Points Assignment (1) - 1
Points Assignment (1) - 1
Points Assignment (1) - 1
1. Two points A and B are in H.P. The point A is 30 mm in front of the V.P while B is behind
the V.P. The distance between their projectors is 75 mm and the line joining their top
views makes an angle of 45degrees with xy. Find the distance of the point B from the
V.P. [AUG MECH 2015-SET2] [ EEE JAN 2015-SET 2] [ ECE,JAN 2014-SET 1] [NOV EEE 2015-SET1] [CSE
MAY 2016,SET-3]
2. A point P is 15 mm above H.P and 20 mm in front of the V.P. Another point Q is 25 mm
behind the V.P and 40 mm below the H.P. Draw projections of P and Q keeping the
distance between their projectors equal to 90 mm. Draw straight lines joining (i) their
top views and (ii) their front views.[NOV ECE 2015-SET1] [CSE,AUG 2014-SET 3][ECE,JAN 2014-
SET 2]
3. Mark the projections of the following points on a common reference line, keeping the
projectors 35mm apart.
(i) A, 25mm above H.P and 35mm in front of V.P
(ii) B, 25mm above H.P and 40 mm behind V.P
(iii) C, 30mm below H.P and 45 mm behind V.P
(iv) D, 30 mm below H.P and 40 mm in front V.P [ ECE,JAN 2014-SET 3] [NOV EEE 2015-SET2]
4. Two pegs fixed on a wall are 4.5 metres apart. The distance between the pegs measured
parallel to the floor is 3.6 metres. If one peg is 1.5 m above the floor, find the height of
the second peg and the inclination of the line joining the two pegs with the floor.
. [ ECE JAN 2015-SET 3] [ ECE,JAN 2014-SET 4]
5. Draw the projections of the following, keeping the distance between the projectors as
25mm on the same reference line: [NOV ECE 2015-SET2]
(i) A- 25mm above HP and 50mm behind the VP
(ii) B- 40 mm below HP and 45mm in front of the VP
(iii) C- on HP and 25mm behind VP [ CSE,AUG 2014-SET 2] [NOV EEE 2015-SET3]
6. A point A is 20mm above the HP and in the first quadrant. Its shortest distance from the
reference line XY is 40mm. Draw the projections of the point and determine its distance
from the VP. [ CSE,AUG 2014-SET 3] [CE MAY 2016,SET-1]
7. Mark the projections of the following points on projectors 35 mm apart.
(i) 25 mm above the HP and 40 mm behind V.P
(ii) 20 mm above the HP and on V.P
(iii) 30 mm below the HP and 45 mm in front of V.P [ CSE,AUG 2014-SET 4] [CSE MAY
8. Draw the FV, TV of the following points:
(i) Point P lies in the HP and 20mm behind the VP
(ii) Point Q lies in the VP and 30mm below the HP
(iii) Point R lies 35mm below the HP and 25mm behind the VP. [ MECH,AUG 2014-SET 2]
9. Two points M and N lie in the VP. The point M is above the HP and the point N is 40mm
below the HP. The perpendicular distance between their projectors is 60mm. The line
joining M and N makes 60 degrees with XY. Draw the projections of the points. Find the
height of point M from the HP? [ MECH,AUG 2014-SET 2]
10. Draw the projections of the following points on the same ground line, keeping the
projectors 25 mm apart.
(i) 40 mm above the HP and 25 mm in front of the VP
(ii) In the VP and 40 mm above the HP
(iii) 15 mm above the HP and 50 mm behind the VP . [ EEE JAN 2015-SET 1]
11. A point 30 mm above xy line is the plan view of two points P and Q. The elevation of P is
45 mm above the HP. While that of the point Q is 35 mm below the HP. Draw the
projections of the points and state their position with reference to the principle planes
and the quadrant in which they lie.[NOV ECE 2015-SET3] [ EEE JAN 2015-SET 4] [CE MAY
12. A point P is 20 mm below HP and lies in the third quadrant. Its shortest distance from xy
is 40 mm. Draw its projections.
[AUG CIVIL 2015-SET3] [ CSE JAN 2015-SET 3] [ ECE JAN 2015-SET 2] [NOV EEE 2015-SET4] [CSE MAY
13. A point P is 50 mm from both the reference planes. Draw its projections in all possible
positions. [ ECE JAN 2015-SET 4]
14. A point A is situated in the first quadrant. Its shortest distance from the intersection
point of HP, VP and auxiliary plane is 60 mm and it is equidistant from the principal
planes. Draw the projections of the points and determine its distance from the principal
planes. [AUG CIVIL 2015-SET1][AUG MECH 2015-SET1] [CSE JAN 2015-SET 4][ ECE JAN 2015-SET
4] [NOV ECE 2015-SET4] [CSE MAY 2016,SET-4]
15. Draw the projections of the following points on the same ground line, keeping the
projectors 25mm apart.
(i) A, in the HP and 20mm behind the VP
(ii) B, 40mm above the HP and 25mm in front of the VP
(iii) C, in the VP and 40mm above the HP. [ CSE JAN 2015-SET 1]
16. Two points A and B are in the HP. The point A is 30mm in front of the VP; while B is
behind the VP. The distance between their projectors is 75mm and the line joining their
top views makes an angle of 45 degrees with xy. Find the distance of the point B from
the VP. . [AUG MECH 2015-SET4][ CSE JAN 2015-SET 2]
17. A point is 35 mm above HP and 20 mm infront of VP . Draw the front view , top and side
view . [AUG CSE 2015-SET4]
18. A point Q is situated in first quadrant. It is 40 mm above HP and 30 mm infront of VP. Draw
its projections and find its shortest distance from intersection of HP and VP. [CE MAY