie in favor of better performance of the proposed algorithm.
© 2012 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Bacteria foraging optimization algorithm; Cell formation; Cell
load variations; Cellular manufacturing system
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cells; Cellular manufacturing; Cytology; Escherichia coli; Genetic
algorithms, Bacteria foraging optimization algorithms; Bacteria foraging
optimizations; Batch type productions; Cell formation; Cell load variation;
Escherichia coli bacteria; Evolutionary computation techniques; Optimization
algorithms, Clustering algorithms
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Azad University, Sanadaj, Iran; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 02786125
SOURCE: Scopus

Aleisa, E., Suresh, N.C., Li Lin

Team formation in concurrent engineering using group technology (gt) concepts
(2011) Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 19 (3), pp. 213-224. Cited
8 times.
DOI: 10.1177/1063293X11418014
AFFILIATIONS: Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Department, College of
Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait;
326F Jacobs Management Center, School of Management, University at Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000, United States;
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo, State
University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260-2050, United States
ABSTRACT: Concurrent engineering (CE) has emerged as an essential design principle
that facilitates rapid and efficient product development that is necessary to
survive in today's fiercely competitive environment. However, the lack of tools
that address design team formulation and proper design task assignment in CE has
made its application an immense challenge. In this article we explicitly address
this issue by pointing out the relevance of its structure to cell-formation problem
in cellular manufacturing (CM) and group technology. Particularly,
interdisciplinary CE teams will be formulated as multifunctional machine-cells that
process similar parts, in our case, design tasks requiring involvement of similar
individuals. The fruitful marriage of the two disciplines, concurrent engineering
and cellular manufacturing, opens the path towards utilizing the ample existing
efficient algorithms of cellular manufacturing to concurrent engineering rather
than re-inventing the wheel in developing methods in this respect. The paper in-
hand also incorporate sequences (or routing in cellular manufacturing) to create
work teams that can conduct similar tasks commonly known as work packages in a
smoother manner that avoids unnecessary back and forth alterations and overlapping.
In addition, to enable solving the task assignment problem in reasonable time for
relatively larger problems, the developed framework integrates a fuzzy ART
algorithm proven efficient in cellular manufacturing literature. The article also
provides an illustrative example on executing the methodology on a design example
and highlights its implications on task team assignments. © The Author(s), 2011.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: cellular manufacturing; concurrent engineering; fuzzy artificial
neural networks.; group technology (GT); sequence-based clustering; team
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell formation; Competitive environment; Design Principles; Design
tasks; Design team; Efficient algorithm; Fuzzy ART; Fuzzy artificial neural
network; Illustrative examples; Proper design; sequence-based clustering; Similar
individuals; Task assignment; Team assignment; Team formation; Work packages; Work
team, Algorithms; Cellular neural networks; Concurrent engineering; Engineering;
Group technology; Product design; Product development, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Aleisa, E.; Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Department, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969,
Safat 13060, Kuwait; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 1063293X
SOURCE: Scopus

Chan, F.T.S., Lau, K.W., Chan, P.L.Y.

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DOI: 10.1243/0954405042323568
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: One of the most practical approaches of improving productivity in a
factory is to adopt the superior concept and technique of cellular manufacturing
(CM) based on group technology (GT). Particularly, cell formation is an important,
critical and difficult step in CM. In general, there have been a number of
methodologies proposed for solving a machine-part grouping problem (MPGP). Besides
considering the simple cell formation problem, some researchers have focused on
machine flexibility, in which parts are having alternative routeings/process plans.
However, it is very rare to consider the area of aggregation and disaggregation of
machines in cell formation under uncertain constraints and uncertainty. In the
light of this, the main aim of this present work is to address the MPGP
holistically with the considerations of machine flexibility as well as machine
aggregation and disaggregation simultaneously. In addition, based on the
availability of alternative routeings, a method is proposed to generate an
alternative solution for machine breakdown situations. Thus, the problem nature of
this work will be more realistic and practical for today's global manufacturing
era. The problem scope has been identified and the model is formulated in
mathematical programming form. The objective function of this model is to minimize
the total intercellular and intracellular part movement. Since MPGP has been proved
to be non-polynomial (NP) complete, a genetic algorithm (GA), which is an excellent
optimization technique, is employed to solve this problem.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routeings; Genetic algorithms; Machine-part grouping
problem; Uncertainty
INDEX KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithms; Heuristic methods; Machine components;
Mathematical models; Optimal systems; Optimization; Polynomial approximation;
Problem solving, Alternative routeings; Cell formation; Machine-part grouping
problems; Uncertainities, Systems engineering
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Chan, F.T.S.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 09544054
ABBREVIATED SOURCE TITLE: Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B J Eng Manuf
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
SOURCE: Scopus

Han, B.T., Cook, J.S.

An efficient heuristic for robot acquisition and cell formation
(1998) Annals of Operations Research, 77, pp. 229-252. Cited 4 times.

AFFILIATIONS: Dept. Acco., Info. Syst. Bus. Laws, College of Business and
Economics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4726, United States;
Jones School of Business, SUNY - Geneseo, 1 College Circle, Geneseo, NY 14454-1401,
United States
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a mathematical model and a solution algorithm are
developed for solving a robot acquisition and cell formation problem (RACFP). Our
model considers purchasing a proper mix of robots and assigning all given
workstations to purchased robots such that each robot cell satisfies its
workstations' resource demands while minimizing the total system (acquisition)
cost. Specifically, each robot has two capacity constraints - available work
envelope and effective machine time. RACFP is formulated as a multi-type two-
dimensional bin packing problem, a pure 0-1 integer program which is known to be
NP-hard. In this paper, a very efficient (polynomial time bound) heuristic
algorithm is developed and implemented. The algorithm consists of two major stages.
The first stage employs an LP-based bounding procedure to produce a tight solution
bound, whereas the second stage repetitively invokes a random search heuristic
using a greedy evaluation function. The algorithm is tested by solving 450 randomly
generated problems based on realistic parameter values. Computational results show
that the heuristic algorithm has outperformed algorithms using general optimization
techniques such as Simulated Annealing and Column Generation. All test problems are
solved within an order of magnitude of 10 seconds, with a gap of less than 1% from
the optimum. More importantly, over 70% of all solutions are optimal (334 out of
450). The algorithm can be easily modified for other applications such as file
placement for a multi-device storage system and job scheduling for a multi-
processing system.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Han, B.T.; Dept. Acco., Info. Syst. Bus. Laws, College of
Business and Economics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4726, United
States; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 02545330
SOURCE: Scopus

Houck, C.R., Kay, M.G., Joines, J.A., Wilson, J.R.

Empirical investigation of the benefits of partial lamarckianism
(1997) Evolutionary Computation, 5 (1), pp. 31-60. Cited 85 times.

DOI: 10.1162/evco.1997.5.1.31
AFFILIATIONS: Box 7906, Department of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7906, United States
ABSTRACT: Genetic algorithms (GAs) arc very efficient at exploring the entire
search space; however, they are relatively poor at finding the precise local
optimal solution in the region in which the algorithm converges. Hybrid GAs are the
combination of improvement procedures, which are good at finding local optima, and
GAs. There are two basic strategies for using hybrid GAs. In the first, Lamarckian
learning, the genetic representation is updated to match the solution found by the
improvement procedure. In the second, Baldwinian learning, improvement procedures
are used to change the fitness landscape, but the solution that is found is not
encoded back into the genetic string. This paper examines the issue of using
partial Lamarckianism (i.e., the updating of the genetic representation for only a
percentage of the individuals), as compared to pure Lamarckian and pure Baldwinian
learning in hybrid GAs. Multiple instances of five bounded nonlinear problems, the
location-allocation problem, and the cell formation problem were used as test
problems in an empirical investigation. Neither a pure Lamarckian nor a pure
Baldwinian search strategy was found to consistently lead to quicker convergence of
the GA to the best known solution for the series of test problems. Based on a
minimax criterion (i.e., minimizing the worst case performance across all test
problem instances), the 20% and 40% partial Lamarckianism search strategies yielded
the best mixture of solution quality and computational efficiency. © 1997 by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Baldwin effect; Hybrid genetic algorithms; Lamarckian evolution;
Local improvement procedures
INDEX KEYWORDS: algorithm; article; biological model; comparative study; evolution;
genotype; mutation; nonlinear system; phenotype, Algorithms; Evolution; Genotype;
Models, Genetic; Mutation; Nonlinear Dynamics; Phenotype
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Houck, C.R.; Box 7906, Department of Industrial
Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7906, United
States; email: [email protected]
PUBLISHER: MIT Press Journals
ISSN: 10636560
PUBMED ID: 10021752
SOURCE: Scopus

Park, Y.-T., Wemmerlöv, U.

A shop structure generator for cell formation research
(1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32 (10), pp. 2345-2360. Cited
7 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207549408957072
AFFILIATIONS: Korea Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 255, Cheongryang,
Seoul, 130-650, South Korea;
Graduate School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 53706,
United States
ABSTRACT: We present a new computerized shop generator designed for research
related to cell formation. The generator can take advantage of the following input
data: number of parts and machine types in the population, part-machine matrix
density, part and machine categories and proportions of parts and machines
belonging to each category (the part categories classify parts depending on the
number of machine types that appear in their routeings; similarly, the machine
categories classify machines depending on the fraction of the part population they
process), probabilities to determine machine sequence patterns (including possible
revisit-ations), part demand, unit processing times, productive capacity per
machine type, and maximum allowable utilization per machine. As part of the output,
the shop generator creates randomized part-machine matrices. It can also calculate
the required number of machines of each type and their utilizations, and produce
machine sequences with and without backtracks. A unique feature of the generator is
that it does not create part-machine data by reshuffling matrices with known block
structures (i.e. the solution to the cell formation problem is unknown). Rather,
data characteristics of the shop(s) to be cellularized are entered into the
generator as input parameters. These parameters can be either hypothetical or based
on typical characteristics found in industrial manufacturing data bases. The shop
generator software, programmed in Turbo Pascal, and a user's manual are available
from the second author. © 1994 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Park, Y.-T.; Korea Institute of Science and Technology, PO
Box 255, Cheongryang, Seoul, 130-650, South Korea
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Mahdavi, I., Aalaei, A., Paydar, M.M., Solimanpur, M.

Multi-objective cell formation and production planning in dynamic virtual cellular
manufacturing systems
(2011) International Journal of Production Research, 49 (21), pp. 6517-6537. Cited
41 times.

DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2010.524902
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of
Science and Technology, Babol, Iran;
Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
ABSTRACT: This article presents a fuzzy goal programming-based approach for solving
a multi-objective mathematical model of cell formation problem and production
planning in a dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing system. In a dynamic
environment, the product mix and part demand change over a planning horizon
decomposed into several time periods. Thus, the cell formation done for one period
may be no longer efficient for subsequent periods and hence reconfiguration of
cells is required. Due to the variation of demand and necessity of reconfiguration
of cells, the virtual cellular manufacturing (VCM) concept has been proposed by
researchers to utilise the benefits of cellular manufacturing without
reconfiguration charges. In a VCM system, machines, parts and workers are
temporarily grouped for one period during which machines and workers of a group
dedicatedly serve the parts of that group. The only difference of VCM with a real
CM is that machines of the same group are not necessarily brought to a physical
proximity in VCM. The virtual cells are created periodically depending on changes
in demand volumes and mix, as new parts accumulate during a planning horizon. The
major advantage of the proposed model is the consideration of demand and part mix
variation over a multi-period planning horizon with worker flexibility. The aim is
to minimise holding cost, backorder cost and exceptional elements in a cubic space
of machine-part-worker incidence matrix. To illustrate the applicability of the
proposed model, an example has been solved and computational results are presented.
© 2011 Taylor & Francis.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing system; exceptional
elements; fuzzy goal programming; production planning; worker flexibility
INDEX KEYWORDS: Exceptional elements; Fuzzy goal programming; production planning;
Virtual cellular manufacturing system; worker flexibility, Cells; Computer
programming; Mathematical models; Mathematical programming; Multiobjective
optimization; Planning; Production control; Production engineering; Project
management, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Mahdavi, I.; Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Logendran, R., Ramakrishna, P.

Manufacturing cell formation in the presence of lot splitting and multiple units of
the same machine
(1995) International Journal of Production Research, 33 (3), pp. 675-693. Cited 27

DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930173
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, United States
ABSTRACT: We present a realistic cell formation problem in the design of cellular
manufacturing systems which includes three important features. First, when multiple
units of a machine type are considered due to processing time requirements, the
model accounts for assigning the units to different cells if such an assignment
contributes to reducing material handling costs. Second, the model accounts for the
possibility of performing two or more nonconsecutive operations of a part on the
same machine. Finally, the model allows for splitting the lot into two if the total
workload required of a part's operation on a machine exceeded its daily unit
capacity expressed in manned hours. We refer to this feature as ‘lot splitting’.
Consequently, the operation required of each split lot of the part can be performed
on a separate unit (machine). The model formulated for the problem falls into the
class of generalized quadratic binary programming models. As the problem is shown
NP-hard in the strong sense, a higher level heuristic algorithm based upon a
concept known as tabu search is presented. Results obtained from solving an example
problem demonstrate the application of the proposed algorithm when either of the
two features—lot splitting or nonconsecutive operations, exist. The applicability
of the proposed algorithm has further been extended to solving a test problem
consisting of both features—lot splitting and non-consecutive operations. The
results obtained show a reduction of ⩽ 50% in total moves (material handling
costs) between the initial solution and the final best solution. © 1995 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Logendran, R.; Department of Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, United States
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Ghosh, T., Doloi, B., Dan, P.K.

Applying soft-computing techniques in solving dynamic multi-objective layout
problems in cellular manufacturing system
(2016) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86 (1-4), pp.
237-257. Cited 4 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-8070-6
AFFILIATIONS: Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, 188, Raja S.
C. Mullick Road, Kolkata, 700032, India;
Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur,
721302, India
ABSTRACT: The formation of machine cells to process subsequent part families is not
the only goal of the designing of an efficient cellular manufacturing system (CMS).
A competent layout of the newly acquired cells is also essential to restrict the
total inter-cell material handling cost which is primarily significant with large
production volume. Furthermore, in realistic industrial scenario, the uncertainty
of product demand can influence the layout configuration to be altered from period
to period. Albeit there are numerous articles exist in the domain of CMS research
considering cell formation problems, layout issues have not been addressed
significantly. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to portray a reformed
mathematical model of the inter-cell layout design problem in dynamic production
situation considering material handling cost and a modified proximity relationship
of manufacturing cells. The proposed Quadratic Assignment Programming (QAP) model
is combinatorial in nature and is difficult to solve using traditional exact
solution methods. The state-of-the-art soft-computing techniques are extremely
advantageous for such QAP paradigms. Thus, we developed an improved genetic
algorithm (IGA) and a simulated annealing heuristic (SAH) to sort out the
abovementioned problem. Due to the inadequacy of datasets, we formed small to large
size test problems (6 × 6 × 2 to 24 × 24 × 10) in logical way to cater the purpose.
The proposed algorithms are successfully employed to attain near-optimal solutions
to the test problems. Computational results demonstrate the proficiency of the IGA
over SAH for all the test problems in terms of solution quality and computational
time. In addition, we conducted a statistical data analysis to validate the test
results. © 2015, Springer-Verlag London.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Genetic algorithm; Inter-cell material flow; Material handling;
Multi-objective cellular layout; Production uncertainty; Proximity factor;
Simulated annealing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cytology; Genetic algorithms; Manufacture;
Materials handling; Simulated annealing; Soft computing, Cell materials; Cellular
layout; Material handling; Production uncertainty; Proximity factors, Cellular
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Chien-Ta Bruce, C.T.B., Lenny Koh, S.C., Kay Mahamaneerat, W.

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manufacturing tasks
(2007) Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 18 (7), pp. 787-806. Cited 6

DOI: 10.1108/17410380710817255
AFFILIATIONS: Computer Science Department, University of Missouri, Columbia,
Missouri, United States
ABSTRACT: Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a novel domain-concept
association rules (DCAR) mining algorithm that offers solutions to complex cell
formation problems, which consist of a non-binary machine-component (MC) matrix and
production factors for fast and accurate decision support. Design-methodology-
approach The DCAR algorithm first identifies the domain-concept from the demand
history and then performs association rule mining to find associations among
machines. After that, the algorithm forms machine-cells with a series of inclusion
and exclusion processes to minimize inter-cell material movement and intra-cell
void element costs as well as to maximize the grouping efficacy with the
constraints of bill of material (BOM) and the maximum number of machines allowed
for each cell. Findings The DCAR algorithm delivers either comparable or better
results than the existing approaches using known binary datasets. The paper
demonstrates that the DCAR can obtain satisfying machine-cells with production
costs when extra parameters are needed. Research limitations-implications The DCAR
algorithm adapts the idea of the sequential forward floating selection (SFFS) to
iteratively evaluate and arrange machine-cells until the result is stabilized. The
SFFS is an improvement over a greedy version of the algorithm, but can only ensure
sub-optimal solutions. Practical implications – The DCAR algorithm considers a wide
range of production parameters, which make the algorithm suitable to the real-world
manufacturing system settings. Originality-value The proposed DCAR algorithm is
unlike other array-based algorithms. It can group non-binary MC matrix with
considerations of real-world factors including product demand, BOM, costs, and
maximum number of machines allowed for each cell. © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Product life cycle; Research; Small to medium-sized enterprises;
Supply chain management
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cellular manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing systems;
Group technology, Bill of material (BOM); Binary datasets; Domain concept
association rules (DCAR); Sequential forward floating selection (SFFS), Data mining
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Logendran, R., Ramakrjshna, P., Sriskandarajah, C.

Tabu search-based heuristics for cellular manufacturing systems in the presence of
alternative process plans
(1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32 (2), pp. 273-297. Cited 85

DOI: 10.1080/00207549408956933
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State
University, Covell Hall 118, Corvallis, OR, 97331, United States;
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, M5S 1A4,
ABSTRACT: When alternative process plans are considered in cellular manufacturing
systems, there is potential for performing an operation required of a part on
alternative machines. Under these circumstances, the cell formation problem of
determining the assignment of parts and machines to each manufacturing cell can be
viewed as being divided into two phases. The first phase deals with the problem of
determining the number of machines of each type and a unique process plan for each
part. In the second phase, the assignment of parts and machines to each
manufacturing cell should be determined. This research examines the first-phase
problem. A realistic formulation of the model is presented when the product-part
mixes are stable over the planning horizon. As the problem is proven NP-hard in the
strong sense, two different higher-level heuristics, based upon a concept known as
tabu search, are presented. Each heuristic is further extended into two methods: 1
and 2. An extensive statistical analysis, based upon randomized block design, has
been conducted to compare the performances of the heuristics. In three different
problem structures attempted with a block size of 10, the results obtained show the
superior performance of heuristic 2 over 1 with both methods. This further
substantiates the fact that there is clearly a need for efficient heuristics to
solve problems in manufacturing cell design that have any practical significance
and one cannot rely on an exhaustive search algorithm such as the branch-and-bound
technique incorporated in packaged software (LINDO and MPSX/M1P 370) as indicated
in some of the published literature. © 1994 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Computational complexity; Computer software; Heuristic
methods; Mathematical models; Process control; Random processes; Statistical
methods; Systems analysis, Alternative process plans; Branch and bound algorithm;
Cellular manufacturing systems; Randomized block design; Software package LINDO;
Software package MPSX/MIP 370; Tabu search based heuristics, Computer aided
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Logendran, R.; Department of Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering, Oregon State University, Covell Hall 118, Corvallis, OR, 97331, United
ISSN: 00207543
SOURCE: Scopus

Saxena, L.K., Jain, P.K.

Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems design - A comprehensive model
(2011) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53 (1-4), pp.
11-34. Cited 58 times.

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-010-2842-9
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
110025, India;
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, Roorkee, India
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the dynamic cell formation problem (DCF). In dynamic
environment, the product demand and mix changes in each period of a multiperiod
planning horizon. It causes need of reconfiguration of cells to respond to the
product demand and mix change in each period. This paper proposes a mixed-integer
nonlinear programming model to design the dynamic cellular manufacturing systems
(DCMSs) under dynamic environment. The proposed model, to the best of the author's
knowledge, is the most comprehensive model to date with more integrated approach to
the DCMSs. The proposed DCMS model integrates concurrently the important
manufacturing attributes in existing models in a single model such as machine
breakdown effect in terms of machine repair cost effect and production time loss
cost effect to incorporate reliability modeling; production planning in terms of
part inventory holding, part internal production cost, and part outsourcing;
process batch size; transfer batch size for intracell travel; transfer batch size
for intercell travel; lot splitting; alternative process plan, and routing and
sequence of operation; multiple copies of identical copies; machine capacity,
cutting tooling requirements, work load balancing, and machine in different cells
constraint; machine in same cell constraint; and machine procurements and multiple
period dynamic cell reconfiguration. Further, the objective of the proposed model
is to minimize the sum of various costs such as intracell movement costs; intercell
movement costs and machine procurement costs; setup cost; cutting tool consumption
costs; machine operation costs; production planning-related costs such as internal
part production cost, part holding costs, and subcontracting costs; system
reconfiguration costs; and machine breakdown repair cost, production time loss cost
due to machine breakdown, machine maintenance overheads, etc.,in an integrated
manner. Nonlinear terms of objective functions are transformed into linear terms to
make mixed-integer linear programming model. The proposed model has been
demonstrated with several problems, and results have been presented accordingly.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Breakdown effects; Lot splitting; Mixed-
integer programming DCMS; Production planning-part held outsourcing; Transfer
batch size; Work load balancing
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative routings; Breakdown effects; Lot splitting; Mixed-
Integer Programming; Production planning-part held outsourcing; Transfer batch
size; Work load balancing, Cellular manufacturing; Dynamic models; Integer
programming; Linear programming; Machine shop practice; Outsourcing; Parallel
architectures; Planning; Production control; Production engineering; Project
management; Repair; Systems analysis, Costs
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Arumugam, S., Saral, J.

Identification of Bottleneck Elements in Cellular Manufacturing Problem
(2015) Procedia Computer Science, 74, pp. 181-185. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.097
AFFILIATIONS: National Centre for Advanced Research in Discrete Mathematics,
Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu, 626126, India
ABSTRACT: The cell formation problem which arises in cellular manufacturing can be
formulated in graph theoretic terms. The input for a cellular manufacturing problem
consists of a set X of m machines and a set Y of p parts and an m × p matrix A =
(ai j), where ai j = 1 or 0 according as the part pj is processed on the machine
mi. This data can be represented as a bipartite graph G with bipartition X, Y and
mi is joined to pj if ai j = 1. Let G1, G2,⋯, Gk be nontrivial connected subgraphs
of G such that V(G1), V(G2),⋯, V(Gk) forms a partition of V(G). Then π = {G1, G2,⋯,
Gk} is called a k-cell partition of G. Any edge of G with one end in Gi and the
other end in Gj with i∗j represents an intercellular movement of a part. The set
V(Gi) is called a cell. Any part in a cell which is to be processed by a machine in
another cell is called a bottleneck part and any machine which processes a part in
another cell is called a bottleneck machine. In this paper we use graph theoretic
techniques to develop an efficient algorithm for identifying bottleneck elements
with respect to a given solution of the cellular manufacturing problem. If H is the
subgraph of G induced by the set of all exceptional edges with respect to the cell
partition π, then any vertex of H is a bottleneck element and its degree in H is
the strength of the bottleneck elements. Thus the bottleneck elements of high
strength identified by our algorithm are to be either duplicated if it is a machine
or to be subcontracted if it is a part, in order to ensure a smooth flow in the
manufacturing process. © 2015 The Authors.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: bipartite graph; bottleneck machine; bottleneck part; cell;
Cellular manufacturing problem; depth first search
INDEX KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Cells; Cytology; Graph theory; Manufacture; Quality
control; Security of data, Bipartite graphs; Bottleneck machines; Bottleneck parts;
Cellular manufacturing problems; Depth first search, Cellular manufacturing
REFERENCES: Ang, D.S., An algorithm for handling exceptional elements in cellular
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EDITORS: Simanjuntak R., Miller M., Baskoro E.T.
PUBLISHER: Elsevier B.V.
ISSN: 18770509
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
SOURCE: Scopus

Safaei, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.

An extended fuzzy parametric programming-based approach for designing cellular
manufacturing systems under uncertainty and dynamic conditions
(2009) International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 22 (6), pp. 538-
548. Cited 18 times.
DOI: 10.1080/09511920802616773
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes an extended fuzzy parametric programming (FPP)
approach to solve a dynamic cell formation problem considering the uncertain part
demand and machine capacity. The classical FPP approach gives the decision maker a
number of alternative decisions for different grades of precision. Linear
membership functions such as trapezoid, triangular and other piecewise forms have
widely been used to express the uncertain parameters in the different engineering
fields. Especially, to our best of knowledge, all researches related to the use of
the fuzzy programming-based approaches for cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs)
have been applied to the piecewise membership functions. In the case of lack of
sufficient knowledge, there is a section in the piecewise forms called 'core',
consisting of the fully included members (i.e. members with membership degree equal
to one). This section, which represents the expert's ignorance, is not considered
in the fuzzy programming-based approaches presented in the literature. In a highly
cost-intensive production system, such as cellular manufacturing systems, the
decision maker wants to know how big the changes of the cell configuration from one
period to another are. These changes are caused by the fluctuations in some
parameters of the system, such as part demand and machine capacity. However, when
these parameters are uncertain as well as dynamic, the risk of decision making will
increase significantly. On the other hand, in practice, a domain of uncertainty of
data corresponds to a unique decision and hence the whole uncertainty in the system
can be covered by only a few numbers of the alternative decisions, called
'applicable decisions'. This reduction in the decision space gives a better idea to
the decision maker to make the final decision. The extended FPP proposed in this
paper uses a simple strategy to extract all possible applicable solutions resulting
from the core of the membership functions of the uncertain parameters. To verify
the performance and applicability of the proposed approach, a comprehensive
numerical example is solved and experimental results are presented.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Cellular manufacturing system; Dynamic and uncertain environment;
Fuzzy parametric programming; Mixed-integer programming
INDEX KEYWORDS: Cell configurations; Cellular manufacturing system; Cellular
manufacturing systems; Cost-intensive; Decision makers; Decision space; Dynamic
cell formation; Dynamic condition; Engineering fields; Final decision; Fuzzy
parametric programming; Fuzzy programming; Know-how; Membership degrees; Mixed-
integer programming; Numerical example; Parametric programming; Piece-wise;
Production system; Uncertain parameters, Decision making; Dynamic programming;
Fuzzy systems; Integer programming; Membership functions; Microcontrollers;
Uncertainty analysis, Cellular manufacturing
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Safaei, N.; Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; email: [email protected]
ISSN: 0951192X
SOURCE: Scopus

Ahmed, M.U., Ahmed, N.U., Nandkeolyar, U.

A volume and material handling cost based heuristic for designing cellular
manufacturing cells
(1991) Journal of Operations Management, 10 (4), pp. 488-511. Cited 14 times.

DOI: 10.1016/0272-6963(91)90007-K
ABSTRACT: One of the major problems in a group technology or cellular manufacturing
environment is the formation of part groups and machine cells. Because of the
combinatorial nature of the cell formation problem, it is difficult to solve the
problem optimally. Most of the procedures related to cell design in cellular
manufacturing operate on the part-machine incidence matrix in an attempt to
identify block diagonality. If complete block diagonality does not exist, the
decision about cell configuration is left to the subjective judgement of the
designer. These procedures are also generally based on part routing only, and do
not consider part volume and material handling costs. In this paper we develop an
integer programming model, as well as a heuristic to effectively assign machines to
cells. In these procedures we consider component volumes, costs related to movement
of components between and within cells, and penalty for not using all machines in a
cell visited by a component. Since the integer programming formulation becomes
large even for small problems, an efficient heuristic is developed to solve larger
problems. The heuristic solutions to 180 randomly generated small problems were
compared against the optimal solutions obtained by the integer programming model.
The heuristic has been found to identify optimal solutions in all 180 cases. This
heuristic is also compared to several well known algorithms on 900 larger test
problems. These problems were generated to cover a wide range of environmental
situations such as varying levels of block diagonality in the part-machine
incidence matrix, and diversity in the component volumes and material handling
costs. In 99% of the problems our heuristic generated solutions which are better or
as good as the best solution obtained by other algorithms. Further, in situations
where complete block diagonality in the part-machine incidence matrix did not
exist, our heuristic produced even better results. Since the maximum number of
iterations required in our heuristic is the number of machines in the problem, the
heuristic is computationally efficient. © 1991.
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SOURCE: Scopus
Brown, E.C., Sumichrast, R.T.
Impact of the replacement heuristic in a grouping genetic algorithm
(2003) Computers and Operations Research, 30 (11), pp. 1575-1593. Cited 30 times.

DOI: 10.1016/S0305-0548(02)00085-0
AFFILIATIONS: Business Information Technology, Virginia Tech., 1007 Pamplin Hall,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States;
Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech., 1044 Pamplin Hall, Blacksburg, VA
24061, United States
ABSTRACT: The grouping genetic algorithm (GGA), developed by Emmanuel Falkenauer,
is a genetic algorithm whose encoding and operators are tailored to suit the
special structure of grouping problems. In particular, the crossover operator for a
GGA involves the development of heuristic procedures to restore group membership to
any entities that may have been displaced by preceding actions of the operator. In
this paper, we present evidence that the success of a GGA is heavily dependent on
the replacement heuristic used as a part of the crossover operator. We demonstrate
this by comparing the performance of a GGA that uses a naïve replacement heuristic
(GGA0) to a GGA that includes an intelligent replacement heuristic (GGACF). We
evaluate both the naïve and intelligent approaches by applying each of the two GGAs
to a well-known grouping problem, the machine-part cell formation problem. The
algorithms are tested on problems from the literature as well as randomly generated
problems. Using two measures of effectiveness, grouping efficiency and grouping
efficacy, our tests demonstrate that adding intelligence to the replacement
heuristic enhances the performance of a GGA, particularly on the larger problems
tested. Since the intelligence of the replacement heuristic is highly dependent on
the particular grouping problem being solved, our research brings into question the
robustness of the GGA. Our research investigates the significance of the
replacement heuristic used as a part of the crossover operator in a grouping
genetic algorithm (GGA). We test two GGAs and compare their replacement heuristics
using test problems from the well-known machine-part cell formation domain. The
purpose of our research is three-fold. First, we compare and contrast the GGA with
standard GA to improve understanding of how they differ in problem representation
and operation. Second, we provide evidence that GGA is limited not only to problems
where the objective is to form groups, but also to problems where it is practical
to incorporate a substantial amount of problem-specific information. Third, we
estimate the impact that the GGA replacement heuristic has on performance. Results
indicate that GGA performs up to 40% worse when problem-specific knowledge is not
incorporated into the replacement heuristic. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Grouping genetic algorithm; Heuristic
INDEX KEYWORDS: Encoding (symbols); Genetic algorithms; Intelligent materials;
Mathematical operators, Grouping genetic algorithms (GGA), Heuristic programming,
genetic algorithm; operations technology
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CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Brown, E.C.; Business Information Technology, Virginia
Tech., 1007 Pamplin Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States; email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 03050548
SOURCE: Scopus

Kia, R., Baboli, A., Javadian, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Kazemi, M., Khorrami,
Solving a group layout design model of a dynamic cellular manufacturing system with
alternative process routings, lot splitting and flexible reconfiguration by
simulated annealing
(2012) Computers and Operations Research, 39 (11), pp. 2642-2658. Cited 111 times.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2012.01.012
AFFILIATIONS: Department of Industrial Engineering, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Firoozkooh, Iran;
Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, DISP Laboratory, F-69621, France;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and
Technology, Babol, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran;
Department of Industrial Engineering, Birjand University of Technology, Birjand,
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a novel mixed-integer non-linear programming model
for the layout design of a dynamic cellular manufacturing system (DCMS). In a
dynamic environment, the product mix and part demands are varying during a multi-
period planning horizon. As a result, the best cell configuration for one period
may not be efficient for successive periods, and thus it necessitates
reconfigurations. Three major and interrelated decisions are involved in the design
of a CMS; namely cell formation (CF), group layout (GL) and group scheduling (GS).
A novel aspect of this model is concurrently making the CF and GL decisions in a
dynamic environment. The proposed model integrating the CF and GL decisions can be
used by researchers and practitioners to design GL in practical and dynamic cell
formation problems. Another compromising aspect of this model is the utilization of
multi-rows layout to locate machines in the cells configured with flexible shapes.
Such a DCMS model with an extensive coverage of important manufacturing features
has not been proposed before and incorporates several design features including
alternate process routings, operation sequence, processing time, production volume
of parts, purchasing machine, duplicate machines, machine capacity, lot splitting,
intra-cell layout, inter-cell layout, multi-rows layout of equal area facilities
and flexible reconfiguration. The objective of the integrated model is to minimize
the total costs of intra and inter-cell material handling, machine relocation,
purchasing new machines, machine overhead and machine processing. Linearization
procedures are used to transform the presented non-linear programming model into a
linearized formulation. Two numerical examples taken from the literature are solved
by the Lingo software using a branch-and-bound method to illustrate the performance
of this model. An efficient simulated annealing (SA) algorithm with elaborately
designed solution representation and neighborhood generation is extended to solve
the proposed model because of its NP-hardness. It is then tested using several
problems with different sizes and settings to verify the computational efficiency
of the developed algorithm in comparison with the Lingo software. The obtained
results show that the proposed SA is able to find the near-optimal solutions in
computational time, approximately 100 times less than Lingo. Also, the
computational results show that the proposed model to some extent overcomes common
disadvantages in the existing dynamic cell formation models that have not yet
considered layout problems. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AUTHOR KEYWORDS: Dynamic cellular manufacturing systems; Flexible reconfiguration;
Group layout; Mixed-integer non-linear programming; Multi-rows layout; Simulated
INDEX KEYWORDS: Alternative process routings; Cell configurations; Cell formation;
Computational results; Computational time; Design features; Different sizes;
Dynamic cell formation; Dynamic environments; Flexible reconfiguration; Group
layout; Group scheduling; Integrated models; Inter-cell layouts; Inter-related
decisions; Layout designs; Layout problems; Linearization procedures; Lot
splitting; Machine processing; Manufacturing features; Material handling; Mixed-
integer nonlinear programming; Multi-period; Multi-rows layout; Near-optimal
solutions; NP-hardness; Numerical example; Operation sequences; Planning horizons;
Processing time; Product mix; Production volumes; Routings; Simulated annealing
algorithms; Solution representation; Total costs, Algorithms; Cells; Cellular
manufacturing; Computer programming; Cytology; Design; Group technology;
Linearization; Simulated annealing, Dynamic models
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SOURCE: Scopus

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