V3.i6.5.scientific Analysis of Mantra Based Meditation 1
V3.i6.5.scientific Analysis of Mantra Based Meditation 1
V3.i6.5.scientific Analysis of Mantra Based Meditation 1
Abstract-The word ‘Meditation’ comes from the Latin root “meditatum”, which means “to ponder”. Meditation is a technique for
resting the mind leading to peace, happiness, bliss, and self-realization. There are a large number of meditation techniques in the world.
Mantra-based meditation is one such technique in which a sound, word or phrase (called „mantra‟) is recited either aloud or silently
during meditation. It has been established by the experience as well as the experiments that the correct frequency of mantra sound,
along with the correct intent, helps the practioner oxygenate the brain, reduce heart rate, blood pressure, get cured by many ailments,
create calm brainwave activity and achieve immunity from outside mental disturbances. The theoretical and the experimental aspects of
mantra-based meditation technique are analyzed scientifically in this paper. The primary aim of this paper is to make the larger number
of people, including the intelligentsia, aware of this wonderful gift of Almighty so that they themselves could try practicing meditation
for their own benefit and consequently transmit peaceful vibrations to the society in this age of planetary turmoil.
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International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.3,Issue.6,June.2017
the frequency of which helps transforms the user to a new Bang‖ that happened at the beginning of time. And this
level of consciousness. sound they have detected is a humming sound, very much
like that of the ―Om‖.
1.4 What is Mantra-Based Meditation? The sound ‗Om‘, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency
Mantra meditation is the process of quieting and focusing of 136.1 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency
the mind using a sound, word or phrase (called ‗mantra‘) found throughout everything in nature [5-7]. Interestingly,
recited either aloud or silently. The purpose of mantra it is also the frequency of the 32nd Octave of the Earth
meditation is for spiritual growth, or for relaxation of Year.
mind. It is also known as ‗japa‘ meditation, from the Illustration:
Sanskrit word for ―muttering.‖ The mantra meditator
achieves a state of ‗restful alertness‘ after performing this Time Period (T) of one rotation of earth round the sun =
process. Everything is in a state of vibration and when we 365.256 days x 24 hrs/day x 60 min/hr x 60 sec/min =
are in a natural, resonant vibration, we are in a state of 31558118.4 sec
good health. But if some part of the body begins to vibrate So, the frequency (f) of earth year = 1/T = 3.168757 x 10 -8
at a wrong frequency, the energy becomes stuck and Hz.
disease sets in. Therefore, through ‗mantric‘ chanting, one If we multiply this with 32nd octave, that is. with
can cause the stuck energy to become released, and we 4294967296 (=232),
can return to our natural state of resonance, thus affecting we get = 136.1 Hz = frequency of the sound ‗OM‘.
a cure [3]. It has been found that the sounds of specific
mantras chanting will cause the left and right hemispheres If one makes the sound of OM in front of a drop of liquid,
of the brain to synchronize. Such chanting will also help it will transform itself into a Sri Yantra which is very
oxygenate the brain, reduce our heart rate, blood pressure specific visual form which is symmetrical and also
and assist in creating calm brainwave activity. There is a holographic [8]. This Sri Yantra was revealed to
reason why most of the prayer/meditation on the planet is Maharishis with 12 strand DNA and king sized pineal
vocalized [4]. Sound amplifies our prayers. Through glands more than 8000 BC. Sanskrit Mantras have precise
positive intentionalized and internalized sound, we can golden ratio of 1.618 sound harmonics ( Fibonacci/ Sri
generate the miraculous effects. Every sound that we Yantra ) in digital mathematical and geometrical precision
make is actually a composite of sounds—a fundamental and Sri Yantra is based on that ratio. The cymatics of OM
frequency and geometric multiples of that sound, called is the Sri Yantra whose angle was used to construct the
harmonics or overtones. These harmonics are whole Egyptian Pyramids.
number ratios, 1:1, 2:1, 3:2, etc. These vocal harmonics
make up the ―timbre‖ or tone color of sound and are 2.2 The Gayatri Mantra
responsible for the way our individual voices sound. It is a
field of all possibilities. We can make new neural synaptic
connections in the brain with vocal harmonics. Harmonics
can also improve our vocal quality, hearing, change our
brain pattern and even heighten our consciousness [4].
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International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.3,Issue.6,June.2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chakra Type Muladhara Swadhisthana Manipura ( ) Anahata Vishuddha ( ) Ajna ( ) Sahasrara
( ) ( ) ( ) Brow ( )
Chakra Location Cervix/ Last bone in spinal Navel area Heart area Throat & neck area Pineal gland or Top of the
cord third eye head; ‗Soft
spot‘ of a
Perineum newborn
Name of Chakra Base or Root Sacral Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra Throat Chakra Third Eye Crown Chakra
Chakra Chakra
Element Earth Water Fire Wind Sky Body No Element
Specific Mantra Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham Om No Sound
Frequency of 261.6, 523.3, 293.7, 587.3, 1174.7, 329.6, 659.3, 1318.5, 349.2, 698.5, 196, 392, 784, 1568, 110, 220, 440, 123.5, 246.9,
Mantra (Hz) 1046.5, 2093, 2349.3, 4698.7 2637.1, 5274.1 1396.9, 2793.9, 3136 880, 1760, 493.9, 987.8,
4186 5587.7 3520. 136.1 1975.5, 3951.1
Role of Healthy Keeps you Emotions, Passion, Confidence, Love, Kindness, Self-Expression and Insight and Wisdom.
Chakra Grounded. intuition and Assertiveness, Will Compassion, Open visualization. Connecting you
Connects your feet creativity. Power. Harmonious communication. Opens up to your higher
to the Earth. relationships perceptive Self and
ability. spirituality,
language of
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International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.3,Issue.6,June.2017
and subconscious mind: This is Light Meditation State. elimination, cardiac output, heart rate, and respiration rate
Too much Alpha Waves result to: Daydreaming, inability slowly decreased. Skin resistance significantly increased,
to focus, too relaxed. Too little Alpha Waves result and the EEG showed specific changes in certain
to: Anxiety, High Stress, Insomnia, and OCD (Obsessive frequencies. Base excess significantly decreased during
Compulsive Disorder). Optimal Alpha Waves result meditation. Arterial blood pressure, pH decreased slightly
to: Relaxation, and Natural Flow State of thoughts. and arterial lactate deceased markedly during meditation
4.4 Theta Waves (4-8 Hz): and remained low after meditation. These results
Theta Brain Waves occur most often in sleep but are also distinguished the state of consciousness produced by the
dominant during deep meditation. In theta we are in a meditation from the commonly encountered states of
dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond consciousness such as waking, dreaming and sleeping and
normal consciousness awareness. It helps us improve our the altered states such as hypnosis and conditioning. So it
intuition, creativity, and makes us feel more natural. Too was proved that the meditation produces a fourth major
much Theta Waves result to: ADHD, depression, state of consciousness that may have practical clinical
hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. applications.
Too little Theta Waves result to: Anxiety, poor emotional 5.3 Meditation therapy has been used by some
awareness, and stress. Optimal Theta Waves result doctors in Bombay Hospital [18] in preventing various
to: Flow State, Creativity, emotional connection, intuition, diseases particularly cardiovascular ailments. Meditation
and relaxation was shown to be effective in coronary artery disease and
4.5 Delta Waves (0-4 Hz): various risk factors involved - particularly hypertension,
Delta Brain Waves are the slowest but loudest brainwaves hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes. Numbers of studies
(low frequency). These are experienced in a deep, have shown that regular practice of Mantra Meditation has
dreamless sleep and in very deep, transcendental been useful in reducing blood pressure significantly and
meditation. These are also found most often in infants as lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.
well as young children. Deep sleep is important for the 5.4 In a paper presented in a conference in 1989 [19],
healing process – as it is linked with deep healing and Dr. Selvamurthy et al reported to have observed
regeneration. Too much Delta Waves result to: Brain neurophysioligical effects of the Mantras of a special
injuries, learning problems, inability to think, and severe kind. In this experimental study, 8 healthy men were
ADHD. Too little Delta Waves result to: Inability to chosen as subjects. They reported at 4:00 PM on two
rejuvenate body, inability to revitalize the brain, and poor consecutive days. First day, instead of the prescribed
sleep. Optimal Delta Waves result to: Immune System, Mantras, some irrelevant syllables were uttered to them.
natural healing, restorative sleep / deep sleep. Next day, the proper Mantras were uttered and recording
of physiological parameters viz. Heart rate, ECG, EEG,
V.RESULTS OF SOME EXPERIMENTS GSR (Galvanic Skin Response), blood pressure etc. were
made on both days. The results showed that while the
5.1 Jean Paul Banquet, conducted some experiments on mind (brain waves) remained unaltered on the first day,
the subjects practicing Mantra-based Transcendental significant improvement occurred on the second day.
Meditation (TM) and observed the following results [16]:
(i) Frequency Change: Mantra meditation leads to shift VI. IMPORTANCE OF PRONUNCIATION OF
from alpha to slow frequencies, mostly theta and mixed MANTRAS AND FAITH
frequencies, sometimes low- and medium-voltage delta
frequencies. high-voltage beta, at approximately 20 Hz, Sound (nad) is the basic component of creation and is
appears, usually mixed with alpha and theta, with based on the sciences of Music and Mantra. Now
simultaneous disappearance of higher beta frequencies. pronounce ‗Om‘ as one usually does and note the spiritual
The dominant alpha usually slows down by one or two experience. Then prolong the duration of Om three to four
Hz. times, that is ‗O….m….‘, and then record the experience.
(ii) Form and Amplitude: The amplitude of alpha is With the prolonged Om one experiences more energy or
increased at the end of meditation. goes into a kind of trance, than with the usual Om. The
(iii) Variation in Time: Continuous alteration of alpha and reason for this is that with the usual pronunciation only
mixed frequencies is typical. Alpha periods predominate one direction is stimulated whereas with the prolonged
at the beginning of meditation. Low mixed theta and beta, variation all the eight directions are stimulated. It is for
different from drowsiness, are prominent in deep this very reason that usually when a note is prolonged a
meditation. Rhythmic higher voltage alpha frequencies positive effect is obtained.
return at the end. Another important aspect of mantras is their correct
5.2 Experiments were conducted by Dr. Robert Keith pronunciation. It is mentioned in Hindus‘ ancient
Wallace in the School of Medicine of the University of scriptures that:
California to study the physiological effects of
Transcendental Meditation [17]. It was found that during
meditation, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide
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