Industrial Training Report Format ( and M.SC.) (Final)
Industrial Training Report Format ( and M.SC.) (Final)
Industrial Training Report Format ( and M.SC.) (Final)
Submitted to the
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology
Hisar (Haryana)
in partial fulfilment of the requirement of degree of
B.Tech./M.Sc. in Food Technology in
the Department of Food Technology
with _______ (Name of Industry)
Name of Student (All Capital)
Submitted in
Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for B.Tech./M.Sc. in Food Technology
in the Department of Food Technology
Submitted by
Name of Student______, Roll No._____
Name of industry attached with______
Period of visit: ________
Particulars Industrial Guide University Guide
Phone no.
Date of Submission
(Date Format DD.MM.20YY)
Student Name______
Roll No./Reg. No.______
This is to certifying that, Mr./Ms. ________ Roll No. _______, a student of B.Tech./M.Sc.
Food Technology of GJUS&T, Hisar has completed the internship report entitled
“___________” successfully under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge and as
per his/her declaration the report is an authentic work on the issue carried out at
___________. It is undertaken that to the best of my knowledge, industry interests are
protected and no confidential information of the industry is being revealed in this report.
However, any copyright violation related to this report shall reside on the part of the student
and I shall not be held responsible for any such violation.
Industry Supervisor
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ___________ has successfully completed _____ months of
industrial training from DD.MM.20YY to DD.MM.20YY on report entitled
“____________” at ____________. This training report is satisfactory for submission in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology/Master of
Science in Food Technology. However, any copyright violation related to this report shall
reside on the part of the student and I shall not be held responsible for any such violation.
University Supervisor
The Report shall carry an acknowledgement of not more than one page, wherein the
candidate shall thank the chairperson, supervisor, the institute specifying the department
and the Faculty, persons of the industry/organisation who helped him/her academically or
during training.
Student Name______
Roll No./Reg. No.______
This is just a broader chapter heading and each chapter will have several sections and sub
sections. Scope for inclusion of more chapters exist which could be worked out in
consultation with Industry Guide. Chapterization Scheme
Chapter No. Nomenclature of Chapter Page Nos.
Cover Page ----
1. Candidate’s Declaration
2. Certificate-I of Authenticity of Report to be signed by Industry
Copy of the Certificate issued by industry/organisation on its official ----
letterhead/other certificate format.
3. Certificate-II to be signed by University Supervisor
4. Acknowledgment
5. Contents
5a Overview of the sector the company operates in (India and Outside
separate as National and Global)
5b About Host Organisation
5c Future Plans of the Host Organisation, if any
Executive Summary
5d Account of Weekly Activities (Max. 4 page nos)
5e Sectional Functioning if he/she had exposure and records are with the
5f Comparison of the product/service with other companies dealing
with similar product/service
5g Project part – if handled (it is desirable to have a project at the
organisation and will be given due credit)
Introduction – Background, Need and Significance and Objective of
the Project
Scope of Study/Research work (Geo and Conceptual Scope) Review
of Literature (if required as it is an industrial live project)
Methodology (architecture of research)/Materials and
Methodology/Data Analysis
Outcome and limitation of study
Future Scope of the project
5h Learning Outcome
5i Bibliography/References
Plagiarism Certificate
• Cover Page, Copy of the Certificate issued by industry/organisation and Plagiarism
Certificate will have no Page Number.
• Page no. of Sr. No. 1 to 5 along with list of tables and list of figures will bear
Roman Numbering System (e.g. i, ii, iii).
• Page no. of Annexures are also to be in Roman Numbers.
• Bibliography/References should be quoted using APA standard format.
Size of Paper: A4 of bond variety (Except Drawings, Maps)
Printing: Single Sided
Left Margin: 1.5 inch
Right Margin: 1 inch
Top Margin: 0.75 inch
Bottom Margin: 1 inch (with Page No. at the centre)
Page Numbering: Centered at the bottom of the Page
Line Spacing: 1.5 for text and 1 for References
Paragraph: Justified
Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 for text and for with in tables can vary from 8-12
(But should be same throughout the report)
Heading Font Size: 12 for Sub Headings and 14 for main Headings
with Bold Text
Length of Report: 60 Pages (10% Standard Deviation)
excluding Bibliography/References and
Annexures i.e. from page 1 to the last page
of the text only of the report
Cover Page: As Specified Above
Tables, Figures and Graphs: With Numbers indicating the chapters (1.1, 1.2 or 2.1,
2.2 etc.) and contain titles (above for tables
and below for figures/graphs) along with source
of table (if copied) below them. The tables and
figures should be placed with center alignment List of Tables and Figures:
The list of tables and figures shall be listed
separately after the table of contents with their
respective page numbers
No. of Copies to be submitted: Three hard bound copies of the report along
with CD’s containing the full report are to
be submitted to the Department