12 Geography Notes b1 ch1

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Class 12 Geography
Revision Notes
Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter -1 Human Geography Nature and Scope

Key Notes:

The core concern of geography as a discipline is to understand the earth as home of

human beings and to study all those elements which have sustained them
It emphasis is on study of nature and human beings
Geography is a field of study is integrative, empirical and practical
It studies each and every event on the earth over the space and time
Geography can be studied through law making or descriptive
Both physical and human phenomena are described in metaphors using symbols
from the human anatomy
German geographers describe the ‘state/country’ as a ‘living organism’. Networks of
road, railways and water ways have often been described as “arteries of circulation”.

There are two approaches of geography a. Systematic approach and b. Regional approach

According to Ratzel, “Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship between

human societies and earth’s surface."
According to Ellen C Sample, “Human geography is the study of “the changing
relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth.”
According to Paul Vidal De la Blache, “Conception resulting from a more synthetic
knowledge of thephysical laws governing our earth and of the relations between the
living beings which inhabit it”.


Human geography studies the inter-relationship between the physical environment

and socio- cultural environment created by human beings through mutual interaction
with each other
Houses, villages, cities, road-rail networks, industries, farms, ports, items of our daily

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use and all other elements of material culture have been created by human beings
using the resources provided by the physical environment

Naturalisation of Humans

Man interact with nature with the help of technology

It is not important that what he creates but with what tools he used to create
Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society
Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed better
understanding of natural laws
In the early stages of their interaction with their natural environment humans were
greatly influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates of Nature. This is so because the
level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also
primitive.This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces
of nature was termed as Environmental determinism
Primitive societies which live incomplete harmony with their natural environment
Nature is a powerful force,worshipped, revered and conserved. There is direct
dependence of human beings on nature for resources which sustain them. The
physical environment for such societies becomes the “Mother Nature
It is the theory that the environment sets certain constraints or limitations, but
culture is otherwise determined by social conditions
A geographer, Griffith Taylor introduced another concept which reflects a middle
path (Madhyam Marg) between the two ideas of environmental determinism and
possibilism. He termed it as Neodeterminism or stop and go determinism

Humanisation of nature

With the development of technology people understood the nature well

They move from state of necessity to state of possibilities
Human activities created cultural landscape
The concept shows that neither is there a situation of absolute necessity
(environmental determinism) nor is there a condition of absolute freedom
It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it

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Human Geography through the Corridors of Time

If we imagine the beginning of human geography with the interaction of environment

and human beings, it has its roots deep in history
The concerns of human geography have a long temporal continuum though the
approaches to articulate them have changed over time
This dynamism in approaches and thrusts shows the vibrant nature of the discipline
For example, in the late 15th century witnessed attempts of explorations in Europe
and slowly the myths and mysteries about countries and people started to open up
The colonial period provided impetus to further explorations in order to access the
resources of the regions and to obtain inventorised information
The intention here is not to present an in-depth historical account but to make you
aware of the processes of steady development of human geography

Fields and Sub-fields of Human Geography

Human geography assumes a highly inter-disciplinary nature

It develops close interface with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to
understand and explain human elements on the surface of the earth

Fields of human
Sub field Sister disciplines

--- Social science-Sociology

Behavioral geography Psychology

Geography of social well being Welfare economics

Geography of leisure Sociology

Social geography Cultural geography Anthropology

Sociology, anthropology, women

Gender geography

Historical geography History

Medical geography Epidemiology

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Urban geography --- Urban studies and planning

--- Political science

Political geography Electoral geography Psephology

Military geography Military science

--- Demography

--- Urban and rural planning

--- Economics

Geography of resources Resource economics

Geography of Agriculture Agricultural science

Geography of industries Industrial economics

geography Business studies, economics,
Geography of marketing

Geography of tourism Tourism and travel management

Geography of international
International trade

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