One Day Digs 1 and 2 Double Feature (7198704)
One Day Digs 1 and 2 Double Feature (7198704)
One Day Digs 1 and 2 Double Feature (7198704)
Happy Gaming,
Will McAusland,
Creator of the Mutant Epoch
On the Road Ginny, beg anyone to help rescue him. Supplies and food
The PCs are travelling by foot to the small Northern Free-
were also taken. Rex has left the town and is in furious
port town of Bellridge to visit Rex Talo, a friend of one
pursuit of the band of Skullocks, he has been stabbed in
of the PCs. Roughly 10kms away from the farming town
the side and the villagers fear for his safety. The townsfolk
they see a limping figure on the dusty road slowly jog-
will plead for the PCs to help and offer 2291sp for the
ging their way. He is a young mildly mutated man that is
having trouble breathing and is covered in dirt. He spots men’s return and an end to the attacks.
the PC’s excavating team and calls out to them before
falling to the ground in exhaustion. Skullock Scum
He coughs out the following once The townsfolk point to the NE in the direction the Skull-
approached. ocks fled from. They’re easy to track as there are multiple
blood trails, footprints and vegetation is badly trampled.
After traveling 2km following the humanoids, the
“My town has been at- PCs come across a ruined one storey small building that
tacked by a band of Skull- looks like it was once a business. No name is visible
ocks! They killed several but the concrete building is damaged with bullet holes,
farmers and anyone that cracked walls, boarded up windows and debris littered
fought back! We only have everywhere. Crude words have been spray painted on
four militia men left alive. the outside walls and gruesome decapitated heads sit
We fear the peskies may shriveled by the weather on pikes, which adorn what
return! Help us please! We was once a parking lot. Now
have some silver we can the lot is overgrown with knee
pay for your aid. I hope it’s high grass and weeds. In the
enough.” tall vegetation wait 2 Blood
Weeds, waiting on a careless
He introduces himself as Hugo and if asked about Rex Talo step (20% chance each PC
he will state that Rex survived the attack but speaks of going on steps within striking distance
the offensive against the Skullocks. Several messengers such of each Blood Weed). Only a PC
as himself were sent out to find help. Hugo needs water and that has prior knowledge may
30 minutes rest but if the PCs are willing to help, he says he will attempt a type C PER based
catch up to them when he is able. HC to spot the plant before it
After 6 km of traveling towards Bellridge, by road, the attacks.
characters are ambushed by a pack of Mutant Dogs (2+d3) When the main front door
that explode from the surrounding brush, slowing down the (unlocked) is approached, the
PCs. cruel voices of several Skull-
ocks are yelling at a man who responds with screams of Blood Weed: DV +5/ END 4+d4/ MV nil/ Init. +0/ Attacks:
pain. Inside are 8 Skullocks, 4 are torturing Kelvic as they d3/ SV 01-38/ DMG d3 *per round/ STR 11/AG 16/ACC 21/
are forcing him to reactivate a Light Combot they found in INT NA/WL 9/PER 5/ Valuables: nil/ EFs 5/ Morale: NA/ Size
the building. They wish the combot to do their future fight- 50cm/ 306kg/ *on successful strike, damage continues au-
ing for them. It is currently coming out of sleep mode as tomatically each round thereafter. Killing the plant releases
Kelvic has already activated it awaking in 3+d4 rounds. the spikes and hooks.
The Skullocks think he is stalling as their crude minds can’t
comprehend that it takes time for the combot’s systems Skullocks: DV -12/ END 10+d20/ MV 7m/ Init. +1/ Attacks:
to come online. His cries of pain, as they poke him with a 1 weapon/ SV 01-50/ DMG d12 javelin or d8 knife/ STR
sharp piece of metal, should make the PCs act fast to save 24/ AG 33/ ACC 30/ INT 2d6/ WL 40/ PER 45/ APP 3d6/
him. Locked up in a crude wooden Valuables: VP (very poor)/ EFs
cage* in the corner is the uncon- 20/ Morale: average/ Size 1.3m
scious body of Rex Talo. They plan tall/ 50kg
to use him to squeeze the town
of Bellridge dry for more supplies,
Light Combot: DV -25 / END
food or whatever they can devise.
40 / MV 7m / Init. +0 / Attacks:
A rear door to the building can
also be accessed and is currently laser carbine or spring-spike /
locked with a deadbolt (which can SV carbine 01-80 (range 2km),
be picked or shot), allowing PCs the spike 01-62 / DMG carbine
opportunity to get the jump on the 2d20+10, spike d12+12 / STR
Skullocks from both sides of the 80 (+10 DMG) / AG 40 / ACC 54
building. Two Skullocks are guarding / INT 34 / WL 110 / PER 34 /
Rex’s cage while 2 more are going Valuables: nil / EFs 50/ Morale:
through their newly acquired loot. NA / Size 2.1 m / 120kg / This
Four Skullocks see to Kelvic and the unit can fire 40 shots per day
combot. When the combot comes with its laser carbine, as well as
online, ideally during the ensuing have the weapon accept stan-
combat, it sees all participants as dard power cells, power packs or
foes attacking Skullock and Excava- plugged cables from vehicles or
tor alike (roll for new initiative once installations.
it enters the fray).
*GM Notes: This cage could also contain other
Once Kelvic and Rex have been
PCs or NPCs.
rescued, the combot destroyed
and the Skullocks either dead or
Optional Changes to increase
having fled, the building may be
difficulty or if played multiple
searched for relics and other trea-
times with different groups:
sures. The building yields d4+2
rolls on Treasure Table TME-HUB- 1
Roll d6, pick one, or use all.
(pg. 216 TME HUB Rules) as well as 1 roll on the Small
1: Warmorts (pg. 173 TME HUB Rules) instead
Hoard (SH) table (pg. 209 TME HUB Rules). The
of Skullocks.
return of both Kelvic and Rex will bring much celebration to
the town of Bellridge. The PCs will be welcomed as heroes
2: Pack of Wolf Frogs (pg. 155 TME HUB Rules)
attack the PCs on the way to rescue Rex and Kel-
anytime they visit. The townsfolk will offer the silver pieces
to the PCs as reward, though they have a lot of rebuilding vic.
and seem as though it’s all they can spare... 3: Dart Mushroom (pg.165 TME HUB Rules) instead
of Blood Weed.
Enemies 4: Rubble Spider (pg. 171 TME HUB Rules) is hidden in
the concrete building and attacks while searching.
Dog, mutant: DV -10/ END 15+d10/ MV 9m/ Init. +0/
Attacks: 1/ SV 01-60/ DMG d12/ STR 23/AG 38/ACC 48/
5: Heavy Combot (pg. 181 TME HUB Rules) instead of
Light Combot.
INT 7/WL 38/PER 39/ Valuables: nil/ EFs 18/ Morale: firm/
6: Skullocks were left behind once they captured Kel-
Size 1.6m/ 30kg/ Mutations: d2 from set MUT-1 or see the
vic. They attack the PCs once they arrive in town.
random dog mutation list for dog descriptions in the Hub
Rules. Implants, 28% chance of d2 from set one, table TME
1-62, page 84, in the Hub Rules book.
‘Pay What You Want’ PDF for personal use only. Learn more at
This Adventure created by Brandon Goeringer follow him on twitter @SavageGM .
The Mutant Epoch was Created By William McAusland © Copyright 2014 Outland All Rights Reserved.
Interested in buying The Mutant Epoch? Want the best deal? Check out our PDF and Mail Order Bundles page!
cover art
Feast of Freaks
By Brandon Goeringer
importantly, drier. Upon pulling back the grass the PCs find Sacrifice to Teeth & Metal
a dry patch of dirt for a possible campsite, but it is currently In a tunnel running through the bottom of the temple
occupied! A Land Pike snarls and attempts to savage the lies a chained up beast. A Horrlify snarls and gashes its
intruders with its fanged maw, hungry for flesh! teeth as the mutant girl is carried closer to the creature’s
waiting maw. A large Reptilius with a dirty feather
Drums in the Dark headband, has four arms and they each grip slightly bent
Whoever is on watch during the night hears the faint golf clubs, as he stands between the girl and the Horrlify.
sound of savage drums over the insect sounds that He chants loudly, clubs in the air, as the girl screams in
permeate the swamp. Traveling almost 1 km in the horror at her soon to be fate.
direction (east) the drum sounds are coming from, While this is taking place the PCs have several options:
the party will see the glow of torch and bonfire light in 1. They can rescue the mutant in the cage as all eyes
a clearing in the swamp. Many moving shadows seem are on the chief and the Horrlify. A simple wooden latch
to dance between the trees and the warm glow of the locks the cage door.
fires. Sharp guttural chants and inhuman hissing can be 2. Sneak around the tunnel and attempt to free the
heard, sounds that are frightening to any that hear it. Horrlify from the chain around its rear leg (chain is 2m
Approaching the clearing shows a very strange scene. long and could be cut off with a strong power tool or shot
There is a tribe of Reptilius that have made an ancient off if it receives 12 damage, DV -20), certainly ensuing
ruined ground their home, and adorned the surrounding hysteria and panic amongst the tribe as the Horrlify
trees and brush with wooden and animal bone fetishes. seeks revenge against its captors.
Dancing, chanting, banging human skin drums, feasting on 3. Wait to see what happens to the girl, though it won’t be
unknown flesh and thrusting javelins into the air, this group pretty as she is devoured alive by the monster (she is tossed
of Reptilius perform their bizarre ritual in front of 2 great to the Horrlify in 2+d4 rounds) and the man is next.
concrete objects. The one to the left of the clearing is a 4. A head on assault is not impossible but is dangerous
cracked and weather worn green concrete dinosaur. It has as there are 13 Reptilius and the large chief, all armed
a tunnel running between its legs and is in a fierce stance, with javelins, bone axes and crude clubs.
head back as if in mid roar. Should the Horrlify be freed, it rages into the crowd of
A large bonfire in the middle of the clearing illuminates shocked lizard men. It goes for the chief first in an incredibly
the large statue as well as the structure that lies to the rear memorable scene of blood thirsty carnage and revenge for
of the clearing. A small concrete temple that looks like it its captivity. It then sees to the tribe, tearing them limb from
once belonged to the ancient Aztec or Inca civilizations is limb while they are forced to check for Morale (firm or less).
looming over the dancing Lizard Men. The cracked words Option: The Horrlify will unfortunately attack the PCs after
“Temple of the Lost Tribe” are scribed on a wooden sign the tribe has been killed or has fled, even though they might
that stretches out on poles in front of the temple. have freed it and allied with it to fight the Reptilius. After
In front of the bonfire is a gruesome pile of flesh and the encounter, the freed mutant(s) are very grateful for their
other “food”, swarming with flies and other insects. To help as they were certain to be the beast’s next meal. They
the right of the clearing are 2 large wooden cages. One say 2 other mutants were fed to it each prior night. They’re
of the cages is currently occupied with a mutant male all that remains from the original 6 boat crew that left from
with three arms, a tail and carrot colored skin. He has Slipbridge. Inside the concrete dinosaur are the medical
several cut marks across his back and dried blood across supplies, dirty but still functional. Roll once on the Moderate
his forehead. He is standing, hands tied behind his back, Hoard (MH pg. 209 TME HUB rules) should the whole area
looking through the bars as 4 Reptilius carry a screaming be searched as well as 12+d6 various colored golf balls
mutant girl towards the temple. The man has a look of (roll d6 /1. Red/ 2. Blue/ 3. Yellow/ 4. Green/ 5. White/ 6.
horror and desperation on his fate as he Black).
watches the beginnings of a sacrifice!
Returning to the town of Fenhole with the supplies 28,29. Warm blooded specimen, (can operate at night or
and survivors (if they still live) brings peace of mind to in cold climes as if it were day, faster -2d6 DV, +d3m MV).
the townsfolk and 2000sp to the party as the militia 30-32. Four eyes, (+2 initiative).
thanks them for their help. 33-39. Four arms, carries extra javelin and shield (DV bonus –5).
40-46. Bat Wings (fly 12m).
Optional Changes to increase difficulty or if played 47-50. Huge bat wings (fly 22m).
multiple times with different groups: 51-55. Elongated jaw with razor teeth (+10 SV, DMG 2d6+2).
Roll d6, pick or use all. 56-59. Bone plated body (-1 MV/ improve -2d6 DV).
60-64. Shell and spike Plated Body (-3 MV, improve -3d6+3 DV).
1. Roll on Table TME 4-4 Wilderness Areas Matrix Two for 65-67. Poison bite (type C sleep).
Swamp. Every hour for day and every 45 minutes for night. 68,69. Poison bite (type D paralysis)
2. Alligators (pg. 148 TME HUB rules) instead of Swamp 70-72. Poison bite (type A death)
Skimmers. 73-77. Huge Specimen (END d20+20,+2 MV, +10 SV, +3 DMG)
3. Giant Dragon Fly (pg. 158 TME HUB rules) instead of 78-83. Spiked tail (extra attack DMG d10)
Land Pike 84-89. Massive claws (fights with two claws and bite,
4. Traps (pg. 119 TME HUB rules) around the Reptilius camp. DMG d10 ea.)
5. Swarm of Blood Flyers (pg. 161 TME HUB rules) attack 90-92. Sickle Arms, fights using two sickle arms, SV +10,
the party while in the swamp. DMG d12+2 each)
6. 6+d6 Mud Worms (pg. 175 TME HUB rules) are encountered 93-96. Horn on head (can gore SV +10, DMG d10)
after the Land Pike encounter as the PCs are sleeping. 97,98. Massive! (END d20+40, +4 MV, +20 SV, +6 DMG)
99,00. Wise-One ( d2 Ghost Mutations, page 59, +2d20 INT,
Enemies +d20 WILL)
Swamp Skimmer (page 158 TME Hub Rules): DV -22/ END
15+d18/ MV 3/7m water/ Init. +2/ Attacks: 1/ SV 01-50/ DMG Horrlify (page 156 TME Hub Rules): DV -18/ END 50+2d20/
d10/ STR 25/ AG 18/ ACC 29/ INT 2/ WL 31/ PER 15/ Valuables: MV 8m/ Init. +3/ Attacks: bite & 2 claws/ SV 01-65/ DMG bite &
nil/ EFs 15/ Morale: firm/ Size: 1m/ 70kg/ Mutations: nil claws d12+4/ STR 74/ AG 63/ ACC 62/ INT 11/ WL 83/ PER 96/
Valuables: nil/ EFs 70/ Morale: excellent/ Size
Land Pike (page 153 TME Hub Rules): DV 0 land 2.9 meters long/ 340kg/ Mutations:
-8/ END 30+2d20/ MV 3/8m water/ Init. N/ 40% chance of 2/ Implants: None on
Attacks: 1/ SV 01-40 land 01-50/ DMG this specimen.
d12+2/ STR 32/ AG 31/ ACC 43/ INT
4/ WL 33/ PER 34/ Valuables: nil/ Horrlify Mutation List Roll d100
EFs 40/ Morale: average/ Size 01-33. Mutation from list MUT-1,
page 59 TME HUB rules.
3.1m/ 120 kg/ Mutations: nil
34-43. Mind Crush, 6 times per day,
range 249m, victim gets type B
Reptilius (page 168 TME Hub INT based HC or suffers d20
Rules): DV -12/ END 12+d12/ MV 7m endurance and d6 intelligence
or 6m water/ Init. N/ Attacks: bite or damage.
weapon/ SV 01-50/ DMG d10 bite or 44-53. Longer legs,+d4m MV.
weapon/ STR 22/ AG 43/ ACC 34/ 54-61. Spikes and bone studded,
INT 8+d8/ WL 32/ PER 21/ Valuables: add –3d6 DV.
Type PT each/ EFs 12/ Morale: firm/ Size 1.4 meters tall/ 55kg/ 62-72. Larger, +3d10 END, +3 DMG, +2m MV.
Mutations: 36% chance of 1/ Implants: nil. 73-77. Two heads, extra bite attack, +2d10 END.
Chief Reptilius “Shrak” has 4 arms, 12+2d12 End and the 78-84. Massive, add 20+2d20 END, +6 DMG, +d4m MV.
85-89. Poison bite, type C sleep.
4 golf club attacks per round count as normal clubs for damage.
90-92. Radioactive, emits mild radiation exposure in 5m
Reptilius Mutations List Roll d100 radius, bite is medium radiation.
01-09. Prime Mutation, table TME-1-57, page 58. 93-95. Two crab-like pincers, add 2 more normal attacks.
10-16. Creature Mutation from list MUT-1 page 59. 96-98. Shooting Spikes cover body, 3d20 spikes, SV 01-
17-23. Long legs, (increase movement +d6m per round). 50, DMG d6 each, Rate 6, Range 20m, plus add -2d6 DV.
24-27. Spits digestive acid, (once per hour, range 12m, SV 99,00. Bone-blade arm, 4m long, on back, SV 01-80, DMG 2d20.
01-60, DMG d4 per round, for d6 rounds).
‘Pay What You Want’ PDF for personal use only. Get a preview of The Mutant Epoch RPG here or Learn more at
This adventure created by Brandon Goeringer follow him on twitter @SavageGM .
The Mutant Epoch was Created By William McAusland © Copyright 2014 Outland All Rights Reserved.
Interested in buying The Mutant Epoch? Want the best deal? Check out our PDF and Mail Order Bundles page!