(Professor Khavinson)
The typical symptom of ageing, that the body is less able to adapt. The expalanation is the
decreasing functions of the body's cells, organs and systems
During aging occur many irregularities in the interaction of the various organs and systems. The
abnormal interactions cause the control declining in body's internal environment , and make
weaker and weaker the immune system and the self-regulation. During the aging process, the
researchers paid particular attention to the changes occurring in the main body systems - the
immune system, cardiovascular, the central nervous system, and endocrine system. Concluded,
that using the physiological devices to stimulate aging body, is proven by the modern scientific
results and viewpoint, which means that there is a realistic option in the management process of
human ageing.
This claim comes from the St. Petersburg Institute’s
professor, Dr. Khavinson, the world-renowned geriatrician.
Dr. Khavinson researches for several decades the aging
process. He published hundreds of studies and several
books on it, and 26 monographs and 165 patent owner.
His approach based on the bioregulatory system in the
human body, which operated by cellmediators (peptides).
The peptide’s function (among many other things), is the information exchange, during interaction between cells
of the immune, nervous, endocrine and other systems. In the pathological state of human organization the
information exchange process is disrupted. As a result, the synthesis and accumulation of the peptides, that
transfering distorted information, inhibit the harmonious functioning of the different body systems. The
biologically active peptides are very recommended regenerating protectors in any age. These peptides should be
used for normal metabolic maintenance, prevention and cure of various diseases, rehabilitation after serious
illnesses, injuries, surgery, in order to slow down body's aging process.
It is important to note that these young animals, not test animals, and
nobody causes them pain. An animal operated once in anesthesia. The short
operation is not a concern throughout an organ, but a very tiny micro-sized
tissue. After the operation the animals are kept in a calm, sterile environment
According to the NCPRIZ classification, the second class geroprotectors are the cell-bioregulators
and cell-regeneratorsd of the different organs, and tissues, consist of natural short peptides. These
supplements in capsule form - are complex, consist of peptides, amino acids, vitamins and
According to out latest knowledge, the short peptides linked to the corresponding genes in specific parts,
causing the DNA molecules extracted, and read the data contained therein. The passage of time and life,
evolving peptide deficiency, significantly accelerates wear on the tissues and aging. The situation is that
the adequate functioning of cells and tissues, adequate quantity of peptides required to maintain optimal
operation mode of the genes. The peptides are active in different cells also synthesized in them.
Therefore, the cell function is disrupted, with aging, thereby disrupted the reproduction of peptides,
resulting in cellular functions suffer damage again. The degeneration of the tissues increases, which
would ultimately mean clinical case. Therefore, the use of short peptides is one of the most important
innovation in medicine and can significantly slow down the aging process, thanks to the implementation
of regeneration and proliferation of the tissues and by increasing the number of cells.
Another important advantage of the anti-tumor effect of the peptides. Currently, the use of peptides is
the best no-compromise solution for the revitalization and prevention of cancer, because it allows the
cells and tissues to renew, by coordination and regulation of cyclic processes, and division of the properly
functioning new cells, without disorder.
Traditionally, the natural peptide bioregulators were present as injection, or capsules. Practice, we
know that the short regulator peptides are not transformed in the digestive system, so anyone can
use, since no side effects.
The natural peptides exert their effects equally, whereas the feedbacks coming from direction of
tissues, requires a certain amount of peptideformation to fund the deficit (homing effect). Just
after this the cells begin to restore their normal operability "and thereby stopping the swinging,
thus all processes detoured to the golden mean" (V. Kh. Khavinson, 2009). Using peptides for 2-4
month is giving an impact and protection for 4-6month. After this period, taking the peptides are
recommended to start again.
Peptide fractions complex extracted from young
animal's blood vessels . The selected peptides
are selective effect on different cells of the blood
vessels, regenerate the vascular tissues,
optimize the cellular metabolism and function of
vessel’s tissues.
We can use the short synthetic peptides - because they are virtually complete analogue of the
natural peptides. But they are simpler, because of the "sintetica" is not a counterpart of the whole
bioregulator peptide, but only the counterpart of interconnection of peptide and a specific part of
Such refinement allows a very short period of time to achieve an appreciable effect. However, since
the "sintetica" works hard and very quick, sometimes the tissue can not restore itself in the same
tempo, so the patient complains of unpleasant feelings in the target organs. This is a perfectly
normal and temporary phenomenon.
The situation becomes even more complicated when it's not just a group of synthetic peptides for internal use,
but a synthetic complex, contains: external use peptides, active ingredients and transdermal transactors
Therefore, drawing on the experience of the scientists, end of 2008, the following challenge is waited for us:
creating a new natural peptide complexes, which operate as fast as the "sintetica", but without side effects.
As a result of Khavinson's work, configurations from highly purified peptide fractions have been created, that
can penetrate almost any physiological barrier without help of intermediaries Thus was born professor
Khavinson's new work, the new generation: external use of natural peptide bioregulators
The peptide complex (PK) should be rubbed to the venous part of the forearm, and has to be rubbed until its
total absorption. 7-15 min after the peptides are linked to the dendritic cells, which transmit them to the
lymph nodes, where the peptides are "absorbed into the blood" and by the blood-stream get to the target
organs and tissues.
Usage: Rub into the entire forearm until complete absorption. In the first 10 days increase the dose,
continually, from 3 drop up to 8. Larger quantitiy is not required. Packaging: 10 ml, enough for 1 month.
Peptide Complex for treatment of
Cardiovascular System. For regeneration of
the heart and vascular cells, prevention or
cure of cardiovascular diseases. the bone’s
cells, prevention or treatment of bone
The pigment spots are digestion residues of lysosomal (high fat) diet. These so-called
aging or,, wear "pigments, which can be found on the skin, liver, kidney, myocardium,
and adrenal ganglia. The more pigment cause more fast aging process. Choline has the
ability to remove lipofuscin(aging pigment) from the cells, whose accumulation
accelerates the aging process of body cells. sejt fiatalító This significantly affects the
body and can significantly extend life. Already more than 35 years of research, which
examined the effectiveness of the acetylcholine's predecessor, suggest, that restoring
the intake of acetylcholine allows the increase in age of 20-25% . In addition, choline
is an inhibitor of free radicals , so in the composition of the mezotel products we put
colloidal silver, thus allowing multiply the antioxidant activity.
Destroys all pathogens. The silver colloid
penetrates through the cell wall of pathogens
(bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites) inhibits
the thiol-enzymes that are involved in the
metabolism of pathogens, and cause their
destruction. It can damage cell structure of
pathogens, and makes them incapable of
reproduction. Colloidal Silver does not harm
the intestinal flora of large intestine, as the
latest in the small intestine is absorption.
The Science Digest magazine reports (March 1978 figure) about the colloidal silver test:
Among the 650 different kind of pathogens were killed within six minutes in a micro-
colloidal silver tube. A regular synthetic antibiotic deactivate only 6-12 strains of
We use the pure, natural form of Colloidal silver which is a system that contains a 100-500
millimikron sized particles. The colloidal solution, in contrast to the silver salt does not
accumulate in the body, and therefore completely harmless even under regular use as well. The
colloidal silver does not interact with, and does not affect other medicines.
1. Colloidal silver is the safest and most effective natural antiseptic and detoxifying
2. The Colloidal Silver can destroy more than 650 types of germs within 6 minutes
3. Destroys and inhibits the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites.
A colloidal silver solution can be used virtually for all of tInfection and inflammation on
the body surface , and inside the body for hidden infections, inflammations.It can be used
for Sore throat, tongue, mouth Inflammation and injury, gum problems, cavities, nasal and
respiratory Infections, influenza, pneumonia, ear Infections, Inflammation eye,
conjunctivitis, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, and Candida Infection. The colloidal
silver can be preventable in fungus of the feet, nails, nail, ear, armpit, thrush and other
body parts. When it massaged into the head-skin, will help to eliminate dandruff and
itching of the skin
Reported that colloidal silver can be effective in HIV / AIDS, Lyme disease caused by őz
kullancs, meningitis, lymphatic, arthritis as well. In the case of hay fever and allergy quickly
eliminate the kind of cold symptoms, and the itching in the eye. Remedies the burns, cut
wounds, scrapes. Its sunburn, acne treatment is fantastic. There are no harmful side effects
of the high-quality colloidal silver
The Gotu Kola, is one of the most powerful rejuvenating herb.
While the yogis was used to meditation, for making their
concentration better, gotu cola effectively improving the
related effects such as mental retardation. Its proved, that
gotu cola can increase even the IQ level.
The Gotu Kola been proven to increase intelligence, improve
memory, eliminates the physical fatigue, mental fatigue and
depression, and boosts the vitality, shake up the immune
system, thereby significantly increasing the life span. This is
the Indian plant, ayurvedic medicine, the most important tool
to encourage and strengthen the functioning of nerve and
brain cells.
The gotu kola contains the very strong tissue-regenerating biopolymers, thus it has
multiplied rejuvenating effect
One of the rare plants, which contain a significant quantity of collagen, so it can strongly
improve the condition of connective tissue so and highly increase the skin's elasticity even
at old age. Not only in the connective tissue, the skin is still able to significantly strengthen
and regenerate to repair the damaged tissues. This is due to its unique asiaticosid content
that dissolves the waxed cover of pathogens, allowing the immune system to destroy
Thereby eliminating even the chronic and intractable skin diseases, including leprosy,
syphilis, psoriasis and eczema, various rashes, burns, wounds, scars, internal and external
ulcers and inflammations. A French research in 1966 showed that after a cesarean section,
the gotu kola's applying is very effective in improving the healing process. The wound
healed much faster than at conventional treatment. The hair loss, which is also a skin
disease, able to stop, and even enhance your hair and nails 'strength'
Gotu kola is a very strong blood purifier, helps to remove
accumulated toxic substances from the brain, as well as heavy
metals and a variety of drugs can help to remove from the body
Goji is a very powerful natural antioxidant.
Strengthens the structure of the blood vessels,
improves blood circulation, thus preventing
thrombosis. Promotes recycling and increase
efficiency. It contains a huge amount of active
ingredients: polysaccharides, phenolic acids, vitamins
(Bl, B2, C, E, carotene, riboflavin, nicotine), xanthines,
leucine, phytosterol - daukosterin (sitosteril-β-β-D-
glucoside), betaine, seized fizalin , alkaloids, proteins,
taurine, 19 amino acids, minerals and trace elements
(calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc).
The main hormones in our body, the testosterone, the growth hormone, the insulin and the
growth factor 1 (IGF-1) - do not work without it. These hormones use the zinc as their main
enzyme source, thus they can perform the most important functions. A zinc activates 200
enzymes, and one of the most important antioxidant.
The zinc acts in the body like a traffic cop Monitors and controls the metabolic processes of
enzyme systems, maintains the integrity of the cells. It Is essential for protein synthesis, acid-
base balance, insulin secretion, muscle contractile ability, brain-operation ( experienced a
positive impact in schizophrenia). It required for DNA synthesis, wound healing. Alcoholics and
people with diabetes need a higher dose of zinc. Zinc deficiency can cause prostate enlargement,
arteriosclerosis, white streaks on the nails.
Zinc helps in case of infertility, prostate disease, growth disturbances, impotence, irregular
menstruation, senility. Zink enhances mental sharpness, helps to treat mental disorders. It has
Important role in the development of reproductive organs.
Zinc has the main role in metabolic processes, coordinate the functioning of certain enzymes,
maintains the integrity of the cells. Essential in adjusting the pH of the blood, thus helps
maintain the body's internal balance. It provides some protection against the pollution of the
environment, because preventing the incorporation of lead and cadmium into the body.
Accelerates the healing of internal and external wounds.
Next to the choline, colloidal silver, gotu kola, goji
components, also contains large amounts of resveratrol.
the today's best-known lipid-regulator
1. It is a powerful antioxidant
2. Lowers blood cholesterol level
3. Prevents arteriosclerosis
4. Regulates and optimize fat metabolism
5. It is beneficial to the skin, - stimulates collagen synthesis
6. Improves the functions of the female hormones
7. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
The resveratrol (trans-3, 5,4 '-trihydroxystilbene), is a substance, which found in the red grape's
shell. It came to the focus of scientific interest few years ago, as a possible explanation of the
"French paradox" . ("French paradox" - what is the reason for the low number of cardiovascular
diseases in France, where people eat high-fat foods?) Today it is seen as an effective antioxidant,
phyto-estrogen, protector against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is proclaimed as "The
French Paradox , which is enclosed in glass."
A lot of research suggests that alcohol consumption (particularly red wine) may reduce coronary
heart disease. Some research also showed that it is a powerful antioxidant . It prevents low-
density lipoproteins (LDL, low-density lipoprotein) peroxidation, and protects the cells from the
harmful effects of oxidized LDL, and protects against lipid peroxidation. Since it has hydrophilic
and lipophilic properties, it can be much more effective than the well-known antioxidants
vitamin E and C. It is also shown to reduce the risk of accumulation of platelets, so reducing the
risk of atherosclerosis.
Have shown that the resveratrol is a strong antioxidant , so it inhibits the formation of free
radicals and it has anti-mutagenic effect. It appears that resveratrol reduces the development of
the tumor through inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 enzyme - an enzyme, which converts
arachidonic acid to inflammatory substances that stimulate tumor growth. Some research
suggests that resveratrol causes the differentiation of leukemia cells, and inhibits the enzyme
ribonucleotide reductase - this enzyme required for DNA synthesis in proliferating cells.
The structural similarity of resveratrol and diethyl-stilbestrol (a synthetic estrogen) was the
reason of researches about the phyto estrogen effect of resveratrol. (phyto estrogen is a herbal
ingredient, which has estrogen-like effects). These hormones link to the estrogen receptors on
cells. The estrogen-receptor complex interacts with DNA in certain sections, thus stimulates
estrogen-sensitive genes. In case a material is linked to the estrogen receptors, and trigger a
response reaction on endogenous estrogens, then this material is estrogen agonist. In case, a
material is linked to the estrogen receptors and prevents the endogenous estrogen-induced
responses, then this material is estrogenestrogen is antiagonist. The chemical structure of
resveratrol is very similar to a synthetic estrogen agonist, diethyl stilbestrol, which suggests that
resveratrol works as an estrogen agonist
The number of people with weakened immune
system is increasing year by year. The reason for
this: pollution and malnutrition. The total health
statistics shows that it is time to change the
lifestyle and to bring a new vision in medicine.
The most important factor in this issue, is the
personal approach.
Experts believe that, the food intake of a modern person, has to contain more than 600
different nutrients. Very few people can say that, properly nourished, even fewer that are not
exposed to harmful pollution. Accordingly, number of the perfectly healthy people with
optimal immun intensity, is very low. So, here is the question: how to reach the ideal balance,
so that not only today and tomorrow will take care of ourselves, but for the whole of our active
In response, our company's biologically active food supplements, which created by St.
Petersburg Institute immunologist Professor: Dr. Tsyganov. These supplements constantly help to
restore the health . The komplex use of these supplements has one of the most important
function: to ensure the prevention of premature aging, to promote the normalization of
metabolism, to strengthen our body without side effects. One, maximum two capsules are
enough for reaching positive effects
Zinc is an essential elemenet for healthy functioning of the our organization'cells. It has important
role in regulating the metabolic functions, regulates the operating of the main hormones, and
more than 200 enzyme. It sets up our blood's acid-base balance. Zinc promotes protein synthesis,
restoring a healthy weight.
Similarly, the ascorbic acid, zinc hinders the spread of viral infections, promotes the formation of
white blood cells, and retains the neutrofils, T-lymphocytes and our natural anticancer cells
Promotes healing of wounds, affects muscle and brain functions. Cures and prevents almost all of
the skin disease Zinc is able to correct the blood sugar level. This element helps the pancreas
produce the enzymes, and protects all cell membranes which are responsible for entering
hormonoes to the cells.
The glycine significantly improve the processing of zinc and also has a range of excellent
properties. Able to reduce the psychoemotional tension, aggression, conflict tendency. Helps in
social adaptation, improves your mood, helps normalize the sleep, increases mental ability, reduce
the alcohol- and drug-related disruption of the central nervous system
The pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has many important functions, but the most important thing is, that it
provides the amino acid metabolism. In addition, participates in the exchange of neuromediators
such as serotonin and dopamine. According to neurophysiologist's view, the people suffering from
depression, needs larger quantities of vitamin B6. The pyridoxine (B6) is involved in the
reproduction of red blood cells and hemoglobins.
The pyridoxine plays important role in the protein-, fat-, and carbohydrate metabolism. It helps to
deliver carbohydrate from muscle and liver to the blood. This process is very important for the
billions of nerve cells in a continuous supply of glucose. The pyridoxine deficiency causes reduction
in the number of antibody, reduces body-resistance.
The Kalsil-T contains natural citrates, calcium and
magnesium carbonate, A, D3, E vitamins. This is the
most efficient way of the calcium absorption. It's bio-
availability and absorption: up to 70%. (normally the
calcium absorption is only 2-8% )
In addition to the specific proteins, the calcium ions provide the skin firmness and elasticity.
Calcium is a major impact on the functioning of the nervous system, ensuring the balance between
cortical excitation and inhibition processes. Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve
impulses and muscle contraction. Calcium provides the muscle tension and release. The
organization's lack of calcium leads to osteoporosis and fragility. An adult human blood contains
usually 2.25 to 2.75 mmol/ l calcium.
Calcium deficiency causes insomnia, nervousness, increased heart rate, high blood pressure. It
was found that aging causes not only a decreased calcium absorption, and D vitamin absorption
but also a decreased vitamin D production in skin Since calcium and vitamin D found in foods are
generally the same, so that the calcium-poor foods generally does not contain any vitamin D. There
is one more aspect of organic calcium: namely, the role of cancer prevention. The calmodulin (the
regulator of cell protein) becomes active by calcium. The intra-and extra-cellular calcium ratio, and
the membrane permeability of calcium ions is essential for cell division
Simultaneously, the vasodilator effect of magnesium is important and helps to decrease blood
Magnesium as a stress release particulate, has normalization effect on the nervous system in
case of nervous tension. Magnesium prevents vascular complications of diabetes, and improves
the pancreatic beta-cell function. In case of respiratory system diseases, facilitates expansion of
the bronchi and the passing of bronchospasm. In both cases, the magnesium is an important
factor in prevention. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system as well.
During the menopause to reduces the adverse effects.
Imusil currently is one of the best immune-enhancing
food supplement in the market. Strengthens the
immune system protects against infectious diseases and
treat them, eliminates the permanent effects of
pollution, treating allergies and eliminates the
permanent effects of increased antibiotic intake.
Applicable to chronic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases
(obesity, metabolic disorders, chronic stomach and
intestine disorders), heart, lung and liver diseases,
oncological diseases, fatigue, stress, high physical
exertion and intensive sport.
The first few weeks after birth occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, the development of natural
microflora. A perfectly healthy adult human intestine is filled with many millions of bacteria that
promote the conduct of various physiological processes. The natural bacteria helps with
digestion by broking down the food into components, thus improving the rapid absorption of
useful materials.
Lacto- and bifidobacterias synthesize vitamin K and C and some groups of vitamin B, improves
absorption, of vitamin D, iron, calcium and many other components.
The lacto- and bifido bacterias involved in the mucosal recovery process. In case of useful
bacteria's volume decreasing, the harmful bacterias multiply and get activated. In this case the
balance of intestinal bacterias disrupts, which causes dysbacteriosys. More than 50% of the
world's population suffer from varying degrees of dysbacteriosis.
The proliferation and excessive consumption of antibiotics led to emergence of more and more
adaptable-mutating viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, are cause more infectious diseases.
While the number of infectious diseases, viral, fungal infections, allergies is increasing, at the
same time, the significance of preparations which supporting natural microflora, is also
increasing. The so-called probiotics are increasingly used instead of a conventional antibiotic
treatments, and their efficiency is no worse.
One of the most effective probiotic product is the Imusil. In its composition found the harmless,
lacto-and bifidobacteria components, which maintain optimal living space for the useful
microflora in the human body. In addition, the product is enriched with natural immun-
modulators, such as vitamin C and echinacea extract. According to the current level of
medicine,there is no analogue of this preparation. in Eastern Europe.
Olekap effectively strengthens the slowing
of the aging process. Helps especially in
cardiovascular problems - thrombosis,
hypertensive disease, coronary disease - helps
to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Gives
effective support in the case of metabolic
disorders, like fat metabolism problems,
diabetes, high cholesterol. Contributes greatly
the rehabilitation after chemoradiotherapy. It
useable in case of excessive immune response
and allergic reactions
Among all the vegetable oils, soybean oil has the highest biological activity and 98% of it can processed by
the body. The soybean oil contains the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (like tocopherol), which are
also natural antioxidants. It contains also lecithin, which regulates the cholesterol levels. The soybean oil
improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
The Regenart protects bone and cartilage system,
encourages the creation of factors which are
required to restore damaged joints. It gives an
effective help in treatment of degenerative joint
and spine diseases, and reduces edema and
inflammation. It has liver-protective effects and
gives help at chronic poisoning, chronic hepatitis,
decreased liver function. It gives effective
assistance in treatment of neurological problems
such as biliary dyskinesia (involuntary
movements), and inflammatory symptoms,
The dandelion extract contains monoterpene glycosid, namely taraksacin. Taraksacin a double
function in the human body. Impacts on the internal fluid of joints, on the other hand encourages
the creation of cartilage repair factors. It occurs by speeding up the metabolism processes of the
liver. In other words, the taraksacin protects and restores the articular surfaces. As a result, the
cartilage becomes clear again and regain its self-reconstruction ability.
The artichoke extract has strong hepatoprotective effects, its components protect the liver cells
against poisoning (eg, derivatives, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, alcohol) . The artichoke extract
increases the extraction of the coinzulin by hepatocytes and effects on lipids, cholesterol, ketone
bodies metabolism, improves liver detoxification function.
The artichoke extract has a protective effect on the bile. Increases the amount of extracted bile
and facilitates the selection of bile salt. Promotes digestion, prevents the formation of gall bladder
inflammation, reduces the gas production and regulates bowel movements. The artichoke extract
has diuretic effect, reduce blood levels of nitrogen-containing compounds. The artichoke extract
reduces blood cholesterol.Used in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
The dihydroquercetin significantly reduces the harmful effects of alcohol, reduces alcohol
hangover feeling and the need for further doses, thus reducing the alcohol addiction. Its feature,
that reduces the blood level of high-density lipoproteins, allows the use of arteriosclerosis as
preventive and curative preparation.
The increased stability of the body tissues against adverse effects caused by high blood sugar
levels, is an opportunity to reduce the probability of diabetes, and facilitate the medicine of its
developed various forms. Since it can reduce the harmful effects of various external adverse
factors (industrial contamination, viral factors, household allergens, etc.), thus useable as an
antiallergic and anti-inflammatory preparation. The dihydroquercetin's ability to prevent
transformation of normal cells, into cancer cells, as well as slowing the spread of the cancer cells,
implies expectations that this material can reduce the number of oncological diseases
One reason for the destruction of the articular cartilage, is the chondroitin sulfate reduction in it.
The chondroitin sulfate is the main structural component of cartilage. In addition it is involved in
developing of bone- and ligament tissues, and maintains the flexibility of blood vessels.
The chondroitin sulfate has one more interesting feature: the chondroitin involved in the formation
of urine colloids and prevents the deposition of salts in the urine, thereby inhibiting the formation
of urinary stones. A number of research showed that chondroitin sulfate is not only prevents the
destruction of articular cartilage, but encourages the reproduction of tissue. The chondroitin
sulfate is used to improve the movement of limbs, joints and spine, and reduces pain.
The exclusive, newest generation of our teas based on ayurveda and traditional herbs and spices. The
target is making a balance betwen the various processes. We introduce now, the uniqe work of
Professor Gorgiladze, who is an immunologist and scientist of the St. Petersburg Institute. He tried to
replace the, tradicional ayurveda herbs and spices, but in spirit, energy, and microparticle composition,
close to the original.
complex peptide A-6, bioflavolipid Aktivitin ®
complex, purified water, glycerin, olive oil, castor
oil, Ceredin, beeswax, methyl, propyl,
imidazolidinyl urea, hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin
complex peptide A-6, olive oil and soybean oil,
bioantioksidantny Neovitin ® complex, purified
water, glycerin, tallow, wax emulsion, urea, cocoa
butter, gidralizovanny collagen, panthenol, vitamin
complex peptide A-6, kaprilil, bioantioksidantny
Neovitin ® complex, purified water, cocoa butter,
olive oil, glycerine, emulsifying wax, urea
complex peptide A-6, birch bark extract
Betulavit ®, purified water, sage extract,
chamomile and marigold, sea buckthorn oil,
wax emulsion, urea
The NRE-4 and Neovitin together,has complex rejuvenating effect on skin. Corrects the
imperfections, smooths out wrinkles, restores skin moisture, skin tissue, cell metabolism,
microcirculation. Stimulates collagen, elastin and fibroblast production. (These three
components are the main components of
connective tissue which responsible for skin elasticity.
Skin impedance:
The bodies mutually exchange electrical impulses to regulate and synchronize their
operations for optimal effectiveness. The skin is an organ that is connected to all other
organs and is involved in temperature regulation. The electrical impedance measures the
effectiveness of nerve-information sharing, and electrical activity of this neural network
Apply to clean skin 2-3 ml mezotel and and rub with
massage motions until entire absorption. Apply daily for 3
50ml, enough for a month and a half
Apply 4-6ml mezotel and rub with massage motions until
entire absorption. Apply daily for 3 months.
50ml, enough for a month and a half
Apply the mezotel with energetic massage motions to
the scalp and leave on for 30 minutes.
50ml, enough for a month and a half