Numerical Transmission System Examination: 1 Part I (7.5 Points) : Carrier Frequency Modulation
Numerical Transmission System Examination: 1 Part I (7.5 Points) : Carrier Frequency Modulation
Numerical Transmission System Examination: 1 Part I (7.5 Points) : Carrier Frequency Modulation
}, with
x (t) = Ts .
The carrier frequency is f0 = 2 GHz , the bit rate is 1 M bit/sec ( iid bits), the symbol pulse he is a rectangular pulse which lasts Ts /2, such that Ts .he ( ) = Rect[0,Ts /2[ ( ).
For a QPSK modulation such that a is {2 2j }: a- Propose a mapping bits / symbol and give the shape ( sec , Volts) of the signals Re{x (t)}, Im{x (t)} for the bits sequence 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, . . . to be transmitted from t = 0. b- Give the shape of the (mean) Power Spectral Density (PSD) of x, with frequency axis graduations. Calculate the energy per bit Eb (x) in V olt2 . c- Describe rapidly the optimal receiver elements if the channel is such that r(t) = x(t) + n(t) where n(t) is a real Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) with bilateral PSD N0 /2.
The channel is now modeled with a propagation delay , such that : r(t) = x(t ). We suppose that the base-band component rI and rQ are extracted by a I/Q demodulator such that : rI (t) = LP {r(t) 2cos{2f0 t + 1 )} and rQ (t) = LP {r(t) 2sin{2f0 t + 1 )}
where LP keeps only the frequency components < f0 . a- Express r (t) = rI (t) + jrQ (t) as a function of x (t) = xI (t) + jxQ (t). b- Comment the previous result (BPSK and QPSK cases) and specify how whe have to ideally set 1 in function of 0 and , in presence of AWG noise ? c- For = 0, 0 = /5 , 1 = /10, and a BPSK modulation, express the binary error probability as a function of Eb /N0 , assuming ideal elements in reception excepted the demodulation phase, and in presence of AWG Noise (i.e. r(t) = x(t ) + n(t)).
A 16-QAM signal is transmitted over a at fading channel. We assume than the coherence time is much greater than the symbol duration. The form of the channel output is: yk = k ak + nk ak is drawn from a unit power 16-QAM constellation, nk is a zero mean circular white gaussian noise with variance 2 . The receiver has to compensate for uctuations of k , therefore we wish to build an adaptive estimator of k . 1. Give an objective function when symbols ak are known at the receiver side. 2. Give an objective function when symbols ak are unknown at the receiver side. 3. Provide an adaptive algorithm to minimize the rst cost function (known symbols). 4. Does the optimal stepsize depend on the coherence time of the channel ? on the noise variance? 5. Using the estimated value of k to compensate for the fading, is the achieved performance equivalent to that of an AWGN channel? Why?
Give advantages and drawbacks of the following solutions for equalization: 1. FIR lter driven by a LMS algorithm, 2. IIR lter driven by a LMS algorithm, 3. DFE algorithm, 4. MLSE using a Viterbi algorithm, 5. If the transmission channel is assumed to be causal and stable, what can we say about the stability of its causal inverse, 6. In practice, for a single-input single-output channel, is it possible to equalize a non minimum phase channel (with only one zero) using a linear equalizer? Is it possible to get an approximation of the theoretical solution? Is there a solution using a non-linear equalizer?
1. Is the coherence time of a channel of importance when designing an OFDM transmission ? Why? 2. Is the coherence bandwidth of a channel of importance when designing an OFDM transmission ? Why? 2
Channel capacity
1. What is the capacity of an AWGN channel (output y given by the sum of the input a and a gaussian noise n)? 2. What is the capacity of an AWGN physical channel with bandwidth B ? 3. What becomes the capacity for a Rayleigh channel? Give a new denition for the capacity of such a random channel.
Problems : 1/ Frequency Selective Channel 2/ Additive noise (independent from the information-bearing message). 3/ Multiple Access noise 4/ frequency shift of the demodulator (Doppler for example) 5/ Time selective channel Solutions : A/ Error correcting code B/ Source coding C/ Equalization D/ PLL E/ Multiuser detection F/ Diversity
Viterbi Equalizer.
We consider a linear channel with a transfer function given by H (z ) = (1 z 1 ) (1 z 1 ). The output yk is given by yk = [H (z )] ak + nk . ak is drawn from a BPSK (ak {1, +1}), nk is a zero mean circular white gaussian noise with variance 2 . 1. Plot the Finite State Machine of this channel. 2. How do you calculate the output of the channel as a function of the state of the machine and of its input? 3. What values must we transmitted at the end of the transmission in order to close the trellis? 4. What branch metric is optimal for a Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation? 5. If and are unknown, what kind of solution could you provide for the Viterbi algorithm to be usable? 6. Is the Viterbi solution better than a linear equalizer (performance? complexity?)
Turbo codes.
1. Is a turbo code able to take hard inputs (only Yes or No)? 2. Is a turbo code able to provide hard outputs (only Yes or No)? 3. What properties are required for component codes (only Yes or No)?