Recycling Center (Concept Paper Example)

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High School Basic Education

Second Semester, S.Y. 2019 - 2020

English for Academic Purposes Program (EAPP)

3 - Lee, Jeff January 2020

Cayetano, Sophia Ms. Ysabel Cabreros
Co, Camille Grade 12C (STEM-Biology)
26 - Tan, Andrea

Climate change has been a crisis that has been ongoing and unfolding over the past
decades. It has caused shifts in the natural order of the world, so much so that we humans can not
adapt in time to prevent its effects from devastating us. Climate change is primarily the result of
one thing, the human mismanagement of resources. However, the mismanagement of resources
does have a solution. The solution itself is quite obvious, and it is to teach people the proper way
to manage resources.

Resources are very limited. The Earth can only churn out so much before it reaches its
exhaust point. However, we humans take up much more resources than we give back. This has
resulted in a scarcity of our resources.

Another reason that contributes to climate change is the improper disposal of wastes.
Some Filipinos do not follow the standard procedure for disposal. They often leave their trash
piled up on the street posts, where it would remain uncollected and left to rot. Some people even
choose the option to burn their trash to get rid of them, this results in greenhouse gases being
released onto the ozone layer, where it disintegrates the layer and thus becomes a catalyst for
climate change.

Adding onto the list of reasons that lead to climate change is the disorganized landfill
problem. Biodegradable wastes are in itself good as it disintegrates itself overtime.
Non-biodegradable wastes on the other hand take forever to degrade, which is why they are
separated in landfills. However, if you were to mix the biodegradable and non-biodegradable
wastes, it would result to both heaps taking a prolonged time to biodegrade.

The solutions as mentioned earlier would be to educate the masses regarding the proper
way to dispose of trash. A simple way to educate the people is to integrate recycling into their
everyday lives. By having a center with the goal of collecting recyclable and biodegradable
wastes, it would keep the amount of wastes that are improperly disposed down. The recycling
center would sort trash into its categories and from there it would recycle it into products that
would renew its purpose for the betterment of the community. The recycling center would start
small in a warehouse near a community, from there it would introduce and incorporate the idea
of recycling to the community.


Primary goals for this project is to promote recycling and upcycling of non-biodegradable
materials such as plastic bottles, tin cans, rubber and the like. Non-biodegradable materials are
materials that cannot decay or decompose in landfill or soil. Recycling and upcycling these
materials will help reduce the wastes in an area.

Another goal is to promote how to decrease biodegradable wastes such as food scraps,
fruit peels, and dried leaves. Instead of disposing these wastes out, this project also aims to create
a compost system to transform these waste into compost for the soil. Promoting this way of
lifestyle may benefit the people by encouraging them to turn in their biodegradable waste instead
of it going to landfill where it may contribute more to global warming.

The project objectives are as follows:
1. To provide the community with a recycling and upcycling center that will benefit them in
the long run.
2. To collect non-biodegradable waste, such as plastic bottles, and provide an alternative
upcycling method.
3. Hold upcycling sessions wherein the community may choose to participate and create
their own upcycled products.
4. To collect biodegradable waste, such as food waste as well as dried leaves, and to
transform them into compost for soil.
5. Encourage the community to create environment friendly habits through participation in
recycling and composting



advertise the project through word of mouth and

2 social media sites
start of collection of food scraps and recyclable
31 materials for the project through door to door
collection and volunteer drop offs

4 Upcycling Workshop

5 Compost Waste Workshop

11 Upcycling Workshop
12 Compost Waste Workshop

18 Upcycling Workshop
19 Compost Waste Workshop

25 Upcycling Workshop

26 Compost Waste Workshop

2 Upcycling Workshop

3 Compost Waste Workshop

9 Upcycling Workshop

10 Compost Waste Workshop

16 Upcycling Workshop
17 Compost Waste Workshop

23 Upcycling Workshop

24 Compost Waste Workshop

Showcasing of the Upcycled products and auction

On such an event where the project fails to meet its primary objectives, the project
planners will do a door to door activity. This activity is where the project planners go from house
to house and ask the households to donate their food wastes rather than waiting at the warehouse
for people to come and give their wastes. This activity will allow the project planners to collect
enough food wastes from different households to pile them up and create soil. In addition,
through this activity the project planners may have collected enough wastes for the upcycling
project. Furthermore, project planners will also propose the planned activity to the government in
charge and ask for help in promoting the said project. This may encourage the community to
donate the food wastes and work as volunteers.
The manpower of this project will only be voluntary. The project will require no hiring of
employees meaning no wages. Everyone is welcomed to volunteer and participate in this project.
As a sign of gratitude for the participation, people who choose to volunteer would have free

The initial fund provided by the investors for this project is set at ​₱500,000. A
comprehensive summary for the budget allocation, for 3 months in operation, can be found in the
table below.

Description Cost Cost for 3 mos.

46 Kaputut St., Santa Cruz, Magalang,

Location ₱40,000/ month ₱120,000
Pampanga. (1000 sqm)

25 pcs Plastic barrel ₱250/ barrel ₱6,250

Arts and crafts ₱1500 ₱4500

Utilities Electricity and Water ₱15,000 ₱45,000

Food Packed meals ₱10,000 ₱30,000

Total ₱205,750


Contact information is given in order for volunteers and interested in upcycling workshop
classes may inquire for the availability of slots for upcycling and collection schedules for

Contact Person Email Address Contact Number

Jeff Lee [email protected] 0922 822 7203

Sophia Cayetano [email protected] 0926 675 1188

Camille Co [email protected] 0922 822 7203

Andrea Tan [email protected] 0998 565 2505

The advertising process of this project will be placed online through various social
networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram. This will be easier to reach people especially
the youth to volunteer for the program. It would be beneficial for the project since utilizing social
networking sites will not take a chunk of our overall expenses. In addition, promoting through
social networking sites reduce the production of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable
material which gives purpose to our cause.

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