Budget at A Glance

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Sl. Page

1 Odisha Budget at a Glance 2018-19 1-2

2 Annual Budget 2018-19 (Income & Outgo) 3

3 Odisha Budget 2018-19 in Brief 4-9

4 Rupee Comes From and Rupee Goes Out 2018-19 10-11

5 Demand wise Actual Expenditure for 2016-17 (Consolidated Fund) 12-13

6 Demand wise Net Provision in the RE for 2017-18 (Consolidated Fund) 14-16

7 Demand wise Net Provision in the BE for 2018-19 (Consolidated Fund) 17-19

8 Demand wise Gross Provision in the BE for 2018-19 (Consolidated Fund) 20-22

9 Annual Ceiling for Programme Expenditure of all Departments for the 23

year 2018-19

10 Scheme of Financing the Programme Expenditure 2018-19 24

11 Estimate of State's Resources for the Programme Expenditure 2018-19 25

12 Miscellaneous Capital Receipts for the Year 2018-19 26

13 Statement of Original and Revised Plan/ Programme Outlay with 27

Expenditure (including PSUs) from 1999-00 to 2018-19

14 Budget Provision for Externally Aided Projects (EAPs) for FY 2018-19 28-29
(Ongoing and Pipeline projects)
Table No. 1.1 (A)
(₹ in Crore)
Sl. ITEMS 2017-18 BE 2017-18 RE 2018-19 BE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 Revenue Receipt 88931.52 89695.55 100200.00

Tax Revenue
2 58221.67 57792.03 65135.93
of which

(a) State's share in Union Tax 31421.67 31272.03 36585.93

Non-Tax Revenue
3 30709.85 31903.52 35064.07
of which

(a) Grant-in-aid from centre 21209.85 22903.52 24764.07

4 Capital Receipt 17133.46 16692.86 18767.00

5 Recoveries of Loans 130.00 130.00 150.00

6 Other Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00

Borrowing and other liabilities

7 17003.46 16562.86 18617.00
of which

(a) W & M Adv. 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 Total-Receipts ( 1 + 4 ) 106064.98 106388.41 118967.00

(a) Total Receipts without W&M Adv. from RBI 106064.98 106388.41 118967.00

Revenue Expenditure
9 82237.23 80822.56 90220.00
of which

(a) Interest Payment 5000.00 5000.00 5500.00

10 Capital Expenditure 24673.64 26411.74 29808.00

Capital Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI

(a) 24673.64 26411.74 29808.00
of which
Debt Repayment
(i) 3414.64 3014.64 4157.00
of which

(ii) W & M Adv. to RBI 0.00 0.00 0.00

11 Total - Expenditure ( 9 + 10 ) 106910.87 107234.30 120028.00

(a) Total Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI 106910.87 107234.30 120028.00

12 Revenue Deficit(-)/Surplus(+) (1-9) 6694.29 8872.99 9980.00

13 Fiscal Deficit(-)/Surplus(+) [(1+5+6)-11+10(a)(i)] -14434.71 -14394.11 -15521.00

14 Primary Deficit(-)/Surplus(+) [13 + 9(a)] -9434.71 -9394.11 -10021.00

Note - Variations if any, in the figures shown in this document and those shown in other Budget documents are due to rounding off.

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Table No. 1.1 (B)
(₹ in Crore)
Sl. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
No. Account Account Account
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Revenue Receipt 56997.88 68941.44 74299.39
Tax Revenue
2 36009.51 46100.75 51173.89
of which
(a) State's share in Union Tax 16181.22 23573.79 28321.50
Non-Tax Revenue
3 20988.37 22840.69 23125.50
of which
(a) Grant-in-aid from centre 12917.50 14129.46 15082.41

4 Capital Receipt 7737.50 10018.28 11487.49

5 Recoveries of Loans 91.87 228.46 264.06

6 Other Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00

Borrowing and other liabilities
7 7645.63 9789.82 11223.43
of which
(a) W & M Adv. 1082.05 0.00 0.00

8 Total-Receipts ( 1 + 4 ) 64735.38 78959.72 85786.88

(a) Total Receipts without W&M Adv. from RBI 63653.33 78959.72 85786.88

9 Non-plan Expenditure ( 10 + 11 ) 36486.89 38526.23 42775.90

On Revenue Account
10 32258.65 35535.42 39709.83
of which
(a) Interest Payment 2810.27 3343.30 4035.43
On Capital Account
11 4228.24 2990.81 3066.07
of which
Debt Repayment
(a) 4111.45 2881.37 2962.05
of which
(b) W & M Adv. to RBI 1082.05 0.00 0.00

12 Plan Expenditure ( 13 + 14 ) 30192.93 40587.86 44126.89

13 On Revenue Account 18877.09 23270.29 25330.70

14 On Capital Account 11315.84 17317.57 18796.20

15 Total - Expenditure ( 9 + 12 ) 66679.82 79114.09 86902.80

(a) Total Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI 65597.77 79114.09 86902.80

16 Revenue Expenditure ( 10 + 13 ) 51135.74 58805.71 65040.53

17 Capital Expenditure ( 11 + 14 ) 15544.08 20308.38 21862.27

(a) Capital Expr. without W&M Adv. to RBI 14462.03 20308.38 21862.27

18 Revenue Deficit(-)/Surplus(+) (1-16) 5862.14 10135.73 9258.86

19 Fiscal Deficit(-)/Surplus(+) [(1+5+6)-15+11(a)] -5478.62 -7062.82 -9377.30

20 Primary Deficit(-)/Surplus(+) [ 19 + 10(a) ] -2668.35 -3719.52 -5341.88

Note - Variations if any, in the figures shown in this document and those shown in other Budget documents are due to rounding off.

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Table No. 1.2
(Income & Outgo)
(₹ in Crore)

Sl. No. Items Income Outgo

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Revenue Account
A Administrative Expenditure of which 79409.93 45706.64
i Establisment, Operations & Maintenance Expenditure 0.00 40206.64
ii Interest Payment 0.00 5500.00
B Programme Expenditure of which 16644.93 37246.36
i State Sector Schemes 0.00 16847.58
ii Central Sector schemes 502.88 472.88
iii Centrally Sponsored Schemes 16142.05 19925.90
C Disaster Response Funds of which 1649.50 1865.00
i State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) 649.50 865.00
ii National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) 1000.00 1000.00
D Transfers from State of which 2495.64 5402.00
i Union Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies 2395.64 2395.64
ii State Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies 0.00 2906.36
iii Other Transfers 100.00 100.00
Total (1) Revenue Account (A+B+C+D) 100200.00 90220.00
2 Capital Account
i Capital Receipts (Borrowings)- (6003+6004) 18617.00 0.00
ii Loans and Advances 150.00 1234.10
iii Miscellaneous Capital Receipts (4000) 0.00 0.00
A Administrative Expenditure of which 0.00 5054.36
i Establisment Expenditure 0.00 897.36
ii Debt Repayment 0.00 4157.00
B Programme Expenditure of which 0.00 24753.64
i State Sector Schemes 0.00 17922.00
ii Central Sector schemes 0.00 30.00
iii Centrally Sponsored Schemes 0.00 6801.64
Total (2) Capital Account (2(i+ii+iii)) 18767.00 29808.00
Total Consolidated Fund (1+2) 118967.00 120028.00
i Provident Fund 3912.75 2912.75
ii Other Funds and Deposits 243356.65 243295.65
Total - III (Public Account) 247269.40 246208.40
Total - STATE BUDGET (I+II+III) 366636.40 366636.40
Opening Balance 318.65
Closing Balance 318.65

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Table No. 1.3 (A)
(₹ in Crore)
Sl. Sector 2017-18 BE 2017-18 RE 2018-19 BE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Opening Balance -272.27 318.65 318.65

RECEIPT (Consolidated Fund)

Revenue Account

2 State's Own Tax 26800.00 26520.00 28550.00

3 State's Own Non Tax 9500.00 9000.00 10300.00

4 Total State's Own Revenue(2+3) 36300.00 35520.00 38850.00

5 States Share In Central Taxes 31421.67 31272.03 36585.93

Grant-in-aid from Centre
6 21209.85 22903.52 24764.07
of which
(a) Administrative Expenditure 0.00 2310.00 4074.00

(b) Programme Expenditure 17515.93 16899.60 16644.93

(c) Disaster Response Fund 1618.00 1618.00 1649.50

(d) Local Bodies 2075.92 2075.92 2395.64

7 Total Central Transfer(5+6) 52631.52 54175.55 61350.00

8 Total Revenue Receipt(4+7) 88931.52 89695.55 100200.00

Capital Account

9 Loans And Advances - Recovery 130.00 130.00 150.00

Public Debt
10 17003.46 16562.86 18617.00
of which
(a) Govt. of India 2000.00 2000.00 1560.00

(b) National Small Savings(NSS) Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00

(c) LIC/GIC/NABARD etc 4730.00 4730.00 5025.00

(d) Open Market 10273.45 9832.86 12032.00

(e) Ways & Means Adv. From Reserve Bank of India 0.00 0.00 0.00

11 Other Capital Receipt 0.00 0.00 0.00

12 Total Capital Receipt(9+10+11) 17133.46 16692.86 18767.00

13 Total-Receipt under Consolidated Fund(8+12) 106064.98 106388.41 118967.00

14 Contigency Fund 400.00 400.00 400.00

Public Account
15 165997.24 166354.95 247269.40
of which
(a) General Provident Fund (GPF) 3512.75 3512.75 3912.75

16 Total-Receipt(13+14+15) 272462.22 273143.36 366636.40

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Sl. Sector 2017-18 BE 2017-18 RE 2018-19 BE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Consolidated Fund

A Administrative Expenditure

17 Revenue Account 43858.41 43100.06 45706.64

Capital Account
18 3606.78 4606.79 5054.36
of which
1.Debt Repayment 3414.64 3014.64 4157.00
of which
i) GOI Loan 769.09 769.09 758.25

ii) Ways & Means Advance 0.00 0.00 0.00

iii) All other loans 2645.55 2245.55 2355.90

2. Loans and Advances 135.00 135.00 140.00

3. Transfer to Contingency Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00

4. Other Capital Expenditure 58.78 58.78 57.36

19 Total Administrative Expenditure (17+18) 47465.20 47706.84 50761.00

B Programme Expenditure

(i) State Sector Schemes

20 Revenue Account 12132.09 11664.58 16847.58

Capital Account
21 15360.91 15882.97 17922.00
of which
1. Loans and Advances 350.47 305.47 244.10

2. Other Capital Expenditure 15010.44 15577.50 17677.90

22 Total State Sector Schemes (20+21) 27493.00 27547.55 34769.58

(ii) Central Sector Schemes

23 Revenue Account 289.17 248.75 472.88

Capital Account
24 30.00 30.00 30.00
of which
1. Loans and Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00

2. Other Capital Expenditure 30.00 30.00 30.00

25 Total Central Sector Schemes (23+24) 319.17 278.75 502.88

(iii) Centrally Sp. Schemes

26 Revenue Account 19311.88 19081.72 19925.90

Capital Account
27 5675.95 5891.98 6801.64
of which
1. Loans and Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00

2. Other Capital Expenditure 5675.95 5891.98 6801.64

28 Total C.Sp. Schemes (26+27) 24987.83 24973.70 26727.54

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Sl. Sector 2017-18 BE 2017-18 RE 2018-19 BE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
29 Total Programme Expenditure (22+25+28) 52800.00 52800.00 62000.00

C Disaster Response Fund

30 Revenue Account 1824.00 1824.00 1865.00

D Transfers from States

31 Revenue Account 4821.67 4903.46 5402.00

32 Total Revenue Account (17+20+23+26+30+31) 82237.23 80822.56 90220.00

33 Total Capital Account (18+21+24+27) 24673.64 26411.74 29808.00

34 Total - Expr.Under Consolidated Fund (32+33) 106910.87 107234.30 120028.00

35 Contigency Fund 400.00 400.00 400.00

Public Account
36 165151.35 165509.06 246208.40
of which
(a) General Provident Fund (GPF) 2712.75 2712.75 2912.75

37 Total Expenditurre - (34+35+36) 272462.22 273143.36 366636.40

38 Year's Net Transaction(16-37) 0.00 0.00 0.00

39 Closing Balance(1+38) -272.27 318.65 318.65

40 Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)in the Revenue Account (8-32) 6694.29 8872.99 9980.00

41 Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)in the capital Account (12-33) -7540.18 -9718.88 -11041.00

42 Net Transaction in the Consolidated Fund (40+41) -845.89 -845.89 -1061.00

43 Net in the Contigency Fund (14-35) 0.00 0.00 0.00

44 Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)in the public Account(15-36) 845.89 845.89 1061.00

45 Year's Net Transaction (42+43+44) i.e.Sl.No.38 0.00 0.00 0.00

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Table No. 1.3 (B)
(₹ in Crore)
Sl. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
No. Account Account Account
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Opening Balance 26.87 578.65 666.99

RECEIPT (Consolidated Fund)

Revenue Account

2 State's Own Tax 19828.29 22526.96 22852.39

3 State's Own Non Tax 8070.87 8711.24 8043.10

4 Total State's Own Revenue(2+3) 27899.16 31238.20 30895.49

5 States Share In Central Taxes 16181.22 23573.79 28321.50

6 Grant-in-aid from Centre (Out of Which) 12917.50 14129.46 15082.41

(a) Non-Plan 1929.34 3062.64 3248.00

(b) State Plan 10886.18 10773.41 11769.07

(c) Central Plan 101.90 293.37 65.23

(d) Centrally Sp. Plan 0.08 0.04 0.10

7 Total Central Transfer(5+6) 29098.72 37703.24 43403.91

8 Total Revenue Receipt(4+7) 56997.88 68941.44 74299.39

Capital Account

9 Recovery of Loans And Advances 91.87 228.46 264.06

10 Loan(Out Of Which) 7645.63 9789.82 11223.43

(a) Govt. of India 529.10 739.24 902.98

(b) National Small Savings(NSS) Fund 1442.59 2110.43 0.00

(c) LIC/GIC/NABARD etc 1591.89 2467.33 2700.46

(d) Open Market 3000.00 4472.82 7620.00

(e) Ways & Means Adv. From RBI 1082.05 0.00 0.00

11 Other Capital Receipt 0.00 0.00 0.00

12 Total Capital Receipt(9+10+11) 7737.50 10018.28 11487.49

13 Total-Receipt under Consolidated Fund(8+12) 64735.38 78959.72 85786.88

14 Contigency Fund 150.00 0.00 122.90

15 Public Account 102666.48 165528.09 209556.48

(a) Out of Which GPF 3470.40 4087.99 4423.81

16 Total-Receipt(13+14+15) 167551.86 244487.81 295466.26

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Sl. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
No. Account Account Account
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Consolidated Fund


17 Revenue Account 32258.65 35535.42 39709.83

18 Capital Account 4228.24 2990.81 3066.07

Out of which

1. Public Debt Repayment of : - 4111.45 2881.37 2962.05

i) GOI Loan 649.97 627.67 670.20

ii) Ways & Means Advance 1082.05 0.00 0.00

iii) All other loans 2379.43 2253.70 2291.84

2. Loans and Advances 98.81 94.70 90.62

3. Transfer to Contingency Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00

4. Other Capital Expenditure 17.98 14.74 13.41

19 Total (a) Non-Plan 36486.89 38526.23 42775.90

b) State Plan

20 Revenue Account 18510.25 23117.50 25169.81

21 Capital Account 11314.56 17317.57 18796.20

Out of which

1. Loans and Advances 259.19 241.84 338.53

2. Other Capital Expenditure 11055.37 17075.74 18457.66

22 Total (b) State Plan 29824.81 40435.07 43966.00

c) Central Plan

23 Revenue Account 365.41 138.69 142.51

24 Capital Account 1.28 0.00 0.00

Out of which

1. Loans and Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00

2. Other Capital Expenditure 1.28 0.00 0.00

25 Total (c) Central Plan 366.69 138.69 142.51

d) Centrally Sp. Plan

26 Revenue Account 1.43 14.10 18.38

27 Capital Account 0.00 0.00 0.00

Out of which

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Sl. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
No. Account Account Account
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Loans and Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00

2. Other Capital Expenditure 0.00 0.00 0.00

28 Total (d) C.S. Plan 1.43 14.10 18.38

29 Total Revenue Account 51135.74 58805.71 65040.53

30 Total Capital Account 15544.08 20308.38 21862.27

31 Total - Expr.Under Consolidated Fund 66679.82 79114.09 86902.80

32 Contigency Fund 0.00 122.90 0.00

33 Public Account 100320.26 165162.48 208911.81

(a) Out of which GPF 2397.45 2252.49 2567.08

34 Total Expenditurre - (31+32+33) 167000.08 244399.47 295814.61

35 Year's Net Transaction(16-34) 551.78 88.34 -348.35

36 Closing Balance(1+35) 578.65 666.99 318.65

37 Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)in the Revenue Account(8-29) 5862.14 10135.73 9258.86

38 Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)in the capital Account(12-30) -7806.58 -10290.10 -10374.78

39 Net Transaction in the Consolidated Fund(37+38) -1944.44 -154.37 -1115.92

40 Net in the Contigency Fund(14-32) 150.00 -122.90 122.90

41 Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)in the public Account(15-33) 2346.22 365.61 644.67

42 Year's Net Transaction (39+40+41) i.e.Sl.No35 551.78 88.34 -348.35

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Table No. 1.4


Sl. No. Source Share(%)
(₹ in Crore)

1. State's Own Tax 28550.00 23.79

2. State's Own Non-Tax 10300.00 8.58

3. Shared Tax 36585.93 30.48

4. Grants-in-Aid from Centre 24764.07 20.63

5. Recovery of Loans and Advances 150.00 0.12

6. Loans from different sources 18617.00 15.51

7. Provident Fund and Other Funds & Deposits (Net) 1061.00 0.88

TOTAL - 120028.00 100.00

Table No. 1.5


Sl. No. Source Share(%)
(₹ in Crore)

1. Debt Servicing (Interest Payment) 5500.00 4.58

2. Debt Servicing (Repayment of Loans) 4157.00 3.46

3. Disbursement of Loans (Administrative) 1084.10 0.90

4. Other Revenue Expenditure 77453.00 64.53

5. Expenditure in Capital Sector(Other than 24566.90 20.47

Repayment of Loans)
6. Disaster Response Funds 1865.00 1.55

7. Transfers from State 5402.00 4.50

TOTAL - 120028.00 100.00

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Chart No. 1.1

Rupee Comes From

(Consolidated Fund)

Chart No. 1.2

Rupee Goes Out

(Consolidated Fund)

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Table No. 1.6
(₹ in Crore)
Revenue/ Central
D. Department Name Non-Plan State Plan C.S Plan Total
Capital Plan
Revenue 3213.85 15.69 36.27 0.00 3265.81
01 Home Department Capital 0.02 238.56 0.00 0.00 238.58
Total 3213.87 254.26 36.27 0.00 3504.39
Revenue 138.39 9.22 0.00 0.00 147.61
02 General Administration and Public Capital 0.00 92.04 0.00 0.00 92.04
Grievance Department
Total 138.39 101.26 0.00 0.00 239.65
Revenue 2269.57 371.04 4.99 0.00 2645.60
03 Revenue and Disaster Management Capital 0.82 56.41 0.00 0.00 57.23
Total 2270.39 427.45 4.99 0.00 2702.83
Revenue 217.64 15.00 1.91 0.00 234.55
04 Law Department
Total 217.64 15.00 1.91 0.00 234.55
Revenue 11138.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 11138.54
05 Finance Department Capital 3067.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 3067.58
Total 14206.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 14206.12
Revenue 58.48 0.60 0.00 0.00 59.08
06 Commerce Department Capital 0.00 12.55 0.00 0.00 12.55
Total 58.48 13.14 0.00 0.00 71.63
Revenue 1571.52 168.76 0.00 0.00 1740.28
07 Works Department Capital 0.00 2776.81 0.00 0.00 2776.81
Total 1571.52 2945.57 0.00 0.00 4517.09
Revenue 31.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.64
08 Odisha Legislative Assembly Capital 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56
Total 32.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.19
Revenue 963.55 62.18 0.06 0.00 1025.79
09 Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Capital 0.00 2.07 0.00 0.00 2.07
Total 963.55 64.25 0.06 0.00 1027.86
Revenue 6279.90 3409.19 0.00 0.00 9689.08
10 School and Mass Education Department Capital 0.00 47.64 0.00 0.00 47.64
Total 6279.90 3456.83 0.00 0.00 9736.73
Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Castes Revenue 1054.03 972.16 48.41 0.00 2074.59
11 Development, Minorities & Backward Capital 0.00 461.83 0.00 0.00 461.83
Classes Welfare Department Total 1054.03 1433.99 48.41 0.00 2536.42
Revenue 1796.36 2201.83 13.71 0.00 4011.90
12 Health and Family Welfare Department Capital 0.00 783.83 0.00 0.00 783.83
Total 1796.36 2985.66 13.71 0.00 4795.73
Revenue 1751.96 728.44 0.00 0.00 2480.40
13 Housing and Urban Development Capital 0.00 589.51 0.00 0.00 589.51
Total 1751.96 1317.94 0.00 0.00 3069.90
Revenue 82.57 10.98 0.00 0.00 93.55
14 Labour & Employees' State Insurance Capital 0.00 1.67 0.00 0.00 1.67
Total 82.57 12.65 0.00 0.00 95.22
Revenue 27.19 4.69 0.00 0.00 31.88
15 Sports & Youth Services Department Capital 0.00 70.82 0.00 0.00 70.82
Total 27.19 75.51 0.00 0.00 102.70
Revenue 27.82 540.86 28.10 0.00 596.78
16 Planning and Convergence Department Capital 0.00 179.58 0.00 0.00 179.58
Total 27.82 720.45 28.10 0.00 776.37
Revenue 3071.08 5232.70 0.05 1.41 8305.25
17 Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Capital 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 25.00
Total 3071.08 5257.70 0.05 1.41 8330.25
Public Grievances and Pension Revenue 1.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85
18 Administration Department
Total 1.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85
Revenue 2.95 94.18 0.00 0.00 97.14
19 Industries Department
Total 2.95 94.18 0.00 0.00 97.14
Revenue 1173.36 754.44 0.00 0.00 1927.80
20 Water Resources Department Capital 0.00 5799.07 0.00 0.00 5799.07
Total 1173.36 6553.50 0.00 0.00 7726.87

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Revenue/ Central
D. Department Name Non-Plan State Plan C.S Plan Total
Capital Plan
Revenue 72.15 20.82 2.61 0.00 95.58
21 Transport Department Capital 0.00 252.44 0.00 0.00 252.44
Total 72.15 273.26 2.61 0.00 348.02
Revenue 347.39 233.74 0.00 0.00 581.13
22 Forest & Environment Department Capital 0.00 3.99 0.00 0.00 3.99
Total 347.39 237.73 0.00 0.00 585.12
Revenue 526.83 2432.63 0.00 0.00 2959.46
23 Department of Agriculture and Capital 0.00 193.20 0.00 0.00 193.20
Farmers' Empowerment
Total 526.83 2625.83 0.00 0.00 3152.66
Revenue 46.14 29.59 0.00 0.00 75.74
24 Steel & Mines Department Capital 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
Total 46.14 30.59 0.00 0.00 76.74
Revenue 56.38 30.07 0.00 0.00 86.45
25 Information & Public Relations Capital 0.00 2.23 0.00 0.00 2.23
Total 56.38 32.31 0.00 0.00 88.69
Revenue 58.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.25
26 Excise Department Capital 0.00 1.56 0.00 0.00 1.56
Total 58.25 1.56 0.00 0.00 59.81
Revenue 11.58 49.65 0.00 0.00 61.23
27 Science & Technology Department
Total 11.58 49.65 0.00 0.00 61.23
Revenue 1269.96 1701.46 0.00 0.00 2971.42
28 Rural Development Department Capital 0.00 4303.81 0.00 0.00 4303.81
Total 1269.96 6005.27 0.00 0.00 7275.23
Revenue 31.37 0.00 0.04 0.00 31.41
29 Parliamentary Affairs Department Capital 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03
Total 31.37 0.03 0.04 0.00 31.44
Revenue 25.96 42.32 0.00 0.00 68.28
30 Energy Department Capital 0.00 2219.82 0.00 0.00 2219.82
Total 25.96 2262.14 0.00 0.00 2288.10
Revenue 49.02 90.71 0.00 0.00 139.72
31 Handlooms, Textiles & Handicrafts
Department Total 49.02 90.71 0.00 0.00 139.72
Revenue 36.62 84.53 0.00 0.00 121.15
32 Tourism Department Capital 0.00 87.91 0.00 0.00 87.91
Total 36.62 172.44 0.00 0.00 209.06
Revenue 306.44 151.05 0.00 16.84 474.33
33 Fisheries & Animal Resources Capital 0.00 71.10 0.00 0.00 71.10
Development Department
Total 306.44 222.15 0.00 16.84 545.43
Revenue 96.03 1423.26 0.00 0.00 1519.28
34 Co-operation Department Capital 0.00 125.77 0.00 0.00 125.77
Total 96.03 1549.03 0.00 0.00 1645.05
Revenue 2.74 4.00 0.00 0.00 6.74
35 Public Enterprises Department
Total 2.74 4.00 0.00 0.00 6.74
Revenue 16.60 2090.41 0.00 0.00 2107.02
36 Department of Women & Child Capital 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10
Development and Mission Shakti
Total 16.60 2090.51 0.00 0.00 2107.12
Revenue 3.36 107.88 0.00 0.00 111.24
37 Electronics & Information Technology
Department Total 3.36 107.88 0.00 0.00 111.24
Revenue 1220.59 679.83 0.30 0.00 1900.72
38 Higher Education Department Capital 0.04 70.00 0.00 0.00 70.04
Total 1220.64 749.83 0.30 0.00 1970.77
Revenue 197.41 38.59 0.00 0.11 236.11
39 Skill Development & Technical Capital 0.00 311.77 0.00 0.00 311.77
Education Department
Total 197.41 350.36 0.00 0.11 547.88
Revenue 54.66 39.48 0.00 0.01 94.15
40 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Capital -2.95 10.00 0.00 0.00 7.05
Total 51.71 49.48 0.00 0.01 101.20
Department of Social Security & Revenue 408.10 1327.83 6.07 0.00 1742.00
41 Empowerment of Persons with Capital 0.00 4.09 0.00 0.00 4.09
Disability Total 408.10 1331.92 6.07 0.00 1746.09
Revenue 39709.83 39709.83 142.51 18.38 65040.53
Grand Total Capital 3066.07 18796.20 0.00 0.00 21862.27
Total 42775.90 43966.00 142.51 18.38 86902.80

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 13 of 29

Table No. 1.7
(₹ in Crore)
Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 3967.81 165.55 14.79 -- 180.34 4148.15
01 Home Department Capital -- 269.66 -- -- 269.66 269.66
Total 3967.81 435.21 14.79 -- 450.00 4417.81
Revenue 177.45 10.50 -- -- 10.50 187.95
General Administration and
02 Capital -- 178.76 -- -- 178.76 178.76
Public Grievance Department
Total 177.45 189.26 -- -- 189.26 366.71
Revenue 910.54 26.34 2.00 3.62 31.96 942.50
Revenue and Disaster
03 Capital -- 68.04 -- -- 68.04 68.04
Management Department
Total 910.54 94.38 2.00 3.62 100.00 1010.54
Revenue 301.78 3.83 5.25 20.42 29.50 331.28
04 Law Department Capital -- 0.60 -- -- 0.60 0.60
Total 301.78 4.43 5.25 20.42 30.10 331.88
Revenue 16736.63 -- -- -- -- 16736.63
** 05 Finance Department Capital 4601.84 -- -- -- -- 4601.84
Total 21338.46 -- -- -- -- 21338.46
Revenue 76.75 4.98 -- -- 4.98 81.73
06 Commerce Department Capital -- 10.62 -- -- 10.62 10.62
Total 76.75 15.60 -- -- 15.60 92.35
Revenue 1694.51 -- -- 305.00 305.00 1999.51
07 Works Department Capital -- 2481.15 -- 98.89 2580.04 2580.04
Total 1694.51 2481.15 -- 403.89 2885.04 4579.55
Revenue 47.12 -- -- -- -- 47.12
08 Odisha Legislative Assembly Capital 4.95 -- -- -- -- 4.95
Total 52.07 -- -- -- -- 52.07
Revenue 79.70 805.21 0.21 5.61 811.03 890.73
Food Supplies and Consumer
09 Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Welfare Department
Total 79.70 808.21 0.21 5.61 814.03 893.73
Revenue 8512.20 1656.05 -- 2459.22 4115.28 12627.48
School and Mass Education
10 Capital -- 84.61 -- 419.50 504.10 504.10
Total 8512.20 1740.66 -- 2878.72 4619.38 13131.58

Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Revenue 610.30 755.53 79.54 756.97 1592.04 2202.34
Castes Development, Minorities & Capital
11 -- 307.21 -- 160.71 467.92 467.92
Backward Classes Welfare
Department Total 610.30 1062.74 79.54 917.67 2059.96 2670.26
Revenue 2067.72 1061.01 48.02 1185.43 2294.46 4362.18
Health and Family Welfare
12 Capital -- 505.00 -- 380.00 885.00 885.00
Total 2067.72 1566.01 48.02 1565.43 3179.46 5247.18
Revenue 2212.19 733.36 -- 873.68 1607.04 3819.24
Housing and Urban Development
$ 13 Capital -- 968.55 -- -- 968.55 968.55
Total 2212.19 1701.91 -- 873.68 2575.59 4787.78
Revenue 103.12 16.36 26.59 -- 42.95 146.07
Labour & Employees' State
14 Capital -- 2.50 -- -- 2.50 2.50
Insurance Department
Total 103.12 18.86 26.59 -- 45.45 148.57
Revenue 30.34 80.70 -- -- 80.70 111.04
Sports & Youth Services
15 Capital -- 121.06 -- -- 121.06 121.06
Total 30.34 201.76 -- -- 201.76 232.10

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 14 of 29

Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 50.58 695.48 60.80 2.27 758.55 809.13
Planning and Convergence
16 Capital -- 143.97 -- -- 143.97 143.97
Total 50.58 839.45 60.80 2.27 902.52 953.10
Revenue 3512.23 238.67 0.06 6541.47 6780.20 10292.43
Panchayati Raj and Drinking
# 17 Capital -- 25.00 -- -- 25.00 25.00
Water Department
Total 3512.23 263.67 0.06 6541.47 6805.20 10317.43

Public Grievances and Pension Revenue 2.56 -- -- -- -- 2.56

18 Administration Department Total 2.56 -- -- -- -- 2.56
Revenue 4.81 207.18 -- -- 207.18 211.99
19 Industries Department Capital -- -- -- -- -- --
Total 4.81 207.18 -- -- 207.18 211.99
Revenue 1416.22 341.05 -- 294.86 635.91 2052.12
20 Water Resources Department Capital -- 5386.90 -- 1777.20 7164.09 7164.09
Total 1416.22 5727.94 -- 2072.06 7800.00 9216.22
Revenue 63.39 72.78 4.32 -- 77.11 140.50
21 Transport Department Capital -- 193.83 -- -- 193.83 193.83
Total 63.39 266.62 4.32 -- 270.94 334.33
Revenue 464.22 165.84 5.00 76.10 246.94 711.16
Forest & Environment
22 Capital -- 3.06 -- -- 3.06 3.06
Total 464.22 168.90 5.00 76.10 250.00 714.22
Revenue 758.10 1124.97 -- 1683.06 2808.04 3566.14
Department of Agriculture and
23 Capital -- 51.60 -- -- 51.60 51.60
Farmers' Empowerment
Total 758.10 1176.57 -- 1683.06 2859.64 3617.74
Revenue 59.68 31.94 -- -- 31.94 91.62
24 Steel & Mines Department Capital -- 1.00 -- -- 1.00 1.00
Total 59.68 32.94 -- -- 32.94 92.62
Revenue 48.97 46.73 -- -- 46.73 95.69
Information & Public Relations
25 Capital -- 3.68 -- -- 3.68 3.68
Total 48.97 50.41 -- -- 50.41 99.38
Revenue 87.50 -- -- -- -- 87.50
26 Excise Department Capital -- 10.00 -- -- 10.00 10.00
Total 87.50 10.00 -- -- 10.00 97.50
Revenue 14.07 42.14 -- -- 42.14 56.21
27 Science & Technology Department
Total 14.07 42.14 -- -- 42.14 56.21
Revenue 1593.83 20.50 -- 1100.00 1120.50 2714.33
28 Rural Development Department Capital -- 1941.80 -- 2943.22 4885.02 4885.02
Total 1593.83 1962.30 -- 4043.22 6005.52 7599.35
Revenue 45.94 -- 0.04 -- 0.04 45.98
29 Parliamentary Affairs Department Capital -- 4.96 -- -- 4.96 4.96
Total 45.94 4.96 0.04 -- 5.00 50.94
Revenue 32.23 50.00 -- -- 50.00 82.23
30 Energy Department Capital -- 2212.00 -- 38.00 2250.00 2250.00
Total 32.23 2262.00 -- 38.00 2300.00 2332.23
Revenue 62.02 91.50 -- 7.00 98.50 160.52
Handlooms, Textiles &
31 Capital -- 26.50 -- -- 26.50 26.50
Handicrafts Department
Total 62.02 118.00 -- 7.00 125.00 187.02
Revenue 53.71 99.33 -- 0.50 99.83 153.54
32 Tourism Department Capital -- 100.04 30.00 -- 130.04 130.04
Total 53.71 199.37 30.00 0.50 229.87 283.58

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 15 of 29

Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 401.27 155.61 -- 107.57 263.18 664.45
Fisheries & Animal Resources
33 Capital -- 73.00 -- 2.00 75.00 75.00
Development Department
Total 401.27 228.61 -- 109.57 338.18 739.45
Revenue 120.40 663.79 -- -- 663.79 784.19
34 Co-operation Department Capital -- 186.21 -- -- 186.21 186.21
Total 120.40 850.00 -- -- 850.00 970.40
Revenue 3.68 6.00 -- -- 6.00 9.68
35 Public Enterprises Department
Total 3.68 6.00 -- -- 6.00 9.68
Revenue 23.97 580.59 -- 2135.05 2715.64 2739.61
Department of Women & Child
36 Capital -- 60.50 -- -- 60.50 60.50
Development and Mission Shakti
Total 23.97 641.09 -- 2135.05 2776.14 2800.11

Electronics & Information Revenue 4.54 88.39 -- 13.43 101.82 106.36

37 Technology Department Total 4.54 88.39 -- 13.43 101.82 106.36
Revenue 1269.20 496.16 0.69 183.25 680.10 1949.30
38 Higher Education Department Capital -- 80.00 -- -- 80.00 80.00
Total 1269.20 576.16 0.69 183.25 760.10 2029.30
Revenue 265.49 52.88 -- 17.31 70.19 335.67
Skill Development & Technical
39 Capital -- 378.18 -- 72.47 450.64 450.64
Education Department
Total 265.49 431.05 -- 89.78 520.83 786.32
Revenue 68.59 84.94 -- -- 84.94 153.53
Micro, Small & Medium
40 Capital -- -- -- -- -- --
Enterprises Department
Total 68.59 84.94 -- -- 84.94 153.53
Department of Social Security & Revenue 45.26 798.28 -- 1001.72 1800.00 1845.26
41 Empowerment of Persons with
Disability Total 45.26 798.28 -- 1001.72 1800.00 1845.26
Revenue 1826.89 190.40 1.42 308.18 500.00 2326.89
@ 42 Disaster Management
Total 1826.89 190.40 1.42 308.18 500.00 2326.89
Revenue 49827.52 11664.58 248.75 19081.72 30995.04 80822.56

Grand Total Capital 4606.79 15882.97 30.00 5891.98 21804.96 26411.74

Total 54434.30 27547.55 278.75 24973.70 52800.00 107234.30

** In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 05, DSE of ₹8014.64 Crore include Interest Payment of ₹5000.00 Crore and Debt
Repayment of ₹3014.64 Crore.
$ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 13, Transfer from State of ₹1547.91 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹350.81 Crore, 4th
SFC Transfer of ₹1117.10 Crore and Other Transfer of ₹80.00 Crore.
# In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 17, Transfer from State of ₹3355.55 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹1725.11 Crore and
4th SFC Transfer of ₹1630.44 Crore.
@ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No.42, Disaster Responce Fund of ₹1824.00 Crore include SDRF of ₹824.00 Crore & NDRF of
₹1000.00 Crore.

* EOM : Establishment,Operations and Maintenance Expenditure;

* DSE : Debt Servicing Expenditure;
* SSS : State Sector Schemes;
* CS : Central Sector Schemes;
* CSS : Centrally Sponsored Schemes;
* NDRF : National Disaster Response Fund;
* SDRF : State Disaster Response Fund;
* CFC : Union Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies;
* SFC : State Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies;
* OT : Other Transfers;

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 16 of 29

Table No. 1.8
(₹ in Crore)
Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 4238.33 87.87 -- 107.00 194.87 4433.19
01 Home Department Capital -- 451.05 -- 390.14 841.19 841.19
Total 4238.33 538.92 -- 497.14 1036.06 5274.39
Revenue 178.89 58.99 -- -- 58.99 237.89
General Administration and
02 Capital -- 165.85 -- -- 165.85 165.85
Public Grievance Department
Total 178.89 224.84 -- -- 224.84 403.74
Revenue 919.39 47.43 7.00 -- 54.43 973.82
Revenue and Disaster
03 Capital -- 100.00 -- -- 100.00 100.00
Management Department
Total 919.39 147.43 7.00 -- 154.43 1073.82
Revenue 298.54 10.80 4.99 15.16 30.96 329.50
04 Law Department Capital -- 15.60 -- -- 15.60 15.60
Total 298.54 26.40 4.99 15.16 46.56 345.10
Revenue 19480.81 -- -- -- -- 19480.81
** 05 Finance Department Capital 5049.36 -- -- -- -- 5049.36
Total 24530.17 -- -- -- -- 24530.17
Revenue 73.22 3.89 -- -- 3.89 77.10
06 Commerce Department Capital -- 8.60 -- -- 8.60 8.60
Total 73.22 12.49 -- -- 12.49 85.70
Revenue 1453.72 -- -- 400.00 400.00 1853.72
07 Works Department Capital -- 2341.17 -- 70.00 2411.17 2411.17
Total 1453.72 2341.17 -- 470.00 2811.17 4264.88
Revenue 58.54 -- -- -- -- 58.54
08 Odisha Legislative Assembly Capital 5.00 -- -- -- -- 5.00
Total 63.54 -- -- -- -- 63.54
Revenue 76.98 911.56 147.81 5.61 1064.98 1141.96
Food Supplies and Consumer
09 Capital -- 6.60 -- -- 6.60 6.60
Welfare Department
Total 76.98 918.16 147.81 5.61 1071.58 1148.56
Revenue 8528.84 2651.20 -- 2858.05 5509.25 14038.09
School and Mass Education
10 Capital -- 109.00 -- 340.00 449.00 449.00
Total 8528.84 2760.20 -- 3198.05 5958.25 14487.10

Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Revenue 747.40 1007.82 191.59 1060.86 2260.27 3007.67
Castes Development, Minorities & Capital
11 -- 344.82 -- 61.06 405.87 405.87
Backward Classes Welfare
Department Total 747.40 1352.63 191.59 1121.92 2666.15 3413.55
Revenue 2137.08 1484.27 47.73 1500.89 3032.88 5169.96
Health and Family Welfare
12 Capital -- 625.00 -- 365.00 990.00 990.00
Total 2137.08 2109.27 47.73 1865.89 4022.89 6159.96
Revenue 2266.52 737.26 -- 1397.22 2134.48 4401.00
Housing and Urban Development
$ 13 Capital -- 760.80 -- -- 760.80 760.80
Total 2266.52 1498.06 -- 1397.22 2895.28 5161.80
Revenue 111.96 18.90 -- -- 18.90 130.86
Labour & Employees' State
14 Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Insurance Department
Total 111.96 21.90 -- -- 21.90 133.86
Revenue 30.39 198.62 -- -- 198.62 229.01
Sports & Youth Services
15 Capital -- 112.00 -- -- 112.00 112.00
Total 30.39 310.62 -- -- 310.62 341.01

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 17 of 29

Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 47.45 623.17 66.97 1.34 691.48 738.93
Planning and Convergence
16 Capital -- 196.50 -- -- 196.50 196.50
Total 47.45 819.67 66.97 1.34 887.98 935.43
Revenue 4092.15 533.88 0.06 6694.26 7228.20 11320.35
Panchayati Raj and Drinking
# 17 Capital -- 2405.00 -- -- 2405.00 2405.00
Water Department
Total 4092.15 2938.88 0.06 6694.26 9633.20 13725.35

Public Grievances and Pension Revenue 2.10 -- -- -- -- 2.10

18 Administration Department Total 2.10 -- -- -- -- 2.10
Revenue 4.80 307.65 -- -- 307.65 312.45
19 Industries Department
Total 4.80 307.65 -- -- 307.65 312.45
Revenue 1217.02 510.45 -- 200.80 711.25 1928.27
20 Water Resources Department Capital -- 5761.87 -- 2505.91 8267.79 8267.79
Total 1217.02 6272.32 -- 2706.71 8979.03 10196.05
Revenue 67.83 58.74 4.15 -- 62.89 130.73
21 Transport Department Capital -- 460.00 -- -- 460.00 460.00
Total 67.83 518.74 4.15 -- 522.89 590.73
Revenue 457.65 222.01 0.10 122.42 344.52 802.17
Forest & Environment
22 Capital -- 4.00 -- -- 4.00 4.00
Total 457.65 226.01 0.10 122.42 348.52 806.17
Revenue 769.29 1723.14 -- 1959.53 3682.67 4451.96
Department of Agriculture and
23 Capital -- 59.20 -- -- 59.20 59.20
Farmers' Empowerment
Total 769.29 1782.34 -- 1959.53 3741.88 4511.16
Revenue 60.85 49.69 -- -- 49.69 110.54
24 Steel & Mines Department Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Total 60.85 52.69 -- -- 52.69 113.54
Revenue 45.30 140.00 -- -- 140.00 185.30
Information & Public Relations
25 Capital -- 2.50 -- -- 2.50 2.50
Total 45.30 142.50 -- -- 142.50 187.80
Revenue 90.87 -- -- -- -- 90.87
26 Excise Department Capital -- 10.00 -- -- 10.00 10.00
Total 90.87 10.00 -- -- 10.00 100.87
Revenue 13.74 41.39 -- -- 41.39 55.13
27 Science & Technology Department
Total 13.74 41.39 -- -- 41.39 55.13
Revenue 1171.26 -- -- -- -- 1171.26
28 Rural Development Department Capital -- 1386.27 -- 3024.93 4411.20 4411.20
Total 1171.26 1386.27 -- 3024.93 4411.20 5582.46
Revenue 47.56 -- 0.04 -- 0.04 47.60
29 Parliamentary Affairs Department
Total 47.56 -- 0.04 -- 0.04 47.60
Revenue 29.56 135.00 -- -- 135.00 164.56
30 Energy Department Capital -- 1818.74 -- -- 1818.74 1818.74
Total 29.56 1953.74 -- -- 1953.74 1983.29
Revenue 60.94 125.14 -- -- 125.14 186.08
Handlooms, Textiles &
31 Capital -- 3.85 -- -- 3.85 3.85
Handicrafts Department
Total 60.94 128.99 -- -- 128.99 189.93
Revenue 14.78 72.38 -- -- 72.38 87.16
32 Tourism Department Capital -- 96.00 30.00 -- 126.00 126.00
Total 14.78 168.38 30.00 -- 198.38 213.16

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 18 of 29

Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 431.09 205.89 -- 122.01 327.89 758.98
Fisheries & Animal Resources
33 Capital -- 114.45 -- 20.00 134.45 134.45
Development Department
Total 431.09 320.33 -- 142.01 462.34 893.43
Revenue 124.36 884.61 -- -- 884.61 1008.96
34 Co-operation Department Capital -- 155.01 -- -- 155.01 155.01
Total 124.36 1039.61 -- -- 1039.61 1163.97
Revenue 2.83 5.00 -- -- 5.00 7.83
35 Public Enterprises Department
Total 2.83 5.00 -- -- 5.00 7.83
Revenue 22.61 1102.30 -- 2300.86 3403.17 3425.77
Department of Women & Child
36 Capital -- 21.05 -- -- 21.05 21.05
Development and Mission Shakti
Total 22.61 1123.35 -- 2300.86 3424.22 3446.82

Electronics & Information Revenue 2.11 97.08 -- 13.68 110.76 112.87

37 Technology Department Total 2.11 97.08 -- 13.68 110.76 112.87
Revenue 1297.86 713.37 0.44 200.00 913.81 2211.67
38 Higher Education Department Capital -- 80.00 -- -- 80.00 80.00
Total 1297.86 793.37 0.44 200.00 993.81 2291.67
Revenue 281.04 20.95 -- 9.79 30.73 311.77
Skill Development & Technical
39 Capital -- 289.07 -- 24.60 313.67 313.67
Education Department
Total 281.04 310.02 -- 34.39 344.41 625.45
Revenue 65.33 146.25 -- -- 146.25 211.58
Micro, Small & Medium
40 Capital -- -- -- -- -- --
Enterprises Department
Total 65.33 146.25 -- -- 146.25 211.58
Department of Social Security & Revenue 49.04 1625.92 -- 887.53 2513.45 2562.49
41 Empowerment of Persons with
Disability Total 49.04 1625.92 -- 887.53 2513.45 2562.49
Revenue 1868.38 150.30 2.00 68.89 221.19 2089.57
@ 42 Disaster Management
Total 1868.38 150.30 2.00 68.89 221.19 2089.57
Revenue 35.23 134.69 -- -- 134.69 169.91
Odia Language, Literature and
43 Capital -- 12.00 -- -- 12.00 12.00
Culture Department
Total 35.23 146.69 -- -- 146.69 181.91
Revenue 52973.64 16847.58 472.88 19925.90 37246.36 90220.00

Grand Total Capital 5054.36 17922.00 30.00 6801.64 24753.64 29808.00

Total 58028.00 34769.58 502.88 26727.54 62000.00 120028.00

** In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 05, DSE of ₹9657.00 Crore include Interest Payment of ₹5500.00 Crore and Debt
Repayment of ₹4157.00 Crore.
$ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 13, Transfer from State of ₹1701.54 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹404.16 Crore, 4th
SFC Transfer of ₹1197.38 Crore and Other Transfer of ₹100.00 Crore.
# In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 17, Transfer from State of ₹3700.46 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹1991.48 Crore and
4th SFC Transfer of ₹1708.98 Crore.
@ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No.42, Disaster Responce Fund of ₹1865.00 Crore include SDRF of ₹865.00 Crore & NDRF of
₹1000.00 Crore.

* EOM : Establishment,Operations and Maintenance Expenditure;

* DSE : Debt Servicing Expenditure;
* SSS : State Sector Schemes;
* CS : Central Sector Schemes;
* CSS : Centrally Sponsored Schemes;
* NDRF : National Disaster Response Fund;
* SDRF : State Disaster Response Fund;
* CFC : Union Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies;
* SFC : State Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies;
* OT : Other Transfers;

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 19 of 29

Table No. 1.9
(₹ in Crore)
Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 4338.33 87.87 -- 107.00 194.87 4533.19
01 Home Department Capital -- 451.05 -- 390.14 841.19 841.19
Total 4338.33 538.92 -- 497.14 1036.06 5374.39
Revenue 180.65 58.99 -- -- 58.99 239.64
General Administration and
02 Capital -- 165.85 -- -- 165.85 165.85
Public Grievance Department
Total 180.65 224.84 -- -- 224.84 405.49
Revenue 948.39 47.43 7.00 -- 54.43 1002.82
Revenue and Disaster
03 Capital -- 100.00 -- -- 100.00 100.00
Management Department
Total 948.39 147.43 7.00 -- 154.43 1102.82
Revenue 305.54 10.80 4.99 15.16 30.96 336.50
04 Law Department Capital -- 15.60 -- -- 15.60 15.60
Total 305.54 26.40 4.99 15.16 46.56 352.10
Revenue 19785.81 -- -- -- -- 19785.81
** 05 Finance Department Capital 5049.36 -- -- -- -- 5049.36
Total 24835.17 -- -- -- -- 24835.17
Revenue 74.72 3.89 -- -- 3.89 78.60
06 Commerce Department Capital -- 8.60 -- -- 8.60 8.60
Total 74.72 12.49 -- -- 12.49 87.20
Revenue 1461.71 -- -- 400.00 400.00 1861.71
07 Works Department Capital -- 2341.17 -- 70.00 2411.17 2411.17
Total 1461.71 2341.17 -- 470.00 2811.17 4272.88
Revenue 58.74 -- -- -- -- 58.74
08 Odisha Legislative Assembly Capital 5.00 -- -- -- -- 5.00
Total 63.74 -- -- -- -- 63.74
Revenue 78.09 911.56 147.81 5.61 1064.98 1143.07
Food Supplies and Consumer
09 Capital -- 6.60 -- -- 6.60 6.60
Welfare Department
Total 78.09 918.16 147.81 5.61 1071.58 1149.67
Revenue 8568.84 2651.20 -- 2858.05 5509.25 14078.09
School and Mass Education
10 Capital -- 109.00 -- 340.00 449.00 449.00
Total 8568.84 2760.20 -- 3198.05 5958.25 14527.10

Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Revenue 748.90 1007.82 191.59 1060.86 2260.27 3009.17
Castes Development, Minorities & Capital
11 -- 344.82 -- 61.06 405.87 405.87
Backward Classes Welfare
Department Total 748.90 1352.63 191.59 1121.92 2666.15 3415.05
Revenue 2159.08 1484.27 47.73 1500.89 3032.88 5191.96
Health and Family Welfare
12 Capital -- 625.00 -- 365.00 990.00 990.00
Total 2159.08 2109.27 47.73 1865.89 4022.89 6181.96
Revenue 2286.70 737.26 -- 1397.22 2134.48 4421.19
Housing and Urban Development
$ 13 Capital -- 760.80 -- -- 760.80 760.80
Total 2286.70 1498.06 -- 1397.22 2895.28 5181.98
Revenue 112.96 18.90 -- -- 18.90 131.86
Labour & Employees' State
14 Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Insurance Department
Total 112.96 21.90 -- -- 21.90 134.86
Revenue 30.47 198.62 -- -- 198.62 229.09
Sports & Youth Services
15 Capital -- 112.00 -- -- 112.00 112.00
Total 30.47 310.62 -- -- 310.62 341.09

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 20 of 29

Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 48.95 623.17 66.97 1.34 691.48 740.43
Planning and Convergence
16 Capital -- 196.50 -- -- 196.50 196.50
Total 48.95 819.67 66.97 1.34 887.98 936.93
Revenue 4101.15 533.88 0.06 6694.26 7228.20 11329.35
Panchayati Raj and Drinking
# 17 Capital -- 2405.00 -- -- 2405.00 2405.00
Water Department
Total 4101.15 2938.88 0.06 6694.26 9633.20 13734.35

Public Grievances and Pension Revenue 2.12 -- -- -- -- 2.12

18 Administration Department Total 2.12 -- -- -- -- 2.12
Revenue 4.85 307.65 -- -- 307.65 312.50
19 Industries Department Capital -- 25.00 -- -- 25.00 25.00
Total 4.85 332.65 -- -- 332.65 337.50
Revenue 1242.30 510.45 -- 200.80 711.25 1953.55
20 Water Resources Department Capital -- 5761.87 -- 2505.91 8267.79 8267.79
Total 1242.30 6272.32 -- 2706.71 8979.03 10221.33
Revenue 68.22 58.74 4.15 -- 62.89 131.11
21 Transport Department Capital -- 460.00 -- -- 460.00 460.00
Total 68.22 518.74 4.15 -- 522.89 591.11
Revenue 461.93 222.01 0.10 122.42 344.52 806.45
Forest & Environment
22 Capital -- 4.00 -- -- 4.00 4.00
Total 461.93 226.01 0.10 122.42 348.52 810.45
Revenue 776.79 1723.14 -- 1959.53 3682.67 4459.46
Department of Agriculture and
23 Capital -- 259.20 -- -- 259.20 259.20
Farmers' Empowerment
Total 776.79 1982.34 -- 1959.53 3941.88 4718.66
Revenue 61.45 49.69 -- -- 49.69 111.14
24 Steel & Mines Department Capital -- 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00
Total 61.45 52.69 -- -- 52.69 114.14
Revenue 46.10 140.00 -- -- 140.00 186.10
Information & Public Relations
25 Capital -- 2.50 -- -- 2.50 2.50
Total 46.10 142.50 -- -- 142.50 188.60
Revenue 92.37 -- -- -- -- 92.37
26 Excise Department Capital -- 10.00 -- -- 10.00 10.00
Total 92.37 10.00 -- -- 10.00 102.37
Revenue 13.77 41.39 -- -- 41.39 55.16
27 Science & Technology Department
Total 13.77 41.39 -- -- 41.39 55.16
Revenue 1173.26 -- -- -- -- 1173.26
28 Rural Development Department Capital -- 1386.27 -- 3024.93 4411.20 4411.20
Total 1173.26 1386.27 -- 3024.93 4411.20 5584.46
Revenue 47.86 -- 0.04 -- 0.04 47.90
29 Parliamentary Affairs Department
Total 47.86 -- 0.04 -- 0.04 47.90
Revenue 29.81 135.00 -- -- 135.00 164.81
30 Energy Department Capital -- 1818.74 -- -- 1818.74 1818.74
Total 29.81 1953.74 -- -- 1953.74 1983.54
Revenue 61.84 125.14 -- -- 125.14 186.98
Handlooms, Textiles &
31 Handicrafts Department Capital -- 3.85 -- -- 3.85 3.85
Total 61.84 128.99 -- -- 128.99 190.83
Revenue 15.08 72.38 -- -- 72.38 87.46
32 Tourism Department Capital -- 96.00 30.00 -- 126.00 126.00
Total 15.08 168.38 30.00 -- 198.38 213.46

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 21 of 29

Revenue/ Administrative Programme Expenditure * Grand
D.No. Department Name & Other
Capital Expenditure SSS CS CSS Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Revenue 435.09 205.89 -- 122.01 327.89 762.98
Fisheries & Animal Resources
33 Capital -- 114.45 -- 20.00 134.45 134.45
Development Department
Total 435.09 320.33 -- 142.01 462.34 897.43
Revenue 125.86 884.61 -- -- 884.61 1010.46
34 Co-operation Department Capital -- 155.01 -- -- 155.01 155.01
Total 125.86 1039.61 -- -- 1039.61 1165.47
Revenue 2.88 5.00 -- -- 5.00 7.88
35 Public Enterprises Department
Total 2.88 5.00 -- -- 5.00 7.88
Revenue 24.11 1102.30 -- 2300.86 3403.17 3427.27
Department of Women & Child
36 Capital -- 21.05 -- -- 21.05 21.05
Development and Mission Shakti
Total 24.11 1123.35 -- 2300.86 3424.22 3448.32

Electronics & Information Revenue 2.12 97.08 -- 13.68 110.76 112.88

37 Technology Department Total 2.12 97.08 -- 13.68 110.76 112.88
Revenue 1300.36 713.37 0.44 200.00 913.81 2214.17
38 Higher Education Department Capital -- 80.00 -- -- 80.00 80.00
Total 1300.36 793.37 0.44 200.00 993.81 2294.17
Revenue 282.34 20.95 -- 9.79 30.73 313.07
Skill Development & Technical
39 Capital -- 289.07 -- 24.60 313.67 313.67
Education Department
Total 282.34 310.02 -- 34.39 344.41 626.75
Revenue 66.33 146.25 -- -- 146.25 212.58
Micro, Small & Medium
40 Capital -- -- -- -- -- --
Enterprises Department
Total 66.33 146.25 -- -- 146.25 212.58
Department of Social Security & Revenue 49.09 1625.92 -- 887.53 2513.45 2562.54
41 Empowerment of Persons with
Disability Total 49.09 1625.92 -- 887.53 2513.45 2562.54
Revenue 3733.68 150.30 2.00 68.89 221.19 3954.87
@ 42 Disaster Management
Total 3733.68 150.30 2.00 68.89 221.19 3954.87
Revenue 35.58 134.69 -- -- 134.69 170.26
Odia Language, Literature and
43 Capital -- 12.00 -- -- 12.00 12.00
Culture Department
Total 35.58 146.69 -- -- 146.69 182.26
Revenue 55444.23 16847.58 472.88 19925.90 37246.36 92690.59

Grand Total Capital 5054.36 18147.00 30.00 6801.64 24978.64 30033.00

Total 60498.59 34994.58 502.88 26727.54 62225.00 122723.59

** In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 05, DSE of ₹9657.00 Crore include Interest Payment of ₹5500.00 Crore and Debt
Repayment of ₹4157.00 Crore.
$ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 13, Transfer from State of ₹1701.54 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹404.16 Crore, 4th
SFC Transfer of ₹1197.38 Crore and Other Transfer of ₹100.00 Crore.
# In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No. 17, Transfer from State of ₹3700.46 Crore include 14th FC Transfer of ₹1991.48 Crore and
4th SFC Transfer of ₹1708.98 Crore.
@ In Administrative and Other Expenditure of Demand No.42, Disaster Responce Fund of ₹3730.00 Crore include SDRF of ₹1730.00 Crore & NDRF of
₹2000.00 Crore.

* EOM : Establishment,Operations and Maintenance Expenditure;

* DSE : Debt Servicing Expenditure;
* SSS : State Sector Schemes;
* CS : Central Sector Schemes;
* CSS : Centrally Sponsored Schemes;
* NDRF : National Disaster Response Fund;
* SDRF : State Disaster Response Fund;
* CFC : Union Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies;
* SFC : State Finance Commission Transfers to Local Bodies;
* OT : Other Transfers;

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 22 of 29

Table No. 1.10
FOR THE YEAR 2018-19
(₹ In Crore)
Programme Expenditure
Sl. No. Demand No. Name of the Department Allocation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 06 Commerce Department 12.49
2 34 Co-operation Department 1039.61
3 23 Department of Agriculture and Farmers' Empowerment 3741.88
Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with
4 41 2513.45
Department of Women & Child Development and Mission
5 36 3424.22
6 42 Disaster Management 221.19
7 37 Electronics & Information Technology Department 110.76
8 30 Energy Department 1953.74
9 26 Excise Department 10.00
10 33 Fisheries & Animal Resources Development Department 462.34
11 09 Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Department 1071.58
12 22 Forest & Environment Department 348.52
13 02 General Administration and Public Grievance Department 224.84
14 31 Handlooms, Textiles & Handicrafts Department 128.99
15 12 Health and Family Welfare Department 4022.89
16 38 Higher Education Department 993.81
17 01 Home Department 1036.06
18 13 Housing and Urban Development Department 2895.28
19 19 Industries Department 307.65
20 25 Information & Public Relations Department 142.50
21 14 Labour & Employees' State Insurance Department 21.90
22 04 Law Department 46.56
23 40 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Department 146.25
24 43 Odia Language, Literature and Culture Department 146.69
25 17 Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department 9633.20
26 29 Parliamentary Affairs Department 0.04
27 16 Planning and Convergence Department 887.98
28 35 Public Enterprises Department 5.00
29 03 Revenue and Disaster Management Department 154.43
30 28 Rural Development Department 4411.20
Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Castes Development, Minorities
31 11 2666.15
& Backward Classes Welfare Department
32 10 School and Mass Education Department 5958.25
33 27 Science & Technology Department 41.39
34 39 Skill Development & Technical Education Department 344.41
35 15 Sports & Youth Services Department 310.62
36 24 Steel & Mines Department 52.69
37 32 Tourism Department 198.38
38 21 Transport Department 522.89
39 20 Water Resources Department 8979.03
40 07 Works Department 2811.17
Total - A - State Govt. Programme Expenditure Ceiling 62000.00
B - Public Sector Undertaking Programme Expenditure Ceiling
1 OPGC 2500.00
2 OHPC 1000.00
3 OPTCL 1500.00
4 OSRTC - PSUs 0.00
TOTAL - B - Public Sector Undertaking Programme Expenditure Ceiling 5000.00
GRAND TOTAL(A+B): 67000.00

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 23 of 29

Table No. 1.11
(₹ In Crore)
Budget Estimate
Items 2018-19
A State Government

1 State's Own Resources (a to d) 29895.07

a Balance from Current Revenue (BCR) 30581.43

Miscellaneous Capital Receipt (MCR) (excluding deductions for
b -686.36
repayment of loans)
c ARM 0.00

d Adjustment of Opening Balance 0.00

2 State Government's Budgetary Borrowings (i-ii) 15460.00

(i) Gross Borrowings (a to h) 19617.00

a Net accretion to the State Provident Fund 1000.00

b Gross Small savings 0.00

c Gross market borrowings 12032.00

d Gross Negotiated Loans (i to vi)* 5025.00

(i) LIC 0.00

(ii) GIC 0.00

(iii) NABARD 4975.00

(iv) REC 50.00

(v) IDBI 0.00

(vi) Others (HUDCO, PFC, NCDC etc.) 0.00

e Bonds / Debentures 0.00

f Loans portion of NCA 0.00

g Loan portion of ACA for EAPs 1560.00

h Other Loans 0.00

(ii) Repayments (a to e) 4157.00

a Repayment of Gol Loans 801.10

b Repayment to NSSF 1025.88

c Repayment of Negotiated Loans 1329.96

d Repayment-Others (OMB) 1000.05

e Draw down from interest accrued in CSF 0.00

3 CENTRAL ASSISTANCE (a+b+c)-Grants 16644.93

a Normal Central Assistance 16644.93

b ACA for EAPs 0.00

c Others 0.00

Total A : State Government Resources (1+2+3) 62000.00

B Resources of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) 5000.00


Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 24 of 29

Table No. 1.12
(₹ in Crore)
Sl. Budget Estimate
No. 2018-19

I. Revenue Receipts

a) Share Tax 36585.93

b) Tax Revenue (Own) 28550.00

c) Non - Tax Revenue (Own) 10300.00

d) Grant-in-Aid of which 8119.14

i) Administrative Expenditure 4074.00

ii) Disaster Response Funds 1649.50

iii) Transfers from State 2395.64

Total Revenue Receipts (a to d) 83555.07

II. Administrative Revenue Expenditure 45706.64

III. Disaster Response Funds 1865.00

IV. Transfers from State 5402.00

V. Balance From Current Revenue (BCR) (I-II-III-IV) 30581.43

VI. Miscellaneous Capital Receipt (MCR) -686.36

VII. Internal Borrowings (OMB, Loan portion of ACA for EAPs, Loans for EAPs on 15460.00
Back basis, Negotiated Loan,NSSF,GPF)

VIII. Central Assitance for Programme Expenditure 16644.93

Aggregate Resources of the State Govt. (V to VIII) 62000.00

Resources of Public Sector Undertakings 5000.00

GRAND TOTAL: 67000.00

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 25 of 29

Table No. 1.13
FOR THE YEAR 2018-19
(₹ In Crore)
Sl. Budget Estimate
No. 2018-19


a) Loans from Govt of India 0.00

b) Recovery of Loans and Advances 150.00

c) Miscellaneous Capital Receipts 0.00

d) Public Account (Net) (Excluding GPF) 61.00

Total - I - Capital Receipts (a to d) 211.00


a) Repayment of Loans to (i + ii) 0.00

i) Govt. of India 0.00

ii) L.I.C./G.I.C./NABARD, NSSF etc. 0.00

b) Capital Outlay - Administrative Expenditure 57.36

c) Disbursement of Loans and Advances (Including Interest 840.00

Free Loan to IOCL) - Administrative Expenditure

TOTAL - II - Capital Disbursement (a to c) 897.36

III. Miscellaneous Capital Receipt (Net) (I-II) -686.36

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 26 of 29

Table No. 1.14
Statement of Original and Revised Plan/ Programme Outlay with Expenditure (including PSUs)
(1999-00 to 2018-19)

Original/ Approved
Approved/ Revised Plan Outlay Expenditure
Plan Outlay
State State State
PSUs Total PSUs Total PSUs Total
Sector Sector Sector
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1999-00 288618.25 42299.00 330917.25 222125.00 33188.00 255313.00 233195.91 15203.59 248399.50

2000-01 288080.00 50087.00 338167.00 226923.00 28602.00 255525.00 246361.95 9844.55 256206.50

2001-02 254742.00 45258.00 300000.00 215172.00 14828.00 230000.00 227681.17 14052.40 241733.57

2002-03 293029.00 16971.00 310000.00 238029.00 16971.00 255000.00 242525.99 6109.81 248635.80

2003-04 300994.00 19006.00 320000.00 257590.00 13860.00 271450.00 238218.50 8174.02 246392.52

2004-05 296356.00 28644.00 325000.00 221356.00 28644.00 250000.00 261496.00 12377.00 273873.00

2005-06 226371.00 73629.00 300000.00 272477.00 27523.00 300000.00 265278.47 10701.72 275980.19

2006-07 319307.00 39526.00 358833.00 350839.00 9161.00 360000.00 354593.92 9691.23 364285.15

2007-08 462333.50 48166.50 510500.00 539119.00 12881.00 552000.00 227882.53 17211.75 245094.28

2008-09 658188.00 51812.00 710000.00 730000.00 20000.00 750000.00 736535.55 14089.36 750624.91

2009-10 761583.00 188417.00 950000.00 840000.00 10000.00 850000.00 727034.75 58938.92 785973.67

2010-11 1000000.00 100000.00 1100000.00 980000.00 20000.00 1000000.00 993690.45 20731.99 1014422.44

2011-12 1320000.00 200000.00 1520000.00 1200000.00 30000.00 1230000.00 1260788.58 14522.83 1275311.41

2012-13 1525000.00 200000.00 1725000.00 1500000.00 20000.00 1520000.00 1502163.60 27556.14 1529719.74

2013-14 1940000.00 210000.00 2150000.00 1940000.00 60000.00 2000000.00 2007370.93 95821.34 2103192.27

2014-15 3881000.00 200000.00 4081000.00 3515000.00 85000.00 3600000.00 2962885.41 101564.12 3064449.53

2015-16 4015000.00 400000.00 4415000.00 4015000.00 140000.00 4155000.00 3914493.92 264859.43 4179353.35

2016-17 4580000.00 440000.00 5020000.00 4460000.00 440000.00 4900000.00 4407876.00 425741.00 4833617.00

2017-18 5280000.00 500000.00 5780000.00 5280000.00 500000.00 5780000.00

2018-19 6200000.00 500000.00 6700000.00

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 27 of 29

Table - 1.15

Budget Provision for EAPs for FY 2018-19 (On-going and Pipeline projects)
(Rs in Crore)

Sl. Implementing Revised Project Loan/Credit
Name of the Project with Credit No. Donor Agency Project Cost Project Period Provision for
No. Deptt. Cost amount
FY 2017-18

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for
1 WB WR 1560.00 1092.00 6 yrs 45.00
Climate Resilient Agriculture ( OIIPCRA)
Odisha Integrated Irrigated Agriculture &
08/2015 to
2 Water Management Investment Project, ADB WR 1029.38 720.00 282.06
Phase-II, Loan No.-3265-IN
US $ 24.62 M 18.4.2012 to
Dam Rehabilitation Improvement Project WB WR 147.75 147.75 85.48
118.20 18.4.2018
3 (DRIP) IDA-4787-IN, IBRD No.7943-IN
18.04.2012 to
(Phase-I &II) WB WR 751.19 600.95

Rengali Irrigation Project (LBC-II), IDP- JICA, 33959MJY 04/2015 to

4 WR 2255.30 2255.30 223.21
244 Japan 1787.30 03/2023
Total Water Resourses Deptt. 635.75
a) Odisha Road Infrastructure
Development Project
5 WB Works 1290.00 903.00 4 yrs 210.00
b) Odisha State Road Project
(Balance Work)
Total Works Deptt. 210.00
JICA, 19061 MJY 12/2009 to
H&UD 945.13 2974.66 400.00
Odisha Integrated Sanitation Improvement Japan 756.36 cr 02/2015
Project(Phase-I &II ), IDP-187 JICA,
H&UD 2296.70 1888.30 3 yrs
KFW, 50 M.Euro 50 M.Euro 2012-13 to
H&UD 464.00 120.00
Odisha Urban Infrastructure Development German 360.00 360.00 2016-17
7 Fund (OUIDF) (Phase-I &II ), Euro
5790678E & 6282843E H&UD Euro 63.00m. 57.50m.(Rs. 4 yrs
Rehabilitation of Urban Slums in
Berhampur City 200.91 US $ 22.8 M 15.07.2014 to
8 WB H&UD 30.00
[Odisha Disaster Recovery Project ($32.50M) 140.94 31.3.2019
(ODRP), Loan No.-IDA-5378-IN
Total H & U.D Deptt. 550.00
Construction of 30,000 cyclone damaged
houses in Ganjam & Puri District and
1351.39 US $153.00 M 15.07.2014 to
9 around Chilka Lake (Odisha Disaster WB R & DM 250.00
($218.60M) 945.85 31.3.2019
Recovery Project-ODRP), Loan No.-IDA-
Total R & D. M. Deptt. 250.00
Odisha Transmission System Improvement JICA, 2016-17 to
10 Energy 1289.00 1146.68 20.00
Project, IDP-245 Japan 2020-21
Total Energy Deptt. 20.00
USD 175M. USD 110M 2015-16 to
11 Odisha Skill Development Project ADB SD&TE 100.00
1051.00 662.00 2019-20
Total SD&TE Deptt. 100.00

Odisha PVTGs Empowerment and

USD51.20M 2015-16 to
12 Livelihood Improvement Programme,Loan IFAD ST &SC Dev. 795.41 50.00
662.00 2022-23

Total ST& SC Dev. Deptt. 50.00

Odisha Higher EducationProgramme for 2016-17 to 2020-
13 World Bank H.E. 1019.70 713.79 110.00
Excellence and Equity, Loan No.8782-IN 2021
Total Higher Education Deptt. 110.00
Odisha Forestry Sector Development JICA,
14 F&E 1739.50 1509.50 8 yrs. 79.28
Project, Phase-II,Loan No.ID-P 257 Japan
Total F & E Deptt. 79.28
Jan, 2016 to Jan,
15 Innovative Municipal Financing Facility ADB H&UD 658.00 0.00
Odisha Craft skill Development & Rural 2016-17 to 2021-
16 World Bank HT&H 460.00 322.00 20.00
Employment "Utkarsh" project 2022
BRIC,New Dev. 01.04.2016 to
17 Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yajana (MMSY) RD 697.62 488.33 20.00
Bank 31.03.2019
BRIC,New Dev.
18 Mega Piped Water Supply Project PR &DW 1004.72 703.31 3 yrs 20.00
Total Pipeline Projects 60.00
TOTAL 2065.03

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 28 of 29

Table - 1.15

Budget Provision
for Provision
EAPs for FY
for 2018-19
EAPs for(On-going
FY 2018-19
Pipeline projects)
and Pipeline projects)
(Rs in Crore)
Budget Provision for 2018-19
Expr. incurred Cumulative
Cumulative External Assistance
Sl. during ACA received
Name of the Project with Credit No. Expr. upto
No. 2017-18 upto up to Local Cost
28.02.2018 Total (Col. Total
28.02.2018 28.02.2018 Loan Grant
16+17) (Col. 14+15)
(1) (2) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.00 35.00 0.00 35.00 6.00
Climate Resilient Agriculture ( OIIPCRA)
Odisha Integrated Irrigated Agriculture &
2 Water Management Investment Project, 191.48 384.94 217.97 298.00 240.00 0.00 240.00 58.00
Phase-II, Loan No.-3265-IN

Dam Rehabilitation Improvement Project 36.54 140.71 99.03 0.00 0.00

3 (DRIP) IDA-4787-IN, IBRD No.7943-IN
(Phase-I &II) 240.00 211.00 0.00 211.00 29.00

Rengali Irrigation Project (LBC-II), IDP-

4 147.88 709.46 124.44 302.00 242.00 0.00 242.00 60.00
Total Water Resourses Deptt. 375.90 1235.11 441.44 881.00 728.00 0.00 728.00 153.00
a) Odisha Road Infrastructure
Development Project
5 64.75 954.54 467.54 110.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 20.00
b) Odisha State Road Project
(Balance Work)
Total Works Deptt. 64.75 954.54 467.54 110.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 20.00
43.12 1284.27 1106.82 0.00 0.00
Odisha Integrated Sanitation Improvement
Project(Phase-I &II ), IDP-187
302.03 302.03 14.24 300.00 240.00 0.00 240.00 60.00

98.90 393.52 343.97 0.00 0.00

Odisha Urban Infrastructure Development
7 Fund (OUIDF) (Phase-I &II ),
5790678E & 6282843E 109.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 19.00

Rehabilitation of Urban Slums in

Berhampur City
8 5.35 29.38 20.4 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
[Odisha Disaster Recovery Project
(ODRP), Loan No.-IDA-5378-IN
Total H & U.D Deptt. 449.40 2009.20 1485.43 410.00 331.00 0.00 331.00 79.00
Construction of 30,000 cyclone damaged
houses in Ganjam & Puri District and
9 around Chilka Lake (Odisha Disaster 80.95 612.6 554.29 150.00 125.00 0.00 125.00 25.00
Recovery Project-ODRP), Loan No.-IDA-
Total R & D. M. Deptt. 80.95 612.60 554.29 150.00 125.00 0.00 125.00 25.00
Odisha Transmission System Improvement
10 18.67 24.85 7.20 44.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 4.00
Project, IDP-245
Total Energy Deptt. 18.67 24.85 7.20 44.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 4.00
11 Odisha Skill Development Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
Total SD&TE Deptt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Odisha PVTGs Empowerment and

12 Livelihood Improvement Programme,Loan 10.00 10.59 21.58 88.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 8.00

Total ST& SC Dev. Deptt. 10.00 10.59 21.58 88.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 8.00
638.72 4230.06 2938.71 1868.00 1700.00 0.00 1700.00 168.00
Odisha Higher EducationProgramme for
13 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 125.00 0.00 125.00 25.00
Excellence and Equity, Loan No.8782-IN
Total Higher Education Deptt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 125.00 0.00 125.00 25.00
Odisha Forestry Sector Development
14 1.63 1.63 0.00 52.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 12.00
Project, Phase-II,Loan No.ID-P 257
Total F & E Deptt. 1.63 1.63 0.00 52.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 12.00

15 Innovative Municipal Financing Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Odisha Craft skill Development & Rural

16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50
Employment "Utkarsh" project

17 Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yajana (MMSY) 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

18 Mega Piped Water Supply Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 627.00 570.00 0.00 570.00 57.00
Total Pipeline Projects 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50
TOTAL 1001.30 4230.06 2938.71 1886.50 1560.00 0.00 1560.00 326.50

Odisha Budget at a Glance, 2018-19 Page 29 of 29

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