Entomology 171208103504 PDF
Entomology 171208103504 PDF
Entomology 171208103504 PDF
[email protected]
M&M Industries, Nashik
Insects are the most abundant animals on Earth.
Some insects eat our crops or food in storage; others can bite
or sting us, our livestock, or our pets. A few insects spread
– Homoptera- aphids
(Equal Wings)
Thysanoptera- Thrips
(Tassel Wings)
Complete Metamorphosis
to Early nymph (no wings)
to late nymph (wings developing)
Goes to Adult
The order Orthoptera & Hemiptera encompasses
the more than 80,000 species of true bugs in Class
Members generally possess two sets of wings, but
some exceptions have reduced wings or no wings at
Bugs possess mouths designed to puncture and slurp
liquids such as sap.
After bugs hatch from their eggs, they pass five
nymph stages before entering adulthood.
Order Hemiptera includes many of the destructive
bugs, such as aphids, known to agriculture
Eggs to
Larva to
Pupa to
Next Presentation on Insects Mouthparts and
theirs examples
Thank You
Bhawesh Sharma
(Marketing Executive
)M&M Industry Nashik