Estrogen - Functions, Uses, and Imbalances125641
Estrogen - Functions, Uses, and Imbalances125641
Estrogen - Functions, Uses, and Imbalances125641
By Hannah Nichols | Last updated Tue 2 Jan 2018
Table of contents
They play an essential role in the growth and development of female secondary
sexual characteristics, such as breasts, pubic and armpit hair, and the regulation
of the menstrual cycle and reproductive system.
During the menstrual cycle, estrogen produces an environment suitable for the
fertilization, implantation, and nutrition of an early embryo.
What is estrogen?
Hormones are chemical messengers
that tell specific tissues to behave in a
certain way.
Estrone (E1): This is a weak form of estrogen and the only type found in
women after the menopause. Small amounts of estrone are present in
most tissues of the body, mainly fat and muscle. The body can convert
estrone to estradiol and estradiol to estrone.
Estriol (E3): This the weakest of the estrogens and is a waste product
made after the body uses estradiol. Pregnancy is the only time at which
significant amounts of estriol are made. Estriol cannot be converted to
estradiol or estrone.
Estrogen is crucial to the reproductive function and cycle of a woman.
Vagina: It also stimulates the growth of the vagina to its adult size, the
thickening of the vaginal wall, and an increase in vaginal acidity that
reduces bacterial infections. It also helps lubricate the vagina.
Estrogen is responsible for the differences between male and female bodies. For
example, in a female body:
Estrogen makes the bones smaller and shorter, the pelvis broader, and
the shoulders narrower.
It increases fat storage around the hips and thighs, meaning that the
body is more curved and contoured.
Estrogen helps to slow down the growth of females during puberty and
increases sensitivity to insulin. Insulin influences the amount of body fat
and lean muscle a person can develop.
Estrogen makes the voice box smaller and the vocal cords shorter, giving
females a higher-pitched voice than males.
Estrogens suppress the activity of the glands in the skin that produce oily
substances. This reduces the likelihood of acne in females.
The skin: Estrogens improve the thickness and quality of the skin as well
as the collagen content which prevents aging.
The bones: Estrogen helps to preserve bone strength and prevent bone
The liver and heart: The hormone regulates cholesterol production in the
liver, helping to protect the heart and arteries.
Some foods contain phytoestrogens, which may affect levels of estrogen in the
These include:
cruciferous vegetables
soy and some foods containing soy protein, the most concentrated
The effects of soy's phytoestrogens depend on the type of soy being studied at
the time, and this has led to inconsistent findings. Soy protein isolate will have a
different impact from whole soy foods.
Synthetic estrogen, bio-identical estrogen, and estrogens derived from pregnant
mares (Premarin) are used for a range of medical purposes.
The most common uses of estrogen are in birth control pills and hormone
replacement therapy (HRT) and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
(BHRT) for menopause.
The birth control pill is the most commonly used method of birth control in the
United States. Estrogen is included in combination oral birth control pills
alongside the hormone progestin.
The estrogen in the combined pill sends feedback to the brain. This feedback
causes a range of effects in the body, including:
preventing ovulation
supporting the lining of the womb to prevent the breakthrough bleeding
that can sometimes cause spotting between periods
Some doctors may prescribe birth control for alternative uses, including:
reducing the risk of ovarian cancer and the development of ovarian cysts
heart attack
blood clots
pulmonary embolism
irregular bleeding
weight changes
For women who still have a uterus, the hormone progestin is used alongside
estrogen to prevent the overgrowth of the uterine lining, which can lead to
endometrial cancer. HRT is available as a pill, nasal spray, patch, skin gel,
injection, vaginal cream, or ring.
hot flashes
vaginal dryness
painful intercourse
mood swings
sleep disorders
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that HRT is used at the
lowest doses for the shortest duration needed to achieve treatment goals.
This can help to avoid some of the uncomfortable side effects, such as:
breast soreness
mood swings
water retention
Women who use or are considering using hormone therapy after menopause
should discuss the possible benefits and health risks with their physicians.
Hormone therapy is also used to help transgender people who wish to transition
between genders, with estrogen often being prescribed to help transgender
women who are looking to develop female secondary sexual characteristics.
Due to the risks posed by this type of therapy, it is vital that a course of hormone
therapy is followed under supervision by a medical professional.
ERT can also treat a range of other conditions, such as delayed puberty,
symptomatic vaginal atrophy, and breast atrophy.
preventing osteoporosis
reducing early bone loss and osteoporosis in women who had their
ovaries removed between the ages of 20 and 40 years
ERT can reverse the effects of low estrogen levels and may also:
reduce the risk of dental problems, including tooth loss and gum disease
is pregnant
is a smoker
Topical estriol application for vaginal atrophy has been shown to be effective
with the least side effects compared to combination estrogen therapy.
Normal estrogen levels can vary a great
deal. Differences can typically be seen Strenuous exercise can impact estrogen levels.
However, when levels fall or rise too far, bodily functions can become irregular.
Certain conditions, lifestyle choices, and processes can reduce the amount of
estrogen in the body. These include:
ovarian failure
pregnancy failure
anorexia nervosa
healthy pregnancy
Natural alternatives and supplements, such as black cohosh, are often touted as
a treatment for the symptoms of menopause. Research findings have been
inconsistent, but side effects from taking black cohosh are reported to be minor
and infrequent.
Side effects
The effects of imbalanced estrogen levels can include the following:
menstruation becoming less frequent or stopping
mood swings
dry skin
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