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Journal of Materials Processing Tech.

302 (2022) 117485

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Journal of Materials Processing Tech.

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Mechanistic artificial intelligence (mechanistic-AI) for modeling, design,

and control of advanced manufacturing processes: Current state
and perspectives
Mojtaba Mozaffar a, Shuheng Liao a, Xiaoyu Xie a, Sourav Saha b, Chanwook Park a, Jian Cao a,
Wing Kam Liu a, Zhengtao Gan a, *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston 60208, IL, USA
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University, Evanston 60208, IL, USA


Associate Editor: E. Tekkaya Today’s manufacturing processes are pushed to their limits to generate products with ever-increasing quality at
low costs. A prominent hurdle on this path arises from the multiscale, multiphysics, dynamic, and stochastic
Keywords: nature of many manufacturing systems, which motivated many innovations at the intersection of artificial in­
Scientific data science telligence (AI), data analytics, and manufacturing sciences. This study reviews recent advances in Mechanistic-
Deep learning
AI, defined as a methodology that combines the raw mathematical power of AI methods with mechanism-driven
Additive manufacturing
principles and engineering insights. Mechanistic-AI solutions are systematically analyzed for three aspects of
Physics-informed machine learning
Data-driven discovery manufacturing processes, i.e., modeling, design, and control, with a focus on approaches that can improve data
Data-driven design requirements, generalizability, explainability, and capability to handle challenging and heterogeneous
manufacturing data. Additionally, we introduce a corpus of cutting-edge Mechanistic-AI methods that have
shown to be very promising in other scientific fields but yet to be applied in manufacturing. Finally, gaps in the
knowledge and under-explored research directions are identified, such as lack of incorporating manufacturing
constraints into AI methods, lack of uncertainty analysis, and limited reproducibility and established bench­
marks. This paper shows the immense potential of the Mechanistic-AI to address new problems in manufacturing
systems and is expected to drive further advancements in manufacturing and related fields.

1. Introduction temporal behaviors are common in manufacturing applications, and

critical responses happen in length scales that are orders of magnitudes
Manufacturing is an imperative part of the global economy ac­ apart. As an example, in metal-based additive manufacturing, the in­
counting for 10-30 percent of the gross domestic product in major teractions between the laser beam and material particles happen in
industrialized countries (West and Lansang, 2018). Historical examples micro-scale, the melt pool dynamics, grain, and porosity evolution occur
also show innovations in manufacturing nurture key advances in the in meso-scale, and mechanical and thermal behavior appear in macro-
automotive, aerospace, electronics, and biomedical industries such as scale. While significant progress has been made to accurately simulate
3D bioprinting of tissues and organs (Murphy and Atala, 2014). Partic­ these multiscale behaviors using numerical simulations, conventional
ularly, recent advances have moved manufacturing toward design methods are often prohibitively time- and resource-consuming, espe­
freedom and flexibility allowing the production of highly optimized and cially for cases where an iterative solution is needed (e.g., inverse
individualized parts while remaining cost-effective even for low-volume problems, robust design, uncertainty analysis). To exacerbate the
productions. However, many manufacturing processes are known for problem, manufacturing systems are prone to noise, disturbance, and
their intricacies in changing material shapes and properties. unknown hidden variables which make the process difficult to accu­
As a prevalent challenge in manufacturing, we face complex in­ rately predict. The behavior of manufacturing systems is known to vary
teractions between materials, setups, and energy sources, while the even between similar machines or for one machine over time. As a
underlying physics is not fully understood. High-dimensional spatio- result, the task of decision-making and understanding manufacturing

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Gan).

Received 15 October 2021; Received in revised form 24 December 2021; Accepted 26 December 2021
Available online 29 December 2021
0924-0136/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

processes has remained a daunting engineering effort. distribution compared to the training database. Therefore, a naive
At the same time, manufacturing practices have undergone a digi­ implementation of AI methods can easily violate the physical principles
talization paradigm. This trend can be evidently seen in the strategic of the modeled phenomenon. Developing generalizable solutions is a
road maps across the globe such as the Industry 4.0 framework intro­ core effort of AI researchers and practitioners; however, the state-of-the-
duced by Germany, the “Manufacturing USA” institutes in the US, and art methods often fall short of the outside-of-training accuracy required
the “China Manufacturing 2025” strategic plan in China, all of which in precise engineering problems. Lastly, AI solutions are often treated as
emphasize systematic digital data collection and large-scale networking black-boxes and offer limited tools to trace the reasoning behind their
and communication capabilities to advance manufacturing systems. decision-making patterns. While interpretability might not be a critical
Putting these pieces together, one can see that manufacturing systems factor in applications such as advertising recommendation systems,
generate data with continuously increasing quality and variety, and unreliable action in manufacturing plants can have devastating financial
these data sources are valuable assets and should be utilized to advance and safety consequences. Therefore, explainability is another important
current capabilities. feature of solutions in manufacturing.
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown significant To address the above-mentioned challenges, we advocate
progress in automating activities that are associated with human Mechanistic-AI methods, in which mechanism-driven principles of
thinking, such as planning, decision making, and problem-solving. An manufacturing processes and engineering insights are embedded into AI
over sixfold increase in the number of publications from 2015 to 2020 solutions to increase their data efficiency, generalizability, and
(Zhang et al., 2021) and an estimated 15.7 trillion-dollar worth of explainability. A schematic of the Mechanistic-AI framework is illus­
economy in 2030 (PwC, 2021) are only a few indications of the vast trated in Fig. 2. This framework covers multiscale and multiphysics
existing and future impact of AI in both academia and industry. AI so­ modeling, which is complemented by AI methods to simplify model
lutions are capable of processing large-scale data from a wide range of calibration, validation, and mesh generation. Moreover, the known
sources, including images, text, audio, 3D geometries, to name a few. As physical mechanisms could inform AI methods for accurate predictions
a result, we observe a surge in AI-enabled approaches to enhance pre­ (i.e., physics-informed learning), and the AI methods, in turn, can be
diction, design, and control capabilities of advanced manufacturing used to discover new mechanisms from experimental data (i.e., data-
processes that leverage the recent trend of manufacturing digitalization driven discovery). As a data-centric framework, high-quality high-res­
and large-scale data acquisition platforms. The increasing popularity of olution experimental data with appropriate mechanistic feature engi­
investigating AI methods in manufacturing applications as well as the neering and data processing is required for model validation and AI
geographical distribution of publications can be observed in Fig. 1. This training. The physics-informed AI and well-validated physics-based
cross-disciplinary research area attempts to address critical models, in turn, generate more data. Therefore, Mechanistic-AI provides
manufacturing challenges such as improving quality variability and an interconnected framework between the three components of physical
process efficiency and enabling high-dimensional design for tailored mechanisms, AI methods, and data, which enables a new generation of
material and geometric properties, with the potential to drastically alter modeling, design, and control in manufacturing. In this article, we re­
the capabilities of these multi-billion-dollar industries. AI methods view notable advances in Mechanistic-AI methods in manufacturing
provide an exciting alternative to many conventional computational systems, introduce a corpus of promising approaches that have not been
methods in manufacturing as they offer high predictive flexibility with applied to manufacturing yet, and lay out our vision for influential
fast inference time. Additionally, AI tools are often compact and easier future directions in this field. We note that the multiphysics modeling
to maintain compared to their conventional counterparts which can with model calibration and validation is beyond the scope of this study.
involve large code bases with tens of thousands of lines of code. For those topics, interested readers can refer to the reviews by Guna­
Despite the many benefits of AI-enabled tools, three key shortcom­ segaram and Steinbach (2021) and Wei et al. (2021).
ings hinder the widespread adoption of such tools in manufacturing: (1) In recent years, several publications have reviewed various aspects of
unavailability of large enough high-quality data, (2) limited general­ AI in manufacturing. Li et al. (2017) discussed a system-level architec­
ization to unseen samples, and (3) lack of interpretability. Developing ture for integration of AI in smart manufacturing facilities and the role of
useful databases from raw information is expensive for complex engi­ key parties, governments, and technologies in the formation and future
neering tasks as such databases need to be carefully processed and of the intelligent manufacturing industry. Sharp et al. (2018) deployed
curated to minimize the impact of mislabeled instances, imbalances, natural language processing (NLP) to extract trends and insights from a
outliers, and noises. Furthermore, the behavior of manufacturing ma­ corpus of 4000 literature related to machine learning (ML) in
chines can change over time as machines age, which results in a manufacturing applications and identified decision support, lifecycle
continuous and costly process of data preparation. AI methods often management, and digital knowledge management as important appli­
overfit the data provided to them during the training process, meaning cations of ML in manufacturing literature. Wang et al. (2018) presented
that they exploit the database imbalances and noises to resemble the a technical summary of deep learning algorithms (such as CNN, RBM,
training samples too closely. The overfitting reduces the accuracy of the Autoencoder, and RNNs) and their applications in manufacturing
solution for new data, especially when new data has a different quality inspection, fault assessment diagnostics, and defect prognosis.

Fig. 1. The number of published papers for

each year (left) and the geographical distribu­
tion of affiliations for publications on the
intersection of AI and manufacturing (right).
The size and color of circles in the world map
indicate the number of publications affiliated
with each country. The papers are extracted
from the Scopus database using keywords:
[artificial intelligence, or neural network, or
machine learning, or supervised learning, or
reinforcement learning], and [manufacturing,
or metal forming, or tool wear, or metal plas­
ticity, or additive manufacturing, or
manufacturing design, or manufacturing

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 2. A schematic of Mechanistic-AI for

advanced manufacturing processes, including
the building blocks and their interactions. Two
cycles connect the Mechanistic-AI building
blocks. The red arrows represent a cycle of the
information flow: physical mechanisms can
create data via modeling techniques, data can
be used to train AI methods with appropriate
mechanistic feature processing, and AI methods
can discover new physical mechanisms by
combining experimental data (i.e., data-driven
discovery). The dark blue arrows represent a
reverse cycle: physical mechanisms can inform
AI methods (i.e., physics-informed machine
learning), AI methods can create more data, and
data can be used to calibrate and validate
mechanistic models to elucidate physical
mechanisms. The Mechanistic-AI enables
scientific-driven process modeling, design, and
control. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

Gao et al. (2020) identified four building blocks of the life cycle of Manufacturing generates a wide spectrum of heterogeneous data which
manufacturing data as data collection, data processing, data learning, can be broadly categorized into three different types of (1) experimental
and data security and elaborated various methods to tackle current data, (2) simulation data, and (3) engineer/user data.
challenges within each item. Arinez et al. (2020) adopted a The development of novel sensors to measure complex behavior of
system-process-material hierarchical plant organization and reviewed materials and manufacturing systems with high accuracy and frequency
the literature to incorporate AI decision-making and analytics tools is an ongoing research area. Additionally, many sensing technologies
within and across manufacturing hierarchical levels. A review dedicated have matured, leading to lowering equipment costs and ease of avail­
to AI tools health monitoring in manufacturing systems can be found in ability. As the result, various measurement technologies and sensing
Zhao et al. (2019). Zhang and Gao (2021) summarized recent advances methods have become more standardized components of modern
in data processing and curation techniques in manufacturing systems manufacturing pipelines from controlling and monitoring during the
such as denoising, outlier detection, imputation, balancing, and manufacturing process to test and analysis methods after the products
annotation. are manufactured. These experimental sources provide data on the
Our review article distinguishes itself by providing a new perspective material and manufacturing processes across several time and length
on approaches that transform generic AI techniques into Mechanistic-AI scales. Some of the popular sensing methods and their data types are
solutions that offer better interpretability and reliability, enable mech­ compiled in Fig. 3. As it can be seen, manufacturing produces a wide
anisms discovery, and handle various types of heterogeneous range of in-situ and ex-situ data including scalar measurements in static
manufacturing data. In what follows, we introduce various classes of or time-series forms (such as load cells, vibration, acoustic, fracture, and
manufacturing data and data sources in Section 2. Section 3 provides a fatigue data), geometry data (such as point clouds in optical scanning),
discussion on combining physical knowledge and data-driven methods video data (such as measurements from DIC, IR, and X-ray), and static
for modeling and discovery in manufacturing processes. We discuss image data (such as data from X-ray diffraction, scanning electron mi­
mechanistic feature processing (Section 3.1), physics-informed croscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction). Increasingly, several of
modeling methods in manufacturing (Section 3.2), and data-driven such sensing data are compiled together to reduce uncertainty in mea­
discovery in manufacturing (Section 3.3). Later, we investigate and surement or to collect a more complete set of the attributes of
categorize several AI methods in manufacturing that are targeted toward manufacturing systems. For example, Muhammad et al. (2021) com­
design and control tasks in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. Finally, we bined X-ray computed tomography (CT) and DIC methods to record
conclude this article with a summary of promising future research di­ detailed microstructural features and local strain evolution and char­
rections for Mechanistic-AI in manufacturing in Section 6. acterize deformation responses of additively manufactured samples.
Advances in numerical simulation methods such as finite element
2. Manufacturing data method (FEM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and lattice Boltz­
mann method (LBM), along with the increasing computational capacity
2.1. Manufacturing data types and databases generated another source of valuable data stemming from fundamental
physical laws. Designs and manufacturing process plans are digitalized
A key trend over the past decade is widespread digitalization across through CAD and CAM models, providing detailed information about
many fields fueled by the availability of inexpensive sensing devices. In the geometry, desired tolerances and surface qualities, design intent,
manufacturing, digitalization trends, e.g., cyber-physical systems and and process execution. Additionally, engineers and users, while a source
Internet of Things (IoT) (Lee et al., 2015), have increased the visibility of a smaller portion of data, are a unique source of information in
and accessibility to information and drastically changed the amount, manufacturing plants and provide invaluable manual demonstrations,
quality, diversity, and richness of available manufacturing data. know-hows, and reporting discrepancies and irregularities (Waterman,

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 3. Samples of in-situ and ex-situ measurement and material characterization techniques common in manufacturing. This data includes scalar, time-series, point
cloud, and image/video measurements.

2017). At the same time, some research is dedicated to the development observe the emergence of various databases with applications in
of efficient knowledge management systems in manufacturing to create, manufacturing.
link, maintain, and update heterogeneous manufacturing data, such as Several public databases provide a wide range of 3D manufacturing-
studies done by Ko et al. (2021) and Lu et al. (2018). For example, Lu related geometries in various formats such as CAD files, images, and
et al. (2018) proposed a four-tier framework consisting of data, infor­ depth maps. ABC geometric database (Koch et al., 2019) contains 1.75
mation, knowledge, and application. In their framework, a bottom-up million CAD files for industrial designs. MVTec ITODD (Drost et al.,
analysis is used to extract engineering knowledge and a top-down 2017) is developed for industrial object detection tasks and includes 28
method is proposed for goal-oriented active data generation. objects and 3500 labeled scenes resulted from two 3D sensors and three
High-quality databases and benchmarks are imperative for the grayscale cameras. T-LESS (Hodan et al., 2017) provides 50K images for
adoption of AI in manufacturing. Such benchmarks allow scientists to 6D pose estimation with over 30 industry-relevant objects. Online
meaningfully track the progress of the field and compare different communities such as Thingiverse (Thingiverse. and com,2021., 2021)
methodologies, which is nearly impossible if each study is performed on have accumulated large-scale collections of designs for additive
a separate database. Additionally, publicly available databases lower the manufacturing parts, which are used to create curated databases by
barrier to research and deploy AI systems as they can significantly other studies. Thingi10k (Zhou and Jacobson, 2016) contains 10,000 3D
reduce the time-consuming and expensive data gathering and curation printing models in 72 categories and over 4000 tags. Berman and Quek
steps of the AI development life-cycle. Fortunately, in recent years, we (2020) collected over a million 3D files, images, and metadata for

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

additive manufacturing parts and published their database as Thingi­ facilitate Mechanistic-AI methods to find complex manufacturing
Pano. HowDIY website (Berman et al., 2021) is developed not only as a mechanisms between heterogeneous data types.
collection of 3D printing designs but also as a platform to provide
collaborative support and computationally-guided tools in various steps 2.2. Manufacturing data platforms
of 3D printing. A current limitation of such geometric databases for
manufacturing applications is that they are mostly designed for generic Cloud manufacturing can further facilitate and automate the data­
plastic 3D printing, lack process-specific information (e.g., support base generation for both proprietary and non-proprietary data sources.
structure and toolpath), and do not cover a broad enough range of Although several different definitions are available in the literature
manufacturing processes. Some recent geometric databases target spe­ (Siderska and Jadaan, 2018), cloud manufacturing can be defined as a
cific design and manufacturing applications. For example, Biked cloud-based platform that collects manufacturing resources from pro­
(Regenwetter et al., 2021) is a database of 4,500 bicycles that includes viders online, analyzes collected resources, and offers the various tools
the individual components, bike class, and numerical design parameters. and suggestions on manufacturing processes to customers. The term
Researchers have also invested in developing databases that incor­ “cloud manufacturing” first appeared in literature in Li et al. (2010) and
porate the performance of manufacturing processes, notable examples of since then it has gained significant research interests. Notable research
which are described here. Sundar and Sundararaghavan (2020) devel­ on the cloud manufacturing concepts and their implementations are
oped a database of over 300K simulated microstructures that are reviewed by Siderska and Jadaan (2018) and Bouzary and Chen (2018).
resulted from various permutations of tension, compression, and rolling Fig. 4 illustrates the architecture of cloud manufacturing proposed
in different directions. This database allows for data-driven in­ by Esposito et al. (2016) that consists of 4 layers: manufacturing
vestigations to find the relationships between the manufacturing process resource layer, virtual resource layer, service layer, and application
sequences and the microstructure evolution. Oak Ridge National Labo­ layer. The manufacturing resource layer refers to the local facilities that
ratory (ORNL) (Scime et al., 2021) released a dataset containing manage production, shipping, operational tasks. The virtual layer con­
layer-wise powder bed images from three different powder bed printing tains virtual models and simulation tools of physical resources that
technologies: laser powder bed fusion, electron beam powder bed ceaselessly produce data to construct a multi-resource database. This
fusion, and binder jetting. The dataset was mainly designed for anomaly data can be used for the optimization of the production cycle and
defects detection using image segmentation or other computer vision providing recommendations to customers. On top of the virtual layer,
techniques. Several databases are published that connect additive the service layer oversees the scheduling and monitoring of the
manufacturing process conditions and part performances. NIST Additive manufacturing process. Finally, the application layer offers a web-based
Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (Lane and Yeung, 2019) provides user interface that visualizes tasks performed in the cloud platform.
melt pool monitoring data for ten nickel-based superalloy 625 (IN625) Despite great advances in the concepts and application protocols of
parts with varying scan strategies. NIST AM-BENCH database (Levine cloud manufacturing, most of them rely on centralized cloud systems
et al., 2020) published extensive in-situ and ex-situ measurements (e.g., and suffer from information transparency and data security. In recent
part deflection, residual strain, melt pool geometry, part tensile prop­ years, decentralization of cloud manufacturing with blockchain tech­
erties) for metal and polymer materials. Air Force Research Laboratory nology is trending in the literature, such as Aghamohammadzadeh and
(AFRL) AM modeling challenge series data (Cox et al., 2021) provided Fatahi Valilai (2020) and Barenji (2021). The fundamental idea of this
experimental data at macro- and micro-scale including manufacturing research path is to establish a highly secure blockchain platform for the
process parameters, residual strain, geometry, microstructural details, multi-resource databases that allows providers and customers to match,
and stress-strain behavior. The Additive Manufacturing Materials negotiate transactions, and establish contracts.
Database (https://ammd.nist.gov/) is a collaborative database that Zhu et al. (2020) proposed an Ethereum-based cloud manufacturing
contains information about the material properties, machine parame­ platform to solve a benchmark problem that entails 939 job requests
ters, build design, in-process, and post-process data points. These from 100 users. They used the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm for
growing attempts to establish rich manufacturing databases can greatly the service composition and successfully mediated 934 jobs. Yu et al.

Fig. 4. Layered architecture of cloud manufacturing which includes manufacturing resource, virtual resource, service, and application abstractions (Esposito
et al., 2016).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

(2020) developed a blockchain-based cloud manufacturing architecture explained in Section 3.3.

combined with a particle swarm optimization (PSO) solver for the ser­
vice composition problem. Wang et al. (2021) reported an architecture 3.1. Mechanistic feature processing
of blockchain cloud manufacturing that utilizes machine learning
techniques such as support vector machine (SVM) and neural network Successful application of any AI framework largely depends on the
for service composition tasks. Zhang et al. (2021) studied a blockchain nature and relevance of the features considered. Meaningful features are
consensus protocol to reduce the energy consumption during the Proof particular helpful in establishing process-structure-property relation­
of Work (PoW) process, leading to a higher transaction speed and sus­ ships (DebRoy et al., 2018) and designing and optimization of
tainable cloud manufacturing platform. Many blockchain ecosystems manufacturing processes (Yoshimura, 2007) as these tasks require high
are originally designed to transfer a small amount of transaction data, explainability and generalizability. Processing raw training data into
which is not compatible with cloud manufacturing transactions that features that are most efficient in representing relevant aspects of a
involve a large volume of manufacturing data. To address this issue, manufacturing task can drastically improve the suitability of the AI so­
Hasan et al. (2021) developed a middleware software architecture inside lution for resolving realistic manufacturing problems. Therefore,
the Ethereum network that can store and transfer larger manufacturing mechanistic feature processing can play an important role, irrespective
data. Such technologies in cloud manufacturing enable the creation of of the data types, i.e., experimental, simulation, or user data. Generally,
highly secure, anti-tampering, traceable, and transparent multi-resource the purpose of feature processing in machine learning is to select the
and multi-fidelity databases for further usage in AI methods. most important features out of many in order to make the training
process easier or faster. Here, we refer to mechanistic feature processing
3. Mechanistic-AI in manufacturing modeling and discovery as data selection and manipulation techniques that utilize mechanistic
or physical insight of manufacturing processes to do the same. Particu­
For decades, trial-and-error experiments and physics-based modeling larly, we introduce two classes of solutions to achieve this goal: (1)
were deployed to model various aspects of manufacturing processes, selecting most important and physically meaningful features in a given
including material properties and product quality. However, trial-and- task, and (2) using the existing invariants in the data to transform or
error approaches are often time-consuming and expensive due to the augment the data. These two solutions are elaborated in the following
vast number of process and material parameters, as well as the high subsections.
expense of experimental tests. Physics-based modeling methods provide
many tools to understand complex mechanics in manufacturing pro­ 3.1.1. Mechanistic feature selection and importance analysis
cesses. But, leaning on physics-based modeling alone can be insufficient An inappropriate feature selection generates information with a high
in many challenging manufacturing problems for several reasons: noise-to-signal ratio and low correlation to target, which impedes the
training process and reduces the accuracy and generalizability of AI
• The accuracy of the popular simulation tools (e.g., FEM) largely solutions. The underlying physical aspects of a manufacturing process
depends on the mesh quality. Therefore, manufacturing applications can inspire meaningful and mechanistic feature selection in various
can require extremely fine mesh structures to properly simulate tasks. Current literature in manufacturing lacks a unifying framework
intricate material behaviors, which consequently leads to high for the selection of mechanistic features; rather, the selection process is
computational demand (Francois et al., 2017). highly domain-specific with heavy reliance on the experience of experts
• Formulating the governing equations and solver settings is a non- in the field. Here, we highlight several inspiring examples of mechanistic
trivial task due to the multiscale and multiphysics nature of features across the manufacturing fields.
manufacturing processes and their complex boundary conditions. In additive manufacturing processes, various interacting mecha­
• Experimental data are generally used for calibration and validation, nisms affect the performance of parts. Gu et al. (2021) proposes the
which requires significant manual engineering, instead of seamlessly concept of Material-Structure-Performance Integrated Additive
embedding them into simulation tools. This disconnection motivates Manufacturing (MSPI-AM), which integrates parallel multi-material,
finding the next generation of integrated simulation approaches to multi-functional, and multiscale materials design and production. The
better understand complex mechanisms in manufacturing. authors discuss many relevant mechanistic features for realizing an
advanced hybrid manufacturing system. For example, to produce a
Data-driven approaches come into play as promising alternatives multi-functional and multi-material part, the feature selection requires
considering the increase in data accessibility and parallel computing identifying an appropriate lattice structure, crystal orientation,
power. But, data-driven approaches rely on a vast amount of labeled composition, and material gradient distribution.
high-fidelity data, which can be difficult to obtain through experiments Geometric features can play an integral part in analyzing
or simulations. This hinders the wide application of data-driven methods manufacturing performance. Mycroft et al. (2020) used geometric fea­
in manufacturing modeling. To exploit the power of data-driven ap­ tures extracted from CAD such as voxel map, thickness, mesh
proaches, classical physics-based modeling, and experimental data, we complexity, and curvature to predict the Hausdorff printability measure
advocate for utilizing Mechanistic-AI for modeling and discovering for the powder bed fusion process. Note that while in some
physical mechanisms in manufacturing. manufacturing processes, such as forming, global aspects of the geom­
There are two fundamental components in an AI solution: a machine etry significantly affect the distribution of forces, in other processes,
learning model and the data to train the model with. Both of these such as machining, the geometric effects are mostly local. Therefore,
components can be reformed to convey the mechanistic aspects of a understanding the direct and indirect region of influence of each phys­
manufacturing process; hence, creating a Mechanistic-AI approach. ical energy source can assist in selecting important features in
Physical insights can be embedded into training data by employing a manufacturing tasks. In geometry optimization tasks, i.e., topology
host of techniques such as mechanistic feature selection and exploiting optimization, mechanistic features such as toughness,
data invariants, as detailed in Section 3.1. At the same time, the machine force-displacement curves, mass, and geometric parameters can be used
learning model can be augmented with physical knowledge of to efficiently optimize complex geometries (Gongora et al., 2020).
manufacturing processes by how the solution is structured, the formu­ Metallic alloy material design tasks can benefit from thermodynamic
lation of the model, as well as the training process. These advancements and structural properties as the mechanistic features because they con­
are elaborated upon in Section 3.2. We also discuss a third aspect of AI- trol the property of the manufactured alloys. Such features become
enabled modeling approaches, known as system identification, which critical to assess physical phenomena that are hard to observe experi­
allows the discovery of fundamental physical laws from data, as mentally such as surface energy (Hebert, 2016). Tian et al. (2021)

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

showed that high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) features model score can indicate the importance of the feature. Overall, feature
are helpful to select a suitable alloy composition for a desired mechan­ importance analysis is an effective tool to enhance explainability in
ical performance. In microstructure analysis tasks a significant body of Mechanistic-AI. Identifying dominant mechanistic features will benefit
research suggests utilizing statistical metrics as material descriptors process-structure-properties quantification and materials design in
(Huber et al., 2020). The key idea behind these works is to convert a advanced manufacturing because it not only provides a smaller set of
microstructure image with multiple phases into an n-point correlation features required to be considered in the model, but also generates
function, where the probability of finding a specific phase is represented physical insights into the mechanisms of manufacturing processes.
as a function of relative distance. Other metallurgical data such as
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) features, average grain size, and 3.1.2. Utilizing data invariants
volume fraction of other phases are also used as features in multiple Another approach to integrating physical aspects of a process into
studies, such as Baturynska et al. (2018) and Herriott and Spear (2020). data is by exploiting the known data invariants, i.e. the aspects of data
Once a set of features are selected, relative importance analysis can that do not influence the output. Knowing data invariants allows the
reveal additional physical insights. As the result of importance analysis, development of databases that encourages AI model to be insensitive to
one can remove low-impact features, which simplifies and accelerates unimportant correlations in the data which might exist due to the
the training and prediction processes. Tree-based methods, such as limited data size or biased source of information. There are generally
Random Forest, naturally provide statistical importance analysis of the two approaches to inform the database of such invariants: data aug­
input features (Biau and Scornet, 2016). Two measures of importance mentations and invariant representation.
are commonly used in the Random Forest. The first measure, i.e., In data augmentations, starting from a database, one can generate
accuracy-based importance, is based on the change in accuracy if the multiple augmented copies of the data where the copies are altered in
feature is excluded. The second measure, i.e., Gini-based importance, is invariant dimensions while keeping the output prediction similar to the
based on the decrease of Gini impurity (or node purity) when a feature is original database. Using this method, we increase the size of the data­
chosen to split a node. Both measures can be used to order mechanistic base and simultaneously encourage the machine learning model to
features and identify dominant features in advanced manufacturing disregard irrelevant features and correlations as it trains to accurately
processes. Xie et al. (2021) identified important temperature ranges for predict the response for original and augmented samples. The pinnacle
ultimate tensile strength (UTS) from infrared temperature data in ad­ of data augmentation is in image processing where it is a common
ditive manufacturing. They found two dominant temperature ranges in practice to add altered versions of images to the database by applying
process-induced thermal histories, and those ranges have a significant several operations such as flipping, rotations, scaling, shearing, crop­
influence on the resulting UTS of the printed Inconel 718 material. The ping, and varying levels of brightness and contrast.
dominant ranges were identified purely from experimental data without Alternatively, we can transform the database into a representation
prior knowledge but they surprisingly coincided with the theoretical that is inherently invariant to physically irrelevant aspects of the data.
results. As shown in Fig. 5, the first temperature range, By training the machine learning model in the invariant representation
1212.99–1365.35 ∘C, align with the solidus and liquidus temperatures of space, we ensure the results of the model remain the same with changing
the Inconel 718, and the second important range, 654.32–857.47 ∘C, is irrelevant features of the data. A scientifically significant example of
related to γ′ and γ′ precipitate formation temperature during solid-state such an approach is dimensional invariance, where we can develop
transformation. Du et al. (2021) evaluated the Gini-based importance of models that are insensitive to units and scales by representing features as
the mechanistic features on balling defect in additive manufacturing. dimensionless numbers. A dimensionless number is a power-law
They concluded that the Marangoni number and solidification cooling monomial of some physical quantities (Barenblatt, 2003). There is no
time are the two most important features that describe the balling effect physical dimension (such as mass, length, or energy) assigned to a
of the additive manufacturing process. dimensionless number. Using dimensionless numbers can significantly
While the aforementioned importance analysis methods rely on tree- simplify the problems by reducing the number of variables that describe
based models, permutation feature importance was proposed in Alt­ a physical phenomenon or process, thereby reducing the number of
mann et al. (2010) as a broader alternative. The permutation feature experiments (or simulations) required to understand and design the
importance can be used for any fitted model such as neural networks. physical system. Furthermore, the dimensionless numbers are physically
This method is based on a simple idea that measures the decrease in the interpretable and thus provide elegant insights into the behavior of
model score (e.g., coefficient of determination R2) if the values of a complex systems. Moreover, the dimensionless numbers do not change if
feature are randomly shuffled. This approach breaks the relationship the measurement system of units is changed. This allows revealing a
between each feature and the model output, thereby the decrease in the scale-invariant relationship using small-scale experiments, which can
include small length scales, small time scales, or small energy scales.

3.2. Physics-informed model development

Machine learning models are the second pillar of AI solutions. The

development and training process of the ML models involve various
engineering choices, which can be tuned to embed physical insights or
constraints into the solution. Therefore, physics-informed model
development is a key ingredient in the proposed Mechanistic-AI
framework. Here, we present a collectively exhaustive categorization
of approaches to embedding physical knowledge into the model devel­
opment process including (1) structuring the problem into a multi-level
model where different modules are developed using a combination of
data-driven and physics-based models, (2) designing data-driven ar­
chitectures that integrate physics in their formulation, and (3) custom­
izing the model training process. Each category is explained in the
following subsections.
Fig. 5. Relative importance of temperature ranges in processing-induced
thermal histories for ultimate tensile strength (UTS) (Xie et al., 2021).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

3.2.1. Multi-level modeling for a large amount of training data. Wang et al. (2020) developed a
One fundamental approach to impose physics knowledge into an AI multi-level model for long-term prediction of tool wear in machining
solution is by structuring the original task into submodules, where each processes. Their model consists of a physics-based model and a
submodule is responsible for predicting aspects of the overall model. The bi-directional GRU data-driven model. The outputs of both models are
submodules can be structured in parallel to compensate for each other’s passed through a dense neural network regressor to produce the final
inaccuracies or in series to break the task into simpler and more phys­ prediction, as depicted in Fig. 6. Du et al. (2021) developed a two-level
ically traceable steps. There are two main benefits to adopting this physics-based and data-driven model where six simulation-based in­
multi-level modeling method. First, the structuring of the modeling task termediate parameters of volumetric energy density, surface tension
introduces aspects of physics in the model as it enforces predicting of force, Marangoni number, Richardson number, pool aspect ratio, and
physically meaningful intermediate parameters. This is in contrast to the the solidification time are initially computed using a thermal-fluid
data-driven end-to-end paradigm where flexible learning comes with the model; later, data-driven modeling is deployed to classify balling or
cost of intermediate parameters that are, at best, very difficult to non-balling cases in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). In Du et al. (2020),
interpret. Second, this multi-level modeling approach opens many pos­ a steady-state computational model is used to compute temperature,
sibilities to combine physics-based modeling methods with data-driven strain rate, traverse force, flow stress, shear stress, and torque in friction
methods. One can use physics-based modeling where reliable and effi­ stir welding, the outputs of the simulation is later used to predict the
cient solutions exist and compensate them with data-driven methods. binary tool failure with a high accuracy of 98%.
Therefore, instead of solely relying on experimental data from in-situ A current limitation of multi-level modeling that combines physics-
and ex-situ measurements and monitoring to build models, hybrid based and data-driven methods is that one needs to acquire data and
physics-based and data-driven modeling approaches can take advantage train each ML model individually, which drastically increases the cost of
of numerical simulations to provide additional insights that cannot be data handling, development, and maintenance. This is because neural
easily captured through experiments. For example, maintaining con­ networks training requires access to gradients while most conventional
stant melt pool size in AM process is important to achieve consistent physics-based models do not generate the gradient information. To
properties of built parts (Gockel et al., 2014); however, it is difficult to address this challenge, a research direction has recently emerged to
track melt pool evolution based on experimental data alone. On the develop differentiable simulations, which allow a natural integration of
contrary, physics-based models can provide detailed information of melt physics-based simulation methods with neural networks. Alpha Fold
pool dimensions, as deployed by Gawade et al. (2021) and Zhu et al. (Senior et al., 2020) presented a breakthrough in solving the protein
(2021). folding problem by combining a neural network model to compute a
An interesting example of multi-level methodology is presented by distance matrix between amino acid components with a differentiable
Ren et al. (2021), where a two-level data-driven model is developed to physics-based simulation to compute the geometry of the protein.
predict melt-pool size in the multi-track building of laser powder bed Recent studies have expanded differentiable simulations to fluid dy­
fusion AM. The lower-level model captures the pre-scan initial temper­ namics (Holl et al., 2020), computer vision simulations (Holl et al.,
ature for each layer and uses it as a feature in the upper-level model to 2020), and robotics and control applications (Qiao et al., 2020).
predict melt-pool size. Their model achieved a lower relative mean Therefore, the extension of differentiable simulations to manufacturing
squared error than the pure machine learning model, without the need applications can open new avenues in Mechanistic-AI models that

Fig. 6. A multi-level model that combines data-driven and physics-based modeling methods for tool wear prediction (Wang et al., 2020).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

seamlessly integrate physics-based and data-driven approaches. manufacturing process parameters such as laser power, toolpath, and
material properties. The architecture consists of graph neural networks
3.2.2. Model architecture design for mesh-based computations and recurrent neural network for time
The second approach to embed physics in data-driven model devel­ series analysis, as depicted in Fig. 7. Zhang et al. (2020) developed a
opment is by developing customized formulations and architectures for recurrent neural network-based architecture which is augmented by an
machine learning models that by design uphold certain physical attri­ attention mechanism to predict the tensile strength in fused deposition
butes. Some of the most popular neural networks (e.g., CNN, RNN, modeling (FDM) processes. In their architecture, they exploit the layered
attention mechanism) belong to this class. CNNs inherently process nature of AM processes and correspond each layer to one LSTM cell to
neighboring information by passing a local kernel through the image. extract the relative influence of each layer on the final part behavior.
RNNs (e.g., LSTM and GRU) are designed to pass long-term correlations Saha et al. (2021) developed a new architecture, called HiDeNN, that
for an arbitrary number of time-steps without saturating the gradient defines the weights and bias as functions of nodal positions and is
information through gated mechanisms. Arguably, one of the main designed to find the optimal nodal positions by minimizing the potential
reasons behind the explosive adoption of neural networks is the flexi­ energy of mechanics problems. They embedded a scaling network into a
bility and scalability of their formulation that allows creating a wide neural network to automatically discover dimensionless numbers from
range of architectures for different applications. Introducing novel ar­ experimental data, which is later passed through a dense neural network
chitectures is an extremely active research field with every year layer to predict final parameters of interest (see proposed architecture in
numerous new formulations and architectures are developed inspired by Fig. 8). This method is applied in a fluid mechanics problem and
biology (Hasani et al., 2020), physics (Owhadi and Yoo, 2019), or recovered Reynolds number Re and relative surface roughness Ra*. Note
heuristics of the task at hand (Cohen et al., 2019). For example, inspired that this method is currently limited to predicting dimensionless outputs
by biology, Hasani et al. (2020) developed a neural network formulation and it can be impractical to determine the number of dimensionless
that incorporates an abstraction of synapse interactions in neurons. parameters in many complex systems, which can be a worthwhile topic
Their model is a neural ordinary differential equation (neural ODE) for future improvements.
architecture that incorporates conductance-based synapse formulations. Another promising example is the AI-coupled crystal plasticity-based
The authors show that they can perform time-series prediction with modeling techniques, which is one of the virtual material characteriza­
higher stability and expressivity compared to conventional recurrent tion methods that have been widely utilized to facilitate the research and
neural networks. development of new materials and manufacturing methods. Ali et al.
In the manufacturing field, Mozaffar et al. (2021) presented a model (2019) used a fully connected neural network model coupled with a
of AM thermal responses such that it generalizes to unseen complex rate-dependent crystal plasticity finite element method formulation to
geometries. To achieve this, they developed a customized neural predict the stress-strain and texture evolution of AA6063-T6. The run­
network architecture that computes mesh-level dependencies inspired time comparison test shows that the developed model saves more than
by finite element calculations and aggregates neighboring interactions 99.9% of the computational time compared to the conventional crystal
to capture long-term evolution of thermal responses given the plastic model. Ibragimova et al. (2021) designed a framework where an

Fig. 7. A customized neural network architecture which uses mesh-level elemental and nodal features to compute local geometry-dependent interactions for thermal
modeling of AM processes. The network receives manufacturing process parameters as local features and predicts evolution of thermal responses over an arbitrary
number of time steps (Mozaffar et al., 2021).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 8. A customized neural network architecture which embeds a constraint of physical dimensions of different input parameters in network design (Saha
et al., 2021).

ensemble of fully connected neural networks are trained with the dataset 2021), and environmental study (e.g., He et al., 2019). However, only a
generated from crystal plasticity simulations to model stress-strain and few studies have attempted to deploy PINNs in manufacturing applica­
texture evolution for face-centered cubic (FCC) family crystals under a tions. Zhu et al. (2021) applied PINNs in three-dimensional additive
non-monotonic strain path. Each neural network in the ensemble was manufacturing (AM) process modeling to predict temperature field and
used to predict a component of the output variables separately and a melt pool dynamics with a moderate number of data points. They
comparison test was performed to design the architecture of the network imposed the Dirichlet boundary conditions using a Heaviside function
for each variable. The results show that the model predicts the stress instead of a soft penalty in the loss function to accelerate the training
with an average error of less than 10 MPa and the texture evaluation less process. The input of the network includes AM parameters, material
than 1A∘. properties, and location of interests, and the outputs are the corre­
sponding temperature and melt pool velocities. Their model is validated
3.2.3. Customized model training on 2018 NIST AM-Benchmark test data and reveals the potential for
The third approach to integrating physical knowledge into data- PINNs in advanced manufacturing.
driven modeling is by customizing their training process. A prominent Apart from modifying the loss function, one can develop a custom­
research direction in this line is introduced by Raissi et al. (2017) in ized curriculum for the training process in a transfer learning scheme.
which an additional loss function based on the residuals of physical Researchers studied methods to pre-train a surrogate model with a large
conservation laws is incorporated into regular neural network loss in amount of simulated data and then fine-tune the model with a smaller
order to guide the training process of neural networks. This method of number of experimental data, (e.g., Jha et al., 2019; Moges et al., 2021).
customized training by augmenting the loss function is named as The motivation behind this method is to take advantage of both exper­
physics-informed neural network (PINN) (Raissi et al., 2017). There are imental data and simulated data while avoiding the drawbacks of each
two main advantages for PINNs: (1) it can seamlessly combine experi­ data type, i.e., limited accuracy of simulation data and limited avail­
mental data with partially or fully understood physics-based models, ability of experiments. Jha et al. (2019) developed a deep transfer
which means that model predictions can fit physical laws and experi­ learning approach to achieve robust material property prediction, which
ments at the same time (2) it only needs space and time coordinates as is shown in Fig. 9. They first pre-trained a data-driven model with a large
inputs and does not require the corresponding output like velocity, computational dataset (about 341 K samples) and later trained the
pressure, or temperature field because it optimizes model parameters by model with a small set of experimental data. They showed that
minimizing a loss function including governing equations. That is to say, compared to training a model from scratch, transfer learning achieves
unlike classical ML approaches, it does not need to prepare a training set lower prediction error.
before training. Moges et al. (2021) developed a hybrid modeling framework that
Specifically, PINNs are designed to find the mapping from co­ integrates physics-based data with measurement data to predict
ordinates to a partial differential equations (PDEs) solution using feed- melt-pool width in laser powder bed fusion processes. They generated a
forward neural networks. Based on automatic differentiation in set of melt pool data with different process conditions using a
PyTorch or Tensorflow, we can easily compute derivatives with different high-fidelity CFD model and collected experimental data from ex-situ
terms in PDEs and then obtain the residuals of conservation laws. melt pool optical images with similar process parameters. To build a
Experimental data prediction error can also be added in the loss function hybrid model, they first trained a surrogate model based on simulation
as a soft penalty. Therefore, the general form of the loss function can be data using polynomial regression. They further train their model to
written as: minimize the residual error in experiment results using unbiased adap­
tive sampling between simulation and experimental data, which led to
Loss = λ1 MSEPDE + λ2 MSEdata (1)
more accurate model compared to the physics-based simulations. The
where MSEPDE is the error that encourages lower residuals of PDEs on schematic of their hybrid modeling approach is shown in Fig. 10.
sampled coordinates and MSEdata is the error of the approximation u(x, t) Interestingly, Kapusuzoglu and Mahadevan (2020) studied three
at known data points. λ1 and λ2 determine the importance of MSEPDE and variations of physics-informed model development approaches
MSEdata, respectively. Note that several variations of PINNs are proposed mentioned in this section for fused filament fabrication (FFF) processes.
for static, continuous dynamics, and discrete-time dynamics problems. Their simulated data came from a sequential multiphysics model
For example, in a continuous-time network, one can consider coordinate (thermal model and polymer sintering model) which can generate a
x and time t as inputs and uniformly sample them inside the time and dataset about porosity and bond quality under different process condi­
space domain, while for a discrete-time network, one can consider co­ tions. They included a small number of experimental data and studied
ordinate x as the input and the unrolled solution of ui (i = 1, 2, . . , n) as eight separate hybrid modeling methods in three categories. Their re­
the output. sults show that incorporating physical constraints in the loss function
PINNs have achieved promising results in fluid mechanics (e.g., Jin enables the model to produce the most physically consistent results,
et al., 2021; Cai et al., 2021), biology (e.g., Yin et al., 2021; Arzani et al., while the multi-level modeling and hybrid training methods lead to
suboptimal results.

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 9. Deep transfer learning of material property prediction by training from large computational datasets (such as Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD))
and fine-tune the model with a small number of measurement data (Jha et al., 2019).

3.3. Data-driven discovery in manufacturing

Most of the advanced manufacturing processes have multiphysics

and multiscale nature, in which we know some physics while missing
some information about boundary conditions and governing equations
(Karniadakis et al., 2021). For example, in laser-based manufacturing,
high energy laser beam interacts with a substrate material, which could
lead to intensive vaporization of the melted material (Gan et al., 2021).
We still do not fully understand the complex interactions between laser,
liquid material, vapor plume, and possible laser-induced plasma.
Despite the progress in the development of models to quantify the
complex manufacturing processes and match the experimental mea­
surements, this development process can be tedious and
time-consuming, involving proposing a hypothesis, examining model
assumptions, selecting appropriate equations and boundary conditions,
and developing numerical methods to solve the problems. In addition,
sophisticated calibration techniques are required for tuning unknown
parameters in the models.
Recent advances in machine learning and AI have introduced an
alternative methodology, called data-driven discovery, which promises
to discover governing equations and underlying properties of a system
directly from collected data. This new methodology can significantly
accelerate the quantification of the hidden physical mechanisms and
interactions underlying the manufacturing processing. The identified
compact equations or laws could enable efficient process and materials
design in advanced manufacturing. In this section, we review several
rapidly evolving methods for discovering (1) differential equations and
(2) dimensionless scaling laws from data. Furthermore, we discuss how
to apply those mathematical methods to advanced manufacturing fields.

3.3.1. Data-driven discovery of differential equations

A milestone in the field of data-driven discovery of differential
equations is the sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy)
Fig. 10. Workflow for hybrid modeling approach to predict melt-pool width in proposed by Brunton et al. (2016). It was inspired by an earlier work
laser powder bed fusion processes (Moges et al., 2021). (Schmidt and Lipson, 2009) on extracting hidden equations of a
nonlinear dynamical system from data using symbolic regression (Koza,
Finally, despite the progress and advantages of customized modeling 1992). SINDy is a machine learning algorithm that extracts dynamical
development methods, such as PINNs, currently there are important systems, described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or partial
limitations to these approaches: (1) many complex system does not have differential equations (PDEs), from collected data. Time-series data can
a closed form of governing Eq. (2) experimental data is usually scare and be used for discovering ODEs as expressed in Eq. (2), where x is the state
noise and how to combine low-fidelity with high-felity is still an open- variables evolving in time t needed to describe the system and f(⋅) is an
question; and (3) the optimization and network design require trial unknown function to be identified from data. Spatio-temporal data are
and error with many hyperparamters. required to discover PDEs as expressed in Eq. (3), where u is a
spatio-temporal field evolving in space and time.

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

d (Korf, 1999) and the genetic programming method (Schmidt and Lipson,
x = f (x) (2)
dt 2009), the SINDy algorithm is more efficient and scalable (Kaheman
et al., 2020). Although the dynamical equations are assumed to be linear

u = N(u) (3) combinations of nonlinear candidate terms in the library, this assump­
∂t tion is reasonably valid for many engineering dynamical systems. Many
Given a set of time-series data or spatio-temporal field data, SINDy improvements and extensions are proposed to the SINDy algorithm to
aims to discover a sparse set of governing equations out of a pre-defined discover PDEs (Rudy et al., 2017), identify dominant coordinate systems
pool of possible mathematical forms that could describe the data. SINDy (Champion et al., 2019), and handle with time-varying coefficients (Li
can identify ODE or PDE equations that are sparse and have as few de­ et al., 2019a). Importantly, the identification of multiscale models for
grees of freedom as possible, similar to the Lorenz equations or Navier- anisotropic material responses is studied in Brunton and Kutz (2019).
Stokes (N-S) equations. This is in contrast with most modern over- Fortunately, these methods are widely available for researchers as the
parameterized machine learning methods, such as neural networks. authors released an open-source Python library of the algorithms,
A schematic of the SINDy algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 11 using a Pysindy (de Silva et al., 2020), and Steven Brunton, the first author of
simple example of a Lorentz system. Assuming that we only have access the SINDy paper, has made a series of well-made tutorial videos on
to observed data from the Lorentz system (i.e., measurements of the YouTube (Brunton, 2021).
state x, y, and z in time). One can arrange this data into a matrix X, Recently, the SINDy algorithm and its variants have been applied in
where every row of X is a measurement in time. We can also compute the several sciences and engineering fields, including fluid mechanics
state derivatives ẋ, ẏ, and ż using numerical methods (e.g., finite dif­ (Brunton et al., 2020b), biology (Mangan et al., 2016), system control
ferences or Total Variational Derivative Chartrand, 2011), and similarly (Kaiser et al., 2018), materials chemistry (Bartel et al., 2018), aerospace
arrange them into a matrix Ẋ. In the SINDy method, we create a library engineering (Brunton et al., 2020a), and magnetohydrodynamics
matrix that consists of all possible terms that describe the dynamics of (Kaptanoglu et al., 2020). However, very few people successfully apply
the system, starting with linear terms and gradually expanding to the SINDy or other data-driven discovery methods to advanced
nonlinear expressions. For example, the library matrix Θ(X) can consist manufacturing fields and address the unique challenges of this inter­
of x, y and z, as well as nonlinear terms x2, xy, xz, y2 and up to the disciplinary research. Note that the accuracy of the identified equations
fifth-order polynomials. Ideally, we want our library Θ(X) to include all and expressions highly depends on the data quality. In-situ, high-speed,
dominant terms that are required to describe the left-hand side de­ high-resolution measurement data is invaluable for the data-driven
rivatives ẋ, ẏ, and ż. It is noted that the terms in the library (gray col­ discovery of manufacturing processes. To discover
umns in Fig. 11) Θ(X) can be computed from the measured data x, y, and experimentally-validated dynamical systems (i.e., governing ODEs and
z. Now, the problem is reduced to a sparse optimization problem with PDEs) underlying the manufacturing processes, in-situ measurements
the objective to find the fewest terms in this library of candidate dy­ including time series (e.g., temperature series in time) or
namics Θ(X) that best describe the time derivatives Ẋ. Several sparse spatio-temporal fields (e.g., strain fields in space and time) data are
optimization algorithms can be deployed to find the sparse coefficient required. Examples of in-situ measurements that are appropriate to be
matrix Ξ. Examples of the sparse optimization algorithms include lasso analyzed using the SINDy algorithm include high-speed photography
(Tibshirani, 1996) (i.e., linear regression with L-1 norm regularization) (Chen et al., 2013), infrared thermography (Yang et al., 2017), syn­
and sequential threshold least-squares (STLS) (Brunton et al., 2016). chrotron X-ray imaging (Zhao et al., 2017), X-ray computed tomo­
Finally, one can use the selected terms in Θ(X) and corresponding co­ graphic (CT) (Thompson et al., 2016), in-situ X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
efficients in Ξ to reconstruct a minimalistic model of the dynamical (Oh et al., 2021), particle image velocimetry (PIV) (Ho et al., 2020), and
system. In this case, the authors showed that they can recover the digital image correlation (DIC) (Xie et al., 2019).
complete form of the Lorentz equations.
Compared to the traditional methods, such as brute force search

Fig. 11. Schematic of the SINDy algorithm using an example of the Lorenz equations (Brunton et al., 2016). It includes three parts: (I) true Lorenz system used for
data generation, (II) sparse regression to solve for active terms in the dynamics, and (III) identified system.

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

3.3.2. Data-driven discovery of dimensionless scaling laws simulation data). The proposed SLAW combines dimensional analysis
Dimensionless numbers and the relationships between them, i.e., with multivariate linear regressions. This approach has been applied to
dimensionless scaling laws, play a critical role in scientific fields. More some engineering areas, such as ceramic-to-metal joining (Mendez and
than 1200 dimensionless numbers have been discovered in an extremely Ordonez, 2005) and plasma confinement in Tokamaks (Murari et al.,
wide range of fields, including physics and chemistry, fluid and solid 2015). This algorithm assumes the relationship between the dimen­
mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, geophysics and ecol­ sionless numbers obeys a power law, which is invalid in many applica­
ogy, and various engineering disciplines (Kunes, 2012). In advanced tions. For example, the relationship between friction factor and
manufacturing, much effort has been directed at identifying process- Reynolds number in the turbulent regime of the pipe flow dynamics is
and material-related dimensionless numbers and scaling laws to simplify not a power law. Constantine et al. (2016) proposed a rigours mathe­
the highly multivariable manufacturing processes with multiple inter­ matical framework to estimate unique and relevant dimensionless
acting physical phenomena. Some of the dimensionless scaling laws are groups. Active subspace methods are connected to dimensional analysis,
claimed to be “universal“, which apply broadly and remain accurate for which reveals that all physical laws are ridge functions (Constantine
different materials, processing conditions, even manufacturing pro­ et al., 2016). They demonstrated their algorithms using both laminar
cesses. For example, a recent study identified a universal dimensionless and turbulent viscous pipe flow examples. Their method is applicable to
scaling law for laser-induced vapor depression morphology (i.e., idealized physical systems meaning that (1) the experiments can be
keyhole aspect ratio) (Gan et al., 2021) as shown in Fig. 12. conducted for arbitrary values of the independent input variables (or
Many scaling laws are provided in the field of advanced dependent input variables with a known probability density function),
manufacturing and have been validated by experimental data. The and (2) noises or errors in the input and output are negligible. Saha et al.
predicted manufacturing variables include relative density of fabricated (2021) proposed a Hierarchical Deep Learning Neural Network
parts (Rankouhi et al., 2021), lack-of-fusion porosity (Gan et al., 2021), (HiDeNN) to combine deep learning and dimensional analysis to
laser-induced melt pool geometries (Yang et al., 2021), laser absorp­ discover dimensionless numbers from experimental data. This method is
tivity (Ye et al., 2019), keyhole geometries (Wang and Liu, 2019), recently generalized as a methodology, called dimensionless learning
keyhole porosity (Gan et al., 2021), hot tearing susceptibility (Monroe (Xie et al., 2021), in which the principle of dimensional invariance is
and Beckermann, 2014), dimensionless cooling rate (Bontha et al., embedded in machine learning to automatically discover dominant
2006), and dimensionless thermal strain parameter (Knapp et al., 2017). dimensionless numbers and scaling laws from data. The proposed
Most of the mentioned dimensionless numbers and scaling laws are approach has been demonstrated using noisy experimental data
identified using dimensional analysis (Tan, 2011), which carefully ex­ collected from a wide range of problems including turbulent
amines the units of the physical systems to identify a set of dimensionless Rayleigh-Benard convection, vapor depression dynamics, and porosity
numbers that constitute the essential and scale-invariant physical re­ formation in additive manufacturing.
lationships (Jofre et al., 2020). However, the classical dimensional Data-driven dimensional analysis is still an active field. Much effort
analysis based on Buckingham π theorem (Buckingham, 1914) has two is required to improve the efficiency, interpretability, predictivity, and
well-known limitations: (1) the derived dimensionless numbers are not robustness of the algorithms. Using the developed algorithms to explore
unique, and (2) the relation between dimensionless numbers (i.e., high-quality manufacturing data, many universal dimensionless
scaling law) remains unknown for general cases, and thus it is impos­ numbers and scaling laws are expected to be discovered, which can
sible to measure the relative importance of the dimensionless numbers provide elegant insights for manufacturing process optimization, defects
or identify a dominant set of dimensionless numbers. Therefore, the elimination, new materials development, and mechanical performances
conventional approach can be time-consuming as it requires multiple improvement.
trial and error iterations.
The classical dimensional analysis can be complemented by 4. AI in manufacturing design
advanced data science and AI, i.e., data-driven dimensional analysis
(Constantine et al., 2017). This methodology provides a systematic way In design tasks, we attempt to identify the process of building a part
to integrate data science and dimensional analysis and overcome the that meets a set of requirements. Design in manufacturing has tradi­
limitations of the classical dimensional analysis and discover tionally been studied in two separate steps: (1) conceptual design and
high-quality universal dimensionless scaling laws from data. Mendez (2) process design. The conceptual design step refers to the envisioning
and Ordonez (2005) proposed an algorithm called SLAW (i.e., Scaling of the geometric parts and materials. In practice, the conceptualization
LAWs) to identify the form of a power law from experimental data (or step is a mostly deterministic process that is performed using computer-

Fig. 12. A scaling law for keyhole aspect ratio controlled by the Keyhole number, a dimensionless number combining seven process parameters and material
properties (Gan et al., 2021).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

aided design (CAD) software. The process design step, on the other hand, integrating multiple tasks, as shown in Fig. 13.
realizes a manufacturing setting to achieve the developed conceptual We categorize publications on AI in manufacturing design into two
design. Process design involves several steps including manufacturing classes of (1) direct mapping of functional requirements to design pa­
process selection, process parameters optimization, and system-level rameters, and (2) inverse design optimization. Noteworthy de­
optimization given machine availability, supply chain, and main­ velopments and successful examples in each category are elaborated
tenance–often developed using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) upon in the following subsections with a focus on methods to incorpo­
and computer-aided process planning (CAPP) tools. The optimality of rating physical mechanisms and constraints of manufacturing processes
the design involves multiple competing factors such as quality of the into AI formulations. Note that while modeling methods can greatly
part under various performance metrics (e.g., strength, geometric ac­ facilities in design tasks, as we discussed modeling advances in Section
curacy, thermal behavior), cost, production rate, and the robustness of 3, here, we exclude those contributions.
the solution to defects and disturbances.
Design has remained one of the core engineering and scientific 4.1. Direct mapping for design
pursuits due to several challenging aspects of the process. The infor­
mation involved in the design process is often unstructured, high- As the ultimate goal of design is to find optimal design parameters
dimensional, noisy, and sparse; thus, making the mapping between re­ given functional requirements, a natural approach is to directly map
quirements and design difficult to discover. Manufacturing involves requirements to parameters. This is particularly a compatible concept
many discrete choices and nonlinear constraints, which generates poor- with modern deep learning methods since they are known for extracting
conditioned optimization settings. Additionally, there is a nontrivial complex and unsuspected correlations between various data structures.
level of uncertainty in the design process (e.g., due to machine-specific Therefore, several compelling research areas have recently emerged that
behavior, discrepancies in modeling tools, and unknown material fit into this design category. A popular approach to analyze
characteristics) that make the process stochastic. Therefore, the design manufacturing and material systems is to hierarchically model the re­
process requires years of experience to efficiently produce reliable parts lationships between the manufacturing process parameters, material
and involves tedious and expensive rounds of trial and error. structure, properties, and performances (PSPP) (Olson, 1997). There­
Traditionally, designers use Design for Manufacturing (DFM) fore, AI can be used to model any of such causal relationships in the
guidelines to reduce the complexity of the design process. These reverse direction, producing a design tool.
guidelines are based on rough characteristics of the design geometric Jiang et al. (2020) took a supervised learning approach to directly
components and lack the complexity to adequately analyze complex map the strain-stress response curve to the design parameters of unit
designs. Additionally, existing DFM does not offer a unifying set of structures geometries in a polymer jetting process. They used the data
principles for manufacturing processes; rather, the rules are vastly extracted from 300 parts to train a fully connected neural network that
different for each process. For example, several studies developed predicts the desired design of unit structures in a customized ankle brace
guidelines that are only applicable to specific types of metal-based AM design. Their design framework with reverse PSPP connections is
processes (e.g., Kranz et al., 2015; Walton and Moztarzadeh, 2017). depicted in Fig. 14. Hashimoto and Nakamoto (2021) used machine
Therefore, a design engineer needs to make critical decisions about the learning to design the process plan for machining processes. The authors
manufacturing process as early as conceptualization in order to use such developed a U-net architecture performing voxel-wise segmentation on
DFM tools, which makes various tasks within conceptual and process 243 3D geometries, which is labeled according to past machining pro­
design highly intertwined. Other conventional attempts to automate the cesses performed by skilled experts. The inputs and outputs of the
design process build upon detection systems with manually engineered network are one-hot encoded and include the voxel geometry, accuracy
geometric features (e.g., Han et al., 2000; Kazhdan et al., 2004) or so­ measures (with two states for low and high accuracy requirements),
phisticated manufacturing ontologies (e.g., Jang et al., 2008; Dinar and cutting tool type (with two states for ball and flat endmills), and toolpath
Rosen, 2017), both of which are difficult to adapt and scale to new pattern (with three states for contour line, scanning-line, and
processes as they heavily rely on expert knowledge. In this section, we along-surface patterns). In a hierarchical decision-making process, first,
advocate for novel AI solutions in manufacturing design problems as AI the voxel-wise cutting tool type is predicted given the geometry and
provides a unique capability to explore massive design spaces and required accuracy. Later, the cutting tool type is used along with other
complex interactions common in manufacturing processes. We look for inputs to decide the toolpath pattern. The voxel-wise predictions are
design methods that offer better performance than the conventional aggregated using a majority voting method to produce the final decision
approaches or reduce the number of steps in the design process by for each major machining surface. Zhao et al. (2020) proposed a

Fig. 13. Design in conventional design includes several disconnected steps in conceptual design and process design (top). AI-enabled design methods that aim to
autonomously optimize the design process and integrate several design tasks (bottom).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 14. Conventional process-structure-property (PSP) modeling establishes a causal link between manufacturing and material parameters. Using ML, each link
within the PSP relationships can be modeled in the reverse direction to produce a design tool. For instance, the desired mechanical properties can be linked to
required microstructure descriptors (Jiang et al., 2020).

data-driven method to select a manufacturing process between milling, Learning (RL) offers a plausible solution to this problem. In RL an agent
turning, and casting based on shape, quality, and material properties. can learn to optimize an arbitrary reward function by exploring the
They compute a histogram based on various attributes of the CAD ge­ design space. By shaping the rewards in a way that we penalize
ometry, including curvatures distribution, rotational symmetry, and constraint violations, the agent can implicitly learn about the constraints
pairwise surface point distances. The geometric descriptors along with of the design space and avoid unfeasible solutions. RL methods are well-
material properties (e.g., yield strength, Young’s modulus, thermal suited in applications with a sequential decision-making nature as they
conductivity) and quality attributes (global surface roughness and exploit the temporal aspects of the agent interactions and identify the
tolerance) are fed into decision-tree classifiers and trained to achieve an influence of individual actions on the final performance (known as the
accuracy of 88% on complex geometries while training on 81 parts. credit assignment problem). Dornheim et al. (2021) developed an RL
As another intriguing application of supervised learning in design, agent that finds multi-step processing paths to reach the desired
recent studies explored the capability of machine learning to better microstructure in metal forming processes (see Fig. 15). The state rep­
extract automated guidelines for manufacturing processes. Williams resentation is defined as a transformation of orientation distribution
et al. (2019) developed a deep learning model to evaluate the manu­ function (ODF) using generalized spherical harmonics. This trans­
facturability of additively manufactured parts. Their model, trained over formation considers the symmetry conditions in microstructures and
72,000 synthetic samples, receives voxelized CAD geometries, and thus allows for a more condensed representation. To avoid sparsity in
generates manufacturing metrics such as support mass and build time. the reward structure, they introduce a potential-based dense reward
Guo et al. (2021) assessed the manufacturability of metal cellular function based on the distance between the current and target micro­
structures in the direct metal laser sintering process, where parts with structural patterns. They deploy a model-free agent, based on the deep Q
severe warpage due to residual stress, cracking, and delamination are network (DQN) formulation, to dynamically adjust the displacement of
classified as non-printable. This research trains a hierarchical autoen­ the die in the process with the aim to find a path from an initial structure
coder to extract dense features of the voxelized geometries. Further­ to one of the equivalent target structures. Interestingly, the proposed RL
more, to effectively train a convolutional neural network classifier based framework learns the most achievable target structure by the agent
on limited experimental data, they proposed a semi-supervised method, along with the path to process path to reach it.
in which a generative adversarial network is trained to differentiate Mozaffar et al. (2020) utilized the RL framework for the tool path
between labeled experimental data, unlabeled experimental data, and design task in additive manufacturing. They build upon three predom­
synthesized data; hence, forcing the network to maximally utilize inant RL algorithms, namely DQN, PPO, and SAC, to design tool paths
valuable experimental data. Zhang et al. (2018) trained a network with for arbitrary section geometries in a pixelized space and showed that RL
3D convolutional layers to recognize machining features in the vox­ methods can surpass the performance of engineered zig-zag toolpath
elized space. The model is trained over 144,000 geometries using an strategies common in industrial practices when defining a dense reward
incremental learning approach and achieves an accuracy of 97%. To structure is possible. However, they point out that model-free RL algo­
assist the conceptual design process, Kwon et al. (2021) developed a rithms struggle in scenarios with sparse rewards. Lee et al. (2019)
multi-modal search to retrieve inspirational 3D design examples based investigated the performance of a variation of the DQN method, double
on text keywords, geometric appearance, and functional similarities. deep Q-network, in engineering design of microfluidic devices. In their
Using a neural network-based architecture and contrastive learning, papers, the RL agent designs the location of several micro-pillars to
they extract embeddings of text and visual queries, in which parts with achieve an arbitrary desired flow pattern in pixel space. They deploy a
similar attributes map to close embeddings in the design latent space. reward-shaping strategy that provides small rewards encouraging the
For new search inquiries, the new embedding values are extracted and agent to approach the goal and a large reward for finding acceptable
the database sample closest to them in the embedding space is retrieved. solutions. Additionally, they demonstrate that the trained agent can be
There is a key drawback in the existing supervised methods for fine-tuned to outside of training problems (e.g., different numbers of
design. Manufacturing processes commonly involve many constraints micro-pillars) with minimal refinement training.
that limit the feasible space of design parameters, performances, as well
as the path to reach them. The correlational direct mapping methods in
4.2. Inverse design optimization
the literature disregard such constraints and, therefore, can easily lead
to unfeasible solutions. This is particularly challenging as many of such
Another approach to design in manufacturing is to follow the cau­
constraints are complex and cannot be easily formalized. Reinforcement
sality link that produces the performance and formulate it as an

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 15. Reinforcement learning agent finds a manufacturing path in the microstructure space to reach an equivalent target structure (A). Evolution of the designed
microstructures during the training process (B) (Dornheim et al., 2021).

optimization problem where one iteratively modifies the design pa­ efficiently computed using the automatic differentiation (AD) formula­
rameters to minimize an objective function related to the part perfor­ tion. This enables high-dimensional gradient-based optimization
mance. Many have adopted and applied PSPP as a framework to model without the need for surrogate modeling and provides natural integra­
material evolution in manufacturing processes. However, as the for­ tion with neural networks which can be particularly helpful in design
mulations for linking part behaviors are rarely differentiable, gradient- tasks. An example of this approach in manufacturing is presented by
based optimization tools are not readily applicable. Additionally, Mozaffar and Cao (2021) where a differentiable simulation for thermal
gradient-free methods can be computationally expensive as they scale analysis of additive manufacturing and demonstrated that the
poorly to high-dimensional problems. A well-established practice is to physics-based simulation combined with neural networks can design
develop surrogate models on top of the physics-based simulation tools to time-series laser power to achieve desired thermal and melt pool
provide inexpensive access to gradients and perform the optimization in behavior.
the surrogate space. Shahan and Seepersad (2012) developed such a Instead of optimizing toward a single design, many design applica­
surrogate model using a Bayesian network classifier to improve the tions can benefit from methods that generate multiple promising can­
design of unmanned aerial vehicles. A similar method is used in Mat­ didates. Paul et al. (2019) developed a method that designs a spectrum
thews et al. (2016) to optimize the stiffness of metamaterials. Pacheco of microstructures with optimized thermal expansion, stiffness coeffi­
et al. (2003) proposed a multi-stage Bayesian surrogate in a thermal cient, and yield stress. In their approach, a database of high-quality
design problem. microstructures, represented by ODF, is initially generated using engi­
Recently, the same philosophy is combined with modern machine neering heuristics. The performance of microstructures in the database
learning and optimization methods. Tang et al. (2021) developed a is evaluated and a random forest model is trained that predicts perfor­
method to design an AM-built shoe sole with minimum pressure points mances based on samples in the top 10% and bottom 10% performance
while simultaneously adjusting the overall geometry and porous struc­ brackets of the database. Analyzing the trained random forest model
ture. They divide the part into sub-regions to allow applying different allows to automatically generate insights on the most promising explo­
patterns in sensitive areas. A Gaussian Process Regression is trained to ration directions and re-populate the database with high-performing
predict the parametrized lattice behavior using 40 simulation samples, samples. By repeating with process iteratively, they accumulate
and a sequential linear programming optimizer is deployed to find pa­ high-quality design samples over time. Tamura et al. (2021) imple­
rameters leading to a decreased level of pressure points. Finally, they mented a sampling-based method to optimize process parameters in
compile the proposed design by connecting sub-region lattice structures. powder manufacturing (gas atomization process) for Ni-Co-based su­
Mohamed et al. (2021) optimized the dimensional accuracy of cylin­ peralloy powder in turbine-disk applications. They used an iterative
drical parts in fused deposition modeling processes. They used a process where a Bayesian model is trained, potential promising di­
second-order definitive screening design method to generate a design of rections are detected, and used to generate new data. Their method
experiment space, capturing 99% of the variation in the response with a resulted in an increased yield of 77.85% from 10%–30% in traditional
small number of samples, train a fully connected neural network, and methods and reduced cost by 72%. More generally, the active learning
optimize the process on the developed surrogate model. approach, i.e., using trained models to dynamically adapt and augment
While arguable a less popular approach since the rise of the neural the training database, has been explored to complement both surrogate
networks, evolutionary-based optimization methods have also been modeling and sampling-based methods, as demonstrated by Lookman
studied for the manufacturing design tasks in the literature. Ghosh and et al. (2019) and Tran et al. (2020).
Martinsen (2020) deployed and benchmarked various evolutionary Recent advances in generative models such as variational autoen­
optimization methods, including Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Al­ coders (VAEs) (Kingma and Welling, 2013) and generative adversarial
gorithm (NSGA-III) and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based networks (GANs) (Goodfellow et al., 2014) have opened new avenues in
on Decomposition (MOEA/D) for process design in manufacturing. They manufacturing design. VAEs simultaneously train an encoder and a
demonstrated that using a Gaussian kernel regression surrogate model, decoder neural networks to reconstruct the input while the information
they can optimize 11 different manufacturing design tasks in the liter­ is passed through a computational bottleneck. GANs, on the other hand,
ature involving turning, grinding, heat exchanger tube, milling, abrasive train two competing networks where a generator attempts to produce
water jet machining, dry turning, drilling, welding, and emulsification samples that are indistinguishable from real data while a discriminator
processes. A similar concept is demonstrated in other manufacturing learns the discrepancies between the synthesis data from the generator
design tasks by Abbas et al. (2020) and Vukelic et al. (2021). and original data in the database. Both VAEs and GANs produce three
Differentiable physics-based approach (Hu et al., 2019), as discussed valuable assets for engineering design: (1) a latent space that condenses
in Section 3.2.1, is an alternative to surrogate modeling. In differentiable the implicit restrictions and correlations of the design space, (2) a gen­
simulations, the gradients of an arbitrary computational path can be erator/decoder neural network that can map the latent space into the

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

original design space, and (3) a regressor that can be used in various 5. AI in manufacturing process control and monitoring
feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and classification tasks.
While VAEs and GANs offer similar capabilities, VAEs are more known 5.1. AI in manufacturing process control
for extracting meaningful and interpretable latent spaces while GANs
generally perform better in generating realistic samples. Process control is an essential step in manufacturing to ensure the
Generative models can be treated as a source of new designs. To quality and efficiency of a manufacturing process. Due to the strength of
improve the functional performance of generative models, one can AI methods in automatically and efficiently extracting information from
iteratively update the database by performance filtering. Shu et al. big data, AI methods can be applied in manufacturing process control in
(2020) developed a self-updating approach where starting from a two primary ways: (1) control-oriented data-driven modeling methods
database consisting of geometrical designs, a GAN model is trained to and (2) autonomous decision-making approaches.
generate new samples. The new samples are evaluated using a A control-oriented model is a model that describes the system
physics-based simulation and the top-performing samples replace parts behavior and is also suitable in model-based controllers (Landers et al.,
of the original database. By repeating this process, the design database 2020). As we already discussed previously, physics-based analytical
would be populated with higher quality examples which subsequently models are often not complete enough to accurately describe
leads to a performance-driven GAN model. Oh et al. (2019) optimized manufacturing systems due to their complexity from multiple process
for both engineering performance and aesthetics by combining topology variables and uncertainty in the environments. The data-driven meth­
optimization and generative modeling in a 2D wheel design case. In their odology can provide an interesting alternative as it can accurately es­
proposed framework, they iteratively apply topology optimization on timations complex states of the dynamical system. Additionally, using
the GANs output and the original database to create high-quality designs data-driven models can be more efficient than solving the full-scale
and train GANs to generate samples with high novelty. This process is physical-based models, which is an imperative criterion in control tasks.
repeated until a substantial amount of novel and acceptable designs are Several early works have used neural networks to develop data-
generated. driven models for manufacturing processes, where the relationship be­
Another exciting approach to introduce physical knowledge into tween the input process parameters and output variables is described as
generative models is to augment the neural networks and training pro­ a static model, e.g., cutting force (Tandon and El-Mounayri, 2001) and
cess with additional terms representing their performance. Chen and surface finish (Özel et al., 2007) in machining, springback in metal
Ahmed (2021) developed a GAN model that simultaneously maximizes forming (Viswanathan et al., 2003). While these static models provide a
the diversity, novelty, and performance of generated samples. They basic understanding of the process and could be used for optimizing
augmented the standard GAN loss function with additional terms using process parameters (Landers et al., 2020), there are not suitable for
determinantal point process (DPP) formulation which encourages the designing advanced model-based controllers, e.g., model predictive
generative network to produce high-quality samples while reducing control (MPC), which requires a dynamic model of the process. The
similarity in a batch of samples. They demonstrate their method for the dynamic model of a process can be written as:
conceptual design of the airfoil cross-section. Nobari et al. (2021)
modified the GAN loss formulation to impose range constraints on 3D yk+1 = f (yk , uk ) (4)
geometries and demonstrated their method on producing novel air­
where yk and uk are the output state and control signal at step k. Once the
planes with an arbitrary range of value and aspect ratio. In Wang et al.
dynamic model is known, the future output state can be predicted. MPC
(2020), the authors trained a VAE to encode microstructural information
determines the control signal at each time step by optimizing the tra­
into a low-dimensional latent space. They augmented the VAE network
jectory over a fixed horizon H:
that reconstructs a pixelized RVE with a regressor that predicts its
stiffness matrix and showed that the latent representation provides a min L(yk , uk , yk+1 , uk+1 , ...yk+H , uk+H )
meaningful interpolation of the topological and mechanical properties. s.t. ϕ(yk , uk , yk+1 , uk+1 , ...yk+H , uk+H ) ≤ 0
As demonstrated in Fig. 16, this method enables producing functionally
graded designs in multiscale systems. where L is the cost function and ϕ represent the constraints.
Data-driven models can be applied to identify the dynamics of
manufacturing processes for model-based control applications. A stan­

Fig. 16. Variational autoencoder network are trained to identify a dense latent space for microstructure geometry and properties which allows for multiscale
microstructure design (Wang et al., 2020).

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

dard linear model that has been used in manufacturing process control is Optimization (PPO) algorithm to control the scan speed and the laser
the auto-regressive model with exogenous inputs (ARX). A general ARX power in a simulated setting and demonstrated a successful melt pool
model could be expressed as: control with two different toolpath strategies. While both of the above
nb studies executed RL-based control only in simulation, Masinelli et al.

na ∑
yk+1 = ai yk+1− i + bi uk+1− i (6) (2020) implemented an RL-based feedback control system for wielding
i=1 i=1 process in an experimental setting, as shown in Fig. 17. A deep con­
ventional neural network is used to extract the low dimensional features
where ai, bi are the coefficients to be trained. Least-squares regression is from the monitored acoustic and optic signals, and to classify the signals
usually used to identify the relative coefficients by minimizing the for forming the rewards by comparing them with a reference signal.
prediction error in the training dataset. An example of this application is Q-learning and Policy Gradient algorithms are tested in experiments and
presented in (Xia et al., 2020) where they developed a feedback control the results show that Q-learning requires less training time and episodes
system to control the melt pool width for the wire arc additive to reach an acceptable performance.
manufacturing process. ARX model is used to model the dynamic rela­
tionship between the wire feed speed and the melt pool width and an 5.2. AI-enabled manufacturing process monitoring
MPC controller is designed to control the melt pool width.
Using a linear model like ARX can lead to satisfying results if the Process monitoring is an important source of information for fault
dynamics in simple and low-dimensional. However, most manufacturing detection, process prognosis, and control in manufacturing systems.
systems are relatively complex with nonlinear effects. Potočnik and Generally, manufacturing process monitoring can be summarized into
Grabec (2002) used nonlinear MPC to control the cutting process. A two levels: (1) observable monitoring (2) unobservable monitoring. The
neural network is trained to model the process dynamics and the genetic first level is the monitoring of manufacturing process variables that can
algorithm is used to solve the nonlinear optimization problem. The be directly measured by sensing devices or easily calculated from the
NN-based nonlinear MPC is demonstrated in a simulated cutting process sensing signals, such as the cutting force in machining and temperature
to improve the surface quality by preventing tool oscillations. field in additive manufacturing. The second level includes the moni­
In the control field, researchers have studied advanced data-driven toring of the process or part conditions that are not directly sensed but
models such as Gaussian Processes (GPs) (Kocijan et al., 2004), Koop­ could be inferred from the measured information, such as tool condition
man Operator (Mamakoukas et al., 2020), SINDy (Fasel et al., 2021), and defect detection. Traditionally, unobservable monitoring is difficult
and deep neural networks (Lenz et al., 2015) for dynamics system to achieve because it heavily relies on human interpretation such as
identification. While most of these approaches have been designed in image data. In some cases, the features embedded in the data are not
robot control, many of them can be promising methods in even obvious to human experts. With the rapid development of AI and
manufacturing applications because of the strength in accuracy or computer vision techniques which have the natural strength to auto­
training sample efficiency. Lenz et al. (2015) proposed a deep neural matically extract features from images, AI-enabled monitoring systems
network structure for learning the dynamics in the food cutting process. have become widely used in a range of manufacturing processes.
A recurrent structure called Transforming Recurrent Units (TRU) is Recently, AI-enable monitoring have been applied to various
designed to form the long-term latent features. By incorporating the manufacturing applications such as tool condition monitoring (e.g.,
features from long-term information, short-term dynamic response, and Hesser and Markert, 2019; Li et al., 2019b) and chatter detection (e.g.,
the current control inputs, the dynamic relationship is modeled. A Tran et al., 2020; Rahimi et al., 2021). Part quality monitoring in ad­
multi-stage pre-training method is proposed where an auto-encoder is ditive manufacturing processes is an example of AI-enable monitoring
used to initialize the non-recurrent parameters in TRU and a then model that has drawn much attention. Scime and Beuth (2018) developed a
is pre-trained for single-step prediction before the actual training pro­ process image-based defect detection and classification method for
cess. The experimental results show that the proposed model improved powder bed fusion process using an AI algorithm called
the accuracy by 46% compared to the standard recurrent neural network bag-of-keypoints. The image after preprocessing for eliminating the in­
in modeling the dynamic relationships in the food cutting process. Kaiser fluence of light conditions is first divided into small patches. 37 different
et al. (2018) proposed SINDy-MPC framework where SINDy is used to filters are selected and applied to each image patch for feature extraction
identify the dynamics for MPC application. The results show that and the filter response vector of each pixel is are grouped into different
compared to regular neural networks, SINDy has the strength that it clusters using K-means algorithm. A histogram of the percentage of each
requires a relatively low amount of data. It is also more robust on data cluster is created for the image patch and finally, the image patch is
with noise and takes lower execution time. Edwards et al. (2021) classified into categories including anomaly-free, recoater hopping,
developed a software package named AutoMPC. ARX, GPs, Koopman recoater streaking, debris, super-elevation, part failure, incomplete
Operator, SINDy, and neural network models are implemented in the spreading by comparing the histogram with the database.
package and an auto-tuning method is developed. The developed Baumgartl et al. (2020) used deep CNN for defect detection in the
auto-tuning method can help to select the hyperparameters of each powder bed fusion process. They used thermal images instead of regular
model automatically and compare the performance of different system images as the input and trained a model to detect the defect with an
identification models. accuracy of 96.8%. Scime et al. (2020) developed a pixel-wise semantic
The second way that AI can benefit manufacturing process control is segmentation model, called Dynamic Segmentation CNN (DSCNN), for
to directly learn the control strategy. RL is an emerging tool to perform anomaly detection in powder bed fusion process. Their proposed DSCNN
control. Dornheim et al. (2020) used model-free Q learning to improve model takes different scales of the image and the pixel coordinates as the
the blank holder force optimal control in deep drawing processes. In input to classify each pixel of the image. This is because the pixel is not
their proposed approach, the process state is defined as the full infor­ only influenced by the surrounding pixels but also the global status of
mation history by concatenating the action history and observable his­ the image. A schematic of the proposed architecture is shown in Fig. 18,
tory, where the dimension of the state vector is time-dependent, and a where four parallel networks are used to extract features at different
set of neural networks are used to approximate the Q-function at each scales and all the features are concatenated for the final segmentation
time step. The RL algorithm is trained and evaluated in the FEM simu­ task.
lation and the results show that, after 200 episodes, it gives better per­ Supervised learning requires a lot of labeled data for training, and in
formance than a baseline from an exhaustive search. Ogoke and the monitoring tasks, much of the data needs to be labeled manually.
Farimani (2021) developed an RL framework for melt pool depth control Gobert et al. (2018) used the post-build high-resolution 3D CT data of
in the laser powder bed fusion process. They deployed Proximal Policy the AM manufactured parts to generate the groud-truth for the training

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

Fig. 17. RL-based feed back control system (Masinelli et al., 2020).

Fig. 18. Structure of Dynamic Segmentation CNN (Scime et al., 2020).

data. The defects are defined as the discontinuity of the scanned voxel approach the loss function is designed based on four principles: (1)
data and are automatically calculated and matched with the in-situ correct classification of the noisy and blurred image variants from data
images as the label. Westphal and Seitz (2021) used transfer learning augmentation (2) consistency of the features extracted from unlabelled
to train deep CNN for defect detection. A VGG16/Xception model image patches and their variants (3) consistency of the features extrac­
pre-trained with the ImageNET dataset is used for feature extraction and ted from different patches of the same image (4) diversity of the features
the final classification layers are only changed for the monitoring task. extracted from image patches of different images. The result shows that
In the first step of the training, all the pre-trained weights are fixed and the proposed approach can classify the over-melt, under-melt and
only the weights of the classification layers are trained. Later, all weights well-weld conditions with good accuracy using 1720 image patches
are set to train simultaneously to fine-tune the model. Furthermore, from 40 images with labels.
undersampling and oversampling are used to solve the problem of
imbalanced data between normal and defected samples and achieve an 6. Future directions
accuracy of over 95% while training on 4000 images. Li et al. (2020)
proposed an identification consistency-based approach, as shown in With the increasing popularity of AI solutions, several research
Fig. 19 for semi-supervised learning-based defect detection to alleviate questions arise to address shortcomings of state-of-the-art AI techniques
the need for large amounts of high-quality labelled data. In this in manufacturing such as lack of interpretability, big data requirements,

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

data fusion in the context of AI formulations and methodologies is still

an open question. Providing the connections between different data
sources so that they hold the spatial and temporal structure of data and
avoid information leaks, dilution, and the high noise-to-signal ratio is an
understudied topic of research. Additionally, methods to integrate
experimental and simulation data are vital in many manufacturing ap­
plications not only because collecting experimental data can be pro­
hibitively expensive, but also because the large corpus of available
computational methods provides unique insights that are not measur­
able experimentally.

6.1.3. Reproducibility and established benchmarks

Reproducibility is a major concern in publications addressing AI in
manufacturing. Many publications do not share their data, which
essentially makes the study unreproducible. Additionally, many AI so­
lutions involve non-trivial implementation details, which significantly
affects the final product and how it can be used in practice. The quality
of data, the feature processing pipeline, and handling of outlier cases can
lead to tangible variations in AI performance. Details of the model (e.g.,
stateful vs stateless RNN, batch normalization scheme, initialization,
model selection to balance precision and recall) and the optimization
know-hows (e.g., batching process, gradient clipping, cyclic learning
rate) can be the difference between a functional and a nonfunctional AI
solution. This problem is particularly pronounced in RL setting where
one deals with dynamic data. As these details are often missed from
pseudocodes published in papers, we strongly encourage the
manufacturing community to publish their implementations and data­
sets along with their papers. While we observe a surge in the availability
of public databases related to manufacturing tasks, they are mostly
geared toward geometric analysis and additive manufacturing behavior.
Even in those applications, the field lacks established practices for
comparing newly proposed methodologies with clear benchmarks. As it
Fig. 19. Overview of the identification consistency-based approach (Li stands, most papers in the field are tested on individual databases, which
et al., 2020). cannot be meaningfully compared to other related works. Although
some authors compare their new approaches with their implementation
limited physical meaning, stability, and generalizability to distributions of past methods, a concern can arise that a proposed approach can
outside of training data. Our review indicates that Mechanistic-AI ap­ outperform past work only due to better implementation or more
proaches are effective steps toward resolving these issues by integrating extensive hyperparameter optimization. Having established bench­
our knowledge of the data and physics of the process into machine marks in major manufacturing applications can largely mitigate these
learning solutions. In this section, we summarized the prevailing trends concerns.
found in this study and discuss promising future research directions.
6.1.4. Biases in manufacturing data
6.1. Databases, benchmarks, and security in manufacturing data Biases can cause harmful consequences in various stages of the AI life
cycle, many of which stem from data collection and curation. Three
6.1.1. Need for high-quality experimental and simulation data sources of biases during data preparation are identified in Suresh and
Manufacturing involves a wide range of experimental, simulation, Guttag (2019) as representation, measurement, and aggregation biases.
and user data. As AI tools are known to be data-hungry, large-scale high- Representation bias occurs when the developed database does not suf­
quality and high-resolution measurements and high-fidelity simulations ficiently represent the environment AI solution faces during production.
are needed to develop, effectively train, and deploy AI models. Despite An example of this source of biases is an AI solution that is trained on the
the significant progress in the quality and quantity of available data generated by one manufacturing machine (or a small subset of
manufacturing data, several aspects of the manufacturing data remain machines) and fails to generalize across larger production facilities.
challenging. Experimental databases are often unbalanced and prone to Measurement bias can happen due to not only faulty sensors but also
human- and sensory-related errors and therefore require massive in­ missteps during the preprocessing and feature selection and cause the
vestment in post-processing and curation (e.g., Freitas and Curry, 2016; processed data not to properly estimate the qualities of interest. For
Zhang and Gao, 2021). At the same time, simulation data suffer from instance, various types of measurement techniques with different reso­
unknown physics, high computational cost due to the curse of dimen­ lutions and errors might be used to measure the same quantity and
sionality, and high variance in their fidelity. introduce a measurement bias in the database. Aggregation bias occurs
when data from the larger context is used in a particular application
6.1.2. Heterogenous data fusion in deep learning without adjusting the data to capture nuances of the deployment envi­
Some of the challenges stem from the heterogeneous and unstruc­ ronment. As an example, an AI trained over generic 3D geometries
tured nature of manufacturing data where CAD files, simulation data, designed for computer vision tasks may extract features focused on vi­
and various sensory information need to be fused together. If fused sual characteristics of the object and neglect the manufacturability and
properly, these data sources can complement each other’s sparsity, ac­ performance aspects of the analysis. Therefore, a model that is trained,
curacy, and uncertainty and create an expanded multi-modal database. or even pre-trained in a transfer learning fashion, on vision tasks can
While combining data sources in manufacturing has been the topic of introduce aggregation biases to manufacturing applications. Therefore,
several studies (e.g., Lu et al., 2015; Guo et al., 2019) manufacturing further studies are needed to advance our understanding of the influence

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

of such biases in critical manufacturing components and effective 6.2.5. Data-driven physics discovery
methods to mitigate them. Data-driven discovery, such as SINDy method (Brunton et al., 2016),
is a very promising approach to discover new underlying physical,
6.1.5. Cloud manufacturing and security chemical, and material mechanisms from noisy manufacturing data.
Cloud manufacturing is an innovative platform that generates and Generating more high-quality in-situ experimental data and
maintains a large and high-quality database through the cooperation of high-fidelity simulation data is crucial in the near future. Data-driven
numerous companies and individuals. Blockchain-based cloud dimensional analysis is another important area that requires signifi­
manufacturing is trending recently to decentralize the network and keep cant improvements in the future. The developed algorithms can be used
security tight. However, even the blockchain technique cannot prevent a to discover more universal dimensionless numbers and scaling laws from
data breach (i.e., unauthorized access to the database, retrieval, or manufacturing processing data, which provides a smaller set of param­
modification of the data) that happens inside a company by malicious eters to describe the highly multivariable manufacturing processes. It is
insiders such as past employers and business competitors. The data noted that describing or predicting the widest range of phenomena with
breach might cause a serious data loss or falsification, leading to a a minimum of variables is always the central goal in science and physics
tremendous economic loss. To prevent and prepare for the data (Kunes, 2012).
breaches, (Esposito et al., 2016) proposed two crucial steps. Firstly, a
proper key management system should be developed inside a company. 6.3. Data-driven design methods in manufacturing
The system records who have the key and revokes the keys if not used.
Secondly, companies should be able to detect a data breach, notify 6.3.1. Supervised learning and constraint satisfaction for design
related personnel, and record them forensically to prepare for a lawsuit. Design in manufacturing is challenging due to the high-dimensional
As a little volume of studies has been reported in the area of data breach spaces and discreet choices involved as well as the complexity of the
prevention in manufacturing, further studies should be conducted in this physical mechanisms during the manufacturing processes. Mechanistic-
area. AI methods have the potential to efficiently solve inverse problems with
hidden physics for process design. Several papers have explored the
potential of AI methods to solve manufacturing design problems by (1)
6.2. Data-driven modeling and discovery in manufacturing establishing a direct mapping between functional requirements and
design parameters, or (2) formulate an optimization problem to explore
6.2.1. Frameworks for mechanistic feature selection the design space. Supervised learning has shown to be an effective tool
Extraction of mechanistic features still replies on domain experi­ to extract correlational requirement-to-design parameter relationships.
ences. Selecting appropriate mechanistic features for complex problems However, state-of-the-art practices lack incorporating physical con­
could be very challenging. Developing systematic data-driven ap­ straints of the problem into the learning method. As the result, these
proaches, which can automatically identify dominant mechanistic fea­ methods are only reliable for problems with simple constraints or within
tures from different manufacturing data sources, is an interesting topic. a limited range of parameters. As an example, consider the problem of
Moreover, the extracted mechanistic features might have various toolpath design to achieve favorable material behavior. We can generate
physical dimensions (or units). Dimensional analysis (Barenblatt, 2003) a database of tool paths and their resulting material properties and train
can be a very useful principle to guarantee the dimensional homogeneity a model to produce a toolpath given the properties. Naturally, the su­
(Rudolph et al., 1996) of the discovered relationships. pervised learning method interpolates between database points, which
can easily lead to physically unfeasible or overlapping tool paths.
6.2.2. Large-scale Mechanistic-AI modeling in manufacturing Therefore, studying representations in which such interpolation is valid
Mechanistic-AI methods have the potential to capture complex or approaches to enforce physical constraints is a crucial step in
process-structure-properties relationships in advanced manufacturing. broadening the applications of supervised learning in design. Various
They can tackle the problems with missing/noisy boundary conditions ideas in physics-informed modeling techniques (as reviewed in Section
and material laws, which are currently impossible or extremely expen­ 3.2) can be deployed in design applications to soft or hard impose the
sive to solve through traditional methods. However, embedding phys­ constraints.
ical, chemical, and material mechanisms into AI systems remains a non-
trial task. Researchers have proposed several approaches, such as 6.3.2. Reinforcement learning in design
mechanistic feature extraction, specialized network architecture, and RL offers an alternative to supervised learning when the design in­
regularization of loss functions. Much effort needs to be directed at volves a sequential decision-making process. Constraints can be
improving the developed methods to solve real manufacturing problems implicitly introduced into the solution by penalizing constrain viola­
with high uncertainty and variability during the processes. tions. However, RL methods are known for their poor sample efficiency.
Furthermore, as RL methods explore many unfeasible and potentially
6.2.3. Extension of PINNs to manufacturing applications dangerous design spaces, they can rarely be trained on experimental
Physics-informed neural network has been successfully applied to manufacturing setups. To address these challenges, future research is
additive manufacturing. It can be extended to broader manufacturing needed to expand the capabilities of off-policy RL methods to allow
techniques, such as metal forming, welding, and micro-manufacturing. training on historic data and enable data reuse. Additionally, further
A challenge is to improve the generalization capabilities of PINN investigations need to bridge the gap between RL methods trained on
(Raissi et al., 2019), especially for the problems with complex geometry simulation environments and real setups. While several examples of RL
and transient boundary condition. in manufacturing were presented in Section 4.1, the performance of RL
agents heavily depends on the quality of reward function to break down
6.2.4. Advance transfer learning using highly generalizable models the complexity of the overarching goal. As many manufacturing
Transfer learning is another interesting future direction. Transferring decision-making processes involve sparse signals where the goals cannot
trained models and identified knowledge from one material to another be trivially divided into subtasks, advancements in sparse credit
or from one manufacturing technique to another is currently extremely assignment are vital in the future. Model-based RL has the potential to
challenging. Dimensionless scale-invariant relationships play an address some of these challenges. As an alternative to purely explorative
important role in properly transferring knowledge because they offer methods, model-based RL can utilize its underlying model to perform
better generalization capability compared to transitional empirical look-ahead planning and search (e.g., Monte Carlo Tree Search) and
equations. therefore offer better sample efficiency and compatibility with reward

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

sparsity. without knowing the system model, there is currently limited applica­
tion in the real manufacturing process because of the high cost to train
6.3.3. Process-informed design exploration using generative models the model. Previous research has implemented RL-based process control
Recent advancements in generative models, such as GANs, opened on top of simulations with hundreds of episodes and it will be extremely
new possibilities to discover condensed latent design spaces. While expensive in the real world. How to train an RL model with good ac­
recent studies have expanded the capability of GANs and VAEs to curacy using combined a large amount of simulation data and a rela­
generate high-quality designs by incorporating performance metrics, tively small amount of experimental data will be an important field to
much of the focus has been dedicated to esthetic and geometric features. explore.
The extension of generative methods to complex physical aspects of
manufacturing processes has remained unsolved. Therefore, a promising 6.4.3. Auto-labeling and efficient learning in process monitoring
future direction is physics-informed generative models that leverage For the process monitoring, a lot of current work used supervised
PINN in GANs training to facilitate extracting generalizable and physi­ learning to train a model that can identify the process condition from
cally valid correlations. images, where a large number of labeled images are required for
training. Thus, questions such as how to efficiently get enough labeled
6.3.4. Uncertainty quantification in scientific deep learning data for training, and how to train a model with less labeled data, need
Despite tremendous progress in manufacturing process modeling and to be further studied.
design using AI, most of these studies lack uncertainty analysis or
quantification in their deep learning framework. However, in 6.4.4. Robustness in AI process monitoring
manufacturing, it is often critical and expected to assess the reliability of In most studies on AI-enabled process monitoring, the model is
deep learning models before they are deployed (Jiang et al., 2018). trained and tested on the prepared dataset, and has not been validated
Uncertainty analysis in deep learning methods has attracted several and applied to experimental or industrial setups. One reason for this gap
research ideas in computer vision (Michelmore et al., 2018), medical between research and industry is that oftentimes the trained model is
image analysis (Kwon et al., 2020), and natural language processing sensitive to the environmental condition. Therefore, when the envi­
(Xiao and Wang, 2019) with Bayesian approximation (Gal and Ghah­ ronmental condition is changed or a different machine is used for the
ramani, 2016) and ensemble learning techniques (Lakshminarayanan same process, the model is no longer accurate. In the past few years,
et al., 2016) as the two most widely used uncertainty quantification methods like stability learning (Zheng et al., 2016) and Parseval net­
methods. Several state-of-the-art trends in deep learning uncertainty works (Cisse et al., 2017) attempted to address these challenges with
quantification are reviewed by Abdar et al. (2021). Therefore, we limited success. We believe that improving the robustness of the
believe rigorous uncertainty analysis in the context of AI solutions in AI-enabled process monitoring techniques to make them more appli­
manufacturing is a vital topic for future research which can significantly cable in real industry settings will be an important future direction.
accelerate the industrial adoption of the field.
CRediT author statement
6.3.5. Lack of integrated design steps
Many methods have been emerged to provide an integrated design Mojtaba Mozaffar: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,
than an individual design task (e.g., conceptual design, process plan­ Writing – original draft, Project administration.
ning, process parameter optimization). However, we find insufficient Shuheng Liao: Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft.
research effort into integrating multiple design steps. The inter­ Xiaoyu Xie: Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft.
connectivity of manufacturing design tasks is a key reason behind its Sourav Saha: Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft.
complexity. AI methods have caused a fundamental shift from solutions Chanwook Park: Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original
with numerous subtasks to overarching end-to-end systems. We believe draft.
future research into end-to-end design methods that bridge between Jian Cao: Writing – Review & Editing, Supervision, Funding
intertwined manufacturing design tasks can be profoundly influential in Acquisition.
the field. Wing Kam Liu: Supervision, Funding Acquisition.
Zhengtao Gan: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,
6.4. Data-driven control and monitoring in manufacturing Writing – original draft, Project administration.

6.4.1. Adoption of advanced Mechanistic-AI in control Conflict of interest

It is commonly acknowledged that process control is a crucial
component in manufacturing processes that can improve the quality and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
stability of a manufacturing process. AI techniques have been and will be interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
increasingly applied to manufacturing process control because of their the work reported in this paper.
ability to handle and learn information from big data. Most of the cur­
rent literature on model-based manufacturing process control utilizes Declaration of Competing Interest
linear models or relatively simple data-driven models, such as ARX
model, for modeling the system dynamics. It has been shown that AI The authors report no declarations of interest.
techniques such as SINDy and deep neural networks can be effectively
used to model system dynamics and have been applied in the control of Acknowledgements
robots and autonomous vehicles. We expect future research in
manufacturing process control will adopt these techniques to control- This work was supported by the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship
oriented manufacturing modeling to achieving better accuracy and ef­ N00014-19-1-2642, National Institute of Standards and Technology
ficiency. Additionally, as the current literature solely deploys physics- (NIST) - Center for Hierarchical Material Design (CHiMaD) under grant
based or data-driven models, we believe hybrid Mechanistic-AI models No.70NANB14H012, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) under
can advance current control capabilities in the field. grants No.CPS/CMMI-1646592 and CMMI-1934367.

6.4.2. Efficient reinforcement learning for control

While RL methods can be used in manufacturing process control

M. Mozaffar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 302 (2022) 117485

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