Role of Different Filter Media
Role of Different Filter Media
Role of Different Filter Media
Role of different
filter media in water
purification and water
Branch: - Suleimanyah
In this research have been introduced to the subject of water purification
through the types of water treatment Plants. Then we focused on the
work of the filters, the types, how do they work, the different designs of
the filters and the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Emphasis
was placed on the type of materials (media) used in the Filters, Together
with the standard specifications, tables and curves of head losses during
filtrations and backwashing for each media type. Then displayed models of
the designs of filters in water treatment Plants in some Kurdistan cities.
Keywords: Water; Treatment; Sand; Filtration; purification; Filter media;
Anthracite; Garnet; Gravel; Rapid sand filter; Slow sand filter.
A water treatment plant is a facility where water is treated to make it acceptable for
the designated end-user. Various processes involved in this exercise, such facilities
include sedimentation, filtration, chlorination, disinfection, clotting and so on. Water
purification equipments used a stat in these plants are water filters, ozone generator,
oil water separators, screening equipments, sludge treatment equipment and many
Treatment of water is through for different purposes and there are water treatment
plants serving different applications. Here is a brief discussion:-
Wastewater Treatment
The most common application of a water treatment plant is to treat the waste water
collected from homes, industries and many other sources. In order to make the waste
water reusable, it is treated to remove physical, radioactive, chemic and biologic
pollutants. Sewage treatment and sludge treatment are the two most popular sub-
types of wastewater purification plants.
Ozone Based Water Plant
These plants use ozone for water purification and useful to treat pool water or water
present in the cooling towers. Ozone is an excellent disinfectant for variety of
microorganisms, including Cryptosporidium and protozoan parasites. The main
advantage of this type of plant is that it doesn’t require adding any chemic to the
Water is becoming a scarce commodity and use of treatment plants is one solution to
save it from depleting.
Filtration is commonly the mechanical or physical operation which is used for the
separation of solids from fluids by interposing a medium through which only the fluid
can pass. Oversize solids in the fluid are retained, but the separation is not complete;
solids will be contaminated with some fluid and filtrate will contain fine particles
(depending on the pore size and filter thickness). Filtration is also used to describe
some biological processes, especially in water treatment and sewage treatment in
which undesirable constituents are removed by adsorption into a biological film grown
on or in the filter medium.
Fluids flow through a filter due to a difference in pressure — fluid flows from the high
pressure side to the low pressure side of the filter, leaving some material behind. The
simplest method to achieve this is by gravity. In the laboratory, pressure in the form of
compressed air on the feed side (or vacuum on the filtrate side) may be applied to
make the filtration process faster, though this may lead to clogging or the passage of
fine particles. Alternatively, the liquid may flow through the filter by the force exerted
by a pump, a method commonly used in industry when a reduced filtration time is
important. In this case, the filter need not be mounted vertically.
Filter Design
One design brings the water in the top of a container through a "header" which
distributes the water evenly. The filter "media" start with fine sand on the top and
then graduating coarser sand in a number of layers followed by gravel on the bottom,
in gradually larger sizes. The top sand physically removes particles from the water. The
job of the subsequent layers is to support the finer layer above and provide efficient
Media filters are also used for cleaning the effluent from septic tanks and primary
settlement tanks. The materials commonly used are sand, peat and natural stone fiber.
Municipal drinking water systems often use a rapid sand filter and/or a slow sand
filter for purification.
Rapid sand filter
The rapid sand filter or rapid gravity filter is a type of filter used in water purification
and is commonly used in municipal drinking water facilities as part of a multiple-stage
treatment system. Rapid sand filters were first used in the United States in 1896 and
were widely used in large municipal water systems by the 1920s, because they require
smaller land areas compared to slow sand filters.
There are a number of different types of Rapid sand filters depending upon bed depth
(e.g., shallow, conventional and deep bed) and the type of filtering medium used
(mono-, dual-, and multimedia).
A further classification can be made based on the driving force as gravity or pressure
filters. Typically sand is used as the filtering material in single medium filters. Dual-
medium filters usually consist of a layer of anthracite over a layer of sand. Multimedia
filters typically consist of a layer of anthracite over a layer of sand over a layer of
The principal filtration methods now used with reference to the rate of flow through
gravity filters may be classified as
In constant-rate filtration with fixed head, the flow through the filter is maintained at a
constant rate. They are either in-fluent controlled or effluent controlled. Pumps or
weirs are used for in-fluent control where as an effluent modulating valve that can be
operated manually or mechanically is used for effluent control.
In constant-rate variable filtration head, the flow through the filter is maintained at a
constant rate. Pumps or weirs are used for in-fluent control. When the head or effluent
turbidity reaches a preset value, the filter is back-washed.
In declining-rate filtration, the rate of flow through the filter is allowed to decline as
the rate of head loss builds up with time. Declining-rate filtration systems are either in-
fluent controlled or effluent controlled.
In the effluent controlled type of filters, the filter effluent lines are connected to a
common header. A fixed orifice is built into the effluent piping for each filter so that no
filter after washing will take an undue share of the flow. The filtered water header
pressure may be regulated by a throttle valve which discharges to filtered water
reservoir. Costly rate controllers are replaced with fixed orifices and therefore, would
make the units economical particularly in large water works involving batteries of
filters. For equal duration of filter runs the total output per day from a declining rate
filter is higher than that in the conventional filters. In group of filters operating at an
average rate of 10 m3/m2/hr, the fixed orifice will be so designed that a recently
cleaned filter will begin operation at 15 m3/ m2/hr while the filter next in line for
cleaning will have slowed down to about 5 m3/m2/hr. Usually the depths of filter
boxes for declining rate filters are more than those for the conventional ones. These
would permit longer filter runs and consequent reduced wash water requirements.
The filter beds are operated by scheduled cleaning in such a way that each of beds will
be in different stage of filter cycle producing the required average flow. When the rate
of flow is reduced to the minimum design rate, the filter is removed from service and
back-washed. In an inlet-controlled filter, the rate of flow is controlled proportional to
the rate of filtration with float control arrangement to the inlet valve. Inlet control
reduces the amount of work which has to be done on the filter to just clean it.
Rapid sand filters use relatively coarse sand and other granular media to remove
particles and impurities that have been trapped in a flock through the use of
flocculation chemicals--typically salts of aluminum or iron. Water and flocks flows
through the filter medium under gravity or under pumped pressure and the flocculated
material are trapped in the sand matrix.
Mixing, flocculation and sedimentation processes are typical treatment stages that
precede filtration. Chemical additives, such as coagulants, are often used in
conjunction with the filtration system.
Types: Gravity type, e.g. Paterson's filter, and Pressure type, e.g. Candy's filter.
Rapid sand filters are typically designed as part of multi-stage treatment systems used
by large municipalities. These systems are complex and expensive to operate and
maintain, and therefore less suitable for small communities and developing nations.
- Much higher flow rate than a slow sand filter; about 6 to 8 cubic meter of water per
square meter per hour.
- Requires greater maintenance than a slow sand filter. For this reason, it is not usually
classed as an "appropriate technology," as the term is applied in less-developed
Slow sand filter
Slow sand filters are used in water purification for treating raw water to produce a
potable product. They are typically 1 to 2 meters deep, can be rectangular or
cylindrical in cross section and are used primarily to treat surface water. The length
and breadth of the tanks are determined by the flow rate desired by the filters, which
typically have a loading rate of 0.1 to 0.2 meters per hour (or cubic meters per square
meter per hour). Although they are often the preferred technology in many developing
countries, they are also used to treat water in some of the most developed countries
such as the UK where they are used to treat water supplied to London. Slow sand
filters now are also being tested for pathogen control of nutrient solutions in
hydroponic systems.
1- Unlike other filtration methods, slow sand filters use biological processes to clean
the water, and are non-pressurized systems. Slow sand filters do not require chemicals
or electricity to operate.
4- Slow sand filters require relatively low turbidity levels to operate efficiently. In
summer conditions and in conditions when the raw water is turbid, blinding of the
filters occurs more quickly and pre-treatment is recommended.
5- Unlike other water filtration technologies that produce water on demand, slow sand
filters produce water at a slow, constant flow rate and are usually used in conjunction
with a storage tank for peak usage. This slow rate is necessary for healthy development
of the biological processes in the filter.
While many municipal water treatment works will have 12 or more beds in use at any
one time, smaller communities or households may only have one or two filter beds.
In the base of each bed is a series of herringbone drains that are covered with a layer
of pebbles which in turn is covered with coarse gravel. Further layers of sand are
placed on top followed by a thick layer of fine sand. The whole depth of filter material
may be more than 1 meter in depth, the majority of which will be fine sand material.
On top of the sand bed sits a supernatant layer of raw, unfiltered water.
How it works
Slow sand filters work through the formation of a gelatinous layer (or biofilm) called
the hypogeal layer or dirt cover in the top few millimeters of the fine sand layer. The
dirt top is formed in the first 10–20 days of operation and consists of bacteria, fungi,
protozoa, rotifer and a range of aquatic insect larvae. As dirt top ages, more algae tend
to develop and larger aquatic organisms may be present including some bryozoan,
snails and Annelid worms. The dirt top is the layer that provides the effective
purification in potable water treatment, the underlying sand providing the support
medium for this biological treatment layer. As water passes through the dirt top,
particles of foreign matter are trapped in the mucilaginous matrix and dissolved
organic material is adsorbed and metabolized by the bacteria, fungi and protozoa. The
water produced from a well-managed slow sand filter can be of exceptionally good
quality with 90-99% bacterial reduction.
Slow sand filters slowly lose their performance as the dirt top grows and thereby
reduces the rate of flow through the filter. Eventually it is necessary to refurbish the
filter. Two methods are commonly used to do this. In the first, the top few millimeters
of fine sand is scraped off to expose a new layer of clean sand. Water is then decanted
back into the filter and re-circulated for a few hours to allow new dirt top to develop.
The filter is then filled to full depth and brought back into service. The second method,
sometimes called wet harrowing, involves lowering the water level to just above the
dirt top, stirring the sand and thereby suspending any solids held in that layer and then
running the water to waste. The filter is then filled to full depth and brought back into
service. Wet harrowing can allow the filter to be brought back into service more
- Slow sand filters, due to their simple design, may be created DIY (Do it yourself). DIY-
slow sand filters have been used in Afghanistan and other countries to aid the poor.
- Slow sand filters are recognized by the World Health Organization, Oxfam, United
Nations and the United States Environmental Protection Agency as being superior
technology for the treatment of surface water sources. According to the World Health
Organization, "Under suitable circumstances, slow sand filtration may be not only the
cheapest and simplest but also the most efficient method of water treatment."
- Due to the low filtration rate, slow sand filters require extensive land area for a large
municipal system. Many municipal in the world initially used slow sand filters, but as
cities have grown, they subsequently installed rapid sand filters, due to increased
demand for drinking water.
1) Filtration process
Raw water ascends the filtration bed (3) via the raw water influent pipe (1) and raw
water distributor (2). During this process, suspended solids are removed and the
filtered water (4) collects at the filtrate through (5) and flows out as treated effluent.
2) Cleaning process
The filter media which have caught suspended solids are sucked from the bottom of
the air lift pipe (6) and cleaned while ascending together with air and water. The filter
media is separated from the cleaning wastewater at the separation section (7), then
further cleaned with the filtered water flowing opposite while it falls down through the
special cleaner (8), and is uniformly scattered on the surface of sand layer by the sand
distributor (9).
The continuous up flow sand filter is operated on the continuous cleaning principle,
producing stable and good-quality filtered water under constant pressure loss.
The continuous cleaning process sends suspended solids retained in the filter bed to
the cleaning process in a short time. Thus filtration of high contaminated wastewater is
- Compact facilities
Because no cleaning equipment is required, a less floor space is needed and economic
and compact facilities result.
Filter Media
Most major water treatment plants in the world use filter media in the process of producing
drinking water. This research describes and provides data on the main types of media
commonly used, anthracite, Sand, garnet and support gravel. For each type of media the
standard grades are listed and the hydraulic curves given. A page is provided where the
specification of filter media is explained. The advantages of multimedia filtration are
discussed as is the correct way of media installation.
Type UK Grade Size Effective Uniformity SG Bulk
Size Coefficient Density
mm mm t/m3 kg/m3
Anthracite 1 0.60 - 1.18 0.65 - 0.75 <1.50 1.40 720
1s 0.80 - 1.40 0.85 - 0.95 <1.45 1.40 720
0.80 - 1.60 0.85 - 1.00 <1.50 1.40 720
2 1.18 - 2.50 1.30 - 1.45 <1.50 1.40 740
2s 1.40 - 2.50 1.50 - 1.65 <1.40 1.40 740
2b 1.70 - 2.50 1.75 - 1.85 <1.30 1.40 740
2.00 - 4.00 2.00 - 2.30 <1.50 1.40 750
2.50 - 5.00 2.50 - 2.75 <1.50 1.40 750
3.50 - 7.00 1.40 750
4.00 - 8.00 1.40 750
1- Anthracite filter media
Standards: European: EN12909 American: AWWA B100
ES Effective Size mm
HS Hydraulic Size mm
UC Uniformity
Grades Size ES HS UC SG BD
1 0.60 - 0.65 - 0.80 - <1.50 1.40 720
1.18 0.75 0.90
1s 0.60 - 0.65 - 0.90 - <1.45 1.40 720
1.40 0.85 1.05
. 0.80 - 0.85 - 1.05 - <1.50 1.40 720
1.60 1.00 1.20
. 1.00 - 1.05 - 1.40 - <1.50 1.40 730
2.00 1.20 1.55
2 1.18 - 1.30 - 1.65 - <1.50 1.40 740
2.50 1.45 1.85
2s 1.40 - 1.50 - 1.75 - <1.40 1.40 740
2.50 1.65 1.95
2b 1.70 - 1.75 - 2.00 - <1.30 1.40 740
2.50 1.85 2.20
. 2.00 - 2.00 - 2.80 - <1.50 1.40 750
4.00 2.30 3.00
3 2.50 - 2.50 - 3.20 - <1.50 1.40 750
5.00 2.75 3.50
. 3.50 - . . . 750
7.00 1.40
. 4.00 - . . . 750
8.00 1.40
Characteristics of Anthracite
Carbon Content 90 - 90%
Sulfur <1.00%
Hardness c 3 Moh
Anthracite curves:
These curves give a good indication of the flow characteristics of anthracite filter
Hydraulic size:
The hydraulic size of a filter media can be calculated directly from the sieve analysis.
The result gives an averaged area size and is used in the Carman and Kozeny equations
to calculate media flow and backwash expansion. The calculation of hydraulic size is
best illustrated by an example:-
2- Sand filter media
Standards: European: EN12904 American: AWWA B100
ES Effective Size mm
UC Uniformity Coefficient
Grades Size ES UC SG BD
Characteristics of Sand
Color Brown
SiO2 96.5%
Fe2O3 2.40%
Al2O3 0.35%
K2O 0.01%
Turbidity <100
Hardness 6 - 7 Moh
Attrition Loss below 1% in 100 hours backwashing
Sand curves
These curves give a good indication of the flow characteristics of sand filter media.
3- Filter garnet
Standards: European: EN12910 American: AWWA B100
Standard Grades
Grades Size SG BD
Characteristics of Garnet
SiO2 36%
FeO 31.1%
CaO 26.6%
Al2O3 2.9%
Hardness 7 - 8 Moh
Garnet curves
This curve gives a good indication of the backwash characteristics of garnet filter
4- Support gravel
Standards: European: EN12904 American: AWWA B100
Standard Grades
Grades Size SG BD
10 mm 6 - 12 2.65 1620
14 mm 10 - 20 2.65 1620
20 mm 15 - 30 2.65 1620
40 mm 30 - 50 2.65 1620
Shape Rounded
Hardness 6 - 7 Moh
5- Manganese dioxide
Standards European EN12911 American AWWA B102
Standard Grades
Grades Size SG BD
Color Dark Brown
MnO2 70 - 80%
Fe max 5%
Al2O3 max 4%
SiO2 max 6.5%
Hardness 5 - 6 Moh
Media installation
Correct Installation of media is vital to ensure the successful operation of the filter.
Pattern Test: Before placement a pattern test must be carried out to the satisfaction
of all parties.
Support Gravels: Great care must be taken with the placement of the first layer of
gravel in order to prevent any damage to the filter floor. It is common practice to
conduct a second pattern test after the first layer of gravel has been installed and
levelled to test for any nozzle breakage. Each support layer is levelled by hand after
Sand Filter Media: Initial care should be taken when placing the sand not to disturb
the support layer. Any irregularity left in the gravel will remain there for the life of the
filter media. The sand layer may be levelled during backwashing. Once clean, the filter
is completely drained down to allow for the fines to be scraped from the surface of the
layer. The level is the checked and if required topped up.
Anthracite Filter Media: Finally the anthracite layer may be installed. This is then
backwashed to clean and level the layer. As the top bed of media it is not always
necessary to scrape any fines that may remain after backwashing.
Several Methods of installation are available each with its advantages and
1-Media Pump:
Special pumps are available which can place all medias, including the support gravels,
into the filter
f- Can accept bulk loads eliminating the need for tote bags
g- Quick [30 tones/hour] and the most economical for large installations
2- Ejector:
Again these use water to install the media but without all the advantages of a filter
media pump.
3- Crane:
In some situations a crane may be used to lift tote bags of media into the filter.
a- A (DIY) ((Do it yourself)) method of installation and may therefore be the cheapest
4- Hand Installation:
Another DIY method of installation
a- This method may be economic for very small installations [below 15 tones]
In a conventional sand filter, lighter and finer sand particles are found at the top of the
filter bed, and coarser, heavier sand particles remain at the bottom after backwashing.
Filtration takes place in the top few inches of the filter bed.
The multi-media filter is radically different. The multi-media filter bed, in comparison
to the sand filter bed, is upside down. Coarse, but lighter particles place to the top,
whereas finer, but heavier, particles remain at the bottom of the bed. The innovation
lies in the selection of suitable media. This configuration has many advantages. The
entire bed acts as a filter, rather than only the top few inches. Turbidity is trapped
throughout the bed, enabling the filter to hold far more solids filtered from the water
before backwashing is necessary.
Typically, the filter bed is made up of three layers of filter media. The total bed depth is
about 70 to 100 centimetres. In a three layer filter the top layer is made up of large,
lighter weight particles of anthracite coal and is from 38 to 46 centimetres in depth
(particle size 1.0 to 1.5 millimeters, density 1.35 to 1.75). The middle layer contains
from 20 to 38 centimetres of heavier and smaller particles of calcined aluminium
silicate or sand (particle size 0.5 to 0.6 millimeters, density 2.65). The bottom layer
contains from 8 to 15 centimetres of heavier garnet (particle size 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters,
density 4.0 to 4.2). This semiprecious red silicate mineral is 50 to 60% heavier than
A multi-media filter is backwashed in the same manner as a sand filter, using reverse or
upward flow of water through the filter bed. The various layers of media retain their
stratification because each material has a different density.
In a four-media filter a fourth or top layer contains from 3 to 6 inches of lighter and
larger plastic pillows (particle size 2.0 to 4.0 millimeters, density 1.1 to 1.2). Their
density is slightly above the density of water which is (1.0).
The multi-media filter can operate for much longer periods of time (five or more times
as long at the same filtration rate), before backwashing is necessary because the bed
can hold more turbidity. Turbidity is trapped and held throughout the entire bed
depth, rather than the top one or two inches.
Multi-media filtration is much better suited for use in a closed pressure tank since
cracking of the bed, and subsequent breakthrough of turbidity is virtually eliminated
and the need for visual inspection is unnecessary. The use of pressure tanks, rather
than open basins or filters, is an obvious advantage for point-of-use filtration and could
also be of real importance in the filtration of small community water supplies. More
rapid filtration flow rates in multi-media filtration allow the use of smaller diameter
tanks with equal or better results.
A very high degree of clarity is achieved in the filtered water because of the fact that
the finer particles of garnet at the bottom trap finer turbidity particles.
Another important advantage is that the multi-media filter can clarify water at a much
higher flow rate than a single-media sand filter (21 to 30 litres per minute, as
compared to 6 to 9 litres per minute in a 12 inch diameter tank). This is 53 to 57 litres
per minute per square foot of bed area, as compared to 8 litres per minute per square
foot of bed area. This is a very important difference in the production of filtered water.
In the multi-media filter the traditional feed of alum as a coagulant is reduced. At the
same time it is supplemented with a polymer (polyelectrolyte) which forms a stronger
flock and is applicable over a broader turbidity range.
Typical results for multi-media systems include reduction from 200 NTU to 0.42 NTU
on high turbidity water, and from 25 NTU to 0.15 NTU on a low turbidity water.
The Ideal grain distribution in a filter bed is for the largest grains to be at the top with
progressively smaller grains below. This can be achieved by placing a lower density but
larger grained media on top of the filter. The most common combination is to place
Anthracite on top of sand.
To ensure that the beds will backwash correctly the media types must be matched to
have the same backwash characteristics. These may be obtained from the backwash
Filter Media Examples
Media specification:
Filter Media is specified by its grain size distribution. This is based upon a Sieve
From the graph the specification of the filter media may be determined
In the new constructed water treatment plants in Sulaimaniyah districts, the filters show different
depths of single filter media (Sand) and different filter rates .In order to decrease the costs of
Maintenance and water production as well as to improve the water quality, and depending on the
criteria of surface water source in each of the below plants, redesign, capping and converting to
multimedia filter type will be necessary in the near future. Below examples describe each filter in four
water treatment plants in the area.
Design data : Open rapid gravity sand filters, each filter chamber has a size of( 12x5)m total
flow rate (1800m3/hr.), number of filter chambers(8), flow rate per each filter when all filters
are in operation (2100m3/hr.), filter rate (5m3/m2/hr, filter area (60m2), Total filter
area(480m2),Filter sand thickness (70 cm), Sand Nominal Size (0.9-1.2 mm) , three support
gravel layers , each (10 cm ) thick , Size (2-6 mm), (6-9.5 mm) and ( 9.5-13 mm ). Wash rate
(25m3/m2/hr), air scour rate (50m3/m2/hr.), wash water: flow (1500m3/hr.), total
consumption (375m3) , air scour: flow (3000m3/hr.), total consumption (500m3), duration of
back washing: with air (5)min, with water and air (5min), with water a lone (10)min .
Consist of 10 numbers gravity open rapid sand filter each (9*6 m), (0.7 m ) depth filter
sand Size (0.5-1.5 mm),three layers of each (20 cm) depth of support gravel , size (2-6
mm),(6-9.5 mm) and ( 9.5-13 mm).
Design Data :Open rapid gravity sand filters each filter chamber has a size of(12x5)m
total flow rate 2.750m3/hr) number of filter chambers(9) flow rate per each filter when
all filters are in operation (295.4m3/hr) filter rate (4.92 m3/ m2/hr, filter area (60m² ).
Filter material: Total depth (100 cm) consisting of gravel size (13-9.5) mm.(9.5-
6)mm,(6-2)mm (10 cm) sand size (0.9-1.2)mm (70cm),water depth a above sand (120)
Design Data :Open rapid gravity sand filters each filter chamber has a size of(6x8)m
total flow rate 1200m3/hr) number of filter chambers(8) flow rate per each filter when
all filters are in operation (150m3/hr) filter rate (3.2 m3/ m2/hr, filter area (48m² ).
Filter material: Total depth (100 cm) consisting of gravel size (13-9.5) mm. (9.5-6) mm,
(6-2mm) (Total depth 60cm) sand size (0.5-1.5 mm) (40cm) depth, water depth above
sand (120) cm.
- Montgomery JM (1985). Water Treatment, Principles and Design. John Wiley Inc, New York,
- Schulz RC, Okun DA (1984). Surface Water Treatment for Communities in Developing
Countries. Wiley Interscience Publication, USA .
- Handbook of Filter Media, Second Edition by D. Purchas and K Sutherland (Nov 11, 2002)