EE359 - Lecture 8 Outline: Announcements
EE359 - Lecture 8 Outline: Announcements
EE359 - Lecture 8 Outline: Announcements
Last makeup lecture; no class next week
HW posted, due next Th 5pm, extensions possible
Scheduling our midterm 11/2, 8:45-10:45, 4-6, 5-7, 6-8?
Shannon Capacity
Capacity of Flat-Fading Channels
Fading Statistics Known
Fading Known at RX
Fading Known at TX and RX
Optimal Rate and Power Adaptation
Channel Inversion with Fixed Rate
Capacity of Freq.-Selective Fading Channels
Review of Last Lecture
Scattering Function: s(,)=Ft[Ac(,t)]
Used to characterize c(,t) statistically
Multipath Intensity Profile
Determines average (TM ) and rms () delay spread
Coherence bandwidth Bc=1/TM
Tm 1 / Bu Bu Bc
1 Ac(f)
0 Bc
Doppler Power Spectrum: Sc()= F[Ac(t)]
Power of multipath at given Doppler
Shannon Capacity
Frequency Selective
Fading Channels
For TI channels, capacity achieved by
water-filling in frequency
Capacity of time-varying channel unknown
Approximate by dividing into subbands
Each subband has width Bc (like MCM).
Independent fading in each subband
Capacity is the sum of subband capacities
P Bc
Main Points
Fundamental capacity of flat-fading channels
depends on what is known at TX and RX.
Capacity when only RX knows fading same as when TX
and RX know fading but power fixed.
Capacity with TX/RX knowledge: variable-rate variable-
power transmission (water filling) optimal
Almost same capacity as with RX knowledge only
Channel inversion practical, but should truncate