Daniels Logs MUSICGr10

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Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

Quarter 1st

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

July 11, 2016 July 12, 2016 July 13, 2016 July 14, 2016
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of 20th century music styles and characteristics features.
B. Performance Creates musical pieces using particular style/s of the 20 th century
C. Learning Listens perceptively to selected 20th Describes distinctive musical elements of Relates 20th century music to its Explains the performance practice
century music given pieces in 20th century styles. historical and cultural background (setting, composition, role of
Competencies composers/performers, and audience) of
Recognized aurally the different Explain the element component of the Put theory into application. 20th century music.
Objectives: musical style in the 20th century. given musical style. Take interest in sessions for learning Seek and apply knowledge on the
Express personal reaction. Seek clarification and interpret the clips. experience recorded compositions
List down classification and Use the video clips to absorb data for Imitate the music through humming. Decide worth and relevance of ideas.
characteristics of the musical style. guided singing. Write the profile of the selected
11. CONTENT 20th Century Musical Styles Impressionism,Expressionism, Avant-Garde, Modern Nationalism, The Composition and Composers
Primitivism & Neo-Classicism, Electronic Music, Chance Music of the 20th Century Music
LEARNING MU10TC -1a-h1 Horizons pp 3-29 MU10TC-1a-h-2 Horizons pp. 4-17 MU10TC-1a-h-2 Horizons pp.18- MU10TC-1a-h-2 Horizons pp. 4-29
RESOURCES Sound gadget, recordings Recordings, sound box 29
Recordings, sound box
A.Review/Presentation A. Listening Activity on the music of A. The timbre, rhythm, melody, pitch A.The timbre, rhythm, melody, pitch A. The different kinds of music in the
of New Lesson the 20th century and harmony of the music. and harmony of the music. 20th century and the noted
B.Establishing purpose B. Familiarization of the music in the B. Distinguished features of each kind B. Distinguished features of each composers.
of the Lesson 20th century of music. kind of music. B. The signature compositions
C. Examples C. Defining the elements of music C. Presentation of the group assigned C. Presentation of the group C. Music in the Fifths, Moonlight,
D. Discussions of shown in the example with the respective music assigned Visions Fugitives, Russian Dance
Concept/Skills D. Singing/humming of assigned D. Group reporting with the respective music D. Summary of the reported topic per
Development #1 music for breaking the ice (group Reporting D. Group reporting group by the assigned members
activity) E. Analyzing the elements of music Reporting E. Profile writing of composers with
E. Skills Development E. Distinguishing the characteristics F. Description of the kind of music from E. Analyzing the elements of music their signature compositions
#2 of the music. the examples F. Description of the kind of music F. 5-minute review
F. Checking of groups knowledge G. Adoption of the style of music in from the examples G. According to Pear Buck, “ If you
F. Mastery
Development G. What would the world be like today’s generation G. Adoption of the style of music in want to understand today, you have
G. Applications of without music? H. Selected signature music for each today’s generation to search yesterday.
Concept/Lifelong H. What music means to you? style H. Selected signature music for H. The history of the music in the
Learning I. Singing/humming presentation each style 20th Century
H. Generalizations/ I. 12 point quiz Adaptation ---- - - 6 I. Singing/humming presentation I. Evaluation - 12 point quiz
Abstractions J. Familiarize the elements of music Stage presence -- 4// 10 Adaptation ---- - - 6 J. Practice singing fragments of
I. Learning Evaluation in the 20th century J. Study other styles of music in the Stage presence -- 4// 10 Impressionism music
J. Agreement/ 20th century J. Study other styles of music in the .

Remediation Activities 20th century

1V. REMARKS The sample music is very hazy that The adaptation of the trends of music in The adaptation of the trends of music Students have a hard time on
students had difficulty of connecting today’s generation perks up the interest in today’s generation perks up the distinguishing the composer of the
their innermost feelings to the lesson of the students relating the different interest of the students relating the specific composition, a review was
that the teacher wants to convey. styles of music. different styles of music. given in preparation for the evaluation.
V. REFLECTION Section A B C D Section A B C D
Section A B C D Section A B C D
A. No. Of learners earned E. Zirconia 42 8 6 2 Zirconia
80% on formative Zirconia 39 10 6 4 Larimar 38 12 8 4 38 12 5 7
Larimar 39 10 4 6 Moonstone
Assessments Moonstone 41 9 6 3 Moonstone 42 9 5 4 37 15 7 8
Coral 38 11 6 5 Coral
B. No. Of learners need of Coral 38 12 7 5 Coral 40 8 6 2 35 13 9 4
Remediation Citrine 39 12 4 8 Citrine
Citrine 40 11 6 5 Citrine 41 9 7 2 34 16 8 8
C. No. Of learners who have Diamond 49 4 4 0 Diamond
Diamond 48 5 5 0 Diamond 53 0 0 0 45 8 6 2
caught up with the lesson (total )
D. No. Of learners to (total ) (total ) (total )
continue remediation
E. Role singing on the particular music
E. The discussions after the listening Role singing on the particular music
E. Teaching strategies that adopted to the present era helps the E. Profiling Activity encourage the
activity of the presented sample leads adopted to the present era helps the
works well. Why? student realized the characteristics of students to memorize the biography of
to the understanding of the musical student realized the characteristics of the
F. Difficulties encountered the music style. the composers.
elements. music style.
with supervision F.Monotonous melody and rhythm of F. No difficulties that were encountered
G. Innovations and localized F. Synthesizing the elements of music F. Monotonous melody and rhythm of the
the signature music in as much as learning was controlled
materials usage G. Adoption of the style of music in signature music
G. Adoption of the style of music in by individual students.
today’s trend G. Adoption of the style of music in
today’s trend G. Gaining knowledge was dependent
today’s trend
on the textbook and teachers
motivation to learn.

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Master Teacher 1- MAPEH Secondary School Principal 11

Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

Quarter 1st

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

July 18, 2016 July 19, 2016 July 21, 2016 July 22, 2015
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of 20th century music styles and characteristics features.
B. Performance Creates musical pieces using particular style/s of the 20 th century
C. Learning Sings melodic fragments of given Explores other arts and media that Creates short electronic and chance Creates short electronic and chance
Competencies Impressionism period pieces. portray 20th century elements through music pieces using knowledge of 20th music pieces using knowledge of 20th
(MU10TC -1a-h1 ) video films or live performances. century styles. century styles.
(MU10TC-1a-h-2 ) ( MU10TC-1a-h-2 ) ( MU10TC-1a-h-2 )
Objectives: Identified aurally the different works of Interpreted elements from the movie cliffs Justify the elements of chance music Justify the elements of chance music
the 20th century music. and put it into reality. with the integration of electonique music. with the integration of electonique music.
Willingness to listen and take interest Suggested interpretation from the video Performed chance music Performed chance music
in learning experience.
Sung melodic fragment.
11. CONTENT Summary of the 20th centuryMusic West Side Story Experimentation with the Sounds of Experimentation with the Sounds of
20th Century Music Systems 20th Century Music Systems
RESOURCES Horizons You tube Horizons Horizons
A. References
LM pages pp.31-32 Pp. 33-34 Pp. 33-34
Textbook pages P.25
Adtl mat/portals Wikipedia West Side Story Movie
B. Other Learning Downloaded music HDMI/ downloaded movie Recorder, objects around, body parts Recorder, objects around, body parts
111. PROCEDURES A.Retrospective idea of the chance and A.Retrospective idea of the chance and
A. A. Review on The works of the A. Watching Activity of the West Side electronic music based on the definition. electronic music based on the definition.
Review/Presentation composers in the 20th century. Story. B.Generate electronic and chance music B. Generate electronic and chance
of New Lesson B. Familiarize the rhythm of the music. B. Exploration of film and relating it to the using the available localized materials in music using the available localized
B. Establishing C. Aurally listened the music of the 20th music of the 20th century. the surroundings. materials in the surroundings.
purpose of the Lesson century from impressionism, C. The music played at the inscription of C.Recording of the objects that were C. Recording of the objects that were
C. Examples expressionism, primitivism, neo- the role players, production and settings. thrown in the floor. thrown in the floor.
classicism, avant-garde, nationalism, D. Explaination of the musical D. Electronic music records sounds that D. Electronic music records sounds that
electronique and chance. compositions, role of composers and are heard from the environment;chance are heard from the environment;chance
D. Discussions of
D. Discussions and identification of lyricist, performers, audience. music is a random techniques of sound music is a random techniques of sound
Concept/Skills rhythm, timber, texture and pitch of the E. The role of sound and musical production emanate around whether production emanate around whether
Development #1 given examples. direction with regards to the script and man-made or natural man-made or natural
E. Skills Development E. Humming of the fragments of the F. Taking notes of the details of the film. E. Exploring available materials within E. Exploring available materials within
#2 presented music. G. Keen observation of the application of the school’s vicinity to produce sounds the school’s vicinity to produce sounds
F. Mastery F. Practice for 7 minutes per group. musical component to every part of the and man-made sounds. and man-made sounds.
Development G. Singing the fragments in graded film. F. Practice for 7 minutes with the group. F. Practice for 7 minutes with the group.
G. Applications of execution. H. Music creates lively atmosphere of the G. Employ the sounds available for the G. Employ the sounds available for the
Concept/Lifelong H. Today’s music came from scenes in the film which makes the creation of chance and electronic music. creation of chance and electronic music.
Learning yesteryears. audience feels thrilled and music arouses H. In creativity, Anything can produce H. In creativity, Anything can produce
H. Generalizations/ I. 15 points presentation/ 10 point emotional connectivity. sounds which turns into music sounds which turns into music
summative test I. Reaction Paper generation. generation.
J. Research on the musical play West J. Submit a reaction paper explaining the I. Presentation of electronic and chance I. Presentation of electronic and chance
I. Learning Evaluation
Side Story by Leonard Bernstein elements of the performance of the West music. music.
J. Agreement/ Wise Story J. Research on the different styles of J. Research on the different styles of
Remediation Activities modern arts modern arts
1V. REMARKS The students were enjoying the activity Film showing encourage the application The experience of exploring the The experience of exploring the
in humming the music though the of the music in the details of the scene surroundings looking for the objects that surroundings looking for the objects that
sounds is very peculiar. and adopting differentiated strategies of creates sounds is exciting. The students creates sounds is exciting. The students
teaching motivate students to apply their were having fun sanctioned with were having fun sanctioned with
knowledge learning. learning.
A. No. Of learners earned Section A B C D Section A B C D E. Section A B C D E. Section A B C D
75% on formative E.
Assessments Zirconia 49 2 2 0 Larimar 50 5 3 2 Zirconia 49 3 3 0 Zirconia 49 3 3 0
B. No. Of learners need of Moonstone 30 19 16 3 Moonstone 50 4 4 0 Larimar 45 5 3 2 Moonstone
Remediation Coral Coral Coral Coral
C. No. Of learners who
46 4 4 0 48 2 1 1 46 4 4 0 46 4 4 0
have cope up with the Citrine 45 12 10 2 Citrine 47 6 6 0 Citrine 43 6 4 2 Citrine 43 6 4 2
lesson Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0
D. No. Of learners needs
(total ) 222 37 32 5 (total ) 247 17 14 3 (total ) 235 18 14 4 (total ) 235 18 14 4
E. Teaching strategies E. Fragment humming works well Explanation while the film is being shown Employment of man-made and natural Employment of man-made and natural
that which enable familiarization on the provided additional knowledge. sounds incorporated to the creation of sounds incorporated to the creation of
works well. Why? rhythm of the music. F. Multiple intelligence application on music. music.
F. Difficulties encountered F. An explanation between the taking notes for the elements of the F. Creation of notes for the music F. Creation of notes for the music
with supervision connection of today’s generation music performance while watching the film. G. Objects within the vicinity and body G. Objects within the vicinity and body
G. Innovations and and the 20th century. G. The task was taken as assignment. parts that creates sounds. parts that creates sounds
localized materials usage G. Citing the Philippine songs which
has the influence from the 20th century

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Master Teacher 1- MAPEH Secondary School Principal 11
Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10 5
Quarter 2nd

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

August 25, 2016 August 30, 2016 August 31, 2016 Sept. 01/ 02, 2016
A.Content Stdards The learner demonstrates understanding of...Characteristic features of Afro-Latin American music and Popular
B. Performance The learner performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin American music and selections of Popular music.
C. Learning Observes dance styles, instruments Describes the historical and cultural Listens perceptively to Afro-Latin Analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin
Competencies and rhythms of Afro-Latin American background of Afro-Latin American and American and popular music. American and popular
and popular music through video, live popular music. Dances to different selected styles of music.
music and performances. Afro-Latin American and popular Sings selections of Afro-Latin American and
Objectives: popular music in appropriate pitch, rhythm,
music. style, and expression.
11. CONTENT Music of Africa Traditional Music of Africa Vocal Forms of African Music Classification of Traditional African
RESOURCES laptops, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 Horizons: Music and Arts Appreciation of Horizons: Music and Arts Appreciation of
A. References players Young Filipinos Young Filipinos
LM pages v=o9fNc-_ZsEM
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Pp. 40-41 Pp. 47-54
Textbook pages v=y3W-YIoW8Bw
Adtl mat/portals https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=2aFlQS4k3wo
B. Other Learning v=qyc5DUciL1c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-
Resources clAgeyGZA
111. PROCEDURES A. The importance of music in African A. The wide influence of African music in A. Dance movements of Africans are A. The incorporation of African
A. lives. global music on rhythmic structures and associated with the rhythm of the music instruments with the western music.
Review/Presentation B. Music and dance are also important spiritual characteristics. B. Appreciates the influence of the B. Classifications of Traditional African
of New Lesson to religious expression and politica B. Incorporation of African music to African dances and music with the Instruments
B. Establishing levents in Africa. language, environment, political present generation movement. C. Examples of Idiophones
purpose of the Lesson C. Play selected recordings of African developments, immigration, and cultural C. Video Clips of the music 1. Balafon 5. Slit drum
C. Examples and Latin American music. diversity. D. Discover and analhyze the elements
Examples: folk songs, instrumental C. Varied styles and genres of the music as the students will fit in 2. Rattles 6. Djembe
music 1. Afrobeat 5. Jive the dance steps. Be able to write down 3. Agogo 7. Shekere
D. Discussions of
D. Analyzation of the characteristics 2. Apala 6. Kwassa kwassa the lyrics with English translation 4. Atingting kon 8. rasp
Concept/Skills and styles of each through E. Video clips on the dance steps
3. Axe 7. Marabi
Development #1 discussion and sharing of insights. F. Practicing the dancesteps with the D. Explanation of each type of idiophones
4. Jet
rhythm of the music. E. Discussions of Membranophones,
E. Skills Development E. Let the students compare their insights D. Skills Development #1 G. Synchronization of the musical Lamellaphone and Chordophones,
#2 in terms of elements of music and styles of Distinguish each kind of genre instruments, dance movements and the F. Mastery Development
dances. E. Skills Development #2 created African music. Group Report
F. Mastery
F. Sharing of impressions, beliefs, feelings Latin American music influenced by African H. Generalization G. Application of Concept
Development and thoughts afrer listening to the music. music
G. Applications of It's easy listening to a record, but a Improvised instruments adopted from
G. Integration of Music with Arts, Literature, 1. Reggae 4. Soca
Concept/Lifelong and History through the use of music live performance is so personal and local materials
2. Salsa 5. Were H. Generalization
Learning recordings and video clips.
3. Samba 6. Zouk real.
H. Generalizations/ H. Abstractions: Imagination is the beginning of creation.\
Music has always been an important part F. Mastery Development . Review on the each I.Learning Evaluation I. Learning Evaluation
in the daily life of the African, skills development per group Group Performance 10 points Group Output
I. Learning Evaluation whether for work, religion, ceremonies, or G. Concept Application Participation -- 5 Content of the report - 5
J. Agreement/ even communication. For final execution Presentation -5// 10
Remediation Activities I. Impressions per group on the music and I. Learning Evaluation Movements - 5 // 10
J. Agreement
dance styles of African people 10 points written output J. Agreement Practice execution during vacant hours
J. Research some of the dance steps for J. Agreement Decide on the kind of final
execution Adopt and practice dance steps for
execution performance

1V. REMARKS The students were adjusting to the The eagerness to execute the African dance Additional video clips made the students Defining the equivalent local materials is
knowledge of culture of African people and is noted as the students were asking when conceptualized their future graded execution necessary so that students can relate.
were comparing. will be the performance proper.
A. No. Of learners earned Section A B C D Section A B C D E. Section A B C D E. Section A B C D E.
75% on formative Zirconia 43 5 3 2 Larimar 45 6 4 2 Zirconia 44 4 4 0 Zirconia 45 7 5 2
Assessments Moonstone 44 4 1 3 Moonstone 46 8 4 4 Larimar 47 6 4 2 Moonstone 46 6 4 2
B. No. Of learners need of Coral 42 7 3 4 Coral 43 7 2 5 Coral 45 4 2 2 Coral 45 7 4 3
Remediation Citrine 46 4 2 2 Citrine 48 5 4 1 Citrine 46 3 3 0 Citrine 48 5 2 3
C. No. Of learners who Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 2 2 0 Diamond 52 6 6 0 Diamond 52 3 3 0
have cope up with the (total ) 227 29 9 11 (total ) 234 28 16 12 (total ) 234 23 19 4 (total ) 236 28 18 10
E. Video presentation works well for Group review enables the students to Imitation on dance movements from the Group Reporting encourages every member to
D. No. Of learners needs
adaptation and orientation of the culture. memorize the different genre. video motivated the students to execute. prepare and study as reporting was not
F. The students were laughing on the F. No difficulties noted during the lesson. F. 30 % of the students are hesitant to assigned.
E. Teaching strategies
movement of the body which requires G. No localized materials used along the participate that needs installation of F. Memorization skills on the lesson needs to
explanation that movements are just part of discipline. be developed.
works well. Why?
dancing and not to be taken maliciously.
discussions G. Adopting sounds from local materials like G. African instruments were correlated with the
F. Difficulties encountered
G. The use of ICT using camera to capture stones and woods and the sounds created local indigenous instruments
with supervision
the costume is very important. by movements were utilized.
G. Innovations and
localized materials usage

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Master Teacher 1- MAPEH Secondary School Principal 11

Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

1 MERINISA V.Session
DANIELS2 Learning Areas
Session 3 MUSIC Session 4
LOG September 5, 2016 September 6, 2016 September 7, 2016 September 9, 2016
1. OBJECTIVES Quarter 1st
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of Afro-Latin American music and Popular
Standards music
B. Performance The learner performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin American music and selections of Popular music.
C. Learning Explores ways of creating sounds on a Improvises simple vocal/instrumental Choreographs a chosen dance music; Evaluates music and music
Competencies variety of sources suitable to chosen accompaniments to selected MU10AP-IIb-d- 9 performances using knowledge of
vocal and instrumental selections; songs;MU10AP-IIe-f-8 musical elements and style. MU10AP-
MU10AP-IIa-7 IIa-h- 10
Objectives: Cited the characteristics of the Aztec, Distinguished the kind of sound created Played musical instruments out from
Mayan and Andean musical from local materials indigenous and local materials. Interpreted music in performance.
instruments. Adopted local materials for use of the Showed enthusiasm in the performance Evaluated the performance.
Compared local materials with the music evaluation
Latin American instruments
11. CONTENT Aztec, Mayan & Andean Musical Percussion Instruments for adopted Schoscoloza and Waki Interpretation Evaluation of the Performance
Instruments Schoscoloza
111. LEARNING Bamboo, wood, stomes, bottle caps, Ground for practice Stage, video cam, musical instruments
RESOURCES plastic jars, coins, bottles, whistles, strips
A. References Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation of roofing materials, soda cans,
LM pages
Textbook pages
for Young Filipinos
Adtl mat/portals Pp. 58- 60
B. Other Learning
111. PROCEDURES A. Ancient instruments used mainly for A. Diverse creative approaches in A. Rules to be observed during the A. Orientation of the performance proper
A. religious functions and were played by generating music performance. per section
Review/Presentation professionals. B. Construction of percussion and B. To avoid any untoward incidence that B. The purpose of the lesson is to
of New Lesson B. Latin America gave rise to different rhythmic instruments out from recycled may occur during the performance evaluate music and musical
B. Establishing types of wind and percussion waste materials. proper performances.
purpose of the Lesson instruments. C. Strips of bamboo strucked together to C. Costumes and props that are neded C. Performance proper
C. Examples C. Aztec and Mayan Instruments create rhythm with the mumbling of the D. Sharp objects areprohibited and D. Discussion of concept is to gaian
1. tlapitzalli 5. huehueti mouth, clapping and stumping of the feet. costumes must be descent enough confidence and musicality using the
2. teponaztli 6. whistles D. Provision of rhytmic sounds are the portraying the African customs and localized and recycled materials around
D. Discussions of
3. concha 7. ocarina most defining elements of African music. traditions. the surroundings.
Concept/Skills 4. rasp 8. zamponas E. Final practice for evaluation E. Skills development on stage presence
Development #1 and the spirit of cooperation were
E. Skills Development D. Descriptions of each instruments E. Additional materials found in the F. Mastery development F. Mastery Development
#2 and how it was made and the environment to create music. Ground practice with the instruments and Actual presentation of output
F. Mastery generation of sounds. F. Mastery Development movements G. Application of Concept
Development E. Varieties of flutes and strings Practice in the ground for the G. Application of Concept Creation of musical ensemble with
G. Applications of Andean instruments movements and sounds. For final evaluation on music and body movements
Concept/Lifelong F. Instrument identification per group G. Generation of Sounds out from local movements. H. Generalizations
Learning G. Conversion and equivalent local materials or from recycled materials H. Abstractions The school as the venue for learning,
H. Generalizations/ instruments H. The pitch and timbre that the sounds Philippine music has evolved to have exploration and enjoyment.
H. Music was supposed to glorify Gods generated when played in ensemble its own identity influenced from from the I. Learning Evaluation
and mistakes in playing these creating contrast in tone quality and Spanish roots and even the African Rubrics : Musicality - 20
I. Learning Evaluation
instruments were considered offensive character. periods drawn from American heritage. Movements- 20
J. Agreement/ I. Learning Evaluation - 10 points I. Learning Evaluation. Observation of I. Learning Evaluation Costumes - 10// 50points
Remediation Activities J. Research on the uses of bamboo as cooperation among members Cooperation was noted. J. Research about computer arts
musical instrument J. Practice for final evaluation J. Agreement. Get ready for a final
1V. REMARKS The students finds it amusing knowing Excited to see the real output on the The spirit of cooperativism was noted All were very happy and showed
musical instruments that are found adaptation of local materials as the during the musical performance. cooperation and enthusiasm during the
locally are musical instruments musical instruments for use during performance
considered as sacred. evaluation.

V. REFLECTION E.Picture Analysis motivated the E. Incorporating the different sounds to E. Orientation before the performance
A. No. Of learners earned Section A B C D Section A B C D Section A B C D Section A B C D
75% on formative
Assessments Zirconia 49 2 1 1 Larimar 40 5 3 2 Zirconia 46 1 1 0 Zirconia 49 0 0 0
B. No. Of learners need of Moonstone 40 4 2 2 Moonstone 42 4 4 0 Larimar 45 3 3 0 Moonstone 45 0 0 0
Remediation Coral Coral Coral Coral
C. No. Of learners who
46 6 4 2 38 2 1 1 46 4 4 0 46 0 0 0
have cope up with the Citrine 46 0 0 0 Citrine 43 6 6 0 Citrine 43 3 2 1 Citrine 47 0 0 0
lesson Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0
D. No. Of learners needs
(total ) 233 12 7 5 (total ) 215 17 14 3 (total ) 235 11 10 1 (total ) 23 0 0 0
E. Teaching strategies students mind to adopt local create an ensemble made the students briefed the students to observe safety in 9
that instruments fascinated. using the local materials E.Praising students performance was
works well. Why? F. No difficulties cited which needs F. Cooperation from among the members F. Creation of notes for the music enough reward to make the students
F. Difficulties encountered supervision need to be closely supervised. G. Local and recycled materials happy
with supervision G. Citing usage of bamboo, stones, G. Recycled and local materials were werejutilized both for the instruments and F. Creation of notes for the music
G. Innovations and woods, shells, branches, whistles, used. costumes G. Objects within the vicinity and body
localized materials usage bottles parts that creates sounds

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Master Teacher 1- MAPEH Secondary School Principal 11
Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10
Date November 28,29 - December 01,02, 1016 Quarter 3rd

Session1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of contemporary music.
B. Performance Sings contemporary songs.
C. Learning Listens perceptively to excerpts of Describes characteristics of traditional Gives a brief biography of selected Sings selections of contemporary
Competencies major contemporary music. MU10CM- and new music. MU10CM-111a-h-2 contemporary Philippine music with appropriate pitch,
111a-h-1 composers.MU10CM-111a-g-3 rhythm, style, and expression.
Objectives: Determine the elements present in the Pinpoint the elements of music in the Explain the life of the composers.
music. given composition Performed the given music
Appreciate the works of Filipino
Listens the excerpts of contemporary Distinguished traditional from the new
composers composition.
music. music.
Value the Filipino music. Overcome stage fright.

11. CONTENT Contemporary Philippine -20th Musical Compositions of Rodolfo New Music Composers Contemporary Philippine -20th Century
Century Traditional Composers Cornejo, Felipe De Leon, Lucio San Traditional Composers
Pedro, Rosendo Santos, Alfredo
Buenaventura & Ryan Cayabyab
A. References Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for
LM pages
Textbook pages
for Young Filipinos Young Filipinos Young Filipinos Young Filipinos
Adtl mat/portals Pp. 92-98 Pp. 99- 110 Pp. 113-124 Pp. 92-124
B. Other Learning Downloaded music Downloaded music, sound box, laptop Downloaded music, sound box, laptop
111. PROCEDURES A. Presentation of New Lesson A. Review/Presentation. The life and A. Review A. Review/Presentation of New Lesson
A. Contemporary music in the works of Francisco Buencamino, Experimental New music in the The criteria of singing the
Review/Presentation Philippines refers to compositions Francisco Santiago. Nicanot Abelatdo, Philippines incorporated traditional contemporary music in appropriate
of New Lesson that have adopted ideas and Antonio Molina, Hilarion Rubio and music forms as well as indigenous pitch, rhythmn, style and expression
B. Establishing elements from the 20th century art Antonino Buenaventura. rhythms and instruments. B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson
purpose of the Lesson music in the west, as well as the B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson Analyzing the music focusing on the
C. Examples latest trends and musical styles in To discuss the musical contributions of Differentiate the new music in the elements of music present.
the other Filipino Contemporary contemporary music C. Examples
the Musical Composers. Pilipinas Kong Mahal, Mutya ng
D. Discussions of entertainment industry.” C. Examples C. Examples Pasig, Sa Ugoy ng Duyan, Pandanggo
Concept/Skills B. Establishing Purpose of the Ibong Adarna, Bagong Lipunan, Ugma-ugma, Diyos Ama ay Purihin, sa Ilaw, Hatinggabi,
Development #1 Lesson Pasko na Naman, Sa Ugoy ng Misa De Gallo D. Discussions of Concept/Skills
The origin of contemporary music Duyan, Spagkat Mahal Kita, Kay D. Discussions of Concept/Skills Development #1
in the Philippine Ganda ng Ating Musika, Development #1 Be able to observe the elements of
C. Examples Kumukutikutitap The life and composition of Jose music
D. Discussions of Concept/Skills Maceda, Lucresia Kasilag, Manuel
Harana, Pandanggo ni Neneng,
Development #1 Maramba, Ramon Santos, Francisco
Larawan, Maligayang Bati, Ugoy ng Feliciano, Josefino Toledo, Jonas Baes
Duyan, Mutya ng Pasig, The life of the following composers
Pandanggo sa Ilaw, Hatinggabi Rodolfo Cornejo, Felipe De Leon,
D. Discussions of Concept/Skills Lucio San Pedro, Rosendo Santos,
Development #1 Alfredo Buenaventura & Ryan
The lifes and works of Francisco Cayabyab
Buencamino, Francisco Santiago.
Nicanot Abelatdo, Antonio Molina,
Hilarion Rubio and Antonino
E. Skills Development E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2
#2 Listen perceptively of the musical Listening Activity of the musical Listening and imitating the music Capture stage fright and inferiority
F. Mastery contribution of the Filipino compositions F. Mastery Development through singing
Development composers. F. Mastery Development Group practice F. Mastery Development
G. Applications of F. Mastery Development Singing along with the downloaded G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong Practice the song
Concept/Lifelong Rehearsal per group music Learning G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong
Learning G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong Familiarize and treasure the Learning
H. Generalizations/ Learning Learning contemporary music by its rhythmn, To sing in the stage and be able to
Abstractions Point out the characteristics of the Can differentiate the conteorary timbre, texture, pitch, melody, overcome fear
I. Learning Evaluation musical style of the abovementioned music with the new music harmony, expression, dynamics, and H. Generalizations/Abstractions
J. Agreement/ composers. H. Generalizations/ Abstractions style. Practice makes perfect
Remediation Activities H. Generalizations/Abstractions 1. Are you familiar with the sounds? H. Generalizations/Abstractions I. Learning Evaluation
1. Can you recognized the musical 2. What do you observe on the The works of the musical Stage performance per group
styles? elements of the music? compositions of the Filipinos was Clarity --- 5
2. What is the basic elements of 3. Which of the music can you sing? brought by the Western and American Enunciation - 5
music you observed upon listening? I. Learning Evaluation influences. Tone --- 5// 15 points
3. Did you enjoy listening the 10 points quiz I. Learning Evaluation
contemporary music? J. Agreement/Remediation Activities 10 points quiz J. Agreement/
4. Is it hard or difficult to learn the Practice for a singing performance J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities Remediation Activities
music? Be able to select any song from the
I. Learning Evaluation Practice any song found in the contemporary music for a solo
10 points group presentation reference book for performance performance
J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities
Be able to memorize at least 2
stanzas of the chosen composition
you like.
There was a difficulty of the The students tried their best to imitate the Students tried their best to imitate Group singing encourages students
students to imitate the music and they are very eager for the the songs but finds it hard with the to conquer fears in the feeling that
contemporary music as it is not presentation. unfamiliar tune. there is somebody they can depend
familiar to their ears.

A. No. Of learners earned Section A B C D Section A B C D E. Section A B C D E. Section A B C D
75% on formative
Assessments Zirconia 46 2 1 1 Larimar 40 2 3 2 Zirconia 44 1 1 0 Zirconia 43 0 0 0
B. No. Of learners need of Moonstone 39 2 2 2 Moonstone 40 4 5 0 Larimar 42 3 3 0 Moonston 45 0 0 0
Remediation Coral 46 6 4 2 Coral 38 2 1 1 Coral 46 4 4 0 e
C. No. Of learners who Coral 46 0 0 0
have cope up with the Citrine 46 0 0 0 Citrine 40 5 6 0 Citrine 43 3 2 1
lesson Citrine 47 0 0 0
Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0
D. No. Of learners needs Diamond 52 0 0 0
(total ) 229 10 7 5 (total ) 210 14 15 3 (total ) 231 11 10 1
Remediation (total ) 233 0 0 0
E. Teaching strategies E. Listening to the music enable the Listening to the music enable the Experiential learning is a best teacher
that students to familiarize the composition. students to familiarize the composition. which is a first hand learning. E.Praising students performance was
works well. Why? F. The lack of familiarity finds the F. Students are creating noise that F. Unfamiliarity of the pitch and the style enough reward to make the students
F. Difficulties encountered students hard to comprehend and disturbed the other room of the music is not easy to learn. happy
with supervision imitate the music itself. G. There is no innovations that can be G.There is no innovations that can be F. Creation of notes for the music
G. Innovations and G. There is no innovations that can be adopted as students must adhere what is adopted as students must adhere what is G. There is no innovations that can be
localized materials usage adopted as students must adhere what original. original. adopted as students must adhere what is
is original. original.

Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

LOG Session1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
Date December 05 - December 9, 2016 Quarter 3rd
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of contemporary music.
B. Performance Sings contemporary songs.
C. Learning Explores ways of creating sounds Improvises simple vocal/instrumental Create a musical on the life of a Evaluates music and music
Competencies on a variety of sources accompaniments in selected songs selected contemporary Philippine performance using knowledge of
MU10CM-111d-e-5 MU10CM-111d-5 composer.MU10CM-111g-h-7 musical elements and style
Objectives: Determine the elements present in the Pinpoint the elements of music in the Explain the life of the composers.
music. given composition Appreciate the works of Filipino Performed the given music composition.
Listens the excerpts of contemporary Distinguished traditional from the new composers Overcome stage fright.
music. music.
Value the Filipino music.

A. References Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for
LM pages
Textbook pages
for Young Filipinos Young Filipinos Young Filipinos Young Filipinos
Adtl mat/portals Pp. 128-129 Pp. 130-131 Pp. 132-135 Pp. 132-135
B. Other Learning Downloaded music Downloaded music, sound box, laptop Downloaded music, sound box, laptop
111. PROCEDURES A. Review/Presentation A. Review/Presentation A. Review/Presentation B. Review/Presentation of New Lesson
A. of New Lesson of New Lesson of New Lesson The criteria of singing the
Review/Presentation Another category of 20 musicians Another category of 20 musicians B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson contemporary music in appropriate
of New Lesson century Filipino century Filipino Producing memorable of Traditional pitch, rhythmn, style and expression
B. Establishing B. Establishing purpose of the B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson Filipino music B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson
purpose of the Lesson Lesson Familiarize the Filipino songs C. Examples Analyzing the music focusing on the
C. Examples Familiarize the Filipino songs C. Examples Ernani Cuenco, Geoge Canceso, elements of music present.
C. Examples Santiago Suarez, Restie Umali, Angel Leopoldo Silos, Jr. C. Examples
Levi Celerio, Constancio De Pena Pilipinas Kong Mahal, Mutya ng
D. Discussions of Guzman, Mike Velarde D. Discussions of Concept/Skills D. Discussions of Concept/Skills Pasig, Sa Ugoy ng Duyan, Pandanggo
Concept/Skills D. Discussions of Concept/Skills Development #1 Development #1 sa Ilaw, Hatinggabi,
Development #1 Devt#1 The life and works of the 1. Santiago Suarez is one of the 1. Ernani Cuenco - composer, film D. Discussions of Concept/Skills
composers. founders o f Filipino Jazz in the scorer, musical director, and music Development #1
1.Levi Celerio known for creating Philippines. teacher and was conferred as National Be able to observe the elements of
music with a mouth-blown leaf whose 2. Restie Umali, stint as musical Artist Award in 1999. His works sare the music
achievements include citation in the director of Sampaguita pictures. classical sound of kundiman.
Guiness Book of World Records 3. Angel Peǹa was a classical and jazz 2. George Canseco nationally acclaimed
2. Constancio De Guzman - Dean of composer, arranger, and bass player. as composer of numerous popular
Filipino Movie Composers and classics.
Musical Directors. 3. Leopoldo Silos music touches the
3. Mike Velarde- noted of his own sentiment quite deeply with the lyrical
and appealing melodies
stye in composing high melodious
and romantic songs
E. Skills Development E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2
#2 Listening on the compositions of Listening on the compositions of the Listening on the compositions of the Capture stage fright and inferiority
F. Mastery the composers mentioned composers mentioned composers mentioned through singing
Development F. Mastery Development F. Mastery Development F. Mastery Development F. Mastery Development
G. Applications of Group singing Group Singing Group Singing Practice the song
Concept/Lifelong G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong
Learning Overcome stage fright Overcome stage fright Overcome stage fright Learning
H. Generalizations/ H. Generalizations/Abstractions H. Generalizations/Abstractions H. Generalizations/Abstractions To sing in the stage and be able to
Abstractions 1. How does the music of 1. Can you recognized the musical 1. Can you recognized the musical overcome fear
I. Learning Evaluation yesteryears differ from todays elements of the songs presented? 2 How does the music of yesteryears H. Generalizations/Abstractions
J. Agreement/ generation. 2 How does the music of yesteryears differ from todays’ generation. Practice makes perfect
Remediation Activities 2. Is the pitch familiar to you? differ from todays’ generation. 3. Is the pitch familiar to you? I. Learning Evaluation
3. Can you imitate the singing of 3. Is the pitch familiar to you? 4 Can you imitate the singing of these Stage performance per group
these songs? 4 Can you imitate the singing of these songs? Clarity --- 10
4. Are you enjoying? songs? 5. Are yo u enjoying? Enunciation - 10
I. Learning Evaluation 5. Are you enjoying? I. Learning Evaluation Timing - 10
Humming with the downloaded I. Learning Evaluation Group Participation 10 points Tone --- 20// 50 points
accompaniment Humming with the downloaded J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities
J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities accompaniment Prepare for a Song Solo of any J. Agreement/
Research new composers of J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities Contemporary Filipino Music Remediation Activities
V. REFLECTION Filipino Contemporary Music and be Research new composers of Filipino Practice for performance during the
A. No. Of learners earned Section
able to imitateAthe songB C D Section
Contemporary A Music D toE.
B andC be able Section A B C D E. Section
75% on formative
Assessments Zirconia 46 2 1 1 imitate the song
Larimar 42 2 3 2 Zirconia 44 1 1 0 Zirconia 43 6 0 0
Of learners need of Moonstone 41 2 2 2 1V. REMARKS
Moonstone 40 4 5 0 1V. REMARKS
Larimar 42 3 3 0 1V. REMARKS
Moonston 45 7 0 0
Remediation There
Coral was a difficulty
46 6 of the
4 2 The
Coral students tried
40 2 their best
1 to
1imitate the The
Coral high pitch that
46 4 the4 0 eSong solo exposed students to
C. No. Of learners who students to imitate the music and they are very eager for the contemporary music have is very conquer fears
Coral 46 and4 stage0 fright.
have cope up with the Citrine 46 0 0 0 Citrine
presentation. 40 5 6 0 Citrine 40 3 2 1
contemporary music as it is not unfamiliar to the students that they Citrine 47 1 0 0
Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond
D. No. Of learners needs familiar to their ears. laugh at and finds it amazing.0
52 0 0
Diamond 52 0 0 0
(total ) 231 10 7 5 (total ) 214 14 15 3 (total ) 228 11 10 1
Remediation (total ) 233 18 0 0
E. Teaching strategies E. Listening to the music enable the Listening to the music enable the Listening to the music enable the
that students to familiarize the composition. students to familiarize the composition. students to familiarize the composition E.Praising students performance was
works well. Why? F. The lack of familiarity finds the F. Students are creating noise that F. Unfamiliarity of the pitch and the style enough reward to make the students
F. Difficulties encountered students hard to comprehend and disturbed the other room of the music is not easy to learn. happy
with supervision imitate the music itself. G. There is no innovations that can be G.There is no innovations that can be F. Creation of notes for the music
G. Innovations and G. There is no innovations that can be adopted as students must adhere what is adopted as students must adhere what is G. There is no innovations that can be
localized materials usage adopted as students must adhere what original. original. adopted as students must adhere what is
is original. original.

Prepared & Submitted: Verified Correct:

Prepared & Submitted:
MERINISA V. DANIELS MT-1/MAPEH Grade 10 Teacher Secondary School Principal 11
Master Teacher
Master Teacher 1- MAPEH

Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

Date February 20 - 24, 2017 Quarter 4th
Session1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Content The learner understands ... Characteristic features of 20th and 21st century opera, musical play, ballet, and other multimedia forms.
Standards The relationship among music, technology, and media.

B. Performance The learner ... performs selection of musical plays, ballet, opera in a satisfactory level of performance.
Standards Creates a musical work using media and technology.
C. Learning Describes how an idea or story in a Describes how an idea or story in a Explains how theatrical elements in a Sings selections from musical plays
Competencies musical play is presented in a live musical play is presented in a live selected part of a musical play are and opera expressively. (MU10MM-
performance or video. (MU10MM- performance or video. ((MU10MM- combined with music and media to 111a-h-3)
111a-h-1) 111a-h-1 achieve certain effects. (MU10MM-
Objectives: 111a-h-2)
11. CONTENT Philippine Opera Local Theaters and Early Philippine Philippine Ballet Philippine Musical Plays
RESOURCES Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for
A. References for Young Filipinos Pages 146-149 Young Filipinos Pages 146-149 Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for
LM pages
Textbook pages
Picures, slides of the performance Picures, slides of the performance Young Filipinos Young Filipinos
Adtl mat/portals opera,ballet, musical play opera,ballet, musical play Pp. 160-166 Pp. 171-077
B. Other Learning CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, Downloaded music, sound box, laptop
Resources computers, laptops, computers, laptops,
netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile
phones, MP3/MP4 players
111. PROCEDURES A. Presentation of New Lesson A. Review/Presentation of New Lesson A. Review/Presentation of New B. Review/Presentation of New
A. Recordings of contemporary Philippine The elements of arts applied in Lesson Lesson
Review/Presentation composers, display on the board opera. Choose recordings from past lessons to The opera of Noli Me Tangere and El
of New Lesson pictures of each of the composers. B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson serve as a bridge to the new Felibusterismo.
B. Establishing B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson Express personal reactions or feelings lesson. Display the chart of composers
Appreciation of our nationalist on a selection part of the play taken up in the last lesson. B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson
purpose of the Lesson
composers, lyricists, story tellers, and C. Examples B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson To sing an aria from the excerpts of the
C. Examples
performers as major exponents of our Noli Me Tangere, The Opera Incorporation of the elements of theater, discussed opera.
cultural heritage El Filibusterismo, The Opera such as acting, scenery, costumes,and
C. Examples D.Discussions of Concept/Skills dance C. Examples
D. Discussions of
La Loba Negra Development #1 C. Examples the arias ofNoli Me Tangere, La Loba
D. Discussions of Concept/Skills Discussions of the synopsis of the opera, Lola Basyang and India’s Ramayana Negra, and El Filibusterismo.
Development #1 D.Discussions of Concept/Skills
Devt#1 the acts and its application in the D.Discussions of Concept/Skills
Analyze the music and take note of elements of arts Development #1 Development #1
the elements of music present, such Discussions on how the idea on the Describe how an idea or story in an
as rhythm, melody, tempo and story in a musical play is presented in a opera or musical play is presented in a
dynamics, texture and harmony, stage performance. music video.
form, and timbre.
E. Skills Development E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2 E. Skills Development #2
#2 Write a reaction paper on their Write a reaction paper on their Creating a 6-minute play with the Group practice
F. Mastery impression of the opera and its impression of the opera and its incorporation of acting, dance and F. Mastery Development
Development message. message. songs. Memorize the lines from the excerpts of
G. Applications of the opera-Noli Me Tangere and El
Concept/Lifelong F. Mastery Development F. Mastery Development F. Mastery Development Felibusterismo
Learning Integration with Philippine History Integration with Philippine History for Acting out practice adopting the songs G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong
H. Generalizations/ for a better understanding of the a better understanding of the styles and that fits in the scene with the dance Singing impromptu
styles and their sources of influence. their sources of influence. moves. H. Generalizations/Abstractions
G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong The opera is both an art form and a
I. Learning Evaluation
G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong G. Applications of Concept/Lifelong Act-out the play and to overcome musical form. The singers and
J. Agreement/
Overcome stage fright Overcome stage fright stage fright. musicians perform a dramatic work
Remediation Activities
H. Generalizations/Abstractions H. Generalizations/Abstractions H. Generalizations/Abstractions combining text (called laib retto) and
1. How did Philippine opera reflect 1. How did Philippine opera reflect 1. Did you act according to the the
life in the 20th century? life in the 20th century? demands of the scene? music usually in an elaborate theatrical
2. Discuss the characteristics of 2. Discuss the characteristics of 2. Is the application of the music setting. It incorporates many of the
Philippine opera in relation to other Philippine opera in relation to other suitable to the lines that were elements of theater, such as acting,
multimedia forms. Explain your multimedia forms. Explain your conveyed? scenery, costumes, and sometimes
answers. answers. 3. What do you think is the includes dance.
I. Learning Evaluation I. Learning Evaluation importance of theater performance? I. Learning Evaluation
Reaction Paper Critiquing Reaction Paper Critiquing I. Learning Evaluation Singing of an aria per group
Lyrical content - 10 Lyrical content - 10 Performance Rubrics: Participation --- 8
Message - 10 // 20 Expression - 8 Interpretation --- 7 // 15
Message - 10 // 20
J. Agreement/ Remediation J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities Stage presence 7 // 15
J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities
Activities Create a scene and apply an opera J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities
Create a scene and apply an opera composition. Research a play to be adopted and
composition. modified for opera presentation.
cannot correlate the story in as The Stories were very familiar with The students tried their best to create Singing exposed students to conquer
V. REFLECTION much as it is not found in the the students because these were the play and act out eagerly though fears and stage fright and to
A. No. Of learners earned history of theAof theBPhilippines
Section C D already discussed
Section A Bin Filipino
C Dsubject E. 20% were not motivated
Section A B as D are E.
C they interpret theA
Section story B
line in
C theirDown
75% on formative ashamed. intonation and pitch.
Assessments Zirconia 46 2 1 1 Larimar 42 2 3 2 Zirconia 44 1 1 0 Zirconia 43 6 0 0
B. No. Of learners need of Moonstone 41 2 2 2 Moonstone 40 4 5 0 Larimar 42 3 3 0 Moonston 45 7 0 0
Remediation Coral 46 6 4 2 Coral 40 2 1 1 Coral 46 4 4 0 e
C. No. Of learners who Coral 46 4 0 0
have cope up with the Citrine 46 0 0 0 Citrine 40 5 6 0 Citrine 40 3 2 1
lesson Citrine 47 1 0 0
Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0
D. No. Of learners needs Diamond 52 0 0 0
(total ) 231 10 7 5 (total ) 214 14 15 3 (total ) 228 11 10 1
Remediation (total ) 233 18 0 0
E. Teaching strategies E. Listening and watching the opera Listening to the music enable the Listening to the music enable the
that enable the students to familiarize the students to familiarize the composition. students to familiarize the composition E.Praising students performance was
works well. Why? composition. F. Students are creating noise that F. Unfamiliarity of the pitch and the style enough reward to make the students
F. Difficulties encountered F. The lack of familiarity finds the disturbed the other room of the music is not easy to learn. happy
with supervision students hard to comprehend and G. There is no innovations that can be G.There is no innovations that can be F. Creation of notes for the music
G. Innovations and imitate the music itself. adopted as students must adhere what is adopted as students must adhere what is G. There is no innovations that can be
localized materials usage G. The students adopted intonation original. original. adopted as students must adhere what is
that best suits on their pitch and original.

Verified Correct:
Prepared & Submitted:
Secondary School Principal 11
MT-1/MAPEH Grade 10 Teacher

Grade 10 - MAPEH School MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

Date February 27-27, March 3,2017 Quarter 4th

Session1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Content The learner understands ... Characteristic features of 20th and 21st century opera, musical play, ballet, and other multimedia forms.
Standards The relationship among music, technology, and media.

B. Performance The learner ... performs selection of musical plays, ballet, opera in a satisfactory level of performance.
Standards Creates a musical work using media and technology.
C. Learning Creates/improvises appropriate sounds, Presents an excerpt from a 20th or 21st Presents an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century
Competencies music, gestures, movements, and
costume using media and technology for
a selected part of a musical play.
century Philippine musical and highlights its
similarities and differences to other Western
musical plays. MU10MM-111g-h-5
No Philippine musical and highlights its similarities
and differences to other Western musical plays.

A. References
Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for March Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young
Young Filipinos Pages 146-149 Young Filipinos Filipinos
LM pages
Textbook pages
Adtl mat/portals
Pictures, slides of the performance
opera,ballet, musical play
Pictures, slides of the performance
opera,ballet, musical play
01-02, Pictures, slides of the performance opera,ballet,
musical play

B. Other Learning CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers,
Resources laptops,netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile laptops,MP3/MP4 players laptops,
phones, MP3/MP4 players Stage Stage

A. Review/Presentation of New Lesson
Recent development of a musical play
on Broadway and the West.
A. Review/Presentation of New Lesson
Reading of the learning competency of the
No A. Review/Presentation of New Lesson
Reading of the learning competency of the
of New Lesson
B. Establishing B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson B. Establishing purpose of the Lesson
purpose of the Lesson Select a musical play, and opera for a To act out a musical play. To act out a musical play.
musical play. C. Examples C. Examples
C. Examples
C. Examples
Les Miserables
Giselle, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Maulan,
Tbhe Princesses, Descendants, Romeo and
Class Giselle, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Maulan,
Tbhe Princesses, Descendants, Romeo and
Juliet Juliet
D. Discussions of D. Discussions of Concept/Skills
D. Discussions of Concept/Skills D. Discussions of Concept/Skills
Concept/Skills Development #1 Development #1
Development #1
Development #1
Power Point Presentation on the
Elements of Musical Play:
How the students are being graded

E. Skills Development #2
March How the students are being graded

E. Skills Development #2
Keep the story line clear and
 Musical Play Proper Musical Play Proper
easy to follow. F. Mastery Development F. Mastery Development
 Create characters that are easy to Acting out at the performance level Acting out at the performance level
relate to, without resorting to
stereotypes. (Good luck!)
G. Applications of Concept
Overcome Stage Fright 2017 G. Applications of Concept
Overcome Stage Fright
H. Generalizations/Abstractions H. Generalizations/Abstractions
 Create situations that call 1. What did you feel while on the stage? 1. What did you feel while on the stage?
characters into song. 2. Did you act out according to your role? 2. Did you act out according to your role?
 Move in and out of songs as
3. How does acting and singing improve 3. How does acting and singing improve
smoothly as possible. your personality? your personality?
 Hand over much (and 4. Do you want to experience again the 4. Do you want to experience again the
musical play? musical play?
sometimes all) of the plot and
E. Skills Development E. Skillscharacter development
Development #2 to the
#2 Practice for Pre- Assessment I. Learning Evaluation - 50 points I. Learning Evaluation - 50 points
F. Mastery F. Mastery Development Acting(characterization, movement, Acting(characterization, movement,
Development Polishing of the play voice quality, teamwork) 15 voice quality, teamwork) 15
G. Applications of G. Applications of Concept
Overcome Stage Fright
Fidelity to original work ( originality Fidelity to original work ( originality
H. Generalizations/Abstractions of the piece, use of the language) 10 of the piece, use of the language) 10
H. Generalizations/ 1. Is your musical play prepared already? Production ( Method of performance, Production ( Method of performance,
2. Have the soundtrack, lightings and the use of the space, musical background) 10 use of the space, musical background) 10
use of space were utilized? Stage Presentation ( costume, props, Stage Presentation ( costume, props,
I. Learning Evaluation
3. What do you think adds the essence of a
J. Agreement/ play?
audience appeal ) 15//50 audience appeal ) 15//50
Remediation Activities I. Learning Evaluation J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities
Story Line ---- 12 Study for a Long Quiz Study for a Long Quiz
Dramatic achievement--- 8//20
J. Agreement/ Remediation Activities
Be ready for a final presentation
Additional items were considered for the The students have tried their best for the The students have tried their best for the play
polishing of the play like props, background play recorded in a video footage and recorded in a video footage and captured in
music, costumes and some modifications captured in photo-finish for downloading in photo-finish for downloading in the facebook
of the play. the facebook account. account.

A. No. Of learners earned Section A B C D Section A B C D
75% on formative Section
Assessments Zirconia 46 1 1 1 A B C D Zirconia 43 3 0 0
B. No. Of learners need of Moonstone 41 1 2 2 Zirconia 43 0 0 0 Moonstone 45 2 0 0
Remediation Coral 46 2 4 2 Moonstone 45 1 0 0 Coral 46 2 0 0
C. No. Of learners who
Citrine 46 0 0 0 Coral 46 2 0 0 Citrine 47 1 0 0
have cope up with the
lesson Diamond 52 0 0 0 Citrine 47 0 0 0 Diamond 52 0 0 0
D. No. Of learners needs Diamond 52 0 0 0
(total ) 231 4 7 5 (total ) 233 8 0 0
E. Teaching strategies E. Rehearsal practice with critiquing (total ) 233 3 0 0 E.
that polished the musical play which will be Acting out and singing a play enhances mental E. Acting out and singing a play enhances
works well. Why? finally shown on stage and enable the capacity and intellect, develop mastery of physical mental capacity and intellect, develop mastery
F. Difficulties encountered students to improve scenes and acts. self , affective aspect and creativity. of physical self , affective aspect and creativity.
with supervision F. About 15% of the cast are not yet F. The availability of the sound system needs to F. The availability of the sound system needs to
G. Innovations and fully motivated to act out and
localized materials usage
be provided by the school. be provided by the school.
encouragement is needed and G. Background and costumes are locally G. Background and costumes are locally
supervised. improvised. improvised.
G. Background and costumes are
locally improvised. .

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MT-1/MAPEH Grade 10 Teacher Secondary School Principal 11

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Verified Correct ;
Master JEAN1-
Teacher A.MAPEH
Secondary School Principal 11

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