EE359 - Lecture 8 Outline: Announcements

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EE359 – Lecture 8 Outline

 Announcements:
 Last makeup lecture; no class next week
 HW posted, due next Th 5pm, extensions possible
 Scheduling our midterm 11/2, 8:45-10:45, 4-6, 5-7, 6-8?
 Shannon Capacity
 Capacity of Flat-Fading Channels
 Fading Statistics Known
 Fading Known at RX
 Fading Known at TX and RX
 Optimal Rate and Power Adaptation
 Channel Inversion with Fixed Rate
 Capacity of Freq.-Selective Fading Channels
Review of Last Lecture
 Scattering Function: s(,)=Ft[Ac(,t)]
 Used to characterize c(,t) statistically 
 Multipath Intensity Profile 
 Determines average (TM ) and rms () delay spread
 Coherence bandwidth Bc=1/TM
Tm  1 / Bu Bu  Bc

1  Ac(f)
 f

0 Bc
 Doppler Power Spectrum: Sc()= F[Ac(t)]
 Power of multipath at given Doppler
Shannon Capacity

 Defined as the maximum MI of channel

 Maximum error-free data rate a channel
can support.
 Theoretical limit (not achievable)
 Channel characteristic
 Not dependent on design techniques
Capacity of Flat-Fading Channels
 Capacity defines theoretical rate limit
 Maximum error free rate a channel can support
 Depends on what is known about channel
 Fading Statistics Known
 Hard to find capacity

 Fading Known at Receiver Only

C   B log 2 1    p( )d  B log 2 (1   )
Fading Known at
Transmitter and Receiver

 For fixed transmit power, same as with

only receiver knowledge of fading
 Transmit power S() can also be adapted
 Leads to optimization problem

max  S ( ) 
C 
S ( ) : E[ S ( )]  S 0
B log 2 1 
 S 
 p( )d
Optimal Adaptive Scheme

 Power Adaptation Waterfilling


S() 0  0
1 1
S  0 else 1

0 
 Capacity

R  
 log2 p()d.
B 0 0 
Channel Inversion
 Fading inverted to maintain constant SNR
 Simplifies design (fixed rate)
 Greatly reduces capacity
 Capacity is zero in Rayleigh fading
 Truncated inversion
 Invertchannel above cutoff fade depth
 Constant SNR (fixed rate) above cutoff
 Cutoff greatly increases capacity
 Close to optimal
Capacity in Flat-Fading

Frequency Selective
Fading Channels
 For TI channels, capacity achieved by
water-filling in frequency
 Capacity of time-varying channel unknown
 Approximate by dividing into subbands
 Each subband has width Bc (like MCM).
 Independent fading in each subband
 Capacity is the sum of subband capacities

P Bc
Main Points
 Fundamental capacity of flat-fading channels
depends on what is known at TX and RX.
 Capacity when only RX knows fading same as when TX
and RX know fading but power fixed.
 Capacity with TX/RX knowledge: variable-rate variable-
power transmission (water filling) optimal
 Almost same capacity as with RX knowledge only
 Channel inversion practical, but should truncate

 Capacity of wideband channel obtained by

breaking up channel into subbands
 Similar to multicarrier modulation

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