1. Civil engineers are expected to uphold several principles in their profession, including using their skills and knowledge to benefit humanity and the environment, being honest and impartial, increasing competence in the field, and supporting other disciplines.
2. They are also expected to abide by several canons of ethics, such as prioritizing public safety, only practicing within their areas of competence, being objective in public statements, avoiding conflicts of interest, and building their reputation through merit rather than unfair competition.
3. Civil engineers must also continue professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for development to other engineers under their supervision.
1. Civil engineers are expected to uphold several principles in their profession, including using their skills and knowledge to benefit humanity and the environment, being honest and impartial, increasing competence in the field, and supporting other disciplines.
2. They are also expected to abide by several canons of ethics, such as prioritizing public safety, only practicing within their areas of competence, being objective in public statements, avoiding conflicts of interest, and building their reputation through merit rather than unfair competition.
3. Civil engineers must also continue professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for development to other engineers under their supervision.
1. Civil engineers are expected to uphold several principles in their profession, including using their skills and knowledge to benefit humanity and the environment, being honest and impartial, increasing competence in the field, and supporting other disciplines.
2. They are also expected to abide by several canons of ethics, such as prioritizing public safety, only practicing within their areas of competence, being objective in public statements, avoiding conflicts of interest, and building their reputation through merit rather than unfair competition.
3. Civil engineers must also continue professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for development to other engineers under their supervision.
1. Civil engineers are expected to uphold several principles in their profession, including using their skills and knowledge to benefit humanity and the environment, being honest and impartial, increasing competence in the field, and supporting other disciplines.
2. They are also expected to abide by several canons of ethics, such as prioritizing public safety, only practicing within their areas of competence, being objective in public statements, avoiding conflicts of interest, and building their reputation through merit rather than unfair competition.
3. Civil engineers must also continue professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for development to other engineers under their supervision.
Civil engineers made an oath to uphold the integrity, honor, and dignity of the profession by the following principles:
1. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare and the environment.
As technical professionals, civil engineers should work to develop human life and also to sustain the environment. It is just one part of the profession to develop human welfare by constructing structures for people's convenience. Civil engineers also need to keep the environment sustainable and preserved.
2. Being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their employers/employees and clients.
Civil engineers should work in honesty, whole heartedly and equally where they prioritize the welfare of the public, their co-workers, higher ups and clients.
3. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the civil engineering profession; and
Whatever an engineer does in his profession, he holds the title, so he is obliged to work in the discipline which can bring proper credence to the profession.
4. Supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines.
Civil engineers have the job to extend help in other professional disciplines in order to reach development of the society and the nation.
CANON 1: Civil Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their professional duties.
a. Civil Engineers' decisions and judgments should prioritize the welfare - safety and health - of the general public.
b. The only documents to be approved or sealed by civil engineers are those he reviewed or prepared. Review shall be based on engineering standards to the safety of the public.
c. In cases that a civil engineer's judgment is overruled, he should inform the client or employer of the possible consequences.
d. If a civil engineer believes that someone is violating Canon 1, he shall inform proper authority through writing.
e. Civil engineers should participate in civic affairs for the betterment of communities or for sustainable development.
f. Improvement of the environment through sustainable development is the responsibility of civil engineers.
CANON 2: Civil Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence.
a. Civil engineers can only work on projects where they are qualified in education and experience.
b. Civil engineers still can accept project proposals out of their competence and experience but their services are only limited to certain phases with their expertise.
c. Civil engineers shall not be signing or sealing any documents out of their competence.
d. Civil engineers are not allowed to use Specialty titles unless they are granted so by PICE Specialist Accreditation.
● Structural Engineering ● Transportation Engineering ● Water Engineering ● Geotechnical Engineering ● Project Management and Construction Engineering ● Environmental and Energy Engineering
CANON 3: Civil Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
a. Civil engineers are obliged to help out in sustainable development by extending knowledge and expertise but should not participate in any activities which are deemed untrue or unfit in the profession.
b. Civil engineers shall be objective when stating reports or testimonies. They shall be thorough in reporting relevant and pertinent information.
c. In cases of civil engineers serving as witnesses, shall give their opinions only upon adequate foundation and thorough background of technical competence and also upon honest conviction.
d. Civil engineers shall not criticize or ague on matters allocated by interested parties.
e. Civil engineers shall be humble and modest and should avoid any acts which promote their own interests.
CANON 4: Civil Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
a. To avoid conflicts, civil engineers shall inform their clients and employers of circumstances which influence their judgment or quality of work.
b. Civil engineers shall not accept multiple payments from the same project unless employers agree or circumstances are disclosed.
c. Civil engineers are not allowed to accept (solicit) gratuities from contractors or other agents in connection with work where they are responsible.
d. Civil engineers working in public services shall not participate, or render service for agencies in private practice.
e. Civil engineers are obliged to disclose to their employers if a project is unsuccessful, based from studies.
f. Confidential information disclosed to civil engineers should not be used for making personal profit if it adversely affects clients, employers or the public.
g. In cases where civil engineers are offered professional employment apart from their current positions, they are to inform their employers.
CANON 5: Civil Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others.
a. Civil engineers shall not participate, in any way, any political consideration, contribution or gratuity to secure employment, exclusive of employment through recruitment agencies.
b.Contracts should be discussed and interpreted for services based on competence and qualifications required for the service.
c. Professional commissions could be accepted only when projects or parts are completed where their professional judgments are not compromised.
d. Misrepresentation or falsification of any sort of their qualifications are not allowed.
e. Civil engineers shall give due credit to persons or agencies for accomplishments extended in projects completed.
f. Advertising services can only be done in a manner not derogatory to the dignity and integrity of the profession. Examples of permitted advertising:
● Professional cards ● Brochures with professional profile ● Advertising in professional publications and dignified businesses ● Posted statement of the name and the type of service of the engineer ● Descriptive articles of technical press which describes direct participation of the engineer. ● Commercial advertisements should be modest and dignified
g. Civil engineers should not injure the reputation and prospects of another engineer.
h. Civil engineers should not use their employer's facilities to carry on outside work without the latter's permission.
CANNON 6: Civil engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the civil engineering profession.
Civil engineers shall not do any acts, which will be derogatory to the profession.
CANON 7: Civil engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those civil engineers under their supervision.
a. Civil engineers should be kept current by:
● Engaging in professional practice ● Participating in continuing education courses ● Reading technical literature ● Attending professional meetings and seminars
b. Civil engineers should encourage engineering employees to become registered ASAP.
c. Civil engineers should encourage their engineering employees to attend professional and technical seminars and meetings.
d. Civil engineers shall uphold the principle of mutually satisfying relationships.