WonderOfSanskrit v21 Final
WonderOfSanskrit v21 Final
WonderOfSanskrit v21 Final
A. Introduction
1. Vedas mention that, "In the beginning was Brahm, with whom was the vibration of sound
and the vibration was Brahm". This is similar to St. John’s Gospel, which states that, “In
the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God”. Johannes Kepler, the great
German mathematician and astrologer writes in his Music of the Spheres, “The earth
hums a tune”. Ancient Indian rishis uttered secret syllables before administering lifesaving
treatments and medicine. Edgar Cayce, the great modern-day mystic called sound ‘The
Medicine of the Future’. The benefits of ultrasound in modern medicine are duly noted for
a number of things, including the use in healing muscular injuries.
2. It has long been noted that particular sounds enhance the body’s ability to heal from
imbalances associated with anxiety to nerve disorders and cancer. Recent advances in
western medicine show how sound affects us at the cellular level and heal. Beneficial
effects are caused by listening to music, toning, humming, chanting. Specific healing
effects from sound therapies have been studied and documented by scientists, doctors,
physicists, musicians, and modern-day yogis. This knowledge is inherent and was
passed down through the millennia.
3. The oldest Hindu scripture, Vedas, consist of various Mantric hymns, that were invented
by great seers for the welfare of the society. In his meditation, the 5th Century BC seer,
Panini heard the 14 sounds from Shiva’s drum, and they awakened in him perfect
knowledge of language. Besides the myth, these 14 sounds formed the vowels and
consonants of Sanskrit.
4. The turn of 12th century AD saw the first Mughal invasion of India. Bakhtiyar Khilji, a
maniac Turkic chieftain, destroyed the complete knowledge repository of Sanskrit
literature at Nalanda University. The knowledge was lost/ suppressed during 600 years
of Muslim rule in India. Due to lack of political support, Sanskrit did not survive post the
destruction of Nalanda. Sanskrit literature perished and so did Sanskrit as a language.
The proof of whatever had been achieved till then in India in terms of science, knowledge,
wisdom & art died with Nalanda.
5. Revival of Sanskrit started in 1891 with efforts of the Theosophists in India. In 1894 the
American Asiatic and Sanskrit Revival Society was established. After Independence,
Sanskrit was included in the 14 original languages of the Eighth Schedule to the Indian
Constitution. Many organizations, like the Samskrta Bharati, conducted Sanskrit
workshops to popularize the language. The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent
speakers of Sanskrit. Despite all efforts, only 8% of the Vedas could be revived.
stories or "kavya". The most representative of this school is the Mahabharata, while
the best-known of “kavya” is the Ramayana. The Puranas, a group of 18 epics, were
were derived from the Mahabharata. Sanskrit drama had its beginnings in those
hymns of the Rig-Veda which contained dialogues. In Sanskrit drama, stories are
borrowed from legend. The most famous drama was Sakuntala by Kalidas.
c. There is a similar outline in all of Sanskrit literature. Different stories are inserted
within the framework of a single narration. The characters of the tale themselves tell
stories until there are many levels to the narrative. The Panchatantra is the most
important work in this style. The judgmental element reached its height in the
Hitopadesa, which was derived from the Panchatantra.
d. This is all that could be recovered of the Sanskrit literature.
B.2. Sanskrit Grammer
a. "The structure of Paninian Grammar is nothing but a computer program”, stated
Charles Babbage, who conceived the first automatic digital computer.
Computational Linguistics requires formal rules for analysis and generation of
language, which is present in Sanskrit. The grammar of Sanskrit is precise, well
defined and context-free. Creator of Sanskrit grammer, Pāṇini, formulated 3,949
rules, which makes the language pre-determined and derivable like mathematics.
There is a base (constant part) meaning, a suffix (variable part) meaning and a
combination meaning. Two different words may denote an object, but they can’t be
used interchangeably. For example ‘Agni’ cannot be replaced with "Vahni", as ‘Agni’
has its own componential meaning. In Sanskrit new words can be derived to suit
the functionality of the object.
b. In 1985, researcher Rick Briggs at National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), published a paper in AI Magazine, titled “Knowledge Representation in
Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence.” He stated that the grammar of Sanskrit,
structured and rule-based, had significant lessons for natural language
understanding. Sanskrit grammarians could help AI researchers solve the natural
language understanding problem in computers. The importance of dual case is
ignored in almost all the languages which leads to ambiguity while processing dual
and plural. This is removed in Sanskrit grammar by having a clear difference
between dual and plural case.
c. Panini lived between 520 and 460 BC. In his treatise, he presented the processes
of phonology, morphology and syntax for Sanskrit language. His approach was
formal. His production rules for deriving complex structures and sentences
resemble those of modern computer languages. Many developments in Indian
Mathematics, especially the place value notation system may have originated from
Pāṇinian analysis.
d. In the Siva Sutras, Panini discussed the concepts of the phoneme, morpheme and
the root. These phonemes serve special roles in the morphology of Sanskrit, and
are referred to throughout the text. Panini worked not only on the theory of the
phoneme but also on phonetic alternations. One ancient story that is relevant here.
Lord Siva produced 14 sound sequences from his Damaru in the course of his
Cosmic Dance. These sounds formed the foundations for later developments of all
beats of dance, all notes of music and all phonemes of speech. It is said that these
sounds appeared in Panini’s mind and inspired him to set them down as the Siva
Sutras at the head of his great work, the Ashtadhyay.
e. The Ashtadhyay summarizes the rules of Sanskrit Grammar in nearly 4000 Sutras
in an awesome structure of phenomenal content in astonishing brevity. These
features led the greatest of modern linguists like Bloomfield and Naom Chomsky to
declare Panini as the world’s first and greatest Grammarian. It is within this
awesome perspective, that the Sanskrit language was perfected. It was used to
construct the Mantra corpus of the Vedas and get some insight into the heights of
intuitive effort that went into their composition.
B.3. Origin of Sanskrit Mantras
a. The word Sanskrit means “that which is made perfect”. Sanskrit was designed to
facilitate communication with purity of thought, feeling, intent as well as purity of
sound. For this purpose, Prakrit, which was the language of the common man at
that time, was refined into Sanskrit around 200 BC. It was adopted as the language
of the Vedas. The Vedas are the only scriptures in the world that have their hymns
addressed to the Divine in the form of Mantras. Vedic literature elucidates the use
of sound as a spiritual tool. It considers sound as the pre-eminent means for
attaining higher, spiritual consciousness. It asserts that the entire cosmic creation
began with sound: "By His utterance came the universe”.
b. The word mantra can be broken into, "Man" meaning mind, and "tra" meaning
release. It is a combination of sounds meant to release the mind from all the
anxieties of material life. The sounds of specific mantras chanting causes the left
and right hemispheres of the brain to synchronize. Chanting a mantra with correct
frequency of sound and correct intent, helps oxygenate the brain, reduce our heart
rate, blood pressure and assist in creating calm brainwave activity.
c. For evolving Mantras, the rishis analyzed common speech by working backwards
through its components, to discover their sources in pure sound. They reasoned
that all sounds emanated from energy and were designed for use as vehicles of
meaning. The true power of language lay in the power of its sounds. They reasoned
that power or energy itself came from one ultimate source.
d. For example, nasal sound - MMMM humming boosts the production of Nitric oxide
(NO) in the body. Many mantras which end with MMMM, produce Nitric oxide, which
is helps 50 trillion cells in the body to communicate with each other. Nitric Oxide is
an important regulator and mediator of numerous processes in the nervous,
immune, and cardiovascular systems. Stems and Flowers cut from their original
plants can survive for longer time if supplied with Nitric Oxide. Opiate drug
Morphine, works by an increase in Nitric Oxide release. Nitroglycerin and Amyl
Nitrite tablets serve as vasodilators because they are converted to Nitric Oxide in
the body. Sufficient amounts of Nitric Oxide in blood controls Blood Pressure. When
human body reaches the age of 27 years, the secretion of nitric oxide is at its peak.
As one gets older, the production of nitric oxide in the human body declines
e. The need for widespread acceptance and practice of teachings of Veda, led to
development of Tantra and Yantra, as a derivative of the Mantra literature. While
Mantra met the needs of the higher seeker, Tantra and Yantra met the needs of the
iii. Solar Plexus Chakra (528 Hz), beej - RAM sounds like "rarm". This is believed
to increase the fire element in both the body and the mind.
iv. Heart Chakra (639 Hz), beej - YAM sounds like "yarm". This increases the air
element in both the body and mind.
v. Throat Chakra (741 Hz), beej - HAM sounds like "harm". This influences the
ether element, working with the mind and body.
vi. Third Eye Chakra (852 Hz), beej - OM sounds like "AUM". This influences the
ether element, but goes beyond the physical and affects the astral body as
vii. Crown Chakra (963 Hz), beej - OM sounds like "ahh ooo mmm". It influences
the physical, subtle, as well as the causal body.
g. Chanting beej mantras increase the rotation or the frequency of prana moving
through a chakra. If the function of a chakra increases, then there is heightened
awareness and change in the chakra, with the quality of that dependent upon intent
and the level of the practitioner. The following is a breakdown of how beej mantras
work within the body, utilizing all five elements.
B.5. The Power of Sanskrit Mantra
a. Modern science is revealing the power behind Sanskrit mantras. Sanskrit pandits
train for years to orally memorise and recite 3,000-year old oral texts ranging from
40,000 to over 100,000 words. MRI scans of the brains of these pandits revealed
that they had increase in grey matter density and cortical thickness in language,
memory and visual systems. Their brains had 10 percent more grey matter across
both cerebral hemispheres, and substantial increases in cortical thickness.
b. Vedic seers believed that human body can be influenced by sound and light. Sound
(nad) is the basic component of creation. Sound vibrations can penetrate the energy
spheres at the subtle and cosmic levels. All alphabets of Sanskrit are endowed with
special vibrational wave patterns when pronounced. In addition to sound, the
positive light emanating from fire rituals could create universal harmony. These
rituals involved chanting of specific hymns in specific pitches or frequencies on a
regular basis with sharp focus on pronunciation and pitch. These sounds pierce
through sensual, mental and intellectual levels for the purpose of purification. They
reach into the spiritual level for enlightenment.
c. Mantra was like Mathematics where symbols represented powerful factors,
operators and operands, that represent or explain all phenomena of experience.
The idea behind chanting is that everything in the universe has a vibration. When a
mantra is chanted in rhythmic tone with ups and downs, it creates a melodious
neuro-linguistic effect on the body as well as focusses the mind. The phonetics of
Sanskrit strike the palate at multiple reflex points stimulating energy that awaken
inactive parts of the brain. This activates circuits through the body that slow down
the nervous system.
d. Yoga teachers claim that chanting of mantras for just 9 minutes a day has positive
impact on state of mind and improves health. The specific configuration of the
syllables compiled in the mantras makes them important in terms of associated
sonic effect. The elocution of a Vedic mantra in a specific composition of accent,
pitch, intensity, amplitude and rhythm results in its expansion in the endless domain
of physical energy waves and consciousness. The regular recitation (japa) of a
mantra reduces restlessness of the mind, brings restraint in life; and works wonders
in developing the concentration and memory.
B.6. Spatial Nature of Sanskrit - Chitrakavyas
a. There is in Sanskrit a whole body of literature that is based on geometrical play with
the language. These writings are often obtuse and not easy to understand as they
contain complex grammatical structures. These are known as chitrakavyas. Some
of the creations would be impossible in any other language. The variety and the
richness of its contents required great creativity from the writers. They reveal the
versatility and immense possibilities of this language.
b. An example is a well-known problem in mathematics called Euler’s Chess and
Knight problem. The challenge is to place a knight in one comer of the chessboard
and to cover all 64 squares with the knight, without landing on any square twice.
The French mathematician Euler found the answer to this problem in the 17th
century. However, the solution to this problem was contained in a 10th century
manuscript, which was composed 700 years before Euler. It was written by a Tamil
saint Desikan. It has a thousand verses written in praise of the wooden sandals of
Lord Rama. In one of the chapters the saint has written the verses in various
citrakãvyas. There are two slokas, one after the other.
c. If the syllables of the first sloka are written out in the squares on a chessboard. Then
if the second sloka is read among the letters of the first slokа, one finds that the
letters follow the movement of the knight on the chessboard, giving a solution to the
chess knight problem. The writing of the verses in this fashion is far more difficult
than the original chess-knight problem.
i. O sacred sandals of the Brahman, you are always adored by those who have
committed unpardonable sins; you remove all that is sorrowful and unwanted;
you create a musical sound; (e pleased and lead me to the feet of Lord Rama.
ii. When the above verse is read as per the movement of a knight on the
chessboard, it creates the following sloka.
iii. The sandals which protect those who shine by their right attitude, whose place
is in the centre of the blissful rays, which destroy the melancholy of the
distressed, whose radiance brings peace to those who take refuge in them,
which move everywhere, may those golden and radiating sandals of the
Brahman lead me to the feet of Lord Rama.
b. In “Traveling the Sacred Sound Current”, Debroah Van Dyke notes that “sound is
also fire, the agent of purification”. It has “an inherent role in the transformation of
our consciousness due to its vibrational nature”. The creative force of sound is
evidenced in various experiments in which sound organizes matter.
c. Paul in his book, “The Yoga of Sound”, states that “sound is infused with
intelligence, an organizing principle that shapes the forms we perceive (even)
through our eyes”. That organizing principle effects everything down to our DNA,
permeating every cell within our bodies. This connection of sound to form was
summed up when Plato said that “a stone is frozen music”. Medical science has
proven that our ears are the first organ to develop in the fetus.
d. Resonance is an important factor when examining sound and its quality. When
frequency of forced vibrations matches the body’s natural frequency, a dramatic
increase in amplitude occurs. This brings in the idea of a principle called prime
resonance. This means that our organs and systems have their own innate
frequencies. These frequencies determine how the cells and systems absorb sound
and the extent they can be re-harmonized. Our cells, organs, and systems are
susceptible to environmental and emotional traumas which can de-harmonize them.
For example, long term exposure to noise can contribute to the dis-harmony of the
cells and systems in our bodies.
C.2. Impact of Sound on Water Crystals
a. In Masaru Emoto’s book on water crystal healing, he shows how organized sound
in the form of music affects the formation of patterns in water crystals which are
frozen in Petri dishes and studied under a light microscope. Through photographs,
he demonstrates how water takes on expressions of sound. He also likens our
body’s systems to a symphony that is healthy when it is harmoniously vibrating. As
with all energy, sound moves in waves outwards, though they may affect patterns
beyond ‘normal’ perception. He shows how music formulates patterned crystals
when exposed to various classical musical pieces. Dr. Emoto claims that upon
drinking the water that was exposed to healing music the correction of energy
disturbance is started.
b. Emoto reveals how one vibration influences another as in prime resonance. First,
he shows that diseases have a measurable wave or vibration. That vibration is
called “hado” and is measured using a device called Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
(MRA). The MRA measures the characteristic of the wave produced by the vibration
inherent in diseased organ. By analyzing MRA output, he is able to suggest various
melodic pieces that can be used to target the imbalances. These imbalances
include irritability, suppression of emotions, relationship problems, stuck thought
patterns, self-pity, hopelessness, deep sorrow, stubbornness and depression.
C.3. Effect of Music
a. In “The Mozart Effect”, Campbell, a classically trained musician states how he
healed himself from a blood clot in the brain. He engaged in humming a sound which
helped his cells resonate a healthy pattern. Undergoing a series of medical tests
three weeks later, the results showed that the clot had decreased from more than
an inch to less than an eighth of an inch, astounding the doctor. Campbell further
states that varying states of consciousness are associated with different types of
waves such as beta, delta and theta. It has been proven that the slower the brain
waves, the more relaxed and peaceful we feel.
b. Respiration, heartbeat, pulse rate, as well as blood pressure have all been proven
to be affected by various types of music. Campbell shows how attributes of various
types of music resulted in specifically desired effects. For example, chants create a
sense of relaxed spaciousness, classical music improved concentration and
memory, jazz solicits feelings that inspire and uplift, and salsa simultaneously
soothes and awakens the senses. Even heavy metal, with its dynamic and
disturbing consequence of exciting the nervous system, can help modern day
adolescents release their inner rage and turmoil.
c. In one researcher’s postlude, there are numerous examples given of people who
have helped to heal or soothe themselves from varying degrees of dis-harmony. For
example humming helped minor abrasions, listening to Mozart helped to relieve
acute pain, enjoying grounding music with strong beats helped folks with anxiety,
and the harp helped to relieve back pain. Music may be one of the keys to
“transcending the pains of the moment. Accounts abound of those who experienced
the remission of a disease as the result of music or melody.
C.4. Tibetan singing bowls
a. Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor in his book, “Sounds of Healing” discusses his discovery of
Tibetan singing bowls in helping cancer patients. He gives one example of a woman
with a tumor in her thymus gland and how singing bowls helped her to relax and
reflect upon internal stresses that were the cause of the blockages in her body.
b. By listening to the crystal bowl and visualizing the shape of her fears, she was able
to see where the fear was stuck in her body, in this case, the throat. He points out
that her story is not unique as most people are in so much of a rush that they don’t
stop to consider what is important or missing in life, getting ‘out of tune’ with the
world around them. This dis-harmony is usually reflected in disease or imbalance.
Getting ‘back in tune’ helps us to release tensions that we are many times not even
aware of.
C.5. Entrainment
a. Entrainment is defined as the process by which the powerful rhythmic vibrations of
one object with a similar frequency causes an object to vibrate in resonance with
the first object. Human beings possess amazing complexity that complements their
ability to harmonize and adapt to the environment. Entrainment is based in rhythm
and when a vibration is perceived through the auditory senses, then the combined
synergy creates profound synchronicity.
b. It has been postulated that everything rhythmical is subject to entrainment, and that
even people’s bodies respond to the talk of another. Dr. William S. Condon from the
Boston University School of Medicine closely observed the body language of people
as they listened to another person speak. Listeners were observed to move in
precise shared synchrony with a speaker’s speech. He also noted that there was
no discernible lag even at 1/48 of a second. An analysis of this data shows the
power of entrainment works whether or not we are conscious of it.
d. At the biological level, the DNA starts rewriting genetic code for the better as
previously dormant codons are switched "on". At 528 Hz frequency, the clustered
water molecules that surround and support the DNA structure form a perfect 6-sided
hexagon. Phase locking the body to the 528 Hz frequency sends a powerful healing
energy to the DNA. DNA's amino acid sequence depends heavily on the 528 Hz
frequency not just for its physical structure but also for its bioelectrical and
bioacoustics functions.
e. DNA activation method designed by Luckman is based on the ancient solfeggio
scale. The DNA is resonant with this scale. By utilizing just, a 528 Hertz solfeggio
tuning fork and the correct vowel chanting technique, DNA can be activated to
harness greater amounts of energy in time-space/ ether. The "mi" note of 528Hz is
used by molecular biologists to repair genetic defects. The result of this total process
unfolds over 27 months. It is akin to gentle and progressive kundalini awakening
and healing of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies/ layers of the
psyche. Allergies disappear, old injuries repair, serious diseases vanish, the body
detoxifies, emotional baggage is purged, and a sense of peace and well-being
f. This is discussed in more detail in the next section.
D. DNA Activation
D.1. Junk DNA
a. The human genome is approximately 3 billion base pairs long. An estimated 2% of
these tell our bodies how to make proteins. The remaining 97-98% is noncoding
DNA also called "junk DNA". The Genome Project could identify only 23,688 coding
genes, which was 100,000 short of expected number. It was recently discovered
that the regions of noncoding DNA had a function. They were making non-protein-
coding RNA molecules, which had many roles in gene regulation.
b. A Russian genetic experiment has proved that, “junk DNA” creates and runs a
Biological Internet. The experiment used electronic devices to create the wave
patterns that could communicate with the “junk DNA”. It responds to focused light
or sound vibrations and can be instructed to perform tasks. Intuition, self-healing,
telepathy, light-auras surrounding spiritual masters, positive thinking, etc can now
be explained using modern science.
c. A large portion of our "junk" DNA is made up of elements called "jumping DNA" and
"satellite DNA". Junk DNA can rewrite/ activate/ de-activate certain genetic codes.
Jumping DNA makes up half of the total DNA nucleotides. Another major portion of
the non-protein-coding DNA is comprised of variable number tandemly repeating
sequences known as "satellite DNA".
d. Dr. Horowitz states that, DNA strands act like radio antennae, to receive vibrations
and attune the body. This network is wireless in nature, communicating via light and
sound waves. It responds to precisely focused vibrational patterns of sounds. This
makes it possible to converse with our body via vibrations and waves that can heal
ailments. Hence health can be fine-tuned by controlling body functions, without the
need of any physical intervention like surgery or medicinal drugs.
c. Gariaev also remarked that DNA not only absorbs/ emits light but also radio
frequencies and phonons also. Our DNA harnesses both sound and light in its
moment-by-moment operations. To put it another way, our DNA creates
"magnetized wormholes" in the fabric of space.
d. Dr. Glen Rein has devoted much of his career to studying the effects of sound and
frequency on DNA. His research is centered around the telomeric end caps of
chromosomes that correspond with our biological age. He discovered that anger,
fear, and similar emotions contract DNA molecules. On the other hand, emotions
such as joy, gratitude, and love unwind or decompress DNA. Patients with coherent
electrocardiograms could wind-or-unwind DNA samples at will. In 1998, Rein
exposed in vitro DNA samples to 528 Solfeggio frequencies in the form of Gregorian
chants in scalar audio waves. The effects were determined by measuring the
capability of DNA test tube samples to absorb UV light. The absorption of UV light
increased when the DNA helix unwinds. This is known as hyperchromicity.
e. DNA activation method pioneer, Dr Sol Luckman states that a combination of
chanted sounds as well as Solfeggio frequencies can stimulate junk DNA elements
into initiating healing. These frequencies effect profound change at the fundamental
microbiological level. Controlled experiments show that sound and light frequencies
can be used to rewrite genetic codes. Frog embryos have been transformed into
salamander embryos using these techniques in lab.
D.4. Binaural Beats
a. In 1970’s, Gerald Oster showed that when two different frequencies were played in
the ears, the brain created a third, internal tone, called a binaural beat. This tone
was used to synchronize the left and right hemispheres of brain. This process was
called “brainwave entrainment.” Binaural tunes can produce different states of
perception than can induce concentration, relaxation, hypnosis, creativity, deep
sleep, memory retention and physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Research
has shown that when a person listens to binaural beats for a recommended time,
their levels of arousal change.
b. There are four known categories of frequency patterns emanating from the brain:
i. Delta, with a frequency between 0.1 and 4Hz and associated with dreamless
ii. Theta, with a frequency between 4 and 8Hz and associated with REM sleep,
meditation and creativity
iii. Alpha, with a frequency between 8 and 13Hz and associated with encouraging
iv. Beta, with a frequency between 14 and 100Hz and associated with
concentration and alertness, although this frequency can increase anxiety at
the higher end of the frequency range
c. Dr David Laws conducted study examining the effect of binaural beat audio on pre-
operative anxiety in patients. The study found that offering binaural beat audio
brings about anxiolysis, the anxiety is reduced by hypnosis. It does not impact
adversely on postoperative functioning.
E. Conclusion
1. All religions, sects and faiths try to achieve a peaceful mind, with coherent thoughts
leading to a healthy body, mind and soul. There are a large number of meditation
techniques leading to the same goal. Mantra chanting is one such technique. Correct
sound of mantra and faith can bring miraculous effects. Chanting has been used in
different civilizations, for religious ceremonies, healing and even preparation for war.
These sound vibrations have profound effects on brain function and cellular health.
2. Albert Einstein stated that, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have
called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the
senses. There is no matter”. Sound vibrations are powerful. Binaural beats and exposure
to specific frequencies impacts the body in positive ways. The Solfeggio frequencies have
positive impact on healing through DNA activation. Study of effects of sound on synthesis
of nucleic acids in chrysanthemums, has found that synthesis of RNA accelerates under
certain frequencies. A professor at Skidmore College discovered that a combination of
sounds and human voice can destroy cancer cells.
3. Hormones and neurotransmitters in human body communicate with each other through
vibrations. Using mantra recitation to resonate with those vibrations, the production and
spreading of curative chemicals can be increased. This has destressing and rejuvenating
effect on the body. Hans Jenny has demonstrated that the sounds of Sanskrit phonemes
effect the mind, intellect and auditory nerves positively. Sanskrit has richness, variety,
perfection of grammar, structure, alphabet, versatility, expression in the arts/ sciences/
daily life and beauty/ charm of its poetic creations. A practioner of mantra meditation can
achieve a disease-free body, a calm mind, clear and coherent thinking. He can enhance
his intelligence quotient and also attaining bliss, self-realization and enlightenment.
4. Chanting sacred mantras while listening to a single musical note vibrating at Solfeggio
scale has been shown to repair the DNA. This scale was lost for centuries and
accidentally rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. It holds unlimited potential in healing and
personal transformation.