Period of Nursing in History of Nursing New
Period of Nursing in History of Nursing New
Period of Nursing in History of Nursing New
• 1.
Priest made diagnosis and prognosis by
1.Observing the behavior of animals
2.flowing of water in rivers
3.shape of oil on water surfaces.
4.irregularity of an animal liver.
5.smoke from a burning fire.
6. personal dreams.
7.Difficulty in delivery as a result of
• Code of Hammurabi-provided laws that covered
every facet of Babylonian life including medical
1.The medical regulations
established fees.
2. discouraged experimentation
3..recommended specific doctors for each
4.gave each patient the right to choose between
the use of charms, medications or surgical
procedure to cure disease
1.Law to regulate the physician conduct.
2.The Babylonian society was quasifeudal
• upper class- wealthy land owners, merchants
and priests.
• middle class-less wealthy merchants, artisans
and priests.
• Lower class-slaves.
3.treatment methods include incantations and
by the application of herbs.
4.The religion of worship of Bel,later called
Marduk,who was identified with the planet
5.The ancient people of Mesopotamia (the
name of the general geographical area) built
enormous brick or stone temples
called ziggurats.
6.The animal scapegoat was
sacrificed.Humanbeings were also sacrificed
quite often.
7.From hepatoscopy,the Babylonians learned the
structure of the Liver and gallbladder and their clay
model are excellent anatomical specimen.
8.Team approach was used to treat the sick
person. The physician directed the treatment, the
nurse carried out the care, the pharmacist
prepared the medicine and the spiritual care was
also given along with this
1.Oldest medical record date back to 1600 BC,
written on papyrus paper and have been
preserved in Egypt’s hot sands. One of the best
known is brought in 1874 AD byDr.Ebers of
Germany. So it is known as Eber’s Papyrus.
2.One outstanding priest physician Imhotep
means He who cometh in peace and was liked
by all and was elevated to the rank of God
because of his pleasing and kind personality.
Temples were built in his name and sick people
were brought to these temples for healing.
3.The Egyptians developed the art of embalming
or mummifying the body after death carefully to
preserve the body in the pyramids so that the
wandering soul could come at any time.
4.The pyramids were the tombs of the Pharaohs.
The great ‘Pyramid's the largest built by King.
Khufu nearly 500 ft., height covers an area of 13
acres 1,00,000 men worked for 20 years.
5.The Egyptians practiced hygiene, separate
areas of the Nile River used for drinking hygiene
and sanitation
6.They also practiced cleanliness in dress and
habit and practiced circumcision.
7.They also recognized the importance of an
adequate system of drainage, water supply and
inspection of slaughter houses.
8.In Egypt they had medical laws as fixed laws. The law stated
what the doctor could do and could not do. If the doctor follow
the recognized laws from the sacred books and are yet unable to
heal the sick person, he was guiltless. But if he does contrary to
the written law, he was to get death penalty.
9.Hired nurses assisted in childbirth in ancient
Egypt reference to nurses in Moses 5th book is a
midwife and wet nurse.
10.The Egyptian pharmacopeia included
innumerable drugs. They could prepare some
drugs for eye conditions and surgery.
11.The healing treatment included prayers and
12.The actual care of the patients, such as
dressing wounds was done by helpers.
1.In 5000 BC;they invented the axe which was
used for cultivation and to make houses.
2.In 4000 BC;they produced a calendar of 12
months with 30 days-5 days to celebrate the
birth of God. Egyptians added five days to the
Babylonian 360-day calendar. The ancient
Egyptian civil calendar had three season: 1)
Akhet (Flooding); 2) Peret (Growing or Sowing);
and 3) Shemu (Harvest). Each season had four
months with 30 days. The additional five days
were tacked onto the end of Harvest and set
aside for feasting during the annual flooding of
the Nile.
3.In 3000 BC;they started to put ideas in writing.
Developed the ability to make clinical
observations and left a record of 250 recognized
4.They built pyramids to keep the dead bodies
of kings and the members of the royal family.
5.Made great progress in the field of hygiene
and sanitation.
The Hebrews book of Genesis emphasized the
teachings of Judaism regarding hospitality to
the stranger and acts of charity. The writings
of Hebrews in the old testament speak about
laws and principles of sanitation in accordance
with modern bacteriology. They mention
about the implementation of laws(health
1.Purification of man(bathing)and his food
2.Selection of food(Leviticus 11th chapter)
3.Preparation of food
4.Disinfection and midwifery(hygiene for women
after childbirth)
5.Controlling the spread of communicable
disease(segregation of sick e.g. leprosy)
a.The ritual of circumcision of the male child on the
8th day(Leviticus 13,14th chapter)
disposal of excreta by burial with enough sand.
b.Moses is recognized as the ‘’FATHER OF
SANITATION”. He wrote the five books of the old
c.On mount Sinai, God gave to Moses the’ Ten
commandment’s’ and the Israelites were promised
by God when they left Egypt that if they would obey
his commandments, he would protect them from
disease. I will put none of these diseases upon thee
which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am
the Lord that health(Exodus Ch. 15v 26Bible)
d.The high priest Aaron was established as the
physician of people.
e.Regarding Nursing, Ancient Hebrew nurses had a
high position and participated carefully in planned
programs of visiting the sick at the homes and
caring for them. They brought physical and spiritual
care for the sick and the family members with
family centered approach.
f. In response to the Mosai Health code, the
Hebrew nurses were active in promoting and
maintaining physical, mental and community health
and they continued their service in health
maintenance and health education. The importance
and independence have been recorded in the old
testament by the story of a nurse Midwife who
refused to participate in infanticide when the king
Pharaoh ordered to kill the male children of the
1.In China, long before Christian era, medicine
and surgery was honored. The Chinese were
well advanced in Medicine and surgery. Before
2000 BC, the doctors used systematic method of
2.Gave the world the knowledge of material
medical(pharmacology)method of treating
wounds, infection and afflictions.
3.Emperor Shen Nung said to be the father of
Chinese medicine and the inventor of
acupuncture technique.
4.Their slogan was Look, Listen, Ask and Feel. They
had good description of the internal organs and
circulation and gave stress on behavior of the pulse.
5.Dissection was permitted.
6.They prepared several medicines from vegetables
and animals and practiced vaccination as early as
1000 BC.
7.They had physiotherapy, treatment with massage
and exercises using heat, light, water and electricity.
8.They were aware of syphilis and Gonorrhea
which are sexually transmitted disease.
9.They could treat anemia with the inclusion of
Liver in their diet and thyroid with iodine,
leprosy with neem oil.
10.In 1 AD they had healing halls next to the
temple where the sick prayed for healing.
11.Acupuncture was done as an analgesia and
was a specialty for them while the other
countries did not have.
12.Opium and its derivatives were also used to
relieve pain.
13.Tea drinking was encouraged as an precaution
against intestinal infections.
14.Much importance was given to cleanliness and
15.Confucicus was their religious leader who
defined the position of women s inferior to men
and they could not do anything in public but only to
marry, produce children and take care of the house.
16.They also had superstition about certain illness
which was caused by the evil spirit and for which
blood letting was done.
17.Medical progress was affected by the belief
of the people that the disease was due to the
evil spirit and who ever touches the person, the
evil spirit will get into their body. So nursing was
impossible in this country.
White heart
The white heart was officially launched as a universal
symbol for nursing in 1999, on the occasion of the
100th anniversary of the International Council of
Nurses. The symbol is meant to characterize the caring,
knowledge and humanity that infuse the work and
spirit of nursing. The white heart is also a unifying
symbol for nurses globally.
White was selected because it brings together all
colours, demonstrating nursing's acceptance of all
people. White also has a world-wide association with
nursing, caring, hygiene and comfort. The heart shape
communicates humanity and the central place that
nursing has in quality health care.
Nightingale pledge
• 4
5.In 1905 during the British rule in India
missionary nurses arrived as members of
missionary medical association
6.In 1905 trained nurses association of India
(TNAI) was formed.
7.In 1926 madras state formed the first
registration council-certificates are being
registered by the madras nurses and midwives
council, which was set up in 1926.
8.The first four year basic bachelor degree
program was established in 1946 at the college
of nursing in Delhi and Vellore.
9.The Indian nursing council was passed by
ordinance on December 31st 1947.The council
was constituted in 1949
10..The name of the south India Board was
changed to the Board of Nursing Education
Nurses League of Christian Medical
Association of India South India Branch in