Budget at A Glance
Budget at A Glance
Budget at A Glance
Sl. Page
6 Demand wise Net Provision in the RE for 2017-18 (Consolidated Fund) 14-16
7 Demand wise Net Provision in the BE for 2018-19 (Consolidated Fund) 17-19
8 Demand wise Gross Provision in the BE for 2018-19 (Consolidated Fund) 20-22
14 Budget Provision for Externally Aided Projects (EAPs) for FY 2018-19 28-29
(Ongoing and Pipeline projects)
Table No. 1.1 (A)
(₹ in Crore)
Sl. ITEMS 2017-18 BE 2017-18 RE 2018-19 BE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Tax Revenue
2 58221.67 57792.03 65135.93
of which
Non-Tax Revenue
3 30709.85 31903.52 35064.07
of which
(a) Total Receipts without W&M Adv. from RBI 106064.98 106388.41 118967.00
Revenue Expenditure
9 82237.23 80822.56 90220.00
of which
(a) Total Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI 106910.87 107234.30 120028.00
(a) Total Receipts without W&M Adv. from RBI 63653.33 78959.72 85786.88
(a) Total Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI 65597.77 79114.09 86902.80
(a) Capital Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI 14462.03 20308.38 21862.27
Note - Variations if any, in the figures shown in this document and those shown in other Budget documents are due to rounding off.
Revenue Account
Capital Account
(e) Ways & Means Adv. From Reserve Bank of India 0.00 0.00 0.00
Consolidated Fund
A Administrative Expenditure
B Programme Expenditure
Revenue Account
Capital Account
(e) Ways & Means Adv. From RBI 1082.05 0.00 0.00
Consolidated Fund
Out of which
b) State Plan
Out of which
c) Central Plan
Out of which
Out of which
7. Provident Fund and Other Funds & Deposits (Net) 1061.00 0.88
Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Revenue 610.30 755.53 79.54 756.97 1592.04 2202.34
Castes Development, Minorities & Capital
11 -- 307.21 -- 160.71 467.92 467.92
Backward Classes Welfare
Department Total 610.30 1062.74 79.54 917.67 2059.96 2670.26
Revenue 2067.72 1061.01 48.02 1185.43 2294.46 4362.18
Health and Family Welfare
12 Capital -- 505.00 -- 380.00 885.00 885.00
Total 2067.72 1566.01 48.02 1565.43 3179.46 5247.18
Revenue 2212.19 733.36 -- 873.68 1607.04 3819.24
Housing and Urban Development
$ 13 Capital -- 968.55 -- -- 968.55 968.55
Total 2212.19 1701.91 -- 873.68 2575.59 4787.78
Revenue 103.12 16.36 26.59 -- 42.95 146.07
Labour & Employees' State
14 Capital -- 2.50 -- -- 2.50 2.50
Insurance Department
Total 103.12 18.86 26.59 -- 45.45 148.57
Revenue 30.34 80.70 -- -- 80.70 111.04
Sports & Youth Services
15 Capital -- 121.06 -- -- 121.06 121.06
Total 30.34 201.76 -- -- 201.76 232.10
** In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 05, DSE of ₹8014.64 Crore include Interest Payment of ₹5000.00 Crore and Debt
Repayment of ₹3014.64 Crore.
$ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 13, Transfer from State of ₹1547.91 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹350.81 Crore, 4th
SFC Transfer of ₹1117.10 Crore and Other Transfer of ₹80.00 Crore.
# In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 17, Transfer from State of ₹3355.55 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹1725.11 Crore and
4th SFC Transfer of ₹1630.44 Crore.
@ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No.42, Disaster Responce Fund of ₹1824.00 Crore include SDRF of ₹824.00 Crore & NDRF of
₹1000.00 Crore.
Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Revenue 747.40 1007.82 191.59 1060.86 2260.27 3007.67
Castes Development, Minorities & Capital
11 -- 344.82 -- 61.06 405.87 405.87
Backward Classes Welfare
Department Total 747.40 1352.63 191.59 1121.92 2666.15 3413.55
Revenue 2137.08 1484.27 47.73 1500.89 3032.88 5169.96
Health and Family Welfare
12 Capital -- 625.00 -- 365.00 990.00 990.00
Total 2137.08 2109.27 47.73 1865.89 4022.89 6159.96
Revenue 2266.52 737.26 -- 1397.22 2134.48 4401.00
Housing and Urban Development
$ 13 Capital -- 760.80 -- -- 760.80 760.80
Total 2266.52 1498.06 -- 1397.22 2895.28 5161.80
Revenue 111.96 18.90 -- -- 18.90 130.86
Labour & Employees' State
14 Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Insurance Department
Total 111.96 21.90 -- -- 21.90 133.86
Revenue 30.39 198.62 -- -- 198.62 229.01
Sports & Youth Services
15 Capital -- 112.00 -- -- 112.00 112.00
Total 30.39 310.62 -- -- 310.62 341.01
** In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 05, DSE of ₹9657.00 Crore include Interest Payment of ₹5500.00 Crore and Debt
Repayment of ₹4157.00 Crore.
$ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 13, Transfer from State of ₹1701.54 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹404.16 Crore, 4th
SFC Transfer of ₹1197.38 Crore and Other Transfer of ₹100.00 Crore.
# In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 17, Transfer from State of ₹3700.46 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹1991.48 Crore and
4th SFC Transfer of ₹1708.98 Crore.
@ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No.42, Disaster Responce Fund of ₹1865.00 Crore include SDRF of ₹865.00 Crore & NDRF of
₹1000.00 Crore.
Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Revenue 748.90 1007.82 191.59 1060.86 2260.27 3009.17
Castes Development, Minorities & Capital
11 -- 344.82 -- 61.06 405.87 405.87
Backward Classes Welfare
Department Total 748.90 1352.63 191.59 1121.92 2666.15 3415.05
Revenue 2159.08 1484.27 47.73 1500.89 3032.88 5191.96
Health and Family Welfare
12 Capital -- 625.00 -- 365.00 990.00 990.00
Total 2159.08 2109.27 47.73 1865.89 4022.89 6181.96
Revenue 2286.70 737.26 -- 1397.22 2134.48 4421.19
Housing and Urban Development
$ 13 Capital -- 760.80 -- -- 760.80 760.80
Total 2286.70 1498.06 -- 1397.22 2895.28 5181.98
Revenue 112.96 18.90 -- -- 18.90 131.86
Labour & Employees' State
14 Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Insurance Department
Total 112.96 21.90 -- -- 21.90 134.86
Revenue 30.47 198.62 -- -- 198.62 229.09
Sports & Youth Services
15 Capital -- 112.00 -- -- 112.00 112.00
Total 30.47 310.62 -- -- 310.62 341.09
** In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 05, DSE of ₹9657.00 Crore include Interest Payment of ₹5500.00 Crore and Debt
Repayment of ₹4157.00 Crore.
$ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 13, Transfer from State of ₹1701.54 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹404.16 Crore, 4th
SFC Transfer of ₹1197.38 Crore and Other Transfer of ₹100.00 Crore.
# In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 17, Transfer from State of ₹3700.46 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹1991.48 Crore and
4th SFC Transfer of ₹1708.98 Crore.
@ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No.42, Disaster Responce Fund of ₹3730.00 Crore include SDRF of ₹1730.00 Crore & NDRF of
₹2000.00 Crore.
c Others 0.00
I. Revenue Receipts
VII. Internal Borrowings (OMB, Loan portion of ACA for EAPs, Loans for EAPs on 15460.00
Back basis, Negotiated Loan,NSSF,GPF)
Original/ Approved
Approved/ Revised Plan Outlay Expenditure
Plan Outlay
State State State
PSUs Total PSUs Total PSUs Total
Sector Sector Sector
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1999-00 288618.25 42299.00 330917.25 222125.00 33188.00 255313.00 233195.91 15203.59 248399.50
2000-01 288080.00 50087.00 338167.00 226923.00 28602.00 255525.00 246361.95 9844.55 256206.50
2001-02 254742.00 45258.00 300000.00 215172.00 14828.00 230000.00 227681.17 14052.40 241733.57
2002-03 293029.00 16971.00 310000.00 238029.00 16971.00 255000.00 242525.99 6109.81 248635.80
2003-04 300994.00 19006.00 320000.00 257590.00 13860.00 271450.00 238218.50 8174.02 246392.52
2004-05 296356.00 28644.00 325000.00 221356.00 28644.00 250000.00 261496.00 12377.00 273873.00
2005-06 226371.00 73629.00 300000.00 272477.00 27523.00 300000.00 265278.47 10701.72 275980.19
2006-07 319307.00 39526.00 358833.00 350839.00 9161.00 360000.00 354593.92 9691.23 364285.15
2007-08 462333.50 48166.50 510500.00 539119.00 12881.00 552000.00 227882.53 17211.75 245094.28
2008-09 658188.00 51812.00 710000.00 730000.00 20000.00 750000.00 736535.55 14089.36 750624.91
2009-10 761583.00 188417.00 950000.00 840000.00 10000.00 850000.00 727034.75 58938.92 785973.67
2010-11 1000000.00 100000.00 1100000.00 980000.00 20000.00 1000000.00 993690.45 20731.99 1014422.44
2011-12 1320000.00 200000.00 1520000.00 1200000.00 30000.00 1230000.00 1260788.58 14522.83 1275311.41
2012-13 1525000.00 200000.00 1725000.00 1500000.00 20000.00 1520000.00 1502163.60 27556.14 1529719.74
2013-14 1940000.00 210000.00 2150000.00 1940000.00 60000.00 2000000.00 2007370.93 95821.34 2103192.27
2014-15 3881000.00 200000.00 4081000.00 3515000.00 85000.00 3600000.00 2962885.41 101564.12 3064449.53
2015-16 4015000.00 400000.00 4415000.00 4015000.00 140000.00 4155000.00 3914493.92 264859.43 4179353.35
2016-17 4580000.00 440000.00 5020000.00 4460000.00 440000.00 4900000.00 4407876.00 425741.00 4833617.00
Budget Provision for EAPs for FY 2018-19 (On-going and Pipeline projects)
(Rs in Crore)
Sl. Implementing Revised Project Loan/Credit
Name of the Project with Credit No. Donor Agency Project Cost Project Period Provision for
No. Deptt. Cost amount
FY 2017-18
Budget Provision
for Provision
EAPs for FY
for 2018-19
EAPs for(On-going
FY 2018-19
Pipeline projects)
and Pipeline projects)
(Rs in Crore)
Budget Provision for 2018-19
Expr. incurred Cumulative
Cumulative External Assistance
Sl. during ACA received
Name of the Project with Credit No. Expr. upto
No. 2017-18 upto up to Local Cost
28.02.2018 Total (Col. Total
28.02.2018 28.02.2018 Loan Grant
16+17) (Col. 14+15)
(1) (2) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.00 35.00 0.00 35.00 6.00
Climate Resilient Agriculture ( OIIPCRA)
Odisha Integrated Irrigated Agriculture &
2 Water Management Investment Project, 191.48 384.94 217.97 298.00 240.00 0.00 240.00 58.00
Phase-II, Loan No.-3265-IN
Total ST& SC Dev. Deptt. 10.00 10.59 21.58 88.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 8.00
638.72 4230.06 2938.71 1868.00 1700.00 0.00 1700.00 168.00
Odisha Higher EducationProgramme for
13 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 125.00 0.00 125.00 25.00
Excellence and Equity, Loan No.8782-IN
Total Higher Education Deptt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 125.00 0.00 125.00 25.00
Odisha Forestry Sector Development
14 1.63 1.63 0.00 52.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 12.00
Project, Phase-II,Loan No.ID-P 257
Total F & E Deptt. 1.63 1.63 0.00 52.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 12.00
15 Innovative Municipal Financing Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yajana (MMSY) 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 Mega Piped Water Supply Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 627.00 570.00 0.00 570.00 57.00
Total Pipeline Projects 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50
TOTAL 1001.30 4230.06 2938.71 1886.50 1560.00 0.00 1560.00 326.50