Shelby L. Ziegler: UNC Institute of Marine Sciences 3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557

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Shelby L.

UNC Institute of Marine Sciences
3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557
[email protected] | | @slziegler220

2015-2020 PhD in Ecology (anticipated)
Environment, Ecology, and Energy Program
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Advisor: Dr. F. Joel Fodrie

2009-2013 B.S. Biology

The College of William and Mary
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan. D. Allen

Professional Appointments
2019 Research Assistantship, Coastal Recreational Fish License Grant: Marsh Island
2018 Graduate Research Consultant, ENEC 304: Restoration Ecology.
Instructor: Dr. Geoffrey Bell (UNC-CH)
2016-2018 Research Assistantship, Coastal Waters Consortium, Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.
2016 Graduate Research Consultant, ENEC 304: Restoration Ecology.
Instructor: Dr. Geoffrey Bell (UNC-CH)
2015-2016 Teaching Assistant, ENEC202: Introduction to Environmental Sciences.
Instructor: Dr. Geoffrey Bell (UNC-CH)
2013-2015 Laboratory and Research Specialist, Marine Biodiversity Laboratory, Virginia Institute of
Marine Science, Supervisor: Dr. J. Emmett Duffy.
2010-2013 Undergraduate Researcher, College of William and Mary Supervisor: Dr. Jonathan Allen.
2012 Summer Research Intern, Coastal Studies Center, Bowdoin College.

Ziegler, S. L., K.W. Able, and F.J. Fodrie. (In Review). Shifts in predator-prey interactions across
abiotic gradients alter spatial subsidies at biogeographic scales. Ecology.

Ziegler, S. L., J. H. Grabowski, C. J. Ballie and F. J. Fodrie. 2017. Effects of landscape setting on oyster
reef structure and function largely persist more than a decade post-restoration.
Restoration Ecology. doi:10.1111/rec.12651

McCann, M. J., K. W. Able, R. R. Christian, F. J. Fodrie, O. P. Jensen, J. J. Johnson, P. C. López-

Duarte, C. W. Martin, J. A. Olin, M. J. Polito, B. J. Roberts and S. L. Ziegler. 2017. Key
taxa in food web responses to stressors: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Frontiers in
Ecology and the Environment. 15(3) doi:10.1002/fee.1474

Duffy J. E., S. L. Ziegler, J. Campbell, P. Bippus^ and J. S. Lefcheck. 2015. Squidpops: A simple tool
to crowdsource a global map of marine predation intensity. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142994.

Allen J. D., A. F. Armstrong and S. L. Ziegler. 2015. Environmental induction of polyembryony in

echinoid Echinoderms. Biological Bulletin 229: 221–231. doi:10.1086/bblv229n3p221
2018 Ziegler, S.L., J. H. Grabowski, C. J. Ballie, L.A. Yeager and F. J. Fodrie. Landscape
ecology influences estuarine community dynamics and service delivery. OneNOAA
Science Seminar Series. April 2018.
2018 Ziegler S.L., K.W. Able, and F.J. Fodrie. Regional differences in trophic interactions
among marsh-associated fishes. 47th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting. March 2018.
2018 Ziegler S.L., K.W. Able, and F.J. Fodrie. Regional differences in trophic interactions
among marsh-associated fishes driven by tidal regime. 32nd Annual Tidewater Chapter
of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. January 2018.
2018 Clance L.R^., S.L. Ziegler, and F.J. Fodrie. Effect of edge-to-area ratios of marsh habitat
and seasonality on condition of juvenile fishes. 32nd Annual Tidewater Chapter of the
American Fisheries Society Meeting. January 2018.*(Winner of Best Poster Award)
2017 Ziegler S. L., F. J. Fodrie, Snailed it: the effects of tidal inundation and structural
complexity on predator-prey dynamics in salt marshes. 46th Annual Benthic Ecology
2017 Ziegler S. L., M. D. Miller^, and F. J. Fodrie, Drivers of predator-prey interactions in NC
salt marshes. 5th Annual UNC Curriculum for the Environment and Ecology Student
Research Symposium.
2016 Ziegler S. L., M. J. McCann, et al., Developing a food web model to measure responses
to disturbance: Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 4th Annual UNC Curriculum for the
Environment and Ecology Student Research Symposium.
2015 Ziegler S. L., P. M. Bippus^ and J. E. Duffy. BiteMap: A simple, scalable assay to
quantify predation pressure along environmental gradients. 44th Benthic Ecology
2015 Allen, J.D., A.F. Armstrong, S.L. Ziegler and S.T. Abdel-Raheem. Environmental
induction of polyembryony in echinoderms. Developmental Biology of Sea Urchins.
2014 Ziegler S. L., J. S. Lefcheck, J. P. Richardson and J. E. Duffy. Shifts in mesograzer
community structure following two major eelgrass die-offs in the Chesapeake Bay. 43rd
Benthic Ecology Meeting.*
2014 Richardson, J. P., J. S. Lefcheck, S. L. Ziegler, and J. E. Duffy. Size structure drivers of
crustacean grazer epifauna in a Chesapeake Bay Zostera marina bed. 43rd Benthic
Ecology Meeting.
2013 Ziegler, S. L., and J. D. Allen. Developmental responses to multiple environmental
stressors in echinoid echinoderms. 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting.*
*Indicates poster presentation ^ indicates mentee

Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

2018 Rutgers University Marine Field Station Visiting Scientist Grant. $2,770.
2017-2019 NCDMF Coastal Recreational Fishing License Grant. “Effects of isolated marsh islands
and fringing mainland marshes on secondary production and food web dynamics in tidal
estuaries” $195,331. (co-investigator)
2017-2018 Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) Scholar.
2015 Professional and Staff Development Grant. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. $600.
2013 HHMI Travel Grant, College of William and Mary. $300.
2012 Mary E. Ferguson Memorial Research Grant. College of William and Mary. $250.
2011-2012 Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow Fellowship. Virginia Department of Education.
Synergistic Activities
2017-present Reviewer, Estuaries and Coasts & Biological Conservation
2018-2019 Co-Seminar Chair, Environment, Ecology and Energy Program
2016-2017 Treasurer, Curriculum for the Environment and Ecology Graduate Student Association
2016-2017 Co-Organizer, Curriculum for the Environment and Ecology Student Symposium
2015-2018 Student Blogger: UNder the C Blog

2018 #WhatFishWednesday, Twitter Educational Outreach
2016-2018 Logistics Lead, SciREN Coast, Science Research and Education Network
2016-2017 Outreach Chair, Graduate Student Association, UNC-IMS
2016-2017 Participant and Organizer, NC Seafood Festival Education Day, Morehead City, NC
2017 Participant, NC Science Festival Invite-a-Scientist Program, Beaufort, NC
2016 Participant, UNC Science Expo, Chapel Hill, NC

2018-2019 Research technician: Andrew McMains (University of Montana-Western, B.S. 2017)
2018-2019 Research technician: Marianna Miller (UNC-Chapel Hill, B.S. 2018)
2018 Summer intern: Claire Spear (University of Tampa, B.S. 2019 (expected))
2017-2019 UNC IE/Honors Thesis student: Lily Olmo (UNC-Chapel Hill, B.S. 2020 (expected))
2017-2018 Research technician: Lauren Clance (UNC-Chapel Hill, B.S. 2017)
2016 UNC IE student: Marianna Miller (UNC-Chapel Hill B.S. 2018)

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