Parking Space Optimization Using Simplex Method Linear Programming
Parking Space Optimization Using Simplex Method Linear Programming
Parking Space Optimization Using Simplex Method Linear Programming
Abstract – The rise in private vehicles has led to the rise in proportional to the available parking space. This results in the
the demand for parking, and this demand calls for the need of unauthorized parking in sidewalks, which then congests the
existing parking areas to be fully optimized in order to area and contributes to the worsening of traffic. There are a
accommodate as much vehicles as possible. With the utilization lot of places that are not utilizing its space well, and this
of linear programming, a proposed optimization of the Enrique
problem has to be addressed in order to cater to the growing
Razon Sports Center parking in DLSU, Manila is proposed.
Since its current driveway is much wider than the minimum needs of the population.
width required by the Building Code of the Philippines, it is It is more likely that the building of parking spaces will
narrowed down in order to make room for more parking slots. be near commonly crowded places such as malls, universities,
The Simplex Method was used in order to obtain the maximized
parking area on each floor, which resulted in the addition of 36
and commercial or business districts. Parking is an essential
slots per floor. This optimization will increase the building’s factor in the effectiveness of private transportation. Every
parking capacity and will bring added convenience to the time a vehicle is used for a trip, it always starts and ends with
Lasallian academic community. the parking lot [4]. Hence they affect the overall performance
of the transportation system as a whole, and a good and
Index Terms – linear program, optimization, parking space.
efficient layout or design is needed [5].
I. INTRODUCTION De La Salle University is one of the prominent schools in
In recent years, the Philippines has been pushing to the country, and every year, more and more students are
improve on its transportation system with the help of the having difficulty in finding an available space to park their
government through various infrastructure projects. This in vehicles. The designated parking located in its Enrique Razon
turn was a forming solution to the rising population growth Sports Center is becoming more congested and is affecting
in the country which resulted in the increased quantity of the convenience of its students. Hence, the maximization of
privately owned vehicles as well as public transportation building parking is acknowledged and targeted in this study.
vehicles such as buses, jeepneys, UV’s, and taxis [1]. Linear programming is one of the tools used in operations
Transportation is an essential factor for the Philippine research or sometimes referred to as management science.
economy as it affects the day-to-day activities of all its This scientific approach of solving business and industrial
citizens. Efficient and effective transportation – the need to problems under certain conditions is widely used in the
minimize the time for people to get from one place to another design and operation of better systems. Linear programming
is vital for the sustainability of the nation. is a type of model that can solve decision problems with many
The goal therefore is to be more efficient in the allocation variables which are limited by a set of constraints. These
of one’s time, which resulted in the rise of privately owned constraints are described using mathematical functions. LP
vehicles for transportation. In 2012, there were around 1.9 modelling examples include product mix problems, resource
million vehicles registered in Metro Manila alone. This had a allocation problems, workforce scheduling, and aggregate
significant 15% increase from the numbers in 2008. With planning problems.
367,728 vehicles traversing daily on the average, EDSA
(Epifanio de los Santos Avenue), remains the National
Capital Region’s most congested road, based on 2017 The following topics discuss parking lot maximization in
estimates. Vehicles that pass through this highway account the most effective process in order to accommodate more cars
for 13.6% of the average daily traffic in Metro Manila, which given the available space present in their area.
is reported at 2.7 million vehicles. Cars make up two-thirds
A parking capacity optimization by linear programming
of the volume of traffic in EDSA, while jeepneys, UVs, taxis
was conducted in the United Arab Emirates [6]. The research
and buses makeup footer11.4% [2]. It was found that 247,527
discusses the overpopulation of vehicles in the area and the
privately owned vehicles are present in the highways at the
accumulating lack of parking spaces for those vehicles. The
same time there was only 40,000 public transportation
most integral factor in their research for parking spaces is the
vehicles [3]. This means that there are more privately owned
angle at which the cars are parked. The most efficient parking
cars and growing at the rate that the parking availability
angle was taken into consideration but lacks various factors
decreases. The problem arises however, is that there are more
such as the geometry and the circulation that the lot follows.
privately owned cars growing at a rate which is inversely
Based on the actual floor plan, a clearer layout with The Sports Center currently holds three floors allocated
dimensions of each floor was drawn with the use of Adobe for the parking of DLSU students and professors – 83 slots in
Photoshop (see Figs. 3-6). Various factors such as poles, the 3rd floor at Fig. 4, 86 slots in the 4th floor at Fig. 5, and 79
stairs, and chairs were also accounted for in the drawn layout. slots in the 5th floor at Fig. 6. It is only necessary to rework
and maximize its space in order to accommodate more
vehicles given the limited space that it currently has, as well
as to improve the academic community’s overall experience.
This is formulated in the following linear program.
yi - the available area for floor i’s driveway in meters2
xi - the available area for floor i’s parking in meters2
i - 3, 4, 5 (corresponding to every parking floor)
25 25 25
= 3 + 4 + 5
318 318 318
− 3− 4− 5
Fig. 3. Measurement of current parking slots. . . .
Z x3 x4 x5 y3 y4 y5
The evidence shows that the parking lot in the Enrique drivers in the morning, and will ultimately fix the parking
Razon Sports Center is not yet in its developed and optimal shortage problem of the university.
stage. The application of optimization method through linear
programming determines the most effective measurements REFERENCES
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