of the element.
Subatomic particles
Though the word atom originally denoted a particle that cannot be cut
1,836 times that of the electron, at 1.67×10 -27 kg, although atomic
charge and have a free mass of 1,839 times the mass of electrons.
sharply defined.
of even more elementary particles, called quarks. The quark forms one
of the two basic constituents of matter, the other being the lepton, of
−1/3. Protons are composed of two up quarks and one down quark, while
a neutron consists of one up quark and two down quarks. The quarks
All of the bound protons and neutrons in an atom make up a dense,
the positive charge of protons causes them to repel each other, they
Atoms of the same element have the same number of protons, called
an electron neutrino.
The number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus can be
modified, although this can require very high energies because of the
The fusion of two nuclei that have lower atomic numbers than iron and
loss of energy from the fusion reaction also means that the mass of
the fused nuclei is lower than the combined mass of the individual
number until iron or nickel is reached. For heavier nuclei, the binding
Electron cloud
The electrons form a much larger electron cloud surrounding the
electrons are called ions. Electrons that are furthest from the nucleus
By this mechanism atoms are able to bond into molecules and other
An element consists of all atoms that have the same number of
the elements at the far right have their outer shell completely filled
Atoms lack a well-defined outer boundary, so the dimensions are
the atoms are bonded. The radius varies with the location of an atom
hydrogen has a lower atomic number than helium, the calculated radius
the atom. A typical human hair is about 1 million carbon atoms in width.
An HIV virion is the width of 800 carbon atoms and contains about 100
atoms, and a typical human cell roughly 100 trillion atoms. A speck of
dust might contain 3 trillion atoms. A single drop of water contains
then the atoms in the apple would be approximately the size of the
original apple.
The first nuclei, including most of the hydrogen, helium, lithium, and
after the big bang. The first atoms were theoretically created
380,000 years after the big bang; an epoch called recombination, when
Most of the atoms that currently make up the Earth and all its
collapsed out of a molecular cloud to form the solar system. The rest
are the result of radioactive decay, and their relative proportion can
There are a few trace atoms on Earth that were not present at the
In natural philosophy, atomism is the theory that all the objects in the
indivisible basic building blocks. The word atomism derives from the
cuttable) - tomos being a form of the Greek verb temnein (to cut) -
meaning that which cannot be cut into smaller pieces . Atomists are
accident that the particles that chemists and physicists of the early
particles (not chemical atoms) which remain the best candidates for
concerned itself.
Atomic theory
In chemistry and physics, atomic theory is a theory of the nature of
dealing with the behaviour of matter and energy on the scale of atoms
and subatomic particles / waves. QM also forms the basis for the
and galaxies, and cosmological events such as the Big Bang, can be
The term "quantum mechanics" was first coined by Max Born in 1924.
Planck's constant
Classical physics predicted that a black-body radiator would produce
infinite energy, but that result was not observed in the laboratory. If
object, and then fell back to zero. In 1900, Max Planck developed an
empirical equation that could account for the observed energy curves,
the classical laws of physics do not apply on the atomic scale as had
been assumed.
In this theoretical account, Planck allowed all possible frequencies, all
infinity being represented. The energy E of any one oscillator was not
If you know h, and you know the frequency of the photon, then you can
illuminated a target, and the light frequency was 540 × 1012 hertz,
then the energy of each photon would be h × 540 × 1012 joules. The
seconds. This means that the photons in the beam of light have an
per second. This discovery then seemed to remake the wave into a
particle. These packets of energy carried along with the wave were
macro-world concepts into the quantum world, where they have only
words, individual photons can deliver more or less energy, but only
account, Einstein's photon was still said to have a frequency, and the
Both the idea of a wave and the idea of a particle are models derived
phenomena, such as the rainbow of colors that we see when a thin film
from our everyday experience and apply them to a world we have never
model can only approximate that which it models. A model is useful only
within the range of conditions where it is able to predict the real thing
the phenomena in our everyday life. To remind us that both "wave" and
"particle" are concepts imported from our macro world to explain the
Bohr atom
the gold foil experiment physicists discovered that matter is, volume
for volume, largely space. Once that was clear, it was hypothesized
charged nuclei. So at first all scientists believed that the atom must
crash into the nucleus of the atom. The great question of the early
20th century was, "Why do electrons normally maintain a stable orbit
This account became known as the Bohr model of the atom. Bohr
Bohr explained the orbits that electrons can take by relating the
has an angular momentum equal to h/2π. Each orbit after the initial
yield the angular momentum that pertains to the lowest orbital. When
atom in a way that was amazingly different from what we see in the
from its original orbit and reappeared in another orbit. Each distance
energy. The closer to the nucleus an electron orbits, the less energy it
with the innermost orbital being designated n = 1, the next out being n
electron shell.
Wave-particle duality
same time.
The Bohr atom model was enlarged upon with the discovery by de
instrument). That illustration shows that the only standing waves that
can occur are those with zero amplitude at the two fixed ends. The
wave can only be formed when the wave's length fits the available
vibrating entity. In other words, no partial fragments of wave crests
Each electron must be its own standing wave in its own discrete
hydrogen atom that was unaccounted for. This meant that there was
more energy in the electron orbital from magnetic moment than had
independent ways a particle may move. This led to the Pauli Exclusion
Principle, which predicted that no more than two electrons can inhabit
proton (types of fermions) could not exist in the same quantum state
same way that the earth rotates on its axis. This would account for
the missing magnetic moment and allow for two electrons in the same
orbital to be different if their spin was in opposite directions to each
of the electron further defining the number of cells in its phase space.
The minimum limit is the limit of the Uncertainty Principle and the
a single electron in its orbital when defined by its quantum state which
that atom. Where two electrons are in the same n-sphere and
therefore share the same principal quantum number, they must then
must still follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle when in a confined space.