PHD Guidelines
PHD Guidelines
PHD Guidelines
Senate Ruling:
Approved with the following conditions:
a. Completion of four courses with a minimum CGPA of 7.0 within the first year of admission.
The Doctoral Committee may recommend up to two additional courses and/or may allow an
extra semester to complete the course work.
b. Original work should be carried out at least partly under the supervision of a research guide
from among the faculty members of IIT Hyderabad and defended in the form of a thesis. A
co-guide, if needed, may be co-opted from IITH, industry or another institute of repute.
c. Publication of at least two research papers in reputed journals or referred conferences.
e. A guide will be allotted at the end of the first semester based on the choices given by the
student. The guide will constitute a Doctoral Committee (DC) comprising himself/herself and
at least two members of his/her choice selected from amongst faculty of IITH or scientists
from reputed outside Organizations/Institutes. At least one member, besides the guide
should be an IITH faculty. The DC would conduct annual meetings to evaluate the progress
of the work.
ii) Proposal defense deadline of 13 months for Ph.D. in all departments is applicable from July 2017
batch onwards. As a onetime exception, July 2016 and January 2017 batches are allowed to complete
the proposal defense within 18 months
Senate Ruling:
Approved with the modification that students of IISc are also eligible for credit.
14.9 Exit Policy for Ph.D. students (Committee report). MS or MPhil as an exit
option for Ph.D. students.
1. If the student obtains CGPA below 6.5 for unreserved category and 6.0 for
reserved category at the end of first two semesters
2. If the CGPA falls between 6.5 and 7.0 for unreserved category, and 6.0 and 6.5
for reserved category at the end of first year of coursework, student will be
allowed to take courses in the third semester to meet CGPA of 7.0 (CGPA=7.0 is
a requirement as per IITH senate ruling). In this case, the research proposal
defense should be extended by one more semester. If CGPA of 7.0 cannot be
met at the end of third semester for both unreserved and reserved category,
registration will stand terminated
3. If the student accumulates two or more FR/FS grades during the course work
4. If the student does not clear the research proposal defense in two attempts. A
minimum of one month may be given between the first and the second attempt
6. If he/she does not finish within six years for unreserved category and seven
years for the reserved category
A) The viva voce will be held within two months of submitting the thesis to the external
examiners. The extended synopsis will be sent to two external examiners. After
reading through the extended synopsis if they agree to be in the examination
committee and to be present during the defense in person, the thesis will be send to
both. If any of them refuses to be in the examination committee after reading the
extended synopsis, the dean academic will contact other examiners from the list
submitted by the thesis supervisor. The thesis will be send to the examiner as and
when one agrees to be in the examination committee. The examiners will not be
asked to submit written report. The dean of academic affairs office will schedule the
defense date in consultation with the examination committee. In this case the final
examination committee will consists of the thesis supervisor(s), both the external
examiners who agreed to review the thesis, one internal examiner, and Chairman
who is from outside the department.
B) The extended synopsis will be send to three external reviewers. After reading
through the extended synopsis if they agree to review the thesis then the thesis will
be send to all. If any of them refuses to review the thesis, the dean academic will
contact other examiners from the list submitted by the thesis supervisor. The thesis
will be send to the reviewer as and when one agrees to review the thesis. The
reviewers will be given 2 months time to submit a report. Once two positive reports
are received the defense date can be scheduled and one of the reviewers will be
invited in person to attend the thesis defense. The report submitted by the other
reviewer will be given to the external examiner and the external examiner may even
ask questions based on the reviewer’s report. In this case the final examination
committee will consists of the supervisor(s), one external examiner, one internal
examiner, and Chairman who is from outside the department.
Senate Ruling:
The senate approved the above recommendation for Ph.D. defense.
27.3.2 Proposal for Dual Degree (MTech+PhD)
Senate Decision: Presented by Dr. Shiv Govind Singh. Senate approved the new proposal, applicable
from 2016 batch onwards
New Proposal
Course credit: Equivalent to MTech Course work i.e either 24 /27 credit + Thesis proposal
Thesis proposal before 18th Months
Degree : Dual i.e ( Mtech +PhD) after successful completion
Senate Decision: Presented by Dr. S.G. Singh (Electrical Engineering). For Direct Ph.D.
from B.E., the Senate approved giving both M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees at completion. And
the Thesis Proposal Presentation should be finished within 13 months of registration and
not 18 months as stated earlier. Also, in case of failure to clear it, there should be a
provision for second time Thesis Proposal Presentation within 2 months after 13 months.
For External Ph.D. scholars, it is 18 (+3) months for Thesis Proposal Presentation.
This is to be implemented from July 2016 Academic batch onward, for every department.