Geoproduct Belitong Geopark

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 65

1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance (ICEBEF 2018)

Geoproduct Development as Part of Geotourism at

Geopark Belitong

Ayu Krishna Yuliawati, Rofi Rofaida, Budhi Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian
Pamungkas Gautama Lab Geologi Lingkungan
Program Studi Manajemen Universitas Padjadjaran
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jatinangor, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract—Geopark in Indonesia has SMEs which are engaged Africa, geotourism and geoparks presents an opportunity, by
in geoproduct development. Geoproduct are products and creating, new products related to the geoheritage called
services created by the community living in the surrounding geoproducts and geo-menus in local restaurant, new
geopark areas. Geopark has become a targeted destination for recreational activities (geo-tours, museums, etc.) and new jobs
geotourism in Belitong, Indonesia. These geopark have unique for local communities [4]. Meanwhile, European Geopark has
geoproduct development. The objectives of this research is to to work within the network for further expansion and
map geoproducts in the geopark and the role geoproducts play in cohesion, collaborate with other geoparks and local enterprises
geotourism. The research method used is qualitative and for the achievement of it’s objectives, create and promote new
descriptive using primary and secondary data. The SMEs in
by-products linked with geological and cultural heritage [5].
Belitong are located around the geopark’s buffer zone. The result
of this study shows that geoproduct varied in terms of the nature
These are several research already conducted related to
of the product, and quality. Most of the products are culinary geoproducts, at geopark outside of Indonesia. There are only
and handicraft product using local grown ingredients and few research of geoproducts in Indonesian geoparks, therefore
indigenous knowledge. The proposed strategy for developing a research in this subject needed. The research objectives are:
variety of geoproducts is a global value chain strategy that helps mapping of geoproducts in the Belitong geopark and describe
producers compete in marketing their product at geotourism site. the geoproducts in geotourism.

Keywords—geoproduct; geopark; geotourism; Belitong II. METHOD

The research type is descriptive research, where the
I. INTRODUCTION researcher conducted mapping of SME’s geoproduct at
Belitong Geopark area has a basis for geotourism Geopark Belitong. Exploratory research basically is to seek out
development that is based on aspects of conservation, why events occur in the field, new ideas through data
education, and economic growth by prioritizing the concept of collection in the field. In this study mapping geopark products
sustainability and increasing local economic development for in Belitong national geopark. There are 500 SMEs in Belitong
the local community. Geoproducts are part of the geopark PLUT community which is the Integrated Small and Medium
produced by SME’s as a local community. The sustainable Enterprises Cooperative Business Service Center [6].
local economy involves the creation of tourism backup
The the population of this research comes from PLUT
infrastructures, such as lodging, restaurants, cultural animation,
community, whereas the research samples are 50 SMEs from
museums, and interpretive center and infopoints, outdoor
this community. The research was conducted by using the
activities and shops. Geopark have strong commitment of the
purposive sampling method. Data collected were primary data
local community through local administration, local NGOs and
through interviews and secondary data through reports and
local companies [1].
literature sources.
The geoproduct at Naturtejo Geopark, where innovative
products were born contribute actively for the growth of local III. RESULTS
economy and also to raise awareness for geodiversity and the
geoproducts [2]. These geoproducts combine traditional Belitong Geopark is one of the main tourism destinations in
products with new concepts and interpretations. The Indonesia. The number of tourist visits to the island has
geoproducts are necessary for tourism activity [3]. Engaging increased due to the many promotions carried out by the
local communities in network activities can promote the government and the geopark, including holding festivals every
creation of new products and service innovation as well as the year in Belitong. The number of tourist visits in East Belitung
generation of new social economic and intangible capital that up to 2015 was 167,680 tourists, consisting of 165,630
can lead to a regional competitive advantage Meanwhile in domestic tourists and 2,050 foreign tourists increasing from

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 65

2014 where domestic tourists were 81,032 tourists, consisting to find Satam stone on Belitung Island , let alone to be used as
of 34,210 domestic tourists and 720 foreign tourists [7]. a craft. Usually the craftsmen get satam stones from the land
tin miners, who discovered this satam by chance from the
Geotourism activities carried out on the island of Belitong bowels of the earth with a depth of 50 meters.
cannot be separated from the role of the local SME community
which provides products / services to meet the needs of tourists Satam stone is often used to make jewelry such as rings,
ranging from lodging, restaurants, local transportation, geo necklaces and various other handicrafts. Various other
trekking tour packages, island hopping, and souvenirs. SMEs souvenirs can be purchased at the SME’s handicraft shop in the
that produce geoproducts are scattered in 2 districts where market of Tanjungpandan city. For souvenirs, there is a craft of
Belitong Geopark is located. Belitung shells which are created into bracelets, earrings,
displays or interesting decorations.
In 2014, Belitung Regency was dominated by the food
industry group, namely 1.161 business units spread throughout The souvenir center in Belitong offers various snacks such
the districts. The industries are located in Tanjungpandan sub as banana skin chips, key orange syrup, banana chips, abon
district with 703 business units. About 5,448 people worked in crab, abon banana peel, kemplang banana peel, salted fish,
the SMES (2014), and the labor force was dominantly working squid chips, calamari, pelekek eggs, shrimp paste and other
in the food industry about 2,524 people [8]. In East Belitung in processed seafood. One of the specialty in this shop is the skin
2015, the number of SMEs reached 10,101 units [9]. of banana chips.
Geoproducts on the island of Belitung consist of Many SMEs in Belitong are joining Integrated Business
agricultural/fishery products, handicrafts, tour and travel Service Centers (PLUT), where SME entrepreneurs can consult
services, restaurant and other culinary services. The SMEs on on their businesses, opportunities to participate in business
the island of Belitung is an industry that processes agro- fairs, and training. Belitong Geoparks have a strong
industrial, fishery, plantation and marine products. This craft commitment of the local community through local
consists of seashell craft which is shaped into animal shapes for administration, local NGOs and local companies. It is similar
displays, key chains, ashtrays and so on which certainly have in Naturtejo Geopar whichk encourages new projects in the
high artistic value. In addition, there are handicrafts from territory and promote them in its activities. This is as long-term
rattan, lais leaves, mengkuang, leaves (pandan) which are dried project and very innovative because the geological features that
and molded into bags, mats (carpet floor replacement mat), have been always present in the region for the local people now
also hats. The food industry in the form of snacks such as can be economically exploited through new opportunities for
shrimp paste, banana chips, fish crackers, gonggong snail, and business and sustainable explored for the benefit of people [2].
others. The geoproduct specific locations are as follows:
Belitong Geopark also supports the making of local
handicrafts such as the production of clay and pottery
TABLE I. GEOPRODUCT BELITONG GEOPARK souvenirs by local enterprises. These items are on sale in the
souvenir shops in Belitung and also in the clay-potery factory.
This is similar to geoproducts developed in ther geoparks.
GEOPRODUCT BELITONG Lesvos Geopark has along tradition in pottery and woodcarving
REGENCY and the geopark promotes these products to its visitors. The
Satam jewellery X catering for all geopark events (conferences,meetings) is
Bambu works X x supplied by the women’s cooperatives using the local
Seashell accessories X x traditional recipes.Their products are also sold in the museum
Lais/Pandan hat and bags X x snack bar. Every summer the geopark organizes an agrotourism
Batik Daun Simpor festival quality local products, food, and drinks prepared by the
X x
Batik Tual
women’s cooperatives. The agrotourism festival includes a
X variety of presentations, events, and happenings as well as an
Batik Sepiak X exhibition of local products. Lesvos Geopark collaborates
Fish and seafood chips X x closely with women’s agrotourism cooperatives and local
Banana Chips X x organic food producers to offer its visitors the opportunity to
Orange Syrup X x taste and buy local food products (e.g., pasta, organic olive oil,
Ceramic products X x wine, ouzo, liquors, traditional sweets, and marmalades) as
Restaurants X x their geoproduct [1].
Coffee Shops X x
Tour and Travel services x IV. DISCUSSION
Citronella Oil x Geopark with local communities promotes tourist attraction
Herbal Drink x and development in the region. Tourism is inseparable from the
Honey X x provision of transportation, food-drinks, lodging, tour packages
Source: Integrated Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Business Service Center and souvenirs, where SMEs play an important role in that.
Geoproduct production and distribution activities provide
One of the souvenir that characterizes Belitung is Satam. additional income for the local population and can attract
Satam stone is probably the only one in the world. It is not easy investment into the area. Geoproduct can also function as a
pedagogical tool for environmental education. The

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 65

collaboration of SMEs in geopark with the government, REFERENCES

communities and universities related to interdisciplinary
research is carried out to improve the competitive advantage of [1] N.C. Zouros, ”Lesvos Petrified Forest Geopark, Greece:
geoproducts. Geoconservation, Geotourism, and Local Development,” The George
Wright Forum, JSTOR, 2010.
V. CONCLUSION [2] J. Rodrigues and C.N. Carvalho, “Geoproducts In Geopark Naturtejo,”
[Proceedings of the VIII European Geoparks Conference, Idanha-a-
Geopark as an innovation for the protection of natural Nova, Portugal, p. 82–86, 2009].
heritage and geology plays an important role in the [3] N.T. Farsani, C.O.A Coelho, and C. Costa, ”Rural geotourism: A new
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local socio-economic development by attracting more visitors, [4] P.M. Ngwira, From Geoheritage to Geoparks. Springer Geotourism and
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[5] N. Zouros and P. McKeever, “Geoparks: Celebrating Earth heritage,
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [6] Integrated Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Business Service
Center. Report of Members Database, 2016.
We would like to thank Belitong Geopark for their
[7] Planning and Development Agency of Belitung. Regional Development
assistance during the research and Faculty of Economics Plan for Belitung Regency, 2014.
Education and Business for their support. [8] Cooperation, Industry and Trade Business Service of Belitung Regency.
Report on SMEs Database, 2014.
[9] East Belitung Planning and Development Agency. Regional
Development Plan East Belitung Regency, 2017.


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