Planos KK Swallow

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There are several notes I need to provide to aid you with the enclosed package.

The original kits

used 1/16" balsa. Since I wanted to print these directly on balsa sheet I developed the parts for 1/32"
balsa sheet. My printer will handle up to 1/20" sheet, but I find 1/32" is a little easier to handle in the
printer. As a result, some of the parts have been drawn to allow for cross grain laminations. The
fuselage formers are a good example. This works fine as long as you are using 1/32" sheet stock.

I like to use a removable nose for winding. The parts have been drawn with this in mind. The nose
former has been drawn so a removable nose plug can be used. Please refer to the supplemental
building notes for the arrangement of the removable nose plug.

The 1/32” balsa fuselage sides felt a little soft in the cockpit area. As a result I added a new fuselage
former 7 and a cockpit floor. The addition of the cockpit floor made it possible to also add a pilot

When using 1/32" sheet for the fuselage sides, I was concerned about the load of a fully wound
motor on the rear motor peg. I like to use a piece of 3/32" aluminum tubing for the rear peg. This
makes holding the model in a winding stooge very easy. To create a bit more strength at the rear
peg, I apply a 3/8" diameter disk of 1/64” plywood to the inside of each fuselage side at the peg
location. This has proven to be plenty strong for a fully wound motor of 1/8" Tan II rubber. A piece of
3/32” OD aluminum tubing is used for the rear motor peg.

The original kit used 1/16” balsa for the wing panels and had them flat. Wings made from 1/32” balsa
without any camber tend to be fairly flexible along the span. Depending on the stiffness of the balsa
used for the wings it may be necessary to laminate a second layer of balsa to the wings. If you would
like color on the bottom of the wings a second set of wing panels can be printed and used to form two
layer laminated panels. You can also use plain balsa to retain the look of the original kit built model.

The original kit spinner came molded with a prop. A separate spinner has been drawn for use with a
better performing prop.

The drawings for the Keil Kraft Swallow are based on a scan of the kit plan and drawings of the kit
parts provided by Andrew Darby. I did add color to the areas of the original model that were left plain

I do hope you build and enjoy a model from this plan package.

Paul Bradley

Landing gear covers 7

Nose plug pieces 4 5
9 11

Fwd Bottom
Fwd Bottom

Rear Bottom
Rear Bottom

Cockpit Floor
Make the landing gear from
.025 piano wire. Use 3/4”

Windshield Pattern

These parts have been added to enhance

the original kit. They include fuselage
former 7, a cockpit floor, and a pilot figure.

The reproduction Swallow has been

drawn to use 1/32” balsa. Depending
on the stiffness of the balsa used to
build the model it may be necessary
to use two laminations for the flat
wings. The lack of an airfoil
1/64” Plywood
dramatically reduces the spanwise
bending strength. You can either print
an extra set of wings so printing will
be on both sides, or you can use plain Printed Piece
balsa for the second lamination if
Peck Thrust Bearing Printed pieces glued
together cross grain
and to the 1/64”
Plywood part

Nose Plug Arrangement

Keil Kraft EeZe Built Swallow Building Notes

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