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American Nurses Association

Silver Spring, Maryland
American Nurses Association
8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 400
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3492

Published by Nursesbooks.org
The Publishing Program of ANA

The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) are
national professional associations. This joint AHNA–ANA publication—Holistic Nursing: Scope and
Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition—reflects the thinking of the practice specialty of holistic nursing
on various issues and should be reviewed in conjunction with state board of nursing policies and
practices. State law, rules, and regulations govern the practice of nursing, while Holistic Nursing:
Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition guides holistic nurses in the application of their
professional skills and responsibilities.

About the American Nurses Association

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the only full-service professional organization representing the
interests of the nation’s 3.1 million registered nurses through its constituent/state nurses associations and
its organizational affiliates. The ANA advances the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing
practice, promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace, projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing,
and by lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public.

About the American Holistic Nurses Association

The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is a nonprofit membership organization that is open to
nurses and other individuals interested in holistically oriented health care practices throughout the United
States and the world. Founded in 1981, AHNA is the definitive voice for holistic nursing and supports the
education of nurses, allied health practitioners, and the general public on health-related issues and the
concepts of holism: a state of harmony among body, mind, emotions, and spirit within an ever-changing

Copyright © 2013 American Holistic Nurses Association and American Nurses Association. All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication available on request.

ISBN-13: 978-1-55810-479-

First published: February 2013


Contributors vii

Introduction ix
Function of the Scope of Practice Statement of Holistic Nursing ix
Function of the Standards of Holistic Nursing ix
Function of Competencies Accompanying Standards
of Holistic Nursing x
Development of the Holistic Nursing Standards
of Practice: Basic and Advanced x
Summary xi

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice 1

Definition and Overview of Holistic Nursing 1
Evolution of Holistic Nursing 3
Philosophical Principles of Holistic Nursing 5
Person 6
Healing/Health 6
Practice 7
Nursing Roles 7
Self-Reflection and Self-Care 8
Integrating the Art and Science of Nursing: Core Values 8
Core Value 1. Holistic Philosophy, Theories, and Ethics 9
Core Value 2. Holistic Caring Process 11
Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Healing
Environment, and Cultural Diversity 15
Core Value 4. Holistic Education and Research 18
Core Value 5. Holistic Nurse Self-Reflection and Self-Care 20
Settings for Holistic Nursing Practice 21


Educational Preparation for Holistic Nursing Practice 22

Basic Practice Level 23
Advanced Practice Level 24
Continuing Education for Basic and Advanced Practice Levels 25
Certification in Holistic Nursing 26
Continued Commitment to the Profession 27
Care of Older Adults in Holistic Nursing 28
Current Trends and Issues 32
Health Care in the United States 32
Trends in Health Care 34
Issues in Holistic Nursing 39
Education 40
Research 42
Clinical Practice 45
Policy 47

Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice 49

Overarching Philosophical Principles of Holistic Nursing 49
Standards of Practice for Holistic Nursing 50
Standard 1. Assessment 50
Standard 2. Diagnosis 52
Standard 3. Outcomes Identification 53
Standard 4. Planning 55
Standard 5. Implementation 57
Standard 5A. Coordination of Care 59
Standard 5B. Health Teaching and Health Promotion 60
Standard 5C. Consultation 62
Standard 5D. Prescriptive Authority and Treatment 63
Standard 6. Evaluation 64
Standards of Professional Performance for Holistic Nursing 66
Standard 7. Ethics 66
Standard 8. Education 68
Standard 9. Evidence-Based Practice and Research 70
Standard 10. Quality of Practice 72
Standard 11. Communication 74
Standard 12. Leadership 76
Standard 13. Collaboration 79
Standard 14. Professional Practice Evaluation 81

iv Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Standard 15. Resource Utilization 82

Standard 16. Environmental Health 84

Glossary 87

References and Bibliography 93

Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of

Practice (2007) 99

Appendix B. Goals and Activities of the American Holistic Nurses

Association (AHNA) 171

Appendix C. Categories of Complementary/Alternative/Integrative/

Modalities (CAM) Therapies 175

Appendix D. AHNA Position Statements 177

Position on Holistic Nursing Ethics 177
Position on the Role of Nurses in the Practice
of Complementary and Alternative Therapies 179
Position on Nursing Research and Scholarship 182
White Paper: Research in AHNA 184

Index 189

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition v

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Primary Contributor:
Carla Mariano, EdD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAIM
The work of many provided the foundation for Holistic Nursing: Scope and
Standards of Practice (2007) and its evolution into this, the second edition (2013).
These are cited in Appendix A and throughout the document. Most notable are:
Barbara Montgomery Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN;
Noreen Cavan Frisch, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN;
Lynn Keegan, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN;
Carla Mariano, EdD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAIM;
Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN
Also, the Task Forces and Review Committees for the following documents:
■ Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

■ Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice (2005)

■ Standards of Advanced Holistic Practice for Graduate-Prepared Nurses


■ AHNA Position Statements and White Papers

Other key contributors: the Leadership Councils and Staff of the American
Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), Charlotte McGuire, and the founding
members of the AHNA. Also, the numerous holistic nurses throughout the
years who have contributed to the body of holistic nursing knowledge and
advancement of the specialty of holistic nursing in practice, research, education,
certification, administration, advocacy, and health care.
Finally, sincere appreciation to Carol Bickford, PhD, RN-BC, Senior Policy
Fellow, American Nurses Association, for your wise and helpful suggestions,
your support during the process, and your belief in holistic nursing.


American Nurses Association Staff

Carol Bickford, PhD, RN-BC, CPHIMS—Content editor
Maureen E. Cones, Esq.—Legal counsel
Yvonne Daley Humes, MSA—Project coordinator
Eric Wurzbacher, BA—Project editor

About the American Holistic Nurses Association

The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is a nonprofit member-
ship organization that is open to nurses and other individuals interested in
holistically oriented health care practices throughout the United States and
the world. Founded in 1981, is the definitive voice for holistic nursing and
supports the education of nurses, allied health practitioners, and the general
public on health-related issues and the concepts of holism: a state of harmony
among body, mind, emotions, and spirit within an ever-changing environment.

About the American Nurses Association

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the only full-service professional
organization representing the interests of the nation’s 3.1 million registered
nurses through its constituent/state nurses associations and its organizational
affiliates. The ANA advances the nursing profession by fostering high standards
of nursing practice, promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace, project-
ing a positive and realistic view of nursing, and by lobbying the Congress and
regulatory agencies on healthcare issues affecting nurses and the public.

About Nursesbooks.org, The Publishing

Program of ANA
Nursesbooks.org publishes books on ANA core issues and programs, including
ethics, leadership, quality, specialty practice, advanced practice, and the pro-
fession’s enduring legacy. Best known for the foundational documents of the
profession on nursing ethics, scope and standards of practice, and social policy,
Nursesbooks.org is the publisher for the professional, career-oriented nurse,
reaching and serving nurse educators, administrators, managers, and research-
ers as well as staff nurses in the course of their professional development.

viii Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Extraordinary changes have occurred in health care and nursing during the past
decade. The purpose of this document is to articulate the scope and standards
of the specialty practice of holistic nursing and to inform holistic nurses, the
nursing profession, other healthcare providers and disciplines, employers, third-
party payers, legislators, and the public about the unique scope of knowledge
and the standards of practice and professional performance of a holistic nurse.
Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition, is the
foundational document and resource for holistic nursing education at all levels
(undergraduate, graduate, continuing education), and for holistic nursing
practice, research, advocacy, and certification.

Function of the Scope of Practice

Statement of Holistic Nursing
The scope of practice statement describes the who, what, where, when, why,
and how of the practice of holistic nursing. The answers to these questions
provide a picture of the dynamic and complex practice of holistic nursing, its
evolving boundaries, and its membership.
Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition (ANA, 2010b)
applies to all professional registered nurses engaged in practice, regardless of
specialty, practice setting, or educational preparation. With the Guide to the
Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application (ANA, 2010a) and
Nursing’s Social Policy Statement: The Essence of the Profession (ANA, 2010c),
it forms the foundation of practice for all registered nurses. The scope of
holistic nursing practice is specific to this specialty, but it builds on the scope
of practice expected of all registered nurses.


Function of the Standards of Holistic Nursing

“The Standards of Professional Nursing Practice are authoritative state-
ments of the duties that all registered nurses, regardless of role, population,
or specialty, are expected to perform competently. The standards published
herein may serve as evidence of the standard of care, with the understanding
that application of the standards depends on context. The standards are sub-
ject to change with the dynamics of the nursing profession, as new patterns
of professional practice are developed and accepted by the nursing profession
and the public. In addition, specific conditions and clinical circumstances may
also affect the application of the standards at a given time” (ANA, 2010b, p. 2).
“[S]tandards reflect the values and priorities of the profession. Standards
provide direction for professional nursing practice and a framework for
evaluation of this practice. Written in measurable terms, these standards define
the nursing profession’s accountability to the public and the outcomes for which
registered nurses are responsible” (ANA, 2004, p. 1). The standards of holistic
nursing practice are specific to this specialty, but build on the standards of
practice expected of all registered nurses.

Function of Competencies Accompanying

Standards of Holistic Nursing
A competency is “[a]n expected and measureable level of nursing performance
that integrates knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment, based on established
scientific knowledge and expectations for nursing practice” (ANA, 2010b, p. 64).
The competencies that accompany each standard in this book are evidence of
compliance with the corresponding standard. The list of competencies is not
exhaustive and may depend on circumstances or context.

Development of the Holistic Nursing

Standards of Practice: Basic and Advanced
The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) first developed Standards
of Holistic Nursing Practice in 1990. [See Appendix A, Holistic Nursing:
Scope and Standards of Practice (2007), for the development of the origi-
nal Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice and the Standards of Advanced
Holistic Nursing for Graduate Prepared Nurses.] In 2006, holistic nursing
was officially recognized by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as
a distinct specialty within nursing. The first edition of Holistic Nursing:

x Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Scope and Standards of Practice was jointly published by the AHNA and
ANA in 2007.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition (2013) reflects
a consensus of the most current thinking in the specialty and provides a blue-
print for holistic nursing philosophy, principles, and practices. It incorporates
the fundamental philosophical beliefs and practices as well as new develop-
ments and advancements in the field of holistic nursing. It is the foundational,
key resource for education, practice, research, advocacy, and certification in
holistic nursing. This document guides clinicians, educators, researchers, nurse
managers, and administrators in professional activities, knowledge, and per-
formance that are relevant to basic and advanced practice, education, research,
and advocacy in holistic nursing.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition xi

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Holistic Nursing
Scope of Practice

Definition and Overview of Holistic Nursing

Holistic nursing is defined as “all nursing practice that has healing the whole
person as its goal” (AHNA, 1998).
Holistic nursing focuses on protecting, promoting, and optimizing health
and wellness; assisting healing; preventing illness and injury; alleviating suffer-
ing; supporting people to find peace, comfort, harmony, and balance through
the diagnosis and treatment of human response; and advocacy in the care of
individuals, families, communities, populations, and the planet.
Holistic nursing embraces all nursing that has the enhancement of heal-
ing the whole person from birth to death—and all age groups from infant to
elder—as its goal. This means viewing the whole person and his/her needs in
their entirety, with integration as the goal. The holistic nurse recognizes and
integrates body-mind-emotion-spirit-energetic-environment principles and
modalities in daily life and clinical practice; creates a caring healing space
within herself/himself that allows the nurse to be an instrument of healing;
shares authenticity of unconditional presence that helps to remove the barriers
to the healing process; facilitates another person’s growth (body-mind-emotion-
spirit-energetic-environment connections); and assists with maintaining
wellness, recovery from illness, or transition to peaceful death.
Holistic nursing honors the interconnectedness of self, others, nature, and
spirituality. Holistic nursing recognizes that there are two views regarding holism:
that holism involves identifying the interrelationships of a person’s bio-psycho-
social-spiritual dimensions, recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts; and that holism involves understanding the individual as a unitary
whole in mutual process with the environment. Holistic nursing responds to both
views, believing that the goals of nursing can be achieved within either framework.
Holistic nursing care is person and relationship centered and healing ori-
ented, rather than disease and cure oriented. Holistic nursing emphasizes

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

practices of self-care, intentionality, presence, mindfulness, and therapeutic

use of self as pivotal for facilitation of healing and patterning of wellness in
others. Holistic nursing is prospective, focusing on:
■ Comprehensive health promotion and disease and illness risk reduction.

■ Proactive interventions that address antecedents and mediators of


■ Opportunities in each individual’s experiences of illness and disease for

the individual’s transformation, growth, and finding of meaning.
The holistic nurse is an instrument of healing and a facilitator in the heal-
ing process. Holistic nurses honor the individual’s subjective experience about
health, health beliefs, and values. To allow nurses to become therapeutic part-
ners with individuals, families, communities, and populations, holistic nursing
practice draws on nursing knowledge, theories, research, expertise, intuition, and
creativity, incorporating the roles of clinician, educator, consultant, coach, part-
ner, role model, and advocate. Holistic nursing practice encourages peer review
of professional practice in various clinical settings and provides care based on
current professional standards, laws, and regulations governing nursing practice.
Philosophically, holistic nursing is a worldview—a way of being in the world,
not just the use of modalities. Holistic nurses do incorporate complementary/
alternative/integrative modalities (CAM) into clinical practice to treat people’s
physiological, psychological, and spiritual needs. Doing so does not negate the
validity of conventional medical therapies, but rather serves to complement,
broaden, and enrich the scope of nursing practice and to help individuals
access their greatest healing potential. Assimilation of a holistic philosophy and
various healing practices is advocated rather than separation/fragmentation.
Practicing holistic nursing requires nurses to integrate self-reflection,
self-care, self-responsibility, and spirituality in their own lives and to serve as
role-models to others. This leads the nurse to greater awareness of the inter-
connectedness with oneself, others, nature, and God/LifeForce/Absolute/
Transcendent. This awareness further enhances nurses’ understanding of all
individuals and their relationships to the human and global community, and
it permits nurses to use this awareness to facilitate the healing process.
The phenomena of concern to holistic nursing include, but are not limited to:
■ The caring–healing relationship

■ Thesubjective experience of and meanings ascribed to health, illness,

wellness, healing, birth, growth and development, and dying

2 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

■ The cultural values and beliefs and folk practices of health, illness, and

■ Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual comfort, discomfort, and pain

■ Spirituality in nursing care

■ Energy and consciousness

■ Reflective practice

■ The
use and evaluation of complementary/alternative/integrative
modalities in nursing practice

■ Comprehensive health promotion, disease prevention, and well-being

■ Self-care processes

■ Empowerment, decision-making, and the ability to make informed


■ Socialand economic policies and their effects on the health of individu-

als, families, and communities

■ Diverseand alternative healthcare systems and their relationships to

access and quality of health care

■ Healing environments

■ The environment, ecosystem, and the prevention of disease

This document, used in conjunction with Nursing’s Social Policy Statement:
The Essence of the Profession (ANA, 2010c), Nursing: Scope and Standards of
Practice, 2nd Edition (ANA, 2010b), Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses:
Interpretation and Application (ANA, 2010a), and the laws, statutes, and
regulations related to nursing practice for the nurse’s state, commonwealth, or
territory, delineates the professional responsibilities of a holistic nurse.

Evolution of Holistic Nursing

“Holism” in health care is a philosophy that emanated directly from Florence
Nightingale, who believed in care that focused on unity, wellness, and the inter-
relationship of human beings, events, and environment. She “clearly articulated
the science and art of an integrated worldview for nursing, health care, and
humankind” (Dossey, 2010). Even Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine,

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 3

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

espoused a holistic orientation when he taught doctors to observe their patients’

life circumstances and emotional states. Socrates stated, “Curing the soul; that
is the first thing.” In holism, symptoms are believed to be an expression of the
body’s wisdom as it reacts to cure its own imbalance or dis-ease.
The root of the word heal comes from the Greek word halos and the Anglo-
Saxon word healan, which means “to be or to become whole.” The word holy
also comes from the same source. Healing means “making whole”—or restoring
balance and harmony. It is movement toward a sense of wholeness and
completion. Healing therefore is the integration of the totality of the person
in body, mind, emotion, spirit, energy, and environment.
One of the driving forces behind the holistic nursing movement in the
United States was the formation of the American Holistic Nurses Association
(AHNA) in 1980 by Charlotte McGuire and 75 founding members. AHNA, the
definitive voice for holistic nursing, is a nonprofit membership association for
nurses and other holistic healthcare professionals, promoting the education of
nurses, other healthcare professionals, and the public in all aspects of holistic
caring, healing, and integrative health care.
Membership in AHNA has almost doubled in the past 5 years; AHNA now
serves more than 5,700 members, 146 local chapters across the United States,
and an international membership from 14 countries. AHNA has as its focus
uniting nurses in healing, with an emphasis on holistic principles of health,
preventive education, and the integration of allopathic and complementary
caring–healing modalities to facilitate care of the whole person and signifi-
cant others. AHNA’s vision is “a world in which nursing nurtures wholeness
and inspires peace and healing” and its mission is “to advance holistic nurs-
ing through community building, advocacy, research, and education.” From
its inception, the American Holistic Nurses Association has been the leader
in developing and advancing holistic principles, practices, and guidelines.
AHNA predicted that holistic principles, caring–healing, and the integration
of complementary/alternative/integrative therapies would merge into main-
stream health care.
AHNA is committed to promoting wholeness and wellness in individuals,
families, communities, nurses themselves, the nursing profession, and the
environment. Through its various activities, AHNA provides vision, direction,
and leadership in the advancement of holistic nursing; integrates the art and
science of nursing into the profession; serves as a supportive community and
resource to members; empowers holistic nursing through education, research,
and standards; promotes research and scholarship in the field of holistic

4 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

nursing; encourages nurses to be models of wellness; honors individual excel-

lence in the advancement of holistic nursing; and influences policy to change
the healthcare system to a more humanistic orientation. (See Appendix B for
the AHNA goals and activities.)
The relevance and validity of holistic nursing as a science and practice has
been increasingly demonstrated in recent years. “While becoming more popu-
lar and more highly regarded, holism and holistic nursing have contributed
to enhancing the human condition in many ways. Holism as a philosophy,
concept, theory, and practice has been used to expand our understanding of
human wellness and illness. Holistic nursing has become more systematized,
refined, and diversified as strategies and practices have been shown to have
an impact on health and well-being. Holistic nursing has progressed through
the development of standards, endorsement of programs, and certification
of beginning and advanced practitioners. Holistic nursing’s contributions to
human welfare have been increasingly recognized . . . as evidenced by their
current standing in healthcare and appreciation by society. . . . [H]olism as a
perspective and holistic nursing as a response may offer the world something
that counteracts the fragmentation and isolation that exists so predominantly
in our society. . . . [H]olistic nursing provides a context in which nurses can
consider, understand, and appreciate all the aspects of human experience that
contribute to patterns of life, health, and illness” (Cowling, 2011, p. 5).
There has been a substantial increase in the numbers of holistic nurses
who hold leadership roles as clinicians, educators, administrators, consultants,
authors, and researchers in practice environments, university-based schools of
nursing, and nursing and other professional organizations.

Philosophical Principles of Holistic Nursing

Holistic nurses express, contribute to, and promote an understanding of:
■ A philosophy of nursing that values healing as the desired outcome

■ The human health experience as a complex, dynamic relationship of

health, illness, disease, and wellness

■ The scientific foundations of nursing practice; and nursing as an art

The following philosophical principles—Person, Healing/Health, Practice,
Nursing Roles, and Self-Reflection and Self-Care—serve as the framework for
holistic nursing.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 5

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

■ There is unity, totality, and connectedness of everyone and everything
(body, mind, emotion, spirit, sexuality, age, environment, social/cultural,
belief systems, relationships, context, energy).

■ Human beings are unique, diverse, and inherently good.

■ People are able to find meaning and purpose in their own life, experi-
ences, and illness.

■ Allpeople have an innate power and capacity for self-healing. Health/

illness is subjectively described and determined by the view of the
individual. Therefore, the person is honored in all phases of his/her
healing process regardless of expectations or outcomes.

■ People/persons/individuals are the recipients of holistic nursing services.

They may be healthcare consumers, clients, patients, families, significant
others, populations, or communities. They may be ill and within the
healthcare delivery system, or well and moving toward personal better-
ment and enhanced well-being.

■ Healthand illness are natural and a part of life, learning, and move-
ment toward change and development.

■ Health is seen as balance, integration, harmony, right relationship, and

the betterment of well-being, not just the absence of disease. Healing
can take place without cure. The focus is on health promotion/disease
prevention/health restoration/lifestyle patterns and habits, as well as
symptom relief.

■ Illness
is considered a teacher, an opportunity for self-awareness and
growth, and part of the life process. Symptoms are respected as messages.

■ Healing is multidimensional, can occur at any level of the human

system, and is creative, unfolding, and unpredictable.

■ Peopleas active partners in the healing process are empowered when

they take some control of their own lives, health, and well-being, includ-
ing personal choices and relationships.

6 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

■ Treatment is a process that considers the root of the problem/issue/

illness, not merely treating the obvious signs and symptoms.

■ Practice
is a science (critical thinking, reflection, evidence/research/
theory as foundational to practice) and an art (intuition, creativity,
appreciation, presence, self/personal knowing as integral to practice).

■ Thevalues and ethic of holism, caring, moral insight, dignity, integrity,

competence, responsibility, accountability, and legality underlie holistic
nursing practice.

■ Intentionfor the well-being and highest good of the care recipient is the
cornerstone of all holistic practice.

■ Any and all interventions affect the whole.

■ There are various philosophies and paradigms of health, illness, healing,

and wellness, and approaches/models for the delivery of health care
(both in the United States and in other cultures) that should be under-
stood and utilized.

■ Older adults represent the predominant population served by nurses.

■ Public
policy and the healthcare delivery system influence the health
and well-being of society and professional nursing.

Nursing Roles
Nursing roles include:
■ Using warmth, compassion, caring, authenticity, respect, trust, and
relationship as instruments of healing in and of themselves, and as part
of the healing environment.

■ Usingconventional nursing interventions as well as holistic/comple-

mentary/alternative/integrative modalities that enhance body-mind-
emotion-spirit-environment connectedness to foster healing, health,
wholeness, and well-being of people.

■ Collaborating and partnering with all constituencies in the health

process, including the person receiving care, family, significant others,

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community, peers, and other disciplines. This involves using principles

and skills of cooperation, alliance, and consensus, and respecting and
honoring the contributions of all.

■ Participating
in the change process to develop more caring cultures in
which to practice, learn, and live.

■ Assisting nurses to nurture and heal themselves.

■ Participating
in activities that contribute to the improvement of local
and global communities, as well as the betterment of public health, the
environment, and the planet.

■ Acting as an advocate for the rights of and equitable distribution of and

access to health care for all persons, especially vulnerable populations.

■ Participating in the positive transformation of systems.

■ Honoring the ecosystem and our relationship with and need to preserve
it, as we are all connected.

Self-Reflection and Self-Care

■ Self-reflection—defined as turning inward to examine one’s thoughts,
values, beliefs, experiences, behaviors, and inner wisdom—enhances
self-understanding and facilitates reflective practice.

■ The nurse’s self-reflection, self-assessment, self-care, healing, and

personal development are necessary for service to others, growth/change
in the nurse’s own well-being, and understanding of the nurse’s own
personal journey.

■ The nurse values herself/himself and her/his calling to holistic nursing

as a life purpose.

Integrating the Art and Science

of Nursing: Core Values
The art and science of holistic nursing emanates from the following five core
values, which are described in this section:
■ Core Value 1. Holistic Philosophy, Theories, and Ethics

■ Core Value 2. Holistic Caring Process

8 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

■ CoreValue 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Healing

Environment, and Cultural Diversity

■ Core Value 4. Holistic Education and Research

■ Core Value 5. Holistic Nurse Self-Reflection and Self-Care

Core Value 1. Holistic Philosophy, Theories, and Ethics

Philosophical, theoretical, and ethical foundations define the who and why of
holistic nursing—who holistic nurses are and their raison d’être.
Holistic nurses recognize the human health experience as a complicated,
dynamic relationship of health, illness, and wellness, and they value healing
as the desired outcome of the practice of nursing. Their practice is based on
both scientific foundations (theory, research, evidence-based/informed practice,
critical thinking, reflection) and art (relationship, communication, creativity,
presence, caring).
Holistic nursing is grounded in nursing knowledge and skill and guided by
nursing theory. Florence Nightingale’s writings are often referenced as a signifi-
cant precursor for the development of holistic nursing practice. Although each
holistic nurse chooses which nursing theory to apply in any individual case, the
nursing theories of Jean Watson (Theory of Human Caring and Caring Science),
Martha Rogers (Science of Unitary Human Beings), Margaret Newman
(Health as Expanding Consciousness), Madeleine Leininger (Theory of Cultural
Care Diversity and Universality), Hildegard Peplau (Theory of Interpersonal
Relations), Rosemarie Rizzo Parse (Human Becoming School of Thought),
Josephine Paterson and Loretta Zderad (Humanistic Nursing Theory), and
Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin, and Mary Ann Swain (Modeling and Role-
Modeling) are most frequently used to support holistic nursing practice.
There has been significant development in the evolution of holism, heal-
ing, and caring conceptualization and theory, much done by holistic nurses.
Prominent among those are Barbara Dossey (Theory of Integral Nursing),
Marlaine Smith (Theory of Unitary Caring), Marilyn Anne Ray (Theory of
Bureaucratic Caring), Rozzano Locsin (Technological Competency as Caring
and the Practice of Knowing Persons in Nursing), Mary Jane Smith and Patricia
Liehr (Story Theory), and Joanne Duffy (Quality Caring Model). Additionally,
the International Association for Human Caring (IAHC), of which many
holistic nurses are members and leaders, is an international organization that
provides the forum for discovery and dissemination of caring science; identifies
major philosophical, epistemological, and professional dimensions of care and

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 9

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

caring to advance the body of knowledge; assists nursing and other disciplines
to use care and caring knowledge in human relationships and to facilitate the
application of this knowledge to transform organizational systems in which
nurses function to become care-focused; stimulates nurse scholars and other
professionals worldwide to systematically investigate care and caring and to
share findings with colleagues at an annual research conference and through
refereed publications and public forums.
In addition to nursing theory, holistic nurses utilize other theories and
perspectives of wholeness and healing to guide their practice. These scientific
theories and philosophies present a worldview of connectedness, and include
theories of consciousness; systems theory; energy field theory; quantum phys-
ics; complexity science; chaos theory; coherence; Carl Pribram’s Holographic
Universe; David Bohm’s Implicate/Explicate Order; psychoneuroimmunology;
Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance; Ken Wilbur’s Integral Theory; various
philosophical perspectives such as Pierre Tielhard de Chardin’s philosophy; spiri-
tuality; and alternative medical systems such as traditional oriental medicine,
traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Native American and indigenous heal-
ing, and Eastern contemplative orientations such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism.
Holistic nurses further recognize and honor the ethic that the person is the
authority on his/her own health experience. The holistic nurse is an “option
giver” who helps the person develop an understanding of alternatives and
implications of various health and treatment options.
The holistic nurse first ascertains what the individual thinks or believes is
happening to and with him or her, and then assists the person to identify what
will help his/her situation. The assessment begins from where the individual
is. The holistic nurse then discusses options, including the person’s choices,
across a continuum, including possible effects and implications of each choice.
For instance, if a person diagnosed with cancer is experiencing nausea due to
chemotherapy, the individual and nurse may discuss the choices and effects of
pharmacologic agents, imagery, homeopathic remedies, and so forth, or a com-
bination of these. The holistic nurse acts as partner and co-prescriptor rather
than as a sole prescriber. The relationship is a co-piloting of the individual’s
health experience in which the nurse respects the person’s decision about his/
her own health. It is a process of engagement rather than compliance.
Client narratives, whether they arise from individuals, families, or
communities, provide the context of the experiences and are used as an
important focus in understanding the person’s situation. Holistic nurses believe
that people, through their inherent capacities, heal themselves. Therefore, the

10 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

holistic nurse is not the “healer,” but instead acts as a guide and facilitator of
the individual’s own healing.
In the belief that all things are connected, the holistic perspective espouses
that an individual’s actions have a ripple effect throughout humanity. Holism
places the greatest worth on individuals’ developing higher levels of human
awareness and finding unity and wholeness within one’s self, within human-
ity, and within nature. This, in turn, elevates the whole of humanity. Holistic
nurses believe in the sacredness of one’s self and of all nature. One’s inner self
and the collective greater self have stewardship not only over one’s body, mind,
and spirit, but also over our planet. Holistic nurses focus on the meaning and
quality of life as derived from their own character and from their relationship
to the universe, rather than as being imposed from outside the self.
Holistic nurses embrace a professional ethic of caring and healing that seeks
to preserve the wholeness and dignity of self and others. They support human
dignity by advocating and adhering to The Patient’s Bill of Rights in Medicare and
Medicaid (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999), ANA’s Guide
to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application (ANA, 2010a),
and AHNA’s Position Statement on Holistic Nursing Ethics (2012), the latter
of which is included in Appendix D in this book.

Core Value 2. Holistic Caring Process

The holistic caring process identifies what holistic nurses do—that is, the
practice of holistic nursing.
Holistic nurses provide care that recognizes the totality of the human being
(the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotion, spirit, social/cultural, relation-
ships, context, environment, and energy). This is an integrated as well as a
comprehensive approach. While physical symptoms are being treated, a holistic
nurse also focuses on how the individual is cognitively perceiving and emotion-
ally dealing with the illness; its effect on the person’s family, social relationships,
and economic resources; the person’s values and cultural/spiritual beliefs and
preferences regarding treatment; and the meaning of this experience to the
person’s life. In addition, a holistic nurse may also incorporate a number of
complementary/alternative/integrative modalities (e.g., cognitive restructuring,
stress management, visualization and imagery, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy,
Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch) along with conventional nursing inter-
ventions. Holistic nurses focus on integrative care interventions that promote
healing, peace, comfort, and a subjective sense of well-being for the person.

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HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

The holistic caring process is an iterative process that involves six steps,
which often occur simultaneously: assessment, diagnosis (identification of
pattern/problem/need/issue), outcomes identification, therapeutic plan of
care, implementation, and evaluation. Holistic nurses apply the holistic caring
process with individuals or families across the lifespan, population groups, and
communities, and in all settings.
Holistic nurses take on a variety of roles in their practice, including those of
expert clinician and facilitator of healing; consultant and collaborator; educa-
tor, coach, and guide; administrator, leader, and change agent; researcher; and
advocate. They strongly emphasize partnership with individuals throughout
the entire decision-making process.
Holistic assessments include not only the physical, functional, psychosocial,
mental, emotional, cultural, and sexual aspects, but also spiritual, transper-
sonal, and energy-field assessments of the whole person. In today’s world of
reliance on electronic devices, energy forces and impacts become very impor-
tant in understanding the health of both the human and the environment.
Energy assessments are based on the concept that all beings are composed of
energy. Congestion or stagnation of energy in any realm creates dis-harmony
and dis-ease. Holistic nurses continuously use their necessary understanding
of energy anatomy, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic vibration, electro-
magnetic induction, and entrainment, not only in assessments but also in the
healing process.
Spiritual assessments not only glean religious beliefs and practices, but also
query a person’s meaning and purpose in life and how that may have changed
due to the present health experience. Spiritual assessments include questions
about an individual’s sense of serenity and peace, what provides joy and fulfill-
ment, and the source of strength and hope.
Holistic assessment data are interpreted into patterns/challenges/needs
from which meaning and understanding of the health/disease experience can
be mutually identified with the person. An important responsibility is that of
helping the person to identify risk factors such as lifestyle, habits, beliefs and
values, personal and family health history, and age-related conditions that
influence health and then to utilize opportunities to increase well-being. The
focus is on the individual’s goals, not the nurse’s goals.
Therapeutic plans of care respect the person’s experience and the uniqueness
of each healing journey. The same illness may have very different manifesta-
tions in different individuals. A major aspect of holistic nursing practice, in
addition to competence, is intention—that is, intending for the wholeness,

12 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

well-being, and highest good of the person with every encounter and inter-
vention. This honors and reinforces the innate capacity of people to heal
themselves. Therefore, holistic nurses respect that outcomes may not be those
expected and may evolve differently based on the person’s own individual heal-
ing process and health choices.
Holistic nurses endeavor to detach themselves from the outcomes—or “let
go of the ego.” The nurse does not produce the outcomes; the individual’s own
healing process produces the outcomes, and the nurse facilitates this process.
A significant focus is on guiding individuals and significant others to utilize
their own inner strength and resources through the course of healing.
Appropriate and evidence-based information (including current knowledge,
practice, and research) regarding the health condition and various treatments
and therapies and their side effects is consistently provided. Holistic care always
occurs within the scope and standards of practice of registered nursing and in
accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.
In addition to conventional interventions, holistic nurses have knowledge
of and integrate a number of CAM approaches, which have been categorized
by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2011a).
(See also Appendix C.) These categories include:
■ Natural
products, such as herbal therapies, diet therapies, nutritional
supplements, and vitamins

■ Mind–body interventions, such as meditation, relaxation, imagery, hyp-

nosis, yoga, tai chi, prayer, art and music therapies, cognitive-behavioral
therapy, biofeedback, therapeutic counseling, and stress management

■ Manipulative and body-based methods, such as chiropractic, massage

therapy, osteopathy, and reflexology

■ Movement therapies, such as Feldenkrais method, Alexander Technique,

Pilates, Rolfing, and dance therapy

■ Practices
of traditional indigenous healers, such as Native American,
African, Middle Eastern, Tibetan, and Latin American

■ Whole medical systems, such as Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine,

traditional oriental medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy

■ Energytherapies, such as Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, qi gong, acupres-

sure, Healing Touch, light therapy, and magnet therapy

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 13

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

Therapies frequently incorporated in holistic nursing practice include the

following interventions listed in the 2008 Nursing Interventions Classification
(NIC, n.d.): meditation; relaxation therapy; music, art, aroma, and activity ther-
apies; energy-based touch therapies such as Therapeutic Touch and Healing
Touch; acupressure; massage; guided imagery; hypnosis, animal-assisted
therapy; biofeedback; humor; anxiety reduction and stress management;
calming technique; emotional support, coping enhancement, and resiliency
promotion; promotion of beneficial exercise, sleep, diet, and nutrition; energy
management; substance use prevention; smoking cessation promotion; patient
contracting; presence; journaling and bibliotherapy; self-awareness and body
image enhancement; counseling; relationship building; cognitive therapy;
self-help; forgiveness facilitation; hope inspiration; spiritual growth, support,
and prayer; behavioral management and modification; resiliency promotion,
conflict mediation and crisis intervention; risk identification; coaching; mutual
goal setting and decision-making support; values clarification; reminiscence;
pain management; dying care and grief work; family, support system, and
caregiver support; support groups; anticipatory guidance, health education,
learning facilitation and teaching; consultation, referral, health systems guid-
ance, and cultural brokerage; community health development; and environ-
mental management. Other interventions frequently employed in holistic
nursing practice, in addition to conventional nursing interventions, include
breath work, Reiki, reflexology, herbology and homeopathy, and Emotional
Freedom Technique or Tapping.
Because many of today’s healthcare problems (80% of all U.S. healthcare
issues) are related to stress, holistic nurses empower individuals by teaching
them techniques to reduce their stress. Many interventions used in holistic
nursing elicit the relaxation response (e.g., breath work, meditation, relaxation,
imagery, aromatherapy and use of essential oils, diet). People can learn these
therapies and use them without the intervention of a healthcare provider,
thereby empowering a person in his/her own healing and allowing the person
to take an active role in the management of his/her own health care. Holistic
nurses also can teach families and caregivers to use these techniques for loved
ones who may be ill (e.g., simple foot or hand massage for older clients with
dementia), fostering a sense of usefulness and supportive caring for their loved
one. In addition, individuals are taught how to evaluate their own responses
to these modalities.
Holistic nurses prescribe as legally authorized. They instruct individuals
regarding drug, herbal, and homeopathic regimens and, importantly, the

14 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

side effects and interactions of these therapies. They consult, collaborate,

and refer, as necessary, to both conventional allopathic providers and to
holistic practitioners. They provide information and counseling to people
about alternative, complementary, integrative, and conventional healthcare
practices. Very importantly, holistic nurses facilitate negotiation of services
as they guide individuals and families between conventional Western medi-
cal and complementary/alternative/integrative systems. Holistic nurses, in
partnership with the individual and others, evaluate the effectiveness of care
and any changes in the meaning of the health experience for the individual.
Holistic nurses have taken, and should continue to take, a lead in incor-
porating a holistic caring perspective and integrating healing strategies into
practice and system-wide programs and organizations. More healthcare facili-
ties and settings that want to create integrative care delivery models are rec-
ognizing that the most successful models nationally are those that originate
from nursing. In fact, more than 42% of hospitals in the 2010 CAM Survey
of Hospitals indicated that they offer one or more CAM therapies (Health
Forum & Samueli Institute, 2010). “It is not a coincidence that many successful
integrative programs are directed by nurses” (Mittelman et al., 2010, p. 82),
many of whom have assumed leadership positions and are mentoring others
in holistic integrative health and healing.

Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic

Healing Environment, and Cultural Diversity
Through holistic communication, therapeutic healing environments, and
diversity, holistic nurses transform their beliefs into practice, highlighting the
how of holistic nursing.
The holistic nurse’s communication ensures that each individual experiences
the presence of the nurse as authentic, caring, compassionate, and sincere.
This is more than simply using therapeutic techniques such as responding,
reflecting, summarizing, and so on. This is deep listening: listening with all
the senses, or, as some say, “listening with the heart and not just the ears.” It is
done with conscious intention and without preconceptions, busyness, distrac-
tions, or analysis. It takes place in the “now” within an atmosphere of shared
humanness, human being to human being. Through presence or “being with
in the moment,” holistic nurses provide each individual with an interpersonal
encounter that is experienced as a connection with one who is giving undi-
vided attention to that individual’s needs and concerns. Using unconditional
positive regard, holistic nurses convey to the individual receiving care the belief

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HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

in his/her worth and value as a human being, not solely as the recipient of
medical and nursing interventions.
The importance of context in understanding the person’s health experience
is always recognized. Space and time are allowed for exploration. Each person’s
health encounter is truly seen as unique and the holistic nurse recognizes that
it may be contrary to conventional knowledge and treatments. Therefore, the
holistic nurse must be comfortable with ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
This requires a perspective that the nurse is not “the expert” regarding another
person’s health/illness experience, but is actually a “learner.”
Holistic nurses have a knowledge base of the use and meanings of symbolic
language and use interventions such as imagery, creation of sacred space and
personal rituals, dream exploration, narrative, story, journaling, and aesthetic
therapies such as music, visual arts, and dance. They encourage and support
others in the use of prayer, meditation, and/or other spiritual and symbolic
practices for healing purposes.
A cornerstone of holistic nursing practice is assisting individuals to find
meaning in their experience. Regardless of their health/illness conditions, the
meaning that individuals ascribe to their situations can influence their response
to those situations. Holistic nurses attend to the subjective world of the indi-
vidual. They consider meanings such as the person’s concerns in relation to
health, family relationships, independence, employment, and economics, as
well as to deeper meanings related to the person’s purpose in life. Regardless
of the technology or treatment, holistic nurses address the human spirit as a
major force in healing. The person’s perception of meaning is related to all
factors in health-wellness-disease-illness.
Holistic nurses realize that suffering, illness, and disease are natural com-
ponents of the human condition and have the potential to teach about oneself,
one’s relationships, and the universe. Every experience is valued for its mean-
ing and lesson.
Holistic nurses have a particular obligation to create a therapeutic healing
environment that values holism, caring, social support, and integration of con-
ventional and CAM approaches to healing. They seek to create caring cultures
and environments or habitats for healing where individuals—whether clients,
families, or staff—feel connected, supported, and respected. Holistic nurses
shape the physical environment (e.g., light, fresh air, pleasant sounds or quiet,
neatness and order, healing smells, earth elements) and, as Nightingale stated,
put the person in the best condition for nature to act upon him or her. A par-
ticular perspective of holistic nursing is the nurse as the “healing environment”

16 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

and an instrument of healing. What the nurse brings to a situation can change
the environment. The nurse uses his/her consciousness, voice, touch—whole
being—for healing. By patterning her/his own energy field to be unified, harmo-
nious, peaceful, ordered, and calm, the nurse provides the client the opportunity
within the mutual person–environment process to tune into and resonate with
the nurse’s healing frequency. The holistic nurse provides a relationship-focused
environment, creating through presence and intention sacred space where oth-
ers can feel safe, unfold, and explore the dimensions of self in healing.
Given their awareness of the dynamic interplay of internal, interpersonal,
behavioral, and physical environments, holistic nurses develop self-awareness
of personal practices supporting their inner healing environment and integrate
professional strategies to improve the healing of the external environment.
They recognize that as a microcosm of the macrocosm, their personal health
and the health of the planet are intricately intertwined. Thus, they engage in
activities that create healing environments for self, home, workplace, and com-
munity, and they take risks to challenge current systems and create healthier
environments locally and globally (Luck & Keegan, 2013).
Holistic nurses have been integral in the movement to transform organi-
zational cultures to create optimal healing environments. Such institutions
as Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Planetree International,
Woodwinds in Minnesota, Beth Israel in New York, Benson Henry Institute
in Massachusetts, St. Charles Medical Center in Oregon, Scripts Center for
Integrative Medicine in California, Watson Caritas Units, and the Veterans
Administration Optimal Healing Initiative are only a few of the institutions
nationally in which holistic nurses have provided leadership in transforming
organizations to authentic healing healthcare systems (Mittelman et al., 2010).
Holistic nurses play a key role “in facilitating this level of change [true healing
healthcare] in existing systems and in revisioning/re-creating hospitals and
clinics, wellness centers and hospices as Habitats for Healing, i.e. optimal
healing environments in which nurses thrive and patients heal” (Quinn, 2013).
Of particular importance to holistic nurses is the human connection with
the ecology. They actively participate in building an ecosystem that sustains the
well-being of all life. This includes raising the public’s consciousness about global
and environmental issues and stressors that affect not only the health of people,
but also the health of the planet. Eco caring is as important as human caring.
Culture, beliefs, and values are an inherent component of a holistic
approach. Concepts of health and healing are based in culture and often
influence people’s actions in promoting, maintaining, and restoring health.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 17

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

Culture also may provide an understanding of a person’s concept of the ill-

ness or disease and appropriate treatment. Holistic nurses possess knowledge
and understanding of numerous cultural traditions and healthcare practices
from various racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds. However, holistic nurses
honor individuals’ unique understanding and articulation of their own cul-
tural values, beliefs, and health practices rather than relying on stereotypical
cultural classifications and descriptions. These understandings are then used
to provide culturally competent care that corresponds with the beliefs, values,
traditions, and health practices of individuals and families. Holistic nurses ask
individuals, “What do I need to know about you culturally in caring for you?”
Holistic healing is a collaborative approach. Holistic nurses take an active
role in trying to remove the political and financial barriers to the inclusion of
holistic care in the healthcare system. They advocate to influence social and
political policy for the betterment of humankind.

Core Value 4. Holistic Education and Research

Holistic nursing is further realized through education and research.
Holistic nurses possess an understanding of a wide range of cultural norms
and healthcare practices/beliefs/values concerning individuals, families, groups,
and communities from varied racial, ethnic, spiritual, and social backgrounds.
This rich knowledge base reflects their formal academic and continuing educa-
tion preparation and also includes a wide diversity of practices and modalities
outside of conventional allopathic medicine. Because of this preparation, holis-
tic nurses serve as both educators and advocates and have a significant impact
on people’s understanding of healthcare options, alternatives, and choices.
Additionally, holistic nurses, through comprehensive health counseling,
motivational interviewing, and coaching, provide much-needed informa-
tion to individuals on health promotion and disease prevention, on topics
such as healthy lifestyles, risk-reducing behaviors, preventive self-care, stress
management, living with changes secondary to illness and treatment, and
opportunities to enhance well-being.
Holistic nurses value all the ways of knowing and learning. They assess
health literacy, individualize learning and teaching, and appreciate that science,
intuition, reflection, introspection, creativity, aesthetics, and culture produce
different bodies of knowledge and perspectives. They help others to know
themselves and access their own inner wisdom to enhance growth, wholeness,
and well-being and experience personal transformation in healing.

18 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

Holistic nurses often guide individuals and families in their healthcare deci-
sions, especially regarding conventional allopathic and complementary alter-
native interventions. Therefore, they must be knowledgeable about the best
evidence available for both conventional and alternative/integrative therapies. In
addition to developing evidence-based/informed practice using research, prac-
tice guidelines, and expertise, holistic nurses strongly consider the person’s values
and healthcare actions, customs, behaviors, and beliefs in practice decisions.
Holistic nurse educators, through the American Holistic Nurses Association,
had a significant influence in the revision of the Essentials of Baccalaureate
Education for Professional Nursing Practice (American Association of Colleges
of Nursing [AACN], 2008). The new Essentials now include language on pre-
paring the baccalaureate generalist graduate to practice from a holistic, caring
framework; engage in self-care; develop an understanding of complementary
and alternative modalities; and incorporate patient teaching and health pro-
motion, spirituality, and caring, healing techniques into practice.
Holistic nurses look at alternative philosophies of science and research
methods that are compatible with investigations of humanistic and holistic
occurrences; that explore the context in which phenomena occur and the
meaning of patterns that evolve; that study people and human/social prob-
lems holistically; and that take into consideration the interactive nature of
body, mind, emotion, energy, spirit, and environment. In order to understand
wholeness, healing, and the person–environment dynamic more fully, holistic
nurses use all ways of knowing, including empiric, ethical, aesthetic, personal,
narrative, transpersonal, embedded, sociopolitical, and unknowing. Holistic
nurses engage in praxis or reflection in action, understanding that knowledge,
theory, research, evidence, and practice each inform the others. Research
approaches and methods can include quantitative, qualitative, triangulated or
mixed method, meta-analysis, translational, reflective, appreciative, transper-
sonal, and whole person/whole system.
To be holistic nursing research, however, the theoretical basis and interpre-
tation of results must be within the context of holism (AHNA, 2009). Holistic
nurses conduct and evaluate research in diverse areas such as:
■ Outcome measures of various holistic therapies (e.g., Therapeutic Touch,
prayer, aromatherapy, imagery, etc.)

■ Instrument development to measure holistic phenomena; caring

behaviors and dimensions; spirituality; self-transcendence; cultural
competence; intuition; presence; mindfulness; etc.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 19

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

■ Client responses to holistic interventions in health/illness/wellness

■ Explorations of clients’ lived experiences with various health/illness/life


■ Health decision-making

■ Health and wellness promotion and illness prevention

■ Theory development in healing, wholeness, caring, intentionality,

well-being, compassion, social and cultural constructions, empower-
ment, etc.

■ Healing relationships and healing environments

■ Teaching and evaluation of holism

Advancements in holistic nursing knowledge development and applica-
tion in research, education, and practice continue to be disseminated through
peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Holistic Nursing (JHN), Holistic
Nursing Practice, and International Journal of Human Caring.

Core Value 5. Holistic Nurse Self-Reflection and Self-Care

Self-reflection and self-care, as well as personal awareness of and continu-
ous focus on being an instrument of healing, are significant requirements for
holistic nurses.
Self-reflection is both a self-care strategy and a professional practice integrating
critical thinking of the mind and compassion of the heart (Levin & Reich, 2013).
Holistic nurses reflect in action to become aware of values, beliefs, feelings, sen-
sations, perceptions, and judgments that may affect their actions, and reflect on
their experience to obtain insight for future practice. Self-reflection allows one
to know oneself more fully in order to become more authentic and mindful.
Holistic nurses value themselves and mobilize the necessary resources to
care for themselves. They endeavor to integrate self-awareness, self-care, self-
healing, and self-responsibility into their lives by incorporating practices such
as self-assessment, meditation, yoga, good nutrition, energy therapies, move-
ment, creative expression (e.g., art, music), support, and lifelong learning.
Holistic nurses honor their unique patterns and the development of the body,
the psychological-social-cultural self, the intellectual self, and the spiritual self.
Nurses cannot facilitate healing within others unless they are in the process
of healing themselves. Through continuing education, practice, and self-work,
holistic nurses develop the skills of authentic and deep self-reflection and

20 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

introspection needed to understand themselves and their journey. It is recog-

nized as a lifelong process.
Holistic nurses strive to achieve harmony/balance in their own lives and to
assist others to do the same. They create healing environments for themselves
by attending to their own well-being, letting go of self-destructive behaviors
and attitudes, and practicing centering and stress-reduction techniques. By
doing this, holistic nurses serve as role models to others, be they clients, col-
leagues, or personal contacts.
Holistic nurses have played instrumental roles in creating and implement-
ing self-care programs to increase health and well-being and actualize health
potential and promotion for patients, clients/families, communities, healthcare
staff, and nurses themselves. Holistic nurses now conduct numerous holistic
assessment and intervention classes, courses, and coaching programs in health-
care, worksite, community, and educational and staff development settings.
These classes and programs may focus on body/physical, emotional/mental,
social/spiritual wellness; stress management; self-care strategies, vibrant living;
health promotion and disease prevention activities and lifestyle; environmental
health; and healing/caring cultures. Recent research on the effects of holistic
self-care programs for nurses and nursing students demonstrates that such
programs foster good health behaviors; resilience; improved nurse–patient
communication, care, and satisfaction; and improved work environments;
and may help sustain the nursing profession.

Settings for Holistic Nursing Practice

Holistic nurses practice in numerous settings. These include, but are not lim-
ited to, ambulatory outpatient settings; acute care hospitals; long-term and
extended care facilities, nursing homes, and assisted-living facilities; home
care; complementary/alternative/integrative care centers; women’s health
and birthing centers; hospice and palliative care; psychiatric/mental health
facilities; private practitioner offices; schools; rehabilitation centers; religious
parishes; community health and primary care centers; student and employee
health clinics; managed care organizations; independent self-employed private
practice; telehealth and cyber care services; correctional facilities; international
and travel nursing; military; professional nursing and healthcare organizations;
informatics; administration; staff development; and universities and colleges.
Holistic nursing practice also occurs when there is a request for consultation
or when holistic nurses advocate for care that promotes health and prevents

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 21

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

disease, illness, or disability for individuals, communities, or the environment.

For example, a holistic nurse may choose not to work in a clinical care setting,
but to provide consultation regarding self-care or stress management to nurses
in that setting. Holistic nurses may also practice in preoperative and recovery
rooms; for instance, instituting a “Prepare for Surgery” program that teaches
individuals having surgery meditation and positive affirmation techniques for
use both before and after surgery, while incorporating a homeopathic regimen
for trauma and cell healing. Or a holistic nurse may specialize in forensics,
focusing on the legal parameters of alternative/complementary/integrative
modalities in nursing practice and health care. Employment or voluntary
participation of holistic nurses can also influence civic activities and the regu-
latory and legislative arena at the local, state, national, or international level.
As holistic nursing focuses on wellness, wholeness, and development of the
whole person, holistic nurses also practice in health enhancement settings such
as spas, gyms, and wellness centers. With all populations and in any setting,
holistic nurses empower individuals, families, and groups by teaching them
self-care practices for a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, there are numerous
entrepreneurial possibilities for holistic nurses to develop integrative care
programs in hospitals, home care, primary care practices, occupational and
school settings, and the community.
With the explosion of social media during the past decade, holistic nurses
have a unique opportunity to inform and educate, both locally and globally, about
holistic health and wellness; develop supportive networks; and broadly introduce
and influence a more holistic, caring approach to the well-being of all people.
Because holistic nursing is a worldview—a way of “being” in the world and
not just a modality—holistic nurses can practice in any setting, anywhere, and
with individuals throughout the lifespan. As the public increasingly requests
CAM/integrative services and a comprehensive humanistic emphasis on the
whole person, holistic nurses will be increasingly in demand and practice in a
wider array of settings. Holistic nursing takes place wherever healing occurs.

Educational Preparation for

Holistic Nursing Practice
A registered nurse may prepare for the specialty of holistic nursing in a variety
of ways. Educational offerings range from undergraduate and graduate courses
and programs to continuing education programs with extensive contact hours.

22 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

Holistic nurses are registered nurses who are educationally prepared for
practice from an approved school of nursing and are licensed to practice in
their individual state, commonwealth, or territory. The holistic registered
nurse’s experience, education, knowledge, and abilities establish the level of
competence. Regardless of the level of practice, all holistic nurses integrate
the previously identified five core values. This document identifies the scope
of practice of holistic nursing and the specific standards and associated com-
petencies of holistic nurses at both the basic and advanced levels.

Basic Practice Level

The education of all nursing students preparing for RN licensure includes
basic content on physiological, psychological, emotional, and some spiritual
processes with populations across the lifespan, as well as conventional nursing
care interventions within each of these domains. Additionally, basic nursing
education incorporates experiences in a variety of clinical/practice settings
ranging from acute care to community. However, the educational focus is most
frequently on “specialties,” often emanating from the biomedical disease model
with a cure orientation.
In holistic nursing, the individual across the lifespan is viewed in context as an
integrated body-mind-emotion-social-spirit-energetic totality, with the emphasis on
wholeness, well-being, health promotion, and healing using both conventional and
complementary/alternative/integrative practices. Because of the lack of intentional
focus on integration, unity, and healing, the educational exposure of most nurs-
ing students is not adequate preparation for the specialty role of a holistic nurse.
Currently, there are 10 undergraduate programs in the United States endorsed
by the American Holistic Nurses Certification Corporation that prepare under-
graduate students in holistic nursing. Additionally, many schools of nursing
offer both graduate and undergraduate courses in “Holistic Nursing.” Although
there are a number of reports in the literature documenting the inclusion of
integrative modalities and holistic health and healing in nursing educational
programs, the only formal survey to date to discuss the incorporation of holistic
nursing practices and CAM into curricula of schools of nursing in the United
States was conducted by Fenton and Morris in 2003. This survey indicated
that almost 60% (n 5 74) of the responding schools (sample n 5 125 schools)
had a definition of holistic nursing in their curricula and were familiar with
Holistic Nursing Core Curriculum. The majority of the sample (84.8%, n 5 106)
included at least one complementary/alternative/integrative modality

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(e.g., visualization, relaxation, herbal preparations, prayer/meditation) in their cur-

ricula. Twenty-six (21%) schools had faculty who were certified in holistic nursing.
Increasingly, schools of nursing are embracing holistic nursing practices
and complementary/alternative/integrative modalities and adding them to the
curriculum, partly in response to consumer use of CAM and consumer demand
for health professionals who are knowledgeable about holistic practices. The
new Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice
(AACN, 2008) now include language on preparing the baccalaureate general-
ist graduate to practice from a holistic, caring framework; engage in self-care;
develop an understanding of complementary and alternative modalities; and
incorporate patient teaching and health promotion, spirituality, and caring,
healing techniques into practice. This acknowledges that nursing recognizes
the importance of healing principles and practices in health care and the need
for nurses to learn them in the educational process.

Advanced Practice Level

As with the basic level, there are a variety of ways (both academic and profes-
sional development) in which registered nurses can acquire the additional spe-
cialized knowledge and skills that prepare them for advanced holistic nursing
practice. These nurses are expected to hold a master’s or doctoral degree and
demonstrate a greater depth and scope of knowledge, a greater integration of
information, increased complexity of skills and interventions, and notable role
autonomy. They provide leadership in practice, teaching, research, consultation,
management, advocacy, and/or policy formation in advancing holistic nursing
to improve the holistic health of people.
In line with the 2008 Consensus Model for APRN Regulation (APRN
Consensus Work Group & National Council of State Boards of Nursing [NCSBN]
APRN Advisory Committee, 2008), beginning in 2015, APRN specialty practice
and education in holistic nursing will build upon and will be in addition to educa-
tion and preparation in one of the four APRN roles and one of the six population
foci. “Education programs preparing individuals with additional knowledge in
a specialty [holistic nursing], if used for entry into advanced practice registered
nursing and for regulatory purposes, must also prepare individuals in one of
the four nationally recognized APRN roles, and in one of the six population foci.
Individuals must be recognized and credentialed in one of the four APRN roles
within at least one population [focus]. However, if not intended for entry-level
preparation in one of the four roles/population foci and not for regulatory pur-
poses, education programs, using a variety of formats and methodologies, may

24 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

provide licensed APRNs with the additional knowledge, skills, and abilities to
become professionally certified in the specialty area of APRN practice [holistic
nursing]” (APRN Consensus Work Group & NCSBN, 2008).
This is a significant transition period for graduate programs in holistic
nursing, and schools are exploring various options for curriculum change to
meet new criteria. Presently five graduate programs in the United States that
prepare master’s students with a specialty in holistic nursing are endorsed
by the AHNCC. Other graduate nursing programs have courses in holistic or
complementary/alternative/integrative practices. Current advanced practice
registered nurses (certified nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, cer-
tified nurse-midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists) and graduate-
prepared nurse educators, administrators, Doctors of Nursing Practice, and
other graduate-prepared nurses in such areas as public health, forensics, and
case management are increasingly gaining specialized knowledge that prepares
them as holistic nurses through post-master’s degree programs, continuing
education offerings, and certificate programs.

Continuing Education for Basic

and Advanced Practice Levels
The American Holistic Nurses Association is a provider and approver of con-
tinuing education, recognized by the American Nurses Credentialing Center
(ANCC). Continuing education programs, workshops, and lectures on holistic
nursing, healing, CAM, and self-development have been popular nationwide,
with AHNA or other bodies granting continuing education units.
AHNA also endorses certificate programs in specific areas. These
include Spirituality, Health, and Healing; Integrative Reflexology; Clinical
Aromatherapy for Health Professionals; Integrative Aromatherapy; Healing
Touch Program; Healing Touch; Holistic Coaching Training Program; Holistic
Stress Management Instructor Certification; RN Patient Advocate; Holistic
and Integrative Health; Integrative Healing Arts Program; the Great River
Craniosacral Therapy Training Program; and Whole Health Education.
AHNA approves continuing education offerings in holistic nursing, as well as
offering the AHNA home study course “Foundations of Holistic Nursing”; an
Introduction to Holistic Nursing module; three Geriatric Care modules; con-
tinuing nursing education activities through the Journal of Holistic Nursing
(JHN); continuing education online (CNE Online); and workshops at the
annual AHNA conference. Additionally, AHNA now offers a monthly webinar
series on a variety of holistic and CAM topics.

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Other programs in distinct therapies (such as acupuncture, Reiki, homeopa-

thy, massage, imagery, healing arts, holistic health, Oriental medicine, nutrition,
Ayurveda, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, herbology, chiropractic, etc.) are
offered nationally as degrees, certificates, or continuing education programs by
centers, specialty organizations, professional associations, and schools.

Certification in Holistic Nursing

In 1992, a four-phase AHNA Certificate Program in Holistic Nursing began.
On completion of the program, a nurse was awarded a certificate in holistic
nursing. In 1994, the AHNA Leadership Council appointed an AHNA Task
Force Committee to explore the development of holistic nursing certification
through a national certification examination.
The AHNA Leadership Council appointed an AHNA Certification
Committee to serve as the governing body to oversee the process of certifica-
tion of holistic nurses by examination until a separate certification corporation
was established. In 1997, the AHNA Certification Board established a separate
501(c)(6) organization, the American Holistic Nurses Certification Corporation
(AHNCC), to act as the credentialing body for the holistic nursing certification
examination. The AHNCC now has six directors who are voting members, and
one nonvoting member. All the directors who serve on the AHNCC have been
chosen for their skill in and knowledge of the process of certification. There is
a public member who is not a registered nurse.
The AHNCC is an autonomous body with administrative independence
in matters pertaining to specialty certification. The AHNCC maintains a col-
laborative relationship with, but is not involved in, the continuing education,
endorsement, or accreditation activities of AHNA.
The AHNCC defines certification as a qualifying process that a nongov-
ernmental authority uses to grant recognition to an individual who has met
specified qualifications and competencies in a defined area of practice. Based
on predetermined standards of professional practice, a registered nurse vali-
dates her/his qualifications and specialized clinical knowledge for practice by
seeking the credential conferred by such an authority. In relation to holistic
nursing certification, the nurse must demonstrate competencies of specialized
nursing practice encompassing holism.
The purposes of national certification are to establish the minimum knowl-
edge and competencies for holistic nursing practice, to assure the public that the
certified nurse has completed all eligibility requirements and earned a credential

26 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

verifying that he/she has achieved the level of knowledge and competency
required for practice of holistic nursing, and to recognize nurses who have met
those standards. The AHNCC offers four certifications: Holistic Nurse, Board
Certified (HN-BC), which requires a minimum of a diploma or associate degree
in nursing from an accredited school; Holistic Baccalaureate Nurse, Board
Certified (HNB-BC), which requires a baccalaureate degree in nursing from
an institution regionally accredited by the Association of Schools and Colleges
(ASC); and Advanced Holistic Nurse, Board Certified (AHN-BC), and Advanced
Practice Holistic Nurse Certification examination (APHN-BC, APRN), which
require a master’s degree in nursing from an institution regionally accredited
by ASC. At the advanced level, holistic nursing specialty competencies will
continue to be assessed separately through the certification process of AHNCC.
However, AHNCC is planning to explore what changes in the Advanced Holistic
Nurse competencies would be necessary to meet the APRN requirements for
certification defined by the 2008 Consensus Model for APRN Regulation.
Eligibility criteria for all candidates include: an unrestricted and current U.S.
RN license from an academically accredited school of nursing; active practice
as a holistic nurse for a minimum of one year full-time or 2,000 hours within
the past five years part-time; and completion of a minimum of 48 contact hours
of continuing education in holistic nursing within a two-year period preceding
application. The application criteria and process can be found at www.ahncc
The process for beginning certification includes a formal review of an appli-
cant’s application documenting the practice of holistic nursing (RN licensure,
academic credentials, holistic nursing experience, continuing education), a self-
reflection assessment, and a quantitative certification exam. Recertification for all
three levels is completed by documentation of contact hours in holistic nursing.
Further, AHNCC provides endorsement for university-based undergraduate and
graduate nursing programs whose curricula meet the holistic nursing standards
detailed in this book. Graduates from “Endorsed Programs” are eligible for waiver
of postgraduate practice and continuing education requirements. Those currently
in process are also eligible for waiver of the self-reflective assessment requirement.

Continued Commitment to the Profession

Each holistic nurse must educate other nurses, healthcare providers, other dis-
ciplines, and the public about the role, value, and benefits of holistic nursing,
whether it be in direct practice, education, management, or research. Holistic

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nurses articulate the ideas underpinning the holistic paradigm and the phi-
losophy of the caring–healing model. Jean Watson reminds us that society and
the public are searching for something deeper in terms of realizing self-care,
self-knowledge, and self-healing potentials. Nurses need to acknowledge the
human aspects of practice, attending to people and their experience rather
than just focusing on the medical orientation and disease. She concludes that
“nurses have a covenant with the public to sustain caring. It is our collective
responsibility to transform caring practices into the framework that identifies
and gives distinction to nursing as a profession” (Watson, 2005, p. 12).
Holistic nurses are committed to continuous, lifelong learning and personal
growth for themselves and others. As role models, they engage in self-assessment
and commit to practicing self-care to enhance their physical, psychological,
intellectual, social, and spiritual well-being.
Holistic nurses promote the advancement of the profession and holistic nurs-
ing by participating in professional and community organizations, and by writing,
publishing, and speaking to professional and lay or public audiences. By engag-
ing in local, state, national, and international forums, they strive to increase the
awareness of holistic health issues and the development of holistic care models.
Holistic nurses are particularly attentive to their role as advocates for both
people and the environment. They seek to understand the political, social,
ethnic, organizational, financial, and discriminatory barriers to holistic care
for individuals, population groups, and communities. Holistic nurses work to
eliminate these barriers, particularly for the repressed and underserved. They
respect and honor people’s dignity and freedom to choose among existing
alternatives. Holistic nurses assist and empower people to develop skills for
self-advocacy and make educated choices about their lives.
Holistic nurses engage in activities that respect, nurture, and enhance
humans’ integral relationship with the earth, contributing to creating an
ecosystem that supports the well-being of all life. Acting as teachers, leaders,
collaborators, and consultants, they evaluate global health issues and environ-
mental safety, and assist in reducing or eliminating the effects of environmen-
tal hazards on the health or welfare of individuals, groups, and communities.

Care of Older Adults in Holistic Nursing

Holistic nursing care is provided to people of all ages across the entire continuum
of care, from health promotion and wellness care to acute illness care. Many of the
health promotion and wellness activities and therapies addressed in the following

28 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

discussion are also incorporated into holistic nursing care for infants, children,
adolescents, and adults, in order to promote health and wellness and prevent devel-
opment of, effectively manage, or reduce the impact of chronic disease or illness.
Holistic nursing recognizes that older adults represent the predomi-
nant population in the healthcare delivery system, and constitute a unique
population who can benefit greatly from holistic nursing services. The older
population—persons 65 years or older—numbered 39.6 million in 2009.
They represented 12.9% of the U.S. population, or about one in every eight
Americans. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more
than twice their number in 2000. People aged 65 or more represented 12.4%
of the population in the year 2000, but are expected to constitute 19% of the
population by 2030 (Administration on Aging, 2011).
Aging is a multidimensional experience that encompasses the interrelated-
ness of the body-mind-emotion-energy-spirit-environment totality. It includes
physical, sensory, affective, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural, and spiritual
elements. Because aging is a holistic experience, the older adult must be
approached in an individualized and comprehensive manner.
As a result of advances in health care during the past century, nurses are
caring less frequently for people dying from the infections and accidents that
were major sources of mortality at the turn of the century. Today nurses are
often caring for older adults with chronic illnesses, which are a significant
source of morbidity and mortality. Older adults dying of infectious processes
tend to do so as a result of complications of a chronic illness or debilitation.
These chronic conditions contribute significantly to increased healthcare costs.
Most of these leading causes of disability and death in the United States are
modifiable, and in some instances are preventable. In addition, despite an
increased incidence of disease and disability, poor health is not an inevitable
consequence of aging. Adopting healthy lifestyles—getting regular physical
exercise, having social support, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco
and substance use, and receiving regular healthcare screeningss (e.g., for
breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers, for diabetes, and for depression)—can
dramatically reduce a person’s risk of chronic illnesses.
Not only do a majority of elders experience a chronic condition, but most
also have to live with and manage several chronic conditions concurrently.
Adopting better lifestyle habits, in conjunction with many of the complemen-
tary modalities available to older adults, holds tremendous potential for improv-
ing quality of life for older adults, as well as decreasing the co-morbidities (e.g.,
immobility, pain, dementia) associated with chronic illnesses. Many chronic

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conditions could be aided by a holistic approach and a variety of complemen-

tary/alternative/integrative therapies.
A survey of consumer use of CAM by the American Association of Retired
Persons (AARP) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (NCCAM) found that people 50 years of age and older tend to be
high users of complementary and alternative medicine (AARP/NCCAM, 2011).
More than one-half (53%) of people 50 years and older reported using CAM
at some point in their lives, and nearly as many (47%) reported using it in the
past 12 months. The most common reasons for using CAM were to prevent
illness or for overall wellness (77%), to reduce pain or treat painful conditions
(73%), to treat a specific health condition (59%), or to supplement conventional
medicine (53%).
Most users of CAM therapies do so without the knowledge or guidance of
any healthcare professional. This certainly can pose a risk in geriatric care, in
that older adults may be:
■ Self-diagnosing and self-treating with CAM products and therapies that
could delay the diagnosis and perhaps more appropriate treatment for a
health condition

■ Unknowingly subjecting themselves to complications associated with

interactions or adverse reactions to CAM therapies

■ Wasting limited funds on CAM products and services that are ineffec-
tive for their specific conditions
Nurses can make a critical difference in assuring that older adults receive
maximum benefit at minimum risk as they integrate CAM and conventional
therapies. Older adults benefit from use of holistic complementary/alternative/
integrative therapies because:
■ Holistic therapies build on the body’s capabilities and are aimed at
strengthening the body’s own defenses and healing abilities so that it
can do for itself. Strengthened and healthy defenses offer benefits that
exceed symptom management, for older adults and all persons.

■ Total health state is considered and a balanced lifestyle is promoted to

control existing health problems, prevent new problems, and enhance
general health state.

■ Holistictherapies view the person holistically, realizing that people are

complex combinations of unique bodies, minds, emotion, and spirits. CAM

30 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

considers this interconnectedness as it assesses and addresses the physical,

mental, emotional, environmental, and spiritual aspects of the person.

■ Healing practices are tailored to the individual. This is especially true

for older adults, each of whom is the product of an individualized aging
process. Whole-person practices offer customized healing measures.

■ Holistictherapies empower older adults and encourage self-care. People

are taught about self-care practices, guided in using them, and assisted
in exploring obstacles that could stand in the way of doing so. Older
adults are empowered when they are encouraged to take maximum
responsibility for their own care. Also, family members and caregivers
can be taught simple holistic techniques to use with their loved ones
and themselves, thereby empowering the caregivers/family to participate
in the older adult’s care and reduce their own stress.

■ The older adult is honored by receiving the attention he or she needs.

The abbreviated office visit, common in conventional practice, causes
many older persons to feel that they must be selective in what they tell
their healthcare provider. As a result, questions, emotional problems,
socioeconomic concerns, and spiritual issues that affect health may not
be shared. In contrast, holistic practitioners are more likely to spend
time learning about the total person and addressing needs holistically.

■ Most holistic therapies are safer and gentler than conventional thera-
pies. A variety of age-related changes, combined with the high volume
and nature of medications used, make drugs riskier for older adults.
Although there are conditions for which drugs provide remarkable
benefit, there are other conditions that can be better managed and
improved through lower-risk CAM approaches.
(Adapted from Eliopolous, 2009)
With the many benefits that can be derived from using CAM and a holistic
approach, holistic nurses can best assist older adults by helping them to inte-
grate CAM with conventional therapies. This requires that nurses understand
the intended and safe use of various CAM therapies, educate older adults in
appropriate CAM use, and prepare themselves to offer selected CAM therapies
as part of their practice.
As part of its continued commitment to improve the quality of health
care for older adults and to advance geriatric competence in holistic nursing

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practice, AHNA offers a series of continuing education modules on topics

related to geriatric nursing. These modules were developed through a Nurse
Competency in Aging grant from ANA and the John A. Hartford Foundation
Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University. In 2011, AHNA endorsed
the Specialty Nurses Association Global Vision Statement on Care of Older
Adults (REASN—Resourcefully Enhancing Aging in Specialty Nursing).
AHNA is disseminating the message that competency in geriatric care is rel-
evant for all nurses, as the demographics of the U.S. population rapidly shift. AHNA
is dedicated to making geriatric care an integral part of holistic nursing education.
Additionally, AHNA has launched a geriatric nursing resource on its web site with
information about caring for older adults as part of holistic nursing practice; visit
the Geriatric Holistic Care Resource Center (www.ahna.org/geriatricholistic care).

Current Trends and Issues

(The material in this section has been adapted with permission from Mariano,

Health Care in the United States

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s Strategic Plan
for 2011–2015 (NCCAM, 2011b) and Healthy People 2020 (U.S. DHHS, 2010)
give priority to enhancing physical and mental health and wellness, preventing
disease, and empowering the public to take responsibility for their health. The
vision of Healthy People 2020 is “A society in which all people live long, healthy
lives” and its goals are to:
■ Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability,
injury, and premature death.

■ Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of

all groups.

■ Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all.

■ Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors

across all life stages.
And yet, Western medicine is proving ineffective, wholly or partially, for
a significant proportion of common chronic diseases. Furthermore, highly
technological health care is too expensive to be universally affordable. In a

32 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

poll taken in May of 2011, 55% of Americans indicated that the healthcare
system has major problems, 50% indicated that the healthcare system needs
fundamental changes, and 36% stated that there is so much wrong with the
healthcare system that it needs to be completely rebuilt (Public Agenda, 2011).

Although medical advances have saved and improved the lives of

millions, much of medicine and health care have primarily focused
on addressing immediate events of disease and injury, generally
neglecting underlying socioeconomic factors, including employment,
education, and income and behavioral risk factors. These factors, and
others, impact health status, accentuate disparities, and can lead to
costly, preventable diseases. Furthermore, the disease-driven approach
to medicine and health care has resulted in a fragmented, specialized
health system in which care is typically reactive and episodic, as well
as often inefficient and impersonal (IOM, 2009, pp. 1–2).

Chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and

depression—are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States.
Chronic diseases account for 70% of all deaths in the United States (1.7 million
deaths each year) and also cause major limitations in daily living for almost 1
out of 10 Americans, or about 25 million people (CDC, 2011).

Stress accounts for 80% of all healthcare issues in the United States.
Super Stress “is a result of both the changing nature of our daily lives
and our choices in lifestyle habits, as well as a series of unfortunate
events. Extreme chronic stress . . . has silently become a pandemic that
disturbs not only how we perceive our quality of life but also our health
and mortality. . . . The APA [American Psychological Association]
issued a report on stress, revealing that nearly half of all Americans
were experiencing stress at a significantly higher level than the previ-
ous year and rated its level as extreme (Lee, 2010).

Healthcare costs have been rising for several years. Expenditures in the
United States for health care surpassed $2.3 trillion in 2008, more than three
times the $714 billion spent in 1990. Healthcare expenditures are projected to
be $2.7 trillion in 2011 and $4.3 trillion by 2017 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011). In
2008, U.S. healthcare spending was about $7,681 per resident and accounted
for 16.2% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP); this is among the
highest of all industrialized countries. Total healthcare expenditures continue
to outpace inflation and the growth in national income (KaiserEdu.org, 2010).

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In addition to the rising costs, there is disparity in the numbers of Americans

insured for health coverage. The U.S. Census Bureau cites the number of
uninsured Americans at 50.7 million, 16.7% of the population, rising from
13.7% in 2000, or almost 1 in 6 U.S. residents (Wolf, 2010). The number of
underinsured has grown 60% to 25 million over the past 4 years (HealthCare
Problems.org, 2011). With the current healthcare crisis, the high cost of health
care, the lack of universal access to health care and the resulting 51 million
uninsured Americans, the insurance morass and that industry’s control of
healthcare spending, the disenchantment and disempowerment of healthcare
providers, the frustration of clients, patients, or healthcare consumers, the lack
of incentive for practitioners or insurers to foster prevention and health pro-
motion, and the startling lack of measures being taken for quality healthcare
outcomes, a new perspective and discussion are needed.
Hyman (2005) suggests that we should focus our national healthcare dia-
logue on quality-based care rather than simply evidence-based care. Prevention
and wellness should be emphasized, including funding and research on com-
parative approaches to chronic healthcare problems and measurement of the
role of complementary/integrative therapies in improving overall healthcare
quality and reducing healthcare costs. Kreitzer indicates that nurses are exceed-
ingly well positioned to become the leaders in integrative health, and holistic
nursing is at the forefront of this movement through its philosophy, educa-
tion, practice, research programs, and policy agendas (Mittelman et al., 2010).

Trends in Health Care

The American public increasingly demands health care that is compassionate
and respectful, provides options, is economically feasible, and is grounded in
holistic ideals. A shift is occurring in health care as people desire to be more
actively involved in health decision-making. They have expressed their dis-
satisfaction with conventional (Western allopathic) medicine and are calling
for a care system that encompasses health, quality of life, and a relationship
with their providers.
The American public has pursued alternative and complementary care at
an ever-increasing rate. In 1993, David Eisenberg and colleagues published a
now-classic study indicating that one-third of Americans (61 million people)
were using some form of alternative or complementary medicine (Eisenberg et
al., 1993). The researchers’ ongoing study of the use of alternative/complemen-
tary care indicated that the use of such modalities had not only continued, but
sharply increased to 42% (83 million Americans). The out-of-pocket dollars the

34 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

American public spent on CAM were $12.2 billion, which exceeded the out-
of-pocket expenditures for all U.S. hospitalizations and just about equaled the
total out-of-pocket expenses for all physician services (Eisenberg et al., 1998).
The most recent survey, the 2007 National Health Interview Survey (Barnes
et al., 2008), indicates that 38.3% of adults in the United States aged 18 years
and older (almost 4 in 10 adults) and nearly 12% of children aged 17 years and
younger (1 in 9 children) used some form of CAM within the previous 12 months.
Americans spent $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on CAM during the 12 months prior
to the survey. This accounts for approximately 1.5% of total U.S. healthcare expen-
ditures and 11.2% of total out-of-pocket expenditures. More than 38 million adults
made an estimated 354.2 million visits to practitioners of CAM (NCCAM, 2009).
People who use CAM approaches seek ways to improve their health and
well-being, attempt to relieve symptoms associated with chronic or even ter-
minal illnesses or the side effects of conventional treatments, have a holistic
health philosophy or desire a transformational experience that changes their
worldview, and want greater control over their health. The majority of indi-
viduals using CAM do so to complement conventional care rather than as an
alternative to conventional care (Barnes et al., 2008).
According to the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Survey of
Hospitals conducted by the American Hospital Association and the Samueli
Institute, hospitals across the nation are responding to patient demand and
integrating CAM services with conventional services. More than 42% of
hospitals in the survey indicated that they offer one or more CAM therapies,
up from 37% in 2007. Respondents cited patient demand as the primary
rationale for offering CAM services (Health Forum & Samueli Institute, 2010).
In the past five to seven years, many conventional healthcare institutions
have developed complementary programs, including stress management,
energy therapies, healers in the operating rooms, and acupuncture. Programs
such as Reiki or Therapeutic Touch for chronic pain, support groups using
imagery for breast cancer, and groups espousing meditation for health and
wellness are commonly advertised across the United States. Similarly, local
pharmacies and health food stores are selling an array of supplements, herbs,
homeopathic preparations, vitamins, hormones, and various combinations
of these that were not considered marketable five years ago. The number of
books, journals, and web sites devoted to complementary, integrative, and
holistic healing practices has also dramatically increased.
If safe and effective CAM practices become more available to the general
population, special and vulnerable populations should also have access to these

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services, along with conventional health care. CAM would not be a replacement
for conventional health care, but would be some of the available treatment
options. In some cases, CAM practices may be an equal or superior option. CAM
offers the possibility of a new paradigm of integrated health care that could affect
the affordability, accessibility, and delivery of healthcare services for millions
of Americans, and holistic nurses are in a key position to offer these services.
Interest in workplace clinics has intensified in recent years (particularly
with the newly enacted healthcare reform law), as employers move beyond
traditional occupational health and convenience care to offering clinics that
provide a full range of wellness, health promotion, and primary care services.
Such services may include traditional occupational health; acute care, ranging
from low-acuity episodic care to exacerbations of acute chronic conditions;
preventive care such as immunizations, lifestyle management, mind–body
skills, and screenings; wellness assessments and follow-up, health coaching,
and education; and disease management for chronic conditions (Tu et al.,
2010/2012). Many of the nation’s largest employers are focusing on preven-
tion and disease management by adopting an integrative medicine approach.
The Institute for Alternative Futures, funded by the Kresge Foundation,
forecasts that in 2025, prevention will be the major focus of primary care and
will be community focused; health will be continually assessed along multiple
dimensions that include medical, nutritional, behavioral, psychological, social,
spiritual, and environmental conditions. Patient-centered primary care will have
evolved to person- and family-centered primary care; the whole person will be
the focus of care and individuals will be doing enhanced self-care; all dimen-
sions of health will be addressed by bringing the knowledge of conventional,
unconventional, complementary, alternative, traditional, and integrative medi-
cine disciplines to bear across the many different cultural traditions of persons
cared for; health care will be available anytime and everywhere. People will have
24/7 access to their relational agent and access by phone, email, or televisit to
some human member of the primary care team much of the time (Bezold, 2011).
In a classic report, the White House Commission on CAM Policy
(WHCCAMP) Final Report (2002) stated that people have come to recognize
that a healthy lifestyle can promote wellness and prevent illness and disease,
and it recognized that many individuals use CAM modalities to attain this goal.
The effectiveness of the healthcare delivery system in the future will depend on
its ability to use all approaches and modalities to contribute to a sound base for
promoting health. Early interventions that promote the development of good
health habits and attitudes could help modify many of the negative behaviors

36 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

and lifestyle choices that began in adolescence and continue into old age. The
recommendations of the report are equally—if not more—important today
than when the report was first published. It recommends that:
■ Moreevidence-based teaching about CAM approaches be included in all
conventional health professional schools;

■ Emphasis
be placed on the importance of approaches to prevent disease
and promote wellness for long-term health of the American people;

■ Teaching of the principles and practices of self-care and lifestyle

counseling in professional schools be increased and emphasized, so
that health professionals can provide this guidance to their patients in
addition to improving their own health; and

■ Those in the greatest need, including the chronically ill and those with
limited incomes, have access to the most accurate, up-to-date informa-
tion about which therapies and products may help and which may harm.
Similarly, the Institute of Medicine report titled Complementary and
Alternative Medicine in the United States (IOM, 2005) recommends that the
following receive attention in today’s healthcare context:
■ Health professionals should take into account a patient’s individuality,
emotional needs, values, and life issues; implement strategies for reach-
ing those who do not ask for care on their own, including healthcare
strategies that support the broader community; and enhance prevention
and health promotion.

■ Health professions schools (e.g., schools of medicine, nursing, pharmacy,

and allied health) should incorporate sufficient information about
CAM into the standard curriculum—at the undergraduate, graduate,
and postgraduate levels—to enable licensed professions to competently
advise patients about CAM.

■ Healthcare professional licensing boards and crediting and certifying

agencies (for both CAM and conventional medicine) should set compe-
tency standards for the appropriate use of both conventional medicine
and CAM therapies, consistent with practitioners’ scope of practice and
standards of referral across health professions.

■ Amoral commitment of openness to diverse interpretations of health

and healing, a commitment to finding innovative ways of obtaining

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 37

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

evidence, and an expansion of the knowledge base relevant and appro-

priate to medical practice.

■ Research aimed at answering questions about outcomes of care is

crucial to ensuring that healthcare professionals provide evidence-based,
comprehensive care that encourages a focus on healing, recognizes
the importance of compassion and caring, emphasizes the centrality
of relationship-based care, encourages patients to share in decision-
making about therapeutic options, and promotes choices in care that
can include complementary/alternative/integrative medical therapies
when appropriate.
In March of 2010, a comprehensive health reform bill (the 2010 Patient
Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act, HR 3590) was signed into law. This
law and subsequent legislation focus on provisions to expand health coverage,
control health costs, and improve the healthcare delivery system.
Another relatively recent initiative, Wellness Initiative for the Nation (WIN),
was created to proactively prevent disease and illness, promote health and
productivity, and create well-being and flourishing of the people of the United
States (Samueli Institute, 2009). In September of 2010, the Surgeon General
convened the National Prevention and Health Promotion Council to create
the National Prevention Strategy (U.S. Office of the Surgeon General, 2011).
The vision of this strategy is working together (state, local and territorial
governments, businesses, health care, education and community faith-based
organizations) to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, fami-
lies, and communities by moving the nation from a focus on sickness and dis-
ease to one based on wellness and prevention. The “Strategic Directions” are:
Healthy and Safe Communities, Clinical and Community Preventive Services,
Empowered People, and Elimination of Health Disparities. The goals are to
create community environments that make the healthy choice the easy and
affordable choice; to implement effective preventive practices by creating and
recognizing communities that support prevention and wellness; to connect
prevention-focused health care and community efforts to increase preventive
services; to empower and educate individuals to make healthy choices; and to
eliminate disparities in traditionally underserved populations.
The Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public
(IOM, 2009) articulated a number of considerations for healthcare reform:
■ The progression of many chronic diseases can be reversed and some-
times even completely healed through lifestyle modifications.

38 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

■ The environment influences health.

■ Improving the primary care and chronic disease care systems is para-
mount. The new system must focus on prevention and wellness and put
the patient at the center of care.

■ Thereimbursement system must be changed to reward health outcomes

rather than procedures.

■ Foran integrated approach to health care, all healthcare practitioners

should be educated in team approaches and the importance of compas-
sionate care that addresses the bio-psycho-social dimensions of health,
prevention, and well-being.

■ Health care should be supported by evidence, especially evidence for

integrative models of care.

■ Research must better accommodate multifaceted and interacting factors,

including biological predispositions and social and environmental
The preceding driving forces will propel mainstream health care into the
future. Access to healthcare providers who possess knowledge and skills in
the promotion of healthful living and the integration of holistic/integrative
modalities is a critical need for Americans. Holistic nurses are professionals
who have knowledge of a wide range of complementary, alternative, and inte-
grative modalities; health promotion and restoration and disease prevention
strategies; and relationship-centered, caring ways of healing. They are in a
prime position to meet the identified present and future national needs and
provide leadership in these trends.

Issues in Holistic Nursing

In December 2006, holistic nursing was officially recognized by the
American Nurses Association as a distinct nursing specialty with a defined
scope and standards of practice, acknowledging holistic nursing’s unique
contribution to the health and healing of people and society. This recogni-
tion provides holistic nurses with clarity and a foundation for their practice;
equally importantly, it gives holistic nursing legitimacy and voice within
the nursing profession and credibility in the eyes of the healthcare world
and the public.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 39

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

Nevertheless, a number of issues exist or will emerge in the future for holistic
nursing. Acceptance of holistic nursing’s influence and input, within both nursing
and other disciplines, continues as one of the most pressing matters. Other con-
cerns can be categorized into the areas of education, research, clinical practice,
and policy. It is important to note that because holistic nursing (as well as nursing
in general) and other disciplines face many of the same issues, an interdisciplinary
approach is imperative for success in achieving the desired outcomes.

There are several areas of educational challenge in the holistic arena. With
increased use of complementary/alternative/integrative therapies by the
American public, both students and faculty need knowledge of these thera-
pies and skill in their use. One urgent priority is the integration of holistic,
relationship-centered philosophies and integrative modalities into nursing
curricula. Core content appropriate for both basic and advanced practice
programs must be identified, and models for integration of both content and
practical experiences into existing curricula are necessary. An elective course
is not sufficient to impart this knowledge to future practitioners of nursing.
On a positive note, in 2008, AHNA worked with the American Association
of Colleges of Nursing in the revision of Essentials of Baccalaureate Education
for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2008) to incorporate holistic nurs-
ing philosophy and practices. These Essentials now include language and
outcomes on preparing the baccalaureate generalist graduate to: practice from
a holistic, caring framework; engage in self-care; develop an understanding
of complementary and alternative modalities; and incorporate patient teach-
ing and health promotion, spirituality, and caring, healing techniques into
practice. Holistic nurses will need to continue to work with the accrediting
bodies of academic degree programs to ensure that this content is included
in educational programs.
The 2010 Carnegie Foundation’s report, Educating Nurses: A Call for
Radical Transformation (Benner et al., 2010), notes that the need for better
nursing education in nursing, social and natural sciences, humanities, problem-
solving, teaching, and interpersonal capacities is even more acute than it was
even 10 years ago. It recommends the following:
■ Broadening clinical experiences to community health care

■ Promoting and supporting students’ learning regarding the skills of

inquiry and research

40 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

■ Teaching the ethics of care and responsibility, the ethos of self-care in

the profession, and the skills of involvement, clinical reasoning, and

■ Teachingstrategies for organizational change, organizational develop-

ment, policy-making, leadership, and improvement of healthcare

■ Incorporating evidence-based practice and critical reflection

■ Assisting
students to better understand the patient’s context and how
they can help patients improve access to and continuity of care

■ Teaching relational skills of involvement and caring practices

■ Teaching collegial and collaborative skills

The National Educational Dialogue, an outgrowth of the Integrated
Healthcare Policy Consortium, sought to identify a set of core values, knowl-
edge, skills, and attitudes necessary for all healthcare professional students.
The Task Force on Values, Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes, chaired by holistic
nurse Carla Mariano, identified the following core values to be taught in all
health professions schools (Goldblatt et al., 2009):
■ Wholeness and healing—interconnectedness of all people and things
with healing as an innate capacity of every individual

■ Clients/patients/families as the center of practice

■ Practice as a combined art and science

■ Self-care
of the practitioner and commitment to self-reflection, personal
growth, and healing

■ Interdisciplinary collaboration and integration embracing the breadth

and depth of diverse healthcare systems and collaboration with all
disciplines, clients, and families

■ Responsibilityto contribute to the improvement of the community, the

environment, health promotion, healthcare access, and the betterment
of public health

■ Attitudesand behaviors of all participants in health care demonstrating

respect for self and others; humility; and authentic, open, courageous

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 41

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

There is a definitive need for increased scholarship and financial aid to

support training in all of these areas. Faculty development programs also are
necessary to support faculty in understanding and integrating holistic philoso-
phy, content, and practices into nursing curricula. This is especially important,
as the majority of nursing faculty members do not have extensive knowledge,
experience, or skills in holistic or integrative health or therapies.
A major report by the IOM, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change,
Advancing Health (IOM, 2010), recommends that nurses should achieve
higher levels of education and training through improved educational systems
by increasing the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by
2020, doubling the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020, and ensuring
that nurses engage in lifelong learning. Nurses need more education and prepa-
ration to adopt new roles quickly in response to rapidly changing healthcare
settings and an evolving healthcare system. Competencies are especially needed
in community, geriatrics, leadership, health policy, system improvement and
change, research and evidence-based practice, and teamwork and collaboration.
To improve the competency of practitioners and the quality of services,
holistic and CAM education and training must continue beyond basic and
advanced academic education. Continuing education programs at national
and regional specialty organizations and conferences may assist in meeting
this need. Working with practitioners in other areas of nursing to increase
their understanding of the philosophical and theoretical foundations of holistic
nursing practices (e.g., consciousness, intention, presence, centering) as well
as integrative therapies will be another role of holistic nurses.

Research in the area of holistic nursing will become increasingly important
in the future. Three areas of research seem to be widely proposed: whole sys-
tems research, exploration of healing relationships, and outcomes of healing
interventions, particularly in the areas of health promotion and prevention.
There is a great need for an evidence base to establish the effectiveness and
efficacy of complementary/alternative/integrative therapies. One of the formi-
dable tasks for nurses will be to identify and describe outcomes of CAM and
holistic therapies, such as healing, well-being, and harmony, and to develop
instruments to measure these outcomes. The IOM report on CAM in the
United States (IOM, 2005) recommends both qualitative and quantitative
research to examine the following:

42 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

■ The social and cultural dimensions of illness experiences, the processes

and preferences of seeking health care, and practitioner–patient

■ How often users of CAM, including patients and providers, adhere to

treatment instructions and guidelines

■ The effects of CAM on wellness and disease prevention

The current mission of the National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, as indicated in the NCCAM Third Strategic Plan,
Exploring the Science of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: 2011–2015
(NCCAM, 2011b), is to develop evidence requiring support across the con-
tinuum of basic science (How does the therapy work?), translational research
(Can it be studied in people?), efficacy studies (What are the specific effects?),
and outcomes and effectiveness research (How well does the CAM practice
work in the general population or healthcare settings?).
The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created a Patient-
Centered Outcomes Research Institute (http://www.gao.gov/about/hcac
/patientcentered_outcomes.html), a nonprofit organization that will act to
assist patients, clinicians, purchasers, and policy-makers in making informed
health decisions by carrying out research projects that provide quality, relevant
evidence on how diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can effectively
and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, monitored, and man-
aged. This patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) will help people make
informed healthcare decisions and allow their voice to be heard in assessing
the value of healthcare options.
Presently, most research outcome measures are based on physical or dis-
ease symptomatology. However, methodologies must be expanded to capture
the wholeness of the individual’s experience, because the philosophy of these
therapies rests on a paradigm of wholeness.

Integrative health care is derived from lessons integrated across scien-

tific disciplines, and it requires scientific processes that cross domains.
The most important influences on health, for individuals and society,
are not the factors at play within any single domain—genetics, behav-
ior, social or economic circumstances, physical environment, health
care—but the dynamics and synergies across domains. Research tends
to examine these influences in isolation, which can distort interpreta-
tion of the results and hinder application of results. The most value will

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 43

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

come from broader, systems-level approaches and redesign of research

strategies and methodologies (IOM, 2009, p. 7).

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine collaborated with

the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)
to sponsor a forum on the research issues for whole systems. Participants
underscored the political and economic challenges of getting research funded
and published if researchers look at the practices and processes that typify
whole-person treatment. What is clear is that whole practices, whole systems,
and related research require professional and organizational attention.

Today researchers are being challenged to look at alternative

philosophies of science and research methods that are compatible with
investigations of humanistic and holistic occurrences. We also need to
study phenomena by exploring the context in which they occur and
the meaning of patterns that evolve. Also needed are approaches to
interventions studies that are more holistic, taking into consideration
the interactive nature of the body-mind-emotion-spirit-environment.
Rather than isolating the effects of one part of an intervention, we need
more comprehensive interventions and more sensitive instruments that
measure the interactive nature of each client’s biological, psychological,
sociological, emotional, and spiritual patterns. In addition, comprehen-
sive comparative outcome studies are needed to ascertain the usefulness,
indications, and contraindications of integrative therapies. Further,
researchers must evaluate these interventions for their usefulness in
promoting wellness as well as preventing illness (Mariano, 2008).

Investigations into the concept and nature of the placebo effect are also needed,
because one-third of all medical healings are the result of the placebo effect.
Nurses need to get better at securing funding for their holistic research.
They need to apply to National Institutes of Health (NIH) centers and insti-
tutes other than just the National Institute of Nursing Research for funding,
particularly the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Going hand-in-hand with this is the need for nurses to be represented on
study sections and review panels to educate and convince the biomedical/NIH
community about the value of nursing research; the need for models of research
focusing on health promotion and disease prevention, wellness, and self-care
instead of just the disease model; and the importance of a variety of designs
and research methodologies that include qualitative studies, rather than rely-
ing solely on randomized controlled trials.

44 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

An area of responsibility for advanced practice holistic nurses is the dis-

semination of their research findings to various media sources (e.g., television,
radio, newsprint, Internet) and at nonnursing, interdisciplinary conferences.
Publishing in nonnursing journals and serving on editorial boards of nonnurs-
ing journals also broadens other disciplines’ appreciation for nursing’s role in
setting the agenda and conducting research in the area of holism and CAM.

Clinical Practice
Clinical care models reflecting holistic assessment, treatment, health, healing,
and caring are important in the development of holistic nursing. Implementing
holistic and humanistic models in today’s healthcare environment will require
a paradigm shift for the many providers who subscribe to a disease model of
care. Such acceptance poses an enormous challenge. Loretta Ford identified
actions that nurse leaders might consider in advancing integrative health
(Mittleman et al., 2010, p. 82):
■ Create a culture of innovation and involve staff in alternative practices

■ Review the institution’s philosophy, mission, policies, programs, and

practices for opportunities to include alternative therapies

■ Influenceclinical practice for recognition of patients’ personal usage of

integrative therapies

■ Collaborate and encourage collaboration with other professionals

involved in integrative practices

■ Support(financially and otherwise) and guide programs of staff recruit-

ment, preparation, and training in integrative care

■ Publish
nursing programs, studies, and reports on alternative therapy
outcomes, issues, and challenges
Given their education and experience, holistic nurses are the logical leaders
in integrative care and must advance that position.
Licensure and credentialing pose another challenge for holistic nursing.
As complementary/alternative/integrative healthcare has gained national
recognition, state boards of nursing have begun to attend to the regulation
issues. The Future of Nursing report (IOM, 2010) notes that regulations defin-
ing scope-of-practice limitations vary widely by state. Some states have kept
pace with the evolution of the healthcare system by changing their scope-of-
practice regulations, but the majority of state laws lag behind in this regard. As

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 45

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

a result, what nurse practitioners are allowed to do once they graduate varies
widely; often these constraints are related not to their ability, education or
training, or safety concerns but to the political decisions of the state in which
they work. The IOM states that nurses should practice to the full extent of their
education and training and that scope-of-practice barriers should be removed.
The IOM also recommends the implementation of nurse residency programs.
In 2010, AHNA conducted a preliminary survey to ascertain the number
of state boards of nursing that accepted and recognized holistic nursing and/
or had regulations or a nursing practice act that permitted holistic practices.
Of the 39 states that responded, 8 states include holistic nursing in their nurse
practice act. The findings from a review of actual state practice acts further
revealed that 47 of 51 states/territories have some statements or positions that
include holistic wording such as self-care, spirituality, natural therapies, and/
or specific complementary/alternative/integrative therapies under the scope
of practice for nurses in those states.
It will be important in the future to monitor state boards of nursing for evi-
dence of their recognition and support of holistic, integrative nursing practice
and requirements that include CAM and holistic modalities. Finally, holistic
nursing has the challenge of working with the state boards to incorporate this
content into the National Council Licensure Examination, thus ensuring the
credibility of this practice knowledge.
Addressing the nursing shortage in this country is crucial to the health of our
nation. Nurses often change jobs or leave the profession because of unhuman-
istic and chaotic work environments and professional and personal burnout.
Multiple surveys and studies confirm that the shortage of RNs influences the
delivery of health care in the United States and negatively affects patient out-
comes. According to the American Hospital Association, the United States is,
by all accounts, in the midst of a significant shortage of registered nurses that
is projected to last well into the future. Nationally, there is an average vacancy
of approximately 116,000 RNs in hospitals. Although shortages of hospital staff
nurses have received the greatest amount of national attention, shortages persist
in other settings; for example, there are 19,400 RN vacancies in long-term-care
settings, bringing the national RN vacancy rate to 8.1% (AACN, 2011). Buerhaus,
Auerbach, and Staiger (2009) found that the U.S. nursing shortage is projected
to grow to 260,000 RNs by 2025, which would be twice as large as any nursing
shortage experienced in this country since the mid-1960s. Because the demand for
RNs will increase as large numbers of RNs retire, a large and prolonged shortage
of nurses is expected to hit the United States in the latter half of the next decade.

46 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Holistic Nursing Scope of Practice

Additionally, there are some distressing statistics: In the United States,

41% of nurses are dissatisfied with their present job. Nationally, nurses give
themselves burnout scores of 30–40%, and 17% of nurses are not working in
nursing. Moreover, 18% of newly licensed RNs left their first job within one
year, 26.2% left within two years, and 37% reported that they felt ready to
change jobs (Robert Wood Johnson RN Work Project, 2012).
Research shows that reduction of perceived stress is related to job satisfac-
tion. Holistic nurses, through their knowledge of self-care, resilience, caring
cultures, healing environments, and stress management techniques, have an
extraordinary opportunity to influence and improve the healthcare milieu,
both for healthcare providers and for clients and patients (Mariano, 2007).

Four major policy issues face holistic nursing in the future: leadership, reim-
bursement, regulation, and access. The IOM report The Future of Nursing
(2010) recommends that nurses should be full partners with physicians and
other health professionals in redesigning healthcare in the United States. Nurses
should be prepared and enabled to lead change in all roles—from the bedside
to the boardroom—to advance health. Nurses should have a voice in health
policy decision-making and be engaged in implementation efforts related to
healthcare reform, particularly regarding quality, access, value, and patient-
centered care. Holistic nurses must see policy as something they can shape
rather than something that happens to or is imposed on them.
Public or private policies regarding coverage and reimbursement for health-
care services play a crucial role in shaping the healthcare system, and will
play a crucial role in deciding the future of wellness, health promotion, and
CAM in the nation’s healthcare system. Often, however, holistic modalities are
offered as a supplemental benefit rather than a core or basic benefit, and many
third-party payers do not cover such services at all. In the 2010 CAM survey
of hospitals (Health Forum & Samueli Institute, 2010), 69% of CAM services
were paid for out of pocket by patients. Coverage and reimbursement for most
CAM services depend on the provider’s ability to legally furnish services within
the scope of practice. The legal authority to practice is given by the state in
which services are provided.
Reimbursement of advanced practice nurses also depends on appropriate
credentials. Holistic nurses will need to work with Medicare and other third-
party payers, insurance groups, boards of nursing, healthcare policy-makers,
legislators, and other professional nursing organizations to ensure that holistic

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 47

HoLIStIc nurSInG ScoPE oF PrActIcE

nurses are appropriately reimbursed for services rendered. Another issue

regarding reimbursement is the fact that the effectiveness of CAM is influ-
enced by the holistic focus and integrative skill of the provider. Consequently,
reimbursement must be included for the process of holistic and integrative
care, not just for providing a specific modality.
There are many barriers to the use of holistic therapies by potential ben-
eficiaries, providing yet another challenge for holistic nurses. Barriers include
lack of awareness of the therapies and their benefits, uncertainty about their
effectiveness, inability to pay for them, and limited availability of qualified
providers. Access is even more difficult for rural populations; uninsured and
underinsured populations; special populations, such as racial and ethnic
minorities; and vulnerable populations, such as older adults and those with
chronic or terminal illnesses. Holistic nurses have a responsibility to educate
the public more fully about health promotion, complementary/alternative/inte-
grative modalities, and qualified practitioners and to assist people in making
informed choices among the array of healthcare alternatives and individual
providers. Holistic nurses also must actively participate in the political arena
as leaders in this movement to ensure quality, an increased focus on wellness,
and access and affordability for all.
Holistic nurses, by developing theoretical and empirical knowledge as well
as caring and healing approaches, will advance holistic nursing practice and
education and contribute significantly to the formalization and credibility of
this work. They have provided, and will continue to provide, the leadership
in the profession in research, the development of educational models, and the
integration of a more holistic approach in nursing practice and health care.

48 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Standards of Holistic
Nursing Practice
Overarching Philosophical
Principles of Holistic Nursing
Holistic nurses express, contribute to, and promote an understanding of the
following: a philosophy of nursing that values healing as the desired outcome;
the human health experience as a complex, dynamic relationship of health,
illness, disease, wellness, and well-being; the scientific foundations of nursing
practice; and nursing as an art. The philosophical principles of Holistic Nursing
(see pp. 5–8 in this book) are embedded in every Standard of Practice and
Standard of Professional Performance.

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standards of Practice
for Holistic Nursing

Standard 1. Assessment
The holistic registered nurse collects comprehensive data
pertinent to the person’s health and/or the situation.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Collects comprehensive data including but not limited to physical,
functional, psychosocial, emotional, mental, sexual, cultural, age-related,
environmental, spiritual/transpersonal, economic, and energy field
assessments in a systematic and ongoing process while honoring the
uniqueness of the person.

■ Elicits the person’s health and cultural practices, values, beliefs, prefer-
ences, meanings of health/illness/wellbeing, lifestyle patterns, family
issues, and risk behaviors and context.

■ Elicits the person’s expressed needs, knowledge and understanding of

the health care situation, strengths, coping status, and internal and
external resources.

■ Involves the person, family, significant others, caregivers, and other

healthcare providers, as appropriate in holistic data collection.

■ Identifies barriers (e.g., psychosocial, literacy, financial, cultural) to

effective communication and makes appropriate adaptations.

■ Recognizes the impact of personal attitudes, values, and beliefs.

■ Assesses family dynamics and impact on healthcare consumer health and


■ Prioritizes data collection based on the person’s immediate condition or

the anticipated needs of the person or situation.

■ Uses appropriate evidence-based assessment techniques, tools, and

instruments in collecting pertinent data as a basis for holistic care.

50 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Synthesizes available data, information, and knowledge relevant to the

situation to identify patterns and variances as they relate to the whole
person within the life context.

■ Appliesethical, legal, and privacy guidelines and policies to the collec-

tion, maintenance, use, and dissemination of data and information.

■ Recognizes the person as the authority on their own health by honoring

their care preferences.

■ Documents relevant data in a retrievable format.

■ Incorporates various types of knowing, including empiric, ethical,

aesthetic, personal, narrative, transpersonal, embedded, socio-political,
intuition, and unknowing, when gathering data from the person and
validates this knowledge with the person when appropriate.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Initiates
and interprets diagnostic procedures relevant to the person’s
current status.

■ Assessesthe effect of interactions among individuals, family, commu-

nity, and social systems on health and illness.

■ Elicits
and uses client narratives to reveal the context and complexity of
the health experience.

■ Exploresthe meanings of the symbolic language expressing itself in

areas such as dreams, images, symbols, narratives, sensations, and
prayers that are a part of the individual’s health experience.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 51

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 2. Diagnosis
The holistic registered nurse analyzes the assessment data
to determine the diagnosis or issues expressed as actual or
potential patterns/problems/needs.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Derives the diagnosis or issues from holistic assessment data.

■ Assists the person to explore the meaning of the health/disease experience.

■ Validates the diagnosis or issues with the person, family/significant

other, and other healthcare providers when possible and appropriate.

■ Identifies actual or potential risks to the healthcare consumer’s health

and safety or barriers to health, which may include but are not limited
to interpersonal, systematic, or environmental circumstances.

■ Uses standardized classification systems and clinical decision support

tools, when available, in identifying diagnoses.

■ Documents diagnoses or issues in a manner that facilitates determina-

tion of the expected outcomes and plan.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Systematically compares and contrasts clinical findings with normal and
abnormal variations and development events in formulating a differen-
tial diagnosis.

■ Utilizescomplex data and information obtained during interview,

examination, and diagnostic procedures in identifying diagnoses.

■ Establishes the diagnoses reflecting the level of acuity, severity, and

complexity of health patterns/challenges/needs.

■ Assists staff in developing and maintaining competency in the

diagnostic process.

52 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 3. Outcomes Identification

The holistic registered nurse identifies expected outcomes
for a plan individualized to the person or the situation. The
holistic nurse values the evolution and the process of healing as
it unfolds. This implies that specific unfolding outcomes may
not be immediately evident, due to the nonlinear nature of the
healing process, so that both expected/anticipated and evolving/
emerging outcomes are considered.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Involves
the person, family, significant others, and other healthcare
providers in formulating expected outcomes when possible and

■ Derives culturally appropriate expected outcomes from the diagnoses.

■ Considers associated risks, benefits, costs, current scientific evidence,

trajectory of the condition, and clinical expertise when formulating
expected outcomes.

■ Definesexpected outcomes in terms of the person’s values and beliefs,

preferences, culture, age, spiritual practices, ethical considerations,
environment, or situation.

■ Partnerswith the person to identify realistic goals based on the person’s

present and potential capabilities and quality of life.

■ Assiststhe person to understand the potential for unfolding outcomes

due to the nature of healing.

■ Includes a realistic time estimate for attainment of expected outcomes.

■ Develops expected outcomes that facilitate continuity of care.

■ Modifiesexpected outcomes according to changes in the status or

preference of the person or evaluation of the situation.

■ Documents expected outcomes as measurable goals.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 53

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Focuses on the person’s attaining, maintaining, or regaining health,

healing, well-being, or peaceful dying while honoring all phases of the
person’s healing process, regardless of expectations or outcomes.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Identifies expected outcomes that incorporate scientific evidence and are
achievable through implementation of evidence-based practices.

■ Identifies expected outcomes that incorporate healthcare consumer

satisfaction, the person’s understanding and meanings in his/her unique
patterns and processes, quality of life, cost, clinical effectiveness, and
continuity and consistency among providers.

■ Differentiates outcomes that require care process interventions from

those that require system-level interventions.

54 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 4. Planning
The holistic registered nurse develops a plan that prescribes
strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcomes.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Inpartnership with the person, family, and others, develops an indi-
vidualized plan that considers the person’s characteristics or situation,
including, but not limited to, values, beliefs, knowledge and understand-
ing, spiritual and health practices, preferences, choices, developmental
level, coping style, culture and environment, and available technology.

■ Establishesthe plan priorities with the person, family/significant others,

and others, as appropriate.

■ Includesstrategies in the plan that address each of the identified

diagnoses, issues, or opportunities. These may include, but are not
limited to, strategies for:

■⌀ Promotion and restoration of health and well-being

■⌀ Prevention of illness, injury, and disease

■⌀ The promotion of comfort and the alleviation of suffering

■⌀ Supportive care for those who are dying

■ Includes strategies for health, wholeness, and growth across the lifespan.

■ Provides for continuity in the plan.

■ Incorporates an implementation pathway or timeline in the plan.

■ Considers the economic impact of the plan on the person, family,

caregivers, and other affected parties.

■ Integrates current scientific evidence, trends, and research.

■ Utilizes
the plan to provide direction to other members of the health-
care team.

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StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Establishes practice settings and safe space and time for both the nurse
and person/family/significant others to explore suggested, potential, and
alternative options.

■ Defines the plan to reflect current statutes, rules and regulations, and

■ Modifiesthe plan according to ongoing assessment of the healthcare

consumer’s response and other outcome indicators.

■ Documents the plan in a manner that uses standardized language or

recognized terminology.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Identifies assessment strategies, diagnostic strategies, therapeutic
interventions, therapeutic effects, and side effects that reflect current
evidence, including data, research, literature, expert clinical knowledge,
and the person’s experiences.

■ Selects or designs, in partnership with the person, strategies to meet the

multifaceted holistic needs of complex individuals.

■ Supports the use of clinical guidelines for positive outcomes related to

the person’s healing.

■ Includes a synthesis of the person’s values, beliefs, preferences, and

choices regarding nursing, medical, and complementary/alternative/
integrative therapies within the plan.

■ Uses linguistic and symbolic language, including but not limited to

word associations, dreams, storytelling, and journals, to explore with
individuals the possibilities and options.

■ Leads the design and development of interprofessional processes to

address the identified diagnosis or issue.

■ Actively participates in the development and continuous improvement

of systems that support the planning process.

56 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 5. Implementation
The holistic registered nurse implements the identified plan in
partnership with the person.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Partnerswith the person, family, significant others, and caregivers as ap-
propriate to implement the plan in a safe, realistic, and timely manner.

■ Demonstrates caring behaviors towards healthcare consumers, signifi-

cant others, and groups of people receiving care.

■ Uses self as an instrument of healing.

■ Utilizestechnology to measure, record, and retrieve healthcare

consumer data, implement the nursing process, and enhance nursing

■ Utilizes
evidence-based interventions and treatments specific to the
diagnosis or problem.

■ Providesholistic care that addresses the needs of diverse populations

across the lifespan.

■ Advocates for health care that is sensitive to the needs of the person,
with particular emphasis on the needs of diverse populations.

■ Applies appropriate knowledge of major health problems and cultural

diversity in implementing the plan of care.

■ Applies
available healthcare technologies to maximize access and
optimize outcomes for healthcare consumers.

■ Utilizes community resources and systems to implement the plan.

■ Collaborates
with healthcare providers from diverse backgrounds to
implement and integrate the plan.

■ Accommodates different styles of communication used by healthcare

consumers, families, and healthcare providers.

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StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Integrates traditional and complementary/alternative/integrative health-

care practices as appropriate.

■ Implements the plan in a timely manner in accordance with patient

safety goals.

■ Promotes the person’s capacity for the optimal level of participation

and problem-solving, honoring the person’s choices and unique healing

■ Documents implementation and any modifications, including changes

or omissions, of the identified plan.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Facilitates utilization of systems, organizations, and community
resources to implement the plan.

■ Supports collaboration with nursing colleagues and other disciplines to

implement plans for individuals, families, groups, and communities that
integrate biomedical, complementary, and alternative approaches to

■ Incorporates new knowledge and strategies to initiate change in nursing

care practices if desired outcomes are not achieved.

■ Assumes responsibility for safe and efficient implementation of the plan.

■ Uses advanced communication skills to promote relationships between

nurses and healthcare consumers, to provide a context for open discus-
sion of the person’s experiences, and to improve holistic and other
healthcare outcomes.

■ Actively participates in the development and continuous improvement

of systems that support implementation of the plan.

58 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 5A. Coordination of Care

The holistic registered nurse coordinates care delivery.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Organizes the components of the plan.

■ Manages the person’s care so as to maximize independence and quality

of life.

■ Assists the person to identify options for alternative care.

■ Communicates with the person, family, and system during transitions in


■ Advocates for the delivery of dignified and humane care by the interpro-
fessional team.

■ Documents the coordination of care.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Provides leadership in the coordination of interprofessional health
care for integrated delivery of person-care services across continuums,
settings, and over time.

■ Synthesizes
data and information to prescribe necessary system and
community support measures, including modifications of environment.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 59

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 5B. Health Teaching and Health Promotion

The holistic registered nurse employs strategies to promote
health/wellness and a safe environment.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Provides health teaching to individuals, families, and significant others
or caregivers that enhances the body-mind-emotion-spirit-environment
connection by addressing such topics as:

■⌀ Healthy lifestyles

■⌀ Risk-reducing behaviors

■⌀ Developmental needs

■⌀ Activities of daily living

■⌀ Preventive self-care

■⌀ Living with changes secondary to illness and treatment

■⌀ Stress management

■⌀ Opportunities to enhance well-being

■ Uses health promotion and health teaching methods appropriate to

the situation and the individual’s values, beliefs, health practices, age,
developmental level, learning needs, readiness and ability to learn,
language preference, spirituality, culture, and socioeconomic status.

■ Seeks ongoing opportunities for feedback and evaluation of the effec-

tiveness of the strategies used.

■ Uses information technologies to communicate health promotion and

disease prevention information to the healthcare consumer in a variety
of settings.

■ Provides appropriate information, including but not limited to intended

effects and potential adverse effects of the proposed prescribed agents/
treatments, costs, complementary/alternative/integrative treatments and
procedures, and the effects of single and multiple interventions on the
person’s health and functioning.

60 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Createseducational environments that are safe for the exploration

necessary for learning.

■ Assists
others to access their own inner wisdom that may provide
opportunities to enhance and support growth, development, and

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Synthesizes empirical evidence on risk behaviors, decision-making about
life choices, learning theories, behavioral change theories, motivational
theories, epidemiology, and other related theories and frameworks when
designing holistic health education information and programs.

■ Conductspersonalized health teaching and counseling that considers

comparative effectiveness research recommendations.

■ Designs health information and education appropriate to the indi-

vidual’s developmental level, learning needs, readiness to learn, and
cultural values and beliefs.

■ Evaluatesvarious health information resources, such as the Internet, in

the area of practice for accuracy, readability, and comprehensibility, to
help the person access quality health information.

■ Engages consumer alliances and advocacy groups, as appropriate, in

health teaching and health promotion activities.

■ Provides
anticipatory guidance to individuals, families, groups, and
communities to promote health and prevent or reduce the risk of health

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 61

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 5C. Consultation

The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or advanced practice
registered nurse provides consultation to influence the identified
plan, enhance the abilities of others, and effect change.

Competencies for the graduate-level-prepared

holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the holistic advanced practice
registered nurse:
■ Synthesizes clinical data, theoretical frameworks, belief/value systems,
and evidence when providing consultation.

■ Facilitates the effectiveness of a consultation by involving all stakehold-

ers, including the individual, in decision-making and negotiating role

■ Communicates consultation recommendations.

62 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 5D. Prescriptive Authority and Treatment

The advanced practice registered nurse uses prescriptive
authority, procedures, referrals, treatments, and therapies in
accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

Competencies for the graduate-level-prepared

holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Prescribesevidence-based treatments, therapies, and procedures consider-
ing the person’s comprehensive healthcare needs and holistic choices.

■ Prescribes
pharmacologic agents according to current knowledge of
pharmacology and physiology.

■ Prescribesspecific pharmacologic agents and/or treatments based on clini-

cal indicators; the person’s status, needs, and age; the results of diagnostic
and laboratory tests; and the person’s beliefs, values, and choices.

■ Uses advanced knowledge of pharmacology, psychoneuroimmunology,

nutritional supplements, herbal and homeopathic remedies, and a
variety of complementary and alternative therapies in prescribing.

■ Evaluates and incorporates complementary/alternative/integrative

therapies into education and practice.

■ Prescribes
holistic therapies that enhance body-mind-emotion-spirit-
environment connectedness and foster healing and wholeness.

■ Evaluates therapeutic and potential adverse effects of pharmacological

and nonpharmacological treatments, including but not limited to drug/
herbal/homeopathic regimens, as well as drug/herbal/homeopathic side
effects and interactions.

■ Providesindividuals with information about intended effects and

potential adverse effects of proposed prescriptive therapies.

■ Provides
information about costs and alternative treatments and
procedures, as appropriate.

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StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 6. Evaluation
The holistic registered nurse evaluates progress toward
attainment of outcomes while recognizing and honoring the
continuing holistic nature of the healing process.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Conducts a holistic, systematic, ongoing, and criterion-based evaluation
of the outcomes in relation to the structures and processes prescribed by
the plan and the indicated timeline.

■ Analyzes the effects of single and multiple interventions on the person’s

health and functioning.

■ Collaborates with the person and others involved in the care or situation
in the evaluative process.

■ Assesses the person’s, family’s, and significant other’s understanding of

the diagnosis, issue, plan, and options.

■ Evaluates, in partnership with the person, the effectiveness of the

planned strategies in relation to the person’s responses and the attain-
ment of the expected and unfolding outcomes.

■ Uses ongoing assessment data to mutually revise, with the person,

family, and health team, the diagnoses, outcomes, plan, and implemen-
tation, as needed.

■ Disseminates the results to the person, family, and others involved in

accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

■ Participates in assessing and assuring the responsible and appropriate

use of interventions in order to minimize unwarranted or unwanted
treatment and healthcare consumer suffering.

■ Documents the results of the evaluation.

64 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Evaluates,in partnership with the person, the accuracy of the diagnosis
and the effectiveness of the interventions in relationship to the person’s
attainment of expected and evolving outcomes and changes of meaning
in the person’s health experience.

■ Synthesizes the results of the evaluation to determine the effect of the

plan on the affected individuals, families, groups, communities, and

■ Adapts the plan of care for the trajectory of treatment according to

evaluation of response.

■ Usesthe results of the evaluation analyses to make or recommend

process or structural changes, including policy, procedure, and/or
protocol revision, as appropriate to improve holistic care.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 65

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standards of Professional
Standard 7. Ethics
The holistic registered nurse practices ethically.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Uses Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements (ANA, 2001)
and Position Statement on Holistic Nursing Ethics (AHNA, 2007) to guide
practice and articulate the moral foundation of holistic nursing.

■ Identifies the ethic of caring and its contribution to unity of self, others,
nature, and God/Life Force/Absolute/Transcendent as central to holistic
nursing practice.

■ Deliverscare in a manner that preserves and protects the person’s

uniqueness, autonomy, dignity, rights, values, and beliefs.

■ Recognizes the centrality of the person and family as core members of

any healthcare team.

■ Upholds the person’s personal privacy and confidentiality within legal

and regulatory parameters.

■ Assists the person in developing skills for self-advocacy, self-determination,

and informed decision-making about his/her care.

■ Respects the person’s choices and health trajectory, which may be

incongruent with conventional wisdom.

■ Maintains a therapeutic and professional person–nurse relationship

within appropriate professional role boundaries.

■ Contributes to resolving ethical issues involving healthcare consumers,

colleagues, community groups, systems, and/or other stakeholders.

■ Takes appropriate action regarding instances of illegal, unethical, or

inappropriate behavior that could endanger or jeopardize the best
interests of the healthcare consumer or situation.

66 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Speaksup when appropriate to question healthcare practice, when

necessary for safety and quality improvement.

■ Advocates for equitable consumer healthcare, particularly regarding

the rights of vulnerable, repressed, or underserved populations, by such
activities as:

■⌀ Acting
on behalf of individuals, families, groups, and communities
who cannot seek or demand ethical treatment on their own

■⌀ Seekingto eliminate barriers such as affordability and accessibility

that create added risks for persons of varied racial, ethnic, social
backgrounds, as well as older adults and children

■⌀ Advocating for other nurses and colleagues

■ Recognizes
that the well-being of the ecosystem of the planet is a
determining condition for the well-being of humans.

■ Demonstrates a commitment to self-reflection and self-assessment and

to practicing self-care strategies to enhance physical, psychological,
intellectual, sociological, and spiritual well-being, manage stress, and
connect with self and others.

■ Values all life experiences as opportunities to find personal meaning and

cultivate self-awareness, self-reflection, and growth.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Participatesin interprofessional teams that address ethical risks,
benefits, and outcomes.

■ Providesinformation on the risks, benefits, and outcomes of healthcare

regimens to allow informed decision-making by the healthcare con-
sumer, including informed consent and informed refusal.

■ Engages others to incorporate a holistic perspective of ethical situations

and decision-making.

■ Actively contributes to creating an ecosystem that supports well-being

for all life.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 67

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 8. Education
The holistic registered nurse attains knowledge and competence
that reflect current nursing practice.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Participatesin ongoing educational activities related to appropriate
knowledge bases for holistic care and professional issues.

■ Demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning through self-reflection

and inquiry to identify learning and personal growth needs.

■ Seeks experiences that reflect current practice in order to maintain

knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment in clinical practice or holistic
role performance.

■ Acquires knowledge and skills appropriate to the holistic nursing

specialty, role, population, practice setting, or situation.

■ Identifies learning needs based on nursing knowledge, the various roles

the holistic nurse may assume, the changing needs of the population,
and personal growth.

■ Educates others by demonstrating a holistic philosophy and ethic that

value all ways of knowing and learning.

■ Seeks experiences and formal and independent learning activities to

develop and maintain clinical and professional skills and knowledge and
personal growth.

■ Participates in formal or informal consultations to address issues in

holistic nursing practice as an application of education and knowledge

■ Shares educational findings, knowledge, experiences, and ideas with


■ Contributes to a work environment conducive to the education of

healthcare professionals.

■ Maintains professional records that provide evidence of competence and

lifelong learning.

68 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Uses current healthcare research findings and other evidence to expand
clinical knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment; to enhance holistic
role performance; and to increase knowledge of professional issues and
changes in national standards for practice and trends in holistic care.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 69

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 9. Evidence-Based Practice and Research

The holistic registered nurse integrates evidence and research
findings into practice.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Utilizes the best available evidence, including current evidence-based
nursing knowledge, theories, and research findings, to guide practice.

■ Incorporates evidence when initiating changes in nursing practice.

■ Actively and ethically participates, as appropriate to education level and

position, in the formulation of evidence-based practice through research
related to holistic health. Such activities may include:

■⌀ Identifying
problems specific to nursing research (person care and
nursing practice)

■⌀ Participating in data collection

■⌀ Participating in a formal committee or program

■⌀ Sharing
research activities and/or findings with individuals/families/
peers, those in other disciplines, and others

■⌀ Systematically
inquiring into healing, wholeness, cultural, spiritual,
and health issues by conducting research or supporting and utilizing
the research of others

■⌀ Critically
analyzing and interpreting research for application to
holistic practice

■⌀ Using
research findings in the development of policies, procedures,
and standards of practice in holistic person care

■⌀ Incorporating research as a basis for learning

■ Shares personal or third-party research findings with colleagues and


70 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Contributes to nursing knowledge by conducting or synthesizing
research that discovers, examines, and evaluates current practice, knowl-
edge, theories, philosophies, context, criteria, and creative approaches to
improve holistic healthcare outcomes.

■ Promotes a climate of research and clinical inquiry.

■ Disseminates research findings through activities such as presentations,

publications, consultations, and journal clubs for a variety of audiences
(including nursing, other disciplines, and the public) to improve holistic
care and further develop the foundation and practice of holistic nursing.

■ Creates
ways to study the integration of body-mind-emotion-spirit-
environment therapies to achieve optimal care outcomes.

■ Participateswith others to identify research questions or areas for

inquiry and set research priorities that have high significance in
understanding and/or improving health/wellness promotion and disease
prevention; the quality of life; spirituality; cultural beliefs and health
practices; healing and well-being; and whole-health and whole systems
of care.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 71

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 10. Quality of Practice

The holistic registered nurse contributes to quality nursing

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Demonstrates quality by documenting the application of the nursing
process in a responsible, accountable, and ethical manner.

■ Uses creativity and innovation to enhance holistic nursing care.

■ Obtains and maintains professional certification if it is available in the

area of expertise.

■ Participates in quality improvement activities for holistic nursing

practice. Activities may include:

■⌀ Identifying aspects of practice important for quality monitoring

■⌀ Using
indicators developed to monitor quality and effectiveness of
holistic nursing practice

■⌀ Collecting
data to monitor quality and effectiveness of holistic
nursing practice

■⌀ Analyzing
quality data to identify opportunities for improving
holistic nursing practice

■⌀ Formulating recommendations to improve holistic nursing practice

or outcomes

■⌀ Implementing activities to enhance the quality of holistic nursing


■⌀ Developing,
implementing, and/or evaluating policies, procedures,
and/or guidelines to improve the quality of practice

■⌀ Participating
on and/or leading interprofessional teams to evaluate
clinical care or health services

■⌀ Participating
in and/or leading efforts to minimize costs and un-
necessary duplication

72 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■⌀ Identifying
problems that occur in day-to-day work routines so that
process inefficiencies may be corrected

■⌀ Analyzingfactors related to quality, safety, satisfaction, and


■⌀ Analyzing
organizational systems for barriers to quality healthcare
consumer outcomes

■⌀ Implementing processes to remove or decrease barriers to holistic

care within organizational systems

■⌀ Working
toward creating organizations that value sacred space and
environments that enhance healing

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Provides
leadership in the design and implementation of quality
improvements for holistic care.

■ Designsinnovations to effect change in practice and improve holistic

health outcomes.

■ Evaluates the practice environment and quality of holistic nursing care

rendered in relation to existing evidence and feedback from individuals,
families, and significant others.

■ Identifies opportunities for the generation and use of research and


■ Obtains and maintains professional certification if it is available in the

area of expertise.

■ Usesthe results of quality improvement to initiate changes in holistic

nursing practice and the healthcare delivery system.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 73

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 11. Communication

The holistic registered nurse communicates effectively in a
variety of formats in all areas of practice.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Assesses communication format preferences of individuals, families,
significant others, and colleagues.

■ Assesses her/his own communication skills and effects in encounters

with individuals, families, significant others, and colleagues.

■ Uses intention, centering, presence, caring, intuition, and deep

listening in creating and maintaining healing and person-centered

■ Seeks continuous improvement of her/his own communication and

conflict-management/resolution skills.

■ Conveys information to individuals, families, significant others, the

interprofessional team, and others in communication formats that
promote accuracy, respect, authenticity, and trust.

■ Questions the rationale supporting care processes and decisions when

they do not appear to be in the best interest of the person.

■ Discloses observations or concerns related to hazards and errors in care

or the practice environment to the appropriate level.

■ Maintains communication with other providers to minimize risks

associated with transfers and transition in care delivery.

■ Contributes her/his own professional perspective in discussions with the

interprofessional team.

■ Promotes work environments conducive to support, understanding,

respect, health, healing, caring, wholeness, and harmony.

74 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Establishes
practice environments that recognize and value holistic
communication as fundamental to holistic care.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 75

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 12. Leadership

The holistic registered nurse demonstrates leadership in the
professional practice setting and the profession.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Oversees the nursing care given by others while retaining accountability
for the quality of care given to the healthcare consumer.

■ Abides by the vision, the associated goals, and the plan to implement
and measure the holistic healthcare progress of the person or progress
within the context of the healthcare organization.

■ Demonstrates a commitment to continuous, lifelong learning, educa-

tion, and personal growth for self and others.

■ Mentors colleagues for the advancement of holistic nursing practice, the

profession, and quality holistic health care.

■ Communicates effectively with individuals, families, significant others,

and colleagues.

■ Treats colleagues with respect, trust, and dignity.

■ Develops communication and conflict-management/resolution skills.

■ Exhibits transformational leadership by:

■⌀ Dealing
with ambiguity and exhibiting creativity and flexibility
through times of change

■⌀ Demonstrating energy, excitement, and a passion for quality holistic


■⌀ Seeking ways to advance nursing autonomy and accountability

■⌀ Creating a culture in which risk-taking is both safe and expected

■⌀ Valuing people as the most precious asset in an organization

■ Promotes advancement of the profession through participation in

professional organizations and focus on strategies that bring unity and
healing to the nursing profession.

76 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Participates
in efforts to influence healthcare policy involving healthcare
consumers and the profession.

■ Seeksto advance nursing autonomy and accountability and the

philosophy and practice of holistic care by participating on committees,
councils, and administrative teams.

■ Engages at local, state, national, and international levels to expand the

knowledge and practice of holistic nursing and awareness of holistic
health issues.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Influencesdecision-making bodies to improve holistic integrative care,
the professional practice environment, and holistic healthcare consumer

■ Provides direction to enhance the effectiveness of the interprofessional


■ Promotes advanced practice in holistic nursing and role development by

interpreting the role to healthcare consumers, families, and others.

■ Models expert holistic practice to interprofessional team members and

healthcare consumers.

■ Mentors colleagues in the acquisition of holistic clinical knowledge,

skills, abilities, and judgment.

■ Articulatesthe ideas underpinning holistic nursing philosophy, placing

these ideas in a historical, philosophical, and scientific context while
projecting future trends in thinking by such activities as:

■⌀ Applying,teaching, mentoring, and leading others in developing

holistic care models

■⌀ Leadingorganizations in creating therapeutic healing environments

that value holistic caring, social support, and healing, where indi-
viduals feel connected, supported, and valued

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 77

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■⌀ Promoting
communication of information and advancement of the
profession and holistic nursing through writing, publishing, and
presentations for professional or lay/public audiences

■⌀ Understanding the political, social, organizational, and financial

barriers to holistic care for individuals, population groups, and com-
munities and working to eliminate these barriers while balancing
justice with compassion

■⌀ Sharing
knowledge and understanding of a wide range of cultural
norms and healthcare practices/beliefs/values concerning individu-
als, families, groups, and communities from varied racial, ethnic,
spiritual, and social backgrounds

78 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 13. Collaboration

The holistic registered nurse collaborates with the healthcare
consumer, family, and others in the conduct of holistic nursing

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Recognizesexpertise and competence of diverse disciplines and ap-
proaches to health care.

■ Partners with others to effect change, enhance holistic care, and produce
positive outcomes through the sharing of knowledge of the person and/
or the situation.

■ Communicates with the person, family, significant others, caregivers,

and interdisciplinary healthcare providers regarding the person’s care
and the holistic nurse’s role in the provision of that care.

■ Engages in teamwork and team-building processes.

■ Promotes engagement by participating in consensus building and /or

resolving conflict in the context of person-/relationship-centered care.

■ Applies
group process and negotiation techniques with healthcare
consumers and colleagues.

■ Adheresto standards and applicable codes of conduct governing

behavior among peers and colleagues to create a work environment that
promotes cooperation, respect, and trust.

■ Cooperates in creating a documented plan that is focused on holistic

outcomes and decisions related to care and delivery of services, which
indicates communication with individuals receiving care, families, and

■ Incorporatesa range of approaches and therapies from diverse disci-

plines and systems of care as appropriate.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 79

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Partners with other disciplines to enhance holistic care and outcomes
through interprofessional activities such as education, consulta-
tion, referral management, technological development, or research

■ Facilitates the contribution of the healthcare consumer, family, signifi-

cant others, and team members in order to achieve optimal outcomes.

■ Leads in establishing, improving, and sustaining collaborative relation-

ships to achieve safe, quality, holistic, person-centered care.

■ Documents plan-of-care communications, rationales for plan-of-care

changes, and collaborative discussions to improve holistic healthcare

■ Facilitates the negotiation of holistic/complementary/alternative/inte-

grative and conventional healthcare services for continuity of care and
program planning.

80 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 14. Professional Practice Evaluation

The holistic registered nurse evaluates her/his own nursing
practice in relation to professional practice standards and
guidelines, relevant statutes, rules, and regulations.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Reflectson his/her practice and how his/her own personal, cultural,
and/or spiritual beliefs, experiences, biases, education, and values may
affect care given to individuals, families, and communities.

■ Provides age and developmentally appropriate care in a culturally and

ethnically sensitive manner.

■ Engages in self-evaluation of practice on a regular basis, identifying

areas of strength as well as areas in which professional development and
personal growth would be beneficial.

■ Obtainsinformal feedback regarding her/his own holistic practice from

individuals receiving care, peers, professional colleagues, and others.

■ Participates in peer review as appropriate.

■ Takes action to achieve goals identified through the evaluation process.

■ Provides the evidence for practice beliefs, decisions, and actions as part
of the informal and formal evaluation processes.

■ Interacts
with peers and colleagues to enhance her/his own professional
nursing practice or holistic role performance.

■ Providespeers with formal or informal constructive feedback regarding

their practice or role performance.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Engages in a formal process of seeking feedback regarding his/her own
practice from individuals receiving care, peers, professional colleagues,
and others.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 81

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 15. Resource Utilization

The holistic registered nurse utilizes appropriate resources
to plan and provide nursing services that are holistic, safe,
effective, and financially responsible.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Assesses the person’s and family’s care needs and resources available to
achieve desired outcomes.

■ Identifies the person’s care needs, potential for harm, complexity of the
task, and desired outcomes when considering resource allocation.

■ Delegates elements of care to appropriate healthcare workers in accor-

dance with any applicable legal or policy parameters or principles.

■ Identifies the evidence when evaluating resources.

■ Advocates for resources, including technology, that enhance holistic

nursing practice.

■ Modifies practice when necessary to promote positive interaction

between the person, care providers, and technology.

■ Assists the person, family, significant others, and caregivers, as appro-

priate, in identifying and securing appropriate and available services to
address needs across the healthcare continuum.

■ Assists the person, family, and significant others in becoming informed

consumers about health options and factoring costs, risks, and benefits
in decisions about treatment and care.

■ Identifies discriminatory healthcare practices and their impact.

■ Engages in effective nondiscriminatory practices.

82 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Utilizes
organizational and community resources to formulate interpro-
fessional plans of care.

■ Formulates innovative solutions for healthcare consumer care problems

that utilize resources effectively and maintain quality.

■ Designs evaluation strategies that demonstrate cost effectiveness, cost

benefit, and efficiency factors associated with holistic nursing practice.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 83

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

Standard 16. Environmental Health

The holistic registered nurse practices in an environmentally
safe and healthy manner.

The holistic registered nurse:
■ Attains knowledge of environmental health concepts, such as imple-
mentation of environmental health strategies.

■ Promotes a practice environment that reduces environmental health

risks for workers and healthcare consumers.

■ Assesses the practice environment for factors that threaten health, such
as sound, odor, noise, and light.

■ Advocates for the judicious and appropriate use of products in health


■ Communicates environmental health risks and exposure reduc-

tion strategies to healthcare consumers, families, colleagues, and

■ Utilizesscientific evidence to determine if a product or treatment is an

environmental threat.

■ Participates in strategies to promote healthy communities.

■ Engages in activities that respect, nurture, and enhance the integral

relationship with the earth, and advocates for the well-being of the
global community’s economy, education, and social justice.

Additional competencies for the graduate-

level-prepared holistic nurse and the APRN
The graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse or the advanced practice registered
■ Creates partnerships that promote sustainable environmental health
policies and conditions.

■ Analyzes the impact of social, political, and economic influences on the

environment and human health exposures.

84 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

StAndArds oF HoLIstIc NursInG PrActIcE

■ Contributesto conducting research and applying research findings that

link environmental hazards and human response patterns.

■ Critically
evaluates the manner in which environmental health issues
are presented by the popular media.

■ Advocates for implementation of environmental principles for nursing


■ Supports nurses in advocating for and implementing environmental

principles in nursing practice.

■ Acts as a leader, collaborator, consultant, and change agent in evaluating

global health issues and environmental safety; anticipating the potential
effect of environmental hazards on the health or welfare of individuals,
groups, and communities; and assisting in reducing or eliminating
environmental hazards.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 85

This page intentionally left blank
Allopathic/conventional therapies. Medical, surgical, pharmacological, and
invasive and noninvasive diagnostic procedures; those interventions most
commonly used in allopathic, Western medicine.

Complementary/alternative/integrative modalities (CAM). A broad set of

healthcare practices, therapies, and modalities that address the whole
person—body, mind, emotion, spirit—rather than just signs and symptoms,
which can replace or may be used as complements to conventional Western
medical, surgical, and pharmacological treatments.

Critical thinking. An active, purposeful, organized cognitive process involving cre-

ativity, reflection, problem-solving, both rational and intuitive judgment, an atti-
tude of inquiry, and a philosophical orientation toward thinking about thinking.

Cultural competence. The ability to deliver health care with knowledge of

and sensitivity to cultural factors that influence the health behavior, curing,
healing, dying, and the grieving process of the person.

Environment. The context of habitat within which all living systems partici-
pate and interact, including the physical body and its physical habitat along
with the cultural, psychological, social, and historical influences; includes
both the external physical space and the person’s internal physical, mental,
emotional, social, and spiritual experience.

Evidence-based practice. The process by which integrative healthcare prac-

titioners make clinical decisions using the best integrative philosophy and
theories, research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences within
the context of available resources.

Healing. A lifelong journey into wholeness, seeking harmony, balance, and

right relationship in one’s own life and in family, community, and global
relations. Healing involves those physical, mental, social, and spiritual
processes of recovery, repair, renewal, and transformation that increase


wholeness and often (though not invariably) order and coherence. Healing
is an emergent process of the whole system bringing together aspects of
one’s self and the body-mind-emotion-spirit-environment at deeper levels
of inner knowing, leading toward integration and balance, with each aspect
having equal importance and value. Healing can lead to more complex levels
of personal understanding and meaning, and may be synchronous but not
synonymous with curing.

Healing process. A continual journey of change and evolution of one’s self

through life, characterized by the awareness of patterns that support or
are challenges/barriers to health and healing; may be undertaken alone or
in a healing community.

Healing relationships. The quality and characteristics of interactions between

one who facilitates healing and the person who is in the process of healing.
Characteristics of such interactions involve empathy, caring, love, warmth,
trust, confidence, credibility, competence, honesty, courtesy, respect, shar-
ing of expectations, and good communication.

Healing system. A true healthcare system in which people can receive ade-
quate, nontoxic, and noninvasive assistance in maintaining wellness and
healing for body, mind, emotion, and spirit, together with the most sophis-
ticated, aggressive, curing technologies available.

Health. An individually defined state or process in which the individual (nurse,

client, family, group, or community) experiences a sense of well-being,
harmony, and unity such that subjective experiences about health, health
beliefs, and values are honored; a process of becoming and expanding

Health promotion. Activities and preventive measures to promote health,

increase well-being, and actualize human potential of people, families, com-
munities, society, and ecology; examples include immunizations, fitness/
exercise programs, breast self-exam, appropriate nutrition, relaxation, stress
management, social support, prayer, meditation, healing rituals, cultural
practices, and promoting environmental health and safety.

88 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Holistic communication. A caring–healing process that calls forth the full

use of self in interacting with another. A free flow of verbal and nonverbal
interchange between and among people and significant beings such as pets,
nature, and God/Life Force/Absolute/Transcendent that explores meaning
and ideas leading to mutual understanding and growth.

Holistic ethics. The basic underlying concept of the unity and integral whole-
ness of all people and of all nature, identified and pursued by finding unity
and wholeness within the self and within humanity. In this framework,
acts are not performed for the sake of law, precedent, or social norms, but
rather from a desire to do good freely in order to witness, identify, and
contribute to unity.

Holistic healing. A form of healing based on attention to all aspects of an

individual: physical, mental, emotional, sexual, cultural, social, spiritual,
and energetic; the manifestation of the right relationship at one or more
levels of the body-mind-emotion-spirit-energy system.

Holistic nurse. A nurse who recognizes and integrates body-mind-emotion-

spirit-energy-environment principles and modalities in daily life and clinical
practice, creates a caring healing space within herself/himself that allows the
nurse to be an instrument of healing, shares authenticity of unconditional
presence that helps to remove the barriers to the healing process, facilitates
another person’s growth (body-mind-emotion-spirit-energy-environment
connections), and assists with recovery from illness or transition to peace-
ful death.

Holistic nursing practice process. An iterative and integrative process involving

six steps that may occur simultaneously: (1) assessing, (2) diagnosing or iden-
tifying patterns/challenges/needs/health issue(s), (3) identifying outcomes,
(4) planning care, (5) implementing the plan of care, and (6) evaluating.

Honor. An act or intention indicating the holding of self or another in high

respect, esteem, and dignity, including valuing and accepting the humanity
of people, with regard for the decisions and wishes of another.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 89


Human caring. The moral ideal of nursing, in which the nurse brings her/his
whole self into a relationship with the whole self of the person being cared for
in order to protect that person’s vulnerability, preserve the person’s humanity
and dignity, and reinforce the meaning and experience of oneness and unity.

Human health experience. The totality of human experience, including

each person’s subjective experience about health, health beliefs, illness,
values, sexual orientation, and personal preferences, that encompasses

Illness. A subjective experience of symptoms and suffering to which the

individual ascribes meaning and significance; not synonymous with dis-
ease; a shift in the homeodynamic balance of the person to disharmony
and imbalance.

Intention. The conscious awareness of being in the present moment to help

facilitate the healing process; a volitional act of love.

Interdisciplinary/interprofessional. Conversation or collaboration across

disciplines in which knowledge is shared that informs learning, practice,
education, and research; includes individuals, families, community mem-
bers, and other disciplines.

Meaning. That which is signified, indicated, referred to, or understood. More

specifically: Philosophical meaning: Meaning that depends on the symbolic
connections that are grasped by reason. Psychological meaning: Meaning
that depends on connections experienced through intuition or insight.

Person. An individual, client, healthcare consumer, patient, family member,

significant other, support person, or community member who has the
opportunity to engage in interaction with a holistic nurse.

Person-centered care. The human caring process in which the holistic nurse
gives full attention and intention to the whole self of a person, not merely
the current presenting symptoms, illness, crisis, or tasks to be accomplished,
and that includes reinforcing the person’s meaning and experience of one-
ness and unity; the created condition of trust in which holistic care can be
given and received.

90 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Presence. The essential state or core of healing; approaching an individual

in a way that respects and honors her/his essence; relating in a way that
reflects a quality of being with and in collaboration/partnership with rather
than doing to; entering into a shared experience (or field of consciousness)
that promotes healing potential and an experience of well-being.

Relationship-centered care. A process model of caregiving that is based in

a vision of community where three types of relationships are identified:
(1) patient–practitioner relationship, (2) community–practitioner
relationship, and (3) practitioner–practitioner relationship. Each of these
interrelated relationships is essential within a reformed integrative healthcare
delivery system in a hospital, clinic, community, or home. Each component
involves a unique set of responsibilities and tasks that addresses three areas:
knowledge, values, and skills (Tresolini & Pew-Fetzer Task Force, 1994).

Spirituality. The feelings, thoughts, experiences, and behaviors that arise from
a search for meaning. That which is generally considered sacred or holy.
Usually, though not universally, considered to involve a sense of connection
with an absolute, imminent, or transcendent spiritual force, however named,
as well as the conviction that meaning, value, direction, and purpose are
valid aspects of the individual and universe. The essence of being and relat-
edness that permeates all of life and is manifested in one’s knowing, doing,
and being. The interconnectedness with self, others, nature, and God/Life
Force/Absolute/Transcendent. Not necessarily synonymous with religion.

Transformational leadership. Leadership that creates valuable and positive change

in individuals and systems, encouraging individuals to contribute to their fullest
potential by enhancing the motivation, morale, and performance of followers.

Transpersonal. A personal understanding that is based on one’s experiences of

temporarily transcending or moving beyond one’s usual identification with
the limited biological, historical, cultural, and personal self at the deepest
and most profound levels of experience possible. From this perspective,
the ordinary, biological, historical, cultural, and personal self is seen as
an important but only a partial manifestation or expression of this much
greater something that is one’s deeper origin and destination. That which
transcends the limits and boundaries of individual ego identities and pos-
sibilities to include acknowledgment and appreciation of something greater.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 91


Wellness. Integrated, congruent functioning aimed toward reaching one’s

highest potential.

Many of the definitions in this document were adapted from Holistic Nursing:
Scope and Standards of Practice (AHNA & ANA, 2007), and Dossey and
Keegan (2013), with permission.

92 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

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98 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Appendix A.
Holistic Nursing: Scope and
Standards of Practice (2007)

Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


Definition and Overview of Holistic Nursing

Holistic nursing is defined as “all nursing practice that has healing the
whole person as its goal” (AHNA 1998).
Holistic nursing embraces all nursing that has the enhancement of
healing the whole person from birth to death—and all age groups from
infant to elder—as its goal. Holistic nursing recognizes that there are two
views regarding holism: that holism involves identifying the interrelation-
ships of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual dimensions of the person, recog-
nizing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; and that holism
involves understanding the individual as a unitary whole in mutual pro-
cess with the environment. Holistic nursing responds to both views, be-
lieving that the goals of nursing can be achieved within either framework.
Holistic nursing focuses on protecting, promoting, and optimizing
health and wellness, assisting healing, preventing illness and injury,
alleviating suffering, and supporting people to find peace, comfort,
harmony, and balance through the diagnosis and treatment of human
Holistic nursing care is person–relationship centered and healing ori-
ented vs. disease/cure oriented. Holistic nursing emphasizes practices
of self-care, intentionality, presence, mindfulness, and therapeutic use of
self as pivotal for facilitation of healing and patterning of wellness in
others. Holistic nursing is prospective, focusing on:
• Comprehensive health promotion and health risk reduction.
• Proactive interventions that address antecedents and mediators of
• Opportunities in each individual’s experiences of illness and disease
for the individual’s transformation, growth, and finding of meaning.
The holistic nurse is an instrument of healing and a facilitator in the
healing process. Holistic nurses honor the individual’s subjective expe-
rience about health, health beliefs, and values. To become therapeutic

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The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

partners with individuals, families, communities, and populations, holis-

tic nursing practice draws on nursing knowledge, theories, research,
expertise, intuition, and creativity incorporating the roles of clinician,
educator, consultant, partner, role model, and advocate. Holistic nursing
practice encourages peer review of professional practice in various clini-
cal settings and provides care based on current professional standards,
laws, and regulations governing nursing practice.
Holistic nurses integrate complementary/alternative modalities (CAM)
into clinical practice to treat people’s physiological, psychological, and
spiritual needs. Doing so does not negate the validity of conventional
medical therapies but serves to complement, broaden, and enrich the
scope of nursing practice and to help individuals access their greatest
healing potential. Integration rather than separation is advocated.
Practicing holistic nursing requires nurses to integrate self-care, self-
responsibility, spirituality, and reflection in their own lives. This leads the
nurse to greater awareness of the interconnectedness with oneself,
others, nature, and God/LifeForce/Absolute/Transcendent. This aware-
ness further enhances nurses’ understanding of all individuals and their
relationships to the human and global community, and it permits nurses
to use this awareness to facilitate the healing process.
The phenomena of concern to holistic nursing include, but are not
limited to:
• The caring–healing relationship
• The subjective experience of and meanings ascribed to health, ill-
ness, wellness, healing, birth, growth and development, and dying
• The cultural values and beliefs and folk practices of health, illness,
and healing
• Spirituality in nursing care
• The evaluation of complementary/alternative modalities used in
nursing practice
• Comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention
• Self-care processes
• Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual comfort, discomfort, and

2 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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• Empowerment, decision-making, and the ability to make informed

• Social and economic policies and their effects on the health of in-
dividuals, families, and communities
• Diverse and alternative healthcare systems and their relationships
with access and quality of health care
• The environment and the prevention of disease
This document, used in conjunction with Nursing’s Social Policy State-
ment, Second Edition (ANA 2003), Nursing: Scope and Standards of Prac-
tice (ANA 2004), Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements
(ANA 2001), and the laws, statutes, and regulations related to nursing
practice for their state, commonwealth, or territory, delineates the pro-
fessional responsibilities of a holistic nurse.

Evolution of Holistic Nursing

“Holism” in health care is a philosophy that emanated directly from
Florence Nightingale, who believed in care that focused on unity,
wellness, and the interrelationship of human beings, events, and en-
vironment. Even Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, es-
poused a holistic orientation when he taught doctors to observe their
patients’ life circumstances and emotional states. Socrates stated,
“Curing the soul; that is the first thing.” In holism, symptoms are be-
lieved to be an expression of the body’s wisdom as it reacts to cure
its own imbalance or disease.
The root of the word heal comes from the Greek word halos and the
Anglo-Saxon word healan, which means “to be or to become whole.”
The word holy also comes from the same source. Healing means
“making whole”—or restoring balance and harmony. It is movement
toward a sense of wholeness and completion. Healing therefore is the
integration of the totality of the person in body, mind, emotion, spirit,
and environment.
One of the driving forces behind the holistic nursing movement in the
United States was the formation of the American Holistic Nurses Asso-
ciation (AHNA). In 1980, founder Charlotte McGuire and 75 founding
members began the national organization in Houston, Texas. The national

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The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

office is now located in Flagstaff, Arizona. AHNA has as its mission to unite
nurses in healing with a focus on holistic principles of health, preventive
education, and the integration of allopathic and complementary caring–
healing modalities to facilitate care of the whole person and significant
others. From its inception in 1980, the American Holistic Nurses Associa-
tion (AHNA) has been the leader in developing and advancing holistic
principles, practices, and guidelines. The Association predicted that holistic
principles, caring–healing, and the integration of complementary/alterna-
tive therapies would emerge into mainstream health care.
The AHNA, the definitive voice for holistic nursing, is committed to
promoting wholeness and wellness in individuals/families/communities,
nurses themselves, the nursing profession, and the environment.
Through its various activities, the AHNA provides vision, direction, and
leadership in the advancement of holistic nursing; integrates the art and
science of nursing in the profession; empowers holistic nursing through
education, research, and standards; encourages nurses to be models of
wellness; honors individual excellence in the advancement of holistic
nursing; and influences policy to change the healthcare system to a
more humanistic orientation.
The goals and endeavors of the AHNA have continued to map con-
ceptual frameworks and the blueprint for holistic nursing practice, edu-
cation, and research, which is the most complete way to conceptualize
and practice professional nursing. Beginning in 1993, AHNA undertook
an organization development process that included the following areas:
• Identification of the steps toward national certification in 1993–
• Revision of the 1990 Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice, com-
pleted in 1995
• Completing a role delineation study, the Inventory of Professional
Activities and Knowledge Statements of a Holistic Nurse (also known
as the IPAKHN Survey) in 1997
• Developing a national Holistic Nursing Certification Examination,
completed in 1997
• Completing major revisions of the 1995 Standards of Holistic Nurs-
ing Practice in 1999, with additional editorial changes in January
2000 and 2005

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• Developing a Core Curriculum for basic holistic nursing based on

the Basic Standards (1997)
• Approving and adopting Standards of Advanced Holistic Nursing
Practice for Graduate-Prepared Nurses (2002, revised 2005)
• Developing a Core Curriculum for advanced holistic nursing based
on the Advanced Standards (2003)
• Developing the Certification Exam for Advanced Holistic Nursing
Practice by The American Holistic Nurses Certification Corporation
(AHNCC) in 2004. This exam was first offered in March 2005.
• Revising the 2004 basic and advanced Standards of Holistic Nursing
Practice to meet ANA criteria for recognition of holistic nursing as
a specialty
Other AHNA activities that support and promote holistic nursing include:
• Collaborating with other organizations to strengthen the voice of
• Endorsing certificate programs for nurses that have content in ho-
listic nursing and/or complementary/alternative healing modalities
• Organizing networking groups to further holistic nursing
• Providing and approving continuing education programs featuring
holistic health topics, holistic research, and holistic education
• Granting awards for holistic nursing research
• Publishing several informational, educational, research, and profes-
sional support materials
• Sponsoring the World-Wide Commemorative Moment for Florence
Nightingale and Nursing
• Offering the National Student Sponsorship Initiative
There are now increasing numbers of holistic nurses who hold lead-
educators,authors, and
authors, researchers
and in university-
researchers in univer-
based schools
sity-based of nursing,
schools practice
of nursing, environments,
practice environments,nursing,
Membership in the AHNA is open to all individuals who support the
mission of the organization. AHNA’s philosophy is that holistic nursing
is the heart of nursing and the science of holism.

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Principles of Holistic Nursing

The following principles—Person, Healing/Health, Practice—underlie
holistic nursing:

• There is unity, totality, and connectedness of everyone and every-
thing (body, mind, emotion, spirit, sexuality, age, environment,
social/cultural, belief systems, relationships, context).
• Human beings are unique and inherently good.
• People are able to find meaning and purpose in their own life,
experiences, and illness.
• All people have an innate power and capacity for self healing.
Health/illness is subjectively described and determined by the view
of the individual. Therefore, the person is honored in all phases of
his/her healing process regardless of expectations or outcomes.
• People/persons/individuals are the recipients of holistic nursing
services. These can be clients, patients, families, significant others,
populations, or communities. They may be ill and within the health-
care delivery system or well, moving toward personal betterment
to enhance well-being.

• Health and illness are natural and a part of life, learning, and move-
ment toward change and development.
• Health is seen as balance, integration, harmony, right relationship,
and the betterment of well-being, not just the absence of disease.
Healing can take place without cure. The focus is on health promo-
tion/disease prevention/health restoration/lifestyle patterns and
habits, as well as symptom relief.
• Illness is considered a teacher and an opportunity for self-awareness
and growth as part of the life process. Symptoms are respected as
• People as active partners in the healing process are empowered
when they take some control of their own lives, health, and well-
being including personal choices and relationships.

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• Treatment is a process that considers the root of the problem, not

merely treating the obvious signs and symptoms.

• Practice is a science (critical thinking, reflection, evidence/research/
theory as underlying practice) and an art (intuition, creativity, pres-
ence, self/personal knowing as integral to practice).
• The values and ethic of holism, caring, moral insight, dignity, integ-
rity, competence, responsibility, accountability, and legality underlie
holistic nursing practice.
• There are various philosophies and paradigms of health, illness,
healing, and approaches/models for the delivery of health care,
both in the U.S. and in other cultures, that need to be understood
and utilized.
• Older adults represent the predominant population served by
• Public policy and the healthcare delivery system influence the
health and well-being of society and professional nursing.

Nursing Roles
• Using warmth, compassion, caring, authenticity, respect, trust, and
relationship as instruments of healing in and of themselves, as part
of the healing environment.
• Using conventional nursing interventions as well as holistic/
complementary/alternative/integrative modalities that enhance
the body-mind-emotion-spirit-environment connectedness to fos-
ter healing, health, wholeness, and well-being of people.
• Collaborating and partnering with all constituencies in the health
process including the person receiving care and family, commu-
nity, peers, and other disciplines. Using principles and skills of co-
operation, alliance, and respect and honoring the contributions
of all.
• Participating in the change process to develop more caring cul-
tures in which to practice and learn.
• Assisting nurses to nurture and heal themselves.

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• Participating in activities that contribute to the improvement of

communities and the environment and to the betterment of public
• Acting as an advocate for the rights of and equitable distribution
and access to health care for all persons, especially vulnerable
• Honoring the ecosystem and our relationship with and need to pre-
serve it, as we are all connected.

• The nurse’s self-reflection and self-assessment, self-care, healing,
and personal development are necessary for service to others and
growth/change in one’s own well-being and understanding of
one’s own personal journey.
• The nurse values oneself and one’s calling to holistic nursing as a
life purpose.

Integrating the Art and Science of Nursing: Core Values

The art and science of holistic nursing emanates from these five core
values, which are described in this section:
• Core Value 1. Holistic Philosophy, Theories, and Ethics
• Core Value 2. Holistic Caring Process
• Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Environment,
and Cultural Diversity
• Core Value 4. Holistic Education and Research
• Core Value 5. Holistic Nurse Self-Care

Core Value 1. Holistic Philosophy, Theories, and Ethics

Holistic nurses recognize the human health experience as a complicated,
dynamic relationship of health, illness, and wellness, and they value heal-
ing as the desired outcome of the practice of nursing. Their practice is
based on scientific foundations (theory, research, evidence-based prac-
tice, critical thinking, reflection) and art (relationship, communication,
creativity, presence, caring).

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Holistic nursing is grounded in nursing knowledge and skill and

guided by nursing theory. Florence Nightingale’s writings are often ref-
erenced as a significant precursor for the development of holistic nurs-
ing practice. While each holistic nurse chooses which nursing theory to
apply in any individual case, the nursing theories of Jean Watson (Theory
of Human Caring), Martha Rogers (the Science of Unitary Human Beings),
Margaret Newman (Health as Expanding Consciousness), Madeleine
Leininger (Theory of Cultural Care), Rosemarie Rizzo Parse (Theory of
Human Becoming), Paterson and Zderad (Humanistic Nursing Theory),
and Helen Erickson (Modeling and Role-Modeling) are most frequently
used to support holistic nursing practice.
In addition to nursing theory, holistic nurses utilize other theories and
perspectives of wholeness and healing that guide their practice. These
scientific theories and philosophies present a worldview of connected-
ness, e.g., theories of consciousness; energy field theory; Carl Pribram’s
Holographic Universe; David Bohm’s Implicate/Explicate Order; Candace
Pert’s psychoneuroimmunology; Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenic fields;
Ken Wilbur’s Spectrum of Consciousness and Integral Psychology; Pierre
Tielhard de Chardin’s philosophy; spirituality; and alternative medical
systems such as traditional Oriental medicine, Ayurveda, Native Ameri-
can and indigenous healing, and Eastern contemplative orientations
such as Zen and Taoism.
Holistic nurses further recognize and honor the ethic that the per-
son is the authority on his or her own health experience. The holistic
nurse is an “option giver,” i.e., helping the person develop an under-
standing of alternatives and implications of various health and treat-
ment options.
The holistic nurse first ascertains what the individual thinks or be-
lieves is happening to them and then assists the person to identify what
will help his/her situation. The assessment begins from where the indi-
vidual is. The holistic nurse then discusses options, including the person’s
choices, across a continuum, including possible effects and implications
of each. For instance, if a person diagnosed with cancer is experiencing
nausea due to chemotherapy, the individual and nurse may discuss the
choices and effects of pharmacologic agents, imagery, homeopathic
remedies, etc., or a combination of these. The holistic nurse acts as
partner and co-prescriptor vs. sole prescriber. The relationship is a co-
piloting of the individual’s health experience in which the nurse respects

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the person’s decision about his or her own health. It is a process of

engagement rather than compliance.
Client narratives, whether they arise from individuals, families, or com-
munities, provide the context of the experiences and are used as an
important focus in understanding the person’s situation. Holistic nurses
hold the belief that people, through their inherent capacities, heal them-
selves. Therefore, the holistic nurse is not the healer but the guide and
facilitator of the individual’s own healing.
In the belief that all things are connected, the holistic perspective
espouses that an individual’s actions have a ripple effect throughout
humanity. Holism places the greatest worth on individuals’ developing
higher levels of human awareness. This, in turn, elevates the whole of
humanity. Holistic nurses believe in the sacredness of one’s self and of
all nature. One’s inner self and the collective greater self have steward-
ship not only over one’s body, mind, and spirit, but also over our planet.
Holistic nurses focus on the meaning and quality of life deriving from
their own character and from their relationship to the universe rather
than imposed from without.
Holistic nurses hold to a professional ethic of caring and healing that
seeks to preserve wholeness and dignity of self and others. They sup-
port human dignity by advocating and adhering to The Patient’s Bill of
Rights in Medicare and Medicaid (U.S. DHHS 1999a), ANA’s Code of Ethics
for Nurses with Interpretive Standards (2001), and AHNA’s Position State-
ment on Holistic Nursing Ethics (2007), the latter of which is included in
Appendix D (page 120).

Core Value 2. Holistic Caring Process

Holistic nurses provide care that recognizes the totality of the human
being (the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotion, spirit, social/
cultural, relationship, context, and environment). This is an integrated as
well as comprehensive approach. While physical symptoms are being
treated, a holistic nurse would also focus on how the individual is
cognitively perceiving and emotionally dealing with the illness; its ef-
fect on the person’s family and social relationships and economic re-
sources; the person’s values and cultural, spiritual beliefs and preferences
regarding treatment; and the meaning of this experience to the person’s
life. But in addition, a holistic nurse may also incorporate a number of

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alternative modalities (e.g., cognitive restructuring, stress management,

visualization and imagery, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, Therapeutic
Touch, Healing Touch) with conventional nursing interventions. Holistic
nurses focus on care interventions that promote healing, peace, com-
fort, and a subjective sense of well-being for the person.
The holistic caring process involves six often simultaneously occur-
ring steps: assessment, diagnosis (identification of pattern/problem/
need/health issue), outcomes, therapeutic plan of care, implementation,
and evaluation. Holistic nurses apply the holistic caring process with
individuals or families across the lifespan, population groups, and com-
munities, and in all settings.
Holistic nurses incorporate a variety of roles in their practice, includ-
ing expert clinician and facilitator of healing; consultant and collabora-
tor; educator and guide; administrator, leader, and change agent;
researcher; and advocate. They strongly emphasize partnership with
individuals throughout the entire decision-making process.
Holistic assessments include not only the physical, functional, psycho-
social, mental, emotional, cultural, and sexual aspects, but also the spiri-
tual, transpersonal, and energy field assessments of the whole person.
Energy assessments are based on the concept that all beings are com-
posed of energy. Congestion or stagnation of energy in any realm cre-
ates dis-harmony and dis-ease. Spiritual assessments glean not only
religious beliefs and practices but also query about a person’s meaning
and purpose in life and how that may have changed due to the present
health experience. Spiritual assessments also include questions about
an individual’s sense of serenity and peace, what provides joy and ful-
fillment, and the source of strength and hope.
Holistic assessment data are interpreted into patterns/challenges/
needs from which meaning and understanding of the health/disease
experience can be mutually identified with the person. An important
responsibility is that of helping the person to identify risk factors such
as lifestyle, habits, beliefs and values, personal and family health history,
and age-related conditions that influence health and then to utilize
opportunities to increase well-being. The focus is on the individual’s
goals, not the nurse’s goals.
Therapeutic plans of care respect the person’s experience and the
uniqueness of each healing journey. The same illness may have very

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different manifestations in different individuals. A major aspect of holistic

nursing practice, in addition to competence, is intention—that is, intend-
ing for the wholeness, well-being, and highest good of the person with
every encounter and intervention. This honors and reinforces the innate
capacity of people to heal themselves. Therefore, holistic nurses respect
that outcomes may not be those expected and may evolve differently
based on the person’s own individual healing process and health choices.
Holistic nurses endeavor to detach themselves from the outcomes. The
nurse does not produce the outcomes; the individual’s own healing pro-
cess produces the outcomes, and the nurse facilitates this process. A sig-
nificant focus is on guiding individuals and significant others to utilize
their own inner strength and resources through the course of healing.
Appropriate and evidence-based information (including current
knowledge, practice, and research) regarding the health condition and
various treatments and therapies and their side effects is consistently
provided. Holistic care always occurs within the scope and standards of
practice of registered nursing and in accordance with state and federal
laws and regulations.
In addition to conventional interventions, holistic nurses have knowl-
edge of and integrate a number of CAM approaches, which have been
categorized by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (2005). (See also Appendix A.) These include the following
• Whole medical systems, such as Ayurveda, Traditional Oriental
Medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Native Ameri-
can and Latin American indigenous practices
• Mind–body interventions, such as meditation, relaxation, imagery,
hypnosis, yoga, t’ai chi, prayer, art, music and dance therapies,
cognitive-behavioral therapy, biofeedback, therapeutic counseling,
and stress management
• Biologically based therapies, such as herbal therapies, diet therapies,
nutritional supplements, and vitamin and mineral supplements
• Manipulative and body-based methods, such as chiropractic, mas-
sage therapy, osteopathy, Rolfing, reflexology, Alexander Technique,
and Craniosacral therapy
• Energy therapies, such as Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Qi Gong, Acu-
pressure, Healing Touch, and magnet therapy

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Therapies frequently incorporated in holistic nursing practice in-

clude the following interventions listed in the Nursing Interventions
Classification (NIC): meditation; relaxation therapy; breath work;
music, art, aroma therapies; energy-based touch therapies such as
Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki; acupressure; massage; guided
imagery; animal-assisted therapy; biofeedback; prayer; reflexology;
diet; herbology; and homeopathy. Interventions frequently employed
in holistic nursing practice in addition to conventional nursing inter-
ventions include: anxiety reduction and stress management, calming
technique, emotional support, exercise and nutrition promotion, smok-
ing cessation promotion, patient contracting, resiliency promotion,
forgiveness facilitation, hope installation, presence, journaling, coun-
seling, cognitive therapy, self-help, spiritual support, and environmen-
tal management.
As many of today’s healthcare problems are stress related, holistic
nurses empower individuals by teaching them techniques to reduce
their stress. Many interventions used in holistic nursing elicit the relax-
ation response (e.g., breath work, meditation, relaxation, imagery,
aromatherapy and use of essential oils, diet). People can learn these
therapies and use them without the intervention of a healthcare pro-
vider. This allows a person to take an active role in the management of
his/her own health care. Holistic nurses also can teach families and
caregivers to use these techniques for loved ones who may be ill (e.g.,
simple foot or hand massage for older clients with dementia). In addi-
tion, individuals are taught how to evaluate their own responses to
these modalities.
Holistic nurses prescribe as legally authorized. They instruct individu-
als regarding drug, herbal, and homeopathic regimens and, importantly,
the side effects and interactions of these therapies. They consult,
collaborate, and refer, as necessary, to both conventional allopathic
providers and to holistic practitioners. They provide information and
counseling to people about alternative, complementary, integrative, and
conventional healthcare practices. Very importantly, holistic nurses fa-
cilitate negotiation of services as they guide individuals and families
between conventional Western medical and alternative systems. Holis-
tic nurses, in partnership with the individual and others, evaluate if care
is effective and if there are changes in the meaning of the health expe-
rience for the individual.

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Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Environment,

and Cultural Diversity
The holistic nurse’s communication ensures that each individual expe-
riences the presence of the nurse as authentic, caring, compassionate,
and sincere. This is more than simply using therapeutic techniques
such as responding, reflecting, summarizing, etc. This is deep listening
or, as some say, “listening with the heart and not just the ears.” It is
done with conscious intention and without preconceptions, busyness,
distractions, or analysis. It takes place in the “now” within an atmo-
sphere of shared humanness, i.e., human being to human being.
Through presence or “being with in the moment,” holistic nurses
provide each person with an interpersonal encounter that is experi-
enced as a connection with one who is giving undivided attention to
the needs and concerns of the individual. Using unconditional posi-
tive regard, holistic nurses convey to the individual receiving care the
belief in his or her worth and value as a human being, not solely the
recipient of medical and nursing interventions.
The importance of context in understanding the person’s health ex-
perience is always recognized. Space and time are allowed for explora-
tion. Each person’s health encounter is truly seen as unique and may be
contrary to conventional knowledge and treatments. Therefore, the ho-
listic nurse must be comfortable with ambiguity, paradox, and uncer-
tainty. This requires a perspective that the nurse is not “the expert”
regarding another’s health/illness experience.
Holistic nurses have a knowledge base of the use and meanings of
symbolic language and use interventions such as imagery, creation of
sacred space and personal rituals, dream exploration, and aesthetic
therapies such as music, visual arts, and dance. They encourage and sup-
port others in the use of prayer, meditation, or other spiritual and sym-
bolic practices for healing purposes.
A cornerstone of holistic nursing practice is assisting individuals to
find meaning in their experience. Regardless of the health/illness con-
dition, the meaning that individuals ascribe to their situation can influ-
ence their response to it. Holistic nurses attend to the subjective world
of the individual. They consider meanings such as the person’s concerns
in relation to health, family relationships, employment, and economics,
as well as to deeper meanings related to the person’s purpose in life.
Regardless of the technology or treatment, holistic nurses address the

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human spirit as a major force in healing. The person’s perception of

meaning is related to all factors in health-wellness-disease-illness.
Holistic nurses realize that suffering, illness, and disease are natural
components of the human condition and have the potential to teach
about oneself, one’s relationships, and the universe. Every experience is
valued for its meaning and lesson.
Holistic nurses have a particular obligation to create a therapeutic
environment that values holism, caring, social support, and integration
of conventional and CAM approaches to healing. They seek to create
caring cultures and environments where individuals, both clients and
staff, feel connected, supported, and respected. A particular perspective
of holistic nursing is the nurse as the “healing environment” and an in-
strument of healing. Holistic nurses shape the physical environment
(e.g., light, fresh air, pleasant sounds or quiet, neatness and order, heal-
ing smells, earth elements). They also provide a relationship-focused
environment, the creation of sacred space through presence and inten-
tion where others can feel safe, can unfold, can explore the dimensions
of self in healing.
Culture, beliefs, and values are an inherent component of a holistic
approach. Concepts of health and healing are based in culture and of-
ten influence people’s actions to promote, maintain, and restore health.
Culture also may provide an understanding of a person’s concept of the
illness or disease and appropriate treatment. Holistic nurses possess
knowledge and understanding of numerous cultural traditions and
healthcare practices from various racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds.
However, holistic nurses honor individuals’ understanding and articula-
tion of their own cultural values, beliefs, and health practices rather than
reliance on stereotypical cultural classifications and descriptions. These
understandings then are used to provide culturally competent care that
corresponds with the beliefs, values, traditions, and health practices of
individuals and families. Holistic nurses ask individuals, “What do I need
to know about you culturally in caring for you?”
Holistic healing is a collaborative approach. Holistic nurses take an
active role in trying to remove the political and financial barriers to the
inclusion of holistic care in the healthcare system.
Of particular importance to holistic nurses is the human connection
with the ecology. They actively participate in building an ecosystem that

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sustains the well-being of all life. This includes raising the public’s con-
sciousness about environmental issues and stressors that affect not only
the health of people, but also the health of the planet.

Core Value 4. Holistic Education and Research

Holistic nurses possess an understanding of a wide range of cultural
norms and healthcare practices/beliefs/values concerning individuals,
families, groups, and communities from varied racial ethnic, spiritual, and
social backgrounds. This rich knowledge base reflects their formal aca-
demic and continuing education preparation and also includes a wide
diversity of practices and modalities outside of conventional medicine.
Because of this preparation, holistic nurses serve as both educators and
advocates and have a significant impact on peoples’ understanding of
healthcare options and alternatives.
Additionally, holistic nurses provide much-needed information to in-
dividuals on health promotion including such topics as healthy lifestyles,
risk-reducing behaviors, preventive self-care, stress management, living
with changes secondary to illness and treatment, and opportunities to
enhance well-being.
Holistic nurses value all the ways of knowing and learning. They indi-
vidualize learning and appreciate that science, intuition, introspection,
creativity, aesthetics, and culture produce different bodies of knowledge
and perspectives. They help others to know themselves and access their
own inner wisdom to enhance growth, wholeness, and well-being.
Holistic nurses often guide individuals and families in their healthcare
decisions, especially regarding conventional allopathic and complemen-
tary alternative practices. Therefore, they must be knowledgeable about
the best evidence available for both conventional and CAM therapies. In
addition to developing evidence-based practice using research, practice
guidelines, and expertise, holistic nurses strongly consider the person’s
values and healthcare practices and beliefs in practice decisions.
Holistic nurses look at alternative philosophies of science and re-
search methods that are compatible with investigations of humanistic
and holistic occurrences; that explore the context in which phenomena
occur and the meaning of patterns that evolve; and that take into con-
sideration the interactive nature of the body, mind, emotion, spirit, and

16 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Holistic nurses conduct and evaluate research in diverse areas such as:
• Outcome measures of various holistic therapies, e.g., Therapeutic
Touch, prayer, aromatherapy
• Instrument development to measure caring behaviors and dimen-
sions; spirituality; self-transcendence; cultural competence, etc.
• Client responses to holistic interventions in health/illness
• Explorations of clients’ lived experiences with various health/illness
• Theory development in healing, caring, intentionality, cultural con-
structions, empowerment, etc.

Core Value 5. Holistic Nurse Self-Care

Self-care as well as personal awareness of and continuous focus on being
an instrument of healing are significant requirements for holistic nurses.
Holistic nurses value themselves and mobilize the necessary resources to
care for themselves. They endeavor to integrate self-awareness, self-care,
and self-healing into their lives by incorporating practices such as self-
assessment, meditation, yoga, good nutrition, energy therapies, move-
ment, art, support, and lifelong learning. Holistic nurses honor their unique
patterns and the development of the body, the psychological-social-
cultural self, the intellectual self, and the spiritual self. Nurses cannot fa-
cilitate healing unless they are in the process of healing themselves.
Through continuing education, practice, and self-work, holistic nurses
develop the skills of authentic and deep self-reflection and introspection
to understand themselves and their journey. It is seen as a lifelong process.
Holistic nurses strive to achieve harmony/balance in their own lives
and assist others to do the same. They create healing environments for
themselves attending to
themselves by attending to their
destructive behaviorsand
structive behaviors andattitudes,
and practicing
practicing centering
centeringand andstress
doingthis, holistic
this, nurses
holistic serve
nurses as role
serve models
as role mod-
elsothers, be they
to others, clients,
be they colleagues,
clients, or personal
colleagues, contacts.
or personal contacts.

Settings for Holistic Nursing Practice

Holistic nurses practice in numerous settings, including but not limited
to: private practitioner offices; ambulatory, acute, long-term, and home

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care settings; complementary care centers; women’s health centers;

hospice palliative care; psychiatric mental health facilities; schools; re-
habilitation centers; community nursing organizations; student and
employee health clinics; managed care organizations; independent self-
employed practice; correctional facilities; professional nursing and
healthcare organizations; administration; staff development; and univer-
sities and colleges.
Holistic nursing practice also occurs when there is a request for con-
sultation or when holistic nurses advocate for care that promotes health
and prevents disease, illness, or disability for individuals, communities,
or the environment, e.g., a holistic nurse may choose not to work in a
critical care setting but provide consultation regarding self-care or stress
management to nurses in that area. Or, holistic nurses may practice in
preoperative and recovery rooms instituting a “Prepare for Surgery” pro-
gram that teaches individuals having surgery meditation and positive
affirmation techniques, pre and post surgery, while incorporating a
homeopathic regimen for trauma and cell healing. Employment or vol-
untary participation of holistic nurses also can influence civic activities
and the regulatory and legislative arena at the local, state, national, or
international level.
As holistic nursing focuses on wellness, wholeness, and development
of the whole person, holistic nurses also practice in health enhancement
settings such as spas, gyms, and wellness centers.
Because holistic nursing is a worldview, a way of “being” in the world
and not just a modality, holistic nurses can practice in any setting and
with individuals throughout the life span. As the public increasingly re-
quests holistic/CAM services, holistic nurses will be increasingly in de-
mand and practice in a wider array of settings. Holistic nursing takes
place wherever healing occurs.

Educational Preparation for Holistic Nursing

Holistic nurses are registered nurses who are educationally prepared for
practice from an approved school of nursing and are licensed to prac-
tice in their individual state, commonwealth, or territory. The holistic
registered nurse’s experience, education, knowledge, and abilities estab-
lish the level of competence. This document identifies the scope of prac-

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tice of holistic nursing and the specific standards and associated mea-
surement criteria of holistic nurses at both the basic and advanced
levels. Regardless of the level of practice, all holistic nurses integrate the
previously identified five core values.
A registered nurse may prepare for the specialty of holistic nursing
in a variety of ways. Educational offerings range from baccalaureate and
graduate courses and programs to continuing education programs with
extensive contact hours.

Basic Practice Level

The education of all nursing students preparing for RN licensure in-
cludes basic content on physiological, psychological, emotional, and
some spiritual processes with populations across the life span and con-
ventional nursing care practices within each of these domains. Addition-
ally, basic nursing education incorporates experiences in a variety of
clinical/practice settings from acute care to community. However, the
educational focus is most frequently on “specialties” often emanating
from the biomedical disease model with cure orientation.
In holistic nursing, the individual across the life span is viewed in con-
text as an integrated body, mind, emotion, social, spirit totality, with the
emphasis on wholeness, well-being, health promotion, and healing
using both conventional and complementary/alternative practices. Be-
cause of the lack of intentional focus on integration, unity, and healing,
the educational exposure of most nursing students is not adequate
preparation for assuming the specialty role of a holistic nurse.
There are currently seven undergraduate programs in the U.S.
endorsed by the American Holistic Nurse Certification Corporation
(AHNCC) that prepare undergraduate students in holistic nursing. Ad-
ditionally, there are many schools of nursing offering both graduate and
undergraduate courses in “Holistic Nursing.” A survey of schools of nurs-
ing in the United States (Fenton and Morris 2003) indicated that almost
60% (n=74) of the responding schools (sample n=125 schools) had a
definition of holistic nursing in their curricula and were familiar with
Holistic Nursing Core Curriculum (see Dossey 1997). The majority of the
sample (84.8%, n=106) included at least one complementary/alternative
modality (e.g., visualization, relaxation) in their curricula. Twenty-six
(21%) schools had faculty who were certified in holistic nursing.

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Increasingly, schools of nursing are incorporating holistic nursing

practices and complementary/alternative modalities into their curricula,
responding to consumer use of CAM and consumer demand for health
professionals who are knowledgeable about holistic practices.
To be board certified by the AHNCC at the basic holistic nursing level,
a nurse is required to have: (1) an active, unrestricted U.S. license; (2) a
baccalaureate or higher degree; (3) at least one year of full-time prac-
tice or 2,000 hours of part-time practice within the last five years as a
holistic nurse or graduation from an AHNCC-endorsed university; (4) a
minimum of 48 contact hours of holistic nursing continuing education
within the last 2 years.

Advanced Practice Level

As with the basic level, there are a variety of ways (both academic and
professional development) in which registered nurses can acquire the
additional specialized knowledge and skills that prepare them for prac-
tice as an advanced practice holistic nurse. These nurses are expected
to have an active, unrestricted U.S. license and to hold a master’s or doc-
toral degree in nursing and demonstrate a greater depth and scope of
knowledge, a greater integration of information, increased complexity
of skills and interventions, and notable role autonomy. They provide
leadership in practice, teaching, research, consultation, advocacy, and/
or policy formation in advancing holistic nursing to improve the holistic
health of people.
Presently five graduate programs in the United States that prepare
master’s students with a specialty in holistic nursing are endorsed by the
AHNCC. Other graduate nursing programs have courses in holistic or
complementary/alternative practices. Current advanced practice nurses
(nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse midwives, nurse
anesthetists) are increasingly gaining specialized knowledge preparing
them as holistic nurses through post-master’s degree programs, con-
tinuing education offerings, and certificate programs.
To be board certified by the AHNCC at the advanced holistic nurs-
ing level, a licensed nurse must have a graduate degree in nursing and
a minimum of 48 contact hours in holistic nursing within the last
2 years.

20 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Continuing Education for Basic and Advanced Practice Levels

The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is a provider and
approver of continuing education, recognized by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center. Continuing educational programs, workshops, and
lectures in holistic nursing and CAM have been popular nationwide,
with AHNA or other bodies granting continuing education units.
AHNA endorses certificate programs in specific areas, including Spiri-
tuality, Health and Healing, Reflexology, Imagery, Aromatherapy, Healing
Touch, AMMA Therapy®, Clinical Nursing Assessment, and Whole Health
Education. It also approves continuing education offerings in holistic
nursing and offers the AHNA home study course, Foundations of Holistic
Nursing. Other programs in distinct therapies such as Acupuncture, Reiki,
Homeopathy, massage, imagery, healing arts, holistic health, Oriental
Medicine, nutrition, Ayurveda, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch,
herbology, chiropractic, etc. are given nationally as degrees, certificates,
or continuing education programs by centers, specialty organizations,
or schools.

Certification in Holistic Nursing

In 1992, a four-phase AHNA Certificate Program in Holistic Nursing be-
gan. On program completion, a nurse was awarded a certificate in ho-
listic nursing. In 1994, the AHNA Leadership Council appointed an AHNA
Task Force Committee to explore steps toward the development of ho-
listic nursing certification through a national certification examination.
The AHNA Leadership Council appointed an AHNA Certification Com-
mittee to serve as the governing body to oversee the process of certifi-
cation of holistic nurses by examination until a separate certification
corporation was established. In 1997, the AHNA Certification Board es-
tablished a separate 501C-3 organization, the American Holistic Nurses’
Certification Corporation (AHNCC), to act as the credentialing body for
the Holistic Nursing Certification Examination. The AHNCC now has five
directors who are voting members, and two non-voting members, one
of whom is the liaison of the AHNA Leadership Council. Of the voting
members, one represents the public and need not be an RN. All the Di-
rectors who serve on the AHNCC have been chosen for their skill in and
knowledge of holistic nursing and of the process of certification. There
is a public member who is not a registered nurse.

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The AHNCC is an autonomous body with administrative indepen-

dence in matters pertaining to specialty certification. The AHNCC main-
tains a collaborative relationship with but is not involved with the AHNA
continuing education, endorsement, or accreditation activities.
The AHNCC defines certification as a qualifying process attesting that
an individual, who is already practicing as a registered nurse and dem-
onstrating basic nursing competencies, has met predetermined criteria
for basic or advanced specialized practice. In relation to holistic nursing
certification, the nurse must demonstrate competencies of specialized
nursing practice encompassing holism.
The purpose of a certification process is to provide nurses with a stan-
dard they can be measured against, and to be able to declare to the
community at large that certain individuals are competent to practice
holistic nursing.
AHNCC National Board Certification in holistic nursing is available at the
basic (HN-BC) level, which requires a baccalaureate degree, and advanced
(AHN-BC) level, which requires a graduate degree. The process for basic
certification includes a formal qualitative review of an applicant’s portfo-
lio documenting the practice of holistic nursing (RN licensure, academic
credentials, holistic nursing experience, continuing education, or success-
ful completion of the certificate program in holistic nursing), and a quan-
titative certification exam that was developed jointly by the AHNA and
the National League of Nursing testing office. The Advanced Certification
Exam was developed jointly by the AHNCC and the Professional Testing
Service and first offered in March 2005. The process for advanced level
certification also requires a qualitative assessment and a quantitative
advanced certification exam. Recertification for both basic and advanced
levels is completed by documentation of contact hours in holistic nursing.
Further, the AHNCC provides endorsement for university-based under-
graduate and graduate nursing programs whose curricula meet the
holistic nursing standards in this book (Holistic Nursing: Scope and Stan-
dards of Practice) so their graduates may sit for the certification exam
without providing a qualitative assessment.

Continued Commitment to the Profession

The specialty practice of holistic nursing is generally not well under-
stood. Therefore each holistic nurse must educate other nurses, health-

22 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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care providers, professionals, and the public about the role, value, and
benefits of holistic nursing, whether it be in direct practice, education,
management, or research. Holistic nurses articulate the ideas of the ho-
listic paradigm and the philosophy of the caring–healing model. Jean
Watson reminds us that society and the public are searching for some-
thing deeper in terms of realizing self-care, self-knowledge, and self-
healing potentials. Nurses need to acknowledge the human aspects of
practice, attending to people and their experience rather than just fo-
cusing on the medical orientation and disease. She concludes that
“nurses have a covenant with the public to sustain caring. It is our col-
lective responsibility to transform caring practices into the framework
that identifies and gives distinction to nursing as a profession” (Watson
2005, p. 12).
Holistic nurses are committed to continuous, lifelong learning and
personal growth for self and others. As role models, they engage in self-
assessment and commit to practicing self-care to enhance their physi-
cal, psychological, intellectual, social, and spiritual well-being.
Holistic nurses promote the advancement of the profession and ho-
listic nursing by participating in professional and community organiza-
tions, writing, publishing, and speaking to professional and lay or public
audiences. By engaging in local, state, national, and international forums,
they strive to increase the awareness of holistic health issues and the
development of holistic care models.
Holistic nurses are particularly attentive to their role as advocates for
both people and the environment. They seek to understand the political,
social, ethnic, organizational, financial, and discriminatory barriers
to holistic care for individuals, population groups, and communities.
Holistic nurses work to eliminate these barriers, particularly for the re-
pressed and underserved. They respect and honor people’s dignity and
freedom to choose among existing alternatives. Holistic nurses assist
and empower people to develop self-advocacy skills and make edu-
cated life choices. Holistic nurses engage in activities that respect, nur-
ture, and enhance the integral relationship with the earth, contributing
to creating an ecosystem that supports the well-being of all life. Acting
as teachers, leaders, collaborators, and consultants, they evaluate global
health issues and environmental safety, and assist in reducing or elimi-
nating the effects of environmental hazards on the health or welfare of
individuals, groups, and communities.

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Care of Older Adults

Holistic nursing care is provided to people of all ages across the con-
tinuum of care from health promotion and wellness care to acute illness
care. Holistic nursing recognizes that older adults represent the predomi-
nant population in the healthcare delivery system, a unique population
who can benefit greatly from holistic nursing services. Currently, there are
more than 36 million people ages 65 or older in the U.S., and this num-
ber will increase dramatically by 2011 when many of the baby boomers
turn 65. Aging is a multidimensional experience that encompasses the
interrelatedness of the body-mind-emotion-spirit-environment. It in-
cludes physical, sensory, affective, cognitive, behavioral, sociocultural, and
spiritual elements. As aging is a holistic experience, the elderly must be
approached in an individualized and comprehensive manner.
As a result of advances in health care during the past century, nurses
are caring less frequently for people dying from infections and accidents,
major sources of mortality at the turn of the century. Today nurses are
often caring for older adults with chronic illnesses, which are a signifi-
cant source of morbidity and mortality. Older adults dying of infectious
processes tend to do so as a result of complications of a chronic illness
or debilitation. These chronic conditions contribute significantly to in-
creased healthcare costs. Most of these leading causes of disability and
death in the United States are modifiable, and in some cases are pre-
ventable. In addition, despite an increased incidence of disease and dis-
ability, poor health is not an inevitable consequence of aging.
Adopting healthy lifestyles—getting regular physical exercise, having
social support, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco and sub-
stance use, and receiving regular health-care screenings (e.g., for breast,
cervical, and colorectal cancers, for diabetes, and for depression)—can
dramatically reduce a person’s risk of chronic illnesses.
Not only do a majority of elders experience a chronic condition, but
most also have to live with and manage several chronic conditions
concurrently. Adopting better lifestyle habits, in conjunction with
many of the complementary modalities available to older adults, of-
fers tremendous potential in improving quality of life for older adults,
as well as decreasing co-morbidities (e.g., immobility, pain, dementia)
associated with chronic illnesses. Many chronic conditions could be
aided by a holistic approach and a variety of CAM therapies.

24 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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The 1999 National Health Interview Study (U.S. DHHS 1999b) indi-
cated that CAM use increases with age (39% for age 50-plus and 70%
for age 85 years and older). Older adults use CAM therapies to treat
these common problems:
• Back pain or problems
• Neck pain or problems
• Joint pain or stiffness
• Anxiety
• Depression
Most users of CAM therapies do so without the knowledge or guid-
ance of any healthcare professional. This certainly can pose a risk in
geriatric care in that older adults may be:
• Self-diagnosing and self-treating with CAM products and therapies
that could delay the diagnosis and perhaps more appropriate treat-
ment for a health condition
• Unknowingly subjecting themselves to complications associated
with interactions or adverse reactions to CAM therapies
• Wasting limited funds on CAM products and services that are in-
effective for their specific conditions
Nurses can make a critical difference in assuring that older adults re-
ceive maximum benefit at minimum risk as they integrate CAM and
conventional therapies.
Elders benefit by using holistic CAM therapies because:
• Holistic therapies build on the body’s capabilities and are aimed to-
ward strengthening the body’s own defenses and healing abilities
so that it can do for itself. Strengthened and healthy defenses of-
fer elders benefits that exceed symptom management.
• Total health state is considered and a balanced lifestyle is promoted
to control existing health problems, prevent new problems, and en-
hance general health state.
• Holistic therapies view the person holistically, realizing that people
are complex combinations of unique bodies, minds, emotions, and

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spirits. CAM considers this interconnectedness as it assesses and

addresses the physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and spiri-
tual aspects of the person.
• Healing practices are tailored to the individual. This is especially
true for older adults, each of whom is the product of an individu-
alized aging process. Whole-person practices offer customized
healing measures.
• Holistic therapies empower older adults and encourage self-care.
People are taught about self-care practices, guided in using them,
and assisted in exploring possible obstacles. Older adults are em-
powered when they are encouraged to take maximum responsi-
bility for their care. Also, family members and caregivers can be
taught simple holistic techniques to use with their loved ones and
themselves, thereby empowering the caregivers/family to partici-
pate in the elder’s care and reduce their own stress.
• The elder is honored by receiving the attention needed. The abbre-
viated office visit, common in conventional practice, causes many
elders to feel that they must be selective in what they share with
their healthcare provider. As a result, questions, emotional prob-
lems, socioeconomic concerns, and spiritual issues that affect
health may not be shared. In contrast, holistic practitioners are
more likely to spend time learning about the total person and ad-
dress needs holistically.
• Most holistic therapies are safer and gentler than conventional
therapies. A variety of age-related changes, combined with the
high volume and nature of medications used, cause drugs to carry
many risks for elders. Although there are conditions for which
drugs provide remarkable benefit, there are other conditions
that can be managed and improved through lower-risk CAM
(Adapted from Eliopoulos 2005 and Shelky 2005.)
With the many benefits that can be derived from using CAM and a
holistic approach, holistic nurses can best assist elders by helping them
to integrate CAM with conventional therapies. This requires that nurses
understand the intended and safe use of various CAM therapies, edu-
cate elders in appropriate CAM use, and prepare themselves to offer
selected CAM therapies as part of their practice.

26 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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As part of its continued commitment to improve the quality of health

care for older adults and advanced geriatric competence in holistic nurs-
ing practice, the AHNA offers a series of continuing education modules
on topics related to Geriatric Nursing. These modules were developed
through a grant (Nurse Competency in Aging Grant) from the ANA and
the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York
AHNA is disseminating the message that competency in geriatric care
is relevant for all nurses as the demographics of the population rapidly
shift. The AHNA is dedicated to making geriatric care an integral part
of holistic nursing education. Additionally, AHNA has launched a geri-
atric nursing resource on its website for information about caring for
older adults as part of holistic nursing practice (www.ahna.org/new/

Current Trends and Issues

(The material in this section has been adapted with permission of
Springer Publications from Mariano 2003.)

Trends in Holistic Nursing

The American public is increasingly demanding health care that is com-
passionate, respectful, provides options, is economically feasible, and is
grounded in holistic ideals. A shift is occurring in health care where
people desire to be more actively involved in health decision-making.
They have expressed their dissatisfaction with conventional (Western)
medicine and are calling for a care system that encompasses health,
quality of life, and relationship with their providers (Barnes et al. 2004).
The American public has pursued alternative and complementary care
at an ever-increasing rate. In 1993 David Eisenberg and colleagues pub-
lished a now-classic study that indicated that one-third (61 million) of
Americans were using some form of alternative or complementary form
of medicine (Eisenberg et al. 1993). Their continued study on use of
complementary/alternative care in 1998 indicated that the use of such
modalities not only continued, but sharply increased to 42% (83 million
Americans). The total number of visits to providers of complementary
care increased by 47%, from 427 million in 1990 to 629 million in 1997
(Eisenberg et al. 1998).

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The out-of-pocket dollars spent on complementary/alternative mo-

dalities by the American public was $12.2 billion, which exceeded the
out-of-pocket expenditures for all U.S. hospitalizations and compared
with total out-of-pocket expense for all physician services. The most
recent surveys (Barnes et al. 2004 and IOM 2005) indicate that 62% of
the American public used some form of complementary/alternative
modalities during the previous 12 months and estimate that between
$36 to $47 billion was spent on CAM therapies.
A July 2006 survey by Health Forum, a subsidiary of the American
Hospital Association (AHA), indicated that 27% of surveyed hospitals
(N=1,400) are offering CAM programs to their patients. The reasons cited
for offering CAM services are patient demand, clinical effectiveness,
desire to treat the “whole person—body, mind, and spirit,” attracting
new patients, and providing additional services to existing patients.
Western medicine is proving wholly or partially ineffective for a signifi-
cant proportion of common chronic diseases. Furthermore, highly tech-
nological healthcare is too expensive to be universally affordable. Holistic
care that promotes health is more cost-effective and culturally acceptable
to diverse and disparate populations whose belief systems are more con-
gruent with whole-system and holistic approaches to treatment. The use
of alternative methods for economic and cultural reasons by such popu-
lations often outweighs their use of conventional treatments.
An issue of CDC’s Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics on CAM
use in the United States (Barnes et al. 2004) noted characteristics com-
monly associated with CAM therapies: “Individualized diagnosis and
treatment of patients; an emphasis on maximizing the body’s inherent
healing ability; and treatment of the ‘whole’ person by addressing their
physical, mental, and spiritual attributes rather than focusing on a
specific pathogenic process as emphasized in conventional medicine”
(p. 2). The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Strategic Plan for 2005–2009 (NCCAM 2005) and Healthy People 2010
Midcourse Review (U.S. DHHS 2005) have set as priorities enhancing
physical and mental health and wellness, preventing disease, and em-
powering the public to take responsibility for their health.
The White House Commission on CAM Policy (WHCCAMP) Final Re-
port (2002) stated that people have come to recognize that a healthy
lifestyle can promote wellness and prevent illness and disease, and

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many individuals have used CAM modalities to attain this goal. Wellness
incorporates a broad array of activities and interventions that focus on
the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of one’s life. The
effectiveness of the healthcare delivery system in the future will depend
on its ability to use all approaches and modalities to contribute to a
sound base for promoting health. Early interventions that promote the
development of good health habits and attitudes could help modify
many of the negative behaviors and lifestyle choices that began in ado-
lescence and continue into old age. The report recommends that:
• more evidence-based teaching about CAM approaches is included
in the conventional health professional schools;
• emphasis on the importance of approaches to prevent disease and
promote wellness for long-term health of the American people;
• the teaching of the principles and practices of self-care and lifestyle
counseling in professional schools be increased in importance, so
that health professionals can, in turn, provide this guidance to their
patients as well as to improve practitioners’ health;
• those in the greatest need, including the chronically ill and those
with limited incomes, must have available the most accurate, up-
to-date information about which therapies and products may help
and which may harm; and
• the education and training of all practitioners should be designed
to increase the availability of practitioners knowledgeable in both
CAM and conventional practices.
Weeks (2001) outlined several trends in holistic therapies that dem-
onstrate how consumer use is influencing insurance coverage, educa-
tion, and practice:
• The majority of physicians support the use of at least one or more
CAM therapies.
• Approximately two-thirds of health maintenance organizations of-
fered some coverage for CAM services, and that trend is increasing.
• The American Hospital Association has developed a program to
educate member institutions on how to offer CAM services.
• Agencies such as Agency for Health Research and Quality, Bureau
of Primary Health Care, Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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(CDC), Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), and the Vet-

erans Administration have explored CAM’s role in their service de-
livery systems.
• Integrative clinics that include both CAM and conventional provid-
ers are increasing across the country.
This driving force will propel mainstream health care increasingly in
this direction, and holistic nurses are in a prime position to meet this
need and provide leadership in this national trend.
In the last five to seven years, many conventional healthcare institu-
tions have developed programs, including stress management, energy
therapies, healers in the operating rooms, and acupuncture. Programs
such as Reiki or Therapeutic Touch for chronic pain, support groups us-
ing imagery for breast cancer, and groups espousing meditation for
health and wellness are commonly advertised across the United States.
Similarly, local pharmacies and health food stores are selling an array of
supplements, herbs, homeopathic preparations, vitamins, hormones, and
various combinations of these that were not considered marketable five
years ago. The number of books, journals, and Web sites devoted to
complementary, integrative, and holistic healing practices has also dra-
matically increased.
Having healthcare providers who have knowledge and skill in promo-
tion of healthful living and integration of complementary/alternative
modalities is a critical need for Americans (IOM 2005). Holistic nurses are
professionals who have knowledge of a wide range of complementary/
alternative/integrative modalities; health promotion/restoration and
disease prevention strategies; and relationship-centered, caring ways of

Issues in Holistic Nursing

A number of issues exist or will emerge in holistic nursing’s future.
Acceptance of holistic nursing’s legitimacy, both within nursing as well
as other disciplines, is one of the most pressing issues today. Other
issues can be categorized into education, research, clinical practice,
and policy. It is important to note that because many of these issues
face not only holistic nursing but other disciplines as well, an interdis-
ciplinary approach is imperative for success in achieving the desired

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There are several areas of educational challenge in the holistic arena.
With increased use of complementary and alternative therapies by the
American public, both students and faculty need knowledge and skill
in their use. Of priority is the integration of holistic relationship-centered
philosophies and complementary and alternative modalities into nurs-
ing curricula. Core content appropriate for both basic and advanced
practice programs needs to be identified, and models for integration of
both content and practice experiences into existing curricula are nec-
essary. An elective course is not sufficient to imbue this knowledge to
future practitioners of nursing. Holistic nurses will need to work with the
accrediting bodies of degree programs to ensure that this content is
included in educational programs. There is a definitive need for in-
creased scholarship and financial aid to support training in this area.
Faculty development programs also will be necessary to support faculty
in understanding and integrating holistic philosophy and practices
throughout the curriculum.
Licensure and credentialing provide another challenge for holistic
nursing. As complementary/alternative medicine has gained national
recognition, state boards of nursing began to attend to the regulation
issues. In 2001, Captain Andrew Sparber of the U.S. Public Health Service
conducted a study to ascertain the number of boards of nursing that
had a formal policy, position, or inclusion of complementary therapies
under the scope of practice (Sparber 2001). He found that 25 states
(47%) had statements or positions that included specific complemen-
tary therapies or examples of these practices, 7 (13%) were discussing
the topic, and 21 (40%) had not formally addressed the topic but did not
discourage these practices. It will be important in the future to moni-
tor state boards of nursing for evidence of their recognition and sup-
port of integrative nursing practice and requirements that include CAM
for nursing educational program approval. Finally, holistic nursing has
the challenge of working with the state boards to incorporate this con-
tent into the National Council Licensure Examination, thus ensuring the
credibility of this practice knowledge.
To improve the competency of practitioners and the quality of ser-
vices, CAM education and training needs to continue beyond basic and
advanced academic education. Continuing education programs at na-
tional and regional specialty organizations’ meetings and conferences

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may assist in meeting this need. Working with practitioners in other

areas of nursing to increase their understanding of the philosophical
and theoretical foundations of holistic nursing practices (e.g., intention,
presence, and centering) will also be a role of holistic nurses.

Research in the area of holistic nursing will become increasingly impor-
tant in the future. There is a great need for an evidence base establishing
the effectiveness and efficacy of complementary/alternative therapies.
However, one of the formidable tasks for nurses will be to identify and
describe outcomes of CAM therapies such as healing, well-being, and
harmony in order to develop instruments to measure these outcomes.
Presently, most outcome measures are based on physical or disease symp-
tomatology. In addition, methodologies need to be expanded to capture
the wholeness of the individual’s experience, because the philosophy of
the CAM therapies rests on a paradigm of wholeness.
Nurses need to address how to secure funding for their holistic re-
search. They need to apply to National Institutes of Health (NIH) centers
and Institutes other than just the National Institute of Nursing Research
for funding, particularly the National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine. But hand in hand with this is the need for nurses
to be represented on study sections and review panels to educate and
convince the biomedical/NIH community about the value of nursing
research; the need for models of research focusing on health promotion
and disease prevention, wellness, and self-care instead of just the dis-
ease model; and the importance of a variety of designs and research
methodologies including qualitative studies, rather than sole reliance on
randomized controlled trials.
An area of responsibility for advanced practice holistic nurses is the
dissemination of their research findings to various media sources (e.g.,
television, newsprint) and at non-nursing, interdisciplinary conferences.
Publishing in non-nursing journals and serving on editorial boards of
non-nursing journals also broadens the appreciation of other disciplines
for nursing’s role in setting the agenda and conducting research in the
area of holism and CAM.

Clinical Practice
Clinical care models reflecting holistic assessment, treatment, health,
healing, and caring are important in the development of holistic prac-

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tice and CAM integration. Implementing holistic and humanistic models

in today’s healthcare environment will require a paradigm shift for the
many providers who subscribe to a disease model of care. Such an ac-
ceptance poses an enormous challenge. Holistic nurses with their edu-
cation and experience are the logical leaders in integrative care and
must advance that position.
Addressing the nursing shortage in this country is crucial to the
health of our nation. Nurses often leave the profession or frequently
change jobs because of unhumanistic and chaotic work environments
and professional and personal burnout. Holistic nurses, through their
knowledge of caring cultures and stress management techniques, have
an extraordinary opportunity to influence and improve the healthcare
environments, both for healthcare providers and clients/patients.

Three major policy issues face holistic nursing in the future: reimburse-
ment, regulation, and access. Public or private policies regarding cover-
age of and reimbursement for healthcare services play a crucial role in
shaping the healthcare system and will play a crucial role in deciding
the future of wellness, health promotion, and CAM in the nation’s health-
care system. Often CAM is offered as a supplemental benefit rather than
as a core or basic benefit, and many third-party payers do not cover such
services at all. Coverage of and reimbursement for most services depend
on the provider’s ability to legally furnish services within the scope of
practice. The legal authority to practice is given by the state in which
services are provided.
Reimbursement of advanced practice nurses also depends on appro-
priate credentialing. Holistic nurses will need to work with Medicare and
other third-party payers, insurance groups, boards of nursing, healthcare
policy makers, legislators, and other professional nursing organizations
to ensure that holistic nurses are appropriately reimbursed for services
rendered. Another issue regarding reimbursement is the fact that the
effectiveness of CAM is influenced by the holistic focus and integrative
skill of the provider. Consequently, reimbursement must be included for
the process of holistic/integrative care, not just for providing a specific
There are many barriers to the use of holistic therapies by the increas-
ing number of users, providing yet another challenge for holistic nurses.

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Barriers include lack of awareness of the therapies and their benefits,

uncertainty about their effectiveness, inability to pay for them, and lim-
ited availability of qualified providers. Access is even more difficult for
rural populations; uninsured or underinsured populations; special popu-
lations, such as racial and ethnic minorities; and vulnerable populations,
such as the elderly and the chronically and terminally ill (WHCCAMP
2002). Holistic nurses have a responsibility to educate the public more
fully about health promotion and complementary/alternative modali-
ties and qualified practitioners and to assist people to make informed
choices among the array of healthcare alternatives and individual pro-
viders. Holistic nurses also must actively participate in the political arena
as leaders in this movement to ensure quality, an increased focus on
wellness, and access and affordability for all.
Holistic nurses, by developing theoretical and empirical knowledge
and caring/healing approaches, will advance holistic nursing practice
and education and contribute significantly to the formalization and
credibility of this work. They will provide the leadership in the profes-
sion in research, the development of educational models, and the inte-
gration of a more holistic approach in nursing practice and health care.

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Overarching Philosophical Principles of Holistic Nursing

Holistic nurses express, contribute to, and promote an understanding of
the following: a philosophy of nursing that values healing as the desired
outcome; the human health experience as a complex, dynamic relation-
ship of health, illness, disease, and wellness; the scientific foundations of
nursing practice; and nursing as an art. It is based on the following
overarching philosophical tenets that are embedded in every standard
of practice.

Principles of Holistic Nursing

The following principles underlie holistic nursing:

• There is unity, totality, and connectedness of everyone and every-
thing (body, mind, emotion, spirit, sexuality, age, environment,
social/cultural, belief systems, relationships, context).
• Human beings are unique and inherently good.
• People are able to find meaning and purpose in their own life,
experiences, and illness.
• All people have an innate power and capacity for self-healing.
Health/illness is subjectively described and determined by the view
of the individual. Therefore, the person is honored in all phases of
his/her healing process regardless of expectations or outcomes.
• People/persons/individuals identify (are) the recipient(s) of holistic
nursing services. These can be clients, patients, families, significant
others, populations, or communities. They may be ill and within the
healthcare delivery system or well, moving toward personal better-
ment to enhance well-being.

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• Health and illness are natural and a part of life, learning, and move-
ment toward change and development.
• Health is seen as balance, integration, harmony, right relationship,
and the betterment of well-being, not just the absence of disease.
Healing can take place without cure. The focus is on health promo-
tion/disease prevention/health restoration/lifestyle patterns and
habits, as well as symptom relief.
• Illness is considered a teacher and an opportunity for self-awareness
and growth as part of the life process. Symptoms are respected as
• People as active partners in the healing process are empowered
when they take some control of their own lives, health, and well-
being, including personal choices and relationships.
• Treatment is a process that considers the root of the problem, not
merely treating the obvious signs and symptoms.

• Practice is a science (critical thinking, reflection, evidence/research/
theory as underlying practice) and an art (intuition, creativity,
presence, and self/personal knowing as integral to practice).
• The values and ethic of holism, caring, moral insight, dignity, integ-
rity, competence, responsibility, accountability, and legality under-
lie holistic nursing practice.
• There are various philosophies and paradigms of health, illness,
healing, and approaches/models for the delivery of health care,
both in the United States and in other cultures, that need to be
understood and utilized.
• Older adults represent the predominant population served by
• Public policy and the healthcare delivery system influence the
health and well-being of society and professional nursing.

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Nursing Roles
• The nurse is part of the healing environment using warmth, com-
passion, caring, authenticity, respect, trust, and relationship as in-
struments of healing in and of themselves.
• Using conventional nursing interventions as well as holistic/
complementary/alternative/integrative modalities that enhance
the body-mind-emotion-spirit-environment connectedness to
foster healing, health, wholenesss, and well-being of people.
• Collaborating and partnering with all constituencies in the health
process including the person receiving care and family, community,
peers, and other disciplines. Using principles and skills of coopera-
tion, alliance, and respect, and honoring the contributions of all.
• Participating in the change process to develop more caring cul-
tures in which to practice and learn.
• Assisting nurses to nurture and heal themselves.
• Participating in activities that contribute to the improvement of
communities and the environment and to the betterment of public
• Acting as an advocate for the rights of and equitable distribution
and access to health care for all persons, especially vulnerable
• Honoring the ecosystem and our relationship with and need to pre-
serve it, as we are all connected.

• The nurse’s self-reflection and self-assessment, self-care, healing,
and personal development are necessary for service to others and
growth/change in one’s own well-being and understanding of
one’s own personal journey.
• The nurse values oneself and one’s calling to holistic nursing as a
life purpose.

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Holistic nursing practice is guided by the holistic caring process,

whether used with individuals, families, population groups, or commu-
nities. This process involves assessment, diagnosis, outcome identifi-
cation, planning, implementation, and evaluation. It encompasses all
significant actions taken in providing culturally, ethically, respectful,
compassionate, and relevant holistic nursing care to all persons.

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The holistic nurse collects comprehensive data pertinent to the
person’s health or situation.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Collects comprehensive data including but not limited to physical,
functional, psychosocial, emotional, mental, sexual, cultural, age-
related, environmental, spiritual/transpersonal, and energy field
assessments in a systematic and ongoing process while honoring
the uniqueness of the person.
• Identifies areas such as the person’s health and cultural practices,
values, beliefs, preferences, meanings of health/illness, lifestyle
patterns, family issues, and risk behaviors and context.
• Involves the person, family, significant others, caregivers, other
healthcare providers, and environment as appropriate in holistic
data collection.
• Prioritizes data collection activities based on the person’s immedi-
ate condition or anticipated needs of the person or situation.
• Uses appropriate evidence-based assessment techniques and in-
struments in collecting pertinent data as a basis for holistic care.
• Uses analytical models and problem-solving tools.
• Synthesizes available data, information, and knowledge relevant to
the situation to identify patterns and variances as they relate to the
whole person within the life context.
• Documents and stores relevant data in a retrievable format that is
secure and confidential.
• Incorporates various types of knowing, including intuition, when
gathering data from the person and validates this intuitive knowl-
edge with the person when appropriate.

Continued R

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Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Initiates and interprets diagnostic procedures relevant to the
person’s current status.
• Recognizes the person as the authority on his/her own health
• Elicits and uses client narratives to reveal the context and complex-
ity of the health experience.
• Explores the meanings of the symbolic language expressing itself
in areas such as dreams, images, symbols, sensations, and prayers
that are a part of the individual’s health experience.

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The holistic nurse analyzes the assessment data to determine the
diagnosis or health issues expressed as actual or potential patterns/
problems/needs that are related to health, wellness, disease, or
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Derives the diagnosis or health issues based on holistic assessment
• Assists the person to explore the meaning of the health/disease
• Validates the diagnosis or health issues with the person, family/
significant other, and other healthcare providers when possible and
• Documents diagnoses or health issues in a manner that facilitates
the determination of the expected outcomes and plan.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Systematically compares and contrasts clinical findings with normal
and abnormal variations and development events in formulating
a differential diagnosis.
• Utilizes complex data and information obtained during interview,
examination, and diagnostic procedures in determining diagnosis.
• Establishes the diagnoses reflecting the level of acuity, severity, and
complexity of health patterns/challenges/needs.
• Assists staff in developing and maintaining competency in the
diagnostic process.

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The holistic registered nurse identifies outcomes for a plan indi-
vidualized to the person or the situation.
The holistic nurse values the evolution and the process of healing as
it unfolds. This implies that specific unfolding outcomes may not be
evident immediately due to the non-linear nature of the healing pro-
cess so that both expected/anticipated and evolving outcomes are

Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Involves the person, family, significant others, and other healthcare
providers in formulating outcomes when possible and appropriate.
• Derives culturally appropriate outcomes from the diagnoses.
• Considers associated risks, benefits, costs, current scientific evi-
dence, and clinical expertise when formulating outcomes.
• Defines outcomes in terms of the person; the individual’s values
and beliefs, preferences, age, spiritual practices; ethical consider-
ations, environment, or situation, considering associated risks, ben-
efits, costs, and current scientific evidence.
• Partners with the person to identify realistic goals based on the
person’s present and potential capabilities and quality of life.
• Assists the person to understand the potential for unfolding out-
comes due to the nature of healing.
• Includes a realistic time estimate for attainment of outcomes.
• Develops outcomes that provide direction for continuity of care.
• Modifies outcomes based on changes in the status or preference
of the person or evaluation of the situation.
• Documents outcomes as measurable goals.
• Focuses on the person’s attaining, maintaining, or regaining health,
healing, well-being, or peaceful dying while honoring all phases of
her/his healing process regardless of expectations or outcomes.

42 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Identifies outcomes that incorporate scientific evidence and are
achievable through implementation of evidence-based practices.
• Identifies outcomes that incorporate patient satisfaction, the
person’s understanding and meanings in their unique patterns and
processes, quality of life, cost and clinical effectiveness, and conti-
nuity and consistency among providers.
• Supports the use of clinical guidelines for positive outcomes re-
lated to the person’s healing.

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The holistic registered nurse develops a plan that identifies strategies
and alternatives to attain outcomes.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Develops in partnership with the person an individualized plan
considering the person’s characteristics or situation including, but
not limited to, values, beliefs, spiritual and health practices, prefer-
ences, choices, age and cultural appropriateness, environmental
• Develops the plan in conjunction with the person, family, and
others, as appropriate.
• Includes strategies within the plan that address each of the iden-
tified diagnoses, health issues, or opportunities that may include
strategies for promotion and restoration of health and well-being;
prevention of illness, injury, and disease; or peaceful dying.
• Collaborates and participates in interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary
teams to provide for continuity within the plan.
• Incorporates an implementation pathway or time line within the
• Establishes the plan priorities with the person, family, and others,
as appropriate.
• Utilizes the plan to provide direction to other members of the
healthcare team.
• Defines the plan to reflect current statutes, rules and regulations,
and standards.
• Integrates current trends, research, and evidence-based interven-
tions affecting care in the planning process.
• Considers the economic impact of the plan.
• Includes strategies for health, wholeness, and growth from infant
to elder.

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• Establishes practice settings and safe space and time for both the
nurse and person/family/significant others to explore suggested,
potential, and alternative options.
• Uses standardized language or recognized terminology to docu-
ment the plan.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Identifies assessment, diagnostic strategies, and therapeutic inter-
ventions within the plan and therapeutic effects and side effects
that reflect current evidence, including data, research, literature,
and expert clinical knowledge and the person’s experiences.
• Selects or designs, in partnership with the person, strategies to
meet the multifaceted holistic needs of complex individuals.
• Includes the synthesis of the person’s values, beliefs, preferences,
and choices regarding nursing and medical therapies within the
• Uses linguistic and symbolic language including but not limited to
word associations, dreams, storytelling, and journals to explore with
individuals the possibilities and options.

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The holistic registered nurse implements the identified plan in
partnership with the person.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Partners with the person/family/significant others/caregiver to
implement the plan in a safe and timely manner.
• Documents the implementation and any modifications, including
changes to or omissions from the identified plan.
• Utilizes evidence-based interventions and treatments specific to
the diagnosis or problem.
• Utilizes community resources and systems to implement the plan.
• Collaborates with nursing colleagues and others to implement the
• Promotes the person’s capacity for the highest level of participa-
tion and problem solving, honoring the person’s choices and
unique healing journey.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Facilitates utilization of systems and community resources to
implement the plan.
• Supports collaboration with nursing colleagues and other disci-
plines to implement the plan for individuals, families, groups, and
communities that integrates biomedical, complementary, and alter-
native approaches to healing.
• Incorporates new knowledge and strategies to initiate change in
nursing care practices if desired outcomes are not achieved.

46 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

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The holistic registered nurse coordinates care delivery.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Coordinates implementation of the plan.
• Documents the coordination of the care.
• Assists the person to recognize alternatives by identifying options
for care choices.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Provides leadership in the coordination of multidisciplinary health
care for integrated delivery of person care services.
• Synthesizes data and information to prescribe necessary system
and community support measures, including environmental
• Coordinates system, environmental, human, and community re-
sources that enhance delivery of care across continuums and over

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic registered nurse employs strategies to promote holistic
health/wellness and a safe environment.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Provides health teaching to individuals, families, and significant
others or caregivers that enhances the body-mind-emotion-spirit-
environment connection by addressing such topics as:
• Healthy lifestyles
• Risk-reducing behaviors
• Developmental need
• Activities of daily living
• Preventive self-care
• Living with changes secondary to illness and treatment
• Stress management
• Opportunities to enhance well-being
• Uses health promotion and health teaching methods appropriate
to the situation and the individual’s values, beliefs, health practices,
age, learning needs, readiness and ability to learn, language pref-
erence, spirituality, culture, and socioeconomic status.
• Seeks ongoing opportunities for feedback and evaluation of the ef-
fectiveness of the strategies used.
• Educates others by demonstrating a holistic philosophy and ethic
that value all ways of knowing and learning.
• Provides appropriate information including but not limited to in-
tended effects and potential adverse effects of the proposed pre-
scribed agents/treatments, costs, complementary/alternative/
holistic treatments and procedures, and the effects of single and
multiple interventions on the person’s health and functioning.
• Assists others to access their own inner wisdom that may provide
opportunities to enhance and support growth, development, and

48 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Synthesizes empirical evidence on risk behaviors, decision-making
about life choices, learning theories, behavioral change theories,
motivational theories, epidemiology, and other related theories
and frameworks when designing holistic health information and
• Designs health information and education appropriate to the
individual’s developmental level, learning needs, readiness to learn,
and cultural values and beliefs.
• Evaluates health information resources, such as the Internet, within
the area of practice for accuracy, readability, and comprehensibility
to help the person access quality health information.
• Creates educational environments that are safe for the exploration
necessary for learning.

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic advanced practice registered nurse provides consulta-
tion to influence the identified plan, enhance the abilities of others,
and effect change.
Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Synthesizes clinical data, theoretical frameworks, organizational
structures, belief/value systems, and evidence when providing
• Facilitates the effectiveness of a consultation by involving all stake-
holders including the individual in decision-making and negotiat-
ing role responsibilities.
• Communicates consultation recommendations that facilitate

50 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic advanced practice registered nurse uses prescriptive
authority, procedures, referrals, treatments, and therapies in accor-
dance with state and federal laws and regulations.
Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Prescribes treatments, therapies, and procedures based on evi-
dence, research, current knowledge, and practice considering the
person’s holistic healthcare needs and choices.
• Prescribes pharmacologic agents based on a current knowledge of
pharmacology and physiology.
• Uses advanced knowledge of pharmacology, psychoneuro-
immunology, nutritional supplements, herbal and homeopathic
remedies, and a variety of complementary and alternative therapies
in prescribing.
• Prescribes specific pharmacologic agents and/or treatments based
on: clinical indicators; the person’s status, needs, and age; the results
of diagnostic and laboratory tests; and the person’s beliefs, values,
and choices.
• Prescribes holistic therapies that enhance body-mind-emotion-
spirit-environment connectedness and foster healing and whole-
• Evaluates therapeutic and potential adverse effects of pharmaco-
logical and non-pharmacological treatments including but not lim-
ited to drug/herbal/homeopathic regimens as well as drug/herbal/
homeopathic side effects and interactions.
• Provides individuals with information about intended effects and
potential adverse effects of proposed prescriptive therapies.
• Analyzes the effects of single and multiple interventions on the
person’s health and functioning.
• Provides information about costs and alternative treatments and
procedures, as appropriate.

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

The holistic registered nurse evaluates progress toward attainment
of outcomes while recognizing and honoring the continuing holistic
nature of the healing process.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Conducts a holistic, systematic, ongoing, and criterion-based evalu-
ation of the outcomes in relation to the structures and processes
prescribed by the plan and the indicated time line.
• Collaborates with the person and others involved in the care or
situation in the evaluative process.
• Evaluates, in partnership with the person, the effectiveness of the
planned strategies in relation to the person’s responses and the at-
tainment of the expected and unfolding outcomes.
• Documents the results of the evaluation.
• Uses ongoing assessment data to mutually revise, with the person,
family, and health team, the diagnoses, outcomes, plan, and the
implementation, as needed.
• Disseminates the results to the person and others involved in the
care or situation as appropriate, in accordance with state and fed-
eral laws and regulations.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Evaluates in partnership with the person the accuracy of the diag-
nosis and the effectiveness of the interventions in relationship to
the person’s attainment of expected and evolving outcomes and
changes of meaning in the person’s health experience.
• Synthesizes the results of the evaluation analyses to determine the
impact of the plan on the affected individuals, families, groups,
communities, and institutions.
• Uses the results of the evaluation analyses to make or recommend
process or structural changes, including policy, procedure, and/or
protocol documentation, as appropriate to improve holistic care.

52 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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The holistic registered nurse systematically enhances the quality
and effectiveness of holistic nursing practice.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Demonstrates quality by documenting the application of the nurs-
ing process in a responsible, accountable, and ethical manner.
• Uses the results of quality improvement activities to initiate changes
in holistic nursing practice and in the healthcare delivery system.
• Uses creativity and innovation in holistic nursing practice to im-
prove care delivery.
• Incorporates new knowledge to initiate changes in holistic nursing
practice if desired outcomes are not achieved.
• Participates in quality improvement activities for holistic nursing
practice. Such activities may include:
• Identifying aspects of practice important for quality monitoring
• Using indicators developed to monitor quality and effectiveness
of holistic nursing practice
• Collecting data to monitor quality and effectiveness of holistic
nursing practice
• Analyzing quality data to identify opportunities for improving
holistic nursing practice
• Formulating recommendations to improve holistic nursing prac-
tice or outcomes
• Implementing activities to enhance the quality of holistic nurs-
ing practice
• Developing, implementing, and evaluating policies, procedures,
and/or guidelines to improve the quality of practice

Continued R

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

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• Participating on interdisciplinary teams to evaluate clinical care

or health services
• Participating in efforts to minimize costs and unnecessary dupli-
• Analyzing factors related to safety, satisfaction, effectiveness, and
cost/benefit options
• Analyzing organizational systems for barriers
• Implementing processes to remove or decrease barriers to holistic
care within organizational systems
• Working toward creating organizations that value sacred space
and environments that enhance healing

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Obtains and maintains professional certification in the area of
• Develops indicators to monitor quality and effectiveness of holistic
nursing practice.
• Designs quality improvement initiatives.
• Implements initiatives to evaluate the need for change.
• Evaluates the practice environment and quality of holistic nursing
care rendered in relation to existing evidence and feedback from
individuals and significant others, identifying opportunities for the
generation and use of research.

54 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

The holistic registered nurse attains knowledge and competency
that reflects current nursing practice.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Participates in ongoing educational activities related to appropriate
knowledge bases for holistic care and professional issues.
• Demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning through self-
reflection and inquiry to identify learning and personal growth
• Seeks experiences that reflect current practice and population/age-
related needs in order to maintain skills and competence in clinical
practice and dimensions of the holistic nurse role.
• Acquires knowledge and skills appropriate to the holistic nursing
specialty area, practice setting, role, or situation.
• Maintains professional records that provide evidence of compe-
tency and lifelong learning.
• Seeks experiences and formal and independent learning activities
to maintain and develop clinical and professional skills and knowl-
edge and personal growth.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Uses current healthcare research findings and other evidence to ex-
pand clinical knowledge, enhance role performance, and increase
knowledge of professional issues and changes in national stan-
dards for practice and trends in holistic care.

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic registered nurse evaluates one’s own nursing practice
in relation to professional practice standards and guidelines, rel-
evant statutes, rules, and regulations.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse’s practice reflects the application of
knowledge of current practice standards, guidelines, statutes, rules,
and regulations.
The holistic registered nurse:
• Reflects on one’s practice and how one’s own personal, cultural,
and/or spiritual beliefs, experiences, biases, education, and values
may affect care given to individuals/families/communities.
• Provides age-appropriate care from infant to elder in a culturally
and ethnically sensitive manner.
• Engages in self-evaluation of practice on a regular basis, identify-
ing areas of strength as well as areas in which professional devel-
opment and personal growth would be beneficial.
• Obtains informal feedback regarding one’s own holistic practice
from individuals receiving care, peers, professional colleagues, and
• Participates in systematic peer review as appropriate.
• Takes action to achieve goals identified from evaluation process.
• Provides rationales for practice beliefs, decisions, and actions as
part of the informal and formal evaluation processes.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Engages in a formal process, seeking feedback regarding one’s own
practice from individuals receiving care, peers, professional col-
leagues, and others.

56 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

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The holistic registered nurse interacts with and contributes to the
professional development of peers and colleagues.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Shares knowledge and skills with peers and colleagues as evi-
denced by such activities as patient care conferences or presenta-
tions at formal or informal meetings.
• Recognizes expertise and competency of diverse disciplines and
approaches to health care.
• Provides peers with feedback regarding their practice and/or role
performance in a constructive and sincere manner.
• Interacts with peers and colleagues to enhance one’s own holistic
nursing practice, personal development, and/or role performance.
• Maintains compassionate and caring relationships with peers and
• Contributes to an environment that is conducive to enhancing the
education of healthcare professionals about holism.
• Promotes work environments conducive to support, understand-
ing, respect, health, healing, caring, wholeness, and harmony.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Models expert holistic nursing practice to interdisciplinary team
members and healthcare consumers.
• Mentors other registered nurses and colleagues as appropriate.
• Participates with interdisciplinary teams that contribute to role de-
velopment and advanced holistic nursing practice and holistic
health care.
• Establishes practice environments that recognize and value holistic
communication as fundamental to holistic care.

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of Practice, 2nd Edition
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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic registered nurse collaborates with the person, family,
and others in the conduct of holistic nursing practice.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Communicates with the person, family, significant others, caregivers,
and interdisciplinary healthcare providers regarding the person’s
care and the holistic nurse’s role in the provision of that care.
• Collaborates in creating a documented plan, focused on outcomes
and decisions related to care and delivery of services, that indicates
communication with individuals receiving care, families, and others
as appropriate.
• Partners with others to enhance holistic care in order to effect
change and generate positive outcomes through knowledge of the
person or situation.
• Documents referrals, including provisions for continuity of care.
• Understands, utilizes, and refers to a range of approaches and thera-
pies from diverse disciplines and systems of care as appropriate.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Partners with other disciplines to enhance holistic care through
interdisciplinary activities such as education, consultation, manage-
ment, technological development, or research opportunities.
• Facilitates an interdisciplinary process with other members of the
healthcare team that enhances the contribution of all.
• Documents plan, communications, rationales for plan changes, and
collaborative discussions.
• Facilitates the negotiation of holistic/complementary/alternative/
integrative and conventional healthcare services for continuity of
care and program planning.

58 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic registered nurse integrates ethical provisions in all
areas of practice.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Uses Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA
2001) and Position Statement on Holistic Nursing Ethics (AHNA 2007)
to guide practice and articulate the moral foundation of holistic
• Identifies the ethics of caring and its contribution to unity of self,
others, nature, and God/Life Force/Absolute/Transcendent as cen-
tral to holistic nursing practice.
• Delivers care in a manner that preserves and protects the person’s
autonomy, dignity, rights, values, and beliefs.
• Protects and maintains the person’s personal privacy and confiden-
tiality within legal and regulatory parameters.
• Respects the person’s choices and health trajectory, which may be
incongruent with conventional wisdom.
• Serves as an advocate in assisting the person in developing skills
for self-advocacy and making educated choices about his/her care.
• Maintains a therapeutic and professional person–nurse relationship
with appropriate professional role boundaries.
• Engages in self-assessment and demonstrates a commitment to
practicing self-care strategies to enhance physical, psychological,
intellectual, sociological, and spiritual well-being, manage stress,
and connect with self and others.
• Contributes to resolving ethical issues of individuals, colleagues, or
systems as evidenced in such activities as participating on ethics
• Reports illegal, incompetent, or impaired practices.
• Recognizes that the well-being of the ecosystem of the planet is a
determining condition for the well-being of human beings.

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• Engages in activities that respect, nurture, and enhance the integral

relationship with the earth, and advocates for the well-being of the
global community’s economy, education, and social justice.
• Advocates for the rights of vulnerable, repressed, or underserved
populations by such activities as:
• Acting on behalf of individuals, families, groups, and communi-
ties who cannot seek or demand ethical treatment on their own
• Seeking to eliminate barriers such as affordability and accessi-
bility that create added risks for persons of varied racial, ethnic,
and social backgrounds, as well as the elderly and children
• Advocating for other nurses and colleagues
• Values all life experiences as opportunities to find personal mean-
ing and cultivate self-awareness, self-reflection, and growth.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Informs the person of the risks, benefits, and outcomes of health-
care regimens.
• Participates in interdisciplinary teams that address ethical risks,
benefits, and outcomes.
• Engages others to incorporate a holistic perspective of ethical situ-
ations and decision-making.
• Actively contributes to creating an ecosystem that supports well-
being for all life.

60 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


The holistic registered nurse integrates research into practice.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Utilizes the best available evidence, including theories and research
findings, to guide practice decisions.
• Actively and ethically participates in research activities related to
holistic health at various levels appropriate to the holistic nurse’s
level of education and position. Such activities may include:
• Identifying problems specific to nursing research (person care
and nursing practice)
• Participating in data collection (surveys, pilot projects, formal
• Participating in a formal committee or program
• Sharing research activities and/or findings with individuals/
families/peers, those in other disciplines, and others
• Systematically inquiring into healing, wholeness, cultural, spiri-
tual, and health issues by conducting research or supporting and
utilizing the research of others
• Critically analyzing and interpreting research for application to
holistic practice
• Using research findings in the development of policies, proce-
dures, and standards of practice in holistic person care
• Incorporating research as a basis for learning
• Contributes to conducting research and applying research find-
ings that link environmental hazards and human response

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of Practice, 2nd Edition
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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Contributes to nursing knowledge by conducting or synthesizing
research that discovers, examines, and evaluates knowledge, theo-
ries, philosophies, context, criteria, and creative approaches to im-
prove holistic healthcare practice.
• Formally disseminates research findings through activities such as
presentations, publications, consultations, and journal clubs for a
variety of audiences including nursing, other disciplines, and the
public to improve holistic care and further develop the foundation
and practice of holistic nursing.
• Creates ways to study the integration of body-mind-emotion-spirit-
environment therapies to achieve optimal care outcomes.
• Participates with others to identify research questions or areas for
inquiry and set research priorities that have high significance in
understanding and/or improving health/wellness promotion and
disease prevention; the quality of life; spirituality; cultural beliefs
and health practices; and healing and well-being.

62 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

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The holistic registered nurse considers factors related to safety,
effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice in the planning and
delivery of nursing services.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Evaluates factors such as safety, effectiveness, availability, cost and
benefits, efficiencies, and impact on practice when choosing prac-
tice options that would result in the same expected outcome.
• Assists the person, family, and significant others or caregivers, as ap-
propriate, in identifying and securing appropriate and available ser-
vices to address health-related needs.
• Identifies discriminatory healthcare practices as they impact the
person and engages in effective nondiscriminatory practices.
• Assigns or delegates tasks based on the needs and condition of the
person, potential for harm, stability of the person’s condition, com-
plexity of the task, and predictability of the outcome.
• Assists the person, family, and significant others in becoming in-
formed consumers about the health promotion options, costs, risks,
and benefits of treatment and care.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Utilizes organizational and community resources to formulate
multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary plans of care.
• Develops innovative solutions for the person’s care needs/
challenges/problems that address effective resource utilization
and maintenance of quality.
• Develops evaluation strategies to demonstrate cost effectiveness,
cost benefit, and efficiency factors associated with holistic nursing

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

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The holistic registered nurse provides leadership in the professional
practice setting and the profession.
Measurement Criteria:
The holistic registered nurse:
• Engages in teamwork as a team player and a team builder.
• Works to create and maintain healthy work environments condu-
cive to enhancing healing, wholeness, and harmony in local, re-
gional, national, or international communities.
• Displays the ability to define a clear vision, associated goals, and a
plan to implement and measure progress toward holistic health
• Demonstrates a commitment to continuous, lifelong learning and
personal growth for self and others.
• Teaches others to succeed, by mentoring and other strategies.
• Exhibits creativity and flexibility through times of change.
• Demonstrates energy, excitement, and a passion for quality holistic
• Willingly accepts mistakes by self and others, thereby creating a
culture in which risk-taking is both safe and expected.
• Inspires loyalty through valuing of people as the most precious
asset in an organization.
• Directs the coordination of care across settings and among care-
givers, including oversight of licensed and unlicensed personnel in
any assigned or delegated tasks.
• Serves in key roles in the work setting to advance the philosophy
and role of holistic nursing by participating on committees, coun-
cils, and administrative teams.
• Promotes advancement of the profession through participation in
professional organizations and focusing on strategies that bring
unity and healing to the nursing profession.
• Engages in local, state, national, and international levels to expand
the knowledge and practice of holistic nursing and awareness of
holistic health issues.

64 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

Additional Measurement Criteria for the Holistic Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse:
The holistic advanced practice registered nurse:
• Works to influence decision-making bodies to improve holistic,
integrated care.
• Provides direction to enhance the effectiveness of the healthcare
• Initiates and revises protocols or guidelines to reflect evidence-
based practice, to reflect accepted changes in care management,
or to address emerging problems such as the growing elderly
• Promotes communication of information and advancement of the
profession and holistic nursing through writing, publishing, and
presentations for professional or lay/public audiences.
• Designs innovations to effect change in practice and to improve
holistic health outcomes.
• Articulates the ideas underpinning holistic nursing philosophy,
placing these ideas in a historical, philosophical, and scientific con-
text while projecting future trends in thinking by such activities as:
• Applying, teaching, mentoring, and leading others in developing
holistic care models and providing holistic integrated care
• Leading organizations in creating therapeutic environments that
value holistic caring, social support, and healing, where individu-
als feel connected, supported, and valued
• Understanding the political, social, organizational, and financial
barriers to holistic care for individuals, population groups, and
communities and working to eliminate these barriers while bal-
ancing justice with compassion
• Sharing knowledge and understanding of a wide range of cul-
tural norms and healthcare practices/beliefs/values concerning
individuals, families, groups, and communities from varied racial,
ethnic, spiritual, and social backgrounds

Continued R

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of Practice, 2nd Edition
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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

• Acting as a leader, collaborator, consultant, and change agent

in evaluating global health issues and environmental safety,
anticipating the potential effect of environmental hazards on
the health or welfare of individuals, groups, and communities,
and assisting in reducing or eliminating environmental hazards

66 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

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Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (1996). The essentials of

master’s education for advanced practice nursing. Washington, DC:

American Holistic Nurses Association. (1998). Description of holistic nursing.

Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA.

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2005). Standards of holistic nursing

practice. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA.

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2005). Standards of advanced

holistic nursing practice for graduate-prepared nurses. Flagstaff, AZ:

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2007). Position statement on holistic

nursing ethics. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA.

American Nurses Association. (1996). Scope and standards of advanced

practice registered nursing practice. Washington, DC: American Nurses

American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with inter-
pretive statements. Washington, DC: American Nurses Publishing.

American Nurses Association. (2003). Nursing’s social policy statement,

2nd ed. Silver Spring, MD: Nursesbooks.org.

American Nurses Association. (2004). Nursing: Scope and standards of

practice. Silver Spring, MD: Nursesbooks.org.

Barnes, P.M., E. Powell-Griner, K. McFann, & R.L. Nahin. (2004). Comple-

mentary and alternative medicine use among adults: United States,
2002. Advance data from vital and health statistics, No. 243, May 27,
2004. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Center for


Holistic Nursing_Pgs_1-136_REV.PMD
Nursing: Scope and Standards5/2/2007,
of Practice, 2nd Edition
10:55 AM
Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (Available online: http://

www.mbcrc.med.ucla.edu/PDFs/camsurvey2.pdf )

Dossey, B., L. Keagan, & C. Guzzetta. (2005). Holistic nursing: A handbook

for practice, 4th ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Eisenberg, D.M., R. C. Kessler, C. Foster, F. E. Norlock, D.R. Calkins, & T.L.

Delbanco. (1993). Unconventional medicine in the United States:
Prevalence, costs, and patterns of use. New England Journal of Medi-
cine 328(4): 246–252. (Abstract and citations available online: http://

Eisenberg, D., R. B. Davis, S.L. Ettner, S. Appel, S. Wiilke, M. Van Rompay, &
R. C. Kessler. (1998). Trends in alternative medicine use in the United
States, 1990–1997. Journal of the American Medical Association 280:

Eliopoulos, C. (2005). Nurse competency in aging: Safe integration of

complementary and alternative therapies in geriatric care. Flagstaff, AZ:
American Holistic Nurses Association.

Fenton, M., and D. Morris. (2003). The integration of holistic nursing prac-
tices and complementary and alternative modalities into curricula of
schools of nursing. Alternative Therapies in Health and Nursing 9(4):

Frisch, N., B. Dossey, C. Guzzetta, and J. Quinn. (2000). Standards of holistic

nursing practice with guidelines for caring and healing. Gaithersburg,
MD: Aspen.

Guzzetta, C., ed. (1998). Essential readings in holistic nursing. Gaithersburg,

MD: Aspen.

Health Forum. (2006). Report of hospitals using complementary and alter-

native medicine. Chicago: American Hospital Association.

Institute of Medicine. (2005). Complementary and alternative medicine

in the United States. Washington, DC: The National Academies

74 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

Holistic Nursing:
Holistic Nursing_Pgs_1-136_REV.PMD Scope74and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition
5/2/2007, 10:55 AM 167
Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

Mariano, C. (2003). Advanced practice in holistic nursing, in Nurse

practitioners: Evolution of advanced practice, 4th ed., ed. M. Mezey,
D. McGivern, & E. Sullivan-Marx, pp. 233–253. New York : Springer
Publishing Company.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2005).

Expanding horizons of health care: Strategic plan 2005–2009. Washing-
ton, DC: National Institutes of Health.

National Institutes of Health. (2000). Expanding horizons of health care

(2001–2005): National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s
Five-Year Strategic Plan. Bethesda, MD: NIH.

Shelky, M. (2005). Nurse competency in aging. Aging with chronicity: Over-

view and resources. Flagstaff, AZ: American Holistic Nurses Association.

Sparber, A. (2001). State boards of nursing and scope of practice of

registered nurses performing complementary therapies. Online Jour-
nal of Issues in Nursing, 6(3), Manuscript 10. Retrieved from http://

Tresolini, C.P., & Pew-Fetzer Task Force. (1994). Health professions education
and relationship-centered care: Report of the Pew-Fetzer Task Force on ad-
vancing psychosocial health education. San Francisco, CA: Pew Health
Professions Commission. (Available online at http://www.futurehealth

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1999a). The patients’

bill of rights in Medicare and Medicaid. Accessed on January 1, 2007, at

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1999b). National health

interview survey 1999. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
National Center for Health Statistics. Division of Health Interview
Statistics. Hyattsville. MD: U.S. DHHS.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). Healthy People

2010: Midcourse review. U.S. DHHS 2005. Available online at http://

References 75

Holistic Nursing_Pgs_1-136_REV.PMD Holistic
75 Nursing: Scope and Standards5/2/2007,
of Practice, 2nd Edition
10:55 AM
Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.

Watson, J. (2005). Caring science as sacred science. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Weeks, J. (2001). Foreword, in Mosby’s complementary and alternative

medicine: A research-based approach, eds. L. W. Freeman & G.F. Lawlis.
St. Louis: Mosby.

White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Policy (WHCCAMP). (2001). Interim progress report. Alternative Thera-
pies in Health and Medicine 7(6): 32–40.

White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Policy (WHCCAMP). (2002). Final report. Washington, DC: U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office.

76 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

Holistic Nursing: Scope76and

Holistic Nursing_Pgs_1-136_REV.PMD Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition
5/2/2007, 10:55 AM 169
Appendix A. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007)

The content in this appendix is not current and is of historical significance only.


American Holistic Nurses Association. (2005). Standards of holistic nursing

practice. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA. (Included as Appendix B in this book
starting, on page 81)

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2005). Standards of advanced

holistic nursing practice for graduate prepared nurses. Flagstaff, AZ:
AHNA. (Included as Appendix C in this book, starting on page 93)

American Holistic Nurses Association (2007). Position on nursing research

and scholarship. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA.

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2007). Position on the role of nurses

in the practice of complementary and alternative therapies. Flagstaff, AZ:

Dossey, B., ed. (1997). Core curriculum for holistic nursing. Gaithersburg,
MD: Aspen.

Dossey, B., L. Keagan, and C. Guzzetta. (2005). Holistic nursing: A handbook

for practice, 4th ed. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

Frisch, N., B. Dossey, C. Guzzetta, and J. Quinn. (2000). AHNA standards of

holistic nursing practice: Guidelines for caring and healing. Gaithersburg,
MD: Aspen.

Guzzetta, C., ed. (1998). Essential readings in holistic nursing. Gaithersburg,

MD: Aspen.

Mariano, C. (2003). Advanced practice in holistic nursing, in Nurse practi-

tioners: Evolution of advanced practice, 4th ed., eds. M. Mezey, D. McGivern,
& E. Sullivan-Marx. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Mariano, C. (2005). An overview of holistic nursing. Imprint 52(2): 1148–52.

Watson, J. (2004). Caring science as sacred science. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.


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of Practice, 2nd Edition
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Appendix B.
Goals and Activities of the
American Holistic Nurses
Association (AHNA)
The goals and endeavors of the AHNA have continued to map conceptual
frameworks and the blueprint for holistic nursing practice, education, and
research, which is the most complete way to conceptualize and practice profes-
sional nursing. Beginning in 1993, AHNA undertook an organization develop-
ment process that included the following areas:
■ Identification of the steps toward national certification in 1993–1994.

■ Revision of the 1990 Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice, completed

in 1995.

■ Completing
a role delineation study, Inventory of Professional Activities
and Knowledge Statements of a Holistic Nurse (also known as the
IPAKHN Survey) in 1997.

■ Developinga national Holistic Nursing Certification Examination,

completed in 1997.

■ Completing major revisions of the 1995 Standards of Holistic Nursing

Practice in 1999, with additional editorial changes in January 2000 and

■ Developinga Core Curriculum for basic holistic nursing based on the

Basic Standards (1997).

■ Approving and adopting Standards of Advanced Holistic Nursing

Practice for Graduate-Prepared Nurses (2002, revised 2005).

■ Developinga Core Curriculum for advanced holistic nursing based on

the Advanced Standards (2003).

Appendix B: goals and ActiVities of tHe (AHNA)

■ Developing the Certification Exam for Advanced Holistic Nursing

Practice by The American Holistic Nurses Certification Corporation
(AHNCC) in 2004. This exam was first offered in March 2005.

■ Revising the 2005 Basic and Advanced Standards of Holistic Nursing

Practice to meet ANA criteria for recognition of holistic nursing as a

■ Applying for and obtaining recognition of holistic nursing as official

specialty within nursing by ANA (2006).

■ Publishing Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2007).

■ Participating in the revision of the revised AACN Essentials of

Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice to incorpo-
rate holistic nursing principles and practices (2008).

■ Developing a web site for holistic geriatric care (2009).

■ Becoming an affiliate member of ANA (2011).

■ Partnering in the national Joining Forces Campaign (2012).

Other AHNA activities that support and promote holistic nursing include:
■ Collaborating with other organizations to strengthen the voice of nursing

■ Educating the public about integrative therapies and holistic


■ Endorsing certificate programs for nurses that have content in holistic

nursing, healing, and/or complementary/alternative/integrative

■ Organizing networking groups nationally and internationally to further

holistic nursing

■ Providing and approving continuing education programs featuring

holistic health topics, holistic research, and holistic education

■ Integrating holistic content and practices into academic nursing


■ Improving the healthcare workplace by promoting the incorporation of

the concepts of holistic nursing, self-care, and wellness

172 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Appendix B: goals and ActiVities of tHe (AHNA)

■ Development of evidence-based holistic/integrative practice through

research and dissemination

■ Grantingawards for holistic nursing research and holistic nursing


■ Awarding student scholarships

■ Publishingseveral informational, educational, research, and profes-

sional support materials such as Beginnings; JHN; and Research,
Membership, Faculty-Student, and Practice e-newsletters

■ Monitoring and responding to legislative policy issues

■ Advocating for a focus on wellness, health promotion, and access to

affordable care
Membership in the AHNA is open to all individuals who support the mis-
sion of the organization. AHNA’s philosophy is that holistic nursing is the heart
of nursing and the science of holism.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 173

This page intentionally left blank
Appendix C.
Categories of Complementary/
Modalities (CAM) Therapies
Natural products. This area includes substances found in nature, such as a
variety of herbal medicines (also known as botanicals), vitamins, minerals,
whole diet therapies, and other “natural products.” Many are sold over the
counter as dietary supplements. (Some uses of dietary supplements—e.g., tak-
ing a multivitamin to meet minimum daily nutritional requirements or taking
calcium to promote bone health—are not thought of as CAM.) CAM “natural
products” also include probiotics—live microorganisms (usually bacteria) that
are similar to microorganisms normally found in the human digestive tract and
that may have beneficial effects. Probiotics are available in foods (e.g., yogurts)
or as dietary supplements.

Mind–body medicine. Mind–body practices focus on the interactions among

the brain, mind, body, and behavior, with the intent to use the mind to affect
physical functioning and promote health. Many CAM practices embody this
concept—in different ways. Some techniques that were considered CAM
in the past have become mainstream (for example, patient support groups,
psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy). Mind–body techniques include
meditation, relaxation, imagery, hypnotherapy, yoga, biofeedback, and tai chi.
Other therapies are autogenic training, spirituality, prayer, mental healing,
and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, dance, or journaling.
Acupuncture is considered to be a part of mind–body medicine, but it is also
a component of energy medicine, manipulative and body-based practices, and
traditional Chinese medicine.

Manipulative and body-based practices. Manipulative and body-based

practices focus primarily on the structures and systems of the body, includ-
ing the bones and joints, soft tissues, and circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Two commonly used therapies fall within this category: spinal manipulation
including chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, and massage.

Appendix C: Categories of (CAM) Therapies

Movement therapies. CAM also encompasses movement therapies—a

broad range of Eastern and Western movement-based approaches used to
promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Examples
include Feldenkrais method, Alexander Technique, Pilates, Rolfing Structural
Integration, and Trager psychophysical integration.

Practices of traditional healers. Traditional healers use methods based on

indigenous theories, beliefs, and experiences handed down from generation to
generation. Examples include Native American healer/medicine man, African,
Middle Eastern, Tibetan, Central and South American, and Curanderismo.

Energy therapies. Some CAM practices involve manipulation of various energy

fields to affect health. Such fields may be characterized as veritable (measur-
able) or putative (yet to be measured). Practices based on veritable forms of
energy include those involving electromagnetic fields (e.g., magnet therapy,
light therapy, or alternating-current or direct-current fields). Practices based
on putative energy fields (also called biofields) generally reflect the concept
that human beings are infused with subtle forms of energy. Some forms of
energy therapy manipulate biofields by applying pressure, such as acupres-
sure, and manipulating the body by placing the hands in or through these
fields. Examples include Gong, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Healing Touch.

Whole medical systems. Complete systems of theory and practice that have
evolved over time in different cultures and apart from conventional or Western
medicine; may be considered CAM. Examples of ancient whole medical systems
include Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. More modern
systems that have developed in the past few centuries include homeopathy
and naturopathy.

Source: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National

Institutes of Health (2011); http://nccam.nih.gov

176 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

Appendix D.
AHNA Position Statements
American Holistic Nurses Association. (2012). Position on Holistic Nursing
Ethics. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA. www.ahna.org/position statements

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2012). Position on Nursing Research

and Scholarship. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA. www.ahna.org/position statements

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2012). Position on the Role of Nurses

in the Practice of Complementary and Alternative Therapies. Flagstaff,
AZ: AHNA. www.ahna.org/position statements

American Holistic Nurses Association. (2009). White Paper: Research in

AHNA. Flagstaff, AZ: AHNA. www.ahna.org/research white paper

Position on Holistic Nursing Ethics

Code of Ethics for Holistic Nurses

We believe that the fundamental responsibilities of the nurse are to promote
health, facilitate healing, and alleviate suffering. The need for nursing is uni-
versal. Inherent in nursing is the respect for life, dignity, and the rights of
all persons. Nursing care is given a context mindful of the holistic nature of
humans, understanding the body-mind-emotion-spirit. Nursing care is unre-
stricted by considerations of nationality, race, creed, color, age, sex, sexual
preference, politics, or social status. Given that nurses practice in culturally
diverse settings, professional nurses must have an understanding of the cultural
background of clients in order to provide culturally appropriate interventions.
Nurses render services to clients who can be individuals, families, groups,
or communities. The client is an active participant in health care and should
be included in all nursing care planning decisions.
To provide services to others, each nurse has a responsibility towards the
client, co-workers, nursing practice, the profession of nursing, society, and the


Nurses and Self

The nurse has a responsibility to model health care behaviors. Holistic nurses
strive to achieve harmony in their own lives and assist others striving to do
the same.

Nurses and the Client

The nurse’s primary responsibility is to the client needing nursing care. The
nurse strives to see the client as whole and provides care that is professionally
appropriate and culturally consonant. The nurse holds in confidence all infor-
mation obtained in professional practice and uses professional judgment in
disclosing such information. The nurse enters into a relationship with the cli-
ent that is guided by mutual respect and a desire for growth and development.

Nurses and Co-Workers

The nurse maintains cooperative relationships with co-workers in nursing
and other fields. Nurses have a responsibility to nurture each other and to
assist nurses to work as a team in the interest of client care. If a client’s care is
endangered by a co-worker, the nurse must take appropriate action on behalf
of the client.

Nurses and Nursing Practice

The nurse carries personal responsibility for practice and maintaining contin-
ued competence. Nurses have the right to use all appropriate nursing interven-
tions and have the obligation to determine the efficacy and safety of all nursing
actions. Wherever applicable, nurses use research findings in directing practice.

Nurses and the Profession

The nurse plays a role in determining and implementing desirable standards
of nursing practice and education and research. Holistic nurses may assume
a leadership position to guide the profession towards a holistic philosophy of
practices. Nurses support nursing research and the development of holistically
oriented nursing theories. The nurse participates in establishing and maintain-
ing equitable social and economic working conditions in nursing.

178 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Nurses and Society

The nurse, along with other citizens, has the responsibility for initiating and
supporting actions to meet the health and social needs of all society.

Nurses and the Environment

Nurses strive to create a client environment to be one of peace, harmony, and
nurturance so that healing may take place. The nurse considers the health of
the ecosystem in relation to the need for health, safety, and peace of all persons.
Revised and re-approved by AHNA, 2012.

Position on the Role of Nurses in the Practice

of Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Complementary and alternative modalities (CAM) offer therapies that supple-
ment conventional medical care. The National Center on Complementary
and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the National Institutes of Health has
categorized major domains of CAM practices:
■ Natural
products such as herbal therapies, diet therapies, nutritional
supplements, and vitamins

■ Mind–body interventions, such as meditation, relaxation, imagery,

hypnosis, yoga, tai chi, prayer, art and music therapies, cognitive-
behavioral therapy, biofeedback, therapeutic counseling, and stress

■ Manipulative and body-based methods, such as chiropractic, massage

therapy, osteopathy, and reflexology

■ Movement therapies such as Feldenkrais method, Alexander Technique,

Pilates, Rolfing, dance therapy

■ Practices
of traditional indigenous healers such as Native American,
African, Middle Eastern, Tibetan, and Latin American

■ Whole medical systems, such as Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine,

traditional Oriental medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 179


■ Energy therapies, such as Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, qi gong, acupressure,

Healing Touch, light therapy, and magnet therapy
Holistic care refers to approaches and interventions that address the
needs of the whole person: body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Healing arts
are those interventions that foster an individual’s healing process, i.e., a
return of the individual toward a state of wholeness in which body, mind,
emotion, and spirit are integrated and balanced, and the person is able to
reach deeper levels of personal understanding. Healing does not equate
to curing, although they can be synchronous. The nursing profession has
a long history of caring for individuals in a holistic manner and integrat-
ing the healing arts with conventional treatments. Florence Nightingale
recognized the importance of caring for the whole person and encouraged
interventions that enhanced individuals’ abilities to draw upon their own
healing powers. She considered touch, light, aromatics, empathetic listening,
music, quiet reflection, and similar healing measures as essential ingredients
to good nursing care. Today’s education of registered nurses is built upon
these same principles.
The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is a professional nurs-
ing association dedicated to the promotion of holism and healing. The AHNA
believes that nurses enter therapeutic partnerships with clients, their families,
and their communities to serve as facilitators in the healing process. The holis-
tic caring process supported by AHNA is one in which nurses:
■ Acquire and maintain current knowledge and competency in holistic
nursing practice, including CAM therapies and practices integrated
within that practice

■ Provide care and guidance to persons through nursing interventions

and therapies consistent with research findings and other sound

■ Hold to a professional code of ethics and healing that seeks to preserve

wholeness and dignity of self and others

■ Engage in self-care and further develop their own personal awareness of

being an instrument of healing

■ Recognize each person as a whole: body-mind-spirit

■ Assess clients holistically, using appropriate traditional and holistic


180 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


■ Create a plan of care in collaboration with the clients and their

significant others consistent with cultural background, health beliefs,
sexual orientation, values, and preferences that focuses on health
promotion, recovery or restoration, or peaceful dying so that the person
is as independent as possible

Nursing and CAM

The AHNA believes that inherent in the nursing role is the ability to assess,
plan, intervene, evaluate, and perform preventive, supportive, and restorative
functions of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual domains. Therefore,
it is expected that the nurse may draw upon and utilize principles and tech-
niques of both conventional and CAM therapies, and that these would be
within the scope of nursing practice. AHNA supports the integration of CAM
into conventional health care to enable the client to benefit from the best of all
treatments available. In their provision of holistic care, nurses employ practices
and therapies from both CAM and conventional medicine.
Consistent with conventional nursing practice, nurses must be competent
in the CAM therapies and practices they use. The AHNA believes nurses inte-
grate these practices into conventional care as part of a holistic practice. In
addition, nurses support and assist clients with their use of CAM provided by
other practitioners by:
■ Identifying the need for CAM interventions

■ Assisting clients in locating providers of CAM interventions

■ Facilitating
the use of CAM interventions through education, counsel-
ing, coaching, and other forms of assistance

■ Coordinating the use of CAM among various health care providers

involved in clients’ care; and evaluating the effectiveness of clients’
complete integrative care

AHNA’s Position
The AHNA believes that although selected CAM are appropriate interven-
tions for use by nurses, the use of these interventions must be integrated into
a comprehensive holistic nursing practice. Practicing within a holistic nurs-
ing framework does not imply competency in effectively and safely utilizing
CAM therapies and practices. Nurses must be responsible for seeking, when

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 181


necessary, additional education and experience and demonstrating clinical

competency in all interventions used in their nursing practice.
A nurse practicing as a therapist of a specific conventional or CAM therapy
must have the education, skills, and credentials ascribed for that therapy. The
nurse also must operate within the legal scope of practice of the nurse’s licen-
sure and jurisdiction.
AHNA views nurses as being in a unique position in the implementation
of CAM throughout the healthcare system in that registered nurses:
■ represent the greatest number of healthcare professionals, representing
more than 2.7 million healthcare professionals, and are employed in
more diverse clinical settings than any other healthcare professional;

■ are uniquely prepared to differentiate normality from illness, provide

interventions for health promotion and illness-related care, and use a
wide range of medical technology and the healing arts;

■ are advocates for clients rather than specific products or practices, and
therefore are in an excellent position to assure appropriate and adequate
use of all types of services; and

■ are trusted and held in high esteem by consumers.

These factors support nurses holding a leadership role in the implementation
of CAM in various service settings and the coordination of CAM utilization by
clients as part of an integrated approach to care.
Revised and re-approved by AHNA, 2012.

Position on Nursing Research and Scholarship

Holistic care refers to approaches and interventions that address the needs
of the whole person—body, mind, emotion, and spirit—focusing on healing
the whole person as its goal. Nursing is the care and treatment of the human
response to actual or potential health problems, concerns, or life processes.
Thus, nursing research and scholarship should assist its practitioners to:
(1) understand the holistic nature of human experiences of health, healing, and
illness; and (2) evaluate the effects of holistic nursing actions on the client’s
health, healing, illness, and recovery.
Research supporting holistic nursing includes descriptive, explanatory, and
exploratory designs that expand our understanding of holistic practice and
enhances the evidence base for practice.

182 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Holistic nursing research may be conducted using qualitative, quantita-

tive, mixed methods, or other approaches that further our understanding of
phenomena such as the complexity of the human condition, healing, and out-
comes of holistic therapies. Research, however, needs to be planned and results
interpreted in a holistic, integral, or unitary framework for it to be considered
“holistic” nursing research.
Several ways of knowing—rational/scientific, intuitive, and aesthetic—are rec-
ognized in holistic nursing research. Nursing scholarship involves intuitive and
aesthetic approaches to comprehend the multidimensional nature of our work
which encompasses: (1) the art of care, (2) the wholeness of the client’s experiences
and meaning of patterns that emerge, (3) the beauty of authentic interaction; and
(4) the knowledge of that which is perceived through non-verbal, non-objective
expression. Nursing scholarship involves rational/empirical understanding that is
necessary to demonstrate: (1) basic mechanisms of nursing actions and integrative
therapies; (2) clinical safety, efficacy, and treatment outcomes of holistic modali-
ties; and (3) the interactive and integrative nature of body/mind/emotion/spirit.
Many phenomena of concern to nursing remain unknown or undocu-
mented, such that exploratory, qualitative research is a highly effective method
for expanding the disciplines’ developing body of knowledge. Further, many
aspects of the human responses to health, illness, and life processes are sub-
jective and qualitative research is the most feasible method of obtaining
information and understanding of the human condition. In addition, sensitive
measurement instruments that assess and document the interactive nature
of each client’s biological, psychological, emotional, sociological, and spiritual
patterns are needed as well as ongoing evaluation of nursing interventions
assessing their usefulness in promoting wellness and preventing illness.
The body of knowledge that frames holistic nursing includes knowledge of
the science and understanding of the art of the profession. AHNA supports
nursing research and scholarship that build scientific knowledge through
empirical work and that extend humanistic understanding through qualitative
investigations and creative expressions. AHNA endorses and supports nursing
scholarship relevant to learning, documenting, and comprehending that which
is the science and art of holistic nursing, with the goal of producing depend-
able and relevant information to practitioners and the public.
Revised and re-approved by ANHA, 2012.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 183


White Paper: Research in AHNA

Rorry Zahourek, Ruth McCaffery, Sue Robertson, Evelyn Clingerman

Contributions: Marlaine Smith, Diane Wardell

This white paper will address AHNA’s position on Holistic Nursing Research
(HNR) and the organization’s goals and strategies with respect to holistic nurs-
ing research. This will provide holistic nursing researchers with a platform
on which to develop research. This statement augments the description of
holistic nursing research that is in the AHNA handbook. This statement
is also in concert with the 2007 Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice.
Nursing encompasses a body of knowledge focusing on human health and
healing, through caring (Smith, 1994) or caring in the human health experience
(Newman, Sime, & Corcoran-Perry, 1990). Within this framework, the person is
considered to be whole and complete in the moment, and intimately connected
to, and integral with, the environment. Person and environment are always
in a mutual process of relationship. Every facet of this person-environment
dynamic impacts the health and well-being of the person-family-community
in all ways. Therefore, holistic nurses embrace culture, psychosocial influences,
the physical environment, energetic principles, and spirituality as inseparable
from physical manifestation of health and illness. Theory development related
to the person-environment must be explored conceptually and empirically
through research to enhance our knowledge of wholeness, health and healing,
holistic caring, healing presence, and therapeutic connection.
Inquiry is the essence of all science. Holistic scientific inquiry and research
emphasize the study of complexity of unitary patterning. Research explores
phenomena central to the concern of holistic nurses. Holistic Nursing Research
contributes to the growing evidence of the efficacy and safety of interventions
so that they may be used judiciously.
Inherent in a holistic framework is the belief in, and experience of, working
together with persons to integrate the use of modalities that may influence or
promote the person’s ability to manage and change health and illness patterns.
Holistic care often includes the use of integrative and complementary, and/or
alternative approaches, but those approaches always occur within the context of
valuing persons and their community as a unitary whole and the use of therapeu-
tic presence in the healing process. Solid evidence for the effectiveness of these
approaches is often dependent on the interplay of relationships, the passage of
time, and interaction of many variables some of which are not easily controlled

184 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


for or measured using standard methods or a conventional scientific framework.

As a result, research is often challenging and the questions posed may not always
lend themselves to traditional designs such as the double-blind randomized con-
trolled trials. In general, the strongest and most appropriate design and methods
for research question posed should be employed. Results may need to be inter-
preted in functional and practical ways that apply to all areas of HN practice.
For example, understanding the effect of an intervention on the whole
person often requires describing and evaluating feelings, sensations, and
responses. Some holistic research aims to learn and understand the meaning
of an experience as well as how the individual’s personal essence and subtle
energy fields are influenced. These are not easily measured in the quantita-
tive realm. To capture the nature and effect of holistic interventions, various
forms of qualitative research methods are often used. While qualitative evi-
dence differs from the quantitative evidence produced by clinical trials, it is
no less powerful in providing an understanding of the whole person. Holistic
nursing uses a variety of research approaches including the standard double-
blind randomized controlled clinical trial research method. However, it is more
likely to combine approaches to provide evidence of the efficacy of holistic
approaches to enhancing quality of life, health and well being. Therefore,
additional methods to collect and analyze data are encouraged. These include
various combinations of approaches, multiple site research projects, and aes-
thetic and creative methods.

Definition: Holistic nursing research includes:

■ Extending, testing, and revising current theory and developing new

■ Investigating the processes and efficacy of interventions

■ Describing life experiences

■ Exploring holistic nursing practice

■ Comparison of groups, communities, or cultures.

An important caveat: To be “holistic” nursing research, the theoretical

basis and interpretation of results must be within the context of holism. The
AHNA recognizes two definitions of holism. Integrating one, or developing
a unique definition of holism should be evident in the research question(s)
study design, method, analysis, and interpretation of findings. The definition
of holistic nursing as stated in the Leadership Council Handbook is as follows:

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 185


Holistic nursing embraces all nursing which has as its goal the enhancement
of healing the whole person from birth to death. Holistic nursing recognizes
that there are two views regarding holism: that holism involves identifying the
interrelationships of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual dimensions of the person,
recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; and that holism
involves understanding the individual as a unitary whole in mutual process
with the environment. Holistic nursing responds to both views, believing that
the goals of nursing can be achieved within either framework.
To facilitate the healing process and for nurses to become therapeutic
partners with individuals, families, and communities, holistic nursing prac-
tice draws on nursing knowledge, theories, research, expertise, intuition, and
creativity. Holistic nursing practice encourages peer review of professional
practice in various clinical settings and integrates knowledge of current pro-
fessional standards, laws, and regulations governing nursing practice” (LC
Handbook, p., 6 2006).
The AHNA Research Committee’s overall purpose is to promote holistic
nursing research which includes: supporting select projects, developing proj-
ects, informing members about new and potentially useful research findings,
providing support, education and mentoring to those desiring help developing
or completing projects, and promoting community awareness of the value of
HN research.

Holistic Nursing Research Goals

■ Promote HN research in various clinical practice settings that advocate
health and well-being.

■ Partner with established research institutions to determine what are

important research issues and problems, and to share human and
material resources.

■ Investigate key phenomena of concern related to HN.

■ Expand the body of holistic nursing knowledge related to theory, practice,

and education for both health care providers as well as the public.

■ Clarify the nature and scope of HNR and develop expertise in, and
expand the boundaries of, holistic nursing research.

186 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


■ Encourage the use of an evidence-based nursing practice in which

multiple forms of evidence are considered useful and significant.

■ Encourage and educate nurses in the interpretation and use of research

findings from various sources.

■ Encourage and mentor holistic nurses in developing quality research


■ ProvideHNR content in order to integrate concepts of holistic nursing

research throughout their curriculum.

■ Develop a call for research proposals to discover how holistic nursing

research might be different from other specialty areas of research and
nursing research.

■ Fosterprograms to educate nurses about holistic nursing research
including web-based tutorials.

■ Usingthe AHNA network, develop a consultation and a mentor

program for nurses who want to do holistic nursing research.

■ Begin to collect holistic nursing research and contribute that to the web
library. Establish a repository of holistic nursing research.

■ Develop a multisite research project that has sufficient funds to support

staff and researchers and is grounded in the theme Healing through
Holistic Nursing.

■ Continue to fund small research projects done by AHNA members.

■ Promote means to utilize and integrate holistic nursing research into

education and practice.

■ Provide schools of nursing with examples of holistic nursing research.

■ Develop a call for holistic nursing research proposals that differentiate

holistic nursing from other specialty groups.

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 187


■ Develop more sources of outside funding; partner with agencies and/

or schools of nursing who already have funding and an interest and
commitment re holistic nursing practice.

■ Include research-related workshops at yearly conferences.

With an increased public interest in and understanding of mind-body-

spirit connections, the potential usefulness of complementary-integrative
and emerging modalities, and the interconnectedness of a global community,
there is need for evidence-based nursing practice related to holistic nursing
care. Various approaches to health, healing, and the management of illness
have expanded and are being increasingly sought by the American public. To
meet this need, expanded and more flexible methods and creative approaches
to research are required.

Submitted March, 2009. Approved by the Leadership Council April, 2009.

Rorry Zahourek, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, AHN-BC
Coordinator for Research

188 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Note: An entry with [2007] indicates it is from Holistic Nursing: Scope and
Standards of Practice (2007), reproduced in Appendix A. That information
is not current but is included for historical value only.

A evidence-based practice and

research competencies, 71
Accountability in holistic nursing, x environmental health competencies,
Acupressure, 13–14 84–85
Acupuncture, 26 health teaching and health
promotion competencies, 61
Acute care hospitals, 21 implementation competencies, 58
Advanced Holistic Nurse, Board Certified leadership competencies, 77–78
(AHN-BC), 27 outcomes identification
Advanced Practice Holistic Nurse competencies, 54
Certification examination (APHN-BC, planning competencies, 56
APRN), 27 prescriptive authority
competencies, 63
Advanced practice registered nurses in
holistic nursing practice (APRNs), professional practice
24–25 evaluation competencies, 81
assessment competencies, 51 quality of practice competencies, 73
certification, 27 resource utilization competencies, 83
collaboration competencies, 80 Aging, defined, 29
communication competencies, 75 AHNA. See American Holistic Nurses
consultation competencies, 62, Association (AHNA)
continuing education, 24–24 AHNCC. See American Holistic Nurses
coordination of care competencies, 59 Certification Corporation (AHNCC)
diagnosis competencies, 52
Alexander Technique, 13
education competencies, 69
ethics competencies, 67 Allopathic/conventional therapies,
evaluation competencies, 65 defined, 87

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 189


Alternative medical systems, 10 Assessment in holistic nursing, 10

Ambulatory outpatient settings, 21 competencies involving, 50–51, 56
data interpretation, 12, 67
American Holistic Nurses
energy, 12
Association (AHNA), x
holistic, 10, 12
certification, defined, 26
spiritual, 12
Certification Committee, 26
Standard of Practice, 49–51
continuing education, 25
[2007], 138139
Essentials of Baccalaureate Education
for Professional Nursing Practice, 19 Assisted-living facilities, 21
establishment of, 4 Association of Schools and Colleges
geriatric nursing, 32 (ASC), 27
goals and endeavors of, 4 Ayurveda, 10, 13, 26, 179
holistic practice, recognition and
support of, 46
Leadership Council, 26
membership in, 4
on nursing research , 182–183, Basic level of holistic nursing practice,
184–188 23–24
Position Statement on Holistic Behavioral management and
Nursing Ethics, 11, 177–179 modification, 14
on the role of nurses in CAM
Biofeedback, 10, 13–14
practice, 179–182
vision, 4 Body image enhancement technique, 14
American Holistic Nurses Certification Body-mind-emotion-spirit-energetic-
Corporation (AHNCC), 23, 26 environment principles, 1
American Nurses Association (ANA), x
Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses:
Interpretation and Application, 11
American Nurses Credentialing Center Calming technique, 14
(ANCC), 25 CAM. See Complementary/alternative/
ANCC. See American Nurses integrative modalities (CAM)
Credentialing Center (ANCC) CAM Survey of Hospitals, 15
Animal-assisted therapy, 14 Caring–healing relationship, 2
Anticipatory guidance, 14 Certification in holistic nursing, 26–27
Anxiety reduction and stress AHNA Certificate Program, 26
management, 14 AHNCC types of certification, 27
APRN. See Advanced practice registered eligibility criteria, 27
nurse (APRN) process for beginning, 27
Aromatherapy, 11, 14, 19, 25 Chaos theory, 10
Art and music therapies, 13 Chinese medicine, 10, 13
Art and science of holistic nursing, 8–21 Chiropractic, 13, 26
ASC. See Association of Schools and Client narratives, 10
Colleges (ASC) Clinical care models, 45

190 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Clinical practice, issues in holistic planning, 55–56

nursing, 45–47 leadership, 76–78
licensure and credentialing, 45 outcomes identification, 53
Coaching, 14 planning, 55–56
prescriptive authority, 63
Code of ethics for holistic nurses, 177
professional practice
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, 13 evaluation, 81
Cognitive restructuring, 11, 110 quality of practice, 72–73
Cognitive therapy, 14 resource utilization, 82–83
treatment planning, 55–56
Coherence, 10
Collaboration in holistic nursing care centers, 21
competencies involving, 57, 58, 64,
79–80, 85 Complementary/alternative/integrative
Standard of Professional modalities (CAM), 2, 23–24
Performance, 79–80 benefits, 30–31
[2007], 157 categories of, 175–176
competencies, 79–80 defined, 87
holistic nurses and, 31–32, 179–182
Communication in holistic nursing, 15–18
hospital survey of, 15, 35
competencies involving, 50, 57, 58, 59,
74–75, 76, 79, 80, 82 IOM report, 42–43, 45–47
defined, 89 NCCAM Third Strategic Plan, 43
holistic communication, 15–18 patient-centered outcomes
research (PCOR), 43
Standard of Professional
Performance, 74–75 qualitative and quantitative
research, 42–43
Community health and primary care reasons for using, 30
centers, 21 risks in, 30
Community health development, 14 users of, 30
Competencies in holistic nursing practice Concerns in holistic nursing, 2–3
assessment, 50–51 Conflict mediation and crisis
communication skill, 74–75 intervention, 14
coordination of care, 59
Consciousness, theories of, 10
defined, x
diagnosis, 52 Consultation in holistic nursing practice,
education, 68–69 21–22
ethics, 66–67 competencies involving, 62, 68, 71,
evaluation, 64–65 80, 85
evaluation, 63 Standard of Practice, 62
evidence-based practice and [2007], 149
research, 70–71 Continued commitment to
evironmental health of, 84–85 profession, 27–28
functions, x Coordination of care in holistic nursing
health teaching and health competencies involving, 59
promotion, 61 Standard of Practice, 59
implementation of identified [2007]. 146
plan, 57–58 Coping enhancement, 14
intention, 12–13

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 191


Core values in holistic nursing Education in holistic nursing, 18–20

cultural diversity, 15–18 advanced practice levels, 24–25
holistic caring process, 11–15 AHNA’s certificate programs, 25
holistic communication, 15–18, 113–115 basic practice levels, 23–24
holistic education and research, Carnegie Foundation’s report, 40–41
18–20 competencies involving, 61, 63,
philosophical, theoretical, and ethical 68–69, 76, 80, 81, 84
foundations, 9–11 2008 Consensus Model for APRN
self-reflection and self-care, 20–21 Regulation, 24
therapeutic healing environments, continuing education, 25–26, 32
15–18 core values, 41
Correctional facilities, 21 educational preparation, 22–23
Essentials of Baccalaureate Education
Counseling, 14
for Professional Nursing Practice, 24
Critical thinking, defined, 87 faculty development programs, 41
Cultural competence, diversity, and geriatric nursing, 32
knowledge cultural competence Holistic Nursing Core
(defined) , 87 Curriculum, 23
competencies involving, 50, 53, 55, 57, IOM report, 41
60, 61, 70, 71, 78, 81 issues and challenges, 40–45
core value involving, 17–18 research outcome measures, 42–45
Standard of Practice, 68–69
[2007], 154
D teaching strategies, 41
Dance therapy, 13, 179 Elderly care in holistic nursing, 28–32
De Chardin, Pierre Tielhard, 10 Emotional support, 14
Delegation in holistic nursing, 82 Energy assessment, 12
Diagnosis in holistic nursing practice Energy field theory, 10
assessment data and, 50–51 Energy management, 14
competencies involving, 52
Energy therapies, 13, 20, 35
Standard of Practice, 52
[2007], 140 Environment, defined, 87
Diet therapies, 13 Environmental health in holistic nursing
competencies involving, 60–61
Documentation in holistic nursing, 51,
Standard of Practice, 60–61
52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 64, 72, 79
Environmental management, 14
Dossey, Barbara, 9
Erickson, Helen, 9
Duffy, Joanne, 9
Ethics in holistic nursing, 9, 11, 41
Dying care and grief work, 14
competencies involving,
Standard of Professional
Performance, 66–67
E [2007], 158–159
Eco caring, 17 holistic ethics (defined), 89
Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Evaluation in holistic nursing,
Transformation, 40 competencies involving, 53, 60–61, 63

192 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Standard of Practice, 60–61 coordination of care, 59

[2007], 151 diagnosis, 52
Evidence-based practice and research in education, 69
holistic nursing, 19, 37, 38, 41, 42 ethics, 67
competencies involving, 50, 54, 57, evaluation, 65
63, 70–71 evidence-based practice and research, 71
evidence-based practice (defined), 87 evironmental health, 84–85
Standard of Professional health teaching and health
Performance, and research, 70–71 promotion, 61
Evolution of holistic nursing, 3–5 implementation of identified plan, 58
contributions to human welfare, 5 leadership, 77–78
healing, changing perception of, 4 outcome identification, 54
holism, philosophy of, 3–5 planning, 56
prescriptive authority, 63
Expected outcomes, 6, 12, 13, 60. See also
professional practice evaluation, 81
Outcomes identification
quality of practice, 73
competencies involving, 55, 56, 57,
resource utilization, 83
58, 64, 65, 67, 71, 72, 73,
79, 80, 82 The Great River Craniosacral Therapy
outcomes identification standard and, Training Program, 25
53–54 Guided imagery, 14
Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses:
Interpretation and Application, 3, ix
Feldenkrais method, 13
Ford, Loretta, 45 H
Forgiveness facilitation, 14 Healing, 4, 6–7
Funding for research, 44 defined, 87–88
The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Healing process, 88
Advancing Health, 42, 45, 47 Healing relationships, 88
Healing system, 88
Healing Touch Program, 11, 13–14, 25–26
Health, 6–7
Geriatric care. See Elderly care in holistic defined, 88
Health care
Geriatric Holistic Care Resource
trends in, 34–39
Center, 32
in United States, 32–34
Global Vision Statement on Care of Older
Adults, 32 Health education, 14. See also Education
in holistic nursing
Graduate-level-prepared holistic nurse
competencies Health experience, 16
assessment, 51 Health promotion, 2
collaboration, 80 competencies, 60–61
communication skill, 75 defined, 88
consultation, 62 techniques, 14

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 193


Health teaching and health promotion establishing healing environment, 16–17

in holistic nursing competencies as a facilitator, 2, 11–12
involving, 60–61 healing process, role in, 2
Standard of Practice, 60–61 holistic caring practice, 12–13
[2007], 147 holistic education and research,
Herbal therapies, 13, 26, 175, 179 18–20
job satisfaction, 47
Herbology, 14
knowledge of culture, beliefs, and
Hippocrates, 3 values, 17–18
Holism, philosophy of, 1, 3–5, 11, 45 leadership roles, 5
Holistic and Integrative Health legality of prescriptions, 14–15
Program, 25 as a partner and co-prescriptor, 10
and phenomena of concern, 2–3
Holistic Baccalaureate Nurse, Board
Certified (HNB-BC), 27 philosophical principles of, 5
in preoperative and recovery
Holistic caring process, 11–15 rooms, 22
CAM approaches, 13 prescriptive authority, 63
integrative care interventions, 11 professional ethics, 11, 66–67
steps in, 12 relationship with client, 10
therapeutic plans of care, 12 responsibilities, 45
therapies, 14 role in transforming healthcare
Holistic Coaching Training systems, 17
Program, 25 roles, 7–8
Holistic Nurse, Board Certified scientific theories and philosophies
(HN-BC), 27 utilized, 10
self and, 178
Holistic nurse educators, 19
self-care of, 8
Holistic nursing self-reflection and self-care, 20–21
defined, 1 self-reflection of, 8
issues in, 39–48 shortage of registered nurses, 46
Holistic nurses, 1. See also Advanced society and, 179
practice registered nurses; Holistic symbolic language use, 16
registered nurses
Holistic registered nurses (RNs), 23–24
actions for integrative health, 45
assessment competencies, 50–51
as “option giver,” 10
certification, 26–27
approach to treatment, 11, 16–17
collaboration competencies, 79–80
assessment competencies, 50–51
communication competencies, 74–75
assessment method, 10, 12
consultation, competencies, 62
client and, 178
coordination of care competencies, 59
code of ethics for, 177
diagnosis competencies, 52
communication skills, 15–16
education competencies, 68–69
continued commitment to
ethics competencies, 67
profession, 27–28
evaluation competencies, 64
co-workers and, 178
evironmental health competencies,
defined, 89
educational preparations, 22–26
health teaching and health
environment and, 179 promotion, competencies, 60–61

194 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


implementation competencies, Independent self-employed private

57–58, 145 practice, 21
leadership competencies, 53, 76–78 Indigenous healing practice, 13
outcomes identification
competencies, 53 Informatics, 21
planning competencies, 55–56 Institute of Medicine and holistic
prescriptive authority competencies, 63 nursing, 42–43, 45–47
professional practice evaluation Integral Theory (Ken Wilbur), 10
competencies, 81
Integrative Aromatherapy, 25
quality of practice competencies, 72–73
resource utilization competencies, 82–83 Integrative care interventions, 11

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards Integrative Healing Arts Program, 25

of Practice, 92 Integrative Reflexology, 25
Holistic Stress Management Instructor Intention, 12–13, 90
Certification, 25 Interdisciplinary aspects of holistic
Holistic therapies in Nursing nursing, 40, 41, 79, 90
Interventions Classification (NIC), 14. Interprofessional aspects of holistic
See also Complementary/alternative/ nursing competencies involving, 56,
integrative modalities 59, 67, 72, 74, 77
Holographic Universe (Carl Pribram), 10 defined, 90
Home care, 21 International and travel nursing, 21
Homeopathy, 14, 26 International Association for Human
Honor, defined, 89 Caring (IAHC), 9
Hope inspiration, 14 International Society for Complementary
Medicine Research (ISCMR), 44
Hospice and palliative care, 21
Issues in holistic nursing, 39–48
Human caring, defined, 90
education and research, 40–45
Human health experience, defined, 90
Humor, 14
Hypnosis, 13–14 J
Hypnotherapy, 11, 175
Journaling and bibliotherapy, 14
Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, 44
I Journal of Holistic Nursing (JHN), 25
IAHC. See International Association for
Human Caring (IAHC)
Illness, defined, 90 K
Implementation in holistic nursing
Knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment
competencies involving, 56, 57–58, 76
in holistic nursing, 9–10, 39, 48.
Standard of Practice, 57–58 See also Cultural competence;
[2007], 145 Complementary/alternative/
Implicate/Explicate Order (David integrative modalities (CAM)
Bohm), 10 advanced practice, 24–25

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 195


CAM, 13–14, 24 Military health centre, 21

certification, 26–27 Mind–body interventions, 13
competencies involving, 50, 51, 55, 56,
Mind–body perspective and practices,
57, 58, 68–69, 70–71, 77, 78
36, 175
cultural, 3, 5, 18, 78
education and, 20, 23, 40, 41, 68–69 Morphic Resonance (Rupert
of symbolic language, 16 Sheldrake), 10
therapeutic, 15–18, 19 Movement therapies, 13, 176
Mutual goal setting and decision-making
support, 14
Leadership in holistic nursing, 5, 17, 24,
45, 47 N
competencies involving, 59, 73,
National Center for Complementary and
76–78, 85
Alternative Medicine, 44
Standard of Professional
Performance, 77–78 National Educational Dialogue, 41
[2007], 163–165 National Institute of Nursing
transformational leadership, 76, 91 Research, 44
Learning facilitation and teaching, 14 Native American and indigenous
Leininger, Madeleine, 9 healing, 10

Levels of practice in holistic nursing Naturopathy, 13, 176, 179

advanced, 24–25 Newman, Margaret, 9
basic, 23–24 Nightingale, Florence, 1
Liehr, Patricia, 9 Nursing: Scope and Standards of
Locsin, Rozzano, 9 Practice, 2nd Edition, x, 3
Long-term and extended care facilities, 21 Nursing homes, 21
Nursing Interventions Classification
(NIC), holistic therapies in, 14
M Nursing roles in holistic
nursing, 7–8
Magnet therapy, 13
Nursing’s Social Policy Statement:
Managed care organizations, 21 The Essence of the Profession, x, 3
Manipulative and body-based Nutritional supplements, 13
methods, 13
Manipulative and body-based
practices, 13, 175
Mariano, Carla, 41 O
Massage therapy, 13–14, 26, 179 Older adults, caring for. See Elderly care
McGuire, Charlotte, 4 in holistic nursing

Meaning, defined, 90 Optimal healing environments, 17

Meditation, 13–14, 16, 20, 22, 24, Oriental medicine, 10, 13, 26, 179
35, 175 Osteopathy, 13

196 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Outcomes identification. See also Principles of holistic nursing, 5–8, 10

Expected outcomes competencies healing/health, 6–7
involving, 52, 53–54, 56, 57, 58, 64, nursing roles, 7–8
65, 67, 71 person, 6
Standard of Professional practice, 7
Performance, 53–54 self-assessment, 8
[2007], 141–142 self-care, 8
self-reflection, 8
P Private practitioner offices, 21
Pain management, 14 Proactive interventions, 2
Parse, Rosemarie Rizzo, 9 Professional nursing and healthcare
organizations, 21, 76. See also
Paterson, Josephine, 9 American Holistic Nurses
Patient-centered outcomes research Association; American Nurses
(PCOR), 43 Association
Patient contracting, 14 Professional practice evaluation
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Standard of Professional
Act (2010), 43 Performance, 81

The Patient’s Bill of Rights in Medicare [2007], 155

and Medicaid, 11 Psychiatric/mental health facilities, 21
PCOR. See Patient-centered outcomes Psychoneuroimmunology, 10
research (PCOR)
People/persons/individuals in holistic
nursing services, 6, 90 Q
Peplau, Hildegard, 9 Qi gong, 13
Person-centered care, 80, 90 Quality of life in holistic nursing, 11, 29,
Philosophy in holistic nursing, 9–11, 19, 32, 33, 34
28, 43, 44, 49 competencies involving, 53, 54, 59, 71
holism, 1, 3–5, 11, 45 Quality of practice in holistic nursing,
in education, 40, 42 31–32, 34
philosophical principles, 58 competencies involving, 67, 72–73, 76,
Pilates, 13 80, 83
Standard of Professional
Policy issues in holistic nursing, 47–48
Performance, 72–73
coverage and reimbursement, 47
[2007], 152–153
use of holistic therapies, 48
Quantum physics, 10
Practice. See Nursing practice, holistic
Prayer, 13
“Prepare for Surgery” program, 22 R
Prescriptive authority and treatment, 10, Ray, Marilyn Anne, 9
14–15, 60
Referral, 14
Standard of Practice, 63
[2007], 150 Reflexology, 13–14
Presence, defined, 91 Registered nurses, shortage of, 46

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 197


Rehabilitation centers, 21 older adult care, 28–32

Reiki, 13–14, 26 overview, 1–3
phenomena of concern, 2–3
Relationship building, 14
philosophical principles, 3–8
Relationship-centered care, 79, 91 policy issues, 47–48
Relaxation, 13 professional commitment, 27–28
Relevance of holistic nursing, 5 prospective views, 2
research issues, 42–45
Religious parishes, 21
settings for practice, 21
Reminiscence, 14 trends and issues, 28–48
Research in holistic nursing. Self-assesment, 20, 67
See also Evidence-based practice
and research AHNA’s position, Self-awareness, 14
181–182 Self-care, 8, 20–21
competencies involving, 50, 54, 57, 61, Self-help, 14
63, 70–71, 76, 80, 81, 84, 85
Self-reflection, 20–21, 27, 28
evidence based practice and research
standard, 70–71 Settings for holistic nursing practice,
funding, 44 21–22
research standard Smith, Marlaine, 9
[2007], 160–161
Smith, Mary Jane, 9
Resiliency promotion, 14
Smoking cessation promotion, 14
Resource utilization, Standard of
Spiritual assessments, 12
Professional Performance, 82–83
[2007], 162 Spiritual growth, support,
and prayer, 14
Risk identification, 14
Spirituality, 10, 25
RN Patient Advocate program, 25
defined, 91
Rogers, Martha, 9
Standards of holistic nursing, x
Roles, nursing, 7–8
Standards of Holistic Nursing
Rolfing, 13 Practice (1990), x
Standards of practice, 50–65
assessment, 49–51
S consultation, 62
Schools, as holistic nursing centers, 21 coordination of care, 59
Scope of practice of holistic nursing, development of, x
1–48. See also Core values in holistic diagnosis, 52
nursing evaluation, 64–65
clinical practice issues, 45–47 health teaching and health
core values, 8–21 promotion, 60–61
definition, 1 implementation of plan, 57–58
education issues, 40–42 outcome identification, 53–54
educational preparation, 22–26 planning, 55–56
evolution of holistic nursing, 3–5 prescriptive authority and
function of, ix–x treatment, 63
healthcare trends, 32–39 [2007], 138–151

198 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition


Standards of professional Transformational leadership, 76, 91

performance, 66–86 Transpersonal, 19, 50–51, 91
collaboration, 79–80
Treatment planning, 55–56
communication, 74–75
education, 68–69 Trends in holistic nursing, 34–39
environmental health, 84–85
ethics, 66–67
evidence-based practice and research,
70–71 U
leadership, 76–78 United States, health care in, 32–34
professional practice job satisfaction of nurses, 47
evaluation, 81 shortage of registered nurses, 46
quality of practice, 72–73
resource utilization, 82–83
[2007], 152–165
Stress management, 11, 13–14, 18, 21–22, V
35, 47, 50, 88, 179 Validity of holistic nursing, 5
Student and employee health clinics, 21 Values clarification, 14
Substance use prevention, 14 Visualization and imagery, 11, 13, 26
Support systems, 14 Vitamins, 13
Swain, Mary Ann, 9
Systems theory, 10
T Watson, Jean, 9, 28
Wellness centers, 17, 22
Tai chi, 13, 175, 179
Wellness, defined, 92
Taoism, 10
Whole Health Education, 25
Tapping, 14
Whole medical systems, 13, 176
Telehealth and cyber care services, 21
Women’s health and birthing centers, 21
Theories in holistic nursing, 2, 7, 9–11,
20, 42, 48
Therapeutic counseling, 13
Therapeutic healing environments, 15–18 Y
Therapies (holistic) in Nursing Yoga, 13
Interventions Classification (NIC), 14.
See also Complementary/alternative/
integrative modalities
Therapeutic Touch, 11, 13–14, 26 Z
Tomlin, Evelyn, 9 Zderad, Loretta, 9
Traditional healers, practices of, 176 Zen Buddhism, 10

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition 199

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