Control System NOTES
Control System NOTES
Control System NOTES
Control System
When a number of elements are combined together to form a system
to produce desired output then the system is referred to as control
system. As this system controls the output, it is so referred. Each
element connected to the system has its own effect on the output.
Speed: It is the time taken by the control system to achieve its stable
output. A good control system possesses high speed. The transient
period for such system is very small.
Oscillation: A small numbers of oscillation or constant oscillation of
output tend to indicate the system to be stable.
Both forms of the system are automatic control system. In former one,
the input of the system is entirely independent of the output of the
system. The temperature of the room (output) increases as long as the
power supply switch is kept on. That means heating element
produces heat as long as the power supply is kept on and final room
temperature does not have any control over the input power supply
of the system. This system is referred as open loop control system.
But in the latter case, the heating elements of the system function,
depending upon the difference between, actual temperature and
desired temperature. This difference is called the error of the system.
This error signal is fed back to the system to control the input. As the
input to the output path and the error feedback path create a closed
loop, this type of control system is referred to as a closed loop control
Hence, there are two main types of control system. They are as follow
1. Electric Hand Drier – Hot air (output) comes out as long as you
keep your hand under the machine, irrespective of how much
your hand is dried.
2. Automatic Washing Machine – This machine runs according to
the pre-set time irrespective of washing is completed or not.
3. Bread Toaster – This machine runs as per adjusted time
irrespective of toasting is completed or not.
4. Automatic Tea/Coffee Maker – These machines also function
for pre adjusted time only.
5. Timer Based Clothes Drier – This machine dries wet clothes for
pre-adjusted time, it does not matter how much the clothes are
6. Light Switch – Lamps glow whenever light switch is on
irrespective of light is required or not.
7. Volume on Stereo System – Volume is adjusted manually
irrespective of output volume level.
Advantages of Open Loop Control System
N Open loop control system Closed loop control system
5 It is an economical. It is costly.
7 It is inaccurate. It is accurate.
9 It is unreliable. It is reliable.
Effect of Feedback