1969 Book InternationalCompendiumOfNumer
1969 Book InternationalCompendiumOfNumer
1969 Book InternationalCompendiumOfNumer
Produced by CODATA
New York· Heidelberg' Berlin 1969
ISBN-13: 978-3-642-87120-7 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-87118-4
DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-87118-4
All rights reserved. No part of this book should be translated or reproduced without written per-
mission from Springer-Verlag. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1969. Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number 75-89813.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 15t edition 1969
Title No. 1611
Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA)
International Council of Scientific Unions
The Committee on Data for Science and Technology
of the
International Council of Scientific Unions
Union Members
Dr. R. 1. CURRIE: International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS);
Prof. J. T. EDSALL: International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics
Prof. G. GARLAND: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Prof. W. GARRISON: International Geographical Union (lGU);
Dr. OLGA KENNARD: International Union of Crystallography (IUCr);
Prof. W. KLEMM: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Prof. F. ODQVIST: International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechan-
ics (IUTAM);
Prof. M. ROUBAULT: International Union of Geological Sciences (lUGS);
Dr. CHARLOTTE SITTERLY: International Astronomical Union (lAU);
Prof. B. VODAR: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).
Organization and Membership
National Members
Dr. R. N. JONES, Canada;
Prof. Dr. W. KLEMM*, Secretary-Treasurer, Germany (B.R.D.);
Prof. M. KOTANI*, Japan;
Prof. F. D. ROSSINI*, President, U.S.A.;
Academician M. A. STYRIKOVICH*, U.S.S.R.;
Sir GORDON SUTHERLAND*, Vice President, U.K.;
Prof. R VODAR*, Vice President, France.
* Member of Bureau of CODATA.
Co-opted Member
Liaison Organizations
ICSU Abstracting Board (lAB);
Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services (FAGS);
International Federation for Documentation (FID);
International Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA);
World Meteorological Organization (WMO);
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Central Office
Dr. CHRISTOPH D. E. SCHAFER, Executive Director
Westendstrasse 19
6 Frankfurt/Main, Germany (RR.D.)
Introduction . . . . . . XVII
List of Abbreviations . XXI
Raman Spectra . 86
3.2.27. Selected Raman Spectral Data: American Petroleum Institute
Research Project 44 . 86
3.2.28. Selected Raman Spectral Data: Thermodynamics Research
Center Data Project . 87
field does not permit meaningful evaluation. But in other situations economic
factors or urgent need may prevent expenditure of the time needed for
careful evaluation; or the experience and competence of the compiling group
may be at fault.
CODATA makes no claim of omniscience in judging the quality of data
compilations. The criteria used in selecting entries for the Compendium
have had to be flexible. Ideally every entry should meet the highest standards
of quality. Actually most entries describe products of high reliability. How-
ever, some publications are included that could be improved. Justifications
for including publications of less than top quality are based on criteria such
as the following: (a) the data are adequate for their main use and are
acceptable to a large body of users; (b) the output of new projects initially
may lack the highest quality but the anticipation is that experience will
bring improvement; and (c) a continuing series of publications, with volum-
es written on different topics by different authors, may not be uniform in
quality but the policy is to include all volumes of a given series.
This Compendium is addressed to two principal audiences. First, it
aims to help the compiler, would-be-compiler, or planner who must know
what activities and compilations exist so that new work can be planned
effectively. This audience will probably be reasonably well satisfied by the
present Compendium. The other audience comprises all scientists and
engineers who must find reliable data for their calculations and research.
The needs of this audience are usually highly specific. It will seek numerical
property values of specific substances under particular conditions. The
Compendium narrows the search for such users but can give only a source -
not the actual data required.
CODATA plans revisions of this volume from time to time. Readers
are requested to submit information about errors and omissions, and other
suggestions for improvement to the Central Office of CODATA in Frank-
furt, Germany.
List of Abbreviations
List of Abbreviations
List of Abbreviations
1 International Compendium 1
1* 3
At one time, years ago, it was possible for a single organization to undertake
the compilation of all existing numerical data for the physical sciences. The
International Critical Tables completed such an endeavor. The LANDOLT-
BORNSTEIN Tabellen (2.1) through the sixth edition aimed at covering all of
the physical sciences. The Tables Annuelles des Constantes Selectionees (2.2)
also originally had wide coverage. But today no single organization can
dream of tackling the evaluation and publication of data for all major areas
of science. However, some current publication efforts do cover numerical
property values in several, or many, areas of science. The organizations
with such programs are described in this section. Their individual publi-
cations are discussed in detail under the pertinent sections of this volume.
2.1. Landolt-Bornstein
Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geophysik
und Technik; and Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften
und Technik - Neue Serie (Numerical Data and Functional Relationships
in Science and Technology - New Series).
In 1883, HANS LANDOLT, with the collaboration of RICHARD BORNSTEIN,
issued the first (one volume) edition of "Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen".
Work on the sixth edition of LANDOLT-BoRNSTEIN, "Zahlenwerte und
Funktionen aus Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geophysik und Technik",
started soon after the last volume of the fifth edition was published in 1936.
Publication began in 1950 under the editorship of the late ARNOLD EUCKEN.
Editorial responsibility for recent volumes has been shared by H. BORCHERS,
]. BARTELS. The rapid advance in existing fields of physical science and the
growth of important new fields made it evident that after publication of the
sixth edition it would be practically impossible to resume publishing with
Very wide coverage is attained including the elements (all nuclides), organic
and inorganic compounds, and characterized systems of compounds as
necessitated by the subject matter of the individual volumes.
The goal of the editors of the sixth edition has been to present com-
prehensively all the important fundamental properties of physics, chemistry,
astronomy, geophysics, and technology. In the new series an entire volume
may be devoted to a limited area of research.
Sources of data are from the literature. The lists of references are very
complete and provide a useful guide to the literature in specific fields.
Data for the sixth edition have been more critically examined than those in
previous editions. There is no overall standard by which data are evaluated,
the standard for each volume depending upon the individual compilers and
All the volumes of a compilation with publication extending over more
than 15 years cannot possibly be current. The establishment of the new
series is an attempt to bring the earlier volumes of the sixth edition up to
date in the most important areas and to present data in new fields of interest.
The volumes of the sixth edition are published as cloth-bound books,
divided into sections. The individual volumes have no indexes (except
VoL II/9), but an index for the entire sixth edition is in preparation. A table
of contents is given in each book, with the applicable part repeated at the
beginning of each section in some of the volumes. Data are presented in
tables and graphs. References either accompany the individual tables or
graphs, or are placed at the end of the section. Earlier editions and most
volumes of the sixth edition are in German. A welcome trend evident in
some recent volumes, and planned for all volumes of the new series, is to
have the introductory material and a large part of the data and explanatory
paragraphs in both German and English.
LANDOLT-BoRNSTEIN: Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Physik, Chemie, Astronomie,
und Technik, sixth edition, published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidel-
berg. Also available from Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y. 10010.
Vol. I: Atom- und Molekularphysik.
Part 1, Atome und Ionen, 1950, XII, 441 pp, DM 126 (US $ 31.50).
Part 2, Molekeln I: Kerngertist, 1951, VIII, 571 pp, DM 168 (US $ 42.00).
Part 3, Molekeln II: Elektronenhtille, 1951, XI, 724 pp, DM 218 (US $ 54.50).
Part 4, Kristalle, 1955, XI, 1.007 pp, DM 318 (US $ 79.50).
Part 5, Atomkerne und Elementarteilchen, 1952, VIII, 470 pp, DM 148
(US $ 37.00).
Vol. II: Eigenschaften der Materie in ihren Aggregatzustanden.
Part 1, Mechanisch-thermische ZustandgroBen (in preparation).
Part 2, Gleichgewichte auBer Schmelzgleichgewichten.
Part 2a, Gleichgewichte Dampf-Kondensat und osmotische Phanomene, 1960,
XII, 974 pp, DM 448 (US $ 112.00).
Part 2b, Losungsgleichgewichte 1.,1962, XII, 984 pp, DM 510 (US $ 127.50).
Part 2c, Losungsgleichgewichte 11.,1964, VIII, 731 pp, DM 388 (US $ 97.00).
Part 3, Schmelzgleichgewichte und Grenzflachenerscheinungen, 1956, XII,
535 pp, DM 198 (US $ 49.50).
Part 4, Kalorische ZustandgroBen, 1961, XII, 863 pp, DM 438 (US $109.50).
Part 5, Transportphanomene. Kinetik. Homogene Gasgleichgewichte.
Part 5a, Transportphanomene I (in preparation).
Part 5 b, Transportphanomene II. Kinetik. Homogene Gasgleichgewichte,
1968, ca. 410 pp, ca. DM 228 (US $ 57.00).
Part 6, ElektrischeEigenschaftenI., 1959,XVI, 1018pp,DM448 (US$112.00).
Part 7, Elektrische Eigenschaften 11.,1960, XII, 959 pp, DM 478 (US $ 119.50).
Part 8, Optische Konstanten, 1962, XVI, 901 pp, DM 476 (US $ 119.00).
Part 9, Magnetische Eigenschaften I - Magnetic Properties I, 1962, XXVI,
935 pp, DM 496 (US $ 124.00).
Part 10, Magnetische Eigenschaften II - Magnetic Properties II - Proprietes
magnetiques II, 1967, VIII, 173 pp, DM 106 (US $ 26.50).
Vol. III: Astronomie und Geophysik, 1952, XVIII, 795 pp, DM 248 (US $ 62.00).
Vol. IV: Technik.
Part 1, Stoffwerte und mechanisches Verhalten von Nichtmetallen, 1955, XVI,
881 pp, DM 288 (US $ 72.00).
Part 2, Stoffwerte und Verhalten von metallischen Werkstoffen.
Part 2a, Grundlagen, Prtifverfahren, Eisenwerkstoffe, 1963, XII, 888 pp,
~ DM 468 (US $ 117.00).
Part 2b, Sinterwerkstoffe, Schwermetalle (ohne Sonderwerkstoffe), 1964, XX,
1000 pp, DM 530 (US $ 132.50).
Part 2c, Leichtmetalle, Sonderwerkstoffe, Halbleiter, Korrosion, 1965, XX,
976 pp, DM 518 (US $ 129.50).
Group III: Kristall- und Festkorperphysik - Crystal and Solid State Physics.
Vol. 1, Elastische, piezoelektrische, piezooptische und elektrooptische Kon-
stanten von Kristallen - Elastic, Piezoelectric, Piezooptic and Electro-
optic Constants ofCtystals, 1966, X, 160 pp, DM 68 (US $ 17.00), see 3.3.9.
There is some selection of values, but the criticality varies from one mono-
graph to another being largely a function of the type of data. The goal is to
produce "useful" as well as critical values. Where doubt exists, attention is
called to the uncertainty. The editorial staff avails itself of guidance from
collaborating scientists.
As far as possible, IUPAC usage is adhered to for nomenclature, symbols,
units, and physical constants. If no rules exist, well-known and able autho-
rities are followed.
There has been no definite plan to bring the earlier tables of the current
series up to date. However, some subjects, particularly those for which few
if any other compilations exist, are treated somewhat as a series, for example,
Optical Rotatory Power, for which five volumes have been issued.
Volumes 1 to 5 of the recent series of publications were papercovered,
Volumes 6 and 7 were issued with both paper and hard covers, and those
since Volume 8 have hard covers, 21.1 X 27.9 cm. The data are presented
in tables. Arrangement of material varies because different substances and
properties are treated in each monograph. A bibliographic column in the
tables guides the user to the pertinent literature reference in the general
bibliography at the end of the monograph. General indexes vary in type,
some being indexed by name, others by formula, and some by author with
references to the general bibliography. Although the tables are in French,
the title page and, beginning with Volume 6, the preface, introduction, and
other explanatory sections such as those for symbols and abbreviations are
given in both French and English. Descriptions of the volumes listed below
are given elsewhere in this compendium under the appropriate subject
classification except for out-of-print or superseded volumes.
Tables de Constantes Selectionnees - Tables of Selected Constants
Vol. 1. Longueurs d'Onde d'Emissions X et des Discontinuites d' Absorption X -
Wavelengths of Emission and Discontinuities in Absorption of X-Rays,
Y. CAUCHOIS and H. HULUBEI, 1947, 199 pp (out of print).
Vol. 2. Physique Nucleaire - Nuclear Physics, R. GREGOIRE, F. JOLIOT-CURIE,
and I. JOLIOT-CURIE, 1948, 131 pp (out of print).
Vol. 3. Pouvoir Rotatoire Magnetique (Effet Faraday) - Magnetic Rotatory
Power (Faraday Effect), R.DEMALLEMANN; Effet Magneto-Optique de Kerr-
Magneto-Optic Effect (Kerr), F. SUHNER, 1951, 137 pp, 15 F, £ 1.10.0. (US
$ 4.50), see 3.3.16.
Vol. 4. Donnees Spectroscopiques concernant les Molecules Diatomiques -
Spectroscopic Data for Diatomic Molecules, B. ROSEN, R. F. BARROW, A. D.
and K. WIELAND, 1951, 361 pp, 48 F, £ 5.0.0. (US $ 15.00), see 3.2.7.
Vol. 5. Atlas des Longueurs d'Onde Caracteristiques de Bandes d'Emission et
d'Absorption des Molecules Diatomiques - Atlas of Characteristic Wave-
lengths for Emission and Absorption Bands ofDiatomic Molecules (a continua-
tion of Vol. 4 by the same authors), 1952, 389 pp, 56 F, £ 5.15.0. (US $ 17.50),
see 3.2.8.
Vol. 6. Pouvoir Rotatoire Naturel I. - Steroides - Optical Rotatory Power 1. -
Steroids, J.-P. MATHIEU and A. PETIT, 1956, 507 pp (out of print, superseded
by Vol. 14).
Vol. 7. Diamagnetisme et Paramagnetisme - Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism,
G. Foiix; Relaxation Paramagnetique - Paramagnetic Relaxation, C. J. GOR-
TER and L. J. SMITS, 1957, 317 pp, 97 F, £ 9.15.9. (US $ 29.00), see 3.3.15.
Vol. 8. Potentiels d'Oxydo-Reduction - Oxidation-Reduction Potentials, G.
CHARLOT,D.BEZIER, and J.COURTOT, 1958, 41 pp, 21.60 F, £ 1.10.0. (US $ 5.00),
see 3.4.26.
Vol. 9. Pouvoir Rotatoire Naturel II. - Triterpenoides - Optical Rotatory
Power II. - Triterpenoids, J.-P. MATHIEU and G. OURISSON, 1958, 302 pp,
93.60 F, £ 7.0.0. (US $ 21.00), see 3.6.4.
Vol. 10. Pouvoir Rotatoire Naturel III. - Amino-acides - Optical Rotatory
Power III. - Amino Acids, J.-P. MATHIEU, J. ROCHE, and P. DESNUELLE,
1959,61 pp, 28 F, £ 2.0.0. (US $ 6.50), see 3.6.5.
Vol. 11. Pouvoir Rotatoire Naturel IV. - Alcaloides - Optical Rotatory Power
IV. - Alkaloids, J.-P. MATHIEU and M. M. JANOT, 1959,211 pp, 110.40 F,
£ 8.0.0. (US $ 24.00), see 3.6.6.
Vol. 12. Semi-Conducteurs - Semi-Conductors, P. AIGRAIN and M. BALKANSKl'
1961,78 pp, 27 F, £ 2.0.0. (US $ 6.50), see 3.3.13.
Vol. 13. Rendements Radiolytiques - Radiolytic Yields, M. HAISSINSKY and
M. MAGAT, 1963,230 pp, 114 F, £ 8.10.0. (US $ 25.50), see 3.5.4.
Vol. 14. Pouvoir Rotatoire Naturel I. a - Steroides - Optical Rotatory Power
1. a - Steroids, J. JACQUES, H. KAGAN, G. OURISSON, and S. ALLARD, 1965,
1,046 pp, 258 F (Supersedes Vol. 6), see 3.6.3.
In Press
Part I: Thermal and Mechanical Data.
In Preparation
Part II: Crystal Data.
Part III: Electric and Magnetic Data.
Data on Molecular Spectroscopy (Supersedes Vol. 4).
Part I: Diatomic Molecules.
Part II: Polyatomic Molecules.
Refractory Compounds.
Optical Rotatory Power and Structures of Compounds with one asymmetric
carbon atom.
Wavelengths of Emission and Discontinuities in Absorption of X-Rays (Super-
sedes Vol. 1).
There have been several publishers for the present series. Volume 8 and
later volumes have been published by Pergamon Press from whom the
earlier volumes as well as the titles, availability, and prices of the 40 install-
ments of Tables Annuelles, covering the period 1931 to 1936, may be
Published by Pergamon Press, London, (4 & 5 Fitzroy Square), Paris
(24 rue des Ecoles), New York (Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford,
N. Y. 10523).
2.3.1. - 2.3.2.
part, new or more reliable data for the compilations. In addition, literature
searches are routinely carried out. Three distinct projects operate within
TRC: the American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44, the Thermo-
dynamics Research Center Data Project, and a project supported by the
Office of Standard Reference Data of the National Bureau of Standards
(NBS). These projects are described below; the various subject areas and
their products are described in detail in the appropriate sections of the
Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds (see 3.4.2).
Catalog of Selected Infrared Spectral Data (see 3.2.16).
Catalog of Selected Raman Spectral Data (see 3.2.27).
Catalog of Selected Ultraviolet Spectral Data (see 3.2.29).
Catalog of Selected Mass Spectral Data (see 3.2.35).
Catalog of Selected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Data (see 3.2.39).
Data Project covers many of the same properties as API RP 44, but for
inorganic and certain classes of organic compounds, not duplicated by
API RP 44.
Selected Values of Properties of Chemical Compounds (see 3.4.3).
Catalog of Selected Infrared Spectral Data (see 3.2.17).
Catalog of Selected Raman Spectral Data (see 3.2.28).
Catalog of Selected Ultraviolet Spectral Data (see 3.2.30).
Catalog of Selected Mass Spectral Data (see 3.2.36).
Catalog of Selected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Data (see 3.2.40).
A research project supported by the Office of Standard Reference Data of NBS
was initiated in 1963, and is thus linked to the National Standard Reference
Data System (NSRDS, see 1.1.1.). Thermodynamic data for selected families
of oxygen compounds are critically evaluated in depth. A detailed report on
aliphatic alcohols is now under review.
In addition to these three projects, TRC contributes substantially to the
"Annual Substance-Property Index and Bibliography" in IUPAC Bulletin
of Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry (University of Michigan, Publications
Distribution Service, 615 East University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Other Publications
The Thermodynamics Research Center has issued Comprehensive Index of
API 44 - TRC Selected Data on Thermodynamics and Spectroscopy which is a
key to the contents of publications presenting critically evaluated numerical
property values and selected spectral data that are prepared, compiled,
published, and distributed by TRC. The first edition covers the 12 publi-
cations listed under API RP 44 and TRC Data Project.
The entries in this chapter comprise the bulk of the data compiling activity
going on in the world today. Ideally each entry should describe a continuing
data compiling activity carried out by experts in a center of excellence.
However, some of the publications are not continuing in a strict sense of
the word and others are included because of their usefulness even though
they fall short of the highest attainable standards. The important thing is
that this substantial group of activities represents what is available now on
which to develop a better, more complete and hopefully coordinated system
of evaluated tables of data for scientists and engineers of the world.
Substances covered include all nuclides, but especially those with A ~ 40.
The lower ranges are covered in particular by "Energy Levels of Light
Nuclei", T. LAURITSEN and F. AJZENBERG-SELOVE (see 3.1.15.) and "Energy
Levels of Z = 11 - 21 Nuclei", P. M. ENDT (see 3.1.16.).
All known experimental results are reported. The compilers construct level
schemes to give, in their views, the most consistent and plausible inter-
pretations of the experimental determinations. Where choices are possible,
comments on the Summary Sheets indicate which data were selected in
preparing the level schemes. Summary Sheets also include reasons for all
spin-parity assignments. The numerical data are presented in tabular form
on the Data Sheets with a literature reference for each entry. Level schemes
diagrammed for an entire A-chain precede the tables. In general the group
follows the recommendations of the Commission for Symbols, Units and
Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in
its usages.
Initially, data were published in the form of "Nuclear Data Sheets". The
Data Sheets are now being issued as Section B of the new journal Nuclear
Data, begun in late 1965, devoted to compilations and evaluations of experi-
mental and theoretical results. Policies, conventions, bases for spin-parity
assignments, and cumulative index to A-chains are given in the front of
each issue. Adjusted mass differences, references, and explanations of
symbols and abbreviations are given at the back of each issue. A simple
method of designation on the spine of each journal indicates the A-chains
covered therein. Revisions will be planned so that entire superseded issues
can be discarded.
2 International Compendium 17
The data publications of this project have appeared in the following chrono-
logical order:
1. Nuclear Data. A Collection of Experimental Values of Half-Lives, Radiation
Energies, Relative Isotopic Abundances, Nuclear Moments, and Cross Sections, NBS Cir-
Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1950, XIV, 309 pp, US $ 4.25;
and three supplements issued April 1951, Nov. 1951, and June 1952 (out of print).
Superseded by 5.
2. New Nuclear Data, Annual Cumulations, issues 24 B ofVols. 6 through 10 of
Nuclear Science Abstracts, published for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
by the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1952, 1953, 1954,
1955, and 1956. The sixth annual cumulation (1957) was issued as a separate
publication by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (published by U. S. Govern-
ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C). Superseded by 5.
3. Nuclear Data Cards, 1954 to 1957. National Academy of Sciences-National
Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D. C. 20418, US $ 20.00/
year (out of print). Superseded by 5.
4. Nuclear Level Schemes, A = 40 - A = 92 (Ca-Zr), TID-5300, K. WAY,
R. W. KING, C L. MCGINNIS, R. VAN LIESHOUT, published for the U. S. Atomic
Energy Commission by the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C,
1955, XX, 221 pp, US $ 1.75 (out of print). Superseded by 5.
5. Nuclear Data Sheets, January 1958 to present,
(a) 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, Vols. 5 and 6, published by the National Academy
of Sciences-National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington,
D. C 20418 (out of print).
(b) Complete reprint issue (1959 to 1965) in 11 volumes, KATHARINE WAY,
Ed., Academic Press, New York and London (1966), US $ 55.00.
(c) Section B of the new journal Nuclear Data. See 12.
6. Radiations from Radioactive Atoms in Frequent Use, L. SLACK and K. WAY,
published for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission by the U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D. C 20402, 1959, XII, 75 pp, US $ 0.55.
7. 1959 Nuclear Data Tables, K. WAY, Ed., pub. for the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission by the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402,
VIII, 151 pp, US $ 1.00.
8. 1960 Nuclear Data Tables, K. WAY, Ed., published for the U. S. Atomic
Energy Commission by the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
20402, 1960.
Part 1: Consistent Set of Q-Values, A ;;;;66, F. EVERLING, L. A. KOENIG,
J. H. E. MATIAUCH, and A. H. WAPSTRA, 1961, XVI, 214 pp, US $1.50.
Part 2: Consistent Set of Q- Values, 67 ;;;; A ;;;; 199, L. A. KOENIG, J. H. E.
MATIAUCH, and A. H. WAPSTRA, 1961, XII, 456 pp, US $ 2.75.
Part 3: Nuclear Reaction Graphs, J. B. MARION, 1960, XI,181 pp, US $1.25
(out of print).
Part 4: Short Tables, K. W. FORD, and A. M. KAUFMAN, L. LrnOFSKY, E. DER
G. H. FULLER, and K. WAY, 1961, V, 249 pp, US $1.50.
9. Energy Levels of Nuclei, A = 21- A = 212, K. WAY, N. B. GOVE, C. L.
MCGINNIS, and R. NAKASIMA, (550 pp) in Volume 1, Group 1, New Series,
Verlag, Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1961,812 pp, US $ 53.00 (see 3.1.17.).
10. Energy Levels ~f Light Nuclei, May 1962, T. LAURITSEN, and F. AJZENBERG-
SELOVE (cf3.1.15.) issued as Sets 5 and 6 of the 1961 Nuclear Data Sheets (see no. 5),
essentially an addendum to a review article in Nucl. Phys. 11, 1-340 (1959).
A special bound volume was issued.
11. Nuclear Moments, G. H. FULLER, and V. W. COHEN, National Academy of
Sciences-National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington,
D. C. 20418, 1965, XI, 134 pp. Appendix 1 to Nuclear Data Sheets covering all
references to May 1964 (out of print).
12. Nuclear Detta, Section B, K. WAY, Ed., Academic Press, New York and
London. Vol. 1, 1966, LS $ 20.00; Vol. 2, 1967 to 1968 (Irregular), US $ 15.00.
Other publications of the Nuclear Data Project, which are not data compi-
lations, are:
13. A Directory to Nuclear Data Tabulations, U. S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C. 20402, 1958, XIII, 185 pp, 70 cents. Supplements to this
directory appear in 7 and in 8, Part 4, listed above, the former covering the period
Dec. 1957 to Dec. 1958 and the latter the period Dec. 1959 to June 1961.
14. Nuclear Theory Index Cards, Jan. 1958 to 1962 (out of print).
15. Nuclear Theory Reference Book for the following periods: 1957 and 1958,
US $1.00; 1959 and 1960, US $1.00; and 1961 and 1962, US $1.25. All were
issued in 1963 by the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402,
and are compilations of the corresponding Nuclear Theory Index Cards made by
photographic reproduction.
16. Nuclear Theory Index Booklets, 1963 -. These booklets were issued quarterly
to replace the index cards, 14. Current bibliographic items were presented under
the same headings as used on the cards. Booklet 4 for 1963 was cumulative for the
entire year: Nuclear Theory Index, cumulation for 1963 (TID-21133), US $ 3.00;
Nuclear Theory Index, cumulation for 1964 (TID-22771), US $ 3.00; both avail-
able from the Clearinghouse for Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield,
Va. 22151.
2* 19
Note: All correspondence relating to the content of the Nuclear Data Sheets
or to availability not indicated for publications should be addressed to the Nuclear
Data Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Boxx, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831.
Whenever possible, the original papers were examined. In a few cases,
summary reports were used. The values given first in the tables are, in the
judgment of the compilers, the most probable values; and in some cases are
weighted mean values of those collected. Limits of error are generally given.
Values calculated by the authors are indicated. The preface and explanation
of the tables in each volume are given in German, English, and Russian.
Symbols and abbreviations used are defined, and complete references
Part I includes data published between 1940 and 1958. Part II, Volume 1,
includes many references to articles published from 1958 to 1962. Part II,
Volume 2, was published in 1967 and includes references from 1964.
Part II, Volume 3 was published in 1968.
Part I, Volumes 1 and 2, and Part II, Volumes 1,2 and 3, Text Volume,
are clothbound books, 22x30 cm. Part II, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, Table
Volume, consist of energy level diagrams, presented on separate sheets
which come in a box the same size as the books.
Tabellen der Atomkerne (Nuclear Tables), WUNIBALD KUNZ and JOSEF SCHINTL-
MEISTER, published by Akademie-Verlag, GmbH, Berlin, D.D.R.; available
from Pergamon Press, Oxford, London, and New York.
Teil (Part) I, Eigenschaften der Atomkerne (Nuclear Properties):
Band (Volume) 1, Die Elemente Neutron bis Zinn (The Elements Neutron
to Tin), 1958, XLIV, 465 pp, DM 105 (US $ 26.25).
Band (Volume) 2, Die Elemente Antimon bis Nobelium (The Elements
Antimony to Nobelium), 1959, XLIV, 641 pp, DM 130 (US $ 32.50).
Part II, Nuclear Reactions:
Vol. 1, The Elements from Neutron to Magnesium, 1965, Text Volume,
XLVI, 699 pp, and Table Volume, 36 tables, (US $ 75.00).
Vol. 2, The Elements from Aluminum to Sulphur, 1967, Text Volume, XX,
271 pp, and Table Volume, 23 tables, DM 190 (US $ 45.00, £ 15).
Vol. 3, The Elements from Chlorine to Calcium, 1968, Text Volume, X, 210pp,
and Table Volume, 32 tables, DM 200 (US $ 50.00).
All nuclides and naturally occurring elements are included.
Experimental neutron cross sections, angular distributions and energy
spectra are accumulated over the entire energy range. Semi-empirical cross
section data are compiled as follows:
neutrons -10-10 to 20 MeV
photons -10-3 to 100 MeV
charged particles - as required.
In ;lddition, thresholds of nuclear reactions for the various impinging
particles were issued as a compilation in 1964.
Sources of experimental data include journals, AEC report literature,
private communications, and contacts with other similar data centers.
The center is set up to answer inquiries as well as to produce state-of-the-
art reviews and compilations.
A tape library of experimental neutron cross section data was originated
in 1960. Modifications since that time have led to the development of the
ECSIL program. This is a computer system for the storage, retrieval, and
display, either tabular or graphical, of experimental neutron cross section
data. Currently, approximately 600,000 data points are stored in the ECSIL
library which is maintained on an updated basis. Because of the large bulk
of data in the system, indexes are provided for both the data as well as the
associated bibliographic information.
The semiempirical cross section tape library was also started in 1960
for neutrons only. Since that time, both photons and charged particles have
been incorporated into the system. The neutron data is obtained by eva-
luations of the information in the ECSIL system. Photon and charged
particle data are obtained in conjunction with other groups within the
Earlier publications put out by the center are no longer available.
"A Formalism for Calculation of Neutron Induced Gamma-Ray Production Cross
Sections and Spectra", R. J. HOWERTON and E. F. PLECHATY, Nuclear Science
and Engineering 32, 178 (1968). A library of the data is available from the
An Integrated .System for Production of Neutronics and Photonics Calculational Constants,
UCRL-S0400, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore.
Vol. I, R. J. HOWERTON et aI., "ECSIL, A System for Storage, Retrieval and
Display of Experimental Neutron Data" (1968).
Vol. VI, E. F. PLECHATY and J. R. TERRALL, "Photon Cross Sections 1.0 keV
to 100.0 MeV" (1968).
All nuclear species, stable and unstable, are included. The sixth edition is
divided into two main sections: Table I, "Radioisotope Data", a listing of
stable and unstable species by element or atomic number; and Table II,
"Detailed Nuclear Level Properties", decay-scheme and energy-level dia-
grams, arranged by mass number. Table I gives: isotope, Z and A; half-life;
type of decay, %abundance, mass excess, and neutron cross section (capture
and fission); certainty and means of identification, genetic relationships;
major radiations; and principal means of production. Table II includes
tabulations of detailed information on radiations and nuclear level properties,
as well as diagrams. Among the properties listed are: spin; moments; alpha,
beta, and gamma radiation data (energies, intensities, internal conversion
coefficients, spectroscopic methods, angular distributions); and decay
Supplementary tables of values such as fundamental constants, energy
conversion factors, nuclear spectroscopy standards, atomic levels, and
theoretical nuclear decay rates are given in appendices.
The literature is the primary source of data. Especially useful for the
sixth edition were existing compilations.
Table I of the sixth edition provides a ready reference to the principal decay
properties. Its arrangement, conciseness, and carefully limited number of
properties were selected for easy use. Table II gives detailed information on
nuclear states and transitions between these states. The tabulations in Table II
are measurements; the decay schemes and energy level diagrams are inter-
pretations. In general, decay schemes are based on direct experimental
information. Only those levels at energies below the decay energy of the
observed neighboring isobars are included.
These two tables are selective and critical; however, a complete list of
references is included so that all available data may be located. Use of the
tables, the properties included, symbols and nomenclature, degree of cer-
tainty, and some experimental methods are well covered in the introduction.
A seven level information-rating system is used for evaluation of how well
each radioisotope has been identified.
The fundamental and derived constants listed in Appendix I are those
accepted by recognized international bodies.
Six tables of the series appeared between 1940 and 1966. The April 1958
table is current approximately through February 1958; the 1967 table,
through January 1966. The tables have increased in size from 17 to 594 pages.
"Table of Isotopes", J. J. LIVINGOOD and G. T. SEABORG, Rev. Mod. Phys. 12,
30-47 (1940).
"Table of Isotopes", G. T. SEABORG, Rev. Mod. Phys. 16, 1-32 (1944).
"Table ofIsotopes", G. T. SEABORG and 1. PERLMAN, Rev. Mod. Phys. 20, 585-666
"Table of Isotopes", J. M. HOLLANDER, 1. PERLMAN, and G. T. SEABORG, Rev.
Mod. Phys. 25, 469-650 (1953).
"Table of Isotopes", D. STROMINGER, J. M. HOLLANDER, and G. T. SEABORG,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 30, No.2, Part 2,585-904 (1958). Available from the Ameri-
can Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th Street, New York, N. Y. 10017.
Table of Isotopes, 6th ed, C. M. LEDERER, J. M. HOLLANDER, and 1. PERLMAN,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1967, XIII, 594 pp, US $ 4.95 paper,
US $ 7.95 cloth.
The book is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 was prepared by L. R. B.
ELTON, University of Surrey, London; Chapter 2 by R. HOFSTADTER and
H. R. COLLARD, both of Stanford University, Stanford, California, U.S.A.
The description of the LANDOLT-BoRNSTEIN series and organization may be
found in 2.1.
The book covers radii and other parameters for the distribution of the electric
charge and the magnetic moment of atomic nuclei. It is divided into two
independent but complementary chapters, "Nuclear charge distribution
(derived from sources other than electron scattering)", and "Nuclear radii
determined by electron scattering".
Chapter 1 gives the equivalent uniform radius parameters of fl.-mesic
atoms for spherical nuclei, from the 2p--,>-ls transitions, and fl.-mesic X-ray
transitions; changes in nuclear radii by neighboring nuclides and nuclear
compressibilities; radius parameters for deformed nuclei; and radii of
Chapter 2 consists of one main, extensive table of electric charge radii,
and a shorter table of magnetic radii. These tables give for the listed nuclei:
the type of charge distribution, the charge radius, the radius of equivalent
uniform model, skin thickness, half-density radius, equivalent uniform
density, and parameters of the Fermi three parameter charge distribution.
Comparable information is given for the magnetic radii.
The major source of data is the primary literature. Although the compi-
lation work was completed well ahead of the publication date, corrections and
additions were incorporated into proof only a short time before publication.
The volume is introduced as "more than a critical compilation of published
data but ... rather an original contribution to the development of this field".
Considerable progress is being made in this area; and this compilation serves
also as a review. In this respect, it will be most useful to persons working
in this area. The data have been critically evaluated. Uncertainties and
accuracies are given. Extensive discussion of the field-experimental methods
and validity of the data - as checked against other information - in the
introduction and discussions of many of the individual data are also included.
In general, the Center compiles information necessary to calculate reactor
characteristics: fission properties, cross-section data, shielding, interpretation
of experimental data, digital-computer codes, and several types of reactor
physics data.
These data are issued in a comprehensive publication "Reactor Physics
Constants". The first edition appeared in 1958, and the second, in 1963. The
two editions vary only slightly in content and cover (1) well-defined reactor
physics parameters and engineering properties, and (2) instrument perform-
ance characteristics. In the first category are fission properties, cross-section
data, gamma-ray activity, diffusion parameters, lattice parameters, and gamma-
ray spectra and attenuation cross-sections. Engineering properties and instru-
ment performance characteristics include shielding constants, specific oper-
ating information for various types of reactors, and descriptions of photo-
multiplier tubes and scintillators.
"Reactor Physics Constants" was prepared by the collaboration of
several persons, many in organizations other than Argonne, some from
Canada and the U. K.
The Reactor Physics Constants Center (RPCC) also acts as a clearinghouse;
and encourages standardization of parameter definitions, as well as critical
evaluation of data.
"Reactor Physics Constants" implements these goals. In effect, it is a
state-of-the-art review; its format is more a critical review, with many
substantial tables and graphs, than a data compilation. The editors note
that they have evaluated the data published, but that many other factors
also determined which data were included. Most indications of reliability
are found in the text.
Most references are from the primary literature. The cut-off date was
March 1961; however, some later references were included. Additions and
corrections to the 2nd edition will be noted in the Newsletter.
Reactor Physics Constants, Argonne National Laboratory, United States Atomic
Energy Commission, 1958.
Reactor Physics Constants, ANL-5800, Argonne National Laboratory, United States
Atomic Energy Commission, 1963, XVII, 850 pp. For sale by the U. S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, US $ 6.00.
Other Publications
RPCC Newsletter, Reactor Physics Constants Center, Argonne National Labor-
atory, Argonne, Illinois 60439.
Properties of Neutrons
3.1.7. National Neutron Cross Section Center
The National Neutron Cross Section Center (NNCSC) is located at the
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, Long Island, New York
11973. NNCSC was formed in 1967 from the merger of what was formerly
the Cross Section Evaluation Center and the Sigma Center, both of which
were at BNL. The Center includes 18 professional staff members and 6
supporting personnel. The director is SOL PEARLSTEIN. An advisory com-
mittee of six scientists reviews the Center's program. On the international
level, NNCSC works with the European Nuclear Energy Agency (ENEA,
see 3.1.11.) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, see 3.1.8.)
for the exchange of neutron data. Support for the Center is provided by the
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.
The NNCSC covers all available neutron cross section data for all nuclides
and naturally occurring mixtures of isotopes. Separate data files are main-
tained for experimental, and for evaluated data. The experimental data file
is used to prepare the "Barn Books" - BNL 325 covers total cross section
data and BNL 400 covers angular distribution. The information storage and
retrieval operations of the data file have been computerized. A new com-
puter system being developed is known as CSISRS (Cross Section Informa-
tion Storage and Retrieval System).
The evaluated data are maintained on a computerized file known as
ENDF (Evaluated Nuclear Data File). Originally, the ENDF was prepared
as a set of evaluated neutron cross sections for all important nuclides over
the entire range of energies of importance for reactor purposes, i.e., from
approximately one millivolt to 15 MeV. The range of interest has now been
The Barn Book publications primarily serve the needs of reactor physicists
and engineers, but an attempt has been made to present the data in the form
most useful to other physicists as well. In recent issues, emphasis has been
on nuclear processes rather than on methods of observation. Except for the
recommended values and the curves, all recorded values are experimental.
The recommended values are in general weighted means of the experimental
values, and are given with estimated errors. Smooth curves were drawn
through the points on the graphs with no attempt to achieve a least-squares
fit to any predetermined shape.
The angular distribution data are plotted on linear grids. Textual refe-
rences, laboratory in which the measurements were made, type of experi-
ment, and other pertinent information are given on the left-hand page
facing the graphs.
Generally, all experimental data influencing the choice of recommended
values are included and referred to, so that the user can evaluate the data
presented. Reference sources are provided. Older, obviously superseded
data are generally not included. Most supplements must be used with the
other material published in the series to insure complete coverage.
Supplements and revisions are issued at irregular intervals. Unpublished
contributions and a short publication lag result in up-to-date coverage.
BNL 325, Neutron Cross Sections, D. ]. HUGHES and ]. A. HARVEY, U. S. Govern-
ment Printing Office (GPO*), Washington, D.C. 20402, July 1955, V, 328 pp,
US $ 3.50.
physics. To this end it established the Nuclear Data Unit at its headquarters
in Vienna in 1965. The activities of this Unit are guided by the suggestions
and the advice of the IAEA's standing International Nuclear Data Committee.
Accordingly, in 1966 the Nuclear Data Unit initiated a data center for
promoting worldwide compilation and exchange of numerical neutron data.
In this latter effort the Nuclear Data Unit engages cooperatively with three
other recognized, principal neutron data centers located respectively at
Brookhaven, Obninsk and Saclay. Each center is responsible for servicing
a specific area of the world as follows: the Brookhaven National Neutron
Cross Section Center, U.S.A. (see 3.1.7.), services the U.S.A. and Canada;
the ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Center at Saclay, France (see 3.1.11.),
services countries in Western Europe and Japan; the Informacionnyj Centr
po Jadernym (Nuclear Data Information Centre), Obninsk, U. S. S. R. (see
3.1.12.), services the U. S. S. R.; and the IAEA Nuclear Data Unit, Kiirntner
Ring 11, A-l0lO Vienna, Austria, services all other countries in Eastern
Europe, Asia, Africa, South and Central America, Australia and New Zea-
land. The Nuclear Data Unit, directed by WILFRED M. GOOD, is a section
The compilation of experimental neutron data and the evaluation of experi-
mental neutron data are treated as separate functions. Evaluation is perform-
ed almost exclusively away from the data centers, which rather serve as
coordinators; thus the distinction between experimental data and evaluated
data has become very strict. The evaluator, wherever he works, uses the
experimental data from the center's compiled files to make his evaluation.
His product, the evaluated data, is however entered into the evaluated data
file at the data center. Even though the data center's evaluation activity is
limited, it nevertheless compiles evaluated data exactly as it compiles experi-
mental data.
Some evaluations are made under the auspices of the IAEA Nuclear
Data Unit, with the help of specialists' panels regularly convened for the
purpose; such evaluations are presently the following:
a) Standards for neutron cross section measurements,
b) World values for certain parameters of fissile isotopes at thermal
neutron energy.
The data are on magnetic tape and are available upon request in various
forms. These include magnetic tape, printed lists, punched cards, and gra-
phical plots. All data are conformed to common practice before being added
to the data file.
CINDU, Catalogue of Numerical Neutron Data available from the IAEA Nuclear
Data Unit, No.7 (CINDU-7), IAEA Nuclear Data Unit, Vienna, May 1968,
136 pp.
Three volumes and an introductory statement have appeared under this title.
Two volumes, i.e., Part II: Tables (1962) and Part III: Graphs (1963)
appeared before the third volume, Part I: Evaluation (1966). Parts II and III
contain recommended values for neutron cross sections for all occurring
neutron nuclear interactions in the energy range 0.01 eV to 10 MeV for e,
Cr, Fe, H, He, Mo, Na, Ni, 0, 239P, 235U, and 238U.
Part I: Evaluation provides documentation for Parts II and III. In addi-
tion, it contains extensive tables of resolved and statistical resonance para-
meters and updated level schemes for the isotopes concerned. However,
a great portion of Part I is devoted to consideration of information published
between 1962 and 1966, and to updating the data in Parts II and III.
The data in Part I have been added to the computerized microscopic data
library called KEDAK (the Karlsruhe nuclear data file). This file has been
used to produce a fourth uptadet volume Tables of Evaluated Neutron Cross
Sections for Fast Reactor Materials (1968) which in general covers the same
elements and properties - neutron cross sections and resonance parameters-
included in the earlier series.
Covered are neutron cross sections in the energy range 0 to 20 MeV, and
photon cross sections in the energy range 10 KeV to 20 MeV.
The data are evaluated and then stored in a form for computer use.
Computer programs are used to check the data filed for internal consistency.
Details concerning the library may be found in:
UKAEA Nuclear Data Library,January 1967, D. S. NORTON, J. S. STORY, Atomic
Energy Establishment, Winfrith (England), February 1968, 19 pp, UK 3s. 6d.
Compilation of neutron data from the 13 OECD countries is a major activity.
The data are stored in computer files. The center can also provide users with
CINDA, or specific searches of CINDA.
3 International Compendium 33
The center has built up a library of evaluated data files, notably the
UKAEA Nuclear Data Library (see 3.1.10.), the Evaluated Nuclear Data
File (see 3.1.7.), and the Karlsruhe KEDAK library (see 3.1.9.), among
Some data evaluation work is done at the center. These compilations
are published in the ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre Newsletter.
Properties of Nuclides
3.1.13. Charged-Particle Cross Sections
This project, sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC),
is carried on in the Charged-Particle Cross-Section (CPX) Data Center of
the Physics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) , Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, under the supervision of FRANCIS K. MCGOWAN. The
program originated at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of
California, Los Alamos, New Mexico, in 1955. It was discontinued in 1960,
and after a brief lapse was started again at ORNL.
Compilations include cross-section data at all energies for nuclear reactions
of the type A (x,y) B, were A is the target nucleus and B the residual nucleus,
x is the bombarding charged particle, andy is the outgoing particle or par-
ticles in the reaction. The mass of x must be equal to or greater than one
nucleon mass. To date, only targets from hydrogen (as proton, deutron,
and triton) through copper have been covered. Bombarding particles include
p, d, t, ex, 3He, 6Li, 12C, 14N, 160 and in a few isolated reactions 15N, 19F, 2ONe,
and 22Ne.
Cross-section data at all energies including angular distributions and
excitation functions, and data on angular dependence of polarization produ-
ced in nuclear reactions are included.
Primary sources of data consist of the open literature, AEC reports,
and preprints of papers to be published. Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics
Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts are used as secondary sources.
In general, only one reference is given for each set of data: this is either the
only set available or the best set as judged by the compiler. Errors given for
cross sections are standard deviations. When the type of error was not
designated by the author, the compiler has arbitrarily assumed that the
errors were standard deviations. For some of the earlier cross-section data
the only source is a small figure from a journal. In general, the accuracy of
the data points read from the small figures depends on the accuracy of the
original drawing and on the distortions resulting from publication. Captions
to the tabular data include the reaction, the energy E (in the laboratory
frame of reference), and the energy of the merging particle (or particles),
Q taken from the 1961 Nuclear Data Tables, the reference, contributing
laboratory, and a few experimental details. In most cases, some indication
of the errors is given.
In general, the symbols used conform to those in use by the Nuclear
Data Project (see 3.1.1.) and recommended by the Commission for Symbols,
Units, and Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied
Physics. Lists of symbols and abbreviations are given in LA-2014 and
ORNL-CPX-1 (see Publications).
The first report issued in Los Alamos appeared in February 1957 and
the second, January 1961. The two reports cover targets hydrogen through
fluorine, and neon through chromium, respectively. The first compilation
by the ORNL group, issued in July 1964, covers manganese, iron, and
cobalt. The second, issued in January 1965, covers nickel and copper. Both
cover the literature up to January 1964. Future plans are to finish the first
cycle of the compilation - nickel through uranium - in three or four
sections and, concurrently, to bring the cross-section data up to date for
the light elements. Future issues of data will appear in Section A of the
journal Nuclear Data: A Journal Devoted to Compilations and Evaluations of
Experimental and Theoretical Results in Nuclear Physics (see also 3.1.1.) (see
3* 35
Charged Particle Cross Sections, LA-2014, NELSON JARMIE and JOHN D. SEAGRAVE,
Eds., Los Alamos (LA) Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los
Alamos, N. M., February 1957, 234 pp, US $ 1.25. Available from the Clearing-
house for Federal Scientific and Technical Information (CFSTI*), Springfield,
Virginia 22151.
Charged Particle Cross Sections, LA-2424, Neon to Chromium, DARRYL B. SMITH,
Compiler and Ed., NELSON JARMIE and JOHN D. SEAGRAVE, associate Eds.,
Los Alamos (LA) Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos,
N.M., January 1961, III, 137 pp, US $ 2.50. Available from CFSTI*, Spring-
field, Virginia 22151.
Nuclear Cross Sections for Charged-Particle Induced Reactions, (Mn, Fe, Co), ORNL-
CPX-l, F. K. MCGOWAN, W. T. MILNER, and H. J. KIM, compilers, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831, July 1964, 443 pp.
Nuclear Cross Sectionsfor Charged-Partide Induced Reactions, (Ni, Cu), ORNL-CPX-2,
F. K. MCGowAN, W. T. MILNER, and H. J. KIM, compilers, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831, Sept. 1964, III, 511 pp.
Nuclear Cross Sections for Charged-Particle-Induced Reactions, (Li, Be, B), compiled
by H. J. KIM, W. T. MILNER, and F. K. MCGOWAN, Nuclear DataA1, 203-389
(1966), issues 3 and 4 combined US $ 6.00, Academic Press, 111 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y. 10003.
Nuclear Cross Sections for Charged-Particle-Induced Reactions, (C), compiled by
H. J. KIM, W. T. MILNER, and F. K. MCGOWAN, Nuclear Data A2, 1-241
(1966), issues 1 and 2 combined US $ 6.00, Academic Press, 111 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y. 10003.
Nuclear Cross Sections for Charged-Particle-Induced Reactions, (N and 0), compiled
by H. J. KIM, W. T. MILNER, and F. K. MCGOWAN, Nuclear Data A3, 123-285
(1967), issue 2, US $ 3.00, Academic Press, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
"Charged Particle Cross Sections", to be published in Section A of Nuclear Data:
A Journal Devoted to Compilations and Evaluations of Experimental and Theoretical
Results in Nuclear Physics, Academic Press, New York, London. Subscription
price, US $ 15.00 per volume (per section).
The first edition included radioactive nuclei from A = 1 to A = 256; the
second edition, nuclei from A = 100 to A = 257.
Decay scheme diagrams of radioactive nuclei are presented, i.e., the
ground and excited states of nuclei and the probabilities of different transi-
tions between them. The second edition, in addition to the data on levels
excited in radioactive decay, includes data on levels excited in different
nuclear reactions, such as Coulomb excitation (n, r), (d, p). Numerical values
referring to energy levels and transitions between them are placed directly
on the diagrams. Mass, isotopic abundance, half-life, transition energies,
and other information are given on the diagrams. Tables at the end of the
second edition give spin values, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole
moments, conventional names of radioactive isotopes, binding energies of
electrons, cross sections of nuclear activation by thermal neutrons, and
nomograms for calculation of logf!, for (3--, (3+-, and e-transitions.
The primary literature was surveyed for data.
Both editions have a title page and introduction in English and Russian and
give the English meanings of abbreviations. The introduction has an
excellent description of the decay scheme diagrams and supplementary data.
The second edition has a two-page list defining symbols in Russian only;
however, the symbols throughout the book are in roman characters. On a
diagram, all the isotopes with the mass number A are given at the top of
the page by chemical symbol, with mass number as a right superscript,
atomic number as a left superscript, and number of neutrons in the nucleus
as a right subscript, in part contrary to the International Union of Pure and
Applied Physics recommendations. Supplementary information and a biblio-
graphy are given for each nuclide.
The decay scheme diagrams of the first edition, published in 1958, were
constructed from experimental data published up to the end of 1957. The
diagrams of the second edition (1963) were based on data published and
available to the authors up to April 1962. Many of the schemes of the first
edition were revised for the second edition.
The first edition of the Russian text is a well-bound 18 X 27 cm book
printed on good-quality paper. The second edition is the same size, but has a
less attractive binding and paper of much poorer quality. The printing is
clear in both text and diagrams. The English translation is a well-bound
book 17 X 26 cm. Addenda of new references are given at the end of each
Decay Schemes of Radioactive Nuclei, B. S. DZHELEPOV and L. K. PEKER, U. S. S. R.
Academy of Sciences Press, Moscow and Leningrad, 1958, VIII, 787 pp,
English translation, Pergamon Press, New York, Oxford, London, Paris,
1961, VI, 786 pp.
Decay Schemes of Radioactive Nuclei, A ;;;; 100, B. S. DZHELEPOV, L. K. PEKER, and
V. O. SERGEJEV, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Press, Moscow and Lenin-
grad, 1963, 1060 pp.
Data on the light nuclei SHe to 24Ne (Z = 2 to Z = 10) are presented, except
for VII (1966) which is limited to A = 5 to 10 and VII (1968) A = 11 to 12.
Included are: energy level diagrams, tables of values, and the nuclear
reactions in which the nuclei are involved. Numerical values are given for
excitation energies, masses, Q-values, binding energies (weighted mean
values), resonances, y-transitions, cross sections, and a separate table of
atomic mass excesses.
Sources of data include the open literature and some prepublished data.
These publications constitute a series of compilations summarizing experi-
mental information on the energy levels of nuclei. The first six covered
Z = 2 to Z = 10; the seventh was limited to A = 5 to 10 to permit more
timely publication. Each publication is independent; however, for certain
reactions earlier summaries may be consulted for more detailed discussion
and bibliography.
The data upon which the level schemes are based are tabulated, analyzed,
and discussed for each nuclide covered. Uncertainties and ranges of error
are given; and complete references are provided. In VI (1959) and VII (1966),
"best" values are indicated in tables of data when appropriate. In addition,
quantities which are calculated or converted, and numbers or parameters
whose identification is uncertain are indicated.
Literature references cited are very close to the date the manuscript was
Energy Levels of Light Nuclei
1. W. F. HORNYAK and T. LAURITSEN, Rev. Mod. Phys. 20, 191-227 (1948).
II. T. LAURITSEN, Nat. Acad. Sci.-Nat. Rei. Council, Nud. Sci. Rept. 5, 52
pp. (1949) - (out of print).
Mod. Phys. 22, 291-372 (1950).
IV. F. AJZENBERG and T. LAURITSEN, Rev. Mod. Phys. 24, 321-402 (1952).
V. F. AJZENBERG and T. LAURITSEN, Rev. Mod. Phys. 27, 77-166 (1955).
VI. F. AJZENBERG-SELOVE and T. LAURITSEN, Nud. Phys. 11, 1-340 (1959).
Available for US $ 10.00 from North-Holland Publishing Company, P. O.
Box 103, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (out of print). (A supplement to
this was published as "Nuclear Data Sheets, Sets 5 and 6 of 1961". See
Nuclear Data Project, Publications, 3.1.1.).
VII. T. LAURITSEN and F. AJZENBERG-SELOVE, "Energy Levels of Light Nuclei,
A = 5 -10", Nud. Phys. 78, 1-176 (1966). Available for US $ 4.00 from
the North-Holland Publishing Co., P. O. Box 103, Amsterdam, The
VII. F. AJZENBERG-SELOVE and T. LAURITSEN, "Energy Levels of Light
Nuclei, (VII), A = 11-12", Nucl. Phys. A 114, 1-142 (1968). Available
for US $ 5.00 from the North-Holland Publishing Co., P. O. Box 103,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Four compilations on the above subject have been published since 1954.
Compiled by P. M. ENDT and his colleagues of the Fysisch Laboratorium,
Rijksuniversiteit, Utrecht, the Netherlands, this series consists of reviews as
well as compilations, and complements the project "Energy Levels of Light
Nuclei" (see 3.1.15.).
The evaluation of the data for each nuclide is discussed.
The articles have appeared at three- to five-year intervals. Each one
brings the data up to date. However, papers of only historical interest or
those which have been superseded have been omitted from the later biblio-
graphies. Article IV, for which the manuscript was submitted 31 July 1967,
contained references up to 1 July 1967.
Energy Levels of Light Nuclei, Z = 11 to Z = 20.
1. P. M. ENDT and J. C. KLUYVER, Rev. Mod. Phys. 26, 95-166 (1954). Back
issues can be ordered from the American Institute of Physics, 335 East
45th Street, New York, N. Y. 10017, at US $ 2.25 each.
II. P. M. ENDT and C. M. BRAAMS, Rev. Mod. Phyt. 29, No.4, 683-756 (1957).
Back issues can be ordered from the American Institute of Physics, 335 East
45th Street, New York, N. Y. 10017, at US $ 2.25 each.
III. P. M. ENDT and C. VAN DER LEUN, Nucl. Phys. 34, 1-324 (1962). Reprints
are available for US $ 10.00 from North-Holland Publishing Company,
P. O. Box 103, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Energy Levels of Z = 11 - 21 Nuclei
IV. P. M. ENDT and C. VAN DER LEUN, Nucl. Phys. A 105, 1-488 (1967);
errata and addenda Nucl. Phys. A 115, 697 (1968). Reprints are available
for US $ 12.00 from North-Holland Publishing Company, P. O. Box 103,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
This volume consists of three chapters prepared by three groups of com-
pilers in different places. Chapter 1 was prepared by F. AJZENBERG-SELOVE,
Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania, U. S. A, and T. LAURITSEN,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U. S. A (see also
3.1.15.); Chapter 2, by K. WAY, N. B. GOVE, C. L. MCGINNIS, and R. NAKA-
SIMA, Nuclear Data Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, U. S. A. (see also 3.1.1.); and Chapter 3, by ]. SCHEER, Universitiit
Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, California, U. S. A. The modes of pre-
sentation differ slightly from one another. Each chapter has its own intro-
duction and list of references. Uniformity of the volume has been assured
by establishing a correspondence in the material content of the three
chapters. The compilation was published under the auspices of "Landolt-
Bornstein", described in 2.1.
Chapter I
The first chapter (94 pages) deals with the energy levels of light nuclei from
SHe to 20Na. The tables list the following parameters for each level as far as
known: the excitation energy above the ground state; the total angular
momentum quantum number and parity, and the isobaric spin quantum
number; the half-life or mean life of the state or its half-width, and the
known modes of decay of the states. The diagrams include information on
energy levels, nuclei-forming reactions, binding energies, Q-values, thin-
target excitation functions, cross sections, center-of-mass energy, as well as
excitation energies, angular momentum quantum number and parity, and
the isobaric spin quantum number.
In all but a few cases, the 1960 mass tables and Q-value tables of EVERLING,
KOENIG, MATI'AUCH and WAPSTRA, Nuclear Pf?ysics 15, 342 (1960), were used.
In some cases more precise values became available after the publication
of the mass tables and were used in computing Q-values and excitation
energies. Tabulated probable errors indicated are generally weighted means
from several determinations and include uncertainties in mass values.
In addition to specific references to data, supplementary references are
provided. The brevity of the introduction implies that the user must be
knowledgeable in this area. All symbols are defined and brief comments are
sometimes given on the diagrams.
Chapter II
The second chapter (565 pages) deals with energy levels of atom masses
A = 21 to A = 212. It was prepared by members of the U. S. Nuclear Data
Project and overlaps data published by that group (see 3.1.1.). It gives in
diagrammatic form the available information on the energies, decay modes,
half-lives, spins, and parities of the levels of medium-weight atomic nuclei,
and presents on the pages facing the diagrams reasons for making spin-
parity assignments, comments on the level schemes, information on mass
differences used, and literature references to basic data.
The introduction is very useful in its presentation of detailed descriptions
of the level scheme conventions, spin and parity assignments, mass links,
references, general conventions - including determination of uncertain-
ties - and symbols and abbreviations; and in general facilitates use of the
material. Uncertainties are indicated on the diagrams and in the explanatory
Chapter III
The third chapter (154 pages) covers the heavy-element region with mass
numbers 213 to 257. The following properties are given on the energy level
diagrams: energies, spins, parities, and rotational quantum numbers for
each level. Also given are the energies and multipolarities of gamma-
transitions. Intensities are included.
On the pages facing the figures there are presented level tables with
assignments of quantum numbers to the levels and radiation tables with
data on the radiation of the listed nuclide.
A complete tabulation of all nuclear data was not intended. When informa-
tion from different sources is available only a single selected value is given.
In cases of serious discrepancies, the different values are listed independently.
In no cases have average values been given because of the problem of
assigning relative weights to the different values. Uncertain data transitions
and levels are marked.
Arrangement of the nuclides, use of the tables, and symbols are discussed
in the introduction.
Interactions of high energy electromagnetic radiation with nuclei are covered.
These include: total photon interaction cross sections, cross sections for
specific photon induced reactions, spectra and angular distribution of photo-
disintegration reaction products, inverse capture reactions, inelastic electron
scattering cross sections, Q-values for photonuclear reactions, and abundance
of stable isotopes. The energy range of primary interest is 5 to 150 MeV.
A comprehensive Photonuclear Data File is maintained that includes
abstracts of significant data from each reference. The literature has been
searched back to 1955 and is essentially current. Nine journals are searched
for data and Nuclear Science Abstracts is used to cover other journals. In
general, only articles published in journals are abstracted, although a few
conference reports have been included. The publications to date include
"Photonuclear Data Index" published in 1966, and a supplement issued
in 1967. These publications differ from bibliographies in that quantitative
information (numerical data) concerning the content is included. The Indexes
are arranged by element and isotope from Z = 1 to Z = 95. Each entry is a
line tabulation of the reference, nucleus excited, reaction, type of informa-
tion, excitation energy range, source type and energy range, detector type,
energy and angular range, and remarks.
A data file on photonuclear reactions is maintained up-to-date. With the
literature search well underway, the systematic evaluation of data has been
started. A critical review of all available data on the s-shell nuclei is in pro-
gress. These evaluations will be published as monographs or review articles
in the National Standard Reference Data Series. At present, bibliography-
indexes are published periodically.
Photonuclear Data Index, NBS Misc. Pub. 277, N. V. BAGGEIT, T. M. COLLINS,
Government Printing Office (GPO), Washington, D. C. 20402, 1966, IV,
96 pp, US $ 0.55.
Photonuclear Data Index: January 1965 through April 1967, NBS Misc. Pub. 277-
Supplement 1, T. M. COLLINS, E. G. FULLER, J. D. MURPHY and J. S. O'CON-
NELL, GPO, Washington, D.C. 20402, 1967, IV, 66 pp, US $ 0.45.
CINDA covers references providing information on specific types of neutron
cross sections or other microscopic data for a given target nucleus. In general,
it is limited to reactions induced by neutrons of energy < 20 MeV, for
specific elements and isotopes. In addition, information on (y, n) and (y,J)
reactions has been included recently with the restriction that the y-ray energy
must be less than approximately 15 MeV, and the (y, n) cross section greater
than 0.1 mb.
The CINDA publications represent computer edits of the entire master
library. The entries are ordered first by element and mass number and then
by class of data quantity. Within the data quantity classes, order is chronolo-
gical, with the date included. Other information listed includes the type of
investigation and reference, minimum and maximum energy, the reference,
laboratory, and comments.
The primary literature, as well as other sources of neutron data is
monitored by the four centers. The literature has been covered thoroughly
from 1956 to the present; some pre-1956 references are included.
CINDA is an index to all neutron data within the scope indicated under
"Coverage". In those cases where the reference is to the computer libraries
of the four centers, a scientist may request computer retrieval of specific
data from the center servicing his area. Other references are to standard
compilations, journals, and unpublished work. No numerical data are given,
and the original source must be used.
In indexing the data, certain editorial standards are followed. The com-
puter files of the information centers have largely been built on this establish-
ed format. CINDA and the computer files are updated and revised as new
and improved data become available. Each issue supersedes the previous one.
The last CINDA publication is CINDA 68. A supplement to this volume
was published in January 1969. CINDA 69 will probably be published in
May 1969.
CINDA 66, An Index to the Literature on Microscopic Neutron Data, by Columbia
University and ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre, published by the
ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre, Saclay, and the USAEC Division
of Technical Information Extension, Oak Ridge, 1966, XXVIII, 1379 pp.
CINDA 66, Supplement 1, prepared and published by the ENEA Neutron Data
Compilation Centre, Saclay, and the USAEC Division of Technical Information
Extension, Oak Ridge, October 1966, XXXII, 327 pp.
CINDA 66, Supplement 2, prepared and published by the ENEA Neutron Data
Compilation Centre, Saclay, and the USAEC Division of Technical Informa-
tion Extension, Oak Ridge, March 1967, XXXIV, 561 pp (cumulative).
CINDA 67, An Index to the Literature on Microscopic Neutron Data, Parts I and II,
USAEC Division of Technical Information Extension, U. S. S. R. Nuclear
Data Information Centre, ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre, and
IAEA Nuclear Data Unit, published by ENEA Neutron Data Compilation
Centre, Saclay, and the Division of Technical Information Extension, USAEC,
Oak Ridge, 1967, Part I, X, 868 pp, Part II, 125 pp.
CINDA 68: An Index to the Literature on Microscopic Neutron Data, USAEC
Division of Technical Information Extension, U.S.S.R. Nuclear Data Infor-
mation Centre, ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre, and the IAEA
Nuclear Data Unit, published by ENEA Neutron Data Compilation Centre,
Saclay, 1968, X, 1019 pp.
CINDA 68, Supplement, USAEC Division of Technical Information Extension,
U. S. S. R. Nuclear Data Information Centre, ENEA Neutron Data Compi-
lation Centre, and the IAEA Nuclear Data Unit, published by USAEC Divi-
sion of Technical Information Extension, Oak Ridge, 1969, VIII, 181 pp.
As far as possible, atomic energy levels and multiplet tables are to be given
for all the elements. The first edition of Atomic Energy Levels covered the
elements 1H to 57La and 72Hf to 89Ac. Compilation of data for the lanthanide
and actinide groups is still in progress. Separate multiplet tables have been
published in which the selection of lines is based primarily on their astro-
physical importance. These are A Multiplet Table of Astrophysical Interest
(A longer than 3000 A) and An Ultraviolet Multiplet Table (A shorter than
3000 A). Both contain finding lists. In 1965, work was begun on new
editions of both the atomic energy level and the multiplet tables. These
tables are being issued in a NSRDS series of publications under the heading
Selected Tables of Atomic Spectra. For each spectrum the energy levels and
multiplets are listed under one cover. Thus far, data for Si I, Si II, Si III
and Si IV have appeared in this NSRDS series.
The Atomic Energy Level Tables present the following information for
each spectrum: general descriptive remarks, number of electrons, the iso-
electronic sequence, the ground state of the atom with its complete electron
configuration, the absolute value of the ground level, the atomic number Z,
the ionization potential, and a selected bibliography. The data listed include:
configurations, designations, J-values, atomic energy levels, intervals, and
observed g-values. Hyperfine structure ascribed to atomic nuclei is not
included, except for hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium.
The multiplet tables include for a given spectrum: a general grading of
the analysis and a grading of the completeness of the multiplet table. For
individual multiplets, wavelengths, reference sources, low and high excitation
potentials,J-values, term designations, and multiplet numbers are given.
The Solar SpectrulIl 2935 A to 8770 A, which is the second revision of
ROWLAND'S preliminary tables of solar spectrum wavelengths, includes some
20,000 lines observed in the solar spectrum between 2935 A and 8770 A.
This project was promoted by the IAU and was carried out in collaboration
with M. MINNAERT and J. HOUTGAST at the Utrecht Observatory in The
The main sources of data are the open literature and unpublished contri-
butions. The comprehensive card catalog of references maintained at NBS
since 1914, used for the "Atomic Energy Levels" project has, also, provided
extensive material for the revised identifications of solar lines.
These publications were originally prepared in response to the need for a
critical compendium of data, and they still serve that purpose. The data in
the Atomic Energy Levels and Multiplet Tables are derived from analyses of
optical spectra; these data have been examined critically before publication.
An effort has been made to coordinate the programs in all active spectro-
scopic laboratories in order to avoid duplication of effort; it is an inter-
national enterprise. Much unpublished material has been utilized owing to
the collaboration of spectroscopists in the U. S. A. and many other nations.
The introductory text in Atomic Energy Levels on individual spectra
contains an appraisal of the analysis and points out the spectra that need
further observation and study. In compiling the data, special effort has been
made to introduce the uniform spectroscopic notation recommended by the
Joint Commission for Spectroscopy. The terminology is generally accepted
by spectroscopists and is adequately explained in the introduction.
In Selected Tables of Atomic Spectra, the revised (1964) conversion factor
from reciprocal centimeter to electron volt (0.000123981) has been used to
obtain the respective ionization and excitation potentials quoted in the tables.
Complete references precede each spectrum. The arrangement of the multi-
plet tables parallels that of the atomic energy levels: references and descrip-
tive remarks precede tables of data. Some references for hyperfine structure
are included.
A Multiplet Table of Astrophysical Interest, Contributions from the Princeton Uni-
versity Observatory No. 20, C. E. MOORE, Princeton University, Princeton,
N.J., 1945. Reprinted as NBS Technical Note 36,1959,242 pp (PB 151395),
Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield,
Virginia 22151, US $ 4.00.
An Ultraviolet Multiplet Table, NBS Circular 488, C. E. MOORE, U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402.
Section 1 (H to V, Z = 1 - 23),1950,85 pp, US $ 0.55. Reprinted 1956.
Section 2 (Cr to Nb, Z = 24 - 41), 1952, 120 pp, US $ 0.70. Reprinted 1956.
Sections 1 and 2 combined, reprinted 1963, US $ 1.25.
Section 3 (Mo to La, Z = 42 - 57, and Hf to Ra, Z = 72 - 88), 1962, 98 pp,
US $ 0.60.
Section 4, Finding List for Spectra of the Elements Hydrogen to Niobium
(Z = 1 to 41), 1962, 70 pp, US $ 0.45.
Section 5, Finding List for Spectra of the Elements Molybdenum to Lanthanum
(Z = 42 to 57); Hafnium to Radium (Z = 72 to 88), 1962, 34 pp, US $ 0.30.
Atomic Energy Levels, As Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra, NBS
Circular 467, C. E. MOORE, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C. 20402.
Vol. I: Hydrogen to Vanadium (Z = 1 - 23), 1949, 309 pp, US $ 5.50.
Reprinted 1954, 1960, 1964.
Vol. II: Chromium to Niobium (Z = 24 - 41), 1952, 227 pp, US $ 4.00.
Reprinted 1958, 1963, 1966.
The Data Center collects, evaluates, and publishes data on atomic transition
probabilities. This encompasses radiative transition probabilities of atoms
and atomic ions in the gas phase (intensities of spectral lines). All the ele-
ments are to be covered. The Data Center also answers inquiries from the
A first critical compilation of Atomic Transition Probabilities covers the
first 10 elements of the periodic table; the second volume (in preparation)
will cover the next 10. Succeeding volumes will include elements for which
4 International Compendium 49
extensive and adequate data are available - the heavier noble gases, some
of the well-known metals, the alkalies, and the alkaline earths.
The tables are arranged according to increasing atomic number and stage
of ionization. Allowed and forbidden transitions appear in separate tables.
The following properties are included: ground state configuration, ioniza-
tion potential, spectroscopic notation, wavelength, energy levels, statistical
weights (g; and gk), transition probability for spontaneous emission (A ki) ,
and line strength (5); for allowed transitions, in addition, the absorption
oscillator strength and log gf; and for forbidden transitions, the type of
Sources of data are the open literature, private communications, theoreti-
cal and experimental work at NBS, and - for the wavelengths and energy
levels - NBS compilations on atomic energy levels and multiplet tables
prepared by the Atomic Energy Levels Data and Information Center (see
3.2.1.). Also, numerous calculations based on the Coulomb approximation
of BATES and DAMGAARD have been made to fill gaps in the data.
The authors have compiled the "best" available transition probabilities of
allowed (i.e., electric dipole) and forbidden (i.e., electric quadrupole and
magnetic dipole) lines of the first ten elements, including their ions.
The introduction to Atomic Transition Probabilities includes useful dis-
cussions of the major experimental and theoretical methods by which the
tabulated data were obtained, the methods of evaluation, and the content
and arrangement of the tables. A brief introduction for each spectrum, i.e.,
each stage of ionization, covers the selection of the tabulated values and
gives some indication of accuracy. The stronger lines characteristic of the
neutral atoms and ions and additional material with estimated uncertainties
less than 50 percent are listed. Data with estimated uncertainties greater
than 50 percent are included only in special cases. The estimation of uncer-
tainties is coded to indicate five levels of uncertainty covering a range from
1 to 50%. Experimental accuracies are generally not less than 10 percent,
with the exception of some data obtained from lifetime measurements.
When values were obtained by several methods of comparable quality, the
results were averaged to obtain the "best value". Numerous units and
symbols are used in the literature for transition probabilities. From these
the authors have adopted the following: Aki (sec-1), transition probability
for spontaneous emission ;fik (dimensionless), absorption oscillator strength;
log gf; and S (atomic units), the line strengths.
Most of the literature through 1963 to 1964 was examined for the evalua-
tion for the first ten elements. References for each spectrum precede the
tables of data. A list of pertinent materials received after the cut-off date is
Atomic Transition Probabilities, A Critical Data Compilation, NSRDS-NBS 4
(Vol. I: Hydrogen Through Neon), W. L. WIESE, M. W. SMITH, and B. M.
GLENNON, U. S. Government Printing Office (GPO*), Washington, D. C.
20402, May 1966, XI, 154 pp, US $ 2.50.
Atomic Transition Probabilities, A Critical Data Compilation, NSRDS-NBS 22
(Vol. II: Sodium Through Calcium), W. L. WIESE, M. W. SMITH, and B. M.
MILES, GPO*, Washington, D. C. 20402, to be published, 1969.
Other Publications
Bibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities, B. M. GLENNON and W. L. WIESE,
GPO*, Washington, D.C. 20402, (1) NBS Monograph 50, 1962, 44 pp,
superseded by (2) NBS Miscellaneous Publication 278,1966,92 pp, US $ 0.55,
plus (3) Supplement to NBS Miscellaneous Publication 278, 1968, 43 pp,
US $ 0.30 (for the period May 1966 to December 1967).
The work at The Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland 21218), on
which these publications are based, was supported by various government
agencies including the Office of Standard Reference Data (see 1.1.1.) of the
National Bureau of Standards (NBS). The publication is divided into two
parts: "X-Ray Wavelengths" by J. A. BEARDEN, and "Reevaluation of
X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels" by J. A. BEARDEN and A. F. BURR.
Discrepancies in the tabulations of X-ray reference lines prompted the
establishment of the standard W KIX! wavelength as exactly 0.2090100 A*,
where A* is a new unit, lA* = 1A ± 5 ppm. The wavelengths of Ag KIX!,
Mo KIX!, Cu KIX!, and Cr KIX2 were established as secondary standards; and
61 additional X-ray lines, as reference values. The first section includes two
major tables. The first lists all emission lines of an element including the line
and level designation, wavelength in A* with probable error, and energies
4* 51
in keY. Elements are arranged by atomic number. The second table lists
wavelengths in numerical order of the emission lines. Included are the
wavelength in A*, probable error, element, line designation, absorption
edge, and energies in keY.
The second section is based on the first. The reevaluated X-ray emission
lines of section one are used with photoelectron measurements to redetermine
values of atomic energy levels by means of a least squares adjustment for
each element. Data tabulated include values of the adjusted atomic energy
levels, and probable errors in eV, photoelectron direct measurements when
available, and measured values of the X-ray absorption energies. The ele-
ments are arranged by ascending atomic number.
Data were compiled from the primary literature, some secondary sources,
and work done by the authors at The Johns Hopkins University.
This work is the result of very careful examination of the theoretical and
experimental bases used in the determination of X-ray wavelength standards,
and a close scrutiny of the literature. After serious discrepancies were
uncovered, new standards were worked out based on the critical evaluation
of available data - some of which were determined by the author(s).
The standards and reference values for X-ray emission lines and atomic
energy levels are well documented with references, and discussions in the
introductory texts. Descriptions of errors and scrupulous definitions of the
"probable error" assigned to each value are provided.
Symbols and nomenclature are those accepted by international bodies.
The spectrum lines were measured and the data compiled from the
literature by the staff members of the Spectroscopy Laboratory of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts
02139. GEORGE R. HARRISON, Professor of Physics, MIT, directed the project.
This publication includes wavelength tables with intensities in are, spark,
or discharge tube of some 109,275 spectrum lines, most strongly emitted by
This publication is the most comprehensive offering of its kind. The data
included were based on a literature search and on measurements made at
MIT to corroborate the literature values. All values included were selected
by critical evaluation and carry an indication of precision.
The introduction provides discussions of the tables, precision of wave-
lengths, and other factors.
The Information Center collects, critically evaluates, and compiles data on
collisions of electrons, and photons, with ions, atoms, and molecules which
are of interest to astrophysicists, aeronomists, and plasma physicists. The
scope of the program is limited to low energy atomic collision data.
JILA has a number of activities; the Information Center is one. Under
NSRDP, the Information Center makes available to the general scientific
and technical community critically evaluated data for low energy electron,
photon, and heavy particle collisions with atoms and simple molecules. All
information on low energy atomic collisions is collected and published in
bibliographies, each new edition superseding previous ones. These biblio-
graphies are used to prepare critical reviews of atomic collision data. In the
reviews all data are critically analyzed, and scrutinized for a number of
requirements including theoretical background, experimental method, and
researcher's investigation of systematic errors. Data which are only of
historical interest and which have been superseded are not included in the
critical review.
A bibliography and a subsequent critical review have been published.
The introduction to the data compilation in the critical review includes a
thorough discussion of the criteria used for data evaluation - the specifics
of experimental method, and systematic errors. Older data expressed as
efficiency versus electron energy were converted to cross section units. The
reliability and uncertainty of data is indicated, and the validity of obtaining
values from graphs is considered. Complete references are included. The
data for each class of atoms, atomic ions, and diatomic molecules are dis-
cussed critically. Data are presented in graphs.
"Electron Impact Ionization Cross-Section Data for Atoms, Atomic Ions, and
Diatomic Molecules: 1. Experimental Data", L. J. KIEFFER and G. H. DUNN,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 38, No.1, 1-35 (1966).
Electron Impact Excitation of Atoms, NSRDS-NBS 25, B. L. MorSEIWITSCH and
S. J. SMITH, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402,
August 1968, IV, 116 pp, US $ 2.00. Reprinted from Rev. Mod. Phys. 40,
No. 2,238 (1968).
The center covers optical spectroscopic data and constants for diatomic
molecules in all pertinent regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and
molecular parameters derived from spectroscopic measurements. Data
included are: wavelengths of characteristic bands in the electronic spectra,
energy levels associated with observed transitions, spectroscopic constants
for observed states, potential energy curves, and dissociation energies. Of
particular interest at this time are vacuum UV band wavelengths.
An information file is maintained as complete and up-to-date as possible.
The literature has been surveyed from 1900 to 1965. This included not only
primary literature but also abstracting journals and a few other references.
The center plans to issue bibliographies, reviews, and compilations of
critically evaluated numerical data.
The first publication and data compilation, The Band Spectrum of Carbon
Monoxide, appeared in 1966 as NSRDS-NBS 5. Observed and predicted
spectroscopic data on CO, CO+, and C02+ in the gas phase are presented.
Properties included in the first half, a critical review of the literature, are
the electronic structure and spectrum of CO and CO+; perturbations;
dissociation energies; other spectra of CO; RAMAN, STARK, and ZEEMAN
The center performs two complementary functions: it acts as an information
center by accumulating, processing, and storing data; and it produces
reviews and compilations of critically evaluated data.
The Band Spectrum of Carbon Monoxide combines a literature review and a
compilation of critically evaluated data. Papers from which data were taken
are discussed in the text. Early data, which are assumed to be of low preci-
sion, are included only when better data are not available. The author
indicates that estimates of reliability are given where possible: in the tabu-
lations copious footnotes perform this function.
Spectrograms and topics such as infrared intensities, which are treated
fully elsewhere, are not included, but references are provided. All references
used are grouped together at the end, constituting a critical bibliography of
the subject. Most references are to the primary literature and include the
title of the paper, which enhances the usefulness of the bibliography.
The spectroscopic notation follows recommendations by the Triple
Commission on Spectroscopy (now the Joint ICSU Commission on Spectro-
scopy, see 3.2.1.). Symbols, nomenclature, other conventions, and physical
constants and conversion factors used are also indicated.
The Band Spectrum of Carbon Monoxide, NSRDS-NBS 5, P. H. KRUPENIE, U. S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, 1966, VI, 87 pp,
US $ 0.70.
This volume, and Volume 5, were produced under the aegis of the Tables
de Constantes organization, but also with joint sponsorship by the Inter-
national Astronomical Union and the International Union of Pure and
This volume includes information on spectra of about 400 diatomic mole-
cules of particular interest to astrophysicists. For each molecule the following
information is given in tabular form: the methodes) of production of the
spectra; the band systems or groups of bands including the pertinent
transition, the favorable sources, the limits of observation, the direction of
shading, wavelengths of characteristic band heads, frequency values and
references; molecular constants (for the most abundant isotope); informa-
tion on perturbation, predissociation or preionization; and potential energy
curves (a few cases only).
A brief, but information-packed introduction presents nomenclature, sym-
bols, conventions, and formulas applicable to the tables. The data for each
molecule were assembled by the expert collaborators; and reviewed for
consistency by Prof. ROSEN. The bibliography is complete to July 1951 and
comprises 2,625 references. A revision of this work is in progress.
This volume, and Volume 4, were produced under the aegis of the Tables de
Constantes organization, but also with joint sponsorship by the International
Astronomical Union and the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry. The editor of both volumes was B. ROSEN of Liege, Belgium,
and the scientific collaborators were R. F. BARROW (U. K.), A. D. CAUNT,
(U.K.), A. R. DOWNIE (U.K.), R. HERMAN (France), E. HULDT (Sweden),
This volume presents spectral data for essentially the same molecules treated
in Volume 4. The main part is a 320-page table giving in decreasing order of
wavelength, from 15000 to 700 A the heads or maxima of bands for 299
diatomic molecules. An indication is given for each band of the mode of
observation, the direction of shading, Llv, characteristic bands of the system,
and a literature reference or cross index to tables of Volume 4. A separate
table of 55 pages lists 4000 individual lines for H 2 • Also for a small number
of molecules, a complete listing of wavelengths is given for their bands
(6 pages only).
This atlas of bands and lines for diatomic molecules is an extremely useful
extension of the data of Volume 4, although now out of date.
These volumes were prepared by GERHARD HERZBERG, National Research
Council of Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa 7, Ontario, Canada.
Volume I covers: resume of the Elements of Atomic Structure; Ob-
served Molecular Spectra and Their Representation by Empirical Formulae;
Rotation and Vibration of Diatomic Molecules; Interpretation of Infrared
Volume III concludes the series "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Struc-
ture", begun in 1939. The author's primary purpose was to present a
thorough exposition of the theoretical background and the empirical results
necessary to a consideration of molecular spectra and structure. Also inclu-
ded, as part of the presentation, are diagrams, graphical reproductions of
eigenfunctions and potential curves, energy level diagrams, spectrograms,
and extensive tables of carefully selected data.
of the Infrared Data Committee (IRDC) of Japan (see 3.2.20.). The Office
of Standard Reference Data, National Bureau of Standards (NBS), (see 1.1.1.)
provides financial support.
Complete fundamental vibrational frequency values are given for a com-
prehensive series of selected simple inorganic and organic molecules including
XY2' XY3 and XY4 type molecules (where X = 0, N, C, S, P, Si, etc., and
Y =H, F, CI, Br, I), simple hydrocarbons and halogen and other basic deriva-
tives, and deuterated varieties of many ofthe foregoing. A table is given for each
molecule; it lists the selected value of each fundamental frequency, and its
symmetry class and mode (stretching, rocking, etc.). Other information
provided includes: observed infrared and Raman frequencies (em-i), the
molecular formula, and estimated frequency uncertainty. Coded notations
indicate the strength and type of line (strong or weak, shoulder, polarized,
To date three parts of a four-part compilation have been issued in the
National Standard Reference Data System (NSRDS) publications series.
The publication Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Parts 1,2, and 3,
includes 167 molecules. Part 4 will cover about 50 additional molecules.
Most references are from the primary literature with a few from un-
published work and secondary sources.
It is anticipated that fundamental vibrational frequencies for several hundred
key molecules will be assigned and evaluated. A consolidated volume
comprised of Parts 1,2, and 3 plus Part 4, now in preparation, will include
the first 229 molecules.
The fundamental frequencies are obtained mainly from infrared and
Raman spectra supplemented by microwave spectra. The assignment of
vibrational frequencies are adopted only when supported by calculation of
frequencies from force constants. Such calculations are also used to predict
optically inactive or otherwise missing lines. Five levels of uncertainty are
assigned, ranging from an uncertainty of 0 - 1 cm-i to 15 - 30 cm-i and
reflect a magnitude of uncertainty characteristic of the instrumentation used.
The brief introduction refers the reader to a number of publications for
the methods used in selecting force constants and in calculating normal
vibrations. The use of the tables and the abbreviations and conventions
employed are also discussed.
Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, TAKEHIKO SHIMANOUCHI, U. S. Govern-
ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402.
Part 1, NSRDS-NBS 6, March 1967, IV, 56 pp, US $ DAD.
Part 2, NSRDS-NBS 11, October 1967, IV, 38 pp, US $ DAD.
Part 3, NSRDS-NBS 17, March 1968, IV, 39 pp, US $ 0.30.
Covered are atomic collisions: heavy particle-heavy particle atomic collision
cross sections, particle interactions with quasi-static electric and magnetic
fields, particle penetration into macroscopic matter, and energetic particle
interactions with surfaces. Molecular interactions are considered for mole-
cules consisting of less than 5 or 6 atoms.
A file of evaluated bibliographical references has been prepared from a
literature search covering the period 1950 to 1967. The Center prepares the
"Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes" from a survey of 76
scientific and 5 abstract journals. This annotated bibliography has been
covering 6-month intervals.
The center has several publications in various stages: A critical mono-
graph, "Ion-Atom Rearrangement Collisions" is being published by John
Wiley & Sons; a critical review, "Excitation, Ionization and Dissociation
by Heavy Particles", is almost completed; and "Charge Exchange" is in
The center was set up to review and critically evaluate data concerning
atomic collisions. A bibliographical file, noted above, is virtually complete;
work on a data file of evaluated collision data is well underway.
The three publications named are described as critical review mono-
Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for July-December 1965, ORNL-
AMPIC-6, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
Sept. 1967,257 pp. Available from Clearinghouse for Scientific and Technical
Information (CFSTI), Springfield, Virginia 22151 for US $ 3.00 hardcover,
US $ 0.65 microfiche.
Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for January-June 1966, ORNL-
AMPIC-7, ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Oct. 1967, 195 pp. Available from
CFSTI, Springfield, Virginia 22151 for US $ 3.00 hardcover, US $ 0.65 micro-
Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for July-December 1966, ORNL-
AMPIC-8, ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Oct. 1967, 176 pp. Available from
CFSTI, Springfield, Virginia 22151 for US $ 3.00 hardcover, US $ 0.65 micro-
Bibliography of Atomic and Molecular Processes for January-June 1967, ORNL-
AMPIC-9, ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June 1967, 225 pp. Available from
CFSTI, Springfield, Virginia 22151 for US $ 3.00 hardcover, US $ 0.65 micro-
Properties covered include ionization and appearance potentials, and the
properties of excited ionic states - in general, the energetics of gaseous
ionization. All atomic and molecular species are included.
As part of its responsibilities, the data center answers requests from indi-
viduals for specific information, and evaluates data for specific projects.
Publication of tabular compilations of evaluated data has been planned,
and one on ionization potentials, appearance potentials and ionic heats of
formation - in collaboration with J. L. FRANKLIN - is in press.
The literature from 1955 to 1966 has been abstracted, and work on
bringing the file up to date is in progress.
A Bibliography on Ion-Molecule Reactions,fanuary 1900 to March 1966, NBS Technical
Note 291, F. N. HARLLEE, H. M. ROSENSTOCK, and ]. T. HERRON, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, 1966, III, 38 pp.
US $ 0.30.
Ionization Potentials, Appearance Potentials, and Heats of Formation of Gaseous Positive
]. T. HERRON, K. DRAXL, and F. H. FIELD - In press.
This work was prepared by MORRIS KRAUSS in the Physical Chemistry Divi-
sion, Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washing-
ton, D. C. 20234.
Observable properties for which calculated data are given include: total
energy, dissociation energy, electron affinity, spectroscopic constants, elec-
tric moments, field gradients, polarizabilities, magnetic constants, and orbital
energies. The calculations have been assigned to two broad groups, i.e.,
All data are referenced. Other information provided for the annotated
ab initio calculations include state, method, and basis set. Gaussian basis
calculations are presented for 16 molecules in the last table to illustrate the
use of ab initio calculations for polyatomic molecules which range over
systems such as H 2CO, C2H 4 , C4H 4N 2, and C6H 6-
Sixty-five other molecules are covered from the homonuclear diatomics
to pentatomics, e.g., H 2 , LiH, KCI, NP, HCOF, HCCCI, and HCCCN.
The data included are from the period 1960 to 1967. Unpublished material
as well as the primary literature was used for the compilation.
By virtue of its breadth, this data compilation presents an overview of the
field. The author states that the best values for the several observable
properties have been compiled from the mass of data available, but that the
publication is not intended to be a critical review. Data are presented in
tables; a few graphs are included.
The digest is an annual compilation of information which has been published
during the year on dielectric phenomena. Chemical Abstracts, Physics Ab-
stracts, other abstracting services, and other sources are used to locate papers
which are then examined. Although the publication is a digest of literature
on dielectrics, the emphasis is on instrumentation and measurements. The
content and scope of the digest reflects the interest of the Conference on
Electrical Insulation.
The format of the Digest has been changed a number of times, but the
basic purpose has remained the same. Volume 30 (1966) of the Digest
consists of chapters which include a review of the literature highlights and
an extensive bibliography listing paper titles. Other formats have used
extensively annotated bibliographies.
Always included is a chapter with tables of dielectric constants and dipole
moments, and more recently, dielectric relaxation times. This data com-
pilation frequently accounts for about ten percent of the book. The classes
of compounds included in the tables are inorganic, metal- and nonmetal-
organic, complexed, and organic materials. Pure materials and dilute solu-
tions only are considered. The tables in Volume 30 (1966) cover the static
dielectric constants of pure liquids and pure solids, dipole moments, and
unresolved and resolved relaxation times. A brief introduction, list of
abbreviations and units, and methods of calculation are given.
It is not indicated that the tables of data have been critically evaluated. The
authors note that in most cases the values listed were taken from the original
literature, or in some cases from the abstracts. In the cases where an uncer-
tainty or accuracy was given in the original literature, this is included with
the value listed in the table. Also included after some tables are descriptions
of measurements which were not suitable to be included in the tables.
The table of dipole moments is the must substantial of the five tables,
reflecting the activity in this field.
The other chapters of the Digest are literature reviews and extensive
bibliographies - very useful in providing an annual up-to-date review of
the areas under consideration. Volume 30 covering 1966 was published
in 1967.
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics, prepared by the Committee on Digest of Liter-
ature, Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena of the
Division of Engineering, National Research Council. Published by the Nation-
al Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D. C. 20418.
Vol. 11, 1947 1948, VI, 94pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 12, 1948 1949, V, 150 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 13, 1949 1950, VII, 162 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 18, 1954 Publication 383/1955, IX, 176 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 19, 1955 Publication 503/1956, X, 236 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 20,1956 Publication 562/1957, XV, 239 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
5 International Compendium 65
Vol. 21, 1957 Publication 599/1958, XII, 283 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 22, 1958 Publication 713/1959, XIII, 293 pp, paper, US $ 5.00.
Vol. 23, 1959 Publication 799/1960, XIV, 423 pp, paper, US $ 8.00.
Vol. 24,1960 Publication 917/1961, VII, 303 pp, paper, US $ 10.00.
Vol. 25, 1961 Publication 1034/1962, VII, 419 pp, paper, US $ 15.00.
Vol. 26, 1962 Publication 1139/1963, VII, 345 pp, paper, US $ 15.00.
Vol. 27, 1963 Publication 1230/1964, VII, 255 pp, paper, US $ 15.00.
Vol. 28,1964 Publication 1342/1965, IX, 359 pp, cloth, US $ 20.00.
Vol. 29,1965 Publication 1461/1966, (X), 257 pp, cloth, US $ 20.00.
Vol. 30, 1966 Publication 1496/1967, X, 430 pp, cloth, US $ 20.00.
Vol. 31, 1967 Publication 1595/1969, 433 pp, cloth, US $ 27.00.
This compilation was prepared in the Infrared and Microwave Spectroscopy
Section, Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
in Washington, D. C. 20234 as a part of the National Standard Reference
Data Program described in 1.1.1.
Selected Values of Electric Dipole Moments for Molecules in the Gas Phase revises,
updates, and extends the coverage of NBS Circular 537, Tables of Dielectric
Constants and Electric Dipole Moments of Substances in the Gaseous State by
A. A. MARYOTT and F. BUCKLEY (1953).
Some 600 compounds are included. Of these, 127 are inorganic com-
pounds; halides account for over half of this group. The remaining 470 are
carbon compounds, most with less than 12 carbon atoms. Table 1, inorganic,
and Table 2, organic, are arranged alphabetically in ascending order by
empirical formula, except in the carbon compounds in which the C and H
come first.
The tables are based on data from the open literature. Data taken from
compilations on dipole moments, dielectric constants, and microwave
spectroscopy were also critically evaluated. The literature was covered from
1919 to the end of 1965, with some references from 1966.
The tables present the following: the formula, the compound name,
recommended value of the dipole moment, and its accuracy. The experi-
mental values which were weighted most strongly in the final selection are
also listed for each compound, accompanied by bibliographic references and
a code symbol indicating the method of measurement. IUP AC nomenclature
recommendations are followed; dipole moment values are expressed in the
cgs system.
Values taken from the original literature have been made to conform
to the current recommended values of the fundamental constants and dipole
moments of reference molecules. Incorrect or irrelevant literature values
were discarded or corrected. Code letters for seven levels of accuracy are
assigned. In estimating accuracy, chemical purity, scope and precision of
data, experimental technique and overall reliability of the laboratory were
considered. The introductory text provides useful information on use of the
tables, the bibliography, the definition of dipole moment, the principal
methods of measuring dipole moment and a critique of these methods. The
criteria used in selecting the published values are given.
Separate tables of dipole moments measured in different vibrational
states and for different isotopic species appear as appendices.
Substances covered are principally hydrocarbons, as well as certain classes
of nitrogen and sulfur compounds. Prior to 1959, the collection included
oxygen compounds, organometallic compounds, and c(rtain halogen deri-
5* 67
Both infrared prism and infrared grating spectra are published. Infrared
absorption spectra are recorded mostly in the wavelength range 2 to 15
microns but some, in ranges 2.5 to 40 microns, 14 to 25 microns, 14 to 40
microns. In most cases, percent transmittance is plotted against wavelength,
in microns. Numerical values of principal peaks and shoulders are tabulated
for some spectra. Other information given includes: state, temperature,
operating characteristics, and molecular and structural formulas. Some data
in the far infrared have been published. These are collected by the supporting
experimental program of the Thermodynamics Research Center.
Some 51 selected industrial, academic, and governmental laboratories
in the United States, Canada, England, and Japan contribute spectra. TRC
also determines some spectra, mainly for correlation or filling in gaps.
Currently, emphasis is placed on grating spectra of high resolution. Spectra
are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the quality
of the instrumentation employed, and the purity of the compounds. The
source and purity of the compound are given in the legend when possible.
To upgrade quality, the project supplies contributors criteria for the deter-
mination and presentation of spectra.
Spectra are replaced as better ones become available. Revisions and
additions are issued semiannually when warranted by the accumulation of
new spectra.
The spectra are published on 22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheets, for which
special post binders are available. The sheets are arranged by serial number.
The spectrograms vary slightly with contributing laboratory due to the
different instruments used. The name of the contributing laboratory is given
on the spectral sheet and identified in the indexes by code letters. A compound
index, based on the Standard Order System (see 3.4.1.), and in turn on
compound type, and a numerical index arranged in order of serial number,
are revised as new sheets are issued. Cumulative compound and numerical
indexes are issued every few years.
Catalog of Selected Infrared Spectral Data, American Petroleum Institute Research
Project 44, B. ]. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center,
Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 2908 loose-leaf data
sheets extant December 1967, comprising 7 volumes, sold initially in complete
sets only for US $ 920.60 (with binders), approximate cost of supplements per
year is US $ 48.00. Discount prices are available to some educational and non-
profit research institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office,
Texas A & M Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas
Substances covered include nonhydrocarbon compounds of defined purity
of interest to the chemical industry. Spectra have been issued for organic
compounds containing oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, halogen, phosphorus,
boron, arsenic, sodium, silicon, and zinc, and for boric acid. The TRC
infrared catalog is complementary to that of the American Petroleum
Institute, and substances covered therein are not duplicated.
Infrared absorption spectra are recorded as percent transmittance versus
frequency and wavelength, in general 2 to 15 microns. In addition to the
spectral curve, the name, molecular and structural formulas of the compound,
and the solvent and concentration (if in solution) are given in the legend on
the sheet.
Spectra measured in 16 cooperating industrial and academic laboratories
provide the major source of material. Some spectra are determined by TRC.
Laboratories interested in cooperating in this project may consult the
Spectra are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the
quality of the instrumentation employed, and the purity of the compounds.
Currently, emphasis is placed on grating spectra of high resolution. The
source and purity of the compound, molecular and semistructural formulas,
cell length, and the solvent and concentration (if in solution) are given in
the legend. To upgrade quality the project supplies contributors with
instructions for calibration of absolute wavelengths and intensities.
Spectra are replaced as better ones become available; revisions and
additions are issued when warranted by the accumulation of new spectra.
The catalog is made up of 22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheets for which special
post binders are available. The sheets are arranged by serial number. Charts
vary slightly with contributor and instrument used.
Catalog of Selected Infrared Spectral Data, Thermodynamics Research Center Data
Project, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 409 loose-leaf data
sheets extant June 1968, sold initially in complete sets only for US $ 122.70
(with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is US $ 45.00.
Discount prices are available to some educational and non-profit research
institutions. Order from the Data Distribution Office, Texas A & M Research
Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
Spectra of pure compounds and commercial products are issued. Many
spectra are from private collections, including members' files.
Both infrared grating and infrared prism spectra are included. The
wavelength range is generally within 2 to 40 microns. Percent transmittance
is plotted against wavelength (microns) and frequency (cm- 1). The name,
the empirical or semi-structural formula, or both, and sometimes values of
other properties such as boiling point and refractive index are given with
each spectrum.
Spectra are checked for completeness, consistency of compound or material
name and structure, accuracy, and quality. More than one spectrum for a
material is included in the collection if the more recent spectrum is better.
A central committee evaluates, correlates, and edits the spectra to ensure
publication of the best spectra.
Coblentz Society Infrared Spectra, Volumes I-V, set of 5000 spectra, 1968, US $
100.00 per volume (plus US $ 15.00 for the indexes and US $ 5.00 each for
binders), available from the Sadder Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring
Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.
Before 1960, organic substances - pure compounds and naturally occurring
substances for which the composition had not been established, technical
products and mixtures - were given; since 1960, both organic and inorganic
substances have been included.
Infrared absorption spectra within the range 4000 to 200 em -1 (2.5 to
50 microns) are plotted against percent transmittance and percent absorption.
Frequencies of the chief bands and their approximate intensities and peak
absorption positions are indicated. Physical properties (melting or boiling
point, density, and index of refraction), and molecular and structural for-
mulas are also given. Between 4000 and 2000 cm- 1, the scale is reduced by
one fourth, thus allowing sufficient space for the clear presentation of the
shorter wavelength range.
Sources of data include the current literature and previously unpublished
spectral data from industrial, governmental, and academic laboratories
throughout the world.
The DMS card service is obtained by subscription from Butterworth & Co. Ltd.,
88 Kingsway, London, W.e. 2, England, from Plenum Press, 227 West 17th
Street, New York, N.Y. 10011, U.S.A., or from Verlag-Chemie, G.m.b.H.,
694 Weinheim/Bergstr., Pappelallee 3, Germany. A subscription covers one
volume of four issues. Each one contains about 400 spectral cards (pink) and
100 literature cards (yellow). From issue 17, spectral cards for inorganic
compounds (blue) are included and from issue 25, the literature cards were
replaced by literature lists.
Users may subscribe either to a slotted or unslotted edition, i.e., the user can
decide either to cut the slots himself or to obtain the pack ready for use.
Price - Unslotted Subscription:
£ US $ DM
£ US$ DM
Organic compounds are covered with emphasis on newly synthesized sub-
Properties include the infrared spectra in the range 4000 to 600 cm-1
(2.5 to 16.0 microns). For each substance the following are given: name of
sample, empirical and semistructural formula, molecular weight, physical
constants (melting point, boiling point, or refractive index), classification of
the substance (e.g., steroid, alkaloid, hydrate), and the type of skeleton
(acyclic or type of cyclic).
Spectra are measured using carefully calibrated modern spectrophotometers
in three laboratories under the direction of members of the executive com-
mittee. All spectra are examined and evaluated by members of the committee
to insure the publication of authoritative graphs. The compounds used are
obtained from cooperating laboratories, mostly those of universities. Care
is taken to control the purity of the substances for which spectra are deter-
mined. When possible the compounds are purified by gas chromatography.
Spectra are recorded on 13 X 21 cm specially prepared, slotted, edge-
notched cards. By a special device the original spectrograms are reduced to
card size without distortion. Percent transmittance is plotted against both
wavelength in microns and frequency in reciprocal centimeters. Wave num-
bers of absorption bands of greatest intensity are recorded on the spectro-
gram or marked for punching on the cards. In addition to the spectral data,
the date and temperature of measurement, type of spectrophotometer used,
serial number, and reference source are given.
Infrared Data Committee Cards, The Infrared Data Committee of Japan, published
by Nankodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan; 9000 cards available as of 1968, sold on
subscription basis at US $ 238.00 for 1200 cards (postage included). In the
United States, the cards are available from the Preston Technical Abstracts Co.,
909 Pitner Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60202; and in Europe from Heyden
& Son Ltd., Spectrum House, Alderton Crescent, Hendon, London, N. W. 4,
Spectra are determined in the Sadtler laboratories and are reviewed by con-
sultants. In recent years a noticeable effort has been made to upgrade the
quality of the collections. However, these collections of standard spectra,
like many other spectroscopic collections, suffer from the lack of sources of
compounds of certified high purity. Because of this, Sadtler requests that
users submit results of measurements made on different preparations of
compounds found in the Sadtler standard spectra collections. If the spectra
disagree, they are redetermined, and lists of verified spectra are then sent to
subscribers. The primary use of the spectra is for analytical purposes.
Two volumes of 1000 spectra each in the IR prism - "Standard Spec-
tra" - are now being issued yearly. In 1968, the collection included
35,000 spectra. Sadtler "Standard Spectra" are published on 22 X 29 cm
All publications listed below and further information are available from: Sadder
Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Penn-
sylvania 19104.
Collections of "Standard Spectra"
A survey of the following substances was planned: CN, C;, TiO, AlH, NH,
BH, MgH, SiH, HgH, SiF, BO, and ZrO. Studies have been completed and
published for the CN (red system) (1963); and for HgH, and C2 (Swan
system) (1968).
Properties compiled for the CN molecule are wavelengths, wavenumbers,
intensities, and rotational quantum numbers of various branches for the
identification of 11000 lines in 39 bands between A4832 and 11382 A.
The second volume covers the Swan System of the C2 molecule and the
spectrum of the HgH molecule. For the C2 molecule, information includes
light source, wavelength standards and reduction, band analysis and assign-
ment of quantum numbers, and the band line tabulations. Information on
HgH includes light sources, band spectrum, and band line tabulations.
Results recorded for the CN molecule are based upon the measurement of
each band on at least two plates. All measurements are combined into tables.
This compilation brings together physical and optical data useful in the
identification of alkaloids. Volumes I and II were prepared under the com-
bined editorship of JIr{l HOLUBEK and OLD RICH STROUF. Starting with
Volume III, JIR! HOLUBEK is the sole editor. The project is located at the
Research Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Infrared and ultraviolet spectra of alkaloids are included. The infrared spec-
tra are plotted with frequencies in the ranges 2000 to 700 cm -1 (NaCl prism)
and 3800 to 2600 cm -1 (LiP prism) as abscissa, and percent transmission as
ordinate. The frequencies of the peaks are tabulated. The ultraviolet spectra
have wavelengths in millimicrons as abscissa and log E as ordinate (E is the
extinction coefficient).
Because the spectral data are recorded on instruments at the Institute, the
quality is consistent. The ultraviolet spectra of the alkaloids in methanol
were measured using a Zeiss-] ena VSU Universal spectrophotometer (NaCl
prism). The infrared spectra of purified samples submitted by collaborators
were recorded on a calibrated Zeiss-] ena model UR spectrophotometer,
using either a mineral oil suspension, or a chloroform solution. Leading
references from the literature regarding the botanical source of individual
alkaloids are cited. Synonyms of the alkaloids are cross-referenced in the
Volume I of the compilation contains data on 300 alkaloids. Supplements
containing spectra of 100 alkaloids each are expected to keep the compilation
The data are issued on 22 X 29 em cards in post binders. A descriptive
introduction, subject index, and bibliography - 29 pages in Volume I and
17 pages in Volume II - are provided. A five-page addendum to Volume I
is included in the introductory material for Volume II.
Spectral Data and Physical Constants of Alkaloids, published by Heyden & Sons,
Ltd., London, in cooperation with The Publishing House of the Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences, Prague. Available in Western Europe and Western
Hemisphere from Heyden & Sons, Ltd.
Vol. I, JIRr HOLUBEK and OLDRICH STROUF, Eds., 1965, spectral cards 1-300
issued with two binders to hold Vols. I and II, £ 23.0.0. (US $ 69.00).
Vol. II, JIRr HOLUBEK and OLDRICH STROUF, Eds., 1966, spectral cards
301-400, £ 7.0.0. (US $ 21.00).
Vol. III, JIRf HOLUBEK, Ed., 1968, spectral cards 401-500, US $ 25.00.
Vol. IV, JIRf HOLUBEK, Ed., spectral cards 501-600, in press.
Vol. V, JIRf HOLUBEK, Ed., spectral cards 601-700, to be published in 1970.
Vol. VI, JIRr HOLUBEK, Ed., spectral cards 701-800, to be published in 1971.
The preparation of these tables was sponsored by the Commission on Mole-
cular Structure and Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Section, International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). A subcommittee, composed
of members of the Commission and with R. C. LORD (D. S. A.) as Chairman,
was constituted to investigate the requirement for an authoritative set of
wavenumbers for the calibration of infrared spectrometers. Drs. E. K.
PLYLER (U.S.A.), R. N. JONES (Canada), and R. C. LORD prepared the
"Tables of Wavenumbers". The Commission presented these as provisional
wavenumber standards, which were approved by the Triple Commission
on Spectroscopy (now the Joint ICSU Commission on Spectroscopy) of the
International Unions of Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy. Work on the
lower mid- and far-infrared ranges is in progress.
The tables cover the region 4000 to 600 cm -1 and are in two parts. Part I is
for use with grating spectrometers of resolution 0.1 to 1 cm -1, and Part II
applies to instruments oflower resolution, 0.5 to 10 cm-1. Tables of atomic
emission lines listing both wavelength in air and their calculated wavenumber
in vacuo of neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and mercury-198, as well as
wavelength-to-wavenumber conversion tables and refractive index of stand-
ard air are given in the first section. The second section of Part I deals with in-
frared absorption lines in the spectra of gaseous molecules: CO, C2H 2, CO 2,
HCN, CH4, HCI, DCI, HBr, DBr, 13C02 , NH3, N 20, H 20. These molecular
data are presented as wavenumbers in vacuo. Part II, "Wavenumbers for
the Calibration of Prism and Small Grating Spectrometers (Resolution
0.5 to 10 cm-1) in the Range 3950 to 600 cm-1", presents tables for the same
molecular species listed for Part I, with the addition of DCN. Calibration
lines also found in Part I are marked. Data are recorded as wavenumbers
in vacuo.
Presentation of data for molecular species follows the same general
format in both Parts I and II. Spectra are represented by charts with increas-
ing absorption plotted against decreasing wavenumbers. The identified
lines are numbered sequentially on the chart and the precise wavenumbers
in vacuo of the identified lines are tabulated on the facing page.
6 International Compendium 81
In Part II, Charts 1 to 34 cover vapor phase spectra for the range 3950
to 590 cm-1, each chart covering 100 cm-1• Charts 35 to 39 present spectra
of liquid indene and of a polystyrene film which are suitable for the cali-
bration of the smaller types of prism spectrometers. A series of compressed
charts, 1 A to 34 A, are presented for use when measurements at lower
resolutions are made. Charts 1 A to 34A retain the lines found in Charts
1 to 34 which are least influenced by increasing slit widths.
The introduction to Part I states that the tables of wavenumbers were
prepared by evaluating existing data including supplementary values deter-
mined for this investigation. The tables of data are provided with references
which are with few exceptions from the primary literature current to
mid-1960. Part II introductory remarks state only that the wavenumber
calibration tables were prepared by the Commission, and several references
are given in context in the introductory section.
The tables were presented as provisional wavenumbers and are not consid-
ered standard because tests required of standard wavelengths in the visible
region have not been met, and because it is anticipated that the accuracy of
the molecular data will be considerably bettered with improvements in
spectrometers. However, the Commission emphasized that the tables in
Part I especially are the best that can be compiled with existing data. Part I:
wavelengths of atomic emission spectra are necessary to determine wave-
number values of molecular absorption lines. The lines in the molecular
species spectra in Part I were chosen as accurate wavenumber standards
reliable to ± 0.03 cm -1 or better. Calibration lines in Part II, although
covering the same region were selected with additional factors under
consideration, notably instrumentation, experimental methods, and use for
condensed phases. Absolute accuracy in Part II was judged adequate between
0.1 and 0.5 cm -1 for work in condensed phases, and as a result, accuracies
are rounded to the nearest 0.05 cm- 1•
Use of wavenumbers rather than wavelengths is preferred. The intro-
ductions to both Parts discuss the considerations used in preparing the
Tables: the regions covered, instrumentation, quality of existing data,
experimental factors, errors, and assessment of the data.
6* 83
volume of this series in which the line was originally tabulated (1, 3, or 4),
the identification number used in that volume for ready reference, rotational
quantum number, the vibrational state, the hyperfine quantum numbers,
and the frequency and its accuracy.
Data are obtained from the primary literature; other compilations of
molecular constants are also used.
In general, microwave frequencies are evaluated with regard both to accu-
racy and correctness of interpretation. In Vol. I, "Diatomic Molecules",
frequencies and uncertainties given are those considered most accurate, but
ambiguous definitions in the original papers prevented reduction of uncer-
tainties to a common basis. When several values of comparable accuracy
are used, an average is given. The molecular constants are given as reported
in the originlaratkles. Intensities computed with insufficient data are marked.
Computations were carried out on a digital computer; approximations used
to simplify the calculations are explained and the constants used are recorded.
The Introduction to Volume II defines and discusses line strengths,
methods of computation, and accuracy of results; describes the tables;
and gives the procedures for tabulation and interpolation as a function of ",
and extrapolation to higher J values.
The spectra and molecular data in Volume I are ordered alphabetically
according to nomenclature recommended by the International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry. The listing is divided first by isotopic molec-
ular species and then by major quantum numbers for the transitions. There
is an extensive bibliography.
Microwave Spectral Table!, NBS Monograph 70, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C. 20402.
Vol. I: Diatomic Molecules, P. F. WACKER, MASATAKA MIZUSHIMA, J. D.
PETERSON, and J. R. BALLARD, 1964, XVIII, 146 pp, US $ 2.00.
Vol. II: Line Strengths of Asymmetric Rotors, P. F. WACKER and M. R. PRAT-
TO, 1964, XII, 340 pp, US $ 3.00.
Vol. III: Polyatomic Molecules Capable of Internal Rotation (in press).
Vol. IV: Polyatomic Molecules Without Internal Rotation, M. S. CORD,
J. D. PETERSON, M. S. LOJKO, and R. H. HAAS, 1968, XII, 418 pp, US $ 5.50.
Vol. V: Spectral Line Listing, M. S. CORD, M. S. LOjKO, and J. D. PETERSON,
1968, V, 533 pp, US $ 4.75.
Raman Spectra
The American Petroleum Institute (API) Research Project 44 (see 2.3.1.),
began to publish Raman spectral data in 1948. BRUNO J. ZWOLINSKI, director
of the Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC, discussed in 2.3.), Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843, is in charge of the program
which is closely associated with the TRC Data Project for Raman spectral
data (see 3.2.28.).
Substances included are compounds of interest to the petroleum industry:
hydrocarbons; related organic compounds containing oxygen, halogens,
sulfur, and nitrogen; and selected organometallic compounds.
Raman spectra are presented both as photographic, and photoelectric
chart recordings. Intensities for Raman shift frequencies are given graphi-
cally by wave number (in vacuum) in the range 4000 to 0 cm-t. Photo-
electrically recorded charts are supplemented by tabular presentations of
standard intensities for peak values. For spectra measured before develop-
ment of intensity standardization methods, relative intensities are given
numerically. Polarization data and line appearance (broad, diffuse, symmetri-
cal, etc.) may be given for photographically recorded spectra. Approximate
refractive indexes are included.
Spectra measured in 12 contributing laboratories are used; TRC staff also
measure some. Laboratories interested in cooperating in this project may
consult the director.
Spectra are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the
quality of instrumentation, and the purity of the compounds. Many recent
spectral data sheets give the source and purity (in mole percent) of the com-
pound, the precision of measurement, the exciting line, and operating
conditions. To standardize the quality of the spectra, detailed instructions
are supplied to contributing laboratories.
Spectra are replaced as better ones become available; revisions and
additions are made semiannually when warranted by the accumulation of
new spectra.
Catalog of Selected Raman Spectral Data, American Petroleum Institute Research
Project 44, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Dir., Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 501 loose-leaf data sheets,
comprising 2 volumes, sold initially in complete sets only for US $ 165.50
(with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is US $ 20.40.
Discount prices are available to some educational and non-profit research
institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas A & M
Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
Nonhydrocarbon compounds such as organic oxygen, halogen, and nitrogen
compounds are covered.
Raman spectra are presented in the form of photographic or photo-
electric chart records. Intensity is plotted versus reciprocal centimeters to
record the Raman shift, usually in the range 4000 to 0 cm- t • A tabulation
of Raman shifts in cm- t , including depolarization ratios in some cases, is
included with each spectrum. Other information given on the spectrograms
includes the name of the compound, molecular and structural formulas, the
source and purity of the compound when available, the contributing labo-
ratory, and the date.
The spectra are generated primarily in the spectral program of TRC,
with contributions from government and academic laboratories. Labora-
tories interested in cooperating in this project may consult the director.
The spectral data published to date are all mercury-excited spectra. In the
future, laser-excited spectra will be included in the compilation. Spectra are
selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the quality of
instrumentation, and the purity of the compound. Detailed instructions are
supplied to laboratories contributing data.
The spectra are published on 22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheets for which
special post binders are available. Photoelectric recordings are in the form
of continuous or semicontinuous curves, with breaks for changes in amplifier
sensitivity indicated on the graph. Two indexes are provided, one arranged
by type of compound and the other by serial number. The contributing
laboratory is identified in the indexes by code letters.
Catalog of Selected Raman Spectral Dala, Thermodynamics Research Center Data
Project, B. ]. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 81 loose-leaf data sheets
extant December 1967, sold initially in complete sets only for US $ 28.80
(with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is US $ 19.00.
Discount prices are available to some educational and non-profit research
institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas A & M
Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
Substances considered are mainly hydrocarbons; oxygen, halogen, sulfur,
and nitrogen derivatives of the hydrocarbons are also included, as well as
a few organometallic compounds (particularlyetioporphyrins).
The ultraviolet absorption spectral curves are recorded as absorbance
(sometimes labeled optical density) versus wavelength in angstrom units or
millimicrons; and frequency in reciprocal centimeters, generally in the range
47,000 to 19,000 cm-1• Nominal bandwidths in angstroms are indicated on
the charts. Other data given include molecular and structural formula of
the compound, source and purity, solvent, concentration, cell length, and
instrument used.
Spectra in the catalog have been obtained from 38 selected industrial,
academic, governmental, and private laboratories. Laboratories interested
in submitting spectra may consult the project director.
Spectra are chosen on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the
quality of instrumentation employed, and the purity of the compounds used.
The source and, when available, the purity of the sample, as well as some
supplemental information, are given in the legend. To up-grade quality,
the project supplies contributors with detailed instructions. Operating
characteristics are given such as temperature, cell length, and concentration
and solvent if the substance is in solution, or pressures if in the gaseous state.
Spectra are replaced as better ones become available; revisions and
additions are issued when warranted by the accumulation of new spectra.
The form of publication is the 22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheet for which
special post binders are available. Most of the spectra issued since 1950 are
reduced reproductions of original chart recordings. The spectrograms vary
in method of presentation, notations, and conventions, such as range of
frequencies, with contributor and instrument used. Two indexes are pro-
vided, one by type of compound, the other by serial number. Contributing
laboratories are identified in the indexes by code letters.
Catalog of Selected Ultraviolet Spectral Data, American Petroleum Institute Research
Project 44, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center,
Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 1154 loose-leaf data
sheets extant December 1968, comprising 3 volumes, sold initially in complete
sets only for US $ 368.00 (with binders), approximate cost of yearly supple-
ments is US $ 18.00. Discount prices are available to some educational and
non-profit research institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office,
Texas A & M Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas
Emphasis is placed upon inorganic and nonhydrocarbon compounds impor-
tant to the chemical industry. Spectra have been published for organic
compounds containing oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine, and boron, and
for diborane and a number of hydrocarbon derivatives.
The ultraviolet absorption spectral curves give absorbance versus wave-
length in millimicrons (occasionally in angstrom units) and frequency in
reciprocal centimeters, generally in the range 54,000 to 15,000 cm-1.
Spectra published are generated by the Thermodynamics Research Center
staff, and also are contributed by cooperating industrial, governmental, and
academic laboratories. Laboratories interested in cooperating in this project
may consult the director.
Spectra are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator,
the quality of instrumentation, and the purity of the compound. The source,
purity of the sample, temperature, cell length, and concentration and solvent
if in solution, are stated in the legend. The project supplies contributors with
recommendations for calibrations, sample techniques, for obtaining and
recording spectra.
Spectra are replaced as better ones become available; revisions and addi-
tions are issued when warranted by the accumulation of spectra.
Publication is in the form of22 x 29 cm loose-leaf sheets for which special
post binders are available. The first issue of sheets contains smooth hand-
drawn curves whereas the later data sheets are reproductions of chart
recordings. The concentrations for various sections of the spectrogram are
indicated on the spectrogram. The sheets are arranged by serial number.
Two indexes are provided, one arranged by type of compound and the other
by serial number. Spectrograms vary slightly in presentation with instrument
Catalog of Selected Ultraviolet Spectral Data, Thermodynamics Research Center Data
Project, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 126 loose-leaf data sheets
extant December 1967, sold initially in complete sets only for US $ 42.30
(with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is US $ 30.00.
Discount prices are available to some educational and non-profit research
institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas A & M
Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
Spectral data from the ultraviolet and visible regions are compiled.
Properties included are wavelength values in millimicrons for maxima,
shoulders, and inflections, also the logarithms of the corresponding molar
absorptivities. Additional information provided is name and formula of
compound, solvent used, and reference.
The primary literature is searched for pertinent data; for Volumes I and II
approximately 65 journals were scanned, for Volume III, more than 70, and
for Volume IV, approximately 90 journals.
The primary purpose of this collection is to aid in compound identification.
Data must meet minimum requirements. The compound must be pure
enough for satisfactory analysis and must be definable by a molecular
formula. In general, the solvent or the phase is given. The spectral data
must be complete enough so that the wavelengths of maximal absorption
and molar absorptivities may be calculated if they are not given in the
original reference. Wavelength values are given to 0.1 millimicron when
reported numerically by the author; otherwise to the nearest millimicron.
Molar absorptivity values are given to the nearest 0.01 unit of log e when
reported numerically by the author. Data read from curves are underlined,
and the logarithm values are given to 0.1 unit. Fine structure at a given
maximum is indicated as are inflections or shoulders. References are given
for all data.
The entries are arranged according to the Chemical Abstracts molecular
formula index system. Considerable effort has been made to ensure that the
compound names conform with the Chemical Abstracts system of nomen-
clature. No index is needed because the compounds are arranged according
to molecular formula.
Organic Electronic Spectral Data, Wiley Interscience, New York, London, and
Vol. I, 1946 to 1952, M. J. KAMLET, Ed., 1960, XIV, 1208 pp, US $ 25.00.
Vol. II, 1953 to 1955, H. E. UNGNADE, Ed., 1960, X, 919 pp, US $ 17.50.
Vol. III, 1956 to 1957, O. H. WHEELER and L. A. KAPLAN, Eds., 1966, XII,
1210 pp, US $ 25.00.
Vol. IV, 1958 to 1959, J. P. PHILLIPS, F. C. NACHOD, Eds., 1963, IX, 1179 pp,
US $ 20.00.
Vol. V, 1960 to 1961, R. E. LYLE and P. R. JONES, Eds., in press.
Vol. VI, 1962 to 1963, L. D. FREEDMAN and J. CYMERMAN CRAIG, Eds., in
Vol. VII, 1964 to 1965, J. C. DACONS and R. G. RICE, Eds., in press.
The "Sadder Standard Ultraviolet Spectra" is a compendium of spectra in
the ultraviolet and visible regions. Most compounds included have conju-
gated unsaturated systems.
Ultraviolet absorption spectra were recorded in the range 200 to 350 mIL
until 1968 when the range was extended to 800 mIL. Information given on
each spectrogram includes: the molecular and semistructural formula, mole-
cular weight, melting or boiling point, name and source of chemical,
solvent used, UV spectrum number, and the compound's corresponding
IR spectrum number. As of 1968, there were some 24,000 spectra of over
1300 compounds. The second type of spectra is the commercial which
includes agricultural chemicals, and dyes, pigments, and stains.
Spectra are determined in the Sadtler laboratories using compounds
contributed by industrial and research organizations, and educational insti-
For the "Standard Ultraviolet Spectra", Sadder makes use of five solvents
in an order based on laboratory tests that showed minimum loss of energy
with optimum solvent action. The spectra are scanned in acid, base, and
neutral media to show the effects of pH. As many as four absorbancy curves
for solutions of various concentrations appear on each chart. The quality
of an individual spectrum depends in part on the purity of the compound.
Sadtler advertising literature states only that samples at least 98 percent pure
are used. No criteria of purity are presented. Each spectrum measured is
reviewed by consultants before publication.
The method of preparation for scanning, cell thickness, concentration,
wavelength of maximum absorbance, slit opening at this wavelength for
each curve, and the instrument used are indicated for each spectrum.
Photographic copies of the spectra are published, one chart lengthwise
on 22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheets. Special binders are available. The indexes
to the Sadtler Infrared Spectra are applicable to the ultraviolet reference
spectra, but ultraviolet alphabetical and numerical indexes are also published.
Orders and inquiries should be sent to Sadder Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316
Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.
Collection Total US $/ Total Annual
No. 1000 Price Subscription
(Vol.) US$
Other Co/le&tions
Pharmaceutical Ultraviolet 1500 475.00
Biochemical Ultraviolet 650 165.00
Other PubliGations and Output
All spectra are available on microfilm for the same price.
The compilation covers both inorganic and organic complex compounds
together with single- and multi-cyclic aromatic systems, hetero-aromatic
compounds, and Si-organic compounds. A large number of spectra of
pharmaceutical basic materials or of active agents and a wide variety of
organic compounds are included. Emphasis is, however, on publishing
spectra of recently synthesized compounds, and those spectra not available
in other collections. Most of the spectra for organic compounds apply to
solutions but a few are for the solid or vapor phase. With Volume 9, some
1677 compounds are covered.
Spectra are represented by graphs of log 8 (8 = extinction coefficient)
versus wavelength in millimicrons in ranges varying from 200 to 350 mIL,
200 to 600 mIL, to 200 to 800 mIL. Observed values of log 10/1 from which
log 8 is obtained are tabulated. Data are often given for the same substance
in several different media, and in different concentrations in the same
medium (solvent). In addition, associated data are given: structural and
molecular formulas, molecular weights, concentration and solvent if in
solution, melting and boiling points, the instrument used, and the cell
length. Supplementary notes are sometimes provided.
Most spectra are obtained from contributors. The Editorial Board wel-
comes contributions of spectra of new compounds; these may be sent to
Dr. L. LANG, Budapest, XI., Budafoki ut 16-18, Hungary.
The Editorial Board evaluates all spectra and original measurements or
records. Spectra that have been previously published are included if sub-
stantial additional information is given.
Because this compilation is a continuing series, no effort is made to
group the spectra according to a particular system. Subject (compound),
formula, author, and figure (i.e. diagram number) indexes are provided. The
author index includes the name of the institution with which the author is
associated. The books are in English but the titles of each index are also in
German and Russian. "Theoretical and Technical Introduction" accompa-
nies the first volume, and includes several conversion tables (e.g., wave-
lengths - wavenumbers, wavelengths - fresnels, and a spectroscopical
conversion table for energies), and a list of symbols and formulas used in
the compilation.
To date, this compilation consists of 9 volumes issued as 17 X 24 cm
loose-leaf sheets in ring binders. Although each volume begins on page 1,
the spectra are numbered continuously through the volumes - to 1677 in
Volume 9. Cumulative indexes for Volumes 1 to 5 are included in Volume 5;
a cumulative index for Volumes 6 to 10 will be issued with Volume 10,
scheduled for publication in 1968.
Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region, L. LANG, Ed., coproduction
of the Academic Press, New York and London, and the Publishing House of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Printed in English in Hungary.
Available in North and South America from Academic Press, New York.
Vol. 1, A Theoretical and Technical Introduction, and Substances, 170; 1959,
518 pp, 2nd ed, 1961, 3rd ed, 1963, US $ 18.00.
Vol. 2, Substances, 179; 1961,439 pp, 2nd ed, 1964, US $18.00.
Vol. 3, Substances, 172; 1962, 448 pp, US $ 20.00.
Vol. 4, Substances, 185; 1963,438 pp, US $ 20.00.
Vol. 5, Substances, 192; 1965,556 pp (including a cumulative Index for Vols.
1 to 5), US $ 23.00.
Vol. 6, Substances, 197; 1966,442 pp, US $ 22.00.
Vol. 7, Substances, 190; 1967,442 pp, US $ 23.00.
Vol. 8, Substances, 197; 1967,440 pp, US $ 23.00.
Vol. 9, Substances, 195; 1967,416 pp, Index pamphlet, US $ 23.50.
Vol. 10, In preparation; Cumulative Index, Vols. 6 to 10.
Vol. 11, In preparation.
The UV Atlas will consist of five volumes (loose-leaf binders), each holding
some 200 spectra; Volumes I, II, III, and IV have been published. It repre-
sents a carefully and critically selected collection of solution spectra of
organic compounds containing typical chromophoric groups. Many spectra
were measured for the Atlas by new and improved techniques. Particular
attention was given to important organic compounds for which reliable
spectra had not been published.
UV Atlas of Organic Compounds, edited by Photoelectric Spectrometry Group,
London, and Institut fUr Spektrochemie und Angewandte Spektroskopie,
Dortmund. Published within "Documentation of Molecular Spectroscopy"
by Verlag Chemie, Weinheim/Bergstr. and Butterworths & Co., London.
£ 7.2.6. or DM 80.00 (US $ 20.00) per volume and £ 35.10.0. or DM 400.00
(US $ 100.00) per set. Available from Plenum Press, New York, in the U. S. A.,
Central and South America at the price of US $ 27.50 per volume, or US $
115.00 per set.
Vol. I, 1966, 239 pp, 14 pp molecular formula index.
Vol. II, 1966,288 pp.
Vol. III, 1967, 290 pp, 20 pp molecular formula index.
Vol. IV, 1968, 288 pp, 28 pp molecular formula index.
Vol. V, scheduled for 1969.
Mass Spectra
3.2.35. Selected Mass Spectral Data: American Petroleum
Institute Research Project 44
The American Petroleum Institute (API) Research Project 44, discussed
in 2.3.1., began to publish mass spectral data in 1947. A matrix, or grid,
format for mass spectral data of hydrocarbons of high molecular weight
was introduced in 1961. The only comparable program for the compilation
and distribution of mass spectral data is the complementary program of the
7 International Compendium 97
Substances covered are principally hydrocarbons; elemental oxygen, hydro-
gen, neon, argon, and nitrogen; a few hydrides, oxides, and chlorides; and
selected groups of organic compounds, especially those containing oxygen,
halogens, sulfur, and nitrogen of interest to the petroleum and petrochemical
The mass spectral data are presented in tabular form. For each observed
mass-to-charge ratio, the relative intensity of the peak and the operating
conditions - magnetic field and the ionizing voltage - are given. The type
of peak is sometimes indicated. The base peak (with relative intensity of
100), the parent peak and corresponding entries are underscored. Themolec-
ular weight, molecular and semi structural formulas, and approximate boil-
ing point are also given.
A matrix format for mass spectral data for hydrocarbons of high molec-
ular weight provides a grid of whole-number mass-to-charge ratios for
entry of relative intensities of observed peaks. This emphasizes the relation
between peaks that differ in mass units by one CH2 group. Relative inten-
sities for fractional ratios and other data are given in the conventional
tabular form.
Spectra are obtained from 35 cooperating laboratories. Laboratories
interested in cooperating in this project should contact the project director.
Spectra are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the
quality of instrumentation employed, and the purity of the compounds used.
The importance of high purity of samples and calibrating gases, including
information on isotopic purity, is emphasized. Information concerning the
instrument used (make, model, and operating conditions) and the relative
intensities and sensitivities for the standards used (e.g., n-butane and n-hexa-
decane) give an indication of the quality of the measurements. To ensure
high quality of submitted spectra recommendations for calibration and
techniques are provided by the project.
Revision and additions are issued when warranted by the accumulation
of new spectra.
Catalog of Selected Mass Spectral Data, American Petroleum Institute Research
Project 44, B. ]. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center,
Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 2528 loose-leaf data
sheets extant December 1968, comprising 6 volumes, sold initially in complete
sets only for US $ 800.60 (with binders), approximate cost of yearly supple-
ments is US $ 54.00. Discount prices are available to some educational and non-
profit research institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office,
Texas A & M Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas
In general, substances include classes of organic nonhydrocarbon compounds
containing oxygen, halogens, sulfur, nitrogen, silicon, and boron; and
certain inorganic substances including hydrides of boron, bromine, and
silicon. High-quality mass spectral data of any compound not included in
the American Petroleum Institute catalog are accepted. Duplication in the
two catalogs is avoided.
The mass spectral data are presented in either the classical standard
tabular form with relative intensities or more recently in the convenient
matrix format with absolute intensities given. The two kinds of mass spectral
data loose-leaf sheets are usually prepared and distributed in separate
semiannual supplements with unique numbering codes. For the standard
format, the mass-to-charge ratio, the relative intensities and the operating
conditions - magnetic field, ionizing voltage, etc. - are given. The base
peak (with relative intensity of 100) and the parent peak are underscored
and often corresponding peaks of interest are defined. In the matrix or grid
format, particularly convenient in analytical studies, the ten principal inten-
sities are delineated in a bold face type. In addition to the usual information
regarding molecular weight, IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts nomenclature,
and structural formula of the substance, information on the simple physical
properties is often included.
Spectral data are obtained from 6 cooperating laboratories. Laboratories
interested in contributing data may consult the director.
Spectral data are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator,
the quality of instrumentation employed, and the purity of the compounds.
The importance of high purity of samples and calibrating gases, including
information on isotopic purity, is emphasized by the project. Information
concerning the instrument used (make, model, and operating conditions)
and the relative intensities and sensitivities for the standards (n-butane and
n-hexadecane) give an indication of the quality of the measurements. To
ensure high quality of submitted spectra, instructions including recommen-
dations for calibration and techniques to be used in the measurements are
provided by the project on request. Corrections and instrument modification
or conditions that affect the quality of the data are often recorded.
Data sheets are replaced as better ones become available; revisions and
additions are issued when warranted by the accumulation of spectra.
Mass spectral data are presented in either the standard or matrix format
(for hydrocarbons of high molecular weight). Publication is in the form of
22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheets for which special post binders are available.
Two indexes are provided, one arranged by type of compound and the other
by serial number. The name of the contributing laboratory is given on the
spectral sheet and identified in the index by code letters.
Catalog of Selected Mass Spectral Data, Thermodynamics Research Center Data
Project, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas
A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 253 loose-leaf data sheets
extant June 1968, sold initially in complete sets only for US $ 80.85 (with
binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is US $ 25.00. Discount
prices are available to some educational and non-profit research institutions.
Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas A & M Research Foun-
dation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
Compilation of Ma.rs Spectral Data (Index de Spectre! de Masse), 2nd ed, A. CORNU
and R. MASSOT, published by Heyden & Son Ltd., London, in cooperation
with Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1966, XV, 617 pp, US $ 42.00.
First Supplement, A. CORNU and R. MASSOT, published by Heyden & Son,
Ltd., London, in cooperation with Presses Universitaires de France, Paris,
1967, 160pp, 70s.
"Mass Spectrometry Bulletin", Mass Spectrometry Data Centre, available through
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, P. O. Box 569, London, S. E. 1.
"MSDC Mass Spectral Data Sheets", available from the Mass Spectrometry Data
Center, AWRE, Aldermaston, Berkshire, England.
Substances are mostly hydrocarbons and related organic compounds con-
taining oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur; a few organometallic compounds of
interest to the petroleum industry are also included.
NMR spectral data are presented as reduced reproductions of instrument
tracings. The standard abscissa scale is frequency separation (in cycles per
second) from the external reference standard, although secondary scales are
frequently employed, such as the shielding numbers, N for external refe-
rences, and t5 and l' for internal TMS references. The abscissa scale for the
more recent sheets is in parts per million, t5 and 1'. The height of each
resonance peak is normally shown without scale, and the exact frequencies
of prominent resonances are usually identified on the spectrum.
Spectra are obtained from 15 cooperating laboratories. Laboratories
interested in cooperating in this project should consult the director.
Spectra are selected on the basis of the laboratory, the competence of the
investigator, the quality ofinstrumentation, and the purity of the compounds.
API Standard or Research Samples are used in many of the measurements.
Generally, information is given concerning purity, source of compound,
identification of external reference standard, instrument, and operating
conditions. The project supplies contributors with instructions that encour-
age the use of both internal and external reference standards, describe
standardization methods, and provide useful suggestions on experimental
Spectra are replaced .s better ones become available; revisions and
additions are issued when the accumulation of new spectra warrant it.
Catalog of Selected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Data, American Petroleum
Institute Research Project 44, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics
Research Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843;
714 loose-leaf data sheets in 3 volumes, sold initially in complete sets only for
US $ 236.00 (with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is
US $ 36.00. Discount prices are available to some educational and non-profit
research institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas
A & M Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
The current compilation includes 40,60, and 100 MHz NMR spectral data
on closely related groups of organic substances including oxygen, halogen,
sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus compounds.
Spectra are selected on the basis of the competence of the investigator, the
quality of instrumentation employed, and the purity of the compounds.
When available, the source and purity of the material are given. On request,
the project supplies contributors with information on the use of both internal
and external reference standards, standardization methods, and experimental
Spectra are replaced as better ones become available; revisions and
additions are issued when warranted.
Publication is in the form of 22 X 29 cm loose-leaf sheets for which special
post binders are available. The spectra, sometimes including multiple curves
at different scanning rates, are shown graphically, usually with two abscissa
scales. Presentation of the spectra varies slightly with contributor and instru-
ment used. Sheets are arranged according to serial number. Indexes include
a numerical listing by serial number, a formula index subdivided by chemical
classes of compounds, and a functional group index arranged alphabetically.
The Functional Group Index includes 253 NMR (40 MHz) spectral data
sheets contributed by the Humble Oil and Refining Company.
Catalog of Selected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Data, Thermodynamics
Research Center Data Project, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics
Research Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843;
683 loose-leaf data sheets extant June 1968, sold initially in complete sets only
for US $ 209.85 (with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is
US $ 30.00. Discount prices are available to some educational and non-profit
research institutions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas
A & M Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
Sadder has given one class of NMR spectra the copyrighted designation
"Standard Nuclear Magnetic Resonance High Resolution Spectra". These
NMR spectra are presented as reproductions of instrument tracings with the
abscissa as a dual scale in parts per million and cycles per second. Information
given includes: name (Chemical Abstracts) , molecular formula, structural
formula with the assignments indicated, molecular weight, melting and
boiling points (when known), source of compound, Sadder IR number
(when applicable), solvent and concentration, and any available physical
data. Also included on the same page is a tabulation of assignments and
pertinent instrument operating information, and comments when needed.
A second class of NMR spectra, commercial spectra, includes solvents
and surface active agents. All spectra are determined in the Sadder labo-
The high resolution spectra are scanned with a Varian A-60 High Resolution
NMR spectrometer. Appropriate solvents such as deuterated chloroform
and carbon tetrachloride are used. Tetramethylsilane (TMS) is used as an
internal reference. Variables such as temperature and scanning techniques
have been standardized. The sweep offset, frequency response, sweep time,
spectrum amplitude, weight of sample per volume of CDCl3, and assignments
are recorded. When applicable the number of the corresponding Sadder
infrared spectrum is given so that identification of an unknown sample may
be made more easily. Alphabetical, numerical, and molecular formula
indexes are provided to make the spectra easily accessible.
Spectra are issued annually; as of 1968, 6000 were available.
Orders and inquiries should be sent to Sadder Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316
Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.
Varian Associates is a commercial organization which produces analytical
instruments. The Analytical Instrument Division carries out research in the
area of applied spectroscopy, and has prepared a number of technical
Compounds which meet the following criteria are included: (1) a spectrum
with several interpretable chemical shift positions characteristic of functional
groups frequently encountered in organic structure problems, (2) presence
of more than a single line with interpretable fine structure illustrating either a
All data should be within 1 cps or 0.02 ppm. The sweep offset, sweep time,
frequency response, specific instrument amplitude setting, and unusual
operating conditions are given. An alphanumeric system of coding proton
chemical environments was set up to permit a search of the functional group
contents of the spectra in the collection. The system is fully described, and
examples of the coding are given. Three indexes - name, functional group,
and chemical shift - are provided.
The preface to Volume I appears in both Volumes I and II and describes
the compilation and its use. A second preface in Volume II calls attention to
the differences in the two volumes. Indexes in Volume II are cumulative for
Volumes I and II. A foldout chart of the main and functional groups is
included in each volume.
The Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Company, Ltd. (JEOL) is an instru-
ment company located in Tokyo. Spectroscopists in the JEOL laboratories
have assembled high resolution NMR spectra produced in their own
laboratories or contributed from other laboratories in Japan. By special
arrangement, this collection of spectra was published and is being distributed
by Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc. (see 3.2.41.).
Most molecules and ions for which interatomic distances and bond angles
have been measured are included: gaseous molecules or radicals, molecules
in the solid state, complex ions occurring in a solid, crystals for which pairs
of ions have been reported as molecules or ion-pairs in the vapor state, and
adamantine lattices. The emphasis is on molecules, no attempt having been
made to cover minerals, salts, or alloys. Both inorganic and organic com-
pounds are included.
Properties presented are interatomic distances, bond angles, crystal struc-
ture, molecular formulas with perspective diagrams showing spatial arran-
gement when needed, and crystal symmetry in both the Hermann-Maugium
and Schoenflies notations. Both volumes have a main table in which the
first half is devoted to inorganic compounds arranged according to the
Mendeleeff classification of elements, and the second half, devoted to organic
compounds following the Chemical Abstracts system of arrangement.
Pagination of both volumes is by sections.
Sources of data are mostly journal articles, and some books. For data
from papers published in Japanese, the compilers had to rely upon abstracts
(provided by the authors or published in Chemical Abstracts).
Data were obtained from spectroscopic, electron diffraction, neutron diffrac-
tion, and X-ray diffraction measurements. For vapor-phase measurements,
preliminary results are included unless they have been superseded by later
work. References for electron diffraction data are more comprehensive than
for other subjects. For early crystallographic work other compilations are
cited. In the supplementary volume, values for data published in final form
since 1955 are recorded only if a change has been made in those values
reported in the main volume; references to both values are given with the
notation that the later supersedes the earlier one. Thus, it is often necessary
to consult both the main volume and the supplement. In both volumes,
coded references, which include date and method of measurement, often
make possible a quick guess as to the reliability of the values quoted.
Bond lengths and angles obtained from crystalline structure are presented
as top grade, considered reliable within ± 0.02 A or better; middle grade,
reliable within ± 0.05 A; and third grade, marked "errors uncertain".
However, the errors are unlikely to exceed ± 0.1 A. Preliminary or doubtful
results, comments, or values recalculated by the compilers are indicated.
Notations, formulas, diagrams, and symmetry symbols are fully explained
in the introductions. All symbols are adequately explained. Values for bond
lengths are given in angstrom units; angles, in degrees of arc.
For the 1958 edition, the literature was searched through 1955. The
supplement covers the period 1956 through 1959 and includes a few later
data. It also includes lists of errata in and addenda to the main volume. The
work is continuing at the International Data Centre for Work on Crystallo-
graphy, Cambridge, with the expectation of publishing a second edition or
Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configurations in Molecules and Ions, L. E. SUTI'ON.
Ed., Special Publication No. 11, The Chemical Society, London, 1958, 390 PP.
£ 2.2.0. (US $ 6.00).
Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configurations in Molecules and Ions, Supplement,
1956 to 1959, L. E. SUTI'ON, Ed., Special Publication No. 18, The Chemical
Society, London, 1965,296 pp, £ 4.4.0. (US $ 12.00).
Both publications are also available from Polycrystal Book Service, P. O. Box
11567, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238.
This volume is a source book of information on the energetics of atoms,
molecules, and ions in their ground electronic states. It presents selected
numerical values of bond energies of inorganic and organic molecules; of
heats of formation of atoms from the elements in their standard states and
of heats of formation of organic and inorganic radicals from specified
reactants; of ionization potentials of atoms, and various categories of mole-
cules and radicals; and electron and proton affinities of atoms, molecules
and radicals.
Most of the physical parameters included in this volume may be determined
by a diversity of experimental methods, and to some extent by theoretical
and empirical correlations. Interpretation of the experimental data is fre-
quently difficult. The authors have given careful definitions of the quantities
presented, and have briefly described the various methods of determination.
In the tables, for each property value, there is given the process or reac-
tion of interest, the experimental value with associated uncertainty, the
method used, and the literature reference. Most reliable values are given in
bold face type. Each chapter has its own introduction and bibliography.
Most chapters are followed by explanatory notes on controversial or uncer-
tain values and on the authors' basis of selection. The literature is covered
to the beginning of 1962, the year of original publication.
Bond dissociation energies at 0 K and 298 Kfor simple inorganic compounds
and organic compounds containing not more than one carbon atom, except
A compilation is in press. All values are included, but preferred values are
indicated, when possible, with assigned probable errors.
It is estimated that revision and updating of the compilation will be
needed every two or three years.
Bond Dissociation Energies in Simple Molecules, B. DE B. DARWENT, in press.
Substances covered include 26 elements from lH to 92U, and H20, NaI, and
concrete - in the energy range 10 keV to 100 MeV. Plans include extending
coverage to all elements and additional substances.
Properties covered are: photon (X-ray and gamma-ray) attenuation
coefficients, i.e., total probability or cross section for interaction of a photon
with material; cross sections for the most frequent types of interactions:
photoelectric absorption, Compton (incoherent) scattering, Rayleigh (co-
herent) scattering, and creation of electron-positron pairs; and derived
properties such as the energy absorption and energy transfer coefficients.
The center was set up to generate and periodically update standard reference
tables of photon and related electromagnetic cross sections over the energy
range of about 0.1 keY to beyond 10 GeV. In this capacity, it collects and
evaluates experimental and theoretical data taken from the literature, and
utilizes evaluated data from such sources as the Photonuclear Data Center
"Tables of Attenuation and Energy Absorption Coefficients", in Ch. 3: "X-Ray
and Gamma-Ray Interactions", by R. D. EVANS, in Radiation Dosimetry, 2nd
ed., Vol. 1 (Fundamentals), F. H. ATrIX and W. C. ROESCH, Eds., Academic
Press, New York, 1968.
"Photon Attenuation and Energy Absorption Coefficients. Tabulations and Dis-
cussion", J. H. HUBBELL and M. J. BERGER, in Engineering Compendium on
Radiation Shie/ding, Vol. 1 (Shielding Fundamentals and Methods), (Inter-
national Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna), R. G. JAEGER, Ed., Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-NewYork, in press. (NBS Report 8681, Sept. 28, 1696).
This volume was published under the auspices of "Tables de Constantes et
Donnees Numeriques", described in 2.2., and prepared by G. OURISSON,
Faculte des Sciences de Strasbourg, S. MUNAVALLI, Universite de Karnatak,
and C. EHRET, Stagiaire de Recherches au CNRS (Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique).
The table lists for each of almost 500 naturally occurring sesquiterpenoids
the boiling point, density, refractive index, specific rotation, wavelength
and log e of the UV absorption maximums.
The values of the boiling points are accompanied by the pressure, the
density, and refractive index at the temperature of the measurements, and
The authors have had to deal with widely conflicting values in the literature,
particularly for specific rotation. They have chosen, when possible, the
publication describing the apparently most exhaustive purification and have
extracted from that article the best constants.
In the Introduction the user is warned that the constants are to be taken
as indicative only.
No completely systematic classification and nomenclature systems were
available and the authors have therefore had to be arbitrary in these matters.
Trivial names have been used extensively. However, the user is greatly
helped by an alphabetical substance index. The extensive bibliography and
author index are valuable features of the book. As usual in this series
explanatory text is given in French and English. Data were compiled from
the primary literature.
8* 115
The most important data on the luminescence of more than 1000 organic
compounds are given (190 pages). The compounds are arranged according
to increasing number of C-atoms. However, tables include special groups
of compounds such as carbonium ions, natural substances, p-oligophenyl-
enes, substituted oxazoles, chelates, molecular compounds, and compounds
with uncertain structural formulas.
The properties included are absorption wavenumbers of greatest wave-
length, wavenumbers of fluorescence and phosphorescence emission, decay
time, and quantum efficiency. The values are given for the condensed state
(liquid or solid) of the substances, and for solutions in several solvents as
In supplementary tables (187 pages), values of additional properties on
luminescence, fluorescence and phosphorescence are presented. These tables
include diagrams of typical luminescence spectra, spectra of standard sub-
stances, special data on the luminescence center (vibrational structure of
selected spectra, relationship between absorption and emission spectra,
triplet-singlet transitions, degree of polarization), intermolecular processes
in the excited state (dipole moments, reactions in the excited state, quenching
of fluorescence, energy transfer, sensitized fluorescence, dimer or excimer
fluorescence), application of luminescent organic substances in the scintil-
lation technique (ratios of pulse heights at alpha- and beta-excitation, abso-
lute energy efficiency, Kallmann parameter, relative pulse heights), and
reduction of luminescence by radiation damage.
The authors have critically evaluated the collected data and discarded values
of doubtful reliability, e.g., owing to insufficient purity of the substances
investigated or to the application of theories which have become obsolete.
The supplementary tables contain only the most important substances
as well as characteristic examples selected by the authors. Complete coverage
was not intended in these tables.
Explanations and arrangements of the tables are described bilingually
(German and English) in detail in the introduction. All symbols and
abbreviations are tabulated. An alphabetical index of substances for main
and complementary tables is given.
The literature is covered from 1949 through 1964. Almost 900 references
are cited including monographs and review articles on the luminescence of
organic substances. For earlier publications and data the authors refer to
the monographs of P. PRINGSHEIM: Fluorescence and Phosphorescence,
J. Wiley, New York, 1949, and T. FORSTER: Fluoreszenz Organischer Ver-
This compilation was published under the auspices of "Landolt-Bornstein",
described in 2.1., and prepared by H. FISCHER, Deutsches Kunststofflnstitut,
Darmstadt, Germany (B.R.D.).
Property values are given for about 660 free radicals of known structure.
These include inorganic free radicals and radical ions, uncharged organic
free radicals, organic negative and positive radical ions, and organic biradical
and donor-acceptor-complexes. The substances are characterized by their
name and/or structural formulas, the methods of generation of the free
radical, and the matrix or solvent in which the free radicals were studied.
The magnetic properties given are the splitting or coupling parameters
and the g-factor. The temperature and frequency of measurement, and refer-
ences are also listed.
Magnetic properties of free radicals, especially of free atoms, may also
be derived from optical spectra. Results of such studies are not included in
this volume but are found in: W. KLEMM: Magnetic moments of atoms and
atom ions: Landolt-Bomstein-Tables, 6th Ed., Vol. 1, part 1, table 1325;
P. BRIX, H. KOPFERMANN: Hyperfine structure of atomic levels and atomic
lines: Landolt-Bomstein-Tables, 6th Ed., Vol. 1, part 5, table 1612.
The Introduction gives a detailed description of the arrangements of tables,
and of the symbols and abbreviations used.
Often, only one value for an individual substance and property was
available in the primary literature. If more than one value was available the
critically evaluated best one was listed. The literature was considered
up to March 1964 and ca. 750 references are cited.
Besides the tables and the corresponding references, the book contains
a bibliography of ca. 540 papers in which only the presence of free radicals
in a sample is noted but the detailed structure is not given, e.g., references
on free radicals in irradiated low molecular weight compounds, in irradiated
polymers, during polymerization, in biological systems, etc. Also listed are
120 references on the theory of free radicals, and monographs, review, and
survey articles in this area of science. A supplement to this volume is in
Indexes to Compilations
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has prepared
indexes to specific data in the major catalogs of spectra. These indexes are
listed below. Further details may be obtained by writing to ASTM, 1916
Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. Those indexes prepared by
a program for their own publications are described in the entry discussing
the program.
The original purpose of Crystal Data was to present, in a single volume,
a critical compilation of crystallographic data, obtained mainly by X-ray or
electron diffraction. The first edition contained Part I: Systematic Tables,
and Part II: Determinative Tables in a single volume. Subsequently, how-
ever, revised editions of Parts I and II appeared as separate volumes.
Part I (Systematic Tables) is divided into two main sections. The first,
"Main Table", lists the space groups, and under each space group, the
(crystalline) compounds assigned to that group. The compounds are sub-
divided by composition into 7 categories and include elements, alloys, and
inorganic and organic compounds. Some 3800 compounds were included in
the first edition; 8800 in the second. The second section consists of statistical
tables giving the absolute number and percentage of compounds found in
the 219 distinguishable space groups; the 14 Bravais lattices (the 1st edition
used the Delaunay-reduced cell for triclinic compounds); the 32 crystal
classes; the 7 crystal systems; symmorphic, hemisymmorphic, and asym-
morphic space groups; the most frequent space groups; and the centric and
acentric space groups (not included in 1st edition).
Part II (Determinative Tables) consists of tables for the identification of
crystalline substances by means of cell constants and auxiliary properties.
These include axial ratios (determinative numbers), space group, the number
of formula units per cell, and measured and calculated specific gravities.
Additional properties include melting point, color, pleochroism, twinning,
cleavage, and crystal habit. Some optical properties, such as indexes of
refraction, optic axial angle, and optical orientation, are given for a number
of compounds. Space-group criteria are included in Appendix II of the
second edition. The Bravais-reduced cell (defined by the shortest three
translations) is used in the second edition, replacing the Delaunay-reduced
cell, which had been used in the first edition.
The first edition of Determinative Tables included some 6000 entries;
the second edition, 13000; and it is anticipated that the third edition will
contain approximately 30000. The third edition will include the same cate-
gories of data as previous editions.
Data are obtained from the scientific literature. For the second edition,
abstracting journals and pertinent major journals were searched, and the
original papers checked. The primary literature is practically the only source
of data for the third edition of Determinative Tables. Some pre-publication
data are included.
Parts I and II of the first edition of Crystal Data were prepared independently,
and conventions for presentation of data differ in the two parts. However,
formula and name indexes are given, cumulative for Parts I and II.
The second edition (1967) of Part I: Systematic Tables used the second
edition (1963) of Part II: Determinative Tables as the basis for statistical
work. In some cases, additional space-group determinations found in the
literature are given. Complete references are given; those compounds found
in Determinative Tables (2nd ed) include the page number in the data line.
The introduction covers the use of the tables and includes background
For the second edition of Determinative Tables, all new data (1951 and
later) were processed and checked. Many crystallographers provided correc-
tions to errors in the first edition. The data sheets were further checked by
the editors in the Baltimore office. Data from more than one source are often
Crystal Data, Classification of Substances by Space Groups and their Identification
from Cell Dimensions, Parts I and II, J. D. H. DONNA Yand WERNER NOWACKI,
Memoir 60 of the Geological Society of America, Geological Society of Ame-
rica, New York, N.Y. 10027, 1954, IX, 719 pp (out of print).
Crystal Data, Determinative Tables, Part II, 2nd ed, J. D. H. DONNA Y, General
Editor; GABRIELLE DONNAY, Assistant Editor; E. G. Cox, Inorganic Com-
pounds; OLGA KENNARD, Organic Compounds; MURRAY VERNON KING,
Proteins; Monograph 5 of the American Crystallographic Association, Wil-
liams and Heintz, Washington, D.C., 1963, X, 1,302 pp, US $10.00. Available
from Polycrystal Book Service, P. O. Box 11567, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238.
Crystal Data, Systematic Tables, Part I, 2nd ed, WERNER NOWACKI, with A. EDEN-
HARTER and T. MATSUMOTO, Monograph 6 of the American Crystallographic
Association, Williams and Heintz, Washington, D.C., 1967, US $ 5.00. Avail-
able from Polycrystal Book Service, P. O. Box 11567, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238.
Substances covered in the second edition are: Vol. 1, the elements, and
compounds RX and RX2 ; Vol. 2, complex binary compounds RnXm and
compounds R(MX 2)n and Rn (MX 3)p; VoL 3, inorganic compounds Rx(MX 4)y
and Rx(~Xp\, hydrates, and ammoniates ; VoL 4, miscellaneous inorganic
compounds, silicates, and basic structural information; and Vol. 5, aliphatic
compounds - methane, ethane, ethylene, and acetylene derivates, longer-
chain compounds, and amino acids and related compounds. Volumes 6 and 7
will deal with benzene derivatives.
All essential structure parameters are included, such as cell dimensions,
atomic parameters, bond lengths and angles, and typical intermolecular
distances. The crystalline form and space groups are covered. There is
extensive use of illustrations for all important structures. These illustrations
are usually accurate projections and shaded drawings in which molecules
take on a three-dimensional effect.
The primary literature is searched for data.
The second edition is self-contained and does not require any reference to
the author's previous tabulations. It is limited to determinations which
define the positions of most, if not all, the atoms in a crystal; and contrary
to the first edition, does not include the numerous studies by X-rays which
have led only to unit cells and possible space groups.
Because of the enormous volume of data used in crystal analysis, no
estimate is given of the accuracy of spacing measurements. The cell dimen-
sions given are considered the best currently available, and the structures
included are those considered correct, or having a reasonable chance of
being correct.
Volume 5 initiates an important change. Contrary to previous use of left-
handed axes in illustrations, the right-handed axes have been adopted to
conform to universal practice. Because of this, the axial sequence is noted in
the legends for each illustration. Also in Volume 5, a statement of accuracy
is included for new data. This accuracy is based on the original author's
evaluation; the compiler exercises judgement when more than one set of
data is available. Therefore, a complete description of the structure of an
organic crystal presents not only atomic parameters, but an estimate of
accuracy. This is done only with the latest determinations.
The second edition uses the space group symbols of Schoenflies together
with those symbols preferred in the International Tables (see 3.3.6.).
Each chapter includes a dictionary-type listing of each substance with
a description of the crystal structure, and comments; a table listing each
substance with its references; and a complete bibliography.
Volume 1 is current through 1961 ; Volume 2 through 1962 ; Volume 3
through 1963; Volume 4 through 1966; and Volume 5 through 1964.
Crystal Structures, first ed, R. W. G. WYCKOFF, Wiley Interscience, New York-
London-Sydney, loose-leaf.
Section I: Chapters I to VIII, 1948, 378 pp, US $ 13.50.
Section II: Chapters VIII to X, XIII, 1951, 509 pp, US $17.00.
Supplement I: Additions to Chapters II to VII, 1951, 143 pp, US $ 5.00.
Section III: Chapters XIV, XV, Organic Index, 1953, 465 pp, US $ 25.00.
Supplement II: Additions to Chapter XIII, 1953, 85 pp, US $ 8.50.
Section IV: Chapters XI and XII, 1957,261 pp, US $ 8.00.
Supplement III: Additions to Chapters II to VIII, 1958, 311 pp, US $ 20.00.
Supplement IV: Additions to Chapters IX, X, XIII to XV, 1959, 509 pp,
US $ 22.00.
Supplement V: Additions to Chapters II to XV, Indexes, 1960, 513 pp,
US $ 26.50.
Complete set with necessary binders, US $ 153.50.
Note: Sections and Supplements are integrated to form Volumes (5). Complete
information for purchase should be requested from publisher.
Crystal Structures, 2nd ed, R. W. G. WYCKOFF, Wiley Interscience, New York-
London-Sydney, hardback (see "Coverage" for contents).
Vol. 1: 1963,467 pp, US $17.50.
Vol. 2: 1964, 588 pp, US $ 24.00.
Vol. 3: 1965,981 pp, US $ 27.50.
Vol. 4: 1968,566 pp, US $ 22.50.
Vol. 5: 1966,785 pp, US $ 25.00.
Data on crystalline materials, organic and inorganic, of interest to science
and industry are compiled. These include inorganic compounds, metals,
alloys, minerals, and organic and organo-metallic compounds.
Powder patterns in terms of interplanar spacings, relative intensities,
and Miller indices are recorded. The interplanar spacings corresponding
to the three strongest lines in the diffraction pattern are given special prom-
inence. Also given are crystallographic systems, space groups, lattice
parameters, interaxial angles, indices of refraction, density, melting point
and color, number of formula units per structural unit, molecular and
semistructural formulas, and operating characteristics such as wavelength
of X-rays used and type of filter.
Patterns are submitted by groups in the United States, Great Britain,
the Netherlands, Norway, Israel, and Japan. Data from the literature and
from individual investigators are also included.
The quality of data is continually being upgraded as the result of elimination
of errors and careful editing of new patterns by the associate editors. In 1957,
the data in sets 1 to 5 (see below) were critically reviewed and new cards
were marked to indicate corrections and data reliability. A critical review
of the data in sets 6 to 10 was begun in 1965. Comments on and reported
errors in the File have been given in supplements to the File since 1964.
Each year a new set of data consisting of new patterns and revisions is
added to the File. The indexes also are brought up-to-date annually. Set 18
(1968) contains 1500 inorganic patterns and 500 organic-organo-metallic
The X-ray powder diffraction patterns are available on 8 X 13 cm cards,
10 X 15 cm Keysort cards, or magnetic tape. After critical review, revised
sets 1 to 5 and 6 to 10 were issued as clothbound books, one for inorganic
and one for organic substances.
There are now four types of cumulative indexes, two in book form and
one on optical coincidence cards. The "Index to the Powder Diffraction File"
is issued in two volumes, Organic and Inorganic, which list eight "d"
values with intensities. The three most intense lines are permuted and
arranged in Hanawalt Groups. The Inorganic volume includes an alpha-
beticallist of compounds and an alphabetical list of minerals. The Organic
volume includes organic and organo-metallic compounds arranged as in the
Inorganic volume, plus a convenient formula listing.
The "Fink Inorganic Index" was introduced in 1963. It uses the "d"
values of the eight strongest lines to characterize each pattern in the Inorga-
nic section of the File. Each substance is listed eight times in the Index by
cyclically permuting the eight "d" values. No relative intensities are listed
or used for listing; the Fink Index is suited to the identification of electron
diffraction patterns.
The Matthews Coordinate Index (Termatrex cards) includes standard,
supplementary, and negative element cards. Negative Line cards became
available in 1964.
The "KWIC Guide to the Powder Diffraction File (Inorganic)" is a
fourth type of index. The KWIC (Key-Word-in-Context) Guide is based
on chemical fragments. It consists of three sections: the dictionary, the
KWIC listing, and the alphabetical mineral listing. The KWIC Guide allows
a search for a compound with a specified chemical content.
Data obtained from patterns measured at NBS are published at the
Bureau in separate booklets.
Eighteen sets of the Powder Diffraction File (formerly known as the X-Ray
Powder Data File) have been published by ASTM. They may be purchased
in any of the following card forms. Some separate sets and combinations of
sets are also available; write to ASTM for details.
Related Publications
Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns, NBS Circular 539, U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402.
Vol. I, H. E. SWANSON and E. TATGE, 1953, 95 pp, US $ 0.45.
Vol. II, H. E. SWANSON and R. K. FUYAT, 1953,65 pp, US $ 0.45.
Vol. III, H. E. SWANSON, R. K. FUYAT, and G. M. UGRINIC, 1954, 73 pp,
US $ 0.45.
Vol. IV, H. E. SWANSON, R. K. FUYAT, and G. M. UGRINIC, 1955, 75 pp,
US $ 0.45.
Vol. V, H. E. SWANSON, N. T. GILFRICH, and G. M. UGRINIC, 1955, 75 pp,
US $ 0.45.
Vol. 6, H. E. SWANSON, N. T. GILFRICH, and M. I. COOK, 1956, 62 pp,
US $ 0.40.
Vol. 7, H. E. SWANSON, N. T. GILFRICH, and M. 1. COOK, 1957, 70 pp,
US $ 0.40.
P. C. PARKS, 1959, 76 pp, US $ 0.45.
*) The respective Index Book (Organic and/or Inorganic) is supplied free of
charge with the purchase of Plain or Keysort cards of Sets 11 to 17.
Order from: American Society for Testing and Materials, Diffraction Data Sales,
1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.
Metals, and inorganic and organic crystalline compounds are included.
Unit cell dimensions, space groups, atomic positions and parameters,
and interatomic and intermolecular distances are given. The data presented
are derived primarily from X-ray diffraction measurements. Only material
of structural interest is extracted from the literature. Papers containing data
obtained by electron diffraction, neutron diffraction, and nuclear magnetic
resonance studies are reported when of structural interest. Data from such
papers published in Russian, Japanese, and in journals not readily available
have been included more freely than data from easily accessible sources.
The years covered, year published, and price of each volume are as follows:
Volume Years Year Price
Covered Published Dutch US$
Substances covered are metals, and binary, ternary, and a few more complex
alloys, including intermetallic phases of borides, carbides, hydrides, nitrides,
and oxides.
Included are structural details, crystallographic data for Strukturbericht
types (Vol. 1), atomic lattice parameters and their variations with compo-
sition in solid solution ranges and with temperature, densities, and expansion
coefficients. The second volume includes a classification of structures of
elements and alloy phases according to the Bravais lattice and number of
atoms per unit cell. From the data given, known structures of any alloy
phase can be drawn up and interatomic distances calculated. In some cases
it may be necessary to obtain the coordinates of the appropriate point-sets
from Volume I of "International Tables for X-ray Crystallography" (see
Research papers in the open literature are the sources of data.
In both Volumes I and II, a critical selection is made in order to present
only the most accurate data. In making the selection, consideration is given
to alloy purity, knowledge of composition and equilibrium temperature,
and reliability of the X-ray methods or other means of investigation. Each
system is discussed to the extent justified by available data. Complete refer-
ences are included.
In Volume I, most crystal settings for orthorhombic and monoclinic
classes were transformed to the Standard Settings given in the International
Tables for X-Ray Crystallography. The particular author's use of kX or
angstrom units was generally maintained. In Volume II, all data are in
angstrom units.
Volume I is divided into two parts. Part I (75 pages), is a general intro-
duction to X-ray investigation of metals and alloys. Part II includes the
compilation and assessment of data, presented in text, tables, and diagrams.
The systems are arranged alphabetically by chemical symbols. The content
of Volume II (1 ,446 pages) corresponds to that of Part II of Volume I.
Volume I covers all available structural work on metals and alloys
through 1955 and some through 1956. Volume II covers the interval
between 1955 and 1965, although the tabular listing (414 pp) is cumulative,
including all data up to 1965. The relationship between Volumes I and II is:
(1) Vol. II, the index of work on metals and alloys (Chapter V) and the
index of work on borides, carbides, hydrides, and nitrides (Chapter VI)
update the same material in Vol. I (Chapter XI and XII). Vol. I and II must
therefore be used together.
9* 131
(2) Vol. II, tabulated lattice parameters and data on elemental metals and
metalloids (Chapter II), intermediate phases in alloy systems (Chapter III),
and borides, carbides, hydrides, nitrides, and binary oxides (Chapter IV),
contain data both from Vol. I and from work published since Vol. I. These
chapters of Vol. II are therefore independent.
(3) Vol. II includes a table of crystallographic data on binary oxides,
whereas Vol. I described the work.
A Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metaft and Alloys, W. B. PEARSON,
Vol. I, (International Series of Monographs on Metal Physics and Physical
Metallurgy, Vol. 4), Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford-London-Edinburgh-
New York-Paris, and Frankfurt, 1958, X, 1044 pp, US $ 38.00.
Vol. II, (International Series of Monographs on Metal Physics and Physical
Metallurgy, Vol. 8), Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford-London, and New
York, 1967, VIII, 1456 pp, 500 s. net. (US $ 75.00).
Volume I, Symmetry Groups, presents tables, explanations, and diagrams
for crystal lattices, point-group symmetry, and space-group symmetry.
Volume II, Mathematical Tables, contains tables of functions, formulas, and
general relationships between physical quantities.
Volume III, Physical and Chemical Tables, deals with the processes
involved in the X-ray study of crystals. In Volume III tables of properties
are included in each of the following sections: X-Rays and Their Interaction
with Crystals (wavelength, intensities, and scattering of X-rays); Measure-
ment and Interpretation of Intensities (absorption, and atomic scattering
factors); and Interatomic and Interionic Distances (inorganic, organic, and
metallic crystals).
Volumes I and II do not contain data for substances but are concerned with
the mathematical and geometrical background required by serious workers
in crystallography. Volume III, however, in addition to descriptive material
on experimental methodology, contains a wealth of critically evaluated
numerical property values in tabular form. Recognized experts from many
countries have contributed to the many sections and subsections of the
volume. The extensive bibliographies reveal selective use of both the pri-
mary literature and existing compilations.
Methods of calculating tabulated values are discussed, and references are
cited when possible. Necessary symbols are explained, and the difficulty of
maintaining complete consistency is admitted. Terms other than strictly
crystallographic ones are also defined if necessary. Although the main text
is in English, a Dictionary of Crystallographic Terms for each volume is
given in English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.
Volume I of the present Tables appeared in 1952, Volume II in 1959
and Volume III in 1962. All three Volumes have been reprinted with cor-
The bound volumes are 21.8 X 28.2 cm. Each Volume has a detailed
table of contents, and Volume III has a cumulative general subject index.
The layout of tables and the printing are of exceptional quality.
The Commission on International Tables is at present compiling a
"pilot-issue" in line with the planning of a completely new edition. It is
expected that this future edition will be divided into two series: A - Sym-
metry Tables and B - Diffraction Tables. In the meantime a Supplement
to the existing Volumes II and III is expected to appear late in 1969; this
will contain new material in the field covered by these two volumes.
International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography, KATHLEEN LONSDALE, General Edi-
tor, published for the International Union of Crystallography by the Kynoch
Press, Birmingham, England. Also available from Polycrystal Book Service,
P. O. Box 11567, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238 (Special prices are offered to members
of the American Crystallographic Association).
All data and other information are critically examined, and many of the data
are recalculated. These include constants and structural information relating
to bond distances, bond angles, and molecular geometry, which are recalcu-
lated from the coordinates. There is also a critical descriptive text prepared
for each structure. All information is maintained on punched cards. The
project benefits from the cooperation of crystallographers throughout the
The Centre is playing an essential role in the publication of the third edition
of Crystal Data. It has published a bibliography of organic structures classi-
fied according to chemical types and covering the years 1960 to 1966 inclu-
sive. A supplement for 1967 is in preparation. The bibliography was pro-
duced directly from computer printout for private distribution, but com-
mercial publication is planned.
Measured values of interfacial angles of crystals are used to classify and
identify chemical substances. This classification-angle system was developed
Volume I gives crystal descriptions of 2991 compounds belonging to the
hexagonal, tetragonal, trigonal, and orthorhombic systems; Volume II gives
descriptions of 3572 monoclinic substances and Volume III, descriptions of
831 substances in the anorthic system. Most of the substances included are
those described in GROTH'S five-volume "Chemische Krystallographie" (1906
to 1919, see 4.3.4.).
The Barker System is based on the use of a small number of interfacial
angles chosen for indexing purposes: a single angle for hexagonal, tetragonal,
and trigonal crystals; three angles for orthorhombic crystals; five for mono-
clinic; and six for anorthic. In addition to the classification angles, axial
ratios, symmetry, forms, habit, physical properties (cleavage, color, specific
gravity, melting point, etc.), optical properties (including refractive indexes),
transformations, and in some cases the strongest three lines in the X-ray
powder diffraction pattern are given.
The Index is essentially a new treatment of previously compiled morpho-
logical data which facilitates the identification of listed substances from their
measured angles.
Calculations for Volumes I and II were made independently by two workers
and checked by one of the editors. For Volume III, so many errors existed
in the source material that individual notes and corrections could not be
made. Corrected calculated values for the axial ratios and axial angles were
obtained by use of a computer; however, errors in experimental data remain.
Adaptation of the Barker method to anorthic crystals in Vol. III required
considerable extension of the original Barker rules. The final, but lengthy,
rules are made easy to apply by use of an atlas of configurations developed
by M. H. HEY of the British Museum of Natural History, and a table of
configurations developed by P. TERPSTRA and coworkers at the University
of Groningen (the Netherlands).
Accepted crystallographic symbolism has been used; technical terms,
particularly those peculiar to the Barker technique, are explained.
The publication covers essentially data reported by GROTH, corrected
where necessary, with few references to later data, but it should be noted
that GROTH is now out of print and that the present work makes the large
bulk of information which it contained available to many who could not
otherwise obtain it.
This compilation was published under the auspices of "Landolt-Bornstein",
described in 2.1. Chapter 1 was prepared by R. F. S. HEARMON, Princes
Risborough, Bucks., England; Chapters 2 and 3 were prepared by R. BECH-
MANN, Shrewsbury, N. J., u. S. A.
This volume consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 (39 pages) by R. F. S.
HEARMON treats elastic constants (i.e., the components of elastic stiffnesses
and compliances) of non-piezoelectric crystals including temperature and
pressure coefficients of these quantities, and their variation over a wide
temperature range, generally from 0 K to the melting point, in graphical
form. A few organic substances are included but the primary content is
data for elements, inorganic compounds, alloys, and minerals. Chapter 2
Each chapter begins with discussion and explanation of the tables. Quan-
tities are clearly defined, the symbols and units are given, and statements
are made about the treatment of data. In general the authors have tried to
treat the data critically. In Chapter 1, a "coefficient of variation" is given
when sufficient data are available. In separate sections of chapters 2 and 3,
detailed comments, explanatory notes, and graphs are included that outline
the principles applied for the critical evaluation of data in the corresponding
tables. Complete references, some as recent as 1965, are given after each
chapter. A useful alphabetically arranged substance index is included. A
supplement to this volume is in preparation.
Mineralogical Properties
3.3.10. Dana's System of Mineralogy
Five editions of The System of Mineralogy were compiled by JAMES DWIGHT
DANA and published between 1837 and 1868. The author's son, EDWARD
SALISBURY DANA, compiled the sixth edition, published in 1892.
Three volumes of the seventh edition, a complete revision and updating,
have been published. A number of persons in the United States and Great
Britain contributed data and worked on the compilation. CLIFFORD FRONDEL,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, was co-author of Volumes I
and II, sole author of Volume III, and is presently working on Volumes IV
Financial aid for the first two volumes was provided by the Sterling Fund
of Yale University, the Penrose Funds of the Geological Society of America
and the American Philosophical Society, the publishers (] ohn Wiley & Sons,
Inc.), Mr. H. S. HOLDEN, and Harvard University.
Throughout its history, "Dana's System" has been an authoritative reference
source for mineralogists. All information was carefully appraised and uncer-
tain facts were so designated. An authentic experimental diffraction pattern
was obtained for each substance and optical properties were frequently
Recommendations of international authorities such as the International
Union of Crystallography and the International Mineralogical Association
are followed. There is a complete list of synonyms - the different names
found for each substance - at the beginning of each species description.
References are given for each mineral description, and a general index is
included in each volume.
Every effort is made to keep the compilation current. Work on Volume II
was completed in the winter of 1949/1950 and some of the references are
as late as 1950. The cut-off date for the literature examined for Volume III
was 1960, but a few more recent papers are cited. A revision of Volume I
(the beginning of an eighth edition) is planned following the completion of
the remaining two volumes of the seventh edition.
7th ed, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York-London.
Vol. I: Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts, Oxides; CHARLES P ALACHE, HARRY
BERMAN, and CLIFFORD FRONDEL, 1944, XIII, 834 pp, US $ 14.00.
Vol. II: Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Arse-
nates, Tungstates, Molybdates, etc.; CHARLES P ALACHE, HARRY BERMAN,
and CLIFFORD FRONDEL, 1951, XI, 1124 pp, US $16.00.
Vol. III: Silica Minerals, CLIFFORD FRONDEL, 1962, XII, 334 pp, US $ 7.95.
Rock-forming minerals are, in the authors' words, "those which by their
presence, or absence, serve to determine or modify the name of arock".
The subtitles of the five volumes indicate the types of minerals included:
(1) Ortho- and Ring Silicates, (2) Chain Silicates, (3) Sheet Silicates,
(4) Framework Silicates, and (5) Non-Silicates.
A condensed table of properties including refractive indexes, dispersion,
cleavage, twinning, color, cell dimensions, and solubilities precedes discus-
sions that give additional property values under the following headings:
Structure, Chemistry, Optical and Physical Properties, Distinguishing Fea-
tures, and Paragenesis. Structural and phase diagrams as well as diagrams
relating optical and chemical data are often given.
The books are largely descriptive; textual material is interspersed with
property values. The chemistry sections include tables of analyses. The
relation of crystal structure to physical and chemical properties is exception-
ally well presented. Data on synthetic systems, especially phase diagrams,
form the basis of interpreting the composition of complex minerals. In
Volume III, Sheet Silicates, the wide variability of the materials and the
attendant difficulty of clear-cut definitions are well presented. This volume
should be of particular interest to ceramists.
Where points of nomenclature are debatable, the authors give alternative
names in parentheses. Extensive references at the end of each section are an
excellent guide to the literature. Abbreviations and symbols used are defined.
An index is included.
The literature through 1959 was well covered, coverage for some sections
extended through 1961, and a few references extend to 1962.
Rock-Forming Minerals, W. A. DEER, R. A. HOWIE, and J. ZUSSMAN, published by
Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., London. Rights in U. S. A., Philippines, and
Central America - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Vol. I: Ortho- and Ring Silicates, 1962,333 pp, US $ 16.50.
Vol. II: Chain Silicates, 1963, 379 pp, US $ 19.50.
Vol. III: Sheet Silicates, 1962, 270 pp, US $ 16.50.
Vol. IV: Framework Silicates, 1963, 435 pp, US $17.95.
Vol. V: Non-Silicates, 1962, 371 pp, US $17.95.
Electrical resistivity, sample preparation, purity, and crystal structure of
16 metals (AI, Be, Co, Cu, Au, In, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mo, Ni, Nb, Pt, Ag, Ta,
and Sn) at low temperatures have been covered. Work on additional metals
has been started.
Data are obtained from the primary literature.
The first stage of this project is the collection of data and the publication
of a non-critical compilation of data.
The first such publication, Survry of Electrical Resistivity of 16 Pure Metals
in the Temperature Range 0 to 273 OK has been published as NBS Technical
Note 365. The critical evaluation of these data will be performed as a later
stage of the project.
Survey of Electrical Resistivity Measurements on 16 Pure Metals In the Temperature
Range 0 to 27JoK, NBS Technical Note 365, L. A. HALL, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402,1968, III, 111 pp, US $ 0.60.
This volume was published under the auspices of "Tables de Constantes
et Donnees Numeriques", described in 2.2., and prepared under the direc-
tion of P. AIGRAIN and M. BALKANSKI, both of the Faculte des Sciences de
Paris, with a staff of five scientific workers.
The tables give numerical data and other information for 78 inorganic semi-
conductors of current interest. Included are the elements Ge, Si, Te, Se and
diamond; and compounds of the types I-V, II-IV, II-V, II-VI, III-V,
Among the numerical quantities included are energies of valence and
conduction bands, and their variations with temperature and pressure,
electron and hole mobilities, and effective masses. In addition twenty other
useful properties of a more general physical character related to the subject
are included, i.e., lattice constants, dielectric constants, magnetic suscepti-
In the Introduction, given in both French and English, the authors state
that they "have evaluated the data in the manner in which a specialist in the
field would do so" and that the data presented for properties "represent the
best possible values in view of phenomenological and theoretical indications
presently available".
The Introduction defines terms when necessary and lists all symbols used.
All source references are given at the end of each section and also other
relevant references under the heading "Voir aussi". A complete biblio-
graphy of 1600 references, ranging from the year 1832 to 1961, is at the end
of the volume. Data were compiled from the primary literature.
This volume was published under the auspices of "Landolt-Bornstein",
described in 2.1., and prepared by E. KONIG, Institut fur Physikalische
Chemie der Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany (B.R.D.).
This volume deals with coordination and organo-metallic compounds of
transition metals in the broadest sense of the word. More than 5000 com-
pounds are listed. Hydrated and anhydrous simple and double salts are
included for comparison purposes also if they do not belong to this class of
compounds. Compounds with filled shell configurations of transition metals
are listed for completeness. Not included are most of the mixed oxides of
transition elements, especially those of variable composition. The magnetic
data on such mixed oxides may be found in the relevant chapters on
ferrospinels, magnet garnets, perovskites, and hexagonal ferrites contained
in Landolt-Bornstein, 6th ed, Vol. 2, part 9, and in Vol. IIIj2 of the New
Series, which will be published soon.
The results of susceptibility measurements (susceptibilities per gram and
per mole, Curie-constants, magnetic moments, and Curie or Neel temper-
atures) are arranged in one table. The results of electron spin resonance
measurements (g-factors and other parameters, i.e., hyperfine splitting and
fine structure parameters, etc., of the applied spin Hamiltonian) are given
in another.
Most of the susceptibilities were measured over a limited range of tem-
peratures, frequently between room temperature and the temperature of
liquid nitrogen (77 K), or, more often, at room temperature only. For a
limited number of compounds, data are available down to liquid helium
temperature and sometimes lower.
The volume contains several introductory chapters on the arrangement of
tables, presentation of experimental results, selection and accuracy of data,
abbreviations and list of symbols, and order of arrangement of substances.
Tables of diamagnetic ionic susceptibilities and correction constants are added.
The author has attempted to include and sift critically the very volu-
minous literature material as completely as possible. In cases where several
measurements were reported in the literature the evaluation was made in
terms of the chemical purity of the substances (as given by the results of the
chemical analysis and the absence of a field-dependence for non-ferro-
magnetic substances), the accuracy of the measurements (established by the
precision of the method used, the reliability of the calibration, definition of
the field, and the constancy of the temperature during the time of the
measurements), and the presentation of the results (where it is important
that the actually measured quantities be reported in addition to derived
quantities). When only a single measurement of the magnetic susceptibility
of a certain substance is available, this datum is included in the table even
if its accuracy is questionable.
The literature covered, if published prior to 1955, has been taken from
G. FOEx, C. J. GORTER, and L. J. SMITS, Tables de Constantes et Donnees
Numeriques, Vol. 7, Masson & Cie, Editeurs, Paris, 1957 (see 3.3.15.) and
checked against the original literature. Additional references were added
where necessary. The literature from 1955 until the end of 1964 has been
compiled mainly from Chemical Abstracts. Altogether more than 2600 refer-
ences are cited.
In the first part of this volume are given: (1) 217 pages of tables of magnetic
susceptibility data for a variety of categories of inorganic and organic com-
pounds (elements, inorganic compounds, alloys, minerals, organic com-
pounds including cyclic compounds, sugars, mixtures, free radicals, etc.),
and (2) 49 pages of magnetic moments and Curie points for elements, single
atoms, alloys, inorganic compounds (solid and in solution), solid solutions
and free radicals. In the second part are given six pages of paramagnetic
relaxation data for double and other complex salts, mostly sulfates of Cr,
Cu, Fe, Gd, Mn, Ni and V.
In a short introduction the authors define their terms, explain the arrange-
ment of tables, and tabulate symbols, definitions and abbreviations. They
are also meticulous in pointing out the sensitivity of the data to traces of
impurities and for proper reduction of temperature at the time of measure-
ment to a standard value. Values agreed on to 1%by two independent workers
are marked with an asterisk. Two asterisks indicates that several workers
agree to within 1% or two authors to better than 5 parts in a thousand.
R. DE MALLEMANN and F. SUHNER are both attached to the University of
Nancy. For a description of the organization of "Tables de Constantes et
Donnees Numeriques", see 2.2.
In the first section of the book Faraday Effect data are given for gaseous
elements, gaseous inorganic and organic compounds, for a few inorganic
and a large number of organic liquids, and for solutions of electrolytes. The
tables give empirical formula and name, temperature and wavelength of the
measurement, V erdet Constants, specific magnetic rotatory power, molar
magnetic rotatory power and related constants. In the second section of the
book Kerr effect data are given for iron, iron compounds as appropriate,
cobalt, nickel, and a number of alloys having magnetic properties.
All text is in French but the method of arrangement of compounds makes
it relatively easy to locate the numerical data. Literature referencing is
Properties of superconductive materials are covered, i.e., critical temper-
atures, critical magnetic fields, crystallographic parameters, critical magnetic
fields of high field superconductors, and some thermodynamic data.
In late 1966, the center issued a compilation on superconductive materials
and some of their properties. Covered were composition, critical temper-
ature, critical field crystallographic data, and lowest temperature tested for
superconductivity. Substances included were superconductive elements, and
alloys, mostly two-component. The publication supplements superconduc-
tive materials data presented in Progress in Cr..yogenics (Vol. 4, 1964, pp 160
to 231). (Also published in New Materials and Methods of Investigating Metals
and Alloys, 1. 1. KORNlLOV, Editor, Moscow, 1966).
Standard values of important parameters of superconductive materials are
to be developed. As yet, the main work is in literature search and data
Superconductive Materials and Some of Their Properties is described as a
"noncritical" compilation. However, it is noted that data were selected from
recent studies in which sample purity and perfection appear to have been
As a supplement to Progress in Cryogenics, this publication covers the
period 1963 to 1965. A supplement to Superconductive Materials and Some
of Their Properties is in progress. Most references in this publication are
to the primary literature.
Superconductive Materials and Some of Their Properties, NBS Technical Note 408,
B. W. ROBERTS, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402,
1966, IV, 76 pp, US $ 0.45.
10* 147
The objective of the program is to provide self-consistent tables of selected
values of enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation, the entropy, heat capac-
ity, and change of phase properties for chemical compounds. NBS Circular
500 and the revisions are designed to provide key property values for use in
thermodynamic calculations. Values given have been selected or calculated
after evaluation of all experimental data, using consistent values for all
subsidiary quantitites. The values selected have been adjusted so that the
relations existing among different thermodynamic properties of a substance,
or the same property for different substances, are satisfied by the tabulated
No complete index is given because the tables are arranged according
to the Standard Order System, explained in the introduction to the Circular.
An alphabetical list of elements with their table numbers is provided. Tables
giving specific references for each entry, and a complete general list of
references are included.
Usages for nomenclature, symbols, and basic physical constants pre-
scribed by international committees and bodies such as the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) are followed. In the revision
of Circular 500, use is being made of the 1963 fundamental constants and
of the IUPAC "Table of Relative Atomic Weights 1961"* based on the
atomic mass of 12C = 12 exactly. Values of energy units and fundamental
constants are given, symbols and abbreviations are defined, and conventions
regarding standard states are explained in the introduction.
Selected Valuer of Chemical Thermodynamic Propertier, Circular of the National
Bureau of Standards 500, F. D. ROSSINI, D. D. WAGMAN, W. H. EVANS,
S. LEVINE, and 1. JAFFE, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), Washing-
ton, D.C. 20402, 1952, IV, 1268 pp, US $ 7.25 (out of print). Paperback
reprint issued in two parts: 1. Tables; and II. References; GPO, Washington,
D.C. 20402,1961 (out of print).
Revisions to Circular 500 published as NBS Technical Note 270 with the same title:
Selected Valuer of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties:
270-1. "Tables for the First Twenty-three Elements in the Standard Order of
Arrangement", D. D. WAGMAN, W. H. EVANS, 1. HALOW, V. B. PARKER,
S. M. BAILEY, and R. H. SCHUMM, GPO, Washington, D. C. 20402, 1965,
IV, 124 pp, US $ 0.65. Superseded by 270-3.
270-2. "Tables for the Elements Twenty-four through Thirty-two in the
Standard Order of Arrangement", D. D. WAGMAN, W. H. EVANS, 1.
HALOW, V. B. PARKER, S. M. BAILEY, and R. H. SCHUMM, GPO, Washing-
ton, D.C. 20402, 1966, IV, 62 pp, US $ 0.40. Superseded by 270-3.
* Pure and Applied Chemistry 5, 255 (1962).
270-3. "Tables for the First Thirty-four Elements in the Standard Order of
Arrangement", D. D. WAGMAN, W. H. EVANS, V. B. PARKER, 1. HALOW,
S. M. BAILEY, and R. H. SCHUMM, GPO, Washington, D.C. 20402,1968,
IV, 264 pp, US $ 1.25. Supersedes Technical Notes 270-1 and 270-2.
Thermal Properties of Aqueous Uni-univalent Electrolytes, NSRDS-NBS 2, V. B.
PARKER, GPO, Washington, D.C. 20402, 1965, V, 66 pp, US $ 0.45.
Note: As a related activity the group assists in preparation of the IUPAC
"Bulletin of Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry" which contains a complete
annual bibliography indexed by substance and property. The Bulletin is available
through Prof. EDGAR F. WESTRUM, JR., Department of Chemistry, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
The following substances are included: aliphatic, alicyclic, and aromatic
hydrocarbons; oxygen-containing compounds such as alcohols, aldehydes,
ketones, ethers, and alkanoic acids; sulfur derivatives such as thlaalkanes,
thiols, and alkyl thiophenes; certain classes of nitrogen compounds, and a
few important simple substances, e.g., 02' N 2, CO ,C02, and H 20.
For each substance listed, values are given for the following physico-
chemical and thermodynamic properties: boiling point; dtfdp; freezing
point; refractive index; molal and specific refraction; refractivity intercept;
density; specific gravity; vapor pressure; specific dispersion; surface tension;
absolute and kinematic viscosity; isothermal compressibility coefficient;
compressibility factor and activity coefficient of gases; critical temperature,
pressure, density, volume, and compressibility factor; Gibbs energy (free
Evaluation of all available data and use of tested correlation methods provide
reliable values, frequently better than source data. The introduction to the
publication includes a discussion of criteria applied in making selections,
and equations employed to obtain computed values. Computational tech-
niques are: extrapolation and interpolation, calculation of derived thermo-
dynamic functions from spectroscopic and molecular structure data, and
extension of experimental values by way of molecular structure similarities.
A table gives the magnitudes of estimated uncertainties in the values. Internal
consistency is maintained.
Recommendations of national and international committees on nomen-
clature and symbols are followed. The introductory material includes rigor-
ous definitions of properties, values of fundamental and derived constants,
and unit conversion factors. Data are carefully conformed to consistent units.
Newly recommended values for constants and atomic weights are introduced
into revisions when internal consistency can be maintained. For the benefit
of engineers, separate tables are given in English units when appropriate.
The physicochemical and thermodynamic property values are published
on 21 X 27 cm loose-leaf sheets for which special post binders are available.
Each sheet gives the names and molecular formulas of the compounds, the
names and units of property values, and the dates of original issue and
revisions. The properties are grouped in tables designated a, b, c, etc.; in
each group pages are arranged in an order based on the Standard Order
System and when necessary on structure. No references are given on the
data sheets, but two types of reference sheets are provided, specific and
general, for identification of sources of background data. A cumulative
"General List of References", with 7351 entries, was issued in 1963.
Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds, American Petro-
leum Institute Research Project 44, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermo-
dynamics Research Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas
77843; 2427 loose-leaf datas heets extant June 1968, sold initially in complete
sets of seven volumes for US $ 749.10 (with binders), approximate cost of
supplements per year is US $ 75.00. Discount prices are available to some
educational and non-profit research institutions. Order from the TRC Data
Distribution Office, Texas A & M Research Foundation, F. E. Box 130,
College Station, Texas 77843.
Selected Values of Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related
Compounds, F. D. ROSSINI, K. S. PITZER, R. L. ARNETT, R. M. BRAUN, and
G. C. PIMENTEL, published for the American Petroleum Institute by Carnegie
Press, Pittsburgh, 1953, IX, 1050 pp, US $ 7.00 (out of print). Cumulative
to December 31, 1952.
Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons, National Bureau of Standards Circular
C. W. BECKETT, M. G. WILLIAMS, and H. G. WERNER, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402,1947, XIII, 483 pp, US $ 3.75 (out
of print). Cumulative to May 31,1947.
TRC covers inorganic and organic compounds of importance to the chemical
industry and science in general. Included to date are nonmetallic elements
and their inorganic compounds, oxygen-containing organic compounds
(alkanols, glycols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, alkanoic acids, and esters),
halogen-substituted acyclic compounds, and nitrogen-containing compounds
such as amines and nitriles. The project is complementary to API Research
Project 44; hydrocarbons and certain related nitrogen and sulfur compounds
covered by that project are excluded.
The plan has been to cover the same properties as those covered by API
Research Project 44. To date, numerical values have been published for the
following properties: refractive index, density, boiling point, dtfdp, and
freezing point; density at temperatures in DC; refractive index at wave-
lengths in A; critical temperature, pressure, density, volume, and compres-
sibility factor; vapor pressures and boiling points; for transitions, the tem-
perature, change in enthalpy, entropy, L1Cp , and cryoscopic constant; and
enthalpy and Gibbs energy function, entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity, heat
and Gibbs energy of formation, and logarithm of equilibrium constant of
formation, all at temperatures in K.
The primary sources of data are the open literature, and selected unpub-
lished data from contributing laboratories. Tested correlating and compu-
tational methods are used to derive property values when experimental data
are not available, and to extend the temperature range.
Careful evaluation of available data and the use of tested correlation methods
ensure that tabulated values are as reliable as possible, frequently better than
source data. Internal consistency within related bodies of information is
maintained. The selection of a value for a given compound may be done in
the context of data for a group of structurally related compounds. The
reliability of the individual values is enhanced through correlation with
molecular structure.
Recommendations of national and international committees on nomen-
clature, symbols, and constants are followed. The introduction to the com-
pilation contains a summary statement of the units in which property values
are given.
The data in Selected Values oj Properties ojChemical Compounds are presented
in tables on 21 X 27 cm loose-leaf sheets. Within a given section, sheets are
arranged according to the Standard Order System, based on the periodic
table. No references are given on the data sheets, but two types of reference
sheets are provided, specific and general, for identification of sources of
Selected Values of Properties of Chemical Compounds, Thermodynamics Research
Center Data Project, B. J. ZWOLINSKI, Director, Thermodynamics Research
Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843; 886 loose-leaf
data sheets extant June 1968, sold initially in complete sets only for US $265.80
(with binders), approximate cost of supplements per year is US $ 60.00. Dis-
count prices are available to some educational and non-profit research institu-
tions. Order from the TRC Data Distribution Office, Texas A & M Research
Foundation, F. E. Box 130, College Station, Texas 77843.
The project covers thermodynamic properties in the solid, liquid, and/or
ideal gaseous state. JANAF Thermochemical Tables includes the following
elements: AI, B, Be, Br, C, CI, Co, Cu, F, Fe, H, Hg, I, K, Li, Mg, Mo, N,
Na, 0, P, Pb, S, Si, Ti, W, Zr, and e- and their simple compounds. These
compounds are principally those with the halogens, oxygen, and hydrogen.
The properties given are heat capacity, entropy, Gibbs energy function,
heat content (enthalpy), heat of formation, and Gibbs energy of formation
for the ideal gas, liquid or solid state as appropriate. The logarithm of
equilibrium constant of formation of each compound from the elements in
their standard reference states is also given. The foregoing properties are
given at 100-degree intervals from 0 K to 1000 to 6000 K. Other pertinent
properties are presented, such as molecular weight, point group, ground
state configuration or quantum weight, vibrational frequencies and degener-
acies, bond distances and angles, and product of the moments of inertia.
Sources of data consist of the open literature, and to some extent private
communications. Empirical or quasi-theoretical computations, and estimates
obtained by various means are used to supply data not available from other
Property values for each element and compound are evaluated from all
relevant data. An effort is made to maintain internal consistency. Some of
the values, particularly early ones, were estimates based on inadequate
supporting data. Revised tables of values are issued as better data become
available. Pertinent references, a brief analysis of available data, and the
basis for the selections made are also given. The introduction includes
explanations of and equations for methods used to compute values needed
to fill gaps in the experimental data. Values are reviewed before incorpora-
tion into the collection.
All symbols used are defined; values and units are given for basic,
derived, and defined constants. However, units used are not in complete
agreement with international recommendations. In 1966, beginning with
the first addendum to the JANAF Thermochemical Tables (see Publications),
the fundamental constants used are those recommended by the National
Academy of Sciences-National Research Council and adopted by inter-
national bodies.
The publication consists of 22 X 28 cm loose-leaf sheets. The formulas
of compounds are written according to the modified Hill (Chemical Ab-
stracts) System; the chemical symbols in the formulas are arranged alpha-
betically, except for carbon compounds, when C is placed first, followed
by H if hydrogen is present. Pages are ordered alphabetically according to
the Hill formula of the compounds. No page numbers are required, and
revisions and additions are easily accommodated.
In August 1965, the existing tables, with data up to July 1965, were
made available to the public. The first addendum was issued in 1966, and
incorporated Supplements 18, 19, 20, and 21; the second addendum,
published in 1967, incorporated Supplements 22, 23, 24 and 25. Third
addendum (Supplements 26, 27, 28, and 29) was issued in 1968.
JANAF Thermochemical Tables, PB 168370, D. R. STULL, project director, and
staff, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan for the U. S. Air Force, 1965,
V, 945 pp, US $ 10.00, microfiche US $ 3.50, available from the Clearinghouse
for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, U. S. Department of Com-
merce (CFST!), Springfield, Virginia 22151.
JANAF Thermochemical Tables: First Addendum, PB 168370-1, D. R. STULL,
project director, J. CHAO, A. T. Hu, G. C. KARRIS, E. W. PHILLIPS, H. PRO-
PHET, G. C. SINKE, A. N. SYVERUD, and S. K. WOLLERT, 1966, VII, 197 pp,
US $ 3.00 (Supplements 18, 19,20, and 21). CFST!, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
JANAF Thermochemical Tables: Second Addendum, PB 168370-2, D. R. STULL,
project director, J. CHAO, A. T. Hu, G. C. KARRIS, H. PROPHET, and A. N.
SYVERUD, 1967, VII, 193 pp, US $ 3.00 (Supplements 22, 23, 24, and 25).
CFST!, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
JANAF Thermochemical Tables: Third Addendum, PB 168370-3, D. R. STULL,
project director, J. CHAO, A. T. Hu, G. C. KARRIS, H. PROPHET, A. N.
SYVERUD, D. U. WEBB, 1968, IX, tables (unpaginated), US $ 3.00 (Supple-
ments 26, 27, 28, and 29). CFST!, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
All tables are available on magnetic tape; consult Dr. HAROLD PROPHET, Thermal
Research Laboratory, 1707 Building, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland,
Michigan 48640.
The Bureau of Mines of the U. S. Department of the Interior supported a
thermodynamics project at the Berkeley Thermodynamics Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, Calif., from the early 1920's until 1967.
From 1930, when compilation of data was started, until 1964, it was directed
by K. K. KELLEY. Since mid-1967, the thermodynamics laboratory has been
located at the Albany Metallurgy Research Center, Albany, Oregon; E. G.
KING is project director. An integrated program of precision thermodynamic
measurements is associated with the compilation activity, thus providing
the staff with experience valuable in the critical evaluation of data.
The elements and their inorganic compounds of interest in metallurgical and
ceramic operations are covered. Included are oxides, halides, carbides, carbon-
ates, sulfides, sulfates, nitrates, nitrides, and some intermetallic and inter-
oxidic compounds.
Other Publications
Related publications of considerable interest appear as Bureau of Mines
"Report ofInvestigations". Each publication in this group presents critically
evaluated properties of one element and its inorganic compounds. Recent
issues include:
Report of Investigations, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213:
R. 1. 5600, Thermodynamic Properties of Manganese and Its Compounds,
A. D. MAH, 1960,35 pp, US $ 0.30.
R. 1. 6727, Thermodynamic Properties of Vanadium and Its Compounds,
A. D. MAH, 1966, 84 pp, no charge.
(45 substances), liquid (44 substances), and gaseous (335 substances) phases,
including monatomic and diatomic ionized gases and electron gas. The first
and second supplements will cover compounds of alkaline and alkaline
earth metals and revision of the data included in the second edition. The
first supplement will be published in 1969 to 1970. Arrangement of the
material is according to the Standard Order (see 3.4.1.).
The following thermodynamic property values are given at selected
temperatures for gases in the ideal state at 1 atmosphere pressure:
Gibbs energy function (Go - H~)/ T orq>~, entropy S~, relative enthalpy
H~ - H~, heat of formation iJHF or l~, and equilibrium constant Kp and
log K p where K p is the constant of dissociation or ionization. Values are
given between 400 and 6000 K at 100 K intervals and also at 293.15 and
298.15 K. For 22 substances, values up to 10000 K are given at 200 K inter-
vals, and then to 20000 K at 500 K intervals. For compounds in the condens-
ed phase, values for heat capacity C; and vapor pressure P are also given
from 293.15 K to appropriate temperatures. Methods of calculation (poly-
nomial equations) are given for the tabulated thermodynamic properties.
Data are compiled from world literature sources. An associated research
program by a number of institutions within the Soviet Union provided data
not in the literature.
Literature articles were carefully examined, and many experimental values
were re-evaluated, providing corrected values for the compilation. Some
recalculations were made to provide a system of self-consistent values.
Estimates were made when experimental data were lacking. Volume I
includes discussion of the properties tabulated, calculation methods, critical
analyses and evaluation of the data found in the literature, the bases for
selection of the values and their uncertainty limits. Limits of error in the
Gibbs energy function q>~, caused by uncertainties in values of molecular
constants and the method of evaluation, are given for each gas. More than
4000 references are cited.
Complete references, an author index with English equivalents of names,
and a formula index to Volumes I and II are included. Symbols, terminology,
and values of constants are those recommended by international organiza-
tions except when the recommendations differ materially from Soviet usage.
All symbols, designations, and constants are explained or defined. The
values of all thermodynamic functions are expressed in calories per mole
and calories per mole degree, and those of equilibrium constants and vapor
pressures are expressed in atmospheres.
All values are stated to be self-consistent, and an indication of the uncer-
tainty is generally given. When necessary, values lacking in the literature
were estimated. In some cases special experimental investigations were
carried out in Soviet institutions to supply needed data. A separate set of
tables identifies the specific references for each value. There are 3809 refer-
ences in the first three Parts.
In general, the symbols, terminology, and units are those recommended
by international organizations modified in part to accord with Soviet usage.
The values of thermodynamic constants are expressed in calories per mole
or calories per mole degree, and vapor pressure is expressed in atmospheres.
The symbols and abbreviations used are explained in the introduction.
A long list of abbreviations for references cited is given in Part I and a short
addendum to the list is given in Part II and in PartII1. The books, 21 X 27 em,
have hard covers. They consist almost entirely of tables.
Part I of the series was published in 1965, Part II early in 1966 and
Part III in 1968. The schedule for publication of the other parts called for
Part IV in 1969.
Thermodynamic Constants of Substances, Handbook in 10 Parts, V. P. GLUSHKO, Ed.,
U. S. S. R. Academy of Sciences, All-Union Institute of Scientific and Techno-
logical Information, Moscow; Part I, 1965, 146 pp, 72 kopecks (US $ 1.75);
Part II, 1966, 96 pp, 52 kopecks (US $ 1.40); Part III, 1968, 222 pp, 1 ruble
21 kopecks; available in the United States from VICTOR KAMKIN, Inc., Book-
store, 1410 Columbia Rd., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20009.
and rare metals. Four volumes have been published. The authors plan to
present thermodynamic methods and the calculations for pyrometallurgical
processes, as well as methods of calculation for thermodynamic properties
of important nonferrous and rare metals. They will also examine and com-
pare existing literature of numerical data for the thermodynamics of non-
ferrous metallurgy and consider the problems involved.
Substances included are important gaseous elements and compounds in-
volved in nonferrous metallurgy: zinc, copper, lead, tin, silver, tungsten,
molybdenum, titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, aluminum, anti-
mony, magnesium, nickel, bismuth, and cadmium, and their compounds
to date.
Property values given include those for atomic volume, density, melting
and boiling point, vapor pressure, specific and atomic heat capacity, enthalpy
and entropy of formation and phase changes, Gibbs energy of formation,
and enthalpy and Gibbs energy functions.
Data are compiled from the world literature.
Values reported are both experimental and calculated. When possible,
recommended values are given. Lists of references for each chapter are
given in Roman characters, except for references to Russian publications
which are given in Russian. A number of the references are to well-known
compilations. Although the text is in Russian, international symbols are
used for properties and for chemical elements and compounds. Equations
and tables are therefore independent of language.
In general, the symbols, terminology, and units are those recommended
by international organizations, modified in part to accord with Soviet usage.
Volume I has a two-and-a-half-page table (in Russian) explaining symbols.
The books are hardbound, an English translation of Volume III is paper-
Although the data references in the early publications are quite old, there
are numerous references for data in the 1950's and some for data as late
as 1962. The four volumes were published in 1960, 1961, 1963, and 1966,
respectively. Volumes V and VI are in preparation.
Chemical Thermoc!Jnamics in Nonferrous Metallurgy, J. 1. GERASSIMOV, A. N. KRESTOV-
NIKOV, and A. S. SHAKHOV, Metallurgical Publishing House, Moscow.
All metallic elements and binary alloy systems for which published thermo-
dynamic data have been found are covered, and included in the published
data when evaluation is completed.
Selected Values for the Thermoc!Jnamic Properties of Metals and Allqys includes
complete thermodynamic data for both elements and alloys. For the elements,
the following functions relative to the standard states for both the condensed
and gas phases at selected temperature intervals are tabulated: heat capacity,
enthalpy (heat), entropy, Gibbs energy (free energy). Values for enthalpy
11* 163
and entropy of phase changes, for Gibbs energy and enthalpy of vaporization,
and for vapor pressure are also given.
For alloys, the integral quantities presented are enthalpy, Gibbs energy,
entropy, excess Gibbs energy, and excess entropy of formation. Values for
activities and activity coefficients, and for partial molar thermodynamic
quantities over a range of compositions are given. Phase diagrams for most
of the alloys are also included.
Sources of data include journals or compilations of critically evaluated
data. Some values are obtained by extrapolation or by calculation.
Selected Values for the Thermodynamic Properties of Metals and Alloys, R. R. HULTGREN,
L. ORR, P. D. ANDERSON, and K. K. KELLEY, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1963, XI, 963 pp, US $12.50.
Requests for new supplementary data sheets, having the same title as the book,
should be sent to Professor RALPH R. HULTGREN, Department of Mineral
Technology, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720.
Selected elements and compounds that are involved in the chemistry and
technology of steelmaking are treated in Volume 1. The compounds include
carbides, nitrides, oxides, phosphides, silicides, and sulfides. Volume II, in
addition to elements and compounds, specifically treats binary and ternary
iron alloys and solutions, complex oxide systems, and slags.
Thermodynamic properties are given for elements and compounds in
their various states and phases, and for solutions. The properties include
heat (enthalpy) and temperature of phase changes; heat capacity; enthalpy,
entropy, and Gibbs energy function at lOO-degree intervals; and enthalpy,
Gibbs energy, and log Kp of formation as appropriate. When available, the
following properties are also given: density, thermal conductivity, electrical
Thermochemistry for Steelmaking, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Read-
ing (Massachusetts), and London.
Vol. I, J. F. ELLIOT and M. GLEISER, 1960, VIII, 296 pp, US $ 17.50.
Vol. II, J. F. ELLIOT, M. GLEISER, and V. RAMAKRISHNA, 1963, XVI, 550 pp,
US $ 25.00.
Constitution of Binary Alloys by MAX HANSEN and KURT ANDERKO was pub-
lished in 1958 as a revised edition of HANSEN'S Der Aufbau der ZweistofJ-
legierungen, published in 1936. The 1958 edition and the subsequent Consti-
tution ofBinary Alloys, First Supplement, 1965, and Constitution ofBinary Alloys,
Second Supplement, to be published (1969), were compiled at the Illinois
Institute of Technology (IIT) Research Institute under the sponsorship of
the U. S. Air Force. RODNEY P. ELLIOTT and FRANCIS A. SHUNK, respectively,
directed the work on the First and Second Supplement. Since June 1967,
the work has been carried on at the Binary Metal and Metalloid Constitution
Data Center, Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute, Chicago,
Illinois 60616, under the direction of F. A. SHUNK. The program is linked
to the National Standard Reference Data System of the National Bureau of
Standards (NBS, see 1.1.1.), and is sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission, Aerospace Research Laboratories, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, and National Bureau of Standards.
Data for more than 1700 binary systems are included in the 1969 volume and
for more than 2300 in the combined 1958, 1965, and 1969 volumes. The
systems are mostly alloys; some botides, hydrides, oxides, chalcogenides,
and phosphides are included.
Phase diagrams are given for many systems. Values for solubilities,
eutectic points, melting points, and other constitutional features as well as
crystal structures and cell dimensions are given.
All available literature has been searched for sources of data. For the
1965 and 1969 volumes, references were found principally in Chemical
Abstracts, Metallurgical Abstracts, and Review of Metal Literature. Special-
ized abstract bulletins, bibliographies, reviews, and monographs were also
The 1958 edition covers the literature through 1955 with limited coverage
of the 1956 and 1957 literature; the 1965 volume reviews literature published
between 1955 and December 1961; and the second supplement covers the
literature published from 1962 through 1964.
The authors analyzed and evaluated all relevant data. In most cases their
conclusions are incorporated in composite diagrams based upon their eval-
uation of the data. Uncertainties are indicated.
The table of contents to the Second Supplement is a cumulative listing
of systems contained in the three volumes. Diagrams cannot be used without
the text, nor the material in the Supplements without reference to a previous
review in earlier volumes if such exists. Factors for use in the interconversion
of atomic and weight percent for each system are given in the three volumes,
but the directions and tables needed to use them are in the 1958 volume only.
Thus, the 1958 edition is a necessity for full use of the Supplements.
The systems are arranged in alphabetical order by chemical symbols.
Tables of some physical properties and structural data of the elements are
included in the appendixes to both the 1958 volume and the 1965 Supplement.
A table on crystal-structure types according to "Strukturbericht", and con-
version tables for temperatures and for atomic and weight percentages are
in the 1958 volume. The 1969 volume is to contain a table of crystal-structure
types ordered according to the composition of representative compounds.
Constitution of Binary Alloys, 2nd ed, M. HANSEN and K. ANDERKO, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New York, 1958, XIX, 1305 pp, US $ 39.50.
Constitution of Binary Alloys, First Supplement, R. P. ELLIOTT, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York, 1965, XXXII, 877 pp, US $ 35.00.
Constitution of Binary Alloys, Second Supplement, F. A. SHUNK, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York, to be published (1969).
Systems included are of special interest to ceramists - metal-oxygen and
metal oxide systems (including Si), systems with oxygen-containing radicals,
systems containing halides, sulfides, cyanides, alone and with other sub-
stances, systems of water with metal oxides and miscellaneous substances.
Borides, carbides, and silicides are not included.
Simple and complex phase diagrams for one-, two-, three-, and multi-
component systems are given. For some systems, multidiagrams show iso-
thermal and isoplethal sections of phase relations; for others, isofracts,
temperature-composition projections, compatibility relations, and base
systems of tetrahedra are given. Melting points of metallic oxides, molecular
weights of oxides, and 1961 atomic weights of the elements are presented in
separate tables.
Data are compiled from the literature.
The first compilation of this project appeared in the Journal of the American
Ceramic Society in 1933. The 1964 edition is the seventh compilation in this
series and supersedes previous publications of the series. The literature has
been covered up to 1962. A supplement containing 2083 new diagrams is in
press (1969 Part II edition).
The authors were more critical in the 1964 edition than in previous ones
and in general only include a selected "best" diagram for a system. Occasion-
ally several diagrams representative of current interpretation or composite
diagrams constructed from the work of several investigators have been
included. Many diagrams are too small to permit values to be read with
accuracy. Diagrams of partial systems, such as a high corner of a ternary
system or an enlargement of a complicated portion of a system and some
figure reproductions, increase the legibility.
The introductory material includes: selected and annotated bibliography
that covers theory, interpretation, methods and techniques, mathematical
treatment, thermodynamic calculations, silicate chemistry, special collections
of phase diagrams, and phase diagrams in related fields. The phase rule, the
diagrams, and some experimental methods are also discussed.
Diagrams are sometimes accompanied by explanatory notes, and com-
plete references are given below each diagram. An author index and a
system index are included. Temperatures are in degrees Celsius, but it is
not always apparent whether the scale is the Geophysical Laboratory Tem-
perature Scale of 1914 or the International Temperature Scale of 1927 or
that of 1948.
Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, E. M. LEVIN, H. F. McMuRDIE, and F. P. HALL,
American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio 43214, 1956,286 pp, 811 phase
diagrams, US $ 10.00.
Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, Part II, E. M. LEVIN and H. F. McMuRDIE, American
Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio 43214, 1959, 153 pp, 462 phase diagrams,
US $ 8.00.
Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, E. M. LEVIN, C. R. ROBBINS, and H. F. McMuRDIE
(7th compilation), American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio 43214, 1964,
601 pp, 2064 phase diagrams, US $ 18.00. (Supersedes previous volumes.)
Phase Equilibrium Diagrams of Oxide Systems, revised and redrawn by E. F. OSBORN
and A. MUAN, American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio 43214, 1960.
Ten 49 X 59 cm plates for three-oxide systems containing Si0 2, four of them
for oxide phases in equilibrium with metallic iron. Diagrams are US $ 2.00
each, US $ 15.00 for the set of 10. (Reproductions of these plates appear in the
1964 compilation.)
The purpose of this program is to evaluate and publish in concise form
existing thermodynamic and kinetic data relevant to the high temperature
behavior of important classes of inorganic salts. The Center is investigating
three types of information for each salt: 1) the reactions by which salts
decompose in various temperature ranges; 2) thermodynamic functions for
these reactions: Gibbs energies, free-energy functions, equilibrium con-
stants, and partial pressures; and 3) kinetic parameters such as rate con-
stants, activation energies, and mechanisms.
A series of publications is planned to cover anhydrous salts which
contain monatomic cations, and oxyanions with one element besides oxygen,
such as sulfates, carbonates, nitrogen-oxygen, and halogen-oxygen anions.
Each volume will cover one anion. The first, on sulfates, was published
Data are lacking for many salts which fit into the categories covered by the
program. In many cases, thermodynamic functions cannot be calculated
because information needed on reactants and products over a wide temper-
ature range is not available. Information on the kinetics of thermal decom-
position is often too poor for use as reference data. However, qualitative
or semi-quantitative kinetic information is given when deemed useful.
Thermodynamic information has been stressed because of its importance to
stability problems.
In the introductory part of High Temperature Properties and Decomposition
of Inorganic Salts: Part 1. Sulfates, the properties covered are discussed.
Experimental methods and theory are briefly outlined and the quality and
treatment of the data reviewed. Pertinent equations are provided. A table
of units, symbols, and abbreviations is also included. The compilation is
arranged in dictionary format; all data about a compound appear together
and critical commentaries introduce each compound. Most data are given
in tables. All data and critical commentaries are referenced. Densities are
listed in the units given by the original authors. The procedures used for
the evaluation are not described. It is also stated that thermodynamic data
already critically evaluated are used whenever possible, but that qualitative
and semi-quantitative information is also included. There are specific warn-
ings concerning some data; uncertainties frequently are not indicated.
The center's primary concern is the determination and presentation of
critically evaluated values for specific heat and derived thermodynamic
properties (entropy, Gibbs energy, and enthalpy) of pure substances in the
range from 0 to 300 K. Emphasis at present is on the lower temperature
ranges. High temperature relative enthalpy data are also examined to deter-
mine the best values of specific heat around 300 K. Substances covered
include the elemental species, and oxides, halides, and others.
The center has issued Critical Anafysis oj the Heat Capacity Data of the
Literature and Evaluation of Thermocfynamic Properties oj Copper, Silver, and
Goldfrom 0 to 300 0 K. Properties covered are heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy,
Gibbs energy, enthalpy function, and Gibbs energy function. Supplementary
information such as the electronic coefficient of heat capacity, experimental
method, and purity of substances are given.
The critically evaluated, selected values for the thermodynamic proper-
ties are presented in a table. Other data are presented in tables and graphs.
Discussion of the sources of data and general assessment are in text. The
introduction provides good background information. References include a
number from 1967.
The center compiles heat capacity data from the literature and critically
evaluates these data to obtain selected "best values". These values are then
used to calculate the derived thermodynamic properties enumerated above.
Critical Analysis of the Heat Capacity Data of the Literature and Evalu-
ation of Thermodynamic Properties of Copper, Silver, and Gold from 0 to
300 oK includes tables of the selected "best values", deviation plots, and other
supporting information used to document the selected values. For each of
the elements, a comprehensive assessment of the data sources is included.
This publication is the first of several planned, which will appear in the
NSRDS-NBS numbered series.
Critical Analysis of the Heat Capacity Data of the Literature and Evaluation of Thermo-
dynamic Properties of Copper, Silver, and Gold from a to 300 K, NSRDS-NBS 18,
Individual panels have been established for the following single gases or
groups of gases: (1) Carbon dioxide (C0 2); (2) Atmospheric gases (02' N z,
and air); (3) Quantum fluids (H2' D2 and He); (4) Inert fluids (Ne, Ar, Kr,
Xe); (5) Aliphatic hydrocarbons (CH4 , C2H 6, C2H 4 , etc.); (6) Halogenated
hydrocarbons (all); (7) Multicomponent systems (to be selected); and (8)
Ammonia (NH3)' In addition, a Panel on Correlating Functions has been
established which will have the task of selecting or developing mathematical
correlating functions for representing the data within agreed tolerances.
For each gas the objective will be to publish thermodynamically consistent
tables of data such as pressure, temperature, enthalpy, and entropy over the
widest possible range of the variables.
The IUPAC Centre on Thermodynamic Tables Project is in a real sense
following in the footsteps of the International Conference on the Properties
of Steam (see 3.4.16.). That is, its purpose is to prepare, for each fluid under
review, tables of such high quality that they can be accepted as the "best
possible" by workers in the field and also can lend themselves to use as
"International Standards" if their position in science and industry warrants
the assignment of "standard" status. Basic to the whole program is the idea
that all available literature data will be examined for each fluid. Experts of
the highest competence in each narrow area will evaluate the data, and the
presentation of the best values will be done in a consistent way with due
regard to proper selection of units, constants and precise mathematical
formulation of the results.
Fruition of the project may take 10 years. A comprehensive publication
of the properties of carbon dioxide is anticipated in 1969.
Information on the Project and its Working Panels can be supplied by
Dr. SELBY ANGUS, Scientific Director, IUPAC Thermodynamic Tables Pro-
ject Centre, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College of Science
and Technology, Prince Consort Road, London S. W. 7, England.
Several documents have been produced for use by members of the Project, and
of these the following may be of interest to others, and are available free of
charge from the Project Centre:
"An Account of the IUPAC Thermodynamic Tables Project", by S. ANGUS,
IUPAC Thermodynamic Tables Project Centre, London, 1968, 8 pp
(Reference PCfD 5.5.).
"Guide to Working Panel Procedures", by S. ANGUS, lUP AC Thermodynamic
Tables Project Centre, London, 1965, 14 pp (Reference PCfD 1.2.).
"Guide to Procedures in the Reporting of Experimental Data", by S. ANGUS,
lUPAC Thermodynamic Tables Project Centre, London, 1966, 5 pp (Refer-
ence PCfD 2.3.).
water and superheated steam, all given with assigned tolerances. For viscos-
ity and thermal conductivity, equations for interpolation and other calcu-
lations are an integral part of the skeleton tables. For all properties, formu-
lations (equations) for computer use were subsequently established. An
important feature of the 1963 tables was the pushing upward of the temper-
ature and pressure limits to 800 0 C and 1000 bars respectively in response to
industrial needs for these data.
Publications based on the work of the rcps are in two categories: (1) Books
containing comprehensive tables obtained by suitable expansion of the skel-
eton tables published on the initiative of individuals or groups, in various
countries, for use by scientists and engineers; and (2) reports and proceed-
ings issued directly by the Secretariat of rcps and given skeleton tables and
other pertinent results of the Conferences. The publications described below
are grouped in these two classifications.
1967 Steam Charts, Electrical Research Association, Edward Arnold & Co.,
St. Martin's Press, U. K., 1967, £ 3. A large-scale atlas of the enthalpy/
entropy diagram for steam and water, compatible with 1967 IFC For-
mulation. Also auxiliary charts for engineering calculations. Units used:
Temperature: Fahrenheit scale; Pressure: Ibf/in2; Volume: ft 3/lb;
Energy: BTU/lb.
(b) The following publications are based on older formulations of skeleton
Thermodynamic Properties of Steam, Including Data for the Liquid and Solid
Phases, J. H. KEENAN and F. G. KEYES, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1939, 80 pp, US $ 5.50. Units used: Temperature: Fahren-
heit scale; Pressure: Ibf/in2; Volume: ft 3 /lb; Energy: BTU/lb.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam, 6th ed, M. P. VUKALOVITCH,
published by State Publishing House of Scientific-Technical Literature
Concerning Mechanical Engineering "Mashgis", Moscow, and "VEB
Verlag Technik", Berlin, 1958, 245 pp plus separate charts. Text in
English, French, German, and Russian. Units used: Temperature:
Celsius scale; Pressure kgf/cm2; Volume: m3/kg; Energy: kcaln/kg,
Wasserdampftafel der Allgemeinen Elektricitiits-Gesellschaft, HELMUT HOTES,
R. Oldenbourg, Munchen, 1960,48 pp.
VDI-Steam Tables, Including a Mollier h, s-Diagram for Temperature up 10
800 0 C and a T, s-Diagram, 6th ed, ERNST SCHMIDT, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, and R. Oldenbourg, Munchen, 1963, 151
pp. Two parts: Part A (out of print). Superseded by 7th ed. Part B
(out of sprint). Superseded by Properties of Water and Steam in SI-Units.
VDI-Steam Tables up to 800°C and 1000 at, Including a Mollier h, s-Diagram
and a T,s-Diagram, 7th ed, ERNST SCHMIDT, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-
Heidelberg-New York, and R. Oldenbourg, Munchen,1968, 197 pp,
US $ 12.00. Text in English, French, German, and Spanish. Units used:
Temperature: Celsius scale; Pressure: atmosphere; Volume: m 3/kg;
Energy: kcalrT/kg.
Properties of Water and Steam in SI-Units, a-800°C and 0-1000 bar, Including a
Mollier h,s-Diagram and a T,s-Diagram, ERNST SCHMIDT, Springer-Ver-
lag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1969, 205 pp, US $12.00. Text in
English, French, German, and Spanish; foreword and table of contents
also in Japanese and Russian. Units used: Temperature: Celsius scale;
Pressure: bar; Volume: m3 /kg; Energy: kJ/kg.
(c) Tables for steam not directly related to the skeleton tables:
Tables of the Thermodynamic Properties of Heavy Water, J. N. ELLIOTT, Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario, January 1963, 90 pp.
The Thermodynamic Functions of Dissociating Steam in the Range 1000 to 5000 oK,
0.01 to 100 b, VLADIMIR KMONICEK, Academia, Prague, 1967, 105 pp.
An Equation of State for Water and Steam, Steam Tables in the Critical Region
and in the Range from 1000 to 100,000 Bars, JAN J UZA, Academia, Prague,
1966,142 pp. Conforms with 1963 International Skeleton Table, within
its range.
Other Publications
Temperature-entropy diagrams, available as wall charts, US $ 3.00 each.
Surveys of the thermodynamic properties of industrially important gases
were started in 1948 under the supervision of the Thermodynamics Com-
mittee of the Mechanical Engineering Research Board of the Department
of Scientific and Industrial Research (now part of the Ministry of Technol-
ogy) of Great Britain. The late Dr. F. DIN served as general editor of the
series and contributed several sections.
This compilation provides a comprehensive survey of all data in the open
literature for each gas considered. The following industrially important
gases are covered: ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, air, acety-
lene, ethylene, propane, argon, methane, nitrogen, and ethane.
Properties include temperature-entropy diagrams, entropy, enthalpy, and
volume for single phases and/or two phases in equilibrium, specific heats at
constant pressure and volume, and Joule-Thomson coefficients. Also given
are physical properties including density, molecular volume, boiling point,
triple point temperature and pressure, and critical constants.
The authors give a critical, detailed survey of the existing data; methods of
calculation of the thermodynamic functions and of the construction of the
temperature-entropy diagrams; an evaluation of the compiled data; a list
of references; and tables of the thermodynamic functions. Short tables of
the properties under discussion are included in the textual material which
is followed by tables of data. Each volume has a table of contents, but no
complete index. Some details of treatment were left to individual authors;
units are consistent for an individual gas but are not consistent throughout
the series. The International Steam Tables calorie (4.1868 absolute joules)
is used. Temperature-entropy diagrams, on separate pages, are too small
for accurate interpolations. However, they are also available as wall-sized
The first two volumes, with data for eight gases, appeared in 1956;
Volume 3 appeared in 1965. This series will not be continued. A program
with similar objectives, aiming at higher quality, is being sponsored by the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (see 3.4.15.).
12* 179
The object of this program is to prepare tables of accurate data for the
thermodynamic properties of ammonia. This effort will be in effect a revision
of Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia, NBS Circular 142, first
issued in 1923.
The first publication, Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia as an Ideal Gas,
presents calculated values for Gibbs energy function, enthalpy function,
heat capacity at constant pressure, and entropy at closely spaced intervals
from 50 to 5000 K in the ground electronic state.
Values presented were calculated taking into consideration the contributions
of ordinary vibrational anharmonicity and vibrational-rotational coupling
together with rotational stretching and rotational quantum effects. The
molecular data used to calculate the thermodynamic functions are referenced.
In addition to tables of data, a review and discussion are presented.
The values of the thermodynamic functions presented in Thermodynamic
Properties of Ammonia as an Ideal Gas will be used as a basis for real gas
correction to the properties.
Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia as anldeal Gas, NSRDS-NBS 19, LESTER HAAR,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, 1968, IV, 10 pp,
US $ 0.20. Reprinted from the Journal of Research of the National Bureau oj
Standards A. Physics and Chemistry 72 A, No.2, March-April 1968.
Moscow State University. The work has been carried out under the general
direction of A. S. PREDVODITELEV. This program is part of the work devoted
to the study of the properties of gases at high temperatures.
Tables of Thermo4Jnamic Functions of Air (for Temperatures from 200 to 6000 OK and
Pressures from 0.00001 to 100 Atmospheres), [Tablitsy Termodinamicheskikh Funktsii
Vozdukha (dlya temperatur ot 200 0 do 6000 oK i davlenii ot 0,00001 do 100 atmosJer)],
and 1. B. ROZHDESTVENSKII, Publishing House of the Computer Center of the
U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1962,268 pp, 2 rubles 77 kopecks
(in Russian).
Other Publications
Charts of Thermo4Jnamic Functions of Air: 1000 to 12,000 oK and 0.001 to 1000 ATM,
1. B. ROZHDESTVENSKII, and E. V. SAMUILOV, Associated Technical Services,
Inc., Glen Ridge, New Jersey, 1962, 56 pp, 44 figures, US $ 6.50. Translated
from the Russian, Termodinamicheskikh Funktsii Vozdukha (dlya temperatur
ot 1000 do 12000 OK i davlenii ot 0,001 do 1000 atm) (graphike funktsii).
Publishing House of the U. S. S. R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1960, 56 pp,
36 kopecks.
TPRC's overall interest encompasses 16 properties, designated as thermo-
physical and which include transport and thermodynamic properties. Thir-
The stated aims of TPRC are (1) to produce, whenever possible, an inter-
nally consistent set of "recommended" values of a particular property of a
material as of a given date; (2) to supplement experimental data by semi-
empirical correlation methods when such methods are justified; and (3) by
use of statistical thermodynamics, to generate tables of transport properties
when experimental values for such properties are not available. These aims
are met by the critical evaluation, analysis, and correlation of existing data
and the calculation, when possible, of values to fill gaps in the available data.
Data are compiled from the primary literature; foreign and English
language abstracting services; governmental, academic, and industrial
research reports; masters and doctoral theses from universities; and co-
operative arrangements with major research laboratories in the United
States and abroad.
In Volumes I and III of the loose-leaf Data Book (no longer available), tables
or graphs, or both, of all experimental values recorded were given. Sub-
stances for which recommended values had been selected were given on a
separate chart and table, and estimated errors in recorded values indicated.
In Volume II, only recommended values were tabulated. A "Specification
Table" gave for each curve the literature reference number, experimental
method used, year of measurement, temperature range, reported errors,
specimen designation, and composition of the material in weight percent.
The pertinent constants used in the equations for the calculations of thermal
conductivity were given above the tabular results for each element. Litera-
ture references were listed at the end of each chapter. The introductory
material included a table of contents and sections on general information
and generation of recommended values, a discussion with explanations of
symbols and units used, and an alphabetical directory of materials. Policies
concerning symbols, units, and physical constants took into account the dual
orientation to engineering and pure science and were those accepted or
recommended by international organizations such as the International
Organization for Standardization.
NSRDS-NBS Publications:
As a component of the U. S. National Bureau of Standards-National
Standard Reference Data Program (NBS-NSRDP), TPRC also prepares a
series of more rigorous and critical reports giving recommended values of
thermophysical properties of definable substances or systems. The research
reports for NSRDP discuss in detail the considerations involved in arriving
at the recommended values. The final report will be published in the NSRDS-
NBS publication series. At present, two parts (NSRDS-NBS 8 and 16) have
been issued of a final volume scheduled for publication in 1969. The volume
will contain the critical analysis and recommendations of the thermal con-
ductivity of all the elements.
Thermophysical Properties Research Center Data Book. Issued semi-annually as loose-
leaf sheets; Thermophysical Properties Research Center, Purdue University,
Research Park, 2595 Yeager Road, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906. No longer
available; is being superseded by "TPRC Series on Thermophysical Properties
of Matter". Covered the following properties in each volume: thermal conduc-
tivity, viscosity, radiative properties, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat.
Vol. I: Metallic Elements and Their Alloys (In Solid, Liquid, or Gaseous
Vol. II: Nonmetallic Elements, Compounds and Mixtures (In Liquid or
Gaseous State at Normal Temperature and Pressure).
Vol. III: Nonmetallic Elements, Compounds and Mixtures (in Solid State at
Normal Temperature and Pressure).
TP RC Reports in the Standard Reference Data Series:
Thermal Conductiviry of Selected Materials, R. W. POWELL, C. Y. Ho, and P. E. LILEY,
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402,
Part 1, NSRDS-NBS 8, 1966, VIII, 168 pp, US $ 1.00.
Part 2, NSRDS-NBS 16, 1968, IX, 146 pp, US $ 2.00.
Thermophysical Properties of High Temperature Solid Materials, Y. S. TOULOUKIAN,
Ed., Six Volumes (9 book set), The Macmillan Co., New York, Collier-
Macmillan Ltd., London, 1967, 8500 pp, US $ 250.00 per set (also available
by individual volumes). This work supersedes an earlier compilation (1960),
by the Armour Research Foundation entitled Handbook of Thermophysical
Properties of Solid Materials, published first as WADC TR 58-476 and as
a hard bound set by the Macmillan Co.
Other publications
Thermophysical Properties Research Literature: A Retrieval Guide, 2nd ed, Y. S. Tou-
LOUKIAN, J. K. GARRITSEN, and N. Y. MOORE, Eds., Plenum Press, New York,
1967, 2759 pp, US $ 275.00. This three-book volume provides access to the
literature on the following 13 thermophysical properties: thermal conductivity
(including accommodation coefficient and contact resistance), thermal diffu-
sivity, diffusion coefficient, specific heat at constant pressure, viscosity, thermal
radiative properties (including emissivity, reflectivity, absorptivity, trans-
missivity, optical constants) and Prandtl number.
This volume completes the coverage of the literature from 1920 (in some cases
earlier) to July 1964. It is a consolidation of the material contained in two
earlier volumes (Retrieval Guide to Thermophysical Properties Research Literature,
Y. S. TOULOUKIAN, Ed., Vol. I, 1960, and Vol. II, 1964, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York, each US $ 150.00) together with the material of a third volume
which was not published separately.
The Cryogenic Data Center was established in 1958 in the Cryogenics Divi-
sion of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), in Boulder, Colorado 80302.
It is directed by VICTOR J. JOHNSON. The Data Center is primarily concerned
with thermophysical property values of materials used in low temperature
applications. It has two major types of activity: documentation, and data
evaluation - including the correlation and publication of data. Related
experimental work is carried on in the Cryogenics Division. The Data
Compilation Unit is supervised by HANS M. RODER. The Center is a charter
member of the Office of Standard Reference Data of NBS (see 1.1.1.) with
the principal support for the data compilation effort being provided by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Data on cryogenic fluids and selected solids are compiled by the Center.
Compilations are published in various ways, as journal articles, papers,
charts, monographs, and technical notes. The fluids include helium, hydro-
gen in its various forms, neon, nitrogen, oxygen, air, carbon monoxide,
fluorine, argon, methane, xenon, krypton, and mixtures of these fluids.
Solids include metallic elements, selected alloys, and element dielectrics
(solid state materials). Emphasis is on properties useful in engineering
applications to cryogenic systems. The compilation program covers a
number of thermodynamic, transport, and physicochemical properties
(sometimes loosely referred to as thermophysical) in the temperature range
from near absolute zero to 110 K, and when desirable and practical to 300 K
(room temperature). Properties of fluids include pressure-volume-temper-
ature relations, vapor pressure, saturation densities, isothermal compres-
sibility, volume expansivity, entropy, enthalpy, internal energy, specific
heats (Cp , Cv , Csa,) , velocity of sound, thermal conductivity, viscosity,
Prandtl Number, diffusion coefficients, thermal diffusion coefficients, di-
electric constant, refractive index, dielectric breakdown, electrical resistivity,
surface tension, magnetic properties, and optical properties. For solids,
properties include: electrical resistivity, dielectric constant, thermal conduc-
tivity, thermal expansion, specific heat, and enthalpy.
In addition to data obtained from the primary literature, available unpub-
lished data and original calculations are used. The literature is monitored on
a continuing basis and a weekly bibliography, "Current Awareness Service",
is produced. The Center's automated storage and retrieval system is also
used to prepare specific bibliographies on request.
One of the Center's first publications was the Compendium of the Properties
of Materials at Low Temperatures, issued in 1960 to 1961. It covered the
cryogenic fluids (see above) and pure metals, nonferrous and ferrous alloys,
and inorganic and organic compounds. Many of the properties listed above
were covered. Subsequent publications have expanded and refined the
material and property coverage within the general scope of the initial
The objectives are to present critically evaluated and internally consistent
sets of data over wide ranges of temperature and pressure, and in particular
for the cryogenic engineering ranges. Data are compared and evaluated by
theoretical and statistical means. "Best values" thus selected are presented
in tables and graphs. Sources of data, comments, and additional references
are provided.
The metric system is used for the primary coordinates of graphs, but
"English" or engineering units may be also shown as alternate coordinates.
The symbols and terminology used for physical quantities are, in general,
compatible with proposed international standards.
The various journal articles, papers, NBS Monographs and Technical
Notes, and other publications are prepared in this manner. The Compendium
of the Properties of Materials at Low Temperatures, however, was prepared
to fill a specific and urgent need for cryogenic engineering data, and was
directed primarily to the design engineer. There are no plans to update or
revise the Compendium, and since its publication, new or revised data on
one or several substances have been issued - mainly as NBS Technical
Notes and journal articles. Plans include publication of more comprehensive
compilations as NBS Monographs.
The Cryogenic Data Center has issued a large number of publications; the
major data compilations, and examples of other publications are listed here.
Information on services (such as literature searches) and publications such
as NBS Technical Notes, Monographs, papers, journal articles, and thermo-
dynamic charts is available from the Cryogenic Data Center, NBS, Boulder,
Colorado 80302.
Phase I, Part I, Properties of Fluids, V. ]. JOHNSON, Ed., July 1960, 489 pp,
WADD Technical Report 60-56, Part I (PB-171-618), US $ 6.00.
Phase I, Part II, Properties of Solids, V. J. JOHNSON, Ed., Oct. 1960,330 pp,
WADD Technical Report 60-56, Part II (PB-171-619), US $ 4.00.
Phase I, Part III, Bibliography of References (cross-indexed), V. J. JOHNSON,
Ed., Oct. 1960, 161 pp, WADD Technical Report 60-56, Part III (PB-
171-620), US $ 3.00.
Phase II, Part IV, R. B. STEWART and V. J. JOHNSON, Eds., Dec. 1961, 501 pp,
WADD Technical Report 60-56, Part IV (AD-272-769), US $ 8.10.
NBS Technical Notes and Monographs
The Thermodynamic Properties of Nitrogen From 64 to 300 oK Between 0.1 and 200 Atmo-
spheres, NBS Technical Note 129, (PB-161-630), T. R. STROBRIDGE, Jan. 1962,
85 pp, US $ 2.25. Available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and
Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
The Thermodynamic Properties of Helium From 3 to 300 oK Between 0.5 and 100 Atmo-
spheres, NBS Technical Note 154, D. B. MANN, U. S. Government Printing
Office (GPO*), Washington, D. C 20402,1962,95 pp, US $ 0.50.
Thermodynamic Property Values for Gaseous and Liquid Carbon Monoxide From 70 to
300 K With Pressures to 300 Atmospheres, NBS Technical Note 202,]. G. HUST
and R. B. STEWART, GPO*, Washington, D.C 20402, Nov. 1963, 105 pp,
US $ 0.60.
Thermodynamic and Related Properties of Parahydrogen From the Triple Point to 100 oK
at Pressures to 340 Atmospheres, NBS Monograph 94, H. M. RODER, L. A.
WEBER, and R. D. GOODWIN, GPO*, Washington, D.C 20402, Aug. 1965,
112 pp, US $ 0.75.
Thermodynamic Properties of Argon from the Triple Point to 300 oK at Pressures to
1000 Atmospheres, NSRDS-NBS 27, A. L. GOSMAN, in press.
Other Publications
Cryogenic Data Center Current Awareness Service, Cryogenic Data Center, National
Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Weekly, subscription price:
US $ 15.00 U. S. and Canada, US $ 20.00 elsewhere (includes airmail).
The Molten Salts Data Center produces bibliographies, and both non-
critically and critically evaluated data compilations. The work being done
for the NSRDS emphasizes the critical evaluation of data, with some effort
also devoted to upgrading present data.
NSRDS work is exemplified by Molten Salts,' Volume 1, Electrical Con-
ductance, Density, and Viscosity Data, the result of a critical assessment made
of data compiled from the literature up to Dec. 1966. The choice of recom-
mended values, uncertainties, symbols and units, and work done on the
compounds included are well covered in the introductory sections.
The BibliograpfD! on Molten Salts covered both the field of molten salts and
high temperature chemistry. Published in early 1961, the edition covered
the literature through 1960.
The Moltett Salts Handbook is in general a compilation of numerical data
taken directly from the source material, without much editing. It is divided
into six sections: physical properties, thermodynamic properties, electro-
chemical properties, spectroscopy and structure, practical features, and
experimental techniques. Because of the present state of molten sale work,
this policy has the virtue of focusing attention on problem areas. Data in the
handbook critically evaluated by the Center include the properties of density,
viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, and electrical conductance for
various compounds as single salt melts. References follow individual tables;
those references given most weight are indicated.
A compilation of critically evaluated surface tension data is in press. This
publication will include some 106 compounds and will be issued in the
National Standard Reference Data Program publication series (NSRDS).
Bibliography on Molten Salts, 2nd ed, G. ]. ]ANZ, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, New York, 1961, IV, 173 pp.
Survey of Non-Aqueous Conductance Data, G. ]. ]ANZ, F. ]. KELLY, and H. V. VEN-
KATASETTY, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 1962, III, 51 pp.
Molten Salt Data: Electrical Conductance, Density, and Viscosity, G. ]. ]ANZ, A. T.
WARD, and R. D. REEVES, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York,
1964, III, 180 pp.
Molten Salts Handbook. G. ]. ]ANZ, Academic Press, New York-London, 1967,
XII, 588 pp, US $ 25.00.
Molten Salts: Volume 1, Electrical Conductance, Density, and Viscosity Data, NSRDS-
and R. P. T. TOMKINS, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
20402, 1968, VI, 139 pp, US $ 3.00.
Solution Properties
3.4.23. Seidell's Solubilities of Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and
Organic Compounds
ATHERTON SEIDELL'S famous compilationseries on solubilities first appeared in
1907. The second edition was published in 1919; and the third, in 1940 and
1941. A supplement to the third edition appeared in 1952. Volume I of the
fourth edition, under the authorship of W. F. LINKE, was published in 1958
and Volume II in 1965. Volume III, "Solubilities of Organic Compounds",
is in preparation under the authorship of ALAN F. CLIFFORD and GERALD
W. DULANEY. In 1943 Dr. SEIDELL assigned the copyright to the American
Chemical Society (ACS), which assumed responsibility for publication of
later volumes.
Substances include elements and inorganic, metal-organic, and organic
compounds for which solubility data are found in the literature. Volume I
of the fourth edition covers the elements and their inorganic compounds
from argon (Ar) through iridium (Ir); Volume II covers the solubilities of
the elements and compounds from potassium (K) through zirconium (Zr).
Properties include solubilities in water, acids, bases, salts, aqueous sol-
vents, non-aqueous solvents, and fused salts. Phase diagrams are given for
some systems. References, but no values, are given for the solubility of
gases in metals. Solubility products sometimes are given.
For the earlier editions, the primary journals were scanned. For the
fourth edition, Chemical Abstracts was used for locating new data which
were then extracted from the primary publications.
The tables of data were compiled and evaluated from the results of various
authors. Closely agreeing results sometimes were averaged; unreliable
results were omitted. If there was no clear choice between conflicting sets
of data, both sets were included. Remarks accompanying most entries
provide further information and some evaluation of the data. Because of the
diversity of sources, investigators, and methodology, the presentation and
quality of data vary. The source of the data is generally indicated, and an
author index gives complete references by year.
Volume I of the fourth edition was published in 1958 and covers the
literature through 1956. Volume II was released in February 1965 and covers
the literature through the early 1960's. Publication of the organic volume is
expected in 1970, or soon thereafter, and will be followed as soon as practical
by a fifth edition.
The offset printing is clear but in the indexes suffers from overreduction.
Elements are listed alphabetically by their chemical symbols, and their
compounds are listed alphabetically according to the chemical symbols of
their anions or radicals. Volume II of the fourth edition contains cumulative
indexes covering Volumes I and II for subjects and literature cited or author
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., published this compilation until 1943,
when the copyright was assigned to the ACS. The books were then published
by the ACS but still distributed by Van Nostrand. Since 1965 they have been
both published and distributed by the ACS.
Soluble as well as solid complexes of both organic and inorganic ligands are
covered. Acid dissociation constants of the ligands are recorded by including
the hydrogen ion among the metals as one of the cations with which the
ligands associate. Redox equilibria are represented by including the electron
as a ligand, and hydrolysis of the metallic ions is described by regarding the
hydroxyl ion as one of the ligands.
Equilibrium constants are given, expressed as logarithms to the base 10.
They include those for reactions of ligands with "metal" ions, for acidic
and basic reactions both stepwise and cumulative, for redox and special
reactions, and for solubility constants. The minimum number of constants
necessary to represent the author's results is given; as a rule, enthalpy and
entropy changes are often recorded. Some equilibrium constants for liquid-
liquid distribution are given.
Data are compiled from the primary literature; a few private communi-
cations are used.
All available values are recorded; doubtful values are indicated. No attempt
was made to select best values. The compilers state that doubtful values
could have been indicated more frequently in a critical compilation. The
method of measurement, temperature, medium, and coded references are
given for each entry with a list of complete references following each table.
The abbreviations and symbols used to describe the media in which the
measurements are made are explained in the introductory material and are
consistent with IUPAC recommendations.
The 1964 edition includes all available data published to the end of 1960,
some that appeared in 1961 to 1963, and a few data omitted in the first
edition. A supplement to the 2nd edition is being prepared.
The data are published in book form, 18.6 X 25.6 em, in six-column tables,
the form and content of which are adequately described in an introductory
section, "How to Use the Tables". An index of inorganic ligands and an
index of organic ligands are arranged alphabetically by names and an index
of metals is arranged alphabetically by symbols.
Stability Constants of Metal-Ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Sub-
SILLEN, The Chemical Society, London.
Part I: Organic Ligands, Special Publication No.6, 1957, XVI, 105 pp (out
of print).
Part 2: Inorganic Ligands with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances,
Special Publication No.7, 1958, XVI, 131 pp (out of print).
Stability Constants of Metal-Ion Complexes, 2nd ed, Section I: Inorganic Ligands,
Special Publication No. 17, The Chemical Society, London, 1964, XVIII,
754 pp, US $ 23.00.
The compilation of these tables was a part of the Commission's task of
collecting reliable data of general interest, especially analytical, and sub-
sequently of making the data readily accessible.
The first volume, Dissociation Constants of Organic Acids in Aqueous Solution
covers aliphatic, alicyclic, and aromatic carboxylic acids, and phenolic and
sulfonic, phosphoric, phosphonic, and phosphlnic acids. Dissociation Con-
stants of Organic Bases in Aqueous Solution covers the conjugate acids of
organic bases: aliphatic, alicyclic, aromatic, and heterocyclic bases up to five
rings with one heteroatom, and also natural products, and a few other types
of bases.
Both volumes, including the tables, are arranged in the same format. The
tables include the name, chemical formula, thermodynamic dissociation
constant, the temperature, range of concentrations, and the method of
measurement, evaluation procedure and any corrections used. Also given
are the reliability of the value, and a literature reference.
For the work on acids, the literature of the period 1927 through 1956
was searched; for bases, through 1961.
The Commission's objective of collecting reliable data has entailed exhaus-
tive literature searching and critical evaluation of the data. All data in these
compilations have been critically evaluated and assigned a measure of
reliability. For the acids, four grades, and for the bases, three grades are
used, based on the estimated uncertainty of the value of the dissociation
constant. In the volume on acids, the introduction presents a thorough dis-
cussion of dissociation constants, experimental variables, and the methods
of measurement and the procedure for evaluating the quality of the measure-
ment. The volume on bases uses the same format and symbols and provides
information on using the tables. Although this volume can be used indepen-
dently, the reader is referred to the volume on acids for a discussion of the
methods of measurement and the other considerations noted above. Both
volumes have a reference section and an index of compounds arranged
13* 195
Dissociation Constants of Organic Acids in Aqueous Solution, G. KORTUM, W. VOGEL,
and K. ANDRUS sow, Butterworths, London, 1961, 340 pp, US $ 7.50, distrib-
uted in the U. S. A. by Plenum Press, New York. Also published in Pure
Appl. Chem. 1, 187-536 (33 pp index), (1961).
Dissociation Constants of Organic Bases in Aqueous Solution, D. D. PERRIN, Butter-
worths, London, 1965, 515 pp, US $ 28.00, distributed in U. S.A. by Plenum
Press, New York.
Professor CHARLOT, the senior author of this small volume is at l'Ecole
Superieure de Physique et de Chimie de Paris. The work was done under
the auspices of the Commission on Electrochemical Data (cf 3.4.25.) of the
Section of Analytical Chemistry of the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The program "Tables de Constantes et Don-
nees Numeriques" is described in 2.2.
Electrode potentials are given for a large number of inorganic half-cell
reactions in aqueous media. Many of the values given are for unit activity
of the concerned species. When activities of one or more of the species
involved differ from unity the conditions are specified. The data are arranged
in tables which give the cell reaction, potential value, molality, medium,
method of measurement or estimation, and references.
This volume aims to be a useful tool for the analytical chemist. Some of the
values are of the highest precision (indicated by the number of significant
figures) but others are of lower accuracy. Some values are not those found
in the literature but are averages. The literature references of doubtful value
have been eliminated. The authors have been careful to follow IUP AC
recommendations regarding signs, symbols, and nomenclature.
Indexes to Compilations
3.4.27. Consolidated Index of Selected Property Values
Pf?ysical Chemistry and Thermoc(ynamics, Publication 976, National Academy
of Sciences-National Research Council Printing and Publishing Office,
2101 Constitution Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20418, 1962, XXIII,
274 pp, clothbound, US $ 6.00. Prepared by the Office of Critical Tables,
it is a key to the contents of six compilations that present critically evaluated
numerical property values. These are 3.4.1., 3.4.2., 3.4.3., 3.4.5., 3.4.9., and
Fields covered by the Information Center are: rates of homogeneous chemi-
cal reactions in gaseous, liquid and solid phases, photochemistry, and inelastic
scattering. Information sources include journals, title announcements, ab-
stracts, unpublished reports, and bibliographies from NSRDS reviews. An
up-to-date file of information will be maintained by the Information Center.
The original Chemical Kinetics Data Project produced several publica-
tions. These covered homogeneous inorganic and organic reactions in the
gaseous, liquid, and solid phases. Values were included for rate constants,
frequency factors, and heats, energies, and entropies of activation.
The Chemical Kinetics Information Center was set up to supply biblio-
graphies on kinetic data to the public, to centralize and coordinate the
analysis of kinetic data within NBS, and to provide bibliographies for
critical reviews in the NSRDS series. Two such reviews are: Tables oj
Bimolecular Gas Reactions, NSRDS-NBS 9, by A. F. TROTMAN-DICKENSON
and G. S. MILNE (see 3.5.2.); and Gas Phase Reaction Kinetics oj Neutral
Oxygen Species, NSRDS-NBS 20, by H. S. JOHNSTON (see 3.5.5.).
The Chemical Kinetics Data Project publications stressed experimentally
determined values. When possible, values were selected; otherwise, closely
agreeing data were averaged and less concordant data given side by side to
indicate the reproducibility of the rate of reactions. Additional information
is sometimes given.
(Chemical Kinetics Data Project)
Tables of Chemical Kinetic!, Homogeneous Reactions, NBS Circular 510, N. THON,
Ed., U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. e. 20402,1951, XXIV,
732 pp, US $ 4.00 (out of print).
Table! of Chemical Kinetic!, Homogeneous Reactions, Supplement 1 to NBS C 510,
e. H. STAUFFER, project director, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washing-
ton, D.e. 20402,1956, XIV, 422 pp, US $ 3.25 (out of print).
Alphabetical Index to Tables of Chemical Kinetics, Homogeneous Reactions, Supple-
ment 2 to NBS C 510, e. H. STAUFFER, project director, U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, 1960, IV, 37 pp, US $ 0.35.
Table! of Chemical Kinetic!, Homogeneous Reactions, NBS Monograph 34, Supple-
mentary Tables, e. H. STAUFFER, project director, U. S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.e. 20402, 1961, VIII, 459 pp, US $ 2.75.
Table! of Chemical Kinetic!, Homogeneous Reactions, NBS Monograph 34, Vol. 2,
Supplementary Tables, C. H. STAUFFER, project director, U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.e. 20402,1964, VI, 264 pp, US $ 2.00.
This compilation was prepared by A. F. TROTMAN-DICKENSON, U.K., and
G. S. MILNE, U.K., at the Edward Davies Chemical Laboratory, Aberyst-
wyth, Wales, under the auspices of the Office of Standard Reference Data,
National Bureau of Standards (NBS), described in 1.1.1.
Bimolecular reactions, defined as "reactions in which two molecules are
involved as reactants, that yield two or more molecules as products", are
covered. These include atom reactions (H, F, CI, Br, I, S, Na, and K);
radicals with up to four carbon atoms; miscellaneous carbon-containing
radicals; inorganic radicals; and radical-radical, as well as molecule-molecule,
reactions. A table of termolecular reactions is also given.
Kinetic properties covered are: activation energy, loglO A, loglO k, tem-
perature range (0C), and ratios of rate constants, including equilibrium con-
stants. Other information given includes reactants, radical source, references,
and notes.
The primary literature was searched through December 1965, and, where
possible, data published to August 1966 were included. The Chemical
Kinetics Information Center (see 3.5.1.) provided bibliographic references.
International conventions for symbols and nomenclature were followed.
Experimental work in this area has not progressed to the point where critical
evaluation of the data is meaningful. This publication is, as a result, a
compilation of all data found in the literature. Although, as the authors
note, recommended Arrhenius values are given where possible, most indi-
cations of quality are provided in the "Notes", and, in relatively fewer cases,
by uncertainties printed with the data. Also, cross referencing of the data
gives the user sources of further information.
The introductory section includes a brief discussion of the area, the errors
involved, and the use of the tables.
This publication was prepared at the Research Institute for Catalysis, Hok-
kaido University, Sapporo, Japan, with the financial support of the Office
of Standard Reference Data of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS,
see 1.1.1.).
The hydrogenation of ethylene on unsupported metallic catalysts, in parti-
cular the evaporated films of pure metals, is examined in detail. Supported
catalysts are also considered, but more for comparison purposes.
The major table of numerical data is "Reaction Kinetics of Catalyzed
Hydrogenation of Ethylene" in which the following information is given:
reaction, metal (Ni, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Cu, Fe, alloys, NaH, LiH, Ta hydride,
and CaH2), form, preparation, pretreatment, reaction temperature (0 C),
initial pressure of ethylene and hydrogen, modes of measurement, rate law,
optimum temperature, and activation heat (kcal. mol-i). The publication
includes some 29 graphs and 29 tables of data.
The authors review the state-of-the-art of this reaction by discussing in
detail the experimental data reported in the literature, the observed kinetics,
and the various attempts to formulate a reaction mechanism.
Most references are to the primary literature; a number are from 1966.
This publication is a critical review of the reaction kinetics data of the cata-
lyzed hydrogenation of ethylene. Unsupported metals enhance the possibility
of correlating the catalytic activity of the catalyst with its characteristics.
On the basis of this evaluation, the authors develop an associative mechanism
which satisfies the observed conditions.
There are several major tables, but the greater part is discussion of the
experimental methods and data, catalytic activity of various pure metals
and alloys, the reaction kinetics, and other fundamental considerations in
this field. Some uncertainties are given in the tables of data; discussions of
the reliability of data are included in the text.
This volume was published under the auspices of "Tables de Constantes et
Donnees Numeriques", described in 2.2. It was prepared by M. HAISSINSKY
and M. MAGAT, both of the Faculte des Sciences de Paris, with the aid of a
staff of 11 scientific workers.
This volume deals with the chemical effects of ionizing radiations. The
radiolytic yields are expressed in G units - the number of molecules, ions,
or radicals, formed or destroyed per 100 eV of absorbed energy. The sub-
stances included are inorganic compounds in the gas, liquid, and solid states
and in aqueous solution, and organic compounds including polymers.
Results for a number of mixed systems are presented. Each entry gives
information on the nature of ionizing radiation, dose rate when available,
temperature, pressure, references, and brief remarks.
The authors have critically reviewed about 1500 papers ranging from 1905
to 1961. To the extent possible, data from the original papers have been
conformed to a uniform mode of presentation. For example, early results
expressed in terms for MjN (molecules transformed per pair of ions pro-
duced) have been transformed to G units when appropriate, and monomer
disappearance rates have been replaced by radical yields G(R0). Single values
have been given for particular systems when a critical selection among
several values was possible. As with other volumes of this series, intro-
ductory and explanatory material is given in French and English. Substances
are indexed by formulas and alphabetically by name. The extensive biblio-
graphy is supplemented by an alphabetical author index. Data were obtained
from the primary literature.
Reactions among neutral oxygen species, oxygen atoms, oxygen molecules,
and ozone are covered. The data compiled from the literature were critically
evaluated and selected values for rates of reaction are given for:
°° (M = 02' Ar)
02 + M --r + + M-
(M = 02)
+ + M --r 02 + M -
0 3 + M--r 0+ 02 + M - (M = 2 3, He, Ar, N2, CO2)
0+ 02 + M--r 0 3 + M - (M = 02 03' He, Ar, N2, CO2)
° °
+ 0 3--r 02 + 02
+ 02 --r + 02 (isotopic exchange)
Most references are from the primary literature, including some from
This publication is a critical review. Values given for rates of reactions,
enumerated above, are the result of a critical analysis. The original data and
the recommendations are presented in graphs and tables. The review also
includes discussions of the important factors and considerations involved
in these reactions.
Data covered are gas chromatograms and retention data: retention time,
retention volume, and relative retention or retention index. In general,
substances covered are volatile organic compounds.
The Gas Chromatographic Data Committee was organized to standardize
the presentation of gas chromatographic data and to publish an authoritative
collection of these data. The Committee itself collects and evaluates the data
for publication, as well as conforming them to certain editorial standards.
Gas Chromatographic Data Cards, Gas Chromatographic Data Committee of Japan,
published by Physico-chemical Data Association, Ltd; Agent: Sanyo Shuppan
Boeki Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan, 1968, 7000 cards available at US $ 240.00 per
1000 cards. Available in the U.S.A. from Preston Technical Abstracts Co.,
909 Pitner Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60202; in Europe from Heyden & Son
Ltd., London N. W. 4, England.
Gas chromatographic data are compiled and tabulations published. The
first edition of Compilation of Gas Chromatographic Data published in 1963
was followed by a second edition in 1967. The first edition included some
2000 compounds with the following information: liquid phase, reference
material, solid support, column temperature CO C), and relative retention.
This edition is no longer available.
The second edition covers some 3800 compounds, and in addition to the
information listed above, gives retention indices and capacity ratios. This
edition has nine tables. The two major ones are tables of gas chromato-
graphic data. Others include codes for computer operations, reference
materials, and the Coden abbreviations for journal titles.
Most of the data in both editions are from the published literature; some
are unpublished results from laboratories of Eastman Kodak Company,
Tennessee Eastman Company and Lockheed-California Co. The second
edition benefitted from a literature search program being conducted at the
University of Rochester. This edition includes references to gas chromato-
graphic literature through 1965.
Although gas chromatographic data are not amenable to rigorous critical
analysis, the data in the second edition, Gas Chromatographic Data Compila-
tion, were examined by computer analysis. As a result, some data were
improved and some deleted.
Gas Chromatographic Data Compilation, O. E. SCHUPP III and J. S. LEWIS, Eds.,
DS 25 A, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM, 1916 Race
Street), Philadelphia, 1967, 740 pp, US $ 40.00 (20% discount to ASTM
Other Publications
Gas Chromatographic Data-Punched Card Index,
DS25-1a Name Formula 4610 cards US $ 276.00
DS25-1 b Data-bibliography 22,940 cards US $1380.00
DS25-1d Data-name 21,028 cards US $1260.00
Unpunched cards 2,000 cards US $ 6.50
Optical Properties
3.6.3. Tables de Constantes Selectionnees, Volume 14
Optical Rotatory Power,l.a-Steroidsby J. JACQUES, H. KAGAN, G. OURISSON,
and S. ALLARD. Volume 14 of Tables of Constants and Numerical Data,
Selected Constants, Pergamon Press, Paris, 1965, 1031 pp, F 258.
This compilation is a revision of Volume I of a series of four on optical
rotatory power, published under the auspices of "Tables de Constantes et
Donnees Numeriques", described in 2.2. It was prepared by J. JACQUES,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, H. KAGAN, Laboratoire
au College de France, and G. OURISSON, Faculte des Sciences de Strasbourg.
Contributions were received from workers in Australia, Canada, Germany,
Japan, Switzerland, the U.K., and the U.S.A.
This volume updates and supersedes Optical Rotatory Power, I. - Steroids
of this series. It covers 20000 compounds compared to 8000 in the 1956
edition. For each compound there are given the empirical formula, system-
atic chemical name, the melting point) molecular weight, solvent, the
concentration and temperature to the extent known, the wavelength of the
radiation, and the specific rotation. The source references are also given.
All textual material is given in French and English. Particular attention is
given to nomenclature which is discussed at some length in the introduction,
IUPAC rules being followed when available. Care is taken in indicating
structures; early errors of structure assignment pointed out in the literature
are noted. The data of this field are in general not highly precise. The
authors assign tolerances, sometimes wide, when literature values disagree.
Worthy of special note are: (1) a complete list of references through 1963
arranged by years, and within each year alphabetically by journal and for
each journal alphabetically by author; (2) an alphabetical author index; and
(3) a complete substance index incorporating both systematic and trivial
This volume is number II in a series of four on optical rotatory power
published under "Tables de Constantes et Donnees Numeriques", described
This volume presents specific rotation values, [lXIn, for over 3000 triterpenes
both naturally occurring and synthetic. In the tables, which have pages
ordered by increasing number of carbon atoms in the empirical formula,
there are given in addition to [lX]D' a systematic name, solvent, concentration,
temperature, and a key to references.
Specific rotation values are given in tabular form for 167 amino-acids which
are those elaborated by nature and occurring frequently in proteins and
peptides. For many of the compounds data are given at a number of values
of pH. In each entry there are given the nature of the aqueous medium, the
concentration and temperature of the measurements, the specific rotation
for the wavelength used, and a key to the literature reference.
The authors have attempted to be selective in a field in which wide variations
exist in reported parameters. Several references given for one value of
specific rotation implies agreement among the investigators. References
enclosed by double parentheses refer to papers containing questionable data.
In the preface it is stated that " ... the optical rotation of proteins ... has
emerged as a powerful tool for the elucidation of the configuration of
peptide chains in proteins ... " and " ... determination of the optical rotation
is of great value as a criterion of purity of these substances." More definitive
data are desirable but this small volume provides a handbook for data
generated through 1958. A substance index and extensive bibliography are
This volume is number IV in a series of four on optical rotatory power
published under the auspices of "Tables de Constantes et Donnees Numeri-
ques", described in 2.2. The compilation was prepared by J.-P. MATHIEU,
the originator of this series, Faculte des Sciences de Paris, and M.-M. JANOT,
Faculte de Pharmacie de Paris, with six collaborators in countries including
Argentina, Australia, Canada, Japan, Spain, and Switzerland.
Numerical constants are given in tabular form for more than 1500 naturally
occurring alkaloids and their principal salts. In addition to specific rotation
[x] the tables include melting points, molecular weights (when known),
A useful feature of the volume is that all textual material is given in French
and English.
Listed data are taken from primary journals rather than pharmacopoeias
which sometimes give a minimum rotation required to meet a legal require-
ment. Assigned tolerances may seem large to physicists and chemists not
familiar with the difficulty of purifying complex natural products.
Some compounds are included which structurally are alkaloids but which
have no action on polarized light. Alkaloids having an assigned formula but
for which no value of [£x] is available are also included. Thus the volume is
a dictionary of known alkaloids. In the table, the formula is given in bold-
face type if the formula seems to be definitive and a good value of the
specific rotation is available.
Given at the end of the book are a complete chronological index of
references (by year and journal), an author index, and a substance index
arranged by number of carbon atoms in the alkaloid molecule. The authors
point out the lack of a satisfactory nomenclature system covering all the
alkaloids, and hence have used common names throughout. The primary
literature was searched for data. References up to and including some from
1959 are given.
Other Properties
3.6.7. Handbook of the Physicochemical Properties of the
By G. V. SAMSONOV, Ed., IFIjPlenum, New York-Washington, 1968, XII,
941 pp, US $ 40.00. Originally published in Russian as "Fiziko-Khimicheskie
Svoistva Elementov" for the Materials Science Institute of the Academy of
Sciences of the Ukrainian S. S. R. by Naukova Dumka Pres, Kiev, 1965.
Professor SAMSONOV is Director, Laboratory of Metallurgy of Rare Metals
and Refractory Compounds, Institute of Cermets and Special Alloys, Aca-
demy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S. S. R., Kiev, The handbook was com-
piled by a large group of authors from the staffs of the Refractory Materials
Section of the Institute of Problems in the Study of Materials, Academy of
Sciences Ukr. S. S. R., and of the Metal Reduction Laboratory of the Institute
of the Physicochemical Principles of Processing of Mineral Raw Materials,
Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences U. S. S. R., as well as consultants
from the Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences Ukr. S. S. R., and
the State Institute of Applied Chemistry.
All the elements from atomic number 1 to 104 are covered when data are
available. Properties and other information included are: "Atomic structure
and crystallochemical properties"; "nuclear physical properties"; "thermo-
dynamic and heat properties"; "electrical and magnetic properties"; "optical
properties"; "mechanical properties"; "electrochemical properties"; and
"chemical properties".
The original Russian text was extensively updated and revised for this
edition; there are several references as late as 1967. Compilations and other
secondary sources are used in addition to primary references.
The preface states data included either agree well with calculated data;
or satisfy various correlations, particularly those based on concepts of the
distribution of valence electrons of isolated atoms in the formation of a
condensed state, as electrons localized at atomic ions in the form of energeti-
cally stable configurations, and as nonlocalized electrons. The compilation
presents the data judged most reliable, with the degree of reliability deter-
mined mainly from the dependability of the method used in obtaining the
numerical values, the purity and states of the samples, statistical criteria,
and in some cases, from agreement for the measured properties with well-
established laws and the logical conclusions from them. Values for which
the reliability is doubtful, or for which there are no reliable data, are given
in parentheses. Only one numerical value is given for each property. All
data are in tables; references for each datum are indicated. Some uncertainties
and accuracies are given.
The Introduction provides discussion of the properties covered, the
state-of-the-art of certain areas of investigation, and other useful information.
The values are given in the SI (International System) units, except for
some units which are not included in the system. In other cases, values are
given in other systems (e.g., cgs) in addition to the SI; conversion factors
between the systems are provided.
Chapter 3, the core chapter of this book, is concerned primarily with descrip-
tions of established projects and their available publications. One general
criterion for inclusion of a project in Chapter 3 is that data have been
published and are available in some form to all who wish to have them.
However, there are a number of new activities with definite programs, but
which have had insufficient time to make their products available to the
public. Some of these will in due course publish tables of data. Others are
concerned, at least initially, in preparing complete bibliographies of pertinent
papers for various fields.
4.1.4. Mainz-Amsterdam
J. MAT'I'AUCH of the Max Planck Institut for Chemistry in Mainz and
A. WAPSTRA of Amsterdam have, for several years, issued a list of atomic
masses prepared by a detailed evaluation of the available experimental data
for a variety of nuclear reactions in addition to direct mass spectrometric
measurements. In addition, Dr. WAPSTRA has compiled energy levels of very
heavy nuclei, that is, nuclei heavier than those presently treated in the
Nuclear Data Sheets (see 3.1.1.).
14* 211
all species that are well defined, and can be reproducibly obtained. The data
are critically evaluated. A publication based on the compiled, critically
evaluated data is in preparation.
Annotated Bibliography on Soft X-ray Spectroscopy, NBS Monograph 52, H. YAKO-
WITZ and J. R. CUTHILL, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
20402, 1962, IV, 109 pp, US $ 1.00.
The NBS Alloy Data Center: Function, Bibliographic System, Related Data Centers,
and Reference Books, NBS Technical Note 464, G. S. CARTER, L. H. BENNETT,
J. R. CUTHILL, and D. J. KAHAN, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washing-
ton, D.C. 20402,1968, IV, 192 pp, US $1.25.
Theoretical Mean Activity Coefficients of Strong Electro!Jtes in Aqueous Solutions from
oto !OO°C, NSRDS-NBS 24, W. J. HAMER, U. S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402, 1968, V, 271 pp, US $ 4.25.
The prime reason for assembling this compendium has been to survey the
centers of the world that produce critically evaluated numerical data. How-
ever, there exist many other sources of useful tabular property values. These
sources range from multi-volume encyclopedic handbooks to books literally
of pocket size; and from small collections of critically evaluated data
assembled by experts, but with no plans for continuity, to small or large
compilations, consisting of values selected directly from the literature with
no pretense at evaluation.
The titles listed in this section may fall anywhere among the above
categories. No judgments are given as to the quality of data presented in
these publications. Year of publication, number of pages, etc. are not given
for handbooks revised at frequent intervals. The listing is far from complete.
It is hoped that future editions of the Compendium will provide better
covF.rage particularly in languages other than English.
5.2.14. Handbook of Biochemistry, Selected Data for Molecular Biology,
Editor HERBERT A. SOBER, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland.
5.2.15. Biology Data Book, P. L. ALTMAN and D. S. DITTMER, Federation
of American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington, D. C.
5.2.16. Biochemists' Handbook, Editor CYRIL LONG, D. Van Nostrand Co.,
Inc., Princeton.
Earth Sciences
5.2.17. Handbook of Physical Constants, Editor SYDNEY P. CLARK, JR.,
The Geological Society of America, Inc., 231 East 46th Street,
New York, N. Y. 10017.
Two chapters of a recent edition were expanded and issued as
separate publications by the U. S. Geological Survey. These are
(1) "Selected X-ray Crystallographic Data, Molar Volumes, and
Densities of Minerals and Related Substances", Geological Survey
Bulletin 1248, R. A. ROBIE, P. M. BETHKE, and K. M. BEARDSLEY,
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, 1967,
IV, 87 pp, US $ 0.35; and (2) "Thermodynamic Properties of
Minerals and Related Substances at 298.15 OK (25.0°C) and One
Atmosphere (1.013 Bars) Pressure and at Higher Temperatures",
Geological Survey Bulletin 1259, R. A. ROBIE and D. R. WALD-
BAUM, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402,
1968, 256 pp, US $ 1.25.
Spectroscopic Properties
5.3.9. Tables of Spectral Lines of Neutral and Ionized Atoms, A. P. STRI-
GANOV and N. S. SVETITSKY, Atomizdat, Moscow, 1966.
5.3.10. Tables of Spectral Lines, A. N. ZAIDEL, Nauka Publishing House,
5.3.11. Ultraviolet Spectra of Hetero-organic Compounds, G. F. BOLSHA-
KOV et aI., Khemia Publishing House, Moscow.
5.3.12. Handbook of Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra of Organic
Compounds, KENZO HIRAYAMA, Plenum Press Data Division, New
York, N. Y., 1967, 642 pp, US $ 40.00.
5.3.13. Ultraviolet Spectra of Elastomers and Rubber Chemicals, V. S.
DEV, All-Union Synthetic Rubber Research Institute, Leningrad,
Khemia Publishing House, Moscow, English translation, Plenum
Press Data Division, New York, 1966, 170 pp, US $ 9.00.
5.3.14. Wavelength Standards in the Infrared, K. N. RAo, C. J. HUM-
PHREYS, and D. H. RANK, Academic Press, New York and London,
1966, X, 236 pp.
5.3.15. Infrared Spectra and X-ray Spectra of Hetero-organic Compounds,
G. F. BOLSHAKOV et aI., Khemia Publishing House, Moscow, 1967.
5.3.16. Infrared Spectra and Characteristic Frequencies 700 to 300 cm -1,
F. F. BENTLEY, L. D. SMITHSON, and A. L. ROZEK, Interscience
Publishers, Division of John Wiley & Sons, New York-London-
Sydney, 1968, XI, 779 pp, US $ 35.00.
5.3.17. Infrared Band Handbook, HERMAN A. SZYMANSKI, Plenum Press,
New York, 1963,496 pp, US $ 35.00.
5.3.18. Infrared Band Handbook, Supplements 1 and 2, HERMAN A. SZY-
MANSKI, Plenum Press, New York, 1964,259 pp, US $15.00.
5.3.19. Infrared Band Handbook, Supplements 3 and 4, HERMAN A. SZY-
MANSKI, Plenum Press, New York, 1966,261 pp, US $ 15.00.
5.3.20. Interpreted Infrared Spectra, Vol. III, H. A. SZYMANSKI, Plenum
Press, New York, 1967, IX, 275 pp, US $ 12.50.
5.3.32. Basic Data of Plasma Physics, 1966, 2nd ed., Revised, S. C. BROWN,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge, Mass.,
1967,318 pp.
5.3.45. Phase Diagrams of Silicate Systems; Vol. I, Binary Systems; Vol. II,
Metal-oxide Components in Silicate Systems, group of authors at
Grebentschikov Institute for Chemistry of Silicates, Nauka Publish-
ing House, Moscow, 1968.
5.3.46. Constitutional Diagrams of Uranium and Thorium Alloys, F. A.
ROUGH and A. A. BAUER, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.,
Reading, Mass., 1959, 153 pp, US $ 5.00.
5.3.47. Handbook of Compositions at Thermodynamic Equilibrium, CHAR-
LES R. NODDINGS and GARY M. MULLET, Interscience Publishers,
Div. of John Wiley & Sons, New York and London, 1965, X,
ca. 450 pp.
5.3.48. Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Organic Systems, W. M. CLARK,
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1960, XI, 584 pp.
15* 227
The evaluation of numerical data can be done better if raw data and derived
property values reported in primary journals are expressed in precise lan-
guage. The term language is broadly defined here to include all symbols,
constants, units, nomenclature and so on required to transfer scientific
knowledge from one individual to another by the printed page. Since
science has no national boundaries, it is highly desirable that primary re-
search results and compilations of data derived from the world literature
be based on internationally approved nomenclature, symbols for quantities
and units, fundamental physical constants including relative atomic masses,
temperature scales, and all other factors required in the accurate transmittal
of data from one individual to another, from one discipline to another and
from one language to another. It is also important that primary articles
contain a sufficient revelation of experiment design, of calibration, and of
experimental observations so that an independent reader may draw con-
clusions about the quality of property values presented. In this chapter are
listed sources of the foregoing types of information. Their use is commended.
In what follows there is first given a brief description of key international
organizations having important standardization functions. Then follow
references to publications of these and other international bodies.
6.1. Organizations
6.1.1. Comite International des Poids et Mesures (CIPM)
The International Committee of Weights and Measures is the only regular
organization in existence in which government delegates can meet in general
conference and decide on a common basis for legal units. The General
Conferences of the Committee are meetings of delegates from forty adhering
countries who have joined the "Convention du Metre", a treaty which was
signed in Paris in 1875. The Conferences are convened every few years by
the Committee which consists of eighteen members. The Committee directs
the activities of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, compris-
ing the Secretariat and the Laboratory, located in the Pavillon de BreteuiI,
Sevres, S.-et-O., France. Aided by seven "Consulting Committees" ofinter-
national experts, it submits proposals for the operation of the Bureau, and
drafts the resolutions for action by the General Conference.
In addition to its principal task of defining and/or maintaining the
fundamental standards of mass, length, and time, the Bureau carries on
research to improve uniformity and precision of physical measurements on
selected key standards or measurement procedures on which most others
The Conference has adopted the "International System of Units" - ab-
breviated 51 - consisting of six basic units, and a set of derived units plus
two supplementary units. The SI is being widely adopted in the recommen-
dations issued by many other international organizations.
Copies of the above may be obtained from the national standards organi-
zation in each country that adheres to ISO, at prices fixed by these organi-
zations. The following parts are still under development or review by the
Committee and have not received final approval:
In 1961 both IUPAC and IUPAP agreed to adopt the table of relative
atomic weights based on the atomic mass of 12C = 12 exactly, thus replacing
both the previously used physicist's scale based on 16 0 = 16 and the
chemist's scale based on 0 = 16. Revisions of the tables by adoption of
more accurate individual values as they become available are published at
intervals. Such revisions, when adopted by the Commission on Atomic
Weights ofIUPAC, are published officially by IUPAC, and are reprinted in
many professional journals. For the latest edition see: IUPAC Comptes
Rendus XXIV Conference, Prague, 1967, Butterworths, London, pp. 136
to 141.
6.3. Nomenclature
International Unions of ICSU
6.3.1. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(a) Nomenclature ofInorganic Chemistry, IUPAC 1957 Definitive Rules, French
and English on facing pages, Butterworth and Co. (Publishers), Ltd.,
London (1959), 2nd printing, 1965, US $ 3.00. In U.S., Butterworth,
Inc., Washington, D. C. 20014.
(1) English version reprinted in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 5,523-5,544 (1960),
reprint available from Chemical Abstracts Service, Box 1378, Columbus,
Ohio 43216, gratis; also from IUPAC Secretariat, Basle, Switzerland,
Swiss F 3.20.
(2) Japanese translation, entitled Muki Kagaku Meimeiho (by K. YAMASAKI,
Professor of Chemistry, Nagoya University), available from Nankodo Pub-
lishing Co., 23, Harukicho 3-chome, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, 1961, 73 pp, Y 280.
(3) Swedish translation in Svensk Kem. Tidskr. 72, 448 (1960); also published
by Tekniska Nomenclaturcentralen, P. O. Box 5073, Stockholm 5, Sweden,
(4) German translation in Chem. Ber. 92, 7 (1959), XLVII-LXXXVI.
(5) Czechoslovakian translation in Chem. Listy 57, 494 (1963).
(6) Dutch translations in (1) Medede!. Vlaam. Chem. Ver. 24, 108-166 (1962),
available from Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging, Maria-Louiza Square 49,
Brussels 4, Belgium, BelgianF. 70; (2) Chem. Weekblad59, 149-176 (1963),
available from Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging, Burnier-
straat 1, The Hague, the Netherlands, HF1.5.
(7) Bulgarian translation may be obtained from Professor Dr. B. KURTEV,
Bulgarian Academy of Science, 1, rue du 7-Novembre, Sofia, Bulgaria.
(8) Portuguese translation published in Rev. Port. Quim. 7, 32 (1965).
(9) Yugoslav translation in preparation.
(10) Persian translation in preparation.
Extensions to these rules (in English) appear in Compt. Rend. Con! Union
Intern. Chim. Pure Appl., 22nd Conference, July 1963, pp. 207-211, and of the
23rd Conference, July 1965, pp. 183-187.
(b)* Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, IUPAC 1957 Rules. Definitive rules
for (I) Section A-Hydrocarbons, (II) Section B-Fundamental Heter-
ocyclic Systems, and (III) Nomenclature of Steroids; and Tentative
Rules for Nomenclature in the Vitamin B-12 field, 1st edition, 1953,
2rd edition, 1966. (Includes corrections to 1953 edition and a revised
index but omits Tentative Rules for Nomenclature in the Vitamin B-12
Field), Butterworth and Co. (Publishers), Ltd., London.
(1) English version of (I) and (II) with comments, reprinted in]. Am. Chem.
Soc. 82, 5,545-5,574 (1960), reprint available from Chemical Abstracts
Service, Box 1378, Columbus, Ohio 43216, US $1.00; also from IUPAC
Secretariat, Basle, Switzerland, Swiss F. 4.30. An English reprint also
appeared in the "Handbook for The Chemical Society (London) Authors",
1961, pp. 47-131.
(2) French version of (I) and (II) published in the Bull. Soc. Chim. France, 1,
January 1957, available from Maison Masson & Cie, 120, boulevard
St-Germain, Paris VIe.
(3) Spanish translation of (I), (II), and (III) available from Professor J . PASCUAL
VILA; Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
(4) Japanese translation, Yuki Kagaku Meimeiho, available from Nankado
Pub!. Co., 23, Harukicho 3-chome, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, Japan, 120 pp.
(1959), Y 350.
(5) Czechoslovakian translation of (I) and (II) published in Chem. Lisly, 56,
15 and 152 (1962).
(6) Bulgarian translation of (I) and (II) may be obtained from Professor Dr.
B. KURTEV, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 1, rue du 7-Novembre, Sofia,
(7) Italian translation of (I) and (II), "Nomenclatura di Chimica Organica",
available from Tipografia Editrice Italia, via del Corse 20-21, Rome, Italy.
(8) Dutch version of (I) and (II) in Chemisch Weekblad, v. 63, 581-595;
601-621 (1967), available from the Koninklijke Chemische Vereniging,
Burnierstraat 1, The Hague, The Netherlands.
(c) Definitive Rules for the Nomenclature of Amino Acids, Steroids, Vitamins
and Carotenoids, IUPAC Commission on the Nomenclature of Biological
Chemistry, first printed in Chem. Eng. News 30, 4,522-524,526 (1952);
Biochem.J. 42, 1 (1948),52,1-2 (1952);J. BioI. Chem. 169,237-245 (1947).
(1) Reprinted in]. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 5,575-5,584 (1960), reprint available
from Chemical Abstracts Service, Box 1378, Columbus, Ohio 43216, gratis;
also from IUPAC Secretariat, Basle, Switzerland, Swiss F. 3.20.
(2) Czechoslovakian translation in Chem. Lisly 57, 51, 151, 348, 350, 1963.
* Many of the publications dealing with nomenclature for specialized areas of
organic chemistsry are approved jointly by IUP AC and the International Union of
(c) Glossary of Terms in N uc/ear Science and Technology, prepared by the National
Research Council, approved by the American Standards Association, and
published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
N. Y. 10016, US $ 5.00.
Author Index
Author Index
16* 243
Author Index
Author Index
Author Index
Author Index
Subject Index
CAPITAL letters indicate names of data centers and projects, and major property
categories; italic letters indicate titles of publications. Section numbers in bold type
refet to description of data center or project.
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
CIP"i1;[ General Conference Proceedings, see Commission for Symbols, Units and
Comptes Rendus des Seances de lu ... Nomenclature, IUPAP (SUN Com-
eme Conference Ge,lerale des Poids et mission), 3.1.1., 3.1.13., 6.1.2.,
A1esures 6.2.3.
Clarkson College of Technology, Commission on Atomic Weights,
U. S.A., 4.2.4. IUPAC, 6.2.3.
Classification, crystals, 3.3.1., 3.3.8. Commission on Clinical Chemistry,
- , gas chromatographic data, 3.6.1. IUP AC, 6.2.3.
- , organic structures of interest in Commission on Codification, Ciphering
ultraviolet spectroscopy, 3.2.34. and Punched Card Techniques,
Clinical chemistry, International Feder- IUPAC, 6.3.1.
ation for, 6.2.3. Commission on Crystallographic Data,
- -, lUPAC Commission on, 6.2.3. IUCr, 3.3.1.,6.4.1.
- -, quantities and units, 6.2.3. Commission on Electroanalytical
CN molecule, Red system, 3.2.22. Chemistry, IUPAC, 3.4.25., 3.4.26.
Coatings, thermal radiative properties, Commission on Enzymes, IUB,
3.4.20. 4.6.3.
Coblentz Society, 3.2.18., 3.2.21., Commission on Equilibrium Data,
6.4.3. IUPAC, 3.4.24.
COBLENTZ SOCIETY INFRARED ABSORP- Commission 14 on Fundamental Spec-
TION SPECTRA, 3.2.18. troscopic Values, IAU, 6.2.3.
CODATA, see Committee on Data for Commission on International Tables,
Science and Technology IUCr, 3.3.6.
Codification, lUP AC Commission on, Commission on Molecular Structure
6.3.1. and Spectroscopy, IUPAC, 3.2.24.,
1.1.1., 4.2. Commission on Nomenclature of Bio-
Colloids, light scattering data, 4.2.4. logical Chemistry, IUPAC, 6.3.1.
Colorimetric determination of elements, Commission on Nomenclature of Or-
tables of spectrophotometric ab- ganic Chemistry, lUPAC, 6.3.1.
sorption data of compounds used Commission on Nuclidic Masses and
for, 5.5.6. Related Constants, IUP AP, 6.2.3.
Columbia University, U. S. A., 3.1.19. Commission on Physico-chemical Data
Columbium, see Niobium and Standards, IUP AC, 6.2.3.
Combustion, enthalpy (heat) of, see Commission on Physico-chemical
Enthalpy (heat) of combustion Symbols and Terminology, IUP AC,
Combustion product components, see Commission on Symbols, Ter-
thermodynamic properties, 3.4.6. minology and Units, IUP AC
Comite Consultatif International Tele- Commission on Spectrochemical and
graphique etTelephonique(CCITT), Other Optical Procedures for Ana-
6.1.2. lysis, IUPAC, 5.5.6.
Co mite Consultatif pour les Etalons de Commission on Structure Reports,
Mesure des Radiations lonisantes, IUCr, 3.3.4.
CIPM, 6.1.2. Commission on Symbols, Terminology
Comite International des Poids et Mesu- and Units, IUPAC, 6.1.2.,6.2.3.
res (CIPM), 6.1.1.-6.1.3.,6.2.1. Commission on Thermodynamics and
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Thermochemistry, IUP AC, 3.4.15.,
France, 3.2.37. 6.2.3., 6.4.2.
Commission Internationale d'Eclairage, COMMITTEE ON DATA FOR SCIENCE AND
see International Commission on TECHNOLOGY (CODATA), 1.1.2.,
Illumination (1c!) 1.1.3., 1.2., 6.1.3.
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
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Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Inert fluids (Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe), see Rare Inorganic chemistry, nomenclature
gases (IUPAC),6.3.1.
Inertia, moment, see Moment of inertia - -, Gmelin's Handbook, 5.1.2.
Infrared BandHandbook, 5.3.17.-5.3.19. Inorganic compounds, boiling, melting
INFRARED DATA COMMITTEE OF JAPAN (freezing) points, 3.2.19.,3.2.21.,
(IRDC), 3.2.10.,3.2.20. 3.2.33., 3.4.1., 3.4.3.
Infrared File Searching System, ASTM - -, cryogenic data, 3.4.21.
(SIRCH), 3.2.51. - -, crystallographic properties,
Infrared reference data, specifications 3.3.1.
for evaluation (Coblentz Society), - -, crystal structures, 3.2.44.,
3.2.18., 6.4.3. 3.3.1.-3.3.4.,3.4.7.
INFRARED SPECTRA, 2.3., 3.2.16.- - -, Curie temperature, 3.3.15.
3.2.24., 5.3.14.-5.3.21., see also - -, dielectric properties, 3.2.14.,
molecular vibrational spectra 3.2.15.,3.3.9.
I nfrared Spectra and Characteristic F requen- - -, elastic, electrooptic constants,
cies 700 to 300 em-I, 5.3.16. 3.3.9.
Infrared Spectra and X-ray Spectra of
- -, infrared spectra, 3.2.19., 3.2.21.
Hetero-organic Compounds, 5.3.15.
- -, interatomic distances, configu-
rations, 3.2.44.
API RP44, 2.3., 3.2.16., see also
- -, magnetic dipole moments,
3.2.15., 3.3.15.
- -, magnetic rotatory power (Fara-
TRC, 2.3., 3.2.17., see also 3.2.16.
day Effect), 2.2., 3.3.16.
Infrared spectral data, alkaloids,
- -, magnetic susceptibility,
3.2.20., 3.2.23.
- - -, films, coatings, adhesives,
3.2.21. - -, mass spectra, 3.2.35., 3.2.36.
- - -, halogen compounds, 3.2.16. - -, molten salts data, 3.4.22.
- - -, hydrates, 3.2.20. - -, optical properties, 3.3.1., 3.4.3.
- - -, hydrocarbons, 3.2.16. - -, phosphorescence, 2.1.
- - -, indexes to, 2.3., 3.2.51. - -, physical properties, 3.2.19.,
- - -, industrial compounds, 3.2.21., 3.2.33., 3.2.36.
3.2.18.,3.2.19.,3.2.21. - -, piezoelectric, piezooptic con-
- - -, industrial nonhydrocarbon stants, 3.3.9.
compounds, 3.2.17. - -, radiation chemistry data, 4.3.3.
- - -, inorganic compounds, - -, radiolytic yields, 3.5.4.
3.2.19.,3.2.21. - -, semiconducting properties,
- - -, nitrogen compounds, 3.2.16. 3.3.13.
- - -, organic compounds, - -, solubilities, 3.4.23., 3.4.24.,
3.2.16.-3.2.21.,5.3.15. 5.3.52.
- - -, oxygen compounds, 3.2.16. - -, thermodynamic constants,
- - -, steroids, 3.2.20., 3.2.21. 3.4.7.,5.3.39.
- - -, sulfur compounds, 3.2.16. - -, thermodynamic properties,
INFRARED SPECTRA, SADTLER RESEARCH 3.4.1.,3.4.3.,3.4.5.-3.4.7.
LABORATORIES, INC., 3.2.21.,3.2.41. - -,ultraviolet spectra, 3.2.30., 3.2.33.
Infrared spectrometers, calibration of, - -, visible region spectra, 3.2.33.
wavenumber tables for, 3.2.24. - -, X-ray diffraction data, 3.3.3.
Infrared spectroscopy, wavelength Inorganic molecules, bond energies,
standards, 5.3.14. 3.2.45., 3.2.46.
Inorganic chemical reactions, homoge- - -, vibrationalfrequencies, 3.2.10.,
neous, chemical kinetics data, 3.5.1. 3.4.4.
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
National Academy of Sciences, Nation- NBS Circular 500, see Selected Values
al Academy of Engineering, Nation- of Chemical Thermodynamic Pro-
al Research Council, U.S.A. perties
(NAS-NAE-NRC), 1.1.1.,1.2.5., Neon, thermodynamic, transport pro-
3.1.1.,3.1.15.,3.2.1.,3.2.14.,3.3.3., perties, 3.4.15.
3.3.6., 3.4.4., 3.4.27., 5.1., 6.3.1., Netherlands Organization for Pure
6.3.5. Scientific Research (ZWA), 3.3.6.,
National Aeronautics and Space Ad- 3.3.8.
ministration, U. S. A. (NASA), Neutron cross sections, 3.1.3., 3.1.4.,
3.3.12.,3.4.8.,3.4.11.,3.4.21.,4.3.9. 3.1.7.-3.1.12.,3.1.14.,3.1.19.,
National Association of Corrosion En- 4.1.3.
National Bureau of Standards, U. S. A. REACTOR MATERIALS, 3.1.9.
(NBS), 1.1.1., 2.3., 3.1.1., 3.1.18., Neutron data, ECSIL System for stor-
3.2.1., 3.2.2., 3.2.3., 3.2.5., 3.2.6., age, retrieval, display, 3.1.3.
3.2.10.-3.2.13., 3.2.15., 3.2.18., - - , index to literature (CINDA),
3.2.25.,3.2.46.,3.2.47.,3.3.1.,3.3.3., 3.1.19.
3.3.12., 3.3.17., 3.4.1.-3.4.3.,3.4.9. Neutronics and Photonics Calculational
-3.4.14., 3.4.18., 3.4.20.-3.4.22., Constants, Integrated System for Pro-
3.5.1.-3.5.3., 3.5.5., 4.2.1.- duction of, 3.1.3.
4.2.4., 4.3.1., 4.3.3., 4.3.5., 4.3.6., Neutron resonance parameters and ma-
4.3.9., 5.3.41., 6.2.1., 6.2.3. terials, 5.3.5.
1.2. 3.1.12.,4.1.2.,4.1.5.
National Engineering Laboratory, New Materials and Methods ofInvestigating
U. K., 3.4.16. MetaJs and Alloys, 3.3.17.
NATIONAL NEUTRON CROSS SECTION New Nuclear Data, Annual Cumulations,
CENTER, U. S.A. (NNCSC), 3.1.7., 3.1.1.
3.1.8., 3.1.1 0.-3.1.12. Nickel, catalysis of ethylene hydrogen-
National Research Council of Canada, ation with, 3.5.3.
1.2.1.,3.2.9.,3.3.4.,3.3.5.,6.3.1. - and compounds, thermodynamic
National Science Foundation, U. S. A. properties, 3.4.8.
(NSF), 3.1.15.,3.2.22.,3.2.31., Nitrates, chemical kinetics data, 3.4.13.
3.3.1.,3.4.8. - , mineralogical data, 3.3.10.
National Standard Reference Data Se- - , thermodynamic properties, 3.4.5.,
ries, National Bureau of Standards, 3.4.13.
U.S.A. (NSRDS-NBS), 1.1.1., Nitrides, thermodynamic properties,
3.1.18., 3.2.1.-3.2.3., 3.2.6., 3.4.5.,3.4.6.,3.4.10.
3.2.10., 3.2.12., 3.2.15., 3.4.1., Nitriles, thermodynamic properties,
3.4.13.,3.4.14., 3.4.18., 3.4.20., 3.4.3.
3.4.22., 3.5.1.-3.5.3., 3.5.5., Nitrogen, cryogenic data, 3.4.21.
4.2.2. - , mass spectra, 3.2.35.
NATIONAL STANDARD REFERENCE DATA - , physical properties, 3.4.17.
SYSTEM, U.S.A. (NSRDS), 1.1.1., - , thermodynamic functions, 3.4.19.
2.3., 3.2.1., 3.2.3., 3.2.5., 3.2.15., - , thermodynamic properties, 3.4.2.,
3.2.25., 3.3.1., 3.4.1., 3.4.9., 3.4.11., 3.4.7.,3.4.15.,3.4.17.
3.4.14., 3.4.20., 3.5.1.-3.5.3., - , - - , low temperature, 3.4.21.
3.5.5., 4.2.2., 4.2.4. - , transport properties, 3.4.15.
Naval Research Laboratory, U. S. A., - , atomic, ionic, molecular; atomic
3.4.13. collision data, low energy, 3.2.5.
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Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Spectrum of the HgH Molecule, 3.2.22. Sublimation, enthalpy, entropy of, see
Spin-parity assignments, 3.1.1., Enthalpy, Entropy of phase change
3.1.16.,3.1.17. Sublimationtemperature,elements,inor-
STABILITY CONSTANTS OF METAL-ION ganic and organic compounds, 3.4.1.
COMPLEXES, 3.4.24. - - , semiconductors, inorganic,
Standard Alcoholimetric Tables, 5.4.20. 3.3.13.
Standard Order of Arrangement of Sulfates, chemical kinetics data, 3.4.13.
Elements, 3.2.16., 3.4.1.-3.4.3., - , density, 3.4.13.
3.4.6.,3.4.7. - , mineralogical data, 3.3.10.
Standards, American Association, - , paramagnetic relaxation, 3.3.15.
6.3.5. - , thermodynamic properties, 3.4.5.,
- , astronomical, 6.2.3. 3.4.13.
- , British Institution, 6.3.5. Sulfides, phase diagrams, 3.4.12.
- , design, 6.1.2. - , properties, ideal gas state, 5.4.2.
- , fundamental, 6.1.1. - , thermodynamic properties, 3.4.5.,
- , industrial, 1.1.3.,6.1.2. 3.4.10.
- , infrared wavelength, wavenumber, - , mineralogical data, 3.3.10.
3.2.24.,5.3.14. Sulfur, thermodynamic properties,
- , measurement, 6.1.2. 3.4.5.,3.4.7.
- , neutron cross section measure- Sulfur compounds, infrared spectra,
ments, 3.1.8. 3.2.16.
- , spectroscopic, 3.1.4., 3.2.18., 6.2.3. Sulphosalts, mineralogical data, 3.3.10.
- , State Committee, U. S. S. R., 1.1.3. SUN Commission, see Commission for
- , X-ray wavelength, 3.2.3. Symbols, Units and Nomenclature,
Standard states, conventions, 3.4.1. IUPAP
Stanford University, U.S.A., 3.1.5. SUPERCONDUCTIVE MATERIALS DATA
Stark Effect, 3.2.6. CENTER, 3.3.17.
STATE SERVICE FOR STANDARD AND Superconductive metals, alloys; crystal-
REFERENCE DATA, U.S.S.R. lographic, superconducting, ther-
(GSSSD), 1.1.3. modynamic properties, 3.3.17.,
Status Report: National Standard Refer- 4.3.6.
ence Data System, April 1968, NBS Surface conductance, 4.2.1.
Technical Note 448, 1.1.1. SURFACE TENSION DATA OF PURE
Steam, dissociating, saturated, super- LIQUIDS, 4.2.2.
heated; physic.al, thermodynamic, Surface tension, cryogenic fluids,
transport properties, 3.4.16. 3.4.21., 4.2.2.
Steam Charts, Tables, ICPS, 3.4.16. - - , elements, compounds in steel-
Steelmaking, thermodynamic, physico- making, 3.4.10.
chemical data for, 3.4.10. - - , hydrocarbons, 3.4.2.
Steel, molten, equilibrium constants of - - , molten salts, 3.4.22.
deoxidation reactions in, 4.3.7. - - , pure liquids, 4.2.2.
Steroids, infrared spectra, 3.2.20., Susceptibility, magnetic, see Magnetic
3.2.21. susceptibility
- , NMR spectra, 3.2.42.,3.2.43. Swan System of the C2 Molecule, 3.2.22.
- , nomenclature (IUPAC), 6.3.1. SWEDISH A. B. ATOMENERGI AND THE
- , optical rotatory power, 2.2., 3.6.3. RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL
Stretching (bending) frequency, see DEFENSE, 4.1.3.
Vibrational frequency, molecular SYMBOLS, 6.2.
Structure of Crystals, 3.3.2 - , biological chemistry (bio-
STRUCTURE REPORTS, 3.3.4.,3.3.7. chemistry), 6.3.1.
Strukturbericht, 3.3.4., 3.4.11. - , chemical, 6.1.2.,6.2.3.
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
19* 291
Subject Index
Country Index
(Chapters 1-4 inclusive)
Argentina 3.6.6.
Australia 3.1.8.,3.4.25.,3.6.3.,3.6.6.
Austria 3.1.2.,3.1.11.,3.2.33.
Belgium 3.1.11.,3.2.7.,3.2.8.,3.3.8.,3.4.20.
Canada 1.2.1., 3.1.6., 3.2.7.-3.2.9., 3.2.16., 3.3.3.-3.3.5.,
Czechoslovakia 3.2.23.,3.2.33.,3.4.16.
Denmark 3.1.11., 3.4.24.
France 2.2., 3.1.11., 3.2.7., 3.2.8., 3.2.37., 3.2.48., 3.3.13.,
3.3.15., 3.3.16., 3.4.15., 3.4.26., 3.5.4., 3.6.3.-3.6.6.
GermanyBRD 1.2.2., 2.1., 3.1.9., 3.1.11., 3.1.17., 3.2.19., 3.2.26.,
3.4.25., 3.6.3., 4.1.4.
DDR 3.1.2.
Hungary 3.2.33.
India 3.4.15.
Israel 3.2.31., 3.3.3.
Italy 3.1.11.
Japan 1.2.3., 3.1.11., 3.2.10., 3.2.16., 3.2.20., 3.2.43., 3.3.1.,
3.3.3., 3.3.4., 3.4.15., 3.4.16., 3.4.20., 3.5.3., 3.6.1.,
Country Index
Spain 3.1.11.,3.6.6.
Sweden 3.1.11., 3.2.7., 3.2.8., 3.4.24., 4.1.3.
Switzerland 3.1.11., 3.2.7., 3.2.8., 3.3.1., 3.4.24., 3.6.3., 3.6.6.
U.K. 1.1.2., 1.2.4., 3.1.5., 3.1.6., 3.1.10., 3.1.11., 3.2.7., 3.2.8.,
3.2.16.,3.2.19., 3.2.33., 3.2.34., 3.2.38., 3.2.44., 3.3.1.,
3.3.3., 3.3.4., 3.3.6.-3.3.11., 3.4.15.-3.4.17., 3.5.2.,
U.S.A. 1.1.1.,1.2.5.,2.3.,3.1.1.,3.1.3.-3.1.7.,3.1.13.,3.1.15.,
3.2.22., 3.2.25., 3.2.27.-3.2.33., 3.2.35.-3.2.37.,
3.2.39.-3.2.42., 3.2.46., 3.2.47., 3.2.51.-3.2.53.,
3.3.1.-3.3.3.,3.3.8.-3.3.10.,3.3.12.,3.3.17., 3.4.1.-
3.4.5.,3.4.9.-3.4.16.,3.4.18., 3.4.20.-3.4.24., 3.4.27.,
3.5.1.,3.5.5.,3.6.2.,3.6.3.,4.2.2.--4.2.4., 4.3.1., 4.3.3.-
U.S.S.R. 1.1.3., 1.2.6., 3.1.12., 3.1.14., 3.1.19., 3.2.33., 3.2.45.,
3.3.1., 3.3.4., 3.4.6.-3.4.8., 3.4.15., 3.4.16., 3.4.19.,
International Projects - International Unions Index
International Projects
CINDA 3.1.19.
ENEA 3.1.11.
ICPS 3.4.16.
WMO 5.2.22.
International Unions
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
1.2.,3.2.1., 3.2.6., 3.2.24., 6.1.2., 6.1.3., 6.2.3., 6.3.1.
International Astronomical Union (IAU)
3.2.1., 3.2.7., 3.2.8., 3.2.24., 6.2.3., 6.3.2.
International Union of Biochemistry ClUB)
6.3.1., 6.3.4.
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
3.3.1., 3.3.4., 3.3.6., 3.3.10., 6.3.3., 6.4.1.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUP AC)
2.2.,3.2.1.,3.2.7.,3.2.8.,3.2.15.,3.2.24., 3.2.25., 3.2.36., 3.4.1., 3.4.9., 3.4.15.,
3.4.24.-3.4.26., 3.6.3., 5.5.6., 6.1.2., 6.2.3., 6.3.1., 6.4.2., 6.4.3.
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
3.1.1.,3.1.13.,3.1.14., 3.2.1.,3.2.24.,3.4.9.,6.2.1.,6.2.3.