Feed Enhancement Technology For Low Bulk Density Material
Feed Enhancement Technology For Low Bulk Density Material
Feed Enhancement Technology For Low Bulk Density Material
powder were to penetrate the pores it could be back
flushed out by applying a pressure through the vacuum
line(s). While powder infiltrating the porous barrel wall
Throughput Free X-section Pitch Product Degree of Fill Conveying
in Efficiency
rpm could be problematic, even more critical would be the
Density Feed zone presence of polymer melt or other fluid. Both of these
materials would smear over the porous surface or even
penetrate the pores and clog the porous structure.
Impacts Impacted by
Coefficient of Coefficient of
Friction Friction While it would be possible to construct an entire
Figure 1: Solids conveying variables in a Twin-screw barrel from a porous material, the more economically
viable solution is to install an insert (or inserts) made from
Relative conveying efficiency for a feedstock can be or containing the porous material into an “open” style
approximated by measuring the material flow angle barrel. This insert design concept provides additional
(conveying angle) for a particular pitch element. Figure 2 benefits. First, the insert can more easily be continuously
illustrates this point. The larger the conveying angle (b), and intensively cooled to avoid melting of the compacted
the more the material is being transported in the axial polymer powder filter cake layer or any particles that may
direction rather than the circumferential. Thus if the infiltrate the pore structure. Second, in the unlikely event
coefficient of friction can be increased, the conveying that the unit would become damaged, it can more easily
angle and therefore conveying capacity will increase. The and cost effectively be replaced.
The working principle of FET is illustrated in Figure Machine Configuration Options
3. By applying the vacuum through the porous material,
air surrounding the polymer or filler is evacuated as it There are several options for location of the FET
passes the FET barrel section insert. As the air is sucked insert, Figure 5. It can be installed upstream of the feed
toward the insert, it entrains and carries the particles location and be used as a back vent for feed stocks
toward the insert surface. The air goes through but the containing pellets. It can be installed downstream of the
material remains behind to coat the surface. This coating, feeding point but before the melting section. As mentioned
or filter cake, of densified polymer powder has the effect previously, because of the nature of the filtration medium,
of increasing the coefficient of friction between the wall the FET can only be used in the solids conveying section.
surface and the bulk of the material. The layer of material It can not be used at any point where there is a melt.
adhering to the barrel wall due to the vacuum is Finally, to accommodate use of the technology for
continuously renewed by the rotating screws. introduction of filler in the downstream portion of the
Additionally, the bulk density of the powder is increased extruder, the FET insert can be installed in the barrel of a
as it passes the insert. These two effects combine to side-feeder.
improve the conveying efficiency.
In the feed section In the feed section
vacuum of the TSE of the TSE
Air FET insert upstream of the downstream of
Filter cake: feeding point feeding point
FET can only be used for
• air is removed higher bulk density
In the side
solids conveying! feeder
Figure 8: Rate enhancement data from 40 mm TSE
laboratory line
+ 40% without FET
Figure 6: Set up for side-feeding feed enhancement 3,5
with FET - ZSB
Throughput [t/h]
+ 30%
650 Rpm 700 Rpm
PP + 20% Talcum Luzenac T1 C A PP + 48% Talcum HM05
Torque= 85%
Specific Energy = 0.129 kWh/kg