15ec71 Mwa
15ec71 Mwa
15ec71 Mwa
% of Cumulative %
Modules No. of
Topics Hours
portions of portions
covered covered
Microwave Tubes: Introduction, Reflex Klystron
Oscillator, Mechanism of Oscillations, Modes of
Oscillations, Mode Curve (Qualitative Analysis
only). (Text 1: 9.1, 9.2.2)
Microwave Transmission Lines: Microwave
Frequencies, Microwave devices, Microwave
Module 1 20 20
Systems, Transmission Line equations and
solutions, Reflection Coefficient and Transmission
Coefficient, Standing Wave and Standing Wave
Ratio, Smith Chart, Single Stub matching. (Text 2:
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6 Except Double
stub matching)
Microwave Network theory: Symmetrical Z and
Y-Parameters for Reciprocal Networks, S matrix
representation of Multi-Port Networks. (Text 1:
6.1, 6.2, 6.3)
Module 2 Microwave Passive Devices: Coaxial Connectors 20 40
and Adapters, Attenuators, Phase Shifters,
Waveguide Tees, Magic tees. (Text 1: 6.4.2, 6.4.14, 5
6.4.15, 6.4.16)
Strip Lines: Introduction, Micro Strip lines,
Parallel Strip lines, Coplanar Strip lines, Shielded 5
Strip Lines. (Text 2: Chapter 11)
Antenna Basics: Introduction, Basic Antenna 20 60
Parameters, Patterns, Beam Area, Radiation
Module 3
Intensity, Beam Efficiency, Directivity and Gain,
Antenna Apertures, Effective Height, 5
Bandwidth, Radio Communication Link,
Antenna Field Zones & Polarization. (Text 3:
2.1- 2.11, 2.13,2.15)
Text Books:
1. Microwave Engineering – Annapurna Das, Sisir K Das TMH Publication, 2nd, 2010.
2. Microwave Devices and circuits- Liao, Pearson Education.
3. Antennas and Wave Propagation, John D. Krauss, Ronald J Marhefka and Ahmad S
Khan,4th Special Indian Edition , McGraw- Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Microwave Engineering – David M Pozar, John Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 3rdEdn, 2008.
2. Microwave Engineering – Sushrut Das, Oxford Higher Education, 2ndEdn, 2015.
3. Antennas and Wave Propagation – Harish and Sachidananda: Oxford University
Micro waves and Antennas is the fundamental theory for the branch of Electronics and
communication engineering. This course provides knowledge of the microwave properties
and its transmission media. Microwave devices for several applications.
This course provides basic knowledge of antenna theory. This course provides knowledge of
the Basic Antenna Parameters such as Patterns, Beam Area, Radiation Intensity, Beam
Efficiency, Directivity and Gain, Antenna Apertures, Effective Height, Bandwidth. Radio
Communication Link, Antenna Field Zones & Polarization.. The another application is oscillator
circuits. Study the different types of antennas.
Microwaves are suitable for wireless transmission of signals of having larger bandwidth.
Microwaves are most commonly used in satellite communications, radar signals, phones,
1. Attenuation by solid objects: birds, rain, snow and fog.
2. It’s much expensive to build long towers.
3. Reflected from flat surfaces like water and metal.
4. Diffracted (split) around solid objects.
5. Refracted by atmosphere, thus causing beam to be projected away from receiver.
Impedance Matching
To achieve maximum power transfer to the load, impedance matching has to be done.
Reflection Co-efficient
The parameter that expresses the amount of reflected energy due to impedance mismatch in
a transmission line is called as Reflection coefficient.
VSWR describes the voltage standing wave pattern that is present in the transmission line
due to phase addition and subtraction of the incident and reflected waves.
%efficiency of transmission line η=(Power delivered at reception / Power sent from the
transmission end)×100
Attenuation Loss
The loss that occurs due to the absorption of the signal in the transmission line is termed as
Attenuation loss.
Reflection Loss
The loss that occurs due to the reflection of the signal due to impedance mismatch of the
transmission line is termed as Reflection loss.
Transmission Loss
The loss that occurs while transmission through the transmission line is termed as
Transmission loss.
Stub Matching
If the load impedance mismatches the source impedance, a method called "Stub Matching" is
sometimes used to achieve matching.
The process of connecting the sections of open or short circuit lines called stubs in the shunt
with the main line at some point or points, can be termed as Stub Matching.
At higher microwave frequencies, basically two stub matching techniques are employed.
The Main objective of this module is to study about Microwave Network theory and
Microwave Passive Devices. In Microwave Network theory provides knowledge about
Symmetrical Z and Y-Parameters for Reciprocal Networks and S matrix representation of
Multi-Port Networks.
Microwave passive devices are used inside microwave measurement instruments, and they
are used to combine instruments to create more complex measurement systems. In all cases,
these devices will split, combine, filter, attenuate, and/or shift the phase of a microwave
signal as it propagates through a particular transmission system. This chapter describes the
most useful and prevalent transmission systems for microwave signals and the passive
devices that are most effectively achieved in each system. This module provides Study of
Microwave Passive Devices such as Coaxial Connectors and Adapters, Attenuators, Phase
Shifters, Waveguide Tees and Magic tees.
attenuators are 2-port devices designed to reduce the transferred signal power
the power reduction is achieved by dissipation
impedance match is required at both ports
attenuators of fixed attenuation are called pads
Phase shifters are devices utilized in high frequency RF designs to provide a phase shift to
the signal by adding propagation delay. They are used in applications including satellite
communications, beamforming modules, phase cancellation, communications antennas and
phased-array radar. Phase shifters can be analog or digital, active or passive.
A Waveguide Tee is a 3-port device that can be used to either divide or combine power in a
waveguide system. It is formed when three waveguides tubes are connected in the form of
the English alphabet 'T'. This is where its name is derived from.
A waveguide tee is a 3 port device that is similar to a power divider. When the axis of the
side arm is parallel to the Electric Field (E) of the collinear, then the tee is called a E-Plane
Tee Junction. The outputs we get in this type of tee are 180° out of phase with each other,
irrespective of from which port the input is fed.
If the input signal is fed to port 3, then the output will be split across port 1 and 2 and will be
180 degrees out of phase with each other.
When the axis of the side arm of the waveguide tee is parallel to the flow of the Magnetic
Field (H) from port 1 and is perpendicular to the flow of the Electric Field (E), then the tee is
called a H-Plane Waveguide Tee.
An H-Plane Waveguide Tees can be thought of as a two way in-phase power
divider/combiner i.e it is additive in nature. When two input signals are fed to port 1 & 2, the
output at port 3 is in phase and additive and when the input signal is fed to port 3, the signal
is split in to two equal parts that are in-phase at port 1 & 2.
A Magic Tee or Hybrid Tee is a 4 port waveguide tee that is a combination of an E-Plane
and H-Plane Waveguide Tee. A magic tee has four ports:
Port 1 - Co-linear
Port 2 - Co-linear
Port 3 - Difference Port
Port 4 - Sum Port
Case 1: When two signals of equal magnitude are fed from port 1 and 2, we get a zero at port
3 and the sum of the two signals at port 4.
Case 2: When a signal is fed through port 4, it gets divided equally between port 1 & 2 and
both the outputs are in phase. No output comes from port 3.
Case 3: When a signal is fed through port 3, we get an output of equal magnitude but
opposite phase at port 1 & 2 (the signals are 180 degrees out of phase). Output at port 4 is
A magic tee is ideally lossless. But the biggest disadvantage of magic tee is that reflections
arise within it due to impedance mismatches, which causes some level of power loss. These
reflections can be minimized by optimizing matching.
Microstrip line is used to carry Electro-Magnetic Waves (EM waves) or microwave frequency
signals. It consists of 3 layers, conducting strip, dielectric and Ground plane. It is used to design
Micro strip line will have low to high radiation, will support 20 to 120 ohm impedance ,
supports Q factor of about 250. Difficult to mount chip in shunt mode but easy in series mode.
The RF/microwave product made using micro strip line is less expensive and lighter in weight
compare to its waveguide counterpart.
The disadvantages of micro strip compared with waveguide are the generally lower power
handling capacity, and higher losses. Also, unlike waveguide, micro strip is not enclosed, and is
therefore susceptible to cross-talk and unintentional radiation.
A Parallel Strip line is similar to a two conductor transmission line. It can support quasi TEM
A Coplanar strip line is formed by two conducting strips with one strip grounded, both
being placed on the same substrate surface, for convenient connections.
fig a: Open micro strip line, (b) shielded slot-line (c) shielded fin-line(d) coplanar waveguide
“Beam area is the solid angle through which all the power radiated by the antenna would
stream if P (θ, Ø) maintained its maximum value over ΩA and was zero elsewhere.”
• The beamwidth of an antenna is a very important figure of merit and often is used as a
trade-off between it and the side lobe level; that is, as the beamwidth decreases, the side
lobe increases and vice versa.
• The beamwidth of the antenna is also used to describe the resolution capabilities of the
antenna to distinguish between two adjacent radiating sources or radar targets.
Half-Power Beam Width (HPBW): In a plane containing the direction of the maximum of a
beam, the angle between the two directions in which the radiation intensity is one-half value
of the beam.
Directivity: The ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction from the antenna to the
radiation intensity averaged over all directions.
• The average radiation intensity: total power radiated by the antenna divided by 4π.
• Stated more simply, the directivity of a nonisotropic source is equal to the ratio of its
radiation intensity in a given direction over that of an isotropic source.
This module provides knowledge of the Electric Dipoles such as Short Electric Dipole, Fields
of a Short Dipole (General and Far Field Analyses), Radiation Resistance of a Short Dipole,
Thin Linear Antenna (Field Analyses), Radiation Resistances of Lambda/2 Antenna.
A dipole antenna is the simplest type of radio antenna, consisting of a conductive wire rod
that is half the length of the maximum wavelength the antenna is to generate. This wire rod
is split in the middle, and the two sections are separated by an insulator. Each rod is
connected to a coaxial cable at the end closest to the middle of the antenna.
Radio frequency voltages are applied to dipole antennas at the center, between the two
conductors. They are used alone as antennas, especially in rabbit-ear television antennas
and as the driven elements in other types of antennas.
This module provides basic knowledge of different types of antenna and its properties such
as Small loop, Comparison of Far fields of Small Loop and Short Dipole, The Loop Antenna
General Case, Far field Patterns of Circular Loop Antenna with Uniform Current, Radiation
Resistance of Loops, Directivity of Circular Loop Antennas with Uniform Current, Horn
antennas Rectangular Horn Antennas.
The different types of antenna are Helical Antenna, Yagi-Uda array, Parabola antenna, Log
Periodic Antenna.
The small loop antenna is a closed loop. These antennas have low radiation resistance and
high reactance, so that their impedance is difficult to match to a transmitter. As a result,
these antennas are most often used as receive antennas, where impedance mismatch loss
can be tolerated.
A horn antenna is used for the transmission and reception of microwave signals. It derives
its name from the characteristic flared appearance. The flared portion can be square,
rectangular, or conical. The maximum radiation and response corresponds with the axis of
the horn. In this respect, the antenna resembles an acoustic horn. It is usually fed with a
wave guide.
A parabola antenna is
1: a plane curve generated by a point moving so that its distance from a fixed point is equal
to its distance from a fixed line : the intersection of a right circular cone with a
plane parallel to an element of the cone
2: something bowl-shaped (such as an antenna or microphone reflector)
A log-periodic antenna is an antenna that can operate on a wide frequency band and has
the ability to provide directivity and gain. It has radiation and impedance characteristics that
are repeated as a logarithmic function of excitation frequency. These antennas are fractal
antenna (self-similar antenna) arrays.
A log-periodic antenna may also be referred to as a log-period array or a log-periodic beam
Question Bank
Module -1
1. Explain velocity modulation of electrons. 4
2. Explain functional diagram of a reflex klystron oscillator. 4
3. Explain mechanism of oscillation of a reflex klystron oscillator. 4
4. Explain reflex klystron modes of oscillation. 4
5. A reflex klystron is to be operated at frequency of 10GHz, with dc beam voltage 300V,
repeller space 0.1cm for 1(3/4) mode. Calculate PRFmax and corresponding repeller 4
voltage for a beam current of 20mA.
6. A reflex klystron is operated at frequency of 5GHz, with dc beam voltage 350V,
repeller spaceing 0.5cm for N=3(3/4) mode. Calculate beam width over ΔV R=1V. 4
Question Bank
Module -2
21. Discuss the properties of Z and Y matrices for reciprocal networks. 6
22. Discuss S-matrix representation of multiport networks. 6
23. Find the S-matrix of a length l of a lossless transmission line terminated by matched
24. Write a brief note on coaxial connectors and adapters. 6
25. With a diagram Explain micro wave fixed attenuator. 6
Prof. Jyothi M.P. MRIT, Mandya. 13
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
26. With a diagram Explain micro wave precision type variable attenuator. 6
27. Explain micro wave dielectric phase shifters. 6
28. Explain micro wave precision dielectric rotary phase shifters. 6
29. Explain micro wave ferrite phase shifters. 6
30. Explain micro wave MIC ferrite phase shifters. 6
31. Explain micro wave reciprocal phase shifters. 6
32. Explain micro wave non-reciprocal phase shifters. 6
33. Discuss wave guide Tees. List and state the basic types of wave guide Tees 6
34. Discuss wave guide E-plane Tees. 6
35. Discuss wave guide H-plane Tees. 6
36. Discuss hybrid or magic-T. 6
37. Discuss the applications of magic-T. 6
38. A 20mW signal is fed into one of the collinear(port 1) of a lossless H-plane T-
junction. Calculate the power delivered through each port when other ports are 6
terminated in matched load.
39. In an H-plane T-junction, compute power delivered to the loads of 40Ω and 60Ω
connected to arms 1 and 2 when a 10mW power is delivered to the matched port 3.
40. A magic-T is terminated at collinear ports 1 and 2 and difference port 4 by
impedance of reflection coefficients 𝞒1=0.5, 𝞒2=0.6 and 𝞒4=0.8, respectively. If 1W
power is fed at the sum port 3, calculate the power reflected at port 3 and power
transmitted to the other three ports.
Question Bank
Module -3
41. Explain characteristic impedance of micro strip lines. 6
42. With the neat schematic diagram explain strip lines. 6
43. Write the limitations of micro strip lines. 6
44. A certain micro strip line has the following parameters: �r=5.23, h=7mils, t=2.8mils,
w=10mils, calculate the characteristic impedance of the line.
45. List and discuss the losses in micro strip lines. 10
46. Obtain the quality factor equation of micro strip lines. 8
47. Explain the following of parallel strip lines:
a)Distributed parameters b) characteristic impedance c) Attenuation losses.
48. A lossless parallel strip line has a conducting strip width w. the substrate dielectric
separating the two conducting strips has relative dielectric constant � rd of 6 and a
thickness d of 4mm calculate a)The required width w of the conducting strip in 8
order to have a characteristic impedance of 50Ω. b) The strip line capacitance. c)The
strip line impedance d) The phase velocity of the wave in the parallel strip line.
49. Write a short note on a) coplanar strip lines b) Shielded strip lines. 8
50. A coplanar strip line carries an average power of 250mW and the peak current of
100mA. Determine the characteristic impedance of the coplanar strip lines.
51. A shielded strip line has the following parameters �r=2.56, w=25mils, t=14mils,
d=70mils calculate a) The K factor b) The fringe capacitance c) The characteristic 3
impedance of the line.
52. Explain the following antenna parameters:
a) Radiation Pattern b) Beam Area c) Radiation Intensity
d) Beam Efficiency e) Directivity and Gain f) Antenna Apertures
g) Effective Height h) Bandwidth
53. Derive friis transmission formula 6
54. Explain the following 6
Prof. Jyothi M.P. MRIT, Mandya. 14
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
a) Antenna Field Zones
b) Polarization
55. Explain the oscillator circuit 6
56. Discuss Radio Communication Link 6
Question Bank
Module -4
57. Discuss antenna and observation circle of point source. 5
58. With the neat diagram explain power pattern of the antenna. 6
59. State a power theorem and discuss the application to an isotropic source. 6
60. Write a note on radiation intensity. 6
61. Explain source with unidirectional and bidirectional cosine power pattern. 6
62. Explain source with sine (Doughnut) power pattern. 4
63. Explain source with sine-squared (Doughnut) power pattern. 6
64. Explain source with unidirectional cosine-squared power pattern. 6
65. Explain pencil beam with minor lobes. 6
66. Discuss field patterns of antenna. 6
67. Explain source with cosine field pattern. 6
68. Explain source with sine field pattern. 6
69. Discuss the phase patterns of antenna. 6
70. Explain any two of the following for arrays of two isotropic point sources.
a) Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and phase.
b) Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and opposite phase
c) Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and inphase quadrature
d) Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and any phase difference
e) Two isotropic point sources of unequal amplitude and any phase difference
71. Discuss pattern multiplication. 8
72. Write a short note on a) Short electric diploe b) Radiation resistance of 𝛌/2
73. Explain the thin linear antenna. 6
74. Discuss radiation resistance of short electric dipole. 6
75. Write the general expression, far field and quasi stationary equations for fields of a
short electric dipole.
Question Bank
Module -5
76. Considering the general case derive the far-field equations for loop antenna. 6
77. Show that the radiation resistance of loop antenna is given by 31200(nA/(𝛌 2))2 6
78. Explain the concept of Babinet’s principle with neat figure 6
79. Write a note on horn antenna with design equations. 6
80. Calculate the maximum effective aperture of a short dipole 6
81. Derive the far field components of short dipole 6
82. Compare the far fields of small small loop and short dipole. 6
83. Obtain Far field Patterns of Circular Loop Antenna with Uniform Current. 6
84. Explain Directivity of Circular Loop Antennas with Uniform Current. 6
85. Discuss the features of helical antenna. Give the constructional details of helical