DAR4063 WoTD Chapter4 Week10
DAR4063 WoTD Chapter4 Week10
DAR4063 WoTD Chapter4 Week10
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group
at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle
Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality,
viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Some material from Savage Worlds Revised, Tour of
Darkness, and Slipstream copyright Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. and used with permission.
Daring Entertainment can be found on the Internet at: www.daringentertain.com
War of the Dead is dedicated to George A. Romero, Tom Savini, Max Brooks, Z.A. Recht, and Robert Kirkman.
Special Thanks to David Harriss for providing the rule for Night Vision Goggle batteries.
GM’s Summary 3 Act Two: Taking the Spider from her Web 8
Act One: Is Johnnie Alive? 3 Act Three: Showdown in Helltown 11
War of the Dead is ©2010-2012 Daring Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved. War of the Dead,
Daring Entertainment, and associated logos are trademarks of Daring Entertainment, LLC.
war of the dead
Chapter fOUR:
To Reign in Hell (Week 10)
After expanding their reach and capturing a nearby
GM’S SUMMARY Federal Correctional Facility to use as a staging point to
John Milton once wrote that it is “Better to reign in take over the Citizen Relocation Zone, Hell’s plans were
Hell, than serve in Heaven.” The criminal known as tossed to the winds by the arrival of the characters and
Hell Fuerrie has taken that time-honored quote to new their survivor group. After the characters managed to
heights. gain command of the facility, the Ghost Riders launched
a campaign to annihilate them. That campaign cost
After escaping from prison during the outbreak, Hell Hell Fuerrie many men. It also allowed the resistance
Fuerrie assembled a new gang under his old banner in Helltown to seize control of the abandoned western
of the Ghost Riders and terrorized sections of the east portion of the town, and gain enough strength to plan
coast. Encountering the characters in North Carolina, an all-out attack against the outlaws.
his plan to use them as bait in a Living Dead infested
town back�ired and resulted in the deaths of several Hell Fuerrie eventually learned that the Federal
members of his gang. Vowing revenge, Hell tracked Correctional Facility was of strategic importance to the
them across the state and almost had them cornered military in command of the Relocation Zone. Striking
in a rural church, but the untimely arrival of a Living a deal to exact his revenge upon the characters, the
Dead horde forced him to abandon the hunt. outlaw agreed to abandon the facility to General
Drazinsky in exchange for the characters being forced
Heading west, the Ghost Riders continued their reign to come to Helltown. To seal the deal, Steve Elliot
of terror— sacking entire towns, taking whatever they and Melissa Fimori— two children from the survivor
wanted, and swelling their numbers with new recruits group— were given to the outlaws.
culled from those that had once existed outside the law.
Hell eventually reunited with his younger brother, Dog Forced into raiding Helltown not only to rescue the
Pound: a career criminal known for drug traf�icking, children, but also free the other survivors being held
murderer, and organizing prostitution. as collateral by the General, the characters prepare to
face overwhelming odds.
Encountering a petite blonde-haired woman named
Leanne Waid at an abandoned road stop, Dog Pound
immediately targeted her as the �irst of his new
prostitutes. That decision almost cost him his life Spiderbait and several outlaws visit the clinic looking
when Leanne revealed her talent for murder. If not for for their injured gang members. The characters are
the intervention of Hell Fuerrie, Dog Pound might very forced into action and uncover a startling secret—
well have become one of the Living Dead that very Evelyn and Edward Russo are not the only advanced
moment. Living Dead.
Taken in by her talent, Hell Fuerrie brought Leanne
into the Ghost Riders and molded her into his new SCENE ONE: THINK QUICK, ACT FASTER
Begin the adventure with the following narrative:
Eventually, the gang arrived at a small Colorado town
that had barely weathered the outbreak. Abandoned
by the military and left to fend for themselves, the Reverend Waller dives forward and clicks the lock
townspeople were a desperate group. The Ghost on the front door as one of the outlaws turns the knob.
Riders easily took control, renaming it Helltown and “What are you doing?” Mary exclaims in a panicked
instituting themselves as its overlords. Although some whisper. “They’ll kill us when they see you here.” She
resisted and formed a weak opposition, the majority looks at the bodies of the two outlaws on the �loor. “Oh
fell beneath Hell’s heel, being reduced to slaves whose my God. Spiderbait is going to—”
very existence depended upon his twisted sense of
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“That’s exactly why I locked the door,” Reverend she makes it a statement that Mary wouldn’t be
Waller replies. “We need to do what Doctor Conroy providing services to anyone on the side. After all, Dog
said: take the bodies and get into the examination Pound would not appreciate the merchandise being
rooms.” given away for free.
The outlaw shakes the door from the other side. Conroy tries to tell Spiderbait that he would never
“Hey! What the hell’s going on? Did Conroy leave?” think of Mary that way, but is cut off as one of the men
“He couldn’t have,” a soft, feminine voice, answers. punches him in the mouth. Conroy stumbles into the
“Jim and Dreg should still be here.” desk and the two outlaws grab his arms.
“We have to move,” Dallas says, �ingers brushing one The outlaw that punched Conroy grabs Mary by
of the sword handles extending above his shoulders. the hair and twists it so that she drops to her knees.
“Unless we’re doing this the right way.” Spiderbait comments that Jim and Dreg didn’t report
back to the compound. She says that she’s going to
Reverend Waller casts him a wary look. search the clinic. While she does, she tells the outlaws
that they can do what they want with Mary and
The characters should take control of the situation Conroy— unless the two of them want to tell her the
and get everyone hidden. The front door shakes again, truth about Jim and Dreg.
and the outlaw pounds on the glass as he calls for When Conroy starts to repeat that they have already
Conroy. While everyone moves into the examination left, all hell breaks loose. Read the following:
rooms, Caleb whispers for Mary to come with him.
She shakes her head. The outlaw pounds on the glass
again. As Conroy, fear obvious in his voice, repeats the story
that the two outlaws he was treating had left, the
Caleb is about to argue with her when Spiderbait closet doors bursts outward in a shower of splinters.
tells the men to shatter the glass and unlock the door.
Conroy rushes forward, calling out that he is coming, A human �igure pounces on the outlaw holding Mary
and unlocks the door. He is almost knocked from his and tackles him off of her, both of them ramming into
feet when the door �lies open and bangs loudly against the desk and causing the two men to release Doctor
the wall. Conroy as they dive to the side.
The outlaws step into the room. Two of them stand The thing attacking the outlaw has pale, gray
by the door, hands on pistols resting in holsters. One of skin. Large chunks of �lesh on the back of its neck
them leans against the accordion door of a closet. The and shoulders are missing, exposing the muscle
other two glare menacingly at Doctor Conroy while underneath.
Spiderbait steps in and makes a show of glancing The outlaw’s eyes are wide with fear as he looks into
around the room. One of the men kicks the door shut the dead eyes of his attacker.
and locks it. “You . . . not . . . hurt . . .friends!” The thing groans,
Spiderbait wears a necklace of eight �ingers and two slow but clear, before sinking its teeth into the man’s
thumbs. The severed digits look fresh. throat.
Without preamble, Spiderbait asks for Jim and Dreg.
Conroy says that he treated them and they left. He Before anyone can act, Caleb steps into the hallway—
was just about to head down to the diner for some pistol aimed at the Living Dead. Reverend Waller grabs
breakfast. his wrist and thrusts the gun to point at the ceiling,
Spiderbait stares at him, and then points to Mary— yelling at Caleb that the thing is protecting Mary and
she wants to know why Mary is at the clinic. Conroy Conroy. It also speaks, just like Evelyn.
stammers and Mary interjects that she came to invite Conroy, despite the chaos in the main room, sees
him to breakfast. Caleb and Reverend Waller and yells at them not to
The outlaw leaning against the closet door hurt Johnnie— he isn’t like the others. Johnnie holds
comments that he’s sure the Doctor was looking for the key to human survival inside of him!
some breakfast all right— that’s why he had the door Make a group Guts roll for the outlaws using an
locked. unskilled d4-2 plus the Wild Die. On a failure, they are
Spiderbait’s lips form a very dangerous smile and panicked by the sudden, violent arrival of the creature.
she narrows her eyes at Mary. Speaking to the outlaw, If the outlaws are panicked, roll 4d6— one die for each
war of the dead
Exactly how the scene plays out will depend on Caleb says that he wants to hear what Doctor Conroy
the characters and their allies, the reactions of the has to say. Dallas stares at him threateningly before
outlaws, and whether or not shots are �ired. If anyone stating that Caleb is insane. Dallas claims it’s just going
�ires a gun, they have 10 rounds before 1d10+4 to be more twists and lies and, in the end, yet another
outlaws armed with M-16 ri�les arrive on round 11. horror shoved up their collective asses. He shakes his
That is in addition to any outlaws arriving in response head. He is ending it now.
to a panic result from the Guts check. In other words, As he takes another step toward Conroy, Caleb makes
if the characters don’t �ight smart, they could be facing a clear show of �lipping the safety off his gun.
1d4+1d10+6 outlaws on round 11. By this point, the characters can’t afford a gunshot
As far as the Living Dead goes, the outlaws that alerting the town (or more of them, if outlaws are
remain will surprisingly ignore him and open �ire already on the way), nor can they have the group kill
toward Reverend Waller and Caleb. Their re�lexes each other. Caleb is not going to be talked out of his
take over at seeing armed, living people inside the position, especially with Waller backing him up. The
clinic even while their brains try to process Johnnie’s characters are going to have to attempt a Persuasion
presence. check against Dallas. On a Failure, physical action will
Once the combat is over, Mary is shaking like a leaf, have to be taken to stop him. On a success, he agrees
and Caleb tries to calm her down. Dallas draws his to hear what Conroy has to say, but vows that if it’s
sword and prepares to destroy the Living Dead, who bullshit, he taking the creature down. On a raise, he
is huddling in a corner behind Doctor Conroy and stares at the characters before saying that they can
groaning: “I sorry . . . I sorry . . . I sorry . . .” repeatedly. have it their way— but only because it Alexandro’s last
Conroy alternates between telling him that he did request.
nothing wrong, and pleading with Dallas to not destroy Conroy will indicate Spiderbait and remind the
him. Conroy repeats that Johnnie is the key to human characters that they now have the one person in the
survival. town that is the focus of Hell Fuerrie’s attentions. It
war of the dead
in extreme situations like happened today, Johnnie has
been taught that biting humans is very bad. When the
MORE OUTLAWS ON THE WAY hunger overwhelms him, he’ll search for animals.
Once the combat is over and Spiderbait is subdued, Dallas’ eyes open wide and he claims that Conroy is
it’s possible that the characters have a limited amount insane— he’s infected himself. He’s as good as dead.
of time to get out of the area with their prize. If so, As Dallas steps toward him, Conroy raises his
then the information revealed by Doctor Conroy will hands and shakes his head. He quickly explains that
have to be postponed until either the beginning of he checked his blood every other day for two weeks.
Week 12, as they prepare for the arrival of the CRZ There is absolutely no sign of infection. Whatever
forces, or in the conclusion of the series in Week 13. happened inside Johnnie, the �luid is a vaccination
If that’s the case, you can proceed directly to Act against the Living Dead!
Two, Scene One. If the characters don’t do so, Reverend Waller will
ask a vital question. He’ll ask if Conroy is sure about
that, or whether the changes that took place in Johnnie
won’t take long for him to notice that she is missing. no longer make the infection transmittable through
Therefore, they don’t have a lot of time. his bites.
He will begin the exposition by explaining what they Conroy will respond that it is a very valid question,
already know, that some people carry an immunity to and one that occurred to him as well.
infection, and how processing it and injecting it into the
Cerebellum of the Living Dead changes them. Conroy is He has a normal Living Dead in the basement, which
rather long-winded when he starts lecturing, so if the also serves as his laboratory— all things considered—
characters don’t cut him off, Dallas will interject that and he allowed it to bite him as well, which is why he
they already know all of that. Conroy will nod, and tell has two sets of sutures. The test results were the same:
them that there is a secondary phase to what happens. no infection.
Johnnie, the Living Dead, was transformed a month Mary asks him where he got another Living Dead in
ago— a fact that he’s had to keep well hidden from the middle of winter. Conroy looks apologetic as he
Hell Fuerrie. Conroy extracted some of the �luid from states that Lou Peters didn’t defect to the resistance,
Johnnie’s Cerebellum. He doesn’t know how it changes he died of a heart attack during the �irst snowstorm
them, as without a functioning circulatory system and reanimated at the clinic. Conroy’s been keeping
it doesn’t process through the body, but something him hidden ever since.
happens to the Living Dead brain when it comes into Mary is aghast. Dallas just shakes his head and
contact with the �luid. Anyway, he withdrew some mutters that the entire town is nuts.
of the �luid and mixed it with his own blood. Trace
amounts of the infection can be found in any human Johnnie comments that the thing in the basement is
without the immunity, it just doesn’t become rampant hungry, he can feel it.
until after a bite from a Living Dead, or after death. Have the characters each make a Smarts roll. On a
What he found was incredible. The changes that the success, they recall the severed hand possessed by the
compound underwent inside Johnnie were amazing, dead outlaws found in the remains of the mountain
and he doesn’t even know where to begin investigating facility. Conroy is missing that same hand.
them. But when Conroy combined it with a sample of
If asked, Conroy will admit that it was his. When Hell
his own blood and watched it under a microscope,
Fuerrie controlled the prison, he didn’t know what
he found that the infection was destroyed. The entire
he was sitting on, but Conroy did. He was hoping to
process took approximately two hours.
use the laboratory there to continue his research. He
He extracted more and injected it into himself. A �igured he would convince Hell that he needed to visit
day later, he tested his blood again. All traces of the the prison to check the in�irmary for supplies, and
infection were gone. Then, he took the ultimate risk. then disappear into the lab. Unfortunately, Hell lost
As Conroy speaks, he begins unbuttoning his shirt. control of the prison and was unable to take it back.
Underneath is a bandage. He takes the bandage off When he told the outlaws about the back door into
and shows the remains of a very nasty bite that has the place and how he could get them access, they beat
been sutured, now almost healed. Below it is a second him until he told them everything. Conroy will claim
set of stitches. Conroy explains that he allowed that he lied and said that it was a laboratory to check
Johnnie to bite him. It took a lot of coaxing as, except for infectious diseases, and that the mountain facility
war of the dead
war of the dead
was a secret CDC location. Instead of letting him come
along, though, they took his hand. ACT TWO: TAKING THE
Dallas is furious. Conroy could have gotten all of the
survivors killed! There were children in that prison!
Conroy, now fearful for his life, will claim that he didn’t The characters make it to the western section of the
know. All he knew was that some paramilitary force town and are taken before the resistance leader to
took the prison. He was afraid it was Division-M. Had negotiate an alliance. Afterward, Spiderbait regains
he known who was really at the facility, he would never consciousness and the group must decide the best
have told Hell Fuerrie how to get into it. course of action for an interrogation.
A Notice check will tell the characters that Conroy
is telling the truth. A reminder to Dallas that they also SCENE ONE: RECRUITMENT
need Conroy to get help in assaulting the town, and Doctor Conroy leads the characters out the back
rescuing Steve and Melissa, will back him off. door and into the snow. Since it is vital to the story that
Conroy says that they need to get moving before the characters make it to the resistance, no rolls are
more men come looking for Spiderbait. He suggests necessary. The area is clear of outlaws and civilians.
they take her to the western half of town, and that they Read the following narrative:
seek refuge with the resistance. Having Spiderbait
in custody might also entice them to assist with the
attack, as it will show the capabilities of the characters. Doctor Conroy leads you from the rear of the clinic
Caleb tells Mary to go back to her house, lock the and through the deep snow, taking rarely traveled
doors, and stay hidden, until everything is over. Dallas side streets as he heads west. He pauses at various
�irmly tells Caleb that that isn’t going to happen— she buildings and casts a quick look around the corner.
is coming with them. Caleb refuses to place her in even Occasionally, he quickly ducks back and motions
more danger. Dallas refuses to let her out of everyone’s for everyone to huddle against the wall. After a few
sight. How long has she been in the town, living under moments and another glance, he motions everyone
Hell Fuerrie? Who’s to say she isn’t one of the them forward and takes off at a jog.
now, and won’t �lip the alarm as soon as she can? After what seems like forever, Conroy leads you
Caleb is about to attack Dallas for even thinking that through a break in the line of rubble. He continues for
about his wife. Reverend Waller reminds Dallas that several blocks, and then the unmistakable sound of
Mary has helped them so far, and put her life at risk ri�les being cocked echoes around you.
doing so. Looking around, you see half-dozen men on nearby
If the characters agree with Caleb, have them make a rooftops, their weapons trained squarely on your
Persuasion check. On a Failure, Dallas is going to insist group.
that Mary come with the group. On a success, he’ll let
her go, but swear that he’ll kill Caleb if she betrays If any characters go for their weapons, Conroy yells
them. On a raise, he’ll once again agree to do what the at them to not draw as he raises his own hands in
characters want. surrender. He’ll quickly explain that the men they see
Once Mary is allowed to return home (or the are meant to be seen, it’s the dozen or so unseen guns
characters support Dallas and she is forced to trained on them right now that will open �ire.
come along), Conroy has the bodies moved into an Conroy then turns his attention to the men on the
examination room and locks the door. He tells Johnnie roof and identi�ies himself. One of the men replies that
to return to the basement and lock himself inside his they all know who he is, their question is who is with
special place. Conroy will explain it is a hidden panel him— and is that unconscious woman who he thinks
he built that allows Johnnie to get into the building’s it is?
structure and hide by standing motionless inside the
wall. Conroy quickly explains that the characters are
enemies of Hell Fuerrie, and how they are here to
Conroy then heads to the back door and tells them to rescue children that Hell kidnapped and intends
follow him, and to move quickly. to murder. They want to bring the man down, and
need help. As the men can see, the characters have
Spiderbait with them, so they are combat capable.
war of the dead
The man is silent for a moment, and then asks how
he can be sure that the characters aren’t working with
Hell Fuerrie and Spiderbait is part of a set-up to draw NARRATING THE PERSUASION AND
them out— or allow the characters to in�iltrate them.
Although Conroy brie�ly explains the encounter at
the clinic and how they captured Spiderbait, the man Be sure to have the players role-play through the
on the roof is still unconvinced. Even the situation at Persuasion roll against the resistance guards, and
the clinic could have all been part of an elaborate plan. the Social Con�lict with Ollie. Although the results
are based on a few simple die rolls, the reasons for
The characters are going to have to make a
success or failure should be established through the
Persuasion check. Regardless of the outcome, they will
narrative and dialogue.
be allowed to speak with Ollie, the resistance’s leader.
The characters will have to engage in a Social Con�lict
to get his aid. The result of this Persuasion roll will
Based on the results, Ollie’s �inal reaction is detailed
affect that later interaction as the impression they give
to these men will be reported.
Zero: Ollie doesn’t see how the characters are going
On a failure, the characters are having a very bad
to be able to make enough of a difference and refuses to
day and receive a –2 penalty to the Social Con�lict.
send people into a war just to be killed. The characters
On a success, they receive no modi�ier. On a raise, the
are going to have to �ind some other way to convince
characters get a +2 bonus during the upcoming Social
1-2: Ollie and his resistance will help the characters,
After the Persuasion roll and role-playing, the man
but only if they agree to turn the town and all military
orders Conroy to take them to the church and wait.
ordnance over to him and his men afterward. The
Conroy thanks them, and tells the characters to follow
town belongs to the people who called it home before
the outlaws came, and he wants it returned— with the
Spiderbait groans and Dallas slugs her. Reverend ability to defend itself. If the characters ask if he will
Waller is startled, and asks Dallas if he’s out of his place himself in charge, he acknowledges that fact, but
mind. Dallas shrugs and says nothing. adds that it will be only until the town votes to elect an
The church is a small affair, but is completely intact of�icial Mayor.
and has been kept clean. Numerous candles are lit, 3-4: Ollie agrees to help the characters, but states
adding to the muted lighting coming through the that after the town is freed, Reverend Waller has to
stained glass windows. The characters are waiting remain as a permanent resident and reopen the church
for several moments before the two doors behind the for worship. Ollie feels that faith is very important to
altar open— one to the right and left that lead to the a healthy community, and the priest that used to run
sacristy. A dozen armed men enter the church through the church was taken during the outbreak. Reverend
each door, and a �inal man emerges behind them. He is Waller agrees.
short, with red hair and a full beard, and appears to be
5+: Ollie agrees to help the characters in full force.
in his late forties to early �ifties.
It’s time Hell Fuerrie and his men were killed for
While his group keeps the automatic ri�les pointed everything they’ve done.
at the characters, the man introduces himself as Ollie
Once negotiations are settled, Spiderbait groans and
and asks them what they want in his town.
she starts to regain consciousness. Ollie looks at the
It’s up to the characters to present their plea for characters. She is their prisoner, so he asks them what
assistance. Hell Fuerrie has a small army, and they they want to do with her.
need all the help they can get. In addition to the players
Dallas draws his sword. It’s time to get some answers.
having to role-play the scene, they must also enter into
a Social Con�lict with the man (See the Savage Worlds
Deluxe rulebook). Since he is not arguing against
them, the characters only have to make a series of If the characters don’t react to Dallas, Caleb will step
unopposed Persuasion rolls. Remember to apply any between him and Spiderbait. He’ll ask Dallas what he
modi�iers from the earlier Persuasion roll against the thinks he is doing. As a response, Caleb gets a hard
guards. stare for several seconds. Caleb replies that he’s not
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impressed, and that Dallas isn’t going to start cutting the fun. She tells the group not to worry, though, as
off body parts. Doctor Conroy did his job and the boy will live.
Dallas feigns surprise as he looks around at the As soon as Spiderbait says that last part, Dallas is a
assembly. He asks if they think that woman is just blur as he suddenly has Conroy pinned against the wall
going to hand over information, or if they think they with a sword at the man’s throat. He accuses Conroy of
can brow beat her into spilling her guts. He points being a “lying sonofabitch”. Ollie and his men simply
out that those people have Steve and Melissa, and the watch the events unfold, as Conroy stammers that he is
more time they waste, the more likely the kids are not with Hell Fuerrie. He saved the boy’s life. He didn’t
going to die. They need answers, and they need them tell them because he fears the entire group is insane. If
fast. He doesn’t know of any greater motivator than he had told them, they would have run off to confront
severe pain. Hell Fuerrie instead of getting the resistance to help,
It’s up to the characters how the situation is handled. and they would have died. Then the town would have
The operative skill is Intimidation. On a straight remained under Hell’s control and the kids would have
Intimidation check, the characters receive a –2 penalty. died anyway.
Spiderbait is insane and a hard nut to crack. However, If the characters don’t intervene, Reverend Waller
if they let Dallas go to work on her, they receive a +2 will calmly tell Dallas to let Conroy go. Not only do
bonus to the Intimidation check to get information they need the doctor for the vaccination, but he’s also
out of her (exactly how Dallas operates on her is up brought them this far. He suggests to Dallas that he
to you). The characters can switch back and forth. save his fury for Hell.
For example, starting with the –2 penalty through a Spiderbait chuckles at the scene and is enjoying
simple interrogation, then letting Dallas butcher her Dallas going off the deep end. She taunts that Steve
on the next round, and so forth. However, time is of isn’t alone in his pain. After all, Hell has taken the girl
the essence and a tough choice will have to quickly as his personal entertainment.
be made. Once Dallas is allowed to make her talk, the
characters no longer receive the –2 penalty on rounds Dallas spins on her, murder in his eyes.
they don’t use him. Instead, there is no modi�ier. 2: Spiderbait elaborates that, starting tonight,
Each round that Dallas is allowed to entice her to Melissa will be forced to �ight in the Arena for Hell’s
talk, she receives a level of Fatigue. He is being careful personal entertainment. Her lover is going to use the
not to kill her. If Dallas is allowed to attack her on a boy as the prize. Without hands, he certainly can’t
third round, she falls unconscious instead of revealing defend himself. He’ll be tossed into the arena with the
information, so the characters will also have to balance Living Dead, and the girl will have to �ight to save his
using him. life— or they both die.
The interrogation is a modi�ied Social Con�lict. Hell �igures the bets will be �lying high on those
The characters have three rounds to get as much �ights— and knowing Hell, he’s going to be right.
information out of her as they can, with each success 3: Spiderbait tells them that the compound always
and raise being cumulative. Based on their success, the has at least 20 people inside, and that Hell has 84 men
characters get the following information. following him in total (much more than the previous
1: The children are at the compound. They have real numbers they had been given). The armory is kept in
spirit, maybe that will be enough to keep them alive. the basement and contains over 200 ri�les, pistols, and
The boy, especially, is real handy (she emphasizes that assorted grenades. They also have several cases of C-4
word with an evil smile) to have around. stored down there.
Allow the characters to make a Smarts check. On a She further reveals that the outlaws have 8 remaining
success they realize, just as Dallas’ face goes completely tanks, all fully armed, and one Apache helicopter
blank, that the eight �ingers and two thumbs she’s parked in the �ield behind the school. Four of the men
wearing around her neck are about the size of Steve’s are pilots.
digits. 4: Spiderbait now reveals a piece of crucial
Spiderbait freely admits that they belonged to the information: two of the men under Hell were demolition
boy. He decided to �ight back, so Hell ordered the �ight experts. When the outlaws were “inspecting” all of
taken away from him. Dog Pound loved doing it and the main buildings in the town, they were actually
hearing the boy scream, but he always gets to have all installing explosives that the men created from the C-4
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and electronics. The explosives are remote detonated,
and controlled from a laptop they keep fully charged
in the compound. The laptop is kept in what was once
the principal’s of�ice. By entering a sequence, they
can detonate all the explosives simultaneously. Hell
wanted it as a fail-safe in case the military invaded the
5: Spiderbait gives the characters the code to activate
the explosives: Dante. The code to deactivate them is:
Once the interrogation is concluded, the characters
will have to decide what to do with her. Ollie and his
men have no feelings one way or the other. If everything
goes well, she and all of her people will soon be dead,
anyway. The allies also leave it up to the characters.
Even Reverend Waller has no sympathy for her after
what he’s learned has happened to Steve and Melissa.