Modeling Simulation and Control of Half PDF
Modeling Simulation and Control of Half PDF
Modeling Simulation and Control of Half PDF
Abstract: The modeling, simulation, and control of linear half car suspension system with different control algorithms are studied
using Matlab programming package. The model has four degrees of freedom; comprising of heave movements of the front and rear axle,
pitch and heave motions of the unsprung mass of the vehicle. Different controllers developed and implemented in this study such as PID,
Fuzzy and Fuzzy-PID. Each controller was widely simulated for linear half car models hydraulically actuated for active suspension
system. The aim of each controller was to minimize the deflection and the acceleration of the suspension system in the presence of road
disturbances, modeled by step input excitation wheels. Comparisons between passive and active, linear simulation models have been
carried out with different control schemes. The result of these comparisons was that performance of the linear model was attuned better
than the linear model, and the Fuzzy-PID controller suggest in this work was the best among other controllers used in analysis. Shows
the superior performance of response amplitude, shorter settling time, small overshot, high steady precision, and good dynamic
Keywords: PID, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Suspension System, Half Vehicle, Road Uncertainty
Figure 1.3: Shows the diagram of half car active suspension By applying Newton's Second Law of motion, the linear
system differential equations describing the dynamics of the passive
half car suspension model of Figure 3.1a can be written as
2. Derivation of linear Suspension for half Car follows:
Suspension Model
Due to stiffness of the front tire and stiffness of rear tire and
when the front tire or the rear tire or both of front and rears
tires hits a certain road profile that will create an upright
force transmit to the wheels lead to vertical acceleration of
the wheel. The suspension elements will damp part of the
vertical force, and the rest is transmitted to the car body via Figure 3.4: Block diagram of PID controller [34].
the suspension system. Due to vertical force of the
3) Defuzzification
The fuzzy inference is conclusion or control output derived
from the combination of input, output membership functions
and fuzzy rules is still a vague or fuzzy element.
In Figure 3.6, a fuzzy rule described by using linguistic A defuzzification process is needed to make that conclusion
variables as expressed below: or fuzzy output available to real implementations. A
Negative Big (NB) defuzzification is convert or change fuzzy output set to crisp
Negative Medium (NM) output value. There are three types of defuzzification
Negative Small (Ns) techniques, which are center of gravity technique (COG),
Zero (ZE) mean if maximum technique and the height technique. The
Positive Small (PS) center of gravity technique has been introduced in the
literature. The center of gravity method is widely used in
Positive Medium (PM)
actual applications. In the Center of Gravity principle, crisp
Positive Big (PB).
output is calculated as shown in reference [32]. Figure 3.7
shown fuzzy controller block diagram.
In figure 1.6 shown the block fuzzy controller
6. Fuzzy-PID Controller
In recent years, classical PID controller well known is
common used in practice and industrial processes because of
it is simplicity structure, and performance over wide range of
operation conditions for linear suspension system. PID
Figure 1.6: Contents of fuzzy controller [37]. controllers has been modified to fuzzy logic control
techniques and best method of controlling to the complex
Figure 1.6 contain three gains, error and change of error as model system associated with simplicity, effectiveness, good
input lines and third one as output line. These gains state as dynamic response, rising time and overstrike for both linear
scaling factors. systems. An analytic study of the FLC-PID is carried out to
allow us to explain the influence of each tuning parameter
and establish an equivalence between the FLC-PID and a
2) Fuzzy Rule Base
Fuzzy rule is coming from accumulated experience from conventional PID to obtain general results. The objective of
related field of applications. The law to create a set of fuzzy the controller is to maintain a process in specific state by
rules is depended on actual application and based on a monitoring a set of variables and selecting the adequate
human experience is required to tuning the controllers to get control actions. Figure 3.8 is shown the structure of the
the typical performance. Fuzzy-PID controller [22].
Amplitude of step function has been entered 10 mm and for Figure 4.3: Rear axle vertical displacement of linear passive
road profile one second of step-time has been entered in the half car model.
matlab simulation and in Figure 4.2 and 4.6, respectively
shown the result of the linear passive half model.
Figure 4.10: Rear axle vertical displacement of active half Figure 4.12: Rotational body displacement of active half car
car model with PID controller. model with PID controller.
Figure 4.15: Block diagram of the active half car model with
FLC. Figure 4.24: Vertical body displacement of active half car
model with FLC controller.
Matlab/Simulink has been used to simulate the above model,
in Figure 4.16 shown the control surface describes the
relations between the input parameters and the output and in
Figure 4.17 and 4.21, respectively shown the behavior of
memberships for each rule base. The Rule viewer displays a
roadmap of the completely fuzzy inference process. The four
plots across the top of the figure represent the antecedent and
consequent of the first rule. Each rule is a row of plots, and
each column is a variable. The rule numbers are displayed on
the left of each row. The first two columns of plots (the six
yellow plots) show the membership functions referenced by
the antecedent, or the if-part of each rule. The third column
of plots (the three blue plots) shows the membership
functions referenced by the consequent, or the then part of
each rule. The fifth plot in the third column of plots Figure 4.25: Rotational body displacement of active half car
represents the aggregate weighted decision for the given model with FLC controller.
inference system [22].
Figure 4.22: Front axle vertical displacement of active half Figure 4.26: Body acceleration of active half car model with
car model with FLC controller FLC controller.
Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 358
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
The Result obtained by using fuzzy logic control as shown in Figures 4.28 to 4.32, respectively shown the simulation
Figure 4.22 to Figure 4.26, respectively explains variation of results of the linear half car model with Fuzzy-PID
actuator force according to change in body deflection controller.
velocity and body velocity, where body acceleration is kept
at zero so that control action was chosen to minimize the
relative and absolute body velocities only. The rule viewer
Figure 4.17. Illustrates that the vertical line if moved to right
or left then simultaneously we can see the change in actuator
force. Figure 4.16 shows the surface viewer in matlab, the
actuator force can be easily analyzed using grid
representation according to change in body deflection
velocity and body velocity. In addition, body acceleration is
kept zero represented by horizontal surface. In Figures 4.24
and 4.25, the graph of body deflection velocity versus
actuator force is shown which illustrates the actuator force.
The Simulink block diagram using matlab is shown in Figure
4.15, which considers only half car part of full car
suspension system, gives the simulation graph as shown in
Figure 4.22. Giving variation of body displacement with Figure 4.28: Front axle vertical displacement of active half
respect to time. With applying fuzzy logic control system in car model with FLC-PID controller.
the design, we have performance that is more efficient.
Because fuzzy logic gives range of values, the actuator force
can be adjusted according to rule base given. Many rule
bases we can provide and according to which the actuator
force can be controlled. All the above result got from half car
model, which is clearly illustrated. Considering all the above
result, we can have better scope to design full car model in
more precise way of design. According to above result the
fuzzy logic controller design is more precise and can be
comfortably used for the design [22].
Figure 4.27: Block diagram of the linear half car model with
Fuzzy- PID controller.