17 National Science and Math Quest

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DepED Region | CITY SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SAN FERNANDO ‘Tanqui, City of San Femando, La Union Telefax : (072) 607-4715 Email Address smando.city [email protected] DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. uo s,2019 To : ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL HEADS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FROM : FATIMA R. BOADO, CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent + SUBJECT : 17 NATIONAL sce (4 MATH QUEST DATE + JULY 10, 2019 PARTICULARS The Association of Science Educators in the Philippines (ASEP) will conduct the 17 National Science and Math Quest at Skyrise Hotel and Teachers Camp, Baguio City on February 8-10, 2020. Participation to this national activity is on voluntary basis. However, we would like to ‘congratulate the School Heads of the different public and private elementary and secondary schools and our local university who participated in the 16" National Science Quest which was held at Teachers Camp and Skyrise Hotel, Baguio City last February 9-11, 2019 for all the awards and recognitions received that brought honor to the City Schools Division of San Fernando, the City Government of San Fernando, the Province of La Union and to DepEd Region I Attached herewith is the letter of the National President and Vice President of the Association for your reference For your information and guidance. TTD pocument cope: ost cess MN areca zee / Republic of the Philippines f | DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION i Region 1 City of San Fernando, La Union 2500 uly 3, 2019 zw ADVISORY No. 15} _, 5. 2019 TO: ALL SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS FROM: THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR SULJECT: 17% National Science and Math Quest The Association of Science Educators (ASEP) will conduct the 17%: National Science and Math Quest at Skyrise Hotel and Teachers Camp, Baguio City on February 8-10, 2020. Attached is the Advisory and letter from ASEP. For information * pee MALCOLM 8. GARMA, Incls.: As Stated CLMD in reemconnn deh RELFASED Lg 3 wa wa woreoze tos oo ASSOCIATION OF SCIENCE EDUCATORS “RECEIVED — IN THE PHILIPPINES (ASEP) RECEIVED Summerfield Subd Bray. Osono | TreceMartires City, Cavite (Main Office) Cel No. 0939-3807456 Tel, No. 046-4435647 dune 15, 2019 SirMadam ‘The Association of Science Educators (ASEP) will conduct 17" National Science and Math Quest on February 8-10, 2020 at Skyrise Hole! and Teachers Camp, Baguio city ‘The purpose of the Regional Science Quest is to promote academic excellence in Science and Mathematics and create camaraderie and sportsmanship among pupils students and coaches, In thiseregard, we would like to request your good office to disseminate this National Activity to the different divisions, distnets and schools in your region ‘Attached herevith is the Advisory and Schedule of Activities for your perusal Hoping that your institution will merit your favorable consideration Thank you and God Bless! Very truly yours, ax OR. FRUYZ R. sofiov-ane ASEP. National Plesident Ht nieGeKK cranes" ASEP. National Vice-President ae NE NAA AME ASSOCIATION OF “GIENCE EDUCATORS IN Ta Pi PINES \eSED reset toes Ci'y Cate (Moan ert cE ADVISORY NO. IT'S 2316 : 17 NATIONAL SCIENCE QUEST se Ascocintion of Sconce Eduestors 2 he Oniepinee (ASEE) wo couuct te LueSE on Fatmngy 72 2020-1 Techere Cams Bago Cry aml Sra Hote! * NATIONAL SCIENCE Te scsi of iter compet the ort eels me ws non Powe tne hy so Soptrsoee 23° 2 Rego Love! ‘elon ta Ononrter 20°8 5 Rstons Level epwuary = 2020 The competion aes i promote acadure encollense& Sper ard Mabrorats, renise crate camaracere The patespane ate mew ‘eAregory ~~ = ~ aERNS ——— 18 cH iSGaREGERAT FHL Seams aod “Thad plate wines Yor (7W2) SCIENCE & MATH HISTORY Tlomerinry Pople (Grate * fo 6 Seeonfary Stns (G'930 1 a and deniar fygh Semon {Grade 11 #0 12} for tom Puts 2! the Seence, ats ects Esonmertal Gay and Seach ort tan nislony Ose. Feeertny eel hy Grade Level eam 112 sEccday Laver year cee fram 7 10 19), ad Senor Ha Sona! Ghote 11 es ibs Pubic ant Peat RevsiriReoe 3 routs ngedua aed eae Fra Second and Ted Pisce Dvisanitegions’ ‘winnete Srimce ea agaaTes TECHNOLOGY. SUMOROT 2D 7 ftstvitul team extegon er Anon and fe for Eementany Lev [per cir cowPeTmioN | Gite" Fta "sna Seeend Pace’ Dusen Regorat summers ror Secondary caval ant Sar” High Schoo! (vweuat and Tesm Cotegor. Chater “ad 2 both Puofe and Prvate Scoot. vette hase Fe toe NP, Gnge tad Grade I ast and Second Drace mene mits gee) ategoy) sn SIP PROVES Siackiggors Br Second an ThaG Tee wane Ma Tea Elomemry Secondiny and Sana High Soho teachare bot Pu : saad Praia Senote a | On-THE:sPOT PAINTINGCOLLAGE | > Baislonfiegonal Fi Second” and” “Whikd Place “winners. | SEWING POSTER MAKING SCLART \ Fhorontny Lowe {Ginge 1.2.34 56) and Second Level (Casi ‘ORNS ea ir bed Serb Mgh Schoo! (Guade 47 and 12} and Teacher ei Parents Category Sol Puble and Prats Winners a | Rigor by cater Brean. Iermeate, Securing. ent SHE ‘GElont and Third Dace DwsirvResenal wmners ‘Secondary Levels and So! > Fi ‘Soenee tnteation) 19" Bomant ‘Second ans thot Pace DRaniRegiomar Wane & SOOTHES SCLENEER JINGLE *SHING TUGSAYAWATEGAVAWT SCH VEEN CHO. Siyepern Tec souFouK ores tk | + OMEGNG SCLINRITING (ILDINO & tay Urve! Secondary tevel end Senay” Mh Schoo? bo HOUSH) IMBROMPT SPEAKIN. Pattie a aie Senoors wth Science tnpliaan Naan ton GrIOO ATBINBRING) | +” Fast Seastd and. The Phes Dinnionftegenat Winne'a 6 | esc 2SAMUTTETTE PRINCE AND Elcrortry Lever Secondary Level and soni: Wa S 85s Paice vate Schosls 1 fas CURE DAMATHS SF [Bie Second ard Tned Place DwisiowRegonat Winners ae EO CHALLENGE MATH AND | Eemcntay. Secondary L2vat Senor High Schoo! and Teacher bot | NCE TRAIL SCHOAMA SC ote ona Preate Sen TEC SCHEMORGADURNALISM TOMER |» Prem avd egeher wi atay Power Patil ana Glace Soa SPLLLNG BEE CONTEST 2 fait Seeune and Ted Fnee” Divs Regional Weneis story ou kona Level Secontny Level ant Serer High Schoo! Love |i Bute nd Private Schad : | “ini Cachice avers, REIGNS ara Dri'on Suporiers. ASOS. SOS, Chea, Assia Chiets Schoo a ae ree, Pomel ravens ae her Stoncaeniiusias ove aged to end Wiest foot cf Thee Thousand Tao Hundred pesos ftp 2.200 00) Tropise 3-3 er rcelaneo= vent Unt TLGL) Wes ech paciart etl be charged wth sega un vor cannes fr boord and gg #rmoraig of wdgee cans, ae aed Loon Ford, Cars) Seno~ Bord Furd USEF) Lovet Gov Fr ofheu souks te af he vem of Fetmuany 7, 2020 for me Le Regena Sewnce Superveats ana A Fee mre mkamaten, conlaet OR. FRUIT R GODOY.BAISA, ASEP-Prestent ar OR. AURORA A FRANCO, sth Vick prcesent mole no 0998:380745E or O9TS-6534556 cto scent ets 480" Hes ASSOCIATION OF SCIENCE EDUCATORS IN THE PHILIPPINES Summierfiekd Subd, ray. Osorio Trecomattires City, Cavite 16" NATIONAL SCIENCE QUEST OVER-ALL RANKING Announcement of winners and over-all rankings of the 18° NATIONAL, SCIENCE AND MATH QUEST held in TEACHERS CAMP and SKYRISE HOTEL, BAGUIO CITY on February 8-10, 2019. meson | TOTAL Marion, el onecion stow REcioNA ce roms "Rawat one momaron es fi viLu? pacatparan econ uaz) chnwrrow = ORAUARUAYC Tor |“ mommon Bt etlneat ‘meer | "oa etng seRiearonn a orospaoo san anronio | BRLRONENACABANOING eqioNIVA 180% enaMPon panne a FN ermen oe oust ‘bt FeuraWwonAnA oe | __ ‘orien Comoe | om Isapetetate pores eeu ecionix 2 | yr RUNMER UP eee sty DOs a ro ___ontntiito s'enconioc } oes om Liat PaciLoge Sr ee eee casi Luma ron ‘oe ROMMEL BLIVE neoiow mn | sz 9 RUNNER IF es Ser i br antuno earucor Vente reoiown es rumnersue on NS. 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