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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Half Car

Suspension System Using Matlab/Simulink
Ammar Majid Hameed Al-Ghanim1, Dr. Ameen Ahmed Nassar2
1, 2
Mechanical Engineering Department, Collage of Engineering, University of Basrah, Iraq-Basra

Abstract: The modeling, simulation, and control of linear half car suspension system with different control algorithms are studied
using Matlab programming package. The model has four degrees of freedom; comprising of heave movements of the front and rear axle,
pitch and heave motions of the unsprung mass of the vehicle. Different controllers developed and implemented in this study such as PID,
Fuzzy and Fuzzy-PID. Each controller was widely simulated for linear half car models hydraulically actuated for active suspension
system. The aim of each controller was to minimize the deflection and the acceleration of the suspension system in the presence of road
disturbances, modeled by step input excitation wheels. Comparisons between passive and active, linear simulation models have been
carried out with different control schemes. The result of these comparisons was that performance of the linear model was attuned better
than the linear model, and the Fuzzy-PID controller suggest in this work was the best among other controllers used in analysis. Shows
the superior performance of response amplitude, shorter settling time, small overshot, high steady precision, and good dynamic

Keywords: PID, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Suspension System, Half Vehicle, Road Uncertainty

1. Introduction between inconsistent criteria of quality of vehicle handling,

vehicle ride comfort, and road holding within the limitation
Generally, Vehicle suspension system consist of spring and of suspension journey [2]. Three type of suspension system,
shock absorbers, used to an accommodated vehicle categorized as passive suspension system, semi-active
osculation, also connecting the associate vehicle will its suspension system and active suspension system.
wheels. The suspension system performance recently has
been developed due to increasing vehicle efficiency. Several
suspension system design proposals have been introduced to
increase the performance and sophistication of the vehicle
suspension system by redefine the boundaries of the
elements. Because of the advantage of suspension, systems
participate to the car’s road holding and braking for driving
pleasure and good safety device, and maintain vehicle well
isolated from road disturbance, bumps and within an
acceptable limit of deflection. Road and load disturbance
consider the main two factors points of disturbances on a
vehicle comfort. Such as road roughness, consider small
Value in high frequency and such as hill consider bigger
value in low frequency of road discomfort. Load
disturbances include the variables loads such as accelerating,
braking and cornering. These objectives are to find the Figure 1.1: Shows the diagram of half car passive
proper compromise by directly and indirectly control the suspension system.
suspension force to achieve required performance
characteristics. Suspension system assist to keep the wheel in
touch with the road surface, because of the force acting on
the vehicle do so through the contact spot of the tires.
Automotive researchers studied many designs of suspension
system for passive suspension design, semi-active
suspension design and active suspension design thought both
analysis by using Maltlab/Sumlink and experimental
research. The purpose of this studies is to design best
suspension system to give maximum ride comfort and rode
handling by maintain vehicle well isolated from road
disturbance, bumps and within an acceptable limit of
deflection by controlling the suspension force to observing or
dissipating the energy accordantly [1]. Suspension system is
playing big role which targeting to isolating vehicle body
from road profile to achieve better ride comfort and detained
continuous wheel contact to the road to provide fantastic Figure 1.2: Shows the diagram of half car semi-active
stability and passenger comfort. Subsequently a tradeoff suspension system.
Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 351
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
In this section, a complete mathematical model of the passive
system for a half car model as shown in Figure 3.1 are
derived base on the approach as present in Sam [12]. The
passive suspension system parameter components are used in
the study is as presented in Abdullahi [1] and is tabulated in
table 3.1. It is assumed that all spring and damper are linear.
The assumptions for modeling half car linear suspension
system are:
1) The front and rear tires are act as spring with no damping.
2) Wheels rotational motion are not considering
3) There is rotational motion in the body.
4) Assumed that all springs are linear
5) Assumed that all dampers are linear.
6) The tires and road surface are always in contact.
7) Effect of friction between road surface and tires are

Figure 1.3: Shows the diagram of half car active suspension By applying Newton's Second Law of motion, the linear
system differential equations describing the dynamics of the passive
half car suspension model of Figure 3.1a can be written as
2. Derivation of linear Suspension for half Car follows:
Suspension Model

Whereas, derived the equations of motion of the half car

active suspension system are as follows [7]:

Where: suspension system, the car body will oscillation vertically up

M1= unsprung mass (front wheel) and down. The suspension system performance criteria can
M2 = unsprung mass (rear wheel) be investigating through parameters such as vehicle body
M3 = sprung mass (body mass) displacement, body acceleration, wheel displacement, and
K1 = tire stiffness (front wheel) suspension working space.
K2 = tire stiffness (rear wheel)
K3 = sprung stiffness (front wheel) 3. PID Control (Proportional-Integral-
K4 = sprung stiffness (rear wheel) Derivative)
C1 = sprung damping (front wheel)
C2 = sprung damping (rear wheel) The PID controller block diagram as shown in Figure 3.4, it
X1 = road profile displacement is the most common controller in industry applications [34].
X2 = unsprung mass displacement (wheel displacement)
X3 = sprung mass displacement (body displacement)
Fa1 = front actuator force
Fa2 = rear actuator force

Due to stiffness of the front tire and stiffness of rear tire and
when the front tire or the rear tire or both of front and rears
tires hits a certain road profile that will create an upright
force transmit to the wheels lead to vertical acceleration of
the wheel. The suspension elements will damp part of the
vertical force, and the rest is transmitted to the car body via Figure 3.4: Block diagram of PID controller [34].
the suspension system. Due to vertical force of the

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 352
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
The mathematic form of PID controller can be expressed as 5. Fuzzy Logic Controller
The FLC has three inputs used in the active suspension with
u(t) = e(t) + fuzzy logic controller that are body acceleration, body
velocity, body deflection velocity, and one output represents
Where, actuator spool valve signal which is desired actuator force.
e(t) = set-point - plant output The fuzzy logic comprised of three principal components:
first stage fuzzification interface, second stage fuzzy
= proportional gain
inference machine and third stage represent defuzzification
= integral gain interface, as shown in Figure 3.4 [32].
= derivative gain FLC used to apply crisp number to be converted to a number
between (0, The fuzzification stage converts real-number
The PID controller model exemplified in its state-space (crisp) input values into fuzzy values; this is done by based
format is serially connected. Displacements of the axles on fuzzy rule table depending on physical system’s
considered as outputs are feed back to the input to form prosperities, this process called fuzzy inference. While the
double close-loops and smooth road surface considered as fuzzy inference machine processes the input data and
the reference inputs are zeros, which together with the computes the controller outputs in cope with the rule base
disturbance form the input to the plant. The amplifier is and database. These outputs, which are fuzzy values, are
placed to boost the effect of the PID. converted into real numbers by the defuzzification stage.
1) Based on the present error is generated the proportional After fuzzy rule gives the decision, FLC gives an output;
control action. crisp value will be given by defuzzification process to the
2) Based on the past error is generated integral control system as from FLC [32]. As shown in figure 1.5 below a
action. half car active suspension system described with FLC and
3) Based on the anticipated future error is generated the speed of sprung mass as an error feedback.
derivative control action.

1. Present, past and anticipated error all are processed by PID

The controller performance relies on the typical and correct
parameter of the controller gains; , and .

4. Tuning of PID Parameters

There are several methods for tuning of PID controller Figure 3.4: Fuzzy and plant block diagram [32].
parameters, that is, methods for finding proper valves
of , and . By tuning various parameters of the 1) Fuzzification
controller to improve values of the required response. The Initially, inputs signals and outputs signals of the controller
stability, desired rise time, peak time and overshoot are the are specified. Inputs are vehicle acceleration, vehicle
basic objectives of the output of the control. Different PID velocity and vehicle deflection, vehicle velocity, and one
parameters could be obtained if the system can be taken output signal that is the control actuator force. The difference
offline. In the industrial implementation, the suspension measurement between actual and desired input is call the
system must be study online, by manually carried out the error which it is considered as input signal. Membership
tuning processes, which experienced personal required function (MF) should be chosen. Different membership
achieve that, and in the same time human error needs to be functions used has been study and find out that the best
considered. Ziegler-Nichols method one of the good online output performance for suspension system is the triangular
calculation methods of tuning [15], which is not very MF shape [37].
preferable because it involves some trial and error. Tuning of
PID parameters are given in [34] by the rules from the below
table 3.1:

Table 3.1: PID controller characteristic in closed loop


Figure 3.5: Fuzzy inference system.

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 353
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
conclude if antecedent output is satisfied that has called
consequent [37]. As shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: The fuzzy rule base [19]

3) Defuzzification
The fuzzy inference is conclusion or control output derived
from the combination of input, output membership functions
and fuzzy rules is still a vague or fuzzy element.

In Figure 3.6, a fuzzy rule described by using linguistic A defuzzification process is needed to make that conclusion
variables as expressed below: or fuzzy output available to real implementations. A
 Negative Big (NB) defuzzification is convert or change fuzzy output set to crisp
 Negative Medium (NM) output value. There are three types of defuzzification
 Negative Small (Ns) techniques, which are center of gravity technique (COG),
 Zero (ZE) mean if maximum technique and the height technique. The
 Positive Small (PS) center of gravity technique has been introduced in the
literature. The center of gravity method is widely used in
 Positive Medium (PM)
actual applications. In the Center of Gravity principle, crisp
 Positive Big (PB).
output is calculated as shown in reference [32]. Figure 3.7
shown fuzzy controller block diagram.
In figure 1.6 shown the block fuzzy controller
6. Fuzzy-PID Controller
In recent years, classical PID controller well known is
common used in practice and industrial processes because of
it is simplicity structure, and performance over wide range of
operation conditions for linear suspension system. PID
Figure 1.6: Contents of fuzzy controller [37]. controllers has been modified to fuzzy logic control
techniques and best method of controlling to the complex
Figure 1.6 contain three gains, error and change of error as model system associated with simplicity, effectiveness, good
input lines and third one as output line. These gains state as dynamic response, rising time and overstrike for both linear
scaling factors. systems. An analytic study of the FLC-PID is carried out to
allow us to explain the influence of each tuning parameter
and establish an equivalence between the FLC-PID and a
2) Fuzzy Rule Base
Fuzzy rule is coming from accumulated experience from conventional PID to obtain general results. The objective of
related field of applications. The law to create a set of fuzzy the controller is to maintain a process in specific state by
rules is depended on actual application and based on a monitoring a set of variables and selecting the adequate
human experience is required to tuning the controllers to get control actions. Figure 3.8 is shown the structure of the
the typical performance. Fuzzy-PID controller [22].

A fuzzy rule is represented by a sequence and using

linguistic variables, fuzzy rule provide base between input
signal and output signal by using linguistic variables, which
describes the relationship between the fuzzy input and the
fuzzy output. It is difficult to derive relationship between the
input and the output. For those cases, fuzzy logic rules base
is a good solution. Each rule is consisting of two parts. The
first part contains an inequality and need to be satisfied and Figure 3.8: Block diagram of the Fuzzy-PID controller.
that part called as antecedent. The second part could

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 354
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Simulation with Matlab/Simulink has been performed to
verify the effectiveness of half car passive suspension
system. Half car suspension system defined in the
mathematical model as per the Equations 3.1, and parameters
of half car has been defined as per the list in Table 4.1.
Figure 4.1 shown the block diagram of the simulation.

Table 4.1: System parameters of the model

Parameter Symbol Values Unit
Sprung mass of the vehicle Chassis M2 1795 Kg
Moment of inertia of the vehicle J 3443.05 Khm2
Unsprung mass of the front axle M1 87.15 Kg
Unsprung mass of the rear axle M2 140.4 Kg
Stiffness of the rear tire material K1 190 KN/m Figure 4.2: Front axle vertical displacement of linear passive
Stiffness of the rear tire material K4 190 KN/m half car model
Spring constant of the front axle K2 36350 N/m
Spring constant of the rear axle K3 26530 N/m
Damping coefficient of the front axle C1 1200 Ns/m
Damping coefficient of the rear axle C2 1100 Ns/m
Front body length from the CG a 1.32 m
Rear body length from the CG b 1.46 m
State Variables
Vehicle vertical displacement X3 ------ m
Vehicle rotational movement Ɵ ------ rad
Front axle vertical displacement X1 ------ m
Rear axle vertical displacement X2 ------ m
Inputs (road excitation)
Road Excitation at the front axle u(t) ------ m
Road excitation of the rear axle u(t+td) ------ m

Amplitude of step function has been entered 10 mm and for Figure 4.3: Rear axle vertical displacement of linear passive
road profile one second of step-time has been entered in the half car model.
matlab simulation and in Figure 4.2 and 4.6, respectively
shown the result of the linear passive half model.

Figure 4.4: Vertical body displacement of linear passive half

car model

Figure 4.1: Block diagram of linear passive half car model.

Figure 4.5: Rotational body displacement of linear passive

half car model
Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 355
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 4.6: Body acceleration of linear passive half car

Figure 4.8: Block diagram of linear active half car model
Active suspension system with PID controller with PID controller.
The different between active suspensions system and
conventional passive suspensions system is in their Matlab/Sumlink is used to carry out the simulation. A linear
capability to inject energy into the system, as well as store vehicle velocity is assumed of 100km/hr. At the moment of
energy and disperse energy. Outer- loop controller focus on the vehicle pass over the triangular bump of 1o mm
the in computation of the desired control force between of amplitude. Time delay between the front wheel and rear
the vehicle body and road disturbance. As shown in Figure wheel can be computed by using below equation by, td can
4.7 outer-loop controller, is used to compute the typical have computed as 0.02 second using below equation:
target force to minimize the effects of road disturbances by
using the hydraulic actuator to generate an ideal force to be Response of the active suspension system with PID control
able to carry out the commanded forced accurately [19]. The and passive suspension system are analyzed simultaneously
mathematical model given in equations 3.2 used to to compare the performance of the active suspension system
simulation of active suspension system with PID outer loop over passive suspension system. The effectiveness of the
controller. model established by computing maximum over shoot and
the settling time of the vehicle. Response of front wheel
vertical displacement is described as shown in Figure 4.9, at
the maximum heights of the road disturbance the maximum
suspension travels occurred for both models.

Figure 4.7: The Outer-loop controller for active suspension

of half car model. Figure 4.9: Front axle vertical displacement of active half
car model with PID controller.

The active suspension system is not only lessening maximum

overshoot of the maximum suspension travel, but also
accelerate the settling time. Due to the time delay between
the front wheel and rear wheel when pass over the bump, the
maximum overshoot of the rear wheel occurred after 0.02
second from the front wheel as shown in Figure 4.10 below.

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 356
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 4.10: Rear axle vertical displacement of active half Figure 4.12: Rotational body displacement of active half car
car model with PID controller. model with PID controller.

Similarly, the active suspension system has reduced the

maximum suspension travels compared with the passive
suspension system. The system stability has been speed up
and the system reached to steady state earlier compare with
the passive suspension system. The vehicle’s road holding
performance has been described as shown in the Figures 4.11
and 4.12. Skidding and ineffective braking happened when
the wheels failed to settle faster. In sport car usually have
stiff and harsh suspension just to improve road holding,
however with poor passenger comfort. Effectiveness of the
active suspension system against passive suspension system
in settling the translational displacement of the unsprung
mass of the vehicle has been shown in Figure 4.11. This
model is more applicable to luxury cars that are more
concern with passengers' comfort [21]. Figure 4.13: Body acceleration of active half car model with
PID controller

7. Active Suspension System with Fuzzy

Fuzzy logic controller system is successfully implement, to
reduce a cost function to prevent an excessive growth of
parameters of the consequent part. The idea is who to
generate the conclusion parts of the rules automatically by
using to an optimization technique. Fuzzy logic control is
provided conventional method for linear controls using
heuristic information. This might come from an operator
who acts as a human-in loop controller and from whom
experiential data is obtained. In Figure 4.14 shown the
design of the FLC for the half car suspension system. The
Figure 4.11: Vehicle body displacement of active half car FLC rule base is characterized by a set of linguistic variables
model with PID controller. rules based, which is required experienced person to achieve
that. The two-inputs as shown in table 3.2, in this study used
In Figure 4.12 shown response of unsprung mass of the one output rule base table. A membership function (MF)
vehicle of the rotational displacement and in Figure 4.13 defines as a curve that how each point in the input space is
shown the vehicle acceleration for both active and passive mapped to a membership valve. The membership function
suspension system. The PID controller aims to restore the used in this study shown in Figure 3.6. Triangular and fixed
system to its steady state faster and with less overshoot. in order membership shape function has been used to extract
From result of the simulation, proved that the active and represent the knowledge from the final results easily and
suspension system is more effective in controlling the input variables for the main operator of the composition used
vehicle oscillation and more robust in restoring the system to to reduce the truth value
its steady state as compared to the passive suspension

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 357
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 4.14: the structure of the Fuzzy Logic Controller

In Figure 4.15 below, shown the block diagram of the linear
half car model with FLC.

Figure 4.23: Rear axle vertical displacement of active half

car model with FLC controller.

Figure 4.15: Block diagram of the active half car model with
FLC. Figure 4.24: Vertical body displacement of active half car
model with FLC controller.
Matlab/Simulink has been used to simulate the above model,
in Figure 4.16 shown the control surface describes the
relations between the input parameters and the output and in
Figure 4.17 and 4.21, respectively shown the behavior of
memberships for each rule base. The Rule viewer displays a
roadmap of the completely fuzzy inference process. The four
plots across the top of the figure represent the antecedent and
consequent of the first rule. Each rule is a row of plots, and
each column is a variable. The rule numbers are displayed on
the left of each row. The first two columns of plots (the six
yellow plots) show the membership functions referenced by
the antecedent, or the if-part of each rule. The third column
of plots (the three blue plots) shows the membership
functions referenced by the consequent, or the then part of
each rule. The fifth plot in the third column of plots Figure 4.25: Rotational body displacement of active half car
represents the aggregate weighted decision for the given model with FLC controller.
inference system [22].

Figure 4.22: Front axle vertical displacement of active half Figure 4.26: Body acceleration of active half car model with
car model with FLC controller FLC controller.
Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 358
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
The Result obtained by using fuzzy logic control as shown in Figures 4.28 to 4.32, respectively shown the simulation
Figure 4.22 to Figure 4.26, respectively explains variation of results of the linear half car model with Fuzzy-PID
actuator force according to change in body deflection controller.
velocity and body velocity, where body acceleration is kept
at zero so that control action was chosen to minimize the
relative and absolute body velocities only. The rule viewer
Figure 4.17. Illustrates that the vertical line if moved to right
or left then simultaneously we can see the change in actuator
force. Figure 4.16 shows the surface viewer in matlab, the
actuator force can be easily analyzed using grid
representation according to change in body deflection
velocity and body velocity. In addition, body acceleration is
kept zero represented by horizontal surface. In Figures 4.24
and 4.25, the graph of body deflection velocity versus
actuator force is shown which illustrates the actuator force.
The Simulink block diagram using matlab is shown in Figure
4.15, which considers only half car part of full car
suspension system, gives the simulation graph as shown in
Figure 4.22. Giving variation of body displacement with Figure 4.28: Front axle vertical displacement of active half
respect to time. With applying fuzzy logic control system in car model with FLC-PID controller.
the design, we have performance that is more efficient.
Because fuzzy logic gives range of values, the actuator force
can be adjusted according to rule base given. Many rule
bases we can provide and according to which the actuator
force can be controlled. All the above result got from half car
model, which is clearly illustrated. Considering all the above
result, we can have better scope to design full car model in
more precise way of design. According to above result the
fuzzy logic controller design is more precise and can be
comfortably used for the design [22].

Active suspension with Fuzzy-PID controller

The Fuzzy-PID controller suggested to be used to control the

linear half car model of this study. In Figure 4.27 shown the Figure 4.29: Rear axle vertical displacement of active half
block diagram for linear model. car model with FLC-PID controller

Matlab program used to development of the controllers in

simulation to view the suspension system performance by
simulation responses. To make the comparison easier
between the active and passive response plot in varying work
environment. The developed Simulink basically, consists of
two main subsystems with the road disturbance being
injected to simulate the actual vehicle performance. The
controllers need to be carefully tuned to get the best
response. The time response plot is obtained during
simulation while considering passive and active system.

Figure 4.30: Vertical body displacement of active half car

model with FLC-PID controller.

Figure 4.27: Block diagram of the linear half car model with
Fuzzy- PID controller.

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179298 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179298 359
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
9. Conclusions
The project is considered as important since the suspension
system is one of the most important parts of the vehicle, the
successful design of the active suspension system, which
gives more comfort and better handling. The half car model
implemented in simulation using Matlab/Simulink. The half
car suspension model has been investigated and can be
summarized as follows:
1) Simulations of Mathematical models for active
suspension systems have been developed for half car
Figure 4.31: Rotational body displacement of active half car model and Newton’s second law of motion is used to
model with FLC-PID controller. develop the modeling.
2) PID controller has been successfully implemented and
different control algorithms such as Fuzzy and Fuzzy-PID
has been implemented and investigation of the linear
suspension system. The results show good performance
of the Fuzzy-PID control algorithm for linear models.
3) The Performance between active and passive, suspension
system with different control schemes have been
evaluated and looked that the active model gives good
4) From the result of these study, the performance of fuzzy
logic controller better than PID controller by minimizing
the vehicle body’s deflection and acceleration.
5) The simulation results revealed that, Fuzzy-PID
controller has a better response amplitude, shorter settling
Figure 4.32: Body acceleration of active half car model with time, small overshot, high steady precision, and good
FLC-PID controller dynamic performance.

The simulation results revealed that, compared with other

8. Comparison of Different Controllers controllers, Fuzzy-PID controller has a better response
amplitude, shorter settling time, small overshot, high steady
To find the best controller to use with linear half car model,
precision, and good dynamic performance.
comparisons will be made between the deferent control
schemes proposed in this study for both linear models, using
The analysis of these study shown and proven that the
the suspension deflection as criterion for comparison. Figure
simulation result can be improved by achieving better
5.11, shows the suspension deflection of the half car model
simulation and the controller need to by be tuned carefully
for the different control methods used. It is clear from this
and experience is required to have better result.
Figure that the Fuzzy controller proposed in this work, gives
the best suspension deflection considering all thee comfort
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