Issue # 14
Issue # 14
Issue # 14
Aug 2016
The Hex Map of
Dinotastic Park!
This issue is the first part of a semi-hex crawl across the remnants of an
abandoned, dinosaur live attraction theme park from another dimension.
If that does not sound awesome, please contact your physician for
immediate assistance.
Still here? Good! Strap in for a wild dino-filled experience and do not
forget to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game,
published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license.
Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman
Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit www. or contact [email protected]
The Mysterious Glowing Dome.....................................................................3
Rumors and Legends
Welcome to Dinotastic Park!..........................................................................4
Common themes and background info
Hex Descriptions..............................................................................................7
Pre-populated hexes for characters to encounter
Random Hex Tables .....................................................................................11
Tables to populate black hexes on the fly
Saurian Character Classes ...........................................................................16
The Sorceraptor, Sky-Sneak, and Battle Chanter PC classes.
Twisted Menagerie .......................................................................................23
Once-Men, Pure Breed Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Aberrations, & Proto-Saurians.
Interior Art by
Additional Material By Nate Marcel, Claytonian,
Jon Carnes Matt Hildebrand, Diogo Nogueira,
H-Box, plus LOTS of unattributed
Edited By Dinosaur clip art!
Davic VC, Sean Ellis, and Gilbert Isla
Submission Guidelines
At its highest point the dome reaches roughly 5 miles into the sky and the width of
the dome is over 200 miles, which is also roughly how far away it can be seen from
ground level. At the base of the dome is a 150 foot wall of metal that is seamless
and featureless other than six entry gates, which are evenly spaced around the
circumference. Standing guard at each gate are two large robots with obvious
Here is a list of rumors the character may run across as they seek information
about the dome. Roll a d12 to determine which they hear:
1 There is nothing but toothy monsters inside that accursed glowing hell! (partial truth)
2 Anyone who goes into that alien place never comes out! (false)
3 I hear that a wily group of raiders make a monthly run into the dome through a secret
entrance and came out with treasures beyond imagining. (partial truth)
4 That place comes from another world! It’s not safe to venture within! (truth)
5 I’ve heard tales that someone seen folks that look like two-legged lizards coming out of
that thing! Not that such things are the strangest stuff I’ve heard about it. (truth)
6 I remember a wealthy merchant that said he had seeds from plants that grow inside the
dome. He said the place is full of lush greenery but also scaly beasts! (truth)
7 No one can get into that place because of them big, ancient warbots that guard the
place! Why, you’d be a fool to even try! (false)
8 The place is a resort for them aliens! My pappy said he done seen one of them space
saucers fly straight through the dome one night! (partial truth)
9 Why, good traveler, I know quite a bit! My uncle explored a bit of the dome. I’ve even
got a magic pass that allows you to get in, not that I’ll show you without being treated
to a good meal first. (truth - 3d12sp and a Per check (DC 12) will net the person an
10 Beware going in the dome as the gods themselves cannot pierce its glowing walls!
Expect no prayers to be heard or miracles granted! (false)
11 My son went up to one of the gates to see if he could go in. He said the robots did not
try and hurt him at all! They just asked a bunch of strange questions. He was walking
through the gate but got scared and ran home. He went back a few years later and I
have not seen him since. (truth)
12 Deep within the dome there is something that calls to me at night when I sleep. I cannot
hear what it is saying but I am afraid to find out! (truth)
Welcome to
Dinotastic Park!
Getting In
The gates on the eastern section of the dome are all locked, damaged, or obstructed.
The three to the west are functional and each has two robot guards standing watch
at all times. The robots will address anyone approaching within 200 feet in a very
loud, enthusiastic voice, “Welcome to Dinotastic Park! Please form a line by the
gate and have your Ident cards ready!” The robots will repeat this until they
cannot detect anyone within 200 feet or the gate is approached. Once the party is at
the gate, the robots will announce that everyone should present their Ident cards
and that all Ident card scanners are currently offline, sorry for the inconvenience.
If the party mills around discussing how to move forward for more than a minute,
the robots will begin cheerfully asking random survey questions. They accept any
answer and will continue asking questions until the group enters the gate. They
will not hinder anyone from entering as their orders are specific to only being
concerned about not letting any park animals leave. Unfortunately, they have a
10% chance of incorrectly identifying anyone leaving by a gate as a park animal.
Major Inhabitants
There are three major factions that are vying for control of the park:
The Dinosaurs - These are descendants of the original creatures used as attractions
of the park. Most of them roam freely across the park as few of the original barriers
that separated the dinos into species appropriate enclosures are still in place. While
not unified by any sense of the word, these beast are very territorial and will fight
to expand their natural habitat to the very edges of the park grounds.
The Scale Empire - While most of the Dinosaurs are “natural” the park did
engage in a great deal of genetic research and performed many gene modification
experiments. The most successful of which are the present day Saurians, highly
intelligent humanoid descendants of several species of dinosaurs. They consider
the eastern half of the park to be theirs and only have halted their thirst for
conquest there as the sea that runs through the middle of the park makes the large
scale conquering of the western half very difficult.
The Once-men - These are the descendants of the park guests that were trapped
inside when the dome was ripped from its home dimension and deposited in its
current location. Due to many safe guard failures, a large portion of the mutagenic
compounds that escaped from the research labs during the relocation flooded
the hotels and other “secure” tourist locations that were used as refuges by the
stranded humans. This resulted in a rapid biological development of the refugees
to a pseudo-neolithic state. More on these peoples will be covered in Part Two,
next issue.
Random Encounters
If the group is running into a lot of ho-hum hexes or it just seems like a good
random encounter would spice up the session, roll 1d12 to see what the group
runs into.
1 A flurry of carnage explodes into the scene as a large pack of raptors (2d4+4) and two
adult and one juvenile T-Rex are in the midst of a running battle for control of the area.
The group is right in their warpath.
2-3 The party finds a group of Once-men that have just killed a large herbivore and are
starting to skin and butcher it. They will be wary of their kill being stolen but will be
willing to trade if approached peacefully.
4 In a clearing, a small team of aliens (see CUaBM #8, A is for Aliens) is hypnotizing
random dinosaurs and probing them. If approached, they will teleport away, leaving
2d3 probes and a hypno-rifle (Will save DC 18 vs total unconsciousness for 3d3 turns,
range 50 feet, has 3d4 charges)
5 The area is littered with the corpses of dinosaurs, each with their head and spine
removed. There are no tracks or signs of any other creatures in the vicinity, just an eerie
feeling like you were being watched.
6-8 The party comes across the remains of some sort of funeral pyre. Rooting through the
pyre will unearth the bones of several saurians. There is a 20% chance of finding an
undamaged magic item amongst the remains. Anyone defiling the site must make a
Will save (DC 13) or lose one point of Luck as the spirits of the dead consume it.
9 A small rest area here has not been consumed by the wilds. In the center is a food stand
with an 8 foot tall mascot statue. This is an Avatar Golem of a lesser Mascot god (See
CUaBM #12, pg 26). Make one up or use the example one: Coney.
10 Inside of a dino-habitat you find a small, hidden observation chamber. Everything
within is ruined except a roughly one foot wide disc of technological origin. This is
a Data Disc of a 1st level hologram (see CUaBM #11, pg 23) that is in sleep mode.
Touching the disc will reactivate it.
11+ Two herds of Triceratops are facing off over the meager picking in this area. They are
bullying each other with loud bellows and shoving matches with locked horns. They
will be oblivious to the party’s presence and the chance of being trampled is high.
Hex Descriptions
Hexes without a number are open for the GM to populate as they see fit. If a
random result is desired then use the Random Hex Tables, later in this issue.
100 At the end of the tunnel, the group is dumped into a large, open lobby that
is now overgrown with lush plant life. There are the remnants of several
counters and booths strewn around the room. The only structure still intact
is a heavy automated kiosk that will call out at random intervals, “Bring your
E-tickets here!” Should one of the group have an E-ticket and be willing to
surrender it to the kiosk, they will receive the following items, all branded
with the Dinotastic Park logo: A good quality backpack, a compass, a reusable
beverage bottle, and a tourist map of the park. The map is severely out of
date but studying it (Int check, DC 10) will reveal some of the pre-relocation
details in each of the adjacent hexes. If the kiosk is broken into, the only other
items within are: 1d3 backpacks, 2d4 beverage bottles, and 6d6 E-tickets.
101 This area is heavily fenced off into pasture areas containing many docile
herbivores. There is a 30% chance per hour that the group may encounter
1d5 Saurian herdsmen tending one of the flocks (stats as a Lizardman, DCC
RPG, pg 420).
102 The overgrown ruins of a hotel and entertainment complex is spread loosely
across this hex strung together by large paved streets, now in poor repair.
Many electric trolley cars sit dormant on these roads. Every 4 hours of
searching has a 10% chance of discovering a small jackpot of mechanical
parts still in usable shape. In the northwestern section of the hex there is a
well hidden (DC 15 to see) Saurian lookout tower, with a 60% chance of it
being properly manned with guards.
103 A former power generation facility with a dangerous, semi-operational
power source worshipped by a tribe of egalitarian and hospitable Once-
men. The presence of the dangerous power-source keeps them protected
from Saurian raiding parties, who know better than to encroach. Prolonged
exposure brings a 30% chance of mutation, see sub table: Sub03.
104 Private Research Area - Roll 2d3 times on each of the following Feature
Tables: Buildings/Habitat & Maintenance, Buildings/Research, Hazards/
Facilities, and Resources/Tech.
105 Proving Rock - A plateau surrounded by thick jungle. The proving rock itself
is craggy and elevated 250’ from the surrounding jungle. The proving rock
is used for ritual combat between members of the ruling council of the Scale
Empire. Once per full moon, ritual combat is fought here to handle affairs of
state. PCs visiting the proving rock have a 20% chance of discovering jewelry
left behind following a duel.
106 SaResFa1 - These dangerous underground ruins comprise a bunker in which
early experiments in sentience were carried out on the pre-Saurians. The
Scale Empire patrols the area regularly, and occasionally sends expeditions
in for secrets of their origin. This is a highly taboo place, only open to the
council, guarded by robots and abominations of genetic science.
107 The Treechildren - A place where Dinosaurs, Once-Men and Saurians seem
to live in peace. All of these creatures live under the control of a mutagenic
vegetable hive mind, a complex of tree roots with mind-control spores. The
residents will be outwardly friendly, but if PCs accept their hospitality, they
need to make a Will save for every day spent in the hex. Day 1 is DC 10 and
every additional save adds 2 to the DC. Failure indicates the they will be
unable to resist the effect for Xd4 days where X is the number of times they
have failed the save so far. Resisting for 5 days in a row makes a PC immune
to the tree’s control.
108 Sacred Hunting Grounds - The thick jungle is stocked with tough herbivorous
creatures and is the sole hunting grounds of exultant families of Sorceraptors.
PCs entering the surrounding jungle have a 20% chance per hour of becoming
the prey of a pack of 2d3 young noble Sorceraptors. Use the witch-scale stats
from the twisted menagerie in this volume, or build sorceraptors based on
the included class.
109 The Grazelands - Carefully tended fields under the nominal control of the
Scale Empire, the sauropod-rib and breadbasket of the capital. This area has
much more open terrain and carefully tended vegetation than most parts
of the empire, and is divided between herdland for docile herbivores and
actual farmland for herbivorous members of the empire. 25% chance per 6
hours of encountering a patrol of 8 Saurians.
110 The Village of the Exiles - Deep within this rocky hex is a large mountain-like
habitat enclosure where deformed Saurians are exiled to. The ramshackle
village is home to 4d4x10 saurians that have 1-3 mutations (see CUaBM #2,
pg 4) each. If approached in peace, the villagers will offer food and shelter
for trade. An offer of good pay might convince one of the young adults to be
a guide.
111 Robert Bakker Memorial Hospital - The park’s primary hospital, now lying
in ruins. Offers state of the art medical facilities, but the structure itself is
decaying, and in a precarious state nearing collapse. The facility is haunted by
haywire security-bots, loose predatory dinosaurs, and dangerous mutants. A
successful Luck check may score some medical supplies.
112 Kidz Fun Land - A family friendly attraction located near the main gate,
formerly a petting zoo for docile stunted dinosaurs, along with a hatchery.
The stunted dinosaurs here have long ago been consumed by the society
of murderous feral-children (see the Feral Urchin, CUaBM issue #11), the
mutated and forever stunted child-lords of this area. The children here stay
mysteriously youthful, and attack any interlopers with brutal traps, and
strange powers.
113 Scale Empire Capitol - Built on the foundation of an entertainment complex
that took up most of the hex, it is now a sprawling walled city with only
a few of the iconic parts of the former complex still visible, the greatest of
which is a huge mock volcano that still smokes continually. Non-saurians
attempting to enter the city or found wandering about will be rounded up
by the military and brought before the Circle of Claws, the ruling body of
Supreme Sorceraptors. The Circle of Claws will be curious as they do not
know much about the outside world. They will also be eager to enlist the aid
of a powerful group to help them in their conquest of the western side of the
park. Profitable deals could be made, as well as dangerous enemies.
114 The Wild Orchard - The majority of this hex and two other hexes (118 & 121)
are engulfed in a massively dense grove of giant fruit bearing trees. These
trees bear fruit year round in breathtaking abundance. The continual harvest
is a juicy drupe fruit, larger than a fist, in a multitude of colors. While not
poisonous per se, it is mildly intoxicating to most living creatures (Fort save
DC 9 per fruit). There are always creatures of all kinds sparsely loitering
drunkenly about the grove. The only creatures not affected are the numerous
Therizinosaurs that dwell here.
115 Bonegrounds - Large herbivores are drawn here when they feel their death
approaching through disease or old age. Bleached white rib cages of titanic
proportions dot the landscape. There is a 40% chance of a recently dead or
dying herbivore in good enough shape to scavenge meat. Every hour, there
is a 25% chance of encountering d5 scavenging Pteranodons here.
116 Scale Empire Muster Fields - Open fields where troops of the scale empire drill
under the harsh leadership of Sorceraptors and Battle-Chanters. Frequent
patrols, and fairly open terrain. 50% chance per hour of encountering a patrol
of 3d4 Saurians, use the lizard-man from the DCC core book, or 1d3+1 Proto-
Saurian shock troopers.
117 The Grazelands - See 109.
118 The Wild Orchard of Peace - See 114.
119 As 102 but the Saurian lookout tower is in the southeast corner.
120 Lair and hunting grounds of Algorax, a legendary Spinosaur named by
the local proto-saurian tribes, who worship the beast and raid other tribes
to procure sacrifices. There are remnants of Algorax’s ancestral pen in the
park here, including worn-down enclosures. Algorax is enhanced with a
hypermetabolic gland, and seems to reproduce asexually every 30 years.
121 The Wild Orchard of Peace - See 114.
122 A large, one story building dominates this hex. The doors will open
automatically when approached and lead into a long, winding, dimly lit
tunnel. The tunnel floor is a jerky conveyor belt that will activate as soon as
several people step on to it. As it rolls forward various holoprojectors will
randomly display 3D videos that have degraded significantly in quality so
they are now a terrifying cacophony of screeching apparitions and disturbing
images. A Will save (DC 13) must be made each turn or become panicked
and very claustrophobic. Failing 3 or more saves results in night terrors (no
sleep) for 1d4 days. The automated tour will take 2d3+2 turns and ends at an
123 The Glasslands - This hex is strewn with massive sheets of broken glass,
which rise from the countryside like jagged teeth. An object plunged through
the dome some time ago. Scale empire scouts have made scouting runs to
try and locate the object that crashed, but have encountered significant
resistance from powerful, cybernetically enhanced dinosaurs which seem to
coordinate in their defense of these lands. All dinosaurs encountered (40%
chance per hour) in this hex benefit from nano-infestation, and will silently
call in reinforcements, who will arrive in d30 rounds.
124 Along the shore line lays the ruins of a massive chain of lake side resorts.
While partially overgrown, there ruination has nothing to do with the
environment. Several hives of Lobstrosities (CUaBM #1, pg 22) dwell here,
at least one of each color. Each hive will have 1d3+1 members and 2d3 young
(all action, damage, and Hit Dice are -3 die steps). Considering Lobstrosities
are normally solitary creatures, something must be drawing them here other
than the wood feast of the resort ruins...
125 As 102 but the there are three lookout towers to the south east, always manned
to keep an eye on the Hatzegopteryx Queen’s brood of flying thieves.
126 Cove of the Lobstrosityrant - Just south of the Lobstrosity hives (124) lies a
another, smaller chain of ruined lake side resorts around a beautiful, sheltered
bay. Investigating the ruins will have a 50% chance per hour of encountering
a Lobstrosity (CUaBM #1, pg 22) (random color) scavenging up wood and
taking it to cave at the base of the cove. Within the cave is the lair of a Multi-
hued Lobstrosity of immense size that controls all of the Lobstrosities. 1d4+1
Lobstrosities (random colors) will be attending their master at all times.
Deep in the cave is a dimensional rift that leads somewhere...
obstrosityrant: Init -2; Atk claws +8 melee (3d7); AC 24; HD14d10; MV 30’
walk, 60’ swim, 40’ fly; Act 3d20; SP all color abilities; SV Fort +9, Ref -3, Will
+4; AL N.
Lobstrosityrant meat will produce 2d4 portions of each color type and can be
preserved for up to a week.
127 Decaying beach side luxury resort, formerly the exclusive playground of VIP
guests. There is a central hotel, along with a number of cabanas dotting the
beach. Due to the scenic location and ready access to fish and old-tech, this
area is the regular focus of conflict between Scale Empire scouts and Once-
Men. 25% chance of encountering a battle or raiding party every 24 hours
here. Roll 2d4 on the resources table if PCs choose to scavenge here.
128 The Northern Death Zone - This and hex 130 is the area that a terrifying
carnivore aberration called Quick Death has claimed as his own. Quick
Death comes from T-Rex stock with at least the following aberrations:
Super Predator, Giant, Nano Infestation (Device x2: Regeneration Unit &
Hypermetabolic Gland), Racer.
Anyone moving through this hex or 130 without taking extreme efforts to be
undetected has a 40% chance per hour of attracting Quick Death’s attention.
129 The Aquatory - Near the shoreline stands a large overgrown building with
the word “AQUATORY” spelled out in giant blue letters atop it. The interior
is split into an upper and lower area. Upper area: an interactive museum
of prehistoric sea life. The majority is still in functional condition and has
many signs of makeshift repairs. Lower area: this leads to a glass walled
underwater observatory that juts out into the bay. Many of the observation
windows have been repaired multiple times and there are a few small leaks.
Behind concealed doors, there is also a functional research area inhabited by
several maintenance robots and Dr. Schalallie, who appears as a large raptor
with the top of its skull replaced by a human brain in a jar. The Doctor is
quite insane but very amicable to making a deal. In trade for capturing and
delivering “test subjects” she will offer medical and technical aid.
130 The Southern Death Zone - See 128.
131 Rookery of the Hatzegopteryx Queen- An offshoot society of sky-sneaks and
Pteranodons live in a rookery built in the style of Pueblo villages into natural
cliffs alongside the edge of the dome. They hunt the valley below, and are
ruled by an unusually large sapient flying reptile, Queen Hatzegopteryx. It
is locally rumored that she has control of a data-crystal that once held all the
secrets of the park.
132 Isle of Winged Child God - An automated, pristine island entertainment
center devoted to casual amorous pursuits. Ruled over by a megalomaniacal
robotic Cupid and his robo-courtesans. Enjoying yourself is mandatory and
leaving is forbidden.
133 The Ghost of Mr. Hammond - There is an underground bunker here in
which a sort of AI representation of the park’s founder exists. His program
has degraded and gone mad. The “ghost,” as it were, is projected by
hologram projectors, but also has control of several squads of security bots.
The AI construct’s ultimate goal is to find a way to hop back to it’s original
dimension, but it lacks the understanding to complete this feat.
134 Wreck of the SS Malcolm- This boat was once used to give Mosasaur and
Plesiosaur watching tours of lake Hammond. The vessel ran into some
rocks about ½ mile off shore, and presents a tempting prize for would be
scavengers. There’s a boathouse on shore with several rowboats. If PCs
attempt to reach the boat, there is a 50% chance they will be noticed by a
hungry plesiosaur or mosasaur (roll d2).
1 – Resort 2 – Entertainment Area
1. Decrepit Hotel - May contain some salvage 1. Small Amusement Park - see sub table:
but is structurally unsafe. Consult the Decay & Sub01.
Ruin table (CUaBM #8, pg 8)
2. Swimming Pool and Spa Center - Automated
2. Souvenir Shop - Well rummaged through maintenance systems have kept it clean and
but still full of trinkets emblazoned with the running. 50% chance it is occupied by Once-
park logo. Successful Luck checks can reveal men.
something useful , such as a penknife or mini-
3. Complex of Nightclubs and Fine Dining
- Nearly overgrown, this area still may hold
3. Pavilion of Food Kiosks - Mobile automated foodstuffs that are still edible. Successful Luck
food kiosks will approach any living checks can reveal something safe to eat.
humanoids and offer up their selections. 35%
4. Survey Vehicle Rental - Houses small, short
chance per kiosk that the food is unsafe, Fort
range vehicles. 40% chance of functional
save (DC 12) or suffer 1d3 temporary Sta
vehicles being present. See sub table: Sub04.
1 – Terrain 2 – Facilities
1. Densely forested, travel speed is halved and 1. Intermittent enclosure force field activation.
visibility is 50ft at best. Failed Luck checks result in obstruction or
impact damage.
2. Large rock formations throughout the hex.
Travel speed is halved and climb checks are 2. Chemical Pipeline Leak: See sub table Sub02.
3. Automated pod trap. DC 15 Reflex save, or
3. Sinkholes leading to underground areas. be carried unwilling 1 hex away to a proto-
Failed Luck checks require Ref save vs falling saurian killing zone.
in. See sub table Sub05.
4. 2d3 Securitybots (CUaBM #1) are patrolling
4. Swampland, Very difficult to traverse without the hex and will attempt to corral any creature
boats. May require Fort saves vs insects or they find into pens. Non-lethal only.
3 – Hunting Grounds 4 – Other
1. A pack of Raptor Aberrations hunt here. 40% 1. Red Claw Mercenary shocknet traps - Ref
chance per hour of encountering a pack of 2d3 save (DC 14) to avoid. If caught, Fort save (DC
of them. 16) vs paralysis.
2. Solitary burrowing Carnotaur hides here to 2. A large garden of carnivorous plants. Passing
ambush. 60% chance of attacking large groups through requires either suffering 2d6 attacks
or those with vehicles, 20% otherwise. (atk 1d6+1 / 1d3 damage) or Fort save (DC 13)
or fall asleep, GM choice.
3. A large pod of herbivores dwells here. A few
hours after the group enters the hex, a ravenous 3. The group comes across an old battle scene.
Spinosaurus beings its attack upon the pod When someone tries to search a well equipped
from only a few dozen yards away. corpse, an explosive on it goes off causing 3d8
damage to everyone within 60 feet.
4. Within a heavily forested area, a group of 2-5
Giant Beetles (DCC RPG, pg 397) attack from 4. A discovered cache of food crates looks like a
surprise (the beetles have a 1d24 action die for treasure trove. Unfortunately, it is contaminated.
the first round). Anyone eating it must roll on sub table: Sub03.
1 – Predator 2 – Herbivore
1. Flocks of Pterodons dwell in several artificial 1. A small family of Argentinosaurs call this
habitats. They fight over the bountiful rabbit hex home. The foliage here has been severely
population in the hex. grazed.
2. Amongst the picnic areas strung together 2. Several herds of Triceratops are living
by an overgrown hiking path, dozens of amongst the ruins of various amusement areas
Compsognathus packs prey on anything under - see sub table: Sub01. As they are entering the
10 feet tall. breeding season, they will not be docile.
3. Clear paths criss cross this hex. Those that 3. A large number of Therizinosaurs living in
partake of them will find they are not game the thick of a dense forest of giant trees. They
trials but the tracks of a Titanoboa. will ignore anything other than an outright
4. 1d3+1 young T-Rex males are here fighting
over a T-Rex female. 4. A large lake in this hex has drawn many
different herbivore herds here.
1 – Tech 2 – Natural Goods
1. An underground maintenance area (see sub 1. A secluded medlab holds research about
table: Sub05) holds 1d3 running vehicles. See several medicinal prehistoric herbs growing
sub table: Sub04. throughout the park. With this knowledge, a
successful Luck check per hex will discover
2. An offline Securitybot (CUaBM #1) is lying
some growing there.
in a maintenance shed. If charged up, it will
randomly pick one member of the group as its 2. The fruit trees in this hex have dropped their
controller and follow their orders. fruit and the ground is littered with rotting
pulp and seeds. 5d6 bags of seed can be
3. Within an office building complex, one office
harvested per day.
still has power. Inside is a running server room
and 3d4 computer stations. 3. A fields of wild tobacco-like leaves dominate
this hex. It is quite potent and rich tasting. 6d6
4. Within a ruined motor pool, several large
sheaves of fresh leaves can be collected per day.
vehicles are inoperable but unsalvaged.
It will need many weeks to properly air-dry.
3 – Equipment 4 – Food
1. A strange, alien container holds a Silver Suit 1. Unguarded dino eggs. D10 ostrich sized
and Bubble Helmet (CUaBM #11, pg 19). eggs. Parents returning in d5-1 turns, where a
result of 0 = 5 rounds.
2. A first-aid station contains 3d4HD of high-
tech healing supplies. They may be used as 2. A large grove of deliciously pungent
needed. fruits trees heavy with fruit. 3d100lbs can be
harvested per day.
3. A maintenance robot sits dormant in a field.
Within its storage hopper are several power 3. A fine dining area of a resort still has power
tools and a solar charger. and the deep freezers are well stocked. There is
a 60% the ovens and grills still work.
4. A security shed holds a sealed gun locker,
DC 14 to open. Within are 1d3 Tranq-rifles (Fort 4. Thundering bellows draw the group to a
DC 16 vs unconscious, Range 70/140/210) plus battle site where a T-Rex and a Triceratops have
4d6 tranq-rounds, 1d4+1 Shotguns plus 1d24 just killed each other. Quite a bit of fresh meat
shells each, and 2d3 Stun Batons (Fort DC 12 vs and dino-hide could be harvested.
Sub Tables
Sub01 - Amusement Facilities (roll 1d12)
1-4 A multi-theater cineplex - A majority of the theaters (3d4) are still active and showing
distorted and degraded 3D movies on a regular schedule. Their is a 20% chance per
theater of there being 1d3 occupants (Saurian, Once-men, or alien) attempting to divine
the future by “reading” the signs and images.
5-6 Dino-golf - A spacious 18 hole golf course the is immaculately cared for by 6d6 robots
that are very hostile towards all intruders, including anyone without golf passes.
7 Animatronic Dino-circus - A large tent-like building houses a number of robot
performers attempting to put on regular interactive performances. The robots will target
one of the group members and attempt to include them in their act. Unfortunately,
there is a 65% chance that the robots are psychopathic...
8+ Ride park - The site contains 3d3 different thrill rides connected by a winding path.
There is a 15% chance of each ride still being functional. A successful Luck check at a
functional ride will find some good salvage or equipment.
Sub02 - Chemical Leak (roll 1d12)
1-4 Contaminated water - Exposure requires a Fort save (DC 11) or contract a tropical
5 Toxic waste - Exposure causes 1d3 Sta damage and 15% chance of mutation (see CUaBM
#2, Table Mu-2: Base Mutation Table, pg 4).
6-7 Petroleum - Direct exposure causes 1hp of chemical burn damage. Vapor exposure
requires Fort save (DC 12) or suffer -1d to all actions for 1d3 turns. The vapor is easily
ignitable and explosive.
8+ Plant fertilizer - Exposure causes 1d4 damage from chemical burns and Fort save
(DC 9) vs poison (blindness or 1d3 Sta damage).
Saurian Character Classes
of the Scale Empire
Amidst the strange, rich culture of the Scale Empire there a few iconic pursuits
that many aspire too. Below are three of those that are developed as full character
classes. While they would most likely appear in a campaign centered within the
Dinotastic Park, there are many entrepreneurial and tragic reasons as to why a
saurian PC might appear anywhere within Umerica.
Sorceraptors are descended from the most
vicious, clever and social of dinosaurs, the raptor!
Keen intellect and evolving contracts with
supernatural patrons allows them to use dangerous
and powerful magic. Through powerful sorcery and
understanding of social dynamics, Sorceraptors
rule over Saurian society. A Sorceraptor stand
roughly 5 feet tall with a tail, long dextrous hands,
and a curved claw on the foot.
Weapon Training: A Sorceraptor primarily uses her killing claw, a sharp hooked
claw on the foot capable of dealing d4 points of damage. Additionally, they are
trained in the use of the dagger, sling, dart and club. They never use armor with a
fumble die greater than d8.
Pack Tactics: Allies may add the Sorceraptor’s Pack die to their action die rolls
under two conditions:
►► The Sorceraptor spent an action last round barking out tactical advice to the party.
►► The ally’s actions are in line with the advice given.
►► The Pack die applies to all attacks for one round.
Magic: Sorceraptors command unpredictable and powerful magic abilities
through careful study, and contact with supernatural patrons. At 1st level, a
Sorcereraptor knows 3 randomly determined spells, in addition to patron bond
and invoke patron. Sorceraptors cast spells by rolling their action die, and adding
a bonus based on their level and intelligence bonus.
Daring acrobats taking flight on leathery
wings, Sky-Sneaks have an affinity for shiny
baubles and deadly danger. A Sky-Sneak is short in
stature compared to other saurians, standing around
the height of a human child, with sharp eyes, batlike
wings, and a long beak. Sky-Sneaks excel
at stealth, trickery, and spotting danger.
Flight: A Sky-Sneak can take flight on batlike wings, achieving a flight movement
rate of 60’ per round. The judge ultimately has discretion over whether or not a
Sky-Sneak would have the space to take flight in any situation, but in general, a
Sky-sneak will either need to disembark from a high position, or have at least one
round’s worth of movement to get going.
Awkward Ground Movement: Owing to short legs and a preference for flight, a
Sky-Sneak’s movement rate on the ground is 15’ per round.
Brittle Bones: A Sky-Sneak has light bones to allow for flight. This delicate build
is not without disadvantages, and as a result, a Sky-Sneak suffers more intensely
from critical hits than other characters. An enemy who scores a critical hit on a
Sky-Sneak rolls one higher on the critical die chain than normal. For example, a
3rd level warrior who would normally roll d16 on chart IV would roll a d20 on
critical chart IV against a Sky-Sneak.
Keen Sight: A Sky-Sneak’s life often depends on the ability to accurately gauge
distances from obstacles, prey and predators. As a result of the synergy of honed
instinct, keen eyesight and intellect, a Sky-Sneak is able to accurately discern
ranges, accurate up to a foot.
Table SSK-1: Dropped Objects Damage
Under 50’ 50-250’ 251-1000’ 1000’+
Atk / Dam Atk / Dam Atk / Dam Atk / Dam (Hits next rnd)
Small Object
+0 / d4 -2 / d6 -1d / d8 -2d / d16
(Less than 5#)
+0 / d6 -2 / d8 -1d / d12 -2d / d24
Object (5-25#)
Large Object
-2 / d8 -1d / d12 -2d / d16 -3d / d30
(25# or more)
Hide From Predators*: The sky-sneak is able to effectively take cover, get low,
or hide in shadows to avoid the visual attention of predators and foes.
Steal Shiny*: The Sky-Sneak uses sleight of hand to take an object from
someone’s person, or an unguarded object without drawing attention
Disable Tech*: Allows the Sky-Sneak to attempt to disable mechanical traps or
other technical obstacles
Survey§: When the sky-sneak takes wing on a thermal, and looks down from
below, this skill allows them to make sense of what they’re seeing, and aids in
finding patterns and things of interest. Additionally, this skill could be used to
discover big picture patterns and otherwise interpret data.
Coax Magic§: This allows the Sky-Sneak to attempt to trick magic or technical
devices into working in spite of not understanding them.
Mimic Voice‡: Attempt to mimic the voice of another for the purpose of trickery,
DC 10 against a relative stranger, DC 15 for a passing familiarity, 20 for a friend
or lover.
Luck die: A sky-sneak often survives just as much on luck as on skill. When a sky-
sneak uses a point of luck, their player rolls a Luck Die and adds the total to the
roll. Additionally, a sky-sneak regenerates lost Luck at a rate of 1 per day.
Battle Chanter
Battle Chanters carry the blood of pugnacious herbivores in their veins. They are
dangerous combatants known for bellowing out chants that protect their adopted
herds. Battle Chanters are massive, often 6 to 7 feet in height and solidly built, with
thick hide and bony plates protruding from their spines.
Hit Points: A Battle Chanter gains d10 hit points at each level.
Alignment: Battle Chanters can be of any alignment, however their tendency
towards group cohesion lends itself best to Neutrality or Law.
Weapon Training: A Battle Chanter is trained in the use of the club, staff, polearm,
handaxe, mace, spear, warhammer, longbow, blowgun, shortbow and sling. A
battle-chanter uses any armor, and is capable of moving at full speed in armor due
to hulking physique and willpower.
Natural Armor: Due to a thick hide and tough build, a battle chanter gains a +3
bonus to AC.
Battle Chant: A Battle Chanter can opt to bellow out a chant during combat to aid
their allies or hamper their foes. Battle Chanting is invariably quite loud, and once
a chant has begun, stealth and surprise are no longer feasible options. The Battle
Chanter can opt to chant on any round by rolling a d14 and adding their level and
personality bonus, then comparing the result to the chart below.
Twisted Menagerie
Once-men: Init +1; Atk club +2 melee (1d4+2) or grapple +3 melee (1d3+2
subdual); AC 11; HD 1d6+1; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Sneak +5, Track +3; SV Fort +3,
Ref +1, Will +1; AL N.
Purebreed Dinosaurs
Pteranodon Hatzegopteryx Carnotaur T-Rex Spinosaur
Init +4 (Flying) +3 (Flying) +2 +1 +1
-5 otherwise -6 otherwise
Atk Beak +5 (1d6) Beak +10 (2d6) Bite +9 (1d12+3) Bite +12 Bite +14
Tail +6 (1d8+1) (2d12+6) (2d14+8)
Tail +9 (1d10+4) Tail +11
AC 15 (Flying) 15 (Flying) 15 16 18
9 otherwise 9 otherwise
HD 4d8 10d8 8d12 12d12 15d12
MV Fly 70ft Fly 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft
Ground 15ft Ground 15ft
Act 1d20 2d20 2d20 3d20 3d24
SP Swoop attack (+1 Beak crit on 18, Camouflage Swallow whole Swallow whole
die step to attack Swoop attack (+8 to hide/ (18+) (16+)
roll), Drop (+1 die step sneak)
to attack roll),
SV Ref +5 Ref +3 Ref +3 Ref +2 Ref +2
Fort +0 Fort +5 Fort +5 Fort +7 Fort +9
Will +0 Will +1 Will +1 Will +2 Will +3
AL N, Carnivore N, Carnivore N, Carnivore N, Carnivore N, Carnivore
Camouflage - This dinosaur’s skin coloration will partially shift to match the terrain around it. This gives it a +5
to all attempts to sneak up on its prey.
Constriction - If this dinosaur scores a bite attack they immediately wrap their coils around the victim. Each
round thereafter, the constrictor attempts another bite (always against the grappled target at +1d4 to hit) and
also constricts the same target for automatic damage each round. A Str or Agi check (DC 18) is required to
get free of the coils.
Drop - A flying dinosaur that has successfully carried off its prey can choose to take a round to climb high in the
sky and then drop it the next round. A dropped victim will take (1d8+4)d6 damage upon impact and any 6s
rolled result in a broken bone.
Pack Attack - Raptors gain a +d2 on all attack and damage rolls if there at least 3 pack members present in the
combat. This bonus die increases one step for every additional 3 pack members present, to a maximum of a
+d7 for 18 pack members.
Spit Venom - the spit attack has a range of 30/60/120. On a failed Ref save (DC 12) the victim is blinded for 1d3
turns by a burning sensation that forces the eyes closed and swells the eyelids shut.
Swallow whole - This dinosaur can, if the die on a successful attack meets the threshold, forgo a normal bite
result to attempt to swallow a man-sized opponent. The victim gets a Ref save (DC 15) to avoid their grisly
fate. If the save is failed, they immediately take damage from a bite attack and are swallowed. Should the
swallowed victim survive its consumption, it is now trapped in the beast’s stomach where it takes damage
each round thereafter equal to 1d6 acid and 1d6 constriction. A trapped victim can try to cut its way out with
a small weapon (such as a dagger) by inflicting 15 points of damage against AC 13. If a victim does manage
to cut its way free, the dinosaur must make a Fort Save (DC 18) or die in 1d4 rounds from internal bleeding.
Swoop Attack - Pteranodons can forgo their action for one round to dive bomb a target the next round at +1
die step to the attack roll. If successful and the target is no bigger than man-sized, it has grasped its prey in
its talons mid-flight and has carried it off. In a fumble, the swooping dinosaur crashes to the ground taking
5d6 damage.
Trample - These giant dinosaurs can kill a man just by overrunning them. Anyone caught in the path
of this dino when it take a round to charge forward must make a Ref save (DC 12) or suffer 1d3xN
damage where N is the ½ of the dino’s HD.
Venom - The bites of these tiny dinosaurs can bring down even large sized prey if they attack in sufficient
number. At the end of each round, every opponent that took damage from a bite must make a Fort save
with a DC equal to 9 plus the total number of bites they suffered that round. A failure causes them to
suffer a cumulative -1 to all actions each round as they quickly fall into a numbing sleep. This means
after three rounds the penalty will be -3. Future successful bite will not speed up the effect. Once the
penalty reaches a penalty of 6 plus the victim’s Sta mod, they fall totally asleep and are unable to feel
any pain as the beasts begin to feast.
Dinosaur Aberrations
While most of the dinosaurs that roam
the remnants of the park are still true to
their basic genetic heritage, the genetic
experimentation conducted before the park
was ripped from its home dimension and the
mutagenic compounds released from the park
laboratories since then have altered more than
a few creatures.
To create a Dino-Aberration, select a pure
dinosaur and apply one or more of the
following mutation templates to it or, roll 1d20
to choose a random template.
1-3 Super Predator - Increase Init by +1d3+1,
Increase Atk bonus by +1d3+1, Increase
attack damage dice by +1 die step each, Add
+1hp per HD, Increase MV by +10’, Increase
all Action dice by +1 die step each, change the
AL to C. This beast will now hunt and kill for
sport instead of just survival.
4-6 Nano Infestation - Increase attack damage dice by +1 die step each, Increase AC by
+2d3, Increase Hit Dice by +1 die step each, Increase Fort save by +1d3+1. This beast
has been inhabited by millions of nanobots that are slowly upgrading it by replacing
its normal tissues with superior synthetic ones. There is a 25% chance that it will now
feature a built-in device or weapon to better help it survive. Roll 1d10 on the table
below to determine what kind of device is now part of their body.
1 Energy Cannon - Atk +4 missile (1d10) range 40/80/160.
2 Regeneration Unit - Automatically recovers one HD of damage per turn, even
if at or below 0hp. Will require massive fire, acid, or disintegration damage to
permanently kill it.
3 Advanced Sensors - Add +1d6 to all perception actions. Also gains +1d3 to hit on
all attacks.
4 Multi-lens Eyes - Can now see in the UV, Infrared, and Thermal spectrums.
Immune to all normal and magical darkness effects.
5 Heavy Armor Plating - Increase AC by an additional +1d3+1. MV is decreased by
6 Reinforced Skeleton - Add +1d6 to all Strength actions and Increase Fort save by
an additional +2d3.
7 Hypermetabolic Gland - Gains an additional 2d16 action dice. It now must
consume double its normal food intake.
8 Chemical Defense System - If the beast suffers more than 50% of its total HP in
combat, it releases a paralytic gas. Everything with 20ft must make a Fort save
(DC 13) or be paralyzed for 2d4 rounds.
9 Electro-Charge Unit - All attacks inflict an additional 1d4 electrical damage. In
addition, the victim must make a Fort save (DC 10) or suffer a -1 die penalty to
their next action.
10 Roll two additional times on this chart. There is no limit to the number of time
this result can be rolled.
7-8 Stealth Ops - The hide of this beast will blend its coloration to match its surroundings,
with a high degree of accuracy, and the padding on its feet muffles nearly all sound of
movement. It gains a +8 to all stealth actions. In addition, any attacks made upon an
unaware target deal an extra +1d6 damage and automatically score a critical hit.
9-11 Racer - Increase Init by +1d3+2, Increase AC by +2, Increase MV by 50%, Increase Ref
save by +2d3. This beast is built to run at top speed for long periods. It can maintain a
run for a number of turns equal to its Fort save +1.
12-14 Livestock - Dino-burgers don’t grow on trees. This beast has double the normal HD,
decreases Atk bonuses by -2, and lowers MV by 25%. It is a giant with way too much
muscle tissue even for its larger skeleton. The taste of the meat is superb.
15-16 Crossbreed - Take two different pure dinos and blend their stat blocks, keeping the
best of each set of stats. In addition, it will have all of the special abilities of both
17-18 Hybrid Traits - This beast has been gene spliced with DNA from another Phylum of
animal. Roll 1d7 on the table below to determine what kind of trait is now part of their
1 Multifaceted Eyes - The beast has fixed, multifaceted insect-like eyes that gives
it nearly 720° vision. -2 die steps to all sneak and Backstab attempts against the
2 Clinging Pads - The surface of its footpads can stick with amazing grip to any
surface, allowing it to climb like a spider. It can traverse vertical surfaces at ½
move and upside down surfaces at ¼ move.
3 Sticky Projectile Tongue - The tongue of this beast can launch at high speed up to
150% of the length of the beast from its mouth at a target (Atk +3 missile). Once
struck, the target must succeed a Grapple check (opposed Str, beast gets +1 die
step) or be pulled into the mouth and suffer the beast’s bite damage.
4 Gills - The beast is now an amphibian and can function equally as well underwater
as on land. Its Swim speed is equal to its normal Move.
5 Burrowing - The front claws of the beast are spade-like and excellent for quickly
digging into the ground. It can tunnel at a speed of 1ft x HD per round.
6 Echolocation - Using nothing but pulses of sound, this beast can “see” in nearly
all directions at once. It is immune to all blindness effects and can only be
surprised on a natural 20.
7 Climbing - The beast’s claws are perfect for climbing and maneuvering within
trees large enough to support its weight. Predators will gain a +1d8 to all ambush
attempts involving leaping from the upper foliage of a tree.
19 Giant - Decrease Init by -1d4+2, Increase Atk bonus by +1d3+3, Increase attack
damage dice by +2 die steps each, Increase HD by 50%, Increase MV by 50%, Increase
all Action dice by +1 die step each, Increase Fort save by +1d3+1. The beast is now at
least twice as big as a member of its base stock.
20 Double Trouble - Roll again twice and combine the two results. There is no limit to the
number of time this result can be rolled.
Wild Proto-Saurian: Init +1; Atk bite/claw +2 melee (1d5+1) or tail slam +3 melee
(1d6+2); AC 12; HD 1d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Sneak +4, Track +4; SV Fort +3, Ref
+1, Will +0; AL N.
Proto-Saurian Shock Trooper: Init +2; Atk war spear & shield +3 melee (1d8+2),
bite/claw +2 melee (1d5+2), or tail slam +3 melee (1d6+3); AC 15; HD 1d8+4; MV
30’; Act 1d20; SP Sneak +5, Track +5; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N.
Witchscale: Init +2; Atk bite/claw +2 melee (1d5) or tail slam +3 melee (1d6); AC
12; HD 3d8+3; MV 30’; Act 1d20*; SP Sneak +6, Track +4, Spellcaster (wiz lv 1); SV
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4; AL N.
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Copyright 2012, Goodman Games
Crawling Under a Broken Moon issue #14 Copyright 2016, Shield of Faith Studios
Crawling Under a Broken Moon issue #1 - #14 Copyright 2014-2016, Shield of Faith Studios
In this issue:
* A semi-hex crawl in a extra-dimensional abandoned
theme park so big it will be spread over two issues!
* A Twisted Menagerie full of Dinosaurs and Dino-Mutants!
* The Saurians of the Scale Empire, ruled over by the
eldritch Dino-Sorcerers!
* And much, much more!