E3024e3024m 16
E3024e3024m 16
E3024e3024m 16
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E3024/E3024M − 16
AMS 3046 Magnetic Particles, Fluorescent, Wet Method, accumulations. Maximum detectability occurs when the dis-
Oil Vehicle, Aerosol Packaged continuity is positioned on the surface and perpendicular to the
AMS 5062 Steel, Low Carbon Bars, Forgings, Tubing, direction of magnetic flux in the part.
Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.25 Carbon, Maximum
4.2 This practice establishes the basic parameters for con-
AMS I-83387 Inspection Process, Magnetic Rubber
trolling the application of the magnetic particle testing method.
AS 4792 Water Conditioning Agents for Aqueous Magnetic
This practice is written so that it can be specified on the
Particle Inspection
engineering drawing, specification, or contract. It is not a
AS 5371 Reference Standards Notched Shims for Magnetic
detailed how-to procedure to be used by the examination
Particle Inspection
personnel and, therefore, must be supplemented by a detailed
2.5 Federal Standards:5,6 written procedure that conforms to the requirements of this
FED-STD-313 Material Safety Data Sheets, Preparation and practice.
the Submission of
2.6 Military Standards:5,7 5. General Practice
A-A-59230 Fluid, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Suspension
2.7 OSHA Document:5,8 5.1 Personnel Qualification—Personnel performing exami-
29 CFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communication nations in accordance with this practice shall be qualified and
2.8 ISO Documents:5,9 certified in accordance with ASNT Recommended Practice No.
ISO 9712 Nondestructive Testing —Qualification and Cer- SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT Standard CP-189, ISO 9712, or as
tification of NDT Personnel specified in the contract or purchase order.
ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems— 5.2 Agency Qualification—If specified in the contractual
Requirements for Measurement Processes and Measuring agreement, NDT agencies shall be qualified and evaluated as
Equipment described in Specification E543. The applicable edition of
ISO 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Specification E543 shall be specified in the contractual agree-
Testing and Calibration Laboratories ment.
2.9 ANSI Documents:5,10 5.3 Written Procedure—Magnetic particle testing shall be
ANSI Z540.3 Requirements for the Calibration of Measur- performed in accordance with a written procedure applicable to
ing and Test Equipment the part or group of parts under examination. The procedure
2.10 Order of Precedence—In the event of conflict between shall be in accordance with the requirements of this practice.
the text of this practice and the referenced documents cited The process, when conducted in accordance with the written
herein, the text of this practice takes precedence. procedure, shall be capable of detecting discontinuities speci-
3. Terminology fied in the acceptance criteria. The written procedure may be
general if it clearly applies to all of the specified parts being
3.1 Definitions—The definitions relating to magnetic par- examined and meets the requirements of this practice. All
ticle testing, which appear in Terminology for Nondestructive written procedures, including technique sheets for specific
Test Examination E1316, shall apply to the terms used in this parts, shall be approved by an individual qualified and certified
practice. at Level III for magnetic particle testing in accordance with the
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: requirements of subsection 5.1.
3.2.1 magnetometer, n—mechanical instrument used to 5.3.1 Elements of the Written Procedure—The written pro-
measure magnetic field strength, in air, adjacent to the part. cedure shall include at least the following elements, either
directly or by reference to the applicable documents:
4. Significance and Use Procedure identification number and the date it was
4.1 Description of Process—Magnetic particle testing con- written;
sists of magnetizing the area to be examined, applying suitably Identification of the part(s) to which the procedure
prepared magnetic particles while the area is magnetized, and applies; this shall include the material or alloy, or both;
subsequently interpreting and evaluating any resulting particle For new components, sequence of magnetic particle
testing as related to manufacturing process operation (for
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,
example, post-plating, after heat treat, etc.);
732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, http:// Identification of test parts used for system perfor-
www.access.gpo.gov. mance verification (see 7.1.1 and 7.1.2);
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,
Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http:// Process controls (see Table 1); including the defini-
dodssp.daps.dla.mil. tion of “use” in subsections and 7.4.4;
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Areas of the part to be examined and where
732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, http://
www.access.gpo.gov. appropriate, identified by a photograph, sketch, or relationship
Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO to a drawing, etc., to show the area;
Central Secretariat, BIBC II, Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier, Part preparation required before examination;
Geneva, Switzerland, http://www.iso.org.
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., Directions for positioning the item with respect to
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org. the magnetizing equipment;
E3024/E3024M − 16
TABLE 1 Required Verification Intervals
Item Maximum Time Between VerificationA Paragraph
Visible light intensity Weekly,
Ambient visible light intensity Weekly
UV-A intensity Daily 7.3.2, 7.4.5
Battery powered UV-A lamp intensity Before and after each use
UV-A lamp integrity Weekly 7.3.2
System PerformanceB Daily 7.1,7.1.1, 7.1.2
Wet particle concentration 8 hours, or every shift change
Wet particle contaminationB 1 week
Water break test Daily 7.2.2
Equipment calibration check:B
6 months 7.4.1
Timer control 6 months 7.4.2
Quick break 6 months 7.4.3
Yoke dead weight check 6 months 7.4.4
Yoke dead weight check (battery-powered) Before and after each use 7.4.4
UV-A radiometers and visible light meters 12 months 7.4.7
Electronic Gaussmeter accuracy 12 months 7.4.6
Magnetometer accuracy 6 months 7.4.6
When the test system is in operation.
The maximum time between verifications may be reduced or extended when substantiated by actual technical/reliability data. The type of magnetizing current and the equipment For in-service examination, plating or coatings do
to be used; not require removal prior to examination unless they are Method of establishing the magnetization (internal damaged or they interfere with the examination process.
conductor, head, coil, prods, yoke, cable wrap, etc.); Directions of magnetization to be used, the order in NOTE 1—Examination sensitivity decreases as plating/coating thickness
which they are applied, and any demagnetization procedures to
be used between field applications; 5.5 Materials: The current level, or the number of ampere turns, to 5.5.1 Dry Particle Requirements—Dry particles shall meet
be used and the duration of its application or a procedure for the requirements of AMS 3040.
establishing proper magnetization; 5.5.2 Wet Particle Requirements—Wet particles shall meet Type of magnetic particle material (dry or wet, the requirements of AMS 3041, 3042, 3043, 3044, 3045, or
visible or fluorescent, etc.) to be used and the method and 3046, as applicable.
equipment to be used for its application and, for the case of wet
particles, the particle concentration limits; 5.5.3 Suspension Vehicles—The suspension vehicle for the Type of records and method of marking parts after wet method shall be a light petroleum distillate conforming to
examination; AMS 2641 (Type I) or A-A-59230, or a suitably conditioned Acceptance requirements, to be used for evaluating water that conforms to the requirements of 5.5.4. When
indications and disposition of parts after evaluation; and approved by the Level III, AMS 2641 (Type II) may be used. Post-examination demagnetization and cleaning re- When specified, the oil suspension vehicle shall meet the
quirements. salient characteristics specified in A-A-59230.
5.5.4 Conditioned Water Vehicle—When water is used as a
5.4 Examination Sequence—Perform magnetic particle ex-
suspension vehicle for magnetic particles, the conditioning
amination after all operations which might cause or reveal
agents used shall comply with AS 4792. Proper wetting shall
discontinuities. Such operations include, but are not limited to,
be determined by a water break test (see 7.2.2). Smoother
forging, heat treating, electroplating, forming, welding,
surfaces generally require a greater percent of wetting agent
grinding, straightening, machining, and proof loading.
than rough surfaces. Foaming of the bath must be minimized to
5.4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or part
the point that it does not interfere with the examination
drawing, magnetic particle examination shall be performed
prior to shot peening and prior to applying protective finishes process.
such as priming, painting, plating (see 5.4.3 through, Water Vehicle Conditioning Agents—Any agents
or other coatings. added to the water vehicle for any purpose shall conform to the
5.4.2 In-process examinations may not be substituted for requirements of the particle manufacturer.
final examination. 5.5.5 Particle Concentration—The concentration of par-
5.4.3 Plating and Coatings—The written procedure shall ticles in the suspension bath shall be as specified in the written
specify any limitations or other requirements associated with procedure. Particle concentrations outside of the range of 0.1 to
plating or coatings. 0.4 mL in a 100-mL bath sample for fluorescent particles and Use caution when examining parts with an electro- 1.2 to 2.4 mL in a 100 mL sample for nonfluorescent particles
plated nickel coating as indications may form from the shall not be used. Fluorescent particles and nonfluorescent
resulting leakage fields within the nickel plating itself. particles shall not be used together.
E3024/E3024M − 16
5.6 Safety—The safe handling of magnetic particles (wet or When examining localized areas on parts with com-
dry), oil vehicles, water baths, and water conditioner concen- plicated geometries, leg spacing shall include consideration for
trates are governed by the suppliers’ Safety Data Sheets (SDS). both field direction and banding effects.
SDS, conforming to 29 CFR 1910.1200, or equivalent, must be When using portable equipment that is not timer
provided by the supplier to any user and shall be prepared in controlled, any examination that does not have the magnetizing
accordance with FEDSTD-313. power on during both particle application and excess particle
5.6.1 Flammability—Flash point of oil vehicles shall be in removal is considered a residual examination.
accordance with AMS 2641, Type I carriers. The suppliers’ For weld examinations, one yoke orientation shall
SDS shall certify the flash point. be approximately perpendicular to the weld with the second
5.6.2 Personnel Hazards—Precautions against inhalation, orientation set parallel to the weld.
skin contact, and eye exposure are detailed in the suppliers’ Battery powered DC yokes may be used when
SDS. These precautions shall be observed. approved by the Level III and when a technique has been
5.6.3 Electrical Hazards—Magnetizing equipment shall be developed and approved.
maintained properly to prevent personnel hazards from elec- (1) The technique must be validated for material thickness
trical short circuits. Care must be taken to reduce arcing and greater than 3⁄8 in. (9.5 mm).
the possible ignition of oil baths. (2) Battery powered yokes may not show all surface
5.6.4 Ultaviolet (UV-A) Lamp—Replace cracked or broken indications for all thicknesses of material, even though the
ultraviolet filters immediately. Broken filters can allow harmful requirements in 7.4.4 have been met and/or the field strength
shortwave ultraviolet energy to be emitted and must be has been indicated on a shim.
replaced immediately. Spectacles designed to absorb ultravio-
NOTE 2—Use of dry magnetic particles for surface indications is not
let wavelength radiation are suggested for close, high-intensity recommended when using battery powered DC yokes.
UV-A lamp examination.
6.2.4 Magnetizing Current Application—Full-wave rectified
6. Specific Practice current has the deepest penetration and should be used for
examination of sub-surface discontinuities when using the wet
6.1 Preparation of Parts for Testing magnetic particle method. Half-wave rectified current may also
6.1.1 Pre-examination Demagnetization—The part shall be be used for examination of sub-surface discontinuities and due
demagnetized before testing if prior operations have produced to the pulsating nature of the waveform; it has the advantage of
a residual magnetic field that may interfere with the examina- increased particle mobility. Alternating current is to be only
tion. used for the detection of discontinuities open to the surface.
6.1.2 Surface Cleanliness and Finish—The surface of the Direct Current (DC)—Direct Current is produced by
part to be examined shall be essentially smooth, clean, dry, and banks of batteries, full-wave rectified AC or a DC generator.
free of oil, scale, machining marks, or other contaminants or Capacitor Discharge (CD) Current—A bank of
conditions that might interfere with the efficiency of the capacitors are used to store energy and when triggered the
examination. energy reaches high amperage with a very short duration
6.1.3 Plugging and Masking—Plugging and masking is (normally less than 25 milliseconds). Because of the short
required when specified. pulse duration, the current requirements are affected by the
6.1.4 All areas on the part where electrical contact is made amount of material to be magnetized as well as the applied
shall be sufficiently clean to prevent electrical arcing. amperage. The capacitor discharge technique may be used to
6.2 Magnetization Methods: establish a residual magnetic field in tubing, casing, line pipe,
6.2.1 Types of Magnetizing Current—The types of currents and drill pipe. For specific requirements, see Appendix X5.
used for magnetic particle testing are full-wave rectified 6.2.5 Magnetic Field Directions—Discontinuities are diffi-
current (1 or 3 phase), half-wave rectified current, alternating cult to detect by the magnetic particle method when they make
current, direct current, and capacitor discharge current. The an angle less than 45° to the direction of magnetization. To
equipment used shall fulfill the magnetizing and demagnetizing ensure the detection of discontinuities in any direction, each
requirements adequately, as outlined herein, without damage to part must be magnetized in a minimum of two directions at
the part under examination, and they shall include the neces- approximately right angles to each other. Depending on part
sary features required for safe operation. geometry, this may consist of circular magnetization in two or
6.2.2 Permanent Magnets—Permanent magnets may be more directions, multiple circular and longitudinal
used when approved by the Level III and when a technique has magnetizations, or of longitudinal magnetization in two or
been developed and approved. more directions. The pie-field indicator as illustrated in Fig.
6.2.3 Yokes—When using yokes (electromagnetic probes) X4.1, the flexible laminated strips as described in Annex A3, or
for magnetic particle testing, they shall meet the requirements a properly prepared master part using notched shims may only
of 7.4.4. be used as a tool to demonstrate the direction of the external When using yokes, the pole pieces shall be posi- magnetic field. The pie-field indicator or flexible laminated
tioned in contact with the part surface as flat as possible. strips shall not be used to determine adequate field strength. Yoke leg positioning shall include overlapping shots 6.2.6 Multidirectional Magnetization—Multidirectional
with consideration for the banding effects at the leg/pole magnetization may be used to fulfill the requirement for
contact points. magnetization in two or more directions if it is demonstrated
E3024/E3024M − 16
that the technique is effective in all areas requiring examina- For circular magnetization, the written procedure
tion. Test parts in accordance with or shims manufac- shall specify the amperage requirements for the specific part to
tured to the requirements of AS 5371 shall be used to verify be examined. If the requirements are unknown, the formulas in
field direction, strength, and balance in multidirectional mag- Appendix X3 may be used as a starting point in developing the
netization. Balancing of the combined magnetic field is critical required amperage for specific parts.
and an adequate balance must be visually demonstrated to be For longitudinal magnetization, the written proce-
effective in all areas requiring examination. The particle dure shall specify the amp-turns, particle mobility characteris-
application must be timed so that the magnetization levels tics and/or external field strength requirements for the specific
reach full value in all directions while the particles are mobile part to be examined. If the requirements are unknown, the
on the surface under examination. formulas in Appendix X3 in Guide E709 may be used as a
6.2.7 Direct Magnetization—Direct magnetization is ac- starting point in developing the required amperage for specific
complished by passing current directly through the part under parts. The current levels and formulas in Guide E709 provide
examination. Electrical contact is made to the part using head only a rough guide and shall only be used in conjunction with
and tail stock, prods, clamps, magnetic leeches, or by other either, or In some cases, these formulas may
means. Caution shall be taken to ensure that the electrical lead to over magnetization of the work piece and care should
current is not flowing while contacts are being applied or be exercised when using them.
removed and that excessive heating does not occur in any area 6.3.2 Longitudinal Magnetization Using Coils—The actual
of the part. Prods shall not be used for the examination of effective distance must be demonstrated based on the particular
finished surfaces. part to be examined. For parts longer than these effective
6.2.8 Indirect Magnetization—Indirect part magnetization distances, the entire length shall be examined by repositioning
uses pre-formed coils, cable wraps, yokes, field (flux) flow the part within the coil, allowing for approximately 10 %
fixtures, or an internal conductor to induce a magnetic field in effective magnetic field overlap. See 6.3.1 for field strength
a part when no direct electrical contact is made. methods that can be used in coil magnetization.
6.2.9 Induced Current Magnetization—Induced current 6.4 Particle Application
magnetization (toroidal or circumferential field) is accom- 6.4.1 Dry Magnetic Particle Application, Continuous
plished by inductively coupling a part to an electrical coil in Method—When using dry particles, the flow of magnetizing
order to create a suitable current flow within the part as current shall be initiated prior to application of the magnetic
illustrated in Fig. X4.2. This method is often advantageous on particles to the surface under examination and terminated after
ring-shaped parts with a central aperture and with an L/D ratio particle application has been completed and any excess blown
less than three, especially where the elimination of arcing or off. Precautions shall be taken to prevent any damage to the
burning is of vital importance. part due to overheating.
6.2.10 Parallel Current Induced Magnetization—This Apply dry powder so that a light, uniform, dust-like
method of magnetization may occur when a ferromagnetic part coating settles on the surface of the part under examination
is placed alongside and parallel to a current-carrying conduc- while the part is being magnetized. Specially designed powder
tor. This type of magnetization shall only be used when blowers or shakers using compressed air or hand power shall
approved by the Level III and when an approved technique has be used. The applicators shall introduce the particles into the
been developed for use on solid parts. air in a manner such that they reach the part surface in a
uniform cloud with a minimum of force.
6.3 Magnetic Field Strength: After the powder is applied, and before the magne-
6.3.1 Magnetic Field Strength—The applied magnetic field tizing force is removed, excess powder shall be removed, by
shall have sufficient strength to produce satisfactory means of a dry air current with sufficient force to remove the
indications, but it must not be so strong that it causes the excess particles, if they interfere with interpretation and
masking of relevant indications by nonrelevant accumulations evaluation, but not strong enough to disturb particles held by a
of magnetic particles. Adequate magnetic field strength may be leakage field that is indicative of discontinuities. In order to
determined by one or a combination of the following methods. recognize the broad, fuzzy, lightly held powder patterns formed In unidirectional or multidirectional magnetizing by near-surface discontinuities, the formation of indications
applications, by examining parts having known or artificial must be observed carefully during both powder application and
discontinuities of the type, size, and location specified in the removal of the excess powder.
acceptance requirements or by using the notched shims as Dry magnetic particles shall not be reused, unless a
defined in Annex A1. process for reclamation has been established and approved by In unidirectional magnetizing applications only, by the Level III.
using an electronic gaussmeter capable of measuring the peak 6.4.2 Wet Magnetic Particle Application, Continuous
values of the tangential field as described in Annex A4. Method—Fluorescent or nonfluorescent particles suspended in
Tangential-field strengths shall have a minimum value of 30 a liquid vehicle at the required concentration shall be applied
Gauss (30 × 10-4 Tesla [T]) when measured at the part surface by gently spraying or flowing the suspension over the area to
using an electronic gaussmeter as described in Annex A4. The be examined.
maximum Gauss value derived is limited by the restrictions of Proper sequencing and timing of part magnetization
6.3.1. and application of particle suspension are required to obtain the
E3024/E3024M − 16
proper formation and retention of indications. This requires indications will be identified as relevant or nonrelevant. Rel-
that the stream of suspension be diverted from the part evant indications will be compared to the proper accept/reject
simultaneously with, or slightly before, energizing the mag- criteria and the parts accepted or rejected accordingly.
netic circuit. 6.5.1 Eye Glasses—Personnel shall not wear eye glasses The magnetizing current shall be applied for a that are photochromic or that have permanently darkened
duration of at least 0.5 second for each application, with a lenses. This is not intended to prohibit the use of eyeglasses
minimum of two shots being used. The second shot shall with lenses treated to absorb UV-A.
follow the first while the particles are still mobile on the 6.5.2 Dark Adaptation—Personnel must wait at least one
surface of the part. minute after entering a darkened area for their eyes to adjust to Under special circumstances, such as the use of the low-level lighting before performing fluorescent magnetic
automated equipment or for critical parts, the 0.5–second particle testing.
duration and the two-shot requirement may be waived provided 6.5.3 Acceptance Requirements—The acceptance require-
it is demonstrated that the procedure can detect known discon- ments applicable to the part or group of parts shall be
tinuities in reference parts. incorporated as part of the written procedure either specifically Care shall be exercised to prevent any damage to the or by reference to other applicable documents containing the
part due to overheating or other causes. Weakly held indica- necessary information.
tions on highly finished parts are readily washed away, and 6.6 Recording of Indications—When required by the written
care must be exercised to prevent high-velocity flow over procedure, the location of all rejectable indications shall be
critical surfaces. marked on the part, and permanent records of the location, Particle application by continuous immersion shall direction, and frequency of indications may be made by one or
be used only when it has been documented that it can detect more of the following methods:
discontinuities or artificial discontinuities in parts under exami- 6.6.1 Written Description—By recording the location,
nation. length, direction, and number of indications in sketch or tabular
6.4.3 Residual Magnetization Method—In the residual mag- form;
netization method, the magnetic particles (dry or wet) are 6.6.2 Transparent Tape—For dry particle indications, by
applied to the part under examination after the magnetizing applying transparent adhesive-backed tape to which the indi-
force has been discontinued. The residual method is not as cations will adhere and placing it on an approved form along
sensitive as the continuous method. It can be useful on with information giving its location on the part;
materials with high retentivity. When inducing circular fields 6.6.3 Strippable Film—By covering the indication with a
and longitudinal fields in long pieces, residual fields are spray-on strippable film that fixes the indications in place and
normally sufficient to meet magnetizing requirements consis- placing the resultant reproduction on an approved form along
tent with the requirements of 7.1.1 or 7.1.2. The residual with information giving its location on the part; and
method has found wide use examining pipe and tubular goods. 6.6.4 Photography—By photographing or video recording
For magnetization requirements of oilfield tubulars, refer to the indications themselves, the tape, or the strippable film
Appendix X5. It is also useful for the examination of parts or reproduction and placing the photograph in a tabular form
areas of parts, which because of geometric constraints, cannot along with information giving its location on the part.
be examined with the continuous method. The residual method
6.7 Post-Examination Demagnetization and Cleaning—All
shall be used only when it has been documented that it can
parts shall be demagnetized and cleaned after final examina-
detect discontinuities or artificial discontinuities in parts under
tion. Apply corrosion protection as required.
examination and when approved by the Level III. The test parts
6.7.1 Demagnetization:
shall have the same material and processing steps, and similar When using AC demagnetization, the part shall be
geometry, to the actual parts being examined.
subjected to a field with a peak value greater than, and in nearly
6.4.4 Magnetic Slurry/Paint Application—Magnetic paints
the same direction as, the field used during examination. This
or slurries are applied to the part with a brush, squeeze bottle,
AC field is then decreased gradually to zero. When using an
or aerosol can before or during the magnetization operation.
AC demagnetizing coil, the part is passed through the coil
This method is for special applications, such as overhead or
while the current is flowing. For effective demagnetization,
underwater examination.
parts having complex configurations may require rotating or
6.4.5 Magnetic Polymer Application—Polymerizable mate- tumbling while passing through the field of the coil prior to the
rial containing magnetic particles shall be held in contact with current being shut off. Repeat this process as necessary.
the part under examination during the period of its cure. Before When using DC demagnetization, the initial field
curing takes place, and while the magnetic particles are still shall be higher than, and in nearly the same direction as, the
mobile, the part shall be magnetized to the specified level. This field reached during examination. The field shall then be
requires prolonged or repeated periods of magnetization. This reversed, decreased in magnitude, and the process repeated
method is for special applications, such as bolt holes which (cycled) until an acceptably low value of residual field is
cannot be examined readily by the wet or dry method. AMS-I- reached.
83387 establishes the examination process for magnetic rubber. Whenever possible, parts that have been magnetized
6.5 Evaluation—Following magnetization and particle circularly shall be magnetized in the longitudinal direction
application, the parts shall be examined for indications. All before being demagnetized. After demagnetization, a calibrated
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magnetometer shall not exceed a value agreed upon or as or are impractical, fabricated test or production parts with
specified on the engineering drawing or in the contract, artificial discontinuities or a ring specimen (see Guide E709,
purchase order, or specification. If an electronic gaussmeter is Appendix X7) may be used. Artificial discontinuities may be
used for this measurement, the equivalency shall be determined fabricated to meet a particular need or may be commercially
prior to use. available shims as shown in Annex A2. All applicable condi-
6.7.2 Post-Examination Cleaning—Cleaning shall be done tions for the use of such reference parts, as described in 7.1.1,
with a suitable solvent, air blower, or by other means. shall apply. Parts shall be examined to ensure that the cleaning 7.2 Suspension Vehicle Tests (Not required for aerosol can
procedure has removed magnetic particle residues from all suspensions)
surfaces, including holes, crevices, passage ways, etc. Such
7.2.1 Concentration/Contamination Tests—Particle concen-
residue could have an adverse effect on the intended use of the
tration and contamination shall be determined upon start up, at
regular intervals thereafter, and whenever the bath is changed Care shall be taken to remove all plugs, masking, or
or adjusted. The required testing intervals are stated in Table 1.
other processing aids that may affect the intended use of the
part. Determination of Wet Particle Concentration—For Parts shall be protected from corrosion or damage as recirculation systems, agitate the particle suspension a mini-
required. mum of 30 min to ensure uniform distribution of particles
throughout the bath. For portable application devices, agitate
6.8 Record of Examination—Results of all final magnetic the particle suspension for a sufficient period of time to ensure
particle examinations shall be recorded. All recorded results uniform distribution of particles throughout the bath. Place a
shall be identified and filed. Records shall provide for trace- 100-mL sample of the agitated suspension in a pear-shaped
ability to the specific part or lot examined. As a minimum, the centrifuge tube with a graduated stem in 0.05-mL increments
records shall include: identification of the procedure used, for fluorescent baths and 0.1 mL for non-fluorescent baths.
disposition of the examination; identification of the inspector’s (Centrifuge tubes shall be as specified in Guide E709). De-
examination stamp, electronic ID or signature; and the date of magnetize the sample and allow the tube to stand undisturbed
examination. Records shall be kept for the duration specified in for a settling time of at least 60 min if using petroleum distillate
the purchase order or contract. or at least 30 min for conditioned water suspension. Read the
6.9 Marking of Accepted Parts—Parts that have been ac- volume of settled particles. If the concentration is out of the
cepted using magnetic particle testing shall be marked in tolerance stated in the written procedure add particles or
accordance with the applicable drawing, purchase order, con- suspension vehicle, as required, and re-determine the particle
tract prior to leaving the testing facility. concentration. If the settled particles appear to be loose
agglomerates rather than a solid layer, repeat the process with
7. Quality Control a second sample. If the second sample also appears
7.1 System Performance Verification—The overall perfor- agglomerated, replace the entire bath suspension. 30 min
mance of the magnetic particle testing system, including the settling times (for petroleum distillate suspensions), or other
equipment, materials, and the lighting environment being used, accelerated tests, may be used if they have been verified to give
shall be verified initially and at regular intervals thereafter. The results equivalent to the procedure described in this clause.
required verification intervals are stated in Table 1. Records of Determination of Wet Particle Contamination for
the verification results shall be maintained and retained for the Recirculation Systems—Perform the tests specified in
time period specified in the contract. Establish a system in Examine the graduated portion of the tube, under both UV-A
accordance with ISO 17025 or ISO 10012 for calibration and (for fluorescent baths only) and visible light (for both fluores-
certification of all current and voltage measuring devices, cent and nonfluorescent baths), for striations or bands, different
ammeter shunts, timers, lightmeters, electronic gaussmeters, in color or appearance. Bands or striations may indicate
and magnetometers used in verification. contamination. If the total volume of the contaminants, includ-
7.1.1 Use of Test Parts with Discontinuities—A reliable ing bands or striations, exceeds 30 % of the volume of
method for system performance verification is the use of magnetic particles the bath must be adjusted or replaced.
representative reference parts containing discontinuities of the 7.2.2 Water Break Test—In this test of water-based vehicles,
type, location, and size specified in the acceptance require- a clean part with a surface finish the same as the parts to be
ments and examined in accordance with a written procedure. If examined or an actual production part is flooded with the
correct magnetic particle indications can be produced and conditioned water, and the appearance of the surface is noted
identified in these representative parts, the overall system after flooding is stopped. Sufficient wetting agent is present if
performance is verified. Parts used for verification will be a continuous even film forms over the entire part. If the film of
demagnetized, cleaned thoroughly following the examination, suspension breaks, exposing bare surface, insufficient wetting
and checked under UV-A or visible light, as appropriate to the agent is present or the part has not been cleaned adequately.
examination process, to ensure that residual indications do not For adequacy, this visual observation shall be performed
remain. individually under both UV-A and/or visible light conditions as
7.1.2 Fabricated Test Parts with Artificial Discontinuities— applicable.
When actual production parts with known discontinuities of the 7.2.3 Determination of Particle Sensitivity—Appendix X2
type, location, and size needed for verification are not available describes several devices that can demonstrate the sensitivity
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of either wet-method or dry-method particles. These devices 7.4.1 Ammeter Accuracy—To check the equipment
contain permanent magnetization in some form and are inde- ammeter, a suitable calibrated shunt test kit shall be connected
pendent of the magnetizing system. They should not be in series with the output circuit. Comparative readings shall be
magnetized or demagnetized before or after use. Such devices taken at three output levels encompassing the usable range of
can be useful whenever performance of the particles are subject the equipment. The equipment meter reading shall not deviate
to question or need to be verified. by more than 610 % or 50 amperes, whichever is greater, from
the current value shown by the calibrated ammeter. (When
7.3 Lighting:
measuring half-wave rectified current, the current values
7.3.1 Visible Light—Conduct visible light intensity mea- shown by the calibrated FW-Rectified ammeter readings shall
surements upon initial light installation, or when changes occur be doubled.) The frequency of the ammeter check is specified
that would cause the light intensity to change and at the in Table 1. Machine output repeatability shall not vary more
intervals specified in Table 1. than 610 % or 50 amperes, whichever is greater, at any Visible light shall be used when examining with setpoint and the machine under test shall be marked with the
nonfluorescent magnetic particles and for interpretation of value representing the lowest repeatable current level.
indications found with fluorescent magnetic particles. A mini- 7.4.2 Timer Control Check—On equipment using a timer to
mum light intensity of 100 fc [1076 lx] shall be available at the control the current duration, the timer should be calibrated to
surface of the part undergoing examination or evaluation. within 60.1 s using a suitable electronic timer. Ambient Visible Light—Fluorescent magnetic par- 7.4.3 Magnetic Field Quick Break Check—On equipment
ticle examinations shall be performed in a darkened area with that uses a quick break feature, proper functioning of this
a maximum ambient visible light level of 2 fc [22 lx] measured circuit shall be verified. The check may be performed using a
at the part surface. suitable oscilloscope or other applicable method as specified by
7.3.2 UV-A Lamps—UV-A lamps used for evaluation pur- the equipment manufacturer.
poses shall meet the requirements of 7.4.5. The minimum 7.4.4 Dead Weight Check—Yokes shall be dead weight
acceptable intensity is 1000 µW/cm2 at the surface being checked at intervals as stated in Table 1. Alternating current
examined. UV-A lamps shall be checked for cleanliness and yokes shall have a lifting force of at least 10 lb [4.5 kg], with
integrity and shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced as appro- a 2- to 6-in. [50- to 150-mm] spacing between legs. Direct
priate. These checks of cleanliness/integrity need not be current yokes shall have a lifting force of at least 30 lb
recorded. [13.5 kg], with a 2- to 4-in. [50- to 100-mm] spacing between UV-A lamps that use an LED source shall produce a legs, or 50 lb [22.5 kg], with a 4- to 6-in. [100- to 150-mm]
peak wavelength at 360 to 370 nanometers as measured with a spacing. For battery powered yokes, the check shall be
spectroradiometer. When requested, the manufacturer shall performed prior to and after each use.
provide a certification thereof. 7.4.5 UV-A Lamps—UV-A lamps, which are portable, hand- Battery-powered UV-A lamps used to examine parts held, permanently mounted or fixed, and used to examine parts,
shall have their intensity measured prior to use and after each shall be checked for output at the frequency specified in Table
use. Intensity shall be measured before the lamp is turned off 1 and after bulb replacement. A longer period may be used if a
after use. If the lamp is equipped with automatic current plan justifying this extension is prepared by the NDT facility or
sensing circuitry that shuts off the lamp prior to falling below its delegate. Minimum acceptable intensity is 1000 µW/cm2 at
the minimum intensity, the after use check is not required. 15 in. [38.1 cm] from the front of the filter to the face of the
sensor. Damaged or dirty filters shall be replaced or otherwise UV-A irradiation from LED sources will typically
corrected as appropriate. LED UV lamps used for evaluation
decrease as the lamp warms up. Warm-up time as listed by the
purposes shall comply with Practice E3022.
manufacturer shall be considered when measuring UV inten-
sity. NOTE 4—Some UV-A sources other than mercury vapor, for example,
micro-discharge, LED, etc., have been shown to have emission charac-
NOTE 3—More information on UV-A sources, visible lights, radiom- teristics such as excessive visible light, and UV-A intensity that may result
eters and light meters can be found in Guide E2297 and E3022. in fluorescent fade, veiling glare, etc., all of which can significantly
degrade examination reliability.
7.3.3 Restricted Area Examination—Where lamps are
physically too large to directly illuminate the examination 7.4.6 Electronic Gaussmeters and Magnetometers shall be
surface, special lighting, such as UV-A pencil lamps, or UV-A calibrated and a reading taken at a minimum of three points in
guides, or borescopes shall be used. The image viewed must each dynamic range and each polarity, in addition to zero.
have sufficient resolution to effectively evaluate the required 7.4.7 UV-A Radiometers and Visible Light Meters—All
discontinuities. Light intensity shall be measured at the ex- meters shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturers
pected working distance and shall meet the requirements of recommended procedures and shall be traceable to the National
7.3.2 as appropriate. Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other recog-
nized national standards, where applicable.
7.4 Equipment Calibration—Magnetic particle testing
equipment shall be checked for performance and accuracy at 8. Keywords
the time of purchase, at the intervals indicated in Table 1, when 8.1 dye; flourescent; FP; FPI; magnetic particle; MPI; MT;
a malfunction is suspected, or when electrical maintenance that nondestructive evaluation; nondestructive examination; nonde-
might affect equipment accuracy is performed. structive testing; NDT
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(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Application of Shims—The Reference Standard A1.9.1 In developing a magnetic particle procedure, first
Notched Shims of AS 5371, as shown in Annex A2, require determine the locations the shims should be placed to ensure
specific handling, attachment, and care for accurate indication adequate coverage to monitor the field strength and direction,
of magnetic field strength and direction. To select amperage and then attach the shims.
settings for multi-directional magnetization, the use of AS A1.9.2 Using the continuous method, begin by starting with
5371 shims or parts described in is mandatory. the amperage selection at a minimum level and increasing the
amperage slowly until the shim indications are readily ob-
A1.2 Shims 0.002 in. [0.05 mm] thick shall be used on served. When magnetized, one leg of the X will be indicated
curved or complex surfaces. perpendicular to the field direction and the circle shim will
A1.3 Shims are manufactured of low carbon steel and must show quadrants that are approximately perpendicular to the
direction of the applied field.
be protected from corrosion when not in use. They may be
submerged in a solvent such as MEK or naphtha for storage. A1.9.3 In multi-directional magnetization, longitudinal and
Before attaching the shim to the part, both the shim and part circular fields shall be determined separately as follows:
shall be clean and dry. A1.9.3.1 Field strength for the first direction shall be deter-
NOTE A1.1—Polar solvents, such as water, will not break down the
mined by slowly increasing the amperage until a satisfactory
cynoacrolate-based adhesives (super glue) commonly used to apply these indication is observed on each shim.
shims. A1.9.3.2 Record the amperage setting and indication re-
A1.4 The shim shall be placed in intimate contact with the A1.9.3.3 Demagnetize the part and carefully clean the shims
part with the flaw side next to the material to be examined. prior to determining the amperage in the next direction.
A1.9.3.4 Field strength for the second direction shall be
A1.5 The shim shall be securely fastened to the part by
determined by incrementally increasing the amperage until a
using an adhesive or tape (such as Scotch Brand 191, 471, or satisfactory indication is observed on each shim.
600 series) that prevents the magnetic particle suspension from A1.9.3.5 Record the amperage setting and indication re-
entering between the shim and part. Whatever means is used to sults.
secure the shim to the part shall not interfere with the visibility
A1.9.4 Place the selector switch in the multi-directional
of the indications.
mode and magnetize the part at the previously recorded
A1.6 Tape may be used to secure the shim and shall have settings. If the entire circle on the shims is observed, the fields
the following properties: (1) Good adhesion to steel, (2) are in balance. If any portion of the circle has a weak
Impervious to the suspension used, and (3) the tape shall be indication, adjust the amperage accordingly and repeat the field
non-fluorescent under UV-A (for fluorescent suspensions). verification process until the magnetic fields are balanced.
A1.9.5 Use care when applying the suspension to the shims.
A1.7 If the tape becomes loose, allowing the suspension to Proper shim indications may not form unless the suspension is
seep under the shim, the tape and shim shall be carefully applied in a gentle manner.
removed, the shim and the part shall be cleaned and the shim
shall be reattached. A1.10 The shims are made of a low retentivity and high
permeability material that cannot be used for indicating re-
A1.8 Re-use of the shims is acceptable, provided they are sidual fields when developing magnetic particle testing proce-
not distorted when removed and intimate contact is achieved dures.
when replaced.
A1.11 In unidirectional applications, the actual field
A1.9 Determining Field Strength and Direction—Use of strength measurements can be obtained by placing a Hall Effect
the circle or cross configuration shims will indicate fields in probe adjacent to the shim or at a nearby location where probe
any direction. placement can easily be replicated.
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A2.1 The following standard flawed shims are typically [20 mm] square of Fig. A2.3. The shims of Fig. A2.3 are cut,
used to establish proper field direction and ensure adequate by the user, into four 0.395 in. [10 mm] square shims for use in
field strength during technique development in magnetic par- restricted areas.
ticle testing. The shims shown in Fig. A2.1 may be used to
ensure the establishment of fields in the unidirectional magne- A2.1.3 Shims shall be low carbon steel, AMS 5062 or
tization method and to ensure the establishment and field equivalent.
balance in the multidirectional magnetization method. A2.1.4 Shims shall be used as specified in AS 5371. Shims
A2.1.1 Except for shims illustrated in Fig. A2.3, the shims are placed in the area(s) of interest with the notches toward the
are available in two thicknesses, 0.002 in. [0.05 mm] and 0.004 surface of the part being examined. Use enough shims by
in. [0.10 mm]. Thinner shims are used when the thicker shims placing the shims in multiple areas to ensure proper field
cannot conform to the part surface in the area of interest. directions and strengths are obtained.
A2.1.2 The shims are available in two sizes, 0.75 in.
[19 mm] square for Figs. Fig. A2.1 and Fig. A2.2 and 0.79 in.
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A3.1 Flexible laminated strips are typically used to ensure A3.1.4 The center steel layer of the strips is made of a high
proper field direction during magnetic particle testing. The “µ” magnetic material.
longitudinal axis of the strip should be placed perpendicular to A3.1.5 Strips shall be placed in the area(s) of interest part or
the direction of the magnetic field of interest in order to surface being examined. Use enough strips, or place the strips
generate the strongest particle indications on the strip. in multiple areas to ensure that proper field directions are
A3.1.1 The strips are available in two types, General Use obtained.
and Aerospace Use. Both types of strip contain a steel layer A3.3 Instructions for the Use of Flexible Laminated Strips
sandwiched between two brass plates that are 0.0020 in.
[0.0508 mm] thick. The bottom brass layer acts as a lift-off of A3.3.1 Application of Strips—Flexible laminated strips, as
shown in Annex A3, require specific handling, attachment, and
0.0020 in. [0.0508 mm] from the examination surface. The
care for accurate indication of magnetic field direction.
brass is non-magnetic and functions only to provide lift-off and
to protect the steel layer. The entire strip may have a polymeric A3.3.2 Strips are manufactured of high permeability carbon
coating for further protection. steel and must be protected from corrosion when not in use.
They should be stored in a dry location. Before placing the
A3.1.2 The longitudinal dimension of the strips is 1.95 in. strip onto the part, both the strip and part shall be clean and dry.
[50 mm] and the width of the strip is 0.47 in. [12 mm].
A3.1.3 Both types of strips contain three longitudinal slots
in the center steel layer.
A3.1.3.1 The widths of the slots in the General strip are
0.0075 in. [0.1905 mm], 0.009 in. [0.2286 mm], and 0.010 in.
[0.254 mm].
A3.1.3.2 The widths of the slots in the Aerospace strip are FIG. A3.1 The longitudinal lines represent the location of the
0.003 in. [0.0762 mm], 0.004 in. [0.1016 mm] and 0.005 in. slots cut into the center steel layer of either the General or Aero-
[0.127 mm]. space flexible laminated strips.
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A4.1 Care must be exercised when measuring the tangential the shot. The gaussmeter should have a frequency response of
applied field strengths as specified in 6.3.2. The active area of 300 Hz or higher. The direction and magnitude of the tangen-
the Hall Effect probe should be no larger than 0.2 in. [5.1 mm] tial field on the part surface can be determined by two
by 0.2 in. [5.1 mm] and should have a maximum center measurements made at right angles to each other at the same
location 5 mm from the part surface. The plane of the probe spot. The gaussmeter probe leads should be shielded or twisted
must be perpendicular to the surface of the part and the to prevent reading errors due to voltage induced during the
magnetic field at the location of measurement to within 5 large field changes encountered during magnetic particle test-
degrees. This is difficult to accomplish by hand orientation, ing.
therefore the probe should be held in a jig or fixture of some NOTE A4.1—Lack of effective bandwidth could have a significant effect
type. If the current is being applied in shots, or if alternating on the resultant value when measuring fields generated by pulse-width
current or halfwave rectified current is being used, the elec- modulated magnetic particle testing equipment.
tronic gaussmeter should be set to read the peak value during
X1.1 Some materials are far more suitable for magnetic tized but should not be examined with the residual method.
particle testing than others. In some cases, liquid penetrant
testing may be a more reliable testing method. X1.5 Fig. X1.1 is a tabulation of stainless and corrosion
resistant steels and their suitability for examination with the
X1.2 Some of the precipitation hardening (PH) steels are magnetic particle testing method.
austenitic in the annealed or low heat treat ranges. Austenitic X1.6 Aluminum and aluminum based alloys, copper and
materials cannot be examined by the magnetic particle testing copper based alloys, and nickel based alloys cannot be exam-
method. ined by the magnetic particle testing method.
X1.3 Care must be taken with low permeability steels, such X1.7 All low-alloy carbon steels, 1000 series (1020, 1050,
as the PH steels, to use a high enough amperage to provide 1117, 1340 etc.), 4000 series (4130, 4330 4340M, and so
proper field strength. forth), 5000, 6000, 8000, 9000 series, HY 80, HY 100,
9Ni-4Co, and maraging steels are ferro-magnetic and can be
X1.4 Steels with very high permeability are easily magne- examined with the magnetic particle testing method.
E3024/E3024M − 16
X2.1 Scope
X2.1.1 This appendix illustrates several types of devices
that can be used to evaluate, or compare the performance of
both wet and dry magnetic particle testing materials. Particle
performance evaluation devices may be used to: check for
material degradation, compare difference materials, check the
visibility of any material(s) under varying illumination
conditions, and other types of comparisons.
NOTE X2.1—The devices discussed in this section shall not be
re-magnetized in any manner or demagnetized in any manner. They
contain some form of permanent magnetization. With suitable care, the
magnetization within each device should not be subject to change over
FIG. X2.1 Particle indications appear where magnetic gradients
X2.2 Devices have been encoded in the magnetic strip of the card. In this case
the gradients decrease in value from “0” (strongest) to “X”
X2.2.1 Encoded Magnetic Media—The magnetic encoding (weakest). Particle performance can be graded on the basis of
process can generate magnetic gradients in a highly controlled the weakest indication.
manner. These gradients, when encoded into a media (that is, a
magnetic stripe card) can be used as an indicator of magnetic
particle performance. Fig. X2.1 illustrates how particles can be X2.2.1.1 Characteristics—Magnetic stripe cards should be
attracted to the encoded strip on the magnetic stripe card. For made in accordance with ISO 7810—Identification Cards—
usage information, see X2.3.4. Physical Characteristics. The magnetic strip may be made of
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either low-coercivity (lo-co) or high coercitivty (hi-co) use of contrast backgrounds, removal of excess particle and
material, as designated by the manufacturer. method of documenting results.
X2.2.1.2 Encoding Pattern—A constant encoding pattern,
NOTE X2.2—Non-fluorescent particle results are particularly impacted
decaying encoding patter, reverse decaying pattern, or other by background color. A thin coating simulating examination condition
pattern may be encoded into the strip. See Fig. X2.1 for a background color may be considered in order to provide an additional aid
photograph of fluorescent particle indicators of decaying and in evaluating particle performance under actual examination conditions.
reverse decaying encoding patterns.
X2.3.4 Particle Application—Wet method and dry method
X2.2.2 Permanently Magnetized Discs—Cracks in perma- materials should be consistent with the method of application
nently magnetized disks provide the flux leakage required for that will be used for examinations.
magnetic particle indications. Observation of the intensity and X2.3.4.1 Wet Method Materials—Fluorescent or non-
brightness of indication allow a comparison or evaluation of fluorescent particles suspended in a liquid vehicle at the
particle performance. Fig. X2.2 illustrates cracks that have required concentration should be applied as they would be used
been formed in the disk. for examination, by gently spraying or flowing the suspension
X2.2.3 Permanently Magnetized Blocks—The seam be- over the area to be examined or by immersion of the device in
tween two magnetically coupled blocks provide the flux the suspension. Excess bath shall be allowed to flow away from
leakage required for magnetic particle indications. The flux the device. The device shall be observed under appropriate
density decreases as the distance from the magnet increases illumination for the formation of particle indications. Obser-
and the resulting magnetic particle indication reduces. Fig. vations shall be noted as to the quality of particle indications
X2.3 illustrates how a permanent magnet can be located to and the clarity thereof.
result in a particle indication along the seam between two X2.3.4.2 Dry Method Materials—Apply dry powder so that
precision formed steel blocks. The seam can be incremented so a light, uniform, dust-like coating settles on the surface of the
that the particle performance can be graded. device. The applicators should introduce the particles into the
air in a manner such that they reach the part surface in a
X2.3 Procedures Considerations uniform cloud with a minimum of force. Excess particles
X2.3.1 Preparation—The surface of the device must be should be removed by a gentle air current. The device shall be
clean, dry, and free of any particles from previous observed under appropriate illumination for the formation of
examinations, fluid, or other contaminants or conditions that particle indications. Observation shall be noted as to the quality
might interfere with the efficiency of the evaluation prior to the of particle indications and the clarity thereof.
application of the testing material.
X2.3.5 Records—Particle indications may be recorded in
X2.3.2 Device Verification—Device should be checked with accordance with subsection 6.6.
a new material or known material prior to use, to verify the
device has not been magnetically altered. If the test indicates X2.3.6 Material Noncompliance—Evaluation of materials
the magnetic properties of the device have been altered, it not meeting company standard should not be used for exami-
should be replaced. Contact the device manufacturer with nation.
regard to any magnetization or performance issues. X2.3.7 Loss of Indications on a Permanently Magnetized
X2.3.3 Equipment and Procedures—The equipment Device—There are several circumstances in which magnetic
requirements, examination condition and examination proce- particle indications may not be visible on the device and when
dures for particle evaluation should be established and docu- indications are not visible, the subject particles should not be
mented to the extent required in order to provide a standardized used for examination unless being verified as acceptable using
evaluation. The requirements may cover such things as UV-A a suitable alternate methodology.
distance and illumination requirements, visible light X2.3.7.1 Concentration—The subject wet method particles
requirements, particle applicator and application procedure, the may not have a sufficient level of concentration. In this case,
FIG. X2.2 Typical dimensions (millimeters) of a disk containing surface cracks that has been permanently magnetized. In this case (1)
indicates larger cracks formed by grinding and (2) indicates finer cracks caused by stress (induced by quenching)
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FIG. X2.3 One type of device containing a permanent magnet held next to two precision formed steel blocks with a brass cover. The
seam between the steel blocks acts as a discontinuity; particles form an indication on the seam that is strongest close to the magnet
and weakens with distance away from the magnet.
increase the concentration level of the bath and re-perform the mance. Either destroy the device or report it to the manufac-
check until the particles demonstrate suitable performance. turer and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
X2.3.7.2 Sensitivity—The subject particles may not provide
necessary sensitivity. In this case, replace the material with a X2.3.8 Handling—After the visual examination has been
suitably sensitive material and re-perform the check until the made, the surface of the device should be cleaned of remaining
particles demonstrate suitable performance. fluid and particles in a manner non-detrimental to the device.
X2.3.7.3 Erasure—The device has become magnetically When not in use, the device should be stored away from
erased. In this case, no discernible particle indication will excessive heat and strong magnetic fields. Contact the device
appear. Repeat the check with another device, or sensitivity manufacturer with regard to any magnetization or performance
check, or both, until the particles demonstrate suitable perfor- issues.
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X3.1 Magnetization Current LevelsX3.1 The current values X3.4.2 Offset Internal Conductor—When the conductor that
given in X3.2 and X3.3 are average current values and are is positioned inside the part, is placed against the inside wall of
applied directly to full-wave rectified current. For other types the part, the current levels as given in X3.3 shall apply, except
of current, the operator’s manual or the equipment manufac- that the total diameter shall be the sum of the diameter of the
turer should be consulted. central conductor plus twice the wall thickness of the part. The
distance along the part circumference (interior) that may be
X3.2 Prod Current LevelsX3.2 When using prods on mate-
effectively examined shall be taken as approximately four
rial 3/4 in. [19 mm] in thickness or less, 90 to 115 A/in. of prod
spacing [3.5 to 4.5 A/mm] shall be used. For material greater times the diameter of the internal conductor up to 360 degrees
than 3/4 in. [19 mm] in thickness, 100 to 125 A/in. of prod provided the presence of suitable fields is verified. The entire
spacing [4.0 to 5.0 A/mm] shall be used. Prod spacing shall not circumference shall be examined by rotating the part on the
be less than 2 in. [50 mm] or greater than 8 in. [200 mm]. The conductor, allowing for approximately a 10 % magnetic field
effective width of the magnetizing field when using prods is overlap. See Fig. X3.1 for an illustration.
one fourth of the prod spacing on each side of a line through
the prod centers.
X3.3 Direct Circular MagnetizationX3.3 When magnetiz-
ing by passing current directly through the part the nominal
current shall be 300 to 800 A/in. of part diameter [12 to 3
A/mm]. The diameter of the part shall be taken as the greatest
distance between any two points on the outside circumference
of the part. Currents will normally be 500 A/in. [20 A/mm] or
lower, with the higher currents up to 800 A/in. [32 A/mm]
being used to examine for inclusions or to examine low-
permeability alloys such as precipitation-hardened steels. Am-
perages of less than 300 A/in. [12 A/mm] may be used when
part configuration dictates and approval is obtained from the
Level III.
X3.4 Internal Conductor Circular Magnetization
X3.4 Circular magnetization may be provided by passing
current through a conductor that is positioned inside the part. If
only the inside of the part is to be examined, the diameter shall
be the greatest distance between two points, 180 degrees apart
on the inside circumference. Otherwise, the diameter is deter-
mined as in X3.3.
X3.4.1 Centrally Located Conductor—When the axis of the FIG. X3.1 The Effective Region of Examination When Using an
internal conductor is located near the central axis of the part, Offset Internal Conductor is Equal to Four Times the Diameter of
the same current levels as given in X3.3 shall apply. the Conductor as Indicated
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X5.1 The following requirements should be used to induce should be at least 36 inches or as determined by the formula
residual magnetic fields in oilfield tubulars (tubing, casing, line I(0.006), whichever is greater, where I is the amperage applied.
pipe, and drill pipe).
X5.2.3 For battery or three-phase rectified-AC power
X5.2 Circular Magnetism supplies, a minimum magnetizing current of 300 Amps/in of
X5.2.1 When capacitor-discharge units are used as magne- specified outside diameter should be used.
tizing sources, the oilfield tubulars should be insulated from X5.2.4 For full circumference examination of material with
metal racks and adjacent oilfield tubulars to prevent arc burns. a specified outside diameter of 16 inches and smaller, central-
X5.2.2 Partial demagnetization might occur in a magnetized ization of the internal conductor is not required during mag-
length of oilfield tubulars if it is not sufficiently separated prior netization.
to magnetizing the next adjacent length. The distance used
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X5.2.5 For capacitor-discharge units, see Table X5.1 for netic tubulars and do not require verification, however, the
magnetizing current requirements. amperage should be monitored during current application.
X5.2.6 The above requirements have been demonstrated X5.3 Longitudinal Magnetization
and are based on empirical data11 for oilfield grade ferromag-
X5.3.1 The number of coil turns and current required are
imprecise but should not be less than 500 ampere-turns per
inch of specified outside diameter. The current should be set as
Moyer, M.C., “Magnetic Requirements of Oilfield Tubulars,” Materials high as possible, but not so high as to cause furring of dry
Evaluation, May 1986, 616-624. magnetic particles or immobility of wet magnetic particles.
X5.4 Examination of Coated Tubulars
TABLE X5.1 Capacitor Discharge Minimum Current
Number of Pulses Capacitor Discharge Requirements
X5.4.1 Finished tubulars are often coated with a light
Single 240 times specified 161 times specified varnish to prevent surface corrosion. This condition is gener-
weight per foot in lb/ft weight per meter in ally acceptable and does not affect magnetic particle examina-
Double 180 times specified 121 times specified
weight per foot in lb/ft weight per meter in
kg/m X5.5 Field Examination Lighting
Triple 145 times specified 97 times specified X5.5.1 For some field examinations using nonfluorescent
weight per foot in lb/ft weight per meter in
kg/m particles, visible light intensities as low as 50 foot candles (538
lux) may be used when approved by the Level III.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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