Quantum Mechanics

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CHEM 352: Examples for chapter 2.

1. The quantum mechanical state of a hydrogen atom is described by the

following superposition:
ψ = √ (2ψ1,0,0 − 3ψ2,0,0 − ψ3,2,2 )
where ψn,l,m are eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian. The subscripts
refer to quantum numbers n, l, m.

(a) What is the probability of finding the hydrogen atom in states

(n = 1, l = 0, m = 0), (n = 2, l = 0, m = 0), (n = 3, l = 2, m = 2)
or in some other state?
(b) What are the expectation values for energy, L̂2 and L̂z ?


First we check that the wavefunctions are normalized. For hydro-

genlike atom orbitals we have the following orthonormality condition:
hψn,l,m |ψn′ ,l′ ,m′ i = δnn′ δll′ δmm′ . The normalization of the given wave-
function can now be evaluated:
hψ |ψ i = h2ψ1,0,0 − 3ψ2,0,0 − ψ3,2,2 |2ψ1,0,0 − 3ψ2,0,0 − ψ3,2,2 i
= (4 + 9 + 1) = 1 (due to orthonormality)
(a) The probabilities for the energy eigenstates are given by squaring
their coefficients in the wavefunction. The probabilities are then:
P (1, 0, 0) = 4/14 = 2/7, P (2, 0, 0) = 9/14 and P (3, 2, 2) = 1/14.
(b) The expectation value for energy is:
D E 1 D E

ψ Ĥ ψ = 2ψ1,0,0 − 3ψ2,0,0 − ψ3,2,2 Ĥ 2ψ1,0,0 − 3ψ2,0,0 − ψ3,2,2
 14 
=E1,0,0 =E2,0,0 =E3,2,2
D }| E{ z
D }| E{ zD }| E{
1 
= 4 ψ1,0,0 Ĥ ψ1,0,0 +9 ψ2,0,0 Ĥ ψ2,0,0 + ψ3,2,2 Ĥ ψ3,2,2 
14  

2 9 1
= E1,0,0 + E2,0,0 + E3,2,2
7 14 14
The numerical values for En,l,m ’s can be calculated from:
hcR −13.6 eV E1
En = − 2
= 2
= 2
n n n
Thus the numerical value for Ĥ is:
D E 2 9 1 1 1

Ĥ = + × + × E1 = E1 ≈ −6.2 eV
7 14 4 14 9 504

The expectation value for L̂2 is:
L̂2 |ψn,l,m i = l(l + 1)h̄2 |ψn,l,m i
D E h̄2 3
L̂2 = (0 + 0 + 2(2 + 1))) = h̄2
14 7

The expectation value for L̂z is:

L̂z |ψn,l,m i = mh̄ |ψn,l,m i

D E h̄ 1
L̂z = (0 + 0 + 2) = h̄
14 7

2. Show that operators L̂z and L̂2 = L̂2x + L̂2y + L̂2z commute with the
hydrogen atom Hamiltonian operator:
h̄2 h̄2 ~2
− ∆ + V̂ , L̂z = − ∆ + V̂ , L̂ = 0
2m 2m

where V̂ is the operator corresponding to electron - nuclear Coulomb

interaction. Use spherical coordinates and remember that operators
commute, for example, if they depend on different variables. What is
the significance of this result?

The Hamiltonian consists of the kinetic energy part, which is propor-

tional to the Laplacian operator, and the Coulomb potential. Laplacian
in spherical coordinates is (see lecture notes or a tablebook):

1 ∂
2 2 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2
∆≡∇ = 2 r + 2 sin(θ) +
r ∂r ∂r r sin(θ) ∂θ ∂θ r2 sin2 (θ) ∂φ2

The Coulomb potential depends on only on spatial coordinate r (e.g.

the distance between the nucleus and the electron). Tje L̂z operator is
defined in spherical coordinates as:

L̂z = −ih̄
This clearly commutes with the first two terms in the Laplacian because
those terms do not depend on φ. The third depends on φ but both
operators consisth of differentiation
i with respect to φ and hence they
commute. Thus Ĥ, L̂z = 0.
Next we consider L̂2 . This is operator can be written in spherical
coordinates as:
~2 2 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2
L̂ = −h̄ sin(θ) +
sin(θ) ∂θ ∂θ sin2 (θ) ∂φ2
This does not depend on r and therefore it commutes with the Coulomb
potential and the first term in the Laplacian, which depends only on
r. Apart from r and some constants L̂2 is identical to the angular part
h the iLaplacian. Operators always commute with themselves. Thus
Ĥ, L̂2 . The significance of these results is that both the energy and
the quantum numbers l and ml can be specified simultaneously.

3. Demonstrate that the Cartesian hydrogen like px and py orbitals are

not eigenfunctions of L̂z but their linear combinations px ± ipy are.

It is convenient to express the Cartesian orbitals in spherical coordi-

nates (see lecture notes):
px = sin(θ) cos(φ)f (r) where f (r) contains all r dependency
py = sin(θ) sin(φ)f (r)

To simplify calculations, the φ containing part is rewritten as:

1 iφ  1 iφ 
cos(φ) = e + e−iφ and sin(φ) = e − e−iφ
2 2i
The L̂z operator in spherical coordinates was already given in the pre-
vious problem. Next we operate on px and py by L̂z :

sin(θ) d iφ  1 iφ 
L̂z px = −ih̄f (r) e + e−iφ = ih̄ f (r) sin(θ) × e − e−iφ = ih̄py
2 dφ | 2i
{z }

Thus the operation does not yield a constant times the original function
(e.g. not an eigenfunction). In similar way we can show that py is not
an eigenfunction of L̂z : L̂z py = −ih̄px .
Next we show that the following linear combinations are eigenfunctions
of L̂z :
f (r) sin(θ) iφ 1 iφ 1 −iφ
px + ipy = e +e +i
e − e = f (r) sin(θ)eiφ
2 i i
px − ipy = f (r) sin(θ)e−iφ

When operating on these by L̂z we get:

L̂z (px + ipy ) = h̄ f (r) sin(θ)eiφ = h̄(px + ipy )

| {z }
=px +ipy

L̂z (px − ipy ) = −h̄f (r) sin(θ)eiφ = −h̄(px − ipy )

These have the right form (e.g. constant × the original function) and
therefore they are eigenfunctions of L̂z .

4. (a) Consider a hydrogenlike atom with on electron on 2s orbital.

What is the most probable distance from the nucleus? Use the
radial wavefunction in your calculation.

(b) Show that the following hydrogenlike atom orbital pairs are or-
thogonal: (1s, 2s) and (2px , 2py ).

(a) The radial part for 2s orbital is (with ρ = 2Zr/a0 substituted in):
1 Z Zr − 2aZr
R2,0 = √ 2− e 0
2 2 a0 a0

The corresponding radial probability density is:

 3  2
2 2 2 2 2 1 Z Zr − Zr
P2,0 (r) = r N2,0 R2,0 = N2,0 r × 2− e a0
8 a0 a0

Next we must find the maximum value for P2,0 (r). To do this, we
look for zeros of the first derivative (with respect to r):

dP2,0 (r) rZ 3 
= 6 e−Zr/a0 8a30 − 16a20 rZ + 8a0 r2 Z 2 − r3 Z 3 = 0
dr 8a0

The four
√ roots
 for this equation are: r = 0, r = 2a0 /Z and r =
3 ± 5 . Next we have to check which root gives the highest

P2,0 (0) = 0
P2,0 (2a0 /Z) = 0
√  2 2Z  √  √ Z
P2,0 3 + 5 /N2,0 = 9 + 4 5 e−(3+ 5) ≈ 0.191 ×
Z a0 a0
2 2Z  √  √ Z
P2,0 3 − 5 /N2,0 = 9 − 4 5 e−(3− 5) ≈ 0.0519 ×
Z a0 a0
Thus the maximum is reached at r = aZ0 3 + 5 . One could
check the second derivatives the further characterize√this
 as a max-
ium. The most probable radius is therefore Z 3 + 5 ≈ 5.2× aZ0 .
Note that this is in agreement with the plot given in the lecture

(b) First we show that 1s and 2s orbitals are orthogonal. The wave-
functions are (see lecture notes):
1 Z
ψ1,0,0 =√ e−Zr/a0
π a0
1 Z Zr Zr
− 2a
ψ2,0,0 = √ 2− e 0
4 2π a0 a0

These functions depend only on r and therefore we just need to

integrate over r and may drop the constants:
Z∞   Z∞  
Zr Zr
− 2a 2 2 Zr3 − 3Zr
e −Zr/a0
× 2− e 0 r dr = 2r − e 2a
0 dr
a0 a0
0 0
Z∞ Z∞
− 3Zr Z − 3Zr
=2 r2 e 2a
0 dr − r3 e 2a 0 dr
0 0
32a30 32a30
= − =0
27Z 3 27Z 3
where in the last step the integrals were looked up from a table-
Next we show that 2px and 2py are orthogonal. An easy way to
see this is to note the angular dependencies of the orbitals:
px = − √ (p+1 − p−1 ) ∝ sin(θ) cos(φ)
py = √ (p+1 + p−1 ) ∝ sin(θ) sin(φ)

The only difference is in the φ part. The angular integral over φ

cos(φ) sin(φ)dφ = 0 (integrand is odd)

Because this angular part yields zero, integration over all spherical
variables gives also zero. Hence px and py are orthogonal to each

5. (a) Write the electron configuration for V2+ ion. What quantum num-
bers for the total electron spin are possible in this configuration?
(b) If two electrons reside on two different orbitals, what are the pos-
sible values for total spin and the multiplicity? What values are
possible for three electrons on different orbitals?

(a) V (vanadium) has 23 electrons and therefore V2+ has 21 electrons.

From the lecture notes one can find the electron configuration as:
V (Ar3d3 4s2 ) and V2+ (Ar3d3 ). Two electrons can give either
S = 1 or S = 0. However, since we have three electrons we must
couple this to the third electron: S = 3/2, 1/2 or S = 1/2. This
the possible values for S are 3/2 and 1/2.
(b) Two electrons on different orbitals: s1 = 1/2 and s2 = 1/2. This
can give S = 1 or S = 0. The multiplicity (2S + 1) can therefore
be either 3 (triplet) or 1 (singlet). Coupling a third electron to
this gives: S = 3/2, 1/2 or S = 1/2 (just in previously). The
multiplicity can now be either 4 (quartet) or 2 (doublet).

6. (a) What information do the following term symbols provide about a

given atom: 1 D2 and 3 F4 ?
(b) Consider the emission spectrum of potassium atom, which exhibits
lines at λ1 = 766.70 nm and λ2 = 770.11 nm. What is the value
of the spin-orbit coupling constant? The emission lines originate
from the 2 P excited state (spin-orbit split).
(c) Which of the following atomic transitions are (dipole) allowed:
5d → 2s, 5p → 3s, 5p → 3f ?

(a) In 1 D2 state there are no unpaired electrons (singlet state) and

hence the total spin S = 0. The angular momentum quantum

D E L = 2, which means that the total angular momentum
L̂2 = 2(2 + 1)h̄2 = 6h̄2 . The total angular momentum quantum
number J = 2 (specified by the subscript). In 3 F4 state the mul-
tiplicity (2S + 1) is 3 which gives S = 1 (triplet state) and F term
implies L = 3. The total angular momentum quantum number is
specified as J = 4.
(b) The energy level diagram for alkai metal atoms is:

The two emission lines originate from the two 2 P states, which are
split by the spin-orbit interaction, and terminate to the ground
S state. Hence the energy difference between the two emission
lines gives the energy difference between the spin-orbit split states
P1/2 and 2 P3/2 . The line positions must be converted to energy
by relation E = hν = hc λ
(h is the Planck’s constant and c is the
speed of light). To calculate A, we have to calculate the energy
difference between 2 P1/2 and 2 P3/2 :

2 A
P1/2 : ESO = [J(J + 1) − L(L + 1) − S(S + 1)] = −A
2 A 1
P3/2 : ESO = [J(J + 1) − L(L + 1) − S(S + 1)] = A
2 2
∆ESO = A
Next we calculate the energies for the observed transitions. For
P3/2 →2 S1/2 we have:
2.9979 × 108 m/s
E1 = hν1 = hc/λ1 = (6.6261 × 10−34 Js) ×
766.70 × 10−9 m
= 2.5909 × 10−19 J = 1.6171 eV = 13043 cm−1

For 2 P1/2 →2 S1/2 :

2.9979 × 108 m/s
E2 = hν2 = hc/λ2 = (6.6261 × 10−34 Js) ×
770.11 × 10−9 m
= 2.5794 × 10−19 J = 1.6099 eV = 12985 cm−1

Thus the energy difference is ∆ESO = 39 cm−1 which gives A =

2∆ESO /3 = 39 cm−1 .
(c) The selection rule is ∆l = ±1. For 5d → 2s we have ∆l = −2
and hence it is forbidden. Transition 5p → 3s has ∆l = −1 and
therefore it is allowed. 5p → 3f has ∆l = +2 and it is forbidden.

7. (a) Write all the term symbols that can be obtained from the follow-
ing electron configurations: 2s1 2p1 , 2p1 3d1 and Ar4s2 3d10 4p5 (Br
(b) Write the term symbols for carbon atom (He2s2 2p2 ), which has
two equivalent p-electrons. Hint: tabulate all possible ml1 , ml2 , ms1
and ms2 values and calculate the total L and S values. Remember
to exculde the Pauli forbidden states.

(a) Consider 2s1 2p1 electron configuration. The s-shell has l1 = 0

with s1 = 1/2 and p-shell has l2 = 1 and s2 = 1/2. The total L =
l1 + l2 , ..., |l1 − l2 | = 1. The total spin S = s1 + s2 , ..., |s1 − s2 | =
1, 0. Thus the total J = L + S, ..., |L − S| can be 2, 1 or 0 (for
L = 1, S = 1) or 1 (L = 1, S = 0). This results in the following
term symbols: 3 P2 ,3 P1 ,3 P0 and 1 P1 .
For 2p1 3d1 we can have the following:
p-electron: l1 = 1, s1 = 1/2.
d-electron: l2 = 2, s2 = 1/2.

Hence L = 3, 2, 1 and S = 1, 0. This gives the following total J

• L = 3 and S = 1 results in J = 4, 3, 2 (3 F4 , 3 F3 and 3 F2 term

• L = 3 and S = 0 results in J = 3 (1 F3 term symbol)
• L = 2 and S = 1 results in J = 3, 2, 1 (3 D3 , 3 D2 and 3 D1
term symbols)
• L = 2 and S = 0 results in J = 2 (1 D2 term symbol)
• L = 1 and S = 1 results in J = 2, 1, 0 (3 P2 , 3 P1 and 3 P0 term
• L = 1 and S = 0 results in J = 1 (1 P1 term symbol)
For Ar4s2 3d10 4p5 we have only one unpaired electron which has
l = 1 and s = 1/2. This gives obviously L = 1 and S = 1/2 and
the total J = 3/2 or 1/2. Hence the two possible term symbols
are 2 P3/2 and 2 P1/2 .
(b) Carbon has 2 equivalent p-electrons: l1 = l2 = 1 and s1 = s2 =
1/2. We should tabulate all the possible states - including ML =
ml1 + ml2 and MS = ms1 + ms2 .


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