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Manual Mue Home RGB

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MUE Home Smart Bulb-Smart Life App Installation Guide

1. Navigate to the app store on your mobile

4. Please select the country code for your 6. If you're setting up using a phone number,

country of residence. please enter the verification code that was
sent to your phone and your desired password,
2. Download an app called "Smart Life". 5. Enter either your email address or phone then select confirm.
number. (1f you enter your phone number you
3. Once app is downioaded, open the app and will be senta verification text message which
select Register. you will need in the next step).

Smart Life-
Smart Living Register Enter Verification Code
Yu xiang

OPEN China+86

4.9 **

What's New Version History

versrur 315.1 imo ago

Devices Management 3Agree Ls bareenert ann 2rixACY PalcY

-Enable to view mutiple camera recordings in
the same screen via Home page. more

MUE Home t Bulb-Smort Life App imstolletion Guide
7. F you're setting up using an email address, & You have now successfully created an account 9. Select Lighting (Wi-Fi) under "Lighting from
please enter your desired password and selet and you're now ready to start setting up your Left Navigation.
on Smart bulbs and fixtures

Cick the Plus Button (+) on the top right corner

to add a device.

Add Manualy Auto Scan

Set Password Electrician

t e 20

Horne AP-

Home A

Add Device Appharces

8 Sensors

& Health


and others
Installation Guide
MUE Home Smart Bulb -Smart Life App
MUE Home Smart Light to a 11. Connect to your desired Wi-Fi network 12. If an error message appears at the middle of
10. Connect your
To be in pairing mode, turm the (2.4GHz only, NOT SGHz), enter your password, the screen it means you're currently mot
power source.
then off for 2 then select Confirm. connected to aWi-Fi network or vou
MUE Home Smart Light on and
seconds at a time. Repeat this 5 times. The connected to 5Ghz network.
MUE Home Smart Light will begin blinking
rapidly once in pairing mode.

Cencel Net Pairing Mode Cancel

Reset the device first.

Enter Wi-Fi Password
f the ight ts blinking fast, skip the
Power on
Tum On-off-on-off-on (Subject to
User Marual) 5GH
O Ensure light is fast blinking
The mebke phone s ot qeme
Attertion: Ploase complete pairing process
within 3 mirnutes after device reset.
Only 24 GHz W Fi networke
r t supportet Cancei

Confim indicator rapidly blink Contim

MUE Home Smart B-SortL Ap stolotion ude
13. Once you select Confirm after
entering your 14. fyou get a error message that says "Failed to 15. Once your MUE Home Smart Light successfully
password, the app will start to pair the MUE Add", it means that the connection has failed. connects to the app, the below screen will pop
Home Smart Light to your
app You may have to tum the MUE Home Smart up and you can change the name of MUE
Light into pairing mode again, and to repeat Home Smart Light.
step 11 to step 14.
For Example: Name it: Light. It's best to
make this simple so that if you would like
to connect this to your Alexa App or
Google Home, it will be easier for the
Close smart assistant to understand which light
you would like to control.

After naming your MUE Home Smart Light,

Connecting... Device not responding
select Done.
ace voar router nmotbile phone anc Check demerit points and retry
evCe as ciose as sossbie
O Check it the device has been
reset and the indicator is Added.
bfinking quickly.
Check f n is 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi. Light
Venity the Wi-Fi password.



Switch Pairing Mode

roite D: Cang FAQS

MUE HomeSmart Bulb-SmartLifeApplInstallationGuide
16. Congratulations! You're now able to control 17. Select the circle on the bottom left, names
your MUE Home Smart Light in the Smart Life "White" (this may be different for your device)
app. This will allow you to change the color
temperature and brightness of your lighting

Light Light Light

MUE Home Smart Bulb-Smort Ufe App instollation Gulde
18 Select the circle on the bottom right, names 19. Select "Add" at the middle of the screen to get 20. Set the timer and action as you desired.
"Sschedule". This will allow you to schedule started.
vour lighting device to turn on or off at certain
times of the day.

Ligh Schecule Acd Sched

8 58 AM

No timer data Repeal



MUE Home Smart Bulb Smart Life App Installation Guide

21. On the Home screen you can turn on/off 22. Select Smart at the bottom mid of the screen 23. On Automation screen, you can DIY
Devices all of your lighting. If you select one of to create a Scenario from "Tap-to-Run" and automated actions when certain conditions
your lights, you will be able to change the color, Automated Actions from Tab "Automation. are met.
or warmness, and adjust the brightness
depending on the light selected. For example, you can create certain For example, when the sunrises, the light
actions and it will take effect when you will automatically turn off.
turn on the Tap-to-Run.

Cancel Edit Save Cancel Creat new Smart

Light Condition Condition

Any Conditon is Met

Sunset/Sunrise: Sunrise
launch Tap To Run

Task Task

Light Light
Cmerhy ON

"Lighr arenty:0N

Style Style

Show on Home Pagge

MUE Home Smart Bulb - Smart Life App Installation Guide

24. Select Me on the bottom right of the screen. 25. If you want to use Voice Control through 26. Your MUE Home Smart Light is now set up and
In Tab "Me", you can share devices, send Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. You can go ready to use in the Smart Life app.
feedback, and go to help center for more to page "More Services" for details.
information. Thank you for choosing Mue Home!
Customer satisfaction is our TOP priority,
please let us know how you felt about
your experience.

Happy? We are so happy that you are

pleased with our product. Feet free to
More Services My Order
express your newfound joy! Share your
experience by writing a review on Amazon

Tap to Set Nickname Not Happy? If you are not fuily satisfied
with the item you received, have any
problems like damages, or questions,
Al Filterod Cloud Storagye Phone please contact us via Amazon message
Home Management
Natiflcation for Cameras Notiflcaton
center. We typically respond within 24
Message Center

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AlCx Google Axglstant IPTTT

Tmall enie Tecent xuaawel @uerOs

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