ANATOMY: Pelvic 2
ANATOMY: Pelvic 2
ANATOMY: Pelvic 2
Ligaments of pelvis
1-Sacrotuberous lig.
2-Sacrospinous lig.
3-Sacroiliac lig.
4-Sacrococcygeal lig
Sacrotuberous lig:
Sacrum&coccyx---------------Ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous lig
1-Anteroposterior dia.
Extends from promontory of sacrum------------upper border
of symphysis pubis
2-Oblique dia.(12cm)
Sacroiliac joint-----------------iliopectineal eminence
3-Transverse dia.(13cm)
Sacrotuberous ligament
Diameters of pelvis in cm
Pelvic walls
Fascia Peritoneum
Pelvic walls
Action :
Acts as a sling that support pelvic organs
Resists the rise in intrapelvic pressure during
Acts as a sphincter (anorectal sphincter & vaginal
Coccygeus M.
Ischial spine----------------------lower end of sacrum&coccyx
Action: Supports pelvic organs
Anococcygeal body:Mass of fibrous tissue lies between
tip of coccyx& anal cnal
Perineal body:Mass of fibrous tissue lies anterior to anal
Piriformis M.:
Sacrum---------passes through greater sciatic foramen--------
inserted into greater trochanter of femur
Action:Lateral rotates the femur at the hip
Obturator internus
Pelvic surface of obturator membrane+Adjacent hip bone
Greater trochanter
Pelvic fascia