Cs6601 Ds 2m Rejinpaul III

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1.What is meant distributed system?
1. We define a distributed system as a collection of autonomous computers linked by a
network, with software designed to produce an integrated computing facility.
2. A system in which hardware or software components located at networked computers
communicate and coordinate their actions only by message passing.
3. A collection of two or more independent computers which coordinate their processing
through the exchange of synchronous or asynchronous message passing.
4. A collection of independent computers that appear to the users of the system as a
single computers.
2. What are the significance of distributed system?
a. Concurrency of computers.
b. No global clock.
c. Independent failures.
3. Why we do you need distributed system?
a. Functional distribution: Computers have different functional capabilities (i.e.,
sharing of resources with specific functionalities).
b. Load distribution/balancing: Assign tasks to processors such that the overall
system performance is optimized.
c. Replication of processing power: Independent processors working on the same
d. Distributed system consisting of collections of microcomputers may have
processing powers that no supercomputer will ever achieve.
e. Physical separation: Systems that rely on the fact that computers are physically
separated (e.g., to satisfy reliability requirements).
f. Economics: Collections of microprocessors offer a better price/performance ratio
than large mainframes.mainframes:10 times faster, 1000 times as expensive.
4. Examples of distributed system?
a. Internet
b. Intranet
c. Mobile and ubiquitous computing.
5. What is meant by location aware computing?
Mobile computing is the performance of computing tasks while the users are on the move
and away from their residence intranet but still provided with access to resources via the devices
they carry with them. They can continue to access the intranet, they can continue to access
resources in their home intranet, and there is increasing provision for users to utilize resources
such as printers that are conveniently nearby as they move around. This is known as location
aware computing.
6. What are the two type of resource sharing?
a. Hardware sharing: Printers. plotters and large disks and other peripherals are shared
to reduce costs.
b. Data sharing is important in many applications:
1. Software developers working in a team need to access each other’s code and
share the same development tools.
2. Many commercial applications enable users to access shared data objects in a
single active database.

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3. The rapidly growing area of group-ware tools enables users to cooperate with
in a network.
7. List the importance of data sharing?
 Software developers working in a team need to access each other’s code and share
the same development tools.
 Many commercial applications enable users to access shared data objects in a
single active database.
 The rapidly growing area of group- ware tools enables users to cooperate with in a
8. Write the technological components of web?
 HTTP-request-reply protocol
 URL’s
9. List the distributed systems challenges?
a. Heterogeneity: standards and protocols; middleware; virtual machine;
b. Openness: publication of services; notification of interfaces;
c: Security: firewalls; encryption;
d. Scalability: replication; caching; multiple servers;
e. Failure Handling. failure tolerance; recover/roll-back; redundancy;
f. Concurrency. concurrency control to ensure data consistency.
g. Transparency. Middleware; location transparent naming; anonymity

10. What are the three components of security?

Security for information resources has three components:
 Confidentiality: production against disclosure to unauthorized individuals.
 Integrity: production against or corruption.
 Availability: production against interference with the means to access the
11. What is the use of firewall?
A firewall can be used to form a barrier around an intranet to protect it from outside users
but does not deal with ensuring the appropriate use of resources by users within the intranet.
12. What are the security challenges? List them.
a. Denial of service attacks: Another security problem is that the user may wish to
disrupt a service for some reason. This can be achieved by bombarding the service
with such a large number of pointless requests that the serious users are unable to
use it. This is called a denial of service attack and there are many on well known
web services.
b. Security of mobile code: Mobile codes needed to be handled with care. PC users
sometimes send executable files as email attachments to be run by the recipient,
but a recipient will not be able to run it.
13. List the challenges to be considered for designing scalable distributed system?
 Controlling the cost of physical resources
 Controlling the performance loss
 Preventing software resources running out
 Avoiding performance bottlenecks.

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14. What are the types of transparencies?

a. Access transparency: enables local and remote resources to be accessed using
identical operations.
b. Location transparency: enables resources to be accessed without knowledge of
their location.
c. Concurrency transparency: enables several processes to operate concurrently
using shared resources without interference between them.
d. Replication transparency: enables multiple instances of resources to be used to
increase reliability and performance without knowledge of the replicas by users or
application programmers. `
e. Failure transparency: enables the concealment of faults, allowing users and
application programs to complete their tasks despite the failure of hardware or
software components.
f. Mobility transparency: allows the movement of resources and clients within a
system without affecting the operation of users or programs.
g. Performance transparency: allows the system to be reconfigures to implement
performance as loads vary.
h. Scaling transparency: allows the system and applications to expand in scale
without change to the system structure or the application algorithms.
i. Access and location transparency together provide network transparency.
15. What are the failures detected in DS?
Masking failures: Some detected failures can be hidden or made less severe. Examples
of hiding failures:
1. Messages can be retransmitted when they fail to arrive
2. File data can be written to a pair of disks that if one is corrupted, the other may still be
Tolerating failures: Most of the services in the Internet do exhibit failures. It would not
be practical for them to detect and hide all the failures occur in such network. Their clients are
designed to tolerate failures, which generally involve the users in that.
Recovery from failures: involves the design of software so that the state permanent data
can be rolled back after a server has crashed.
16. List the key design goals of DS?
a. Performance
b. Reliability
c. Scalability
d. Consistency
e. Security
17. List the technical design goals of DS?
a. Naming
b. Communication
c. Software structure
d. Workload allocation
e. Maintenance of consistency.

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18 .What is the use of multicast?

a. Locating an object: A process multicasts a message containing a name of a
resource to a group of server processes. Only the process that holds the resource
responds to the message.
b. Fault tolerance: A process multicasts its request to a group of identical server
processes. The group of servers can continue to provide their service even if one
of its members fails.
c. Multiple update: Used for example in video conferencing with multiple
19. Write the models used in workload allocation?
The following four models for workload allocation are presented here.
 Processor pool model
 Shared memory multiprocessors
 Parallel virtual machines
 Distributed shared memory.
20.What is meant by PVM?
PVM is an integrated set of software tools and libraries that emulates a general-purpose,
flexible heterogeneous concurrent computing framework on interconnected computers of varied
architecture. The overall objective of the PVM system is to enable a collection of computers to
be used cooperatively for concurrent or parallel computation.

21.What is meant by DSM?

Distributed shared memory (DSM): DSM provides a global shared address space
across the different machines on a cluster. The shared address space distinguishes it from
packages such as PVM that provide a message passing interface between machines. There is a
growing consensus in the parallel computing community that a shared memory interface is more
desirable from the application programmer’s viewpoint, allowing him to focus on algorithmic
development rather than on managing communication.

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22.List the types of consistencies in DS?

 Update consistency
 Replication consistency
 Cache consistency
 Failure consistency
 Clock consistency
23.List the user requirements used in design of DS?
 Functionality: what should the system do for the users.
 Quality of service: issue containing performance, reliability and security.
 Reconfigurability: the need to accommodate changes without causing disruption
of the actual service.
24.List the main types of architectural model?
a. Software architecture.
b. System architecture.
 Client server model
 Services provided by multiple servers.
 Proxy servers and cache.
 Peer processes.
25. Enumerate the factors to be considered for variations in client server model?
The factors considered for several variations on the client server model.
 The use of multiple servers and caches to increase performance and flexibility.
 The use of mobile code and mobile agents.
 User’s need for low cost components with limited hardware resources that are
simple to manage.
 The requirements to add remove mobile devices in a convenient manner.
26.What is meant by thin clients?
 This refers to software layer that supports a window based user interface on a
computer that is local to the user while executing application programs on a
remote computer.
 It has the low management and hardware costs, but it runs the application code of
user’s computer in the computer server, which is the powerful computer that has
the capacity to run large numbers of applications simultaneously. It can be
multiprocessor or cluster computer running a multiprocessor version of OS such
as UNIX or windows NT.
27.What is meant by x-11 window system?
a) The X-11 window system is a process that manages the display and interactive
input devices (keyboard, mouse) of the computer on which it runs. It provides an
extensive library of procedures (the X-11 protocol) for displaying and modifying
graphical objects in windows as well as the creation and manipulation of
b) The X-11 system is referred to as a window server process. The clients of the X-
11 server are the application programs that the user is currently interacting with.
c) The client programs communicate with the server by invoking operation in the X-

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11 protocol, these include operations to draw text and graphical objects in

28.Enumerate the key features of spontaneous networking?
a. Easy connection to a local network: Wireless links avoid the need for pre-
installed cabling and avoid the inconvenience and reliability issues surrounding
plugs and sockets.
b. Easy integration with local services: Devices are able to find themselves
inserted into existing networks of devices discover automatically what services
are provided there, with no special configuration actions by the user.
29.List the design issues to be considered for spontaneous networking?
a. Limited connectivity: Users are not always connected as they move around.
They are irregularly disconnected from wireless network as they travel through
tunnels by train. They may also be totally disconnected for longer periods of time
in regions where wireless connectivity ceases or it is too expensive to remain
b. Security and privacy: Many vulnerable security issues arises due to the attempt
of wireless connections in unsupervised way. Some systems track the physical
locations of users as they move around and this may threaten the user’s privacy.
This facility enables users to access their home intranet while on the move may
expose data that is supposed to remain behind the intranet firewall or it may open
up the intranet to attacks from outside.
c. Discovery services: Spontaneous networking requires client processes running on
portable devices and other appliances to access services on the networks to which
they are connected. Here the clients discover what services are available in the
network to which they are connected and to investigate their properties. The
purpose of a discovery service is to accept and store details of services that are
available on the network and to respond to queries from clients about them.
30.What is the purpose solved by fundamental model?
 In general, such a fundamental model should contain only the essential
ingredients that we need to consider understanding and reasoning about some
aspects of a system’s behaviour. The purpose of such a model is:
 To make explicit all the relevant assumptions about the system we are modelling.
 To make generalization concerning what is possible or impossible, given those
assumptions. The guarantees are our assumptions clear and explicit, we can hope
to prove system properties using mathematical techniques. These properties will
then hold for any system meeting our assumptions.
31.How the fundamental models are categorized?
a. Interaction
b. Failure
c. Security

32.List out the characteristics of performance of DS?

The following performance characteristics relating to latency, bandwidth and jitter.
a. Latency: The delay between the start of a message’s transmission from one
process and the beginning of its receipt by another is referred to as latency.
b. Bandwidth: The bandwidth of a computer network is the total amount of
information that can be transmitted over it in a given time. When large number of
communication channels are using the same network, they have to share the

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available bandwidth.
c. Jitter. Jitter is the variation in the time taken to deliver a serious of messages.
Jitter is relevant to multimedia data. For example, if consecutive samples of audio
data are played with differing time intervals, the sound will be badly distorted.
33.What is synchronous DS?
1) The time to execute each step of a process has known lower and upper bounds.
2) Each message transmitted over a channel is received within a known bounded
3) Each process has a local clock whose drift rate from real time has a known bound.
4) It is possible to suggest likely upper and lower bounds for process execution time,
message delay and clock drift rates in a distributed system, but it is difficult to
arrive at realistic values and to provide guarantees of the chosen values.
5) In a synchronous system it is possible to use timeouts, for example to detect the
failure of a process.
34.What is asynchronous DS?
1. Many distributed systems, such as the Intranet, qualify as asynchronous system.
2. An asynchronous distributed system is one in which there are no bounds on:
1. Process execution speeds-for example, one process step may take only a
picoseconds and another a century; all that can be said is that each step may take an arbitrarily
long time.
2. Message transmission delays-for example, one message from process A to
process B may be delivered in negligible time and another may take several years. In other
words, a message may be received after an arbitrarily long time.
3. Clock drift rates- again, the drift rate of a clock is arbitrary.
35. What is omission failure?
The faults classified as omission failures refer to cases when a process or communication
channel fails to perform actions that it is supposed to do.
36.What is meant by arbitrary failure?
1) The term arbitrary or Byzantine failure is used to describe the worst possible
failure semantics, in which any type of error may occur. For example, a process
may set wrong values in its data items, or it may return a wrong value in response
to an invocation.
2) An arbitrary failure of a process is one in which in arbitrarily omits intended
processing steps to takes unintended processing steps. Arbitrary failures in
processes cannot be detected by seeing whether the process responds to
invocations, because it might arbitrarily omit to reply.
37.List out the characteristics of networks hidden by stream abstraction?
a) Message sizes: The application can choose how much data it writes to a stream or
reads from it. It may deal in very small or very large sets of data. The underlying
implementation of a TCP stream decides how much data to collect before
transmitting it as one or more IP packets.
b) Lost messages: The TCP protocol uses an acknowledgement scheme. As an
example of a simple scheme (which is not used in TCP), the sending end keeps a
record of each IP packet sent and receiving end acknowledges all the arrivals. If
the sender does not receive an acknowledgement within a timeout, it retransmits
the message.
c) Flow control: The TCP protocol attempts to match the speeds of the processes
that read from and write to a stream. If the writer is too fast the reader, then it is

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blocked until the reader has consumed sufficient data.

d) Message duplication and ordering: Message identifiers are associated with each
IP packet, which enables the recipient to detect and reject duplicates, or to reorder
message that do not arrive in sender order.
e) Message destinations: A pair of communication processes establishes a
connection before they can communicate over a stream. Once a connection is
established, the processes simply read from and write to the stream without
needing to use Internet addresses and ports. Establishing a connection involves a
connect request from client to server followed by an accept request from server to
client before any communication can take place.
38.List the issues related to stream communication?
a. Matching of data items: Two communicating processes need to agree as to the
contents of the data transmitted over a stream. For example, if one process writes
an int followed by a double to a stream, then the reader at the other end must read
an int followed by a double. When a pair of processes does not cooperate
correctly in their use of a stream, the reading process may experience errors when
interpreting the data or may block due to insufficient data in the stream.
b. Blocking: The data written to a stream is kept in a queue at the destination socket.
When a process attempts to read data from an input channel, it will get data from
the queue or it will block until data becomes available. The process that writes
data to a stream may be blocked by the TCP flow-control mechanism if the socket
at the other end is queuing as much data as the protocol allows.
c. Threads: When a server accepts a connection, it generally creates a new thread
in which to communicate with the new client. The advantage of using a separate
thread for each client is that the sever can block when waiting for input without
delaying other clients.
d. Failure model: To satisfy the integrity to property of reliable communication,
TCP streams use checksums to detect and reject corrupt packets and sequence
numbers to detect and reject duplicate packets. For the deal with lost packets.
Therefore, messages are guaranteed to be delivered ever when some of the
underlying packets are lost.
39. What is marshalling and unmarshalling?
 An agreed standard for the representation of data structures and primitive values
is called an external and data representation
 Marshalling is the process of taking a collection of data items and assembling
them into a form suitable for transmission in a message.
 Unmarshalling is the process of disassembling them on arrival to produce an
equivalent collection of data items at the destination. Thus marshalling consists of
the translation of structured data items and primitives values into an external data
representation. Similarly, unmarshalling consists of the generation of primitive
values from their external data representation and the rebuilding of the data
40.What are the approaches used in data representation?
a. CORBA’s common data representation, which is concerned with an external
representation for the structured and primitive types that can be passed as the
arguments and results of remote method invocations in CORBA. It can be used by
a variety of programming languages.

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b. Java’s object serialization, which is concerned with the flattering and external
data representation of any single object or tree of objects that may need to be
transmitted in a message or stored on a disk. It is for use only by java.
c. XML (Extensible Markup Language), which defines a textual format for
representing structured data. It was originally intended for documents containing
textual self-describing structured data-for example documents accessible on the
Web- but it is now also used to represent the data sent in message exchanged by
clients and servers in web services.


1. Explain the need of Distributed systems its characteristics with example

2. Explain how resource sharing is done in the web
3. Explain the challenges to be considered in the design of DS
4. Explain the design goals to be considered for DS
5. Explain the system model of DS in details
6. Explain the system architecture of DS
7. Explain the variations to be considered in client server model
8. Explain the fundamental models considered in design of DS
9. Describe interprocess communication in details
10. Discuss in details about group or multicast communication

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1. Draw the Middleware Architecture.
RMI,RPC and events
Request reply protocol
External data representation
Operating system

2. What are the benefits of programming with interface in DS?

I. As with any form of modular programming, programmers are concerned only with
the abstraction offered by the service interface and need not be aware of
implementation details.
II. In potentially heterogeneous distributed systems , programmers also do not need to
know the programming language or underlying platform used to implementation
III. This approach provides natural support for software evolution in this
implementation can change as long as the interface remains the same.
3. Define IDL.
Interface Definition Languages (IDLs) are designed to allow procedures implemented in
different languages to invoke one another. An IDL provides a notation for defining interfaces
in which each of the parameters of an operation may be described as for input or output in
addition to having its type specified.
4. List the used of IDL in web services.
The concept of an IDL was initially developed for RPC
systems but applies equally to RMI and also web service. Some of them are:
I. Sun XDR as an example of an IDL for RPC
II. CORBA IDL as an example of an IDL for RMI
III. The web service Description Language (WSDL),which is designed for an
Internet wide RPC supporting web service.

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5. What is meant by action in object model?

Action is an object oriented program is initiated by an object
invoking a method in another object. An invocation can include additional
information needed to carry out the method. The receiver executes the
appropriate method and then returns control to the invoking objects, sometimes
supplying a result .An invocation of a method can have three effects:
I. The state of the receiver may be changed.
II. A new object may be instantiated, for example, by using a constructor in
java or C++.
III. Further invocation on methods in other objects may take place.
6. Define object reference.
Objects can be accessed via object reference. For example in java
a variable that appears to hold an object actually holds a reference to that
object. To invoke a method in an object the object reference and method name
are given together with any necessary arguments. The object whose method
name is invoked is sometimes called the target and sometimes the receiver.
Object reference are first class values, meaning that they may be assigned to
variables, passed as arguments and returned as results of methods.

7.What is meant by garbage collection?

It is necessary to provide a means of freeing the space occupied by objects when
they are no longer needed. A language such as java, that can detect
automatically when an object is no longer accessible recovers the space and
makes it available for allocation to other objects. This process is called
garbage collection; the programmer has to cope with the freeing of space
allocated to objects. This can be a major source of errors.
8.List the heart of distributed object model.
Remote object references: Other objects can invoke the methods of a remote object
if they have access to its remote object reference. For example a remote
object reference for B must be available to A.
The notation of object reference is extended to allow any object that can receive an

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RMI to have a remote object reference. A remote object reference is an identifier

that can be used throughout a distributed system to refer to a particular unique
remote object. Its representation which is

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generally different from that of a local object reference. Remote object references are
analogous to local one in that:
 The remote object to receive a remote method invocation is specified by
the invoker as a remote object reference.
 Remote object references may be passed as arguments and results of
remote methods invocations.
Remote interfaces: Every object has a remote interface that specifies which of its
methods can be invoked remotely..
The class of a remote object implements the methods of its remote interface, for
example as public instance methods in java.Object in other processes can
invoke only the methods that belong to its remote interface.
9.Define RMI .
Each process contains a collection of objects, some of which
can receive both local and remote invocations whereas the other objects can
receive only local invocations as shown in figure.
Method invocation between objects in different processes, whether in the same
computer or not, are known as remote method invocations. Method invocation
between objects in the same process is local method invocation. We refer to
objects that can receive remote invocation as remote objects.
10. What are the main choices to be considered in design of RMI?
RMI invocation semantics
a. Retry-reply protocols, where we showed that doOperation can be implemented in different
ways to provide different guarantees.
b. The main choices are:
i. Retry request message: Controls whether to retransmit the request message until
either a reply is received or the server is assumed to have failed.
ii. Duplicate filtering: Controls when retransmissions are used and whether to filter out
duplicate requests at the server.
Iii.Retrasmission of results: Controls whether to keep a history of
result message to enable lost results to be retransmitted without re-executing the
operations at the server.

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11. List the choices of RPC invocation semantics.

The choices of RPC invocation semantics are defined as follows:
a Maybe semantics: With maybe semantics, the remote procedure call may be
executed once or not at all. Maybe semantics is useful only for applications in
which occasional failed calls are acceptable. Maybe semantics arises when no
fault-tolerance measures are applied and suffer from the following types of
i. Omission failures if the request message is lost;
ii. Crash failures when the server containing the remote operation fails.
b. At-least-once semantics :With at-least-once semantics ,the invoker receives either
a result ,in which case the invoker knows that the procedure was executed at
least once ,or an exception informing it that no result was received .At-least-
once semantics can be achieved by the retransmission of request message .
Which masks the omission failures of the request message. At-least-once
semantics can suffer from the following types of failure:
i. crash failure when the sever containing the remote procedure fails;
ii. arbitrary failures – incase when the request message is retransmitted, the remote server may
receive it and execute the procedure more than once, possible causing wrong values to be
c. At-most-once semantics : With at-most-once semantics , the caller receives either a Result ,
in which case the caller knows that the procedure was executed exactly once, or an Exception
informing if that no r using result was received, in which case the procedure will have been
executed either once or not at all. At-most-once semantics can be achieved by all, At-most-once
semantics can be achieved by using all of the fault-tolerance.
12. Sketch the RMI reply-request message structure.
Message Type
Request Id
Object Reference
Method Id

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13. List the action of remote reference module.

The action of the remote module is as follows:
 When a remote object is to be passed as an argument or a result for the first time, the
remote reference module is asked to create a remote object reference which it adds to its
 When a remote object reference arrives in a request or reply message, the remote
reference module is asked for the corresponding local object reference, which may refer
either to a proxy or to a remote object.
 This module is called by components of the RMI software when they are marshalling and
unmarshalling remote object reference.
14. List the function of activator.
 processes that start server processes to host remote objects are called activators, for the
following reasons.
i) A remote object is described as active when it is available for invocation
within a running process wherever it is called passive if it is not currently
active but can be made active
ii) A passive object consists of two parts:
1. the implementation of its methods.
2. its state in the marshaled form.
 An activator is responsible for:
i. Registering passive objects that are available for activation which involves
recording the names of servers against the URLs or file names of the
corresponding passive objects.
ii Starting named server processes and activating remote objects in them
iii. keeping track of the locations of the servers for the remote objects that it has
already activated.
15.What is persistent object store?
An object that is guaranteed to live between activations of processes is
called a persistet object. Persistent objects are generally managed by persistent
object stores, which store their state in a marshaled from on disk. In generally
a persistent object store will manage very large numbers of persistent object

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which are stored in a disk or in a database until they are needed.

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16. How we decide whether the object is persistent or not.

There are two approaches to deciding whether an object is persistent are not:
i. The persistent object store maintains some persistent roots and any object
that is reachable from a persistent root is defined to be persistent. This
approach is used by persistent java, java Data Objects and perDis. They
make use of a garbage collector to dispose of objects that are no longer
reachable from the persistent roots.
ii. The persistent objects store provides some classes on which persistent is
based objects belong to their subclasses.
17. Define RPC.
The software components required to implement RPC are
The client that accesses a service includes one stub procedure for each
procedure the service interface. The stub procedure behaves like a local
procedure to the client but instead of executing the call it marshals the
procedure identifier and the arguments into a request message which it sends
via its communication module to the server. When the reply message arrives it
unmarshals the results.
The server process contains a dispatcher together with one server stub
procedure and one service procedure for each procedure in the service interface.
The dispatcher selects one of the server stub procedures according to the
procedure identifier in the request message.
18.What is event notification?
The distributed event based system extend the local event model by
allowing multiple object at different location to be notified of events takes place
at an object. They use the publish subscribe paradigm. A publish subscribe
system is a system where publishers publish structured events to an event
service and subscriber express interest in particular events through
subscriptions which can be arbitrary patterns over the structure events.
19. List the example of publish subscribe system.
Publish-subscribe system is used in a wide variety of application domains
particularly those related to a large scale dissemination of events.

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 Financial information systems.

 Other area with live feeds of real time data(including RSS feeds)

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 Supports for cooperative working where a number of participants need to be informed of

events of shared interest
 Support for computing including the management of events from the infrastructure
20. List the characteristics of publish-subscribe system.
Heterogeneity: When event notifications are used as a means of communication
components in a distributed system that were not designed to interoperate can be
made to work together. All that is required is that event generating objects
publish the types of events they offer and that other objects subscribe to patterns
of events and provide an interface for receiving and dealing with the resultant
21. Define callbacks.
The general idea behind callbacks is that instead of clients polling the server to find
out whether some event has occurred, the server should inform its clients
whenever that event occurs. The term callback is used to refer to a server’s
action of notifying clients about an event.
22. How callback is implemented in RMI.
Callback can be implemented in RMI as follows;
i. The client creates a remote object that implements an interface that contains method
for the server to call. We refer to that as a callback object.
ii. The server provides an operation allowing interest clients to inform it of the remote
object references of their callback objects. It records these in a list.
iii. Whenever an event of interest occurs, the server calls the interested clients, For
example, the whiteboard server would call its clients whenever a graphical object is
23. List the responsibilities of core OS.
The core OS components and their responsibilities are :
Process manager: Creation of and operations upon process. A process is a unit
of resource management, including an address space and one or more threads.
Thread manager: Thread creation, synchronization and scheduling. Threads are
schedulable activities attached to processes.
Communication manager: Communication between threads attached to different

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processes on the same computer some kernels also support communication

between threads in remort

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processes. Other kernels have no notion of other computers built into them, and an
additional service is required for external communication.
Memory manager: Management of physical and virtual memory. It describes the
utilization of memory management techniques for efficient data copying and
Supervisor: Dispatching of interrupts, system call traps and other exceptions; control
of memory management unit and hardware caches; processor and floating-point
unit register manipulation. This is known as the Hardware Abstraction Layer in
24. Define process.
A process consists of an execution environment together with one or more threads.
25. Define thread.
A thread is the operating system abstraction of an activity (the term derives from
the phrase ‘thread of execution’). An execution environment is the unit of
resource management: a collection of local kernel managed resources to which its
threads have access.
26. Define Unix address space.
This representation of an address space as a sparse set of disjoint regions is a
generalization of the UNIX address space, which has three regions: a fixed,
unmodifiable text region containing program code; a heap, part of which is
initialized by values stored in the program’s binary file , and which is
extensible towards higher virtual addresses ; and a stack, which is extensible
towards lower virtual addresses.
27. List the uses of shared region.
The uses of shared regions include the following:
Libraries: Library code can be very large and would waste considerable memory if it
was loaded separately into every process that used it.
Kernel: Often the kernel code and data are mapped into every address space at the
same location. Data sharing and
Communication: Two processes, or a process and the kernel, might need to share data
in order to cooperate on some task. It can be considerably more efficient for the

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data to be shared by being mapped as regions in both address spaces than by

being passed in messages between them.
28. List the architecture of multi threaded server.
 Working pool Architecture
 Thread-per-request Architecture;

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 Thread-per-connection Architecture
 Thread-per-object Architecturre:
29. Compare process and threads.
a. Creation a new thread within an existing process is cheaper than creating a process.
b. More importantly switching to a different thread within the same process is cheaper than
switching between threads belonging to different processes.
c. Threads within a process may share data and other resources conveniently and efficiently
compared with separate processes.
d. But by the same token threads within processes are not protected from one another.
30. Explain thread lifetime.
A new thread is created on the same Java Virtual machine (JVM) as its
creator in the SUSPENDED state. After it is made RUNNABLE with the start()
method, it execute in the run() method of an object designated in its
constructor, The JVM and the threads on top of it all execute in a process
on top of the underlying operating system. Threads can be assigned a
priority so that a java implementation that supports priorities will run a
particular threads in preference to any thread with lower priority.


1. Explain communication between distributed objects.

2. Explain the design issue of RMI.
3. Explain in detail SUN RPC.
4. Explain in detail publish-subscribe system.
5. Explain dealing room system in detail.
6. Explain the architecture of multithreaded servers.
7. Explain OS architecture used in DS.
8. Explain in detail RMI with example.
9. Explain communication and invocation between address space in DS.

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1. Explain the implementation of RMI.
2. Explain RPC in detail.
3. Explain the core OS layers functionality.
4. Explain the process creation with an example.
5. Explain in detail about threads.
6. How invocation are made concurrent in DS.

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1. Enumerate the properties of storage system?

Sharing Persistent Distributed Consistency Example

cache/replicas maintenance
Main memory No No No 1 RAM
File system n No Yes No 1 UNIX file
Distributed file Yes Yes Yes Yes Sun NFS
web Yes Yes Yes No Web server
Distributed shared Yes No Yes Yes Ivy(DSM)
Remote Yes No No 1 CORBA
Persistent object Yes Yes No 1 CORBA
store persistent state
Peer to peer storage Yes Yes Yes 2 Ocean Store
2. List out file system modules.

Directory module: Relates file names to file IDs

File module: Relates file IDs to particular files
Access control module: Checks permission for operation requested
File access module: Read or writes file data or attributes
Block module: Accesses and allocates disk blocks
Device module: Disk I/O and buffering
Sketch the file attributes and record structure.

File Length
Creation Time stamp
Read Timestamp
Write time stamp
Attribute time stamp
Reference count
File Type

Access control List

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3.List out the UNIX file system Operations:










4. List out the transparencies in file system.

i. Access transparency
ii. Location transparency
iii. Mobility transparency
iv. Performance transparency
v. Scaling transparency

5. What is meant by concurrency control?

Changes to a file by one client should not interfere with the operation of other
clients simultaneously accessing or changing the same file. This is well-known
issue of concurrency control .The need for concurrency control for accss to
shared data in many applications Is widely accepted and techniques are
known for its implementation ,but they are costly .Most current file services
follow morden UNIX standards in providing advisery or mandatoryfile or
record-level locking.

6. What is file replication?

In a file service that supports replication, a file may be represented by

several copies of its contents at different locations. This has two benefits-its
enables multiple servers to share the load of providing a service to clients
accessing the same set of files, enhancing the scalability of the service, and it
enhances fault tolerance by enabling clients to locate another server that holds a

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copy of the file when one has failed. Few file services support replication fully, but most
support the catching of files or portions of files locally, a limited form of replication.

7. What is meant by directory services?

The directory services provide a mapping between text names for files and their UFIDs.
Client may obtain the UFIDs of a file by quoting its text name to the directory
services. The directory services provides the function needed to generate directories,
to add new file name to directories and to obtain UFIDs from directories. It is client
of the flat file services; its directory is stored in files of the flat services. When a
hierarchic file-naming scheme is adopted as in UNIX, directories hold references to
other directories.

8.Sketch the file service architecture?

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9. List the flat file service operation.

Read (file/d,I,N)>data-throws bad position - if 1 ≤ 1 ≤ length(file):reads a sequence of

up to
N items From a file starting at item/and returns it in

Write(File/D,I,Ddata)-throws bad position - if 1 ≤ 1 ≤ length(file)+1: writes a sequence

data to a File, starting at item 1,extending the file if

Create()->FileID -creates a new file of length 0 and delivers a

UFID for it

Delete(FileID) -removes the file from the file store

GetAttributes(FileID)->> -returns the file attributes for the file

SetAttributes(FileID) -sets the file attributes(only those attributes

that not Shaded in)

10.List the directory service operation.

Lookup(Dir,Name)→FileID –throws not found Locate the text name in the directory and returns the
relevant UFID.If name is not in the directory,
throws an exception

AddName(Dir,Name,File) If the nameis not in the directory, adds(Nmae,File) to

the directory and updates the file’s Attribute
record.If name is already in the Directory;throws
an exception.

UnName (Dir,Name)—throws not found If name is in the directory: The entry containing
name is removed from the directory.
If name is not in the directory;throws an exception.

Returns all the text names in the directory that match

GetName(Dir,Pattern)→Names the regular expression pattern.

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11. Sketch NFS architecture.

12. List the NFS file server operation.

Lookup(DirFH,Name)→FH,Attr Returns File handles and attributes for the File Name
in the directory DirFH.

Create(DirFH,Name,Attr)→NewFH,Attr Creates a new file in directory DirFH with Attributes

Attr and Returns the new File handle and

Remove(DirFH,Name) Status Removes file name from directory DirFH.

GetAttr(FH)→Attr Returns the file attributes of file FH.(similar to UNIX

stat system call)

Read(FH,Offset,count)→Attr,Dir Returns up to count bytes of data from the file starting

at the offset ,also return the attributes of the file.

Writes count bytes of to a file starting at offset.

Write(FH,Offset,count,Data)→Attr Returns the attributes of the file after write has

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taken place.

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13. what are the timestamps in called caching?

i. Tc is the time when the cache entry was last validated.

ii. Tm is the when the block was last modified at the server.
iii. A cache entry is valid at time T if T-Tc is less than a freshness interval
t,or if the value for Tm recorded t the client matches the value of Tm
at the server (that is,the data has not been modified at the server since
the cache entry was made).

14.what is condition used to validate caching?

(T-Tc<t) v (Tm client=Tm server)

15.write the measures to be considered to reduce traffic in getattr.

 Whenever a new value of Tmserver is received at a client, it is applied

to all cache entries derived from the relevant file.
 The current attribute values are sent ‘piggybacked’ with the result of
every operation on a file, and if the value of Tmserver has changed the
client uses it to update the cache entries relating to the file.

 The adaptive algorithm for setting freshness interval t outlined above reduces
the traffic considerably for most files.

16. When the name is resolved?

The name is resolved when it is translated into data about the named resource or
object, often in order to invoke an action upon it. The association between a
name and an object is called a binding. In general, names are bound to
attributes of the named objects, rather than the implementation of the objects
themselves. An attribute is the value of a property associated with an object.

17. What is meant by URI?

URI-Uniform Resource Identifiers came about from the need to identify resources
on the web, and other internet resources such as electronic mailboxes. An
important goal was to identify resources in a coherent way, so that they could
all be processed by common software such as browser. URIs is ‘uniform’ in
that their syntax incorporates that of indefinitely many individual types of
resource identifier(i.e URI schemas),and there are procedures for managing the
global namespace of schemas. The advantage of uniformity is that eases the
process of introducing new types of identifier, as well as using existing types of
identifier in new contexts without disrupting existing usage.

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18. What is mean by URN?

Uniform Resource Names are URIs that are used as pure resource names rather than

locators. For example, the URI:

Mid:[email protected]

Is a URN that identifies the email message containing it in its ‘message-id’

field. The URI distinguishes that message from any other email message. But it
does not provide the message’s address in any store, so a lookup operation is
needed to find it.

19.What is global name services?

The Global name Service developed at the Digital Equipment corporation

systems, Research Center,is a descentdant of Grapevine with ambitious goals,

 com- Commercial organization.

 edu- universities and other educational institutions.
 gov- US governmental agencies
 mil- US military organization
 net- major network support centers
 org- organizations not mentioned above
 int – International oragnisations.

20. What is meant by navigation?

The process of locating naming data from than more than one name server in order
to resolve a name is called navigation. The client name resolution software
carries out navigation on behalf of the client. It communicates with name servers
as necessary to resolve a name.

21. What is multicast navigation?

In multicast navigation, a client multicast the name to be resolved and required object
type to the group of name servers. Only the server that holds the named
attributes responds to the request. Unfortunately, however, if the name proves to
be unbound, the request is greeted with silence.

22. What is iterative navigation?

One navigation model that DNS supports is known as iterative navigation. To

resolve a name, a client present the name to the local name server, which
attempts to resolve it. If the local name server has the name, it returns the result
immediately. If it does not it will suggest another server that will ba able to

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help. Resolution proceeds at the new server, with further navigation as

necessary until the name is located or is discovered to be unbounded.

23. What is meant by recursive and non recursive navigation?

In the non recursive and non recursive server controlled navigation. Under non
recursive server controlled navigation ,any name server may be chosen by the
client. This server communicates by multicast or iteratively with its peer in the
style described above, as through it were a client. Under recursive server-
controlled navigation ,the client once more contacts a single server. If this
server doesnot store the name,the server contains a peer to storing a
prefix of the
name,which in turn attempts to resolve it. This procedure continues recursively
until the name resolved.

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24. Write the disadvantage of existing name service?

This original scheme was soon seen to suffer from three major shortcomings:

 It did not scale to large numbers of computers.

 Local organization wished to administer their own naming system.
 A general name service was needed- not one that serves only for looking up computers

25. What is meant by DNS?

The domain name system is a name service design whose main naming database is
used across the internet. It was devised principally by mockapetris and
specified in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. DNS replaced the original internet
naming scheme in which all host names and address were held in a single
central master file and downloaded by FTP to all computer that required them.

Domain Names: The DNS is designed for use in multiple implementations, each of
which may have its own name space. In practice, however, only one is in
widespread use, and that is one used for naming across the internet. The
internet DNS name space is partitioned both organizationally and according to
geography. The names are written with the highest-level domain on the right.
The original top-level organizational domains in use across the internet were:
26. What is meant by zone?

The DNS naming data are divided into zones. A zone contains the following data:

 Attributes data for names in a domain, less any subdomains administrates by lower level
 The names and address of at least two name servers that provide authoritative data for the
zone. These are versions of zone data that can be relied upon as being reasonably up to
 The names of name servers that hold authoritative data for delegated sub domains; and
‘glue’ data giving the IP address of these servers.
 Zone-management parameters, such as those governing the catching and replication of
zone data.

27. What is lookup operation?

28. List out options of NFS write operation?

Data in write operation received from client is stored in the memory cache at the

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server and written to disk before a reply is sent to the client. This is called
writethrough caching. The client can be sure that is data stored persistently as
soon as reply has been received.

Data in write operation is stored only in the memory cache. It will be written to
disk when a commit operation is received for the relevant file. The client can be
sure that the data is persistent stored only when a reply to a commit operation for
the relevant file has been received. Standard NFS clients use this mode of
operation, issuing a commit whenever a file that was open for writing is

29. What is BIND implementation of DNS?

The Berkeley internet name domain is an implementation of the DNS for

computers running UNIX. Client programs link in library software as the
resolver. DNS name server computers run the named deamon. BIND allows for
three categories of name server: primary server, secondary yserver, caching only
servers. The named program implements just one of these types, according to the
content of a configuration file. Caching only servers read in form a
configuration file sufficient names and address of authoritative servers to
resolve any name. Thereafter, they only store this data and data they learn by
resolving names for clients.

30. Write the motivation openness?

Name management is separated from other service largely because of the openness of
distributed system, which brings the following motivation:

 Unification

 Integration

31. Define name space.

A namespace is the collection of all valid names recognized by a particular service. The service will
attempt to look up a valid name, even though that name may prove not to correspond to any object.
Name space requires a syntactic definition to separate.


1. Discuss in details file service architecture

2. Explain in SUN Network file system
3. Explain the name service in details

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4. Explain Domain Name System

5. Describe the character tics of file system
6. List the NFS server operation
7. Explain Global Name Services in details
8. Explain in details name server navigation and its types

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1. What is meant by hardware and software clock?

Clock devices can be programmed to generate interrupts at regular intervals in
orders that, for example, time slicing can be implemented.The operating system
reads the node’s hardware clock value, H(t) , scales it and adds an offset so as to
produce software clock C (t)=αHi(t)+β that approximately measures real
,physical time t for process pi.

2. What is clock resolution?

Note that successive events will correspond to different timestamps only if
the clock resolution-the period between updates of the clock-value-is smaller
than the time interval betw4een successive events. The rate at which events
occur depends on such factors as the length of the processor instruction cycle.
3. What is clock drift?
Clock drift, which means that they count time at different rates and so
diverge. The underling oscillators are subject to physical variations, with the
consequence that their frequencies of oscillation differ. Moreover ,even the
same clock’s frequency varies with temperature. Designs exist that attempt to
compensate for this variation, but they cannot eliminate it. A clock’s drift rate is
the change in the offset (difference in reading) between the clock and a nominal
perfect reference clock per unit of time measured by the reference clock.
4. What is IAT?
Computer clocks can be synchronized to external sources of highly accurate
time. The most accurate physical clocks use atomic oscillators, whose drift rate
is about one part in 1013.the most accurate physical clocks use atomic
oscillators, whose drift rate is about one part in 1013. The output of these
atomic clocks is used as the standard for elapsed real a time, known as
International Atomic Time.
5. What is CUT?
Coordinated Universal Time-abbreviated as UTC (From the French
equivalent)-is as international standard for timekeeping. It is based on atomic
time, but a so-called ‘leap second’ is inserted-or, more rarely, deleted-

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occasionally to keep it in step with astronomical time.

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6. What is meant by external synchronization?

In order to know at what time of day events occur at the processes in our
distributed system –it is necessary to synchronize the processes’ clocks, C ,
with an authoritative, external source of time. This is external synchronization.
We define these two modes of synchronization more closely as follows, over an
interval of real time I:
 For a synchronization bound D>0,|Ci(t)-Cj(t)|<D for i=0,1,2,… N and for a source S
of UTC time, |S(t)-Ci(t)|<D,for i=1,2,.. and for all real times t in I.
 The clocks Ci are accurate to within the bound D.

7. What is internal synchronization?

And if the clocks C are synchronized with one another to known degree of
accuracy, then we can measure the interval between two events occurring at
different computers by appealing to their local clocks, even though they are not
necessarily synchronized to an external source of time. This is internal
 For a synchronization bound D > 0 and for a source S of UTC times, |S(t)-Ci(t) | < D ,
for all real times t in I.
 Clocks C agree with in the bound D.
8. Define NTP and its design aims.
Cristian’s method and the Berkeley algorithm are intended primarily for use
within intranets. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) [Mills1995] defines an
architecture for a time service and a protocol to distribute time information over
the Internet.
NTP’s chief design aims and features are as follows:
 To provide a service enabling clients across the Internet to be synchronized accurately
to UTC:
 To provide a reliable service that can survive lengthy losses of connectivity:
 To enable clients to resynchronize sufficiently frequently to offset the rates of drift
found in most computers: To provide protection against interference with the time
service, whatever malicious or accidental.

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9. What is strata?
The NTP service is provided by a network of servers located across the Internet.
Primary servers are connected directly to a time source such as a radio clock
receiving UTC; secondary servers are synchronized, ultimately, with primary
servers. The servers are connected in a logical hierarchy called a
synchronization subnet whose levels are called strata.
10. Enumerate the mode of synchronization in NTP servers.
 NTP servers synchronize with one another in one of three: multicast, procedure-call
and symmetric mode
 Multicast mode is intended for use on a high-speed LAN. One or more servers
periodically multicasts the time to the servers running in other computers connected
by the LAN, Which set their clocks assuming a small delay. This mode can achieve
only relatively low accuracies, but ones that nonetheless are considered sufficient for
many purposes.
 Procedure-call mode is similar to the operation of Cristian’s algorithm. In this mode,
one server accepts requests from other computers, which it processes by replying with
its timestamp (current clock reading). This mode is suitable when higher accuracies
are required than can be achieved with multicast, or where multicast is not supported
in hardware.
 In, symmetric mode is intended for use by the servers that supply time information in
LANs and by the higher levels of the synchronization subnet, where the highest
accuracies are to be achieved.
11. What is filter dispersion?
NTP servers apply a data filtering algorithm to successive pairs which
estimates the offset o and calculates the quality of this estimates as a statistical
quantity called the filter dispersion.
12. What is synchronization dispersion?
Peers with lower stratum numbers are more favoured than those in higher strata
because they are ‘closer’ to the primary time sources. Also, those with the lowest
synchronization dispersion are relatively favoured. This is the sum of the
filter dispersions measured between the server and the root of the
synchronization subnet.

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13. What is meant by HB relation?

 Lamport called the partial ordering obtained by generalizing these two relationships
the happened-before relation. It is also sometimes known as the relation of causal
ordering or potential causal ordering.
 We can define the happened-before relation, denoted -> by as follow:
HB1: If process pi:e->ie’ , then e->e’
HB2: For any message m, send (m) receive (m)
HB3: IF e, e’ and e” are events such that e->e’ then e->e”
14. What is logical clock?
 Lamport [1978] invented a simple mechanism by which the happened before
ordering can be captured numerically, called a logical clock.
 A Lamport logical clock is a monotonically increasing software counter, whose
value need bear no particular relationship to any physical clock.
 Each process p keeps its own logical clock, L , which it uses to apply so-called
Lamport timestamps to a events.
 We denote the timestamp of event e at pi by L (e) , and by L(e) we denote the
timestamp of event e at whatever process it occurred at.
15. Define Vector clock

Vector clocks for a system of N processes is an array of N integers

• Shortcoming of Lamport clocks:
L(e) < L(e') doesn't imply e → e'
• Vector clock: an array of N integers for a system of N processes
– Each process keeps its own vector clock Vi to timestamp local events
– Piggyback vector timestamps on messages
• Rules for updating vector clocks:
– Vi[i]] is the number of events that pi has timestamped
– Viji] ( j≠ i) is the number of events at pj that pi has been affected by
VC1: Initially, Vi[ j ] := 0 for pi, j=1.. N (N processes)
VC2: before pi timestamps an event, Vi[ i ] := Vi[ i ]+1
VC3: pi piggybacks t = Vi on every message it sends

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VC4: when pi receives a timestamp t, it sets Vi[ j ] := max(Vi[ j ] , t[ j ]) for j=1..N (merge
16. What do you meant by distributed garbage
An object is considered to be garbage if there are no longer any reference to it
anywhere in the distributed system. The memory taken up by that object can be
reclaimed once it is known as to be garbage.
17. Define Global History
Let us return to our general system p of N processes pi(i=1,2,3,…..N)
Here a series of events occurs at each process, and that we may characterize the
execution of each process by its history
18. What is meant by cut?
Consider the events occurring at processes p1 and p2 shown in figure

19. Define Global state predicate

 A Global State Predicate is a function that maps from the set of global process states to
True or False.
 Detecting a condition like deadlock or termination requires evaluating a Global State
 A Global State Predicate is stable: once a system enters a state where it is true, such as
deadlock or termination, it remains true in all future states reachable from that state.
 However, when we monitor or debug an application, we are interested in non stable

predicates .

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20. List the assumption considered in snapshot algorithm

– Neither channels nor processes fail
– Reliable communications ensure every message sent is received exactly once
– Channels are unidirectional
– Messages are received in FIFO order
– There is a path between any two processes
– Any process may initiate a global snapshot at any time
– Processes may continue to function normally during a snapshot
21. Define Failure detector.
A failure detector is a service that processes queries about whether a particular
process has failed .It is often implemented by an object local to each process
that runs failure detection algorithms in conjunction with its counterparts at the
other processes.
22. List the properties of failure detector
A failure detector is not necessarily accurate. Most fails into the category of unreliable
failure detectors.
 A result of unsuspected
 A result of Suspected
23. Define critical section problem
The application – level protocol for executing a critical section is as follows
 enter() - enter critical section – block if necessary
 resurceAccesses() - access shared resources in critical section
 exit() - leave critical section other processes may now
24. What is meant by election
Election: choosing a unique process for a particular role is called an election
– All the processes agree on the unique choice
– For example, server in dist. mutex
25. List the famous mutual exclusion algorithms
 Center server algorithm
 Ring- Based algorithms
 Mutual Exclusion using multicast and Logical Clocks

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 Maekawa’s Voting algorithms

 Mutual Exclusion algorithms comparison
26. What do you meant by bully algorithms and types of messages
Assumption: Each process knows which processes have higher identifiers, and that it can
communicate with all such processes
•Compare with ring-based election
– Processes can crash and be detected by timeouts
• synchronous
• timeout T = 2Ttransmitting (max transmission delay) + Tprocessing (max processing delay)
Three types of messages
a. Election: announce an election
b. Answer: in response to Election
c. Coordinator: announce the identity of the elected process
27. What are the types of ordering in multicast
Three types of message ordering
 FIFO (First-in, first-out) ordering: if a correct process delivers a message before
another, every correct process will deliver the first message before the other
 Casual ordering: any correct process that delivers the second message will deliver
the previous message first
 Total ordering: if a correct process delivers a message before another, any other
correct process that delivers the second message will deliver the first message first
28. Define Consensus
Consensus more precisely and relates it to three related Problems of agreement.For processes
to agree on a value (consensus) after one or more of the processes has proposed what that
value should be Covered topics: byzantine generals, interactive consistency, totally ordered
• The byzantine generals problem: a decision whether multiple armies should attack or
retreat, assuming that united action will be more successful than some attacking and some
• Another example might be space ship controllers deciding whether to proceed or abort.
Failure handling during consensus is a key concern

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29. What are the requirements of interactive consistency?

Three requirements of a consensus algorithm
 Termination: Eventually every correct process sets its decision variable
 Agreement: The decision value of all correct processes is the same: if pi and pj are
correct and have entered the decided state, then di=dj for all (i,j=1,2, …, N)
 Integrity: If the correct processes all proposed the same value, then any correct
process in the decided state has chosen that value
30. What are the requirements of consensus algorithms
The requirements of a consensus algorithms are that are following conditions
should hold for every execution of it:
 Termination
 Agreement
 Integrity


1. Explain clocks, events and process state in details

2. Discuss in details any two algorithms used for synchronizing clocks in intranet
3. Explain logical clocks in details
4. Discuss the snapshot algorithms
5. Explain distributed mutual exclusion algorithms in details
6. Explain group and multicast communication in details
7. Explain ordering multicast communication and its types
8. Explain consensus and its related problems in details
9. Explain ring based election algorithms
10. Explain bully’s algorithms
11. Explain global states and consistent cuts in details

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1. What do you meant by DSM
Distributed shared memory (DSM) is an abstraction used for sharing data
between computers that do not share physical memory. Processes access
DSM by reads and updates to what appears to be ordinary memory within their
address space. However, an underlying runtime system ensures transparently
that processes executing at different computers observe the updates made by
one another.
2. List the three approaches of DSM structure
 Hardware
 Paged virtual memory
 Middleware
3. Define Sequential consistency
A DSM system is said to be sequentially consistent if for any execution there is
some interleaving of the series of operations issued by all the processes that
satisfies the following two criteria:
SC1: The interleaved sequence of operations is such that if R(x) a occurs in the
sequence, then either the last write operation that occurs before it in the
interleaved sequence is W(x) a, or no write operation occurs before it and a is the
initial value of x.
SC2: The order of operations in the interleaving is consistent with the program
order in which each individual client executed them.
4. What is coherence
Coherence is an example of a weaker form of consistency. Under coherence,
every process agrees on the order of write operations to the same location,
but they do not necessarily agree on the ordering of write operations to different
locations. We can think of coherence as sequential consistency on a
locationby- location basis. Coherent DSM can be implemented by taking a
protocol for implementing sequential consistency and applying it separately to
each unit of replicated data – for example, each page.
5. What is meant by weaker consistency
This model exploits knowledge of synchronization operations in order to relax

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memory consistency, while appearing to the programmer to implement

sequential consistency (at least, under certain conditions that are beyond the
scope of this book). For example, if the

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programmer uses a lock to implement a critical section, then a DSM system can
assume that no other process may access the data items accessed under mutual
exclusion within it. It is therefore redundant for the DSM system to propagate
updates to these items until the process leaves the critical section. While items
are left with ‘inconsistent’ values some of the time, they are not accessed at
those points; the execution appears to be sequentially consistent.
6. What is granularity
An issue that is related to the structure of DSM is the granularity of sharing.
Conceptually, all processes share the entire contents of a DSM. As programs
sharing DSM execute, however, only certain parts of the data are actually
shared and then only for certain times during the execution. It would clearly
be very wasteful for the DSM implementation always to transmit the entire
contents of DSM as processes access and update it.
7. What is meant by multiple reader/writer sharing
Write-update: The updates made by a process are made locally and multicast to all
other replica managers possessing a copy of the data item, which immediately
modify the data read by local processes. Processes read the local copies of data
items, without the need for communication. In addition to allowing multiple
readers, several processes may write the same data item at the same time; this
is known as multiple-reader/multiple-writer sharing.

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8. List the types of manager strategy

There are three alternatives:
a) Fixed distributed page management
b) Multicast based management
c) Dynamic distributed management
9. What is release consistency
Release consistency was introduced with the Dash multiprocessor, which
implements DSM in hardware, primarily using a write-invalidation protocol
[Lenoski etal. 1992]. Munin and Treadmarks [Keleher et al. 1992] have adopted
a software implementation of it. Release consistency is weaker than sequential
consistency and cheaper to implement, but it has reasonable semantics that are
tractable to programmers.
The idea of release consistency is to reduce DSM overheads by exploiting the fact
that programmers use synchronization objects such as semaphores, locks and
10. List the types of memory access
The main distinction is between competing accesses and noncompeting (ordinary)
accesses. Two accesses are competing if:
 they may occur concurrently (there is no enforced ordering between them) and
 at least one is a write.
11. What are the requirement of release consistency
The requirements that we wish to meet are:
 to preserve the synchronization semantics of objects such as locks and barriers;
 to gain performance, we allow a degree of asynchronicity for memory operations;
 to constrain the overlap between memory accesses in order to guarantee executions that
provide the equivalent of sequential consistency.
12. List out the points to be considered for Munin’s implementation of release
The following points apply to Munin’s implementation of release consistency:
 Munin sends update or invalidation information as soon as a lock is released.
 The programmer can make annotations that associate a lock with particular data
items. In this case, the DSM runtime can propagate relevant updates in the same

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message that transfers the lock to a waiting process – ensuring that the lock’s
recipient has copies of the data it needs before it accesses them.
13. What is meant by casual consistency
Causal consistency: Reads and writes may be related by the happened-before relationship
. This is defined to hold between memory operations when either (a) they are made by
the same process; (b) a process reads a value written by another process; or (c)
there exists a sequence of such operations linking the two operations. The
model’s constraint is that the value returned by a read must be consistent with the
happened-before relationship.
14. Define processor consistency
Processor consistency: The memory is both coherent and adheres to the pipelined
RAM model (see below). The simplest way to think of processor consistency is
that the memory is coherent and that all processes agree on the ordering of any
two write accesses made by the same process – that is, they agree with its
program order.
15. Define CORBA
CORBA is a middleware design that allows application programs to communicate
with one another irrespective of their programming languages, their hardware
and software platforms, the networks they communicate over and their
Applications are built from CORBA objects, which implement interfaces defined in
CORBA’s interface definition language, IDL. Clients access the methods in
the IDL interfaces of CORBA objects by means of RMI. The middleware
component that supports RMI is called the Object Request Broker or ORB.
16. What are the steps to be taken for semantics parameter passing in CORBA IDL
Passing CORBA objects:
Any parameter whose type is specified by the name of an IDL interface, such as the return
value Shape in line 7, is a reference to a CORBA object and the value of a remote object
reference is passed.
Passing CORBA primitive and constructed types:
Arguments of primitive and constructed types are copied and passed by value. On arrival, a
new value is created in the recipient’s process. For example, the struct GraphicalObject

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passed as argument (in line 7) produces a new copy of this struct at the server.
Type Object:

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Object is the name of a type whose values are remote object references. It is effectively a
common super type of all of IDL interface types such as Shape and ShapeList.
17. What is meant by CORBA naming service
It is a binder that provides operations including rebind for servers to register the remote
object references of CORBA objects by name and resolve for clients to look them up by
name. The names are structured in a hierarchic fashion, and each name in a path is inside a
structure called a Name Component. This makes access in a simple example seem rather
18. What is meant by CORBA security service?
CORBA Security Service
The CORBA Security Service [Blakley 1999, Baker 1997, OMG 2002b] includes
the following:
 Authentication of principals (users and servers); generating credentials for
principals (that is, certificates stating their rights); delegation of credentials is
 Access control can be applied to CORBA objects when they receive remote
method invocations. Access rights may for example be specified in access control
lists (ACLs).
 Security of communication between clients and objects, protecting messages for
integrity and confidentiality.
 Auditing by servers of remote method invocations.
 Facilities for non-repudiation. When an object carries out a remote invocation on
behalf of a principal, the server creates and stores credentials that prove that the
invocation was done by that server on behalf of the requesting principal.
19. What is meant by CORBA notification services
The CORBA Notification Service extends the CORBA Event Service, retaining all
of its features including event channels, event consumers and event suppliers.
The event service provides no support for filtering events or for specifying
delivery requirements. Without the use of filters, all the consumers attached to
a channel have to receive the same notifications as one another. And
without the ability to specify delivery

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requirements, all of the notifications sent via a channel are given the delivery
guarantees built into the implementation.
20. What is meant by CORBA event services?
The CORBA Event Service specification defines interfaces allowing objects of
interest, called suppliers, to communicate notifications to subscribers, called
consumers. The notifications are communicated as arguments or results of
ordinary synchronous CORBA remote method invocations. Notifications may
be propagated either by being pushed by the supplier to the consumer or pulled
by the consumer from the supplier.


1. Explain DSM and its implementation in details

2. Explain the consistency models in DSM
3. Discuss Ivy system model in details
4. Explain CORBA RMI services and its features
5. Explain CORBA services with example
6. Explain CORBA Naming services and IDL with an example
7. Explain CORBA notification services elaborately
8. Explain sequential consistency with example

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