Ciruzzi CV
Ciruzzi CV
Ciruzzi CV
2014 - 2020 PhD, Geological Engineering (Hydroecology Lab), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
expected May 2020 PhD Minor, Ecosystem Ecology
Mentor Committee: Steven Loheide (advisor), Dante Fratta, Michael Cardiff, Eric Kruger, Monica Turner
Dissertation topic: Innovative methods to quantify groundwater-tree interactions during drought in temperate forests
2013 - 2014 MS, Geological Sciences (Physical Hydrogeology Lab), University at Buffalo, Amherst, NY
Thesis Committee: Christopher Lowry (advisor), Igor Jankovic, Ross Giese
Thesis title: “Quantifying Seasonal Volume of Groundwater in High Elevation Meadows: Implications for Complex
Aquifer Geometry in a Changing Climate”
2008 - 2012 BA, Geophysics, minor in Mathematics, The State University of New York College at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY
Senior thesis: “Relative age dating of sills and satellite intrusions from paleomagnetic data, Mt. Hillers, Henry Mountains, UT”
Advisor: Scott Giorgis
Hydroecology; Physical and climate controls governing hydrological and ecological interactions; Soil-plant-atmosphere continuum; Groundwater-surface
water interactions; Near-surface geophysics; Numerical modeling; Remote sensing; Influence of drought and landuse change on water availability for
ecosystem and human use; Ecosystem Ecology; Engineering new methods to improve the science for monitoring and managing groundwater influenced eco-
systems and responses to environmental change.
2014 - present Graduate Research or Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison
Summers 2016, 2017, 2019 Lane Research & Teaching Fellowship, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison
8/2013 - 5/2014 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Geological Sciences, University at Buffalo
8/2012 - 8/2013 Graduate Student Assistant, Executive MBA program, School of Management, University at Buffalo
8/2011 - 5/2012 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant & Lab Instructor, Departments of Geological Science and Physics & Astronomy, SUNY Geneseo
2019 2. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II. in press. Monitoring tree sway period as an indicator of water stress. Geophysical Research Letters.
in press.
2017 1. DM Ciruzzi and CS Lowry. 2017. Impact of complex aquifer geometry on groundwater storage in high elevation meadows of the Sierra
Nevada Mountains, CA. Hydrological Processes.
In preparation:
DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II. Quantifying groundwater use, tree growth, and influence of drought along a depth to groundwater
gradient in sandy Wisconsin forests.
DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II. Monitoring tree sway period as an indicator of interception before, during, and after a storm.
DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II. Quantifying the percent influence of groundwater on tree growth to reconstruct groundwater levels using
tree cores in sandy Wisconsin forests.
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2019 • Lane Family Research & Teaching Graduate Fellowship, Center for Limnology ($6,204)
• Award for oustanding graduate student presentation, American Water Resource Association-WI Section meeting
2018 • CUAHSI Travel Grant to 2018 CUAHSI Biennial Meeting ($500)
• Becker Student Travel Supplement, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison ($200)
(co-recipient with Carolyn Voter)
2017 • Lane Family Research & Teaching Graduate Fellowship, Center for Limnology ($7,711)
• Becker Student Travel Supplement, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison ($200)
(co-recipient with Carolyn Voter and Alison LoBue)
2016 • Anna Grant Birge Award, Center for Limnology ($820)
• Lane Family Research & Teaching Graduate Fellowship, Center for Limnology ($7,360)
2015 • Becker Student Travel Supplement, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison ($200)
(co-recipient with Samuel Zipper, Carolyn Voter, Laina Breidenbach, and Kim Scherber)
2014 • Reginald H. Pegrum Outstanding Graduate Research Award, University at Buffalo ($1,000)
• Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation, 2014 Northeast GSA sectional meeting
2013 • Reginald H. Pegrum Professional Development Award, University at Buffalo ($500)
• Graduate Student Association Conference Travel Grant, University at Buffalo ($500)
Undergraduate awards: Senior Orator Finalist, Outstanding Orientation & First-Year Program Student Award, Outstanding Leadership
& Service Award, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Undergraduate Research & Travel Grant, Dean’s List
*Emma Noraian, Undergraduate Independent Study, Fall 2019, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: A Lake Is Born! Cataloging appearence of new lakes in the Yahara Watershed over the last 10 years
Mike Krellwitz, Lane & Juday Undergrad Fellowships, Summer 2019 and Summer 2018, Botany, UW-Madison
Topic (2019): Reconstructing lake levels from tree cores in sandy temperate forests
Topic (2018): Tree growth variability during drought in a temperate forest with shallow groundwater
Brian Schlaff, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Summer 2018, Geoscience & Geological Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Tree water use in forest and urban environments
*Emiliano Rosel, SURE Program, Summer 2018, Civil & Env Engineering, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Topic: Groundwater use in natural forestry and managed pine plantations
Patrick Dowd, Post-Bachelor Researcher, Summer 2017, Civil & Env Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Rainfall exclusion in temperate forests to study groundwater-tree interactions during artifical drought
Robert Zabrowski, Undergraduate Independent study, Fall 2016 - Spring 2017, Civil & Env Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Development of dendrochronology methodology for ecohydrologic applications
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Jacob Sturzl, NTL-LTER Undergrad Researcher, Summer 2016, Civil & Env Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Using high frequency sensors to assess seasonal groundwater-lake interactions
Keith Lyster, Lane Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2016 - Spring 2017, Civil & Env Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Development of accelerometers as a tool for detecting drought response in trees
*Yeline Del Carmen, URS Program, Fall 2015-Spring 2016, Civil & Env Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Groundwater as related in forest management
*Lorenzo Warrington, URS Program, Fall 2015-Spring 2016, Civil & Env Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Groundwater-tree interactions
*Sativa Cruz, SURE Program, Summer 2015, Environmental Science, New Mexico State University
Topic: Groundwater-forest interactions and forest performance during drought
2016, 2017, 2019 Lane Teaching & Research Fellowship, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison
• Graduate student fellow responsible for mentoring and guiding undergraduate research fellows at Trout Lake Ecological Research Station
on their summer independent research projects culminating in high quality presentations to donors, faculty, and staff.
• Developed and led a scaffolded summer research program in a welcoming framework, which included bi-weekly research meetings
with all undergraduate researchers on station. These meetings helped build research skills, a collaborative research environment, and
comaraderie, as well as provided opportunities for research progress checks, problem solving issues, and celebrating research achievements.
• Developed and led a summer workshop series on research and communication skills for undergraduates, including workshops on R,
ArcGIS, Statistics, Effective Presentations, Mock Interviews, and Applying to Graduate School.
• Below are the students I co-mentored with another graduate student or faculty member through this fellowship and their research topics:
Roger Ort, Lane Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2019, Microbiology, Oberlin College
Topic: Further development of Bacterial Bog Batteries
Carter Rushlow, Juday Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2017, Biology, UW-Madison
Topic: Testing for competition between two north temperate fishes
*Julia Buskirk, Lane Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2019, Biology, UW-Madison
Topic: How does light impact the migration of zooplankton up and down the water column?
Kevin Gauthier, Juday Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2019, Environmental Science, UW-Madison
Topic: Do-it-Yourself Environmental Sensors: Distributed temperature sensing & measuring ice thickness
*Kaela Amundson, Lane Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2017, Microbiology, UW-Madison
Topic: Bog Bacteria Batteries: Creating a fuel cell using the microbial community in bog water
Matt Chotlos, Zinn Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2017, Biology, UW-Madison
Topic: Revisiting the dynamics of invasive crayfish following extensive removal
*Ishita Aghi, Lane Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2017, Biology & Economics, UW-Madison
Topic: Zooplankton abundance and light attenuation in a clear and stained lake
*Maggie Sobelewski, Lane Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2016, Env. Science & Zoology, UW-Madison
Topic: Bacterial growth efficiency during eutrophication
Luke Maillefer, Juday Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2016, Zoology, UW-Madison
Topic: Small mammal behavior during different weather conditions
*Emily McParlane, Juday Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2016, Fisheries, UW-Steven’s Point
Topic: Long-term trends in fish growth, population, and abundance in Wisconsin lakes
Brandon Dobraska, Zinn Undergrad Fellowship, Summer 2016, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, UW-Madison
Topic: Phytoplankton growth as a funciton of dissolved organic matter
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2018 Teaching-As-Research: Delta Internship Project
• Project title: Building virtual collaborative skills and a learning community with discussion boards in an inter-institutional online classroom
• Researched and implemented discussion board best practices to foster a learning community outside of class.
• Outline reading critique assignments with varying levels of engaging peers ( 1- review the paper solo, 2- review the paper with a peer, 3- review
the paper as a class through discussion boards). Created survey questions to see which option the students preferred.
• Performed a quantitative and qualitative social networking analysis of discussion board posts to identify how students were interacting with each
other as well as what topics were discussed the most often.
• Created and analyzed survey questions to understand if students became more confident and comfortable to collaborate virtually with peers at
different institutions
• Guest lecture on “The role of groundwater in forest ecosystems”, which included attempts at including active learning practices in an online lecture
(predict-explain + observe explain), as well as including opportunities for students to discuss concepts. Additionally added a formative assessment in
the form of a google form to learn about what concepts students took away from the class as well as remaining sources of confusion
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• Award for outstanding graduate student presentation
22. WA Avery, SP Loheide II, WR Selbig, DM Ciruzzi, C Voter, and *Brian Schalff, 2019, Quantification and Prediction of the Impact of Urban
Trees of the Reduction of Stormwater Runoff, presented at the 43rd annual AWRA WIsconsin Meeting, Delevan, WI, 28 February
2018 21. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2018, Monitoring tree sway as an indicator of water stress in temperate forests, Abstract H11W-1779
presented at the 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 10-14 Dec.
20. SP Loheide II, DM Ciruzzi, CS Lowry, C Tague, HA Michael, DW Hyndman, AD Kendall, S Tyler, M Thompson, and E Tran, 2018, CUAHSI
Virtual University: An inter-institutional framework for graduate education applied to the hydrologic sciences, Abstract ED51E-0706
presented at the 2019 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, 10-14 Dec.
19. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2018, Evaluating tree growth and groundwater use along a depth to groundwater gradient in sandy Wisconsin
forests, presented at
> CUAHSI Biennial Meeting
> 2018 LTER All Scientists Meeting
18. SP Loheide II and DM Ciruzzi, 2018, Monitoring water stress in temperate forests using accelerometers, Abstract EGU-4114
presented at the 2018 European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April.
17. DM Ciruzzi, 2018, Tree growth and groundwater use in sandy Wisconsin forests,
presented at the NTL-LTER Early Career Scientists Meeting, UW-Madison, March 21
16. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2018, Evaluating tree growth and quantifying groundwater use in sandy Wisconsin forests,
presented at the 42nd annual AWRA WIsconsin Meeting, Appleton, WI, March 8
2017 15. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2017, Tree growth response to drought along a depth to groundwater gradient in northern Wisconsin,
Abstract H11D-1211 presented at the 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisianna, 11-15 Dec.
14. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2017, Developing accelerometers as a tool to monitor drought response of temperate trees in northern
Wisconsin, presented at the Water@UW-Madison Fall Poster Session, Madison, WI
13. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2017, Fitbits for trees: Development of accelerometers as a tool to detect drought response of trees,
presented at the NTL-LTER Early Career Scientists Meeting, Madison, WI
12. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2017, Measuring diurnal signals in tree sway period as an indicator of water stress,
presented at the 41th annual AWRA Wisconsin Section Meeting, Elkhart Lake, WI
2016 11. CS Lowry and DM Ciruzzi, 2016, Quantifying Current and Future Groundwater Storage in Snowmelt Dominated High Elevation Meadows
of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA, Abstract H11D-08 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec.
10. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2016, Investigating groundwater influenced trees during drought at different
spatial scales in Northern Wisconsin, presented at
• the 40th annual AWRA Wisconsin Section Meeting, WI Dells, WI
• the 2016 inaugural Water@UW-Madison poster session
2015 9. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2015, Relationships between shallow groundwater and tree growth in a northern Wisconsin forest,
Abstract H13F-1611 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 14-18 Dec.
8. *Cruz S, DM Ciruzzi, and SP Loheide II, 2015, Evaluating the Wisconsin Northwoods as a Groundwater-Influenced Ecosystem: Ground-
water Interactions and Forest Performance, presented at the 2015 SACNAS National Conference, Washington D.C., Oct. 29-31
7. DM Ciruzzi, *S Cruz, and SP Loheide II, 2015, Insights into the influence of groundwater and drought in a north temperate forest,
presented at the LTER All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2
6. DM Ciruzzi and SP Loheide II, 2015, Spatiotemporal measurements of soil tension along an actively heated fiber optic cable: A numeri-
cal modeling and analytical solution approach, presented at 39th annual AWRA Wisconsin Section Meeting, Oconomowoc, WI.
2014 5. DM Ciruzzi and CS Lowry, 2014, Groundwater storage dynamics in high elevation meadows affected by complex aquifer geometry,
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Abstract H510-0823 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.
4. DM Ciruzzi and CS Lowry, 2014, High elevation meadows as groundwater reservoirs: quantifying volumetric storage,
presented at the Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, Spring 2014 Meeting, Lancaster, PA
• Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation Award
3. *Lindsay K, DM Ciruzzi, and CS Lowry, 2014, Using social media and citizen science for hydrologic data collection,
presented at the Geological Society of America-Northeastern Section, Spring 2014 Meeting, Lancaster, PA
2013 2. Ciruzzi DM and CS Lowry, 2013, Quantifying volume of groundwater in high elevation meadows, Abstract H51H-1298
presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec.
2012 1. DM Ciruzzi, M Farrell, E Horsman, and S Giorgis, 2012, Relative age dating of sills and satellite intrusions from paleomagnetic data, Mt.
Hillers, Henry Mountains, UT, presented at the Geological Society of America-Northeastern Section, Spring 2012, Hartford, CT
since 2015 North Temperate Lakes-Long Term Ecological Research, Graduate Student Member
since 2015 American Water Resource Association, Wisconsin Section
since 2013 American Geophysical Union, Hydrology Member
since 2012 Geological Society of America, Member
Sept. 2015 “Drought resistance and resilience: Definitions, drivers, and responses across LTER ecosystems”
Long Term Ecological Network (LTER) All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park CO, Co-convened with Samuel Zipper
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Service & Outreach
2019 • [Representative] Graduate student representing the voice, comments, and concerns of graduate student body for faculty search
committee for Chemical Hydrologist hire as part of the Water Sustainability Cluster Hire, UW-Madison
• [Outreach booth] Developed outreach booth on groundwater and forests for Trout Lake Station Open House, over 350 attendees
• [Presentation] Presented an overview of the Loheide Hydroecology Lab at UW-Madison with a poster at “Posters on Ice” during the
Frozen Assests Festival on Lake Mendota
2018 • [Workshop] Led presentation skills workshop for incoming College of Engineering teaching assistants
• [Outreach booth] Developed outreach booth on groundwater and forests for Trout Lake Station Open House, over 200 attendees
2017 • [Coordination] Led and organized a committee of faculty and graduate students across six departments for graduate student recruitment
at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting
• [Outreach booth] Developed outreach booth on groundwater and forests for Trout Lake Station Open House, over 300 attendees
• [Presentation] Presented research and facillated discussion on groundwater and forest interactions at the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable
Grower Association Groundwater Task Force subcommittee meeting
2016 • [Volunteer] Volunteer and Leader for incoming College of Engineering Teaching Assistants
• [Outreach booth] Developed outreach booth on tree identification for Trout Lake Station Open House, over 300 attendees
2015 • [Volunteer] Student volunteer at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
• [Volunteer] Student volunteer at North-Central Geological Society of America Meeting
• [Teaching] Developed teaching curricula and field trip with an 8th grade teacher in Wisconsin
• [Coordination] Coordinated students, staff, and faculty for preparation of an external departmental review,
2014 • [Representative] University at Buffalo Geological Sciences Faculty Search committee, graduate student representative
• [Coordination] University at Buffalo Geological Sciences graduate student TA Union representative
2009-2012 • [Workshops and Presentations] Developed and led several workshops and presentations for first-year students with an emphasis on
community and diversity in a college campus, SUNY Geneseo
2019 [Wall Street Journal] The secret messages of swaying trees
[Wisconsin Public Radio] Northwoods Researcher Finds Tree Ring Sizes Match Historic Lake Levels, Giving Window Into Past
[Blog post] Sampling trees by shooting leaves
2018 [Blog post] Out of the Woods, Into the Trees: Trout Lake Research on the Streets of Fond du Lac
[Video news] Scientists present research at open house event in Boulder Junction
[Blog post] Pre-Dawn Fieldwork, Pancakes and Pixels: Study Aims to See the Forests and the Trees
[Blog post] Shotgun Sampling: Researchers Bag Leaves to Better Understand Trees’ Response to Drought
2017 [Magazine] Aquatic Sciences Chronoicle Magazine, front cover, pages 3 & 11: The root of water use
[Blog post] Stuck between a hand drill and a hard place
[Blog post] Photo gallery of drought experiment
[University news] WRI Researchers track groundwater usage by trees in key Wisconsin regions
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