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Naga College Foundation

College of Health and Sciences

Mt. Villanueva Avenue Naga City

Coming out: Effects of Social Media in the LGBTQ+


Hipolito, Sofia Mae

Lanot, Angeline

Mandawe, Edlien

Naag, Rikki Mae



Background of the Study

Coming out or the coming out of the closet is a process wherein they revealed their true

identity in the society. They come out to be accepted in the community and acknowledged their

presence because for them it is not just being “out” to their friends and family but also, it is the

event and acknowledgement of the people that they will carry for their whole life. It may easy for

some but it is not the usual case for some. The other people may just hide it to avoid issues and

being discriminated. (Tamashiro, 2015)

As for today’s society, Social Media has become one of those many ways to disclose their

true self. Social media platform has a big impact on encouraging and accepting those queer

people. This also allows them to talk freely and show their true colors. These platforms give

comfort and acceptance but they may also encounter discrimination because of their gender

identity. The whole platform gave an opportunity to come out as a part of LGBTQ+. They may

encounter some hurtful words after they come out using the media. People have different

perspectives and may not accept and welcome them as their true selves.

Coming out has been a controversy in our society especially in LGBTQ+ community.

Globalized societies are expected to manifest these kind of issues and situations. These issues

bothered many people in the society, thinking where should LGBTQ member should go and

belong. Acceptance in society makes them feel valued and respected as who they really are.

Expressing their selves in a society that accepts and does not judge them and treats them as a

normal person is another factor why they come out.

Hammack's (2005) articulated the life course development of human sexual orientation:

An integrative paradigm. Human Development framework of LGBT identity development

suggests, cultural factors such as the media may influence important psychological domains,

including individuals' self-perceptions. Empirical attention on the relationship between the media

and LGBTQ+ can be justified by the role of contextual factors in identity development. Indeed,

the LGBTQ+ identity development process, including the realization of one's same-sex sexual

desires and coming out, has been conceptualized as a dynamic process that is mediated by the

cultural and historical context in which LGBTQ+ individuals live.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the followig questions:

1) What are the factors that leads LGBTQ+ Community to come out?
2) What are the social media platforms that have been utilize by most of LGBTQ+?
3) How this social media platforms help the LGBTQ+ to come out?

Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the effects of Social Media in LGBTQ community in the phase of

their coming out. The aspect of this study is to find factors of LGBTQ members utilizing the

social media in their coming out. Also to find out the most used platforms. This research will
conduct a survey wherein the respondents are 20 random LGBTQ members student of Naga

College Foundation Inc.

The study delimits Non-LGBTQ members and not a student of Naga College Foundation

Inc. to participate in the survey.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will merit the following people:

LGBTQ+ Members. The members will be able to know the cons and perks of coming out

through social media.

Parents. The study will serve and provide information and knowledge about the coming out of

their daughter or son.

Future Researcher. The study will provide a data that can be used in the future researchers.

Internet Users. The user of the platform will be aware, gain information and understand the

things about coming out of the LGBT.

Definition of Terms

Coming out. The revealing phase of true gender identity of an LGBTQ+ member

LGBTQ . leasbian gay, bisexual, transgender and queer

Platforms. The use of different mobile apps and webs *social)

Queer. Term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.


McConnell, E., Néray, B., (2018, May 26). “Everybody Puts Their Whole Life on

Facebook”: Identity Management and the Online Social Networks of LGBTQ Youth. Retrieve


Gomillion, S., Giuliano, T. (2011, February 25). The Influence of Media Role Models on Gay,

Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity. Retrieve from

Janczak, M. (2017, May 3). Social Median and LGBTQ Community. Retrieve from

National Academy of Sciences. (2011). The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding. Retrieve from

Maglioco, S. (2017). Social Media has a positive impact on LGBT people hoping to come out.

Retrieve from




Factors that LGBTQ+ Community to come out.

A Survey of LGBT American (2013) categorized the factors of disclosing the

identity based on the physical traits: the age, gender and race. As for the age, the survey shows

that gays and lesbians come out younger that revealing their true self when they are old. As for

the gender, it is more likely that the lesbians to be committed in a relationship than gays. And as

for the race, the result of the survey shows that Whites are more likely being accepted by their

society than the non-Whites.

Dr. Lyness (2015), categorized the factors based on the psychological aspects. The

reasons why people come out are because firstly, they want to disclose their identity to their

friends and family. Secondly, they want to put an end on those negative thing they heard about

them and lastly, because they now want to live with no lies. They want to be themselves. They

want to be their true selves and live as the way they really are.

Most time of teenagers are in school and with that the influence of friends has part or is

one of the factors that lead the LGBTQ+ members to come out. In time when a person still not

sure about the identity, the friends are there, friends who are either part of the LGBTQ+

Community or not. They encourage and accept you. They give you confidence in the time when

you are disclosing yourself. (Lyness, 2015)

Pew Research Center (2013) shows the result of survey that going online is also a factor

that leads a person to come out. It shows that there are 54% of LGBT online users who revealed

their identity through social media platforms. As for the gays, it is 69%, for the lesbians it is 62%

and for the bisexuals it is 42%. Thus, this concludes that gays and lesbians are more likely to do

it than the bisexuals. And the survey result also indicate that younger LGBT online users are
vocal about their identity with 58% ranging from 18 to 44 years old than the older user with 48%

ageing 46 and older. Through these platforms they are able to communicate and make new

friends with the same fields or not. Moreover, the platforms help them to talk about the issues

within their community.

Samuel, A. (2017), the internet change the means of coming out as a part of LGBTQ

community (Jacobson and Donatone). The coming out of the queer youth is characterized by new

way of communicating and connecting to the other queer. The use of internet gives them support

when they come out, way on addressing their identity. and bridge on communicating other in

terms of difficulty and giving comfort.. The internet become a great help especially for those

queer student and others that has struggles on coming out.

Social Media being utilized by the LGBTQ Community.

Maglico, S (2017) articulated that social media has become a big impact to the growing

population of LGBT people because they choose to "come out" to their friends and family

through social media. Before, coming out is very private. They tend to open up to their close

friends, family members and other whom they trust. However, now, more people choose social

media platform such as Facebook and Twitter to express their feeling and true identity to their

friends, family and a wider range of social circle. They can easily find acceptance through social

media platform because they find a common ground.

According to Rain, M (2015) data, 1 out of 10 person change their gender status every

day. It also studied how people used rainbow filter over their profile pictures. People tend to be

more comfortable to come out in social media especially LGBT because of the support they
gained from it. Aside from facebook that are commonly used YouTube also create big impact to

them specially those LGBT that become YouTubeers and influence their fans.

Hannckel, B. (2019) a socialist researcher that explores the design and use of digital

technologies for health, as well as the ‘real world’ settings of public health interventions,

particularly in relation to the lived experiences of young people, including LGBTIQ+ youth.

Discuss that online video- sharing platforms like YouTube opens a new opportunity to queer

people to document and discuss their true sexuality and identity. Also through the help of

filmmakers that focuses on constructing video on YouTube about LGBTQ provides supports to

those with diverse sexuality and shapes representation of their true identity locally and

transnationally. Thus, YouTube become an important platforms for queers that shows different

visions about LGBTQ members.

According to the statistical report of England’s Department of Culture, Media and Sport,

lesbian gays and bisexual are avid social media users. The data shows that there are 89.5% users

of LGB members compared to the the 70.1% of the general population. If broken by the type,

there are 76.8% of LGB members used Facebook and 72.0% used YouTube (Heerden, )

Based on Alexander & Losh (2010) Utilizing the use of technology such as YouTube

enables people to design a distinct representation of LGBTQ lives. Thus this kind of platform

provide deep understanding in terms of sexuality and gender of the LGBTQ members.

Hart (2000) stated that since Ellen DeGeneres made television history of the way she

come out of her closet on her popular primetime sitcom Ellen in 1998, LGBT members become

popular characters in social media because of the influence given by Ellen.

Impact of Social Media Platforms in the Coming Out phase of LGBTQ members.

Dubois, et al. (2002) articulated that exploring the wonder of coming out process for

LGBT+ members is critical to the well being of those individuals. It is a critical development

process wherein LGBT+ members attest to their sexual identity formation. By these social media

platforms, they can find peers that they can relate to and be convinced to come out immediately

with confidence. It will inherently contribute to the identity development of a person. Social

support can be defined as supportive relationship with other Social media platforms allows

LGBT+ community to express their true identity and they find it reassuring experience because

they receive positive affirmation after coming out.

The increases in representatives of LGBT+ people in news, television and social media

platforms has been noticeable as exemplified on Ellen DeGeneres’s coming out on mainstream.

Portrayals of LGBT+ have continued to increase and beyond entertainment new media covered

gay rights and that also influence them to come out. Media can shape opinions and values, even

across borders. The media remain powerful socializing mechanisms through which younger

generations come into contact with people in online world. Media mainstream helps them to go

outside their boxes and their comfort zones through the influence of big names in media that is

part of LGBT community. (Ayoub, 2018)

Media platforms commonly have media role models and that is one of how these LGBT+

individuals influence them especially because of the personality characteristics and values

through the process of coming out. It has beneficial influence on their social lives and contributes
to ones individual development of their sense of self that remain salient into adulthood. Role

models identity serve as an inspiration, as a sense of pride, source of comfort and feel more

positively about their identities. It helps them to venture out the world without any hesitations

because they know that they are being supported by their colleagues. (Gomillion, Sarah et al.


Stated in the article of Heerden (2017), Ryan Thoreson articulated that the LGBT youth

members should also be part or have the same rights of access in the social media to gain

information about their individual health and to express their sexuality without being

discriminated. Thus this shows that the different form of social media plays an important role.

LGBT member used it as a tool not only to share information but also to represent the

marginalized group like them.


These study and literature gives related topic that gives a deep and logical explanation on

the effects of social media to their gender preference and one of it is the urge of becoming who

they really are. Also because social media become part of one person’s life studies more likely

show that it become an instrument and a trend utilizing it thus the result of coming out in social

affect LGBTQ members’ perspective and the way they perceive the situation.Based from the

related materials that is mostly found in the internet social media somewhat affect the decision of

LGBTQ member. The following studies also helps the researchers to correlate the idea of coming

out of the LGBTQ+ community and social media platforms.

Conceptual Framework
Social Media

Influence by “COME OUT”


To revealed my
true identity


Hanckel, B.(2019). Examining the Production of Digital Stories by Queer Youth in East and

South-East Asia. Retrieve from

Rain, M. (2015). The Rising Trend In Love, Coming Out On Social Media. Retrieve from

Samuel, A. (2017). 9 Reasons for the LGBTQ Community to Take Pride Online. Retrieve


Magliocco, S. (2017). Social Media has a positive impact on LGBT people hoping to come

out. Retrieve from

Billings, A. (2015). The Art of Coming Out: Traditional and Social Media Frames

Surrounding the NBA’s Jason Collins. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly2015,

Vol. 92(1) 142–160.

Tamashiro, D. (2015).Coming out. Retrieved from › ssh ›


Pew Research Center. (2013). A Survey of LGBT American. Retrieve from

Lyness, D, PhD. (July 2015). Coming Out. Retrieve from .

Pew Research Center. (2013). A Survey of LGBT American: Chapter 3: The Coming Out

Experience. Retrieve from


South African Institute of Race Relations, 2017. Social Media Voice of LGBT community

retrieved from


Ayoub, Philip 2018. How the Media Has Helped Change Public Views about Lesbian and

Gay People retrieved from


Gomillion, Sarah et al. 2011. The Influence of Media RoleModels on Gay, Lesbian, and

Bisexual Identity retrieved from


This chapter presents the methods used in gathering data to answer problem. It describe

the sources of data, instruments, respondents and the data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study is used descriptive research design, the mayor goal of descriptive design is to

describe event, phenomena and situation (Ahuja, 2001).Descriptive research design is a scientific

method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it

in any way. The researcher will also know the factors affecting the LGBTQ and how did they

become evident in their true gender preference. This design helps to know the effects of social

media without causing them harm.

Research Locale
The naga college foundation is a private learning institution located at M. T. Villanueva

avenue Naga City that offers diffeerent courses in college and also in preschool to highschool.

Researcher choose this to know that eventhough students are diversified they have their

common ground which is the school that respects their gender preference. And this institution

helps the researcher to easily gather information that will help to prove that social media has an

effect in decions of LGBTQ to come out of their box.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are male and female students of Naga College Foundation

that is a member or part of LGBTQ+Community. Amonh this male and female respondents is a

different identities such as lesbian, gay, bixexual etc.. The respondent are mostly first year

collage students of Naga College Foundation with different courses. The researcher therefore

wanted to know the effect of social media in the diverse environment of collage students in NCF

and how the come up with that decision.

Research Instrument

The instrument employed in conducting the study is survey questionairre. The

questionnaire were delivered randomly picked college students of Naga College Foundation that

are part of the LGBTQ.Ten (10) students answered three question regarding the effectsof social

media intheir identity.

Survey Questionare LGBTQ+ community on their coming out.

Name (optional) : Section & Yr. Answer the questions as they relate to you.
Gender: For most answers, check the box (es) most
Age: applicable to you.
This survey questionnaire is to determine
what are the effects of social in the 1. What are the factors that leads you as an
LGBQT+ member to come out? □ Facebook
□ Twitter
□ Friends influence □ Instagram
□ public acceptance □Youtube
□ To go outside your box ( true identity ) Others (please specify): ___________
□ Social media influence
Others (please specify): ___________ 3. How these social media platforms helped
you to come out?
2. What are the social media platforms that
you usually used? _______________________________

Data Gathering Procedure

The first step use was to ask permission to the dean, head, advicer or principal in order to

establish cooperation and rapport but in the researcher case they initially ask for the respondents

and after approval is the questionairre is distributed in order to gather relevant data. The

questionnaire was retrieved after the respondent/s answer it.



This chapter contains summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. It aims to

cover-up the end of the study.


The major factors of LGBTQ member utilizing the social media to come out is the ‘True

Identity’ where in there is 50% for male and 40% for female. 20% was tallied for the ‘Friends

Influence’ for both male and female while there was zero percent recorded for ‘Public Influence’.


The major factor why LGBTQ members utilize the social media on their coming out is

because they want to be true to their selves, they want to live in accordance to their gender



The researcher recommends:

 Be true to yourself no matter what the results are, because being true to yourself is your

right. LGBTQ members must look up for those people who supports them and also

respect the other’s opinions to avoid misunderstandings and issues.


There were 50% of male and 40% used Facebook. And for the Twitter it has both 20%

from male and female. YouTube and Instagram are used by 10% male and female.


The most utilized social media in the coming out of the LGBTQ member is Facebook.


The researcher recommends the following:

 Utilize social media to inform, influence and help the members of LGBTQ
 If possible come out first to your family because the acceptance from family is the best

acceptance that you will get. It is a good start being your true self.


Social media platform helps the respondents to speak out that they are part of the

LGBTQ+ community to gain more positivity in life especially on how to stand out. It enlightens

people that LGBTQ+ community should be respected and love despite of their personal identity.

This social media platforms helped the LGBTQ+ community to come out by influencing

them in a way that a person can freely express what their true identity is. They find it a

reassuring experience that helped them to feel isolated from the others because they receive

positive affirmation after coming out online.


The researchers recommend that LGBTQ+ members must not only rely on social media

platforms in expressing their true identity because some people may not accept them. Instead,

they should seek guidance from their family, friends and love ones.

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