Docker Certification Course Brochure
Docker Certification Course Brochure
Docker Certification Course Brochure
Offering training programs in partnership with Coaching
Some of the elements that the participants will learn during the workshop
• Introduction to Docker
• Containerization Fundamentals
• Creating Images
• Docker Volumes
Format: In-Person
Total Hours: 16
Simplifying Agile
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)—
• One-of-a-kind training focus-
ing on variety of assessment • You could be a web developer, sysadmin, operations manager, or
instruments from practice part of an IT/testing/QA team.
quiz questions and lab exer-
• No prior Docker knowledge is necessary.
cises to project-based signa-
ture assignment for learners
to practice and meet the
learning objectives of this
Simplifying Agile
Agility4All Professional—Certified Agile Coach (AP-CAC)
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)—
Course Outline
1. Orchestration
• Complete the setup of a swarm mode cluster, with managers and worker
• State the differences between running a container vs running a service
• Demonstrate steps to lock a swarm cluster
Highlights • Extend the instructions to run individual containers to running services un-
der swarm
• Interpret the output of "docker inspect" commands
• Containers are a solution to the • Convert an application deployment into a stack file using a YAML compose
file with "docker stack deploy"
problem of how to get the soft- • Manipulate a running stack of services
ware to run reliably when moved • Increase # of replicas, add networks, publish ports and mount volumes
• Illustrate running a replicated vs. global service
from one computing environment • Identify the steps needed to troubleshoot a service that is not deploying
to another. • Apply node labels to demonstrate placement of tasks
• Sketch how a Dockerized application communicates with legacy systems
• Paraphrase the importance of quorum in a swarm cluster
• From Gmail to YouTube to Search, • Demonstrate the usage of templates with "docker service create"
Google. Containerization allows • Describe Dockerfile options [add, copy, volumes, expose, entry point, etc.)
development teams to move fast, • Show the main parts of a Docker file
• Give examples on how to create an efficient image via a Dockerfile
deploy software efficiently, and • Use CLI commands such as list, delete, prune, rmi, etc., to manage images
• Inspect images and report specific attributes using filter and format
operate on an unprecedented • Demonstrate tagging an image
• Utilize a registry to store an image
scale. • Display layers of a Docker image
• Apply a file to create a Docker image
• Modify an image to a single layer
• If you are looking for Reproducibil- • Describe how image layers work
• Deploy a registry (not architect)
ity, Isolation, Security, Environ- • Configure a registry
• Log into a registry
ment Management, and Continu- • Utilize search in a registry
ous Integration, all offered by a • Tag an image
• Push an image to a registry
single technology, then Docker • Sign an image in a registry
• Pull an image from a registry
• Describe how image deletion works
• Delete an image from a registry
Simplifying Agile
Agility4All Professional—Certified Agile Coach (AP-CAC)
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)—
Simplifying Agile
Agility4All Professional—Certified Agile Coach (AP-CAC)
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)—
Course Outline (cont’d.)
5. Security
Simplifying Agile
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)—
Learning Goals/Outcomes
• ADP • Utilize Swarm and Kubernetes orchestrators to deploy, maintain, and scale a
distributed application
• Allstate
• American Express
• Anthem
• Aetna
• AT & T
• Bank of America
• BP
• Capital One
• Caterpillar
• Chase
• Cisco
• Citi Bank
• Cognizant
• Collabera
• Dell
Simplifying Agile
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)
Workshop participants who successfully complete the two days training work-
shop will be awarded the Docker Fundaments Certified (DFC) from the Chicago
State University (CSU).
• Express Scripts
• ExxonMobil
• Fed-Ex
• Ford
• HP
• John Deere
• PMI (PDU): This workshop meets the criteria of PMI’s Leadership PDUs (PDU-L),
• Kroll Strategic PDUs (PDU-S), and Technical PDUs (PDU-T) for various PMI credentials.
Total of 15 PDUs are eligible.
• MasterCard
• Scrum Alliance (SEU): This workshop meets the criteria towards SEU require-
ments for Scrum Alliance’s CSP (Certified Scrum Professional) continued educa-
• Mayo Clinic tion requirements. Total of 15 SEUs are eligible.
• Medtronic • IIBA (CDU): This training workshop meets the criteria towards CDU requirements
for CCBA and CBAP certifications. Total of 15 CDUs are eligible.
• MetLife
• NASBA (CPE): NASBA continuing professional education credits (CPE) assist Certi-
• Monsanto fied Public Accountants in reaching their continuing education requirements.
Total of 16 CPEs are eligible.
• North Highland
• Northern Trust
Simplifying Agile
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)
• State Farm
• Target
• Tesla
• T-Mobile
• Toshiba
• UniFirst
• United Health
• US Bank
• UST Global
• Verizon
• Visa
• Walmart
• Wells Fargo
• Wipro
Simplifying Agile
Docker Fundamentals Certified (DFC)
Abhishek conducts both public and private Agile training workshops for the
following institutions/organizations:
Agility4All – DFC— A training program from the Chicago State University (CSU)
Abhishek enjoys working with people on solving problems specific to their con-
text and tailored to their needs, rather than generic pre-fabricated solutions.
DevOps is primarily a cultural change and is very unique to every organization. He
has been champion of introducing containers not only in release and deployment
jobs, but extensively in development workflows, harnessing the true potential of
portability attribute of containers and services.
He is Certified Docker Associate from Docker Inc. and DevOps Professional from
Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon. Additionally he is SPC (SAFe
Program Consultant) from Scaled Agile, Inc. and KMP (Kanban Management
Professional) from Lean Kanban University (LKU).
Simplifying Agile
About Agility4All
Simplifying Agile
Agility For All
Agility4All, Inc.
1249 Deerfield Pkwy, #303
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089