Wire Rope Sling Tech Info
Wire Rope Sling Tech Info
Wire Rope Sling Tech Info
D/d RATIOS he rated capacity of a sling factors that affect the overall
When a sling is rigged varies depending upon the type strength of the sling, including:
as a basket, the of sling, the size of the sling,
> Splicing efficiency.
diameter of the and the type of hitch. The American
bend where the sling Society of Mechanical Engineers > Design factor (5 is standard).
contacts the load
> Number of parts of rope in the sling.
can affect the sling’s
lifting capacity. > Type of hitch (straight pull, choker
hitch or basket hitch).
When D/d ratios smaller than those shown above (or those shown in the footnotes below
Rated Capacity Tables) are used, the rated capacity of the sling must be decreased.
How wire rope slings are configured or the sling damaged by the load, and
to lift a load is called a hitch. Most lifts when the lift requires the sling to hug
use one of three basic hitches. the load. Never choke a load so that any
part of one eye or splice is in the part of
the sling that passes through the other
If one eye of the sling is attached to
eye to form the choke.
the lifting hook and the other eye is
attached to the load, this is called a Two notes of caution: Always pull
vertical eye and eye, or straight, hitch. a choker hitch tight before the lift is
A tagline should be used to prevent made. It should never be pulled down
load rotation that may damage the sling. during the lift. Also, never use only
one choker hitch to lift a load that VERTICAL HITCH
When two or more slings are attached
could shift or slide out of the choke.
to the same lifting hook, the total hitch
becomes, in effect, a lifting bridle and
the load is distributed equally among
A basket hitch is formed when both
the individual slings.
eyes of the sling are placed on the lifting
Slings used at an angle have a lower hook, thereby forming a circular basket
rated capacity than one used vertically. of the sling. This type of hitch distributes
the load equally between the two legs
CHOKER HITCH of the sling, within limitations.
In the choker hitch, one eye of the sling
is attached to the lifting hook, while the LIFTING BRIDLES
sling itself is drawn through the other When you attach two or more slings to
eye. The load is placed inside the “choke” the same lifting hook, or are connected CHOKER HITCH
that is created while the sling is drawn to a link rigged onto the hook, the total
tight over the load through the eye. hitch becomes a lifting bridle, distrib-
uting the load among the individual
Choker hitches reduce the lifting slings. When using two or more slings
capability of a sling since the wire rope as a lifting bridle, remember that the
component’s ability to adjust during the sling angle affects the slings’ rated
lift is affected. You should only use a capacities. Also, the location of the
choker hitch when the load will not be lift’s center of gravity will affect the
seriously damaged by the sling body, load on each sling leg.
They are: (1) the physical parameters of the load; If the load has small diameter corners, protective
(2) the number of legs and the angle they make blocking or “softeners” must be used so that sling
with the horizontal; (3) the rated capacity of the capacity isn’t reduced. Also, if lifting a painted
sling; and (4) the condition of the sling. object or an object with a finished surface, padding
or softeners may be needed between the sling and
PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF THE LOAD the load to protect the load.
The size of the object to be lifted, and particularly
the location of lifting points, will affect sling NUMBER OF LEGS AND ANGLE WITH THE HORIZONTAL
selection. The weight of the lift, while a critical As the angle formed by the sling leg and the hori-
component, is only a part of the information. The zontal decreases, the rated capacity of the sling
Whenever you lift a load with the legs of a sling at CONDITION OF SLING
an angle, you can calculate the actual load per leg Each sling must be inspected daily. If the sling does
by using the following three-step formula. not pass inspection (See Page 9), do not use.
for the angles and hitch involved as
well as the right type and style for
the job.
blocking, sling and load protection
are in place, then lift slightly off the
ground and re-check the lift.
INFORMATION? If D/d ratios are smaller than those 8. STAND CLEAR AND LIFT
> When it comes indicated, the sling’s rated capacity To prevent injury, move away from
to using wire rope must be reduced. Choose a sling with the areas between the sling and load
slings and assem- the proper end attachments or eye and between the sling and the crane
blies, knowledge is protection as well as attaching hook or hoist hook. Let the lifting
your most important hardware. Pad all corners in contact device and rigging work for you.
tool. We know this with the sling to minimize damage
guide can’t answer to the sling. Avoid the temptation to use your
every question you muscles to prevent swinging or
have about wire 4. INSPECT THE SLING movement. Use a tagline or tether.
rope slings and Check the sling closely to be sure Be sure to keep clear of the
assemblies. it is in good condition and able to suspended load.
make the lift. Follow all the appro-
If you have more priate OSHA guidelines and ASME 9. AVOID SHOCK LOADING
informational needs, regulations. You cannot change Lift slowly with a steady application
contact your Union the length of a sling. If a different or power. Don’t make sudden starts
distributor or district length is needed, get a sling of the or stops, either in lifting or swinging
sales manager. required length. the load.
Before using slings, inspect them to be sure they meet the requirements for that application.