Factors Affecting Strength of Concrete
Factors Affecting Strength of Concrete
Factors Affecting Strength of Concrete
Cementà The cement should conform with the standard and it has been stored
correctly (dry conditions), it should be suitable for use in concrete.
Aggregates àQuality of aggregates, its size, shape, texture, strength etc.
determines the strength of concrete. The presence of salts (chlorides and
sulphates), silt and clay also reduces the strength of concrete.
Waterà Frequently the quality of the water is such that it should be fit for
The higher the water/cement ratio, the greater the initial spacing between the
cement grains and the greater the volume of residual voids not filled by
hydration products. For a given cement content, the workability of the concrete
is reduced
The lower the water/cement ratio means less water, or more cement and lower
workability. However, if the workability becomes too low the concrete becomes
difficult to compact and the strength reduces.
For a given set of materials and environment conditions, the strength at any
age depends only on the water/cement ratio, providing full compaction is
Coarse / fine aggregate ratio
If the volume remains the same and the proportion of cement in relation to that
of sand is increased the surface area of the solid will increase.
If the surface area of the solids has increased, the water demand will stay the
same for the constant workability.
Assuming an increase in cement content for no increase in water demand, the
water cement ratio will decrease.
If the water cement ratio reduces, the strength of the concrete will increase.
àNotes from this:
The degree of hydration is a function of the age of concrete provided the concrete has
not been allowed to dry out or the temperature is too low. Provided the concrete is not
allowed to dry out, then it will always be increasing strength at an ever reducing rate.
For most practical applications, it is generally accepted that the majority of the strength
has been achieved by 28 days.
Compaction of concrete
Any air entrapped inside concrete structure due to inadequate compaction or vibration
will lead to a reduction in strength. If there was 10% air trapped in the concrete, the
strength will fall down in the range of 30%(approximately).
If the concrete is allowed to dry out, the hydration reaction will stop. The hydration
reaction cannot proceed without moisture.
It is clear that hydration reaction goes on if moisture is present. The effects of storage of
concrete in a dry environment can be reduced if the concrete is cured to prevent excessive
moisture loss.
Cement content should be in the range of 450 to 550 kg/m3, for high-strength grades,
such as M55 and M75. Adding higher than 550 kg/m3 cement impacts different
performance aspects of concrete including strength reduction and extensive autogenous
shrinkage. It is proven that higher porosities result in lower compressive and tensile
strengths. As a matter of fact, each 10% increase in porosity results in 15% to 25%
decrease in strength, A high content of cement in mix-design adds too much fine particles
in binder paste which leads to a higher than expected porosity. In such cases substitution
a portion of cement may benefit mix design if the early age strength is required.
Water – Cement Ratio: Water cement ratio is one of the most important factors which
govern the strength of concrete. Water cement ratio is the weight of water in proportion to
weight of cement expressed in terms of percentage. Workability increases if more water is
added. But if large amount of water is added then paste will become dilute and it will not
gain its strength. Adequate amount of water should be added so as to attain high workability
and strength.
Size of Aggregates Used: For large size aggregates, the surface area is less and less
cement paste is required to cover the surface area. But if extra-large size aggregates are
used then cracks may appear.
Shape of Aggregates: Rounded aggregates give more workability to concrete.
Angular or pointed aggregates make concrete harsh.
Mix Proportion: High mixes of concrete give more workability to concrete as
more cement gives more paste of cement for lubricating the concrete.
Admixtures: Presence of admixtures such as pozzolana or plasticizers
increases the workability and strength of concrete.
Grading of Aggregates: If proper grading of aggregates is done then
presence of void is reduced. Therefore aggregates must be properly graded and
then used so as to increase the workability and strength of concrete.
Surface Texture of Aggregates: Aggregates having irregular or hard surface
require more cement to cover them. Hence aggregates must be smooth so as to
give proper covering of cement to aggregates and provide workability to concrete.
Quality of Aggregates: Good quality aggregates prevents the concrete from
Creep: Creep of concrete is the permanent strain induces in concrete due to
sustained load over a long period of time. Poor mix proportion shows more creep
and water-cement ratio is the major factor which affects creep in concrete.
Age of Concrete: With age of concrete the rate of creep also increases in
concrete due to sustained load for a long period of time.
Segregation: Segregation is the separation of constituent materials of concrete.
Segregation may appear due to bad quality of aggregates used or due to voids
present in cement paste.
Bleeding: Bleeding is a form of segregation in which water comes at top of the
concrete. Bleeding is also called water gain and is more problematic in wet mixes.
Shrinkage: Concrete shrinks in volume due to loss of water or absorption of
water. Major cause of shrinkage is bleeding due to which water from surface
evaporates rapidly causing shrinkage cracks or uneven surface finish. Shrinkage
can also appear due to hydration reaction.