Machining in Bearing Casing
Machining in Bearing Casing
Machining in Bearing Casing
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relative motion between the shaft and housing due to the low
rotor/stator weight ratio [4], [8], [12]-[13], [16]. Mechanical
looseness is also known to produce vibration that is highly
directional making the measurement dependent on the sensor
location and direction. Since portable accelerometer
measurements require physical access to the motor, they are
difficult to apply for cases where the motor is operating in a
hostile environment.
If mechanical looseness can be detected with electrical
monitoring, it can provide low cost, remote monitoring since
measurements can be obtained using existing sensors in the
motor control center. It is shown in [17]-[22] that single point
defects in rolling element bearings can be detected using (a)
electrical current measurements. In [23]-[25], electrical
monitoring of oil whirl and oil whip defects in sleeve bearings
is investigated. However, there is no prior attempt for
detecting mechanical looseness problems using electrical
measurements in the literature to the authors’ best knowledge.
In this paper, the feasibility of using electrical
measurements is investigated, for detection of mechanical
looseness in motors with sleeve bearings. Monitoring of the
1/2 and 1/3 sub-synchronous rotor speed components in the
power spectrum is proposed as a reliable indicator of
mechanical looseness caused by improper fit between the
bearing-housing and bearing-shaft. The proposed method is (b)
verified through experimental testing on a custom-built sleeve Fig. 2. Inspection of split sleeve bearing: shaft-bearing contact in 6.6 kV, 3.4
bearing test setup and on a 6.6 kV, 2250 hp motor. MW water pump induction motor; (a) bottom half of sleeve bearing and
shaft; (b) bearing babbitt (bottom half) surface damage
II. VIBRATION MONITORING OF MECHANICAL LOOSENESS The clearance between the bearing and housing is typically
maintained between 20 to 50 m for providing a margin for
A. Mechanical Looseness in Sleeve Bearings the thermal expansion of the bearing, and for alignment of the
There are a number of root causes of mechanical looseness spherical bearing (Fig 1) [8],[12]. The sleeve bearing expands
in a rotating machine that can cause increased vibration. outwards at increased temperature; however, would expand
According to [13], structural looseness/weakness (in the inwards if the bearing-housing clearance is too small. This
machine feet, baseplate, or foundation), loose bolts, cracks in reduces the bearing-shaft clearance, and leads to bearing-shaft
the frame, or improper fit between component parts can cause rub, which results in excessive heating and bearing failure.
vibration and wear, which accelerates the degradation of The bearing-housing clearance also allows adjustment of the
system performance and reliability. The work in this paper self-aligning spherical sleeve bearings when they are aligned
focuses on the detection of looseness between the sleeve and clamped into place during assembly. If the bearing-
bearings components. The most common causes of sleeve housing clearance is excessive, high vibration levels can
bearing looseness are excessive clearance between the 1) accelerate mechanical wear. Therefore, the bearing-shaft and
bearing inner surface and shaft, and 2) sleeve bearing outer bearing-housing clearances are measured whenever the motor
surface and bearing housing inner surface, shown in Fig. 1. is disassembled to prevent damage due to under- or over-
Increase in the bearing-shaft clearance can be caused by a clearance. The clearances are measured by placing calibrated
combination of mechanical, electrical, or chemical wear plastic or lead wires between the two components, and
mechanisms, or poor design/manufacturing [1], [3], [8]-[11], measuring the crushed thickness with a micrometer [8], [12].
[23]. The sleeve bearing babbitt material is made of soft tin or
lead alloy based material to absorb the contaminants for B. Vibration Analysis of Mechanical Looseness
protection of the higher cost shaft, and therefore, is vulnerable If the fit is loose between the sleeve bearing components
to mechanical wear. Scoring due to contamination in the due to large clearance, an excessive unbalance force is
lubrication, inadequate lubrication, corrosion, electrical pitting, produced by the machine rotating forces. The excessive
cavitation, etc can accelerate babbitt surface wear that can unbalance force may lift the shaft periodically, when it
increase the bearing-shaft clearance. In addition, wiping of exceeds other forces applied to the shaft such as load or
the bearing surface can be caused by mechanical instabilities gravity. The periodical lifting causes the radial stiffness of the
produced by misalignment, unbalanced/excessive loading, and bearing to become non-uniform over the journal orbit making
frequent starts/stops, and results in increase in the clearance. it non-symmetric [26]-[27]. This can cause intermittent
contact between the bearing sub-components resulting in location of the sensor. The environmental, cost, and
increased vibration at specific frequencies. The frequency sensitivity limitations of vibration analysis have triggered
components in the vibration spectrum produced by mechanical active research in electrical monitoring of motor faults based
looseness or rub are well-defined in the vibration tables on voltage and current measurements. It is shown in [17]-[25],
published in the literature [13]-[15]. They are accepted in the [32]-[37] that stator current or instantaneous power spectrum
field with experience accumulated over a long period of time. analysis can provide safe, low cost, and remote monitoring of
The rotor rotational speed frequency, fr, component in the induction motor bearing and rotor faults. Motor current
vibration spectrum is given by signature analysis (MCSA) has been applied successfully in
f r (1 s ) f s / p (1) the field for rotor fault detection, and instantaneous power
spectrum analysis has recently been studied due to its potential
for induction motors, where, fs, p, and s represent the source sensitivity and reliability benefits over MCSA [32]-[37]. In
frequency, number of pole pairs, and rotor slip, respectively. this section, detection of mechanical looseness in sleeve
Mechanical looseness or rub are known to produce integer bearings based on spectrum analysis of the instantaneous
fraction sub-synchronous (1/2, 1/3, …) and integer multiples power is investigated.
of fr in the vibration spectrum given by To derive the fault frequency components in the power
f ml k f r / n, k f r (k 1,2,3..., n 2, 3, ...) . (2) spectrum induced by mechanical looseness, it was assumed
that the three phase voltage source is symmetric and only
The integer fraction, n, in (2) is determined by the
includes the fundamental components as
relationship between the rotor rotating speed and the natural
frequency of the system. According to the model presented in va V1 cos s t , (3)
[26], integer fraction subharmonic vibration is produced if the
vb V1 cos( s t - 2 / 3) , (4)
rotor rotating speed is higher than twice the rotor damped
natural frequency. The value of n increases with the ratio vc V1 cos( s t 2 / 3) , (5)
between the rotor speed and damped natural frequency.
Therefore, it is difficult to know which subharmonic will where V1 is the peak of the fundamental phase voltage. It is
appear with mechanical looseness. However, one can look for shown in [18]-[20] that the radial vibration produced by motor
the fr/2 or fr/3 component, since they are most commonly mechanical problems results in periodic oscillations in the
observed amongst the integer fraction subsynchronous induced torque that modulate the stator current at the fault
vibration components. The vibration due to mechanical frequencies given by (2). The influence of mechanical
looseness can be in the axial and/or radial direction depending looseness produces frequency components in the stator current
on what is causing the looseness, and the measurements observable with MCSA given by
depend heavily on the location and direction of the sensors f ml ,MCSA f s k f r / n f s f ml (n 2, 3, ...) . (6)
[13]. There are a number mechanical faults that produce
integer multiples of fr in the vibration spectrum, such as It was assumed that the three phase currents are symmetric
unbalance, misalignment, eccentricity, gear, or belt problems. and include the mechanical looseness components, fml,MCSA, as
Therefore, the sub-harmonic components fr/2, fr/3, … can be shown in (7)-(9), where I1 represents the peak of the fs
used to detect and classify mechanical looseness, since it is the component, subscripts l and u represent the lower and upper
only known electrical or mechanical problem that produces sidebands of the fml,MCSA components, and θ, α, and β represent
the integer fraction subharmonics other than rotor rub [13]- the phase angles.
[14]. An expression for the instantaneous input power, p, can be
derived from (3)-(5) and (7)-(9) by adding the input power of
III. POWER SPECTRUM-BASED DETECTION OF MECHANICAL each phase. It can be shown that a simplified expression for p
LOOSENESS can be derived as shown in (10). The first term of p,
(3/2)V1I1cosθ, is a dc component that represents the average
It can be seen in II that the integer fraction subharmonic
real power, and the second and third terms are the fml
components in the vibration spectrum that provide an
components induced by mechanical looseness. If mechanical
indication of mechanical looseness are in the low frequency
looseness is not present in the motor, these terms are equal to
range of the spectrum below fr. Accelerometer measurements
zero since Iml,l and Iml,u are equal to zero. It can be seen in (2)
are known to be inherently insensitive to low frequency
and (10) that the components that appear in the frequency
components and also vary depending on the direction and
spectra of vibration and power induced by mechanical
p va ia vb ib vc ic (3 / 2) V1 I1 cos (V1 I ml , l cos V1 I ml , u cos ) cos ml t (V1 I ml , u sin V1 I ml , l sin ) sin ml t (10)
looseness are identical to that of fml. This is expected since injection were used to supply the oil lubricant to the bearing-
vibration at fml produces torque oscillations at the same shaft clearance through gravity feed, as shown in Fig. 5.
frequency, and power is directly proportional to torque under It is critical to supply the appropriate amount of oil evenly
steady state operation. throughout the sleeve bearing for stable operation within its
The potential advantages of applying the proposed power thermal limits. To adjust the flow of the oil lubrication, a
spectrum based detection over accelerometer based vibration valve was installed at the oil/grease inlet to control the amount
monitoring can be summarized as, of ISO viscosity grade 68 oil, as shown in Fig. 5. An adapter
Remote and low cost monitoring: measurement using was designed, machined, and installed at the end shield within
existing voltage and current sensors from motor control the bearing housing, as shown in Fig. 3, to guide the oil to the
center can help reduce safety risks and save sensor/ axial center of the sleeve bearing. Axial and vertical holes
equipment and labor related expenses were machined on the sleeve bearings to direct the incoming
Consistent and reliable monitoring: voltage and current
measurements are not subject to sensitivity degradation
at low frequency, and is independent of sensor direction
and location, and rotor/stator weight ratio
For motors where mechanical sensors are not embedded, the
proposed method can provide a low cost solution for
monitoring of sleeve bearing mechanical looseness. For low
voltage motors with sleeve bearings such as sealless canned
pump motors and hermetic type sealed compressor motors, the
proposed method can be used for detecting mechanical
looseness at low added cost, since it is not cost-effective to
install mechanical sensors in these motors. For cases where
permanently installed proximity probes or accelerometers are
available, the proposed method can provide a redundant
assessment of mechanical looseness to further improve the
reliability of fault detection.
Fig. 3. End shield structure of open type, regreasable rolling element
bearing motor: sleeve bearing and oil lubricant supply system shown
oil from the adapter to the center of the bearing axial length, where the rotor speed was 3596.4 rpm and fr 59.94 Hz.
as shown in Fig. 4, to ensure supply of oil to the bearing-shaft The results of vibration spectrum analysis performed on the
contact. The oil flow through the valve, oil inlet, channel, NDE of motor samples A3-A6 with bearing clearances of 60,
adapter, sleeve bearing, shaft, and oil outlet was confirmed 75, 90, and 105 m, respectively, are shown in Fig. 6. The
before testing to prevent sleeve bearings or shaft damage. amplitude of the fr components in the spectra for samples A1-
The motor was operated from the sinusoidal 60 Hz, 3 phase, A6 were similar and between 0.30 and 0.38 m/s2 with no
380 V supply, and also from a commercial 380V, 5.5 kW correlation to the degree of bearing-shaft looseness. It can be
variable frequency drive (VFD) at 60 Hz to show the seen in Fig. 6 that noticeable fr/2 (29.97 Hz) components in
effectiveness of the proposed method when the motor is VFD the vibration spectrum can be observed when the clearance
driven. between the shaft and bearing is large at 90 and 105 m
B. Experimental Results (samples A5-A6). The amplitude of the fr/2 components are
0.077 and 0.088 m/s2, respectively (Figs. 6(c)-(d)). The fr/2
Measurements from commercial voltage and current
components of the DE side 0.027 and 0.033 m/s2. The fr/2
sensors were used for power calculation, and a 500 mV/g
component indicates that mechanical looseness is present in
accelerometer was installed on the both ends of motor B for
the motor due to large clearance between the bearing and shaft.
vibration analysis, as shown in Fig. 5. All measurements were
The mechanical looseness components at fr/2 could not be
simultaneously obtained at 6.4 kHz under no load condition,
observed for samples A3-A4 with clearance of 60 and 75 m,
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
Fig. 6 Vibration spectrum of motor A (samples A3-A6) for sleeve Fig. 7 Power spectrum of motor A (samples A3-A6) for sleeve bearing-
bearing-shaft clearances of (a) 60; (b) 75; (c) 90; (d) 105 m shaft clearances of (a) 60; (b) 75; (c) 90; (d) 105 m
as shown in Figs. 6(a)-(b). The spectra for samples A1-A2 looseness is not present, as can be seen in Figs. 6-7. The test
with small clearance of 30 and 45 m are not shown since results show that the presence of a fr/2 or fr/3 component
they are similar to that of Figs. 6(a)-(b). indicates existence of mechanical looseness in the sleeve
The power spectrum calculated for samples A3-A6 with bearing. Therefore, the fault threshold for producing a fault
bearing clearances of 60, 75, 90, and 105 m, respectively, are alarm can be set based on the noise level between 0 and fs/p,
shown in Fig. 7. The fr/2 components in the power spectrum for automating fault detection. The results indicate that
were observable for samples A5 and A6 with large clearance electrical monitoring method based on power spectrum
of 90, and 105 m for which the fr/2 vibration components analysis is as effective as vibration analysis for detecting
were present, as expected. The DC components for samples mechanical looseness between the bearing and shaft. The
A1-A6 were approximately 400 W and fr/2 component at results show that the proposed method can serve as a low cost
29.97 Hz was 7.0 and 7.2 W for samples A5 and A6, alternative for providing remote monitoring for reliable
respectively. The fr/2 component could not be observed in the detection of bearing-shaft looseness, as predicted in III.
power spectra of A3-A4, as shown in Figs. 7(a)-(b), and for
samples A1-A2. The results of the power spectrum analysis V. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY: BEARING-HOUSING LOOSENESS
are consistent with that of vibration analysis in that the
A. Test Results: Vibration, Current, and Power Spectra
samples with large bearing-shaft clearances produce the fr/2
components. It should be noted that the cases of 30, 45, 60, To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on
and 75 m clearances (samples A1-A4) are not considered actual medium-high voltage induction motors with sleeve
faulty conditions since they do not produce vibration. bearings, testing was performed at a motor repair facility.
The vibration and power spectra obtained from samples When motors are inspected or repaired at a motor shop,
A4-A5 under 60 Hz VFD excitation are shown in Figs. 8-9 to testing is performed on all incoming motors before and after
observe if the fault can be detected for inverter fed machines. inspection/repair to keep a record to ensure that motor damage
For 60 Hz excitation, the fr/2 components observed at 30 Hz or performance degradation did not occur during maintenance.
in the vibration and power spectra were 0.106 m/s2 and 3.1 W, The results of vibration analysis on a 6.6 kV, 2250 hp, 2 pole
respectively. An increase in the main frequency 60 Hz turbo air compressor motor, shown in Fig. 10, indicated that
component, and decrease in the fr/2 component in the power the overall vibration level was high. This motor did not have
spectrum could be observed when compared to the mains fed proximity probes installed, and the rms values of the overall
case. However, it can be seen that a noticeable increase in the velocity level up to 1 kHz on the DE and NDE sides were
fr/2 component can be observed in the 90 m case in the recorded using velocity transducer based equipment at this
vibration and power spectrum under 60 Hz VFD excitation. repair shop. The vertical, horizontal, and axial velocity
This is consistent to the mains-fed case, and indicates that transducer measurements were 1.5, 1.4, and 1.0 mm/s at the
mechanical looseness in sleeve bearings can be detected for DE and 1.4, 3.1, and 1.2 mm/s at the NDE. Considering that
VFD motors. the unfiltered housing vibration limits are between 2.0 and
The integer subharmonic components fr/2, fr/3, … should 3.25 mm/s according to the API 541, IEC 60034-14, IEEE
be absent in the vibration or power spectrum if mechanical 841, and NEMA MG1 standards, the vertical velocity level on
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
Fig. 8 Vibration spectrum of motor A (samples A4-A5) under 60 Hz, Fig. 9 Power spectrum of motor A (samples A4-A5) under 60 Hz VFD
VFD excitation for sleeve bearing-shaft clearances of (a) 75; (b) excitation for sleeve bearing-shaft clearances of (a) 75; (b) 90
90 m m
the NDE is high [28]-[31]. alternative to the conventional mechanical monitoring. The
The vibration, voltage, and current measurements were results presented in IV and V are meaningful since they show
obtained using the equipment described in IV to observe the that electrical monitoring can provide remote, low cost
vibration, current, and power spectra before inspection and detection of mechanical looseness with fault detection
repair. It can be observed in the acceleration spectrum shown sensitivity equal to that of vibration. The proposed method is
in Fig. 10 that the fr/3 and 2fr/3 components (20 and 40 Hz)
with amplitudes of 0.13 and 0.041 m/s2, respectively, are
present. Mechanical looseness was strongly suspected since
the integer fraction subharmonics of fr are typically produced
by looseness problems, as described in II. The fr/3 sidebands
of fs (40 and 80 Hz) can be observed in the current spectrum
and the fr/3 component (20 Hz) can be observed in the power
spectrum (amplitude of 282 W), which is consistent with the
predictions of the analysis presented in II-III.
B. Bearing Inspection
Off-line disassembled inspection was performed on motor
B, and bearing-housing and bearing-shaft diametric clearances
were measured to determine the cause of the high vibration Fig. 9 6.6 kV, 2250 hp, 2 pole turbo air compressor induction motor
with bearing-housing looseness (motor B)
level and fr/3 components. The bearing-housing clearance
was measured by placing 0.2 mm temporary shims between
the top and bottom housings, and measuring the crushed
thickness of a 0.4 mm lead wire placed between the top halves
of the bearing and housing. The bearing-housing clearance
was 0.15-0.16 mm on the DE, and 0.170-0.175 mm on the
NDE, as shown in Table I. The clearance between the bearing
and housing was uniform over the bearing and housing
contact surface, but too large considering that the bearing
manufacturer recommended clearance is 0.02 mm. The (a)
diametric clearance between the bearing and shaft was
measured in a similar way with a 0.4 mm lead wire as 0.070-
0.155 mm in the DE and 0.135-0.150 mm in the NDE, as
shown in Table I. The measurements show that the bearing-
shaft clearance is non-uniform at the DE, where the clearance
of the outside of the DE bearing is smaller. The clearance
between the bearing and shaft (0.135-0.155 mm) at other
locations is considered to be within acceptable limits for
operation, considering the manufacturer recommended value (b)
of 0.152-0.209 mm.
The DE and NDE upper bearing housings, and upper and
lower DE side of the spherical bearings of motor B are shown
in Figs. 11(a)-(b), respectively. The non-uniform contact
pattern on the outside of the lower half of the bearing was
noticeable during visual inspection, as shown in Fig. 11(b).
This indicates that misalignment between the shaft and
bearing was present. It is uncertain whether the misalignment
occurred during assembly of the spherical self-aligning (c)
bearings or was caused by looseness between the bearing and Fig. 10 Test results on 6.6 kV, 2250 hp induction motor with bearing-
housing, but it is suspected that it contributed to the high housing looseness (motor B); (a) vibration spectrum (DE); (b)
overall vibration level. stator current spectrum; (c) power spectrum
The clearance measurements clearly indicate that Table I Bearing-housing, bearing-shaft clearance measurements
mechanical looseness between the bearing and housing was (diametric) on the axially inside and outside of the DE and NDE
bearings, and manufacturer recommended clearance values
present. The acceleration spectrum shown in Fig. 9(a) showed
that mechanical looseness can be observed with vibration
analysis, and the results of current and power spectrum
analysis showed that electrical monitoring can be used as an
also convenient since the fault frequency is identical to that of this work are expected to help provide a low cost solution for
vibration, and the results are independent of sensor location. remote monitoring of sleeve bearing problems in the field for
large motors without mechanical sensors, and also for low
VI. CONCLUSION voltage motors that employ sleeve bearings. The results of
In this paper, the feasibility of applying instantaneous this work are also expected to spawn follow-up research on
power spectrum analysis for on-line monitoring of mechanical electrical monitoring of mechanical looseness problems,
looseness in sleeve bearing systems produced by increased which is common in the field.
clearances in the bearing sub-components, was investigated.
It was shown that the integer fraction sub-synchronous VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
components of the rotor speed frequency in the power The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
spectrum can provide reliable detection of mechanical Hansung Heavy Industries for sharing their experience with
looseness. The validity of the proposed method was verified detection and repair of mechanical looseness problems in
experimentally on a small scale sleeve bearing motor with medium voltage motors with sleeve bearings, and for their
adjustable bearing-shaft looseness, and on a 6.6 kV, 2250 hp support on the testing of the 6.6 kV, 2250 hp motor.
induction motor with excessive bearing-housing clearance.
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[32] A. M. Trzynadlowski and E. Ritchie, “Comparative investigation of Automotive Technology Institute, Cheonan, Korea. Since 1995, he has been a
diagnostic media for induction machine: A case of rotor cage faults,” Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1092–1099, Oct. 2000. Seoul, Korea. His research interests include machine design, design
[33] M. Eltabach, A. Charara, and I. Zein, “A comparison of external and innovation, product development, and plasticity.
internal methods of signal spectral analysis for broken rotor bars
detection in induction motors,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51, no. 1,
pp. 107–121, Feb. 2004.
[34] G. Didier, E. Ternisien, O. Caspary, and H. Razik, “Fault detection of
broken rotor bars in induction motor using a global fault index,” IEEE
Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 79–88, Jan./Feb. 2006.
[35] S. M. A. Cruz, “An active–reactive power method for the diagnosis of
rotor faults in three-phase induction motors operating under time-
varying load conditions,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 27, no. 1,
pp. 71–84, Mar. 2012.
[36] M. Drif and A. J. M. Cardoso, “Discriminating the simultaneous
occurrence of three-phase induction motor rotor faults and mechanical
load oscillations by the instantaneous active and reactive power media
signature analyses,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 3, pp.
1630–1639, Mar. 2012.
[37] J. Kim, S. Shin, S.B. Lee, K.N. Gyftakis, M. Drif, A.J.M. Cardoso,
“Power spectrum-based detection of induction motor rotor faults for
immunity to false alarms,” IEEE Trans. on Energy Convers., vol. 30, no.
3, pp.1123-1132, Sept. 2015.
Junyeong Jung (S’14) received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering
from Korea University, Seoul, Korea, in 2013. He is currently pursuing his
M.S. degree in electrical engineering at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. His
research interest is in condition monitoring of electric machinery.
Sang Bin Lee (S'95-M'01-SM'07) received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from
Korea University, Seoul, Korea in 1995 and 1997, respectively, and his Ph.D.
degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA in 2001, all in
Electrical Engineering. From 2001 to 2004, he was with General Electric
Global Research Center (GRC), Schenectady, NY, where he developed an
inter-laminar core fault detector for generator stator cores, and worked on
insulation quality assessment for electric machines. From 2010 to 2011, he
was with the Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, where he
worked on condition monitoring of PM synchronous machines. Since 2004,
he has been a professor of Electrical Engineering at Korea University, Seoul,
Korea. His current research interests are in protection, monitoring and
diagnostics, and analysis of electric machines and drives.
Dr. Lee was the recipient of twelve Prize Paper Awards from the IEEE
Industry Applications Society (IAS), IEEE Power Engineering Society,