Grade 12 Ucsp Q2 W6
Grade 12 Ucsp Q2 W6
Grade 12 Ucsp Q2 W6
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
A. Content Standards
cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interest
The learners
B. Performance Standards 1. analyze aspects of social organization
2. identify one’s role in social groups and institutions
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners
D. Objectives Write the LC code a. analyze economic organization and its impacts on the lives of people in the society UCSP11/12HSOIIa-24
for each
Economic Institutions: Reciprocity Economic Institutions: Transfers
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 81-88
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from www.
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
State the objective of the lesson: State the objective of the lesson:
define and explain the functions of economic institutions, explain the concepts of transfer or transfer payment concerning economics, and
discuss the concepts of reciprocity in line with sociology and economics, analyze the level of activities of different economic institutions concerning
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
analyze the activities of different economic institutions and their impacts on the global transfer and the impacts on the global economy.
community, and
relate the practical application of reciprocity to one’s daily life.
If you have been given something, is it expected for you to return the favor? Why or why not? Are you aware of the different kinds of goods and services that private and government
sectors provide for the people?
B. Establishing a purpose for the
Does the present government provide more goods and services than it did in the past?
How does the government redistribute more income?
Present the Lesson by a PowerPoint presentation. Present the Lesson by a PowerPoint presentation.
C. Presenting examples/instances
for the new lesson
Economic Institutions The Functions of Economic Institutions
H. Making generalizations and Answer the guide questions. Answer the guide questions.
abstractions about the lesson
What do you think? What do you think?
How does negative reciprocity affect the activities of different economic institutions? What do you Why are there many Filipino families who
think will be the impact of these on the global community? still do not have access to essential goods
I. Evaluating learning
and services to support their everyday