BS106 – Semester I
Biotechnology – I
I B.Sc. Biotechnology
St. Mary’s College
(Affiliated to Osmania University)
Yousufguda, Hyderabad - 500045
Telangana, India
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 1
To microscopically observe the structure of different cells such as Bacteria, Fungi, Plant and
Animal by wet mound method
The basic purpose of performing this experiment is to understand the cells, their structure
and observation of cell organelle at 10X and 40X magnification using wet mound method.
This would help us to identify the cell arrangements in various organisms (prokaryotes and
eukaryotes) which would help us during the learning of cell biology. Here, on using the basic
and simple dyes such as iodine, methylene blue, safranin, and lacto-phenol cotton blue for
various cells, would help us in differentiating the internal organelle under the 10X and 40X
magnifications to the basic level.
Onion skin
Microscopic slide
Cover slips
Scalpel blade
Iodine stain solution
Blotting paper
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 2
3. Place a drop of water on the microscopic slide and place the thin membrane of onion
on the drop using the needle.
4. Add a drop of iodine stain solution and wait for a minute so that the thin layer would
observe the stain.
5. Place a cover slip carefully with the help of needle to avoid air bubble formation.
6. Use the blotting paper to remove the excess stain from the slide.
7. Observe the slide under the 10X and 40X magnifications under the microscope.
10X 40X
The microscopic observation under 10X and 40X magnification of thin layer of onion
showed us the cell, its structure and the alignment of plant cell in brick arrangement model.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 3
Microscope with 10X and 40X magnification
1. With the help of clean tooth pick or spoon, gently scrape the buccal area or skin inside
the cheek area.
2. Place a drop of water on the microscopic slide and place the tooth pick or spoon on to
the drop with gentle mixing.
3. Add the either methylene blue or safranin stain in the mixer.
4. Place a cover slip with the help of needle carefully avoiding the air bubbles.
5. Use the blotting paper to remove the excess stain from the slide.
6. Observe the slide under the 10X and 40X magnifications under the microscope.
10X 40X
The microscopic observation under 10X and 40X magnification of skin inside the cheek or
buccal cavity showed us the animal cell, its structure and few cell organelles stained using
either safranin or methylene blue.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 5
B) Microscopic observation of Bacteria
1. Take the bacteria containing petri plates to laminar air flow chamber. With the
help of sterile loop, place a drop of water on the microscopic slide.
2. Then again with the sterile loop take the bacterial colony on to the water drop and
gently mix to prepare a thin smear.
3. Heat fix the slide over the Bunsen burner flame and add the either methylene blue
or safranin stain on the smear.
4. Place a cover slip with the help of needle carefully avoiding the air bubbles.
5. Use the blotting paper to remove the excess stain from the slide.
6. Observe the slide under the 10X and 40X magnifications under the microscope.
10X 40X
The microscopic observation under 10X and 40X magnification of bacterial smear showed
the presence of rod or bacilli shaped bacterial cell in red or blue stained using either safranin
or methylene blue.
The microscopic observation under 10X and 40X magnification of fungal mold showed us
the fungal hyphae with sporangium in blue stain of Lacto phenol cotton blue.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 7
To study the different stages of mitosis in onion root tip squash preparation.
All cells are produced by the division of pre-existing cells. Cell division is the process
by which a single cell divides into two cells. Mitosis is the process by which the replicated
chromosomes are equally distributed to new nuclei to form new cells. It occurs in case of
somatic cells. Mitosis helps in growth and development of the organism. It also helps in the
repair of tissues and replacement of worn out cells. The different phases of mitosis such as
prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase can be observed in the onion root tip by
performing squash preparation.
Onion root tip fixative (acetic alcohol, 3:1 ratio), saffranin stain, 1 N HCl, 45% acetic
acid, slides, cover slip, compound microscope, scalpel blade, acetocarmine stain.
The onion root tip was fixed in acetic alcohol at 50°C for 6 minutes and then washed
with distilled water repeatedly.
The hydrolysed material was then thoroughly washed with distilled water and then
placed in a vial containing saffranin stain or acetocarmine stain for 3-5 minutes.
The material was then transferred to a glass slide and squashed with the help of a Cell Biology and Genetics
cover slip.
The squash thus prepared was then observed under high power objective (40 X) of the
compound microscope.
Different stages of mitosis - the prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase were
observed clearly.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 8
The centrioles were separated and migrated towards the opposite poles of the cells.
Both chromatids remain connected with each other by the centromere and both remain
closely associated along their entire length.
Each chromosomes reaches equator and all the chromosomes are arranged radially at
the periphery of the spindle.
The smaller chromosomes remain at the interior but the larger ones were found at the
Some of the fibres (or) microtubules of the spindle were attached with the centromere
of each chromosome and are known as chromosomal fibre.
Certain fibres occur in between the chromosomes and are known as interzonal fibres.
The chromatids of the chromosome were separated and two chromosomes were
The chromosomes become shorter and thicker and migrate towards the opposite poles
of the cell.
The migration of the chromosomes towards opposite poles was achieved by the
contraction of chromosomal fibres.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 9
The chromosomes which reach the opposite pole get elongated. The cells of the DNA,
protein fibres were elongated and the chromosomes however become thread like
The microtubules of the aster and the mitotic spindle are rearranged and disappear.
10X 40X
The slides were prepared using onion root tips and different stages of mitosis were observed
under 10X and 40X microscope.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 10
To find and isolate the testis from Grasshopper to understand the different meiosis stages.
Glass slide
Cover slip
Lab needle
Pasteur pipettes
Watch glass
Razor blades
1. Identify the male grass hopper, which has lean and lengthy tail whereas, female has
short and blunt tail.
2. Turn the dorsal side of grasshopper and count the 7 segment from the tail which is
abdominal portion of the grasshopper.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 11
3. Using sharp scalpel cut at the 7 segment and press gently to release a yellow fluid
clumps (which is genital organ covered with yellow fat bodies).
4. Transfer the clump carefully to the vessel containing saline for washing
5. Shake gently with lab needle so the fat bodies and follicles (white fibers in
elongated shape) get separated.
6. Transfer this follicle bunch to a Petri dish and separate it into individual follicles.
7. Take a pre-cleaned slide and transfer a follicle to the centre of the slide.
9. If it is dehydrated add another drop of acetocarmine and cover with cover slip.
10. Using your forefinger press gently and prepare squash carefully.
12. Focus at 10X and examine at 40X for sharp image using Light microscope.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 12
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 13
Certain specialized and enlarged chromosomes are found in varied groups of animals
and plant kingdom. One of these giant chromosomes is polytene chromosome. These are
found in salivary glands, malpighian tubules, epithelial lining of gut and some fat bodies of
the larval stage of certain Dipteria. The polytene chromosomes of salivary gland of
chironomous larva can be easily studied on laboratory.
The chironomous larvae are available in plenty in fresh water ponds, pools and
ditches and even in the drains. These are red in colour due to the presence of haemoglobin in
their blood. Collect these larvae in a glass jar along with pond water. Drain off water and pick
up these larvae with forceps and now keep them in normal saline water.
Chironomous larvae, clean slide, needles, cover glass, blotting paper, 0.7% NaCl (Saline
Water), microscope and acetocamine stain.
Put few drops of saline water on a slide and place the 3rd instar larva of chironomous
in it.
Differentiate the anterior and posterior ends of the larva. Respiratory gills are present
at the posterior end.
With the help of two needles separate its abdomen from thorax and first needle firmly
Then press the second needle in such a way that the abdomen is separated from the
head and thorax.
Now press the thorax with a needle in your left hand and then release the pressure.
The transparent pear shaped salivary glands float out from the posterior end of thorax.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 14
Cell Biology and Genetics
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 15
Immerse the salivary gland in this drop and leave it for 5-10 minutes.
Then cover it with the cover glass gently. Place this slide in between 2 folds of
blotting paper and then press the cover slip gently with the tip of your finger, or press
gently with the help of the needle.
The excess stain is absorbed by the blotting paper. Observe the material under
microscope under high magnification and study the detailed structure of polytene
Draw the polytene chromosome and chironomous larva and salivary gland in the
record after observing the material and by referring the diagrams.
1. This slide presents the salivary gland chromosomes of the chironomous larva.
3. Polytene chromosomes of salivary gland are large size and multistranded structures
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 16
To perform and analyse the data of Drosophila species using Monohybrid and
Dihybrid ratio based on Mendelian Genetics
Drosophila biology
The common fruit fly is a model organism for genetic studies. The reason it is so
widely used is because it is easily cultured in the lab, has a short generation time, and can
produce many offspring. The life cycle of fruit flies is
The life cycle (from egg to adult) takes about 10 days at room temperature.
Eggs are laid and hatch into first instar larvae. These larvae feed voraciously on the
culture medium provided.
You can observe this by looking at a culture bottle – you should see many tunnels in the
medium made by small white larvae (or maggots).
These first instar larvae go through several instar stages and eventually the third instar
larvae crawl up the sides of the bottle away from the culture medium.
There they stop and their larval cuticle hardens forming a dark brown pupa.
Larvae tissues degenerate and reorganize forming an adult fly inside the pupal case.
When metamorphosis is complete, the adult fly emerges from the pupal case. Cell Biology and Genetics
After the fly emerges, the wings expand and dry, the abdomen becomes more rotund, and
the colour of the body darkens.
The first task of the lab is to become proficient at sexing the flies.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 17
Based on the Gregor Mendel’s law of Inheritance, Mendel hypothesized that allele
pairs separate randomly, or segregate, from each other during the production of gametes: egg
and sperm. Because allele pairs separate during gamete production, a sperm or egg carries
only one allele for each inherited trait. When sperm and egg unite at fertilization, each
contributes its allele, restoring the paired condition in the offspring. This is called the Law of
Segregation. Mendel also found that each pair of alleles segregates independently of the
other pairs of alleles during gamete formation. This is known as the Law of Independent
Assortment. Some alleles are dominant while others are recessive; an organism with at least
one dominant allele will display the effect of the dominant allele. This is known as the Law
of Dominance
To test the hypothesis that the observed ratio of 70:30 is the same as the expected
ratio of 3:1 in Monohybrid Cross and 9:3:3:1 in the Dihybrid cross, we can use a statistic
called the Chi square statistic.
In our case, we can use the actual observed number of flies of each type as
our observed values. We can find the expected number of flies of each type for a 3:1 ratio in
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 18
Monohybrid and 9:3:3:1 in Dihybrid cross by using the same number of flies in both the
studies of Law of Segregation and Independent Assortment.
1. Firstly we have to consider the Null Hypothesis (H0) that if the data is similar in all cross
giving the ratio with more than 50% chance, then it is rejected otherwise it would not be
rejected based on the calculation and table value.
2. In the table, write the observed number and calculate the expected number by using the
formula, Total frequency X [x/(x+y)] and Total frequency X [y/(x+y)].
3. For each observed number in the table subtract the corresponding expected number
(O — E). This is marked as “d”.
5. Divide the squares obtained for each cell in the table by the expected number for that cell
[ (O - E)2 / E ].
6. Sum all the values for (O - E)2/ E. This is the chi χ2 square statistic.
7. Find the Degree of Freedom which is equal to (no. of row – 1) multiplied by (no. of
column – 1).
8. Based on this find the table value using either (degree of Freedom, 0.05) or (degree of
freedom, 0.01).
9. If the table value is greater than the calculated value then the null hypothesis is failed to
be rejected. If the table value is less than the calculated value then the null hypothesis is
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 19
Cross between: RrRr, DrDr X Rr+ Rr+, Dr+Dr+
F1 generation:
Test Cross
Ratio : 1:1
Step 2: The Degree of Freedom = (No. of Row – 1) x (No. of Column – 1) Cell Biology and Genetics
= (2 – 1) x (2 – 1)
If the data is similar in all cross giving the ratio with more than 50% chance, then it is
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 20
If the data is not similar in all cross giving the ratio with more than 50% chance, then it is not
( )
Total χ2 =
b) Dihybrid Cross
Two dihybrid are crossed in a situation where complete dominance without linkage and
other complications is assumed. The F2 generation shows red eye: normal wings as 562,
yellow eye: dumpy wings as 144, red eye: dumpy wings as 194 and yellow eye: normal
wings as 81. Is this result significantly different from the expected frequencies dictated
by the genetic model?
Step 1: Based on the Hypothesis and Genetics Cell Biology and Genetics
9/16 is both dominant; 3/16 one dominant and one recessive; 3/16 one recessive and one
dominant and 1/16 is both recessive
Step 2: Computation of expected frequencies on the basis of the apriori ratio of 9:3:3:1 of the
total F2 of 981 (562+144+194+81 = 981)
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 21
3/16 x 981 =184
1/16 x 981 = 61
= (2 – 1) x (4 – 1)
=1x3 =3
( )
Total χ2 =
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 22
Step 6: Table χ2 at 0.05 LS and 3 D.F. = 7. 815
a) Monohybrid Cross
b) Dihybrid Cross
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 23
To perform and analyse the data of Maize kernels using Monohybrid and Dihybrid
ratio based on Mendelian Genetics
Based on the Gregor Mendel’s law of Inheritance, Mendel hypothesized that allele
pairs separate randomly, or segregate, from each other during the production of gametes: egg
and sperm. Because allele pairs separate during gamete production, a sperm or egg carries
only one allele for each inherited trait. When sperm and egg unite at fertilization, each
contributes its allele, restoring the paired condition in the offspring. This is called the Law of
Segregation. Mendel also found that each pair of alleles segregates independently of the
other pairs of alleles during gamete formation. This is known as the Law of Independent
Assortment. Some alleles are dominant while others are recessive; an organism with at least
one dominant allele will display the effect of the dominant allele. This is known as the Law
of Dominance
To test the hypothesis that the observed ratio of 70:30 is the same as the expected
ratio of 3:1 in Monohybrid Cross and 9:3:3:1 in the Dihybrid cross, we can use a statistic
called the Chi square statistic.
In our case, we can use the actual observed number of maize kernels of each type as
our observed values. We can find the expected number of maize kernels of each type for a 3:1
ratio in Monohybrid and 9:3:3:1 in Dihybrid cross by using the same number of Maize
kernels in both the studies of Law of Segregation and Independent Assortment.
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 24
10. Firstly we have to consider the Null Hypothesis (H0) that if the data is similar in all cross
giving the ratio with more than 50% chance, then it is rejected otherwise it would not be
rejected based on the calculation and table value.
11. In the table, write the observed number and calculate the expected number by using the
formula, Total frequency X [x/(x+y)] and Total frequency X [y/(x+y)].
12. For each observed number in the table subtract the corresponding expected number
(O — E). This is marked as “d”.
14. Divide the squares obtained for each cell in the table by the expected number for that cell
[ (O - E)2 / E ].
15. Sum all the values for (O - E)2/ E. This is the chi χ2 square statistic.
16. Find the Degree of Freedom which is equal to (no. of row – 1) multiplied by (no. of
column – 1).
17. Based on this find the table value using either (degree of Freedom, 0.05) or (degree of
freedom, 0.01).
18. If the table value is greater than the calculated value then the null hypothesis is failed to
be rejected. If the table value is less than the calculated value then the null hypothesis is
c) Monohybrid Cross
According to a genetic model, a Yellow kernel is inherited as a simple dominant trait and
Purple/Black kernels is inherited as a recessive trait. A cross between pairs of heterozygous Cell Biology and Genetics
Yellow kernel maize produces an F2 generation consisting of 124 Yellow kernels and 108
Purple/Black kernels. Does the ratio differ significantly from the expected ratio?
Yy x Yy
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 25
Female Male Y y
Y YY (Yellow) Yy (Yellow)
y Yy (Yellow) Yy(Purple/Black)
Step 3: Computation of expected frequencies based on the apriori hypothesis, i.e., 3/4 of the
F2 maize should be Yellow and 1/4 should be Purple/Black
1/4 x 232 = 58
= (2 – 1) x (2 – 1)
If the data is similar in all cross giving the ratio with more than 50% chance, then it is Cell Biology and Genetics
If the data is not similar in all cross giving the ratio with more than 50% chance, then it is not
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 26
Step 7: Table for χ2 square Calculation
( )
Total χ2 =
Step 10: This shows that the Null hypothesis (H0) is ___________________________
d) Dihybrid Cross
Two dihybrid are crossed in a situation where complete dominance without linkage and
other complications is assumed. The F2 generation shows yellow: smooth as 318, yellow
wrinkled as 111, dark yellow: wrinkled as 89 and dark yellow: smooth as 71. Is this
result significantly different from the expected frequencies dictated by the genetic
Step 2: Computation of expected frequencies on the basis of the apriori ratio of 9:3:3:1 of the
total F2 of 589 (318+111+89+71 = 589)
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 27
1/16 x 589 = 37
= (2 – 1) x (4 – 1)
=1x3 =3
Yellow: smooth
Yellow: wrinkled
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 28
a) Monohybrid Cross
b) Dihybrid Cross
Complied by Dr. N. Srinath, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Dept. of Science, SMC Page 29