Rms Reject PDF
Rms Reject PDF
Rms Reject PDF
1 RMS :Margin Exceeds, Required: 12345, Available: 123 Margin available to trade is less. Kindly transfer funds to
for entity account across exchange across segment your account or put a trade with smaller amount. To know
across product margin calculations visit : www.samco.in/span
2 RMS: Blocked for DA1234 MIS Expiry Date : MIS is available only for current month expiry and not for
29/02/2015 blocktype: NON-SQROFF later months.
3 RMS: Auto Square Off Block MIS/CO is not allowed in last 15/30 mins of market time
4 Co:auto square off executed Cover Order is not allowed in last 15/30 mins of market hr
5 RMS: Blocked for DA1234 CNC blocktype:ALL CNC order not allowed for FO / Currency / Commodity
6 RMS: Blocked for DA1234 NRML blocktype:ALL NRML order not allowed for Cash Market
7 trigger price should be 3% Kindly put a SL price which should be within given range
8 RMS: MtoM Exceeds, Reqd:12345, Available: 0 for Margin available to trade is less. Kindly transfer funds to
entity acc across exchange across segment across your account or put a trade with smaller amount. To know
product for rule Consider Unrealized Loss only for Cash margin calculations : www.samco.in/span
& FO based on LTP
9 The trading system is not available for trading Market is closed. Kindly place order during market hours.
10 RMS: Rule: Assigned basket for entity account across Scrip is not allowed for MIS & CO. Kindly put trades with
exchange across segment across product either NRML or CNC as product type
11 RMS: Check circuit limit including square off order Kindly put the price within the circuit limits
exceeds for entity account across exchange across
segment across product
12 RMS: Rule: Check freeze qty for FO including square off Kindly put the order quantity within the limit set
order, Current:10, limitset:1 for entity account - across
exchange for segment across product
13 RMS: Check holdings for entity account- across Stock is not available in your demat. Kindly check your
exchange across segment across product holdings
14 Order price is out of the day's price range Kindly put the price within the circuit limits