Code No. 284/N
BE III/IV Year (Civil) I Semester (Main) Examination, November/December 2008
Time : 8 Hours} [Max. Marks : 75
Answer all questions from part A.
Answer any five questions from part B.
Part A — (Marks: 10 x 2.5 = 25)
1. State any three main recommendations of Jayakar committee for development of
road network in India?
2. State how length of transition curve is determined as per IRC Standards.
Distinguish between time mean speed and space mean speed.
State the desirable packing space standards for the following land use (i) Three-star
hotels for guest rooms (ii) Hospitals for every 10 beds.
Define right turning saturation flow which is used for design of road signals.
Write when emulsions are preferred to be used in road construction?
Draw a neat diagram showing details of elastic spike filted to flat footed rails?
Write the formula used for determination of extra width of gauge in railway track?
Draw a neat diagram showing turning radius of Aircraft?
10. What are the different systems of classification of Airports?
Part B - (Marks: 5 x 10 = 50)
11. (a) Write the major impact factors considered for evaluating alternative route of
road proposals
(b) State the details af drawings with scales to he prepared during highway
alignment surveys?
12. (a) Write the formula used for determination of practical capacity of the weaving
section of the Rotary? State the adjustments to be made to the capacity
calculated by the above formula.
2 284/N
(b) Explain Highway capacity and level of concept as per HCM 2000 design
manual. 5
. (a) State the worst condition of loading considered for design of rigid pavement? 5
()) Define temperature gradient in concrete pavement? Write the factors affecting
the temperature gradient? 5
Calculate the maximum permissible speed on a curve of highspeed B.G.track
having the following particulars.
() Degree of the curve = 1° (ii) Amount of super elevation = 8.0cm
(iii) Length of transition curve = 130m (iv) Maximum speed of the section likely to
be sanctioned = 153km/hr. 10
(a) What are the functions of ICAO and its structure? 5
(b) What are characteristics of different types of aircrafts should be considered
for orientation and design of runway? =
. (a) Draw typical cross sections of flexible and rigid pavements. 2
(b) What are the functions of individual layers of flexible and rigid pavements? 4
(c) Define load equivalency factor and write its significance for design of
pavements. 4
Write short note on any Four of the following: (4 x 2.5 = 10)
(a) Construction of railway track
(b) Measurement of soundness of road aggregates
(c) Channelization of roadways
(d) Types of ballast
(e) Orientation of ranway by windrose diagrams.